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Samsa and Samsara: Suffering, Death, and Rebirth in "The Metamorphosis"

Author(s): Michael P. Ryan

Source: The German Quarterly, Vol. 72, No. 2 (Spring, 1999), pp. 133-152
Published by: Wiley on behalf of the American Association of Teachers of German
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Universityof Arizona

Samsa and Samsara: Suffering, Death,

and Rebirth in "The Metamorphosis"

The variety of sufferingwhich plagued influence(s) on Kafka.

the life of Franz Kafkais well documented. For Arthur Schopenhauer,life is what
The illness which houndedhim, relegating eastern religious philosophy calls Sam-
him to a life of fitful coughs and extended sara: this life of birth, suffering, sickness,
stays at various sanitariums,is clearlynot lust, craving, old age, death and rebirth.
the least of them. Before dying in Kierling Stanley Corngold,consideringthe phrase
of tuberculosis, Kafka would constantly "ungeheueres Ungeziefer," reminds us
suffer the most destructive form of re- that "Kafka-reader of etymologies-
proacha personcan endure-his own.Max knew what depthof unbeingunderliesthis
Brod terms Kafka's disposition as one of phrase" (32).1 Perhaps, too, Franz Kafka
"deeppessimism" (48). Such a disposition knew the profunditySamsara offered.Like
might be viewed in part responsiblefor his the phrase "ungeheueres Ungeziefer,"it
hauntingtales. Considering"DieVerwand- presents the opportunity to torture his
lung," William Klubackwrites, "we wan- character(s) not only with circumstance,
der into a world of violence, of frightful but with their own etymology.While dis-
laughter,and terror"(92). Similarly,Franz cussing "Die Verwandlung" Kafka de-
Kempf notes the view that "Das Urteil" clares, "Samsa is not merely Kafka, and
("TheJudgment")and "DieVerwandlung" nothing else" (Janouch 32). Hence, Sam-
("TheMetamorphosis")depictthe "merci- sara is very possibly the root word for the
lessness of the world"(11). Probingwhich familyname Samsain "DieVerwandlung."
method(s) Kafka may have employed to It is the purpose of this essay to explore
communicatetorment (metaphor,analogy, that possibility.To do so I will first discuss
parable) is of considerable importance. the conceptof Samsara, and then consider
Scholarsnevertheless might agreethat re- the possible mediators that may have in-
gardless of method, Kafka's writing does spired Kafka's use of the name Samsa in
indulge pain and suffering. "Die Verwandlung."This will be followed
The apparentmiseryin Kafka'swriting by a new interpretationof "Die Verwand-
is perhaps what precipitated scholars to lung."
comparehis works with the philosophyof The term Samsara appearsfor the first
Arthur Schopenhauer.Erich Heller,for in- time in the Upanishads;by circa 600 B.C.
stance,believesKafka'saphorismsto "read it is a primarytenet of both Hinduism and
like marginal glosses ... [of] a text by Buddhism.Samsara (also pronouncedand
Schopenhauer" (24). T.J. Reed concurs: written Sansara) is this world of craving,
"the contents of his notes offer sufficient lust, suffering,death, rebirth, and disease.
proofthat he was intensivelyoccupiedwith Indeed, anything that could be considered
Schopenhauer"(168). This warrants fur- objectionablein our lives is a part of Sam-
ther investigation into the nature of sara. Deliverance from this Samsaric
Schopenhauer'spessimismandits possible world is the responsibility of the individ-

The German Quarterly 72.2 (Spring 1999) 133

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ual. This deliverance is contingent upon Samsara, is our salvation. Put simply,
one's Karma, a moral causality, which Schopenhauer uses the term Samsara to
helps the spiritual-minded justify his own show that others, an ancient religion in
plight. One's situation is a matter of past this case, agree with his philosophy. In the
and present deeds. It is fatalistic in a man- Parergaand ParalipomenaSchopenhauer
ner of speaking, yet it is the opposite of addresses those who believe that life's
fatalism; each individual has the opportu- pleasures outweigh its suffering; to test
nity to shape his own destiny. One can per- this assertion, he suggests they "compare
form deeds which will secure salvation or the feelings of an animal that is devouring
at least a higher state of existence. Sam- another with those of that other" (2: 292).
sara has three common translations: wan- For Schopenhauer, nothing is more ridicu-
der,journey, and bondage (which is more a lous than to call pain negative; he sees it
translation of the Sanskrit term's effect as something positive:
rather than the word itself). This endless
wandering and its effect of bondage, a pes- I know of no greater absurditythan that
simistic view which the West has difficulty of most metaphysical systems which
accepting, strongly influenced the thinking declare evil to be something negative;
of Arthur Schopenhauer. whereas it is precisely that which is posi-
tive and makes itself felt. On the other
Schopenhauer works, in part, from the
hand, that which is good, in other words,
Oupnekhat, a Latin translation of the Upa- all happinessand satisfaction,is negative,
nishads. Throughout his Sdmtliche Werke, that is, the mere elimination of a desire
both in text and footnote, one sees the term and the ending of pain (291-92).
Sansara, as for example in the following
passage: We know Kafka owned and read Schopen-
hauer's collected works. Kafka may have
Nirwana, das Gegenteil von S a n s a r a,
welches die Welt der steten Wiedergebur- simply substituted an m for an n to modify
ten, des Geliistesund Verlangens,der Sin- the sound of the word. However, it was
nentdiuschungund wandelbarenFormen, probably not from Schopenhauer that he
des Geborenwerdens, Alterns, Erkran- first became acquainted with the concept
kens und Sterbens ist. ( [1894-96] 1:61n.) of Samsara, and he may very well have
been familiar with both pronunciations
His use of the term is neither surprising and spellings.
nor difficult to explain. The outlines of It was Oskar Pollak who, according to
Schopenhauer's philosophy have a defi- Brod, "was the man who won a decisive
nite counterpart in eastern thought. Like influence over Kafka in his younger days,"
the Hindus, he believes this world to be due probably to the breadth of his interests
comprised of pain and suffering; according (56). Pollak's obituary, written by Hugo
to Schopenhauer it is a world that should Bergmann, reads, "the richness of his in-
not be. The responsibility of the individual terests was inexhaustible; but to whatever
is to deny the Ding-an-sich, i.e., the will. it might be that got hold of him ... he de-
The will is the driving force behind every- voted himself completely ... [and] forgot
thing and causes endless anguish. The in- everything else for its sake.... In this way
telligent person recognizes this and seeks he studied the Upanishad" (56). There was
to deny the will. Propagation of the species almost certainly a running dialogue be-
is the most powerful manifestation of the tween Kafka and Pollak concerning what
will; voluntary abstention, fasting, and they may have been reading or studying.
non-avoidance of pain should be our goal. In a letter to Pollak in November of 1903
Knowledge, i.e., recognizing this world as Kafka writes that he is reading "Fechner

