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Qonitatul Jannah and Amalia Contesa
Students of Sharia’s Faculty IAIN Jember

Islam is religion that bring mercy. The one of the instruction is protect and always fair to
anyone. It is also to oppressed persons like disability. Until now, the state still not care in
giving accessibility to persons with disability. While Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono already
signatured Law about accessibilty to persons with disability on 2011. The Law state that the
government in order to give an accessibility extensively for the dissability like an education,
religion, judicature, economy, banking, and etc. So that, this paper for knowing the existence
of accessibilty to persons with disability. The topic that we choose is The Accessibility of
Persons with Disability in Islamic Banking/Study of Accessibility in BRI Sharia Jember. So
that, there three questions related about that. First, how the concept accessibility of persons
with disability? Second, how the demography and the system of Islamic Banking in BRI
Sharia Jember? Third, how the accessibility to persons with disability in BRI Sharia Jember?
The concept accessibility of persons with disability explained with descriptive analytical,
while the demography and the system of Islamic Banking in BRI Sharia Jember and the
accessibility to persons with disability in BRI Sharia Jember explained with
sociology/anthropology’s method. The result of this research First, to know the concept
accessibility of persons with disability. Second, to know the demography and the system of
Islamic Banking in BRI Sharia Jember. Third, to know the nothingness accessibility to
persons with disability in BRI Sharia Jember.

Keywords: Accessibilty, Disability, BRI Sharia Jember.


God creates human in this world is same, but human itself who discriminate among
humans, whether about attitude, behavior, or action. This discriminate is greatly felt by
peoples who have physical, mental, or physical-mental limitations, whether from birth and
after adulthood, and the defect is certainly not expected by all humans, be it with disability or
they without disability.
God create humans with the same position on this earth. Every human has dignity
who attached to her/his humanity. With confidence in the power of God as the creator, the
state of disability that experienced by some of the humans is a divine fact. This condition
should not be the cause of the loss of the dignity of persons with disability, or the reason for
not aligning them with other citizens in all spheres of life, be it in political, economic, social,
and cultural. But in the reality, persons with disability remain be the most vulnerable and
marginalized groups in every society. Although the international and national human rights
and economic development movements are improving, in general, this group is in the final
line to enjoy it. Most of them are still dependent on the help and compassion of others. They
have not gained the right to seek opportunities and treatment in order to act in accordance
with their conditions.

Persons with disability, that is the term that still used by most persons to refer a group
of persons who have limitations, disorders, abnormalities, or loss of organ function. That
names are not only used by the community, but the Government still uses the term. The
existence of disability, of course cause mobility problems because of the limitations on the
body's imperfect organ functions. The imperfection can hinder persons with disability in
carrying out their daily activities. Persons with disability like this require empowerment
through the process of social welfare services systematically through the process of therapy
and rehabilitation in the form of social guidance, mental, spiritual, and vocational training
In all matters that dealing with physical activity, persons with disability recognize and
realize that they are indeed "different", not in the sense of ability, but rather in the mode of
production or in the ways of producing. Often the persons' perspective in seeing the work of
persons with disability refers to the quantity approach. In terms of quality, it is difficult to
assess the work of persons with disability with other common persons. Nevertheless, it is
undeniable that practically many amazing works are produced by persons with
disability.there are some cities in Indonesia have started to make friendly regulations Difabel,
Yogyakarta, Malang and Jember are some cities as kotany corners meet the rights of
The use of the term "disabled" in Indonesia is the result of a long debate, starting with
the term "disabled" as contained in Law number 4 of 1997 article 1 paragraph 1 concerning
Persons with Disability, that persons with disability are anyone with physical or mental
disability. The use of the term persons with disability is discriminatory and thus leads to a
lengthy debate and through the Law No. 19 on 2011 Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disability, the term disabled person is changed to persons with disability derived from
the term disabled person. In that law, the various rights that must be fulfilled by the state to
persons with disability. These rights include the right to life, protection in risky and
emergency situations, equal recognition in the law, the right to be free and safe, free from
pain and cruel treatment, free of exploitation, violence and abuse, respect for privacy,
freedom to live independently, the right to access personal mobility, access to information,
respect for home and family ownership, participation in public and political life, freedom of
expression and other economic, social and cultural rights such as the right to education,
health, rehabilitation and habilitation, and the right to work. Therefore, accessibility is needed
for persons with disability to carry out their daily activities, especially accessibility in the
banking sector. As we know that until now there is still no accessibility of persons with
disability in banking.
Talk about banking, this practice has existed since the days of Babylonia, Greece, and
Rome, although at that time the form of banking practice is not like today. Initially, this
activity was a money exchange, then grew into receiving savings, and lending money by
picking up interest. In the twentieth century arising the discourse of the need sharia banking
that free of interest. Because interest in Islam includes usury, and the act of usury is haram
for Muslims. The purpose of sharia banking is to constututed all aspects of the economic life
of Muslims based on the Qur'an and As-Sunnah.
In Law number 21 on 2008, sharia banking is anything that concerns about Sharia
Bank and Sharia Business Unit, covering institute, business activity, and also the way and the
process in conducting its business activity. Bank Sharia is a financial institution that carry out
and become intermediary in collecting public funds and channeling the financing from the

See to 12 mei 2018.

