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When you do extreme events like Ironman races, triathlons and marathons, recovery is in the
range of 10 to 14 days. That’s up to two weeks for your red and white blood cells (RBCs &
WBCs) to normalize, inflammation to subside, muscle fibers to heal, and for the whole cascade
of functions to occur in your body before you are back to baseline and feel normal again.
After an Ironman triathlon, it can take more than 19 days for your body to bounce back!
If you look at something like a CrossFit WOD or its equivalent, a 40 to 60-minute hard
workout, it can take between 3 and 7 days to fully recover. And “recover” doesn’t just mean
“not feel sore”.
The fact is, recovery includes restoration of white blood cells and red blood cells, repairing
muscle fibers, restoration of hormones and neurotransmitters, repletion of minerals, healing of
tiny nerves and blood vessels, and more. Fortunately, by understanding the body functions
necessary for recovery, there are many scientifically-validated ways to speed up and support
this process.
If you’re not pulling out all the stops to recover quickly, then you’re shorting yourself as far as
how many extra training days you can get out of the year, the quality of your training, the
amount your performance can improve, and even just how good you feel on a day to day
Rather than performing below your potential or suffering from nagging aches, pains and
injuries, support your body’s recovery process with these proven techniques and discover what
your body can really do.

12 Scientifically Proven Ways You Can Recover From Exercise Faster

These techniques range from the very basic (literally doing nothing by fasting) to utilizing
some more advanced tools, but they're all pretty much guaranteed to bring results.
1. Fasting
While the majority of sports nutrition recommendations advise you to enter workouts well-fed
and then immediately consume a post-workout protein shake or meal, there is actually quite a
bit of evidence that fasting can have a recovery effect. In a study on cyclists, three weeks of
overnight-fasted workouts increased post-workout recovery capability while maintaining lean
muscle mass, lower body fat, and performance.
Another study on endurance athletes suggested that fasted training may more quickly activate
muscle protein translation, or repair, especially compared with athletes who ate carbohydrates
before training.
There are also benefits to fasting for weight training. A 2009 study found that subjects who
lifted weights in a fasted state had a greater anabolic response to a post-workout meal).
This was indicated by levels of p70S6 kinase, a muscle protein synthesis-signaling mechanism
that acts as an indicator of muscle growth, doubling in the fasted group compared with the fed
Essentially, by depriving the body of nutrients and entering a workout in a fasted state, the
workout is a greater stress on your body, which leads to greater adaptations.

2. Proteolytic Enzymes
Enzymes do far more than just help digest your food. They serve a wide range of functions
within the human body by allowing certain chemical reactions to occur much quicker, including
those involved in exercise recovery. For example, in the book “Enzymes & Enzyme Therapy,”
author Anthony Cichoke highlights how recovery from sprains and strains can decrease from
eight weeks of inactivity to an impressive two weeks of inactivity with the consumption of
Another study entitled “Protease supplementation improves muscle function after eccentric
exercise” found that protease supplementation attenuated muscle strength loss after eccentric
exercise by regulating leukocyte activity and inflammation. This study found that protease
supplementation reduced the amount of strength loss immediately after eccentric exercise and
aided in short-term strength recovery. This study on karate fighters found certain proteolytic
enzyme mixtures reduced recovery time for hematoma, swelling, restriction of movement,
inflammation, and overall unfit for training by over 50% for each parameter.
Similarly, this study found that with hydrolytic enzymes, people could recover from ankle-
related injuries up to 50% faster.
By the way, this is why Kion Flex contains a blend of enzymes, as well as bioavailable blend of
naturally occurring compounds such as glucosamine and chondroitin from type II chicken
collagen, whole foods (like tart cherry juice, ginger, and turmeric, which you’ll read about
below), herbs, and minerals.

3. Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Assessing the inflammatory effect of a food takes into consideration at least two dozen factors,
including the amounts and proportions of various fatty acids, the amounts of antioxidants and
other nutrients, and a food’s glycemic impact, or effect on blood sugar levels.
But it is not as clear-cut as it might sound. Some foods have both inflammation-producing and
inflammation-reducing factors. An orange, for example, contains antioxidants that can fight
inflammation but also contains natural sugars that can have a mild inflammatory effect.
Beef is another good example. A nice cut of steak contains mildly inflammatory saturated fats
but also has a lot of anti-inflammatory monounsaturated fats.
The website can help you cut through the confusion.
Its IF (inflammation factor) rating system allows you to see quickly if a specific food is going to
have an inflammatory or anti-inflammatory effect, and from there you can determine the
inflammatory potential of entire meals or recipes.
Some convenient anti-inflammatory foods include:
Pineapple: Pineapple is rich in a proteolytic enzyme called bromelain, which produces
substances that help fight pain and inflammation.
Blue, red, and purple fruits and vegetables: All of these contain antioxidant flavonoids
that limit inflammation, prevent tissue breakdown, improve circulation, and promote a strong
collagen matrix.
Tart Cherry Juice: The anthocyanins in tart cherries possess strong antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory properties that may reduce the severity of exercise-induced muscle damage and
the associated pain and swelling. One study found that runners who consumed tart cherry
juice seven days prior to and during a strenuous running event experienced significantly less
post-run muscle pain compared to the control group.
Ginger: Possesses many strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
This study demonstrates that daily consumption of raw and heat-treated ginger resulted in
moderate-to-large reductions in muscle pain following exercise-induced muscle injury,
reaffirming the hypoalgesic effects of ginger in osteoarthritis patients and further demonstrate
ginger's effectiveness as a pain reliever.
Turmeric: Turmeric is an extremely potent anti-inflammatory. Controlling inflammation is not
only important after stressing your muscles and joints through exercise, but inflammation is a
huge factor for nearly every disease, including cancer, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, high
cholesterol, diabetes and chronic pain. Curcumin is the compound in turmeric responsible for
inflammation reduction and, amazingly, research continues to show it as being as effective in
reducing inflammation as injectable cortisone and other common non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory medications (NSAIDs).
Particularly of interest for athletes, curcumin has been found in clinical trials to decrease joint
pain, decrease inflammation, and improve joint mobility and function after eight months of
treatment. Curcumin is also a powerful antioxidant and even boosts the body’s own antioxidant
enzymes. It has also been shown to lower your risk of heart disease, improve brain function
and lower the risk of brain diseases, helps prevent cancer, improves arthritis, fights
depression, and improves insulin sensitivity.
While anti-inflammatory foods and antioxidants are a crucial component of a healthy diet,
athletes should be aware that high doses of antioxidants may blunt the body's adaptation
response to training. One study investigated the effects of relatively high-dose vitamin C and E
supplementation on endurance training adaptations. The supplements did not have a
significant effect on the performance tests compared to the control group, but markers for the
production of new muscle mitochondria were only increased in the group not taking any
supplements. Another study looked into replicating these effects in resistance training
adaptations using the same supplementation regimen – 1,000mg Vitamin C and 235mg
Vitamin E daily. Supplementation did not affect the amount of muscle growth, but some
measurements of muscle strength were lower in the supplement group compared to the
With this information in mind, it may be wise to take any high doses of antioxidant
supplements several hours away from the time you workout.

4. Amino Acids
When used in daily doses (preferably during workouts) of three to ten grams per hour,
branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine, can significantly
enhance performance; improve physiological markers such as red blood cell count,
hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum albumin, and fasting glucose; and decrease inflammatory
markers, such as creatine phosphokinase while enhancing restoration of muscle glycogen.
Data show that BCAA supplementation before and after exercise has beneficial effects
for decreasing exercise-induced muscle damage and promoting muscle protein
synthesis. Another study showed that BCAA administered before and following damaging
resistance exercise reduces indices of muscle damage and accelerates recovery in resistance-
trained males. This study indicated that consuming an essential amino acid mixture after
resistance training increases muscle protein synthesis and net muscle protein balance,
indicating that ingesting EAAs post workout may stimulate faster muscle repair, recovery and
Because essential amino acids (or EAAs) are a more complete source of amino acids, and
because they keep your body from using your own lean-muscle tissue for energy during
exercise, they are a better option than BCAAs alone. They ensure your body has optimal ratios
of the essential amino acids to support vital body functions while still containing the BCAAs
known for enhancing muscle-building and recovery.
Kion Aminos are absorbed by your body in twenty-three minutes and your body utilizes 99
percent of the amino acids ingested in the supplement. That’s over 50 percent more amino
acid utilization than most protein sources, ensuring your body begins the recovery process as
quickly as possible.