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RYAN:Kafka 135

[and] Eckhart ... [whose] books seem like print and during lectures; like Pollak, he
a key to unfamiliar rooms in one's own was familiar with the Upanishads and with
castle" (Letters 10). Brod informs us that Indian religions in general. We know too
he has deleted about twelve pages of this that Kafka was preoccupied with what he
letter due to an extended criticism of a lec- tells Steiner are "the clairvoyant states
ture given by Professor Paul Schulze-Nam- described by you" (48). There is a heavy
burg. Regardless of what Brod has deleted, concentration of dream entries in Kafka's
we can nevertheless deduce that Pollak too diary from 1911 to 1913. This is, I believe,
was open with Kafka about what he was evidence of Kafka's study of Schopenhauer.
reading, not failing to criticize or praise Dreams for Schopenhauer can be a dream-
what he may have found wanting or exhila- ing of reality, hence, at certain times, a mat-
rating, e.g., within the Upanishads. Given ter of clairvoyance. For these reasons alone
that Samsara is important to the Upan- one can assume that Kafka came in contact
ishads, we may assume that as Pollak im- with the term in question. However, that
mersed himself in his study, he probably, Kafka was reading works by Steiner, and
by letter or in conversation, discussed with believed himself to some degree clairvoy-
Kafka its more interesting components. If ant, returns us to Schopenhauer's Sdmt-
nothing else, Kafka's letter to Pollak serves liche Werke. For it was Steiner who wrote
as a clue to when he developed an interest the Einleitung for the 1894-96 edition, the
in mystics such as Eckhart. edition Kafka owned and referred to in
This interest may have found a home in various letters. Steiner, introducing Scho-
the Theosophical Society. In Kafka's per- penhauer's philosophy and life, probably
sonal library we find Populdre Theosophie2 seized Kafka's attention with his personal
and Rudolph Steiner's Die Erziehung des influences and philosophical solutions.
KindesvomGesichtspunktederGeisteswis- Steiner writes:
senschaft, which were published in 1897
and 1907 respectively.3 Curiously, the lat- Die Erl6sungs- und Mitleidslehre Scho-
ter's publication corresponds with Stei- penhauers sind hervorgegangenaus sei-
ner's visit to Czechoslovakia, where he ner Willenslehreunter dem Einflusse in-
discher Anschauungen:dem Brahmanis-
stopped during a lecture tour of Europe. It
is not known whether Kafka attended any mus und Buddhismus.... Nach dem
Buddhismus ist alles Sein mit Schmerz
theosophical lectures this early, but by 1911
he had done so. By his own account, found verknfipft. Dieser w/ire auch dann nicht
vernichtet, wenn es bloB ein einziges Ur-
in a diary entry dated March 1911, he re- wesen gibe. Nur die Vernichtung alles
counts a lecture given by Steiner and their Seins durch Entsagung und Unterdriik-
subsequent meeting at the Victoria Hotel kung der Leidenschaftenkann zur Erld-
on Jungmannstrasse. During this meeting sung, zum Nirwana, d. h. Vernichtungal-
he tells Steiner, "I feel that a great part of les Daseins fiihren (1: 25).
my being is striving toward theosophy"
(Diaries 48). Here we must keep Kafka's Schopenhauer's influence on Kafka's
temperament in mind: he was not one to writing has been connected with Kafka as
confide injust anyone, nor would he ascribe late asDas Schlof3(TheCastle)and as early
a great part of himself as tending toward as "Das Urteil." In October of 1902, while
any intellectual or religious movement attending a lecture on "Schopenhauer and
without being familiar with its philosophy Nietzsche," Kafka met Max Brod who would
or theology. We may therefore confidently become his closest friend. When consider-
rely on the supposition that Kafka was very ing the influence that Nietzsche may have
familiar with Steiner's writing. Steiner had on Kafka, we might keep in mind that
was known to use Sanskrit terms both in Nietzsche was Schopenhauer's student.

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Furthermore, it was not just Schopen- Weinberg, is "ein Schmerzensschrei, der

hauer's philosophy but his abilities as a sowohl den Isolierung des Bfil3ers und
writer that captured Kafka's attention. ungeheuren Ungeziefers Gregor Samsa,
While discussing the Bhagavad Gita, a con- als auch die Einzigartigkeit der von ihm
versation between Gustav Janouch and ersehnten Messiasrolle (des eingeborenen
Kafka turned to Schopenhauer. Kafka ad- Sohnes Gottes) treffend bezeichnet" (238).
mired Schopenhauer's writing abilities With Gregor's messianic role, Weinberg as-
and remarked: "Schopenhauer is an artist cribes the father's role "als Jahvegestalt,
in language. That is the source of his think- der Mutter als Verk6rperung des jfidischen
ing. For the language alone, one must not Glaubens und der juidischen Stammes-
fail to read him" (Janouch 85). According angehorigkeit, der Schwester als Seelen-
to Walter Jens and Hans Kueng, "[Kafka] und Caritas- figur" (236). There is a mul-
read Dostoyevsky to his favorite sister Ot- titude of possibilities here. Perhaps for in-
tla, along with Schopenhauer and Kleist" stance, Kafka had both Samsara and sam
(268). jesm in mind, if "Samsa is not merely
Schopenhauer's pessimism (in addition Kafka, and nothing else" (Janouch 32).
to his writing abilities) was definitely rec- Maybe Samsa is not simply Samsara or
ognized by Kafka: samjesm, and nothing else. The malaise of
being alone could fit with the idea of Sam-
The world, if it were nothing but a peep- sara.
show,would really be infinitely beautiful. In Kafka scholarship there is often a
But unfortunately it is not that; rather toward Judaic and/or Christian
this beautiful life in a beautiful worldhas tendency
interpretation. Adding Samsara (Hindu-
really to be lived through in every detail
of every moment and that is no longer so ism, Buddhism) to Weinberg's Judaic and
beautiful, but simply toilsome. That's Christian mix, might suggest the metamor-
more or less what Schopenhauer said phosis of world religions. It could be viewed
(Letters267). as an ecumenical movement; each religion
working in tandem, making its contribu-
In the wake of such pessimism Brod notes tion to "Die Verwandlung." Kafka's inter-
"[Kafka] wants to lump all his literary est in and struggle with "religion" could
work together as an 'attempt to get away also emphasize each faith's antagonism to-
from my father"' (24). In a letter to his ward the other. Gregor's last name, though,
father, Kafka writes: passed on from generation to generation,
suggests the longevity and prevalence of
My writings were about you, in them I Samsara. If there is to be an overview of
merely poured out the lamentations I the possible world religions in "Die Ver-
could not pour out on your breast. It was
a farewell deliberately drawn out, save wandlung," it might hinge on Samsara's
that, although you, it is true, imposed it, emphasis on suffering via transmigration.
the direction it was given I determined Having said that, the question remains:
(Father25). does Kafka actually feel "alone" or does he
feel trapped within a horrible cycle? Kafka
This offers the opportunity to consider tells us "my writings were about you" (Fa-
alternatives to Samsara as Samsa's root ther 25); thus he may not be alone. Quite
word, namely Holland's suggestion of Sam- the contrary, he may be constantly fol-
son and Weinberg's idea of sam jesm. lowed, haunted by the oppressive image of
Weinberg believes that Kafka has his father. Considering Kafka's entire body
formed a phonetic contraction of the Czech of works, we are presented with an author
"sam (allein) and jsem (ich bin) = 'ich bin who takes the role of something one might
allein'" (238). This then, according to term transcendent. "Die Verwandlung"

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RYAN:Kafka 137

serves beautifully as an example;as in so does not have the strengthto get out of bed,
many of his other stories, the main charac- he must swing "himselfout of bed with all
ter appearsto be Franz Kafka:that is why his might"(Kafka,"Metamorphosis"125).
we have "K"in DerProzefl,Bende-mannin Moreover,even if Gregor did possess ex-
"DasUrteil,"and in this case Samsa.Kafka traordinarystrength,unlike Samsonthere
himself considers the similarity between is no long hair to be cut. Similarly,Gregor
GeorgBendemann'sname and his own. He does not appearto be, like Samson,ajudge
writes, "Georghas the same numberof let- of Israel. Nor does the family's treatment
ters as Franz. In Bendemann, 'mann' is a of Gregorcorrespondto Samson's familial
strengtheningof 'Bende'.... But Bendehas relationship.Gregoris left in his roomwith
exactly the same number of letters as rotten food, and repeatedly driven back
Kafka,and the vowel e occurs in the same into his den of misery by his father. Sam-
places as does the vowel a in Kafka"(Dia- son's family is at his disposal: when he
ries 214). In his works he transcends his wants to marry a particular woman his
existenceas merelythe author;it is a trans- family is happy to support him. Holland,
migration of his "soul"into new lives and however,does not suggest that "Die Ver-
bodies.He thus watcheshimselfin this new wandlung"is an inversion of the story of
life, his father once again stalking him Samson; rather, he draws on an analogy.
within, causingsufferingand a consequent He writes, "Samson's sacrifice is a tradi-
death, whether by suicide or slow starva- tional analogue to Christ's;in Germanhe
tion. And as he dies within each story, is calledJudenchrist"(149). Weinbergand
Kafka views himself reborn in another, Holland agree that "Kafkahas given Gre-
whether as a man recallinghis "apehood" gor a number of Christ-like attributes"
(Kafka,Report281), a dogin "Forschungen (Holland 147). Weinbergrefers to Gregor
eines Hundes"("Investigationsof a Dog"), as "Christkind,"and surmises that Gre-
orverminin "DieVerwandlung."The same gor'smetamorphosisis relatedto his desire
torturous cycle then begins once again. to send his sister to the conservatoire(237).
This is why Samsara, denotingrebirthand There does appear to be something onto-
suffering,is so fitting:with this term Kafka logical about Gregor.Furthermore,Sam-
tells us what GregorSamsa is atoning for, sara's emphasis on suffering and rebirth
as "Das Urteil" came out of Kafka "like a couldallow for such an interpretation;but
real birth, covered with filth and slime," there are other possibilities. Gregor'ssav-
and as the brown liquid dripsfrom Gregor ior quality might be explained by eastern
Samsa, we know this vermin might be the philosophy'snotion of the avatar.This will
rebirth of that first slimy conception(Dia- be discussedin further detail later.
ries 214). It maybe GeorgBendemann,also Franz Kafkawas probablynot a Hindu
known as Gregor Samsa, atoning for his or Buddhist;however it does appear that
suicide. he took an interest in their beliefs. One
According to Holland, Gregor ("Sam- might consider,too, that it is not Samson
son") saves the Samsa family ("thechosen or samjesm, but Samsara that appearsto
people") from the three boarders ("the connect all three of the stories within the
Philistines") (148-49). Apart from the Strafen("DasUrteil,""DieVerwandlung,"
story of Samson in Judges, Hollandstates, and "In der Strafkolonie";Kafka, Briefe
"in fact, a good deal of incidentalimagery 147). Kafka tells Gustav Janouch, "words
of 'Metamorphosis' was derived from must be exactly and strictly defined ... oth-
Isaiah" (149). Reading "Die Verwand- erwise we may fall into entirely unexpected
lung," however, one does not find much pitfalls" (Janouch 145). It has been sug-
similarity between Gregor and Samson. gested that Georg Bendemann (again the
Samson possesses great strength; Gregor mann appears only to strengthen Bende),

