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Activity of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria

Under Simulated Reservoir Conditions

J.T. Roanea, SPE, Arne Graue, SPE, and Torlelv Lien, SPE, U. of Bergen

Summary. Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) have been isolated from hot oilfield ~at~rs fr~m su?~ea ?il reservoi.r~ in the N0r:th Sea.
Experiments with these bacteria in a reservoir simulator indicate th~t SRB may ~allltain the~r activity III the conditions found III most
North Sea reservoirs and, if precautions are not taken, may contribute to souring of the 011 and gas.

Waterflooded hydrocarbon reservoirs may offer good conditions Thermodesulfobacterium commune, 5 with a maximum temperature
for growth of the anaerobic SRB that produce toxic and reactive of 180°F [85°C], and Desulfotomaculum nigrijicans, with a maxi-
H 2S. This is particularly the case for offshore oil fields where mum temperature of 158°F [70°C].6
oxygen-scavenged seawater with high sulfate concentration (28 mM) In this study, we simulated an oil reservoir in a laboratory flow
is injected and mixed with the in-situ reservoir pore water contain- rig, using realistic temperatures and pressures. Representative ther-
ing different kinds of short-chained organic acids. For continuing mophilic SRB, isolated from hot produced water on North Sea oil
microbial activity, however, both chemical and physical require- platforms, are used to study the effects of these bacteria on the
ments must be met. Hence, the SRB must be able to grow and gener- reservoir.
ate H 2S at the in-situ pressures and temperatures in the reservoir.
Reservoir conditions were simulated with a flow rig and inves- Technical Procedure
tigated with respect to SRB growth and activity. This flow rig may Core Preparation. The cores used in this study were drilled from
simulate conditions in a reservoir down to 15,000 ft [4.6 Ian], cor- a matrix block of the eolic Hopeman sandstone. The block was ob-
responding to a geostatic pressure of 15,000 psi [100 MPa] and tained from an outcrop at Elgin in Scotland, the Clashach quarry.
a temperature up to 248°F [120°C]. Spore-forming thermophilic Petrographic and mineralogical studies of the sandstone indicate
SRB of the genus Desulfotomaculum were isolated from hot pro- a rather pure (91 %) quartz composition and only trace amounts of
duced water on different North Sea oil platforms. The bacteria were clay (muscovite). Grain sizes are on the order of 0.25 mm, with
injected into brine-saturated sandstone cores inside the rig's pres- only small variations. The average porosity is 18%, and the per-
sure vessel. Thereafter, the cores with bacteria were gradually ex- meability ranges from 700 to 800 md. Average pore diameter (26
posed to increasing temperature and pressure, and the SRB activity /-tm) was measured by mercury injection. 7 Cylindrical cores 2.0
at the various combinations of high temperature and pressure was in. [5.1 cm] in diameter were drilled with lengths from 4 to 30 in.
measured as sulfate reduction rate. Results showed that the bacter- [10 to 80 cm]. All cores were air dried at 176°F [80°C] for 24
ia were active and produced H 2 S to a temperature of 176°F [80°C] hours before cooling and weighing. End caps were mounted and
and a pressure of 4,500 psi [30 MPa]. Electron micrographs re- the cores epoxy-coated. The cores were flushed with oxygen-free
vealed bacterial growth on mineral surfaces. Slimy extracellular nitrogen and then evacuated. This procedure was repeated several
material was observed in connection with the settlement of the times to remove oxygen from the micropores. Several PV's of
bacteria. anaerobic brine containing nutrients for the bacteria were flushed
Seawater injection often is used in the recovery of hydrocarbons through the cores before they were mounted in the flow rig. To
from subsea oil reservoirs. To obtain a successful recovery, the establish a systematical approach, only brine was used to saturate
microbiological aspects of the waterflood must also be considered. the core in these experiments. In later experiments, both oil and
Failure to do so may result in severe production problems. Bac- water were used.
terial activity downhole and in the reservoir formation results in
formation damage by loss of reservoir production performance, by Flow Rig. Fig. 1 illustrates the experimental flow rig. The main
a reduction in oil quality, by souring of the oil, and by the devel- component of the rig is a 3-ft [l-m] -long cylindrical steel pressure
opment of major corrosion problems, in both injection and pro- vessel with an ID of 2.8 in. [7.1 cm] and a O.4-in. [l.O-cm] wall
duction wells.! H 2 S also is poisonous if inhaled and may present thickness. A core prepared as described was pressurized in trans-
a health hazard for platform personnel. Natural seawater contains former oil inside the vessel. The rig can simulate pressure condi-
several types of slime-forming and fIlamentous bacteria, among tions in a reservoir down to 15,000 ft [4 Ian], corresponding to
them SRB and iron-oxidizing bacteria. Under favorable conditions, a geostatic pressure of 15,000 psi [100 MPa]. Pressure transducers
it is likely that these organisms will colonize the huge surface of monitored the simulated overburden pressure, water injection pres-
the reservoir matrix. 2 The availability of nutrients is important in sure, and the differential pressure across the core. Pumping the fluid
the development of a microbial community. The best nutrient con- against a backpressure regulator gave pore pressures up to 10,500
ditions for SRB are expected to occur in the mixing zone between psi [70 MPa]. Experimental flow rates ranged from 0.01 to 9.99
the injected and formation waters. This mixing zone contains a high mL/min. A heating cable heated the pressure vessel and a thermostat
concentration of sulfate from seawater and soluble organic com- regulated the temperature. Three standard thermocouple K-elements
pounds from the formation water. If chemical and physical require- were placed at the inlet, in the middle, and at the outlet end of the
ments are met in such an anaerobic environment, the bacteria will rig. Temperatures up to 248°F [120°C] could be maintained with
be active and produce H 2 S. an accuracy of ± 1.8°F [± 1.0°C].
Although SRB activity has been known for decades, little is known
about their ability to be active under the extreme pressure and tem- Porosity and Permeability Measurements. Average porosity was
perature conditions found in oil reservoirs. In North Sea reservoirs, measured with a Boyle's law porosimeter and checked by meas-
pressure commonly ranges from 3,000 to 7,500 psi [20 to 50 MPa] uring the volume of the fluid saturating the core.
and temperatures from 140 to 212°F [60 to 100°C]. The highest Dual-piston pumps operating with pulseless constant flow rate
temperature at which biological sulfate reduction has been observed were used to inject fluids from a piston-type accumulator cell. A
so far is 199°F [93°C] by the bacteria Archaeoglobus jitlgidus. 3 programmable liquid sampler was attached to the outlet end of the
Other thermophilic SRB are Thermodesulfobacterium mobile 4 and rig. The differential pressure across the core, flow-rate measure-
ments, and fluid and core characteristics were used in Darcy's equa-
Copyright 1991 Society of Petroleum Engineers tion to calculate permeability.