5. Deep-Tissue Work
Deep-tissue work includes anything that digs into your fascia, such as Rolfing, Muscle
Activation Technique, Advanced Muscle Integrative Therapy, Graston Technique, Trigger Point
Therapy, deep-tissue sports massage, foam rolling, and even simply using a tennis ball,
lacrosse ball, or golf ball to dig into tight or sore spots.
Fascia is a densely woven covering, comprised primarily of collagen, which interpenetrates
every muscle, bone, nerve, artery, and vein in your body. Things like trauma, inflammatory
responses (like the kind that can occur after a hard workout) and surgical procedures can
produce what are called myofascial restrictions. These restrictions can produce tensile
pressures up to 2,000 pounds per square inch of damaged tissue! That kind of pressure can
block circulation and cause pain, inflammation, and limited mobility. So, when that kind of
pressure builds up, it needs to be released by a process called myofascial release.
Myofascial release involves gentle sustained pressure on the restrictions in order to restore full
range of motion. Self-administered trigger point relief has been shown to significantly decrease
pain and improve quality of life. It can be achieved by all the aforementioned tools and
techniques. To do it yourself, just find a tight spot, lay down on the ground and pin the sore
area on the deep-tissue tool, work it around, free up fascia, pull the skin away from the muscle
a little, put some pressure on the muscle and basically try to tear apart some of the fibers that
tend to tighten and inhibit recovery. These recovery tools come in all sorts of shapes and sizes,
but whichever form they take, they’re a crucial addition to your toolbox.

6. Inversion
If you recently had a hard workout, or if you’ve been on your feet all day, a simple method for
recovery is inversion. Inversion has been shown to assist with lymphatic fluid circulation, back
pain, blood flow and circulation, and spinal or hip misalignment from high-impact workouts and
the use of an inversion table actually lengthens the spine and mobilizes the hips.
You can get something like an inversion table or a yoga swing, but you can also just prop your
feet up against the wall and let the blood drain from your legs to the rest of your body for 2 to
5 minutes.
7. Compression Gear
The research tends to show varying results when looking at how compression affects athletic
performance, but there are promising findings for how compression garments may enhance
exercise recovery. This study looking at the influence of a whole body compression garment
after a heavy resistance training session on highly trained men and women found that wearing
a compression garment during the 24-hour recovery period enhanced various psychological,
physiological, and a few performance markers of recovery compared with non-compressive
control conditions. Specifically, compression had a significant positive outcome on perceived
vitality, resting fatigue ratings, muscle soreness, ultrasound measure muscle swelling, bench
press throw, and serum concentrations of creatine kinase. This study found that wearing lower
limb compression garments for twelve hours after exercise-induced muscle damage improved
all markers of recovery except for creatine kinase in young, active females, with recovery
being measured using self-reported muscle soreness, creatine kinase levels, knee extensor
strength and vertical jump height.
With this information in mind, compression gear is definitely worth a try if tough workouts are
leaving you sidelined longer than you’d like.

8. Acupuncture
One of the oldest healing practices in the world, acupuncture has helped in recovery
from muscular fatigue, recovery from overtraining and adrenal fatigue, management of muscle
pain, and many of the common aches and pains experienced by physically active or
overtrained people.
The actual procedure involves inserting hair-thin needles into certain points along your
meridian, the path through which your Qi runs. Needling these points, called your acupuncture
points, stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms, and certain points are associated
with specific pathologies.
There are many theories on how acupuncture works, but its true mode of action remains a
mystery. The ancient Chinese explanation is that acupuncture corrects the flow of Qi, our vital
energy. The Western explanation is that acupuncture stimulates blood flow, the release of
endorphins, and other physiological processes that temporarily relieve pain. Regardless of how
it works, though, millions of people have used acupuncture successfully, and research
continues to reveal more of its benefits.
You can find licensed acupuncturists operating out of pristine medical clinics throughout the
United States through the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental
Medicine (NCCAOM).

9. Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)

The concept is simple. The unit delivers stimulation to your muscles and acts almost like an
external brain by sending a signal to the muscles and causing them to contract. And depending
on the type of electrical muscle stimulation unit (EMS unit) that you use, it can activate the
muscles in a therapeutic manner.
EMS therapy can go way beyond simple training recovery, too. Critical illness
polyneuromyopathy (CIPNM) is a complication of critical illness that results in muscle
weakness. One study concluded that daily EMS sessions prevented the development of CIPNM
in critically ill patients, preserved muscle mass, and cut the amount of time spent in the ICU.
The loss of muscle mass in critically ill patients is partially attributed to sepsis and multiple
organ failures, as well as immobilization, so the use of EMS as an alternative to traditional
exercise may aid in the recovery from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart
failure. And while EMS may not improve biomechanical or motor function on its own, it does
have proprioceptive benefits, which stimulates muscular stretching and contraction.
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) may result in increased maintenance of muscle
tissue, as already mentioned, as well as in improved flexibility, compared to traditional
The proprioceptive effects of EMS can be achieved through various devices. One such device,
the MarcPro uses a specific waveform of electricity called square waveform, which “gradually”
grabs muscle fibers in a very gentle way, making it ideal for recovery and injuries, compared
with other EMS devices like the Compex Sport Elite that are primarily best for maintaining
fitness in a muscle or building strength, muscular endurance, or power.
You simply take the electrodes from the EMS unit and stick them to the skin around the muscle
area that hurts or around the muscle you want to recover more quickly and let the machine do
its thing. You can upgrade the effect of EMS as well by spraying down the skin beforehand with
magnesium or arnica gel or any topical anti-inflammatory and just tape the electrodes over the
oil or lotion. Tour-de-France cyclists cover the electrodes with ice for an extra boost.
There you have it – topical electrostimulation, topical anti-inflammatories, and ice. Turn on and
run the electrostim for anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes.

10. Vibration Therapy

Whole-body-vibration (WBV) therapy, which involves standing or moving on a vibration
platform, has been shown to not only increase strength, power, and speed, but also to
generate a hormonal, immune, and anti-inflammatory response.
Postmenopausal women may be familiar with the risks of bone fractures, due in part to
reduced hip bone density and general osteoporosis.
One study conducted on postmenopausal women found that a 24-week WBV training program
not only improved isometric and dynamic muscle strength (+15% and +16% respectively) but
also increased hip bone density, combined benefits which were not observed in women who
participated in traditional resistance training.
While occupational, high-frequency vibration (the type of vibration experienced by pilots and
truck drivers) has negative effects on blood flow and muscle strength, low-frequency vibration,
as a training tool, increases both muscle strength and muscular blood circulation, by increasing
blood flow velocity and reducing resistance.
There are a variety of vibrating devices, from wands to larger devices, which cover a broad
area of skin. The idea is the same behind hiring a massage therapist – the vibrations draw
blood into the muscle and surrounding tissue. Drawing blood into the tissues brings oxygen,
nutrients, and growth hormones in for recovery, while simultaneously stimulating a lymphatic
response to drain waste and excess fluid. You can take a couple different forms of vibration
therapy anywhere you go for a quick recovery session to knock out soreness or tight spots.
Because there’s an element of friction when you’re standing on a vibration platform, you need
to be careful in the early stages of healing for any ankle, knee, or hip injuries that may be
irritated by the rubbing of ligaments on the bone (IT band friction syndrome).
But, in later stages of healing, and for any injured body part not bothered by vibration (if it
hurts, don’t do it), a WBV platform can be a handy investment to keep in your home gym,
garage, or office. Just stand on it for a few minutes in the morning or evening, or implement it
into your actual workout routine. For example, used in conjunction with squatting exercises,
vibration affected neuromuscular function by improving neuromuscular excitability and tendon
reflex amplitude, which led to increased power output in the vastus lateralis, the biggest and
most powerful of the muscles in your quads. Vibration exercise can even elicit a mild
cardiovascular exertion. There are also handheld vibration devices like the Myobuddy and
the Theragun, both of which can achieve similar effects, but in a more targeted manner than a

