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F4 Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2001;85:F4–F7


Consent to autopsy for neonates

H E McHaYe, P W Fowlie, R Hume, I A Laing, D J Lloyd, A J Lyon

Abstract associations found. However, it has been

Objectives—To determine parents’ views suggested that parents may be less likely to
on autopsy after treatment withdrawal. agree if the baby is extremely preterm,8
Design—Face to face interviews with 59 although there is no evidence that postmortem
sets of bereaved parents (108 individual examination gives less new information in this
parents) for whose 62 babies there had group of infants.
been discussion of treatment withdrawal. For the parents themselves, the autopsy
Results—All except one couple were asked would appear to have special significance.17 It
for permission for postmortem examina- provides information about what actually hap-
tion; 38% refused. The main reasons for pened in their case. Even when a clear diagno-
declining were concerns about disfigure- sis has been established, totally new or impor-
ment, a wish to have the child left in peace, tant information is found in a significant
and a feeling that an autopsy was unneces- number of autopsies.10 15 18 It gives confirma-
sary because the parents had no unan- tion or otherwise of the accuracy of the diagno-
swered questions. The diagnosis, the age sis and the appropriateness of treatment given.
of the child, and the approach of the con- Importantly it may also provide information
sultant appeared to influence consent about genetic or obstetric risk. Aside from
rates. Of those who agreed to autopsies, these personal benefits, parents may gain com-
92% were given the results by the neona- fort from knowing that knowledge gained may
tologist concerned. Whether or not they be used to help others, bringing good out of
had agreed to the procedure, at 13 months their tragedy. When children die after treat-
no parent expressed regrets about their ment withdrawal, there is an added dimension:
decision. the autopsy may confirm the wisdom of the
Conclusions—Autopsy rates in the East of decision to stop.
Scotland stand at 62%. Parents’ percep- Knowing the statistics for consent and the
tions are an important element in consent demographic associations, however, provides
to postmortem examination. only a partial picture. An important element
(Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2001;85:F4–F7) may be parental perception. In this paper, we
Medical Ethics, report results relating to parents’ own ideas
University of Keywords: autopsy; withdrawal of treatment; consent
Edinburgh, about autopsy, which formed part of a much
Edinburgh, Scotland larger study of their total experience of
H E McHaYe treatment withdrawal. The babies in the study
Consent to autopsy is one area of practice that
Ninewells Hospital and has recently come under public scrutiny with died during the period September 1996 to
Medical School, revelations of children’s organs and tissue August 1998, predating the public exposure of
Dundee, Scotland, UK
being retained without parental agreement.1–3 postmortem experiences of families in Bristol
P W Fowlie and Liverpool. Findings therefore relate to the
Although high autopsy rates do not necessarily
Department of reflect excellence of service,4 the multifactorial experience of parents when there has been no
Developmental value of autopsy remains undisputed,5–7 estab- eVect from public alarm.
Medicine, University
of Dundee lishing causes, providing statistics, and moni- Method
R Hume toring public health and the quality of care, in SETTING
addition to the more specific values families Three regional neonatal referral centres in the
Simpson Memorial
Maternity Pavilion, may receive. Reported rates of consent for East of Scotland were selected, which provided
Edinburgh babies vary from 48% to 79%.7–13 There is a representative range of families.
I A Laing documented evidence, however, that rates are
A J Lyon falling world wide,6 14 15 and, in one centre, for SAMPLE
Aberdeen Maternity neonatal deaths, the decline over 10 years was Parents were eligible for inclusion if there had
Hospital, Aberdeen, from 71% to 48%.7 Public anxiety about organ been any discussion about treatment limita-
Scotland, UK removal seems likely to reduce these figures tion. The babies were those for whom there was
D J Lloyd
further. a medical prognosis of either early death or
Correspondence to: Correlation with a range of factors such as severe impairment associated with a very poor
Dr McHaYe, 12 Mayburn maternal age, race, marital status, employment, quality of life. All three main categories of
Terrace, Loanhead,
Midlothian EH20 9EJ, socioeconomic influences, parity, gestation, imperilled babies were represented: preterm
Scotland, UK birth weight, age of the baby, length of stay in a delivery, congenital anomalies, asphyxia. Fifty
neonatal intensive care unit, and status of the nine of the 81 eligible families (73%) partici-
Accepted 13 December 2000 requester has been examined,8 11 13 16 but few pated.
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Consent to autopsy for neonates F5

