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Problematical questions (numbers, pages in brackets):
4 (1), 7 (2), 9 (2), 14 (3), 15 (4), 17 (4), 18 (4), 19, 20, 21 (5), 22 (5), 36 (8),

Abbreviations: SCI = SPINAL CORD INJURY, CVA = cerebro vascular accident,

LMN = lower motor neuron

1- All the following is true about ligaments except ,

A high collagen content

B laxity lead to hyper mobility

C connect on bone to another

D usually heals fast and need not support

2- all the following is true about spasticity except :

A usually occur cerebral palsy infant

B occur in sci (= spinal cord injury)

C associated with lower motor neuron legion

D can cause hip dislocation

3- pt referred to u suffering from bradykinesia that’s means :

a-abnormal involuntary movement

b- stereotype movement

c-slowness of movement

d- in complete ROM

4-All of the following is clinical features in fracture neck of femur except

a-pain in hip region

me b- abduction of leg (dedukuji to)

c-shortness of the limb

d- lateral rotation of the leg (externi rotace je symptomem teto zlomeniny)

5- when u pushing automobile with shoulder flexion ,elbow extended the main muscle of action is

a-serratus anterior (Samar radi toto)

b biceps brachial

c pectorals major

d-triceps brachials ???

6-pulmonary ventilation means :

a- gas exchange between alveoli and veinous blood

b- exchange between atmospheric air and lung air

c utilizing o2 by cells which essential for all vital process


7 pt with new sci (spinal cord injury) referred to u for prevention of bed rest complication which of the following
not included in your program

a passive movement

b elastic bandaging for prevention of deep venous thrombosis (Gigi a Mohamedovo mineni)

c alternative positioning to avoid bed sources (me mineni)

d respiratory ex

8- both normal person and cardiovascular pt improves with physical ex as :

9- all the following is direct physiological =effect of hot pack except

a-increase skin temperature

b increase metabolic rate (probably rate) (Alaa thinks the same)

c decrease muscle spasm

d local vasodilatation of capillaries

10- all the following is physiological effect of electrical stimulation except

A increase metabolism
B vasoconstriction of blood vessels

C increase pump out waste products

11-in early stage of bronchitis there is

A dry cough
(Symptoms of acute bronchitis usually begin 3 to 4 days after an upper respiratory infection, such as a cold
or influenza (flu). Symptoms usually include:
A cough, which is the main symptom of acute bronchitis. It may be dry at first (does not produce mucus)
and after a few days may bring up mucus from the lungs (productive cough). The mucus may be clear,
yellow, or green. Sometimes, small streaks of blood may be present.)

B bronchi spasm + expectoration

C hymopsis

D peripheral cyanosis

12- acromegaly is due malfunction of

A pituitary gland (= hypophysis)

B thyroid gland

C thymus

D ?????

13- patient referred to u post lamectomy operation for physio therapy with examination found heave adhesions
over operative region best modalty to soften this scar is

A us

B sw (short wawe)

C hot packs

D ir (infra red)

14- the proprate distance between pt & ir is (between 20-30), jinde uvadeji 50 cm (tak mozna nejlepe volit 30)

A 20 cm

B 30 cm

C 75 cm

D 100 cm
15 sw is contra indicated in the following: (this questioned wase asked by dr nony)thank u

A strain (indications are: ligament sprains, low back pain, -itis, -osis)

B phelipits (? Nenalezeno a ani neopraveno google)

C sinusitis (indication)

D stiff capsule (indication)

16- which of the following frequencies can produce tetanic muscle contraction

A 50 hz

B 30 hz (jiz pri frekvenci kolem 30 Hz dochazi k maximalni mozne kontrakci – Trojan)

C 10 hz

D 5 hz

17- one of these electrical st.methods does not stimulate denervated muscle (?)
stimulace denervovanych svalu se provadi pomoci monofazickych impulsu
(okruh 2 – fyzická materiál, poslední strana: baby with flaccid klumps palsy need stimulation by:
1.galvanic stimulation (if denervation) 2.reciprocal stimulation 3. didynamic

A high voltage interrupted long duration


C galvanic

D faradic

Direct or galvanic current:

It represents a constant electron flow from the negative to the positive electrode with no alterations (with
constant polarity).
* Continuous direct current: This type of direct current is used only for iontophoresis.
- Continuous mode: If its rate (frequency) exceeds 50 Hz, it is then becoming tetanizing, being used for
relaxation of muscle spasm.