fund to the society according to the principles of sharia. Of course, for persons with disability
need accessibility to conduct banking transactions. And we try to examine the existence an
accessibility of persons with disability in one of sharia banking in the city of Jember in Bank
BRI Sharia.
Before we knowing the concept accessibility of persons with disability, we need to
know what the meaning of “persons with disability”. What is the meaning of Disability? At
first, the word “disability” was not present, but the word was “defect”. The word “defect” is
not the reality of one's existence. This word emerged because of a power that gives the word
as identity to a members of society, which is physically different from other members of
society. The word “defect” has a meaning of broken or not good, so it is not suitable if this
word is used as a human identity. Not only that, empirically, the term "disabled" that use until
now has caused unfavorable attitudes and treatment to persons who are called “disabled
persons”. The term "persons with disability" has caused a mistake in understanding the
existence of a persons who are called a persons with disability. Disability is considered as the
identity of a person, which is lower than the persons who are called non-disabled. So that,
persons who are called disability always get the stigma from society and can’t actualize
themselves. Thus, the term "persons with disability" becomes a form of violence to humans
and caused infractions of the human rights to persons with disability.2
To avoid and minimize the happening of violations of Human Rights, it is necessarily
a replacement term. Therefore, The National Commission of Human Rights held an expert
discussion in 2009 to change the terminology of defect’s persons to persons with disability.
Persons with disability are persons with long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensual
limitations that in their interaction with the environment and their societal attitudes occur
obstacles that make them difficult to participate fully and effectively based on equal rights.3
In general, “difable” and “disability” are still become a big problem in developing
countries including Indonesia. They are part of a marginalized society that isolated in the
national development process. They didn’t get a proper place and position in the social life of
the community. Difable communities in developing countries are just as the outsider in the
whole of development process. The difable community is one of the user in all aspects of life
both in the city or in the rural. However, the existence of significant migration in Indonesia
that the difable who live in the village generally tend to migrate to the city to get "access",
whether it is access to education, work, or medical and social rehabilitation services. This
reality is very apprehensive and need intervention and affirmative actions from various
parties and circles. It means that is necessarily the increase of critical awareness and social
actions of the community from various professional parties and the Government and all its
In the process of planning and design of buildings and environments in various
regions, the difable community always escape from the attention of professional groups
whether it as educators or building designers. Not only that, policymakers not explicit to
enforce legal regulation about accessibility to all levels of Government and society. The
reality that occurs from the escape of attention to difable because the complexity of social,
cultural, and legal factors is that difable only considered as a second class citizen and not

Ari Partiwi, Buku Panduan Aksesibilitas Layanan (Malang: Universitas Brawijaya, 2016), 14.
Ari Partiwi, Buku Panduan Aksesibilitas Layanan, 15.
Rahayu Repindowaty Harahap, “Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Penyandang Disabilitas Menurut Convention
On The Rights Of Persons With Disability (CRPD)”, Jurnal Inovatif, Vol 8, No 1, 2015, 23-24.

become a part that is considered capable to give an important contribution in the overall of
development process. This reality shows a fundamental difference in cultural aspects and an
understanding of the disability’s issue between developing and developed countries. In
developed countries, the appreciation and recognition of difable rights has worked well. This
can be seen from the effective legal regulation to protect the basic rights of difable such as
the accessibility of the environment and the building, the provision of employment, the
proper of education, and social security for difable who suffer serious disability or often
referred as "always patient". Like America, there is a federal law called the American
Disability of Act (ADA) that regulates and protects the rights of difable in access to
education, housing, employment, health, until social security. This is visible from the number
of public buildings in America and the attitude of the society who are more acceptable in
interacting with difable. Almost all public buildings, accessible and friendly both for difable
and the elderly. Starting from public facilities such as subway, bus, shopping mall, school
buildings, and etc. That’s all show the availability of accessibility for difable. So that, difable
can more independent and easier to express its ability to social interaction with reasonable
and optimal.5
If this issue not handled specifically, it will cause a big social problems and will not
impossible become a social burden for the State in the long run. So far, the important issues
that not get attention are many cases of disability that happened and not balanced with the
solution and social investment by society and the Government of Indonesia. The problem of
disability not become mainstream in Indonesia's development, its meaning that all of
solutions to problems in all sectors of development are not yet integrative and inclusive.
Especially that related to urban development issues and their relationship with the world of
architectural still far from the efforts of social-inclusive approach to marginalized society like
The movement of difable rights in any part of the world appartently always contact
with words and meanings that related with the world of the disabled. In America, the battle of
sense to reclaim the rights of disabled persons still continue happened both after and before
the adoption of the American Disability Act on 1990. In England, a similar battle of sense
also happened in the daily lives of the disabled. The various humiliation term that fight with
proposals to replace them with "disabled persons" or "persons with disability". While in
Indonesia, before the 1990s, various peyorative terms were also used in both Indonesian and
regional languages. For example, persons with disability, idiots, abnormalities, picek (Java),
and etc. The contiguity of the relationship between the struggle for the right of disability with
the use of various terms invites much research in various countries. For example, Devlieger's
research of changing the use of the term from “handicap” to “disability”. He concluded, in
the American case, the term “handicap” reflects an era that makes accessibility as a focus
while “disability” diverts attention to one's ability.7
The word "bearer" according to the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is persons
who suffer something, the word "disability" is an Indonesian word derived from the English
word that is “disability” that mean defect or disability.8

Rahayu Repindowaty Harahap, “Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Penyandang Disabilitas Menurut Convention
On The Rights Of Persons With Disability (CRPD)”, Jurnal Inovatif, Vol 8, No 1, 2015, 25.
Rahayu Repindowaty Harahap, “Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Penyandang Disabilitas Menurut Convention
On The Rights Of Persons With Disability (CRPD)”, 26.
Arif Maftuhin, “Mengikat Makna Diskriminasi: Penyandang Cacat, Difabel, dan Penyandang Disabilitas”,
Journal of Disability Studies, Vol 3, No 2, 2016, 140-141.
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1994).

