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Atty. Roderick Vera

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF INTELLECTUAL his interpreters have extended it to include

PROPERTY all physical and tangible objects.
d. Locke arrives at the conclusion that people
1) Natural Rights Perspective (Labor Theory) – are responsible for their labor, they own
John Locke their labor, and they “have a natural right of
entitlement to the fruits of their labor”.
a. Property originally comes about by the
exertion of labor upon natural resources. “Theory of the commons” – everything is owned by
The theory has been used to justify the everybody; State owns everything; Government
homestead principle, which holds that one appropriate it through TCT/title
may gain whole permanent ownership of an
unowned natural resource by performing an John Locke’s theory – when you put blood, sweat and
act of original appropriation. tears or work on it, that piece is yours
b. A person who labors upon resources that are
either unowned or “held in common” has a 2) Personhood Perspective – Margaret Jane
natural property right to the fruits of his or Radin (34 Stan. L. Rev. 957, 1982)
her efforts – and that the state has a duty to
respect and enforce that natural right. a. Most people possess certain objects they
These ideas, originating in the writings of feel are almost part of themselves. These
John Locke, are widely thought to be objects are closely bound up with
especially applicable to the field of personhood because they are part of the
intellectual property, where the pertinent way we constitute ourselves as continuing
raw materials (facts and concepts) do seem personal entities in the world. They may be
in some sense to be “held in common” and as different as people are different, but
where labor seems to contribute so some common examples might be a
importantly to the value of finished wedding ring, a portrait, an heirloom, or a
products. house.
c. Locke’s property theory was originally and b. The intuitive view of property for
primarily concerned with ownership of land, personhood just stated is wholly subjective:
water, and natural resources, but over time self-identification through objects varies
from person to person.
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c. Personal not fungible utilitarian framework to the extent that
society seeks the production and diffusion of
The concept of wedding ring literary and artistic works.
c. This theory claims that governments should
Certain objects are attached to the persona of a person; assign strong, artificial intellectual property
when a person puts value on to something rights to creators, inventors, and
discoverers and intensely enforce these
3) Economic Incentive Theory rights against violators. This practice of
assigning and enforcing strong intellectual
a. The social value of utilitarian works lies property rights is believed to maximize the
principally if not exclusively in their ability to incentive to create, innovate, and discover.
perform tasks (for example, a better It is assumed that by maximizing these
mousetrap) or satisfy desires more incentives, we will maximize the quality and
effectively or at lower costs. It is logical, quantity of social goods generated. In turn,
therefore, that society would seek to protect maximizing the quality and quantity of
such works within a governance regime that social goods is believed to be a necessary
itself is based upon utilitarian precepts. condition for satisfying the principle of
Furthermore, inventions – new processes, utility.
machines, manufactures, or compositions of
matter – unlike artistic or literary expression IP Code is a legal framework given by the government
do not generally implicate personal interests for the protection of IP rights, so that more people will
of the creator. create and reap more benefits
b. The utilitarian perspective has relevance to
other forms of intellectual property. Trade Intellectual Property has no physical manifestation; you
secret law often protects utilitarian works cannot exclude it from others and it’s out there in the
(MMLJ, 1997, pp. 34-36; Scheppele, 1988). open
Trademark law is principally concerned with
ensuring that consumers are not misled in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CODE (R.A. No. 8293)
the marketplace and hence is particularly
amenable to economic analysis Section 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the
(Economides, 1988). Even copyright law, "Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines."
which implicates a broader array of personal
interests of the creator than patent law, Section 2. Declaration of State Policy. - The State
may benefit from the application of the recognizes that an effective intellectual and industrial
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property system is vital to the development of domestic Copyrights
and creative activity, facilitates transfer of technology, Trademark
attracts foreign investments, and ensures market Patents
access for our products. It shall protect and secure the
exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other PART I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF COPYRIGHT
gifted citizens to their intellectual property and
creations, particularly when beneficial to the people, for GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF COPYRIGHT
such periods as provided in this Act.
1) U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8 - The
The use of intellectual property bears a social function. Congress shall have Power to promote the
To this end, the State shall promote the diffusion of Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing
knowledge and information for the promotion of national for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the
development and progress and the common good. exclusive Right to their respective Writings and
It is also the policy of the State to streamline
administrative procedures of registering patents, Because IP rights were more important than Bill of
trademarks and copyright, to liberalize the registration Rights (first 10 amendments of the US Constitution)
on the transfer of technology, and to enhance the
enforcement of intellectual property rights in the 2) 1987 Constitution, Article XIV, Section 13 -
Philippines. (n) The State shall protect and secure the exclusive
rights of scientists, inventors, artists, and other
Section 3. International Conventions and Reciprocity. - gifted citizens to their intellectual property and
Any person who is a national or who is domiciled or has creations, particularly when beneficial to the
a real and effective industrial establishment in a country people, for such period as may be provided by
which is a party to any convention, treaty or agreement law.
relating to intellectual property rights or the repression
of unfair competition, to which the Philippines is also a DEFINITIONS
party, or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the
Philippines by law, shall be entitled to benefits to the 1) Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S. §102(a) –
extent necessary to give effect to any provision of such
convention, treaty or reciprocal law, in addition to the (a) Copyright protection subsists, in accordance
rights to which any owner of an intellectual property with this title, in original works of
right is otherwise entitled by this Act. (n) authorship(original to one author)fixed in any
tangible medium of expression, now known or
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later developed, from which they can be
perceived, reproduced, or otherwise 171.3. "Communication to the public" or
communicated, either directly or with the aid of "communicate to the public" means the
a machine or device. Works of authorship making of a work available to the public by
include the following categories: wire or wireless means in such a way that
members of the public may access these
(1) literary works; works from a place and time individually
(2) musical works, including any chosen by them;
accompanying words; 171.4. A "computer" is an electronic or similar
(3) dramatic works, including any device having information processing
accompanying music; capabilities, and a "computer program" is a
(4) pantomimes and choreographic works; set of instructions expressed in words, codes,
(5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works; schemes or in any other form, which is
(6) motion pictures and other audiovisual capable when incorporated in a medium that
works; the computer can read, of causing the
(7) sound recordings; and
computer to perform or achieve a particular
(8) architectural works.
task or result;
2) IP Code of the Philippines (Original Works) 171.5. "Public lending" is the transfer of
possession of the original or a copy of a work
Section 171. Definitions. — For the purpose of
or sound recording for a limited period, for
this Act, the following termshave the following
non-profit purposes, by an institution the
services of which are available to the public,
171.1. "Author" is the natural person who has such as public library or archive;
created the work;
171.6. "Public performance", in the case of a
171.2. A "collective work" is a work which has work other than an audiovisual work, is the
been created by two (2) or more natural recitation, playing, dancing, acting or
persons at the initiative and under the otherwise performing the work, either directly
direction ofanother with the or by means of any device or process; in the
understanding that it will be disclosed by case of an audiovisual work, the showing of its
the latterunder his own name and that images in sequence and the making of the
contributing natural persons will not sounds accompanying it audible; and, in the
beidentified; case of a sound recording, making the
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recorded sounds audible at a place or at incorporated in a useful article, whether made
places where persons outside the normal by hand or produced on an industrial scale;
circle of a family and that family's closest
social acquaintances are or can be present, 171.11.A "work of the Government of the
irrespective of whether they are or can be Philippines" is a work created by an officer or
present at the same place and at the same employee of the Philippine Government or any
time, or at different places and/or at different of its subdivisions and instrumentalities,
times, and where the performance can be including government-owned or controlled
perceived without the need for communication corporations as a part of his regularly
within the meaning of Subsection 171.3; prescribed official duties.

171.7. "Published works" means works, which, Section 172.1. Literary and artistic works,
with the consent of the authors, are made hereinafter referred to as "works", are original
available to the public by wire or wireless intellectual creations in the literary and artistic
means in such a way that members of the domain protected from the moment of their
public may access these works from a place creation and shall include in particular:
and time individually chosen by them:
Provided, That availability of such copies has a) Books, pamphlets, articles and other
been such, as to satisfy the reasonable writings;
requirements of the public, having regard to b) Periodicals and newspapers;
c) Lectures, sermons, addresses,
the nature of the work;
dissertations prepared for oral delivery,
171.8. "Rental" is the transfer of the whether or not reduced in writing or
possession of the original or a copy of a work other material form;
or a sound recording for a limited period of d) Letters;
e) Dramatic or dramatico-musical
time, for profitmaking purposes;
compositions; choreographic works or
171.9. "Reproduction" is the making of one (1) entertainment in dumb shows;
or more copies of a work ora sound recording f) Musical compositions, with or without
in any manner or form (Sec. 41 (E), P.D. No. words;
g) Works of drawing, painting, architecture,
sculpture, engraving, lithography or
171.10.A "work of applied art" is an artistic other works of art; models or designs for
creation with utilitarian functions or works of art;

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h) Original ornamental designs or models which is that one moment in time… Now, how do you
for articles of manufacture, whether or prove time? (1) You need a date or time;
not registrable as an industrial design,
and other works of applied art; (2) “Poor man’s copyright” – you send a letter to
i) Illustrations, maps, plans, sketches, yourself; in an envelope with a seal which is an official
charts and three-dimensional works government date/timestamp which is a presumptive
relative to geography, topography, evidence; (3) Do not open the envelope
architecture or science;
j) Drawings or plastic works of a scientific CASES
or technical character;
k) Photographic works including works 1) Santos v. McCullough Printing Company,
produced by a process analogous to G.R. No. L-19439, October 31, 1964
photography; lantern slides;
l) Audiovisual works and cinematographic Plaintiff and the work, defendant and its defense;
works and works produced by a process reasons behind the decisions
analogous to cinematography or any
process for making audio-visual Defense of McCullough was it was not copyrighted
recordings; does it is not protected by law and thus no cause
m) Pictorial illustrations and advertisements; of action
n) Computer programs; and,
o) Other literary, scholarly, scientific and Re: Christmas Card using an art of another – In the
artistic works(other works now known or case at bar, even as of this moment, there is no
later developed – from the US copyright for the design in question. As a general
Constitution). proposition, there can be no dispute that the artist
acquires ownership of the product of his art. At
Express inclusion is an implied exclusion the time of its creation, he has the absolute
Section 172.2. Works are protected by the sole dominion over it.
fact of their creation, irrespective of their mode or
form of expression, as well as of their content, In intellectual creations, a distinction must be
quality and purpose. (Sec. 2, P.D. No. 49a) made between two classes of property rights; the
fact of authorship and the right to publish
When does the moment start in terms of “creation” as and/or distribute copies of the creation. With
to copyrights? From that ‘Whitney Houston moment” regard to the first, i.e. the fact of authorship, the
artist cannot be divested of the same. In other
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words, he may sell the right to print hundred of by others, unless the work is placed under the
his work yet the purchaser of said right can never protection of the copyright law.
be the author of the creation.
2) Filipino Society of Composers v. Tan, G.R.
It is the second right, i.e., the right to publish, No. L-36402, March 16, 1987
republish, multiply and/or distribute copies of the
intellectual creation which the state, through the Affirmative defense – self defense
enactment of the copyright law, seeks to protect.
The author or his assigns or heirs may have the Re: Musical Compositions sang in a restaurant –
work copyrighted and once this is legally The word "perform" as used in the Act has been
accomplished any infringement of the copyright applied to "One who plays a musical composition
will render the infringer liable to the owner of the on a piano, thereby producing in the air sound
copyright. waves which are heard as music ... and if the
instrument he plays on is a piano plus a
The plaintiff in this case did not choose to protect broadcasting apparatus, so that waves are thrown
his intellectual creation by a copyright. The fact out, not only upon the air, but upon the other,
that the design was used in the Christmas card of then also he is performing the musical
Ambassador Neri who distributed eight hundred composition."
copies thereof among his friends during the
In relation thereto, it has been held that "The
Christmas season of 1959, shows that the, same
playing of music in dine and dance establishment
was published. When Ambassador Neri distributed
which was paid for by the public in purchases of
800 copies of the design in controversy, the
food and drink constituted "performance for
plaintiff lost control of his design and the
profit" within a Copyright Law." Thus, it has been
necessary implication was that there had been a
explained that while it is possible in such
general publication, there having been no showing
establishments for the patrons to purchase their
of a clear indication that a limited publication was
food and drinks and at the same time dance to
intended. The author of a literary composition has
the music of the orchestra, the music is furnished
a light to the first publication thereof. He has a
and used by the orchestra for the purpose of
right to determine whether it shall be published at
inducing the public to patronize the establishment
all, and if published, when, where, by whom, and
and pay for the entertainment in the purchase of
in what form. This exclusive right is confined to
food and drinks. In the case at bar, it is admitted
the first publication. When once published, it is
that the patrons of the restaurant in question pay
dedicated to the public, and the author loses the
only for the food and drinks and apparently not for
exclusive right to control subsequent publication
Page 7 of 307
listening to the music. A careful study of the 1975 and March 11, 1978, respectively, there
records reveals that the song "Dahil Sa Iyo" which being neither an allegation, much less proof, that
was registered on April 20, 1956 became popular petitioner Bayanihan ever made use of the
in radios, juke boxes, etc. long before registration. compositions within the two-year period agreed
The musical compositions in question had long upon by the parties.
become public property, and are therefore beyond
the protection of the Copyright Law. It is noted that Chan revoked and terminated said
contracts, along with others, on July 30, 1997, or
3) Bayanihan v. BMG, G.R. No. 166337, March almost two years before petitioner Bayanihan
7, 2005 wrote its sort of complaint/demand letter dated
December 7, 1999 regarding the recent
Art. 1625 – Assignment of credits in relation "use/recording of the songs 'Can We Just Stop and
Article 1475 Talk A While' and 'Afraid for Love to Fade,'" or
almost three (3) years before petitioner filed its
Transfer of rights/assignment = sale complaint on August 8, 2000, therein praying,
inter alia, for injunctive relief. By then, it would
Resolutory condition appear that petitioner had no more right that is
protectable by injunction.
When IP right is transferred, the owner can still
get it back upon the failure of the fulfillment of
resolutory condition
No laptop or electronic device
“Crossroads contract”

Re: JMChan sold his rights to Bayanihan; 4) Kho v. CA, 379 SCRA 410, G.R. No. 115758.
Bayanihan applied copyright; Chan authorized March 19, 2002
BMG to use the song in Lea Salonga’s new album
Re: Chin Chun Su Oval Container -- Trademark,
-- This contract may be renewed for a period of
copyright and patents are different intellectual
two-and-one-half (2 1/2) years at the option of the
property rights that cannot be interchanged with
PUBLISHER. Renewal may be made by the
one another. A trademark is any visible sign
PUBLISHER by advising the WRITER of such
capable of distinguishing the goods (trademark) or
renewal in writing at least five (5) days before the
services (service mark) of an enterprise and shall
expiration of this contract. It would thus appear
include a stamped or marked container of goods.
that the two (2) contracts expired on October 1,
In relation thereto, a trade name means the name
Page 8 of 307
or designation identifying or distinguishing an
enterprise. Meanwhile, the scope of a copyright is Re: P&G sues Unilever for using same
confined to literary and artistic works which are advertisements –Petitioner does not deny that the
original intellectual creations in the literary and questioned TV advertisements are substantially
artistic domain protected from the moment of similar to P&G’s double tug or tac-tac key visual.
their creation. Patentable inventions, on the other However, it submits that P&G is not entitled to the
hand, refer to any technical solution of a problem relief demanded, which is to enjoin petitioner from
in any field of human activity which is new, airing said TV advertisements, for the reason that
involves an inventive step and is industrially petitioner has Certificates of Copyright
applicable. Registration for which advertisements while P&GP
has none with respect to its double-tug or tac-tac
Petitioner has no right to support her claim for the key visual. In other words, it is petitioners
exclusive use of the subject trade name and its contention that P&GP is not entitled to any
container. The name and container of a beauty protection because it has not registered with the
cream product are proper subjects of a trademark National Library the very TV commercials which it
inasmuch as the same falls squarely within its claims have been infringed by petitioner.
definition. In order to be entitled to exclusively
use the same in the sale of the beauty cream We disagree. Section 2 of PD 49 stipulates that
product, the user must sufficiently prove that she the copyright for a work or intellectual creation
registered or used it before anybody else did. The subsists from the moment of its creation.
petitioners copyright and patent registration of Accordingly, the creator acquires copyright for his
the name and container would not guarantee her work right upon its creation. Contrary to
the right to the exclusive use of the same for the petitioner’s contention, the intellectual creators
reason that they are not appropriate subjects of exercise and enjoyment of copyright for his work
the said intellectual rights. Consequently, a and the protection given by law to him is not
preliminary injunction order cannot be issued for contingent or dependent on any formality or
the reason that the petitioner has not proven that registration. Therefore, it cannot be seriously
she has a clear right over the said name and doubted that at least, for purposes of determining
container to the exclusion of others, not having whether preliminary injunction should issue during
proven that she has registered a trademark the pendency of the case, P&GP is entitled to the
thereto or used the same before anyone did. injunctive relief prayed for in its Complaint.

5) Unilever v. Proctor and Gamble, G.R. No. Idea-Expression Dichotomy

119280, August 8, 2006
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Baker v. Selden, 101 U.S. 99 explaining the system of bookkeeping referred to, to
which are annexed certain forms or banks, consisting of
Doctrine: ruled lines, and headings, illustrating the system and
showing how it is to be used and carried out in practice.
1. A claim to the exclusive property in a peculiar system of This system effects the same results as bookkeeping by
bookkeeping cannot, under the law of copyright, be double entry, but, by a peculiar arrangement of columns
maintained by the author of a treatise in which that system is and headings, presents the entire operation, of a day, a
exhibited and explained. week, or a month on a single page or on two pages
2. The difference between a copyright and letters patent facing each other, in an account book. The defendant
stated and illustrated. uses a similar plan so far as results are concerned, but
makes a different arrangement of the columns, and uses
Facts: Charles Selden, the testator of the complainant different headings. If the complainant's testator had the
in this case, in the year 1859 took the requisite steps for exclusive right to the use of the system explained in his
obtaining the copyrightof a book, entitled "Selden's book, it would be difficult to contend that the defendant
Condensed Ledger, or Bookkeeping Simplified," the object of
does not infringe it, notwithstanding the difference in his
which was to exhibit and explain a peculiar system of
form of arrangement; but if it be assumed that the
bookkeeping. In 1860 and 1861, he took the copyright of
several other books, containing additions to and system is open to public use, it seems to be equally
improvements upon the said system. The bill of complaint difficult to contend that the books made and sold by the
was filed against the defendant, Baker, for an alleged defendant are a violation of the copyright of the
infringement of these copyrights. The latter, in his answer, complainant's book considered merely as a book
denied that Selden was the author or designer of the books, explanatory of the system. Where the truths of a
and denied the infringement charged, and contends on the science or the methods of an art are the common
argument that the matter alleged to be infringed is not a property of the whole world, any author has the right to
lawful subject of copyright. express the one, or explain and use the other, in his own
way. As an author, Selden explained the system in a
The parties went into proofs, and the various books of particular way. It may be conceded that Baker makes and
the complainant, as well as those sold and used by the uses account books arranged on substantially the same
defendant, were exhibited before the examiner, and system, but the proof fails to show that he has violated the
witnesses were examined to both sides. A decree was copyright of Selden's book, regarding the latter merely as an
rendered for the complainant, and the defendant explanatory work, or that he has infringed Selden's right in
appealed. any way, unless the latter became entitled to an exclusive
right in the system.
The book or series of books of which the complainant
claims the copyright consists of an introductory essay
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The evidence of the complainant is principally directed It cannot be pretended, and indeed it is not seriously
to the object of showing that Baker uses the same urged, that the ruled lines of the complainant's account
system as that which is explained and illustrated in book can be claimed under any special class of objects,
Selden's books.It is contended that he has secured such other than books, named in the law of copyright existing
exclusive right because no one can use the system in 1859. The law then in force was that of 1831, and
without using substantially the same ruled lines and specified only books, maps, charts, musical
headings which he was appended to his books in compositions, prints, and engravings. An account book,
illustration of it. In other words, it is contended that the consisting of ruled lines and blank columns, cannot be
ruled lines and headings, given to illustrate the system, called by any of these names unless by that of a book.
are a part of the book, and as such are secured by the
copyright, and that no one can make or use similar There is no doubt that a work on the subject of
ruled lines and headings, or ruled lines and headings bookkeeping, though only explanatory of well known
made and arranged on substantially the same system, systems, may be the subject of a copyright, but then it
without violating the copyright. And this is really the is claimed only as a book. Such a book may be
question to be decided in this case. Stated in another explanatory either of old systems or of an entirely new
form, the question is whether the exclusive property in a system, and, considered as a book, as the work of an
system of bookkeeping can be claimed under the law or author, conveying information on the subject of
copyright by means of a book in which that system is bookkeeping, and containing detailed explanations of
explained? The complainant's bill, and the case made the art, it may be a very valuable acquisition to the
under it, are based on the hypothesis that it can be. practical knowledge of the community. But there is a
clear distinction between the book as such and the art
Issue: Whether, in obtaining the copyright of his books, which it is intended to illustrate. The mere statement of
he secured the exclusive right to the use of the system the proposition is so evident that it requires hardly any
or method of bookkeeping which the said books are argument to support it. The same distinction may be
intended to illustrate and explain predicated of every other art as well as that of
bookkeeping. A treatise on the composition and use of
Held: The conclusion to which we have come is that medicines, be they old or new; on the construction and
blank account books are not the subject of copyright, use of ploughs, or watches, or churns; or on the mixture
and that the mere copyright of Selden's book did not and application of colors for painting or dyeing; or on
confer upon him the exclusive right to make and use the mode of drawing lines to produce the effect of
account books, ruled and arranged as designated by perspective -- would be the subject of copyright; but no
him and described and illustrated in said book. one would contend that the copyright of the treatise
would give the exclusive right to the art or manufacture
described therein. The copyright of the book, if not
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pirated from other works, would be valid without regard for the art, the latter is given to the public. The fact that
to the novelty, or want of novelty, of its subject matter. the art described in the book by illustrations of lines and
The novelty of the art or thing described or explained figures which are reproduced in practice in the
has nothing to do with the validity of the copyright. To application of the art makes no difference. Those
give to the author of the book an exclusive property in illustrations are the mere language employed by the
the art described therein when no examination of its author to convey his ideas more clearly. Had he used
novelty has ever been officially made would be a words of description instead of diagrams (which merely
surprise and a fraud upon the public. That is the stand in the place of words), there could not be the
province of letters patent, not of copyright. The claim to slightest doubt that others, applying the art to practical
an invention or discovery of an art or manufacture must use, might lawfully draw the lines and diagrams which
be subjected to the examination of the Patent Office were in the author's mind, and which he thus described
before an exclusive right therein can be obtained, and it by words in his book.
can only be secured by a patent from the government.
The copyright of a work on mathematical science
The difference between the two things, letters patent cannot give to the author an exclusive right to the
and copyright, may be illustrated by reference to the methods of operation which he propounds, or to the
subjects just enumerated. Take the case of medicines. diagrams which he employs to explain them, so as to
Certain mixtures are found to be of great value in the prevent an engineer from using them whenever
healing art. If the discoverer writes and publishes a occasion requires. The very object of publishing a book
book on the subject (as regular physicians generally do), on science or the useful arts is to communicate to the
he gains no exclusive right to the manufacture and sale world the useful knowledge which it contains. But this
of the medicine; he gives that to the public. If he desires object would be frustrated if the knowledge could not be
to acquire such exclusive right, he must obtain a patent used without incurring the guilt of piracy of the book.
for the mixture as a new art, manufacture, or And where the art it teaches cannot be used without
composition of matter. He may copyright his book if he employing the methods and diagrams used to illustrate
pleases, but that only secures to him the exclusive right the book, or such as are similar to them, such methods
of printing and publishing his book. So of all other and diagrams are to be considered as necessary
inventions or discoveries. incidents to the art, and given therewith to the public --
not given for the purpose of publication in other works
The copyright of a book on perspective, no matter how explanatory of the art, but for the purpose of practical
many drawings and illustrations it may contain, gives no application.
exclusive right to the modes of drawing described,
though they may never have been known or used Of course these observations are not intended to apply
before. By publishing the book without getting a patent to ornamental designs or pictorial illustrations
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addressed to the taste. Of these it may be said that and is open and free to the use of the public. And of
their form is their essence, and their object, the course, in using the art, the ruled lines and headings of
production of pleasure in their contemplation. This is accounts must necessarily be used as incident to it.
their final end. They are as much the product of genius
and the result of composition as are the lines of the poet The plausibility of the claim put forward by the
or the historian's period. On the other hand, the complainant in this case arises from a confusion of ideas
teachings of science and the rules and methods of produced by the peculiar nature of the art described in
useful art have their final end in application and use, the books which have been made the subject of
and this application and use are what the public derive copyright. In describing the art, the illustrations and
from the publication of a book which teaches them. But diagrams employed happen to correspond more closely
as embodied and taught in a literary composition or than usual with the actual work performed by the
book, their essence consists only in their statement. operator who uses the art. Those illustrations and
This alone is what is secured by the copyright. The use diagrams consist of ruled lines and headings of
by another of the same methods of statement, whether accounts, and it is similar ruled lines and headings of
in words or illustrations, in a book published for teaching accounts which, in the application of the art, the
the art would undoubtedly be an infringement of the bookkeeper makes with his pen, or the stationer with his
copyright. press, whilst in most other cases the diagrams and
illustrations can only be represented in concrete forms
Recurring to the case before us, we observe that of wood, metal, stone, or some other physical
Charles Selden, by his books, explained and described a embodiment. But the principle is the same in all. The
peculiar system of bookkeeping, and illustrated his description of the art in a book, though entitled to the
method by means of ruled lines and blank columns, with benefit of copyright, lays no foundation for an exclusive
proper headings on a page or on successive pages. Now claim to the art itself. The object of the one is
whilst no one has a right to print or publish his book, or explanation; the object of the other is use. The former
any material part thereof, as a book intended to convey may be secured by copyright. The latter can only be
instruction in the art, any person may practice and use secured, if it can be secured at all, by letters patent.
the art itself which he has described and illustrated
therein. The use of the art is a totally different thing The remarks of Mr. Justice Thompson in the circuit court
from a publication of the book explaining it. The in Clayton v. Stone & Hall, 2 Paine 392, in which
copyright of a book on bookkeeping cannot secure the copyright was claimed in a daily price-current, are
exclusive right to make, sell, and use account books apposite and instructive. He says:
prepared upon the plan set forth in such book. Whether
the art might or might not have been patented is a "In determining the true construction to be given to the
question which is not before us. It was not patented, act of Congress, it is proper to look at the Constitution of
Page 13 of 307
the United States to aid us in ascertaining the nature of the plaintiff's drawings, though it was shown that they
the property intended to be protected. 'Congress shall had for sale the articles represented thereby.
have power to promote the progress of science and
useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and The court held that these drawings were not subjects of
inventors the exclusive right to their writings and copyright. Lord Romilly, M.R., said:
discoveries.' The act in question was passed in
execution of the power here given, and the object, "This is a mere advertisement for the sale of particular
therefore, was the promotion of science; and it would articles which any one might imitate, and any one might
certainly be a pretty extraordinary view of the sciences advertise for sale. If a man not being a vendor of any of
to consider a daily or weekly publication of the state of the articles in question were to publish a work for the
the market as falling within any class of them. They are purpose of informing the public of what was the most
of a more fixed, permanent, and durable character. The convenient species of articles for household furniture, or
term 'science' cannot with any propriety be applied to a the most graceful species of decorations for articles of
work of so fluctuating and fugitive a form as that of a home furniture, what they ought to cost, and where
newspaper or price-current, the subject matter of which they might be bought, and were to illustrate his work
is daily changing, and is of mere temporary use. with designs of each article he described -- such a work
Although great praise may be due to the plaintiffs for as this could not be pirated with impunity, and the
their industry and enterprise in publishing this paper, attempt to do so would be stopped by the injunction of
yet the law does not contemplate their being rewarded the Court of Chancery; yet if it were done with no such
in this way; it must seek patronage and protection from object, but solely for the purpose of advertising
its utility to the public, and not a work of science. The particular articles for sale, and promoting the private
title of the act of Congress is, 'for the encouragement of trade of the publisher by the sale of articles which any
learning,' and was not intended for the encouragement other person might sell as well as the first advertiser,
of mere industry, unconnected with learning and the and if in fact it contained little more than an illustrated
sciences. . . . We are accordingly of opinion that the inventory of the contents of a warehouse, I know of no
paper in question is nota book the copyright to which law which, while it would not prevent the second
can be secured under the act of Congress." advertiser from selling the same articles, would prevent
him from using the same advertisement, provided he
The case of Cobbett v. Woodward, Law Rep. 14 Eq. 407, did not in such advertisement by any device suggest
was a claim to copyright in a catalogue of furniture that he was selling the works and designs of the first
which the publisher had on sale in his establishment, advertiser."
illustrated with many drawings of furniture and
decorations. The defendants, being dealers in the same Another case, that of Page v. Wisden, 20 L.T.N.S. 435,
business, published a similar book, and copied many of which came before Vice-Chancellor Malins in 1869, has
Page 14 of 307
some resemblance to the present. There, a copyright consisting of white pages and yellow pages. It obtains
was claimed in a cricket scoring sheet, and the Vice- data for the directory from subscribers, who must
Chancellor held that it was not a fit subject for provide their names and addresses to obtain telephone
copyright, partly because it was not new, but also service. Petitioner Feist Publications, Inc., is a publishing
because "to say that a particularmode of ruling a book company that specializes in area-wide telephone
constituted an object for a copyright is absurd." directories covering a much larger geographic range
than directories such as Rural's. When Rural refused to
These cases, if not precisely in point, come near to the license its white pages listings to Feist for a directory
matter in hand, and, in our view, corroborate the covering 11 different telephone service areas, Feist
general proposition which we have laid down. extracted the listings it needed from Rural's directory
without Rural's consent. Although Feist altered many of
In Drury v. Ewing, 1 Bond, 540, which is much relied on Rural's listings, several were identical to listings in
by the complainant, a copyright was claimed in a chart Rural's white pages. The District Court granted
of patterns for cutting dresses and basques for ladies, summary judgment to Rural in its copyright
and coats, jackets, &c., for boys. It is obvious that such infringement suit, holding that telephone directories are
designs could only be printed and published for copyrightable. The Court of Appeals affirmed.
information, and not for use in themselves. Their
practical use could only be exemplified in cloth on the Held: Rural's white pages are not entitled to copyright,
tailor's board and under his shears -- in other words, by and therefore Feist's use of them does not constitute
the application of a mechanical operation to the cutting infringement.
of cloth in certain patterns and forms. Surely the
exclusive right to this practical use was not reserved to (a) Article I, § 8, cl. 8, of the Constitution mandates
the publisher by his copyright of the chart. Without originality as a prerequisite for copyright protection. The
undertaking to say whether we should or should not constitutional requirement necessitates independent
concur in the decision in that case, we think it cannot creation plus a modicum of creativity. Since facts do not
control the present. owe their origin to an act of authorship, they are not
original, and thus are not copyrightable. Although a
Feist Publications v. Rural Telephone, 499 U.S. compilation of facts may possess the requisite
340 originality because the author typically chooses which
facts to include, in what order to place them, and how to
Facts: Respondent Rural Telephone Service Company is arrange the data so that readers may use them
a certified public utility providing telephone service to effectively, copyright protection extends only to those
several communities in Kansas. Pursuant to state components of the work that are original to the author,
regulation, Rural publishes a typical telephone directory, not to the facts themselves. This fact/expression
Page 15 of 307
dichotomy severely limits the scope of protection in original in Rural's white pages. The raw data are
fact-based works. uncopyrightable facts, and the way in which Rural
selected, coordinated, and arranged those facts is not
(b) The Copyright Act of 1976 and its predecessor, the original in any way. Rural's selection of listings --
Copyright Act of 1909, leave no doubt that originality is subscribers' names, towns, and telephone numbers --
the touchstone of copyright protection in directories and could not be more obvious, and lacks the modicum of
other fact-based works. The 1976 Act explains that creativity necessary to transform mere selection into
copyright extends to "original works of authorship," 17 copyrightable expression. In fact, it is plausible to
U.S.C. § 102(a), and that there can be no copyright in conclude that Rural did not truly "select" to publish its
facts, § 102(b). subscribers' names and telephone numbers, since it was
required to do so by state law. Moreover, there is
A compilation is not copyrightable per se, but is nothing remotely creative about arranging names
copyrightable only if its facts have been "selected, alphabetically in a white pages directory. It is an age-old
coordinated, or arranged in such a way that the practice, firmly rooted in tradition and so commonplace
resulting work as a whole constitutes an original work of that it has come to be expected as a matter of course.
authorship." § 101 (emphasis added). Thus, the statute
envisions that some ways of selecting, coordinating, and Original:
arranging data are not sufficiently original to trigger
copyright protection. Even a compilation that is Rural Telephone Service Company is a certified public
copyrightable receives only limited protection, for the utility that provides telephone service to several
copyright does not extend to facts contained in the communities in northwest Kansas. It is subject to a state
compilation. § 103(b). Lower courts that adopted a regulation that requires all telephone companies
"sweat of the brow" or "industrious collection" test -- operating in Kansas to issue annually an updated
which extended a compilation's copyright protection telephone directory. Accordingly, as a condition of its
beyond selection and arrangement to the facts monopoly franchise, Rural publishes a typicaltelephone
themselves -- misconstrued the 1909 Act and eschewed directory, consisting of white pages and yellow pages.
the fundamental axiom of copyright law that no one The white pages list in alphabetical order the names of
may copyright facts or ideas. Rural's subscribers, together with their towns and
telephone numbers. The yellow pages list Rural's
(c) Rural's white pages do not meet the constitutional or business subscribers alphabetically by category, and
statutory requirements for copyright protection. While feature classified advertisements of various sizes. Rural
Rural has a valid copyright in the directory as a whole distributes its directory free of charge to its subscribers,
because it contains some forward text and some but earns revenue by selling yellow pages
original material in the yellow pages, there is nothing advertisements.
Page 16 of 307
District Court determined that this was precisely the
Feist Publications, Inc., is a publishing company that reason Rural refused to license its listings. The refusal
specializes in area-wide telephone directories. Unlike a was motivated by an unlawful purpose "to extend its
typical directory, which covers only a particular calling monopoly in telephone service to a monopoly in yellow
area, Feist's area-wide directories cover a much larger pages advertising." Rural Telephone Service Co. v. Feist
geographical range, reducing the need to call directory Publications, Inc., 737 F.Supp. 610, 622 (Kan.1990).
assistance or consult multiple directories. The Feist
directory that is the subject of this litigation covers 11 Unable to license Rural's white pages listings, Feist used
different telephone service areas in 15 counties and them without Rural's consent. Feist began by removing
contains 46,878 white pages listings -- compared to several thousand listings that fell outside the
Rural's approximately 7,700 listings. Like Rural's geographic range of its area-wide directory, then hired
directory, Feist's is distributed free of charge and personnel to investigate the 4,935 that remained. These
includes both white pages and yellow pages. Feist and employees verifiedthe data reported by Rural and
Rural compete vigorously for yellow pages advertising. sought to obtain additional information. As a result, a
typical Feist listing includes the individual's street
As the sole provider of telephone service in its service address; most of Rural's listings do not. Notwithstanding
area, Rural obtains subscriber information quite easily. these additions, however, 1,309 of the 46,878 listings in
Persons desiring telephone service must apply to Rural Feist's 1983 directory were identical to listings in Rural's
and provide their names and addresses; Rural then 1982-1983 white pages. App. 54 (15-16), 57. Four of
assigns them a telephone number. Feist is not a these were fictitious listings that Rural had inserted into
telephone company, let alone one with monopoly its directory to detect copying.
status, and therefore lacks independent access to any
subscriber information. To obtain white pages listings for Rural sued for copyright infringement in the District
its area-wide directory, Feist approached each of the 11 Court for the District of Kansas, taking the position that
telephone companies operating in northwest Kansas Feist, in compiling its own directory, could not use the
and offered to pay for the right to use its white pages information contained in Rural's white pages. Rural
listings. asserted that Feist's employees were obliged to travel
door-to-door or conduct a telephone survey to discover
Of the 11 telephone companies, only Rural refused to the same information for themselves. Feist responded
license its listings to Feist. Rural's refusal created a that such efforts were economically impractical and, in
problem for Feist, as omitting these listings would have any event, unnecessary, because the information copied
left a gaping hole in its area-wide directory, rendering it was beyond the scope of copyright protection. The
less attractive to potential yellow pages advertisers. In a District Court granted summary judgment to Rural,
decision subsequent to that which we review here, the explaining that "[c]ourts have consistently held that
Page 17 of 307
telephone directories are copyrightable" and citing a accompanied by any original written expression. On
string of lower court decisions. 663 F.Supp. 214, 218 what basis may one claim a copyright in such a work?
(1987). In an unpublished opinion, the Court of Appeals Common sense tells us that 100 uncopyrightable facts
for the Tenth Circuit affirmed "for substantially the do not magically change their status when gathered
reasons given by the district court." App. to Pet. for together in one place. Yet copyright law seems to
Cert. 4a, judgt. order reported at 916 F.2d 718 (1990). contemplate that compilations that consist exclusively
We granted certiorari, 498 U.S. 808 (1990), to of facts are potentially within its scope.
determine whether the copyright in Rural's directory
protects the names, towns, and telephone numbers The key to resolving the tension lies in understanding
copied by Feist. why facts are not copyrightable. The sine qua non of
copyright is originality. To qualify for copyright
II – A protection, a work must be original to the author.
Original, as the term is used in copyright, means only
This case concerns the interaction of two well- that the work was independently created by the author
established propositions. The first is that facts are not (as opposed to copied from other works), and that it
copyrightable; the other, that compilations of facts possesses at least some minimal degree of creativity. 1
generally are. Each of these propositions possesses an M. Nimmer & D. Nimmer, Copyright §§ 2.01[A], [B]
impeccable pedigree. That there can be no valid (1990) (hereinafter Nimmer). To be sure, the requisite
copyright in facts is universally understood. The most level of creativity is extremely low; even a slight amount
fundamental axiom of copyright law is that"[n]o author will suffice. The vast majority of works make the grade
may copyright his ideas or the facts he quite easily, as they possess some creative spark, "no
narrates." Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. v. Nation matter how crude, humble or obvious" it might be. Id. §
Enterprises, (1985). Rural wisely concedes this point, 1.08[C][1]. Originality does not signify novelty; a work
noting in its brief that "[f]acts and discoveries, of may be original even though it closely resembles other
course, are not themselves subject to copyright works, so long as the similarity is fortuitous, not the
protection." Brief for Respondent 24. At the same time, result of copying. To illustrate,assume that two poets,
however, it is beyond dispute that compilations of facts each ignorant of the other, compose identical poems.
are within the subject matter of copyright. Compilations Neither work is novel, yet both are original and, hence,
were expressly mentioned in the Copyright Act of 1909, copyrightable.
and again in the Copyright Act of 1976.
Originality is a constitutional requirement. The source of
There is an undeniable tension between these two Congress' power to enact copyright laws is Article I, § 8,
propositions. Many compilations consist of nothing but cl. 8, of the Constitution, which authorizes Congress to
raw data -- i.e.,wholly factual information not "secur[e] for limited Times to Authors . . . the exclusive
Page 18 of 307
Right to their respective Writings." In two decisions from "the existenceof those facts of originality, of intellectual
the late 19th Century -- The Trade-Mark Cases, 100 U. S. production, of thought, and conception."
82 (1879); and Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. v.
Sarony, 111 U. S. 53 (1884) -- this Court defined the The originality requirement articulated in The Trade-
crucial terms "authors" and "writings." In so doing, the Mark Cases and Burrow-Giles remains the touchstone of
Court made it unmistakably clear that these terms copyright protection today. It is the very "premise of
presuppose a degree of originality. copyright law." Miller v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 650
In The Trade-Mark Cases, the Court addressed the F.2d 1365, 1368 (CA5 1981). Leading scholars agree on
constitutional scope of "writings." For a particular work this point. As one pair of commentators succinctly puts
to be classified "under the head of writings of authors," it: "The originality requirement is constitutionally
the Court determined, "originality is required." 100 U.S. mandated for all works." Patterson & Joyce,
at 100 U. S. 94. The Court explained that originality Monopolizing the Law: The Scope of Copyright
requires independent creation plus a modicum of Protection for Law Reports and Statutory Compilations,
creativity: 36 UCLA L.Rev. 719, 763, n. 155 (1989) (emphasis in
original) (hereinafter Patterson & Joyce). Accord, id. at
"[W]hile the word writings may be liberally construed, 759-760, and n. 140; Nimmer § 1.06[A] ("originality is a
as it has been, to include original designs for engraving, statutory as well as a constitutional requirement"); id. §
prints, &c., it is only such as are original, and are 1.08[C][1] ("a modicum of intellectual labor . . . clearly
founded in the creative powers of the mind. The writings constitutes an essential constitutional element").
which are to be protected are the fruits of intellectual
labor, embodied in the form of books, prints, It is this bedrock principle of copyright that mandates
engravings, and the like."Ibid. (emphasis in original). the law's seemingly disparate treatment of facts and
factual compilations. "No one may claim originality as to
In Burrow-Giles, the Court distilled the same facts." Id. § 2.11[A], p. 2-157. This is because facts do
requirement from the Constitution's use of the word not owe their origin to an act of authorship. The
"authors." The Court defined "author," in a distinction is one between creation and discovery: the
constitutional sense, to mean "he to whom anything first person to find and report a particular fact has not
owes its origin; originator; maker." 111 U.S. at111 U. S. created the fact; he or she has merely discovered its
58 (internal quotations omitted). As in The Trade-Mark existence. To borrow from Burrow-Giles, one who
Cases, the Court emphasized the creative component of discovers a fact is not its "maker" or "originator." "The
originality. It described copyright as being limited to discoverer merely finds and records." Nimmer § 2.03[E].
"original intellectual conceptions of the Census-takers, for example, do not "create" the
author," ibid., and stressed the importance of requiring population figures that emerge from their efforts; in a
an author who accuses another of infringement to prove sense, they copy these figures from the world around
Page 19 of 307
them. Denicola, Copyright in Collections of Facts: A Commercial Value: Copyright Protection of Works of
Theory for the Protection of Nonfiction Literary Works, Information, 90 Colum.L.Rev. 1865, 1868, and n. 12
81 Colum.L.Rev. 516, 525 (1981) (hereinafter Denicola). (1990) (hereinafter Ginsburg). Thus, if the compilation
Census data therefore do not trigger copyright, because author clothes facts with an original collocation of
these data are not "original" in the constitutional sense. words, he or she may be able to claim a copyright in
Nimmer§ 2.03[E]. The same is true of all facts -- this written expression. Others may copy the underlying
scientific, historical, biographical, and news of the day. facts from the publication, but not the precise words
"[T]hey may not be copyrighted, and are part of the used to present them. In Harper & Row, for example, we
public domain available to every person." explained that President Ford could not prevent others
Miller, supra, at 1369. from copying bare historical facts from his
autobiography, see 471 U.S. at 471 U. S. 556-557, but
Factual compilations, on the other hand, may possess that he could prevent others from copying his
the requisite originality. The compilation author typically "subjective descriptions and portraits of public figures."
chooses which facts to include, in what order to place
them, and how to arrange the collected data so that Where the compilation author adds no written
they may be used effectively by readers. These choices expression, but rather lets the facts speak for
as to selection and arrangement, so long as they are themselves, the expressive element is more elusive.
made independently by the compiler and entail a The only conceivable expression is the manner in which
minimal degree of creativity, are sufficiently original the compiler has selected and arranged the facts. Thus,
that Congress may protect such compilations through if the selection and arrangement are original, these
the copyright laws. Nimmer §§ 2.11[D], 3.03; Denicola elements of the work are eligible for copyright
523, n. 38. Thus, even a directory that contains protection. See Patry, Copyright in Compilations of Facts
absolutely no protectible written expression, only facts, (or Why the "White Pages" Are Not Copyrightable), 12
meets the constitutional minimum for copyright Com. & Law 37, 64 (Dec.1990) (hereinafter Patry). No
protection if it features an original selection or matter how original the format, however, the facts
arrangement. themselves do not become original through association.

This protection is subject to an important limitation. The This inevitably means that the copyright in a factual
mere fact that a work is copyrighted does not mean that compilation is thin. Notwithstanding a valid copyright, a
every element of the work may be protected. Originality subsequent compiler remains free to use the facts
remains the sine qua non of copyright; accordingly, contained in another's publication to aid in preparing a
copyright protection may extend only to those competing work, so long as the competing work does
components of a work that are original to the author. not feature the same selection and arrangement. As one
Patterson & Joyce 800-802; Ginsburg, Creation and commentator explains it:
Page 20 of 307
fact-based works. More than a century ago, the Court
"[N]o matter how much original authorship the work observed:
displays, the facts and ideas it exposes are free for the
taking. . . . [T]he very same facts and ideas may be "The very object of publishing a book on science or the
divorced from the context imposed by the author, and useful arts is to communicate to the world the useful
restated or reshuffled by second comers, even if the knowledge which it contains. But this object would be
author was the first to discover the facts or to propose frustrated if the knowledge could not be used without
the ideas." incurring the guilt of piracy of the book."

It may seem unfair that much of the fruit of the Baker v. Selden, 101 U. S. 99, 101 U. S. 103 (1880). We
compiler's labor may be used by others without reiterated this point in Harper & Row:"[N]o author may
compensation. As Justice Brennan has correctly copyright facts or ideas. The copyright is limited to
observed, however, this is not "some unforeseen those aspects of the work -- termed 'expression' -- that
byproduct of a statutory scheme." It is, rather, "the display the stamp of the author's originality."
essence of copyright," ibid. and a constitutional
requirement. The primary objective of copyright is not "[C]opyright does not prevent subsequent users from
to reward the labor of authors, but "[t]o promote the copying from a prior author's work those constituent
Progress of Science and useful Arts." To this end, elements that are not original -- for example . . . facts,
copyright assures authors the right to their or materials in the public domain -- as long as such use
originalexpression, but encourages others to build freely does not unfairly appropriate. The author's original
upon the ideas and information conveyed by a work. contributions."
This principle, known as the idea/expression or
fact/expression dichotomy, applies to all works of This, then, resolves the doctrinal tension: Copyright
authorship. As applied to a factual compilation, treats facts and factual compilations in a wholly
assuming the absence of original written expression, consistent manner. Facts, whether alone or as part of a
only the compiler's selection and arrangement may be compilation, are not original, and therefore may not be
protected; the raw facts may be copied at will. This copyrighted. A factual compilation is eligible for
result is neither unfair nor unfortunate. It is the means copyright if it features an original selection or
by which copyright advances the progress of science arrangement of facts, but the copyright is limited tothe
and art. particular selection or arrangement. In no event may
copyright extend to the facts themselves.
This Court has long recognized that the fact/expression
dichotomy limits severely the scope of protection in B

Page 21 of 307
As we have explained, originality is a constitutionally "The 1909 Act neither defined originality nor even
mandated prerequisite for copyright protection. The expressly required that a work be 'original' in order to
Court's decisions announcing this rule predate the command protection. However, the courts uniformly
Copyright Act of 1909, but ambiguous language in the inferred the requirement from the fact that copyright
1909 Act caused some lower courts temporarily to lose protection may only be claimed by 'authors.' . . . It was
sight of this requirement. reasoned that, since an author is 'the . . .creator,
originator,' it follows that a work is not the product of an
The 1909 Act embodied the originality requirement, but author unless the work is original."
not as clearly as it might have. The subject matter of
copyright was set out in § 3 and § 4 of the Act. Section 4 But some courts misunderstood the statute. These
stated that copyright was available to "all the writings of courts ignored § 3 and § 4, focusing their attention
an author." 35 Stat. 1076. By using the words "writings" instead on § 5 of the Act. Section 5, however, was purely
and "author" -- the same words used in Article I, § 8 of technical in nature: it provided that a person seeking to
the Constitution and defined by the Court in The Trade- register a work should indicate on the application the
Mark Cases and Burrow-Giles -- the statute necessarily type of work, and it listed 14 categories under which the
incorporated the originality requirement articulated in work might fall. One of these categories was "[b]ooks,
the Court's decisions. It did so implicitly, however, including composite and cyclopoedic works, directories,
thereby leaving room for error. gazetteers, and other compilations." § 5(a). Section 5
did not purport to say that all compilations were
Section 3 was similarly ambiguous. It stated that the automatically copyrightable. Indeed, it expressly
copyright in a work protected only "the copyrightable disclaimed any such function, pointing out that "the
component parts of the work." It thus stated an subject matter of copyright [i]s defined in section four."
important copyright principle, but failed to identify the Nevertheless, the fact that factual compilations were
specific characteristic -- originality -- that determined mentioned specifically in § 5 led some courts to infer
which component parts of a work were copyrightable erroneously that directories and the like were
and which were not. copyrightable per se, "without any further or precise
showing of original -- personal -- authorship." Ginsburg
Most courts construed the 1909 Act correctly, 1895.
notwithstanding the less-than-perfect statutory
language. They understood from this Court's decisions Making matters worse, these courts developed a new
that there could be no copyright without theory to justify the protection of factual compilations.
originality. See Patterson & Joyce 760-761. As explained Known alternatively as "sweat of the brow" or
in the Nimmer treatise: "industrious collection," the underlying notion was that
copyright was a reward for the hard work that went into
Page 22 of 307
compiling facts. The classic formulation of the doctrine of protection given . . . copyrighted matter, and the law
appeared in Jeweler's Circular Publishing Co., 281 F. at is clear that facts are not entitled to such protection").
Decisions of this Court applying the 1909 Act make clear
"The right to copyright a book upon which one has that the statute did not permit the "sweat of the brow"
expended labor in its preparation does not depend upon approach. The best example is International News
whether the materials which he has collected consist or Service v. Associated Press, 248 U. S. 215 (1918). In
not of matters which are publici juris, or whether such that decision, the Court stated unambiguously that the
materials show literary skill or originality, either in 1909 Act conferred copyright protection only on those
thought or in language, or anything more than elements of a work that were original to the author.
industriouscollection. The man who goes through the International News Service had conceded taking news
streets of a town and puts down the names of each of reported by Associated Press and publishing it in its own
the inhabitants, with their occupations and their street newspapers. Recognizing that § 5 of the Act specifically
number acquires material of which he is the mentioned "[p]eriodicals, including newspapers," § 5(b),
author."(Emphasis added). the Court acknowledged that news articles were
copyrightable. Id. at 248 U. S. 234. It flatly rejected,
The "sweat of the brow" doctrine had numerous flaws, however, the notion that the copyright in an article
the most glaring being that it extended copyright extended tothe factual information it contained:
protection in a compilation beyond selection and
arrangement -- the compiler's original contributions -- to "[T]he news element -- the information respecting
the facts themselves. Under the doctrine, the only current events contained in the literary production -- is
defense to infringement was independent creation. A not the creation of the writer, but is a report of matters
subsequent compiler was "not entitled to take one word that ordinarily are publici juris; it is the history of the
of information previously published," but rather had to day."
"independently wor[k] out the matter for himself, so as
to arrive at the same result from the same common Without a doubt, the "sweat of the brow" doctrine
sources of information." Id. at 88-89 (internal quotations flouted basic copyright principles. Throughout history,
omitted). "Sweat of the brow" courts thereby eschewed copyright law has "recognize[d] a greater need to
the most fundamental axiom of copyright law -- that no disseminate factual works than works of fiction or
one may copyright facts or ideas. See Miller v. Universal fantasy." Harper & Row, 471 U.S. at471 U. S.
City Studios, Inc., 650 F.2d at 1372 (criticizing "sweat of 563. Accord, Gorman, Fact or Fancy: The Implications for
the brow" courts because "ensur[ing] that later writers Copyright, 29 J.Copyright Soc. 560, 563 (1982). But
obtain the facts independently . . . is precisely the scope "sweat of the brow" courts took a contrary view; they
handed out proprietary interests in facts and declared
Page 23 of 307
that authors are absolutely precluded from saving time Congress took the Register's advice. In enacting the
and effort by relying upon the facts contained in prior Copyright Act of 1976, Congress dropped the reference
works. In truth, "[i]t is just such wasted effort that the to "all the writings of an author" and replaced it with the
proscription against the copyright of ideas and facts . . . phrase "original works of authorship." 17 U.S.C. §
[is] designed to prevent." 102(a). In making explicit the originality requirement,
Congress announced that it was merely clarifying
"Protection for the fruits of such research . . . may, in existing law:
certain circumstances, be available under a theory of "The two fundamental criteria of copyright protection
unfair competition. But to accord copyright protection [are] originality and fixation in tangible form. . . . The
on this basis alone distorts basic copyright principles in phrase 'original works of authorship,' which is purposely
that it creates a monopoly in public domain materials left undefined, is intended to incorporate without
without the necessary justification of protecting and change the standard of originality established by the
encouraging the creation of 'writings' by 'authors.'" courts under the present [1909] copyright statute."

C This sentiment was echoed by the Copyright Office:

"Our intention here is to maintain the established
"Sweat of the brow" decisions did not escape the standards of originality. . . ." Supplementary Report of
attention of the Copyright Office. When Congress the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of
decided to overhaul the copyright statute and asked the U.S. Copyright Law, 89th Cong., 1st Sess., Part 6, p. 3
Copyright Office to study existing problems, the (H. Judiciary Comm. Print 1965) (emphasis added).
Copyright Office promptly recommendedthat Congress
clear up the confusion in the lower courts as to the basic To ensure that the mistakes of the "sweat of the brow"
standards of copyrightability. The Register of Copyrights courts would not be repeated, Congress took additional
explained in his first report to Congress that "originality" measures. For example, § 3 of the 1909 Act had stated
was a "basic requisit[e]" of copyright under the 1909 that copyright protected only the "copyrightable
Act, but that "the absence of any reference to component parts" of a work, but had not identified
[originality] in the statute seems to have led to originality as the basis for distinguishingthose
misconceptions as to what is copyrightable matter." component parts that were copyrightable from those
Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General that were not. The 1976 Act deleted this section and
Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law, 87th Cong., 1st replaced it with § 102(b), which identifies specifically
Sess., p. 9 (H. Judiciary Comm. Print 1961). The Register those elements of a work for which copyright is not
suggested making the originality requirement available:
explicit. Ibid.

Page 24 of 307
"In no case does copyright protection for an original sense as"a work formed by the collection and assembly
work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, of preexisting materials or of data that are selected,
process, system, method of operation, concept, coordinated, or arranged in such a way that the
principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it resulting work, as a whole, constitutes an original work
is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such of authorship."(Emphasis added.)
The purpose of the statutory definition is to emphasize
§ 102(b) is universally understood to prohibit any that collections of facts are not copyrightable per se. It
copyright in facts. Harper Row, supra, at 471 U. S. conveys this message through its tripartite structure, as
547, 471 U. S. 556.Accord, Nimmer § 2.03[E] (equating emphasized above by the italics. The statute identifies
facts with "discoveries"). As with § 102(a), Congress three distinct elements, and requires each to be met for
emphasized that § 102(b) did not change the law, but a work to qualify as a copyrightable compilation: (1) the
merely clarified it: collection and assembly of preexisting material, facts, or
data; (2) the selection, coordination, or arrangement of
"Section 102(b) in no way enlarges or contracts the those materials; and (3) the creation, by virtue of the
scope of copyright protection under the present law. Its particular selection, coordination, or arrangement, of an
purpose is to restate . . . that the basic dichotomy "original" work of authorship. "[T]his tripartite
between expression and idea remains unchanged." conjunctive structure is self-evident, and should be
assumed to accurately express the legislative
Congress took another step to minimize confusion by purpose.'"
deleting the specific mention of "directories . . . and At first glance, the first requirement does not seem to
other compilations" in § 5 of the 1909 Act. As tell us much. It merely describes what one normally
mentioned, this section had led some courts to conclude thinks of as a compilation -- a collection of preexisting
that directories were copyrightable per se, and that material, facts, or data. What makes it significant is that
every element of a directory was protected. In its place, it is not the solerequirement. It is not enough for
Congress enacted two new provisions. First, to make copyright purposes that an author collects and
clear that compilations were not copyrightable per assembles facts. To satisfy the statutory definition, the
se, Congress provided a definition of the term work must get over two additional hurdles. In this way,
"compilation." Second, to make clear that the copyright the plain language indicates that not every collection of
in a compilation did not extend to the facts themselves, facts receives copyright protection. Otherwise, there
Congress enacted 17 U.S.C. § 103. would be a period after "data."

The definition of "compilation" is found in § 101 of the The third requirement is also illuminating. It emphasizes
1976 Act. It defines a "compilation" in the copyright that a compilation, like any other work, is copyrightable
Page 25 of 307
only if it satisfies the originality requirement defined "compilation" simply as "a work formed by the
("an original work of authorship"). Although § 102 states collection and assembly of preexisting materials or data
plainly that the originality requirement applies to all that are selected, coordinated, or arranged." That
works, the point was emphasized with regard to Congress did not do so is dispositive. In accordance with
compilations to ensure that courts would not repeat the "the established principle that a court should give
mistake of the "sweat of the brow" courts by concluding effect, if possible, to every clause and word of a
that fact-based works are treated differently and statute," Moskal v. United States, 498 U. S. 103, 498 U.
measured by some other standard. As Congress S. 109-110 (1990) (internal quotations omitted), we
explained it, the goal was to"make plain that the criteria conclude that the statute envisions that there will be
of copyrightable subject matter stated in section 102 some fact-based works in which the selection,
apply with full force to works . . . containing preexisting coordination, and arrangement are not sufficiently
material." original to trigger copyright protection.