18- coupling media of ultrasonic which of the following of least effect

A aquatic gel

B glycerol
C liquid paraffin

D cryogel

19- patien during use of tradmail complains of chest pain the physiotherapist call for cardiologist because he
suspect angina pectoris as the pain was :

A sever strapping pain in chest (strapping = urostly, statny)

B pain at chest radiating to left shoulder & arm

C pain at apex of heart

D pain in chest radiatig to both medial & lateral pectoral region

20-some tests performs to detect ligament & capsule stability in shoulder joint when positioned in abduction
lateral rotation with continued anterior propagation of humeral head this due defect in ligaminta in

A superior part

B inferior part

C anterior part

D posterior part

‫ مش متاكد منه لنه غلس جدا ومش فاكر أي حاجه غير كده بس نركز علي‬special tests

21- pt is referred to physiotherapy dept with diagnosis of flexion deformity of rt knee with examination we will

A flexion knee +planter flexion +shortening of qudricepes (shortening of quadriceps ?)

B flexion knee +dorsi flexion +shortening of hamstring (dorsi flexion ? )plantar

C flexion knee +no ankle changes +shortening of quadriceps

D flexion knee +planter flexion +lenghing of soles

22-a 65 years old pt with well treated collis fracture, few months later came with sever pain in hand with
coldness color changes . x ray show big callus around radial head??? not remember??? This may be due to:

(callus (or callosity) is a toughened area of skin which has become relatively thick and hard in response to
repeated friction, pressure, or other irritation.)
callus is linked with healing fracture, it is opposite to decalcification

A osteoarthritis of wrist

B prearticular ossification
C psuede's atrophy (Sudeck´s athrophy) ???

D ?????

Though Colles' fracture is a common injury its complications and their treatment are seldom
dealt with in surgical papers. In this paper it is proposed to discuss the following complications:
I. Redisplacement.
2. Mal-union.
3. Laxity of the inferior radio-ulnar joint.
4. Joint stiffness and adhesions.
5. Traumatic arthritis of the wrist joint.
6. Pain over the ulnar aspect of the wrist.
7. Late rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon.
8. Sudeck's atrophy (post-traumatic osteodystrophy).
9. Injuries of the median nerve.
10. Prolonged absence from work.

Clinical Features of Sudeck' s athrophy

Attention is first drawn to the dystrophy a few weeks after the injury by pain, with stiffness of
the w.rist and fingers which is at first due to muscle spasm. The pain is materially aggravated by
movement. Vasomotor changes take the form of a cyanotic, moist, glossy skin. In radiographs the degree of
decalcification is far greater than that of a simple disuse atrophy. There is at first a patchy decalcification of
the bones of the wrist and hand which is seen especially close to the joints; later the decalcification
becomes diffuse, leading to a glassy appearapce. In very severe and protracted types there may be fibrous
ankylosis of the carpal joints.

23-motor unit is :

A motor neuron and all muscle fiber supplied by it

B motor nuclei of anterior spinal segment and axons branches??

C sensory nuclei of posterior spinal segment and axons branches

D ????????????

24-abnoral pattern of gait that not occur in Parkinson d is

A festinating gait

B Propulsive gait

C retropulsive gait

D long steps with arm swings

25-apt with CVA referral for increase stability you could use (CVA = cerebro vascular accident)

A hold relax technique

B rhythmic stabilization
C rhythmic initiation

D repeated contractions

(chybi několik otázek 26 – 28)

29- carpel tunnel syndrome which muscle affected (all muscles supplied by median nerve – thumb,
index, middle and one half of the ring finger)

A flexor digit minimi-

b-flexor carpi radials

inervace n.medianus: m.abductor pollicis brevis, částečně m.flexor pollicis brevis (2 hlavy, druhá
inervována z n.ulnaris), mm.lumbricales I.,II., m.pronator teres, m.flexor carpi radialis, m.palmaris
longus (m.flexor carpi ulnaris inervován n.ulnaris), m.flexor pollicis longus, částečně m.flexor digitorum
profundus, m.pronator quadratus

30 erythema of ultra violet due to activity of

It is well-known that ultraviolet B irradiation causes acute inflammation, known as erythema, and
subsequent pigmentation, and there are several reports demonstrating an elevation of the histamine levels
in ultraviolet B-irradiated skin.
Because of the possible role of histamine as an early mediator of ultraviolet light induced erythema

A melanin

B histamine

31-chronic inflammation of inner most layer of arteries is called

A thrombosis

B plaque

C atherosclerosis

D ?????