Difable, disability, or self-limitation may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory,
emotional, developmental or some combination of those traits. Terms of “difable” and
“disability” have different meanings. Difabel (different abilities) is someone who has
different capabilities in running the activity when compared with the average person, and not
necessarily it is called as "defect" or “disabled”. Meanwhile, disability is someone who has
not been able to accommodate with the surrounding environment and causing disability.9
There are various ways to understand disability. Some persons understand disability
as what was formerly known as defect. A person who loss of function whether physical or
mental, whether in part or in whole, can be called disability. An example is the use of the
word "disability of netra" which is used to refer persons who can not see. Then the word
"physical disability" to refer persons who have different forms and physical functions. There
is also the word "mental disability" to refer persons with different mental or intellectual
functions. In a disability study, this view is called the medical model. They who have
differences both physically and mentally are categorized as "abnormal". The differences are
then handled through rehabilitation, healing as well as special treatment to become as normal
as possible. This view of opinion that disability is because the physical and mental
irregularity, whether in part or in whole. Another view of disability is what the meaning
social model of disability. According to the perspective of this model, disability is not caused
solely by impaired physical or mental functioning. Why the disability happened? The reason
is because of environmental failures as well as the surrounding community when responding
to the presence of persons with physical or mental limitations.10
The word "persons with disability" is a substitute term for the word "disabled" which
was used more often. This term is officially used after Indonesia ratified the Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) with the issuance of Law Number 19 on 2011
about Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability. The term
disability is an adaptation of the English word "disability" which according to the World
Health Organization has three aspects: First, impairment. It is loss of structure, psychological
function, physiological or anatomical. Second, disability. It is a limitation or loss of ability as
a result of impairment to perform an activity in a way or within the limits considered normal
for a human being. Third, handicap. It is a loss for an individual as a result of impairment and
If associated with the paradigm of persons with disability, there are two kinds of
paradigms or disability approaches. First, the individual-medical model states that disability
originates from individuals with disability. Disability is often seen as a punishment from God
that caused by the individual or his parents. Disability connotes with the lack or the physical-
mental limitations of the individual (impairment). This perspective leads the practice of
exclusion, discrimination, and marginalization of the disability of the wider community. The
medical approach and intervention of professional disability is seen as a medical problem as a
result of individual impairment or damage. Individuals with disability are objects that must be
cured from physical or mental deficiencies or damage. Second, the new paradigm (Social
political model) which states that the individual becomes disabled is not caused by physical
and mental shortcomings (impairment), but it is because the built system is unable to

Alqhaderi Aliffianiko, “Difabel”, (, accessed on July 6, 2017.
Ani Nur Sayyidah, “Dinamika Penyesuaian Diri Penyandang Disabilitas di Tempat Magang Kerja (Studi
Deskriptif di Balai Rehabilitasi Teroadu Penyandang Disabilitas (BRTPD) Yogyakarta”, INKLUSI, Vol.2,
No.1. 2015, 71.
Ani Nur Sayyidah, “Dinamika Penyesuaian Diri Penyandang Disabilitas di Tempat Magang Kerja (Studi
Deskriptif di Balai Rehabilitasi Teroadu Penyandang Disabilitas (BRTPD) Yogyakarta”, 72.

accommodate the requirement of disabled. In an individual model, disability are placed with
the physical or mental deficiencies that individuals have, while in social models, disability is
seen as a result of social barriers and power relations.12
In Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability, persons with
disability are they who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory damages
which in their interactions have multiple obstacles that can hampered their participation with
fully and effective in society based on the principle of equality.13 If we look at the meaning
more accurately, disability is a result of the interaction between the limitations of physical or
mental functioning, personal factors beyond functional limitation, and social response. The
last factor gives a broader of social response that supports the obstacles to the disability.
The simple method to understand disability is with recognise it in three factors, that is
functional malfunction whether physical or mental, then personal factors, and environmental
and society factors. The functional malfunction whether physical or mental is the easiest
thing that we can recognise. For example, blindness, deafness, hand or foot amputation, in
part or in whole. And the personal condition is an individual factor beyond the happening of
functional malfunction whether physical or mental. This is realized or will not affect to the
happening of disability. While the environmental and society factors can be physical facilities
and infrastructure. It can also because the treatment and acceptance of the society, or the
existence of policies and regulatory aspects.14
The incidence of disability can be motivated by health problems that occured since
birth, chronic and acute diseases, and injuries that can be caused by accidents, wars, riots,
disasters, and so on. With the increasing of the elderly populations, it is estimated will be
increase the number of persons with disability because the increasing health problems caused
degenerative chronic diseases. The health sector is very important in prevention efforts until
rehabilitation efforts. Persons with disability need to get special and achievable services
according to the special needs of their disability.15
We already know what is disability. And how about accessibility? What is the
meaning of accessibility? and how the concept of accessibility to persons with disability?
Accessibility is the degree of convenience achieved by a person to an object, service, or
environment. The ease of access is implemented in buildings, environments, and other public
facilities. Accessibility also focuses on the convenience for disabled persons to use facilities
such as wheelchair users must be able to walk easily on the sidewalk or ride on public
transport.16 Accessibility is an essential requirement for persons with disability. Therefore,
persons with disability can make their mobility to the desired places. Actually, there a
regulations of accessibility. That are Regulation Minister of Public Works Number
30/PRT/M/2006 on 2006 about Facility Technical Guidance and Accessibility on Building
and Environment Building, Minister of Public Works Number 468/KPTS/1998 about
Technical Requirements for Accessibility in Public Buildings and the Environment, Regional
Regulation Number 3 on 2013 East Java about the protection and service of persons with
disability, Decision the Minister of Transport Number 71 on 1999 about Accessibility for

Ani Nur Sayyidah, “Dinamika Penyesuaian Diri Penyandang Disabilitas di Tempat Magang Kerja (Studi
Deskriptif di Balai Rehabilitasi Teroadu Penyandang Disabilitas (BRTPD) Yogyakarta”, 72.
Pasal 1 Konvensi Mengenai Hak-Hak Penyandang Disabilitas (Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disability/ CRPD)
Suparman Marzuki, Aksesibilitas Peradilan bagi Penyandang Disabilitas (Yogyakarta: PUSHAM-UII, 2015),
Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2014, Situasi Penyandang Disabilitas, Vol 1.
HsfBot, “Aksesibilitas” (, accessed on August 23, 2009.