11. Far-Infrared Light

Far-infrared light is radiant and thermal, like the type of heat we get from sunlight.
Radiant heat is a form of energy that heats objects directly through a process called
conversion, without having to heat the air.
Exposing the body to infrared light has been shown to raise white blood cell count and enhance
immunity, and also to heat tissue and increase blood flow to injured or recovering muscles.
One study found that far infrared heat improves recovery of the neuromuscular performance
during a five-day intensive training period, with improved recovery being associated with the
increase in the testosterone to cortisol ratio.
Another study found that 30 minutes of far infrared sauna bathing post workout appears
favorable for the neuromuscular system to recover from maximal endurance performance.
In most infrared saunas, ceramic or metallic elements are used to emit energy.
Unlike in a regular sauna or steam room, this energy penetrates the skin and heats from the
inside as well as outside the skin, so the heat penetrates deeper. One drawback to most home
infrared saunas is that they can produce unhealthful electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
Clearlight Saunas use infrared heat lamps that actually produce “near-infrared” energy, which
penetrates the body even deeper than far-infrared without producing any detectable EMFs.
There are also far infrared mats, like the BioMat, which uses a combination of far infrared rays,
negative ion and the conductive properties of amethyst channels.

12. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)

PEMF uses electrical energy to direct a series of magnetic pulses through injured tissue.
The tiny electrical signal from each pulse stimulates cellular repair by upregulating a tissue-
repair protein called “heat-shock protein” and increases the uptake of oxygen and nutrients
into tissue. Tons of studies have shown PEMF to be effective in healing soft-tissue
wounds, reducing inflammation, decreasing pain, and increasing range of motion.
By stimulating ATP production through a process called myosin phosphorylation, PEMF can also
decrease the amount of time it takes to replenish energy stores after a workout.
PEMF may also accelerate bone repair, which can come in handy if you have a stress fracture
or broken bone. PEMF also reduces symptoms of delayed-onset muscle soreness.
Several PEMF devices are available for consumer use, like the small doughnut-shaped device
from EarthPulse. PEMF devices can be held or moved slightly over an area of damaged tissue
or healing bone for ten to thirty minutes. Interestingly, the magnetic signal released by a PEMF
device is very similar to that released by grounding or earthing mats, but unlike these mats, a
PEMF device does not need to use a three-pronged plug to be plugged into an outlet and
grounded—so it actually exposes you to less electrical pollution.

