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Calculated CL and CD from u/V using 3rd Notes:

Data taken from NACA Technical

Note 209, derived from wind order polynomial approximation. These
polynomial functions were derived from a The data in the table on the
tunnel tests on a rotating Note 209, "Tests on rotating
cylinder, for values of u/V curve fit to the original wind tunnel test data.
The curves are overlaid on the test data Aeronautical Laboratory. Th
applicable to rotor design 5m/S to 10m/S as these we
might be seen by a full size
u/V CD CL u/V CL u/V CD
0.78 0.646 0.563 0.7 0.533033 0.7 0.702146 The key factor that influence
0.9 0.642 0.764 1 0.9933 1 0.6199 velocity, u (but referred to as
1.02 0.618 1.163 1.3 1.710499 1.3 0.587532 the spin rate and diameter o
1.14 0.605 1.386 1.6 2.622065 1.6 0.597978
The wind tunnel data has be
1.26 0.589 1.789 1.9 3.665434 1.9 0.644177 coefficient, CL, with varying
1.38 0.593 1.93 2.2 4.778042 2.2 0.719063 coefficient, CD, with varying
1.5 0.607 2.362 2.5 5.897325 2.5 0.815575
order polynomial functions t
1.54 0.624 2.46 2.8 6.960718 2.8 0.926649 These are shown as dashe
1.62 0.611 2.564 3.1 7.905656 3.1 1.045221
1.74 0.633 2.639 3.4 8.669575 3.4 1.16423 Having derived the polynom
1.79 0.646 3.21 3.7 9.189911 3.7 1.27661 calculator sheet was written
2.05 0.676 4.26 4 9.4041 4 1.3753 and drag under a limited ran
2.16 0.622 4.43 4.3 9.249577 4.3 1.453236 functions derived from the w
2.3 0.736 5.1 4.6 8.663777 4.6 1.503354
The test data will differ from
2.51 0.769 6 the wind tunnel side walls w
2.56 0.829 6.35 velocity at these points. The
2.82 0.956 7.26 of tip vortices, a significant s
2.87 0.952 7.28
3.07 1.07 8.25 Nevertheless, this method s
3.23 1.105 8.13 with end plates of at least tw
3.59 1.23 8.57
3.95 1.376 9.15
4.32 1.434 9.48

This spreadsheet was written by Jeremy Harris, 2011, and I freely release it into the public domain. I make no claim
it is published or used elsewhere. The wind tunnel test data set above came from NACA Technical Note 209, a docu

The data in the table on the left has been transcribed directly from NACA Technical
Note 209, "Tests on rotating cylinders" by Elliott G Reid, Langley Memorial
Aeronautical Laboratory. The data used were those measured for wind speeds of
5m/S to 10m/S as these were best suited to the range of operating conditions that
might be seen by a full size Magnus effect rotor used for small boat propulsion.

The key factor that influences lift and drag is the ratio of the cylinder peripheral
velocity, u (but referred to as V' in the paper) to the wind velocity, V. u is a function of
the spin rate and diameter of the cylinder.

The wind tunnel data has been plotted on two graphs, one showing variation of lift
coefficient, CL, with varying u/V ratio and the other showing variation of drag
coefficient, CD, with varying u/V ratio. Using the trendline function in Excel allowed 3rd
order polynomial functions to be derived that were a good fit for the experimental data.
These are shown as dashed lines overlaid on the plots.

Having derived the polynomial functions that describe both CL and CD, a simple
calculator sheet was written that allows different size cylinders to be evaluated for lift
and drag under a limited range of conditions. This calculator uses the polynomial
functions derived from the wind tunnel tests.

The test data will differ from a cylinder rotated in open air, because air friction against
the wind tunnel side walls will have slowed the flow at the ends and lessened the
velocity at these points. The tunnel walls will also have acted to prevent the formation
of tip vortices, a significant source of drag and reduced lift coefficient.

