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BISP Solutions Inc

Ashima Rajput


This document contains hands on example of creating and running FDMEE Open Batch
Table of Contents
 Basics of batch Processing
 How to create Batches
 Definition of Batches
 Create open batch for single Period

Basics of Batch Processing

Batch processing enables combining multiple load rules in a single batch and executes it with
one mouse click. While defining batch one can also specify whether batch would run in serial or
parallel. Batch may also have parameter. Also, one can create a “master” batch that includes
multiple batches with different parameters. In the below example, practical usage of batch
processing is given.

How to create Batches

Setup > Batch > Batch Definition > add Page 1
Here you can see list of batches are available which are added by a user. If user wants to create
new batch then simply click on add button. Once you click on add FDMEE will appear empty
new batch definition section. Here we fill batch related details. Provide “Name” for batch, select
Mode, select Target application and Type of batch. Click save with given parameters.

Batch Definitions contains list of batches along with different types of rules. One batch have
one rule type. Rules could be Metadata, data, batch, or open batch.
 Metadata is used to process metadata rules in FDMEE.
 Data is used to process data load rules in FDMEE.
 Batch used to processing group of batches.
 Open Batch is used to process multiple numbers of data files for single period.
 Open Batch Multi-Period File is used to process data files which contains multiple
periods. Here we Define start Period and End Period.
Batch Definition summary- In batch definition summary section, one can modify batch
definition. You can add new batch and can delete existing batch(es). Also in this section we can
view list of batches.
Batch definition here we need to define batch definition name, target application, which method
we use to process etc.
Batch definition Parameter- Here we have options of import from source and export to target
into FDMEE TDATASEG table.

Execution Mode We have two different Modes when we have batch process method. Page 2
1 Serial – Files processed sequentially. Sequentially means after successful completion of one
file then only other file will gets on process. Select this option if you desire to load data files for
a location one by one sequentially.

2. Parallel – In parallel mode all files process simultaneously. No wait for any file processing. In
this mode files not grouped by location. Select this if you desired to load files in a location

Auto create data rule if we don’t have data load rule previously. Than we can click on this. So
that data rule will created automatically based on POV. Because POV contains all details like
location, category, period. So in basis of these automatic rule will created.

File Name separator this is very important thing which we need to care about while creating
open batches. Our source file need to save with naming convention because on basis of
these name process gets executed.
File name separator, separates different keywords in a file name. First we give file name.
Whatever file name we provide fdmee creates a sequence on basis of file name. If file name
starts from numeric 1 then it loads first, and if filename starts from 2 than it loads after file 1. In
this way we can also provide name with char a, b, c…z. after file name we give separator what
we choose in batch definition. Then we provide data load rule name if we have created it
manually. Then period key, then load method when importing will be replace and when export it
will be replaced. So for these we just give R as replace for import, R as replace for exporting.
File Naming Convention.
For ex. filename@dataloadrule@periodkey@load method
@ As file name separator.

Here we select file name separator from these options (~, _, @, : ).

Open Batch Directory

Once we run batch definition, process automatically open batch directory, and batch directory
contain files in a folder, these files saved with naming convention. Process reads these files
automatically. Based on file name, process imports files into related POV, and followed by open
batch gets run.
Now this is the directory where data files are kept. Here we need to define name of folder
where our files getting placed. Note files imported under “openbatch” folder. If we create open
batch for single period then file save under C:\FDMEE\inbox\batches\openbatch. Or if we
create open batch for multipored then file save under C:\FDMEE\inbox\batches\openbatchml.
Open batch not keeping any batch jobs.
Steps of creating Create open Batch for single Period Page 3
Here we create two different locations. And for each location we have two different source
files to be loaded into target via open batch.