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is perhaps derived from Bande (bonds, Strafkolonie" to continue his secret con-
shackles, fetters).4 Here one might note the nection; this is why the Reisender is again
connection with Samsara's translation as the main character. This is not to suggest
bondage. This could be the bondage of however, that the only reason Kafka wrote
Kafka's relationship with his father, and "In der Strafkolonie" was to continue this
the bondage of metempsychosis. In "Die connection, but rather, that it may not be
Verwandlung," Gregor Samsa is a Reisen- beyond Kafka to include such intentions
der, a traveling salesman, which gives us with any other ideas for the story. A diary
Samsara's second translation as "journey." entry concerning "Der Heizer" and "In der
Der Reisende, the main character in "In der Strafkolonie" further supports such a sup-
Strafkolonie," completes the connection. position. In 1915 Kafka writes, "if the two
These three stories may not be separate; elements-most pronounced in 'The
they could be viewed as the chapters of one Stoker' and 'In the Penal Colony'-do not
story; shackled together by the concept of combine, I am finished" (Diaries 330).
metempsychosis. We might even call them Kafka apparently considered the creation
"Kafkaesque," in the sense that Kafka is and continuation of such connections
observing himself in various forms, always somewhat important; this is perhaps why
trying to escape his father. Hence, Ver- he wants "Das Urteil," "Die Verwand-
wandlung and its etymological connection lung," and "In der Strafkolonie" to appear
with the third literal translation of Sam- under the common title of Strafen. Kafka
sara- "wandern." Samsara serves the is clear that "Die Verwandlung" must ac-
spirit of Kafka's writing, and this spirit is company "Das Urteil" and "In der Strafk-
one of evasion, even deceit; Kafka intends onlonie" if they are to appear together. He
for his works to be illusory. He alone stands tells Kurt Wolff, "[The] Metamorphosis"
as the exception to the elusiveness of his might still mediate between them, but
writing; it is his "escape" (Brod 25), and, without that story you would have two
playing the role of a fugitive, it is therefore alien heads knocking violently at each
fitting that only he, at the time of concep- other" (Letters 126). If Wolff had wanted
tion, knows the tunnels by which he ab- to publish "Der Heizer" and "Das Urteil"
sconds. together without "Die Verwandlung" to
I believe it is clear that each of Kafka's mediate between them, Kafka probably
works has its own secrets, and that in the would have made the same assertion. All
case of the Strafen there exists a common the stories may stand alone; when combin-
secret. In a letter to Kurt Wolff in April of ing them, however, they must be assem-
1913, Kafka tells him that: bled completely and correctly: "Die Ver-
wandlung" must be the middle story.
"The Stoker," "The Metamorphosis"... "Die Verwandlung" is probably the con-
and "The Judgment" belong together, nector among these three stories. It is the
both inwardlyand outwardly.There is an middle point of atonement, suffering by
obvious connection among the three and, force of transmigration. Gregor Samsa suf-
even more important, a secret one, for fers Georg Bendemann's actions, and in
which reason I wouldbe reluctantto forgo "In der Strafkolonie" Gregor Samsa is born
the chance of having them published to-
yet again, in yet another story, and suffers
gether in a book, which might be called
The Sons (Letters96). yet another life. Schopenhauer writes:

Um allezeit einen sichern Kompa8, zur

This letter was written before Kafka had Orientierungim Leben, bei der Hand zu
written "In der Strafkolonie." It may be haben, und um dasselbe, ohne je irre zu
the case that Kafka intended "In der werden, stets im richtigen Lichte zu

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RYAN:Kafka 139

erblicken, ist nichts tauglicher, als dass transmigration of metaphor; the "soul" of
man sich angew6hne, diese Welt zu be- a metaphor.After all, why wouldn't Kafka
trachten als einen Ort der Bule, also torture GeorgBendemann,GregorSamsa,
gleichsam als eine Strafanstalt, a penal and der Reisendewith their apparentcon-
colony (Stimtliche Werke[1894-96] 10: nection to Samsara?
288). One might therefore be inclined to be-
lieve (1) that Kafka related to Schopen-
On the same page, Schopenhauermakes hauer's pessimism; (2) that Schopen-
clear why this world is a penal colony: hauer's writing ability only further enticed
Kafka;(3) that he was attracted to his es-
Dies ist S a n s a r a: die Weltdes Geliistes says on dreams, and their relation to his
und Verlangens,und daher die Welt der own experience;(4) that Kafka took note
Geburt, der Krankheit, des Alterns und of Schopenhauer's use of Samsara, the
Sterbens:es ist die Welt,welchenicht sein Sanskrit term with which he was probably
sollte. Und dies hier ist die Bev6lkerung already familiar; (5) that Samsara, prop-
der S a n s a r a ([1894-96] 10: 288 n.).
erly understoodas wandering,journeying,
and bondage, uncovers the secret connec-
It is important to note that Schopen- tion among the Strafen. This leads us to a
hauer writes penal colony rather than new interpretationof "DieVerwandlung."
Strafkolonie, which probably served to cap- Kafka's interest in Judaic and Christian
ture Kafka's attention. The etymology of theologies has been well probedin various
"Strafkolonie" continues his theme of interpretations.The interpretationwhich
movement or transmigration.GeorgBen- follows, on the other hand, attempts to
demann begins the series, his name repre- stress another possible path. This ap-
senting the bondage of Samsara; in keep- proach makes use of Schopenhauerian and
ing with that, our next two characters areIndian metaphysics. It is based on the con-
each a Reisender. Verwandlung is con- cept of Samsara, while keeping in mind
nected with wandern, and Strafen provides that Schopenhauer,for Kafkaat least, was
our collective title. Finally then, the con- probablythe mediatorof this term. Thus,
nection between Kolonie and Ansiedler what mayhavebeen taken fromIndianphi-
suggests movement, travel, and thus the losophyby Kafka,couldhave been coupled
punishment quality of transmigration with Schopenhauer's philosophy or vice
(Kluge 463). versa. Schopenhauerbelieved his philoso-
The connection between "Das Urteil" phy to be akin to eastern metaphysics,al-
and "Die Verwandlung" has been well though he was quick to point out that he
documented. Corngold in his excellent was unaware of its tenets priorto the con-
analysis of Kafka's "writing" observes, ceptionof his philosophy.Throughthe lens
"the hero of 'The Metamorphosis' is 'The of Schopenhauerianmetaphysics and In-
Judgment"' (36). Kurz Gerhard writes, dian philosophy,Franz Kafka's "Die Ver-
"GregorSamsa ist der im Namen 'istlich' wandlung"requiresimmediateimmersion
akzentuierteGeorgBendemann"(172).For in the text. Kafka gives so much informa-
Corngold "Die Verwandlung" is the story tion on the first page that the horrorof the
of a "metamorphosedmetaphor"(27).Both situation confronts the reader. Even the
of these connectionsmight be extendedto main character has difficulty coming to
"In der Strafkolonie." For those who dis- grips with his predicament: "Als Gregor
agree with the idea that the Strafen tell the Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen
story of a character's transmigrating soul, Tritumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem
there are other alternatives. For instance, Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer ver-
an interesting substitution might be the wandelt" (Kafka, "Verwandlung"96). Here