PROCEDURE Table 1 Comparison of babies having autopsy or not by

With ethics committee approval, parents were diagnosis
recruited at the time of first follow up clinic
Autopsy No autopsy
appointments with the neonatologist. Semi-
structured interviews were scheduled to take Asphyxia or brain damage 9 2
Congenital anomalies excluding 7 2
place three and 13 months after the death of cardiac
the baby and to cover their whole experience of Cardiac anomalies 2 4
this pregnancy, birth, death, and bereavement. Preterm 18 15
Tape recorded interviews lasted 1–5.25 hours.
Three quarters of the parents were interviewed their decision (two), although they showed
as a couple at the first point of enquiry and that they were aware of the possibility that
80% at the second. the autopsy might not oVer them this
Data were entered on to a computer under reassurance.
predetermined variable names, and SPSS for + To help others (13). As one couple said:
the Apple Mac was used to analyse the result- “Our heartbreak could be somebody else’s
ing large volume of data. Twelve percent of the gain.”
interviews were independently checked for + To obtain information that may influence
accuracy of coding and interpretation by a future pregnancies (13).
practising paediatrician (PWF), and a further One mother wanted the findings to use as
10% by a student in medical ethics (R evidence of negligence.
Bercovitch). Twenty two (38%) declined the procedure;
for them it was undesirable or unnecessary.
Their main stated reasons were as follows.
A total of 59 families (108 parents) partici-
+ Dread of the child being mutilated or
pated at three months, and 85% of them (50
subjected to further invasion (14). It is note-
families, 90 parents) again at 13 months. Most
worthy that only one set of parents men-
of the parents were in their thirties or older
tioned the issue of organ removal; they could
(60% mothers, 67% fathers), with only 8% of
not come to terms with the idea of the brain
the mothers and no fathers in their teens.
being removed.
Thirty one percent of the mothers were primi-
+ They had no further questions that they
needed to be answered (9).
Eight of the pregnancies resulted in multiple
One parent did not want their child “to be a
births. Sixteen of these babies were born alive
guinea pig”, and one other believed the doctors
and, of these, 11 were eligible for inclusion in
only wanted an autopsy to find out if they had
the study, giving a total of 62 babies about
been right in their diagnosis. Two couples con-
whom there had been discussion concerning
sidered that the doctors should have had
treatment limitation. Gestations ranged from
answers before withdrawing treatment and not
22 to 41 weeks (median 28 weeks), with nine
after death.
babies born at less than 24 weeks. Most (38,
61%) died within the first week of life, 23 living
less than two days. However, six (10%) lived for
more than three months, one surviving almost These data from so few families are not robust
nine months. enough to permit calculations of statistical sig-
We report the parents’ perceptions; no nificance, but some interesting comparisons
attempt was made to corroborate their infor- between the two groups emerged. Notable dif-
mation. ferences related to diagnosis, the consultant
Results concerned, and the age of the child.
All except one couple were asked for permis- As table 1 shows, most babies with a diagno-
sion for autopsy. Broaching the subject was sis of asphyxia, brain damage, or congenital
clearly a very delicate matter which parents anomalies (other than cardiac defects) did have
reported finding “shocking” or upsetting. autopsies. However, twice as many babies with
Of the 58 families asked, 22 (38%) refused cardiac anomalies did not. Of the 33 families
permission for an autopsy. One or both parents with preterm infants, 18 consented to autopsy
in a further 11 (19%) families were initially (gestation 22–31 weeks, age range < 1 hour to
reluctant but were persuaded that it was the 8 months) whereas 15 did not (gestation 23–28
right thing to do. For three of these, it was weeks, age range < 1 day to 6 months).
reassurance that the procedure would be The second diVerence related to the ap-
carried out with care and dignity that per- proach of the doctor concerned. In all three
suaded them to agree. Thus 36 (62%) units, it was stated policy for the consultant in
consented to autopsy. In three families, the charge of the baby to seek consent for this pro-
parents themselves diVered in their response to cedure. One couple reported being additionally
the request, and in only one of these was the visited by a pathologist who tried repeatedly to
procedure carried out. encourage them to consent. The number of
referrals to the study by diVerent consultants
REASONS FOR CONSENTING OR DECLINING varied, and the diVerent circumstances of each
The main reasons cited by the 36 sets of case may well have influenced the level of per-
parents who consented were as follows. suasion used. It is not possible to compare
+ To obtain answers to their questions (23). individual practices in any meaningful way, but
Three specifically wanted confirmation of the data suggest that consultants’ rates of
the diagnosis (one), and the rightness of obtaining consent vary. In one unit where
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F6 McHaYe, Fowlie, Hume, et al

