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First at all, give thanks for God’s love and grace for us.

Thanks to God for helping me and give me chance to finish this assighment timely. And I
would like to say thank you to Mrs. HENNI PRAMASARI, S.Pd, M.Pd. as the lecturer that
always teaches us and give much knowledge about how to practice English well.

This assighment is the one of English task that composed of “How to Use a Cement Mixer
Machine” I realized this assighment is not perfect. But I hope it can be useful for us. Critics
and suggestion is needed here to make this assighment be better.

Hopefully we as a student in “Politechnic of Sriwijaya” can work more professional by using

English as the second language whatever we done. Thank you.

Palembang, 11 Maret 2018


Preface.......................................................................................................................... i

Table of Contents......................................................................................................... ii


1.1 Background............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Formulation of problem......................................................................................... 1
1.3 Purpose................................................................................................................... 1

Chapter II

2.1 Definition of cement mixer machine...................................................................... 2

2.2 Cement mixer machine parts.................................................................................. 2
2.3 How to use a cement mixer machine..................................................................... 3

Chapter III

3.1 Conclusion............................................................................................................. 8

Reference..................................................................................................................... 9


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