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GregorSamsais immediatelyenvelopedby gor enduresat his father'shands will speed

the slimy birth which is Kafka's "Das Ur- up his deliverancefrom this transient life.
teil." It seems that Kafkais acutely aware One must keep in mind, though, that Gre-
of the literal translations of Samsara, and gor's father played a devilish role in "Das
therefore, after introducinghis character Urteil." Seeing his son, the product of his
by his full name, the narrator uses only love for his wife, in such a loathsomestate,
Gregorthereafter,with one exception,on makes the metamorphosison some level a
the first page:"-Samsa war Reisender-" punishment for him as well. Both father
(96). Kafka is perhaps saying that Gregor and son are engaged in a process of atone-
is not onlyin terms ofSamsara aReisender, ment.
traveling from one existence to another, Within"DieVerwandlung"there is per-
but he is also saying that Gregoris Sam- haps, like "Das Urteil" and "In der Straf-
sara; he embodies rebirth and its conse- kolonie,"an emphasison the idea of atone-
quent suffering. ment. This is why,with the exceptioncited
His soul is stained and he is caught in a above, the narrator refers to the young
vicious cycle, each life is a curse as a result Samsa as "Gregor."The name Gregor is
of past transgressions, and these trans- used to more closely delineate Kafka'suse
gressions have the father entwined in the of Samsara, which can mean all the suffer-
same fate. For Gregor's father is also a ings of the world,i.e., disease, old age, and
Samsa and therefore a Reisender.In keep- so on. This is to suggest that the use of
ing with that, Georg'sfather has also been Gregor accentuates the process of atone-
reborn,and Gregorsuffersas a result of his ment within metempsychosis. Gregor's
rebirth. This is to suggest that the father first name is probably taken from Papst
judges his son and sentences him to death Gregor der Grof3e,who was brought to
in "Das Urteil," tortures his son in "Die Kafka'sattention and put into the context
Verwandlung,"and then defends (as the of Samsara by Arthur Schopenhauer.A
officer), the entire process in "In der brief examination of the context will be
Strafkolonie."The instrument of torture helpful.In his essay, "On Religion,"Scho-
may be a metaphorfor the doctrineof me- penhauer lashes out at both Jews and
tempsychosis:it performs a slow, drawn- Christians,pointing out in his usual fash-
out process, we never know our crime,yet ion what he finds wanting or altogetherof-
our transgression is written indelibly on fensive. Of the latter, the doctrine of pre-
our soul. Our world is a penal system, our destination is something that Schopen-
lives like Georg'sfriendin "DasUrteil"are hauer finds particularlyatrocious:
repeatedly spent in this "colony"(Kafka,
"Judgment"58). Hence, Gregor does not Springingfrom the combinationof the
hear the "voiceof merely one father,"but OldandNewTestaments,...among other
the voices of many fathers frommany lives things, ... [is] the Christian doctrine of
(Kafka, "Metamorphosis" 139).Viewing sive springs ... merelyfromthe OldTesta-
Gregorin his new form,Mr.Samsa "[wept] mentassumptionthat manis the workof
so hard that his powerful chest began to another'swill andis therebycreatedout
quake" (133). The father is irate and pos- of nothing(Parerga2: 364).
sessed by the anger he feels at the way he
was neglected in his past life; although Schopenhauer believes that Hinduism's
probablynot fully aware why, "the father and Buddhism's doctrine of metempsy-
charge[s] pitilessly, spewing hisses like a chosis is far superior. The advantages that
savage" (138). This is definitely frightening one man has over another at birth is a re-
for Gregor, but it is also a saving grace, "a sult of his good deeds in a past life and not
true deliverance" (139). The torture Gre- "another's gift of grace" (2: 364). Schopen-

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RYAN:Kafka 141

hauer is confident that the doctrine of ther and son's role in "Das Urteil." It is now
metempsychosis has over time become the son (derReisende) who forces the father
readily accepted by almost the entire hu- (der Offizier) to take his own life. Here we
man race, that is, he points out, with the might also see the accentuation of cyclical-
exception of the Jews. However (and this ity in the Strafen. In "Die Verwandlung"
is what probably inspired Kafka's use of Gregor's life is a purgatory, an atonement
Gregor), in the case of the Catholic Church for the crimes upon his soul. Georg Bende-
Schopenhauer writes: mann's failure to take adequate care of his
elderly father is one of those crimes, for
Eben um den hieraus entspringendenko- "Georg reproached himself for neglecting
lossalen Ubelstand zu beseitigen und das his father" (Kafka, "Judgment" 66). More-
Emp6rendedes Dogmas zu mildern hat, over, as Kafka told Kurt Wolff, "'The Meta-
im 6. Jahrhundert, Papst GregorI., sehr
morphosis' is the mediator of these three
weislich, die Lehre vom Purgatorio,wel- stories: it resides in between 'The Judg-
che im wesentlichen sich schon beim Ori-
ment' and 'In the Penal Colony,'just as pur-
genes ... findet, ausgebildetund dem Kir-
chenglauben f6rmlich einverleibt,wo- gatory lies somewhere in between heaven
durch die Sache sehr gemildert und die and hell."
Metempsychose einigermassen ersetzt Kafka may be portraying a reality in
wird; da das eine wie das andere einen which death is not a curse, but a goal. He
Liuterungsprozessgibt (SdmtlicheWerke retells a story from that "tremendous
[1894-96] 11: 50). world" inside his head (Diaries 222); "Die
Verwandlung" was probably formed within
Kafka often portrayed Christian char- his "dreamlike inner life" (302). Kafka, like
acters, and he most likely knew that his everyone else, enters his nightmares un-
audience was predominantly Christian. He willingly; and this may be the precise locale
probably used the name Gregor because (as of Gregor's purgatory-the nightmare of
Schopenhauer points out) purgatory, like reality. Schopenhauer remarks that a
metempsychosis, offers a process of purifi- dream "like the outside world, forces itself
cation. Furthermore, besides having the on us without our intervention and even
spelling of "Georg" within the spelling of against our will" (Parerga 1: 230). It is also
"Gregor,"and Gregor's job being the name possible that the dream aspect of "Die Ver-
of the character in "In der Strafkolonie," wandlung" refers to what in eastern phi-
this theme of purgatory deepens the con- losophy is called Maya. Quoting Indian phi-
nection between "Das Urteil," "Die Ver- losophy, Schopenhauer writes:
wandlung," and "In der Strafkolonie." Cer-
tainly they are all stories of punishment, It is Maya, the veil of deception, which
but Kafka wrote "Das Urteil" on the eve of covers the eyes of mortals, and causes
Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, them to see a worldwhich one cannot say
either that it is or that it is not; for it is
and Kafka now utilizes Gregor der Gro/fe
like a dream, like the sunshine on the
to further reflect in "Die Verwandlung" the sand which the traveler from a distance
idea of his characters' atonement. Consid- takes to be water,or like the piece of rope
ering "In der Strafkolonie" and "The on the groundwhichhe regardsas a snake
Trial," Max Brod writes, "they are docu- (qtd. in Worldas Will 1: 8).
ments of literary self punishment, imagi-
native rites of atonement" (146). This is The journey Gregor Samsa embarks on
perhaps brought to a head by the traveling in order to escape life may very well be what
salesman's criticism of the entire process; Kafka views as his own fate. True, Kafka
the criticism that ultimately incites the of- tells the story in the past tense, but only
ficer's suicide, therefore inverting the fa- because it was a dream he had prior to his

