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P-ISSN: 1693-1246 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia xx (x) (20xx) x-x

E-ISSN: 2355-3812
DOI: xx.xxxxx/jpfi.xxxxx.xxxx
mm 20XX



Nurul Agustin, Nida Maulida, Yurita Dewi Pangesti

Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematic and Science

Universitas Negeri Semarang

Sekaran, Gunung Pati, Semarang City, Central Java 50229

Received: April 2018. Accepted: April 2018. Published: April 2018

Requirements for energy sources is increasing. For that need to be improved search alternative energy sources. Alternative
energy is in addition to a friendly energy environment is energy that can be renewed through utilization of organic waste
one of tea dregs. Tea bins are used because now the tea dregs are only considered one eye as household waste. The
research method used experimental methods. In this research the electrode used is copper (Cu) as cathode and zinc (Zn) as
anode. The data were taken from the tea dregs that had been varied in fermentation time and 3 experiments were
conducted with different mass variations. In a electric voltage measurement of the solution current the electrolyte is
connected to the ampermeter with Cu and Zn electrodes as the connector. From the experimental results show that the tea
dregs have an electric voltage but the electric voltage is not enough to turn on the LED light. From the experimental
results also shows that the length of time of fermentation does not determine the higher the electric voltage generated.


Persyaratan untuk sumber energi meningkat. Untuk itu perlu ditingkatkan pencarian sumber energi alternatif. Energi
alternatif selain ramah lingkungan adalah energi energi yang dapat diperbarui melalui pemanfaatan sampah organik salah
satu ampas teh. Tempat sampah teh digunakan karena sekarang ampas teh hanya dianggap satu mata sebagai limbah
rumah tangga. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental. Dalam penelitian ini elektroda yang digunakan
adalah tembaga (Cu) sebagai katoda dan seng (Zn) sebagai anoda. Data diambil dari ampas teh yang telah divariasikan
dalam waktu fermentasi dan 3 percobaan dilakukan dengan variasi massa yang berbeda. Dalam pengukuran tegangan
listrik dari larutan saat ini elektrolit terhubung ke ampermeter dengan Cu dan Zn elektroda sebagai konektor. Dari hasil
eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa ampas teh memiliki tegangan listrik tetapi tegangan listrik tidak cukup untuk
menyalakan lampu LED. Dari hasil percobaan juga menunjukkan bahwa lama waktu fermentasi tidak menentukan
semakin tinggi tegangan listrik yang dihasilkan.