no-one other than the neonatologist ever seeks during life”,9 autopsies will add little infor-
consent, and taking comparable numbers of mation. When the causes appear obvious—for
referrals to the study and the same spread of example, physiological immaturity—there may
diagnoses, one consultant obtained permission seem less need to carry out postmortem exam-
in 89% of his referrals, whereas a colleague had ination. However, it must be remembered that,
80% declining autopsy. when postmortem findings have been com-
The length of time babies live appeared to be pared with antemortem diagnoses for the total
a relevant factor. As many as 82% (9/11) of the perinatal population, errors of up to 45% of
babies who lived for a day or less had autopsies, cases have been reported,18 and there is no evi-
and 75% (3/4) who lived for more than three dence that autopsies performed on preterm
months did so. In contrast, only 52% of the 44 infants are less likely to yield new information.8
babies who lived for 2–92 days had autopsies. Evidence appears inconclusive as to whether
An American study also found that rates of or not the identity of the person seeking
consent rose with increased postnatal age and
consent matters.8 14 16 In the study units, the
increased length of stay in the neonatal
practice is for the consultant to ask this
intensive care unit.8
question. Furthermore, in almost all cases, it is
the same consultant who sees the parents at the
follow up meeting when the postmortem find-
In our study, 34 of the 36 families (92%) who
ings are given: this was so for all except one
had consented to autopsy reported having had
couple in our study. Disturbing results have
discussion of the results at their follow up pae-
diatric bereavement visit. Information from emerged from previous surveys in which
one family was missing. In the other case, the relatives never received autopsy findings, were
results had not been conveyed during the first given them over the phone, or had no
visit but the parents expected a further opportunity to discuss them with a doctor.17 19
appointment; they were unavailable for a The parents we interviewed not only identified
second interview, however, so it is not known a need to have face to face discussion and
whether or not they did receive this infor- interpretation of the meaning of the findings
mation. with someone knowledgeable, but more than
Reassurance that everything possible and that, they wished for the person undertaking
appropriate had been done was identified by this task to be someone known and trusted,
the parents as an important element in follow continuity being an important adjunct to trust.
up care, and in many cases such reassurance These are often hard messages to receive, and
could only come when the autopsy findings the support of those who shared the life and
were available. In one case, it was only death of the baby is crucial at this time.
postmortem examination that could and did Although there is little to suggest that either
confirm a tentative diagnosis of an extremely epidemiological or demographic factors influ-
rare condition, increasing the couple’s respect ence consent to autopsy, our study suggests
for the neonatologist’s skill and satisfaction that parental attitudes and beliefs do. Intui-
with their care. However, in another case, reas- tively, it may be thought that parents may be
surance could not be given. Even though this more eager to have autopsy confirmation of a
mother had legal assurance that she had a case poor prognosis in cases where treatment was
against the hospital for negligence in labour, withdrawn. In reality, we found that only two
she felt no need to pursue it through the courts. parents cited this as an overt reason for
She now had the facts and could “start to consenting to a postmortem examination.
grieve.” Rather, when they themselves still have unan-
swered questions, they need facts that can be
SUBSEQUENT REGRETS obtained after death to help to complete the
Thirteen months after the death of the infants, picture of what went wrong. Conversely,
when asked if they had any regrets about the however, when they are satisfied with current
overall management of their case, no parent in knowledge of the circumstances but the medi-
our study mentioned their decision either to cal team still has unanswered questions, there
have or to decline autopsy for their children. may be resistance to anything else being done
to a child who has already endured so much.
Discussion Concerns about disfigurement are known to
The literature suggests that the single most loom large in the minds of relatives contem-
common cause for not obtaining a postmortem plating autopsy, especially when children are
examination is failure to ask for one.17 Our concerned,17 19 and our results confirm this as a
study shows that this is not the case in the neo- major preoccupation with parents.
natal units in the East of Scotland, where all A recent survey of parental experience after
except one of the families we studied were loss of a pregnancy or baby found that one in
asked. We have no objective information about 18 women who consented to autopsy subse-
how hard consultants pressed for consent, but quently regretted doing so, and three in ten
the data suggest that, in line with clinical women who had declined regretted their deci-
expectation, more parents agreed to autopsy sion.20 Our numbers are too small for confident
when the deaths were unexpected, unex- assertions, but no parent who either did or did
plained, or may have carried a significant not give permission for autopsy expressed sub-
genetic component. It may be thought that sequent regrets. A more structured and fo-
when a “diagnostic ‘gold standard’ is available cused study is required to ascertain the longer
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Consent to autopsy for neonates F7

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Downloaded from on February 12, 2016 - Published by

Consent to autopsy for neonates

H E McHaffie, P W Fowlie, R Hume, I A Laing, D J Lloyd and A J Lyon

Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2001 85: F4-F7

doi: 10.1136/fn.85.1.F4

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