Persons with Disability and Sick Persons on Transport Facility and Infrastructure. However,
this rules still far from the reality in its implementation. In Jember, there are still many public
facilities that are not yet accessible for persons with disability. By using a standardization on
the rules that have been treated by the government especially Regulation of the Minister of
Public Works Number 30/PRT/M/2006 on 2006 about Facility Technical Guidance and
Accessibility on Building and Environment Building shows that there is no public facility in
this city that really accessible appropriate with the standards that applied by the
Accessibility become important for persons with disability because the purpose is to
include them with the society and of course, to fulfill their spiritual needs that are part of the
basic human rights. Not only that, accessibility is also to make the mainstay can possible for
everyone. An accessible environment is important. In order to children with disability can
enjoy their rights to participate in the society and to get the opportunity to create their
potential entirely, so it needs an accessibility. For example, children with disability need
access to education or schools to get education together with their peers, have more
opportunities to become productive members of the society, and become integrated in the live
of society.18
In Article 1 point 8 of Law Number 8 on 2016 about Persons with Disability states
that Accessibility is a convenience that provided for persons with disability in order to create
an equal opportunity. Persons with disability can carry out their activities independently if be
supported by adequate facilities or accessibility that can make it easier for persons with
disability to use them. The public accessibility that provided by the Government must be
usable by all societies. If a public accessibility already give a good and convenient service to
its users, it is certain that the society will continue to use the public accessibility. Article 9
Paragraph 1 of the Law Number 19 on 2011 Convention on the Legalization of the Rights of
Persons with Disability explains that in order to Persons with Disability can be able to live
independently and can fully participate in all aspects of life, States Parties must take
appropriate measures to ensure access for persons with disability on an equal basis with
others to the physical environment, transportation, information, and communications,
including information and communication systems and technologies, as well as access to
other publicly that available to public, whether in urban or in rural.19
That's all about what is the meaning of accessibility, and how about the concept of
accessibility to persons with disability? There are two forms of accessibility, they are
physical accessibility and non-physical accessibility. Physical accessibility is applied to
public facilities and infrastructure such as accessibility to public buildings, public roads,
landscaping, and public funeral and public transport. While non-physical accessibility focuses
on information services in the areas of legislation, employment, education, banking,
economics, communications, and technology, as well as special services in the utilization of
public transport facilities and infrastructure for persons with disability.20

Slamet Thohari, “Pandanagn Disabilitas dan Aksesibilitas Fasilitas Publik bagi Penyandang Disabilitas di Kota
Malang”, Indonesia Journal of Dissability Studies, Vol. 1 Issue, 2014, 29.
UNICEF, Keadaan Anak di Dunia 2013 Rangkuman Eksekutif: Anak Penyandang Dissabilitas, 2013, 10-11.
Putu Nia Rusmiari Dewi, “Jurnal Aksesibilitas Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas di Halte dan Bus Trans Jogja di
Kota Yogyakarta” (Skripsi Sarjana Tidak Diterbitkan, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta,
2016), 4.
Haryati Roebyantho, “Implementasi Aksesibilitas Non Fisik (Pelayanan Informasi dan Pelayanan Khusus)
bagi Penyandang Cacat di Enam Provinsi”, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Usaha Kesejahteraan Sosial,
Vol 11, No 1, 2006, 48.

In the book of "Building an Inclusive Campus", there are examples of how
accessibility of buildings and environments are accessible around the campus covering
aspects of physical facilities and infrastructure, as follows: First, ram or staircase. This Ram
must be provided at every entrance for easy access, both for wheelchair users and persons
with disability. Second, the elevator or escalator. This facility is important to provide if the
building has more than one floor. Third, automatic door with motion sensor to open and close
automatically. Fourth, special toilet. This toilet has a wide space to be used by wheelchair
users and has a sitting closet that equipped with a safety rail so that they can hold on. Fifth,
the room that equipped with a label, name or number in Braille. Sixth, the landmark to
become the identity of a building or room. Seventh, special parking. Eighth, environmental
safety, including closed drains or gutters and floors that are not slippery or wet. Furthermore,
in relation to other physical accessibility, that is transportation accessibility, there is a
national regulation in the form of Minister of Transportation Decree Number KM 71 on 1999
about "Accessibility for Persons with Disability and Sick Persons on Transportation Facility
and Infrastructure". In this regulation, the government requires transportation facilities and
infrastructure to fulfil accessibility standards for persons with disability and sick persons.
Transport that means is the transportation of land, sea, and air, that is motor vehicles, trains,
ships, and aircraft. While the transport infrastructure is infrastructure to raise and lower
persons or goods on arrival or departure that located at terminals, stations, harbours, and
Non-physical accessibility is correlated to how information, communication, and
technology that can be used or understood by persons with disability. This is related to how
the respond to the requirements of persons with disability. First, that must to remember that if
we want to provide or disseminate information, we must think whether the information that
we make can be understood by disabled, low vision or neutral or learning disability. Second,
in order to make information that more accessible, it is important to modify the form of
information media in certain formats, such as printing in large fonts to be accessible to low
vision individuals. Third, providing "communication support" service in order to persons
with disability can be better understanding the information that available, such as reading a
certain texts for the blind, using notes or writing when communicating with the person who is
deaf, providing adaptive hearing aids in the cinema and so on.22
You know where is Jember? Jember regency is one of the regencies in East Java
Province, which is capitalized in Jember. This regency is verged with Probolinggo and
Bondowoso regencies in the north, Banyuwangi regency in the east, Indian Ocean in the
south, and Lumajang regency in the west. Jember regency consists of 31 districts. Jember
Regency is located in Tapal Kuda, East Java. Jember has an area of 3.293,34 km2 with height
between 0-3.330 masl. The Climate of Jember Regency is tropical with temperature range
between 23oC-32oC. The majority of Jember residents are Javanese and Maduranese, and
most are Muslims. Not only that, there is a minority of the Osing Tribe, and also Chinese
citizens who mostly live in the center of the capital of this district. The Maduranese are
dominant in the north and the Java Tribe dominant in the south and coastal regions. Javanese
and Maduranese languages are used in many places, so it is common for persons in Jember to