Keywords : Alternative energy, tea waste and electric voltage

© 2018 Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNNES Semarang


The need of for tea is now increasing so that the The research method used in this research is experimental
impact also on the increased production process and waste method using tools and materials, among others: tea dregs
generated. Therefore it is necessary step re-enforcement of with variation of fermentation age, crocodile clamp,
tea dregs from the production process. Solid waste from voltmeter, copper (Cu) as anode, zinc (Zn) as cathode. The
the tea industry comes from tea waste which is the procedure of this research are:
remainder of each stage of the production process. Liquid
waste comes from the washing scraps of tools used during 1. Prepare the tools and materials to be used and weigh the
the washing process that normally use a caustic soda. mass of each tea bag with different fermentation time.
Waste emission comes from heat exchanger contained in
2..Observation and Data Taking Stage
the process of forging and drying. While in the tea
beverage industry, solid waste in the form of tea waste Varies the mass of tea waste used and measuring the
comes from the rest of the process of brewing tea. electric voltage of the tea pulp used with the type
Electrical properties that contain many electrolytes from variation electrode used.
tea waste can be used as a source of renewable alternative
electric energy in the form of bio-batteries instead of 3.. Stage Analyze Data
The results obtained from the bio-battery voltage
Development of bio-batteries will be very useful, measurements are labeled and analyzed, then created a
given that in everyday life, we can not be separated from chart using Microsoft Excel.
battery utilization. Battery is a device that converts the
chemical energy contained in the active ingredient directly RESULT AND DISCUSSION
into electrical energy through the reduction and
electrochemical (redox) oxidation reaction, which occurs From the results of our experiments prove that the
in the electrode (Linden, 2002). tea dregs generate electrical voltage but electric power
produced can not turn on the LED lights. From the
Battery is a device that can generate electrical experiment, we get the electrical voltage.
energy with involves the transfer of electrons through a
conductive medium of two electrode (anode and cathode) a. Average mass of 50 grams (Experiment 1)
to produce electric current and potential difference Age of tea Mass Electric voltage
(Kartawidjaja et al., 2008). 14 days 51.48 gr 0.54 v
12 days 51.29 gr 0.42 v
A solution that can conduct an electric current is 10 days 52.97 gr 0.52 v
called an electrolyte solution. This solution gives 8 days 50.98 gr 0.53 v
symptoms of a light-up or a gas bubble in solution. While 6 days 51.88 gr 0.49 v
the electrolyte can be grouped into strong electrolyte and
electrolyte solutions. (Sunanto.2016). An object is From the five variations of tea age, it was found that
positively charged if it loses electrons and is negatively the highest voltage was found in the tea bag that was
charged if the object is an excess of electrons. In the 14 days old, while the lowest voltage was on the 12-
different circumstances of this charge the emergence of day tea bag. This shows that the age of tea dregs does
potential energy that lies between them. (David, 2014). not affect the voltage generated. In the experiment, a
12-day-old tea-dregs condition was in a drier condition
The electrical conductivity shows the level of than the others, which could indicate that the tea juice
fluid capability in conducting electricity associated with moisture was directly proportional to the resulting
the movement of ions in the solution, the mobile ions have voltage.
great electrical conductivity. According to Marince
(2006), the electrical conductivity of the solution is
influenced by the number of ions, ion mobility,oxidation
and temperature levels.
b. Average mass of 38 grams (Experiment 2)
The electrolyte consists of a liquid electrolyte Age of tea Mass Electric voltage
and a solid electrolyte. Type of liquid electrolyte has 14 days 39.10 gr 0.24 v
disadvantages that are vulnerable to leakage and 12 days 39.05 gr 0.38 v
flammability, while electrolyte in solid form tends to be 10 days 40.86 gr 0.35 v
safer, easy to use, free from leaks and can be made with 8 days 38.88 gr 0.33 v
smaller dimensions. Electrolytes can be in the form of 6 days 39.60 gr 0.50 v
water, acids, bases or in the form of chemical compounds. From second experiment, it was found that the highest
Bio-battery use electrolytes of citric acid which are widely voltage was found in tea bag that was 6 days old,
contained in citrus fruits (Riyanto, 2011). while the lowest voltage was on the 8 days. This
second experiment corroborate the result of first
experiment that the age of tea not determine the REFERENCE
electric voltage.
c. Average mass of 26 grams (Experiment 3) Aisiyah Noor Imamah. 2013. Efek Variasi Bahan
Age of tea Mass Electric voltage Elektroda Serta Variasi Jarak Antar Elektroda Terhadap
14 days 26.83 gr 0.50 v Kelistrikan Yang Dihasilkan Oleh Limbah Buah Jeruk
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8 days 26.55 gr 0.49 v Industri The. Retrieved from
6 days 26.49 gr 0.52 v
From third experiment, it was found that the highest teknologi/183-beberapa-pemanfaatan-limbah-dari-
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while the lowest voltage was on the 12 days. This
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From the graph shows that the resulting electric stresses in Chitosan. Retrieved from
each experiment are almost the same although there are
variations in the age of fermented tea. The water content modern-chitosan/
of the tea bag also determines the resulting electrical
stress, can be seen in experimental data 1 and 3 where the Wira Diah Jauharah.(2013). Analisis Kelistrikan Yang
12-day-old tea dregs which are in the driest state than Dihasilkan Limbah Buah Dan Sayuran Sebagai Energi
others have the smallest electric voltage. Unrecorded data Alternatif Bio-Baterai. Universitas Jember Digital
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Wiwik Purwati Widyaningsih, Teguh Harijono Mulud.
CONCLUSION 2017. Analisis Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Pisang Sebagai
Energi Alternatif Pada Batterai. Jurnal Politeknik Negeri
From the experiment we can conclude that tea waste can Semarang.
produce the elctrica; voltage but this voltage not enough to
turn on the LED. From the experiment we also know that
the age of tea waste not determine the electrical voltage,
but the moisture of tea waste determine the electrical


Thanks to god and parents who always supporting during

the process of making this article and also thanks to all
related person who took part in the creation until the
completion of this article.

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