13. The Shotgun Approach

A fail-safe way to ensure your body has everything it needs to recover from exercise
as rapidly as possible is to throw every nutrient and compound at it that has been
shown to do just that. Enter, Kion Flex.
Kion Flex is a unique bone and joint formula that assists with more rapid recovery from hard
workouts and provides your body with the nutrients to stay ahead of the exercise-recovery
cycle while supporting strong bones and joint mobility and flexibility. It contains naturally
occurring compounds such as Glucosamine and Chondroitin from type II chicken collagen as
well as a specific blend of whole foods, herbs, and enzymes that promote bone and joint
wellness and vitality. Specifically, it contains the following blends:
1. Collagen Blend:
Type II Collagen is the principal structural protein in cartilage which provides strength,
flexibility and joint support. It comprises over 50% of the protein in cartilage and over 90% of
articular (joint) cartilage.
A recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study examined the efficacy of oral
supplementation of type II collagen on moderating joint function and joint pain due to
strenuous exercise in healthy subjects.* The study showed that collagen supplementation
increased joint mobility, prolonged how long one could exercise before joint pain occurred,
improved recovery speeds after exercise, and less joint pain after exercise.*
The Type II Chicken Collagen used in Kion Flex provides structural support needed for healthy
joints.* It also contains Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfates and comes from chickens free of
growth hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and insecticides. This form of collagen is a whole
food concentrate that has no known side effects and provides maximum absorption.
According to recent studies at Harvard University Medical School, the Type II Collagen derived
from Chicken Cartilage can also help to strengthen the immune system.*
2. FlexPro Blend:
Cherry Juice: This natural extract has been found to aid in the breakdown of uric acid crystals
which deposit in joints, tendons, kidneys and connective tissue.* Studies show that consuming
cherries and cherry juice daily can lessen the effects of uric acid.*
Concentrated cherry juice delivers the beneficial bioactive compounds found in fresh cherries
such as anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins, without excess carbohydrates or calories.
Ginger: Possesses many strong antioxidant properties and has been shown to relieve muscular
Turmeric: Also referred to as curcumin, turmeric manifests excellent antioxidant properties
that may protect your cells from free radical damage and support your body’s healthy
inflammatory response.* Human studies have shown many beneficial aspects of curcumin
White Willow Bark: The use of white willow bark for pain relief dates back to over 2400 years
to the time of Hippocrates. The pain-relieving action comes from a glycoside called salicin –
from which the body can naturally make salicylic acid (aspirin). This, along with the antioxidant
effects of the polyphenols and flavonoids found in white willow bark, support your body’s
healthy inflammatory response to exercise and may help combat muscle soreness associated
with exercise.
Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic acid is one of the main components of synovial fluid (joint fluid)
and is the main lubricating element in synovial fluid.
Boswellia: Known by its more popular name Frankincense, Boswellia has been used for
hundreds of years for various ailments. It may assist with the body’s healthy response to
oxidative stress and inflammation that occur from exertion.*
Cetyl Myristoleate: This naturally occurring fatty acid promotes joint wellness and has been
researched clinically. Preliminary results of several double-blind, randomized controlled,
research studies have found Cetyl Myristoleate effective in supporting knee function.*
3. Mineral Blend:
Goat Milk Mineral Whey Concentrate: This mineral/electrolyte extract from goat milk whey has
been developed using extraction technology known as refractance window drying.
This gentle extraction process captures fragile nutrients without harsh processing steps or
extreme temperatures. The mineral whey blend in Kion Flex contains over 20 different bio-
organic minerals and electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, and
phosphorus – minerals critical in maintaining proper muscle and joint health.*
4. Enzyme Blend:
Oral enzyme therapy is a unique approach to promoting joint recovery from exercise and
breaking down potential blood-clotting components like fibrinogen that build up during big
workouts or races.* Enzymes coordinate many physiological functions in the body and meet
both digestive and metabolic needs by breaking down proteins and peptides into amino acids,
the body’s building blocks. Optimal enzyme activity in the body is crucial for overall health.
The enzyme blend in Kion Flex contains the following natural enzymes:
-Protease: Converts protein into polypeptides, and breaks down inflammatory byproducts.
-Bromelain: A combination of enzymes from both fruit and leaves of the pineapple plant.
Also breaks down inflammatory byproducts.
-Papain: An enzyme found in papayas that breaks down fats and proteins for optimal nutrient
absorption. Also breaks down inflammatory byproducts.
-Amylase: Breaks down and digests carbohydrates and inflammatory byproducts.
-Lipase: Fat digesting enzyme, and also breaks down inflammatory byproducts.
-Cellulase: Converts fiber cellulose to glucose, and breaks down inflammatory byproducts.
Cellulase is not made in your body and can only be obtained from food or supplements.
-Peptidase: Breaks down proteins at different pH levels along the digestive tract and breaks
down inflammatory byproducts.
In addition, Kion Flex contains a unique ingredient: goat milk whey. This type of whey has
been used for decades to promote bone density as well as relieve occasional joint discomfort,
and it contributes less to allergy or autoimmune issues than other forms of whey can. One
world-renowned nutritionist, Dr. Bernard Jensen, used goat milk whey as one of his go-to
natural healing foods of choice for healthy joints. This highly concentrated whole food extract
also contains a complete array of naturally occurring minerals (including Potassium,
Magnesium, and Calcium) in ratios easily absorbed by a beat-up body.
Kion Flex does not rely on traditional tableting technology. The reason for this is current
tableting technology requires that ingredients be ground extensively and granulated multiple
times, then binding agents must be added, and finally, the product must be crushed in a 10 to
100-ton press to successfully “punch” the tablet into shaped. This process exposes delicate
ingredients to high pressure, high heat, and lowers the actual bioavailability of the final
product. This is precisely the reason Kion Flex uses encapsulation technology that requires no
binders, no granulation, no extreme pressure or temperature, along with a non-gelatin,
vegetarian capsule made from vegetable cellulose.
When all these components are included together, the result is a bone and joint formula that is
far more comprehensive than the basic glucosamine and chondroitin blend that you’ll find in
most bone and joint supplements, and a carefully selected blend of ingredients to support bone
and joint wellness and vitality.

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