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writing the story. Throughoutthe Strafen ing his travels"belong to his soul, they do
Kafkais haunted by his father:sometimes not belong to Gregorhimself (121). There
when Kafka writes, he is trying to empty is somethingterriblyunfair aboutthis doc-
his headand escapethe sufferingof his own trine of metempsychosis. Metaphorically
notion of inferiority in comparisonto his this verminous creation might be Georg
father. Nevertheless, in spite of authoring Bendemann's "Judgment,""coveredwith
new existences in variousforms,his father filth and slime" (Kafka,Diaries 214). Gre-
still follows through each tale, but this is gor is trapped, he suffers the bondage of
not a chase: Samsara, and is condemned for a crime
that he, in the strictest terms of his present
Gregorscootedaway,stoppingonlywhen personality,did not actually commit.He is
the fatherhalted,andskitteringforward like a man sentenced who has no remem-
againtheinstantthefathermoved.Inthis branceof the crimehe has committed(like
way they circledthe roomseveraltimes K. in "Der ProzeB"),nor any recollection
with nothingdecisivehappening;in fact,
becauseof its slowtempo,the wholebusi- of the ensuing trial. In fact, he has no op-
ness didnot evenresemblea chase("Me- portunity to offer a defense. Gregor does
tamorphosis" 163). not remember what he did as Georg, he
doesn't remember"DasUrteil";therefore,
Kafka'swriting appearsto lament that his in a manner of speaking,this punishment
father deals with him with "the utmost is not fully his. The unfairness of the doc-
severity" (163). However, this is what trine of metempsychosiscouldbe viewedas
Kafkaand Gregorwant, for they are "tor- being more clearly criticized in "In der
tured by self-rebukes and worries" (161). Strafkolonie." Der Reisende asks, "he
Life is a punishment, the metamorphosis doesn't know his own judgment ... he does
is part of life's cruelty, but in "Die Ver- not know that he has been condemned?"
wandlung" it turns out to be a possible (Kafka,"Colony"198). Smiling, the officer
means of salvationboth for Gregorand his replies, "no"(198).The reasonwhy Gregor
family.Subsequently,this vermin couldbe is unable to controlhis own physicalfacul-
viewed as exhibiting the qualities of a sav- ties may be that he does not rememberhis
ior. crime. Gregoris unable to controlthe pun-
What Kafka may depict in "Die Ver- ishment; "his many legs, wretchedlythin,
wandlung"is Gregorwithin his room con- ... dancehelplesslybeforehis eyes"(Kakfa,
tinuing his pathetic existence and the "Metamorphosis"117):"Ifhe tried to bend
theme of "in-betweens."Even the meta- a leg, it first straightened out; and if he
morphosisitself is an "in-between";Kafka finally succeededin taking chargeof it, the
toys with the idea of rebirth and transmi- other legs meanwhile all kept carryingon,
gration. By combining Gregorder Grol3e as if emancipated,in extreme and painful
andSamsara, he makesthe statementthat agitation"(122).
this is a storynot only of a punishment,but This maybemoanthe lackof powerGre-
of atonement, and that this atonement, gor has over his punishment, and the fact
this process of purification,is performed of every human being's existence. Try as
through the transmigration of souls. Yet we may, we cannot control the circum-
the metamorphosisitself is so abruptthat stances under which we are born, and in
it seems somewhat incomplete. Gregor is this life we can not control other people's
in this state as a result of past evil deeds, actions. Sometimes we succeed in taking
and his state is such that it resembles being charge of our lives; Gregor "straightens out
caught between two fates. Gregor is nei- a leg"; nevertheless, just as one leg obeys,
ther totally human nor is he totally an ani- Gregor's other legs "all kept carrying on"
mal. In addition, although his actions "dur- (122). We order our lives in a fashion we

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RYAN:Kafka 143

are pleased with, but the people around us mighty!" (Kafka, "Metamorphosis" 119).
interfere, and they affect our plans and pro- With the clock glaring at him, he thinks of
gress in life. This was certainly the case for his family once again, in contrast to Georg's
Franz Kafka; he wished to write and lack of concern for his family. Gregor re-
quench the compulsion he felt to his art. solves to provide for his family and then
However his family, especially his father, "go through with it no matter what. I'll
would interfere. In deference to his familial make a big clean break!" (119). This is,
duty, his duty to his inspiration was often however, not simply a firm resolution, but
forced to suffer and wait. Kafka writes: a matter of hope: "well, I haven't aban-
doned all hope" (119). Gregor's greatest
Recently, when I told you that nothing consolation in this life is the future "hope"
coming from outside could disturb my of suicide (119). Gregor's consideration of
writing now ..., I was thinking only of how suicide appears to reflect Kafka's own
my mother whimpers to me almost every thoughts of suicide. In October of 1912,just
evening that I really shouldlook in on the before writing "Die Verwandlung," he
factory.... I [realize] with perfect clarity writes in a letter to Brod:
now only two possibilities remainopen to
me, either to jump out of the window ... I stood for a long time at the window and
or in the next two weeks to go daily to the
factory...(Letters89). pressed against the pane, and there were
many momentswhen it wouldhave suited
me to alarmthe toll collectoron the bridge
Apparently Kafka's family could inter- by my fall.... Dearest Max I am putting
rupt his writing, to such a degree, in fact, this wholething beforeyou ... not foryour
that he would consider suicide. Under the opinion, ... but since I was firmly deter-
pressure of duty to his family, Kafka sees mined to jump ... (Letters90).
only two alternatives, to die or to appease
his parents. Similarly Gregor feels the Gregor and the author wish to make a
same confinement to two options. How- break from life and all its anxiety. Samsara
ever, it is not the interruption of Gregor's is suffering, life is suffering, and this is a
writing for the sake of familial obligation, story of suffering. Kafka tries to live his
but suicide itself. life, he tries to work during the day for a
Early in the story Kafka portrays Gre- few hours and to come home at night and
gor as planning to quit his job. In reference write. Life however will not allow it.
to his job he cries, "to hell with it all," if it Here we get to the crux of the issue in
were not for his family he "would have "Die Verwandlung." To be sure the meta-
given notice long ago" (118-19). Living in morphosis itself is part of the punishment.
this Samsaric world, the agonies of life and However, waking to find himself a vermin
transmigration are too much for Gregor. is only a part of the greater punishment,
He is not deciding to quit his job when he which is waking itself-life. That Gregor
says "to hell with it all"; he is deciding to was ever (re)born is the real punishment:
commit suicide. For "Dies ist S a m s a r a: as he must suffer the "agonies of traveling"
die Welt des Geliistes und Verlangens ... es (118). Gerhard Kurz on the other hand,
ist die Welt, welche nicht sein sollte" views Gregor's metamorphosis as "ein
(Stimtliche Werke [1960-65] 5: 356 n.). neues Leben" (173). For Kurz, Gregor's
Hence, it is a life that should not be, Gre- metamorphosis is a saving grace, "kein
gor's job in this life is life, it is pain: he is blindes oder tragisches Opfer, ... sondern
planning a suicide in order to avoid this eine Befreiung, eine Neugeburt" (173).
torture and avoid his process of atonement. Even with the opportunity for atonement,
He calls out to the heavens, "God Al- I propose that Gregor suffers a torturous