The key to the statutory definition is the second As discussed earlier, however, the originality
requirement. It instructs courts that, in determining requirement is not particularly stringent. A compiler
whether a fact-based work is an original work of may settle upon a selection or arrangement that others
authorship, they should focus on the manner in which have used; novelty is not required. Originality requires
the collected facts have been selected, coordinated, and only that the author make the selection or arrangement
arranged. This is a straightforward application of the independently (i.e., without copying that selection or
originality requirement. Facts are never original, so the arrangement from another work), and that it display
compilation author can claim originality, if at all, only in some minimal level of creativity. Presumably,the vast
the way the facts are presented. To that end, the statute majority of compilations will pass this test, but not all
dictates that the principal focus should be on whether will. There remains a narrow category of works in which
the selection, coordination, and arrangement are the creative spark is utterly lacking or so trivial as to be
sufficiently original to merit protection. virtually nonexistent. See generally Bleistein v.
Donaldson Lithographing Co., 188 U. S. 239, 188 U. S.
Not every selection, coordination, or arrangement will 251 (1903) (referring to "the narrowest and most
pass muster. This is plain from the statute. It states that, obvious limits"). Such works are incapable of sustaining
to merit protection, the facts must be selected, a valid copyright. Nimmer § 2.01[B].
coordinated, or arranged "in such a way" as to render
the work as a whole original. This implies that some Even if a work qualifies as a copyrightable compilation,
"ways" will trigger copyright, but that others will it receives only limited protection. This is the point of §
not. See Patry 57, and n. 76. Otherwise, the phrase "in 103 of the Act. Section 103 explains that "[t]he subject
such a way" is meaningless, and Congress should have matter of copyright . . . includes compilations," § 103(a),
Page 26 of 307
but that copyright protects only the author's original misconstrued this basic principle, and Congress
contributions -- not the facts or information conveyed: emphasized repeatedly that the purpose of the revisions
"The copyright in a compilation . . . extends only to the was to clarify, not change, existing law. The revisions
material contributed by the author of such work, as explain with painstaking clarity that copyright requires
distinguished from the preexisting material employed in originality, § 102(a); that facts are never original, §
the work, and does not imply any exclusive right in the 102(b); that the copyright in a compilation does not
preexisting material."§ 103(b). extend to the facts it contains, § 103(b); and that a
compilation is copyrightable only to the extent that it
As § 103 makes clear, copyright is not a tool by which a features an original selection, coordination, or
compilation author may keep others from using the arrangement, § 101.
facts or data he or she has collected. The 1976 revisions have proven largely successful in
steering courts in the right direction. A good example
"The most important point here is one that is commonly is Miller v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 650 F.2d at 1369-
misunderstood today: copyright . . . has no effect one 1370:
way or the other on the copyright or public domain
status of the preexisting material." "A copyright in a directory . . . is properly viewed as
resting on the originality of the selection and
The 1909 Act did not require, as "sweat of the brow" arrangement of the factual material, rather than on the
courts mistakenly assumed, that each subsequent industriousness of the efforts to develop the
compiler must start from scratch, and is precluded from information. Copyright protection does not extend to the
relying on research undertaken by another. See, e.g., facts themselves, and the mere use of information
Jeweler's Circular publishing Co., 281 F., at 88-89. contained in a directory without a substantial copying of
Rather, the facts contained in existing works may be the format does not constitute infringement."
freely copied, because copyright protects only the
elements that owe their origin to the compiler -- the Additionally, the Second Circuit, which almost 70 years
selection, coordination, and arrangement of facts. ago issued the classic formulation of the "sweat of the
brow" doctrine in Jeweler's Circular Publishing Co., has
In summary, the 1976 revisions to the Copyright Act now fully repudiated the reasoning of that decision. See,
leave no doubt that originality, not "sweat of the brow," e.g., Financial Information, Inc. v. Moody's Investors
is thetouchstone of copyright protection in directories Service, Inc., 808 F.2d 204, 207 (CA2 1986), cert.
and other fact-based works. Nor is there any doubt that denied, 484 U.S. 820 (1987);Financial Information, Inc.
the same was true under the 1909 Act. The 1976 v. Moody's Investors Service, Inc., 751 F.2d 501, 510
revisions were a direct response to the Copyright (CA2 1984) (Newman, J., concurring); Hoehling v.
Office's concern that many lower courts had Universal City Studios, Inc., 618 F.2d 972, 979 (CA2
Page 27 of 307
1980). Even those scholars who believe that these bits of information are uncopyrightable facts; they
"industrious collection" should be rewarded seem to existed before Rural reported them, and would have
recognize that this is beyond the scope of existing continued to exist if Rural had never published a
copyright law. See Denicola 516 ("the very vocabulary telephone directory. The originality requirement"rule[s]
of copyright is ill-suitedto analyzing property rights in out protecting . . . names, addresses, and telephone
works of nonfiction"); id. at 520-521, 525; Ginsburg numbers of which the plaintiff, by no stretch of the
1867, 1870. imagination, could be called the author."

III Rural essentially concedes the point by referring to the

names, towns, and telephone numbers as "preexisting
There is no doubt that Feist took from the white pages material." Brief for Respondent 17. Section 103(b)
of Rural's directory a substantial amount of factual states explicitlythat the copyright in a compilation does
information. At a minimum, Feist copied the names, not extend to "the preexisting material employed in the
towns, and telephone numbers of 1,309 of Rural's work."
subscribers. Not all copying, however, is copyright
infringement. To establish infringement, two elements The question that remains is whether Rural selected,
must be proven: (1) ownership of a valid copyright, and coordinated, or arranged these uncopyrightable facts in
(2) copying of constituent elements of the work that are an original way. As mentioned, originality is not a
original. See Harper & Row, 471 U.S. at 471 U. S. 548. stringent standard; it does not require that facts be
The first element is not at issue here; Feist appears to presented in an innovative or surprising way. It is
concede that Rural's directory, considered as a whole, is equally true, however, that the selection and
subject to a valid copyright because it contains some arrangement of facts cannot be so mechanical or
foreword text, as well as original material in its yellow routine as to require no creativity whatsoever. The
pages advertisements. standard of originality is low, but it does
exist. See Patterson & Joyce 760, n. 144 ("While this
The question is whether Rural has proved the second requirement is sometimes characterized as modest, or a
element. In other words, did Feist, by taking 1,309 low threshold, it is not without effect") (internal
names, towns, and telephone numbers from Rural's quotations omitted; citations omitted). As this Court has
white pages, copy anything that was "original" to Rural? explained, the Constitution mandates some minimal
Certainly, the raw data does not satisfy the originality degree of creativity, see The Trade-Mark Cases, 100 U.S.
requirement. Rural may have been the first to discover at 100 U. S. 94, and an author who claims infringement
and report the names, towns, and telephone numbers of must prove "the existence of . . . intellectual production,
its subscribers, but this data does not "ow[e] its origin'" of thought, and conception."
to Rural. Burrow-Giles, 111 U.S. at 111 U. S. 58. Rather,
Page 28 of 307
The selection, coordination, and arrangement of Rural's to Rural; no one disputes that Rural undertook the task
white pages do not satisfy the minimum constitutional of alphabetizing the names itself. But there is nothing
standards for copyright protection. As mentioned at the remotely creative about arranging names alphabetically
outset, Rural's white pages are entirely typical. Persons in a white pages directory. It is an age-old practice,
desiring telephone service in Rural's service area fill out firmly rooted in tradition and so commonplace that it
an application, and Rural issues them a telephone has come to be expected as a matter of
number. In preparing its white pages, Rural simply takes course. See Brief for Information Industry Association et
the data provided by its subscribers and lists it Amici Curiae 10 (alphabetical arrangement "is
alphabetically by surname. The end product is a garden- universally observed in directories published by local
variety white pages directory, devoid of even the exchange telephone companies"). It is not only
slightest trace of creativity. unoriginal, it is practically inevitable. This time-honored
tradition does not possess the minimal creative spark
Rural's selection of listings could not be more obvious: it required by the Copyright Act and the Constitution.
publishes the most basic information -- name, town, and
telephone number -- about each person who applies to We conclude that the names, towns, and telephone
it for telephone service. This is "selection" of a sort, but numbers copied by Feist were not original to Rural, and
it lacks the modicum of creativity necessary to therefore were not protected by the copyright in Rural's
transform mere selection into copyrightable expression. combined white and yellow pages directory. As a
Rural expended sufficient effortto make the white pages constitutional matter, copyright protects only those
directory useful, but insufficient creativity to make it constituent elements of a work that possess more than
original. a de minimis quantum of creativity. Rural's white pages,
limited to basic subscriber information and arranged
We note in passing that the selection featured in Rural's alphabetically, fall short of the mark. As a statutory
white pages may also fail the originality requirement for matter, 17 U.S.C. § 101 does not afford protectionfrom
another reason. Feist points out that Rural did not truly copying to a collection of facts that are selected,
"select" to publish the names and telephone numbers of coordinated, and arranged in a way that utterly lacks
its subscribers; rather, it was required to do so by the originality. Given that some works must fail, we cannot
Kansas Corporation Commission as part of its monopoly imagine a more likely candidate. Indeed, were we to
franchise.Accordingly, one could plausibly conclude that hold that Rural's white pages pass muster, it is hard to
this selection was dictated by state law, not by Rural. believe that any collection of facts could fail.
Nor can Rural claim originality in its coordination and
arrangement of facts. The white pages do nothing more Because Rural's white pages lack the requisite
than list Rural's subscribers in alphabetical order. This originality, Feist's use of the listings cannot constitute
arrangement may, technically speaking, owe its origin infringement. This decision should not be construed as
Page 29 of 307
demeaning Rural's efforts in compiling its directory, but secure or extend copyright in such original works. (Sec.
rather as making clear that copyright rewards 8, P.D. 49; Art. 10, TRIPS)
originality, not effort. As this Court noted more than a
century ago,"'great praise may be due to the plaintiffs Section 174. Published Edition of Work. - In addition to
for their industry and enterprise in publishing this paper, the right to publish granted by the author, his heirs, or
yet the law does not contemplate their being rewarded assigns, the publisher shall have a copyright consisting
in this way.'" merely of the right of reproduction of the typographical
arrangement of the published edition of the work. (n)
Derivative Works
Works not subject to Protection
Sections 173 & 174
Section 175 & 176
Section 173. Derivative Works. - 173.1. The following
derivative works shall also be protected by copyright: Section 175. Unprotected Subject Matter. -
Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 172 and 173,
(a) Dramatizations, translations, adaptations, no protection shall extend, under this law, to any idea,
abridgments, arrangements, and other alterations of procedure, system, method or operation, concept,
literary or artistic works; and principle, discovery or mere data as such, even if they
are expressed, explained, illustrated or embodied in a
(b) Collections of literary, scholarly or artistic works, and work; news of the day and other miscellaneous facts
compilations of data and other materials which are having the character of mere items of press information;
original by reason of the selection or coordination or or any official text of a legislative, administrative or
arrangement of their contents. (Sec. 2, [P] and [Q], P.D. legal nature, as well as any official translation thereof
No. 49) (n)

173.2. The works referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section 176. Works of the Government. - 176.1. No
Subsection 173.1 shall be protected as new works: copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of
Provided however, That such new work shall not affect the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
the force of any subsisting copyright upon the original government agency or office wherein the work is
works employed or any part thereof, or be construed to created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work
imply any right to such use of the original works, or to for profit. Such agency or office may, among other
Page 30 of 307
things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties. copying, almost precisely, Rule 1. In its motion for
No prior approval or conditions shall be required for the summary judgment, based upon affidavits and
use of any purpose of statutes, rules and regulations, depositions, defendant denies that plaintiff's Rule I is
and speeches, lectures, sermons, addresses, and copyrightable material, and denies access. The district
dissertations, pronounced, read or rendered in courts of court held for the defendant on both grounds.
justice, before administrative agencies, in deliberative
assemblies and in meetings of public character. (Sec. 9, [2] Taking the second ground first, the defendant offered
first par., P.D. No. 49) affidavits or depositions of all of its allegedly pertinent
employees, all of whom denied having seen plaintiff's
176.2. The author of speeches, lectures, sermons, rules. Although the plaintiff, by deposition, flatly
addresses, and dissertations mentioned in the testified that prior to the time the defendant conducted
preceding paragraphs shall have the exclusive right of its contest he had mailed to the defendant his
making a collection of his works. (n) copyrighted rules with an offer to sell, the court ruled
176.3. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the that the defendant had "proved" non-access, and stated
Government is not precluded from receiving and holding that it was "satisfied that no material issue as to access
copyrights transferred to it by assignment, bequest or * * * lurks * * * [in the record.]"
otherwise; nor shall publication or republication by the
Government in a public document of any work in which [3] The court did not explain whether it considered
copyright is subsisting be taken to cause any defendant's showing to have constituted proof
abridgment or annulment of the copyright or to overcoming the presumption of receipt arising from
authorize any use or appropriation of such work without plaintiff's testimony of mailing, or whether it felt there
the consent of the copyright owner. (Sec. 9, third par., was an unsatisfied burden on the plaintiff to show that
P.D. No. 49) the particularly responsible employees of the defendant
had received his communication. Either view would
Cases: have been error. A notice to the defendant at its
principal office, as this one assertedly was, is proper
1. Morrissey v. Procter & Gamble, 379 F.2d 367 notice. There is at least an inference that the letter
reached its proper destination. Even if we assume that
[1] This is an appeal from a summary judgment for the if, at the trial of the case, it should be found that the
defendant. The plaintiff, Morrissey, is the copyright particular employees of the defendant responsible for
owner of a set of rules for a sales promotional contest of the contest were in fact without knowledge of plaintiff's
the "sweepstakes" type involving the social security rules, defendant would be free of a charge of
numbers of the participants. Plaintiff alleges that the copying, cf. Pinci v. Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.,
defendant, Procter & Gamble Company, infringed, by S.D. N.Y., 1951, 95 F.Supp. 884; Dezendorf v. Twentieth
Page 31 of 307
Century-Fox Film Corp., S.D.Cal., 1940, 32 F.Supp. [6] Before discussing it we recite plaintiff's Rule 1, and
359, aff'd, 9 Cir., 118 F.2d 561, on a motion for summary defendant's Rule 1, the italicizing in the latter being
judgment a plaintiff should not have to go to the point ours to note the defendant's variations or changes.
of showing that every employee of a corporate
defendant received his notification. Nor can it be said "1. Entrants should print name, address and social
that no issue of fact as to access "lurks" merely because security number on a boxtop, or a plain paper. Entries
it seems to the court that plaintiff's own proof has been must be accompanied by * * * boxtop or by plain paper
satisfactorily contradicted. Nothing is clearer than this on which the name * * * is copied f rom any source.
on a motion for summary judgment; if a party has made Official rules are explained on * * * packages or leaflets
an evidentiary showing warranting a favorable obtained from dealer. If you do not have a social
inference, contradiction cannot eliminate it. Summary security number you may use the name and number of
judgment may not be granted where there is the any member of your immediate family living with you.
"slightest doubt as to the facts." Peckham v. Ronrico Only the person named on the entry will be deemed an
Corp., 1 Cir., 1948, 171 F.2d 653, 657; Arnstein v. Porter, entrant and may qualify for prize.
2 Cir., 1946, 154 F.2d 464, 468. Defendant's argument "Use the correct social security number belonging to the
misreads Dressler v. MV Sandpiper, 2 Cir., 1964, 331 person named on entry * * * wrong number will be
F.2d 130. The presumption arising from mailing disqualified."
remained in the case.[n1]
(Plaintiff's Rule)
[4] It is true that we have, on rare occasion, held that
even though there is some slight evidence favoring a "1. Entrants should print name, address and Social
plaintiff, the evidence contrary may be so overpowering Security number on a Tide boxtop, or on [a] plain paper.
that a verdict for the plaintiff cannot be permitted, and Entries must be accompanied by Tide boxtop (any size)
judgment must be ordered for the or by plain paper on which the name 'Tide' is copied
defendant. Dehydrating Process Co. v. A. O. Smith Corp., from any source. Official rules are available on Tide
1 Cir., 1961, 292 F.2d 653, cert. den. 368 U.S. 931, 82 Sweepstakes packages, or on leaflets at Tide dealers, or
S.Ct. 368, 7 L.Ed.2d 194; see Magnat Corp. v. B & B you can send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to:
Electroplating Co., 1 Cir., 1966, 358 F.2d 794. We have Tide 'Shopping Fling' Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 4459,
never suggested that such a principle is applicable to a Chicago 77, Illinois.
motion for summary judgment, and we do not now. [n2]
[5] Cf. Robbins v. Milner Enterprises, Inc., 5 Cir., 1960, "If you do not have a Social Security number, you may
278 F.2d 492, 496-497. The second aspect of the case use the name and number of any member of your
raises a more difficult question. immediate family living with you. Only the person
named on the entry will be deemed an entrant and may
Page 32 of 307
qualify for a prize. "Use the correct Social Security [8] Nonetheless, we must hold for the defendant. When
number, belonging to the person named on the entry the uncopyrightable subject matter is very narrow, so
wrong numbers will be disqualified." that "the topic necessarily requires," Sampson &
(Defendant's Rule) Murdock Co. v. Seaver-Radford Co., 1 Cir., 1905, 140 F.
539, 541; cf. Kaplan, An Unhurried View of Copyright,
[7] The district court, following an earlier decision, Gaye 64-65 (1967), if not only one form of expression, at best
v. Gillis, D.Mass., 1958, 167 F.Supp. 416, took the only a limited number, to permit copyrighting would
position that since the substance of the contest was not mean that a party or parties, by copyrighting a mere
copyrightable, which is unquestionably correct, Baker v. handful of forms, could exhaust all possibilities of future
Selden, 1879, 101 U.S. 99, 25 L.Ed. 841; Affiliated use of the substance. In such circumstances it does not
Enterprises v. Gruber, 1 Cir., 1936, 86 F.2d seem accurate to say that any particular form of
958; Chamberlin v. Uris Sales Corp., 2 Cir., 1945, 150 expression comes from the subject matter. However, it
F.2d 512, and the substance was relatively simple, it is necessary to say that the subject matter would be
must follow that plaintiff's rule sprung directly from the appropriated by permitting the copyrighting of its
substance and "contains no original creative expression. We cannot recognize copyright as a game of
authorship." 262 F.Supp. at 738. This does not follow. chess in which the public can be checkmated.
Copyright attaches to form of expression, and
defendant's own proof, introduced to deluge the court [9] Upon examination the matters embraced in Rule 1
on the issue of access, itself established that there was are so straightforward and simple that we find this
more than one way of expressing even this simple limiting principle to be applicable. Furthermore, its
substance. Nor, in view of the almost precise similarity operation need not await an attempt to copyright all
of the two rules, could defendant successfully invoke possible forms. It cannot be only the last form of
the principle of a stringent standard for showing expression which is to be condemned, as completing
infringement which some courts apply when the subject defendant's exclusion from the substance. Rather, in
matter involved admits of little variation in form of these circumstances, we hold that copyright does not
expression. E. g., Dorsey v. Old Surety Life Ins. Co., 10 extend to the subject matter at all, and plaintiff cannot
Cir., 1938, 98 F.2d 872, 874, 119 A.L.R. 1250 ("a complain even if his particular expression was
showing of appropriation in the exact form or deliberately adopted.
substantially so.") ;Continental Casualty Co. v.
Beardsley, 2 Cir., 1958, 253 F.2d 702, 705, cert. denied, 2. Brandir International v. Cascade Pacific
358 U.S. 816, 79 S.Ct. 25, 3 L.Ed.2d 58 ("a stiff standard Lumber, 834 F.2d 1142
for proof of infringement.").
In passing the Copyright Act of 1976 Congress
attempted to distinguish between protectable "works of
Page 33 of 307
applied art" and "industrial designs not subject to of the Copyright Act of 1909 was omitted and replaced
copyright protection." See H.R.Rep. No. 1476, 94th by reference to "pictorial, graphic, and sculptural
Cong., 2d Sess. 54, reprinted in 1976 U.S.Code Cong. & works," 17 U.S.C. Sec. 102(a)(5). According to the House
Admin.News 5659, 5667 (hereinafter H.R.Rep. No. Report, the new category was intended to supply "as
1476). The courts, however, have had difficulty framing clear a line as possible between copyrightable works of
tests by which the fine line establishing what is and applied art and uncopyrighted works of industrial
what is not copyrightable can be drawn. Once again we design." H.R.Rep. No. 1476, at 55, U.S.Code Cong. &
are called upon to draw such a line, this time in a case Admin.News 1976, p. 5668. The statutory definition of
involving the "RIBBON Rack," a bicycle rack made of "pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works" states that
bent tubing that is said to have originated from a wire "the design of a useful article, as defined in this section,
sculpture. (A photograph of the rack is contained in the shall be considered a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural
appendix to this opinion.) We are also called upon to work only if, and only to the extent that, such design
determine whether there is any trademark protection incorporates pictorial, graphic, or sculptural features
available to the manufacturer of the bicycle rack, that can be identified separately from, and are capable
appellant Brandir International, Inc. The Register of of existing independently of, the utilitarian aspects of
Copyright, named as a third-party defendant under the the article." 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101.1 The legislative history
statute, 17 U.S.C. Sec. 411, but electing not to appear, added gloss on the criteria of separate identity and
denied copyrightability. In the subsequent suit brought independent existence in saying:
in the United States District Court for the Southern
District of New York, Charles S. Haight, Jr., Judge, the On the other hand, although the shape of an industrial
district court granted summary judgment on both the product may be aesthetically satisfying and valuable,
copyright and trademark claims to defendant Cascade the Committee's intention is not to offer it copyright
Pacific Lumber Co., d/b/a Columbia Cascade Co., protection under the bill. Unless the shape of an
manufacturer of a similar bicycle rack. We affirm as to automobile, airplane, ladies' dress, food processor,
the copyright claim, but reverse and remand as to the television set, or any other industrial product contains
trademark claim. some element that, physically or conceptually, can be
identified as separable from the utilitarian aspects of
Against the history of copyright protection well set out
in the majority opinion in Carol Barnhart Inc. v. Economy
1The statute also defines "useful article" as one "having an intrinsic
Cover Corp., 773 F.2d 411, 415-18 (2d Cir.1985), and in utilitarian function that is not merely to portray the appearance of
Denicola, Applied Art and Industrial Design: A the article or to convey information. An article that is normally a
Suggested Approach to Copyright in Useful Articles, 67 part of a useful article is considered a 'useful article.' " 17 U.S.C.
Minn.L.Rev. 707, 709-17 (1983), Congress adopted the Sec. 101
Copyright Act of 1976. The "works of art" classification
Page 34 of 307
that article, the design would not be copyrighted under reason to conclude that it does not." See 1 Nimmer on
the bill. Copyright Sec. 2.08[B] at 2-96.1. In any event, in
Kieselstein-Cord v. Accessories by Pearl, Inc., 632 F.2d
As courts and commentators have come to realize, 989, 993 (2d Cir.1980), this court accepted the idea that
however, the line Congress attempted to draw between copyrightability can adhere in the "conceptual"
copyrightable art and noncopyrightable design "was separation of an artistic element. Indeed, the court went
neither clear nor new." Denicola, supra, 67 Minn.L.Rev. on to find such conceptual separation in reference to
at 720. One aspect of the distinction that has drawn ornate belt buckles that could be and were worn
considerable attention is the reference in the House separately as jewelry. Kieselstein-Cord was followed in
Report to "physically or conceptually " (emphasis Norris Industries, Inc. v. International Telephone &
added) separable elements. The District of Columbia Telegraph Corp., 696 F.2d 918, 923-24 (11th Cir.), cert.
Circuit in Esquire, Inc. v. Ringer, 591 F.2d 796, 803-04 denied, 464 U.S. 818, 104 S.Ct. 78, 78 L.Ed.2d 89
(D.C.Cir.1978) (holding outdoor lighting fixtures (1983), although there the court upheld the Register's
ineligible for copyright), cert. denied, 440 U.S. 908, 99 refusal to register automobile wire wheel covers, finding
S.Ct. 1217, 59 L.Ed.2d 456 (1979), called this an no "conceptually separable" work of art. See also
"isolated reference" and gave it no significance. Transworld Mfg. Corp. v. Al Nyman & Sons, Inc., 95 F.R.D.
Professor Nimmer, however, seemed to favor the 95 (D.Del.1982) (finding conceptual separability
observations of Judge Harold Leventhal in his sufficient to support copyright in denying summary
concurrence in Esquire, who stated that "the overall judgment on copyrightability of eyeglass display cases).
legislative policy ... sustains the Copyright Office in its
effort to distinguish between the instances where the In Carol Barnhart Inc. v. Economy Cover Corp., 773 F.2d
aesthetic element is conceptually severable and the 411 (2d Cir.1985), a divided panel of this circuit affirmed
instances where the aesthetic element is inextricably a district court grant of summary judgment of
interwoven with the utilitarian aspect of the article." 591 noncopyrightability of four life-sized, anatomically
F.2d at 807; see 1 Nimmer on Copyright Sec. 2.08[B] at correct human torso forms. Carol Barnhart distinguished
2-93 to 2-96.2 (1986). But see Gerber, Book Review, 26 Kieselstein-Cord, but it surely did not overrule it. The
U.C.L.A.L.Rev. 925, 938-43 (1979) (criticizing Professor distinction made was that the ornamented surfaces of
Nimmer's view on conceptual separability). Looking to the Kieselstein-Cord belt buckles "were not in any
the section 101 definition of works of artistic respect required by their utilitarian functions," but the
craftsmanship requiring that artistic features be features claimed to be aesthetic or artistic in the Carol
"capable of existing independently of the utilitarian Barnhart forms were "inextricably intertwined with the
aspects," Professor Nimmer queries whether that utilitarian feature, the display of clothes." 773 F.2d at
requires physical as distinguished from conceptual 419. But cf. Animal Fair, Inc. v. Amfesco Indus., Inc., 620
separability, but answers his query by saying "[t]here is F.Supp. 175, 186-88 (D.Minn.1985) (holding bear-paw
Page 35 of 307
design conceptually separable from the utilitarian Perhaps the differences between the majority and the
features of a slipper), aff'd mem., 794 F.2d 678 (8th dissent in Carol Barnhart might have been resolved had
Cir.1986). As Judge Newman's dissent made clear, the they had before them the Denicola article on Applied Art
Carol Barnhart majority did not dispute "that and Industrial Design: A Suggested Approach to
'conceptual separability' is distinct from 'physical Copyright in Useful Articles, supra. There, Professor
separability' and, when present, entitles the creator of a Denicola points out that although the Copyright Act of
useful article to a copyright on its design." 773 F.2d at 1976 was an effort " 'to draw as clear a line as possible,'
420. " in truth "there is no line, but merely a spectrum of
forms and shapes responsive in varying degrees to
"Conceptual separability" is thus alive and well, at least utilitarian concerns." 67 Minn.L.Rev. at 741. Denicola
in this circuit. The problem, however, is determining argues that "the statutory directive requires a
exactly what it is and how it is to be applied. Judge distinction between works of industrial design and works
Newman's illuminating discussion in dissent in Carol whose origins lie outside the design process, despite the
Barnhart, see 773 F.2d at 419-24, proposed a test that utilitarian environment in which they appear." He views
aesthetic features are conceptually separable if "the the statutory limitation of copyrightability as "an
article ... stimulate[s] in the mind of the beholder a attempt to identify elements whose form and
concept that is separate from the concept evoked by its appearance reflect the unconstrained perspective of the
utilitarian function." Id. at 422. This approach has artist," such features not being the product of industrial
received favorable endorsement by at least one design. Id. at 742. "Copyrightability, therefore, should
commentator, W. Patry, Latman's The Copyright Law 43- turn on the relationship between the proffered work and
45 (6th ed. 1986), who calls Judge Newman's test the the process of industrial design." Id. at 741. He suggests
"temporal displacement" test. It is to be distinguished that "the dominant characteristic of industrial design is
from other possible ways in which conceptual the influence of nonaesthetic, utilitarian concerns" and
separability can be tested, including whether the hence concludes that copyrightability "ultimately should
primary use is as a utilitarian article as opposed to an depend on the extent to which the work reflects artistic
artistic work, whether the aesthetic aspects of the work expression uninhibited by functional
can be said to be "primary," and whether the article is
marketable as art, none of which is very satisfactory.
But Judge Newman's test was rejected outright by the
majority as "a standard so ethereal as to amount to a
'nontest' that would be extremely difficult, if not
impossible, to administer or apply." 773 F.2d at 419 n. 5.

Page 36 of 307
considerations."2 Id. To state the Denicola test in the may help, as Denicola notes, to "alleviate the de facto
language of conceptual separability, if design elements discrimination against nonrepresentational art that has
reflect a merger of aesthetic and functional regrettably accompanied much of the current analysis."
considerations, the artistic aspects of a work cannot be Id. at 745.3 Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we
said to be conceptually separable from the utilitarian think Denicola's test will not be too difficult to
elements. Conversely, where design elements can be administer in practice. The work itself will continue to
identified as reflecting the designer's artistic judgment give "mute testimony" of its origins. In addition, the
exercised independently of functional influences, parties will be required to present evidence relating to
conceptual separability exists. the design process and the nature of the work, with the
trier of fact making the determination whether the
We believe that Professor Denicola's approach provides aesthetic design elements are significantly influenced
the best test for conceptual separability and, by functional considerations.
accordingly, adopt it here for several reasons. First, the
approach is consistent with the holdings of our previous Turning now to the facts of this case, we note first that
cases. In Kieselstein-Cord, for example, the artistic Brandir contends, and its chief owner David Levine
aspects of the belt buckles reflected purely aesthetic testified, that the original design of the RIBBON Rack
choices, independent of the buckles' function, while in stemmed from wire sculptures that Levine had created,
Carol Barnhart the distinctive features of the torsos--the each formed from one continuous undulating piece of
accurate anatomical design and the sculpted shirts and wire. These sculptures were, he said, created and
collars--showed clearly the influence of functional displayed in his home as a means of personal
concerns. Though the torsos bore artistic features, it expression, but apparently were never sold or displayed
was evident that the designer incorporated those
features to further the usefulness of the torsos as 3We are reminded not only by Judge Gesell in the district court in
Esquire, 414 F.Supp. 939, 941 (D.D.C.1976), but by Holmes in
mannequins. Second, the test's emphasis on the Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographing Co., 188 U.S. 239, 251-52, 23
influence of utilitarian concerns in the design process S.Ct. 298, 300-01, 47 L.Ed. 460 (1903), by Mazer v. Stein, 347 U.S.
at 214, 74 S.Ct. at 468, and by numerous other opinions, that we
2Professor Denicola rejects the exclusion of all works created with judges should not let our own view of styles of art interfere with the
some utilitarian application in view, for that would not only overturn decisionmaking process in this area. Denicola suggests that the
Mazer v. Stein, 347 U.S. 201, 74 S.Ct. 460, 98 L.Ed. 630 (1954), on shape of a Mickey Mouse telephone is copyrightable because its
which much of the legislation is based, but also "a host of other form is independent of function, and "[a] telephone shape owing
eminently sensible decisions, in favor of an intractable factual more to Arp, Brancusi, or Moore than Disney may be equally
inquiry of questionable relevance." 67 Minn.L.Rev. at 741. He adds divorced from utilitarian influence." 67 Minn.L.Rev. at 746. This is
that "[a]ny such categorical approach would also undermine the true, of course, of the artist Christo's "Running Fence," approved
legislative determination to preserve an artist's ability to exploit (following Professor Nimmer) as an example of conceptual
utilitarian markets." Id. (citing 17 U.S.C. Sec. 113(a) (1976)) separability in Keiselstein-Cord, 632 F.2d at 993

Page 37 of 307
elsewhere. He also created a wire sculpture in the shape the ground that the design lacked originality, consisting
of a bicycle and states that he did not give any thought of "nothing more than a familiar public domain symbol."
to the utilitarian application of any of his sculptures until In February 1984, after the denial of the second appeal
he accidentally juxtaposed the bicycle sculpture with of the examiner's decision, Brandir sent letters to
one of the self-standing wire sculptures. It was not until customers enclosing copyright notices to be placed on
November 1978 that Levine seriously began pursuing racks sold prior to December 1982.
the utilitarian application of his sculptures, when a
friend, G. Duff Bailey, a bicycle buff and author of Between September 1979 and August 1982 Brandir
numerous articles about urban cycling, was at Levine's spent some $38,500 for advertising and promoting the
home and informed him that the sculptures would make RIBBON Rack, including some 85,000 pieces of
excellent bicycle racks, permitting bicycles to be parked promotional literature to architects and landscape
under the overloops as well as on top of the underloops. architects. Additionally, since October 1982 Brandir has
Following this meeting, Levine met several times with spent some $66,000, including full-, half-, and quarter-
Bailey and others, completing the designs for the page advertisements in architectural magazines such as
RIBBON Rack by the use of a vacuum cleaner hose, and Landscape Architecture, Progressive Architecture, and
submitting his drawings to a fabricator complete with Architectural Record, indeed winning an advertising
dimensions. The Brandir RIBBON Rack began being award from Progressive Architecture in January 1983.
nationally advertised and promoted for sale in The RIBBON Rack has been featured in Popular Science,
September 1979. Art and Architecture, and Design 384 magazines, and it
won an Industrial Designers Society of America design
In November 1982 Levine discovered that another award in the spring of 1980. In the spring of 1984 the
company, Cascade Pacific Lumber Co., was selling a RIBBON Rack was selected from 200 designs to be
similar product. Thereafter, beginning in December included among 77 of the designs exhibited at the
1982, a copyright notice was placed on all RIBBON Katonah Gallery in an exhibition entitled "The Product of
Racks before shipment and on December 10, 1982, five Design: An Exploration of the Industrial Design Process,"
copyright applications for registration were submitted to an exhibition that was written up in the New York Times.
the Copyright Office. The Copyright Office refused
registration by letter, stating that the RIBBON Rack did Sales of the RIBBON Rack from September 1979 through
not contain any element that was "capable of January 1985 were in excess of $1,367,000. Prior to the
independent existence as a copyrightable pictorial, time Cascade Pacific began offering for sale its bicycle
graphic or sculptural work apart from the shape of the rack in August 1982, Brandir's sales were $436,000. The
useful article." An appeal to the Copyright Office was price of the RIBBON Rack ranges from $395 up to
denied by letter dated March 23, 1983, refusing $2,025 for a stainless steel model and generally
registration on the above ground and alternatively on
Page 38 of 307
depends on the size of the rack, one of the most popular purpose. These altered design features of the RIBBON
being the RB-7, selling for $485. Rack, including the spacesaving, open design achieved
by widening the upper loops to permit parking under as
Applying Professor Denicola's test to the RIBBON Rack, well as over the rack's curves, the straightened vertical
we find that the rack is not copyrightable. It seems clear elements that allow in- and above-ground installation of
that the form of the rack is influenced in significant the rack, the ability to fit all types of bicycles and
measure by utilitarian concerns and thus any aesthetic mopeds, and the heavy-gauged tubular construction of
elements cannot be said to be conceptually separable rustproof galvanized steel, are all features that combine
from the utilitarian elements. This is true even though to make for a safe, secure, and maintenance-free
the sculptures which inspired the RIBBON Rack may well system of parking bicycles and mopeds. Its undulating
have been--the issue of originality aside--copyrightable. shape is said in Progressive Architecture, January 1982,
to permit double the storage of conventional bicycle
Brandir argues correctly that a copyrighted work of art racks. Moreover, the rack is manufactured from 2 3/8-
does not lose its protected status merely because it inch standard steam pipe that is bent into form, the six-
subsequently is put to a functional use. The Supreme inch radius of the bends evidently resulting from
Court so held in Mazer v. Stein, 347 U.S. 201, 74 S.Ct. bending the pipe according to a standard formula that
460, 98 L.Ed. 630 (1954), and Congress specifically yields bends having a radius equal to three times the
intended to accept and codify Mazer in section 101 of nominal internal diameter of the pipe.
the Copyright Act of 1976. See H.R.Rep. No. 1476 at 54-
55. The district court thus erred in ruling that, whatever Brandir argues that its RIBBON Rack can and should be
the RIBBON Rack's origins, Brandir's commercialization characterized as a sculptural work of art within the
of the rack disposed of the issue of its copyrightability. minimalist art movement. Minimalist sculpture's most
outstanding feature is said to be its clarity and
Had Brandir merely adopted one of the existing simplicity, in that it often takes the form of geometric
sculptures as a bicycle rack, neither the application to a shapes, lines, and forms that are pure and free of
utilitarian end nor commercialization of that use would ornamentation and void of association. As Brandir's
have caused the object to forfeit its copyrighted status. expert put it, "The meaning is to be found in, within,
Comparison of the RIBBON Rack with the earlier around and outside the work of art, allowing the artistic
sculptures, however, reveals that while the rack may sensation to be experienced as well as intellectualized."
have been derived in part from one of more "works of People who use Foley Square in New York City see in the
art," it is in its final form essentially a product of form of minimalist art the "Tilted Arc," which is on the
industrial design. In creating the RIBBON Rack, the plaza at 26 Federal Plaza. Numerous museums have had
designer has clearly adapted the original aesthetic exhibitions of such art, and the school of minimalist art
elements to accommodate and further a utilitarian has many admirers.
Page 39 of 307
the copyright issue was sufficient to dispose of the
It is unnecessary to determine whether to the art world Lanham Act and common law claims. The court stated
the RIBBON Rack properly would be considered an "the design feature of the Ribbon Racks is clearly
example of minimalist sculpture. The result under the dictated by the function to be performed, namely,
copyright statute is not changed. Using the test we have holding up bicycles. If the steam pipes were not bent
adopted, it is not enough that, to paraphrase Judge into the design, but instead remained flat, the bicycles
Newman, the rack may stimulate in the mind of the would not stand up, they would fall down." But as Judge
reasonable observer a concept separate from the Newman noted in his dissent in Carol Barnhart, 773 F.2d
bicycle rack concept. While the RIBBON Rack may be at 420 n. 1, the principle of conceptual separability of
worthy of admiration for its aesthetic qualities alone, it functional design elements in copyright law is different
remains nonetheless the product of industrial design. from the somewhat similar principle of functionality as
Form and function are inextricably intertwined in the developed in trademark law. For trademark purposes,
rack, its ultimate design being as much the result of he pointed out, a design feature "has been said to be
utilitarian pressures as aesthetic choices. Indeed, the functional if it is 'essential to the use or purpose of the
visually pleasing proportions and symmetricality of the article' or 'affects the cost or quality of the article.' " Id.
rack represent design changes made in response to (quoting Inwood Laboratories, Inc. v. Ives Laboratories,
functional concerns. Judging from the awards the rack Inc., 456 U.S. 844, 850 n. 10, 102 S.Ct. 2182, 2187 n.
has received, it would seem in fact that Brandir has 10, 72 L.Ed.2d 606 (1982)); see LeSportsac, Inc. v. K
achieved with the RIBBON Rack the highest goal of mart Corp., 754 F.2d at 75-76 (trade dress of a product
modern industrial design, that is, the harmonious fusion is eligible for protection if it has acquired a secondary
of function and aesthetics. Thus there remains no meaning and is nonfunctional).4
artistic element of the RIBBON Rack that can be
identified as separate and "capable of existing Here, the district court limited its inquiry to determining
independently, of, the utilitarian aspects of the article." whether portions of the RIBBON Rack performed the
Accordingly, we must affirm on the copyright claim. function of a bicycle rack. But the fact that a design
feature performs a function does not make it essential
As to whether the configuration of Brandir's bicycle rack to the performance of that function; it is instead the
can be protected under either section 43(a) of the absence of alternative constructions performing the
Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 1125(a), or New York State same function that renders the feature functional. Thus,
unfair competition law, we are reminded that the design 4Because the district court viewed the rack as entirely functional, it
of a product itself may function as its packaging or therefore did not reach the next step of determining whether
protectable trade dress. See LeSportsac, Inc. v. K mart Brandir's RIBBON Rack had acquired secondary meaning by the
Corp., 754 F.2d 71, 75 (2d Cir.1985). The district court time Cascade started to manufacture its bicycle rack
dismissed Brandir's claims, saying that its analysis of
Page 40 of 307
the true test of functionality is not whether the feature undulating bicycle racks specifically. See id. at 330-32;
in question performs a function, but whether the feature see also In re DC Comics, Inc., 689 F.2d 1042, 1045
"is dictated by the functions to be performed," Warner (C.C.P.A.1982) (dolls generally and not Superman dolls
Bros. Inc. v. Gay Toys, Inc., 724 F.2d 327, 331 (2d are the class by which functionality is determined). We
Cir.1983) (quoted in LeSportsac, Inc. v. K mart Corp., reverse and remand as to the trademark and unfair
754 F.2d at 76), as evidenced by available alternative competition claims.
constructions. See Metro Kane Imports, Ltd. v. Rowoco,
Inc., 618 F.Supp. 273, 275-76 (S.D.N.Y.1985), aff'd mem., Concurring and Dissenting:
800 F.2d 1128 (2d Cir.1986) (finding high-tech design of
orange juice squeezer not dictated by function to be Although I concur in the reversal of the district court's
performed as there was no evidence that design grant of summary judgment on the trademark and
permitted juicer to be manufactured at lower price or unfair competition claims, I respectfully dissent from the
with altered performance). There are numerous majority's discussion and disposition of the copyright
alternative bicycle rack constructions. The nature, price, claim.
and utility of these constructions are material issues of
fact not suitable for determination by summary My colleagues, applying an adaptation of Professor
judgment.5 For example, while it is true that the Denicola's test, hold that the aesthetic elements of the
materials used by Brandir are standard-size pipes, we design of a useful article are not conceptually separable
have no way of knowing whether the particular size and from its utilitarian aspects if "[f]orm and function are
weight of the pipes used is the best, the most inextricably intertwined" in the article, and "its ultimate
economical, or the only available size and weight pipe in design [is] as much the result of utilitarian pressures as
the marketplace. We would rather think the opposite aesthetic choices." Applying that test to the instant
might be the case. So, too, with the dimension of the matter, they observe that the dispositive fact is that "in
bends being dictated by a standard formula creating the Ribbon Rack, [Levine] has clearly adapted
corresponding to the pipe size; it could be that there are the original aesthetic elements to accommodate and
many standard radii and that the particular radius of further a utilitarian purpose." (emphasis added). The
Brandir's RIBBON Rack actually required new tooling. grounds of my disagreement are that: (1) my
This issue of functionality on remand should be viewed colleagues' adaptation of Professor Denicola's test
in terms of bicycle racks generally and not one-piece diminishes the statutory concept of "conceptual
separability" to the vanishing point; and (2) their focus
5Indeed, in addition to the numerous bicycle racks on the market, on the process or sequence followed by the particular
one may observe trees, awning supports, parking meters, signs, designer makes copyright protection depend upon
fire plugs, and many other objects used as bicycle racks largely fortuitous circumstances concerning the creation
of the design in issue.
Page 41 of 307
buckles' wearers who have used them as ornamentation
With regard to "conceptual separability," my colleagues for parts of the body other than the waist.
deserve considerable credit for their efforts to reconcile
Carol Barnhart Inc. v. Economy Cover Corp., 773 F.2d My colleagues' adaptation of the Denicola test tracks
411 (2d Cir.1985) with Kieselstein-Cord v. Accessories by the Carol Barnhart approach, whereas I would adopt
Pearl, Inc., 632 F.2d 989 (2d Cir.1980). In my view, these that taken in Kieselstein-Cord, which allows for the
cases are not reconcilable. Carol Barnhart paid only lip copyrightability of the aesthetic elements of useful
service to the fact that the "conceptual separability" of articles even if those elements simultaneously perform
an article's aesthetic utilitarian aspects may render the utilitarian functions.6 The latter approach received its
design of a "useful article" a copyrightable "sculptural fullest elaboration in Judge Newman's dissent in Carol
work." 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 (1982). Actually, the Carol Barnhart, where he explained that "[f]or the [artistic]
Barnhart majority applied a test of physical separability. design features to be 'conceptually separate' from the
They thus stated: utilitarian aspects of the useful article that embodies
the design, the article must stimulate in the mind of the
What distinguishes [the Kieselstein Cord ] buckles from beholder a concept that is separate from the concept
the Barnhart forms is that the ornamented surfaces of evoked by its utilitarian function."
the buckles were not in any respect required by their
utilitarian functions; the artistic and aesthetic features In other words, the relevant question is whether the
could thus be conceived of as having been added to, or design of a useful article, however intertwined with the
superimposed upon, an otherwise utilitarian article. The article's utilitarian aspects, causes an ordinary
unique artistic design was wholly unnecessary to reasonable observer to perceive an aesthetic concept
performance of the utilitarian function. In the case of not related to the article's use. The answer to this
the Barnhart forms, on the other hand, the features question is clear in the instant case because any
claimed to be aesthetic or artistic, e.g., the life-size reasonable observer would easily view the Ribbon Rack
configuration of the breasts and the width of the
shoulders are inextricably intertwined with the 6Indeed, Kieselstein-Cord approved Professor Nimmer's
utilitarian feature, the display of clothes. example of Christo's "Running Fence" as an object whose
sculptural features were conceptually, but not physically,
In contrast, Kieselstein-Cord focused on the fact that the separable from its utilitarian aspects. 632 F.2d at 993; see 1
belt buckles at issue could be perceived as objects other Nimmer on Copyright Sec. 2.08[B] at 2-96.1 & n. 112.2
than belt buckles: (1987). The fact that the Running Fence's aesthetic features
were "inextricably intertwined" with its functional aspects,
however, creates doubt as to whether it is a copyrightable
We see in appellant's belt buckles conceptually
"sculptural work" under Carol Barnhart or the instant decision
separable sculptural elements, as apparently have the
Page 42 of 307
as an ornamental sculpture.7 Indeed, there is evidence whether Levine serendipitously chose the final design of
of actual confusion over whether it is strictly ornamental the Ribbon Rack during his initial sculptural musings or
in the refusal of a building manager to accept delivery whether the original design had to be slightly modified
until assured by the buyer that the Ribbon Rack was in to accommodate bicycles. Copyright protection, which is
fact a bicycle rack. Moreover, Brandir has received a intended to generate incentives for designers by
request to use the Ribbon Rack as environmental according property rights in their creations, should not
sculpture, and has offered testimony of art experts who turn on purely fortuitous events. For that reason, the
claim that the Ribbon Rack may be valued solely for its Copyright Act expressly states that the legal test is how
artistic features. As one of those experts observed: "If the final article is perceived, not how it was developed
one were to place a Ribbon Rack on an island without through various stages. It thus states in pertinent part:
access, or in a park and surround the work with a
barrier, ... its status as a work of art would be beyond the design of a useful article ... shall be considered a ...
dispute."8 sculptural work only if, and only to the extent that, such
design incorporates ... sculptural features that can be
My colleagues also allow too much to turn upon the identified separately from, and are capable of existing
process or sequence of design followed by the designer independently of, the utilitarian aspects of the article.
of the Ribbon Rack. They thus suggest that copyright
protection would have been accorded "had Brandir 3. Pearl & Dean vs. Shoemart, 409 SCRA 231
merely adopted ... as a bicycle rack" an enlarged
version of one of David Levine's original sculptures Facts: Pearl and Dean, Inc. is a corporation engaged in
rather than one that had wider upper loops and the manufacture of advertising display units simply
straightened vertical elements. I cannot agree that referred to as light boxes. These units utilize specially
copyright protection for the Ribbon Rack turns on printed posters sandwiched between plastic sheets and
illuminated with back lights. Pearl and Dean was able to
7The reasonable observer may be forgiven, however, if he or secure a Certificate of Copyright Registration dated
she does not recognize the Ribbon Rack as an example of January 20, 1981 over these illuminated display
minimalist art units. The advertising light boxes were marketed under
the trademark Poster Ads. The application for
8The Copyright Office held that the Ribbon Rack was not registration of the trademark was filed with the Bureau
copyrightable because it lacked originality. There may be some
of Patents, Trademarks and Technology Transfer on June
merit in that view in light of the Ribbon Rack's use of standard radii.
This issue, however, was not raised in defendant's motion for 20, 1983, but was approved only on September 12,
summary judgment, was not addressed by the district court, and is 1988, per Registration No. 41165. From 1981 to about
not implicated here 1988, Pearl and Dean employed the services of Metro

Page 43 of 307
Industrial Services to manufacture its advertising Industrial was terminated, SMI engaged the services of
displays. EYD Rainbow Advertising Corporation to make the light
boxes. Some 300 units were fabricated in 1991. These
Sometime in 1985, Pearl and Dean negotiated with were delivered on a staggered basis and installed at SM
Shoemart, Inc. (SMI) for the lease and installation of the Megamall and SM City.
light boxes in SM City North Edsa. Since SM City North
Edsa was under construction at that time, SMI offered as Sometime in 1989, Pearl and Dean, received reports
an alternative, SM Makati and SM Cubao, to which Pearl that exact copies of its light boxes were installed at SM
and Dean agreed. On September 11, 1985, Pearl and City and in the fastfood section of SM Cubao. Upon
Deans General Manager, Rodolfo Vergara, submitted for investigation, Pearl and Dean found out that aside from
signature the contracts covering SM Cubao and SM the two (2) reported SM branches, light boxes similar to
Makati to SMIs Advertising Promotions and Publicity those it manufactures were also installed in two (2)
Division Manager, Ramonlito Abano. Only the contract other SM stores. It further discovered that defendant-
for SM Makati, however, was returned signed. On appellant North Edsa Marketing Inc. (NEMI), through its
October 4, 1985, Vergara wrote Abano inquiring about marketing arm, Prime Spots Marketing Services, was set
the other contract and reminding him that their up primarily to sell advertising space in lighted display
agreement for installation of light boxes was not only for units located in SMIs different branches. Pearl and Dean
its SM Makati branch, but also for SM Cubao. SMI did not noted that NEMI is a sister company of SMI.
bother to reply.
In the light of its discoveries, Pearl and Dean sent a
Instead, in a letter dated January 14, 1986, SMIs house letter dated December 11, 1991 to both SMI and NEMI
counsel informed Pearl and Dean that it was rescinding enjoining them to cease using the subject light boxes
the contract for SM Makati due to non-performance of and to remove the same from SMIs establishments. It
the terms thereof. In his reply dated February 17, 1986, also demanded the discontinued use of the trademark
Vergara protested the unilateral action of SMI, saying it Poster Ads, and the payment to Pearl and Dean of
was without basis. In the same letter, he pushed for the compensatory damages in the amount of Twenty Million
signing of the contract for SM Cubao. Pesos (P20,000,000.00).

Two years later, Metro Industrial Services, the company Upon receipt of the demand letter, SMI suspended the
formerly contracted by Pearl and Dean to fabricate its leasing of two hundred twenty-four (224) light boxes
display units, offered to construct light boxes for and NEMI took down its advertisements for Poster Ads
Shoemarts chain of stores. SMI approved the proposal from the lighted display units in SMIs stores. Claiming
and ten (10) light boxes were subsequently fabricated that both SMI and NEMI failed to meet all its demands,
by Metro Industrial for SMI. After its contract with Metro Pearl and Dean filed this instant case for infringement of
Page 44 of 307
trademark and copyright, unfair competition and
damages. First, petitioners application for a copyright certificate as
well as Copyright Certificate No. PD-R2588 issued by the
In denying the charges hurled against it, SMI maintained National Library on January 20, 1981 clearly stated that
that it independently developed its poster panels using it was for a class O work under Section 2 (O) of PD 49
commonly known techniques and available technology, (The Intellectual Property Decree) which was the statute
without notice of or reference to Pearl and Deans then prevailing. Said Section 2 expressly enumerated
copyright. SMI noted that the registration of the mark the works subject to copyright:
Poster Ads was only for stationeries such as letterheads,
envelopes, and the like. Besides, according to SMI, the SEC. 2. The rights granted by this Decree shall, from the
word Poster Ads is a generic term which cannot be moment of creation, subsist with respect to any of the
appropriated as a trademark, and, as such, registration following works:
of such mark is invalid. It also stressed that Pearl and xxxxxxxxx
Dean is not entitled to the reliefs prayed for in its (O) Prints, pictorial illustrations, advertising copies,
complaint since its advertising display units contained labels, tags, and box wraps;
no copyright notice, in violation of Section 27 of P.D. 49. xxxxxxxxx

Issues:(1) if the engineering or technical drawings of an Although petitioners copyright certificate was entitled
advertising display unit (light box) are granted copyright Advertising Display Units (which depicted the box-type
protection (copyright certificate of registration) by the electrical devices), its claim of copyright infringement
National Library, is the light box depicted in such cannot be sustained.
engineering drawings ipso facto also protected by such
copyright? Copyright, in the strict sense of the term, is purely a
(2) or should the light box be registered separately and statutory right. Being a mere statutory grant, the rights
protected by a patent issued by the Bureau of Patents are limited to what the statute confers. It may be
Trademarks and Technology Transfer (now Intellectual obtained and enjoyed only with respect to the subjects
Property Office) in addition to the copyright of the and by the persons, and on terms and conditions
engineering drawings? specified in the statute.[7] Accordingly, it can cover only
(3) can the owner of a registered trademark legally the works falling within the statutory enumeration or
prevent others from using such trademark if it is a mere description.[8]
abbreviation of a term descriptive of his goods, services P & D secured its copyright under the
or business? classification class O work. This being so, petitioners
copyright protection extended only to the technical
Held:(1) ON THE ISSUE OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT drawings and not to the light box itself because the
Page 45 of 307
latter was not at all in the category of prints, pictorial Obviously, there appeared to be some confusion
illustrations, advertising copies, labels, tags and box regarding what ought or ought not to be the proper
wraps. Stated otherwise, even as we find that P & D subjects of copyrights, patents and trademarks. In the
indeed owned a valid copyright, the same could have leading case of Kho vs. Court of Appeals,[11] we ruled
referred only to the technical drawings within the that these three legal rights are completely distinct and
category of pictorial illustrations. It could not have separate from one another, and the protection afforded
possibly stretched out to include the underlying light by one cannot be used interchangeably to cover items
box. The strict application[9] of the laws enumeration in or works that exclusively pertain to the others:
Section 2 prevents us from giving petitioner even a little Trademark, copyright and patents are different
leeway, that is, even if its copyright certificate was intellectual property rights that cannot be interchanged
entitled Advertising Display Units. What the law does with one another. A trademark is any visible sign
not include, it excludes, and for the good reason: the capable of distinguishing the goods (trademark) or
light box was not a literary or artistic piece which could services (service mark) of an enterprise and shall
be copyrighted under the copyright law. And no less include a stamped or marked container of goods. In
clearly, neither could the lack of statutory authority to relation thereto, a trade name means the name or
make the light box copyrightable be remedied by the designation identifying or distinguishing an enterprise.
simplistic act of entitling the copyright certificate issued Meanwhile, the scope of a copyright is confined to
by the National Library as Advertising Display Units. literary and artistic works which are original intellectual
creations in the literary and artistic domain protected
In fine, if SMI and NEMI reprinted P & Ds technical from the moment of their creation. Patentable
drawings for sale to the public without license from P & inventions, on the other hand, refer to any technical
D, then no doubt they would have been guilty of solution of a problem in any field of human
copyright infringement. But this was not the case. SMIs activity which is new, involves an inventive step and is
and NEMIs acts complained of by P & D were to have industrially applicable.
units similar or identical to the light box illustrated in
the technical drawings manufactured by Metro and EYD (2) ON THE ISSUE OF PATENT INFRINGEMENT
Rainbow Advertising, for leasing out to different
advertisers. Was this an infringement of petitioners This brings us to the next point: if, despite its
copyright over the technical drawings? We do not think manufacture and commercial use of the light
so. boxes without license from petitioner, private
respondents cannot be held legally liable for
During the trial, the president of P & D himself admitted infringement of P & Ds copyright over its technical
that the light box was neither a literary not an drawings of the said light boxes, should they be liable
artistic work but an engineering or marketing invention.
Page 46 of 307
instead for infringement of patent? We do not think so
either. On one side of the coin is the public which will benefit
from new ideas; on the other are the inventors who
For some reason or another, petitioner never secured a must be protected. As held in Bauer & Cie vs. ODonnel,
patent for the light boxes. It therefore acquired no The act secured to the inventor the exclusive right to
patent rights which could have protected its invention, if make use, and vend the thing patented, and
in fact it really was.And because it had no patent, consequently to prevent others from exercising like
petitioner could not legally prevent anyone from privileges without the consent of the patentee. It was
manufacturing or commercially using the passed for the purpose of encouraging useful invention
contraption. In Creser Precision Systems, Inc. vs. Court and promoting new and useful inventions by the
of Appeals,[12] we held that there can be no infringement protection and stimulation given to inventive genius,
of a patent until a patent has been issued, since and was intended to secure to the public, after the lapse
whatever right one has to the invention covered by the of the exclusive privileges granted the benefit of such
patent arises alone from the grant of patent. x x x (A)n inventions and improvements.
inventor has no common law right to a monopoly of his
invention. He has the right to make use of and vend his The law attempts to strike an ideal balance between the
invention, but if he voluntarily discloses it, such as by two interests:
offering it for sale, the world is free to copy and use it
with impunity. A patent, however, gives the inventor the (The p)atent system thus embodies a carefully crafted
right to exclude all others. As a patentee, he has the bargain for encouraging the creation and disclosure of
exclusive right of making, selling or using the invention. new useful and non-obvious advances in technology and
On the assumption that petitioners advertising units design, in return for the exclusive right to practice the
were patentable inventions, petitioner revealed them invention for a number of years. The inventor may keep
fully to the public by submitting the engineering his invention secret and reap its fruits indefinitely. In
drawings thereof to the National Library. consideration of its disclosure and the consequent
benefit to the community, the patent is granted. An
To be able to effectively and legally preclude others exclusive enjoyment is guaranteed him for 17 years, but
from copying and profiting from the invention, a patent upon the expiration of that period, the knowledge of the
is a primordial requirement. No patent, no invention inures to the people, who are thus enabled to
protection. The ultimate goal of a patent system is to practice it and profit by its use.[17]
bring new designs and technologies into the public
domain through disclosure.[14] Ideas, once disclosed to The patent law has a three-fold purpose: first, patent
the public without the protection of a valid patent, are law seeks to foster and reward invention; second, it
subject to appropriation without significant restraint.[15] promotes disclosures of inventions to stimulate further
Page 47 of 307
innovation and to permit the public to practice the Stated otherwise, what petitioner seeks is exclusivity
invention once the patent expires; third, the stringent without any opportunity for the patent office (IPO) to
requirements for patent protection seek to ensure that scrutinize the light boxes eligibility as a patentable
ideas in the public domain remain there for the free use invention. The irony here is that, had petitioner secured
of the public.[18] a patent instead, its exclusivity would have been for 17
years only. But through the simplified procedure of
It is only after an exhaustive examination by the patent copyright-registration with the National Library without
office that a patent is issued. Such an in-depth undergoing the rigor of defending the patentability of its
investigation is required because in rewarding a useful invention before the IPO and the public the petitioner
invention, the rights and welfare of the community must would be protected for 50 years. This situation could not
be fairly dealt with and effectively guarded. To that end, have been the intention of the law.
the prerequisites to obtaining a patent are strictly In the oft-cited case of Baker vs. Selden[21], the United
observed and when a patent is issued, the limitations on States Supreme Court held that only the expression of
its exercise are equally strictly enforced. To begin with, a an idea is protected by copyright, not the idea itself. In
genuine invention or discovery must be demonstrated that case, the plaintiff held the copyright of a book
lest in the constant demand for new appliances, the which expounded on a new accounting system he had
heavy hand of tribute be laid on each slight developed. The publication illustrated blank forms of
technological advance in art.[19] ledgers utilized in such a system. The defendant
reproduced forms similar to those illustrated in the
There is no such scrutiny in the case of copyrights nor plaintiffs copyrighted book. The US Supreme Court ruled
any notice published before its grant to the effect that a that:
person is claiming the creation of a work. The law
confers the copyright from the moment of There is no doubt that a work on the subject of book-
creation and the copyright certificate is issued upon keeping, though only explanatory of well known
registration with the National Library of a sworn ex- systems, may be the subject of a copyright; but, then, it
parte claim of creation. is claimed only as a book. x x x. But there is a clear
distinction between the books, as such, and the art,
Therefore, not having gone through the arduous which it is, intended to illustrate. The mere statement of
examination for patents, the petitioner cannot exclude the proposition is so evident that it requires hardly any
others from the manufacture, sale or commercial use of argument to support it. The same distinction may be
the light boxes on the sole basis of its copyright predicated of every other art as well as that of
certificate over the technical drawings. bookkeeping. A treatise on the composition and use of
medicines, be they old or new; on the construction and
use of ploughs or watches or churns; or on the mixture
Page 48 of 307
and application of colors for painting or dyeing; or on book, if he pleases; but that only secures to him
the mode of drawing lines to produce the effect of the exclusive right of printing and publishing his
perspective, would be the subject of copyright; but no book. So of all other inventions or discoveries.
one would contend that the copyright of the treatise
would give the exclusive right to the art or manufacture The copyright of a book on perspective, no matter how
described therein. The copyright of the book, if not many drawings and illustrations it may contain, gives no
pirated from other works, would be valid without regard exclusive right to the modes of drawing described,
to the novelty or want of novelty of its subject though they may never have been known or used
matter. The novelty of the art or thing described or before. By publishing the book without getting a patent
explained has nothing to do with the validity of the for the art, the latter is given to the public.
copyright. To give to the author of the book an xxx
exclusive property in the art described therein, Now, whilst no one has a right to print or publish his
when no examination of its novelty has ever been book, or any material part thereof, as a book intended
officially made, would be a surprise and a fraud to convey instruction in the art, any person may
upon the public. That is the province of letters practice and use the art itself which he has described
patent, not of copyright. The claim to an and illustrated therein. The use of the art is a totally
invention of discovery of an art or manufacture different thing from a publication of the book
must be subjected to the examination of the explaining it. The copyright of a book on bookkeeping
Patent Office before an exclusive right therein cannot secure the exclusive right to make, sell and use
can be obtained; and a patent from the account books prepared upon the plan set forth in such
government can only secure it. book. Whether the art might or might not have been
patented, is a question, which is not before us. It was
The difference between the two things, letters patent not patented, and is open and free to the use of the
and copyright, may be illustrated by reference to the public. And, of course, in using the art, the ruled lines
subjects just enumerated. Take the case of and headings of accounts must necessarily be used as
medicines. Certain mixtures are found to be of great incident to it.
value in the healing art. If the discoverer writes and
publishes a book on the subject (as regular The plausibility of the claim put forward by the
physicians generally do), he gains no exclusive complainant in this case arises from a confusion of ideas
right to the manufacture and sale of the produced by the peculiar nature of the art described in
medicine; he gives that to the public. If he desires the books, which have been made the subject of
to acquire such exclusive right, he must obtain a copyright. In describing the art, the illustrations and
patent for the mixture as a new art, manufacture diagrams employed happened to correspond more
or composition of matter. He may copyright his closely than usual with the actual work performed by
Page 49 of 307
the operator who uses the art. x x x The description was in fact recently reiterated in Canon Kabushiki
of the art in a book, though entitled to the benefit Kaisha vs. Court of Appeals.[25]
of copyright, lays no foundation for an exclusive
claim to the art itself. The object of the one is Assuming arguendo that Poster Ads could validly qualify
explanation; the object of the other is use. The as a trademark, the failure of P & D to secure a
former may be secured by copyright. The latter trademark registration for specific use on the light boxes
can only be secured, if it can be secured at all, by meant that there could not have been any trademark
letters patent. (underscoring supplied) infringement since registration was an essential
element thereof.
4. Unilever vs. CA, 498 SCRA 334
This issue concerns the use by respondents of the mark
Poster Ads which petitioners president said was a Facts: The antecedents show that on August 24, 1994,
contraction of poster advertising. P & D was able to private respondent Procter and Gamble Phils., Inc. filed
secure a trademark certificate for it, but one where the a complaint for injunction with damages and a prayer
goods specified were stationeries such as letterheads, for temporary restraining order and/or writ of
envelopes, calling cards and newsletters. [22] Petitioner preliminary injunction against petitioner Unilever,
admitted it did not commercially engage in or market alleging that:
these goods. On the contrary, it dealt in electrically
operated backlit advertising units and the sale of 1.5. As early as 1982, a P&G subsidiary in Italy
advertising spaces thereon, which, however, were not at used a key visual in the advertisement of its laundry
all specified in the trademark certificate. detergent and bleaching products. This key visual
Under the circumstances, the Court of Appeals correctly known as the double-tug or tac-tac demonstration
cited Faberge Inc. vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, shows the fabric being held by both hands and
where we, invoking Section 20 of the old Trademark stretched sideways.
Law, ruled that the certificate of registration issued by
the Director of Patents can confer (upon petitioner) the 1.6. The tac-tac was conceptualized for P&G by
exclusive right to use its own symbol only to those the advertising agency Milano and Gray of Italy in
goods specified in the certificate, subject to any 1982. The tac-tac was used in the same year in an
conditions and limitations specified in the certificate x x advertisement entitled All aperto to demonstrate the
x. One who has adopted and used a trademark on his effect on fabrics of one of P&GPs products, a liquid
goods does not prevent the adoption and use of the bleach called Ace.
same trademark by others for products which are of a
different description.[24] Faberge, Inc. was correct and
Page 50 of 307
1.7. Since then, P&G has used the tac-tac key preliminary injunction. P&GP filed its reply to Unilevers
visual in the advertisement of its products. In fact, in opposition to a preliminary injunction on September 6,
1986, in Italy, the tac-tac key visual was used in the 1994.
television commercial for Ace entitled Kite.
During the hearing on September 9, 1994,
1.8. P&G has used the same distinctive tac- Judge Gorospe ordered petitioner to submit a sur-
tac key visual to local consumers in the Philippines. rejoinder. P&GP received Unilevers rejoinder to reply on
September 13, 1994. The following day, on September
1.10. Substantially and materially imitating the 14, 1994, P&GP filed its sur-reply to Unilevers rejoinder.
aforesaid tac-tac key visual of P&GP and in blatant
disregard of P&GPs intellectual property rights, Unilever On September 19, 1994, P&GP received a copy of the
on 24 July 1993 started airing a 60 second television order dated September 16, 1994 ordering the issuance
commercial TVC of its Breeze Powerwhite laundry of a writ of preliminary injunction and fixing a bond
product called Porky. The said TVC included a stretching of P100,000. On the same date, P&GP filed the required
visual presentation and sound effects almost [identical] bond issued by Prudential Guarantee and Assurance,
or substantially similar to P&GPs tac-tac key visual. Inc.

