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Applicarion Data 60 620 Page 1

Westingh 0use Photocontrols, Relays

and Oil Switches

Use of a cadmium su phide photocell
provldes a simp lf ed c rcuit with no
vacuum tubes or lTans stors insures
maxim!m operating li{e E ectronlc head
is enc osed in a p asl c housing. and
.l.eoase .rr-rodv\r-t ..\rFb_p o1q o.\i1g
type p ug Wl 1 conlrol incandescent.
meacury or lluorescent lamp oad
Ordering lnformation

89 5A90 r |01 r20

895All!r N02 r 05 285
32 0C 700G 0l

March, I972

E.D C/2r4r /DB

Appllcation Data 60-620 Page 2

Photocontrols, Relays
and Oil Switches
Relays. O Switches

Oil Switches How to Order Order bv Type and Spec Number

R-C-O C Remote ControL OilSwltches Coi
conlro the pr mary curreft 10 constant cur
rent transforrners Primaryswitchlng is a so
used tor multip e ghting systems Hanger SPR ] ]20 62r0 c I O pe. r20v00cY NO 50 l5
AN I 120 6120 B I o pen I20V60CY NO t5 35
lrons nc uded Wa moLrnting bracket AN 2 I20 tl2l B lorren I20V60CY NO t5 35
or subway lank ava ab e on request. Orders and inquiries for o switches 3 Load rating
shou dlnc udethefoL owinginformation: 4 Number oi po es.
1 . Type des gnat on and spec. number 5 Operatlng coil.
2. Normai contact positlon 6 Pole or subway tank

2 11 i16
3 r5/r6




sPB-1 -120
1' AN -2-1 20

M ultiple Relays
mu t p e
C Mult p e Re ays are uscd
ouldoor ghling circuits. Contro
vo tage must be I20 volts in all

ll lr I r'.-l
,,.1 l.
cuirent to c rcl] t must not excecd contact -I)2
curefl ral ng as shown Un ls ere also Miil

shown w lh ock ng lype reccptacle for

pholoconlro 12 jlA
L'!l ,n J', o

:l -.] 7/lli l5/la lb l\rl.t adb r
a-., OD .. lLi r/:i c.b e L'J

How to Order-Order by Type and Spec Nrr mber

Type at

I"'] B XD 62ri3 l 125 t25O L .rhtr !rg Arrester a.d Lo.d F!ses
I!'] F TD 624Ii l 124 i25A L Oht, ng Atresier a.d Lo.d F!ses
[']R,KD l 125l25A L Ohri n! Arresr€r dld Lo.d F!ses
t4R OD 6212 40 2 LrchLn 'q Arr€ster n.d Lo.d F!ses
I'/] R UD 6342 244 L ghL. i9 ard Lo.d F!ses
rr'l RYD 6312 ro0 2 244 L qhtn ng Arresler af d Lo.d Fls es
MR XG 635 6 l 124 L ghLr ng Arrest.r ard Lo.d F!ses
MR XO 6446 30 1 t2a Lio rt. .d rrcsrer .id CircLil Breaker
40 2 124i24A L ohtn na Arrcster a.d Lo.d F!5es
lrlR UG 633 8 60 2 124l24A L ghtr n!l iiresler a.d Lo.d F!ses
l3r,! 12a /2At) L qhtf r! Arrester a.a Load F!ses
l!,t H Yo 64,1! 12a /24t) L lihtn n! Aie.ler n.d C rc! t 8r€!ker
\4R Z t'l 6406 Corlro T ra . s Io r , i e r . n .l Load F! ses

a')Proio.ontro 1 .oI L.cL!d..1-.ord€r s.p.rdle !

West nghouse E ectrlc Corporation
Outdoor Lightrng Division: Cleveland, Ohlo 44101

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