Endarteritis (endo-arteritis) = chronic inflammation of the inner layer of arteries.

32- pattelar tendon loading orthosis (take idea about it ) from choice

A reduce stress on hip by 50 %

B can uses with assitive devices of both hands ??????

C carry overall leg st?/

33- the angle between longitudinal axis passing throw fermal neck and longitudinal axis of fumer is decreased in
the case of :

A genu valgum

B genu varum

C genu recurvatum

D coxa vara

34-which muscle close the mouth :

a- masseter

b- lateral ptyrgoid

c- buccinators

35- when evaluation inspiration capacity using spirometer :

a max inspiration after normal expiration (found before in Pocketbook of Physiotherapist's)

b max inspiration after max expiration

c normal inspiration after normal expiration

36-\32 years old - pt with sever spinal deformity has difficulty in respiration (dysapnea) is due to :

a- ms weakness (???)

b- usage of spinal orthotic

c- decrease lung capacity

37- which of the following closes the jaw:

a- masseter

b- levator lipii

c- mentalis

d- orbicularis oris
38- bunion deformity means:
A bunion (hallux valgus) is a deformity characterized by lateral deviation of the great toe, often
erroneously described as an enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the head of the big toe
(metatarsophalangeal joint).

a hallux valgus

B hallux rigidus

C fracture ??

39-pt suffering from weakness of biceps brachials the corresponding myotome is

A c4

B c5

C c6

D longthoracic nerve (n.thoracicus longus – inervace m.serratus anterior)

40- other name of fracture head of radius is

Colles fracture is the fracture of distal radius
The Galeazzi fracture is a fracture of the radius with dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint.
The Monteggia fracture is a fracture of the proximal third of the ulna with dislocation of the head of the radius.

A- Galeazzi fracture

B- Colles' fracture

C- Monteggia fracture

41 prevention of transmission of pain beyond the dorsal horn

A-peripheral n injury

B-gate control theory

C-spinal cord injury

D-opiate theor

‫مش بنفس الصيفه بس نفس المعني‬

42-about Tennis elbow all the following is true except

A also called lateral epichondylitis

B precipitated by ulnar neuritis

C usually occur in dominant side

precipitate = srazit, shodit; urychlit, rychle přivodit (malý slovník)

precipitation = sražení, svržení; ukvapení, unáhlení; srážky dešťové (malý slovník)

43- patiet first time prosthesis wear with sever pain at stump site what will u do

a- ask pt not to wear prosthesis till meet prosthetist

b assure the pt it normal and he will adapt it

c ask the pt to meet his physician

d ask pt to meet prosthetist with continue wearing it

44-shoulder and axilla burn, all true except (dtto no 10 2. okruh – stretching is important)

A position patient in add & internal prmot healing

B use air ??? splint (jiný materiál – put airplane splint)

C (jiné materiály) put in ext and abduction

45- all true about passive movement (probably except)

A moving parts should be grasped gently

B unmoving parts should be supported

C sequence proximal to distal as it is promote venous return

46-type of ex in which entire muscle is lengthening against external force (entire = cely, veskery)

A eccentric

B concentric

C closed chain ex

D Open chain ex

47-paralysis of all intrinsic muscles of hand except ab po br??? (abductor pollicis brevis – inervace
n.medianus; m.oponens pollicis je rovněž inervován z nervus medianus; všechny ostatní svaly jsou inervovány z
n.ulnaris nebo kombinovaně, resp. m.flexor pollicis brevis (2 hlavy) inervován oběma nervy, mm. lumbircales
I.,II. z nervus medianus a III.,IV. z n.ulnaris)
A median n

B ulnar n

C radial n


A an anterior tilt of the pelvis + lordosis

B an anterior tilt of the pelvis + no lumbar spin change

C an posterior tilt of the pelvis + lordosis

49- pt referred as idiopathic scoliosis'

‫موضوع مهم مش فكر خيارات‬

50 RT C scoliosis' WHT DOES IT MEAN

‫ما اذكر الخيارات بس معناها الي أي اتجاه يكون كونكيف والي ايها يكون كونفيكس‬

51 DIAGRAM of deltoid muscle

Ask about nerve supply

A axillary

B suprscapular

C musclocatnous

D radial

52 diagram of lateral aspect of foot, ask about corresponding dermatome

B L4

C S1 (true)

D L3

53 n this diagram nu 8 refer to

8 ‫طبعا مكنش شارح علي الرسمه وكان طالب ال الرقم‬

‫ الي هو‬soma of motor neuron

54 Pt walk with extended back during bearing on leg & difficulty go up ramp this your plan is to

A stretching hip ex

B Strengthening hip ex

C Strengthening knee flexor

D Stretching knee flexor ???