SPE Production Engineering, May 1991 217



E 5.0
PRY Outlet

PT Pranre traDldueer 1.0 2.0 3.0

TP T_perahare probe
BPV Back pressure YIIl..
PRY SarelJ YIIl..
V Sbut-oll valve Produced fluid [PV]
Fig. 1-Schematlc of flow rig. Fig. 2-Numbers of SRB In core effluent.

Bacteria and Their Growth Conditions. Anaerobic SRB were iso- Bacterial activity was measured with a radiotracer technique as
lated from hot produced water at 15soF [70°C] on an oil platform the amount of sulfate converted to sulfide. 35S-labeled sulfate was
in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. An anaerobic synthetic pumped into the core to a final concentration of 1.0 Ci/mL [37
seawater mediumS containing spore elements,9 vitamins,lO and kBq/mL] pore water. Then an incubation period (usually 24 hours)
fatty acids or alcohols was used for enrichment and cultivation. was applied at the specified temperature and pressure. At the end
The pH was adjusted to 7.0 to 7.2, the optimal range for SRB of the incubation period, several PV's of the synthetic seawater
growth. A 5-mL produced-water sample was added to the 50-mL medium were pumped through the core. Effluent samples were ex-
anaerobic growth medium. Then the carbon source was added to amined for H 2S content by adding a Zn-acetate solution and there-
obtain a final concentration of 20 to 40 mM. Pure cultures were by precipitating the 35S-labeled sulfide as Zn35S. A modified
maintained in 50-mL serum bottles on an anaerobic liquid mineral radiorespirometric assay was used to determine the sulfate reduc-
medium at 140°F [60°C]. tion rate. 15