1.14. On July 15, 1994, P&GP aired in the Issue:Whether Judge Gorospe committed grave abuse
Philippines, the same Kite television advertisement it of discretion in issuing a writ of preliminary junction
used in Italy in 1986, merely dubbing the Italian
language with Filipino for the same produce Ace Held:No. After a careful perusal of the records, we
bleaching liquid which P&GP now markets in the agree with the CA and affirm its decision in toto:
Petitioner does not deny that the questioned TV
1.15. On August 1, 1994, Unilever filed a Complaint advertisements are substantially similar
with the Advertising Board of the Philippines to prevent to P&GPs double tug or tac-tac key visual. However, it
P&GP from airing the Kite television advertisement. submits that P&GP is not entitled to the relief
demanded, which is to enjoin petitioner from airing said
On August 26, 1994, Judge Gorospe issued an order TV advertisements, for the reason that petitioner has
granting a temporary restraining order and setting it for Certificates of Copyright Registration for which
hearing on September 2, 1994 for Unilever to show advertisements while P&GP has none with respect to its
cause why the writ of preliminary injunction should not double-tug or tac-tac key visual. In other words, it is
issue. During the hearing on September 2, 1994, P&GP petitioners contention that P&GP is not entitled to any
received Unilevers answer with opposition to protection because it has not registered with the
Page 51 of 307
National Library the very TV commercials which it or after the trial if the court finds that plaintiff was not
claims have been infringed by petitioner. entitled to it.

We disagree. Section 2 of PD 49 stipulates that the Obviously, the determination made by the court a quo
copyright for a work or intellectual creation subsists was only for purposes of preliminary injunction, without
from the moment of its creation. Accordingly, the passing upon the merits of the case, which cannot be
creator acquires copyright for his work right upon its done until after a full-blown hearing is conducted.
creation. Contrary to petitioners contention, the
intellectual creators exercise and enjoyment of The third ground is patently unmeritorious. As alleged in
copyright for his work and the protection given by law to the Complaint P&GP is a subsidiary of Procter and
him is not contingent or dependent on any formality or Gamble Company (P&G) for which the double tug or tac-
registration. Therefore, taking the material allegations tackey visual was conceptualized or created. In that
of paragraphs 1.3 to 1.5 of P&GPsverified Complaint in capacity, P&GP used the said TV advertisement in the
the context of PD 49, it cannot be seriously doubted Philippines to promote its products. As such subsidiary,
that at least, for purposes of determining whether P&GP is definitely within the protective mantle of the
preliminary injunction should issue during statute (Sec. 6, PD 49).
thependency of the case, P&GP is entitled to the
injunctive relief prayed for in its Complaint. 5. Joaquin vs. Drilon, G.R. No. 108946, January 28,
The second ground is likewise not well-taken. As
adverted to earlier, the provisional remedy of Facts: BJ Productions, Inc. (BJPI) is the holder/grantee of
preliminary injunction will not issue unless it is shown in Certificate of Copyright No. M922 dated January 28,
the verified complaint that plaintiff is probably entitled 1971 of Rhoda and Me, a dating game show aired from
to the relief demanded, which consists in whole or in 1970 to 1977. In 1973, petitioner BJPI submitted to the
part in restraining the commission or continuance of the National Library an addendum to its certificate of
acts complained of. In view of such requirement, the copyright specifying the shows format and style
court has to make a tentative determination if the right presentation. In 1991, petitioner Francisco Joaquin, Jr.,
sought to be protected exists and whether the act president of BJPI, saw on RPN 9 an episode of Its a
against which the writ is to be directed is violative of Date. He immediately protested the airing of the show
such right. Certainly, the courts determination as to the through a letter sent to Grabriel M. Zosa, president and
propriety of issuing the writ cannot be taken as a general manager of IXL Productions, Inc., the producer
prejudgment of the merits of the case because it is of Its a Date. Petitioner Joaquin informed respondent
tentative in nature and the writ may be dissolved during Zosa of a copyright to Rhoda and Me and demanded
that IXL discontinue airing Its a Date. Respondent Zosa
Page 52 of 307
apologized to Joaquin, but continued airing the show. the determination of the existence of probable cause.
Zosa also sought to register IXLs copyright to the first The petition was therefore dismissed.
episode of Its a Date for which a certificate of copyright
was issued by the National Library on August 14, 1991. Ratio: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW; COPYRIGHT;
With these developments, petitioners herein filed a CONSTRUED.Copyright, in the strict sense of the term,
complaint against Zosa and other RPN Channel 9 is purely a statutory right. It is a new or independent
officers as a result of which an information for violation right granted by the statute, and not simply a pre-
of P.D. No. 49 was filed before the Regional Trial Court existing right regulated by the statute. Being a
of Quezon City. Zosa appealed to the Department of statutory grant, the rights are only such as the statute
Justice. The Secretary of Justice reversed the confers, and may be obtained and enjoyed only with
prosecutors findings and directed the dismissal of the respect to the subjects and by the persons, and on
case. Petitioner Joaquin filed a motion for terms and conditions specified in the statute. Since
reconsideration, but it was denied by the Secretary of ...copyright in published works is purely a statutory
Justice. Hence, this petition. Both public and private creation, a copyright may be obtained only for a work
respondents maintained that petitioners failed to falling within the statutory enumeration or description.
establish the existence of probable cause due to their Regardless of the historical viewpoint, it is
failure to present the copyrighted master videotape authoritatively settled in the United States that there is
of Rhoda and Me. They contended that BJPIs copyright no copyright except that which is both created and
covers only a specific episode of Rhosa and Me and that secured by act of Congress.... P.D. No. 49, Section 2, in
the formats or concepts of dating game shows were not enumerating what are subject to copyright, refers to
covered by the copyright protection under P.D: No. 49. finished works and not to concepts. The copyright does
not extend to an idea, procedure, process, system,
Held: The Supreme Court ruled that BJPIs copyright method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery,
covered audio-visual recordings of every episode regardless of the form in which it is described,
of Rhoda and Me, as falling within the class of works explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work. Thus,
mentioned in P.D. No. 49. The copyright, however, does the new INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CODE OF THE
not extend to the general concept or format of its dating PHILIPPINES provides: SEC. 175. Unprotected Subject
game show. Accordingly, by the very nature of the Matter. - Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 172
subject of petitioner BJPIs copyright, the investigating and 173, no protection shall extend, under this law, to
prosecutor should have been given the opportunity to any idea, procedure, system, method or operation,
compare the videotapes of the two shows. Mere concept, principle, discovery or mere data as such, even
description by words of the general format of the two if they are expressed, explained, illustrated or embodied
dating game shows is insufficient; the presentation of in a work; news of the day and other miscellaneous
the master videotape in evidence was indispensable to facts having the character of mere items of press
Page 53 of 307
information; or any official text of a legislative, programs; (O) Prints, pictorial illustrations advertising
administrative or legal nature, as well as any official copies, labels, tags, and box wraps; (P) Dramatizations,
translation thereof. translations, adaptions, abridgements, arrangements
and other alterations of literary, musical or artistic
FORMAT OR MECHANICS OF A TELEVISION SHOW works or of works of the Philippine government as
IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE LIST OF PROTECTED herein defined, which shall be protected as provided in
WORKS. To begin with, the format of a show is not Section 8 of this Decree; (Q) Collections of literary,
copyrightable. Section 2 of P.D. No. 49, otherwise scholarly, or artistic works or of works referred to in
known as the DECREE ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, Section 9 of this Decree which by reason of the
enumerates the classes of work entitled to copyright selection and arrangement of their contents constitute
protection, to wit: Section 2. The rights granted by this intellectual creations, the same to be protected as such
Decree shall, from the moment of creation, subsist with in accordance with Section 8 of this Decree; (R) Other
respect to any of the following classes of works: (A) literary, scholarly, scientific and artistic works. This
Books, including composite and cyclopedic works, provision is substantially the same as Section 172 of the
manuscripts, directories, and gazetteers; (B) Periodicals, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES
including pamphlets and newspaper. (C) Lectures, (R.A. No. 8293). The format or mechanics of a television
sermons, addresses, dissertations prepared for oral show is not included in the list of protected works in
delivery; (D) Letters; (E) Dramatic or dramatico-musical Section 2 of P.D. No. 49. For this reason, the protection
compositions; choreographic works and entertainments afforded by the law cannot be extended to cover them.
in dumb shows, the acting form of which is fixed in
writing or otherwise; (F) Musical compositions, with or 6. Sambar vs. Levi Strauss, G.R. No. 132604,
without words; (G) Works of drawing, painting, March 06, 2002
architecture, sculpture, engraving, lithography, and
other works of art; models or designs for works of art; Facts: On September 28, 1987, private respondents,
(H) Reproductions of work of art; (I) Original ornamental through a letter from their legal officer, demanded that
designs or models for articles of manufacture, whether CVS Garment Enterprises (CVSGE) desist from using
or not patentable, and other works of applied art; (J) their stitched arcuate design on the Europress jeans
Maps, plans, sketches, and charts; (K) Drawings or which CVSGE advertised in the Manila Bulletin.
plastic works of a scientific or technical character; (L)
Photographic works and works produced by a process Atty. Benjamin Gruba, counsel of CVSGE, replied that
analogous to photography; lantern slides; (M) the arcuate design on the back pockets of Europress
Cinematographic works and works produced by a jeans was different from the design on the back pockets
process analogous to cinematography or any process for of Levis jeans. He further asserted that his client had a
making audio-visual recordings; (N) Computer copyright on the design it was using.
Page 54 of 307
denim pants under the brand name of Europress,
Thereafter, private respondents filed a complaint bearing a back pocket design of two double arcs
against Sambar, doing business under the name and meeting in the middle. However, it denied that there
style of CVSGE. Private respondents also impleaded the was infringement or unfair competition because the
Director of the National Library. display rooms of department stores where Levis and
Europress jeans were sold, were distinctively segregated
Private respondents alleged in their complaint that Levi by billboards and other modes of
Strauss and Co. (LS&Co.), an internationally known advertisement. CVSGIC avers that the public would not
clothing manufacturer, owns the arcuate design be confused on the ownership of such known trademark
trademark which was registered under U.S. Trademark as Levis, Jag, Europress, etc.. Also, CVSGIC claimed that
Registration No. 404, 248 on November 16, 1943, and in it had its own original arcuate design, as evidenced by
the Principal Register of trademarks with the Philippine Copyright Registration No. 1-1998, which was very
Patent Office under Certificate of Registration No. 20240 different and distinct from Levis design.
issued on October 8, 1973; that through a Trademark
Technical Data and Technical Assistance Agreement with Petitioner Venancio Sambar filed a separate answer. He
Levi Strauss (Phil.) Inc. (LSPI) in 1972, LS&Co. granted denied he was connected with CVSGIC. He admitted
LSPI a non-exclusive license to use the arcuate that Copyright Registration No. 1-1998 was issued to
trademark in its manufacture and sale of Levis pants, him, but he denied using it. He also said he did not
jackets and shirts in the Philippines; that in 1983, authorize anyone to use the copyrighted design.
LS&Co. also appointed LSPI as its agent and attorney-in-
fact to protect its trademark in the Philippines; and that Issues:(1) Did petitioner infringe on private
sometime in 1987, CVSGIC and Venancio Sambar, respondents arcuate design?
without the consent and authority of private (2) Must we hold petitioner solidarily liable with CVS
respondents and in infringement and unfair competition, Garments Industrial Corporation?
sold and advertised, and despite demands to cease and (3) Are private respondents entitled to nominal,
desist, continued to manufacture, sell and advertise temperate and exemplary damages and cancellation of
denim pants under the brand name Europress with back petitioners copyright?
pockets bearing a design similar to the arcuate
trademark of private respondents, thereby causing Held:(1) On the first issue, petitioner claims that he did
confusion on the buying public, prejudicial to private not infringe on private respondents arcuate design
respondents goodwill and property right. because there was no colorable imitation which
deceived or confused the public. He cites Emerald
In its answer, CVSGIC admitted it manufactured, sold Garment Manufacturing Corporation vs. Court of
and advertised and was still manufacturing and selling Appeals, G.R. No. 100098, 251 SCRA 600 (1995), as
Page 55 of 307
authority. He disagreed with the Court of Appeals that (2) On the second issue, petitioner claims that private
there were confusing similarities between Levis and respondents did not show that he was connected with
Europress arcuate designs, despite the trial courts CVSGIC, nor did they prove his specific acts of
observation of differences in them. Petitioner maintains infringement to make him liable for damages.Again, this
that although the backpocket designs had similarities, is a factual matter and factual findings of the trial court,
the public was not confused because Levis jeans had concurred in by the Court of Appeals, are final and
other marks not found in Europress jeans. Further, he binding on this Court.[6] Both the courts below found that
says Levis long history and popularity made its petitioner had a copyright over Europress arcuate
trademark easily identifiable by the public. design and that he consented to the use of said design
In its comment, private respondents aver that the Court by CVSGIC. We are bound by this finding, especially in
of Appeals did not err in ruling that there was the absence of a showing that it was tainted with
infringement in this case. The backpocket design of arbitrariness or palpable error. [7] It must be stressed that
Europress jeans, a double arc intersecting in the middle it was immaterial whether or not petitioner was
was the same as Levis mark, also a double arc connected with CVSGIC. What is relevant is that
intersecting at the center. Although the trial court found petitioner had a copyright over the design and that he
differences in the two designs, these differences were allowed the use of the same by CVSGIC.
not noticeable. Further, private respondents said,
infringement of trademark did not require exact Petitioner also contends that the Court of Appeals erred
similarity. Colorable imitation enough to cause confusion when it said that he had the burden to prove that he
among the public, was sufficient for a trademark to be was not connected with CVSGIC and that he did not
infringed. Private respondents explained that in a authorize anyone to use his copyrighted
market research they conducted with 600 respondents, design. According to petitioner, these are important
the result showed that the public was confused by elements of private respondents cause of action against
Europress trademark vis the Levis trademark. him, hence, private respondents had the ultimate
We find that the first issue raised by petitioner is burden of proof.
factual. The basic rule is that factual questions are
beyond the province of this Court in a petition for (3) Petitioner insists that he had not infringed on the
review. Although there are exceptions to this rule, this arcuate trademark, hence, there was no basis for
case is not one of them. [5] Hence, we find no reason to nominal and temperate damages. Also, an award of
disturb the findings of the Court of Appeals that nominal damages precludes an award of temperate
Europress use of the arcuate design was an damages. He cites Ventanilla vs. Centeno, G.R. No. L-
infringement of the Levis design. 14333, 1 SCRA 215 (1961) on this. Thus, he contends,
assuming arguendo that there was infringement, the

Page 56 of 307
Court of Appeals still erred in awarding both nominal gross sales of the respondents, pursuant to Section 23
and temperate damages. of the Trademark law.[11]

Petitioner likewise said that the grant of exemplary Finally, regarding the cancellation of petitioners
damages was inconsistent with the trial courts finding copyright, private respondents deny that the trial court
that the design of Europress jeans was not similar to ruled that the arcuate design of Europress jeans was not
Levis design and that no pecuniary loss was suffered by the same as Levis arcuate design jeans. On the
respondents to entitle them to such damages. contrary, the trial court expressly ruled that there was
similarity. The cancellation of petitioners copyright was
Lastly, petitioner maintains that as Europress arcuate justified because petitioners copyright can not prevail
design is not a copy of that of Levis, citing the trial over respondents registration in the Principal Register of
courts findings that although there are similarities, there Bureau of Patents, Trademarks, and Technology
are also differences in the two designs, cancellation of Transfer. According to private respondents, the essence
his copyright was not justified. of copyright registration is originality and a copied
design is inherently non-copyrightable. They insist that
On this matter, private respondents assert that the registration does not confer originality upon a copycat
lower courts found that there was infringement and version of a prior design.
Levis was entitled to damages based on Sections 22 and
23 of RA No. 166 otherwise known as the Trade Mark From the foregoing discussion, it is clear that the
Law,[10] as amended, which was the law then matters raised by petitioner in relation to the last issue
governing. Said sections define infringement and are purely factual, except the matter of nominal and
prescribe the remedies therefor. Further, private temperate damages. Petitioner claims that damages are
respondents aver it was misleading for petitioner to not due private respondents and his copyright should
claim that the trial court ruled that private respondents not be cancelled because he had not infringed on Levis
did not suffer pecuniary loss, suggesting that the award trademark. Both the trial court and the Court of Appeals
of damages was improper. According to the private found there was infringement. Thus, the award of
respondents, the trial court did not make any such damages and cancellation of petitioners copyright are
ruling. It simply stated that there was no evidence that appropriate.[12] Award of damages is clearly provided in
Levis had suffered decline in its sales because of the Section 23,[13] while cancellation of petitioners copyright
use of the arcuate design by Europress jeans. They offer finds basis on the fact that the design was a mere copy
that while there may be no direct proof that they of that of private respondents trademark. To be entitled
suffered a decline in sales, damages may still be to copyright, the thing being copyrighted must be
measured based on a reasonable percentage of the original, created by the author through his own skill,

Page 57 of 307
labor and judgment, without directly copying or assistance for the apprehension and prosecution of
evasively imitating the work of another.[14] illegal manufacturers, producers and/or distributors of
the works.[5]
However, we agree with petitioner that it was error for
the Court of Appeals to affirm the award of nominal After due investigation, the NBI filed applications for
damages combined with temperate damages [15] by the search warrants in the RTC of Manila against William
Regional Trial Court of Makati. What respondents are Salinas, Sr. and the officers and members of the Board
entitled to is an award for temperate damages, not of Directors of Wilaware Product Corporation. It was
nominal damages. For although the exact amount of alleged that the respondents therein reproduced and
damage or loss can not be determined with reasonable distributed the said models penalized under Sections
certainty, the fact that there was infringement means 177.1 and 177.3 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8293. The
they suffered losses for which they are entitled to applications sought the seizure of the following:
moderate damages.[16] We find that the award
of P50,000.00 as temperate damages fair and a.) Undetermined quantity of Leaf spring eye bushing
reasonable, considering the circumstances herein as for automobile that are made up of plastic
well as the global coverage and reputation of private polypropylene;
respondents Levi Strauss & Company and Levi Strauss b.) Undetermined quantity of Leaf spring eye bushing
(Phil.), Inc for automobile that are made up of polyvinyl chloride
7. Ching vs. Salinas, G.R. No. 161295 , June 29, c.) Undetermined quantity of Vehicle bearing cushion
2005 that is made up of polyvinyl chloride plastic;
d.) Undetermined quantity of Dies and jigs, patterns and
Facts:Jessie G. Ching is the owner and general manager flasks used in the manufacture/fabrication of items a to
of Jeshicris Manufacturing Co., the maker and d;
manufacturer of a Utility Model, described as Leaf e.) Evidences of sale which include delivery receipts,
Spring Eye Bushing for Automobile made up of plastic. invoices and official receipts.[6]

On September 4, 2001, Ching and Joseph Yu were issued The RTC granted the application and issued Search
by the National Library Certificates of Copyright Warrant Nos. 01-2401 and 01-2402 for the seizure of the
Registration and Deposit of the said work described aforecited articles.[7] In the inventory submitted by the
therein as Leaf Spring Eye Bushing for Automobile.[4] NBI agent, it appears that the following articles/items
were seized based on the search warrants.
On September 20, 2001, Ching requested the National
Bureau of Investigation (NBI) for police/investigative
Page 58 of 307
The respondents filed a motion to quash the search that the material was not copied, and evidences at least
warrants on the following grounds: minimal creativity; that it was independently created by
the author and that it possesses at least same minimal
2. The copyright registrations were issued in violation of degree of creativity.[23] Copying is shown by proof of
the Intellectual Property Code on the ground that: access to copyrighted material and substantial similarity
between the two works.[24] The applicant must thus
a) the subject matter of the registrations are not artistic demonstrate the existence and the validity of his
or literary; copyright because in the absence of copyright
b) the subject matter of the registrations are spare parts protection, even original creation may be freely copied.
of automobiles meaning there (sic) are original parts
that they are designed to replace. Hence, they are not
original.[9] By requesting the NBI to investigate and, if feasible, file
an application for a search warrant for infringement
The respondents averred that the works covered by the under R.A. No. 8293 against the respondents, the
certificates issued by the National Library are not petitioner thereby authorized the RTC (in resolving the
artistic in nature; they are considered automotive spare application), to delve into and determine the validity of
parts and pertain to technology. They aver that the the copyright which he claimed he had over the utility
models are not original, and as such are the proper models. The petitioner cannot seek relief from the RTC
subject of a patent, not copyright. based on his claim that he was the copyright owner
over the utility models and, at the same time, repudiate
Issue:Whether the crime for infringement under R.A. the courts jurisdiction to ascertain the validity of his
No. 8293 as alleged in an application is committed claim without running afoul to the doctrine of estoppel.

Held:No. For the RTC to determine whether the crime To discharge his burden, the applicant may present the
for infringement under R.A. No. 8293 as alleged in an certificate of registration covering the work or, in its
application is committed, the petitioner-applicant was absence, other evidence.[26] A copyright certificate
burdened to prove that (a) respondents Jessie Ching and provides prima facieevidence of originality which is one
Joseph Yu were the owners of copyrighted material; and element of copyright validity. It constitutes prima
(b) the copyrighted material was being copied and facie evidence of both validity and ownership[27] and the
distributed by the respondents. Thus, the ownership of a validity of the facts stated in the certificate.[28]The
valid copyright is essential.[22] presumption of validity to a certificate of copyright
registration merely orders the burden of proof. The
Ownership of copyrighted material is shown by proof of applicant should not ordinarily be forced, in the first
originality and copyrightability. By originality is meant instance, to prove all the multiple facts that underline
Page 59 of 307
the validity of the copyright unless the respondent, original intellectual creations in the literary and artistic
effectively challenging them, shifts the burden of doing domain protected from the moment of their creation
so to the applicant.[29] Indeed, Section 218.2 of R.A. No. and shall include in particular:
8293 provides: ...
(h) Original ornamental designs or models for articles of
218.2. In an action under this Chapter: manufacture, whether or not registrable as an industrial
(a) Copyright shall be presumed to subsist in the work design, and other works of applied art.
or other subject matter to which the action relates if the Related to the provision is Section 171.10, which
defendant does not put in issue the question whether provides that a work of applied art is an artistic creation
copyright subsists in the work or other subject matter; with utilitarian functions or incorporated in a useful
and article, whether made by hand or produced on an
(b) Where the subsistence of the copyright is industrial scale.
established, the plaintiff shall be presumed to be the
owner of the copyright if he claims to be the owner of But, as gleaned from the specifications appended to the
the copyright and the defendant does not put in issue application for a copyright certificate filed by the
the question of his ownership. petitioner, the said Leaf Spring Eye Bushing for
Automobile is merely a utility model described as
A certificate of registration creates no rebuttable comprising a generally cylindrical body having a co-
presumption of copyright validity where other evidence axial bore that is centrally located and provided with a
in the record casts doubt on the question. In such a perpendicular flange on one of its ends and a cylindrical
case, validity will not be presumed.[30] metal jacket surrounding the peripheral walls of said
body, with the bushing made of plastic that is either
To discharge his burden of probable cause for the polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene.[31] Likewise, the
issuance of a search warrant for violation of R.A. No. Vehicle Bearing Cushion is illustrated as a bearing
8293, the petitioner-applicant submitted to the RTC cushion comprising a generally semi-circular body
Certificate of Copyright Registration Nos. 2001-197 and having a central hole to secure a conventional bearing
2001-204 dated September 3, 2001 and September 4, and a plurality of ridges provided therefore, with said
2001, respectively, issued by the National Library cushion bearing being made of the same plastic
covering work identified as Leaf Spring Eye Bushing for materials.[32] Plainly, these are not literary or artistic
Automobile and Vehicle Bearing Cushion both classified works. They are not intellectual creations in the literary
under Section 172.1(h) of R.A. No. 8293, to wit: and artistic domain, or works of applied art. They are
certainly not ornamental designs or one having
SEC. 172. Literary and Artistic Works. 172.1. Literary decorative quality or value.
and artistic works, hereinafter referred to as works, are
Page 60 of 307
It bears stressing that the focus of copyright is the from the utilitarian aspects of the article. [36] Functional
usefulness of the artistic design, and not its components of useful articles, no matter how artistically
marketability. The central inquiry is whether the article designed, have generally been denied copyright
is a work of art.[33] Works for applied art include all protection unless they are separable from the useful
original pictorials, graphics, and sculptural works that article.[37]
are intended to be or have been embodied in useful
article regardless of factors such as mass production, In this case, the petitioners models are not works of
commercial exploitation, and the potential availability of applied art, nor artistic works. They are utility models,
design patent protection.[34] useful articles, albeit with no artistic design or value.
Thus, the petitioner described the utility model as
As gleaned from the description of the models and their follows:
objectives, these articles are useful articles which are
defined as one having an intrinsic utilitarian function LEAF SPRING EYE BUSHING FOR AUTOMOBILE
that is not merely to portray the appearance of the Known bushings inserted to leaf-spring eye to hold leaf-
article or to convey information. Indeed, while works of springs of automobile are made of hard rubber. These
applied art, original intellectual, literary and artistic rubber bushings after a time, upon subjecting them to
works are copyrightable, useful articles and works of so much or intermittent pressure would eventually wore
industrial design are not.[35] A useful article may be (sic) out that would cause the wobbling of the leaf
copyrightable only if and only to the extent that such spring.
design incorporates pictorial, graphic, or sculptural
features that can be identified separately from, and are The primary object of this utility model, therefore, is to
capable of existing independently of the utilitarian provide a leaf-spring eye bushing for automobile that is
aspects of the article. made up of plastic.
Another object of this utility model is to provide a leaf-
We agree with the contention of the petitioner (citing spring eye bushing for automobiles made of polyvinyl
Section 171.10 of R.A. No. 8293), that the authors chloride, an oil resistant soft texture plastic or
intellectual creation, regardless of whether it is a polypropylene, a hard plastic, yet both causes cushion
creation with utilitarian functions or incorporated in a to the leaf spring, yet strong enough to endure pressure
useful article produced on an industrial scale, is brought about by the up and down movement of said
protected by copyright law. However, the law refers to a leaf spring.
work of applied art which is an artistic creation. It bears
stressing that there is no copyright protection for works Yet, an object of this utility model is to provide a leaf-
of applied art or industrial design which have aesthetic spring eye bushing for automobiles that has a much
or artistic features that cannot be identified separately longer life span than the rubber bushings.
Page 61 of 307
Still an object of this utility model is to provide a leaf- As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, said leaf-spring eye bushing
spring eye bushing for automobiles that has a very 10 is provided with a perpendicular flange 13 on one of
simple construction and can be made using simple and its ends and a cylindrical metal jacket 14 surrounding
ordinary molding equipment. the peripheral walls 15 of said body 11. When said leaf-
spring bushing 10 is installed, the metal jacket 14 acts
A further object of this utility model is to provide a leaf- with the leaf-spring eye (not shown), which is also made
spring eye bushing for automobile that is supplied with of steel or cast steel. In effect, the bushing 10 will not
a metal jacket to reinforce the plastic eye bushing when be directly in contact with steel, but rather the metal
in engaged with the steel material of the leaf spring. jacket, making the life of the bushing 10 longer than
those without the metal jacket.
These and other objects and advantages will come to In Figure 2, the bushing 10 as shown is made of plastic,
view and be understood upon a reading of the detailed preferably polyvinyl chloride, an oil resistant soft texture
description when taken in conjunction with the plastic or a hard polypropylene plastic, both are capable
accompanying drawings. to endure the pressure applied thereto, and, in effect,
would lengthen the life and replacement therefor.
Figure 1 is an exploded perspective of a leaf-spring eye
bushing according to the present utility model; Figure 3, on the other hand, shows the walls 16 of the
Figure 2 is a sectional view taken along line 2-2 of Fig. 1; co-axial bore 12 of said bushing 10 is insertably
Figure 3 is a longitudinal sectional view of another provided with a steel tube 17 to reinforce the inner
embodiment of this utility model; portion thereof. This steel tube 17 accommodates or
Figure 4 is a perspective view of a third embodiment; engages with the leaf-spring bolt (not shown)
and connecting the leaf spring and the automobiles chassis.
Figure 5 is a sectional view thereof.
Figures 4 and 5 show another embodiment wherein the
Referring now to the several views of the drawings leaf eye bushing 10 is elongated and cylindrical as to its
wherein like reference numerals designated same parts construction. Said another embodiment is also made of
throughout, there is shown a utility model for a leaf- polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride plastic material. The
spring eye bushing for automobile generally designated steel tube 17 and metal jacket 14 may also be applied
as reference numeral 10. to this embodiment as an option thereof.[38]

Said leaf-spring eye bushing 10 comprises a generally VEHICLE BEARING CUSHION

cylindrical body 11 having a co-axial bore 12 centrally Known bearing cushions inserted to bearing housings
provided thereof. for vehicle propeller shafts are made of hard rubber.
Page 62 of 307
These rubber bushings after a time, upon subjecting throughout, there is shown a utility model for a vehicle-
them to so much or intermittent pressure would bearing cushion generally designated as reference
eventually be worn out that would cause the wobbling numeral 10.
of the center bearing.
The primary object of this utility model therefore is to Said bearing cushion 10 comprises of a generally semi-
provide a vehicle-bearing cushion that is made up of circular body 11, having central hole 12 to house a
plastic. conventional bearing (not shown). As shown in Figure 1,
said body 11 is provided with a plurality of ridges 13
Another object of this utility model is to provide a which serves reinforcing means thereof.
vehicle bearing cushion made of polyvinyl chloride, an
oil resistant soft texture plastic material which causes The subject bearing cushion 10 is made of polyvinyl
cushion to the propellers center bearing, yet strong chloride, a soft texture oil and chemical resistant plastic
enough to endure pressure brought about by the material which is strong, durable and capable of
vibration of the center bearing. enduring severe pressure from the center bearing
brought about by the rotating movement of the
Yet, an object of this utility model is to provide a vehicle- propeller shaft of the vehicle.[39]
bearing cushion that has a much longer life span than
rubber bushings. A utility model is a technical solution to a problem in
Still an object of this utility model is to provide a vehicle any field of human activity which is new and industrially
bearing cushion that has a very simple construction and applicable. It may be, or may relate to, a product, or
can be made using simple and ordinary molding process, or an improvement of any of the aforesaid.
equipment. Essentially, a utility model refers to an invention in
the mechanical field. This is the reason why its object is
These and other objects and advantages will come to sometimes described as a device or useful object. [41] A
view and be understood upon a reading of the detailed utility model varies from an invention, for which a
description when taken in conjunction with the patent for invention is, likewise, available, on at least
accompanying drawings. three aspects: first, the requisite of inventive step [42] in a
patent for invention is not required; second, the
Figure 1 is a perspective view of the present utility maximum term of protection is only seven
model for a vehicle-bearing cushion; and years compared to a patent which is twenty years,
Figure 2 is a sectional view thereof. both reckoned from the date of the application; and
third, the provisions on utility model dispense with its
Referring now to the several views of the drawing, substantive examination[45] and prefer for a less
wherein like reference numeral designate same parts complicated system.
Page 63 of 307
(Phil.), Incorporated v. Shoemart, Incorporated,[48] the
Being plain automotive spare parts that must conform Court ruled that:
to the original structural design of the components they
seek to replace, the Leaf Spring Eye Bushing and Copyright, in the strict sense of the term, is purely a
Vehicle Bearing Cushion are not ornamental. They lack statutory right. It is a new or independent right granted
the decorative quality or value that must characterize by the statute, and not simply a pre-existing right
authentic works of applied art. They are not even regulated by it. Being a statutory grant, the rights are
artistic creations with incidental utilitarian functions or only such as the statute confers, and may be obtained
works incorporated in a useful article. In actuality, the and enjoyed only with respect to the subjects and by
personal properties described in the search warrants are the persons, and on terms and conditions specified in
mechanical works, the principal function of which is the statute. Accordingly, it can cover only the works
utility sansany aesthetic embellishment. falling within the statutory enumeration or description.

Neither are we to regard the Leaf Spring Eye Bushing That the works of the petitioner may be the proper
and Vehicle Bearing Cushion as included in the catch-all subject of a patent does not entitle him to the issuance
phrase other literary, scholarly, scientific and artistic of a search warrant for violation of copyright laws.
works in Section 172.1(a) of R.A. No. 8293. Applying the In Kho v. Court of Appeals[49] and Pearl & Dean (Phil.),
principle of ejusdem generis which states that where a Incorporated v. Shoemart, Incorporated,[50] the Court
statute describes things of a particular class or kind ruled that these copyright and patent rights are
accompanied by words of a generic character, the completely distinct and separate from one another, and
generic word will usually be limited to things of a similar the protection afforded by one cannot be used
nature with those particularly enumerated, unless there interchangeably to cover items or works
be something in the context of the state which would that exclusively pertain to the others. The Court
repel such inference,[46] the Leaf Spring Eye Bushing and expounded further, thus:
Vehicle Bearing Cushion are not copyrightable, being
not of the same kind and nature as the works Trademark, copyright and patents are different
enumerated in Section 172 of R.A. No. 8293. intellectual property rights that cannot be interchanged
with one another. A trademark is any visible sign
No copyright granted by law can be said to arise in favor capable of distinguishing the goods (trademark) or
of the petitioner despite the issuance of the certificates services (service mark) of an enterprise and shall
of copyright registration and the deposit of the Leaf include a stamped or marked container of goods. In
Spring Eye Bushing and Vehicle Bearing Cushion. relation thereto, a trade name means the name or
Indeed, in Joaquin, Jr. v. Drilon[47] and Pearl & Dean designation identifying or distinguishing an enterprise.
Meanwhile, the scope of a copyright is confined to
Page 64 of 307
literary and artistic works which are original intellectual concerned, such as artistic jewelry, enamels, glassware,
creations in the literary and artistic domain protected and tapestries, as well as all works belonging to the fine
from the moment of their creation. Patentable arts, such as paintings, drawings and sculpture.
inventions, on the other hand, refer to any technical
solution of a problem in any field of human activity So we have a contemporaneous and long-continued
which is new, involves an inventive step and is construction of the statutes by the agency charged to
industrially applicable. administer them that would allow the registration of
such a statuette as is in question here.[52]
The petitioner cannot find solace in the ruling of the
United States Supreme Court in Mazer v. Stein[51] to The High Court went on to state that [t]he dichotomy of
buttress his petition. In that case, the artifacts involved protection for the aesthetic is not beauty and utility but
in that case were statuettes of dancing male and female art for the copyright and the invention of original and
figures made of semi-vitreous china. The controversy ornamental design for design patents. Significantly, the
therein centered on the fact that although copyrighted copyright office promulgated a rule to implement Mazer
as works of art, the statuettes were intended for use to wit:
and used as bases for table lamps, with electric wiring,
sockets and lampshades attached. The issue raised was [I]f the sole intrinsic function of an article is its utility,
whether the statuettes were copyright protected in the the fact that the work is unique and attractively shaped
United States, considering that the copyright applicant will not qualify it as a work of art.
intended primarily to use them as lamp bases to be
made and sold in quantity, and carried such intentions In this case, the bushing and cushion are not works of
into effect. At that time, the Copyright Office interpreted art. They are, as the petitioner himself admitted, utility
the 1909 Copyright Act to cover works of artistic models which may be the subject of a patent.
craftsmanship insofar as their form, but not the
utilitarian aspects, were concerned. After reviewing the Ownership
history and intent of the US Congress on its copyright
legislation and the interpretation of the copyright office, Sec. 178 & 179
the US Supreme Court declared that the statuettes were
held copyrightable works of art or models or designs for CHAPTER VI
works of art. The High Court ruled that: OWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT

Works of art (Class G) (a) In General. This class includes Section 178. Rules on Copyright Ownership. -
works of artistic craftsmanship, in so far as their form Copyright ownership shall be governed by the following
but not their mechanical or utilitarian aspects are rules:
Page 65 of 307
178.1 Subject to the provisions of this section, in the 178.5. In the case of audiovisual work, the copyright
case of original literary and artistic works, copyright shall belong to the producer, the author of the scenario,
shall belong to the author of the work; the composer of the music, the film director, and the
author of the work so adapted. However, subject to
178.2. In the case of works of joint authorship, the co- contrary or other stipulations among the creators, the
authors shall be the original owners of the copyright and producer shall exercise the copyright to an extent
in the absence of agreement, their rights shall be required for the exhibition of the work in any manner,
governed by the rules on co-ownership. If, however, a except for the right to collect performing license fees for
work of joint authorship consists of parts that can be the performance of musical compositions, with or
used separately and the author of each part can be without words, which are incorporated into the work;
identified, the author of each part shall be the original and
owner of the copyright in the part that he has created;
178.6. In respect of letters, the copyright shall belong to
178.3. In the case of work created by an author during the writer subject to the provisions of Article 723 of the
and in the course of his employment, the copyright shall Civil Code. (Sec. 6, P.D. No. 49a)
belong to:
Section 179. Anonymous and Pseudonymous Works. -
(a) The employee, if the creation of the object of For purposes of this Act, the publishers shall be deemed
copyright is not a part of his regular duties even if the to represent the authors of articles and other writings
employee uses the time, facilities and materials of the published without the names of the authors or under
employer. pseudonyms, unless the contrary appears, or the
(b) The employer, if the work is the result of the pseudonyms or adopted name leaves no doubt as to the
performance of his regularly-assigned duties, unless author's identity, or if the author of the anonymous
there is an agreement, express or implied, to the works discloses his identity. (Sec. 7, P.D. 49)
1. Community vs. Reid, 490 U.S 730 (1989)
178.4. In the case of a work commissioned by a person
other than an employer of the author and who pays for [1] In this case, an artist and the organization that hired
it and the work is made in pursuance of the commission, him to produce a sculpture contest the ownership of the
the person who so commissioned the work shall have copyright in that work. To resolve this dispute, we must
ownership of the work, but the copyright thereto shall construe the "work made for hire" provisions of the
remain with the creator, unless there is a written Copyright Act of 1976 (Act or 1976 Act), 17 U.S.C. ��
stipulation to the contrary; 101 and 201(b), and in particular, the provision in �
Page 66 of 307
101, which defines as a "work made for hire" a "work be cast in bronze, at a total cost of approximately
prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her $100,000 and taking six to eight months to complete.
employment". Snyder rejected that proposal because CCNV did not
have sufficient funds, and because the statue had to be
[2] Petitioners are the Community for Creative Non- completed by December 12 to be included in the
Violence (CCNV), a nonprofit unincorporated association pageant. Reid then suggested, and Snyder agreed, that
dedicated to eliminating homelessness in America, and the sculpture would be made of a material known as
Mitch Snyder, a member and trustee of CCNV. In the fall "Design Cast 62," a synthetic substance that could meet
of 1985, CCNV decided to participate in the annual CCNV's monetary and time constraints, could be tinted
Christmastime Pageant of Peace in Washington, D.C., by to resemble bronze, and could withstand the elements.
sponsoring a display to dramatize the plight of the The parties agreed that the project would cost no more
homeless. As the District Court recounted: than $15,000, not including Reid's services, which he
offered to donate. The parties did not sign a written
Snyder and fellow CCNV members conceived the idea agreement. Neither party mentioned copyright.
for the nature of the display: a sculpture of a modern
Nativity scene in which, in lieu of the traditional Holy [4] After Reid received an advance of $3,000, he made
Family, the two adult figures and the infant would several sketches of figures in various poses. At Snyder's
appear as contemporary homeless people huddled on a request, Reid sent CCNV a sketch of a proposed
streetside steam grate. The family was to be black sculpture showing the family in a creche-like setting: the
(most of the homeless in Washington being black); the mother seated, cradling a baby in her lap; the father
figures were to be life-sized, and the steam grate would standing behind her, bending over her shoulder to touch
be positioned atop a platform "pedestal," or base, within the baby's foot. Reid testified that Snyder asked for the
which special effects equipment would be enclosed to sketch to use in raising funds for the sculpture. Snyder
emit simulated "steam" through the grid to swirl about testified that it was also for his approval. Reid sought a
the figures. They also settled upon a title for the work -- black family to serve as a model for the sculpture. Upon
"Third World America" -- and a legend for the pedestal: Snyder's suggestion, Reid visited a family living at
"and still there is no room at the inn." CCNV's Washington shelter, but decided that only their
newly born child was a suitable model. While Reid was
[3] Snyder made inquiries to locate an artist to produce in Washington, Snyder took him to see homeless people
the sculpture. He was referred to respondent James Earl living on the streets. Snyder pointed out that they
Reid, a Baltimore, Maryland, sculptor. In the course of tended to recline on steam grates, rather than sit or
two telephone calls, Reid agreed to sculpt the three stand, in order to warm their bodies. From that time on,
human figures. CCNV agreed to make the steam grate Reid's sketches contained only reclining figures.
and pedestal for the statue. Reid proposed that the work
Page 67 of 307
[5] Throughout November and the first two weeks of more modest tour than the one CCNV had proposed.
December, 1985, Reid worked exclusively on the statue, Snyder, acting in his capacity as CCNV's trustee,
assisted at various times by a dozen different people immediately filed a competing certificate of copyright
who were paid with funds provided in installments by registration.
CCNV. On a number of occasions, CCNV members [8] Snyder and CCNV then commenced this action
visited Reid to check on his progress and to coordinate against Reid and his photographer, Ronald
CCNV's construction of the base. CCNV rejected Reid's Purtee, seeking return of the sculpture and a
proposal to use suitcases or shopping bags to hold the determination of copyright ownership. The District Court
family's personal belongings, insisting instead on a granted a preliminary injunction, ordering the
shopping cart. Reid and CCNV members did not discuss sculpture's return. After a 2-day bench trial, the District
copyright ownership on any of these visits. Court declared that "Third World America" was a "work
made for hire" under � 101 of the Copyright Act, and
[6] On December 24, 1985, 12 days after the agreed- that Snyder, as trustee for CCNV, was the exclusive
upon date, Reid delivered the completed statue to owner of the copyright in the sculpture. 652 F.Supp. at
Washington. There it was joined to the steam grate and 1457. The court reasoned that Reid had been an
pedestal prepared by CCNV, and placed on display near "employee" of CCNV within the meaning of � 101(1)
the site of the pageant. Snyder paid Reid the final because CCNV was the motivating force in the statue's
installment of the $15,000. The statue remained on production. Snyder and [p*736] other CCNV members,
display for a month. In late January, 1986, CCNV the court explained, "conceived the idea of a
members returned it to Reid's studio in Baltimore for contemporary Nativity scene to contrast with the
minor repairs. Several weeks later, Snyder began national celebration of the season," and "directed
making plans to take the statue on a tour of several enough of [Reid's] effort to assure that, in the end, he
cities to raise money for the homeless. Reid objected, had produced what they, not he, wanted."
contending that the Design Cast 62 material was not
strong enough to withstand the ambitious itinerary. He [9] The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
urged CCNV to cast the statue in bronze at a cost of Circuit reversed and remanded, holding that Reid owned
$35,000, or to create a master mold at a cost of $5,000. the copyright because "Third World America" was not a
Snyder declined to spend more of CCNV's money on the work for hire. Adopting what it termed the "literal
project. interpretation" of the Act as articulated by the Fifth
Circuit in Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and
[7] In March, 1986, Snyder asked Reid to return the Adults of Louisiana, Inc. v. Playboy Enterprises, 815 F.2d
sculpture. Reid refused. He then filed a certificate of 323, 329 (1987), cert. denied, 485 U.S. 981 (1988), the
copyright registration for "Third World America" in his court read � 101 as creating "a simple dichotomy in
name, and announced plans to take the sculpture on a fact between employees and independent contractors."
Page 68 of 307
270 U.S.App.D.C. at 33, 846 F.2d at 1492. Because, copyright, but also the copyright's duration, � 302(c),
under agency law, Reid was an independent contractor, and the owners' renewal rights, � 304(a), termination
the court concluded that the work was not "prepared by rights, � 203(a), and right to import certain goods
an employee" under � 101(1). Id. at 35, 846 F.2d at bearing the copyright, � 601(b)(1). See 1 M. Nimmer &
1494. Nor was the sculpture a "work made for hire" D. Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright � 5.03 [A], pp. 5-10
under the second subsection of � 101 (hereinafter � (1988). The contours of the work for hire doctrine
101(2)): sculpture is not one of the nine categories of therefore carry profound significance for freelance
works enumerated in that subsection, and the parties creators -- including artists, writers, photographers,
had not agreed in writing that the sculpture would be a designers, composers, and computer programmers --
work for hire. Ibid. The court suggested that the and for the publishing, advertising, music, and other
sculpture nevertheless may have been jointly authored industries which commission their works. [n4]
by CCNV and Reid, id. at 36, 846 F.2d at 1495, and
remanded for a determination whether the sculpture is [12] Section 101 of the 1976 Act provides that a work is
indeed a joint work under the Act, id. at 39-40, 846 F.2d "for hire" under two sets of circumstances:
at 1498-1499.
(1) a work prepared by an employee within the scope of
[10] We granted certiorari to resolve a conflict among his or her employment; or
the Courts of Appeals over the proper construction of (2) a work specially ordered or commissioned for use as
the "work made for hire" provisions of the Act. [n2] 488 a contribution to a collective work, as a part of a motion
U.S. 940 (1988). We now affirm. picture or other audiovisual work, as a translation, as a
supplementary work, as a compilation, as an
[11] The Copyright Act of 1976 provides that copyright instructional text, as a test, as answer material for a
ownership "vests initially in the author or authors of the test, or as an atlas, if the parties expressly agree in a
work." 17 U.S.C. � 201(a). As a general rule, the author written instrument signed by them that the work shall
is the party who actually creates the work, that is, the be considered a work made for hire. [n5]
person who translates an idea into a fixed, tangible
expression entitled to copyright protection. � 102. The [13] Petitioners do not claim that the statue satisfies the
Act carves out an important exception, however, for terms of � 101(2). Quite clearly, it does not. Sculpture
"works made for hire." [n3] If the work is for hire, "the does not fit within any of the nine categories of
employer or other person for whom the work was "specially ordered or commissioned" works enumerated
prepared is considered the author," and owns the in that subsection, and no written agreement between
copyright, unless there is a written agreement to the the parties establishes "Third World America" as a work
contrary. � 201(b). Classifying a work as "made for for hire.
hire" determines not only the initial ownership of its
Page 69 of 307
[14] The dispositive inquiry in this case therefore is
whether "Third World America" is "a work prepared by [15] The starting point for our interpretation of a statute
an employee within the scope of his or her is always its language. Consumer Product Safety
employment" under � 101(1). The Act does not define Comm'n v. GTE Sylvania, Inc., 447 U.S. 102, 108 (1980).
these terms. In the absence of such guidance, four The Act nowhere defines the terms "employee" or
interpretations have emerged. The first holds that a "scope of employment." It is, however, well established
work is prepared by an employee whenever the hiring that[w]here Congress uses terms that have
party [n6]retains the right to control the product. accumulated settled meaning under . . . the common
Petitioners take this view. Brief for Petitioners 15; Tr. of law, a court must infer, unless the statute otherwise
Oral. Arg. 12. A second, and closely related, view is that dictates, that Congress means to incorporate the
a work is prepared by an employee under � 101(1) established meaning of these terms.
when the hiring party has actually wielded control with
respect to the creation of a particular work. This In the past, when Congress has used the term
approach was formulated by the Court of Appeals for "employee" without defining it, [p*740] we have
the Second Circuit, Aldon Accessories Ltd. v. Spiegel, concluded that Congress intended to describe the
Inc., 738 F.2d 548, cert. denied, 469 U.S. 982 (1984), conventional master-servant relationship as understood
and adopted by the Fourth Circuit, Brunswick Beacon, by common law agency doctrine. Nothing in the text of
Inc. v. Schock-Hopchas Publishing Co., 810 F.2d 410 the work for hire provisions indicates that Congress
(1987), the Seventh Circuit, Evans Newton, Inc. v. used the words "employee" and "employment" to
Chicago Systems Software, 793 F.2d 889, cert. describe anything other than "`the conventional relation
denied, 479 U.S. 949 (1986), and, at times, by of employer and employe.'" Kelley, supra, at 323,
petitioners, Brief for Petitioners 17. A third view is that quoting Robinson, supra, at 94; compare NLRB v. Hearst
the term "employee" within � 101(1) carries its Publications, Inc., 322 U.S. 111, 124-132 (1944)
common law agency law meaning. This view was (rejecting agency law conception of employee for
endorsed by the Fifth Circuit in Easter Seal Society for purposes of the National Labor Relations Act where
Crippled Children and Adults of Louisiana, Inc. v. structure and context of statute indicated broader
Playboy Enterprises, 815 F.2d 323 (1987), and by the definition). On the contrary, Congress' intent to
Court of Appeals below. Finally, respondent and incorporate the agency law definition is suggested by �
numerous amici curiae contend that the term 101(1)'s use of the term, "scope of employment," a
"employee" only refers to "formal, salaried" widely used term of art in agency law.
employees. See, e.g., Brief for Respondent 23-24; Brief
for Register of Copyrights as Amicus Curiae 7. The Court [16] In past cases of statutory interpretation, when we
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently adopted this have concluded that Congress intended terms such as
view. "employee," "employer," and "scope of employment" to
Page 70 of 307
be understood in light of agency law, we have relied on hires a "specially ordered or commissioned" work by
the general common law of agency, rather than on the definition has a right to specify the characteristics of the
law of any particular State, to give meaning to these product desired, at the time the commission is
terms. This practice reflects the fact that "federal accepted, and frequently until it is completed, the right
statutes are generally intended to have uniform to control the product test would mean that many works
nationwide application." Mississippi Band of Choctaw that could satisfy � 101(2) would already have been
Indians v. Holyfield, ante at 43. Establishment of a deemed works for hire under � 101(1). Petitioners'
federal rule of agency, rather than reliance on state interpretation is particularly hard to square with �
agency law, is particularly appropriate here, given the 101(2)'s enumeration of the nine specific categories of
Act's express objective of creating national, uniform specially ordered or commissioned works eligible to be
copyright law by broadly preempting state statutory and works for hire, e.g., "a contribution to a collective work,"
common law copyright regulation. See 17 U.S.C. � "a part of a motion picture," and "answer material for a
301(a). We thus [p*741] agree with the Court of Appeals test." The unifying feature of these works is that they
that the term "employee" should be understood in light are usually prepared at the instance, direction, and risk
of the general common law of agency. of a publisher or producer. [n7] By their very nature,
therefore, these types of [p*742] works would be works
[17] In contrast, neither test proposed by petitioners is by an employee under petitioners' right to control the
consistent with the text of the Act. The exclusive focus product test.
of the right to control the product test on the
relationship between the hiring party and the product [18] The actual control test, articulated by the Second
clashes with the language of � 101(1), which focuses Circuit in Aldon Accessories, fares only marginally better
on the relationship between the hired and hiring parties. when measured against the language and structure of
The right to control the product test also would distort � 101. Under this test, independent contractors who
the meaning of the ensuing subsection, � 101(2). are so controlled and supervised in the creation of a
Section 101 plainly creates two distinct ways in which a particular work are deemed "employees" under �
work can be deemed for hire: one for works prepared by 101(1). Thus, work for hire status under � 101(1)
employees, the other for those specially ordered or depends on a hiring party's actual control of, rather
commissioned works which fall within one of the nine than right to control, the product. Aldon
enumerated categories and are the subject of a written Accessories, 738 F.2d at 552. Under the actual control
agreement. The right to control the product test ignores test, a work for hire could arise under � 101(2), but not
this dichotomy by transforming into a work for hire under � 101(1), where a party commissions, but does
under � 101(1) any "specially ordered or not actually control, a product which falls into one of the
commissioned" work that is subject to the supervision nine enumerated categories. Nonetheless, we agree
and control of the hiring party. Because a party who with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that "[t]here is
Page 71 of 307
simply no way to milk the `actual control' test of Aldon meant to refer to a hired party in a conventional
Accessories from the language of the statute." Section employment relationship. These factors militate in favor
101 clearly delineates between works prepared by an of the reading we have found appropriate.
employee and commissioned works. Sound though
other distinctions might be as a matter of copyright [21] In 1955, when Congress decided to overhaul
policy, there is no statutory support for an additional copyright law, the existing work for hire provision was �
dichotomy between commissioned works that are 62 of the 1909 Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. � 26 (1976 ed.)
actually controlled and supervised by the hiring party (1909 Act). It provided that "the word `author' shall
and those that are not. include an employer in the case of works made for
hire." [n9] Because the 1909 Act did not define
[19] We therefore conclude that the language and "employer" or "works made for hire," the task of
structure of � 101 of the Act do not support either the shaping these terms fell to the courts. They concluded
right to control the product or the actual control that the work for hire doctrine codified in � 62 referred
approaches. [n8] The structure of [p*743] � 101 indicates only to works made by employees in the regular course
that a work for hire can arise through one of two of their employment. As for commissioned works, the
mutually exclusive means, one for employees and one courts generally presumed that the commissioned party
for independent contractors, and ordinary canons of had impliedly agreed to convey the copyright, along
statutory interpretation indicate that the classification of with the work itself, to the hiring party. [n10]
a particular hired party should be made with reference
to agency law. [22] In 1961, the Copyright Office's first legislative
proposal retained the distinction between works by
[20] This reading of the undefined statutory terms finds employees and works by independent
considerable support in the Act's legislative history. The contractors. See Report of the Register of Copyrights on
Act, which almost completely revised existing copyright the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law, 87th
law, was the product of two decades of negotiation by Cong., 1st Sess., Copyright Law Revision 86-87 (H.
representatives of creators and copyright-using Judiciary Comm. Print 1961). After numerous meetings
industries, supervised by the Copyright Office and, to a with representatives of the affected parties, the
lesser extent, by Congress. Despite the lengthy history Copyright Office issued a preliminary draft bill in 1963.
of negotiation and compromise which ultimately Adopting the Register's recommendation, it defined
produced the Act, two things remained constant. First, "work made for hire" asa work prepared by an employee
interested parties and Congress at all times viewed within the scope of the duties of his employment, but
works by employees and commissioned works by not including a work made on special order or
independent contractors as separate entities. Second, in commission.
using the term "employee," the parties and Congress
Page 72 of 307
[23] In response to objections by book publishers that categories of commissioned works as works for hire if
the preliminary draft bill limited the work for hire the parties expressly so agreed in writing: works for use
doctrine to "employees," [n11] the 1964 revision bill "as a contribution to a collective work, as a part of a
expanded the scope of the work for hire classification to motion picture, as a translation, or as supplementary
reach, for the first time, commissioned works. The bill's work." S. 1006, H.R. 4347, H.R. 5680, H.R. 6835, 89th
language, proposed initially by representatives of the Cong., 1st Sess., � 101 (1965). The interested parties
publishing industry, retained the definition of work for selected these categories because they concluded that
hire insofar as it referred to "employees," but added a these commissioned works, although not prepared by
separate clause covering commissioned works, without employees, and thus not covered by the first
regard to the subject matter, "if the parties so agree in subsection, nevertheless should be treated as works for
writing." S. 3008, H.R. 11947, H.R. 12354, 88th Cong., hire because they were ordinarily prepared "at the
2d Sess., � 54 (1964), reproduced in 1964 Revision Bill instance, direction, and risk of a publisher or producer."
with Discussions and Comments, 89th Cong., 1st Sess., Supplementary Report, at 67. The Supplementary
Copyright Law Revision, pt. 5, p. 31 (H.R. Judiciary Report emphasized that only the "four special cases
Comm. Print 1965). Those representing authors specifically mentioned" could qualify as works made for
objected that the added provision would allow hire; "[o]ther works made on special order or
publishers to use their superior bargaining position to commission would not come within the definition."
force authors to sign work for hire agreements, [p*746]
thereby relinquishing all copyright rights as a condition [25] In 1966, the House Committee on the Judiciary
of getting their books published. See Supplementary endorsed this compromise in the first legislative report
Report, at 67. on the revision bills. See H.R.Rep. No. 2237, 89th Cong.,
2d Sess., 114, 116 (1966). Retaining the distinction
[24] In 1965, the competing interests reached an between works by employees and commissioned works,
historic compromise, which was embodied in a joint the House Committee focused instead on
memorandum submitted to Congress and the Copyright how to draw a statutory line between those works
Office, [n12] incorporated into the 1965 revision bill, and written on special order or commission that should be
ultimately enacted in the same form and nearly the considered as works made for hire, and those that
same terms 11 years later, as � 101 of the 1976 Act. should not.
The compromise retained as subsection (1) the
language referring to "a work prepared by an employee The House Committee added four other enumerated
within the scope of his employment." However, in categories of commissioned works that could be treated
exchange for concessions from publishers on provisions as works for hire: compilations, instructional texts, tests,
relating to the termination of transfer rights, the authors and atlases. Id. at 116. With the single addition of
consented to a second subsection which classified four "answer material for a test," the 1976 Act, as enacted,
Page 73 of 307
contained the same definition of works made for hire as
did the 1966 revision bill, and had the same structure Nowhere in the 1976 Act or in the Act's legislative
and nearly the same terms as the 1966 bill. [n13] Indeed, history does Congress state that it intended to jettison
much of the language of the 1976 House and Senate the control standard or otherwise to reject the pre-Act
Reports was borrowed from the Reports accompanying judicial approach to identifying a work for hire
the earlier drafts. See, e.g., H.R.Rep. No. 94-1476, p. employment relationship.
121 (1976); S.Rep. No. 94-473, p. 105 (1975).
[28] We are unpersuaded. Ordinarily, "Congress' silence
[26] Thus, the legislative history of the Act is significant is just that -- silence." Petitioners' reliance on legislative
for several reasons. First, the enactment of the 1965 silence is particularly misplaced here, because the text
compromise with only minor modifications and structure of � 101 counsel otherwise.
demonstrates that Congress intended to provide two Furthermore, the structure of the work for hire
mutually exclusive ways for works to acquire work for provisions was fully developed in 1965, and the text was
hire status: one for employees and [p*748] the other for agreed upon in essentially final form by 1966. At that
independent contractors. Second, the legislative history time, however, the courts had applied the work for hire
underscores the clear import of the statutory language: doctrine under the 1909 Act exclusively to traditional
only enumerated categories of commissioned works employees. Indeed, it was not until after the 1965
may be accorded work for hire status. The hiring party's compromise was forged and adopted by
right to control the product simply is not determinative. Congress that a federal court for the first time
Indeed, importing a test based on a hiring party's right applied the work for hire doctrine to commissioned
to control, or actual control of, a product would unravel works. Congress certainly could not have "jettisoned" a
the "`carefully worked-out compromise aimed at line of cases that had not yet been decided.
balancing legitimate interests on both sides.'" H.R.Rep.
No. 2237, supra, at 114, quoting Supplemental Report, [29] Finally, petitioners' construction of the work for hire
at 66. [n14] provisions would impede Congress' paramount goal in
revising the 1976 Act of enhancing predictability and
[27] We do not find convincing petitioners' contrary certainty of copyright ownership. In a "copyright
interpretation of the history of the Act. They contend marketplace," the parties negotiate with an expectation
that Congress, in enacting the Act, meant to incorporate that one of them will own the copyright in the
a line of cases decided under the 1909 Act holding that completed work. With that expectation, the parties at
an employment relationship exists sufficient to give the the outset can settle on relevant contractual terms,
hiring party copyright ownership whenever that party such as the price for the work and the ownership of
has the right to control or supervise the artist's work. In reproduction rights.
support of this position, petitioners note:
Page 74 of 307
[30] To the extent that petitioners endorse an actual should ascertain, using principles of general common
control test, [n17] CCNV's construction of the work for hire law of agency, whether the work was prepared by an
provisions prevents such planning. Because that test employee or an independent contractor. After making
turns on whether the hiring party has closely monitored this determination, the court can apply the appropriate
the production process, the parties would not know until subsection of � 101.
late in the process, if not until the work is completed,
whether a work will ultimately fall within � 101(1). [32] We turn, finally, to an application of � 101 to Reid's
Under petitioners' approach, therefore, parties would production of "Third World America." In determining
have to predict in advance whether the hiring party will whether a hired party is an employee under the general
sufficiently control a given work to make it the author. common law of agency, we consider the hiring party's
right to control the manner and means by which the
If they guess incorrectly, their reliance on "work for hire" product is accomplished. [n18] Among the other factors
or an assignment may give them a copyright interest relevant to this inquiry are the skill required; [n19] the
that they did not bargain for. source of the instrumentalities and tools; [n20] the
location of the work; [n21] the duration of the relationship
This understanding of the work for hire provisions between the parties; [n22] whether the hiring party has
clearly thwarts Congress' goal of ensuring predictability the right to assign additional projects to the hired
through advance planning. Moreover, petitioners' party; [n23] the extent of the hired party's discretion over
interpretationleaves the door open for hiring parties, when and how long to work; [n24] the method of
who have failed to get a full assignment of copyright payment; [n25] the hired party's role in hiring and paying
rights from independent contractors falling outside the assistants; [n26] whether the work is part of the regular
subdivision (2) guidelines, to unilaterally obtain work- business of the hiring party; [n27] whether the hiring party
made-for-hire rights years after the work has been is in business; [n28] the provision of employee
completed as long as they directed or supervised the benefits; and the tax treatment of the hired
work, a standard that is hard not to meet when one is a party. See Restatement � 220(2) (setting forth a
hiring party. nonexhaustive list of factors relevant to determining
whether a hired party is an employee). [n31] No one of
[31] In sum, we must reject petitioners' argument. these factors is determinative.
Transforming a commissioned work into a work by an
employee on the basis of the hiring party's right to [33] Examining the circumstances of this case in light of
control, or actual control of, the work is inconsistent these factors, we agree with the Court of Appeals that
with the language, structure, and legislative history of Reid was not an employee of CCNV, but an independent
the work for hire provisions. To [p*751] determine contractor. True, CCNV members directed enough of
whether a work is for hire under the Act, a court first Reid's work to ensure that he produced a sculpture that
Page 75 of 307
met their specifications. But the extent of control the unitary whole." 17 U.S.C. � 101. [n32] In that case, CCNV
hiring party exercises over the details of the product is and Reid would be co-owners of the copyright in the
not dispositive. Indeed, all the other circumstances work. See � 201(a).
weigh heavily against finding an employment
relationship. Reid is a sculptor, a skilled occupation. Reid Transfer of Copyright Ownership
supplied his own tools. He worked in his own studio in
Baltimore, making daily supervision of his activities from Secs. 180 to 183, 200 & 201
Washington practicably impossible. Reid was retained
for less than two months, a relatively short period of CHAPTER VII
time. During and after this time, CCNV had no right to TRANSFER OR ASSIGNMENT OF COPYRIGHT
assign additional projects to Reid. Apart from the
deadline for completing the sculpture, Reid had absolute Section 180. Rights of Assignee. –
freedom to decide when and how long to work. CCNV
paid Reid $15,000, a sum dependent on "completion of 180.1. The copyright may be assigned in whole or in
a specific job, a method by which independent part. Within the scope of the assignment, the assignee
contractors are often compensated." Reid had total is entitled to all the rights and remedies which the
discretion in hiring and paying assistants. "Creating assignor had with respect to the copyright.
sculptures was hardly `regular business' for CCNV."
Indeed, CCNV is not a business at all. Finally, CCNV did 180.2. The copyright is not deemed assigned inter
not pay payroll or Social Security taxes, provide any vivos in whole or in part unless there is a written
employee benefits, or contribute to unemployment indication of such intention.
insurance or workers' compensation funds.
180.3. The submission of a literary, photographic or
[34] Because Reid was an independent contractor, artistic work to a newspaper, magazine or periodical for
whether "Third World America" is a work for hire publication shall constitute only a license to make a
depends on whether it satisfies the terms of � 101(2). single publication unless a greater right is expressly
This petitioners concede it cannot do. Thus, CCNV is not granted. If two (2) or more persons jointly own a
the author of "Third World America" by virtue of the copyright or any part thereof, neither of the owners
work for hire provisions of the Act. However, as the shall be entitled to grant licenses without the prior
Court of Appeals made clear, CCNV nevertheless may written consent of the other owner or owners. (Sec. 15,
be a joint author of the sculpture if, on remand, the P.D. No. 49a)
District Court determines that CCNV and Reid prepared
the work "with the intention that their contributions be Section 181. Copyright and Material Object. - The
merged into inseparable or interdependent parts of a copyright is distinct from the property in the material
Page 76 of 307
object subject to it. Consequently, the transfer or during the lifetime of the author and for fifty (50) years
assignment of the copyright shall not itself constitute a after his death. (Sec. 31, P.D. No. 49)
transfer of the material object. Nor shall a transfer or
assignment of the sole copy or of one or several copies Section 201. Works Not Covered. - The provisions of
of the work imply transfer or assignment of the this Chapter shall not apply to prints, etchings,
copyright. (Sec. 16, P.D. No. 49) engravings, works of applied art, or works of similar kind
wherein the author primarily derives gain from the
Section 182. Filing of Assignment or License. - An proceeds of reproductions. (Sec. 33, P.D. No. 49)
assignment or exclusive license may be filed in
duplicate with the National Library upon payment of the First Sale Doctrine
prescribed fee for registration in books and records kept
for the purpose. Upon recording, a copy of the 1. Bobbs-Merill vs. Strauss, 210 U.S. 339
instrument shall be returned to the sender with a
notation of the fact of record. Notice of the record shall Doctrine: There are differences between the patent and
be published in the IPO Gazette. (Sec. 19, P.D. No. 49a) the copyright statutes in the extent of the protection granted
by them, and the rights of a patentee are not necessarily to
Section 183. Designation of Society. - The be applied by analogy to those claiming under copyright.
copyright owners or their heirs may designate a society
of artists, writers or composers to enforce their At common law, an author had a property in his
economic rights and moral rights on their behalf. (Sec. manuscript, and might have redress against anyone
32, P.D. No. 49a) undertaking to publish it without his authority.