1. In First step we login to workspace and open FDMEE Environment.

Navigate >Administer > Data Management

2. Go to setup Tab Register Source system.

Setup > Register > source system

To add new Source system

Setup > Register > source system > add
Provide name for source system, select source system likewise fill other details than save it. Page 4
3. Go to setup Tab Application settings.
Setup > Register > Target Application

4. Select your Import Format if it presents in list. Mine was sam_IF for first file.
Select your Import Format if it presents in list. Mine was sam2_IF for second file. Page 5
If Import format not present in list than add it by click on Green add button you will have option
below to add new import format

Go to Setup > Integration Setup select Import Format Page 6
Fill all the details in Details section like Name of import format, source type as ERP, Source as
File Target Type and EPM Target system. File Delimiter select as comma.

Then Click on save And Now scroll down here we need to define Mappings for columns.

Location: Once we define Import Format define Location, Here if location not available in list
than click on add Icon and fill related details.

Setup > Integration Setup > Location

To Specify new Location, give any name to Location provide Import Format Name .

Mine Location Name was sam_Loc for first file

And second location name was sam2_Loc. Page 7
5. Period Mapping: Define period mapping which is specific related to application.

Setup > Integration Setup > Period Mapping > Application Mapping

Select your Target application from drop down Menu. Page 8
6. Category Mapping: If category exist under category list which you want to load into
target dimension than select it or otherwise create them.

Setup > Integration Setup > Category Mapping

For creating New click on add provide source system data to Target Scenario dimension
member. Page 9
7. Add batch definition In FDMEE.
Setup > Batch > Batch Definition > add

Here you can see list of batches are available.

Mine Batch for sam_Loc location. Named as schedule_sam. Page 10
Other Batch for location sam2_Loc. Named as schedule_sam.

8. Create Batch type Batch for keeping both open batches in batch type batch. So when we
want to execute both open batches then no need to execute batch one by one. Instead of
this we execute Main batch which is Batch type. Page 11
For new batch click on add batch definition In FDMEE.
Setup > Batch > Batch Definition > add
To add Batch type Batch in batch definition just select type as Batch.

While saving you Have option to add Batch Jobs. So add batch jobs here which we have created
above. I added both the open batch as batch jobs. Give sequence number so according to
sequence number we provided batch will gets executed. Page 12
9. Data Load: In this Part of FDMEE We will see process of preparing Data Load rule.
But before this first we map data through data load mapping.

Data Load Mapping: We use Data Load Mapping for map source dimension member to
their target Application Dimension member. We need to specify mapping for each
dimension. In this way we set data load mappings for both the locations.

Data Load Rule: We need to create data Load rule for both location

After setting Data Load Mapping. We need to create data load from data load Rule. As I don’t
want to click on auto create data rule option.

Workflow > Data Load > Data Load Rule Page 13
In data load rule we provide name for DLR. Select category as actual for my target application.
In file type choose single period load and in select import format. These are the common options
which we choose always. Now here we choose file name which we kept under directory

File name on these conditions.

How to provide Name of the data files.

File id: Here we just specifying order in which files loading. This value could be anything like 1,
2, 3 a, b, c based on these values files sort in order to load.

Data Load Rule name: Here we specify rule name by which file gets loaded.

Period: specify period for file which is loaded.

Load Method: Here we have 2 characters ‘Import Mode’ specified by first char it can be ‘A’
and ‘R’ where A’ denotes append and R’ denotes replace. Second character ‘Export Mode
‘Values could be ‘A’, ‘R’, ‘M’, ‘S’’

10. Last step this is the step where automation takes place. On single click both file get loaded
into target.
For executing Batch we need to go to.
Workflow > other > Batch Execution Page 14
This window will appear where you find list of batches of different types. For executing
batch select your batch name and then click on Execute.
For checking execution process go on process detail.

Select your batch name then click on execute button. In same way I did above my batch name
was Main_Batch.

In process detail you can view two different process id will created which loads data for two
different locations.

Workbench Output for sam_Loc and sam2_Loc. Page 15
Excel output Page 16

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