M. Syafi’ie, “Pemenuhan Aksesibilitas bagi Penyandang Disabilitas”, INKLUSI, Vol. I, No.2, 2014, 274.

M. Syafi’ie, “Pemenuhan Aksesibilitas bagi Penyandang Disabilitas, 275.


mastered both languages. Jember has a population of 2.529.967 persons with an average
density of 787.47 persons/km2.23
In Jember Regency, there are several conventional banks and sharia banks.
Conventional banks use interest system, while Islamic banks use profit sharing system either
it will profit or loss. As explained earlier, Sharia Bank is a financial institution that carry out
and become intermediary in collecting public funds and channeling the financing from the
funds to society according to the principles of sharia. The function of Sharia Bank are as an
investment manager, investor, financial services provider and then the system of payment,
and as the executory of social activities. And the purpose is First, directing to muamalat
according to Islam. Second, create justice in economic. Third, increase human’s quality by
opening the bigger of business opportunities. Fourth, to overcome the problem of destitution
for example work capital development program. Fifth, maintaining the stability of economic
and monetary.24
One of the sharia banks in Jember which we will discuss here is BRI Sharia. BRI
Sharia is on Trunojoyo street, Kepatihan, Kaliwates, Jember Regency, East Java. In front of
this bank there is a cafe called "Coffee Toffee". On the right side there is a clothes store. So,
this bank is located among the shophouses.
The establishment of BRI Sharia emerging of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)
Tbk., To Bank Jasa Arta on December 19, 2007. After got license from Bank Indonesia (BI)
on October 16, 2008 by letter Number: 10/67/KEP.GBI/DpG/2008 on November 17, 2008,
PT. Bank BRI Sharia officially operates by changing the business activities which originally
operate conventionally, then converted into banking activities according to sharia
The vision of BRI Sharia is to become a leading modern retail bank with a kind of
financial services that suitably with customers' needs with the easiest reach for a more
meaningful life. While the missions of BRI Sharia are First, understanding the variety of
individuals and accommodating various financial customers’ need. Second, providing
products and services that give priority to ethics according to principles of sharia. Third,
providing convenient access through various facilities whenever and wherever. Fourth,
enable each individual to increase the quality of life and bring the calmness of mind.26
BRI Sharia is present as a leading modern retail bank with financial services based on
customers' needs with the easiest reach for a more meaningful life. BRI Sharia serves
customers with excellent service and offers a variety of products according to customer
expectations with sharia principles. The presence of BRI Sharia in the midst of the national
banking industry is reinforced by the meaning of the fluorescent light that follows the
company logo. The logo describes the wishes and demands of society to a modern bank
classmate PT. Bank BRI Sharia that capable to serve the society in modern life. The presence
of a combination of colors that used is derived from blue and white as a red thread with the
brand PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk.,27

Bagas Chrisara, “Kabupaten Jember”, (, accessed on April
10, 2004.
Heri Sudarsono, Bank dan Lembaga Keuangan Syariah (Yogyakarta: Ekonisia, 2003), 31-32.
25, accessed on April 14, 2008.
Lela Leanza, “Prosedur Sistem Kompensasi di BRI Syariah Kantor Cabang Jember” (Laporan Praktek Kerja
Nyata, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Jember, 2016), 18.
Lela Leanza, “Prosedur Sistem Kompensasi di BRI Syariah Kantor Cabang Jember”, 19.

The activities of BRI Sharia became stronger after signing the deed of separation
Sharia Business Unit PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. on December 19, 2008 to
merged into PT. BRI Sharia (spin off process) that effectively on January 1, 2009. The
signing was done by Mr. Sofyan Basir as President Director of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero), Tbk., and Mr. Ventje Rahardjo as President Director of PT. BRI Sharia.28
Until right now, BRI Sharia has become the third largest sharia bank based on the
amount of its assets. BRI Sharia grew very rapidly in terms of assets, financing, and Third
Party Funds. By focusing on the lower middle segment, BRI Sharia targeted to become a
leading modern retail bank with various of banking products and services. Based on the
translation of his vision, PT. BRI Sharia currently synergize with PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero), Tbk., which exploited PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. as the Office of
Sharia Services in developing a business that focus on the collection of funds from the
society and another activities according to sharia principles.29
BRI Sharia is still relatively newly established, but the achievements is quite a lot.
This BRI Sharia achievement was expressed by Lukita as Corporate Secretary Group Head of
BRI Sharia. AA + Rating from Fitch Ratings indicates the ability of BRI Sharia is very good.
One branch of BRI Sharia is BRI Sharia Jember. BRI Sharia Jember was established on
September 2013. BRI Sharia Jember also has achievements, this is proved to the number of
customers BRI Sharia Jember. Since its establishment on September 23, 2013 to January
2015, BRI Sharia Jember already has 4,800 customers with the addition of an average ten
new customers each day which not only come from the society around the bank location but
also from Situbondo, Bondowoso, Banyuwangi, and Lumajang. BRI Sharia Jember offers
various of service products, one of them is a product of fundraising to its customers. The
fundraising product offered by BRI Sharia is one of the sources of Third Party Funds. Third
Party Funds (DPK) are funds obtained from the society, in the sense of community as
individuals, companies, governments, households, cooperatives, foundations, and others both
in rupiah and in foreign currency. The source of funds is very important for sharia banks. The
existence of this cause the competition between sharia banks with the purpose to obtain more
source of funds. The importance of obtaining Third Party Funds that come from the society
makes sharia banks offer a variety of fundraising products. One of them is Mudharabah
saving product that offered by BRI Sharia Jember. Mudharabah savings are deposited funds
that will be managed by the bank in order to obtain the benefits that will be given to
customers based on mutual agreement. The savings may be takeable at any time by the savers
based on the agreement but are not allowed to experienced negative balance. Third Party
Funds that obtained from sharia bank from Mudharabah saving product will be managed
with the purpose of obtaining profit which will be divided by the customer based on the
predetermined ratio. This means that the more Third Party Funds that obtained by sharia
banks in collecting funds from the society, so the greater of funds that can be managed to
obtain profit. The competition of sharia banks in obtaining Third Party Funds encourages
sharia banks to surpass each other. This competition between sharia banks demanded that the
sharia banks know the factors affecting the amount of Third Party Funds in sharia banks in
order to surpass another sharia banks.30