54 child came to u with diagnosis of erb engram

The elbow bent posture also known as Erb' s engram

‫مش فاكر خيارات بس الصح اللي اخترته‬

Up normal pattern of movement + weakness of anterior deltoid + biceps spasm

55 location of SA node
The sinoatrial (SA) node is a section of nodal tissue that is located in the upper wall of the right atrium.

A top of rt atrium

B Top of lt atrium

C Inter ventricular septum

56 one of the following is not a part of posterior triangle of neck

It has the following boundaries:
Apex: Union of the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius muscles at the superior nuchal line of the
occipital bone
Anterior: Posterior border of the sternocleidomastoideus
Posterior: Anterior border of the trapezius
Base: Middle one third of the clavicle

A clavicle

B sterno mastoid

C trapizus

D sternum

57 rickets is due to deficiency of vitamin?





58 pt with neurological condition with evaluation found is unable to perform movement, after all
repetition with adequate rest period comes normal this pt is
WIKI: The hallmark of myasthenia gravis is fatigability. Muscles become progressively weaker during
periods of activity and improve after periods of rest. Muscles that control eye and eyelid movement,
facial expressions, chewing, talking, and swallowing are especially susceptible. The muscles that control
breathing and neck and limb movements can also be affected. Often, the physical examination yields results
within normal limits.[4]
The onset of the disorder can be sudden. Often symptoms are intermittent. The diagnosis of myasthenia
gravis may be delayed if the symptoms are subtle or variable.

hallmark = 1.(on gold etc.) punc 2.fig. (distinctive feature) charakteristicky znak, znamka, pecet X
cejchovat, puncovat
yield = produkce, vynos X verb
subtl = jemný, křehký, choulostivý; bystrý, citlivý, pronikavý; lstivý

A myasthenia graves

B myopathy (common muscle weakness. Also (R25.2) cramps (M25.6) stiffness, and (R29.0) tetany)

C hyprertonia


59 the main muscle responsible for climbing stairs and coming from setting on chair position

‫ مش فاكر بس انا اخترت ال‬gluteus maximums

60- which of the following is closed packed position of hip avoided to decrease pain

‫ انا اخترت‬extension +medial rotation

The Closed-Packed Position of the hip joint (or "acetabulofemoral joint" in medical terminology) is a
combination of full extension (20°), abduction (50° with hip extended), and internal rotation (40o).

CLOSE-PACKED POSITION (centrovana pozice kloubu, "otevreni" kloubu)

close (mj.) = tesny, kompaktni, semknuty, blizky; (study) podrobny, peclivy, dukladny:
(translation) presny, verny; (contest) vyrovnany; (result) tesny; (tight) be a close fit tesne prilehat
Each synovial joint has a point in its range of motion where:

1. its surfaces are maximally congruent congruence = congruence, shodnost

2. its capsule and ligaments are maximally elongated and taut taut = natazeny, napjaty, vypnuty
elongate = protahnout, prodlouzit
3. its surfaces are maximally compressed

Points in the range of motion that are not close-packed positions are "loose-packed positions".
Source: Hertling, D., & Kessler, R.M. (1996). Management of common musculoskeletal disorders:
Physical therapy principles and methods (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott, pp. 27-28.

Internet – na jinem miste:

The Closed-Packed Position of the hip joint (or "acetabulofemoral joint" in medical terminology) is a
combination of full extension (20°), abduction (50° with hip extended), and internal rotation (40o).
Note: The Closed-Packed Position and Highest Joint Congruency (good contact with a joint surface)
are not correlated.
Read more:

Other link:|

(close packed position of the shoulder is abduction 90 degrees and full external rotation)

61 rhynouds disease

‫خيارات مش فاكرها بس خلصاتها‬

Unilateral & bilateral & symmetrical & asymmetrical etc

In medicine, Raynaud's phenomenon ( /reɪˈnoʊz/) is a vasospastic disorder causing discoloration of the

fingers, toes, and occasionally other areas. This condition may also cause nails to become brittle with
longitudinal ridges. Named after French physician Maurice Raynaud (1814–1881), the phenomenon is
believed to be the result of vasospasms that decrease blood supply to the respective regions. Stress and
cold are classic triggers of the phenomenon.