CHAPTER XI Copyright property under the federal law is wholly

RIGHTS TO PROCEEDS IN SUBSEQUENT statutory, and depends upon the rights created under
TRANSFERS acts of Congress passed in pursuance of authority
conferred by § 8 of Art. I of the federal Constitution.
Section 200. Sale or Lease of Work. - In every sale
or lease of an original work of painting or sculpture or of The copyright statutes are to be reasonably construed.
the original manuscript of a writer or composer, They will not by judicial construction either be unduly
subsequent to the first disposition thereof by the author, extended to include privileges not intended to be
the author or his heirs shall have an inalienable right to conferred nor so narrowed as to exclude those benefits
participate in the gross proceeds of the sale or lease to that Congress did intend to confer.
the extent of five percent (5%). This right shall exist

Page 77 of 307
The sole right to vend granted by § 4952, Rev.Stat.,
does not secure to the owner of the copyright the right Macy & Company, before the commencement of the
to qualify future sales by his vendee or to limit or action, purchased copies of the book for the purpose of
restrict such future sales at a specified price, and a selling the same at retail. Ninety percent of such copies
notice in the book that a sale at a different price will be were purchased by them at wholesale at a price below
treated as an infringement is ineffectual as against one the retail price by aboutforty percent, and ten percent of
not bound by contract or license agreement. the books purchased by them were purchased at retail,
and the full price paid therefor.
It is stipulated in the record:
The complainant in the circuit court, appellant here, the
Bobbs-Merrill Company, brought suit against the Defendants at the time of their purchase of copies of
respondents, appellees here, Isidor Straus and Nathan the book, knew that it was a copyrighted book, and
Straus, partners as R. H. Macy & Company, in the Circuit were familiar with the terms of the notice printed in
Court of the United States for the Southern District of each copy thereof, as above set forth, and knew that
New York to restrain the sale of a copyrighted novel, this notice was printed in every copy of the book
entitled "The Castaway," at retail at less than $1 for purchased by them.
each copy. The circuit court dismissed the bill on final
hearing. 139 F. 155. The decree of the circuit court was The wholesale dealers from whom defendants
affirmed on appeal by the circuit court of appeals, 147 F. purchased copies of the book obtained the same either
15. directly from the complainant or from other wholesale
The appellant is the owner of the copyright upon "The dealers at a discount from the net retail price, and at
Castaway," obtained on the eighteenth day of May, the time of their purchase knew that the book was a
1904, in conformity to the copyright statutes of the copyrighted book, and were familiar with the terms of
United States. Printed immediately below the copyright the notice printed in each copy thereof, as described
notice, on the page in the book following the title page, above, and such knowledge was in all wholesale dealers
is inserted the following notice: through whom the books passed from the complainants
to defendants. But the wholesale dealers were under no
"The price of this book at retail is one dollar net. No agreement or obligation to enforce the observance of
dealer is licensed to sell it at a less price, and a sale at a the terms of the notice by retail dealers, or to restrict
less price will be treated as an infringement of the their sales to retail dealers who would agree to observe
copyright." the terms stated in the notice.

"The Bobbs-Merrill Company"

Page 78 of 307
The defendants have sold copies of the book at retail at the owners of the copyright at a satisfactory price, and
the uniform price of eighty-nine cents a copy, and are this without agreement between the parties to such sale
still selling, exposing for sale, and offering copies of the obligating the purchaser to control future sales, and
book at retail at the price of eighty-nine cents per copy, where the alleged right springs from the protection of
without the consent of the complainant. the copyright law alone. It is contended that this power
to control further sales is given by statute to the owner
Much of the argument on behalf of the appellant is of such a copyright in conferring the sole right to "vend"
based upon the alleged analogy between the statutes of a copyrighted book.
the United States securing patent rights to inventors,
and the copyright acts, securing rights and privileges to A case such as the present one, concerning inventions
authors and others. And this analogy, it is contended, is protected by letters patent of the United States, has not
so complete that decisions under the patent statutes in been decided in this Court, so far as we are able to
respect to the rights claimed in this suit under the discover. In the so-called "Cotton Tie case" (Cotton Tie
copyright act are necessarily controlling. Co. v. Simmons, 106 U. S. 89), the complainant
company owned patents for improvements in metallic
In the main brief submitted by the learned counsel for cotton-bale ties, and these cotton-bale ties were
the appellant, it is said: manufactured by the patentee, and stamped in the
buckles were the words: "Licensed to use once only."
"All of the argument has been upon the assumption After the bands had been severed at the cotton mill, the
thatthe very numerous decisions of the circuit courts respondent bought them and the buckles as scrap iron,
and circuit courts of appeals, such as the Heaton- rolled and straightened the pieces of the bands, and
Peninsular case [Button-Fastener case], 77 F. 288, riveted their ends together. He then cut them into
the Victor Talking Machine case, 123 F. 424, and others proper lengths and sold them, with the buckles, to be
along the same line, as well as the Cotton Tie case in used as ties.
this Court, upholding this restriction, with reference to
sales of patented articles, express the law, and we have The report of this case in the Circuit Court for the
been especially confident that such must be the case, District of Rhode Island is found in 3 Banning & Arden
for the reason that this Court, in Bement v. National 320, 1 Fed.Cas. No. 293, p. 623. The report shows that
Harrow Company, 186 U. S. 70, has given its sanction to JudgeShepley dismissed the bill on the ground that the
the broad doctrines laid down in the Heaton- attempted restriction to a single use by the words
Peninsular case, 77 F. 288." stamped on the buckle was not one which the patentee
was entitled to impose, as the sale of the patented
The present case involves rights under the copyright article, as an ordinary article of commerce, had taken it
act. The facts disclose a sale of a book at wholesale by outside of the limits of the patent monopoly, and that
Page 79 of 307
the purchaser took unrestricted title to the buckle,
without any reservation in the vendor. This Court We cannot agree that any different view of the Cotton
reversed that decision, holding that the reconstructed Tie case was indicated in the comments of the learned
ties were not a repair of the old article, but a recreation justice, speaking for this Court, in Morgan Envelope Co.
of the subject of the patent, and therefore an v. Albany Paper Co., 152 U. S. 425, 152 U. S. 433. What
infringement. Mr. Justice Blatchford, in delivering the was there said in connectionwith the quotation from the
opinion of the court, said: opinion of Mr. Justice Blatchford in the Cotton Tie case
enforces the view that the case was one of infringement
"Whatever right the defendants could acquire to the use because of the reconstruction of the patented device.
of the old buckle, they acquired no right to combine it
with a substantially new band, to make a cotton-bale In Bement v. National Harrow Co., 186 U. S. 70, the suit
tie. They so combined it when they combined it with a was between the owners of the letters patent as
band made of the pieces of the old band in the way licensor and licensees, seeking to enforce a contract as
described. What the defendants did in piecing together to the price and terms on which the patented article
the pieces of the old band was not a repair of the band might be dealt with by the licensee. The case did not
or the tie, in any proper sense. The band was voluntarily involve facts such as in the case now before us, and
severed by the consumer at the cotton mill, because the concerned a contract of license sued upon in the state
tie had performed its function of confining the bale of court, and, of course, does not dispose of the questions
cotton in its transit from the plantation or the press to to be decided in this case.
the mill. Its capacity for use as a tie was voluntarily
destroyed. As it left the bale, it could not be used again The question was supposed to be involved in the recent
as a tie. As a tie the defendants reconstructed it, case of Cortelyou v. Johnson, 207 U. S. 196, where a
although they used the old buckle without repairing patented machine, known as the Neostyle, was sold
that." with a license, printed on the baseboard of the machine,
limiting the use thereof to certain paper, ink, and other
That the case was not decided as one of restricted supplies, made by the Neostyle company. While the
license, because of the words stamped on the buckle, is question as to the validity of such license restriction was
shown by the language of Mr. Justice Blatchford, in fully and ably argued by counsel, the case went off upon
concluding his opinion: the finding that notice of the license restriction was not
brought home to the defendant company.
"We do not decide that they are liable as infringers of
either of the three patents merely because they have If we were to follow the course taken in the argument,
sold the buckle considered apart from the band or from and discuss the rights of a patentee, under letters
the entire structure as a tie." patent, and then, by analogy, apply the conclusions to
Page 80 of 307
copyrights, we might greatly embarrass the "To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by
consideration of a case under letters patent, when one securing, for limited times, to authors and inventors, the
of that character shall be presented to this Court. exclusive right to their respective writings and
We may say in passing, disclaiming any intention to
indicate our views as to what would be the rights of The learned counsel for the appellant in this case, in the
parties in circumstances similar to the present case argument at bar, disclaims relief because of any
under the patent laws, that there are differences contract, and relies solely upon the copyright statutes,
between the patent and copyright statutes in the extent and rights therein conferred. The copyright statutes
of the protection granted by them. This was recognized ought to be reasonably construed with a view to
by Judge Lurton, who wrote a leading case on the effecting the purposes intended by Congress. They
subject in the federal courts (The Button Fastener case, ought not to be unduly extended by judicial construction
supra), for he said in the subsequent case ofPark & to include privileges not intended to be conferred, nor
Sons Co. v. Hartman, 153 F. 24: so narrowly construed as to deprive those entitled to
their benefit of the rights Congress intended to grant.
"There are such wide differences between the right of
multiplying and vending copies of a production At common law, an author had a property in his
protected by the copyright statute and the rights manuscript, and might have redress against anyone
secured to an inventor under the patent statutes that who undertook to realize a profit from its publication
the cases which relate to the one subject are not without authority of the author. Wheaton v. Peters, 8
altogether controlling as to the other." Pet. 591, 33 U. S. 659.

We therefore approach the consideration of this In Drone on Copyright, that author says, page 100:
question as a new one in this Court, and one that
involves the extent of the protection which is given by "As the law is now expounded, there are important
the copyright statutes of the United States to the owner differencesbetween the statutory and the common law
of a copyright under the facts disclosed in this record. light. The former exists only in works which have been
Recent cases in this Court have affirmed the proposition published within the meaning of the statute, and the
that copyright property under the federal law is wholly latter only in works which have not been so published.
statutory, and depends upon the right created under the In the former case, ownership is limited to a term of
acts of Congress passed in pursuance of the authority years; in the latter, it is perpetual. The rights do not
conferred under Article I, § 8, of the federal Constitution: coexist in the same composition; when the statutory
right begins, the common law right ends. Both may be
defeated by publication. Thus, when a work is published
Page 81 of 307
in print, the owner's common law rights are lost, and, assigns, shall have the "sole right and liberty of printing,
unless the publication be in accordance with the reprinting, publishing, and vending" such book for a
requirements of the statute, the statutory right is not term of years, upon complying with thestatutory
secured." conditions set forth in the act as essential to the
acquiring of a valid copyright. Each and all of these
While the nature of the property and the protection statutory rights should be given such protection as the
intended to be given the inventor or author as the act of Congress requires, in order to secure the rights
reward of genius or intellect in the production of his conferred upon authors and others entitled to the
book or work of art is to be considered in construing the benefit of the act. Let us see more specifically what are
act of Congress, it is evident that to secure the author the statutory rights, in this behalf, secured to one who
the right to multiply copies of his work may be said to has complied with the provisions of the law and become
have been the main purpose of the copyright statutes. the owner of a copyright. They may be found in §§ 4952,
Speaking for this Court in Stephens v. Cady, 14 How. 4965, and 4970 of the Revised Statutes of the United
528, 55 U. S. 530, Mr. Justice Nelson said: States, and are as follows:

"The copyright is an exclusive right to the multiplication "SEC. 4952. Any citizen of the United States or resident
of the copies, for the benefit of the author or his therein, who shall be the author, inventor, designer, or
assigns, disconnected from the plate, or any other proprietor of any book, map, chart, dramatic or musical
physical existence. It is an incorporeal right to print and composition, engraving, cut, print, or photograph or
publish the map, or, as said by Lord Mansfield in Millar negative thereof, or of a painting, drawing, chromo,
v. Taylor, 4 Burr. 2396, 'a property in notion, and has no statute, statuary, and of models or designs intended to
corporeal, tangible substance.'" be perfected as works of the fine arts, and the
executors, administrators, or assigns of any such
This fact is emphasized when we note the title to the act person, shall, upon complying with the provisions of this
of Congress, passed at its first session: chapter, have the sole liberty of printing, reprinting,
publishing, completing, copying, executing, finishing,
"An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by Securing and vending the same."
the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors
and Proprietors of Such Copies, during the Times "SEC. 4965. If any person, after the recording of the title
Therein Mentioned." of any map, chart, musical composition, print, cut,
engraving, or photograph, or chromo, or of the
In order to secure this right, it was provided in that description of any painting, drawing, statue, statuary, or
statute, as it has been in subsequent ones, that the model or design intended to be perfected and executed
authors of books, their executors, administrators, or as a work of the fine arts, as provided by this chapter,
Page 82 of 307
shall, within the term limited, and without the consent As this is a suit in equity for relief under § 4970 of the
of the proprietor of the copyright first obtained in U.S. Revised Statutes, giving to the circuit and district
writing, signed in presence of two or more witnesses, courts of the United States the right to grant relief by
engrave, etch, work, copy, print, publish, or import, injunctions to prevent the violation of rights secured by
either in whole or in part, or by varying the main design the copyright statutes, we are not concerned with rights
with intent to evade the law, or, knowing the same to be and remedies under § 4965.
so printed, published, or imported, shall sell or expose
to sale any copy of such map or other article, as It is the contention of the appellant that the circuit court
aforesaid, he shall forfeit to the proprietor all the plates erred in failing to give effect to the provision of § 4952,
on which the same shall be copied, and every sheet protecting the owners of the copyright in the sole right
thereof, either copied or printed, and shall further of vending the copyrighted book or other article, and
forfeitone dollar for every sheet of the same found in his the argument is that the statute vested the whole field
possession, either printing, printed, copied, published, of the right of exclusive sale in the copyright owner;
imported, or exposed for sale, and in case of a painting, that he can part with it to another to the extent that he
statute, or statuary, he shall forfeit ten dollars for every sees fit, and may withhold to himself, by proper
copy of the same in his possession, or by him sold or reservations, so much of the right as he pleases.
exposed for sale, one-half thereof to the proprietor and What does the statute mean in granting "the sole right
the other half to the use of the United States." of vending the same?" Was it intended to create a right
which would permit the holder of the copyright to
Section 4970 is as follows: fasten, by noticein a book or upon one of the articles
mentioned within the statute, a restriction upon the
"The circuit courts, and district courts having the subsequent alienation of the subject matter of copyright
jurisdiction of circuit courts, shall have power, upon bill after the owner had parted with the title to one who had
in equity filed by any party aggrieved, to grant acquired full dominion over it and had given a
injunctions to prevent the violation of any right secured satisfactory price for it? It is not denied that one who
by the laws respecting copyrights, according to the has sold a copyrighted article, without restriction, has
course and principles of courts of equity, on such terms parted with all right to control the sale of it. The
as the court may deem reasonable." purchaser of a book, once sold by authority of the owner
of the copyright, may sell it again, although he could not
Section 4965 undertakes to work a forfeiture of publish a new edition of it.
copyrighted articles, and confers a right of action for a
penalty. Relief is given in a single suit, one-half of the In this case, the stipulated facts show that the books
money recovered going to the United States. sold by the appellant were sold at wholesale, and
purchased by those who made no agreement as to the
Page 83 of 307
control of future sales of the book, and took upon book in quantities and at a price satisfactory to it. It has
themselves no obligation to enforce the notice printed exercised the right to vend. What the complainant
in the book, undertaking to restrict retail sales to a price contends for embraces not only the right to sell the
of one dollar per copy. copies, but to qualify the title of a future purchaser by
the reservation of the right to have the remedies of the
The precise question therefore in this case is, does the statute against an infringer because of the printed
sole right to vend (named in § 4952) secure to the notice of its purpose so to do unless the purchaser sells
owner of the copyright the right, after a sale of the book at a price fixed in the notice. To add to the right of
to a purchaser, to restrict future sales of the book at exclusive sale the authority to control all future retail
retail, to the right to sell it at a certain price per copy, sales by a notice that such sales must be made at a
because of a notice in the book that a sale at a different fixed sum would give a right not included in the terms of
price will be treated as an infringement, which notice the statute, and, in our view, extend its operation, by
has been brought home to one undertaking to sell for construction, beyond its meaning, when interpreted with
less than the named sum? We do not think the statute a view to ascertaining the legislative intent in its
can be given such a construction, and it is to be enactment.
remembered that this is purely a question of statutory
construction. There is no claim in this case of contract This conclusion renders it unnecessary to discuss other
limitation, nor license agreement controlling the questions noticed in the opinion in the circuit court of
subsequent sales of the book. appeals, or to examine into the validity of the
publisher's agreements, alleged to be in violation of the
In our view, the copyright statutes, while protecting the acts to restrain combinations creating a monopoly or
owner of the copyright in his right to multiply and sell directly tending to the restraint of trade.
his production, do not create the right to impose, by
notice, such as is disclosed in this case, a limitation at -----------------
which the book shall be sold at retail by future
purchasers, with whom there is no privity of contract. 26 August 2016
This conclusion is reached in view of the language of the
statute, read in the light of its main purposeto secure Ownership
the right of multiplying copies of the work -- a right
which is the special creation of the statute. True, the Sec. 178 & 179
statute also secures, to make this right of multiplication
effectual, the sole right to vend copies of the book, the Section 178. Rules on Copyright Ownership. - Copyright
production of the author's thought and conception. The ownership shall be governed by the following rules:
owner of the copyright in this case did sell copies of the
Page 84 of 307
178.1 Subject to the provisions of this section, in the
case of original literary and artistic works, copyright 178.5. In the case of audiovisual work, the copyright
shall belong to the author of the work; shall belong to the producer, the author of the scenario,
the composer of the music, the film director, and the
178.2. In the case of works of joint authorship, the co- author of the work so adapted. However, subject to
authors shall be the original owners of the copyright and contrary or other stipulations among the creators, the
in the absence of agreement, their rights shall be producer shall exercise the copyright to an extent
governed by the rules on co-ownership. If, however, a required for the exhibition of the work in any manner,
work of joint authorship consists of parts that can be except for the right to collect performing license fees for
used separately and the author of each part can be the performance of musical compositions, with or
identified, the author of each part shall be the original without words, which are incorporated into the work;
owner of the copyright in the part that he has created; and
178.6. In respect of letters, the copyright shall belong to
178.3. In the case of work created by an author during the writer subject to the provisions of Article 723 of the
and in the course of his employment, the copyright shall Civil Code. (Sec. 6, P.D. No. 49a)
belong to:
Section 179. Anonymous and Pseudonymous Works. -
(a) The employee, if the creation of the object of For purposes of this Act, the publishers shall be deemed
copyright is not a part of his regular duties even if the to represent the authors of articles and other writings
employee uses the time, facilities and materials of the published without the names of the authors or under
employer. pseudonyms, unless the contrary appears, or the
pseudonyms or adopted name leaves no doubt as to the
(b) The employer, if the work is the result of the author's identity, or if the author of the anonymous
performance of his regularly-assigned duties, unless works discloses his identity. (Sec. 7, P.D. 49)
there is an agreement, express or implied, to the
contrary. 1. Community vs. Reid, 490 U.S 730 (1989)

178.4. In the case of a work commissioned by a person Case Digest9:

other than an employer of the author and who pays for
it and the work is made in pursuance of the commission, Facts: The Community for Creative Non-Violence
the person who so commissioned the work shall have (CCNV) made an oral agreement with James Reid,
ownership of the work, but the copyright thereto shall
remain with the creator, unless there is a written 9"Community for Creative Non-Violence v. Reid." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law
at Illinois Tech, n.d. Aug 24, 2016. <>
stipulation to the contrary;
Page 85 of 307
a sculptor, to produce a statue depicting the
plight of the homeless for display at a 1985 Original:
Washington D.C. Christmas pageant. Upon
completion, delivery, and joining of the work to a [1] In this case, an artist and the organization that hired
base that it prepared separately, CCNV paid Reid him to produce a sculpture contest the ownership of the
the final installment of the agreed-upon price. copyright in that work. To resolve this dispute, we must
Shortly thereafter, the parties filed competing construe the "work made for hire" provisions of the
copyright claims over the sculpture. Holding, in Copyright Act of 1976 (Act or 1976 Act), 17 U.S.C. ��
accordance with the Copyright Act of 1976 (the 101 and 201(b), and in particular, the provision in �
"Act"), that the statue was a "work made for hire," 101, which defines as a "work made for hire" a "work
a district court ruled in favor of CCNV. On appeal, prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her
the Court of Appeals reversed and the Supreme employment" (hereinafter � 101(1)). [p*733]
Court granted CCNV certiorari.
Issue: Is the making of a sculpture for an
organization, by someone who contracts with the [2] Petitioners are the Community for Creative Non-
organization but is not its employee, a "work Violence (CCNV), a nonprofit unincorporated association
made for hire" as defined by the Copyright Act of dedicated to eliminating homelessness in America, and
1976, 17 U.S.C. Section 101? Mitch Snyder, a member and trustee of CCNV. In the fall
of 1985, CCNV decided to participate in the annual
Held: No. In a unanimous opinion, the Court held Christmastime Pageant of Peace in Washington, D.C., by
that the statue's preparation was not a "work for sponsoring a display to dramatize the plight of the
hire" as defined by the Act because Reid was not a homeless. As the District Court recounted:
CCNV employee. Instead, CCNV hired Reid as an Snyder and fellow CCNV members conceived the idea
independent contractor. Reid's independent status for the nature of the display: a sculpture of a modern
was evident because he supplied his own tools, Nativity scene in which, in lieu of the traditional Holy
worked in his own studio in another city, was Family, the two adult figures and the infant would
retained for less than two months, decided his appear as contemporary homeless people huddled on a
own work schedule, received salary that was streetside steam grate. The family was to be black
contingent on the sculpture's completion, and had (most of the homeless in Washington being black); the
sole discretion over hiring and paying assistants. figures were to be life-sized, and the steam grate would
Moreover, CCNV did not pay social security taxes be positioned atop a platform "pedestal," or base, within
for Reid nor did it provide him any employee which special effects equipment would be enclosed to
benefits. emit simulated "steam" through the grid to swirl about
Page 86 of 307
the figures. They also settled upon a title for the work -- testified that it was also for his approval. Reid sought a
"Third World America" -- and a legend for the pedestal: black family to serve as a model for the sculpture. Upon
"and still there is no room at the inn." Snyder's suggestion, Reid visited a family living at
CCNV's Washington shelter, but decided that only their
[3] Snyder made inquiries to locate an artist to produce newly born child was a suitable model. While Reid was
the sculpture. He was referred to respondent James Earl in Washington, Snyder took him to see homeless people
Reid, a Baltimore, Maryland, sculptor. In the course of living on the streets. Snyder pointed out that they
two telephone calls, Reid agreed to sculpt the three tended to recline on steam grates, rather than sit or
human figures. CCNV agreed to make the steam grate stand, in order to warm their bodies. From that time on,
and pedestal for the statue. Reid proposed that the work Reid's sketches contained only reclining figures.
be cast in bronze, at a total cost of approximately
$100,000 and taking six to eight months to complete. [5] Throughout November and the first two weeks of
Snyder rejected that proposal because CCNV did not December, 1985, Reid worked exclusively on the statue,
have sufficient funds, and because the statue had to be assisted at various times by a dozen different people
completed by December 12 to be included in the who were paid with funds provided in installments by
pageant. Reid then suggested, and Snyder agreed, that CCNV. On a number of occasions, CCNV members
the [p*734] sculpture would be made of a material visited Reid to check on his progress and to coordinate
known as "Design Cast 62," a synthetic substance that CCNV's construction of the base. CCNV rejected Reid's
could meet CCNV's monetary and time constraints, proposal to use suitcases or shopping bags to hold the
could be tinted to resemble bronze, and could withstand family's personal belongings, insisting instead on a
the elements. The parties agreed that the project would shopping cart. Reid and CCNV members did not discuss
cost no more than $15,000, not including Reid's copyright ownership on any of these visits.
services, which he offered to donate. The parties did not
sign a written agreement. Neither party mentioned [6] On December 24, 1985, 12 days after the agreed-
copyright. upon date, Reid delivered the completed statue to
Washington. There it was joined to the steam grate and
[4] After Reid received an advance of $3,000, he made pedestal prepared by CCNV, and placed on display near
several sketches of figures in various poses. At Snyder's the site of the pageant. Snyder paid Reid the final
request, Reid sent CCNV a sketch of a proposed installment of the $15,000. The statue remained on
sculpture showing the family in a creche-like setting: the display for a month. In late January, 1986, CCNV
mother seated, cradling a baby in her lap; the father members returned it to Reid's studio in Baltimore for
standing behind her, bending over her shoulder to touch minor repairs. Several weeks later, Snyder began
the baby's foot. Reid testified that Snyder asked for the making plans to take the statue on a tour of several
sketch to use in raising funds for the sculpture. Snyder cities to raise money for the homeless. Reid objected,
Page 87 of 307
contending that the Design Cast 62 material was not enough of [Reid's] effort to assure that, in the end, he
strong enough to withstand the ambitious itinerary. He had produced what they, not he, wanted."
urged CCNV to cast the statue in bronze at a cost of
$35,000, or to create a master mold at a cost of $5,000. [9] The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
Snyder declined to spend more of CCNV's money on the Circuit reversed and remanded, holding that Reid owned
project. the copyright because "Third World America" was not a
work for hire. 270 U.S.App.D.C. 26, 35, 846 F.2d 1485,
[7] In March, 1986, Snyder asked Reid to return the 1494 (1988). Adopting what it termed the "literal
sculpture. Reid refused. He then filed a certificate of interpretation" of the Act as articulated by the Fifth
copyright registration for "Third World America" in his Circuit in Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and
name, and announced plans to take the sculpture on a Adults of Louisiana, Inc. v. Playboy Enterprises, 815 F.2d
more modest tour than the one CCNV had proposed. 323, 329 (1987), cert. denied, 485 U.S. 981 (1988), the
Snyder, acting in his capacity as CCNV's trustee, court read � 101 as creating "a simple dichotomy in
immediately filed a competing certificate of copyright fact between employees and independent contractors."
registration. 270 U.S.App.D.C. at 33, 846 F.2d at 1492. Because,
under agency law, Reid was an independent contractor,
[8] Snyder and CCNV then commenced this action the court concluded that the work was not "prepared by
against Reid and his photographer, Ronald an employee" under � 101(1). Id. at 35, 846 F.2d at
Purtee, [n1] seeking return of the sculpture and a 1494. Nor was the sculpture a "work made for hire"
determination of copyright ownership. The District Court under the second subsection of � 101 (hereinafter �
granted a preliminary injunction, ordering the 101(2)): sculpture is not one of the nine categories of
sculpture's return. After a 2-day bench trial, the District works enumerated in that subsection, and the parties
Court declared that "Third World America" was a "work had not agreed in writing that the sculpture would be a
made for hire" under � 101 of the Copyright Act, and work for hire. Ibid. The court suggested that the
that Snyder, as trustee for CCNV, was the exclusive sculpture nevertheless may have been jointly authored
owner of the copyright in the sculpture. 652 F.Supp. at by CCNV and Reid, id. at 36, 846 F.2d at 1495, and
1457. The court reasoned that Reid had been an remanded for a determination whether the sculpture is
"employee" of CCNV within the meaning of � 101(1) indeed a joint work under the Act, id. at 39-40, 846 F.2d
because CCNV was the motivating force in the statue's at 1498-1499.
production. Snyder and [p*736] other CCNV members,
the court explained, "conceived the idea of a [10] We granted certiorari to resolve a conflict among
contemporary Nativity scene to contrast with the the Courts of Appeals over the proper construction of
national celebration of the season," and "directed the "work made for hire" provisions of the Act. [n2] 488
U.S. 940 (1988). We now affirm.
Page 88 of 307
(2) a work specially ordered or commissioned for use as
II a contribution to a collective work, as a part of a motion
A picture or other audiovisual work, as a translation, as a
supplementary work, as a compilation, as an
[11] The Copyright Act of 1976 provides that copyright instructional text, as a test, as answer material for a
ownership "vests initially in the author or authors of the test, or as an atlas, if the parties expressly agree in a
work." 17 U.S.C. � 201(a). As a general rule, the author written instrument signed by them that the work shall
is the party who actually creates the work, that is, the be considered a work made for hire. [n5]
person who translates an idea into a fixed, tangible
expression entitled to copyright protection. � 102. The [13] Petitioners do not claim that the statue satisfies the
Act carves out an important exception, however, for terms of � 101(2). Quite clearly, it does not. Sculpture
"works made for hire." [n3] If the work is for hire, "the does not fit within any of the nine categories of
employer or other person for whom the work was "specially ordered or commissioned" works enumerated
prepared is considered the author," and owns the in that subsection, and no written agreement between
copyright, unless there is a written agreement to the the parties establishes "Third World America" as a work
contrary. � 201(b). Classifying a work as "made for for hire.
hire" determines not only the initial ownership of its
copyright, but also the copyright's duration, � 302(c), [14] The dispositive inquiry in this case therefore is
and the owners' renewal rights, � 304(a), termination whether "Third World America" is "a work prepared by
rights, � 203(a), and right to import certain goods an employee within the scope of his or her
bearing the copyright, � 601(b)(1). See 1 M. Nimmer & employment" under � 101(1). The Act does not define
D. Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright � 5.03 [A], pp. 5-10 these terms. In the absence of such guidance, four
(1988). The contours of the work for hire doctrine interpretations have emerged. The first holds that a
therefore carry profound significance for freelance work is prepared by an employee whenever the hiring
creators -- including artists, writers, photographers, party [n6] retains the right to control the product.See
designers, composers, and computer programmers -- Peregrine v. Lauren Corp., 601 F.Supp. 828, 829
and for the publishing, advertising, music, and other (Colo.1985); Clarkstown v. Reeder, 566 F.Supp. 137, 142
industries which commission their works. [n4] (SDNY 1983). [p*739] Petitioners take this view. Brief for
Petitioners 15; Tr. of Oral. Arg. 12. A second, and closely
[12] Section 101 of the 1976 Act provides that a work is related, view is that a work is prepared by an employee
"for hire" under two sets of circumstances: under � 101(1) when the hiring party has actually
(1) a work prepared by an employee within the scope of wielded control with respect to the creation of a
his or her employment; or particular work. This approach was formulated by the
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Aldon
Page 89 of 307
Accessories Ltd. v. Spiegel, Inc., 738 F.2d 548, cert. intended to describe the conventional master-servant
denied, 469 U.S. 982 (1984), and adopted by the Fourth relationship as understood by common law agency
Circuit, Brunswick Beacon, Inc. v. Schock-Hopchas doctrine. See, e.g., Kelley v. Southern Pacific Co., 419
Publishing Co., 810 F.2d 410 (1987), the Seventh U.S. 318, 322-323 (1974); Baker v. Texas & Pacific R.
Circuit, Evans Newton, Inc. v. Chicago Systems Co., 359 U.S. 227, 228 (1959) (per curiam); Robinson v.
Software, 793 F.2d 889, cert. denied, 479 U.S. 949 Baltimore & Ohio R. Co., 237 U.S. 84, 94 (1915). Nothing
(1986), and, at times, by petitioners, Brief for Petitioners in the text of the work for hire provisions indicates that
17. A third view is that the term "employee" within � Congress used the words "employee" and
101(1) carries its common law agency law meaning. "employment" to describe anything other than "`the
This view was endorsed by the Fifth Circuit in Easter conventional relation of employer and employe.'" Kelley,
Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults of supra, at 323, quoting Robinson, supra, at 94; compare
Louisiana, Inc. v. Playboy Enterprises, 815 F.2d 323 NLRB v. Hearst Publications, Inc., 322 U.S. 111, 124-132
(1987), and by the Court of Appeals below. Finally, (1944) (rejecting agency law conception of employee for
respondent and numerous amici curiae contend that the purposes of the National Labor Relations Act where
term "employee" only refers to "formal, salaried" structure and context of statute indicated broader
employees. See, e.g., Brief for Respondent 23-24; Brief definition). On the contrary, Congress' intent to
for Register of Copyrights as Amicus Curiae 7. The Court incorporate the agency law definition is suggested by �
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently adopted this 101(1)'s use of the term, "scope of employment," a
view. See Dumas v. Gommerman, 865 F.2d 1093 (1989). widely used term of art in agency law. See Restatement
(Second) of Agency � 228 (1958) (hereinafter
[15] The starting point for our interpretation of a statute Restatement).
is always its language. Consumer Product Safety
Comm'n v. GTE Sylvania, Inc., 447 U.S. 102, 108 (1980). [16] In past cases of statutory interpretation, when we
The Act nowhere defines the terms "employee" or have concluded that Congress intended terms such as
"scope of employment." It is, however, well established "employee," "employer," and "scope of employment" to
that[w]here Congress uses terms that have be understood in light of agency law, we have relied on
accumulated settled meaning under . . . the common the general common law of agency, rather than on the
law, a court must infer, unless the statute otherwise law of any particular State, to give meaning to these
dictates, that Congress means to incorporate the terms. See, e.g., Kelley, 419 U.S. at 323-324, and n.
established meaning of these terms.NLRB v. Amax Coal 5; id. at 332 (Stewart, J., concurring in judgment); Ward
Co., 453 U.S. 322, 329 (1981); see also Perrin v. United v. Atlantic Coast Line R. Co., 362 U.S. 396, 400
States, 444 U.S. 37, 42 (1979). In the past, when (1960); Baker, supra, at 228. This practice reflects the
Congress has used the term "employee" without fact that "federal statutes are generally intended to
defining it, [p*740] we have concluded that Congress have uniform nationwide application." Mississippi Band
Page 90 of 307
of Choctaw Indians v. Holyfield, ante at 43. that could satisfy � 101(2) would already have been
Establishment of a federal rule of agency, rather than deemed works for hire under � 101(1). Petitioners'
reliance on state agency law, is particularly appropriate interpretation is particularly hard to square with �
here, given the Act's express objective of creating 101(2)'s enumeration of the nine specific categories of
national, uniform copyright law by broadly preempting specially ordered or commissioned works eligible to be
state statutory and common law copyright works for hire, e.g., "a contribution to a collective work,"
regulation. See 17 U.S.C. � 301(a). We thus [p*741] "a part of a motion picture," and "answer material for a
agree with the Court of Appeals that the term test." The unifying feature of these works is that they
"employee" should be understood in light of the general are usually prepared at the instance, direction, and risk
common law of agency. of a publisher or producer. [n7] By their very nature,
therefore, these types of [p*742] works would be works
[17] In contrast, neither test proposed by petitioners is by an employee under petitioners' right to control the
consistent with the text of the Act. The exclusive focus product test.
of the right to control the product test on the
relationship between the hiring party and the product [18] The actual control test, articulated by the Second
clashes with the language of � 101(1), which focuses Circuit in Aldon Accessories, fares only marginally better
on the relationship between the hired and hiring parties. when measured against the language and structure of
The right to control the product test also would distort � 101. Under this test, independent contractors who
the meaning of the ensuing subsection, � 101(2). are so controlled and supervised in the creation of a
Section 101 plainly creates two distinct ways in which a particular work are deemed "employees" under �
work can be deemed for hire: one for works prepared by 101(1). Thus, work for hire status under � 101(1)
employees, the other for those specially ordered or depends on a hiring party's actualcontrol of, rather
commissioned works which fall within one of the nine than right to control, the product. Aldon
enumerated categories and are the subject of a written Accessories, 738 F.2d at 552. Under the actual control
agreement. The right to control the product test ignores test, a work for hire could arise under � 101(2), but not
this dichotomy by transforming into a work for hire under � 101(1), where a party commissions, but does
under � 101(1) any "specially ordered or not actually control, a product which falls into one of the
commissioned" work that is subject to the supervision nine enumerated categories. Nonetheless, we agree
and control of the hiring party. Because a party who with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that "[t]here is
hires a "specially ordered or commissioned" work by simply no way to milk the `actual control' test of Aldon
definition has a right to specify the characteristics of the Accessories from the language of the statute." Easter
product desired, at the time the commission is Seal Society, 815 F.2d at 334. Section 101 clearly
accepted, and frequently until it is completed, the right delineates between works prepared by an employee
to control the product test would mean that many works and commissioned works. Sound though other
Page 91 of 307
distinctions might be as a matter of copyright policy, refer to a hired party in a conventional employment
there is no statutory support for an additional dichotomy relationship. These factors militate in favor of the
between commissioned works that are actually reading we have found appropriate.
controlled and supervised by the hiring party and those
that are not. [21] In 1955, when Congress decided to overhaul
copyright law, the existing work for hire provision was �
[19] We therefore conclude that the language and 62 of the 1909 Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. � 26 (1976 ed.)
structure of � 101 of the Act do not support either the (1909 Act). It provided that "the word `author' shall
right to control the product or the actual control include an employer in [p*744] the case of works made
approaches. [n8] The structure of [p*743] � 101 for hire." [n9] Because the 1909 Act did not define
indicates that a work for hire can arise through one of "employer" or "works made for hire," the task of
two mutually exclusive means, one for employees and shaping these terms fell to the courts. They concluded
one for independent contractors, and ordinary canons of that the work for hire doctrine codified in � 62 referred
statutory interpretation indicate that the classification of only to works made by employees in the regular course
a particular hired party should be made with reference of their employment. As for commissioned works, the
to agency law. courts generally presumed that the commissioned party
had impliedly agreed to convey the copyright, along
[20] This reading of the undefined statutory terms finds with the work itself, to the hiring party. See, e.g.,
considerable support in the Act's legislative history. Cf. Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. v. Jerry Vogel Music Co., 221
Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U.S. 303, 315 (1980). The F.2d 569, 570, aff'd, 223 F.2d 252 (CA2 1955); Yardley v.
Act, which almost completely revised existing copyright Houghton Mifflin Co., 108 F.2d 28, 31 (CA2 1939), cert.
law, was the product of two decades of negotiation by denied, 309 U.S. 686 (1940). [n10]
representatives of creators and copyright-using
industries, supervised by the Copyright Office and, to a [22] In 1961, the Copyright Office's first legislative
lesser extent, by Congress. See Mills Music, Inc. v. proposal retained the distinction between works by
Snyder, 469 U.S. 153, 159 (1985); Litman, Copyright, employees and works by independent
Compromise, and Legislative History, 72 Cornell L.Rev. contractors. See Report of the Register of Copyrights on
857, 862 (1987). Despite the lengthy history of the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law, 87th
negotiation and compromise which ultimately produced Cong., 1st Sess., Copyright Law Revision 86-87 (H.
the Act, two things remained constant. First, interested Judiciary Comm. Print 1961). After numerous meetings
parties and Congress at all times viewed works by with representatives of the affected parties, the
employees and commissioned works by independent Copyright Office issued a preliminary draft bill in 1963.
contractors as separate entities. Second, in using the Adopting the Register's recommendation, it defined
term "employee," the parties and Congress meant to "work [p*745] made for hire" asa work prepared by an
Page 92 of 307
employee within the scope of the duties of his within the scope of his employment." However, in
employment, but not including a work made on special exchange for concessions from publishers on provisions
order or commission. relating to the termination of transfer rights, the authors
consented to a second subsection which classified four
[23] In response to objections by book publishers that categories of commissioned works as works for hire if
the preliminary draft bill limited the work for hire the parties expressly so agreed in writing: works for use
doctrine to "employees," [n11] the 1964 revision bill "as a contribution to a collective work, as a part of a
expanded the scope of the work for hire classification to motion picture, as a translation, or as supplementary
reach, for the first time, commissioned works. The bill's work." S. 1006, H.R. 4347, H.R. 5680, H.R. 6835, 89th
language, proposed initially by representatives of the Cong., 1st Sess., � 101 (1965). The interested parties
publishing industry, retained the definition of work for selected these categories because they concluded that
hire insofar as it referred to "employees," but added a these commissioned works, although not prepared by
separate clause covering commissioned works, without employees, and thus not covered by the first
regard to the subject matter, "if the parties so agree in subsection, nevertheless should be treated as works for
writing." S. 3008, H.R. 11947, H.R. 12354, 88th Cong., hire because they were ordinarily prepared "at the
2d Sess., � 54 (1964), reproduced in 1964 Revision Bill instance, direction, and risk of a publisher or producer."
with Discussions and Comments, 89th Cong., 1st Sess., Supplementary Report, at 67. The Supplementary
Copyright Law Revision, pt. 5, p. 31 (H.R. Judiciary Report emphasized that only the "four special cases
Comm. Print 1965). Those representing authors specifically mentioned" could qualify as works made for
objected that the added provision would allow hire; "[o]ther works made on special order or
publishers to use their superior bargaining position to commission would not come within the definition." Id. at
force authors to sign work for hire agreements, [p*746] 67-68. [p*747]
thereby relinquishing all copyright rights as a condition
of getting their books published. See Supplementary [25] In 1966, the House Committee on the Judiciary
Report, at 67. endorsed this compromise in the first legislative report
on the revision bills. See H.R.Rep. No. 2237, 89th Cong.,
[24] In 1965, the competing interests reached an 2d Sess., 114, 116 (1966). Retaining the distinction
historic compromise, which was embodied in a joint between works by employees and commissioned works,
memorandum submitted to Congress and the Copyright the House Committee focused instead on
Office, [n12] incorporated into the 1965 revision bill, how to draw a statutory line between those works
and ultimately enacted in the same form and nearly the written on special order or commission that should be
same terms 11 years later, as � 101 of the 1976 Act. considered as works made for hire, and those that
The compromise retained as subsection (1) the should not.Id. at 115. The House Committee added four
language referring to "a work prepared by an employee other enumerated categories of commissioned works
Page 93 of 307
that could be treated as works for hire: compilations, that Congress, in enacting the Act, meant to incorporate
instructional texts, tests, and atlases. Id. at 116. With a line of cases decided under the 1909 Act holding that
the single addition of "answer material for a test," the an employment relationship exists sufficient to give the
1976 Act, as enacted, contained the same definition of hiring party copyright ownership whenever that party
works made for hire as did the 1966 revision bill, and has the right to control or supervise the artist's
had the same structure and nearly the same terms as work. See, e.g., Siegel v. National Periodical
the 1966 bill. [n13] Indeed, much of the language of the Publications, Inc., 508 F.2d 909, 914 (CA2 1974); Picture
1976 House and Senate Reports was borrowed from the Music, Inc. v. Bourne, Inc., 457 F.2d 1213, 1216
Reports accompanying the earlier drafts. See, (CA2), cert. denied, 409 U.S. 997 (1972); Scherr v.
e.g., H.R.Rep. No. 94-1476, p. 121 (1976); S.Rep. No. 94- Universal Match Corp., 417 F.2d 497, 500 (CA2
473, p. 105 (1975). 1969), cert. denied, 397 U.S. 936 (1970); Brattleboro
Publishing Co. v. Winmill Publishing Corp., 369 F.2d 565,
[26] Thus, the legislative history of the Act is significant 567-568 (CA2 1966). In support of this position,
for several reasons. First, the enactment of the 1965 petitioners note:
compromise with only minor modifications
demonstrates that Congress intended to provide two Nowhere in the 1976 Act or in the Act's legislative
mutually exclusive ways for works to acquire work for history does Congress state that it intended to jettison
hire status: one for employees and [p*748] the other for the control standard or otherwise to reject the pre-Act
independent contractors. Second, the legislative history judicial approach to identifying a [p*749] work for hire
underscores the clear import of the statutory language: employment relationship.
only enumerated categories of commissioned works
may be accorded work for hire status. The hiring party's [28] We are unpersuaded. Ordinarily, "Congress' silence
right to control the product simply is not is just that -- silence." Alaska Airlines, Inc. v. Brock, 480
determinative. See Note, The Creative Commissioner: U.S. 678, 686 (1987). Petitioners' reliance on legislative
Commissioned Works Under the Copyright Act of 1976, silence is particularly misplaced here, because the text
62 N.Y.U.L.Rev. 373, 388 (1987). Indeed, importing a and structure of � 101 counsel otherwise. See Bourjaily
test based on a hiring party's right to control, or actual v. United States, 483 U.S. 171, 178 (1987); Harrison v.
control of, a product would unravel the "`carefully PPG Industries, Inc., 446 U.S. 578, 592
worked-out compromise aimed at balancing legitimate (1980). [n15] Furthermore, the structure of the work for
interests on both sides.'" H.R.Rep. No. 2237, supra, at hire provisions was fully developed in 1965, and the text
114, quoting Supplemental Report, at 66. [n14] was agreed upon in essentially final form by 1966. At
that time, however, the courts had applied the work for
[27] We do not find convincing petitioners' contrary hire doctrine under the 1909 Act exclusively to
interpretation of the history of the Act. They contend traditional employees. Indeed, it was not until after the
Page 94 of 307
1965 compromise was forged and adopted by clearly thwarts Congress' goal of ensuring predictability
Congress [n16] that a federal court for the first time through advance planning. Moreover, petitioners'
applied the work for hire doctrine to commissioned interpretationleaves the door open for hiring parties,
works. See, e.g., Brattleboro Publishing Co., supra, at who have failed to get a full assignment of copyright
567-568. Congress certainly could not have "jettisoned" rights from independent contractors falling outside the
a line of cases that had not yet been decided. subdivision (2) guidelines, to unilaterally obtain work-
made-for-hire rights years after the work has been
[29] Finally, petitioners' construction of the work for hire completed as long as they directed or supervised the
provisions would impede Congress' paramount goal in work, a standard that is hard not to meet when one is a
revising the 1976 Act of enhancing predictability and hiring party.
certainty of copyright ownership. SeeH.R.Rep. No. 94-
1476, supra, at 129. In a "copyright marketplace," the [31] In sum, we must reject petitioners' argument.
parties negotiate with an expectation that one of them Transforming a commissioned work into a work by an
will own the copyright in the completed employee on the basis of the hiring party's right to
work. Dumas, 865 F.2d at 1104-1105, [p*750] n. 18. control, or actual control of, the work is inconsistent
With that expectation, the parties at the outset can with the language, structure, and legislative history of
settle on relevant contractual terms, such as the price the work for hire provisions. To [p*751] determine
for the work and the ownership of reproduction rights. whether a work is for hire under the Act, a court first
should ascertain, using principles of general common
[30] To the extent that petitioners endorse an actual law of agency, whether the work was prepared by an
control test, [n17] CCNV's construction of the work for employee or an independent contractor. After making
hire provisions prevents such planning. Because that this determination, the court can apply the appropriate
test turns on whether the hiring party has closely subsection of � 101.
monitored the production process, the parties would not
know until late in the process, if not until the work is B
completed, whether a work will ultimately fall within �
101(1). Under petitioners' approach, therefore, parties [32] We turn, finally, to an application of � 101 to Reid's
would have to predict in advance whether the hiring production of "Third World America." In determining
party will sufficiently control a given work to make it the whether a hired party is an employee under the general
author.If they guess incorrectly, their reliance on "work common law of agency, we consider the hiring party's
for hire" or an assignment may give them a copyright right to control the manner and means by which the
interest that they did not bargain for.Easter Seal product is accomplished. [n18] Among the other factors
Society, 815 F.2d at 333; accord, Dumas, 865 F.2d at relevant to this inquiry are the skill required; [n19] the
1103. This understanding of the work for hire provisions source of the instrumentalities and tools; [n20] the
Page 95 of 307
location of the work; [n21] the duration of the CCNV had no right to assign additional projects to Reid.
relationship between the parties; [n22] whether the Apart from the deadline for completing the sculpture,
hiring party has the right to assign additional projects to Reid had absolute freedom to decide when and how
the hired party;[n23] the extent of the hired party's long to work. CCNV paid Reid $15,000, a sum
discretion over when and how long to work; [n24] the dependent on "completion of a specific job, a method by
method of payment; [n25] the hired party's role in hiring which independent contractors are often
and [p*752] paying assistants; [n26] whether the work compensated." Holt v. Winpisinger, 258 U.S.App.D.C.
is part of the regular business of the hiring 343, 351, 811 F.2d 1532, 1540 (1987). Reid had total
party; [n27] whether the hiring party is in discretion in hiring and paying assistants. "Creating
business; [n28] the provision of employee sculptures was hardly `regular business' for CCNV." 270
benefits; [n29] and the tax treatment of the hired U.S.App.D.C. at 35, n. 11, 846 F.2d at 1494, n. 11.
party. [n30] See Restatement � 220(2) (setting forth a Indeed, CCNV is not a business at all. Finally, CCNV did
nonexhaustive list of factors relevant to determining not pay payroll or Social Security taxes, provide any
whether a hired party is an employee). [n31] No one of employee benefits, or contribute to unemployment
these factors is determinative. See Ward, 362 U.S. at insurance or workers' compensation funds.
400; Hilton Int'l Co. v. NLRB, 690 F.2d 318, 321 (CA2
1982). [34] Because Reid was an independent contractor,
whether "Third World America" is a work for hire
[33] Examining the circumstances of this case in light of depends on whether it satisfies the terms of � 101(2).
these factors, we agree with the Court of Appeals that This petitioners concede it cannot do. Thus, CCNV is not
Reid was not an employee of CCNV, but an independent the author of "Third World America" by virtue of the
contractor. 270 U.S.App.D.C. at 35, n. 11, 846 F.2d at work for hire provisions of the Act. However, as the
1494, n. 11. True, CCNV members directed enough of Court of Appeals made clear, CCNV nevertheless may
Reid's work to ensure that he produced a sculpture that be a joint author of the sculpture if, on remand, the
met their specifications. 652 F.Supp. at 1456. But the District Court determines that CCNV and Reid prepared
extent of control the hiring party exercises over the the work "with the intention that their contributions be
details of the product is not dispositive. Indeed, all the merged into inseparable or interdependent parts of a
other circumstances weigh heavily against finding an unitary whole." 17 U.S.C. � 101. [n32] In that case,
employment relationship. Reid is a sculptor, a skilled CCNV and Reid would be co-owners of the copyright in
occupation. Reid supplied his own tools. He worked in the work. See � 201(a).
his own studio in Baltimore, making daily supervision of
his activities from Washington practicably impossible. [35] For the aforestated reasons, we affirm the
Reid was retained for less than two months, a relatively judgment of the Court of Appeals for the District of
[p*753] short period of time. During and after this time, Columbia Circuit.
Page 96 of 307
of the work imply transfer or assignment of the
[36] It is so ordered. copyright. (Sec. 16, P.D. No. 49)

