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Facultatea de arhitectură anul 3 / 3rd year Faculty of architecture

Arhitectură Context Peisaj / Architecture Context Landscape 2017-2018

Bibliografie / Bibliography

 Roger Scruton, “Introduction: the Problem of Architecture”, in The Aesthetics of

Architecture, Methuen&Co, 1979 : 1- 18 (in pdf)
 Adrian Forty, “Function”, in Words and Buildings. A vocabulary of Modern architecture (in
 Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown, “Ugly and ordinary architecture, or the decorated
shed”, in Venturi, R., Izenour, S. & Brown, D.S., Learning from Las Vegas - Revised Edition,
The MIT Press, 1977, pp. 87-127 (versiunea ro : Arhitectura urâtă și banală, pp. 87-127)
(book, in the library/bookshop)
 Colin Rowe, Collage city and the reconquest of time (Excursus) (ro: Orașul colaj și
recucerirea timpului – ultima parte Excursus, Orasul colaj (trad. Magda Teodorescu), Editura
Univ. Ion Mincu, 2013: pp. 151/181) (book, in the library – bookshop)

 Ana Maria Zahariade, Note de curs (perspectiva funcțională, perspectiva contextuală) (doar în
 Aldo Rossi, “The Structure of Urban Artifacts”, in The Architecture of the City, The MIT
Press, 1984, pp. 29-48

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