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rebirth, rather than a new lease on life. I to escape the cycle of transmigration.Gre-
think Gerhard Kurz's view is compatible gorwouldrathernot get out of bedandopen
with this idea, since he suggests, the doorto his family.To do so, he believes
he deservessupport,evenapplause.In keep-
derSchreckenist nichtderTod,sondern ing with that, while attemptingto open the
die Existenz;derTod,wie nochderzwei- bedroom door, "everyone should have
deutige Tod Gregors,Georgs und des Of- cheered him on ... 'attaboy, Gregor ...' they
fiziers der "Strafkolonie"ex negativo shouldhave shouted"(132).
sagt, ist Erl6sung, Befreiung,Gnade, Again Schopenhauerian and eastern
Riickkehrins Paradies(177). metaphysics might be taken into consid-
eration. Gregorhas traveled from one life
Kurz,enlisting existence as suffering,sug- to the next, the father alwaysclose behind.
gests that whether vermin or human, Gre- Now that Gregorhas tossed himself from
gor's goal is death. Samsara, with its em- the bed, he is better situated to foresee the
phasis on life as pain, supports this view; species of his punishment for he "[does]
but it also suggests the possibility of re- possess such foresight"(135). More to the
birth, rather than an automatic place in point, he is preparingto try and suffer his
Paradise. punishment properly;he wants to attain
In order for Gregorto escape his situ- an escapethat will bepermanent.Near the
ation, he must first accept it: he must ac- end of the first chapter Gregorknows his
cept his punishment so as to begin his "final recovery from all sufferings [is] at
atonement. By not getting out of bed and hand"(136). By remainingin his wretched
facing the world, he runs the risk of per- state, avoidingsuicide,leadingan existence
petuating the ordeal, consequentlysuffer- which resemblesthat of an ascetic, and re-
ing the same fate in life after life. He tells storinghis familyto a dutiful order,he can
himself "just don't dawdle in bed," for he hopefullyachieve his salvation-a perma-
must get up (Kafka, "Metamorphosis" nent death.
122-23). Arisingfromthe bed,whichseems Gregoris desperatethat the directorbe
to have him paralyzedand trapped,might made aware that he has extractedhimself
signify his resolution to face, accept, and fromthe bed. Even while being attackedby
atone for his past conduct.For most of the his father, Gregoris most concernedwith
first chapterGregorwill not, cannot,accept the dispositionof his job or life (whichhis
his punishment. Gregor wishes to escape job represents),so much so that he "hadno
this course of atonement;he first contem- time forhis parents:the officemanagerwas
plates suicide, then decides to postponeit, alreadyon the stairs" (137). If the job rep-
and ultimately dismisses the idea com- resents life for Kafka,the directoris prob-
pletely (with the qualificationof a "hope"), ably an ontologicalfigure, the office man-
resolvingthat he is "condemned"andmust ager his intermediary,and Gregor,like the
suffer (125). errand boy, "[is] the director's creature"
Although condemned to life, "con- (120). Sitting above everyone,the director
demned" to working and suffering, "talks down to the employees from his
throughreflection,"indeedthe calmestre- great height" (119). He judges everyone's
flection was far superior to desperate re- conduct, thus Gregoris "deeplyobligated
solves," Gregordecides he must get out of to the director"(134). It is of the utmost
bed (123). With getting Gregorout of bed, importanceto Gregorthat the office man-
Kafka positions him to suffer within his ager "report all this accurately," for the di-
purgatory. By living through the re- rector is easily "swayed against an em-
proaches of his life and family, and by de- ployee" (134). Kafka has created a punish-
nying suicide, he may have the opportunity ing God, one who is hasty with His

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RYAN:Kafka 145

judgments. He could be nothing else but too as a formof punishment.The foodGre-

punishing, having sentenced his children gor eats is putrid:compiledof "half-rotten
to this Samsaric world:again and againwe vegetables, some bones ... coated with a
live in a pathetic state, suffering disease, solidified white sauce, ... [and]some cheese
rebirth,and the reproachof ourcreator;we that Gregorhad declaredinedibletwo days
are a creationthat "canso easily fall victim ago"(Kafka,"Metamorphosis"145).Kafka
to gossip, coincidences,and unwarranted seems to make every natural act an act of
complaints" (134). Nevertheless, even suffering. In Kafka's eyes Samsara and
though Gregor'slife and sentence are not purgatoryrequirethe utmost miseryifonly
understood,he must face the worldof wan- becausetheyarebothreligiousterms.Kafka
deringand acceptits bondage.To do so the tells Gustav Janouch that "illness, pain,
world of transmigrationoffers a recipe. [and]suffering are the most important
Kafka seems to utilize the outlines of sourcesof religiousfeeling"(Janouch100).
Schopenhauer'sremedyforthe will-to-live, CertainlyKafka has taken every measure
this blind drivingforcewhich is the author to intensify Gregor'splight. Even the help
of ourpain. It is throughquellingthe desire Gregor receives from Grete causes "him
to live that we emancipateourselves.This great suffering" ("Metamorphosis"152).
emancipationis death: Not in keeping with so many of his other
stories (e.g., "Forschungeneines Hundes,"
Deathsays:Youarethe productof an act "Berichtfiir eine Akademie,""EinHunger-
thatoughtnotto havetakenplace;there-
fore,to wipeit out, you must die. To die kiinstler"),Kafkadid not choosean animal
willingly,to diegladly,to diecheerfully,
is with fur, which is odd, since for Kafkafur
the prerogativeof the resigned,of him appearsto cause and represent misery.He
who gives up and deniesthe will-to-live tells us this in a letter to a friend: "white
(Worldas Will 1: 507-08). dresses and sympathybecome you best of
all, whereas furs conceal the timid girl ...
Accordingto easternphilosophyGregor and cause suffering"(Letters29).
can exhibit such willingnessby conducting Insteadhe choosesthe formof an insect,
himself as an ascetic. Schopenhauerbe- which turns out to be for good reason. By
lieves that one must abstain from sexual giving him the form of vermin, Kafkabur-
activity,there must be non-avoidanceof in- dens Gregor with a fervent will. The
jury or degradation from others, fasting, greaterthe will-to-live,the morepotent the
and even self-torture.Out of this discom- torture.It is difficultfor Gregorto deny his
fort, Gregorwill grasp what will hopefully will; for instance, he experiencesthe "tre-
lead him towardsalvation,i.e., death. This mendousurge"to shoot out fromunderthe
is not to suggest, however,that suicide is settee, and "beg"for food (Kafka, "Meta-
an option; for Schopenhauer"suicideis a morphosis"144).The will-to-livehas vary-
phenomenon of the will's strong affirma- ing degrees within various species. A hu-
tion" (1: 398). man being, for example,will cut off his arm
So in a great way acceptanceis the an- to save his life, but a hurt insect will simply
swer to all of Gregor'sproblems.Because engage in its most immediate act. That is
his problemsare so egregious,Gregorcon- to say that an insect, as Schopenhauer
tinuously balks in his efforts at self denial. points out, will continue to eat "when the
He has gotten himself out of bed, thereby backpart of the bodyis nearly torn off and
affirming a degree of willingness, but he hangs by a mere thread of gut" (Parerga2:
shies away from his decision. This is dem- 298). This is the case, because the degree
onstrated by his consumption of food, to which an animal feels pain is contingent
which is an affirmation of the will-to-live, on its degree of knowledge or intelligence.
although one could deem this consumption An insect being very low on the evolution-

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ary scale would feel less pain than, say, a this judgment as his own allows him to
dog. Not so, however,with Gregor;his will "moreeffectively"control his body (155).
is that of an insect, but his intellect is that Nevertheless, even in the midst of all his
of a man. This makes for a will that is all miseryand the prospectof an unendingcy-
the more powerfuland torturous;it is, like cle of rebirths, Gregor once again falters.
"Die Verwandlung,"a hybrid made for This time, though, it is a violent reaction
pain. Schopenhauerwrites: "thewill is the and thereforeall the more pathetic.
string, ... knowledge the sounding board, Whilethe motherandsister rest, having
and pain the tone" (2: 298). It should be just moved some of Gregor's furniture,
noted that these ruminations and their Gregorscurriesto decidewhat he will save
connection to Schopenhauerare not arbi- for himself. Gregoris again racingback to-
trary;both quotes are taken froman essay wards life, and all its horror."He quickly
that would have captured Kafka's atten- scrambled ... and squeezed" against him-
tion, "Doctrineof Sufferingof the World." self the picture of the woman in fur (159).
So Gregoris "repeatedlyyankedawake This fur may represent suffering, the tor-
by his hunger";and if it's not hunger,it is ment found in life. In spite of all life's de-
his "fretting amid vague hopes" (Kafka, spair,Gregor,like us, covets it. Similarto a
"Metamorphosis"143). The street lamps man on his death bed, even what was once
create light on the ceiling of his room,but consideredhorribledoes not appearso bad
where Gregorresides "it [is] dark" (141). in the face of death. At the brink of death
Just as Georg'sfather had been left in an we often long for even the hardshipsin life.
"unbearablydark" room (Kafka, "Judg- In a peculiar way, this is the self-torture
ment"63), so, too, does Gregorlive in dark- Schopenhauerdemandsof someonewho is
ness. Grete would in the meantime sweep to achieve extinction. For clearly Gregor
out the leftovers in Gregor's room. This, isn't clinging to the happiness in life, but
however,is probablynot just food. No one the misery which the fur represents. "He
is really taking care of Gregor:this dismal clungto his picture,"and his life, "refusing
roomis notjust full of rotten food,but prob- to surrenderit"; he does this even though
ably Gregor'sfeces and urine. Grete upon his life is no more than the stains he leaves
entering the room races "overto the win- on the walls (160).
dow, ... yank[s] it open ..., lingering there After causing his mother to faint (the
briefly no matter how chilly the weather sight of Gregoris just too disgusting),Gre-
and inhale[s] deeply" (Kafka, "Metamor- gor then races out of his room for a second
phosis" 152). This is where Gregor "re- time. Hence, "theycircledthe roomseveral
ceived his food every day" (146). times"(163).HereKafkamightbe alluding
Gregorexperiencesignominythrough- to the cyclicalityof the father-sonrelation-
out the story. The sight and probably ship. This is the relationship that in so
stench of Gregor is so repulsive that the many of Kafka's stories is portrayedover
maid "implore[s] the mother on bended and over,i.e., the father is representedlit-
knees to dismiss her" (147). Gregor soon erally or metaphoricallyas the author of
begins again to accept his only recourse. punishment. Time and time again the im-
After succumbingto his hunger in the be- age of Kafka'sfatherfollowshim in his sto-
ginning of the second chapter,Grete later ries of anguish. Gregor'sfather "fill[s]his
reports that "now once again nothing's pockets with fruit ... hurling apple after
been touched"of Gregor'sdaily fare (147). apple" (164). One apple digs "right into
Gregor experiences moments when his re- [Gregor's] back" (164). Although this is
solve to die overtakes his desire to live: eat- probably a literary play on Kafka's Judaic
ing now "[gives] him no pleasure whatso- heritage, this "red" apple might also be
ever" (154). Beginning once again to accept viewed as a representation of desire, in