Transfer of Copyright Ownership Section 182. Filing of Assignment or License. - An

assignment or exclusive license may be filed in
Secs. 180 to 183, 200 & 201 duplicate with the National Library upon payment of the
prescribed fee for registration in books and records kept
Section 180. Rights of Assignee. - 180.1. The copyright for the purpose. Upon recording, a copy of the
may be assigned in whole or in part. Within the scope of instrument shall be returned to the sender with a
the assignment, the assignee is entitled to all the rights notation of the fact of record. Notice of the record shall
and remedies which the assignor had with respect to be published in the IPO Gazette. (Sec. 19, P.D. No. 49a)
the copyright.
Section 183. Designation of Society. - The copyright
180.2. The copyright is not deemed assigned inter vivos owners or their heirs may designate a society of artists,
in whole or in part unless there is a written indication of writers or composers to enforce their economic rights
such intention. and moral rights on their behalf. (Sec. 32, P.D. No. 49a)

180.3. The submission of a literary, photographic or Section 200. Sale or Lease of Work. - In every sale or
artistic work to a newspaper, magazine or periodical for lease of an original work of painting or sculpture or of
publication shall constitute only a license to make a the original manuscript of a writer or composer,
single publication unless a greater right is expressly subsequent to the first disposition thereof by the author,
granted. If two (2) or more persons jointly own a the author or his heirs shall have an inalienable right to
copyright or any part thereof, neither of the owners participate in the gross proceeds of the sale or lease to
shall be entitled to grant licenses without the prior the extent of five percent (5%). This right shall exist
written consent of the other owner or owners. (Sec. 15, during the lifetime of the author and for fifty (50) years
P.D. No. 49a) after his death. (Sec. 31, P.D. No. 49)
Section 201. Works Not Covered. - The provisions of this
Section 181. Copyright and Material Object. - The Chapter shall not apply to prints, etchings, engravings,
copyright is distinct from the property in the material works of applied art, or works of similar kind wherein
object subject to it. Consequently, the transfer or the author primarily derives gain from the proceeds of
assignment of the copyright shall not itself constitute a reproductions. (Sec. 33, P.D. No. 49)
transfer of the material object. Nor shall a transfer or
assignment of the sole copy or of one or several copies First Sale Doctrine

Page 97 of 307
1. Bobbs-Merill vs. Strauss, 210 U.S. 339 respondents, appellees here, Isidor Straus and Nathan
Straus, partners as R. H. Macy & Company, in the Circuit
Doctrine: There are differences between the patent and Court of the United States for the Southern District of
the copyright statutes in the extent of the protection granted New York to restrain the sale of a copyrighted novel,
by them, and the rights of a patentee are not necessarily to entitled "The Castaway," at retail at less than $1 for
be applied by analogy to those claiming under copyright. each copy. The circuit court dismissed the bill on final
hearing. 139 F. 155. The decree of the circuit court was
At common law, an author had a property in his affirmed on appeal by the circuit court of appeals, 147 F.
manuscript, and might have redress against anyone 15.
undertaking to publish it without his authority.
The appellant is the owner of the copyright upon "The
Copyright property under the federal law is wholly Castaway," obtained on the eighteenth day of May,
statutory, and depends upon the rights created under 1904, in conformity to the copyright statutes of the
acts of Congress passed in pursuance of authority United States. Printed immediately below the copyright
conferred by § 8 of Art. I of the federal Constitution. notice, on the page in the book following the title page,
is inserted the following notice:
The copyright statutes are to be reasonably construed.
They will not by judicial construction either be unduly "The price of this book at retail is one dollar net. No
extended to include privileges not intended to be dealer is licensed to sell it at a less price, and a sale at a
conferred nor so narrowed as to exclude those benefits less price will be treated as an infringement of the
that Congress did intend to confer. copyright."

The sole right to vend granted by § 4952, Rev.Stat., "The Bobbs-Merrill Company"
does not secure to the owner of the copyright the right
to qualify future sales by his vendee or to limit or Macy & Company, before the commencement of the
restrict such future sales at a specified price, and a action, purchased copies of the book for the purpose of
notice in the book that a sale at a different price will be selling the same at retail. Ninety percent of such copies
treated as an infringement is ineffectual as against one were purchased by them at wholesale at a price below
not bound by contract or license agreement. the retail price by about forty percent, and ten percent
of the books purchased by them were purchased at
Original: retail, and the full price paid therefor.

The complainant in the circuit court, appellant here, the It is stipulated in the record:
Bobbs-Merrill Company, brought suit against the
Page 98 of 307
Defendants at the time of their purchase of copies of respect to the rights claimed in this suit under the
the book, knew that it was a copyrighted book, and copyright act are necessarily controlling.
were familiar with the terms of the notice printed in
each copy thereof, as above set forth, and knew that In the main brief submitted by the learned counsel for
this notice was printed in every copy of the book the appellant, it is said:
purchased by them.
"All of the argument has been upon the assumption that
The wholesale dealers from whom defendants the very numerous decisions of the circuit courts and
purchased copies of the book obtained the same either circuit courts of appeals, such as the Heaton-
directly from the complainant or from other wholesale Peninsular case [Button-Fastener case], 77 F. 288,
dealers at a discount from the net retail price, and at the Victor Talking Machine case, 123 F. 424, and others
the time of their purchase knew that the book was a along the same line, as well as the Cotton Tie case in
copyrighted book, and were familiar with the terms of this Court, upholding this restriction, with reference to
the notice printed in each copy thereof, as described sales of patented articles, express the law, and we have
above, and such knowledge was in all wholesale dealers been especially confident that such must be the case,
through whom the books passed from the complainants for the reason that this Court, in Bement v. National
to defendants. But the wholesale dealers were under no Harrow Company, 186 U. S. 70, has given its sanction to
agreement or obligation to enforce the observance of the broad doctrines laid down in the Heaton-
the terms of the notice by retail dealers, or to restrict Peninsular case, 77 F. 288."
their sales to retail dealers who would agree to observe
the terms stated in the notice. The present case involves rights under the copyright
act. The facts disclose a sale of a book at wholesale by
The defendants have sold copies of the book at retail at the owners of the copyright at a satisfactory price, and
the uniform price of eighty-nine cents a copy, and are this without agreement between the parties to such sale
still selling, exposing for sale, and offering copies of the obligating the purchaser to control future sales, and
book at retail at the price of eighty-nine cents per copy, where the alleged right springs from the protection of
without the consent of the complainant. the copyright law alone. It is contended that this power
to control further sales is given by statute to the owner
Much of the argument on behalf of the appellant is of such a copyright in conferring the sole right to "vend"
based upon the alleged analogy between the statutes of a copyrighted book.
the United States securing patent rights to inventors,
and the copyright acts, securing rights and privileges to A case such as the present one, concerning inventions
authors and others. And this analogy, it is contended, is protected by letters patent of the United States, has not
so complete that decisions under the patent statutes in been decided in this Court, so far as we are able to
Page 99 of 307
discover. In the so-called "Cotton Tie case" (Cotton Tie band made of the pieces of the old band in the way
Co. v. Simmons, 106 U. S. 89), the complainant described. What the defendants did in piecing together
company owned patents for improvements in metallic the pieces of the old band was not a repair of the band
cotton-bale ties, and these cotton-bale ties were or the tie, in any proper sense. The band was voluntarily
manufactured by the patentee, and stamped in the severed by the consumer at the cotton mill, because the
buckles were the words: "Licensed to use once only." tie had performed its function of confining the bale of
After the bands had been severed at the cotton mill, the cotton in its transit from the plantation or the press to
respondent bought them and the buckles as scrap iron, the mill. Its capacity for use as a tie was voluntarily
rolled and straightened the pieces of the bands, and destroyed. As it left the bale, it could not be used again
riveted their ends together. He then cut them into as a tie. As a tie the defendants reconstructed it,
proper lengths and sold them, with the buckles, to be although they used the old buckle without repairing
used as ties. that."

The report of this case in the Circuit Court for the That the case was not decided as one of restricted
District of Rhode Island is found in 3 Banning & Arden license, because of the words stamped on the buckle, is
320, 1 Fed.Cas. No. 293, p. 623. The report shows that shown by the language of Mr. Justice Blatchford, in
Judge Shepley dismissed the bill on the ground that the concluding his opinion:
attempted restriction to a single use by the words
stamped on the buckle was not one which the patentee "We do not decide that they are liable as infringers of
was entitled to impose, as the sale of the patented either of the three patents merely because they have
article, as an ordinary article of commerce, had taken it sold the buckle considered apart from the band or from
outside of the limits of the patent monopoly, and that the entire structure as a tie."
the purchaser took unrestricted title to the buckle,
without any reservation in the vendor. This Court We cannot agree that any different view of the Cotton
reversed that decision, holding that the reconstructed Tie case was indicated in the comments of the learned
ties were not a repair of the old article, but a recreation justice, speaking for this Court, in Morgan Envelope Co.
of the subject of the patent, and therefore an v. Albany Paper Co., 152 U. S. 425, 152 U. S. 433. What
infringement. Mr. Justice Blatchford, in delivering the was there said in connection with the quotation from the
opinion of the court, said: opinion of Mr. Justice Blatchford in the Cotton Tie case
enforces the view that the case was one of infringement
"Whatever right the defendants could acquire to the use because of the reconstruction of the patented device.
of the old buckle, they acquired no right to combine it
with a substantially new band, to make a cotton-bale In Bement v. National Harrow Co., 186 U. S. 70, the suit
tie. They so combined it when they combined it with a was between the owners of the letters patent as
Page 100 of 307
licensor and licensees, seeking to enforce a contract as supra), for he said in the subsequent case ofPark &
to the price and terms on which the patented article Sons Co. v. Hartman, 153 F. 24:
might be dealt with by the licensee. The case did not
involve facts such as in the case now before us, and "There are such wide differences between the right of
concerned a contract of license sued upon in the state multiplying and vending copies of a production
court, and, of course, does not dispose of the questions protected by the copyright statute and the rights
to be decided in this case. secured to an inventor under the patent statutes that
the cases which relate to the one subject are not
The question was supposed to be involved in the recent altogether controlling as to the other."
case of Cortelyou v. Johnson, 207 U. S. 196, where a We therefore approach the consideration of this
patented machine, known as the Neostyle, was sold question as a new one in this Court, and one that
with a license, printed on the baseboard of the machine, involves the extent of the protection which is given by
limiting the use thereof to certain paper, ink, and other the copyright statutes of the United States to the owner
supplies, made by the Neostyle company. While the of a copyright under the facts disclosed in this record.
question as to the validity of such license restriction was Recent cases in this Court have affirmed the proposition
fully and ably argued by counsel, the case went off upon that copyright property under the federal law is wholly
the finding that notice of the license restriction was not statutory, and depends upon the right created under the
brought home to the defendant company. acts of Congress passed in pursuance of the authority
conferred under Article I, § 8, of the federal Constitution:
If we were to follow the course taken in the argument,
and discuss the rights of a patentee, under letters "To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by
patent, and then, by analogy, apply the conclusions to securing, for limited times, to authors and inventors, the
copyrights, we might greatly embarrass the exclusive right to their respective writings and
consideration of a case under letters patent, when one discoveries."
of that character shall be presented to this Court.
The learned counsel for the appellant in this case, in the
We may say in passing, disclaiming any intention to argument at bar, disclaims relief because of any
indicate our views as to what would be the rights of contract, and relies solely upon the copyright statutes,
parties in circumstances similar to the present case and rights therein conferred. The copyright statutes
under the patent laws, that there are differences ought to be reasonably construed with a view to
between the patent and copyright statutes in the extent effecting the purposes intended by Congress. They
of the protection granted by them. This was recognized ought not to be unduly extended by judicial construction
by Judge Lurton, who wrote a leading case on the to include privileges not intended to be conferred, nor
subject in the federal courts (The Button Fastener case,
Page 101 of 307
so narrowly construed as to deprive those entitled to Speaking for this Court in Stephens v. Cady, 14 How.
their benefit of the rights Congress intended to grant. 528, 55 U. S. 530, Mr. Justice Nelson said:

At common law, an author had a property in his "The copyright is an exclusive right to the multiplication
manuscript, and might have redress against anyone of the copies, for the benefit of the author or his
who undertook to realize a profit from its publication assigns, disconnected from the plate, or any other
without authority of the author. Wheaton v. Peters, 8 physical existence. It is an incorporeal right to print and
Pet. 591, 33 U. S. 659. publish the map, or, as said by Lord Mansfield in Millar
v. Taylor, 4 Burr. 2396, 'a property in notion, and has no
In Drone on Copyright, that author says, page 100: corporeal, tangible substance.'"

"As the law is now expounded, there are important This fact is emphasized when we note the title to the act
differencesbetween the statutory and the common law of Congress, passed at its first session:
light. The former exists only in works which have been
published within the meaning of the statute, and the "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by Securing
latter only in works which have not been so published. the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors
In the former case, ownership is limited to a term of and Proprietors of Such Copies, during the Times
years; in the latter, it is perpetual. The rights do not Therein Mentioned."
coexist in the same composition; when the statutory In order to secure this right, it was provided in that
right begins, the common law right ends. Both may be statute, as it has been in subsequent ones, that the
defeated by publication. Thus, when a work is published authors of books, their executors, administrators, or
in print, the owner's common law rights are lost, and, assigns, shall have the "sole right and liberty of printing,
unless the publication be in accordance with the reprinting, publishing, and vending" such book for a
requirements of the statute, the statutory right is not term of years, upon complying with the statutory
secured." conditions set forth in the act as essential to the
acquiring of a valid copyright. Each and all of these
While the nature of the property and the protection statutory rights should be given such protection as the
intended to be given the inventor or author as the act of Congress requires, in order to secure the rights
reward of genius or intellect in the production of his conferred upon authors and others entitled to the
book or work of art is to be considered in construing the benefit of the act. Let us see more specifically what are
act of Congress, it is evident that to secure the author the statutory rights, in this behalf, secured to one who
the right to multiply copies of his work may be said to has complied with the provisions of the law and become
have been the main purpose of the copyright statutes. the owner of a copyright. They may be found in §§ 4952,

Page 102 of 307

4965, and 4970 of the Revised Statutes of the United possession, either printing, printed, copied, published,
States, and are as follows: imported, or exposed for sale, and in case of a painting,
statute, or statuary, he shall forfeit ten dollars for every
"SEC. 4952. Any citizen of the United States or resident copy of the same in his possession, or by him sold or
therein, who shall be the author, inventor, designer, or exposed for sale, one-half thereof to the proprietor and
proprietor of any book, map, chart, dramatic or musical the other half to the use of the United States."
composition, engraving, cut, print, or photograph or
negative thereof, or of a painting, drawing, chromo, Section 4970 is as follows:
statute, statuary, and of models or designs intended to
be perfected as works of the fine arts, and the "The circuit courts, and district courts having the
executors, administrators, or assigns of any such jurisdiction of circuit courts, shall have power, upon bill
person, shall, upon complying with the provisions of this in equity filed by any party aggrieved, to grant
chapter, have the sole liberty of printing, reprinting, injunctions to prevent the violation of any right secured
publishing, completing, copying, executing, finishing, by the laws respecting copyrights, according to the
and vending the same." course and principles of courts of equity, on such terms
as the court may deem reasonable."
"SEC. 4965. If any person, after the recording of the title
of any map, chart, musical composition, print, cut, Section 4965 undertakes to work a forfeiture of
engraving, or photograph, or chromo, or of the copyrighted articles, and confers a right of action for a
description of any painting, drawing, statue, statuary, or penalty. Relief is given in a single suit, one-half of the
model or design intended to be perfected and executed money recovered going to the United
as a work of the fine arts, as provided by this chapter, States. Werckmeister v. American Tobacco Co.,207 U. S.
shall, within the term limited, and without the consent 375.
of the proprietor of the copyright first obtained in
writing, signed in presence of two or more witnesses, As this is a suit in equity for relief under § 4970 of the
engrave, etch, work, copy, print, publish, or import, U.S. Revised Statutes, giving to the circuit and district
either in whole or in part, or by varying the main design courts of the United States the right to grant relief by
with intent to evade the law, or, knowing the same to be injunctions to prevent the violation of rights secured by
so printed, published, or imported, shall sell or expose the copyright statutes, we are not concerned with rights
to sale any copy of such map or other article, as and remedies under § 4965.
aforesaid, he shall forfeit to the proprietor all the plates It is the contention of the appellant that the circuit court
on which the same shall be copied, and every sheet erred in failing to give effect to the provision of § 4952,
thereof, either copied or printed, and shall further protecting the owners of the copyright in the sole right
forfeitone dollar for every sheet of the same found in his of vending the copyrighted book or other article, and
Page 103 of 307
the argument is that the statute vested the whole field because of a notice in the book that a sale at a different
of the right of exclusive sale in the copyright owner; price will be treated as an infringement, which notice
that he can part with it to another to the extent that he has been brought home to one undertaking to sell for
sees fit, and may withhold to himself, by proper less than the named sum? We do not think the statute
reservations, so much of the right as he pleases. can be given such a construction, and it is to be
remembered that this is purely a question of statutory
What does the statute mean in granting "the sole right construction. There is no claim in this case of contract
of vending the same?" Was it intended to create a right limitation, nor license agreement controlling the
which would permit the holder of the copyright to subsequent sales of the book.
fasten, by notice in a book or upon one of the articles
mentioned within the statute, a restriction upon the In our view, the copyright statutes, while protecting the
subsequent alienation of the subject matter of copyright owner of the copyright in his right to multiply and sell
after the owner had parted with the title to one who had his production, do not create the right to impose, by
acquired full dominion over it and had given a notice, such as is disclosed in this case, a limitation at
satisfactory price for it? It is not denied that one who which the book shall be sold at retail by future
has sold a copyrighted article, without restriction, has purchasers, with whom there is no privity of contract.
parted with all right to control the sale of it. The This conclusion is reached in view of the language of the
purchaser of a book, once sold by authority of the owner statute, read in the light of its main purpose to secure
of the copyright, may sell it again, although he could not the right of multiplying copies of the work -- a right
publish a new edition of it. which is the special creation of the statute. True, the
statute also secures, to make this right of multiplication
In this case, the stipulated facts show that the books effectual, the sole right to vend copies of the book, the
sold by the appellant were sold at wholesale, and production of the author's thought and conception. The
purchased by those who made no agreement as to the owner of the copyright in this case did sell copies of the
control of future sales of the book, and took upon book in quantities and at a price satisfactory to it. It has
themselves no obligation to enforce the notice printed exercised the right to vend. What the complainant
in the book, undertaking to restrict retail sales to a price contends for embraces not only the right to sell the
of one dollar per copy. copies, but to qualify the title of a future purchaser by
the reservation of the right to have the remedies of the
The precise question therefore in this case is, does the statute against an infringer because of the printed
sole right to vend (named in § 4952) secure to the notice of its purpose so to do unless the purchaser sells
owner of the copyright the right, after a sale of the book at a price fixed in the notice. To add to the right of
to a purchaser, to restrict future sales of the book at exclusive sale the authority to control all future retail
retail, to the right to sell it at a certain price per copy, sales by a notice that such sales must be made at a
Page 104 of 307
fixed sum would give a right not included in the terms of
the statute, and, in our view, extend its operation, by 177.4. Rental of the original or a copy of an audiovisual
construction, beyond its meaning, when interpreted with or cinematographic work, a work embodied in a sound
a view to ascertaining the legislative intent in its recording, a computer program, a compilation of data
enactment. and other materials or a musical work in graphic form,
irrespective of the ownership of the original or the copy
This conclusion renders it unnecessary to discuss other which is the subject of the rental; (n)
questions noticed in the opinion in the circuit court of
appeals, or to examine into the validity of the 177.5. Public display of the original or a copy of the
publisher's agreements, alleged to be in violation of the work;
acts to restrain combinations creating a monopoly or
directly tending to the restraint of trade. 177.6. Public performance of the work; and

The decree of the circuit court of appeals isAffirmed. 177.7. Other communication to the public of the work.
(Sec. 5, P. D. No. 49a)
Economic Rights of Copyright
Sec. 177
Sec. 184
Section 177. Copyright or Economic Rights. - Subject to
the provisions of Chapter VIII, copyright or economic Section 184. Limitations on Copyright. - 184.1.
rights shall consist of the exclusive right to carry out, Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter V, the
authorize or prevent the following acts: following acts shall not constitute infringement of
177.1. Reproduction of the work or substantial portion of
the work; (a) The recitation or performance of a work, once it has
been lawfully made accessible to the public, if done
177.2. Dramatization, translation, adaptation, privately and free of charge or if made strictly for a
abridgment, arrangement or other transformation of the charitable or religious institution or society; (Sec. 10(1),
work; P.D. No. 49)

177.3. The first public distribution of the original and (b) The making of quotations from a published work if
each copy of the work by sale or other forms of transfer they are compatible with fair use and only to the extent
of ownership; justified for the purpose, including quotations from
Page 105 of 307
newspaper articles and periodicals in the form of press which are part of the general cinema repertoire of
summaries: Provided, That the source and the name of feature films except for brief excerpts of the work;
the author, if appearing on the work, are mentioned;
(Sec. 11, third par., P.D. No. 49) (g) The making of ephemeral recordings by a
broadcasting organization by means of its own facilities
(c) The reproduction or communication to the public by and for use in its own broadcast;
mass media of articles on current political, social,
economic, scientific or religious topic, lectures, (h) The use made of a work by or under the direction or
addresses and other works of the same nature, which control of the Government, by the National Library or by
are delivered in public if such use is for information educational, scientific or professional institutions where
purposes and has not been expressly reserved: such use is in the public interest and is compatible with
Provided, That the source is clearly indicated; (Sec. 11, fair use;
P.D. No. 49)
(i) The public performance or the communication to the
(d) The reproduction and communication to the public of public of a work, in a place where no admission fee is
literary, scientific or artistic works as part of reports of charged in respect of such public performance or
current events by means of photography, communication, by a club or institution for charitable or
cinematography or broadcasting to the extent educational purpose only, whose aim is not profit
necessary for the purpose; (Sec. 12, P.D. No. 49) making, subject to such other limitations as may be
provided in the Regulations; (n)
(e) The inclusion of a work in a publication, broadcast,
or other communication to the public, sound recording (j) Public display of the original or a copy of the work not
or film, if such inclusion is made by way of illustration made by means of a film, slide, television image or
for teaching purposes and is compatible with fair use: otherwise on screen or by means of any other device or
Provided, That the source and of the name of the process: Provided, That either the work has been
author, if appearing in the work, are mentioned; published, or, that the original or the copy displayed has
been sold, given away or otherwise transferred to
(f) The recording made in schools, universities, or another person by the author or his successor in title;
educational institutions of a work included in a and
broadcast for the use of such schools, universities or
educational institutions: Provided, That such recording (k) Any use made of a work for the purpose of any
must be deleted within a reasonable period after they judicial proceedings or for the giving of professional
were first broadcast: Provided, further, That such advice by a legal practitioner.
recording may not be made from audiovisual works
Page 106 of 307
184.2. The provisions of this section shall be interpreted element to be weighed in a fair use enquiry and
in such a way as to allow the work to be used in a that insufficient consideration was given to the
manner which does not conflict with the normal nature of parody in weighing the degree of
exploitation of the work and does not unreasonably copying. The Court found that the Court of
prejudice the right holder's legitimate interests. Appeals erred in applying the presumption that
the commercial nature of the parody rendered it
Parody & Free Speech presumptively unfair, as no such evidentiary
presumption was available to address either the
1. Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. 510 U.S. character and purpose of the use or the market
569 harm. Justice Souter wrote that the appellate
court "erred in holding that 2 Live Crew had
Case Digest10: necessarily copied excessively from the Orbison
original, considering the parodic purpose of the
Facts: Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. sued 2 Live Crew use." Justice Anthony M. Kennedy filed a
and their record company, claiming that 2 Live concurring opinion.
Crew's song "Pretty Woman" infringed Acuff-
Rose's copyright in Roy Orbison's "Oh, Pretty Original:
Woman." The District Court granted summary
judgment for 2 Live Crew, holding that its song Respondent Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., filed suit against
was a parody that made fair use of the original petitioners, the members of the rap music group 2 Live
song. In reversing, the Court of Appeals held that Crew and their record company, claiming that 2 Live
the commercial nature of the parody rendered it Crew's song, "Pretty Woman," infringed Acuff-Rose's
presumptively unfair. copyright in Roy Orbison's rock ballad, "Oh Pretty
Woman." The District Court granted summary judgment
Issue: May 2 Live Crew's commercial parody of for 2 Live Crew, holding that its song was a parody that
Roy Orbison's "Oh, Pretty Woman" be a fair use made fair use of the original song. See Copyright Act of
within the meaning of the Copyright Act of 1976? 1976, 17 U.S.C. 107. The Court of Appeals reversed and
remanded, holding that the commercial nature of the
Held: Yes. In a unanimous opinion delivered by parody rendered it presumptively unfair under the first
Justice David H. Souter, the Court held that a of four factors relevant under 107; that, by taking the
parody's commercial character is only one "heart" of the original and making it the "heart" of a
new work, 2 Live Crew had, qualitatively, taken too
10"Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc.." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois much under the third 107 factor; and that market harm
Tech, n.d. Aug 24, 2016. <>
for purposes of the fourth 107 factor had been
Page 107 of 307
established by a presumption attaching to commercial courts little about where to draw the line. Thus, like
uses. other uses, parody has to work its way through the
relevant factors.
(c) The Court of Appeals properly assumed that 2 Live
2 Live Crew's commercial parody may be a fair use Crew's song contains parody commenting on and
within the meaning of 107. criticizing the original work, but erred in giving virtually
dispositive weight to the commercial nature of that
(a) Section 107, which provides that "the fair use of a parody by way of a presumption, ostensibly culled from
copyrighted work . . . for purposes such as criticism [or] Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc.,464
comment . . . is not an infringement . . .," continues the U.S. 417, 451 , that "every commercial use of
common law tradition of fair use adjudication, and copyrighted material is presumptively . . . unfair. . . ."
requires case-by-case analysis, rather than bright-line The statute makes clear that a work's commercial
rules. The statutory examples of permissible uses nature is only one element of the first factor enquiry
provide only general guidance. The four statutory into its purpose and character, and Sony itself called for
factors are to be explored and weighed together in light no hard evidentiary presumption. The Court of Appeals'
of copyright's purpose of promoting science and the rule runs counter to Sony and to the long common law
arts. tradition of fair use adjudication.

(b) Parody, like other comment and criticism, may claim (d) The second 107 factor, "the nature of the
fair use. Under the first of the four 107 factors, "the copyrighted work," is not much help in resolving this
purpose and Page II character of the use, including and other parody cases, since parodies almost
whether such use is of a commercial nature . . .," the invariably copy publicly known, expressive works, like
enquiry focuses on whether the new work merely the Orbison song here.
supersedes the objects of the original creation, or
whether and to what extent it is "transformative," (e) The Court of Appeals erred in holding that, as a
altering the original with new expression, meaning, or matter of law, 2 Live Crew copied excessively from the
message. The more transformative the new work, the Orbison original under the third 107 factor, which asks
less will be the significance of other factors, like whether "the amount and substantiality of the portion
commercialism, that may weigh against a finding of fair used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole" are
use. The heart of any parodist's claim to quote from reasonable in relation to the copying's purpose. Even if
existing material is the use of some elements of a prior 2 Live Crew's copying of the original's first line of lyrics
author's composition to create a new one that, at least and characteristic opening bass riff may be said to go to
in part, comments on that author's work. But that tells the original's "heart," that heart is what most readily
Page 108 of 307
conjures up the song for parody, and it is the heart at of 2 Live Crew's song on the derivative market for a
which parody takes aim. Moreover, 2 Live Crew nonparody, rap version of "Oh, Pretty Woman"
thereafter departed markedly from the Orbison lyrics disentitled 2 Live Crew, as the proponent of the
and produced otherwise distinctive music. As to the affirmative defense of fair use, to summary judgment.
lyrics, the copying was not excessive in relation to the Pp. 20-25.
song's parodic purpose. As to the music, this Court
expresses no opinion whether repetition of the bass riff JUSTICE SOUTER delivered the opinion of the Court.
is excessive copying, but remands to permit evaluation
of the amount taken, in light of the Page III song's We are called upon to decide whether 2 Live Crew's
parodic purpose and character, its transformative commercial parody of Roy Orbison's song, "Oh, Pretty
elements, and considerations of the potential for market Woman," may be a fair use within the meaning of the
substitution. Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. 107 (1988 ed. and
Supp. IV). Although the District Court granted summary
(f) The Court of Appeals erred in resolving the fourth judgment for 2 Live Crew, the Court of Appeals
107 factor, "the effect of the use upon the potential reversed, holding the defense of fair use barred by the
market for or value of the copyrighted work," by song's commercial character and excessive borrowing.
presuming, in reliance on Sony, supra, at 451, the Because we hold that a parody's commercial character
likelihood of significant market harm based on 2 Live is only one element to be weighed in a fair use enquiry,
Crew's use for commercial gain. No "presumption" or and that insufficient consideration was given to the
inference of market harm that might find support in nature of parody in weighing the degree of copying, we
Sony is applicable to a case involving something beyond reverse and remand.
mere duplication for commercial purposes. The
cognizable harm is market substitution, not any harm I
from criticism. As to parody pure and simple, it is
unlikely that the work will act as a substitute for the In 1964, Roy Orbison and William Dees wrote a rock
original, since the two works usually serve different ballad called "Oh, Pretty Woman" and assigned their
market functions. The fourth factor requires courts also rights in it to respondent Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. See
to consider the potential market for derivative works. Appendix A, infra, at 26. Acuff-Rose registered the song
See, e. g., Harper & Row, supra, at 568. If the later work for copyright protection.
has cognizable substitution effects in protectable
markets for derivative works, the law will look beyond Petitioners Luther R. Campbell, Christopher Wongwon,
the criticism to the work's other elements. 2 Live Crew's Mark Ross, and David Hobbs, are collectively known as [
song comprises not only parody, but also rap music. The CAMPBELL v. ACUFF-ROSE MUSIC, INC., ___ U.S. ___
absence of evidence or affidavits addressing the effect (1994) , 2] 2 Live Crew, a popular rap music group. 1 In
Page 109 of 307
1989, Campbell wrote a song entitled "Pretty Woman," to parody it; and that it was "extremely unlikely that 2
which he later described in an affidavit as intended, Live Crew's song could adversely affect the market for
"through comical lyrics, to satirize the original the original." The District Court weighed these factors
work. . . ." App. to Pet. for Cert. 80a. On July 5, 1989, 2 and held that 2 Live Crew's song made fair use of
Live Crew's manager informed Acuff-Rose that 2 Live Orbison's original. Id., at 1158-1159.
Crew had written a parody of "Oh, Pretty Woman," that
they would afford all credit for ownership and authorship The Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reversed and
of the original song to Acuff-Rose, Dees, and Orbison, remanded. 972 F.2d 1429, 1439 (1992). Although it
and that they were willing to pay a fee for the use they assumed for the purpose of its opinion that 2 Live
wished to make of it. Enclosed with the letter were a Crew's song was a parody of the Orbison original, the
copy of the lyrics and a recording of 2 Live Crew's song. Court of Appeals thought the District Court had put too
See Appendix B, infra, at 27. Acuff-Rose's agent refused little emphasis on the fact that "every commercial
permission, stating that "I am aware of the success use . . . is presumptively . . . unfair," Sony Corp. of
enjoyed by `The 2 Live Crews', but I must inform you America v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417,
that we cannot permit the use of a parody of `Oh, Pretty 451 (1984), and it held that "the admittedly commercial
Woman.'" Nonetheless, in June or July, 1989, 2 2 Live nature" of the parody "requires the conclusion" that the
Crew released records, cassette tapes, and compact first of four factors relevant under the statute weighs
discs of "Pretty Woman" in a collection of songs entitled against a finding of fair use. 972 F.2d, at 1435, 1437.
"As Clean As They Wanna Be." The albums and compact Next, the Court of Appeals determined that, by "taking
discs identify the authors of "Pretty Woman" as Orbison the heart of the original and making it the heart of a
and Dees and its publisher as Acuff-Rose. new work," 2 Live Crew had, qualitatively, taken too
much. Id., at 1438. Finally, after noting that the
Almost a year later, after nearly a quarter of a effect on the potential market for the original (and the
millioncopies of the recording had been sold, Acuff-Rose market for derivative works) is "undoubtedly the single
sued 2 Live Crew and its record company, Luke most important element of fair use," Harper & Row,
Skyywalker Records, for copyright infringement. The Publishers, Inc. v. Nation Enterprises, 471 U.S. 539,
District Court granted summary judgment for 2 Live 566 (1985), the Court of Appeals faulted the District
Crew, 3 reasoning that the commercial purpose of 2 Live Court for "refus[ing] to indulge the presumption" that
Crew's song was no bar to fair use; that 2 Live Crew's "harm for purposes of the fair use analysis has been
version was a parody, which "quickly degenerates into a established by the presumption attaching to commercial
play on words, substituting predictable lyrics with uses." 972 F.2d, at 1438-1439. In sum, the court
shocking ones" to show "how bland and banal the concluded that its "blatantly commercial purpose . . .
Orbison song" is; that 2 Live Crew had taken no more prevents this parody from being a fair use." Id., at 1439.
than was necessary to "conjure up" the original in order
Page 110 of 307
We granted certiorari, 507 U.S. ___ (1993), to determine reference to "fair use," as it later came to be
whether 2 Live Crew's commercial parody could be a known, 7 the doctrine was recognized by the American
fair use. courts nonetheless.

II In Folsom v. Marsh, Justice Story distilled the essence of

law and methodology from the earlier cases: "look to
It is uncontested here that 2 Live Crew's song would be the nature and objects of the selections made, the
an infringement of Acuff-Rose's rights in "Oh, Pretty quantity and value of the materials used, and the
Woman," under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. 106 degree in which the use may prejudice the sale, or
(1988 ed. and Supp. IV), but for a finding of fair use diminish the profits, or supersede the objects, of the
through parody. 4 From the infancy of original work." Thus expressed, fair use remained
copyright protection, some opportunity for fair use of exclusively judge-made doctrine until the passage of the
copyrighted materials has been thought necessary to 1976 Copyright Act, in which Story's summary is
fulfill copyright's very purpose, "[t]o promote the discernible:
Progress of Science and useful Arts. . . ." U.S. Const.,
Art. I, 8, cl. 8. 5 For as Justice Story explained, "[i]n "107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
truth, in literature, in science and in art, there are, and "Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and
can be, few, if any, things, which in an abstract sense, 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such
are strictly new and original throughout. Every book in use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any
literature, science and art, borrows, and must other means specified by that section, for purposes
necessarily borrow, and use much which was well such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching
known and used before." Emerson v. Davies, 8 F.Cas. (including multiple copies for classroom use),
615, 619 (No. 4,436) (CCD Mass. 1845). Similarly, Lord scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of
Ellenborough expressed the inherent tension in the copyright. In determining whether the use made of a
need simultaneously to protect copyrighted material work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be
and to allow others to build upon it when he wrote, considered shall include –
"while I shall think myself bound to secure every man in
the enjoyment of his copyright, one must not put "(1) the purpose and character of the use, including
manacles upon science." In copyright cases brought whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for
under the Statute of Anne of 1710, 6 English courts held nonprofit educational purposes;
that in some instances "fair abridgements" would not "(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
infringe an author's rights, and although the First "(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in
Congress enacted our initial copyright statute, Act of relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
May 31, 1790, 1 Stat. 124, without any explicit
Page 111 of 307
"(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for A
or value of the copyrighted work.
The first factor in a fair use enquiry is "the purpose and
"The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a character of the use, including whether such use is of a
finding of fair use if such finding is made upon commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational
consideration of all the above factors." purposes." 107(1). This factor draws on Justice Story's
formulation, "the nature and objects of the selections
Congress meant 107 "to restate the present judicial made." The enquiry here may be guided by the
doctrine of fair use, not to change, narrow, or enlarge it examples given in the preamble to 107, looking to
in any way" and intended that courts continue the whether the use is for criticism, or comment, or news
common law tradition of fair use adjudication. H.R.Rep. reporting, and the like, see 107. The central purpose of
No. 94-1476, p. 66 (1976) (hereinafter House Report); this investigation is to see, in Justice Story's words,
S.Rep. No. 94-473, p. 62 (1975) (hereinafter Senate whether the new work merely "supersede[s] the
Report). The fair use doctrine thus "permits [and objects" of the original creation, Folsom v. Marsh, supra,
requires] courts to avoid rigid application of the at 348; accord, Harper & Row, supra, at 562
copyright statute when, on occasion, it would stifle the ("supplanting" the original), or instead adds something
very creativity which that law is designed to foster." new, with a further purpose or different character,
Stewart v. Abend, 495 U.S. 207, 236 (1990) altering the first with new expression, meaning, or
message; it asks, in other words, whether and to what
The task is not to be simplified with bright-line rules, for extent the new work is "transformative." Although such
the statute, like the doctrine it recognizes, calls for case- transformative use is not absolutely necessary for a
by-case analysis. Harper & Row, 471 U.S., at 560 ; finding of fair use, Sony, supra, at 455, n. 40, 11 the
Sony, 464 U.S., at 448 , and n. 31; House Report, pp. 65- goal of copyright, to promote science and the arts, is
66; Senate Report, p. 62. The text employs the terms generally furthered by the creation of transformative
"including" and "such as" in the preamble paragraph to works. Such works thus lie at the heart of the fair use
indicate the "illustrative and not limitative" function of doctrine's guarantee of breathing space within the
the examples given, 101; see Harper & Row, supra, at confines of copyright, see, e.g., Sony, supra, at 478-480
561, which thus provide only general guidance about (BLACKMUN, J., dissenting), and the more
the sorts of copying that courts and Congress most transformative the new work, the less will be the
commonly had found to be fair uses. 9 Nor may the four significance of other factors, like commercialism, that
statutory factors be treated in isolation, one from may weigh against a finding of fair use.
another. All are to be explored, and the results weighed
together, in light of the purposes of copyright. This Court has only once before even considered
whether parody may be fair use, and that time issued
Page 112 of 307
no opinion because of the Court's equal division. one that, at least in part, comments on that author's
Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. v. Loew's Inc., 356 works. If, on the contrary, the commentary has no
U.S. 43 (1958). Suffice it to say now that parody has an critical bearing on the substance or style of the original
obvious claim to transformative value, as Acuff-Rose composition, which the alleged infringer merely uses to
itself does not deny. Like less ostensibly humorous get attention or to avoid the drudgery in working up
forms of criticism, it can provide social benefit, by something fresh, the claim to fairness in borrowing from
shedding light on an earlier work, and, in the process, another's work diminishes accordingly (if it does not
creating a new one. We thus line up with the courts that vanish), and other factors, like the extent of its
have held that parody, like other comment or criticism, commerciality, loom larger. 14 Parody needs to mimic
may claim fair use under 107. See, e.g., Fisher v. Dees, an original to make its point, and so has some claim to
794 F.2d 432 (CA9 1986) ("When Sonny Sniffs Glue," a use the creation of its victim's (or collective victims')
parody of "When Sunny Gets Blue," is fair use); Elsmere imagination, whereas satire can stand on its own two
Music, Inc. v. National Broadcasting Co., 482 F.Supp. 741 feet and so requires justification for the very act of
(SDNY), aff'd, 623 F.2d 252 (CA2 1980) ("I Love Sodom," borrowing. 15
a "Saturday Night Live" television parody of "I Love New
York" is fair use); see also House Report, p. 65; Senate The fact that parody can claim legitimacy for some
Report, p. 61 ("[U]se in a parody of some of the content appropriation does not, of course, tell either parodist or
of the work parodied" may be fair use). judge much about where to draw the line. Like a book
review quoting the copyrighted material criticized,
The germ of parody lies in the definition of the Greek parody may or may not be fair use, and petitioner's
parodeia, quoted in Judge Nelson's Court of Appeals suggestion that any parodic use is presumptively fair
dissent, as "a song sung alongside another." 972 F.2d, at has no more justification in law or fact than the equally
1440, quoting 7 Encyclopedia Britannica 768 (15th ed. hopeful claim that any use for news reporting should be
1975). Modern dictionaries accordingly describe a presumed fair, see Harper & Row, 471 U.S., at 561 . The
parody as a "literary or artistic work that imitates the Act has no hint of an evidentiary preference for
characteristic style of an author or a work for comic parodists over their victims, and no workable
effect or ridicule," 12 or as a "composition in prose or presumption for parody could take account of the fact
verse in which the characteristic turns of thought and that parody often shades into satire when society is
phrase in an author or class of authors are imitated in lampoonedthrough its creative artifacts, or that a work
such a way as to make them appear ridiculous." 13 For may contain both parodic and nonparodic elements.
the purposes of copyright law, the nub of the Accordingly, parody, like any other use, has to work its
definitions, and the heart of any parodist's claim to way through the relevant factors, and be judged case by
quote from existing material, is the use of some case, in light of the ends of the copyright law.
elements of a prior author's composition to create a new
Page 113 of 307
Here, the District Court held, and the Court of Appeals [a work], outside of the narrowest and most obvious
assumed, that 2 Live Crew's "Pretty Woman" contains limits. At the one extreme, some works of genius would
parody, commenting on and criticizing the original work, be sure to miss appreciation. Their very novelty would
whatever it may have to say about society at large. As make them repulsive until the public had learned the
the District Court remarked, the words of 2 Live Crew's new language in which their author spoke." Bleistein v.
song copy the original's first line, but then "quickly Donaldson Lithographing Co., 188 U.S. 239, 251 (1903)
degenerat[e] into a play on words, substituting (circus posters have copyright protection); cf. Yankee
predictable lyrics with shocking ones . . . [that] Publishing Inc. v. News America Publishing, Inc., 809
derisively demonstrat[e] how bland and banal the F.Supp. 267, 280 (SDNY 1992) (Leval, J.) ("First
Orbison song seems to them." Judge Nelson, dissenting Amendment protections do not apply only to those who
below, came to the same conclusion, that the 2 Live speak clearly, whose jokes are funny, and whose
Crew song "was clearly intended to ridicule the white- parodies succeed") (trademark case).
bread original" and "reminds us that sexual congress
with nameless streetwalkers is not necessarily the stuff While we might not assign a high rank to the parodic
of romance, and is not necessarily without its element here, we think it fair to say that 2 Live Crew's
consequences. The singers (there are several) have the song reasonably could be perceived as commenting on
same thing on their minds as did the lonely man with the original or criticizing it, to some degree. 2 Live Crew
the nasal voice, but here there is no hint of wine and juxtaposes the romantic musings of a man whose
roses." Although the majority below had difficulty fantasy comes true with degrading taunts, a bawdy
discerning any criticism of the original in 2 Live Crew's demand for sex, and a sigh of relief from paternal
song, it assumed for purposes of its opinion that there responsibility. The later words can be taken as a
was some. comment on the naivete of the original of an earlier day,
as a rejection of its sentiment that ignores the ugliness
We have less difficulty in finding that critical element in of street life and the debasement that it signifies. It is
2 Live Crew's song than the Court of Appeals did, this joinder of reference and ridicule that marks off the
although, having found it, we will not take the further author's choice of parody from the other types of
step of evaluating its quality. The threshold question comment and criticism that traditionally have had
when fair use is raised in defense of parody is whether a a claim to fair use protection as transformative
parodic character may reasonably be works. 17
perceived. 16 Whether, going beyond that, parody is in
good taste or bad does not and should not matter to fair The Court of Appeals, however, immediately cut short
use. As Justice Holmes explained, "[i]t would be a the enquiry into 2 Live Crew's fair use claim by confining
dangerous undertaking for persons trained only to the its treatment of the first factor essentially to one
law to constitute themselves final judges of the worth of relevant fact, the commercial nature of the use. The
Page 114 of 307
court then inflated the significance of this fact by which Samuel Johnson could pronounce that "[n]o man
applying a presumption ostensibly culled from Sony, but a blockhead ever wrote except for money."
that "every commercial use of copyrighted material is
presumptively . . . unfair. . . ." Sony, 464 U.S., at 451 . In Sony itself called for no hard evidentiary presumption.
giving virtually dispositive weight to the commercial There, we emphasized the need for a "sensitive
nature of the parody, the Court of Appeals erred. balancing of interests," 464 U.S., at 455 , n. 40, noted
that Congress had "eschewed a rigid, bright-line
The language of the statute makes clear that the approach to fair use," id., at 449, n. 31, and stated that
commercial or nonprofit educational purpose of a work the commercial or nonprofit educational character of a
is only one element of the first factor enquiry into its work is "not conclusive," id., at 448-449, but rather a
purpose and character. Section 107(1) uses the term fact to be "weighed along with other[s] in fair use
"including" to begin the dependent clause referring to decisions." Id., at 449, n. 32 (quoting House Report, p.
commercial use, and the main clause speaks of a 66). The Court of Appeals' elevation of one sentence
broader investigation into "purpose and character." As from Sony to a per se rule thus runs as much counter to
we explained in Harper & Row, Congress resisted Sony itself as to the long common law tradition of fair
attempts to narrow the ambit of this traditional enquiry use adjudication. Rather, as we explained in Harper &
by adopting categories of presumptively fair use, and it Row, Sony stands for the proposition that the "fact that
urged courts to preserve the breadth of their a publication was commercial as opposed to nonprofit is
traditionally ample view of the universe of relevant a separate factor that tends to weigh against a finding
evidence. 471 U.S., at 561 ; House Report, p. 66. of fair use." 471 U.S., at 562 . But that is all, and the
Accordingly, the mere fact that a use is educational and fact that even the force of that tendency will vary with
not for profit does not insulate it from a finding of the context is a further reason against elevating
infringement, any more than the commercial character commerciality to hard presumptive significance. The
of a use bars a finding of fairness. If, indeed, use, for example, of a copyrighted work to advertise a
commerciality carried presumptive force against a product, even in a parody, will be entitled to less
finding of fairness, the presumption would swallow indulgence under the first factor of the fair use enquiry
nearly all of the illustrative uses listed in the preamble than the sale of a parody for its own sake, let alone one
paragraph of 107, including news reporting, comment, performed a single time by students in school.
criticism, teaching, scholarship, and research, since
these activities "are generally conducted for profit in B
this country." Congress could not have intended such a
rule, which certainly is not inferable from the common The second statutory factor, "the nature of the
law cases, arising as they did from the world of letters in copyrighted work," 107(2), draws on Justice Story's
expression, the "value of the materials used." This
Page 115 of 307
factor calls for recognition that some works are closer to permissible copying varies with the purpose and
the core of intended copyright protection than others, character of the use. See Sony, 464 U.S., at 449 -450
with the consequence that fair use is more difficult to (reproduction of entire work "does not have its ordinary
establish when the former works are copied. See, e.g., effect of militating against a finding of fair use" as to
Stewart v. Abend, 495 U.S., at 237 -238 (contrasting home videotaping of television programs); Harper &
fictional short story with factual works); Harper & Row, 471 U.S., at 564 ("[E]ven substantial quotations
Row, 471 U.S., at 563 -564 (contrasting soon-to-be- might qualify as fair use in a review of a published work
published memoir with published speech); Sony, 464 or a news account of a speech" but not in a scoop of a
U.S., at 455 , n. 40 (contrasting motion pictures with soon-to-be-published memoir). The facts bearing on this
news broadcasts); Feist, 499 U.S. 348 -351 (contrasting factor will also tend to address the fourth, by revealing
creative works with bare factual compilations); 3 M. the degree to which the parody may serve as a market
Nimmer & D. Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright 13.05[A]2. substitute for the original or potentially licensed
(1993) (hereinafter Nimmer); Leval 1116. We agree with derivatives.
both the District Court and the Court of Appeals that the
Orbison original's creative expression for public The District Court considered the song's parodic
dissemination falls within the core of the copyright's purpose in finding that 2 Live Crew had not helped
protective purposes. fact, however, is not much help in themselves overmuch. 754 F.Supp., at 1156-1157. The
this case, or ever likely to help much in separating the Court of Appeals disagreed, stating that "[w]hile it may
fair use sheep from the infringing goats in a parody not be inappropriate to find that no more was
case, since parodies almost invariably copy publicly taken than necessary, the copying was qualitatively
known, expressive works. substantial. . . . We conclude that taking the heart of the
original and making it the heart of a new work was to
C purloin a substantial portion of the essence of the
original." 972 F.2d, at 1438.
The third factor asks whether "the amount and
substantiality of the portion used in relation to the The Court of Appeals is, of course, correct that this
copyrighted work as a whole," 107(3) (or, in Justice factor calls for thought not only about the quantity of
Story's words, "the quantity and value of the materials the materials used, but about their quality and
used," Folsom v. Marsh, supra, at 348) are reasonable in importance, too. In Harper & Row, for example, the
relation to the purpose of the copying. Here, attention Nation had taken only some 300 words out of President
turns to the persuasiveness of a parodist's justification Ford's memoirs, but we signalled the significance of the
for the particular copying done, and the enquiry will quotations in finding them to amount to "the heart of
harken back to the first of the statutory factors, for, as the book," the part most likely to be newsworthy and
in prior cases, we recognize that the extent of important in licensing serialization. 471 U.S., at 564 -
Page 116 of 307
566, 568 (internal quotation marks omitted). We also We think the Court of Appeals was insufficiently
agree with the Court of Appeals that whether "a appreciative of parody's need for the recognizable sight
substantial portion of the infringing work was copied or sound when it ruled 2 Live Crew's use unreasonable
verbatim" from the copyrighted work is a relevant as a matter of law. It is true, of course, that 2 Live Crew
question, see id., at 565, for it may reveal a dearth of copied the characteristic opening bass riff (or musical
transformative character or purpose under the first phrase) of the original, and true that the words of the
factor, or a greater likelihood of market harm under the first line copy the Orbison lyrics. But if quotation of the
fourth; a work composed primarily of an original, opening riff and the first line may be said to go to the
particularly its heart, with little added or changed, is "heart" of the original, the heart is also what most
more likely to be a merely superseding use, fulfilling readily conjures up the song for parody, and it is the
demand for the original. heart at which parody takes aim. Copying does not
become excessive in relation to parodic purpose merely
Where we part company with the court below is in because the portion taken was the original's heart. If 2
applying these guides to parody, and in particular to Live Crew had copied a significantly less memorable
parody in the song before us. Parody presents a difficult part of the original, it is difficult to see how its parodic
case. Parody's humor, or in any event its comment, character would have come through.
necessarily springs from recognizable allusion to its
object through distorted imitation. Its art lies in the This is not, of course, to say that anyone who calls
tension between a known original and its parodic twin. himself a parodist can skim the cream and get away
When parody takes aim at a particular original work, the scot free. In parody, as in news reporting, see Harper &
parody must be able to "conjure up" at least enough of Row, supra, context is everything, and the question of
that original to make the object of its critical wit fairness asks what else the parodist did besides go to
recognizable. Whatmakes for this recognition is the heart of the original. It is significant that 2 Live Crew
quotation of the original's most distinctive or not only copied the first line of the original, but
memorable features, which the parodist can be sure the thereafter departed markedly from the Orbison lyrics for
audience will know. Once enough has been taken to its own ends. 2 Live Crew not only copied the bass
assure identification, how much more is reasonable will riff and repeated it, 19 but also produced otherwise
depend, say, on the extent to which the song's distinctive sounds, interposing "scraper" noise,
overriding purpose and character is to parody the overlaying the music with solos in different keys, and
original or, in contrast, the likelihood that the parody altering the drum beat. This is not a case, then, where
may serve as a market substitute for the original. But "a substantial portion" of the parody itself is composed
using some characteristic features cannot be avoided. of a "verbatim" copying of the original. It is not, that is,
a case where the parody is so insubstantial, as

