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5 Archimedes’ Principle
1. Archimedes’ Principle states that when an object is ………. or ………… immersed in
a fluid, it experiences a ………………. equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.

2. For a free floating object, the buoyant force is equal to the ………. of the object.

1. An object of density, 40gcm-3 and mass 500g is immersed in a liquid of density
2 g cm-3. Calculate

a) the volume of liquid displaced b) the mass of the liquid displaced

c) the buoyant force experienced by the object (g=10ms-2)

2. A ship of mass 80000kg floats on the sea surface. If the density of the sea water is 1250
kgm , what is the volume of the displaced sea water?

3. An object has a mass of 250 kg in air and a density of 480 kgm-3. If it immersed in a
liquid that has a density of 64 kgm-3, find the apparent weight of the object while it is
immersed? (g=9.8 N/ kg )

4. A balloon weighing 80 kg has a capacity of 1200 m3. If it filled with helium, how great a load
can it support? The density of helium is 0.18 kgm-3 and the density of air is 1.30 kgm-3. Given
g=9.8 N/ kg
1. a) V = m / ρ
= 500 / 40
= 12.5 cm3
b) Let the liquid mass as m’ and density ρ’
m’ = ρ’V
= (2)(12.5)
= 25g
= 0.025 kg
c) Buoyant force = Weight of liquid displaced
= m’g
= (0.025)(10)
= 0.25N

2. 64 m3

3. W= 2450 N
Volume of liquid displaced by object = 250 / 480 = 0.25 m3
Buoyant Force = 0.52 x 64 x 9.8 = 326.1 N
Apparent W of object = Wobject – Buoyant force = 2123.9 N

4. Volume of air displaced = 1200 m3

Buoyant F = 1200 x 1.3 x 9.8 = 15288 N
Weight of balloon and helium = (80x9.8) + (1200 x 0.18x9.8)
= 2901 N
The load that can supported = 15288 – 2901 = 12387 N

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