Microscopic Investigations. The isolated thermophilic SRB, Strain Results and Discussion
T93B, was grown on a liquid medium at 140°F [60°C] and at-
Thermophilic SRB in Produced Water. Thermophilic SRB were
mospheric conditions. The morphology was examined with a phase-
enriched and isolated from different sampling points on the water
contrast microscope. The bacteria were injected into brine-saturated
separator system for different North Sea reservoirs. Strains of SRB
sandstone cores inside the pressure vessel of the rig. Thereafter,
were found in most of the examined samples, indicating that ther-
the cores with bacteria were gradually exposed to increasing tem-
mophilic SRB are widespread in the produced water from water-
perature and pressure, and the SRB activity at various combina-
tions of high temperature and pressure was measured as a rate of flooded North Sea reservoirs.
sulfate reduction. At the end of the experiments, the core was sec- A characteristic strain, Strain T93B, was spore-forming Gram-
tioned and the mineral surfaces were examined by scanning elec- positive rods with a growth temperature range of 109 to 172°F [43
tron microscopy. to 7S°C]. The bacteria belong to the genus Desulfotomaculum.
Total count of bacteria and selective enumeration of thermophil- Spores of the bacteria (1.0 I'm in diameter) germinated readily af-
ic SRB, Strain T93B, in the core effluent were carried out with ter being exposed to 266°F [l30°C] for 20 minutes at 30 psi [207
an epifluorescence microscope, after the cells were stained with kPa] in an autoclave. The bacteria therefore are able to survive large
fluorechrome-Iabeled antibodies. Samples from the effluent were temperature fluctuations.
filtered on a 0.22-I'm polycarbonate filter prestained with irgalan
black. The filter was stained with a lO-I'g/mL solution of 4,6- SRB Penetration Rates in Core. Earlier work on microbial mo-
diarnidino-2-phenylindole. Additional staining was performed with tility through porous sandstone cores focused on random movement
fluorescine-isothiocyanate-labeled antibodies, which selectively bind of motile microorganisms and diffusive growth of nonmotile
to the SRB membranes. Because we switched between two differ- microorganisms. 16,17 Bacterial penetration rates ranging from 0.06
ent optical filter packages in the microscope, only one sample was to 0.47 cmlh for motile bacteria have been reported in stagnant
needed to determine both total bacterial and specific SRB counts. 11 nutrient media. 16 The penetration rates of naturally occurring bac-
In the determination of the SRB level, the advantages of the ap- teria in a reservoir, however, will be dependent on the water injec-
plied method, which was based on the use of antibodies, over con- tion rate. In oil reservoirs, water fronts typically advance 1 ftlD
ventional methods are that no cultivation is necessary and the results [0.3 mid]. This seawater flow rate is three times faster than the
are obtained in hours. The technique detects SO to 90% of the SRB velocity of motile bacteria. According to the literature, continuous
present in the water sample. However, a prerequisite for using this seawater injection will be the main transport mechanism for the
immunological method, of course, is that antibodies against the bac- bacteria when the average permeability exceeds 100 md and the
teria are available. As a part of this work, we made antibodies mean pore-throat distribution exceeds 6.0 I'm. 16
against various types of SRB isolated from oil platforms in the North In this study, Strain T93B was injected into the core at concen-
Sea. trations lower than 5.0x 107 SRB/mL to avoid plugging at the in-
let. 17 By immunofluorescent labeling techniques, we detected the
ChemkaI Detenninatiom. Sulfate was determined photometrically SRB in the effluent after O.S PV of water had been injected, giving
after precipitation with barium chloride. 12 H 2 S was determined by information on early water breakthrough owing to dispersion. Earli-
the methylene blue method 13 or by the copper sulfate method. 14 er miscible displacements conducted in similar cores, where radio-

218 SPE Production Engineering, May 1991


Produced 35S2-
Temperature Pressure Per Cubic Meter of Rock
(oF) (psi) (mol/D)
145 15 8.8x10- 2
145 2,900 3.7x 10- 2
167 2,900 5.6x10- 1
176 4,500 1.3x 10- 1
185 4,500 0.0



Number of
Temperature Pressure SRB/m 3
(oF) (psi) of rock"
145 15 8.8x10 '4
145 2,900 3.7x 10 '4
167 2,900 5.6x 10 '5
176 4,500 1.3x10 '5
185 4,500 0.0
Assuming lhat one SRB reduces 1.0 x 10 -16 mol sulfate/D. 18 Fig. 3-Growth of SRB In reservoir pores (bar: 10 I'm).