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RYAN:Kafka 147

terms of eastern philosophy,the desire to other than a scarab restricts him to "Die
live (164). This persistent cravinghas em- Verwandlung,"which does not allow him
bedded itself in Gregor throughout "Die to movefromstoryto story.However,Kafka
Verwandlung"and is now thrown at him is not making an argument; in a state of
by his father.Gregorlumbersaroundwith panic he makes a plea: "Not that, please
what "remindedeven the father that Gre- not that!"(114).He is not worriedthat Gre-
gor ... was a member of the family" (165). gor's meaning will be restricted: he is
Here Kafka might mean that Gregor still frightenedthat, by disclosing Gregor'sac-
possesses the will-to-live, that which is tual species,a scarab,the secret connection
commonto all humanity. among the Strafen will be discovered.The
In the third chapter,as Gregor'scondi- themes of resurrection, transmigration,
tion worsens, the family decides "to swal- purgatory,and suffering would no longer
low their repulsion and endure" (165). In belong to him alone.
the meantime, Gregor for the most part Gregor'sfunction within the story ap-
denies his urges: he "wasnow eating next pears at times to correspondto the charac-
to nothing" (171). In the third chapter teristics of a savior.Gregorprovidesnot so
Kafkatells us what species of vermin Gre- much the metamorphosisof the family,but
gor is. The charwomanscreamsat Gregor, the restoration of the family,which elicits
"'youold dung beetle!'"(171). It is difficult further considerationof Kafka's sources.
to deny that this verminis a scarab.A dung Perhapsthere is something else of eastern
beetle, whether written in English or in origin in Gregor's function. The father's
German ("Mistkdfer"), is a scarab. Kafka situation invites such consideration,for he
could have surmised this simply by glanc- certainlyhas been restoredto a position of
ing in his dictionary.Moreover,in the light duty,causing one to wonder if Kafka,con-
of Samsara, perhaps connecting all three tinuing his probableuse of eastern philoso-
of the Strafen, setting forth a theme of phy and religion,had the notion of an ava-
transmigration, this must be a sacred tarin mind.Againhe wouldhaverun across
scarab: resurrection fits with Kafka's this term via Schopenhauer: "The New
theme of transmigration. When Gregor Testament ... must somehow be of Indian
covers himself with his "sheet," Kafka is origin, as is testified by its thoroughlyIn-
alludingto this scarab'ssacredness;he en- dian ethics which carries morality to the
shrouds Gregor (153). Furthermore, the point of asceticism, by its pessimism and
metamorphosisis so abruptthat it resem- its avatar"(Parerga2:380). An avatar,also
bles a resurrection. Apparently, Kafka spelled avatara, is an incarnation of God.
knowingly utilized the insect which in Jesus Christ and Krishna alike would be
Egyptian lore is the symbol for resurrec- consideredavatars;both appearin orderto
tion. restore dharma or duty. Krishna, for in-
Therehas been overtime a considerable stance, says "whenever there is fall of
amount of attention lent to Kafka's wish dharma, ... then I create myself, to estab-
that Gregor,in his state as vermin, never lish dharmaI appearin age after age"(qtd.
be drawn.Kafkapleadsthat it not be drawn in Chandola31). The notion that Gregoris
on the groundsthat it would"restricthim" an avatar might explain part of Gregor's
(Letters 114). Scholars for the most part effect on the family. There is, it appears,
have interpretedwhat Kafkatells Wolffas the erosion of duty within Gregor'sfamily.
suggesting that this vermin, if drawn, Krishnain the Bhagavad-Gitawarns:"For
would cause the restriction of his meaning. when the family decays, the eternal family-
I disagree. Of course, it could very well be dharma dies; unrighteousness overcometh
the case that the restriction of meaning is all the family, when dharma dies" (qtd. in
that the depiction of Gregor as anything Thadani 6).

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Because of Gregor's metamorphosis, a result of Gregor's eventual death, the

Gregor's father "who had not done a lick sun comes out, and a family excursion en-
of workin five years,"begins to workagain sues. The family then realizes that their
(Kafka,"Metamorphosis" 150).Eventhough jobs "[are] ... exceedingly advantageous
in the beginning of the second chapterwe and also promising"(188). They now have
are told that "he had grown very fat, be- a future; life has meaning.
comingratherclumsy"(151). By the end of This is not to suggest that a happyend-
the same chapter: ing ensues, it is actually (unbeknownstto
the family) exceedinglytragic. Prior to the
The fatherstoodquite steady,in a snug
blueuniformwithgoldbuttons,...hishea- father,who like a general, barks the order
for the three tenants to "leavemy home at
vy doublechinunfurledoverthe highstiff once!"(185),Gregorforeseesthat his pains
collarof the jacket. ... [His] blackeyes ga-
zed fresh and alert;the once disheveled will "ultimatelyvanish altogether" (182).
hair was now glossy,combeddown,and He is inspiredto this realizationby his sis-
meticulouslyparted(162-63). ter andher music.He appearsto graspthat,
not just suffering,but the acceptanceof his
Mr. Samsa stands erect like a general or death is his ultimate solution. Schopen-
the officer who would later appear in "In hauer is once again indispensable to our
der Strafkolonie." Meanwhile the sister interpretation.
has gone throughher own restoration.She Schopenhauerianmetaphysicsincludes
is at first portrayedas dutifullytaking care the metaphysics of music. Schopenhauer
of Gregor,showing concern for his eating views music as a "copy of the will itself'
habits, intuitively attending to Gregor's (Worldas Will2: 257). Furthermore,Scho-
likes and dislikes, even demonstrating penhauerproposesthat we, throughmusic,
"self control" (153), whereas earlier the seize the actual shapeof our emotions.Mu-
parents "hadoften been cross with her for sic does not represent the feelings of the
being, they felt, a somewhat useless girl" artist, but is in a manner of speakingwith-
(153-54). As she shows less and less regard out content; emotion stands naked before
for Gregor,("she certainly saw the dirt ... us. Schopenhauerwrites:
but she had simply made up her mind to
leave it there"), her concern for her own [M]usicdoesnot expressthis or that par-
future rises (170). "The sister, having ticularanddefinitepleasure,this or that
found a job as a salesgirl, was studying affliction,pain, sorrow,horror,gaiety,
merriment, orpeaceofmind,butjoy,pain,
shorthand and French every evening in
hopes of ... eventually obtaining a better of mindthemselves,to a certainextentin
position"(166). Even the mother,who was the abstract,theiressentialnature,with-
in the first two chapters protected by the out any accessories,and so also without
family,is now more independent and effi- the motivesforthem(1:261).
cient. Barringwhat the charwomenwould
attend to, "everythingelse was taken care Music, too, can quiet the will-to-live;it
of by the mother along with her great leaves it for the moment docile. From "the
amount of needlework"(168). In order to sound of the violin," Gregor sees in the
secure more money the entire familytakes deepest recesses of the self what he really
the initiative to take boarders into the needs--death (Kafka, "Metamorphosis"
house, and they work together in orderto 174). While Grete plays, "he felt as if he
do so. Gregor has restored them to proper were being shown the path to the unknown
duty and self sufficiency: as opposed to be- food he was yearning for" (176). Some have
ing the leeches of his work as a salesman suggested that Gregor experiences incestu-
they exhibit responsibility. In the end, as ous impulses toward Grete.5 Although the