Lela Leanza, “Prosedur Sistem Kompensasi di BRI Syariah Kantor Cabang Jember”, 19.
29, accessed on April 14, 2008.
Ika Ratna Qorikaten Rohmah, Ahmad Roziq, Nur Hisammudin, “Pengaruh Tingkat Kepercayaan, Bagi Hasil,
Kesesuaiaan Hukum Syariah, Reputasi Bank, dan Perolehan Informasi terhadap Keinginan Menambah
Tabungan Mudharabah di Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah Cabang Jember” (Artikel Ilmiah Mahasiswa, 2015),

Sharia banks are demanded to know the various factors that can stimulate customers
to use their accumulation fund product. After the customer used the accumulation fund
product in the form of Mudharabah savings, the sharia bank will increase the stimulus so that
the customer will continue to cooperate with them. The Mudharabah saving products that
offered by the sharia bank will promise economic benefits and rewards for customers. The
awarding of economic benefits and the acquisition of this reward is one method of sharia
banks to stimulate the customers to continue increase their desire in increasing the savings of
Mudharabah. This stimulus includes trust, profit sharing, sharia law compliance, bank
reputation, and information acquisition.31
BRI Sharia Jember following murabahah bil wakalah based on Fatwa Dewan Sharia
Nasional Number: 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000. That is if the bank represents customers to buy
goods from Third Party Funds, the contract of sale and purchase of murabahah must be done
after goods in principle become the property of bank. Wakalah contract happened before the
murabahah contract because the wakalah contract will fall after a murabahah contract. BRI
Sharia as a seller in the murabahah contract apply binding order method, it means that the
bank will perform its role as a seller if the customer wants a good. BRI Sharia always uses
order method in providing murabahah goods which is reflected from the policy of
murabahah bil wakalah. BRI Sharia uses a binding order method because the bank avoids the
risk of damage and reduction of stocks. Customers who wish to purchase goods through
murabahah contract in BRI Sharia must communicate their personal data and goods data to
the bank first. BRI Sharia that has received the customer's data and order goods data, the
bank will use the wakalah contract to provide an opportunity for customers to buy the goods
that they want. BRI Sharia will not buy goods directly to the supplier. BRI Sharia try to avoid
risks that appear from the purchase of goods directly to the supplier in the form of non-
conformity of the goods specification from the customers, the occurrence of defects,
deficiencies or any circumstances or issues concerning the goods. The payment of
Murabahah by customers can be done in installments during an agreement period of time, in
accordance with the ability to repay or the flow of customer income, the amount of
installments that have been agreed should not change until the financing contract expires.32
The recognition method of murabahah profit is divided into three, that is when the
delivery of goods if tough for more than one year with the risk of cash collection from
murabahah receivables and management expense of receivables and collection is relatively
small, proportionally if the risk of bad debts is relatively large and the burden to collect
relatively large also, when all receivables are collectible if the risk of uncollectible
receivables and management of receivables and billing is large enough to be doubtful and
loss. Murabahah receivables are recognized at cost of murabahah assets plus agreed benefits,
at the end of the financial statements period will be valued at the net realizable value, is
outstanding balance less allowance for losses. Discounts earned from suppliers will be
deducted into the sale price because the discount is the right of the customer. The payment of
murabahah receivables is made in installments during the agreed time but the repayment can
be made by the customer in the middle of the installment or at the end of the agreement, the
bank will give a discount on terms not agreed in the contract.33

Ika Ratna Qorikaten Rohmah, Ahmad Roziq, Nur Hisammudin, “Pengaruh Tingkat Kepercayaan, Bagi Hasil,
Kesesuaiaan Hukum Syariah, Reputasi Bank, dan Perolehan Informasi terhadap Keinginan Menambah
Tabungan Mudharabah di Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah Cabang Jember” (Artikel Ilmiah Mahasiswa, 2015),
Sri Nurhayati, Akuntansi syariah Indonesia (Jakarta: Selemba Empat, 2003), 179.
Sri Nurhayati, Akuntansi syariah Indonesia, 180.

The repayment deduction is a deduction of murabahah profit that be borne by the
bank. Conversely, if the late to installment payment, it will be fined for negligence in
performing obligations in accordance with the contract. The fine is certainly not burdensome
customers because it aims to provide a deterrent effect for customers to expect no more
negligence. The fines are recognized as a benefaction fund, because the fines that obtained by
the bank will be channeled as infaq and alms.34
Children with disability and the surrounding society will get benefit greatly if we all
focus on what they can be achieve, rather than what they can’t do, according to UNICEF's
annual report - The Children's Situation in the World, focusing on the abilities and potentials
of children with disability will give benefit to society as a whole, according to the report.
When you see the disability, and not the child, it will not only be wrong for the child, but the
society will not get everything that can be offer by the child. Their loss is a loss to the society
and their benefits are the benefits to the society. This report describes how persons can
include children with disability, because when they play a full role in the society, everyone
will get benefit. For example, inclusive education can broaden the horizons of all children,
and also provide opportunities for children with disability to fulfill their ambitions. More
efforts that support the integration of children with disability will help to overcome
discrimination and prevent them from pushing further into the edges of society. Indonesia has
invested in strengthening the legal framework and increasing the opportunities for children
with disability in order they can grow and develop their potential. However, there is still
much to do. Sometimes, families and societies are still ashamed if their children have
disability. These children are often confined, excommunicated from school and society rather
than be supported. For many children with disability, exceptions begin in the first days of
their lives, with unregistered births. In the absence of official recognition, they are
disconnected from the social services and legal protection that important for their survival.
Their marginalization also increases with the existence of discrimination.35
Children with disability said that children with disability are those who often not
receive health care and can’t go to school. They are the most vulnerable to violence, abuse,
exploitation, and neglect, especially if they are hidden or placed in institutions like many of
them because of social stigma or economic costs to raise it. Children with disability are the
most marginalized in the world. Children who living in poverty inclined not school, or visit
health clinics, but those that living in poverty, as well as having disability, will be more likely
to do so. Gender is a key factor, woman with disability are less likely to get food and care
than man. Discrimination on the basis of disability is a form of oppression. The various of
lack cause a greater exclusion for many children with disability. Accurate data on the number
of children with disability, what disability they have, and how they affect their lives is still
very limited. As a consequence, few of the governments in the world who have guidelines
that can be a reference to allocate resources to support and help the children with disability
and their families.36
According to RISKESDAS 2007, about 4 percent of children ages 15 to 19 have
significant difficulties in at least one functional domain (sight, hearing, walking,
concentration, and understanding of others and self-care)and therefore, it considered living