labeled 22Na brine displaced inactive brine, confirmed these ob- Conclusions
servations. 7 The numbers of bacteria in the first samples after Thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria were present in hot produced
breakthrough were lower than in the injected seawater medium- water from several different waterflooded reservoirs in the North
1.1 X 10 3 SRB/mL compared with an injected concentration of Sea.
5.1 X 10 6 SRB/mL (Fig. 2). This chromatographic effect on the Spore-forming SRB can survive, proliferate, and stay active un-
bacteria is caused by dispersion in porous media and by attractive der most of the physical conditions in North Sea oil reservoirs.
forces acting between bacteria and sand grains. Furthermore, small In reservoirs with moderate and high porosities, SRB will be trans-
and narrow pores may trap some bacteria. ported and spread at the same velocity as the front of the injected
Activity Measurements. The bacterial activities at different tem- SRB may result in loss of permeability resulting from precipita-
peratures and pressures were measured as sulfate reduction rates tion of metal sulfides associated with produced bacterial biomass.
per cubic meter 3 of reservoir rock (Table 1). We expect that the
majority of the active bacteria are located in the bioftlm covering Acknowledgments
the surface of the sand grains, producing daughter cells into the
We are indebted to the Norwegian Research Council for Science
water stream. Typical numbers of SRB in the effluent after non-
and the Humanities and to Statoil for supporting this research
flow periods were LOx 10 5 to 4.0x 10 5 SRB/mL. Therefore,
reported values from the literature on the activity per SRB (Table
2) are used to estimate the numbers of active SRB in the core be-
cause measuring specific sulfate reduction in the core has not been
possible. 1. Cord-Ruwisch, R., Kleinitz, W., and Widdel, F.: "Sulfate-Reducing
Bacteria and Their Activity in Oil Production," JPT (Jan. 1978) 97-106.
2. Carlson, V., Bennett, E.O., and Rowe, J.A.: "Microbial Rora in a
Permeability Reduction. The permeability in a brine-saturated core
Number of Oilfield Water Injection Systems," SPFJ (June 1961) 71-
at 140°F [60°C] was measured to be 770 md. A 50-mL batch of 80; Trans., AIME, 222.
thermophilic SRB, Strain T93B, containing 2.0x 10 6 SRB/mL was 3. Stetter, K.O. et al.: "Isolation of Extremely Thermophilic Sulfate
then dispersed in the core. A stagnant incubation period followed. Reducers: Evidence for a Novel Branch of Archaebacteria," Science
The permeability was measured after 5 and 11 days, and a reduc- (1987) 236, 822-24.
tion in permeability caused by microbial growth was found to be 4. Rozanova, E.P. and Pirovarova, T.A.: "Reclassification of D. Ther-
16 and 33%, respectively. mophilus (Rozanova and Khudyakova 1974)," Microbiol. (1988) 57,
Electron micrographs revealed that the thermophilic SRB grew 85-89.
in colonies connected to extracellular material (Fig. 3). After ini- 5. Zeikus, J. G. et al.: "Microbial Ecology of Volcanic Sulphidogenesis:
Isolation and Characterization of Thermodesulfobacterium commune gen.
tial colonization of available surfaces, aquatic organisms tend to nov. and sp. nov," J. General Microbiol. (1983) 129, 1159-69.
form a confluent bioftlm within which the sessile bacterial cells are 6. Campbell, L.L. and Postgate, J.R.: "Classification of the Spore-Forming
enmeshed in a matrix of exopolysaccharide glycocalyses. 19 H 2S Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria," Bacteriol. Rev. (1965) 29, 359-63.
may precipitate metal ions as metal sulfides. This precipitation, 7. Graue, A. et aI.: "Imaging Ruid Saturation Development in Long-Core
together with produced microbial biomass, can form particles of Flood Displacements," SPEFE (Dec. 1990) 406-12.
sizes comparable to the pore-throat sizes and may lead to plugging 8. Widdel, F. and Pfennig, N.: "Studies of Dissimilatory Sulfate-Reducing
and reduction of permeability. Bacteria That Decompose Fatty Acids. I. Isolation of Sulfate-Reducing
The supply of nutrients in the injection water is important for Bacteria Enriched with Acetate from Saline Environments. Descrip-
the development of bioftlms and production of organic material. tion of Desulfobacter postgatei gen. nov. sp. nov.," Arch. Microbiol.
(1981) 129, 395-400.
Although these studies are carried out with an excess of inorganic 9. Widdel, F., Kohring, G.W., and Mayer, F.: "Studies of Dissimilato-
nutrients and suitable organic carbon source, results show that SRB ry Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria that Decompose Fatty Acids. m. Charac-
have a potential for growth and H 2S production, even under the terization of the Filamentous Gliding Desulfonema limicola gen. nov.,
high pressure and temperature conditions found in North Sea oil sp. nov. and Desulfonema magnum sp. nov.," Arch. Microbiol. (1983)
reservoirs. 134, 286-94.

