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Professor Omer's identifies her own method of interpretation with the notion of
belonging and the exposition of a religious group towards the Arab -Israeli culture. The
need to belong, associates itself with human motivation -to persuade humans to perform
to best of their abilities and satisfaction of achievement-which entails the resiliency to
survive in a world of chaos, dissatisfaction, and daunting conflicts. Her perspective is
much needed but, I am reluctant to say, that expansion of the borders in East
Jerusalem that will solidify Israel's new Capital. Will have a counter-hegemony on the
people that live along the lines of this border, which the majority are Arab descent. Is
this a bias approach to the struggles of the Jews with concerns of the Masada? I t
is symbolic and an asset to the Israeli people that they are able to convey the
message of suffrage, long-awaited distress, and no signs of relief to the point of self-
inflicted suicide in these times of struggle. History will repeat itself and the Jewish
people have the means to be resourceful, helpful, and valuable to any nation willing to
take heed to a fair state of justice.

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