Page 117 of 307

compared to the copying, that the third factor must be judgment, 2 Live Crew left themselves at just such a
resolved as a matter of law against the parodists. disadvantage when they failed to address the effect on
the market for rap derivatives, and confined themselves
Suffice it to say here that, as to the lyrics, we think the to uncontroverted submissions that there was no likely
Court of Appeals correctly suggested that "no more was effect on the market for the original. They did not,
taken than necessary," 972 F.2d, at 1438, but just for however, thereby subject themselves to the evidentiary
that reason, we fail to see how the copying can be presumption applied by the Court of Appeals. In
excessive in relation to its parodic purpose, even if the assessing the likelihood of significant market harm, the
portion taken is the original's "heart." As to the music, Court of Appeals quoted from language in Sony that "[i]f
we express no opinion whether repetition of the bass riff the intended use is for commercial gain, that likelihood
is excessive copying, and we remand to permit may be presumed. But if it is for a noncommercial
evaluation of the amount taken, in light of the song's purpose, the likelihood must be demonstrated." The
parodic purpose and character, its transformative court reasoned that, because "the use of the
elements, and considerations of the potential for market copyrighted work is wholly commercial, . . . we presume
substitution sketched more fully below. a likelihood of future harm to Acuff-Rose exists." 972
F.2d, at 1438. In so doing, the court resolved the fourth
D factor against 2 Live Crew, just as it had the first, by
applying a presumption about the effect of commercial
The fourth fair use factor is "the effect of the use upon use, a presumption which as applied here we hold to be
the potential market for or value of the copyrighted error.
work." 107(4). It requires courts to consider not only the
extent of market harm caused by the particular actions No "presumption" or inference of market harm that
of the alleged infringer, but also "whether unrestricted might find support in Sony is applicable to a case
and widespread conduct of the sort engaged in by the involving something beyond mere duplication for
defendant . . . would result in a substantially adverse commercial purposes. Sony's discussion of a
impact on the potential market" for the original. The presumption contrasts a context of verbatim copying of
enquiry "must take account not only of harm to the the original in its entirety for commercial purposes, with
original, but also of harm to the market for derivative the noncommercial context of Sony itself (home copying
works." of television programming). In the former
circumstances, what Sony said simply makes common
Since fair use is an affirmative defense, 20 its proponent sense: when a commercial use amounts to mere
would have difficulty carrying the burden of duplication of the entirety of an original, it clearly
demonstrating fair use without favorable evidence "supersede[s] the objects," Folsom v. Marsh, 9 F.Cas., at
about relevant markets. 21 In moving for summary 348, of the original and serves as a market replacement
Page 118 of 307
for it, making it likely that cognizable market harm to from the very notion of a potential licensing market.
the original will occur. Sony, 464 U.S., at 451 . But when, "People ask . . . for criticism, but they only want praise."
on the contrary, the second use is transformative, S. Maugham, Of Human Bondage 241 (Penguin ed.
market substitution is at least less certain, and market 1992). Thus, to the extent that the opinion below may
harm may not be so readily inferred. Indeed, as to be read to have considered harm to the market for
parody pure and simple, it is more likely that the new parodies of "Oh, Pretty Woman,".
work will not affect the market for the original in a way In explaining why the law recognizes no derivative
cognizable under this factor, that is, by acting as a market for critical works, including parody, we have, of
substitute for it ("supersed[ing] [its] objects"). This is so course, been speaking of the later work as if it had
because the parody and the original usually serve nothing but a critical aspect (i.e., "parody pure and
different market functions. Bisceglia, ASCAP, Copyright simple," supra, at 22). But the later work may have a
Law Symposium, No. 34, p. 23. more complex character, with effects not only in the
arena of criticism but also in protectable markets for
We do not, of course, suggest that a parody may not derivative works, too. In that sort of case, the law looks
harm the market at all, but when a lethal parody, like a beyond the criticism to the other elements of the work,
scathing theater review, kills demand for the original, it as it does here. 2 Live Crew's song comprises not only
does not produce a harm cognizable under the parody but also rap music, and the derivative market
Copyright Act. Because "parody may quite legitimately for rap music is a proper focus of enquiry. Evidence of
aim at garroting the original, destroying it commercially substantial harm to it would weigh against a finding of
aswell as artistically," B. Kaplan, An Unhurried View of fair use, 23 because the licensing of derivatives is an
Copyright 69 (1967), the role of the courts is to important economic incentive to the creation of
distinguish between "[b]iting criticism [that merely] originals. See 17 U.S.C. 106(2) (copyright owner has
suppresses demand [and] copyright infringement[, rights to derivative works). Of course, the only harm to
which] usurps it." derivatives that need concern us, as discussed above, is
the harm of market substitution. The fact that a parody
This distinction between potentially remediable may impair the market for derivative uses by the very
displacement and unremediable disparagement is effectiveness of its critical commentary is no more
reflected in the rule that there is no protectable relevant under copyright than the like threat to the
derivative market for criticism. The market for potential original market. 24
derivative uses includes only those that creators of
original works would in general develop or license Although 2 Live Crew submitted uncontroverted
others to develop. Yet the unlikelihood that creators of affidavits on the question of market harm to the
imaginative works will license critical reviews or original, neither they nor Acuff-Rose introduced
lampoons of their own productions removes such uses evidence or affidavits addressing the likely effect of 2
Page 119 of 307
Live Crew's parodic rap song on the market for a non- considering the parodic purpose of the use. We
parody, rap version of "Oh, Pretty Woman." And while therefore reverse the judgment of the Court of Appeals
Acuff-Rose would have us find evidence of a rap market and remand for further proceedings consistent with this
in the very facts that 2 Live Crew recorded a rap parody opinion.
of "Oh, Pretty Woman" and another rap group sought a
license to record a rap derivative, there was no It is so ordered.
evidence that a potential rap market was harmed in any
way by 2 Live Crew's parody, rap version. The fact that Appendix A
2 Live Crew's parody sold as part of a collection of rap
songs says very little about the parody's effect on a "Oh, Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbison and William Dees
market for a rap version of the original, either of the
music alone or of the music with its lyrics. The District Pretty Woman, walking down the street, Pretty Woman,
Court essentially passed on this issue, observing that the kind I like to meet, Pretty Woman, I don't believe
Acuff-Rose is free to record "whatever version of the you, you're not the truth, No one could look as good as
original it desires," the Court of Appeals went the other you Mercy
way by erroneous presumption. Contrary to each Pretty Woman, won't you pardon me, Pretty Woman, I
treatment, it is impossible to deal with the fourth factor couldn't help but see, Pretty Woman, that you look
except by recognizing that a silent record on an lovely as can be Are you lonely just like me?
important factor bearing on fair use disentitled the
proponent of the defense, 2 Live Crew, to summary Pretty Woman, stop a while, Pretty Woman, talk a while,
judgment. The evidentiary hole will doubtless be Pretty Woman give your smile to me Pretty woman,
plugged on remand. yeah, yeah, yeah Pretty Woman, look my way, Pretty
Woman, say you'll stay with me Cause I need you, I'll
III treat you right Come to me baby, Be mine tonight

It was error for the Court of Appeals to conclude that the Pretty Woman, don't walk on by, Pretty Woman, don't
commercial nature of 2 Live Crew's parody of "Oh, make me cry, Pretty Woman, don't walk away, Hey, O.K.
Pretty Woman" rendered it presumptively unfair. No If that's the way it must be, O.K. I guess I'll go on home,
such evidentiary presumption is available to address it's late There'll be tomorrow night, but wait!
either the first factor, the character and purpose of the
use, or the fourth, market harm, in determining whether What do I see Is she walking back to me? Yeah, she's
a transformative use, such as parody, is a fair one. The walking back to me! Oh, Pretty Woman.
court also erred in holding that 2 Live Crew had
necessarily copied excessively from the Orbison original, Appendix B
Page 120 of 307
comment, news reporting, teaching including multiple
"Pretty Woman" as Recorded by 2 Live Crew copies for classroom use, scholarship, research, and
similar purposes is not an infringement of copyright.
Pretty woman walkin' down the street Pretty woman girl Decompilation, which is understood here to be the
you look so sweet Pretty woman you bring me down to reproduction of the code and translation of the forms of
that knee Pretty woman you make me wanna beg the computer program to achieve the inter-operability of
please Oh, pretty womanBig hairy woman you need to an independently created computer program with other
shave that stuff Big hairy woman you know I bet it's tough programs may also constitute fair use. In determining
Big hairy woman all that hair it ain't legit Cause you look like whether the use made of a work in any particular case
"Cousin It" Big hairy woman is fair use, the factors to be considered shall include:

Bald headed woman girl your hair won't grow Bald (a) The purpose and character of the use, including
headed woman you got a teeny weeny afro Bald headed whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for
woman you know your hair could look nice Bald headed non-profit educational purposes;
woman first you got to roll it with rice Bald headed
woman here, let me get this hunk of biz for ya Ya know (b) The nature of the copyrighted work;
what I'm saying you look better than rice a roni Oh bald
headed woman (c) The amount and substantiality of the portion used in
relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
Big hairy woman come on in And don't forget your bald
headed friend Hey pretty woman let the boys Jump in (d) The effect of the use upon the potential market for
or value of the copyrighted work.
Two timin' woman girl you know you ain't right Two
timin' woman you's out with my boy last night Two 185.2. The fact that a work is unpublished shall not by
timin' woman that takes a load off my mind Two timin' itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made
woman now I know the baby ain't mine Oh, two timin' upon consideration of all the above factors.
woman Oh pretty woman
Fair Use Doctrine
1. Habana v. Robles, G.R. No. 131522, July 19,
Sec. 185 1999 (read dissenting opinions)

Section 185. Fair Use of a Copyrighted Work. - 185.1. Summary:

The fair use of a copyrighted work for criticism,
Page 121 of 307
Petitioners herein are authors and copyright owners of was ordered remanded to the trial court for further
their published books while respondents Robles and proceedings to receive evidence of the parties to
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc. are authors and publishers, ascertain the damages caused and sustained by
respectively, of another published work that was also petitioners and to render decision in accordance with
covered by copyrights issued to them. In the course of the evidence submitted to it.
revising their published works, petitioners chanced upon
the book of respondent Robles. After an itemized Doctrines:
examination and comparison of the books, petitioners
found that several pages of the respondents book are 1. COMMERCIAL LAW; INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
similar, if not altogether a copy from the petitioners CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES; PROVIDES
book, which is a case of plagiarism and copyright PROTECTION FOR COPYRIGHT OWNER. At present,
infringement. When respondents ignored demands of all laws dealing with the protection of intellectual
petitioners for damages, the latter filed a complaint for property rights have been consolidated and as the law
infringement and/or unfair competition with damages. now stands, the protection of copyrights is governed by
The trial court dismissed the complaint of the Republic Act No. 8293. Notwithstanding the change in
petitioners herein. Petitioners appealed their case to the law, the same principles are reiterated in the new
the Court of Appeals (CA), which affirmed the judgment law under Section 177. It provides for the copy or
of the trial court. The CA also deleted the award of economic rights of an owner of a copyright as follows:
attorneys fees, since its view was that there was no bad Sec. 177. Copy or Economic rights. Subject to the
faith on the part of the petitioners in instituting the provisions of chapter VIII, copyright or economic rights
action. The petitioners filed a motion for shall consist of the exclusive right to carry out,
reconsideration, but, the CA denied the same, hence, authorize or prevent the following
this petition for review on certiorari. acts: 177.1 Reproduction of the work or substantial
portion of the work; 177.2 Dramatization, translation,
In cases of infringement, copying alone is not what is adaptation, abridgement, arrangement or other
prohibited. The copying must produce an injurious transformation of the work; 177.3 The first public
effect. Here, the injury consists in that respondent distribution of the original and each copy of the work by
Robles lifted from petitioners book materials that were sale or other forms of transfer of ownership; 177.4
the result of the latters research work and compilation Rental of the original or a copy of an audiovisual or
and misrepresented them as her own. The least that cinematographic work, a work embodied in a sound
respondent Robles could have done was to acknowledge recording, a computer program, a compilation of data
petitioners as the source of her book. To allow another and other materials or a musical work in graphic form,
to copy the book without appropriate acknowledgment irrespective of the ownership of the original or the copy
is injury enough. The petition was granted. The case which is the subject of the rental; (n) 177.5 Public
Page 122 of 307
display of the original or copy of the work; 177.6 Public infringement of copyright and to an injurious extent, the
performance of the work; and 177.7 Other work is appropriated. In determining the question of
communication to the public of the work The law also infringement, the amount of matter copied from the
provided for the limitations on copyright, thus: Sec. copyrighted work is an important consideration. To
184.1 Limitations on copyright. Notwithstanding the constitute infringement, it is not necessary that the
provisions of Chapter V, the following acts shall not whole or even a large portion of the work shall have
constitute infringement of copyright: (a) the recitation been copied. If so much is taken that the value of the
or performance of a work, once it has been lawfully original is sensibly diminished, or the labors of the
made accessible to the public, if done privately and free original author are substantially and to an injurious
of charge or if made strictly for a charitable or religious extent appropriated by another, that is sufficient in
institution or society; [Sec. 10(1), P.D. No. 49] (b) The point of law to constitute piracy. The essence of
making of quotations from a published work if they are intellectual piracy should be essayed in conceptual
compatible with fair use and only to the extent justified terms in order to underscore its gravity by an
for the purpose, including quotations from newspaper appropriate understanding thereof. Infringement of a
articles and periodicals in the form of press summaries; copyright is a trespass on a private domain owned and
Provided, that the source and the name of the author, if occupied by the owner of the copyright, and, therefore,
appearing on the work are mentioned; (Sec. 11 third protected by law, and infringement of copyright, or
par. P.D. 49) xxx (e) The inclusion of a work in a piracy, which is a synonymous term in this connection,
publication, broadcast, or other communication to the consists in the doing by any person, without the consent
public, sound recording of film, if such inclusion is made of the owner of the copyright, of anything the sole right
by way of illustration for teaching purposes and is to do which is conferred by statute on the owner of the
compatible with fair use: Provided, That the source and copyright.
the name of the author, if appearing in the work is
mentioned; In the above-quoted provisions, work has 3. ID.; ID.; ID.; WHEN NOT COMMITTED. In this
reference to literary and artistic creations and this jurisdiction under Sec. 184 of Republic Act 8293 it is
includes books and other literary, scholarly and provided that: Limitations on Copyright.
scientific works. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter V, the
following shall not constitute infringement of copyright:
2. ID.; ID.; INFRINGEMENT; CONSTRUED; WHEN xxx ( c ) The making of quotations from a published
COMMITTED. When is there a substantial reproduction work if they are compatible with fair use and only to the
of a book? It does not necessarily require that the entire extent justified for the purpose, including quotations
copyrighted work, or even a large portion of it, be from newspaper articles and periodicals in the form of
copied. If so much is taken that the value of the original press summaries: Provided, That the source and the
work is substantially diminished, there is an name of the author, if appearing on the work, are
Page 123 of 307
mentioned. A copy of a piracy is an infringement of the In the course of revising their published works,
original, and it is no defense that the pirate, in such petitioners scouted and looked around various
cases, did not know whether or not he was infringing bookstores to check on other textbooks dealing with the
any copyright; he at least knew that what he was same subject matter. By chance they came upon the
copying was not his, and he copied at his peril. book of respondent Robles and upon perusal of said
book they were surprised to see that the book was
4. ID.; ID.; COPYRIGHT; PURPOSE THEREOF. In strikingly similar to the contents, scheme of
copyrighting books the purpose is to give protection to presentation, illustrations and illustrative examples in
the intellectual product of an author. This is precisely their own book, CET.
what the law on copyright protected, under Section
184.1 (b). Quotations from a published work if they are After an itemized examination and comparison of the
compatible with fair use and only to the extent justified two books (CET and DEP), petitioners found that several
by the purpose, including quotations from newspaper pages of the respondents book are similar, if not all
articles and periodicals in the form of press summaries together a copy of petitioners book, which is a case of
are allowed provided that the source and the name of plagiarism and copyright infringement.
the author, if appearing on the work, are mentioned.
Petitioners then made demands for damages against
Original: respondents and also demanded that they cease and
desist from further selling and distributing to the
Facts: Petitioners are authors and copyright owners of general public the infringed copies of respondent Robles
duly issued certificates of copyright registration works.
covering their published works, produced through their
combined resources and efforts, entitled COLLEGE However, respondents ignored the demands, hence, on
ENGLISH FOR TODAY (CET for brevity), Books 1 and 2, July 7, 1988, petitioners filed with the Regional Trial
and WORKBOOK FOR COLLEGE FRESHMAN ENGLISH, Court, Makati, a complaint for Infringement and/or
Series 1. unfair competition with damages[4] against private
Respondent Felicidad Robles and Goodwill Trading Co.,
Inc. are the author/publisher and distributor/seller of In the complaint, petitioners alleged that in 1985,
another published work entitled DEVELOPING ENGLISH respondent Felicidad C. Robles being substantially
PROFICIENCY (DEP for brevity), Books 1 and 2 (1985 familiar with the contents of petitioners works, and
edition) which book was covered by copyrights issued to without securing their permission, lifted, copied,
them. plagiarized and/or transposed certain portions of their
book CET. The textual contents and illustrations of CET
Page 124 of 307
were literally reproduced in the book DEP. The specific portions, inclusive of pages and lines, of the
plagiarism, incorporation and reproduction of particular published and copyrighted books of the petitioners
portions of the book CET in the book DEP, without the which were transposed, lifted, copied and plagiarized
authority or consent of petitioners, and the and/or otherwise found their way into respondents book.
misrepresentations of respondent Robles that the same
was her original work and concept adversely affected On August 1, 1988, respondent Goodwill Trading Co.,
and substantially diminished the sale of the petitioners Inc. filed its answer to the complaint[7] and alleged that
book and caused them actual damages by way of petitioners had no cause of action against Goodwill
unrealized income. Trading Co., Inc. since it was not privy to the
misrepresentation, plagiarism, incorporation and
Despite the demands of the petitioners for respondents reproduction of the portions of the book of petitioners;
to desist from committing further acts of infringement that there was an agreement between Goodwill and the
and for respondent to recall DEP from the market, respondent Robles that Robles guaranteed Goodwill that
respondents refused. Petitioners asked the court to the materials utilized in the manuscript were her own or
order the submission of all copies of the book DEP, that she had secured the necessary permission from
together with the molds, plates and films and other contributors and sources; that the author assumed sole
materials used in its printing destroyed, and for responsibility and held the publisher without any
respondents to render an accounting of the proceeds of liability.
all sales and profits since the time of its publication and
sale. On November 28, 1988, respondent Robles filed her
answer[8], and denied the allegations of plagiarism and
Respondent Robles was impleaded in the suit because copying that petitioners claimed. Respondent stressed
she authored and directly committed the acts of that (1) the book DEP is the product of her independent
infringement complained of, while respondent Goodwill researches, studies and experiences, and was not a
Trading Co., Inc. was impleaded as the publisher and copy of any existing valid copyrighted book; (2) DEP
joint co-owner of the copyright certificates of followed the scope and sequence or syllabus which are
registration covering the two books authored and common to all English grammar writers as
caused to be published by respondent Robles with recommended by the Association of Philippine Colleges
obvious connivance with one another. of Arts and Sciences (APCAS), so any similarity between
the respondents book and that of the petitioners was
On July 27, 1988, respondent Robles filed a motion for a due to the orientation of the authors to both works and
bill of particulars[6] which the trial court approved on standards and syllabus; and (3) the similarities may be
August 17, 1988. Petitioners complied with the desired due to the authors exercise of the right to fair use of
particularization, and furnished respondent Robles the copyrigthed materials, as guides.
Page 125 of 307
directed its branch clerk of court to forward all the
Respondent interposed a counterclaim for damages on records of the case to the Court of Appeals.[13]
the ground that bad faith and malice attended the filing
of the complaint, because petitioner Habana was In the appeal, petitioners argued that the trial court
professionally jealous and the book DEP replaced CET as completely disregarded their evidence and fully
the official textbook of the graduate studies department subscribed to the arguments of respondent Robles that
of the Far Eastern University.[9] the books in issue were purely the product of her
researches and studies and that the copied portions
During the pre-trial conference, the parties agreed to a were inspired by foreign authors and as such not subject
stipulation of facts[10] and for the trial court to first to copyright. Petitioners also assailed the findings of the
resolve the issue of infringement before disposing of the trial court that they were animated by bad faith in
claim for damages. instituting the complaint.[14]
On June 27, 1997, the Court of Appeals rendered
After the trial on the merits, on April 23, 1993, the trial judgment in favor of respondents Robles and Goodwill
court rendered its judgment finding thus: Trading Co., Inc. The relevant portions of the decision
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the court hereby
orders that the complaint filed against defendants It must be noted, however, that similarity of the
Felicidad Robles and Goodwill Trading Co., Inc. shall be allegedly infringed work to the authors or proprietors
DISMISSED; that said plaintiffs solidarily reimburse copyrighted work does not of itself establish copyright
defendant Robles for P20,000.00 attorneys fees and infringement, especially if the similarity results from the
defendant Goodwill for P5,000.00 attorneys fees. fact that both works deal with the same subject or have
Plaintiffs are liable for cost of suit. the same common source, as in this case.

IT IS SO ORDERED. Appellee Robles has fully explained that the portion or

material of the book claimed by appellants to have been
Done in the City of Manila this 23rd day of April, 1993. copied or lifted from foreign books. She has duly proven
(s/t) MARVIE R. ABRAHAM SINGSON that most of the topics or materials contained in her
Assisting Judge book, with particular reference to those matters claimed
S. C. Adm. Order No. 124-92[11] by appellants to have been plagiarized were topics or
matters appearing not only in appellants and her books
On May 14, 1993, petitioners filed their notice of appeal but also in earlier books on College English, including
with the trial court[12], and on July 19, 1993, the court foreign books, e.i. Edmund Burkes Speech on

Page 126 of 307

Conciliation, Boerigs Competence in English and a writers right to fair use, in violation of Section 11 of
Broughtons, Edmund Burkes Collection. Presidential Decree No. 49.[18]

xxx Held: We find the petition impressed with merit.

Appellants reliance on the last paragraph on Section 11 The complaint for copyright infringement was filed at
is misplaced. It must be emphasized that they failed to the time that Presidential Decree No. 49 was in force. At
prove that their books were made sources by appellee. present, all laws dealing with the protection of
intellectual property rights have been consolidated and
as the law now stands, the protection of copyrights is
The Court of Appeals was of the view that the award of governed by Republic Act No. 8293. Notwithstanding the
attorneys fees was not proper, since there was no bad change in the law, the same principles are reiterated in
faith on the part of petitioners Habana et al. in the new law under Section 177. It provides for the copy
instituting the action against respondents. or economic rights of an owner of a copyright as follows:

On July 12, 1997, petitioners filed a motion for Sec.177. Copy or Economic rights.Subject to the
reconsideration,[16] however, the Court of Appeals provisions of chapter VIII, copyright or economic rights
denied the same in a Resolution[17] dated November 25, shall consist of the exclusive right to carry out,
1997. authorize or prevent the following acts:
177.1 Reproduction of the work or substantial
Hence, this petition. portion of the work;
177.2 Dramatization, translation, adaptation,
In this appeal, petitioners submit that the appellate abridgement, arrangement or other transformation of
court erred in affirming the trial courts decision. the work;
177.3 The first public distribution of the original and
Issues: Petitioners raised the following issues: (1) each copy of the work by sale or other forms of transfer
whether or not, despite the apparent textual, thematic of ownership;
and sequential similarity between DEP and CET, 177.4 Rental of the original or a copy of an audiovisual
respondents committed no copyright infringement; (2) or cinematographic work, a work embodied in a sound
whether or not there was animus furandi on the part of recording, a computer program, a compilation of data
respondent when they refused to withdraw the copies of and other materials or a musical work in graphic form,
CET from the market despite notice to withdraw the irrespective of the ownership of the original or the copy
same; and (3) whether or not respondent Robles abused which is the subject of the rental; (n)
177.5 Public display of the original or copy of the work;
Page 127 of 307
177.6 Public performance of the work; and A perusal of the records yields several pages of
177.7 Other communication to the public of the work[19] the book DEP that are similar if not identical with
the text of CET.
The law also provided for the limitations on copyright,
thus: On page 404 of petitioners Book 1 of College English for
Sec. 184.1 Limitations on copyright.-- Notwithstanding Today, the authors wrote:
the provisions of Chapter V, the following acts shall not
constitute infringement of copyright: Items in dates and addresses:
(a) the recitation or performance of a work, once it has He died on Monday, April 15, 1975.
been lawfully made accessible to the public, if done Miss Reyes lives in 214 Taft Avenue,
privately and free of charge or if made strictly for a Manila[22]
charitable or religious institution or society; [Sec. 10(1),
P.D. No. 49] On page 73 of respondents Book 1 Developing English
(b) The making of quotations from a published work if Today, they wrote:
they are compatible with fair use and only to the extent He died on Monday, April 25, 1975.
justified for the purpose, including quotations from Miss Reyes address is 214 Taft Avenue Manila[23]
newspaper articles and periodicals in the form of press
summaries; Provided, that the source and the name of On Page 250 of CET, there is this example on parallelism
the author, if appearing on the work are mentioned; or repetition of sentence structures, thus:
(Sec. 11 third par. P.D.49) The proposition is peace. Not peace through the
xxxxxxxxxxxx medium of war; not peace to be hunted through the
(e) The inclusion of a work in a publication, labyrinth of intricate and endless negotiations; not
broadcast, or other communication to the public, sound peace to arise out of universal discord, fomented from
recording of film, if such inclusion is made by way of principle, in all parts of the empire; not peace to depend
illustration for teaching purposes and is compatible with on the juridical determination of perplexing questions,
fair use: Provided, That the source and the name or the precise marking of the boundary of a complex
of the author, if appearing in the work is government. It is simple peace; sought in its natural
mentioned;[20] course, and in its ordinary haunts. It is peace sought in
the spirit of peace, and laid in principles purely pacific.
In the above quoted provisions, work has reference to --- Edmund Burke, Speech on Criticism.[24]
literary and artistic creations and this includes books
and other literary, scholarly and scientific works.[21] On page 100 of the book DEP[25], also in the topic of
parallel structure and repetition, the same example is
found in toto. The only difference is that petitioners
Page 128 of 307
acknowledged the author Edmund Burke, and occupied by the owner of the copyright, and, therefore,
respondents did not. protected by law, and infringement of copyright, or
piracy, which is a synonymous term in this connection,
In several other pages[26] the treatment and manner of consists in the doing by any person, without the consent
presentation of the topics of DEP are similar if not a of the owner of the copyright, of anything the sole right
rehash of that contained in CET. to do which is conferred by statute on the owner of the
We believe that respondent Robles act of lifting from the
book of petitioners substantial portions of discussions The respondents claim that the copied portions of the
and examples, and her failure to acknowledge the same book CET are also found in foreign books and other
in her book is an infringement of petitioners copyrights. grammar books, and that the similarity between her
style and that of petitioners can not be avoided since
When is there a substantial reproduction of a book? It they come from the same background and orientation
does not necessarily require that the entire copyrighted may be true. However, in this jurisdiction under Sec 184
work, or even a large portion of it, be copied. If so much of Republic Act 8293 it is provided that:
is taken that the value of the original work is
substantially diminished, there is an infringement of Limitations on Copyright. Notwithstanding the provisions
copyright and to an injurious extent, the work is of Chapter V, the following shall not constitute
appropriated.[27] infringement of copyright:
In determining the question of infringement, the amount (c) The making of quotations from a published work if
of matter copied from the copyrighted work is an they are compatible with fair use and only to the extent
important consideration. To constitute infringement, it is justified for the purpose, including quotations from
not necessary that the whole or even a large portion of newspaper articles and periodicals in the form of press
the work shall have been copied. If so much is taken summaries: Provided, That the source and the
that the value of the original is sensibly diminished, or name of the author, if appearing on the work, are
the labors of the original author are substantially and to mentioned.
an injurious extent appropriated by another, that is
sufficient in point of law to constitute piracy.[28] A copy of a piracy is an infringement of the original, and
it is no defense that the pirate, in such cases, did not
The essence of intellectual piracy should be essayed in know whether or not he was infringing any copyright; he
conceptual terms in order to underscore its gravity by at least knew that what he was copying was not his, and
an appropriate understanding thereof. Infringement of a he copied at his peril.[30]
copyright is a trespass on a private domain owned and
Page 129 of 307
The next question to resolve is to what extent can We consider as an indicia of guilt or wrongdoing the act
copying be injurious to the author of the book being of respondent Robles of pulling out from Goodwill
copied. Is it enough that there are similarities in some bookstores the book DEP upon learning of petitioners
sections of the books or large segments of the books complaint while pharisaically denying petitioners
are the same? demand. It was further noted that when the book DEP
was re-issued as a revised version, all the pages cited
In the case at bar, there is no question that petitioners by petitioners to contain portion of their book College
presented several pages of the books CET and DEP that English for Today were eliminated.
more or less had the same contents. It may be correct
that the books being grammar books may contain In cases of infringement, copying alone is not what is
materials similar as to some technical contents with prohibited. The copying must produce an injurious
other grammar books, such as the segment about the effect. Here, the injury consists in that respondent
Author Card. However, the numerous pages that the Robles lifted from petitioners book materials that were
petitioners presented showing similarity in the style and the result of the latters research work and compilation
the manner the books were presented and the identical and misrepresented them as her own. She circulated
examples can not pass as similarities merely because of the book DEP for commercial use and did not
technical consideration. acknowledge petitioners as her source.
Hence, there is a clear case of appropriation of
The respondents claim that their similarity in style can copyrighted work for her benefit that respondent Robles
be attributed to the fact that both of them were committed. Petitioners work as authors is the product of
exposed to the APCAS syllabus and their respective their long and assiduous research and for another to
academic experience, teaching approach and represent it as her own is injury enough. In copyrighting
methodology are almost identical because they were of books the purpose is to give protection to the
the same background. intellectual product of an author. This is precisely what
the law on copyright protected, under Section 184.1
However, we believe that even if petitioners and (b). Quotations from a published work if they are
respondent Robles were of the same background in compatible with fair use and only to the extent justified
terms of teaching experience and orientation, it is not by the purpose, including quotations from newspaper
an excuse for them to be identical even in examples articles and periodicals in the form of press summaries
contained in their books. The similarities in examples are allowed provided that the source and the name of
and material contents are so obviously present in this the author, if appearing on the work, are mentioned.
case. How can similar/identical examples not be
considered as a mark of copying? In the case at bar, the least that respondent Robles
could have done was to acknowledge petitioners
Page 130 of 307
Habana et. al. as the source of the portions of DEP. The Rental of the original or a copy of an audiovisual or
final product of an authors toil is her book. To allow cinematographic work, a work embodied in a sound
another to copy the book without appropriate recording, a computer program, a compilation of data
acknowledgment is injury enough. and other materials or a musical work in graphic form,
irrespective of the ownership of the original or the copy
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The which is the subject of the rental; 177.5 Public display of
decision and resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G. the original or a copy of the work; 177.6 Public
R. CV No. 44053 are SET ASIDE. The case is ordered performance of the work; and 177.7 Other
remanded to the trial court for further proceedings to communication to the public of the work. The work, as
receive evidence of the parties to ascertain the repeatedly mentioned, refers to the literary and artistic
damages caused and sustained by petitioners and to works defined as original intellectual creations in the
render decision in accordance with the evidence literary and artistic domain protected from the moment
submitted to it. of their creation and enumerated in Section 172.1,
which includes books and other literary, scholarly,
Dissenting Opinion: scientific and artistic works. Stripped in the meantime
of its indisputable social and beneficial actions, the use
Doctrines: of intellectual property or creations should basically
promote the creator or authors personal and economic
1. COMMERCIAL LAW; R.A. No. 8293 gain. Hence, the copyright protection extended to the
(INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CODE); COPYRIGHT; creator should ensure his attainment of some form of
DEFINED; PURPOSE OF THE LAW. A copyright may personal satisfaction and economic reward from the
be accurately defined as the right granted by statute to work he produced.
the proprietor of an intellectual production to its
exclusive use and enjoyment to the extent specified in 2. ID.; ID.; ID.; INFRINGEMENT; CONSTRUED. The
the statute. Under Section 177 of R.A. No. 8293, the execution of any one or more of the exclusive rights
copy or economic right (copyright and economic right conferred by law on a copyright owner, without his
are used interchangeably in the statute) consists of the consent, constitutes copyright infringement. In
exclusive right to carry out, authorize or prevent the essence, copyright infringement, known in general as
following acts: 177.1 Reproduction of the work or piracy, is a trespass on a domain owned and occupied
substantial portion of the work; 177.2 Dramatization, by a copyright owner; it is violation of a private right
translation, adaptation, abridgment, arrangement or protected by law. With the invasion of his property
other transformation of the work; 177.3 The first public rights, a copyright owner is naturally entitled to seek
distribution of the original and each copy of the work by redress, enforce and hold accountable the defrauder or
sale or other forms of transfer of ownership; 177.4 usurper of said economic rights.
Page 131 of 307
the copyright owner or as copying the theme or ideas
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; TEST TO DETERMINE rather than their expression. No question of fair or
COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT; NO VIOLATION; CASE unfair use arises however, if no copying is proved to
AT BAR. To constitute infringement, the usurper must begin with. This is in consonance with the principle that
have copied or appropriated the original work of an there can be no infringement if there was no copying. It
author or copyright proprietor; absent copying, there is only where some form of copying has been shown
can be no infringement of copyright. In turn, a work is that it becomes necessary to determine whether it has
deemed by law an original if the author created it by his been carried to an unfair, that is, illegal, extent.
own skill, labor and judgment. On its part, a copy is that
which comes so near to the original so as to give to 5. REMEDIAL LAW; EVIDENCE; FACTUAL FINDINGS
every person seeing it the idea created by the original. OF THE COURT OF APPEALS AND THE TRIAL
It has been held that the test of copyright infringement COURT; CONCLUSIVE AND BINDING UPON THE
is whether an ordinary observer comparing the works SUPREME COURT; EXCEPTION. Of doctrinal
can readily see that one has been copied from the persuasion is the principle that factual determinations of
other. To constitute a substantial reproduction, it is not the Court of Appeals and the trial court are conclusive
necessary that the entire copyrighted work, or even a and binding upon this Court, and the latter will not, as a
large portion of it, be copied, if so much is taken that rule, disturb these findings unless compelling and
the value of the original is substantially diminished, or if cogent reasons necessitate a reexamination, if not a
the labors of the original author are substantially, and to reversal, of the same. Tested against this
an injurious extent, appropriated. But the similarity of jurisprudential canon, to subject the challenged decision
the books here does not amount to an appropriation of a of the Court of Appeals to further scrutiny would be
substantial portion of the published work COLLEGE superfluous, if not, improvident.
ENGLISH FOR TODAY. If the existence of substantial
similarities does not of itself establish infringement, Facts: I am unable to join the majority view.From the
mere similarities (not substantial similarities) in some following factual and procedural antecedents, I find no
sections of the books in question decisively militate alternative but to sustain both the trial court and the
against a claim for infringement where the similarities Court of Appeals.
had been convincingly established as proceeding from a
number of reasons and/or factors. On 12 July 1988, HABANA, et al. filed with the trial court
a complaint for infringement and unfair competition,
4. ID.; ID.; ID.; FAIR USE OF COPYRIGHTED with damages against private respondent Felicidad C.
MATERIAL; DEFINED AND CONSTRUED. Fair use has Robles (hereafter ROBLES) and her publisher and
been defined as a privilege to use the copyrighted distributor, Goodwill Trading Co., Inc. (hereafter
material in a reasonable manner without the consent of
Page 132 of 307
GOODWILL). The case was docketed as Civil Case No. exemplary damages, as well as attorney's fees and
88-1317. expenses of litigation.

HABANA, et al. averred in their complaint that they were In its Answer, GOODWILL denied culpability since "it had
the co-authors and joint copyright owners of their no knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
published works College English for Today, Books 1 and as to the allegations of plagiarism, incorporation and
2 (hereafter CET) and Workbook for College Freshmen reproduction" and hence "could not be privy to the
English, Series [1]I; they discovered that ROBLES' own same, if (there were) any"; and that in an Agreement
published works, Developing English Proficiency, Books with co-defendant ROBLES, the latter would be solely
1 and 2, (hereafter DEP), published and distributed in responsible for acts of plagiarism or violations of
1985, exhibited an uncanny resemblance, if not outright copyright or any other law, to the extent of answering
physical similarity, to CET as to content, scheme, for any and all damages GOODWILL may
sequence of topics and ideas, manner of presentation suffer. GOODWILL also interposed a compulsory
and illustrative examples; the plagiarism, incorporation counterclaim against PACITA, et al. and a crossclaim
and reproduction of particular portions of CET into DEP against its co-defendant anchored on the
could no be gainsaid since ROBLES was substantially aforementioned Agreement.
familiar with CET and the textual asportation was
accomplished without their authority and/or consent; In her answer, ROBLES asserted that: (1) DEP was the
ROBLES and GOODWILL Jointly misrepresented DEP exclusive product of her independent research, studies
(over which they shared copyright ownership) "as the and experience; (2) DEP, particularly the segments
former's original published works and concept"; and where the alleged literal similitude appeared, were
"notwithstanding formal demands made to cease and admittedly influence or inspired by earlier treatises,
desist from the sale and distribution of DEP, [ROBLES mostly by foreign authors; but that "influences and/or
and GOODWILL] persistently failed and refused to inspirations from other writers" like the methodology
comply therewith." HABANA, et al. then prayed for the and techniques as to presentation, teaching concept
court to: (1) order the submission and thereafter the and design, research and orientation which she
destruction of all copies of DEP, together with the employed, fell within the ambit of general information,
molds, plates, films and other materials used in the ideas, principles of general or universal knowledge
printing thereof; (2) require ROBLES and GOODWILL to which were commonly and customarily understood as
render an accounting of the sales of "infringing works incapable of private and exclusive use, appropriation or
from the time of its (sic) inceptive publication up to the copyright; and (3) her works were the result of the
time of judgment, as well as the amount of sales and legitimate and reasonable exercise of an author's "right
profitsderived"; and (3) to enjoin ROBLES and to fair use of even copyrighted materials as [a]
GOODWILL to solidarily pay actual, moral and guide." She further claimed that her various national
Page 133 of 307
and regional professional activities in general education, Noting that the law applicable to the case was
language and literature, as well as her teaching Presidential Decree No. 49, [4] the trial court found that
experience in graduate and post graduate education HABANA, et al. failed to discharge their onus of proving
would obviate the remotest possibility of plagiarism. that ROBLES and GOODWILL committed acts
constituting copyright infringement. Moreover, the trial
ROBLES likewise suggested that any similarity between court found that "the cause of action or acts complained
DEP and CET as regards scope and sequence could be of [were] not covered by said decree" as Section 10
attributed to "the orientation of the authors to the scope thereof barred authors of works already lawfully made
and sequence or syllabus - which incorporates accessible to the public from prohibiting the
standards known among English grammar book writers - reproductions, translations, adaptations, recitation and
of the subject-matter for Basic Communication Arts performance of the same, while Section 11 allowed the
recommended by the Association of Philippine Colleges utilization of reproductions, quotations and excerpts of
of Arts and Sciences (APCAS)." While the syllabus was such works. The trial court thus agreed with ROBLES
admittedly adopted in DEP, she claimed to have treated that "the complained acts [were] of general and
quite differently in DEP the very ideas, techniques or universal knowledge and use which plaintiffs cannot
principles expressed in CET such that neither textbook claim originality or seek redress to the law for
could be considered a copy of plagiarism of the other. protection" and observed that DEP and CET had the
At the pre-trial conference, the parties agreed to a same sources, consisting chiefly of earlier works, mostly
stipulation of facts [2] and for the court to first resolve foreign books. GOODWILL's crossclaim against ROBLES,
the issue of infringement before disposing of the claims counterclaim against HABANA, et al. as well as ROBLES'
for damages. After trial on the merits, the trial court compulsory counterclaim against GOODWILL were all
rendered its decision in favor of the defendants, the dismissed for lack of factual and legal bases.
dispositive portion of which reads: HABANA, et al. appealed to the Court of Appeals. The
case was docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 44053. Before
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court hereby said court HABANA, et al., in the main, argued that the
orders that the complaint filed against defendants trial court totally disregarded their evidence and merely
Felicidad Robles and Goodwill Trading co. Inc. shall be subscribed to ROBLES' arguments. The Court of
DISMISSED: that said plaintiffs solidarily reimburse Appeals, however, likewise disposed of the controversy
defendant Robles for P20,000.00 attorney's fees and in favor of ROBLES and GOODWILL. [5]
defendant Goodwill for P5,000.00 attorney's
fees. Plaintiffs are liable for costs of suit. However, the Court of Appeals modified the trial court's
IT IS SO ORDERD.[3] decision by reversing the award for attorney's fees. It
held that the good faith and sincerity of HABANA, et
al. in commencing the action negated the basis
Page 134 of 307
therefor. Their motion for reconsideration having been While the complaint, in Civil Case No. 88-1317 was filed
denied for want of cogent reasons, HABANA, et during the effectivity of PA.D. No. 49, the provisions of
al., instituted this petition. They claim that the Court of the new intellectual property law, R.A. No.
Appeals committed reversible error in failing to 8293, nevertheless bears significance here. It took
appreciate: (1) the insuperable evidence and facts effect on 1 January 1998, but its Section 239.3 clearly
admitted and proved demonstrating plagiarism or piracy states that its provisions shall apply to works in which
and instead afforded full weight and credit to ROBLES' copyright protection obtained prior to the effectivity of
matrix of general, hypothetical and sweeping the Act subsists, provided, however, that the application
statements and/or defenses; (2) ROBLES' and of the Act shall not result in the diminution of such
GOODWILL's animo furandi or intent to appropriate or protection. Also, the philosophy behind both statutes as
copy CET with the non-removal of the damaging copies well as the essential principles of copyright protection
of DEP from the bookstores despite notice to withdraw and copyright infringement have, to a certain extent,
the same; and (3) the fact that ROBLES abused a remained the same.
writer's right to fair use, in violation of Section 11 of P.D.
No. 49. [6] They invoke Laktaw v. Paglinawan [7] which, A copyright may be accurately defined as the right
they theorize is on all fours with the case at bar. ROBLES granted by a statute to the proprietor of an intellectual
contends that appeal by certiorari does not lie in this production to its exclusive use and enjoyment to the
case for the challenged decision and the trial court's extent specified in the statute. [9] Under Section 177 of
judgment were amply supported by evidence, pertinent R.A. No. 8293, [10]the copy or economic right (copyright
laws and jurisprudence. Hence, her counterclaim for and economic right are used interchangeably in the
moral damages should, therefore, be granted or for us statute) consists of the exclusive right to carry out,
to order the remand of the case to the trial court for authorize or prevent the following acts:
reception of evidence on damages. GOODWILL, on its
part, stood pat on its disclaimer, with the assertion that 177.1 Reproduction of the work or substantial portion of
no proof was ever introduced that it co-authored DEP or the work;
that is singly or in cabal with ROBLES committed any act 177.2 Dramatization, translation, adaptation,
constituting copyright infringement. abridgment, arrangement or other transformation of the
The core issue then is whether or not the Court of work;
Appeals erred in affirming the trial court's judgment that 1777.3 The first public distribution of the original and
despite the apparent textual, thematic and sequential each copy of the work by sale or other forms of transfer
similarity between DEP and CET, no copyright was of ownership;
committed by ROBLES and GOODWILL. 177.4 Rental of the original or a copy of an audiovisual
or cinematographic work, a work embodied in a sound
recording, a computer program, a compilation of data
Page 135 of 307
and other materials or a musical work in graphic form, does not reap all the benefits and advantages of
irrespective of the ownership of the original or the copy his own property by disposing of it, for the most
which is the subject of the rental; important form of realizing the economic advantages of
177.5 Public display of the original or a copy of the a book, statue or invention, consists in the right to
work; reproduce it in similar or like copies, everyone of which
177.6 Public performance of the work; and serves to give to the person reproducing them all the
177.7 Other communication to the public of the work. conditions which the original requires in order to give
the author the full enjoyment thereof. If the author of a
The work, as repeatedly mentioned, refers to the book, after its publication, cannot prevent its
literary and artistic works defined as original intellectual reproduction by any person who may want to reproduce
creations in the literary and artistic domain protected it, then the property right granted him is reduced to a
from the moment of their creation and enumerated in very insignificant thing and the effort made in the
Section 172.1, which includes books and other literary, production of the book is in no way rewarded. [13]
scholarly, scientific and artistic works. [11]
The execution, therefore, of any one or more of the
Stripped in the meantime of its indisputable social and exclusive rights conferred by law on a copyright owner,
beneficial functions, [12] the use of intellectual property without his consent, constitutes copyright infringement.
or creations should basically promote the creator or In essence, copyright infringement, known in general as
authors personal and economic gain. Hence, the piracy, is a trespass on a domain owned and occupied
copyright protection extended to the creator should by a copyright owner; it is violation of a private right
ensure his attainment of some form of personal protected by law. [14]With the invasion of his property
satisfaction and economic reward from the work he rights, a copyright owner is naturally entitled to seek
produced. Without conceding the suitabilityof Laktaw as redress, enforce and hold accountable the defrauder or
precedent, the Court there quoted Manresa and usurper of said economic rights.
explained: Now, did ROBLES and GOODWILL infringe upon the
copyright of HABANA, et al. by publishing DEP, which
He who writes a book, or carves a statute, or makes an the latter alleged to be a reproduction, or in the least, a
invention, has the absolute right to reproduce or sell it, substantial reproduction of CET? Both the trial court and
just as the owner of the land has the absolute right to respondent court found in the negative. I submit they
sell it or its fruits. But while the owner of the land, by were correct.
selling it and its fruits, perhaps fully realizes all its
economic value, by receiving its benefits and utilities, To constitute infringement, the usurper must have
which are represented for example, by the price, on the copied or appropriated the original work of an author or
other hand the author of a book, statue or invention copyright proprietor, [15] absent copying, there can be no
Page 136 of 307
infringement of copyright. [16] In turn, a work is deemed treated by writers of such genre, [23] e.g., system of book
by law an original if the author created it by his own classification, the different kinds of card catalogs and
skill, labor and judgment. [17] On its part, a copy is that their entries, use of punctuation marks, paragraphs, the
which comes so near to the original so as to give to characteristics of an effective paragraph, language
every person seeing it the idea created by the original. structure, different parts of a book, etc. These standard
It has been held that the test of copyright infringement subjects fall within the domain of ideas, concepts,
is whether an ordinary observer comparing the works universal and general knowledge that have, as admitted
can readily see that one has been copied from the by the protagonists here, been in existence for quite a
other. [18] A visual comparison of the portions of long time. [24]As such, HABANA, et al. cannot demand
CET [19] juxtaposed against certain pages of monopoly, by way of example, in the use of the
DEP, would inescapably lead to a conclusion that recognized library classification systems (Dewey
there is a discernible similarity between the two; Decimal System and the Library of Congress System), or
however, as correctly assessed by respondent court and how a book can be divided into parts (frontispiece, title
the lower court, no conclusion, can be drawn that DEP, page, copyright page, preface, table of contents, etc.) or
in legal contemplation, is a copy of CET. to the different headings used in a card catalogue (title
card, author card and subject card), since these are of
Was DEP a substantial reproduction of CET? To common or general knowledge. Even in this jurisdiction,
constitute a substantial reproduction, it is not necessary no protection can be extended to such an idea,
that the entire copyrighted work, or even a large portion procedure, system method or operation, concept,
of it, be copied, if so much is taken that the value of the principle, discovery or mere data, even if expressed,
original is substantially diminished, or if the labors of explained, illustrated or embodied in a work. [25]
the original author are substantially, and to an injurious
extent, appropriated. [21] But the similarity of the books 2. As found by respondent court, CET and DEP had
here does not amount to an appropriation of a common sources and materials, [26] such that the
substantial portion of CET. If the existence of substantial particular portions claimed to have been lifted and
similarities does not of itself establish literally reproduced also appeared in earlier works,
infringement, [22] mere similarities (not substantial mostly by foreign authors. This is clear from the
similarities) in some sections of the books in question testimony of petitioner Dr. Pacita Habana:
decisively militate against a claim for infringement
where the similarities had been convincingly established Q Lets clarify your position Dra. Habana. When
as proceeding from a number of reasons and/or factors. defendants test (sic) showed 10 words similar to yours,
you so concluded it was (sic) copied from yours but
1. As both books are grammar books, they inevitably when I pointed out to you same (sic) words contained in
deal with the same subjects typically and ordinarily the earlier book of Wills then you earlier in your test in
Page 137 of 307
your book (sic) you refused to admit that it was copied professional background, it is natural they would use
from Wills. many expressions and definitions peculiar to teaching
English grammar. It comes therefore with no surprise
A Yes, sir. We have never all 35 words were copied from that there are similarities in some parts of the rival
there. books. Indeed, it is difficult to conceive how writers on
the same subject matter can very well avoid resorting to
Q But what I am asking how could you conclude that by common sources of information and materials and
just similarity of 10 words of defendants words that was employing similar expressions and terms peculiar to the
copied from yours [sic] and when I point out to you the subject they are treating. [29]
similarity of that same words from the words earlier
than yours (sic) you refused to admit that you copied? To illustrate, an excerpt from page 21 of CET reads:
Author Card
A I would like to change the final statement now that in The author card is the main entry card. It contains
the case of defendant Robles you pointed out her source 1. the authors complete name on the first line, surname
very clear. She copied it from that book by Wills. first, which may be followed by the date of his birth and
death if he is no longer living;
Q So, she did not copy it from yours? 2. the title of the book, and the subtitle, if there is one;
3. the edition, if it is not the first;
A Alright, maybe she did not copy it but definitely it is a 4. the translator or illustrator, if there is any;
pattern of plagerism [sic].[27] 5. the imprint which includes the publisher, the place
3. Similarity in orientation and style can likewise be and date of publication;
attributed to the exposure of the authors to the APCAS 6. the collation composed of the number of pages,
syllabus and their respective academic experience, volume, illustrations, and the size of the book;
teaching approaches and methodology. It is not 7. the subjects with which the book deals ;
farfetched that they could have even influenced each 8. the call number on the upper left-hand corner.
other as textbook writers. ROBLES and Dr. Pacita
Habana were faculty members of the Institute of English Names beginning with Mc, or M are filed in the card
of the Far Eastern University from 1964 to 1974. [28]Both catalog as though spelled out as MAC, for example Mc
were ardent students, researchers, lecturers, textbook Graw MacGraw. The same is true of St. and Saint.
writers and teachers of English and grammar. They even
used to be on friendly terms with each other, to the While a portion of DEP found on page 18 which
extent that Dr. Habana admitted that ROBLES assisted discusses the author card provides:
the former in the preparation of her doctoral The author card is the main entry card containing:
dissertation. Given their near-identical academic and
Page 138 of 307
1. the authors complete name on the first line, surname
first, which may be followed by the date of his birth and I am not persuaded by the claim of HABANA, et
death if he is no longer living; at. that Laktaw is on all fours with and hence applicable
2. the title of the book, and the subtitle if there is one; to the case at bar. There, this Court disposed that
3. the edition, if it is not the first; defendant, without the consent of and causing
4. the translator or illustrator, if any; irreparable damage to Laktaw, reproduced the latters
5. the imprint which includes the publisher, the place literary work Diccionario Hispano-Tagalog, and
and date of publication; improperly copied the greater part thereof in the
6. the collation, composed of the number of pages, work Diccionariong Kastila-Tagalog published by
volume, illustrations, and the size of the book; defendant, in violation of Article 7 of the Law of 10
7. the subject with which the book deals; and January 1879 on Intellectual Property. This Court
8. the call number on the upper-left hand corner. anchored its decision on the following observations:

Names beginning with MC, or M are filed in the card (1) [O]f the 23, 560 Spanish words in the defendant's
catalog considered spelled out as MAC, for example: dictionaryonly 3,108 words are the defendant's own, or,
Mcleod - Macleod. This is true also of St. and Saint. what is the same thing, the defendant had added only
this number of words to those that are in the plaintiff's
The entries found in an author card, having been dictionary, he having reproduced or copied the
developed over quite some time, are expectedly remaining 20,452 words;
uniform. Hence, HABANA, et at. and ROBLES would have
no choice but to articulate the terms particular to the (2) [T]he defendant also literally reproduced and copied
entries in an identical manner. for the Spanish words in his dictionary, the equivalents,
definitions and different meanings in Tagalog, given in
I thus find that the ruling of the respondent court is plaintiff's dictionary, having reproduced, as to some
totally supported by the evidence on record. Of doctrinal words, everything that appears in the plaintiff's
persuasion is the principle that factual determinations of dictionary for similar Spanish words, although as to
the Court of Appeals and the trial court are conclusive some he made some additions of his own. Said copies
and binding upon this Court, and the latter will not, as a and reproductions are numerous ;
rule, disturb these findings unless compelling and (3) [T]he printer's errors in the plaintiff's dictionary as to
cogent reasons necessitate a reexamination, if not a the expression of some words in Spanish as well as their
reversal, of the same.[30]Tested against this equivalents in Tagalog are also reproduced, a fact which
jurisprudential canon, to subject the challenged decision shows that the defendant, in preparing his dictionary,
of the Court of Appeals to further scrutiny would be literally copied those Spanish words and their meanings
superfluous, if not, improvident.
Page 139 of 307
and equivalents in Tagalog from the plaintiff's anything to it, or improve any edition thereof. The more
dictionary. [31] recent laws on intellectual property, however, recognize
recent advancements in technology transfer and
Plainly, the rationale in Laktaw does not apply in this information dissemination. They thus allow the use of
case. First, aside from an isolated accounting of the copyrighted materials if compatible with fair use and to
number of words supposedly usurped in a segment of the extent justified for the purpose. In particular, the
DEP from CET, [32] the records do not disclose that all the new laws sanction the fair use of copyrighted work for
words allegedly copied were tallied and that the words criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching including
thus tallied were numerous enough to support a finding multiple copies for classroom use, scholarship, research
of copying. Second, as already conceded, while there is and similar purposes. [36] Further, the limitations of the
an identity in the manner by which some of the ideas exclusive use of copyrighted materials under Sections
and concepts were articulated, this prescinded from 10 and 11 of P.D. No. 49 in consonance with the
various factors already elucidated. Besides, ROBLES' principle of fair use have been reproduced and
testimony that she made an independent investigation incorporated in the new law. [37] All told, Laktaw is
or research of the original works or authors she inapplicable.
consulted was unrebutted; [33] for germane here is the
question of whether the alleged infringer could have Fair use has been defined as a privilege to use the
obtained the same information by going to the same copyrighted material in a reasonable manner without
source by her own independent the consent of the copyrighted owner or as a copying
research. ROBLES convinced the trial court and the the theme or ideas rather than their expression. [38] No
Court of Appeals on this; thus, we are bound by this question of fair or unfair use arises however, if no
factual determination, as likewise explained copying is proved to begin with. This is in consonance
earlier. Third, reproduction of the printer's errors or the with the principle that there can be no infringement if
author's blunders and inaccuracies in the infringing there was no copying. [39] It is only where some form of
copy does not ipso facto constitute copying or copying has been shown that it becomes necessary to
plagiarism or infringement, but it is conceded that they determine whether it has been carried to an "unfair,"
are telltale signs that infringement might have that is, illegal, extent. [40] Consequently, there is no
committed. [35] However, the records do not reveal this reason to address the issue of whether ROBLES abused
to be the case. Fourth, the law on intellectual property a writer's right to fair use with the ascertainment that
violated in Laktaw was a world and time apart from R.A. DEP was not a copy or a substantial copy of CET.
No. 8293 or even P.D. No. 49. Thus, under Article 7 of
the Law of 10 January 1879, the Court ruled that nobody WHEREFORE, I vote to DENY the petition and to AFFIRM
could reproduce another person's work without the the challenged decision of 27 June 1997 of the Court of
owner's consent, even merely to annotate or add Appeals.
Page 140 of 307
Held:No. In a 6-3 opinion delivered by Justice
2. Harper & Row, Publishers v. Nation Sandra Day O'Connor, the Court held that The
Enterprises, 471 U.S. 539 Nation's use of verbatim excerpts from the
unpublished manuscript was not a fair use. The
Case Digest11: Court reasoned that the unpublished nature of a
work is a key, though not necessarily
Facts:In 1977, former President Gerald Ford determinative, factor tending to negate a defense
contracted with Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. to of fair use. "Under ordinary circumstances, the
publish his memoirs. Harper & Row negotiated a author's right to control the first public
prepublication agreement with Time Magazine for appearance of his undisseminated expression will
the right to excerpt 7,500 words from Ford's outweigh a claim of fair use," wrote Justice
account of his pardon of former President Richard O'Connor. Accordingly, the Court concluded that
Nixon. Before Time released its article, an the four statutory factors relevant to determining
unauthorized source provided The Nation whether the use was fair were not satisfied. In his
Magazine with the unpublished Ford manuscript. dissent, Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., argued that
Subsequently, The Nation, using approximately the Court was advancing the protection of the
300 words from the manuscript, scooped Time. copyright owner's economic interest "through an
Harper & Row sued The Nation, alleging violations exceedingly narrow definition of the scope of fair
of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. The District use."
Court held that The Nation's use of the
copyrighted material constituted infringement. In Original:
reversing, the Court of Appeals held that Nation's
use of the copyrighted material was sanctioned as JUSTICE O'CONNOR delivered the opinion of the Court.
a fair use.
[1] This case requires us to consider to what extent the
Issue:Did the Copyright Revision Act of 1976's "fair use" provision of the Copyright Revision Act of
fair use doctrine sanction The Nation's 1976 (hereinafter [p*542] the Copyright Act), 17 U.S.C.
unauthorized use of quotations from former � 107, sanctions the unauthorized use of quotations
President Gerald Ford's unpublished manuscript? from a public figure's unpublished manuscript. In March,
1979, an undisclosed source provided The Nation
Magazine with the unpublished manuscript of "A Time to
11"Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. v. Nation Enterprises." Oyez. Chicago-Kent Heal: The Autobiography of Gerald R. Ford." Working
College of Law at Illinois Tech, n.d. Aug 25, 2016. directly from the purloined manuscript, an editor of The
Nation produced a short piece entitled "The Ford
Page 141 of 307
Memoirs -- Behind the Nixon Pardon." The piece was for the right to excerpt 7,500 words from Mr. Ford's
timed to "scoop" an article scheduled shortly to appear account of the Nixon pardon. The issue featuring the
in Time Magazine. Time had agreed to purchase the excerpts was timed to appear approximately one week
exclusive right to print prepublication excerpts from the before shipment of the full-length book version to
copyright holders, Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. bookstores. Exclusivity was an important consideration;
(hereinafter Harper & Row), and Reader's Digest Harper & Row instituted procedures designed to
Association, Inc. (hereinafter Reader's Digest). As a maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript, and Time
result of The Nation article, Time canceled its retained the right to renegotiate the second payment
agreement. Petitioners brought a successful copyright should the material appear in print prior to its release of
action against The Nation. On appeal, the Second Circuit the excerpts.
reversed the lower court's finding of infringement,
holding that The Nation's act was sanctioned as a "fair [3] Two to three weeks before the Time article's
use" of the copyrighted material. We granted certiorari, scheduled release, an unidentified person secretly
467 U.S. 1214 (1984), and we now reverse. brought a copy of the Ford manuscript to Victor
I Navasky, editor of The Nation, a political commentary
magazine. Mr. Navasky knew that his possession of the
[2] In February, 1977, shortly after leaving the White manuscript was not authorized, and that the manuscript
House, former President Gerald R. Ford contracted with must be returned quickly to his "source" to avoid
petitioners Harper & Row and Reader's Digest, to discovery. 557 F.Supp. 1067, 1069 (SDNY 1983). He
publish his as yet unwritten memoirs. The memoirs hastily put together what he believed was "a real hot
were to contain "significant hitherto unpublished news story" composed of quotes, paraphrases, and facts
material" concerning the Watergate crisis, Mr. Ford's drawn exclusively from the manuscript. Ibid. Mr.
pardon of former President Nixon, and "Mr. Ford's Navasky attempted no independent commentary,
reflections on this period of history, and the morality research or criticism, in part because of the need for
and personalities involved." App. to Pet. for Cert. C-14 - speed if he was to "make news" by "publish[ing] in
C-15. In addition to the right to publish the Ford advance of publication of the Ford book." App. 416-417.
memoirs in book form, the agreement gave petitioners The 2,250-word article, reprinted in the Appendix to this
the exclusive right to license prepublication excerpts, opinion, appeared on April 3, 1979. As a result of The
known in the trade as "first serial rights." Two years Nation's article, Time canceled its piece and refused to
later, as the memoirs were nearing completion, pay the remaining $12,500.
petitioners negotiated a prepublication licensing
agreement with Time, a weekly news magazine. Time [4] Petitioners brought suit in the District Court for the
agreed to pay $25,000, $12,500 in advance and an Southern District of New York, alleging conversion,
[p*543] additional $12,500 at publication, in exchange tortious interference with contract, and violations of the
Page 142 of 307
Copyright Act. After a 6-day bench trial, the District that, to avoid granting a copyright monopoly over the
Judge found that "A Time to Heal" was protected by facts underlying history and news, "`expression' [in such
copyright at the time of The Nation publication and that works must be confined] to its barest elements -- the
respondents' use of the copyrighted material ordering and choice of the words themselves." Id. at
constituted an infringement under the Copyright Act, 204. Thus similarities between the original and the
�� 106(1), (2), and (3), protecting respectively the challenged work traceable to the copying or
right to reproduce the work, the right to license paraphrasing of uncopyrightable material, such as
preparation of derivative works, and the right of first historical facts, memoranda and other public
distribution of [p*544] the copyrighted work to the documents, and quoted remarks of third parties, must
public. App. to Pet. for Cert. C-29 - C-30. The District be disregarded in evaluating whether the second
Court rejected respondents' argument that The Nation's author's use was fair or infringing.
piece was a "fair use" sanctioned by � 107 of the Act.
Though billed as "hot news," the article contained no When the uncopyrighted material is stripped away, the
new facts. The magazine had "published its article for article in The Nation contains, at most, approximately
profit," taking "the heart" of "a soon-to-be published" [p*545] 300 words that are copyrighted. These
work. This unauthorized use "caused the Time remaining paragraphs and scattered phrases are all
agreement to be aborted, and thus diminished the value verbatim quotations from the memoirs which had not
of the copyright." 557 F.Supp. at 1072. Although certain appeared previously in other publications. They include
elements of the Ford memoirs, such as historical facts a short segment of Ford's conversations with Henry
and memoranda, were not per se copyrightable, the Kissinger and several other individuals. Ford's
District Court held that it wasthe totality of these facts impressionistic depictions of Nixon, ill with phlebitis
and memoranda collected, together with Ford's after the resignation and pardon, and of Nixon's
reflections, that made them of value to The Nation, character, constitute the major portion of this material.
[and] this . . . totality . . . is protected by the copyright It is these parts of the magazine piece on which [the
laws.The court awarded actual damages of $12,500. court] must focus in [its] examination of the question
[5] A divided panel of the Court of Appeals for the whether there was a "fair use" of copyrighted matter.
Second Circuit reversed. The majority recognized that
Mr. Ford's verbatim "reflections" were original Examining the four factors enumerated in � 107, see
"expression" protected by copyright. But it held that the infra at 547, n. 2, the majority found the purpose of the
District Court had erred in assuming the "coupling [of article was "news reporting," the original work was
these reflections] with uncopyrightable fact transformed essentially factual in nature, the 300 words appropriated
that information into a copyrighted `totality.'" 723 F.2d were insubstantial in relation to the 2,250-word piece,
195, 205 (1983). The majority noted that copyright and the impact on the market for the original was
attaches to expression, not facts or ideas. It concluded minimal, as "the evidence [did] not support a finding
Page 143 of 307
that it was the very limited use of expression per [This] limited grant is a means by which an important
se which led to Time's decision not to print the excerpt." public purpose may be achieved. It is intended to
The Nation's borrowing of verbatim quotations merely motivate the creative activity of authors and inventors
"len[t] authenticity to this politically significant by the provision of a special reward, and to allow the
material . . . complementing the reporting of the facts." public access to the products of their genius after the
723 F.2d at 208. The Court of Appeals was especially limited period of exclusive control has expired.
influenced by the "politically significant" nature of the
subject matter and its conviction that it is not "the "The monopoly created by copyright thus rewards the
purpose of the Copyright Act to impede that harvest of individual author in order to benefit the public."
knowledge so necessary to a democratic state" or "chill 477 (dissenting opinion). This principle applies equally
the activities of the press by forbidding a circumscribed to works of fiction and nonfiction. The book at issue
use of copyrighted words." here, for example, was two years in the making, and
began with a contract giving the author's copyright to
II the publishers in exchange for their services in
producing and marketing the work. In preparing the
[6] We agree with the Court of Appeals that copyright is book, Mr. Ford drafted essays and word portraits of
intended to increase, and not to impede, the harvest of public figures and participated in hundreds of taped
knowledge. But we believe the Second Circuit gave interviews that were later distilled to chronicle his
insufficient deference to the scheme established by the personal viewpoint. It is evident that the monopoly
Copyright Act for [p*546] fostering the original works granted by copyright actively served its intended
that provide the seed and substance of this harvest. The purpose of inducing the creation of new material of
rights conferred by copyright are designed to assure potential historical value.
contributors to the store of knowledge a fair return for
their labors. [9] Section 106 of the Copyright Act confers a bundle of
exclusive rights to the owner of the copyright. [n1]
[7] Article I, � 8, of the Constitution provides: Under the Copyright Act, these rights -- to publish, copy,
and distribute the author's work -- vest in the author of
The Congress shall have Power . . . to Promote the an original work from the time of its creation. � 106. In
Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for practice, the author commonly sells his rights to
limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive publishers who offer royalties in exchange for their
Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries. services in producing and marketing the author's work.
The copyright owner's rights, however, are subject to
[8]As we noted last Term: certain statutory exceptions. �� 107-118. Among
these is � 107, which codifies the traditional privilege
Page 144 of 307
of other authors to make "fair use" of an earlier writer's embodied in the work as a whole. Especially in the
work. [n2] In addition, no author may copyright facts or realm of factual narrative, the law is currently unsettled
ideas. � 102. The copyright is limited to those aspects regarding the ways in which uncopyrightable elements
of the work -- termed "expression" -- that display the combine with the author's original contributions to form
stamp of the author's originality. protected expression. Compare Wainwright Securities
[10] Creation of a nonfiction work, even a compilation of Inc. v. Wall Street Transcript Corp., 558 F.2d 91 (CA2
pure fact, entails originality. See, e.g., Schroeder v. 1977) (protection accorded author's analysis,
William Morrow & Co., 566 F.2d 3 (CA7 1977) (copyright structuring of material and marshaling of facts), with
in gardening directory); (originator of a photograph may Hoehling v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 618 F.2d 972
claim copyright in his work). The copyright holders of "A (CA2 1980) (limiting protection to ordering and choice of
Time to Heal" complied with the relevant statutory words). See, e.g., 1 Nimmer � 2.11[D], at 2-164 - 2-
notice and registration [p*548] procedures. See �� 165.
106, 401, 408; App. to Pet. for Cert. C-20. Thus there is
no dispute that the unpublished manuscript of "A Time [11] We need not reach these issues, however, as The
to Heal," as a whole, was protected by � 106 from Nation has admitted to lifting verbatim quotes of the
unauthorized reproduction. Nor do respondents dispute author's original language totaling between 300 and
that verbatim copying of excerpts of the manuscript's 400 words and constituting some 13% of The Nation
original form of expression would constitute article. In using generous [p*549] verbatim excerpts of
infringement unless excused as fair use. Yet copyright Mr. Ford's unpublished manuscript to lend authenticity
does not prevent subsequent users from copying from a to its account of the forthcoming memoirs, The Nation
prior author's work those constituent elements that are effectively arrogated to itself the right of first
not original -- for example, quotations borrowed under publication, an important marketable subsidiary right.
the rubric of fair use from other copyrighted works, For the reasons set forth below, we find that this use of
facts, or materials in the public domain -- as long as the copyrighted manuscript, even stripped to the
such use does not unfairly appropriate the author's verbatim quotes conceded by The Nation to be
original contributions. Ibid.; A. Latman, Fair Use of copyrightable expression, was not a fair use within the
Copyrighted Works (1958), reprinted as Study No. 14 in meaning of the Copyright Act.
Copyright Law Revision Studies Nos. 1416, prepared for
the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 86th Cong., 2d III
Sess., 7 (1960) (hereinafter Latman). Perhaps the A
controversy between the lower courts in this case over
copyrightability is more aptly styled a dispute over [12] Fair use was traditionally defined as "a privilege in
whether The Nation's appropriation of unoriginal and others than the owner of the copyright to use the
uncopyrightable elements encroached on the originality copyrighted material in a reasonable manner without
Page 145 of 307
his consent." H. Ball, Law of Copyright and Literary [13] As early as 1841, Justice Story gave judicial
Property 260 (1944) (hereinafter Ball). The statutory recognition to the doctrine in a case that concerned the
formulation of the defense of fair use in the Copyright letters of another former President, George Washington.
Act reflects the intent of Congress to codify the common
law doctrine. 3 Nimmer � 13.05. Section 107 requires a [A] reviewer may fairly cite largely from the original
case-by-case determination whether a particular use is work, if his design be really and truly to use the
fair, and the statute notes four nonexclusive factors to passages for the purposes of fair and reasonable
be considered. This approach was "intended to restate criticism. On the other hand, it is as clear that, if he thus
the [preexisting] judicial doctrine of fair use, not to cites the most important parts of the work, with a view
change, narrow, or enlarge it in any way." H.R.Rep. No. not to criticise, but to supersede the use of the original
94-1476, p. 66 (1976) (hereinafter House Report). work, and substitute the review for it, such a use will be
deemed in law a piracy.
[T]he author's consent to a reasonable use of his
copyrighted works ha[d] always been implied by the Folsom v. Marsh, 9 F.Cas. 342, 344-345 (No. 4,901) (CC
courts as a necessary incident of the constitutional Mass.) As Justice Story's hypothetical illustrates, the fair
policy of promoting the progress of science and the use doctrine has always precluded a use that
useful arts, since a prohibition of such use would inhibit "supersede[s] the use of the
subsequent writers from attempting to improve upon original." Ibid. Accord, S.Rep. No. 94-473, p. 65 (1975)
prior works, and thus . . . frustrate the very ends sought (hereinafter Senate Report).
to be attained. [14] Perhaps because the fair use doctrine was
predicated on the author's implied consent to
Professor Latman, in a study of the doctrine of fair use "reasonable and customary" use when he released his
commissioned by Congress for the revision effort, see work for public consumption, fair use traditionally was
Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, not recognized as a defense to charges [p*551] of
Inc., 464 U.S. at 462-463, n. 9 (dissenting opinion), copying from an author's as yet unpublished works. [n4]
summarized prior law as turning on theimportance Under common law copyright, "the property of the
[p*550] of the material copied or performed from the author . . . in his intellectual creation [was] absolute
point of view of the reasonable copyright owner. In other until he voluntarily part[ed] with the same." This
words, would the reasonable copyright owner have absolute rule, however, was tempered in practice by the
consented to the use? equitable nature of the fair use doctrine. In a given
Latman 15. [n3] case, factors such as implied consent through de
facto publication on performance or dissemination of a
work may tip the balance of equities in favor of
prepublication use. See Copyright Law Revision -- Part 2:
Page 146 of 307
Discussion and Comments on Report of the Register of to control the first public distribution of an authorized
Copyrights on General Revision of the U.S. Copyright copy . . . of his work.
Law, 88th Cong., 1st Sess., 27 (H.R. Comm. Print 1963)
(discussion suggesting works disseminated to the public [16] Though the right of first publication, like the other
in a form not constituting a technical "publication" rights enumerated in � 106, is expressly made subject
should nevertheless be subject to fair use); 3 Nimmer � to the fair use provision of � 107, fair use analysis must
13.05, at 13-62, n. 2. But it has never been seriously always be tailored to the individual case. Id. at 65; 3
disputed that "the fact that the plaintiff's work is Nimmer � 13.05[A]. The [p*553] nature of the interest
unpublished . . . is a factor tending to negate the at stake is highly relevant to whether a given use is fair.
defense of fair use." Ibid. Publication of an author's From the beginning, those entrusted with the task of
expression before he has authorized its dissemination revision recognized theoverbalancing reasons to
seriously infringes the author's right to decide when and preserve the common law protection of undisseminated
whether it will be made public, a factor not present in works until the author or his successor chooses to
fair use of published works. [n5] [p*552] Respondents disclose them.
contend, however, that Congress, in including first
publication among the rights enumerated in � 106, The right of first publication implicates a threshold
which are expressly subject to fair use under � 107, decision by the author whether and in what form to
intended that fair use would apply in pari materia to release his work. First publication is inherently different
published and unpublished works. The Copyright Act from other � 106 rights in that only one person can be
does not support this proposition. the first publisher; as the contract with Time illustrates,
the commercial value of the right lies primarily in
[15] The Copyright Act represents the culmination of a exclusivity. Because the potential damage to the author
major legislative reexamination of copyright doctrine. from judicially enforced "sharing" of the first publication
Among its other innovations, it eliminated publication right with unauthorized users of his manuscript is
"as a dividing line between common law and statutory substantial, the balance of equities in evaluating such a
protection," House Report at 129, extending statutory claim of fair use inevitably shifts.
protection to all works from the time of their creation. It
also recognized for the first time a distinct statutory [17] The Senate Report confirms that Congress intended
right of first publication, which had previously been an the unpublished nature of the work to figure
element of the common law protections afforded prominently in fair use analysis. In discussing fair use of
unpublished works. The Report of the House Committee photocopied materials in the classroom the Committee
on the Judiciary confirms thatClause (3) of section 106, Report states:
establishes the exclusive right of publications. . . . Under
this provision, the copyright owner would have the right
Page 147 of 307
A key, though not necessarily determinative, factor in [18] Even if the legislative history were entirely silent,
fair use is whether or not the work is available to the we would be bound to conclude from Congress'
potential user. If the work is "out of print" and characterization of � 107 as a "restatement" that its
unavailable for purchase through normal channels, the effect was to preserve existing law concerning fair use
user may have more justification for reproducing it. . . . of unpublished works as of other types of protected
The applicability of the fair use doctrine to unpublished works, and not to "change, narrow, or enlarge it." Id. at
works is narrowly limited, since, although the work is 66. We conclude that the unpublished nature of a work
unavailable, this is the result of a deliberate choice on is "[a] key, though not necessarily determinative, factor"
the part of the copyright owner. Under ordinary tending to negate a defense of fair use.
circumstances, the copyright owner's "right of first
publication" would outweigh any needs of reproduction [19] We also find unpersuasive respondents' argument
for classroom purposes. that fair use may be made of a soon-to-be-published
manuscript on the ground that the author has
Although the Committee selected photocopying of demonstrated he has no interest in nonpublication. This
classroom materials to illustrate fair use, it emphasized argument assumes that the unpublished nature of
that "the same [p*554] general standards of fair use are copyrighted material is only relevant to letters or other
applicable to all kinds of uses of copyrighted confidential writings not intended for dissemination. It is
material." We find unconvincing respondents' contention true that common law copyright was often enlisted in
that the absence of the quoted passage from the House the service of personal privacy. In its commercial guise,
Report indicates an intent to abandon the traditional however, an author's right to choose when he will
distinction between fair use of published and publish is no less deserving of protection. [p*555] The
unpublished works. It appears instead that the fair use period encompassing the work's initiation, its
discussion of photocopying of classroom materials was preparation, and its grooming for public dissemination is
omitted from the final Report because educators and a crucial one for any literary endeavor. The Copyright
publishers in the interim had negotiated a set of Act, which accords the copyright owner the "right to
guidelines that rendered the discussion obsolete. House control the first public distribution" of his work, House
Report at 67. The House Report nevertheless Report at 62, echos the common law's concern that the
incorporates the discussion by reference, citing to the author or copyright owner retain control throughout this
Senate Report and stating: "The Committee has critical stage. The obvious benefit to author and public
reviewed this discussion, and considers it still has value alike of assuring authors the leisure to develop their
as an analysis of various aspects of the [fair use] ideas free from fear of expropriation outweighs any
problem." short-term "news value" to be gained from premature
publication of the author's expression. (The absolute
protection the common law accorded to soon-to-be
Page 148 of 307
published works "[was] justified by [its] brevity and expression as essential to reporting the news story it
expedience"). The author's control of first public claims the book itself represents. In respondents' view,
distribution implicates not only his personal interest in not only the facts contained in Mr. Ford's memoirs, but
creative control, but his property interest in exploitation "the precise manner in which [he] expressed himself
of prepublication rights, which are valuable in [were] as newsworthy as what he had to say." Brief for
themselves and serve as a valuable adjunct to publicity Respondents 38-39. Respondents argue that the public's
and marketing. (successful marketing depends on interest in learning this news as fast as possible
coordination of serialization and release to public); outweighs the right of the author to control its first
Marks, Subsidiary Rights and Permissions, in What publication.
Happens in Book Publishing 230 (C. Grannis ed.1967)
(exploitation of subsidiary rights is necessary to [21] The Second Circuit noted, correctly, that copyright's
financial success of new books). Under ordinary idea/ expression dichotomystrike[s] a definitional
circumstances, the author's right to control the first balance between the First Amendment and the
public appearance of his undisseminated expression will Copyright Act by permitting free communication of facts
outweigh a claim of fair use. while still protecting an author's expression.

B No author may copyright his ideas or the facts he

narrates. (Copyright laws are not restrictions on
[20] Respondents, however, contend that First freedom of speech, as copyright protects only form of
Amendment values require a different rule under the expression, and not the ideas expressed); 1 Nimmer �
circumstances of this case. The thrust of the decision 1.10[B][2]. As this Court long ago observed:
below is that "[t]he scope of [fair use] is undoubtedly
wider when the information [p*556] conveyed relates to [T]he news element -- the information respecting
matters of high public concern." Consumers Union of current events contained in the literary production -- is
the United States, Inc. v. General Signal Corp., 724 F.2d not the creation of the writer, but is a report of matters
1044, 1050 (CA2 1983) (construing 723 F.2d 195 (1983) that ordinarily are publici juris; it is the history of the
(case below) as allowing advertiser to quote Consumer day.
Reports), cert. denied, 469 U.S. 823 (1984).
Respondents advance the substantial public import of International News Service v. Associated Press, 248 U.S.
the subject matter of the Ford memoirs as grounds for 215, 234 (1918). But copyright assures those who write
excusing a use that would ordinarily not pass muster as and publish factual narratives such as "A Time to Heal"
a fair use -- the piracy of verbatim quotations for the that [p*557] they may at least enjoy the right to market
purpose of "scooping" the authorized first serialization. the original expression contained therein as just
Respondents explain their copying of Mr. Ford's compensation for their investment.
Page 149 of 307
the underlying work contains material of possible public
[22] Respondents' theory, however, would expand fair importance.
use to effectively destroy any expectation of copyright
protection in the work of a public figure. Absent such [24] In our haste to disseminate news, it should not be
protection, there would be little incentive to create or forgotten that the Framers intended copyright itself to
profit in financing such memoirs, and the public would be the engine of free expression. By establishing a
be denied an important source of significant historical marketable right to the use of one's expression,
information. The promise of copyright would be an copyright supplies the economic incentive to create and
empty one if it could be avoided merely by dubbing the disseminate ideas. This Court stated in Mazer v.
infringement a fair use "news report" of the book. Stein, 347 U.S. 201, 209 (1954):

[23] Nor do respondents assert any actual necessity for The economic philosophy behind the clause
circumventing the copyright scheme with respect to the empowering Congress to grant patents and copyrights
types of works and users at issue here. [n6] Where an is the conviction that encouragement of individual effort
author and publisher have invested extensive resources by personal gain is the best way to advance public
in creating an original work and are poised to release it welfare through the talents of authors and inventors in
to the public, no legitimate aim is served by preempting "science and useful Arts."
the right of first publication. The fact that the words the
author has chosen to clothe his narrative may of [25] And again in Twentieth Century Music Corp. v.
themselves be "newsworthy" is not an independent Aiken:
justification for unauthorized copying of the author's The immediate effect of our copyright law is to secure a
expression prior to publication. To paraphrase another fair return for an "author's" creative labor. But the
recent Second Circuit decision: ultimate aim is, by this incentive, to stimulate [the
creation of useful works] for the general public good.
[Respondent] possessed an unfettered right to use any
factual information revealed in [the memoirs] for the [26] It is fundamentally at odds with the scheme of
purpose of enlightening its audience, but it can claim copyright to accord lesser rights in those works that are
[p*558] no need to "bodily appropriate" [Mr. Ford's] of greatest importance to the public. Such a notion
"expression" of that information by utilizing portions of ignores the major premise of copyright, and injures
the actual [manuscript]. The public interest in the free author and public alike.
flow of information is assured by the law's refusal to
recognize a valid copyright in facts. The fair use [T]o propose that fair use be imposed whenever the
doctrine is not a license for corporate theft, empowering "social value [of dissemination] . . . outweighs any
a court to ignore a copyright whenever it determines detriment to the artist" would be to propose depriving
Page 150 of 307
copyright owners of their right in the property precisely [28] In view of the First Amendment protections already
when they encounter those users who could afford to embodied in the Copyright Act's distinction between
pay for it. copyrightable expression and uncopyrightable facts and
ideas, and the latitude for scholarship and comment
Gordon, Fair Use as Market Failure: A Structural and traditionally afforded by fair use, we see no warrant for
Economic Analysis of the Betamax Case and its expanding the doctrine of fair use to create what
Predecessors. And as one commentator has noted: amounts to a public figure exception to copyright.
Whether verbatim copying from a public figure's
If every volume that was in the public interest could be manuscript in a given case is or is not fair must be
pirated away by a competing publisher, . . . the public judged according to the traditional equities of fair use.
[soon] would have nothing worth reading.
[27] Moreover, freedom of thought and expression
"includes both the right to speak freely and the right to [29] Fair use is a mixed question of law and fact. Pacific
refrain from speaking at all." Wooley v. Maynard, 430 & Southern Co. v. Duncan, 744 F.2d 1490, 1495, n. 8
U.S. 705, 714 (1977) (BURGER, C.J.). We do not suggest (CA11 1984). Where the district court has found facts
this right not to speak would sanction abuse of the sufficient to evaluate each of the statutory factors, an
copyright owner's monopoly as an instrument to appellate courtneed not remand for further
suppress facts. But in the words of New York's Chief factfinding . . . , [but] may conclude as a matter of law
Judge Fuld: that [the challenged use] do[es] not qualify as a fair use
of the copyrighted work.
The essential thrust of the First Amendment is to
prohibit improper restraints on the voluntary public Thus whether The Nation article constitutes fair use
expression of ideas; it shields the man who wants to under � 107 must be reviewed in light of the principles
speak or publish when others wish him to be quiet. discussed above. The factors enumerated in the section
There is necessarily, and within suitably defined areas, a are not meant to be exclusive:
concomitant freedom not to speak publicly, one which [S]ince the doctrine is an equitable rule of reason, no
serves the same ultimate end as freedom of speech in generally applicable definition is possible, and each
its affirmative aspect. case raising the question must be decided on its own
Courts and commentators have recognized that
copyright, and the right of first publication in particular, House Report at 65. The four factors identified by
serve this countervailing First Amendment value. Congress as especially relevant in determining whether
the use was fair are: (1) the purpose and character of
Page 151 of 307
the use; (2) the nature of the copyrighted work; (3) the
substantiality of the portion used in relation to the The issue is not what constitutes "news," but whether a
copyrighted work as [p*561] a whole; (4) the effect on claim of newsreporting is a valid fair use defense to an
the potential market for or value of the copyrighted infringement of copyrightable expression.
work. We address each one separately.
The Nation has every right to seek to be the first to
[30] Purpose of the Use. The Second Circuit correctly publish information. But The Nation went beyond simply
identified news reporting as the general purpose of The reporting uncopyrightable information and actively
Nation's use. News reporting is one of the examples sought to exploit the headline value of its infringement,
enumerated in � 107 to "give some idea of the sort of making a "news event" out of its unauthorized first
activities the courts might regard as fair use under the publication of a noted figure's copyrighted expression.
circumstances." Senate Report at 61. This listing was
not intended to be exhaustive, see ibid.; � 101 [32] The fact that a publication was commercial, as
(definition of "including" and "such as"), or to single out opposed to nonprofit, is a separate factor that tends to
any particular use as presumptively a "fair" use. The weigh against a finding of fair use.
drafters resisted pressures from special interest groups
to create presumptive categories of fair use, but [E]very commercial use of copyrighted material is
structured the provision as an affirmative defense presumptively an unfair exploitation of the monopoly
requiring a case-by-case analysis. privilege that belongs to the owner of the copyright.

[W]hether a use referred to in the first sentence of In arguing that the purpose of news reporting is not
section 107 is a fair use in a particular case will depend purely commercial, The Nation misses the point entirely.
upon the application of the determinative factors, The crux of the profit/nonprofit distinction is not whether
including those mentioned in the second sentence. the sole motive of the use is monetary gain, but
whether the user stands to profit from exploitation of
Senate Report at 62. The fact that an article arguably is the copyrighted material without paying the customary
"news," and therefore a productive use, is simply one price.
factor in a fair use analysis.
[33] In evaluating character and purpose, we cannot
[31] We agree with the Second Circuit that the trial ignore The Nation's stated purpose of scooping the
court erred in fixing on whether the information forthcoming hardcover and Time abstracts. [n7] App. to
contained in the memoirs was actually new to the Pet. for Cert. C-27. The Nation's use had not merely the
public. As Judge Meskill wisely noted, "[c]ourts should incidental effect, but the intended purpose, of
be chary of deciding what is and what is not news." supplanting the copyright holder's commercially
Page 152 of 307
valuable right of first publication. Also relevant to the figures whose power lies in the author's individualized
"character" of the use is "the propriety of the expression. Such use, focusing on the most expressive
defendant's conduct." "Fair use presupposes `good faith' elements of the work, exceeds that necessary to
and `fair dealing.'" The trial court found that The Nation disseminate the facts.
knowingly exploited a purloined manuscript. Unlike the
typical claim of fair use, The Nation cannot offer up [35] The fact that a work is unpublished is a critical
even the fiction of consent as justification. Like its element of its "nature." Our prior discussion establishes
competitor newsweekly, it was free to bid for the right that the scope of fair use is narrower with respect to
of abstracting excerpts from "A Time to Heal." Fair use unpublished works. While even substantial quotations
"distinguishes between `a true scholar and a chiseler might qualify as fair use in a review of a published work
who infringes a work for personal profit.'" or a news account of a speech that had been delivered
to the public or disseminated to the press, see House
[34] Nature of the Copyrighted Work. Second, the Act Report at 65, the author's right to control the first public
directs attention to the nature of the copyrighted work. appearance of his expression weighs against such use
"A Time to Heal" may be characterized as an of the work before its release. The right of first
unpublished historical narrative or autobiography. The publication encompasses not only the choice whether to
law generally recognizes a greater need to disseminate publish at all, but also the choices of when, where, and
factual works than works of fiction or fantasy. in what form first to publish a work.

[E]ven within the field of fact works, there are [36] In the case of Mr. Ford's manuscript, the copyright
gradations as to the relative proportion of fact and holders' interest in confidentiality is irrefutable; the
fancy. One may move from sparsely embellished maps copyright holders had entered into a contractual
and directories to elegantly written biography. The undertaking to "keep the manuscript confidential" and
extent to which one must permit expressive language to required that all those to whom the manuscript was
be copied, in order to assure dissemination of the shown also "sign an agreement to keep the manuscript
underlying facts, will thus vary from case to case. confidential." While the copyright holders' contract with
Time required Time to submit its proposed article seven
Some of the briefer quotes from the memoirs are days before publication, The Nation's clandestine
arguably necessary adequately to convey the facts; for publication afforded no such opportunity for creative or
example, Mr. Ford's characterization of the White House quality control. Id. at C-18. It was hastily patched
tapes as the "smoking gun" is perhaps so integral to the together, and contained "a number of inaccuracies."
idea expressed as to be inseparable from it. But The App. 300b-300c (testimony of Victor Navasky). A use
Nation did not stop at isolated phrases, and instead that so clearly infringes the copyright holder's interests
excerpted subjective descriptions and portraits of public
Page 153 of 307
in confidentiality and creative control is difficult to qualitative value of the copied material, both to the
characterize as "fair." originator and to the plagiarist who seeks to profit from
marketing someone else's copyrighted expression.
[37] Amount and Substantiality of the Portion
Used. Next, the Act directs us to examine the amount [39] Stripped to the verbatim quotes, [n8] the direct
and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the takings from the unpublished manuscript constitute at
copyrighted work as a whole. In absolute terms, the least 13% of the infringing [p*566] article. (copyrighted
words actually quoted were an insubstantial portion of letters constituted less than 1% of infringing work but
"A Time to Heal." The District Court, however, found were prominently featured). The Nation article is
that "[T]he Nation took what was essentially the heart of structured around the quoted excerpts which serve as
the book." We believe the Court of Appeals erred in its dramatic focal points. In view of the expressive value
overruling the District Judge's evaluation of the of the excerpts and their key role in the infringing work,
qualitative nature of the taking. A Time editor described we cannot agree with the Second Circuit that the
the chapters on the pardon as "the most interesting and "magazine took a meager, indeed an infinitesimal,
moving parts of the entire manuscript." Reply Brief for amount of Ford's original language."
Petitioners 16, n. 8. The portions actually quoted were
selected by Mr. Navasky as among the most powerful [40] Effect on the Market. Finally, the Act focuses on
passages in those chapters. He testified that he used "the effect of the use upon the potential market for or
verbatim excerpts because simply reciting the value of the copyrighted work." This last factor is
information could not adequately convey the "absolute undoubtedly the single most important element of fair
certainty with which [Ford] expressed himself," App. use. [n9] "Fair use, when properly applied, is limited to
303, or show that "this comes from President copying by others which does not materially impair the
Ford," id. at 305, or carry the "definitive quality" of the marketability of the work which is copied." The trial
original, id. at 306. In short, he quoted these passages court found not merely a potential, but an actual, effect
precisely because they qualitatively embodied Ford's on the market. Time's cancellation of its projected
distinctive expression. serialization and its refusal to pay the $12,500 were the
direct effect of the infringement. The Court of Appeals
[38] As the statutory language indicates, a taking may rejected this factfinding as clearly erroneous, noting
not be excused merely because it is insubstantial with that the record did not establish a causal relation
respect to the infringing work. As Judge Learned Hand between Time's nonperformance and respondents'
cogently remarked, "no plagiarist can excuse the wrong unauthorized publication of Mr. Ford's expression, as
by showing how much of his work he did not pirate." opposed to the facts taken from the memoirs.
Conversely, the fact that a substantial portion of the
infringing work was copied verbatim is evidence of the
Page 154 of 307
We disagree. Rarely will a case of copyright works. If the defendant's work adversely affects the
infringement present such clear-cut evidence of actual value of any of the rights in the copyrighted work (in
damage. Petitioners assured Time that there would be this case the adaptation [and serialization] right) the
no other authorized publication of any portion of the use is not fair.
unpublished manuscript prior to April 23,
1979. Any publication of material from chapters 1 and 3 [42] It is undisputed that the factual material in the
would permit Time to renegotiate its final payment. balance of The Nation's article, besides the verbatim
Time cited The Nation's article, which contained quotes at issue here, was drawn exclusively from the
verbatim quotes from the unpublished manuscript, as a chapters on the pardon. The excerpts were employed as
reason for its nonperformance. With respect to featured episodes in a story about the Nixon pardon --
apportionment of profits flowing from a copyright precisely the use petitioners had licensed to Time. The
infringement, this Court has held that an infringer who borrowing of these verbatim quotes from the
commingles infringing and noninfringing elements unpublished manuscript lent The Nation's piece a
"must abide the consequences, unless he can make a special air of authenticity -- as Navasky expressed it, the
separation of the profits so as to assure to the injured reader would know it was Ford speaking, and not The
party all that justly belongs to him." (the infringer is Nation. App. 300c. Thus it directly competed for a share
required to prove elements of profits attributable to of the market for prepublication excerpts. The Senate
other than the infringed work). Similarly, once a Report states:
copyright holder establishes with reasonable probability With certain special exceptions . . . a use that supplants
the existence of a causal connection between the any part of the normal market for a copyrighted work
infringement and a loss of revenue, the burden properly would ordinarily be considered an infringement.
shifts to the infringer to show that this damage would
have occurred had there been no taking of copyrighted Senate Report at 65. [p*569] Placed in a broader
expression. Petitioners established a prima facie case of perspective, a fair use doctrine that permits extensive
actual damage that respondents failed to rebut. The prepublication quotations from an unreleased
trial court properly awarded actual damages and manuscript without the copyright owner's consent poses
accounting of profits. substantial potential for damage to the marketability of
first serialization rights in general.
[41] More important, to negate fair use, one need only
show that, if the challenged use "should become Isolated instances of minor infringements, when
widespread, it would adversely affect multiplied many times, become in the aggregate a
the potential market for the copyrighted work." This major inroad on copyright that must be prevented.
inquiry must take account not only of harm to the
original, but also of harm to the market for derivative V
Page 155 of 307
Secs. 186 to 190
[43] The Court of Appeals erred in concluding that The
Nation's use of the copyrighted material was excused by Section 186. Work of Architecture. - Copyright in a
the public's interest in the subject matter. It erred, as work of architecture shall include the right to control the
well, in overlooking the unpublished nature of the work erection of any building which reproduces the whole or a
and the resulting impact on the potential market for first substantial part of the work either in its original form or
serial rights of permitting unauthorized prepublication in any form recognizably derived from the original:
excerpts under the rubric of fair use. Finally, in finding Provided, That the copyright in any such work shall not
the taking "infinitesimal," the Court of Appeals accorded include the right to control the reconstruction or
too little weight to the qualitative importance of the rehabilitation in the same style as the original of a
quoted passages of original expression. In sum, the building to which that copyright relates. (n)
traditional doctrine of fair use, as embodied in the
Copyright Act, does not sanction the use made by The Section 187. Reproduction of Published Work. - 187.1.
Nation of these copyrighted materials. Any copyright Notwithstanding the provision of Section 177, and
infringer may claim to benefit the public by increasing subject to the provisions of Subsection 187.2, the
public access to the copyrighted work. But Congress has private reproduction of a published work in a single
not designed, and we see no warrant for judicially copy, where the reproduction is made by a natural
imposing, a "compulsory license" permitting unfettered person exclusively for research and private study, shall
access to the unpublished copyrighted expression of be permitted, without the authorization of the owner of
public figures. copyright in the work.

[44] The Nation conceded that its verbatim copying of 187.2. The permission granted under Subsection 187.1
some 300 words of direct quotation from the Ford shall not extend to the reproduction of:
manuscript would constitute an infringement unless
excused as a fair use. Because we find that The Nation's (a) A work of architecture in the form of building or
use of these verbatim excerpts from the unpublished other construction;
manuscript was not a fair use, the judgment of the (b) An entire book, or a substantial part thereof, or of a
Court of Appeals is reversed, and the case is remanded musical work in graphic form by reprographic means;
for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. (c) A compilation of data and other materials;
(d) A computer program except as provided in Section
[45] It is so ordered. 189; and
(e) Any work in cases where reproduction would
Exceptions to Copyright Protection unreasonably conflict with a normal exploitation of the

Page 156 of 307

work or would otherwise unreasonably prejudice the to reproduce a copy of a published work which is
legitimate interests of the author. (n) considered necessary for the collection of the library but
which is out of stock. (Sec. 13, P.D. 49a)
Section 188. Reprographic Reproduction by Libraries. -
188.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection Section 189. Reproduction of Computer Program. -
177.6, any library or archive whose activities are not for 189.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 177,
profit may, without the authorization of the author of the reproduction in one (1) back-up copy or adaptation
copyright owner, make a single copy of the work by of a computer program shall be permitted, without the
reprographic reproduction: authorization of the author of, or other owner of
copyright in, a computer program, by the lawful owner
(a) Where the work by reason of its fragile character or of that computer program: Provided, That the copy or
rarity cannot be lent to user in its original form; adaptation is necessary for:
(b) Where the works are isolated articles contained in
composite works or brief portions of other published (a) The use of the computer program in conjunction with
works and the reproduction is necessary to supply them, a computer for the purpose, and to the extent, for which
when this is considered expedient, to persons the computer program has been obtained; and
requesting their loan for purposes of research or study (b) Archival purposes, and, for the replacement of the
instead of lending the volumes or booklets which lawfully owned copy of the computer program in the
contain them; and event that the lawfully obtained copy of the computer
(c) Where the making of such a copy is in order to program is lost, destroyed or rendered unusable.
preserve and, if necessary in the event that it is lost,
destroyed or rendered unusable, replace a copy, or to 189.2. No copy or adaptation mentioned in this Section
replace, in the permanent collection of another similar shall be used for any purpose other than the ones
library or archive, a copy which has been lost, destroyed determined in this Section, and any such copy or
or rendered unusable and copies are not available with adaptation shall be destroyed in the event that
the publisher. continued possession of the copy of the computer
program ceases to be lawful.
188.2. Notwithstanding the above provisions, it shall not
be permissible to produce a volume of a work published 189.3. This provision shall be without prejudice to the
in several volumes or to produce missing tomes or application of Section 185 whenever appropriate. (n)
pages of magazines or similar works, unless the volume,
tome or part is out of stock: Provided, That every library Section 190. Importation for Personal Purposes. -
which, by law, is entitled to receive copies of a printed 190.1. Notwithstanding the provision of Subsection
work, shall be entitled, when special reasons so require, 177.6, but subject to the limitation under the Subsection
Page 157 of 307
185.2, the importation of a copy of a work by an 190.3. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of
individual for his personal purposes shall be permitted Finance, the Commissioner of Customs is hereby
without the authorization of the author of, or other empowered to make rules and regulations for
owner of copyright in, the work under the following preventing the importation of articles the importation of
circumstances: which is prohibited under this Section and under treaties
and conventions to which the Philippines may be a party
(a) When copies of the work are not available in the and for seizing and condemning and disposing of the
Philippines and: same in case they are discovered after they have been
imported. (Sec. 30, P.D. No. 49)
(i) Not more than one (1) copy at one time is imported
for strictly individual use only; or Deposit and Registration
(ii) The importation is by authority of and for the use of
the Philippine Government; or Sec. 191 & 192
(iii) The importation, consisting of not more than three
(3) such copies or likenesses in any one invoice, is not Section 191. Registration and Deposit with National
for sale but for the use only of any religious, charitable, Library and the Supreme Court Library. - After the first
or educational society or institution duly incorporated or public dissemination of performance by authority of the
registered, or is for the encouragement of the fine arts, copyright owner of a work falling under Subsections
or for any state school, college, university, or free public 172.1, 172.2 and 172.3 of this Act, there shall, for the
library in the Philippines. purpose of completing the records of the National
Library and the Supreme Court Library, within three (3)
(b) When such copies form parts of libraries and weeks, be registered and deposited with it, by personal
personal baggage belonging to persons or families delivery or by registered mail two (2) complete copies or
arriving from foreign countries and are not intended for reproductions of the work in such form as the directors
sale: Provided, That such copies do not exceed three of said libraries may prescribe. A certificate of deposit
(3). shall be issued for which the prescribed fee shall be
collected and the copyright owner shall be exempt from
190.2. Copies imported as allowed by this Section may making additional deposit of the works with the National
not lawfully be used in any way to violate the rights of Library and the Supreme Court Library under other laws.
owner the copyright or annul or limit the protection If, within three (3) weeks after receipt by the copyright
secured by this Act, and such unlawful use shall be owner of a written demand from the directors for such
deemed an infringement and shall be punishable as deposit, the required copies or reproductions are not
such without prejudice to the proprietor's right of action. delivered and the fee is not paid, the copyright owner
shall be liable to pay a fine equivalent to the required
Page 158 of 307
fee per month of delay and to pay to the National RTC-Quezon City, Branch 83, issued on March 17, 2003
Library and the Supreme Court Library the amount of Search Warrant No. 4044(03).[7]
the retail price of the best edition of the work. Only the
above mentioned classes of work shall be accepted for Respondents thereafter moved to quash and annul the
deposit by the National Library and the Supreme Court search warrant contending that the same is invalid since
Library. (Sec. 26, P.D. No. 49a) the requisites for its issuance have not been complied
with. They insisted that the sporting goods
Section 192. Notice of Copyright. - Each copy of a work manufactured by and/or registered in the name of
published or offered for sale may contain a notice MANLY are ordinary and common hence, not among the
bearing the name of the copyright owner, and the year classes of work protected under Section 172 of RA 8293.
of its first publication, and, in copies produced after the
creator's death, the year of such death. (Sec. 27, P.D. On June 10, 2003, the trial court granted the motion to
No. 49a) quash and declared Search Warrant No. 4044(03) null
and void based on its finding that the copyrighted
Cases: products of MANLY do not appear to be original
creations and were being manufactured and distributed
1. Manly Sportswear vs. Dadodette by different companies locally and abroad under various
Enterprises, G.R. 165303, Sept. 20, 2005 brands, and therefore unqualified for protection under
Section 172 of RA 8293. Moreover, MANLYs certificates
Facts: of registrations were issued only in 2002, whereas there
were certificates of registrations for the same sports
On March 14, 2003, Special Investigator Eliezer P. articles which were issued earlier than MANLYs, thus
Salcedo of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) further negating the claim that its copyrighted products
applied for a search warrant before the Regional Trial were original creations.[8]
Court (RTC) of Quezon City, based on the information
that Dadodette Enterprises and/or Hermes Sports On August 11, 2003, the trial court denied [9] MANLYs
Center were in possession of goods, the copyright of motion for reconsideration. Hence it filed a petition for
which belonged to Manly Sportswear Mfg., Inc. (MANLY). certiorari[10] before the Court of Appeals which was
denied for lack of merit. The appellate court found that
the trial court correctly granted the motion to quash and
After finding reasonable grounds that a violation of that its ruling in the ancillary proceeding did not
Sections 172 and 217 of Republic Act (RA) No. preempt the findings of the intellectual property court
8293[6] has been committed, Judge Estrella T. Estrada of as it did not resolve with finality the status or character
of the seized items.
Page 159 of 307
In the instant case, we find that the trial court did not
Issue: After denial of its motion for reconsideration on abuse its discretion when it entertained the motion to
September 15, 2004, MANLY filed the instant petition for quash considering that no criminal action has yet been
review on certiorari raising the sole issue of whether or instituted when it was filed. The trial court also properly
not the Court of Appeals erred in finding that the quashed the search warrant it earlier issued after
trial court did not gravely abuse its discretion in finding upon reevaluation of the evidence that no
declaring in the hearing for the quashal of the probable cause exists to justify its issuance in the first
search warrant that the copyrighted products of place. As ruled by the trial court, the copyrighted
MANLY are not original creations subject to the products do not appear to be original creations of
protection of RA 8293. MANLY and are not among the classes of work
enumerated under Section 172 of RA 8293. The trial
Held: We deny the petition. court, thus, may not be faulted for overturning its initial
assessment that there was probable cause in view of
The power to issue search warrants is exclusively vested its inherent power to issue search warrants and to
with the trial judges in the exercise of their judicial quash the same. No objection may be validly posed to
function.[11] As such, the power to quash the same also an order quashing a warrant already issued as the court
rests solely with them. After the judge has issued a must be provided with the opportunity to correct itself
warrant, he is not precluded to subsequently quash the of an error unwittingly committed, or, with like effect, to
same, if he finds upon reevaluation of the evidence that allow the aggrieved party the chance to convince the
no probable cause exists. court that its ruling is erroneous.

Our ruling in Solid Triangle Sales Corp. v. Sheriff, RTC, Moreover, the trial court was acting within bounds when
Q.C., Br. 93[12] is instructive, thus: it ruled, in an ancillary proceeding, that the copyrighted
products of petitioner are not original creations. This is
Inherent in the courts power to issue search warrants is because in the determination of the existence of
the power to quash warrants already issued. In this probable cause for the issuance or quashal of a warrant,
connection, this Court has ruled that the motion to it is inevitable that the court may touch on issues
quash should be filed in the court that issued the properly threshed out in a regular proceeding. In so
warrant unless a criminal case has already been doing, it does not usurp the power of, much less
instituted in another court, in which case, the motion preclude, the court from making a final judicial
should be filed with the latter. The ruling has since been determination of the issues in a full-blown trial.
incorporated in Rule 126 of the Revised Rules of Consequently, MANLYs assertion that the trial courts
Criminal Procedure[.] order quashing the warrant preempted the finding of
the intellectual property court has no legal basis.
Page 160 of 307
As pertinently held in Solid Triangle Sales Corp. v. Thus, in Vlasons Enterprises Corporation v. Court of
Sheriff, RTC, Q.C., Br. 93:[13] Appeals[14] we held that:

When the court, in determining probable cause for The proceeding for the seizure of property in virtue of a
issuing or quashing a search warrant, finds that no search warrant does not end with the actual taking of
offense has been committed, it does not interfere with the property by the proper officers and its delivery,
or encroach upon the proceedings in the preliminary usually constructive, to the court. The order for the
investigation. The court does not oblige the issuance of the warrant is not a final one and cannot
investigating officer not to file an information for the constitute res judicata. Such an order does not ascertain
courts ruling that no crime exists is only for purposes of and adjudicate the permanent status or character of the
issuing or quashing the warrant. This does not, as seized property. By its very nature, it is provisional,
petitioners would like to believe, constitute a usurpation interlocutory. It is merely the first step in the process to
of the executive function. Indeed, to shirk from this duty determine the character and title of the property. That
would amount to an abdication of a constitutional determination is done in the criminal action involving
obligation. the crime or crimes in connection with which the search
warrant was issued. Hence, such a criminal action
... should be prosecuted, or commenced if not yet
instituted, and prosecuted. The outcome of the criminal
... The finding by the court that no crime exists does not action will dictate the disposition of the seized property
preclude the authorized officer conducting the
preliminary investigation from making his own We have also ruled in Ching v. Salinas, Sr., et al.[15] that:
determination that a crime has been committed and
that probable cause exists for purposes of filing the The RTC had jurisdiction to delve into and resolve the
information. issue whether the petitioners utility models are
copyrightable and, if so, whether he is the owner of a
As correctly observed by the Court of Appeals, the trial copyright over the said models. It bears stressing that
courts finding that the seized products are not upon the filing of the application for search warrant, the
copyrightable was merely preliminary as it did not RTC was duty-bound to determine whether probable
finally and permanently adjudicate on the status and cause existed, in accordance with Section 4, Rule 126 of
character of the seized items. MANLY could still file a the Rules of Criminal Procedure[.]
separate copyright infringement suit against the
respondents because the order for the issuance or Further, the copyright certificates issued in favor of
quashal of a warrant is not res judicata. MANLY constitute merely prima facie evidence of
Page 161 of 307
validity and ownership. However, no presumption of WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The July 13,
validity is created where other evidence exist that may 2004 decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.
cast doubt on the copyright validity. Hence, where there 79887 and resolution dated September 15, 2004,
is sufficient proof that the copyrighted products are not areAFFIRMED.
original creations but are readily available in the market
under various brands, as in this case, validity and --------------
originality will not be presumed and the trial court may
properly quash the issued warrant for lack of probable

Besides, no copyright accrues in favor of MANLY despite

issuance of the certificates of registration and
deposit[16] pursuant to Section 2, Rule 7 of the
Copyrights Safeguards and Regulations[17] which states:

Sec. 2 Effects of Registration and Deposit of Work. The

registration and deposit of the work is purely for
recording the date of registration and deposit of the
work and shall not be conclusive as to copyright
ownership or the term of the copyrights or the rights of
the copyright owner, including neighboring rights.

At most, the certificates of registration and deposit

issued by the National Library and the Supreme Court
Library serve merely as a notice of recording and
registration of the work but do not confer any right or
title upon the registered copyright owner or
automatically put his work under the protective mantle
of the copyright law. It is not a conclusive proof of
copyright ownership. As it is, non-registration and
deposit of the work within the prescribed period only
makes the copyright owner liable to pay a fine.[18]

Page 162 of 307

02 September 2016 However, he may be held liable for damages for breach
of such contract. (Sec. 35, P.D. No. 49)
Moral Rights Section 195. Waiver of Moral Rights. - An author may
waive his rights mentioned in Section 193 by a written
Sec. 193 to 199 instrument, but no such waiver shall be valid where its
effects is to permit another:
MORAL RIGHTS 195.1. To use the name of the author, or the title
of his work, or otherwise to make use of his
Section 193. Scope of Moral Rights. - The author of a reputation with respect to any version or
work shall, independently of the economic rights in adaptation of his work which, because of
Section 177 or the grant of an assignment or license alterations therein, would substantially tend to
with respect to such right, have the right: injure the literary or artistic reputation of another
author; or
193.1. To require that the authorship of the works
be attributed to him, in particular, the right that 195.2. To use the name of the author with respect
his name, as far as practicable, be indicated in a to a work he did not create. (Sec. 36, P.D. No. 49)
prominent way on the copies, and in connection
with the public use of his work; Section 196. Contribution to Collective Work. - When
an author contributes to a collective work, his right to
193.2. To make any alterations of his work prior have his contribution attributed to him is deemed
to, or to withhold it from publication; waived unless he expressly reserves it. (Sec. 37, P.D. No.
193.3. To object to any distortion, mutilation or
other modification of, or other derogatory action Section 197. Editing, Arranging and Adaptation of
in relation to, his work which would be prejudicial Work. - In the absence of a contrary stipulation at the
to his honor or reputation; and time an author licenses or permits another to use his
193.4. To restrain the use of his name with respect work, the necessary editing, arranging or adaptation of
to any work not of his own creation or in a such work, for publication, broadcast, use in a motion
distorted version of his work. (Sec. 34, P.D. No. 49) picture, dramatization, or mechanical or electrical
reproduction in accordance with the reasonable and
Section 194. Breach of Contract. - An author cannot be customary standards or requirements of the medium in
compelled to perform his contract to create a work or which the work is to be used, shall not be deemed to
for the publication of his work already in existence. contravene the author's rights secured by this chapter.
Page 163 of 307
Nor shall complete destruction of a work unconditionally creator's death shall be held in trust for and remitted to
transferred by the author be deemed to violate such his heirs, and in default of the heirs, shall belong to the
rights. (Sec. 38, P.D. No. 49) government. (Sec. 40, P D No. 49)

Subsidiary Forms of Creation and Ownership

Performers and Producer

Section 198. Term of Moral Rights. –
Secs 202 to 207
198.1. The rights of an author under this chapter
shall last during the lifetime of the author and for RIGHTS OF PERFORMERS, PRODUCERS OF
fifty (50) years after his death and shall not be SOUNDS RECORDINGS AND BROADCASTING
assignable or subject to license. The person or ORGANIZATIONS
persons to be charged with the posthumous
enforcement of these rights shall be named in Section 202. Definitions. - For the purpose of this Act,
writing to be filed with the National Library. In the following terms shall have the following meanings:
default of such person or persons, such
enforcement shall devolve upon either the 202.1. "Performers" are actors, singers, musicians,
author's heirs, and in default of the heirs, the dancers, and other persons who act, sing,
Director of the National Library. declaim, play in, interpret, or otherwise perform
literary and artistic work;
198.2. For purposes of this Section, "Person" shall
mean any individual, partnership, corporation, 202.2. "Sound recording" means the fixation of
association, or society. The Director of the the sounds of a performance or of other sounds,
National Library may prescribe reasonable fees to or representation of sound, other than in the form
be charged for his services in the application of of a fixation incorporated in a cinematographic or
provisions of this Section. (Sec. 39, P.D. No. 49) other audiovisual work;

Section 199. Enforcement Remedies. - Violation of any 202.3. An "audiovisual work or fixation" is a work
of the rights conferred by this Chapter shall entitle those that consists of a series of related images which
charged with their enforcement to the same rights and impart the impression of motion, with or without
remedies available to a copyright owner. In addition, accompanying sounds, susceptible of being made
damages which may be availed of under the Civil Code visible and, where accompanied by sounds,
may also be recovered. Any damage recovered after the susceptible of being made audible;
Page 164 of 307
otherwise than by broadcasting, of sounds of a
202.4. "Fixation" means the embodiment of performance or the representations of sounds
sounds, or of the representations thereof, from fixed in a sound recording. For purposes of Section
which they can be perceived, reproduced or 209, "communication to the public" includes
communicated through a device; making the sounds or representations of sounds
fixed in a sound recording audible to the public.
202. 5. "Producer of a sound recording" means the
person, or the legal entity, who or which takes the Section 203. Scope of Performers' Rights. - Subject to
initiative and has the responsibility for the first the provisions of Section 212, performers shall enjoy the
fixation of the sounds of a performance or other following exclusive rights:
sounds, or the representation of sounds;
203.1. As regards their performances, the right of
202.6. "Publication of a fixed performance or a authorizing:
sound recording" means the offering of copies of
the fixed performance or the sound recording to (a) The broadcasting and other
the public, with the consent of the right holder: communication to the public of their
Provided, That copies are offered to the public in performance; and
reasonable quality;
(b) The fixation of their unfixed
202.7. "Broadcasting" means the transmission by performance.
wireless means for the public reception of sounds
or of images or of representations thereof; such 203.2. The right of authorizing the direct or
transmission by satellite is also "broadcasting" indirect reproduction of their performances fixed
where the means for decrypting are provided to in sound recordings, in any manner or form;
the public by the broadcasting organization or
with its consent; 203.3. Subject to the provisions of Section 206,
the right of authorizing the first public distribution
202.8. "Broadcasting organization" shall include a of the original and copies of their performance
natural person or a juridical entity duly authorized fixed in the sound recording through sale or rental
to engage in broadcasting; and or other forms of transfer of ownership;

202.9 "Communication to the public of a 203.4. The right of authorizing the commercial
performance or a sound recording" means the rental to the public of the original and copies of
transmission to the public, by any medium, their performances fixed in sound recordings,
Page 165 of 307
even after distribution of them by, or pursuant to broadcasting or fixation of his performance, the
the authorization by the performer; and provisions of Sections 203 shall have no further
203.5. The right of authorizing the making
available to the public of their performances fixed 205.2. The provisions of Section 184 and Section
in sound recordings, by wire or wireless means, in 185 shall apply mutatis mutandis to performers.
such a way that members of the public may (n)
access them from a place and time individually
chosen by them. (Sec. 42, P.D. No. 49a) Section 206. Additional Remuneration for Subsequent
Communications or Broadcasts. - Unless otherwise
Section 204. Moral Rights of Performers. – provided in the contract, in every communication to the
public or broadcast of a performance subsequent to the
204.1. Independently of a performer's economic first communication or broadcast thereof by the
rights, the performer, shall, as regards his live broadcasting organization, the performer shall be
aural performances or performances fixed in entitled to an additional remuneration equivalent to at
sound recordings, have the right to claim to be least five percent (5%) of the original compensation he
identified as the performer of his performances, or she received for the first communication or
except where the omission is dictated by the broadcast. (n)
manner of the use of the performance, and to
object to any distortion, mutilation or other Section 207. Contract Terms. - Nothing in this Chapter
modification of his performances that would be shall be construed to deprive performers of the right to
prejudicial to his reputation. agree by contracts on terms and conditions more
favorable for them in respect of any use of their
204.2. The rights granted to a performer in performance. (n)
accordance with Subsection 203.1 shall be
maintained and exercised fifty (50) years after his Sound Producers
death, by his heirs, and in default of heirs, the
government, where protection is claimed. (Sec. Sec. 208 to 210
43, P.D. No. 49)
Section 205. Limitation on Right. – PRODUCERS OF SOUND RECORDINGS

205.1. Subject to the provisions of Section 206,

once the performer has authorized the
Page 166 of 307
Section 208. Scope of Right. - Subject to the provisions Section 210. Limitation of Right. - Sections 184 and
of Section 212, producers of sound recordings shall 185 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the producer of
enjoy the following exclusive rights: sound recordings. (Sec. 48, P.D. No. 49a)

208.1. The right to authorize the direct or indirect Broadcasting Organizations

reproduction of their sound recordings, in any
manner or form; the placing of these Sec. 211
reproductions in the market and the right of rental
or lending; CHAPTER XIV
208.2. The right to authorize the first public
distribution of the original and copies of their Section 211. Scope of Right. - Subject to the provisions
sound recordings through sale or rental or other of Section 212, broadcasting organizations shall enjoy
forms of transferring ownership; and the exclusive right to carry out, authorize or prevent any
of the following acts:
208.3. The right to authorize the commercial
rental to the public of the original and copies of 211.1. The rebroadcasting of their broadcasts;
their sound recordings, even after distribution by
them by or pursuant to authorization by the 211.2. The recording in any manner, including the
producer. (Sec. 46, P.D. No. 49a) making of films or the use of video tape, of their
broadcasts for the purpose of communication to
Section 209. Communication to the Public. - If a sound the public of television broadcasts of the same;
recording published for commercial purposes, or a and
reproduction of such sound recording, is used directly
for broadcasting or for other communication to the 211.3. The use of such records for fresh
public, or is publicly performed with the intention of transmissions or for fresh recording. (Sec. 52, P.D.
making and enhancing profit, a single equitable No. 49)
remuneration for the performer or performers, and the
producer of the sound recording shall be paid by the 1. ABS-CBN v. PMSI GR Nos. 175769-70, January
user to both the performers and the producer, who, in 19, 2009
the absence of any agreement shall share equally. (Sec.
47, P.D. No. 49a) Facts: Petitioner ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation
(ABS-CBN) is licensed under the laws of the Republic of
the Philippines to engage in television and radio
Page 167 of 307
broadcasting.[4]It broadcasts television programs by However, on April 25, 2001,[6] ABS-CBN demanded for
wireless means to Metro Manila and nearby provinces, PMSI to cease and desist from rebroadcasting Channels
and by satellite to provincial stations through Channel 2 2 and 23. On April 27, 2001,[7] PMSI replied that the
on Very High Frequency (VHF) and Channel 23 on Ultra rebroadcasting was in accordance with the authority
High Frequency (UHF). The programs aired over granted it by NTC and its obligation under NTC
Channels 2 and 23 are either produced by ABS-CBN or Memorandum Circular No. 4-08-88,[8] Section 6.2 of
purchased from or licensed by other producers. which requires all cable television system operators
operating in a community within Grade A or B contours
ABS-CBN also owns regional television stations which to carry the television signals of the authorized
pattern their programming in accordance with perceived television broadcast stations.[9]
demands of the region. Thus, television programs shown
in Metro Manila and nearby provinces are not Thereafter, negotiations ensued between the parties in
necessarily shown in other provinces. an effort to reach a settlement; however, the
negotiations were terminated on April 4, 2002 by ABS-
Respondent Philippine Multi-Media System, Inc. (PMSI) is CBN allegedly due to PMSIs inability to ensure the
the operator of Dream Broadcasting System. It delivers prevention of illegal retransmission and further
digital direct-to-home (DTH) television via satellite to its rebroadcast of its signals, as well as the adverse effect
subscribers all over the Philippines. Herein individual of the rebroadcasts on the business operations of its
respondents, Cesar G. Reyes, Francis Chua, Manuel F. regional television stations.[10]
Abellada, Raul B. De Mesa, and Aloysius M. Colayco, are
members of PMSIs Board of Directors. On May 13, 2002, ABS-CBN filed with the IPO a
complaint for Violation of Laws Involving Property
PMSI was granted a legislative franchise under Republic Rights, with Prayer for the Issuance of a Temporary
Act No. 8630[5] on May 7, 1998 and was given a Restraining Order and/or Writ of Preliminary Injunction,
Provisional Authority by the National which was docketed as IPV No. 10-2002-0004. It alleged
Telecommunications Commission (NTC) on February 1, that PMSIs unauthorized rebroadcasting of Channels 2
2000 to install, operate and maintain a nationwide DTH and 23 infringed on its broadcasting rights and
satellite service. When it commenced operations, it copyright.
offered as part of its program line-up ABS-CBN Channels
2 and 23, NBN, Channel 4, ABC Channel 5, GMA Channel On July 2, 2002, the Bureau of Legal Affairs (BLA) of the
7, RPN Channel 9, and IBC Channel 13, together with IPO granted ABS-CBNs application for a temporary
other paid premium program channels. restraining order. On July 12, 2002, PMSI suspended its
retransmission of Channels 2 and 23 and likewise filed a

Page 168 of 307

petition for certiorari with the Court of Appeals, which services thereby providing a better medium of
was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 71597. dissemination of information to the public.