Sri Nurhayati, Akuntansi syariah Indonesia, 181.
35, accessed on May 30, 2013.
36, accessed on May 30, 2013.

with disability. The census on 2010 found that about 2 percent of children from aged 0 to 14
years have disability. Two percent of all children aged 0 to 18 in Indonesia approximately 1.5
million children, four percent of all children will increase the total number of about 3 million
children and adolescents that living with disability. The progress already exists for inclusion
of children with disability, even if not evenly, and the 2013 Child Situation report sets the
agenda for further action. About a third of the world's countries so far failed to ratify the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability. This report urges all governments to
ratify and implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability and the
Convention on the Rights of the Child, and support families in order to can fulfill the higher
cost of care the children with disability.37
Indonesia signed the Convention on 2007 and ratified it on 2011. However, the
government has not ratified the related Optional Protocol, which introduces an individual
grievance mechanism. The Government of Indonesia must sign the Optional Protocol to
strengthen the rights of children with disability. UNICEF is ready to support the government
in developing a new Plan of Action for persons with disability, after the current program ends
at the end on 2013. The 2013 World Situation Report invite for action against discrimination
among the general public, the decision makers and service providers such as education and
health. International agencies should ensure that the support and assistance that they provide
to the state is consistent with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disability. They should promote a joint global research agenda
about disability to produce data and analysis that will guide the planning and resource
allocation. It emphasizes the importance of engaging disabled children and adolescents in
consultation with them in designing and evaluating programs and services for them. And
everyone will get benefit when the inclusive approach includes the accessibility and universal
design of the environment to be used by all as much as possible without need for
In countries such as the United States, Britain, Germany, Canada, Japan, Korea, and
Singapore, the accessibility of persons with disability to public service centers such as
government offices including universities, malls, supermarkets, hospitals, public buses,
escalators, recreational areas, public toilets or public phones to private vehicles are highly
regarded by governments and employers as well as by the other economic actors in that
country. The issue of design planning, standards, the size, and quality of infrastructure and
facilities that are truly accessible for persons with disability of all ages in developed
countries, as mentioned above are so important because the government and society are well
aware of this as a human right.39
The accessibility complexity in Indonesia cites from the Country Study Report on
2005, there some factors that influence it: First, the budget policy, the annual development
budget for social rehabilitation and the protection of persons with disability is very low if
compared the other department, it only 0.5% of the total national budget. Contrary to the
increasing number of persons with disability and become the responsibility of the Ministry of
Social Affairs in the last 5 years. For example on 2000, in national there were about 1,170
persons with disability handled. On 2001, the number of persons with disability that handled
increased to 1,287 persons, on 2002 rose again to 1,416 persons, then on 2003 the number
increased to 1,557 persons while on 2004, the number increased reached 1,713 persons.
Second, the limitations of transportation, the limited access to public transport for the

37, accessed on May 30, 2013.
38, accessed on May 30, 2013.
Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2014, Situasi Penyandang Disabilitas, Vol 1, 38.

disabled in Indonesia, according to the Country Study Report is because the public
transportation problems in Indonesia have become more complicated with 203 million
inhabitants where 6.2 percent of them are domiciled on the island of Java that only 7,2% of
the total area of Indonesia. This condition causes limited space, cost, and security that can be
provided for persons with disability. Almost all transportation facilities in Indonesia are
irregular, intricate and, crowded with humans, so it’s difficult to provide adequate
accessibility for persons with disability.40
Public services are available to all of citizens including those with disability.
However, for persons with disability there are accessibility issues. There are already several
laws and regulations that specifically regulate about accessibility. But, the lack of
implementation of the legislation caused various obstacle for persons with disability to enjoy
the various of public services. It icluded architectural obstacles, information and
communication obstacles, and internal obstacles of persons with disability and lack of society
support for the development of persons with disability, which overall have aggravated the
access of persons with disability to public services.41
As citizens, persons with disability should not be excluded from their right to enjoy
the available of various public services. However, what often creates problems is access to
the service. Public service providers are generally built without regard to accessibility rules,
even without being aware of the legislation on accessibility.
Accessibility, as outlined in Law No. 4 on 1997 concerning Persons with Disability, is
the convenience provided to persons with disability in order to realize equal opportunity in all
of aspects of life and livelihood. Operationally, the technical provisions about accessibility on
buildings and environments have been stated in Minister of Public Works Regulation number
30/PRT/M/2006. In essence, this Regulation of the Minister of Public Works only regulates
matters that related to the architectural obstacles. More comprehensively, these basic
accessibility rules are contained in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability
(CRPD) that ratified by Indonesia on October 18, 2011.42
Article 9 Paragraph 1 of the Accessibility Convention states that in order to enable
persons with disability to live independently and to participate fully in all aspects of life, the
states must take the necessary measures to ensure the access of persons with disability to the
physical environment, information and communications and other facilities and services that
open or made available to the public, both in urban and rural areas, on an equal basis with
others. Measures which should include the identification and removal of all obstacles to
accessibility should apply to: First, buildings, roads, transport, and other facilities, both
indoors including schools and housing, health facilities and workplaces.Second, information,
communications, and other services including electronic services and emergency services.
While in Paragraph 2, the states must also take appropriate measures to: First, develop,
disseminate and monitor the implementation of minimum standards and guidelines for
accessibility of facilities and services that are open or made available to the public. Second,
ensure that private institutions that offer facilities and services that are open or provided to
the public consider all aspects of accessibility for persons with disability. Third, organize
training for stakeholders on accessibility issues faced by persons with disability. Fourth,

Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2014, Situasi Penyandang Disabilitas, 39.
Didi Tarsidi, “Kendala Umum yang Dihadapi Penyandang Disabilitas salam Mengakses Layanan Publik”,
JASSI_Anakku, Vol 10, No 2, 2011, 201.
Rahayu Repindowaty Harahap, “Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Penyandang Disabilitas Menurut Convention
On The Rights Of Persons With Disability (CRPD)”, Jurnal Inovatif, Vol 8, No 1, 2015, 18-19.

providing marks in Braille and in easy-to-read and understandable form on buildings and
other facilities that open to the public. Fifth, improve the form of assistance and mediation,
including professional guides, readers, and interpreters of sign language, to facilitate
accessibility to buildings and other facilities that open to the public. Sixth, improve other
forms of assistance and other appropriate support for persons with disability to ensure their
access of information. Seventh, promote access for persons with disability of information and
the latest technology and communication systems, including the internet. Eighth, advance
from the early stages of design, development, production and distribution of accessible
information and communication technology and information systems, so that the technology
and system can be accessed at the minimum cost (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 107 on 2011 Annex to Law Number 19 on 2011 ).43
Before the existence of Law Number 19 on 2011, in an effort to protect, respect,
promote and fulfill the rights of persons with disability, the Government of Indonesia has
established various laws and regulations that partly regulates the protection of persons with
disability. The existence of such laws constitutes the realization of safeguarding, respecting,
promoting and fulfilling the rights of persons with disability, as well as a very clear legal
basis on the importance of regulating the rights of persons with disability in all aspects of
public life.44
Inequalities in the shared understanding of the presence of persons with disability
around us are another factor that makes arrangements for their protection become important.
The persons's mindset and views to persons with disability are more identical with persons
who are considered unproductive, unable to perform their duties, so they should be treated
like an incompetent person. Whereas that the needs of persons with disability is not merely a
feeling of pity for incapacity that gives birth to a negative stigma toward them, but equality of
rights so that it can be the same with other Indonesian society.45
At the national level, the demand for rights and the holding of physical and non-
physical accessibility facilities and infrastructure for persons with disability has often been
voiced by activists of Disabled Persons Organizations. Some of the rights have been sought
and realized by the government, such as: construction of extraordinary schools, construction
of facilities in some buildings, the translators of dissability news on television (but now it not
eexisting), a special disability transportation and so forth, though still minimal and sometimes
Accessibility rules are intended to remove various obstacles that hinder disabled
persons to actively participate in various society activities including to enjoy the variety of
public services that available to the public. Among the various access obstacles are
architectural obstacles and information and communication obstacles. The architectural
obstacles affect the three main disability categories, that is physical disability, which includes
wheelchair, semi-ambulant, and those with manipulative obstacles, muscle difficulty, sensory
disability including blind and deaf, and intellectual disability (tunagrahita). While internal
obstacles may include: lack of confidence, lack of good communication skills, lack of

Akhmad Sholeh, “Islam dan Penyandang Disabilitas: Telaah Hak Aksesibilitas Penyandang Disabilitas dalam
Sistem Pendidikan di Indoensia”, PALASTREN, Vol 8, No 2, 2015, 313-314.
Didi Tarsidi, “Kendala Umum yang Dihadapi Penyandang Disabilitas salam Mengakses Layanan Publik”,
JASSI_Anakku, Vol 10, No 2, 2011, 200.
Zulkarnain Ridlwan, “Perlindungan Hak-Hak Konstitusional Penyandang Disabilitas (Rights Of Persons With
Disability)”, Fiat Justisia Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Vol 7, No 2, Agustus 2013, 231-232.
Zulkarnain Ridlwan, “Perlindungan Hak-Hak Konstitusional Penyandang Disabilitas (Rights Of Persons With
Disability)”, 233.

mastery of alternative techniques to overcome limitations due to impairment (for the visually
impaired, alternative techniques are special ways, either with or without special tools)
utilizing the non-visual senses or the remaining sense of vision to perform an activity
normally done by the sense of sight, unable to present themselves properly (poor grooming
and dressing), and inadequate mastery of general knowledge. These obstacles, addition with a
general lack of understanding of the special needs of persons with disability, will greatly
reduce the appreciation of persons with disability, so that the attention who given becomes
greatly reduced.47
With the existence of Law Number 4 on 1997 concerning Persons with Disability,
Law Number 19 on 2011 concerning Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability,
Law Number 25 on 2009 concerning Public Service and Regulation of Financial Services
Authority Number 1 on 2013 on the Consumer Protection of the Financial Services Sector
states that financial services businesses are obliged to provide accessibility for persons with
disability. However, the rights regulated in the Act are not obtained by customers with
disability in practice in the banking world.
As we observe in one of the Islamic banks in Jember Regency, BRI Sharia Jember,
there is still no accessibility for persons with disability. So, they can’t make transactions in
the field of banking. With the existence of a law that state must provide the widest possible
access for persons with disability, all of public facilities in particular should provide
accessibility for persons with disability. Governments should follow up the law on
accessibility for persons with disability, because they have the same human rights as us.


Persons with disability are persons with long-term physical, mental, intellectual or
sensory damages that in their interactions have constraints that may hinder their participation
in society. And they need accessibility that is an easy to do something, be it in the field of
education, religion, judiciary, economy, banking, and others.
One of the rare accessibility we encounter is banking. For example in BRI Sharia
Jember, there is still no accessibility for persons with disability to perform banking
transactions. So, they can’t make transactions in the field of banking. Whereas already
existing laws that require to provide accessibility for persons with disability. However, the
rights regulated in the Act are not obtained by customers with disability in practice in the
banking world. The law should have been implemented.

Didi Tarsidi, “Kendala Umum yang Dihadapi Penyandang Disabilitas salam Mengakses Layanan Publik”,

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