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RYAN:Kafka 149

pain of an incestuous relationship could fit As they were conversing, both Mr. and
within the idea of Samsara, perhaps in this Mrs.Samsa,upon seeing the daughterbe-
instance, he is acceding to death, i.e., the comingmore and morevivacious,realized
"food" he longs for is a permanent demise almost in unison that lately,despite all the
(177). Interestingly, Kafka authors not sorrowsthat had left her cheeks pale, she
just had blossomed into a lovely and shapely
the sister, but the entire family, as a result
girl. Lapsinginto silence and communica-
of their new-found solidarity, working to-
ting almost unconsciouslywith their eyes,
gether to kill Gregor, thus saving him from they reflected that it was high time they
his present state of suffering. "The father found a decent husband for her (188).
arrived with the music stand, the mother
with the sheet music, and the sister with Grete is fertile, ready now in the eyes of
the violin" (174). Having restored the fam- the mother, father, and Kafka to start a
ily to good order, Gregor is thereby pro- family. She will continue the cycle of
vided with the inspiration to allow "his fi- (re)birth. Unlike the mother, she does not
nal breath [to leave] from his nostrils" clamp her legs together; she "stretch[es]
(182). As discussed, the apple in Gregor's her young body out," suggesting that her
back represents the desire to live. This ap- legs are allowed to rest open, alluding to
ple now decays in Gregor's back, and the the eventual rebirth of Georg and Gregor.
desire to live is rotting. He no longer resists Kafka appears to make the statement that
death, he accepts it. Gregor is reborn, for our character in "In
Kafka first hints that Gregor will be der Strafkolonie" is a Reisender. Perhaps
emancipated, and then seems to state that there has been movement up the ladder of
Gregor's final goal was not reached. Kafka rebirth; Gregor is still a traveling sales-
may allude to this with the aid of the man, but he is no longer vermin. Samsara,
mother and sister, both of whom have great this world of suffering, in endless cyclic mo-
meaning for Gregor. They represent the tion, supports this interpretation. Der
precise means of Mr. Samsa's and Gregor's Reisende sits in judgment of the doctrine
torture; both women may symbolize of metempsychosis, and the father (der Of-
(re)birth. In the first chapter, "Gregor fizier) desperately needs his approval. Be-
could not help snapping his jaws a few yond the suicide of the father figure, there
times at the sight of the flowing coffee" appears to be another inversion of roles:
(137). In the company of his mother, the where Kafka had sought the approval of his
flowing coffee reminds Gregor of birth; it father, in "In der Strafkolonie," it is now
might represent a woman's water break- the father who seeks the approval of the
ing. Unconsciously, nothing has more of an son. Our hero, however, does not approve;
unsettling affect on Gregor than the he refuses to support the "judicial proce-
thought of (re)birth. The rage of countless dure" of metempsychosis ("Colony" 200).
past lives wells up inside him, and he can Even though he, like Schopenhauer, recog-
not help but snap his jaws. In the third nizes that this world is "a penal colony,
chapter the mother, in the presence of Gre- [and] that unusual measures [are] needed
gor, "stretch[ed] out her legs and press[ed] here" (200).
them together" (181). This suggests! that It is inspiration which Kafka said he
the cycle of births is coming to an end. Even "dread[s] rather than long[s] for" (Brod
Gregor foresees his "pains ... ultimately 90). With "Die Verwandlung," however, I
vanish[ing]" (182). Kafka, though, sen- suggest that Gregor's demise is a matter
tences Gregor to yet another life of suffer- produced by a moment of inspiration. It is
ing. For in the end: Grete's violin, the sound of musical notes,
which quiets Gregor's passion for life and
inspires him to allow "his final breath" to

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exit ("Metamorphosis" 182). Max Brod hauerian metaphysical influence, an influ-

writes, "thus, [for Kafka] art serves the re- ence which is itself comprised of eastern
ligious principle of giving a meaning to life" philosophy, culminates in a propensity to-
(Brod 97-98). In the end I agree with Brod; wards eastern born art and philosophy. Be-
however, I believe Kafka offers "meaning" yond the works by Rudolf Steiner which
as a goal which is found through a process, Kafka owned and which have their own
the search for inspiration. Gregor searches eastern elements, and in addition to the
for inspiration, and finds it through the twelve volumes of Schopenhauer's Sdmt-
music of Grete. This I think is Schopen- liche Werke,Kafka's personal library holds
hauerian with a Kafkaesque twist. Inspired yet more eastern works. Die letzen Tage
to die, Gregor "[is] so moved ... [that] he Gotamo Buddhos might top the list,6 and
felt as if he were being shown the path to Joo-Dong Lee in his study Taoistische Welt-
the unknown food he was yearning for" anschauung im Werke Franz Kafkas,
(Kafka, "Metamorphosis" 176). The re- counts no less than 25 books concerning
birth of Georg Bendemann, the suffering Chinese philosophy, religion, and litera-
of Gregor Samsa, and his transmigration ture.7
as Reisender, suggests that Gregor could This might be considered evidence of a
not break the cycle of transmigration. continuing, even a growing interest in east-
Therefore, Kafka tortures his hero with yet ern philosophy. Kafka's personal library
another life in this Samsaric world. An supports the idea of Samsara, which I have
eastern influence such as the idea of Sam- endeavored to present as a viable alterna-
sara calls perhaps for a redefinition of what tive to the theories of Samson and jsem-
we mean by the term Kafkaesque. In light sam. Both become less likely as one consid-
of the "secret connection" among the ers that: Kafka points to Schopenhauer as
Strafen, it is not sufficient that Kafkaesque "an artist in language" (Janouch 85); Sam-
should merely arouse images of the gro- sara may connect the Strafen etymologi-
tesque or the unjustly accused and perse- cally; and the narrator refers to Gregor al-
cuted (Kafka, Letters 96). If one accepts most exclusively by his first name with the
Samsa as Samsara; and if Samsara "con- exception of the statement "Samsa war
nects" "Die Verwandlung" with "Das Ur- Reisender" ("Verwandlung" 96). In other
teil" and "In der Strafkolonie," further re- words, and in keeping with one of Sam-
view of the two corner stories, in this con- sara's most common translations-Samsa
text, might be justified. Knowing that is Samsara.
Kafka believed "Das Urteil" to be his
breakthrough provides the possibility that
Samsara was an element of Kafka's devel- Notes
opment; therefore a part of what Kafka
might view as Kafkaesque. Kafka's work This article owes a deep debt of gratitude
should not merely be compared to eastern to David H. Chisholm, Professor of German
philosophy, but viewed as being in part Studies, University of Arizona, for his invalu-
made of eastern philosophy. Furthermore, able insight, editing, and scholarlycriticism. I
this approach might warrant another ex- also thank Elisabeth Neiss Cobbs, University
amination of Kafka's historical personage. of Arizona, for her patient editing, and The
This could begin with further scrutiny of German Quarterly's reviewers for their
what Kafka meant by the word dream. The thought-provokingsuggestions.
1See also Weinberg316-17.
concept of Samsara suggests that Kafka's 2Eduard Hermann, Populdre Theosophie
works contain a quality which goes beyond (Leipzig:Verlagvon WilhelmFriedrich,1897).
that of the ordinary dream. This quality, 3RudolfSteiner,Die Erziehung des Kindes
which is probably the result of a Schopen- vom Gesichtspunkte der Geisteswissenschaft

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RYAN:Kafka 151

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