62 burger disease precipitated by

Thromboangiitis obliterans (also known as Buerger's disease) is a recurring progressive inflammation
and thrombosis (clotting) of small and medium arteries and veins of the hands and feet. It is strongly
associated with use of tobacco products,[1] primarily from smoking, but also from smokeless tobacco.

A hereditary

B cigarette smoking

precipitate = srazit, shodit; urychlit, rychle přivodit (malý slovník)

precipitation = sražení, svržení; ukvapení, unáhlení; srážky dešťové (malý slovník)

1 Which is true about SA node:

-It’s type of myocytes with higher rhythm

- type of myocytes which generate electrical impulse and control heart rate √
( it’s also natural heart pace maker)
- in AV node

2 impulses reach atrium early to contract before ventricles through:

- Purkinje fibers

- AV node √ (zodpovědný za stah komor)

- Bundle of His

- Atrioventicular bundle

bundle = 1.(clothes) uzel, ranec; (sticks) otep; (of hay) otypka; (of books) balik tie sth in a bundle svazat neco
do uzlu/rance a bundle of nerves uzli(ce)k nervu

3 which of the following doesn’t use body oxygen

- Aerobic system

- Anaerobic system√

4 physiological effects of warming up (rozehřátí, rozcvička, příprava na výkon, nikoli zahřátí nějakou
tepelnou procedurou – Nicole vysvětlila)

- Decrease oxygen deficiency √

- Increase myocardial demands

increase muscle temperature
increase blood flow to the muscle therefore increase O2 uptake
metabolic activity of the muscle
increase efficiency of neural pathways used in soccer which leads to increase muscle coordination
psychological benefits
Wiki: A warm-up will improve the effectiveness of training and should be done before every training
session. This is fundamental to a safe practice.[citation needed]
Direct physical effects are:

 Release of adrenaline
o Increased heart rate
 Enables oxygen in the blood to travel with greater speed
 Increased production of synovial fluid located between the joints to reduce
 Allows joints to move more efficiently
o Dilation of capillaries
 Enables oxygen in the blood to travel at a higher volume
 Increase of temperature in the muscles
o Decreased viscosity of blood
 Enables oxygen in the blood to travel with greater speed
o Facilitates enzyme activity
o Encourages the dissociation of oxygen from haemoglobin
o Decreased viscosity[clarification needed] within the muscle
 Greater extensibility and elasticity of muscle fibres
 Increased force and speed of contraction
 Increase of muscle metabolism
o Supply of energy through breakdown of glycogen
 Increase in speed of nerve impulse conduction
 Removes lactic acid

5 contraindications of ice applications:

- Peripheral vascular disease √ ( also contraindicated in raynaud disease)

6 short wave (SWD) contraindications:

- Phelpitis √ phlebitis

- Sprain

- Muscle strain

- Heamatoma

7 to treat patient with deep heat, which is not form of deep heat
Wiki: Diathermy is used in physical therapy to deliver moderate heat directly to pathologic lesions in the
deeper tissues of the body.
Internet: The degree to which ultrasound machines raise temperatures in the tissues depend on which
tissues are scanned. Bone heats more than soft tissue, which in turn heats more than fluid. Heating is also
dependent upon exposure time, the intensity of the machine, and whether the transducer is held stationary
or moved frequently.

- SWD (Shortwave diathermy)

- MWD (Microwave diathermy)

- IR ( infra red) √

- US ( ultra sound)

8 patient with elbow pain for 5 months and just stopped playing tennis, which type of TENS would
you use:

- Conventional TENS

- Acupuncture like TENS √ acupuncture TENS (= low frequency, or ACUTENS) – 2-5 Hz

- Brief intense TENS

- Burst TENS

9 When you examine shoulder joint by asking patient to abduct shoulder to 90 degrees then lower
slowly, this is:

- Codman’s Test√√ (for rotator cuff tear) (also called drop arm test)
- Infraspinatus test

Codman's test (internet): The therapist passively raises the patient's arm to 90 degrees of abduction.
The patient then lowers the arm back to neutral with the palm down. If the patient's arm drops suddenly or
experiences pain, then the test is considered positive.

10 hip ROM

- 10 degrees extension 125 flexion !!!