SPE Production Engineering, May 1991 219

11. Hoff, K.J.: "Rapid and Simple Method for Double-Staining of Bac-
Authors teria With 4' ,6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole and Fluorescein lsothiocyanate
Labeled Antibodies," Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (1988) 54, 2949-52.
12. Standard Meth. for the Examination of Water and Wastewater thir-
teenth edition, M.J. Taras, et al. (eds.) American Public Health Assn.
New York City (1971).
13. Cline, J.D.: "Spectrophotometric Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide
in Natural Waters," Limnol. Oceanogr. (1969) 14, 454-58.
14. Cord-Ruwisch, R.: "A Quick Method for the Determination of Dis-
solved and Precipitated Sulfides in Cultures of Sulfate-Reducing Bac-
teria," J. Microbiol. Meth. (1985) 4, 33-36.
15. Maxwell, S. and Hamilton, W.A.: "Modified Radiorespirometric As-
say for Determining the Sulfate Reduction Activity of BiofIlms on the
Metal Surfaces," J. Microbiol. Meth. (1986) 5, 83-91.
Graue Rosnes Lien 16. Jenneman, G.E., McInerney, M.J., and Knapp, R.M.: "Microbial
Penetration Through Nutrient Saturated Berea Sandstone, " Appl. En- Thoma. Ro.nes Is a scientist In the Dept. of Microbi-
viron. Microbiol. (1985) SO, 383-91.
ology and Plant Physiology at the U. of Bergen In Norway.
17. Jang, L:-K. et aI.: "Selection of Bacteria With Favorable Transport
His primary resellrch Interests Include thermophilic bacteria
Propemes Through Porous Rock for the Application of Microbial-
In porous reservoir cores, with special emphaSis on sulfate-
Enhanced O~ Recovery," Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (1983) 46
reducing bacteria. He holds an MS degree In general microbi- 1066-72. '
ology from the U. of Bergen. Ame Graue, a scientist In the
18. Jq,rgensen, B.B.: "A Comparison of Methods for the Quantification
Dept. of Physics at the U. of Bergen, has primary research
of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction in Coastal Sediments. m. Estimations
Interests In fundamental studies of reservoir parameters
focusing on EOR research. For the last 5 years, he has been From Chemical and Bacteriological Field Data," Geomicrobial J. (1978)
coordinator of the reservoir research cooperation at the U. 1, 11-27.
of Bergen. Graue has been a visiting scientist at Mas- 19. Costerton, J.W., Irving, R.T., and Cheng, K.-J.: "The Bacterial
sachusetts Inst. of Technology and Phillips Petroleum Co. He Glycocalyx in Nature and Disease," Ann. Rev. Microbiol. (1981) 35,
holds BS degrees In mathematics and physics and an MS 299-324.
degree In nuclear physics, all from the U. of Bergen. Torlelv
Uen Is a professor In general microbiology In the Dept. of 51 Metric Conversion Factor.
Microbiology and Plant Physiology at the U. of Bergen. He OF (OF - 32)/1.8 °C
began as an assistant professor In 1971 and became an as- md x 9.869 233 E-04 #Lm2
sociate professor In 1977 and a professor In 1981. He holds psi x 6.894 757 E+OO kPa
a PhD degree In microbiology from the U. of Bergen.
10. Pfennig, N.: "RJwdocyctus purpurus gen. nov. and sp. nov., a Ring- Original SPE manuscript received for review Feb. 22, 1990. Paper accepted for publica-
tion Oct. 19, 1990. Revised manuscript received Aug. 20, 1990. Paper (SPE 19429) first
shaped, Vitamin B-12-Requiring Member of the Family Rhodospiril- presented at the 1990 SPE Formation Damage Control Sym~lum heid in Lafayette LA
iaceae," IntI. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1978) 28, 283-88. Feb. 22-23. -' ,

220 SPE Production Engineering, May 1991

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