Nevertheless, this method should still predict the performance for a rotating cylinder
with end plates of at least twice the cylinder diameter reasonably accurately.

public domain. I make no claim as to its accuracy but would appreciate acknowledgment if
ACA Technical Note 209, a document freely released into the public domain by NASA.
NACA TN 209 Wind Tunnel Test Data
Test values of CL plotted against u/V, with polynomial approximation overlaid
Measured CL (from test
f(x) = - 0.3862135985x^3 + 2.5860019263x^2 - 2.0161668504x + 0.8097399341
CL (Lift coefficient)

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
u/V (ratio of cylinder peripheral velocity to wind velocity)
NACA TN 209 Wind Tunnel Test Data
Test values of CD plotted against u/V, with polynomial approximation overlaid
CD (Drag coefficient)

Measured CD (from test data)

3rd order polynomial "best fit"
1.4 f(x) = - 0.0436485505x^3 + 0.4078723519x^2 - 0.8721368834x + 1.1276971359






0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
u/V (ratio of cylinder peripheral velocity to wind velocity)
Magnus Effect/Flettner Rotor Performance Calculator for small boats
The performance calculator below uses a polynomial approximation of C L and CD to the ratio of cylinder peripheral veloci
experimental data from wind tunnel tests. It is an approximation that applies to a long cylinder rotating between the fixed
small amount, due to the tip losses that a real cylinder with end plates operating in open air will experience.

Enter data ONLY in the white cells. The yellow cells contain fixed information, the green cells contain the results of ca

The left table allows individual calculations of particular cylinder rpm to be investigated; the right table determines lift, dra

The calculator in the right table performs a validity check on the value of u/V to ensure that the data presented is within th
checked by observation for the left table. It may be that the polynomial approximations used are valid outside the limited

Magnus/Flettner Rotor Performance Calculato

Length = 3 m RPM = 100
Diameter = 0.5 m u/V = 1.171
Wind speed = 10 mph CL = 1.375
RPM = 400 CD = 0.596
u/V = 4.685 (Valid range is 0.6 to 4.7) Lift = 25.2
CL = 8.411 Drag = 10.9
CD = 1.512 L/D = 2.30839
Lift = 154.30 N The above table performs a logical test for a valid
Drag = 27.73 N bounds of the experimental data set. It uses a de
L/D Ratio = 5.56 default error values may not be correct.

This spreadsheet was written by Jeremy Harris, 2011, and I freely release it into the public domain. I make no claim as t
used elsewhere.

Selected RPM 300 Degrees from perpendicular (right angle) Lift

-90 0.00
Enter the RPM range above, to Analyse -80 28.35
the performance at different wind -70 55.84
angles in the green chart -60 81.63
-45 115.44
-30 141.39
-25 147.96
-10 160.78
0 163.26
LIFT 163.3 10 160.78
DRAG 22.2 20 153.41
30 141.39
Lift x Cos(Degrees) 45 115.44
Drag x Sin(Degrees) 60 81.63
75 42.25
80 28.35
90 0.00
ance Calculator for small boats
to the ratio of cylinder peripheral velocity to wind speed (u/V) to derive values that closely match the
long cylinder rotating between the fixed walls of a wind tunnel, so may tend to overrestimate lift and drag by a
n open air will experience. 180.0

he green cells contain the results of calculations.

gated; the right table determines lift, drag etc over a fixed range of rpm.

nsure that the data presented is within the range of the experimentally measured dataset; this needs to be
ations used are valid outside the limited range, but no data is available to prove this. 140.0



lettner Rotor Performance Calculator

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 80.0
2.343 3.514 4.685 5.856 7.028 8.199 9.370 10.541 11.713
5.313 8.899 8.411 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.763 1.208 1.512 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600
97.5 163.3 154.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
14.0 22.2 27.7 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0
6.96620416 7.3666253101 5.56435 0 0 0 0 0 0
table performs a logical test for a valid range of u/V (u/V must be between 0.6 and 4.7) to remain within the
the experimental data set. It uses a default value of 0 for an invalid C L and 0.6 for an invalid CD. These 20.0
or values may not be correct.

he public domain. I make no claim as to its accuracy but would appreciate acknowledgment if it is published or 0.0
0 100

Drag Total Force (Newtons) towards boat drive

-22.16 - 22 dead ahead
-21.83 7
-20.83 35
-19.19 62
-15.67 100
-11.08 130
-9.37 139
-3.85 157
0.00 163 beam reach
3.85 165
7.58 161
11.08 152
15.67 131
19.19 101
21.41 64
21.83 50
22.16 22 dead astern
Lift and Drag vs RPM


160.0 g








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
900 1000

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