- 35 extension 125 flexion √ ( I am not sure)

- No extension 125 flexion

11 which is synovial joint

Synoviální klouby. Nejběžnější klouby v organismu, volně pohyblivé a přizpůsobivé, jsou označovány
jako synoviální klouby.

- Temporomandibular joint √

- Symphisis pubis

12 what’s the name of this muscle ( picture)

- Biceps brachi√

- Brachioradialis

13 muscle that close the jaw

- Masseter √

- Mentalis

- Buccinators

14 muscle that moves angle of mouth inferior and back

- Platysma √

- Mentalis

- Masseter

m. platysma - funkce: Ovládá napětí kůže krku v souladu s pohyby krku, je synergistou mimických svalů
dolního rtu (stahuje ústní koutek a dolní čelist).

15 muscle that moves eye brows medial and inferior and make vertical wrinkles

- Currugator √

- Frontali
16 when you examine a muscle with no evidence of contraction, which muscle grade would you give

- Poor

- Trace

- Good

- zero√

17 infrared can cause burn. what’s distance should be between patient and the device

- 75√

- 30

- 10

18 frequency that can make tetanic muscle contraction

- 50√

- 30

- 5

19 patient uses crutches and move the crutches forward and move his body to the crutches the gait

- Swing to √

- Swing through

- Two point gait

20 all of the following are physiological effect of electrical stimulation except

- Vasoconstriction of blood vessels √

- Increase blood flow

- Increase metabolic rate

21 deformity associated with coll’s fracture (fracture lower end of radius)

- Dinner fork deformity √

- Pes planus

- Talipus equinovarus

22 when you apply TENS for a patient and you find sever pain, what would you do
Internet: If the pain increases while on TENS, first turn intensity down.

- Decrease frequency√ ????

- Increase wave length

- Decrease pulse width

- Switch off device (corect)

23 type of contraction that make shortening of muscle length

- Eccentric

- Isometric

- Concentric √

24 SWD is contraindicated in

- Skin infection √

- Peripheral vascular disease (correct answer)

25 sudeck’s atrophy: which is not true

Internet: The main symptoms begin with a generalised burning pain; this is usually followed by changes
in the condition of the skin, which may become shiny. In severe cases, the affected body part may swell
and, due to sympathetic nervous system dysfunction, the body part may perspire more than usual.

- Sever burning pain

- Sympathetic hyperactivity √ (hypoactivity should be linked with less sweating, less perspiration↓)

- Trophic changes occur

- More perspiration (????) – here should be less perspiration based on the information below

When exposed to heat, patients with failure of the sympathetic nervous system may not sweat adequately
to maintain the core temperature by evaporation of the ...
The sympathetic nervous system increases heart rate, makes the pupils dilate, . ... of saliva, inhibits the
liver, kidneys, and gall bladder, stimulates sweating, .The neurotransmitter for the postganglionic
sympathetic nervous system (innervating sweat glands) is also acetylcholine

26 old patient with productive cough, fever and pulmonary congestion, The diagnosis is:
Symptoms of pleural effusion:
Chest pain, usually a sharp pain that is worse with cough or deep breaths
Rapid breathing
Shortness of breath
Sometimes there are no symptoms.

- Heart failure

- Pneumonia

- Pulmonary effusion√ (effusion = (citovy) vylev; prosaknuti, vypotek, vylev; likvor, kapalina)

- Cystic fibrosis
27 raynaud’s disease

- Bilateral symmetrical

- Unilateral symmetrical

- Cyanotic unsymmetrical√ (cold application is contraindicated)

28 Burger’s disease associated with

- smoking√

29 what is contraindicated in Raynaud’s disease

- cold application√

30 patient with anterior neck pain which is contraindicated ????

- put patient in neck flexion position√ ????

- use rigid neck orthoses

- neck extension

31 patient with a contaminated surgical wound on lumbar region, what would you use to clean the

- infrared

- ultraviolet√

- shortwave

- low laser

32 patient complain from leg pain after walking 200 feet, pain is removed by rest, diagnosis is

- peripheral vascular disease√

- nerve lesion

- calf muscle spasm

33 burn affecting epidermis and superficial part of dermis

- superficial partial thickness √

- deep partial thickness

- full thickness

34 what is best for scar tissue

- ultra sound √

- infrared

- shortwave
35 patient with angina pectoris, pain distribution

- apex of heart

- chest only

- chest with left shoulder and arm√

36 arterioles are

- have muscular walls and move blood from heart to body tissues √√

- move blood from tissues to heart

37 an athlete performing maximum effort, the amount of blood reaching skeletal muscle reaches
(I don’t know the answer of this question, if you know it please tell me)

38 patient complaining from back pain, with examination you find decreased sensation over big toe
what level of lesion would you expect (means problem with L4 nerve root)

- l 3 - l4 √ (porucha kořene L4)

- l4 – l5

- l5 – S1

Kořenový syndrom L4 – je způsoben laterální herniací L3–L4

Kořenový syndrom L4 – nejčastěji je způsoben laterálním výhřezem L3/L4.

The neural symptoms are due to compression of the nerve root adjacent to the disc. When the herniated
disc compresses the passing nerve root, it causes electric shooting pains down the leg. It can also cause
numbness and weakness in the leg. L5-S1 disc herniation usually compresses the S1 nerve root. Pain will
travel to the buttocks, posterior thigh, posterior lower leg and down to the heel. Numbness can occur at the
calf area as well. If weakness develops, it will involve the calf muscles and will cause difficulty in walking
on the toes (problems with plantar flexion). L4-L5 disc herniation usually compresses the L5 nerve root.
Pain usually goes to the buttocks, posterior thigh, posterolateral lower leg and the top of the foot. If
weakness develops, it involves bending the ankle, or causing a foot drop (problems with dorsiflexion).
Numbness can occur at the side of the lower leg or top of the foot.
L3-4 disc herniation can cause, usually by compression of the L4 nerve root, pain at the buttocks, side
of the thigh and front portion of the lower leg. It may also cause weakness in bending the foot and
stretching the knee and numbness at the front portion of the lower leg. L1-2 and L2-3 disc herniation are
relatively rare; but if they occur, they cause pain and numbness at the anterolateral thigh and weakness of
the anterior thigh muscles or hip flexion muscles.
In extreme cases, the herniated disc can encroach on groups of nerve bundles passing low in the spinal
canal to cause "cauda equina syndrome". The cauda equina is the main spinal nerve bundle passing in the
lumbar spinal canal. When it happens, bowel and bladder control can be impaired in addition to pain,
weakness, numbness and paralysis of the legs. Cauda equina syndrome is an emergency condition that
usually requires immediate surgical treatment.

39 while you examine a patient you find decreased tendon jerk at Achilles tendon, what is the level
of lesion

- l4 – l5
- l5 – s1√

- s1 – s2

40 bradykinesia means

- slowness of movement√

41 infant can make rolling at age of

- 3 months

- 4 months

- 6 months √

42 when examine patient for carpal tunnel syndrome, which nerve do you examine

- Radial n.

- Ulnar n.

- Median n. √

43 Parkinson’s gait, which is not true

- Propulsion gait

- Festinating gait (typical for Parkinson disease)

- Retropulsion

- Wide base of support with arm swing √

A parkinsonism gait is the manner of walking that is seen in patients with parkinsonism.
Characteristics of this gait are:

 hesitation in starting: akinesia

 small, shuffling, hurried steps: 'marche a petit pas'
 festination
 lack of normal arm swing
 kinesia paradoxica

With the aid of a walking frame, the parkinsonian patient is often able to initiate a normal walking cycle.

44 Motor area 4

- Control motor activity of opposite side of the body √

- Control motor activity of same side of the body

- Receive sensation
Primární motorická korová oblast (area 4) - oblast gyrus precentralis a přední části gyrus paracentralis.
Primární motorická oblast, M 1. Brodmannova area 4, gyrus praecentralis – lobus frontalis

45 s1 lapatient with myopathy

- Easy fatigue and needs rest periods √

(Myopathy: progressive weakness of LMN nature. Trunk, shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle early involved. Proximal
more than distal and bilateral symmetrical. Waddling gait clumsy gait. Protuberant abdomen. Gower sign.
Deformities may occur)

46 Difficult speech is called

- Dysarthria √

- Dysphagia

47 which of the following doesn’t occur with SCI (spinal cord injury)

- Orthoststic hypotension = (postural hypotension)

- systemic hypertension √

- spasticity and hyper reflexia

Possible mechanisms underlying orthostatic hypotension in SCI, such as changes in sympathetic

activity, altered baroreflex function, the lack of skeletal muscle pumping activity, cardiovascular
deconditioning and altered salt and water balance will be discussed.

48 During evaluation of a hemiplegic patient you found that there is balance deficiency, the cause is

- weakness of glutei

- weakness of quadriceps

- spasticity of planter flexors √

- weakness of dorsi flexors

49 The myotome of this muscle is (biceps brachii ???)

- c3-c4

- c5- c6 √

- t1- t2

50 what is the name of this muscle (picture was given)

- infra spinatus

- teres minor

- supraspinatus √

51 patient is suffering from pain at the insertion of this muscle, the diagnosis is

- rotator cuff tear

- infraspinatus tendinitis

- supraspinatus tendinitis √

52 young patient with post fracture elbow deformity, referred for PT, what’s contraindicated

- vigorous passive stretch √√ (to avoid myositis ossificans)

Vigorous = silny, vitalni; energicky, durazny; prudky; + adv.

53 hallux valgus with bursitis is called

- bunion deformity √

54 best treatment of supraspinatus tendinitis is ???

- infrared

- shortwave ???

- ultra sound with deep friction massage √
The clinical question focussed on supraspinatus tendonitis but the evidence identified was applicable to
shoulder disorders in general. The evidence suggested that electrotherapy should not be used in
combination with other physiotherapy approaches or as a first line approach to the management of shoulder
disorders. However, there is some evidence for the benefit of electrotherapy in calcific tendonitis. Both
ultrasound and pulsed electromagnetic energy were found to be more effective than placebo in pain
relief in calcific tendonitis.
Laser therapy was found to be more effective than placebo laser for adhesive capsulitis but not for rotator
cuff tendonitis. Laser therapy alone may be beneficial for individuals unable to perform exercise with
subacromial impingement syndrome.

There was no evidence for the effectiveness of ultrasound in shoulder pain (mixed diagnosis),
adhesive capsulitis or rotator cuff tendonitis. When compared to exercise ultrasound was of no
additional benefit over and above exercise alone. There is weak evidence for the lack of efficacy for
ultrasound in the management of subacromial pain. However one study demonstrated that
ultrasound therapy was trusted by 71% of GPs and physiotherapists.

55 close pack position of knee is

- flexion 20 degrees

- extension ????? (full extension – several times mentioned in the internet)

- extension with lateral rotation √√ ?????

CLOSE-PACKED POSITION (centrovana pozice kloubu, "otevreni" kloubu)

close (mj.) = tesny, kompaktni, semknuty, blizky; (study) podrobny, peclivy, dukladny:
(translation) presny, verny; (contest) vyrovnany; (result) tesny; (tight) be a close fit tesne prilehat
Each synovial joint has a point in its range of motion where:

4. its surfaces are maximally congruent congruence = congruence, shodnost

5. its capsule and ligaments are maximally elongated and taut taut = natazeny, napjaty, vypnuty
elongate = protahnout, prodlouzit

6. its surfaces are maximally compressed

Points in the range of motion that are not close-packed positions are LOOSE-PACKED POSITIONS.
Source: Hertling, D., & Kessler, R.M. (1996). Management of common musculoskeletal disorders:
Physical therapy principles and methods (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott, pp. 27-28.

56 which of the following is not included in shoulder complex

- clavicle

- scapula

- humerus

- sternum √

57 which of the following you cannot palpate while examining shoulder

- 2nd rib

- Sternoclavicular joint

- 1st rib √

58 during examination of shoulder, you found increased motion (laxity) in anterior, posterior and
inferior directions, the condition is

- Global shoulder instability √

- Rotator cuff tear

59 what is the best position for artificial hip ankylosis ?????

- Flexion 20 , abduction 10, external rotation 5

- No flexion , abduction 10, external rotation 5 √ ( not sure)

- Abduction 5 , external rotation 10

(Artificial ankylosis means arthrodesis)

60 infection of bone by microorganism is called

- Osteomyelitis √√

61 An athlete with stable fracture of neck of humerus, referred to you to improve mobility, which
form of exercise will you choose ?????? no more options???? (ROM exercise)

- Isometric

- Resistive exercise in all directions √

Someone's notice: (I chose resistive exercise because the fracture is stable and the aim of exercise is mobility)

62 Motor neuron disease, which of the following is not true

- It may affect anterior horn cells and cause lower motor neuron weakness

- It may affect cranial nerve nuclei and cause upper motor neuron weakness √

( it may affect cranial nerve nuclei but this will not cause upper motor neuron weakness)
Vlastní komentář - hlavové nervy jsou něco jiného nežli motorická jádra Broadmanovy arey č.4)

63 spastic diplegia means

- primarily affecting the legs but arms are less involved and less severe

- only legs are involved

- only arms are involvedogs

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