Subsequently, PMSI filed with the BLA a Manifestation In view of the foregoing and the spirit and intent
reiterating that it is subject to the must-carry rule under of NTC memorandum Circular No. 4-08-88,
Memorandum Circular No. 04-08-88. It also submitted a particularly section 6 thereof, on mandatory
letter dated December 20, 2002 of then NTC carriage of television broadcast signals, DTH pay
Commissioner Armi Jane R. Borje to PMSI stating as television services should be deemed covered by
follows: such NTC Memorandum Circular.

This refers to your letter dated December 16, 2002 For your guidance.
requesting for regulatory guidance from this
Commission in connection with the application and On August 26, 2003, PMSI filed another Manifestation
coverage of NTC Memorandum Circular No. 4-08-88, with the BLA that it received a letter dated July 24, 2003
particularly Section 6 thereof, on mandatory carriage of from the NTC enjoining strict and immediate compliance
television broadcast signals, to the direct-to-home (DTH) with the must-carry rule under Memorandum Circular
pay television services of Philippine Multi-Media System, No. 04-08-88, to wit:
Inc. (PMSI).
Dear Mr. Abellada:
Preliminarily, both DTH pay television and cable
television services are broadcast services, the only Last July 22, 2003, the National Telecommunications
difference being the medium of delivering such services Commission (NTC) received a letter dated July 17, 2003
(i.e. the former by satellite and the latter by cable). Both from President/COO Rene Q. Bello of the International
can carry broadcast signals to the remote areas, thus Broadcasting Corporation (IBC-Channel 13) complaining
enriching the lives of the residents thereof through the that your company, Dream Broadcasting System, Inc.,
dissemination of social, economic, educational has cut-off, without any notice or explanation
information and cultural programs. whatsoever, to air the programs of IBC-13, a free-to-air
television, to the detriment of the public.
The DTH pay television services of PMSI is equipped to
provide nationwide DTH satellite services. Concededly, We were told that, until now, this has been going on.
PMSIs DTH pay television services covers very much
wider areas in terms of carriage of broadcast signals, Please be advised that as a direct broadcast
including areas not reachable by cable television satellite operator, operating a direct-to-home
(DTH) broadcasting system, with a provisional
Page 169 of 307
authority (PA) from the NTC, your company, along Implementing Rules and Regulations Governing
with cable television operators, are mandated to Community Antenna/Cable Television (CATV) and Direct
strictly comply with the existing policy of NTC on Broadcast Satellite (DBS) Services to Promote
mandatory carriage of television broadcast Competition in the Sector. Article 6, Section 8 thereof
signals as provided under Memorandum Circular states:
No. 04-08-88, also known as the Revised Rules
and Regulations Governing Cable Television As a general rule, the reception, distribution and/or
System in the Philippines. transmission by any CATV/DBS operator of any
television signals without any agreement with or
This mandatory coverage provision under Section authorization from program/content providers are
6.2 of said Memorandum Circular, requires all prohibited.
cable television system operators, operating in a
community within the Grade A or B contours to On whether Memorandum Circular No. 10-10-2003
must-carry the television signals of the amended Memorandum Circular No. 04-08-88, the NTC
authorized television broadcast stations, one of explained to PMSI in a letter dated November 3, 2003
which is IBC-13. Said directive equally applies to that:
your company as the circular was issued to give
consumers and the public a wider access to more To address your query on whether or not the provisions
sources of news, information, entertainment and of MC 10-10-2003 would have the effect of amending
other programs/contents. the provisions of MC 4-08-88 on mandatory carriage of
television signals, the answer is in the negative.
This Commission, as the governing agency vested by
laws with the jurisdiction, supervision and control over xxxx
all public services, which includes direct broadcast
satellite operators, and taking into consideration the The Commission maintains that, MC 4-08-88 remains
paramount interest of the public in general, hereby valid, subsisting and enforceable.
directs you to immediately restore the signal of IBC-13
in your network programs, pursuant to existing circulars Please be advised, therefore, that as duly licensed
and regulations of the Commission. direct-to-home satellite television service
provider authorized by this Commission, your
For strict compliance. company continues to be bound by the guidelines
provided for under MC 04-08-88, specifically your
Meanwhile, on October 10, 2003, the NTC issued obligation under its mandatory carriage
Memorandum Circular No. 10-10-2003, entitled
Page 170 of 307
provisions, in addition to your obligations under
MC 10-10-2003. SO ORDERED.

Please be guided accordingly. Thus, ABS-CBN filed a petition for review with prayer for
issuance of a temporary restraining order and writ of
On December 22, 2003, the BLA rendered a preliminary injunction with the Court of Appeals, which
decision[14] finding that PMSI infringed the broadcasting was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 88092.
rights and copyright of ABS-CBN and ordering it to
permanently cease and desist from rebroadcasting On July 18, 2005, the Court of Appeals issued a
Channels 2 and 23. temporary restraining order. Thereafter, ABS-CBN filed a
petition for contempt against PMSI for continuing to
On February 6, 2004, PMSI filed an appeal with the rebroadcast Channels 2 and 23 despite the restraining
Office of the Director-General of the IPO which was order. The case was docketed as CA- G.R. SP No. 90762.
docketed as Appeal No. 10-2004-0002. On December
23, 2004, it also filed with the Court of Appeals a Motion On November 14, 2005, the Court of Appeals ordered
to Withdraw Petition; Alternatively, Memorandum of the the consolidation of CA-G.R. SP Nos. 88092 and 90762.
Petition for Certiorari in CA-G.R. SP No. 71597, which
was granted in a resolution dated February 17, 2005. In the assailed Decision dated July 12, 2006, the Court
of Appeals sustained the findings of the Director-
On December 20, 2004, the Director-General of the IPO General of the IPO and dismissed both petitions filed by
rendered a decision[15] in favor of PMSI, the dispositive ABS-CBN.
portion of which states:
ABS-CBNs motion for reconsideration was denied,
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant appeal is hence, this petition.
hereby GRANTED. Accordingly, Decision No. 2003-01
dated 22 December 2003 of the Director of Bureau of Held: ABS-CBN contends that PMSIs unauthorized
Legal Affairs is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. rebroadcasting of Channels 2 and 23 is an infringement
of its broadcasting rights and copyright under the
Let a copy of this Decision be furnished the Director of Intellectual Property Code (IP Code);[18]that
the Bureau of Legal Affairs for appropriate action, and Memorandum Circular No. 04-08-88 excludes DTH
the records be returned to her for proper satellite television operators; that the Court of Appeals
disposition. The Documentation, Information and interpretation of the must-carry rule violates Section 9
Technology Transfer Bureau is also given a copy for of Article III[19] of the Constitution because it allows the
library and reference purposes. taking of property for public use without payment of just
Page 171 of 307
compensation; that the Court of Appeals erred in that copyright or economic rights shall consist of the
dismissing the petition for contempt docketed as CA- exclusive right to carry out, authorize or prevent the
G.R. SP No. 90762 without requiring respondents to file public performance of the work (Section 177.6), and
comment. other communication to the public of the work (Section
Respondents, on the other hand, argue that PMSIs
rebroadcasting of Channels 2 and 23 is sanctioned by Section 202.7 of the IP Code defines broadcasting as
Memorandum Circular No. 04-08-88; that the must-carry the transmission by wireless means for the public
rule under the Memorandum Circular is a valid exercise reception of sounds or of images or of representations
of police power; and that the Court of Appeals correctly thereof; such transmission by satellite is also
dismissed CA-G.R. SP No. 90762 since it found no need broadcasting where the means for decrypting are
to exercise its power of contempt. provided to the public by the broadcasting organization
or with its consent.
After a careful review of the facts and records of this
case, we affirm the findings of the Director-General of On the other hand, rebroadcasting as defined in
the IPO and the Court of Appeals. Article 3(g) of the International Convention for the
Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and
There is no merit in ABS-CBNs contention that PMSI Broadcasting Organizations, otherwise known as the
violated its broadcasters rights under Section 211 of the 1961 Rome Convention, of which the Republic of
IP Code which provides in part: the Philippines is a signatory, [21] is the simultaneous
broadcasting by one broadcasting organization of the
Chapter XIV broadcast of another broadcasting organization.
The Director-General of the IPO correctly found that
Sec. 211. Scope of Right. - Subject to the provisions of PMSI is not engaged in rebroadcasting and thus cannot
Section 212, broadcasting organizations shall enjoy the be considered to have infringed ABS-CBNs broadcasting
exclusive right to carry out, authorize or prevent any of rights and copyright, thus:
the following acts:
That the Appellants [herein respondent PMSI]
211.1. The rebroadcasting of their broadcasts; subscribers are able to view Appellees [herein petitioner
ABS-CBN] programs (Channels 2 and 23) at the same
xxxx time that the latter is broadcasting the same is
Neither is PMSI guilty of infringement of ABS-CBNs undisputed. The question however is, would the
copyright under Section 177 of the IP Code which states Appellant in doing so be considered engaged in
Page 172 of 307
broadcasting. Section 202.7 of the IP Code states that 4.The means for decrypting are provided to the public
broadcasting meansthe transmission by wireless means by the broadcasting organization or with its consent.
for the public reception of sounds or of images or of
representations thereof; such transmission by satellite is It is only the presence of all the above elements can a
also broadcasting where the means for decrypting are determination that the DTH is broadcasting and
provided to the public by the broadcasting organization consequently, rebroadcasting Appellees signals in
or with its consent. violation of Sections 211 and 177 of the IP Code, may be
arrived at.
Section 202.7 of the IP Code, thus, provides two
instances wherein there is broadcasting, to wit: Accordingly, this Office is of the view that the
transmission contemplated under Section 202.7 of the
1.The transmission by wireless means for the public IP Code presupposes that the origin of the signals is the
reception of sounds or of images or of representations broadcaster. Hence, a program that is broadcasted is
thereof; and attributed to the broadcaster. In the same manner, the
rebroadcasted program is attributed to the
2.The transmission by satellite for the public reception rebroadcaster.
of sounds or of images or of representations thereof
where the means for decrypting are provided to the In the case at hand, Appellant is not the origin nor does
public by the broadcasting organization or with its it claim to be the origin of the programs broadcasted by
consent. the Appellee. Appellant did not make and transmit on its
own but merely carried the existing signals of the
It is under the second category that Appellants DTH Appellee. When Appellants subscribers view Appellees
satellite television service must be examined since it is programs in Channels 2 and 23, they know that the
satellite-based. The elements of such category are as origin thereof was the Appellee.
Aptly, it is imperative to discern the nature of
1.There is transmission of sounds or images or of broadcasting. When a broadcaster transmits, the signals
representations thereof; are scattered or dispersed in the air. Anybody may pick-
up these signals. There is no restriction as to its
2.The transmission is through satellite; number, type or class of recipients. To receive the
signals, one is not required to subscribe or to pay any
3.The transmission is for public reception; and fee. One only has to have a receiver, and in case of
television signals, a television set, and to tune-in to the
right channel/frequency. The definition of broadcasting,
Page 173 of 307
wherein it is required that the transmission is wireless, This Office also finds no evidence on record showing
all the more supports this discussion. Apparently, the that the Appellant has provided decrypting means to
undiscriminating dispersal of signals in the air is the public indiscriminately. Considering the nature of
possible only through wireless means. The use of wire in this case, which is punitive in fact, the burden of proving
transmitting signals, such as cable television, limits the the existence of the elements constituting the acts
recipients to those who are connected. Unlike wireless punishable rests on the shoulder of the complainant.
transmissions, in wire-based transmissions, it is not
enough that one wants to be connected and possesses Accordingly, this Office finds that there is no
the equipment. The service provider, such as cable rebroadcasting on the part of the Appellant of the
television companies may choose its subscribers. Appellees programs on Channels 2 and 23, as defined
under the Rome Convention.
The only limitation to such dispersal of signals in the air
is the technical capacity of the transmitters and other Under the Rome Convention, rebroadcasting is the
equipment employed by the broadcaster. While the simultaneous broadcasting by one broadcasting
broadcaster may use a less powerful transmitter to limit organization of the broadcast of another broadcasting
its coverage, this is merely a business strategy or organization. The Working Paper[23] prepared by the
decision and not an inherent limitation when Secretariat of the Standing Committee on Copyright and
transmission is through cable. Related Rights defines broadcasting organizations as
entities that take the financial and editorial
Accordingly, the nature of broadcasting is to scatter the responsibility for the selection and arrangement of, and
signals in its widest area of coverage as possible. On investment in, the transmitted content.[24] Evidently,
this score, it may be said that making public means that PMSI would not qualify as a broadcasting organization
accessibility is undiscriminating as long as it [is] within because it does not have the aforementioned
the range of the transmitter and equipment of the responsibilities imposed upon broadcasting
broadcaster. That the medium through which the organizations, such as ABS-CBN.
Appellant carries the Appellees signal, that is via
satellite, does not diminish the fact that it operates and ABS-CBN creates and transmits its own signals; PMSI
functions as a cable television. It remains that the merely carries such signals which the viewers receive in
Appellants transmission of signals via its DTH satellite its unaltered form. PMSI does not produce, select, or
television service cannot be considered within the determine the programs to be shown in Channels 2 and
purview of broadcasting. x x x 23. Likewise, it does not pass itself off as the origin or
author of such programs. Insofar as Channels 2 and 23
xxxx are concerned, PMSI merely retransmits the same in
accordance with Memorandum Circular 04-08-88. With
Page 174 of 307
regard to its premium channels, it buys the channels transmissions which are both simultaneous and
from content providers and transmits on an as-is basis unaltered.
to its viewers. Clearly, PMSI does not perform the
functions of a broadcasting organization; thus, it cannot 49. The Rome Convention does not grant rights
be said that it is engaged in rebroadcasting Channels 2 against unauthorized cable retransmission.
and 23. Without such a right, cable operators can
retransmit both domestic and foreign over the air
The Director-General of the IPO and the Court of broadcasts simultaneously to their subscribers
Appeals also correctly found that PMSIs services are without permission from the broadcasting
similar to a cable television system because the organizations or other rightholders and without
services it renders fall under cable retransmission, as obligation to pay remuneration.
described in the Working Paper, to wit:
Thus, while the Rome Convention gives broadcasting
(G) Cable Retransmission organizations the right to authorize or prohibit the
rebroadcasting of its broadcast, however, this protection
47. When a radio or television program is being does not extend to cable retransmission. The
broadcast, it can be retransmitted to new audiences by retransmission of ABS-CBNs signals by PMSI which
means of cable or wire. In the early days of cable functions essentially as a cable television does not
television, it was mainly used to improve signal therefore constitute rebroadcasting in violation of the
reception, particularly in so-called shadow zones, or to formers intellectual property rights under the IP Code.
distribute the signals in large buildings or building
complexes. With improvements in technology, cable It must be emphasized that the law on copyright is not
operators now often receive signals from satellites absolute. The IP Code provides that:
before retransmitting them in an unaltered form to their
subscribers through cable. Sec. 184. Limitations on Copyright. -

48. In principle, cable retransmission can be either 184.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter V, the
simultaneous with the broadcast over-the-air or delayed following acts shall not constitute infringement of
(deferred transmission) on the basis of a fixation or a copyright:
reproduction of a fixation.Furthermore, they might be
unaltered or altered, for example through replacement xxxx
of commercials, etc. In general, however, the term (h) The use made of a work by or under the direction or
retransmission seems to be reserved for such control of the Government, by the National Library or by
educational, scientific or professional institutions where
Page 175 of 307
such use is in the public interest and is compatible with WHEREAS, cable television (CATV) systems could
fair use; support or supplement the services provided by
television broadcast facilities, local and overseas, as the
The carriage of ABS-CBNs signals by virtue of the must- national information highway to the countryside.
carry rule in Memorandum Circular No. 04-08-88 is
under the direction and control of the government The Court of Appeals likewise correctly observed that:
though the NTC which is vested with exclusive
jurisdiction to supervise, regulate and control [T]he very intent and spirit of the NTC Circular will
telecommunications and broadcast services/facilities in prevent a situation whereby station owners and a few
the Philippines.[26] The imposition of the must-carry rule networks would have unfettered power to make time
is within the NTCs power to promulgate rules and available only to the highest bidders, to communicate
regulations, as public safety and interest may require, to only their own views on public issues, people, and to
encourage a larger and more effective use of permit on the air only those with whom they agreed
communications, radio and television broadcasting contrary to the state policy that the (franchise) grantee
facilities, and to maintain effective competition among like the petitioner, private respondent and other TV
private entities in these activities whenever the station owners, shall provide at all times sound and
Commission finds it reasonably feasible.[27] As correctly balanced programming and assist in the functions of
observed by the Director-General of the IPO: public information and education.

Accordingly, the Must-Carry Rule under NTC Circular No. This is for the first time that we have a structure that
4-08-88 falls under the foregoing category of limitations works to accomplish explicit state policy goals.
on copyright. This Office agrees with the Appellant
[herein respondent PMSI] that the Must-Carry Rule is in Indeed, intellectual property protection is merely a
consonance with the principles and objectives means towards the end of making society benefit from
underlying Executive Order No. 436,[28] to wit: the creation of its men and women of talent and
genius. This is the essence of intellectual property laws,
The Filipino people must be given wider access to more and it explains why certain products of ingenuity that
sources of news, information, education, sports event are concealed from the public are outside the pale of
and entertainment programs other than those provided protection afforded by the law. It also explains why the
for by mass media and afforded television programs to author or the creator enjoys no more rights than are
attain a well informed, well-versed and culturally refined consistent with public welfare.[31]
citizenry and enhance their socio-economic growth:
Further, as correctly observed by the Court of Appeals,
the must-carry rule as well as the legislative franchises
Page 176 of 307
granted to both ABS-CBN and PMSI are in consonance In Telecom. & Broadcast Attys. of the Phils., Inc. v.
with state policies enshrined in the Constitution, COMELEC,[36] the Court held that a franchise is a mere
specifically Sections 9,[32] 17,[33] and 24[34] of Article II on privilege which may be reasonably burdened with some
the Declaration of Principles and State Policies.[35] form of public service. Thus:

ABS-CBN was granted a legislative franchise under All broadcasting, whether by radio or by television
Republic Act No. 7966, Section 1 of which authorizes it stations, is licensed by the government. Airwave
to construct, operate and maintain, for commercial frequencies have to be allocated as there are more
purposes and in the public interest, television and radio individuals who want to broadcast than there are
broadcasting in and throughout the Philippines x x frequencies to assign. A franchise is thus a privilege
x. Section 4 thereof mandates that it shall provide subject, among other things, to amendment by
adequate public service time to enable the government, Congress in accordance with the constitutional provision
through the said broadcasting stations, to reach the that any such franchise or right granted . . . shall be
population on important public issues; provide at all subject to amendment, alteration or repeal by the
times sound and balanced programming;promote public Congress when the common good so requires.
participation such as in community programming; assist
in the functions of public information and education x x xxxx
Indeed, provisions for COMELEC Time have been made
PMSI was likewise granted a legislative franchise under by amendment of the franchises of radio and television
Republic Act No. 8630, Section 4 of which similarly broadcast stations and, until the present case was
states that it shall provide adequate public service time brought, such provisions had not been thought of as
to enable the government, through the said taking property without just compensation. Art. XII, 11
broadcasting stations, to reach the population on of the Constitution authorizes the amendment of
important public issues; provide at all times sound and franchises for the common good. What better measure
balanced programming; promote public participation can be conceived for the common good than one for
such as in community programming; assist in the free air time for the benefit not only of candidates but
functions of public information and education x x even more of the public, particularly the voters, so that
x. Section 5, paragraph 2 of the same law provides that they will be fully informed of the issues in an election?
the radio spectrum is a finite resource that is a part of [I]t is the right of the viewers and listeners, not the right
the national patrimony and the use thereof is a privilege of the broadcasters, which is paramount.
conferred upon the grantee by the State and may be
withdrawn anytime, after due process. Nor indeed can there be any constitutional objection to
the requirement that broadcast stations give free air
Page 177 of 307
time. Even in the United States, there are responsible its regional stations. Except for the testimonies of its
scholars who believe that government controls on witnesses,[39] no studies, statistical data or information
broadcast media can constitutionally be instituted to have been submitted in evidence.
ensure diversity of views and attention to public affairs
to further the system of free expression. For this Administrative charges cannot be based on mere
purpose, broadcast stations may be required to give speculation or conjecture. The complainant has the
free air time to candidates in an election. Thus, burden of proving by substantial evidence the
Professor Cass R. Sunstein of the University of Chicago allegations in the complaint.[40] Mere allegation is not
Law School, in urging reforms in regulations affecting evidence, and is not equivalent to proof.[41]
the broadcast industry, writes:
Anyone in the country who owns a television set and
xxxx antenna can receive ABS-CBNs signals for free. Other
broadcasting organizations with free-to-air signals such
In truth, radio and television broadcasting companies, as GMA-7, RPN-9, ABC-5, and IBC-13 can likewise be
which are given franchises, do not own the airwaves accessed for free. No payment is required to view the
and frequencies through which they transmit broadcast said channels[42] because these broadcasting networks
signals and images.They are merely given the do not generate revenue from subscription from their
temporary privilege of using them. Since a franchise is a viewers but from airtime revenue from contracts with
mere privilege, the exercise of the privilege may commercial advertisers and producers, as well as from
reasonably be burdened with the performance by the direct sales.
grantee of some form of public service. x x x
In contrast, cable and DTH television earn revenues
There is likewise no merit to ABS-CBNs claim that PMSIs from viewer subscription. In the case of PMSI, it offers
carriage of its signals is for a commercial purpose; that its customers premium paid channels from content
its being the country’s top broadcasting company, the providers like Star Movies, Star World, Jack TV, and AXN,
availability of its signals allegedly enhances PMSIs among others, thus allowing its customers to go beyond
attractiveness to potential customers;[38] or that the the limits of Free TV and Cable TV. [43] It does not
unauthorized carriage of its signals by PMSI has created advertise itself as a local channel carrier because these
competition between its Metro Manila and regional local channels can be viewed with or without DTH
stations. television.

ABS-CBN presented no substantial evidence to prove Relevantly, PMSIs carriage of Channels 2 and 23 is
that PMSI carried its signals for profit; or that such material in arriving at the ratings and audience share of
carriage adversely affected the business operations of ABS-CBN and its programs. These ratings help
Page 178 of 307
commercial advertisers and producers decide whether profit. The right of the viewers and listeners to the most
to buy airtime from the network. Thus, the must-carry diverse choice of programs available is paramount.
rule is actually advantageous to the broadcasting The Director-General correctly observed, thus:
networks because it provides them with increased
viewership which attracts commercial advertisers and The Must-Carry Rule favors both broadcasting
producers. organizations and the public. It prevents cable television
companies from excluding broadcasting organization
On the other hand, the carriage of free-to-air signals especially in those places not reached by signal. Also,
imposes a burden to cable and DTH television providers the rule prevents cable television companies from
such as PMSI. PMSI uses none of ABS-CBNs resources or depriving viewers in far-flung areas the enjoyment of
equipment and carries the signals and shoulders the programs available to city viewers. In fact, this Office
costs without any recourse of charging. [44] Moreover, finds the rule more burdensome on the part of the cable
such carriage of signals takes up channel space which television companies. The latter carries the television
can otherwise be utilized for other premium paid signals and shoulders the costs without any recourse of
channels. charging. On the other hand, the signals that are carried
by cable television companies are dispersed and
There is no merit to ABS-CBNs argument that PMSIs scattered by the television stations and anybody with a
carriage of Channels 2 and 23 resulted in competition television set is free to pick them up.
between its Metro Manila and regional stations. ABS-
CBN is free to decide to pattern its regional With its enormous resources and vaunted technological
programming in accordance with perceived demands of capabilities, Appellees [herein petitioner ABS-CBN]
the region; however, it cannot impose this kind of broadcast signals can reach almost every corner of the
programming on the regional viewers who are also archipelago. That in spite of such capacity, it chooses to
entitled to the free-to-air channels. It must be maintain regional stations, is a business decision. That
emphasized that, as a national broadcasting the Must-Carry Rule adversely affects the profitability of
organization, one of ABS-CBNs responsibilities is to maintaining such regional stations since there will be
scatter its signals to the widest area of coverage as competition between them and its Metro Manila station
possible. That it should limit its signal reach for the sole is speculative and an attempt to extrapolate the effects
purpose of gaining profit for its regional stations of the rule. As discussed above, Appellants DTH satellite
undermines public interest and deprives the viewers of television services is of limited subscription. There was
their right to access to information. not even a showing on part of the Appellee the number
of Appellants subscribers in one region as compared to
Indeed, television is a business; however, the welfare of non-subscribing television owners. In any event, if this
the people must not be sacrificed in the pursuit of Office is to engage in conjecture, such competition
Page 179 of 307
between the regional stations and the Metro Manila Whereas, Cable Television Systems or Community
station will benefit the public as such competition will Antenna Television (CATV) have shown their ability to
most likely result in the production of better television offer additional programming and to carry much
programs.[46] improved broadcast signals in the remote areas, thereby
enriching the lives of the rest of the population through
All told, we find that the Court of Appeals correctly the dissemination of social, economic, educational
upheld the decision of the IPO Director-General that information and cultural programs;
PMSI did not infringe on ABS-CBNs intellectual property
rights under the IP Code. The findings of facts of Whereas, the national government supports the
administrative bodies charged with their specific field of promotes the orderly growth of the Cable Television
expertise, are afforded great weight by the courts, and industry within the framework of a regulated fee
in the absence of substantial showing that such findings enterprise, which is a hallmark of a democratic society;
are made from an erroneous estimation of the evidence
presented, they are conclusive, and in the interest of Whereas, public interest so requires that monopolies in
stability of the governmental structure, should not be commercial mass media shall be regulated or
disturbed.[47] prohibited, hence, to achieve the same, the cable TV
industry is made part of the broadcast media;
Moreover, the factual findings of the Court of Appeals
are conclusive on the parties and are not reviewable by Whereas, pursuant to Act 3846 as amended and
the Supreme Court. They carry even more weight when Executive Order 205 granting the National
the Court of Appeals affirms the factual findings of a Telecommunications Commission the authority to set
lower fact-finding body,[48] as in the instant case. down rules and regulations in order to protect the public
and promote the general welfare, the National
There is likewise no merit to ABS-CBNs contention that Telecommunications Commission hereby promulgates
the Memorandum Circular excludes from its coverage the following rules and regulations on Cable Television
DTH television services such as those provided by Systems;
PMSI.Section 6.2 of the Memorandum Circular requires
all cable television system operators operating in a The policy of the Memorandum Circular is to carry
community within Grade A or B contours to carry the improved signals in remote areas for the good of the
television signals of the authorized television broadcast general public and to promote dissemination of
stations.[49] The rationale behind its issuance can be information. In line with this policy, it is clear that DTH
found in the whereas clauses which state: television should be deemed covered by the
Memorandum Circular. Notwithstanding the different
technologies employed, both DTH and cable television
Page 180 of 307
have the ability to carry improved signals and promote the essential requisites for a successful judicial inquiry
dissemination of information because they operate and into constitutional questions is that the resolution of the
function in the same way. constitutional question must be necessary in deciding
the case.[53] InSpouses Mirasol v. Court of Appeals,[54] we
In its December 20, 2002 letter,[50] the NTC explained held:
that both DTH and cable television services are of a
similar nature, the only difference being the medium of As a rule, the courts will not resolve the constitutionality
delivering such services. They can carry broadcast of a law, if the controversy can be settled on other
signals to the remote areas and possess the capability grounds. The policy of the courts is to avoid ruling on
to enrich the lives of the residents thereof through the constitutional questions and to presume that the acts of
dissemination of social, economic, educational the political departments are valid, absent a clear and
information and cultural programs. Consequently, while unmistakable showing to the contrary. To doubt is to
the Memorandum Circular refers to cable television, it sustain. This presumption is based on the doctrine of
should be understood as to include DTH television which separation of powers. This means that the measure had
provides essentially the same services. first been carefully studied by the legislative and
executive departments and found to be in accord with
In Eastern Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. v. the Constitution before it was finally enacted and
International Communication Corporation,[51] we held: approved.[55]

The NTC, being the government agency entrusted with The instant case was instituted for violation of the IP
the regulation of activities coming under its special and Code and infringement of ABS-CBNs broadcasting rights
technical forte, and possessing the necessary rule- and copyright, which can be resolved without going into
making power to implement its objectives, is in the best the constitutionality of Memorandum Circular No. 04-08-
position to interpret its own rules, regulations and 88. As held by the Court of Appeals, the only relevance
guidelines. The Court has consistently yielded and of the circular in this case is whether or not compliance
accorded great respect to the interpretation by therewith should be considered manifestation of lack of
administrative agencies of their own rules unless there intent to commit infringement, and if it is, whether such
is an error of law, abuse of power, lack of jurisdiction or lack of intent is a valid defense against the complaint of
grave abuse of discretion clearly conflicting with the petitioner.[56]
letter and spirit of the law.
The records show that petitioner assailed the
With regard to the issue of the constitutionality of the constitutionality of Memorandum Circular No. 04-08-88
must-carry rule, the Court finds that its resolution is not by way of a collateral attack before the Court of
necessary in the disposition of the instant case. One of Appeals. InPhilippine National Bank v. Palma,[57] we
Page 181 of 307
ruled that for reasons of public policy, the ABS-CBN filed a verified petition before the Court of
constitutionality of a law cannot be collaterally Appeals, which was docketed CA G.R. SP No. 90762,
attacked. A law is deemed valid unless declared null and for PMSIs alleged disobedience to the Resolution and
void by a competent court; more so when the issue has Temporary Restraining Order, both dated July 18, 2005,
not been duly pleaded in the trial court.[58] issued in CA-G.R. SP No. 88092. However, after the
cases were consolidated, the Court of Appeals did not
As a general rule, the question of constitutionality must require PMSI to comment on the petition for contempt. It
be raised at the earliest opportunity so that if not raised ruled on the merits of CA-G.R. SP No. 88092 and ordered
in the pleadings, ordinarily it may not be raised in the the dismissal of both petitions.
trial, and if not raised in the trial court, it will not be
considered on appeal.[59] In Philippine Veterans Bank v. ABS-CBN argues that the Court of Appeals erred in
Court of Appeals,[60] we held: dismissing the petition for contempt without having
ordered respondents to comment on the
We decline to rule on the issue of constitutionality as all same. Consequently, it would have us reinstate CA-G.R.
the requisites for the exercise of judicial review are not No. 90762 and order respondents to show cause why
present herein. Specifically, the question of they should not be held in contempt.
constitutionality will not be passed upon by the
Court unless, at the first opportunity, it is It bears stressing that the proceedings for punishment
properly raised and presented in an appropriate of indirect contempt are criminal in nature. The modes
case, adequately argued, and is necessary to a of procedure and rules of evidence adopted in contempt
determination of the case, particularly where the proceedings are similar in nature to those used in
issue of constitutionality is the very lis criminal prosecutions. [63] While it may be argued that
mota presented. x x x[61] the Court of Appeals should have ordered respondents
to comment, the issue has been rendered moot in light
Finally, we find that the dismissal of the petition for of our ruling on the merits. To order respondents to
contempt filed by ABS-CBN is in order. comment and have the Court of Appeals conduct a
hearing on the contempt charge when the main case
Indirect contempt may either be initiated (1) motu has already been disposed of in favor of PMSI would be
proprio by the court by issuing an order or any other circuitous. Where the issues have become moot, there is
formal charge requiring the respondent to show cause no justiciable controversy, thereby rendering the
why he should not be punished for contempt or (2) by resolution of the same of no practical use or value.[64]
the filing of a verified petition, complying with the
requirements for filing initiatory pleadings.[62] WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The July 12,
2006 Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP Nos.
Page 182 of 307
88092 and 90762, sustaining the findings of the CHAPTER XVI
Director-General of the Intellectual Property Office and TERM OF PROTECTION
dismissing the petitions filed by ABS-CBN Broadcasting
Corporation, and the December 11, 2006 Resolution Section 213. Term of Protection. –
denying the motion for reconsideration, are AFFIRMED.
213.1. Subject to the provisions of Subsections
Limitations 213.2 to 213.5, the copyright in works under
Sections 172 and 173 shall be protected during
Sec. 212 the life of the author and for fifty (50) years after
his death. This rule also applies to posthumous
CHAPTER XV works. (Sec. 21, first sentence, P.D. No. 49a)
213.2. In case of works of joint authorship, the
Section 212. Limitations on Rights. - Sections 203, 208 economic rights shall be protected during the life
and 209 shall not apply where the acts referred to in of the last surviving author and for fifty (50) years
those Sections are related to: after his death. (Sec. 21, second sentence, P.D.
No. 49)
212.1. The use by a natural person exclusively for
his own personal purposes; 213.3. In case of anonymous or pseudonymous
works, the copyright shall be protected for fifty
212.2. Using short excerpts for reporting current (50) years from the date on which the work was
events; first lawfully published: Provided, That where,
before the expiration of the said period, the
212.3. Use solely for the purpose of teaching or author's identity is revealed or is no longer in
for scientific research; and doubt, the provisions of Subsections 213.1. and
213.2 shall apply, as the case may be: Provided,
212.4. Fair use of the broadcast subject to the further, That such works if not published before
conditions under Section 185. (Sec. 44, P.D. No. shall be protected for fifty (50) years counted from
49a) the making of the work. (Sec. 23, P.D. No. 49)

Term of Protection 213.4. In case of works of applied art the

protection shall be for a period of twenty-five (25)
Sec. 213 to 215 years from the date of making. (Sec. 24(B), P.D.
No. 49a)
Page 183 of 307
(b) For sound or image and sound
213.5. In case of photographic works, the recordings and for performances
protection shall be for fifty (50) years from incorporated therein, fifty (50) years from
publication of the work and, if unpublished, fifty the end of the year in which the recording
(50) years from the making. (Sec. 24(C), P.D. 49a) took place.

213.6. In case of audio-visual works including 215.2. In case of broadcasts, the term shall be
those produced by process analogous to twenty (20) years from the date the broadcast
photography or any process for making audio- took place. The extended term shall be applied
visual recordings, the term shall be fifty (50) years only to old works with subsisting protection under
from date of publication and, if unpublished, from the prior law. (Sec. 55, P.D. No. 49a)
the date of making. (Sec. 24(C), P.D. No. 49a)
Section 214. Calculation of Term. - The term of
protection subsequent to the death of the author 1. Phoenix Publishing House vs. Jose Ramos,
provided in the preceding Section shall run from the G.R. No. L-32339, March 29, 1988
date of his death or of publication, but such terms shall
always be deemed to begin on the first day of January of Facts: This petition originated in an action for damages
the year following the event which gave rise to them. arising from an alleged infringement of petitioner's
(Sec. 25, P.D. No. 49) copyright for two books entitled "General Science Today
for Philippine Schools, First Year" and "General Science
Section 215. Term of Protection for Performers, Today for Philippine Schools, Second Year," both
Producers and Broadcasting Organizations. – authored by Gilman, Van Houten and Cornista and
firstpublished in 1961. Named plaintiffs as "copyright
215.1. The rights granted to performers and proprietors of said books" were Phoenix Publishing
producers of sound recordings under this law shall House, Inc., Purita Dancel-Cornista, Phil N. Gilman, and
expire: L.F. Van Houten. The complaint charged that
defendants, now herein private respondents 'reprinted,
(a) For performances not incorporated in published, distributed and sold said books in gross
recordings, fifty (50) years from the end of violation of the Copyright Law and of plaintiffs' rights to
the year in which the performance took their damage and prejudice" and prayed for actual,
place; and moral and exemplary damages as well as for attorney's
fees and expenses of litigation.

Page 184 of 307

After trial, judgment was rendered, the dispositive 5. In dismissing the complaint and sentencing appellant
portion of which is as follows— to pay attorney's fees. (p. 54, Rollo)

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, dismissing In a Decision of the Court of Appeals promulgated on
plaintiff's action. Instead, judgment is (sic) hereby June 8, 1970 (penned by Justice Hermogenes
rendered in favor of the defendants and against the Concepcion, Jr. and concurred in by Justices Eulogio S.
plaintiff (sic), and orders the latter to pay the Serrano and Lourdes P. San Diego), the lower court's
defendants by way of damages as and for attorney's judgment was affirmed.
fees the amount of P5,000.00. The writ of preliminary
injunction is hereby dissolved, and the copies of General Against this Decision, petitioner filed the instant petition
Science Today mentioned in Exhibits M and M-1 are for review assigning several errors to have been
hereby ordered returned to the defendants against allegedly committed by respondent court.
proper receipt. (p. 54, Rollo)
In a Resolution dated August 25, 1970 the petition was
From the aforesaid judgment, petitioner Phoenix given due course "but only insofar as the award of
Publishing House, Inc. appealed to the Court of Appeals attorney's fees is concerned."
(under CA-G.R. No. 39498-R) on the grounds that the
lower court erred — On this issue, petitioner contends that respondent court
erred in assigning attorney's fees against petitioner for
1. In not holding that appellees had lost their right to no other apparent reason than for losing its case,
interpose the defense of illegality or irregularity of contrary to the fundamental rules settled by
appellant's copyright; jurisprudence that a penalty should not be set on the
right to litigate (Tan Ti v. Alvear, 26 Phil. 566) nor should
2. In holding that appellant's copyright is not entitled to counsel's fees be awarded everytime a party wins a
protection for allegedly not having been validly lawsuit (Jimenez v. Bucoy, 103 Phil. 40) unless it
obtained; appears, which does not in petitioner's case, that the
suit instituted by the losing party was clearly unfounded
3. In holding that the evidence presented was (Peralta et al. v. Alipio, 97 Phil. 719) and, at all events,
insufficient to establish that the books seized from the court must state the reason for the award of
appellees were spurious; attorney's fees (Buan v. Camaganacan, 16 SCRA 321)
4. In holding that appellees were not liable for damages which reason the decision in question does not indicate
because they had no knowledge that the books they (pp. 11-12, Rollo).
sold were pirated or spurious; and The law limits the instances in which attomey's fees
may be recovered. Thus, the Civil Code provides:
Page 185 of 307
In all cases, the attorney's fees and expenses of
ART. 2208. In the absence of stipulation, attorney's fees litigation must be reasonable.
and expenses of litigation, other than judicial costs,
cannot be recovered, except: Held: Obviously, this case cannot fall under pars. 1, 2,
3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 of the aforequoted article. If at all,
(1) When exemplary damages are awarded; award is under either pars. 4 or 11 thereof.

(2) When the defendant's act or omission has compelled The evidence on record however, shows that petitioner
the plaintiff to litigate with third persons or to incur secured the corresponding copyrights ( Exhs. U and V)
expenses to protect his interest; for its books. These copyrights were found to be all right
by the Copyright Office and petitioner was always
(3) In criminal cases of malicious prosecution against conceded to be the real owner thereof. It was on the
the plaintiff; strength of these facts that petitioner filed the
complaint against respondents. Through a proper search
(4) In case of a clearly unfounded civil action or warrant (Exh. "M") obtained after petitioner was
proceeding against the plaintiff; convinced that respondents were selling spurious copies
of its copyrighted books, the books were seized from
(5) Where the defendant acted in gross and evident bad respondents and were Identified to be spurious. In the
faith in refusing to satisfy the plaintiff's plainly valid, just face of these facts, it cannot be said that the case is
and demandable claim; clearly an unfounded civil action or proceeding (par. 4.
Art. 2208).
(6) In actions for legal support;
The lower court justified its award as follows:
(7) In actions for the recovery of wages of household
helpers laborers and skilled workers; It is obvious, however, that the defendants had to get
the services of counsel to vindicate themselves before
(8) In actions for indemnity under workmen's the Court and those watching for the ultimate decision
compensation and employer's liability laws; in the instant case. Considering the professional
standing of defendant's counsel, and the nature and
(9) In a separate civil action to recover civil liability volume of the work performed by said counsel and
arising from a crime; discernible from the records of the instant case, and
(10) In any other case where the court deems it just and considering, further, that plaintiff itself assesses the
equitable that attorney's fees and expenses of litigation services of its own counsel fee for defendants' attorneys
should be recovered;
Page 186 of 307
in the amount of P5,000.00 would not be violation of Presidential Decree No. 49 (otherwise known
unconscionable. (p. 95, Record on Appeal) as the Decree on the Protection of Intellectual Property).
We do not find this as enough justification for such an
award under par. 11 of Article 2208. Acting on the letter-complaint, the NBI conducted
surveillance and investigation of the outlets pinpointed
In a long line of decisions, We have consistently ruled by the petitioner and subsequently filed three (3)
that it is not sound policy to place a penalty on the right applications for search warrants against the video
to litigate. outlets owned by the private respondents. The
applications were consolidated and heard by the
WHEREFORE, the decision of respondent Court of Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 132.
Appeals is MODIFIED by deleting therefrom the award of
attorney's fees against petitioner. On September 4, 1985, the lower court issued the
desired search warrants.
2. 20th Century Fox vs. CA, G.R. No. L-76649-51,
August 19, 1988 Armed with the search warrants, the NBI accompanied
by the petitioner's agents, raided the video outlets and
Facts: The petitioner questions the application of the seized the items described therein. An inventory of the
constitutional provision against illegal searches and items seized was made and left with the private
seizures to raids conducted in connection with the respondents.
government's anti-film piracy campaign. The main issue
hinges on whether or not the judge properly lifted the Acting on a motion to lift search warrants and release
search warrants he issued earlier upon the application seized properties filed by the private respondents, the
of the National Bureau of Investigation on the basis of lower court issued an order dated October 8, 1985,
the complaint filed by the petitioner. lifting the three (3) search warrants issued earlier
against the private respondents by the court. The
In a letter-complaint dated August 26, 1985, petitioner dispositive portion of the order reads:
20th Century Fox Film Corporation through counsel
sought the National Bureau of Investigation's (NBI) WHEREFORE, the Court hereby orders that Search
assistance in the conduct of searches and seizures in Warrants Nos. SW- 85-024; issued against Eduardo M.
connection with the latter's anti-film piracy campaign. Barreto of the Junction Video, etc., Paranaque, Metro
Specifically, the letter-complaint alleged that certain Manila; SW No. 85-025, issued against Raul M. Sagullo
videotape outlets all over Metro Manila are engaged in of South Video Bug Center, Inc., etc., also of No. 5355
the unauthorized sale and renting out of copyrighted Pres. Avenue BF Homes, Parañaque, Metro Manila; and
films in videotape form which constitute a flagrant SW No. 85-026, issued against Fortune A. Ledesma of
Page 187 of 307
Sonix Video Services of San Antonio Plaza, Forbes Park, to the petitioner, the lower court arrived at this
Makati, Metro Manila, be lifted. conclusion on the basis of the depositions of applicant
NBI's two witnesses which were taken through searching
Consequently, the articles listed in the returns of the questions and answers by the lower court.
three search warrants which could not be a basis of any
criminal prosecution, now in the possession of the Section 2, Article III of the present Constitution which
National Bureau of Investigation which under the law substantially reproduces Section 3, Article IV of the
must be delivered to this Court, but which the NBI failed 1973 Constitution on illegal searches and seizures
to do, are hereby ordered to be returned to their owners provides:
through their lawyer, Atty. Benito Salazar or his agents
or representatives, against proper receipt, to be The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
forwarded to this Court for record purposes, as proof houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable
that said properties have been returned to the searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any
possession of the rightful owners." purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or
warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable cause
The lower court denied a motion for reconsideration to be determined personally by the judge after
filed by the petitioner in its order dated January 2, 1986. examination under oath or affirmation of the
complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and
The petitioner filed a petition for certiorari with the particularly describing the place to be searched and the
Court of Appeals to annul the October 8, 1985 and persons or things to be seized.
January 2, 1986 orders of the lower court. The petition
was dismissed. This constitutional right protects a citizen against
wanton and unreasonable invasion of his privacy and
Hence, this petition. liberty as to his person, papers and effects. We have
explained in the case of People v. Burgos (144 SCRA 1)
The main issue hinges on the meaning of "probable citingVillanueva v. Querubin (48 SCRA 345) why the
cause" within the context of the constitutional provision right is so important:
against illegal searches and seizures (Section 3, Article
IV, 1973 Constitution, now, Section 2, Article Ill, 1987 It is deference to one's personality that lies at the core
Constitution. of this right, but it could be also looked upon as a
recognition of a constitutionally protected area,
The petitioner maintains that the lower court issued the primarily one's home, but not necessarily thereto
questioned search warrants after finding the existence confined. (Cf. Hoffa v. United States, 385 US 293
of a probable cause justifying their issuance. According 119661) What is sought to be guarded is a man's
Page 188 of 307
prerogative to choose who is allowed entry to his sought in connection with the offense are in the place
residence. In that haven of refuge, his individuality can sought to be searched." This constitutional provision
assert itself not only in the choice of who shall be also demands "no less than personal knowledge by the
welcome but likewise in the kind of objects he wants complainant or his witnesses of the facts upon which
around him. There the state, however powerful, does the issuance of a search warrant may be justified" in
not as such have access except under the order to convince the judge, not the individual making
circumstances above noted, for in the traditional the affidavit and seeking the issuance of the warrant, of
formulation, his house, however humble, is his castle. the existence of a probable cause. (Alvarez v. Court of
Thus is outlawed any unwarranted intrusion by First Instance, 64 Phil. 33; Burgos, Sr. v. Chief of Staff,
government, which is called upon to refrain from any AFP, supra).
invasion of his dwelling and to respect the privacies of
his life. (Cf Schmerber v. California, 384 US 757 [1966], Held: In the instant case, the lower court lifted the
Brennan, J. and Boyd v. United States, 116 630 [1886]). three questioned search warrants against the private
In the same vein, Landynski in his authoritative work respondents on the ground that it acted on the
(Search and Seizure and the Supreme Court [1966]), application for the issuance of the said search warrants
could fitly characterize constitutional right as the and granted it on the misrepresentations of applicant
embodiment of a "spiritual concept: the belief that to NBI and its witnesses that infringement of copyright or a
value the privacy of home and person and to afford its piracy of a particular film have been committed. Thus
constitutional protection against the long reach of the lower court stated in its questioned order dated
government is no less than to value human dignity, and January 2,1986:
that his privacy must not be disturbed except in case of
overriding social need, and then only under stringent According to the movant, all three witnesses during the
procedural safeguards."(ibid, p. 74). proceedings in the application for the three search
warrants testified of their own personal knowledge. Yet,
The government's right to issue search warrants against Atty. Albino Reyes of the NBI stated that the counsel or
a citizen's papers and effects is circumscribed by the representative of the Twentieth Century Fox Corporation
requirements mandated in the searches and seizures will testify on the video cassettes that were pirated, so
provision of the Constitution. that he did not have personal knowledge of the alleged
piracy. The witness Bacani also said that the video
In the case of Burgos, Sr. v. Chief of Staff, AFP (133 cassettes were pirated without stating the manner it
SCRA 800), we defined probable cause for a valid search was pirated and that it was Atty. Domingo that has
"as such facts and circumstances which would lead a knowledge of that fact.
reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe that an
offense has been committed and that the objects
Page 189 of 307
On the part of Atty. Domingo, he said that the re-taping So that lacking in persuasive effect, the allegation that
of the allegedly pirated tapes was from master tapes master tapes were viewed by the NBI and were
allegedly belonging to the Twentieth Century Fox, compared to the purchased and seized video tapes from
because, according to him, it is of his personal the respondents' establishments, it should be dismissed
knowledge. as not supported by competent evidence and for that
matter the probable cause hovers in that grey
At the hearing of the Motion for Reconsideration, Senior debatable twilight zone between black and white
NBI Agent Atty. Albino Reyes testified that when the resolvable in favor of respondents herein.
complaint for infringement was brought to the NBI, the
master tapes of the allegedly pirated tapes were shown But the glaring fact is that 'Cocoon,' the first video tape
to him and he made comparisons of the tapes with mentioned in the search warrant, was not even duly
those purchased by their man Bacani. Why the master registered or copyrighted in the Philippines. (Annex C of
tapes or at least the film reels of the allegedly pirated Opposition p. 152 record). So, that lacking in the
tapes were not shown to the Court during the requisite presentation to the Court of an alleged master
application gives some misgivings as to the truth of that tape for purposes of comparison with the purchased
bare statement of the NBI agent on the witness stand. " evidence of the video tapes allegedly pirated and those
seized from respondents, there was no way to
Again as the application and search proceedings is a determine whether there really was piracy, or copying of
prelude to the filing of criminal cases under PD 49, the the film of the complainant Twentieth Century Fox."
copyright infringement law, and although what is
required for the issuance thereof is merely the presence xxx xxx xxx
of probable cause, that probable cause must be
satisfactory to the Court, for it is a time- honored The lower court, therefore, lifted the three (3)
precept that proceedings to put a man to task as an questioned search warrants in the absence of probable
offender under our laws should be interpreted cause that the private respondents violated P.D. 49. As
in strictissimi juris against the government and liberally found out by the court, the NBI agents who acted as
in favor of the alleged offender. witnesses did not have personal knowledge of the
subject matter of their testimony which was the alleged
xxx xxx xxx commission of the offense by the private respondents.
Only the petitioner's counsel who was also a witness
This doctrine has never been overturned, and as a during the application for the issuance of the search
matter of fact it had been enshrined in the Bill of Rights warrants stated that he had personal knowledge that
in our 1973 Constitution. the confiscated tapes owned by the private respondents
were pirated tapes taken from master tapes belonging
Page 190 of 307
to the petitioner. However, the lower court did not give The essence of a copyright infringement is the similarity
much credence to his testimony in view of the fact that or at least substantial similarity of the purported pirated
the master tapes of the allegedly pirated tapes were not works to the copyrighted work. Hence, the applicant
shown to the court during the application. must present to the court the copyrighted films to
compare them with the purchased evidence of the video
All these factors were taken into consideration by the tapes allegedly pirated to determine whether the latter
lower court when it lifted the three questioned search is an unauthorized reproduction of the former. This
warrants. There is no truth, therefore, to the petitioner's linkage of the copyrighted films to the pirated films
allegation that the lower court based its January 2, 1986 must be established to satisfy the requirements of
order only "on the fact that the original or master copies probable cause. Mere allegations as to the existence of
of the copyrighted films were not presented during the the copyrighted films cannot serve as basis for the
application for search warrants, thus leading it to issuance of a search warrant.
conclude that it had been "misled by the applicant and
his witnesses." Furthermore, we note that the search warrants
described the articles sought to be seized as follows:
The presentation of the master tapes of the copyrighted
films from which the pirated films were allegedly copied, c) Television sets, Video Cassettes Recorders, rewinders,
was necessary for the validity of search warrants tape head cleaners, accessories, equipments and other
against those who have in their possession the pirated machines used or intended to be used in the unlawful
films. The petitioner's argument to the effect that the reproduction, sale, rental/lease distribution of the
presentation of the master tapes at the time of above-mentioned video tapes which she is keeping and
application may not be necessary as these would be concealing in the premises above-described."
merely evidentiary in nature and not determinative of
whether or not a probable cause exists to justify the In the case of Burgos v. Chief of Staff, AFP supra, we
issuance of the search warrants is not meritorious. The stated:
court cannot presume that duplicate or copied tapes
were necessarily reproduced from master tapes that it Another factor which makes the search warrants under
owns. consideration constitutionally objectionable is that they
The application for search warrants was directed against are in the nature of general warrants. The search
video tape outlets which allegedly were engaged in the warrants describe the articles sought to be seized in this
unauthorized sale and renting out of copyrighted films wise:
belonging to the petitioner pursuant to P.D. 49.
l] All printing equipment, paraphernalia, paper, ink,
photo equipment, typewriters, cabinets, tables
Page 191 of 307
communications/recording equipment, tape recorders, portion of a search warrant which authorized the seizure
dictaphone and the like used and/or connected in the of any "paraphernalia which could be used to violate
printing of the 'WE FORUM' newspaper and any and all Sec. 54-197 of the Connecticut General Statutes [the
document/communications, letters and facsimile of statute dealing with the crime of conspiracy]"' was held
prints related to "WE FORUM" newspaper. to be a general warrant, and therefore invalid (68 Am.
Jur. 2d., pp. 736-737). The description of the articles
2] Subversive documents, pamphlets, leaflets, books, sought to be seized under the search warrants in
and other publications to promote the objectives and question cannot be characterized differently.
purposes of the subversive organizations known as
Movement for Free Philippines, Light-a-Fire Movement Undoubtedly, a similar conclusion can be deduced from
and April 6 Movement; and the description of the articles sought to be confiscated
3] Motor vehicles used in the distribution/circulation of under the questioned search warrants.
the 'WE FORUM and other subversive materials and
propaganda, more particularly, Television sets, video cassette recorders, reminders and
tape cleaners are articles which can be found in a video
1] Toyota-Corolla, colored yellow with Plate No. NKA 892; tape store engaged in the legitimate business of lending
2] DATSUN pick-up colored white with Plate No. NKV or renting out betamax tapes. In short, these articles
969; and appliances are generally connected with, or related
3] A delivery truck with Plate No. NBS 542; to a legitimate business not necessarily involving piracy
4] TOYOTA-TAMARAW, colored white with Plate No. PBP of intellectual property or infringement of copyright
665;and, laws. Hence, including these articles without
5] TOYOTA Hi-Lux, pick-up truck with Plate No. NGV 472 specification and/or particularity that they were really
with marking "Bagong Silang." instruments in violating an Anti-Piracy law makes The
search warrant too general which could result in the
In Stanford v. State of Texas (379 U.S. 476,13 L ed 2nd confiscation of all items found in any video store. In fact,
431), the search warrant which authorized the search this actually happened in the instant case. Thus, the
for 'books, records, pamphlets, cards, receipts, lists, lower court, in its questioned order dated October 8,
memoranda, pictures, recordings and other written 1985 said:
instruments concerning the Communist Parties of Texas,
and the operations of the Community Party in Texas," Although the applications and warrants themselves
was declared void by the U.S. Supreme Court for being covered certain articles of property usually found in a
too general. In like manner, directions to "seize any video store, the Court believes that the search party
evidence in connection with the violation of SDC 13- should have confined themselves to articles that are
3703 or otherwise' have been held too general, and that according to them, evidence constitutive of
Page 192 of 307
infringement of copyright laws or the piracy of respondent Court declaring the existence of probable
intellectual property, but not to other articles that are cause is not final and does not constitute res judicata.
usually connected with, or related to, a legitimate
business, not involving piracy of intellectual property, or A careful review of the record of the case shows that the
infringement of copyright laws. So that a television set, respondent Court did not commit a grave abuse of
a rewinder, and a whiteboard listing Betamax tapes, discretion when it issued the questioned orders. Grave
video cassette cleaners video cassette recorders as abuse of discretion' implies such capricious and
reflected in the Returns of Search Warrants, are items of whimsical exercise of judgment as is equivalent to lack
legitimate business engaged in the video tape industry, of jurisdiction, or, in other words, where the power is
and which could not be the subject of seizure, The exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner by reason
applicant and his agents therefore exceeded their of passion or personal hostility, and it must be so patent
authority in seizing perfectly legitimate personal and gross as to amount to an evasion of positive duty or
property usually found in a video cassette store or to a virtual refusal to perform the duty enjoined or to act
business establishment." at all in contemplation of law.' But far from being
despotic or arbitrary, the assailed orders were
All in all, we find no grave abuse of discretion on the motivated by a noble desire of rectifying an error, much
part of the lower court when it lifted the search warrants so when the erroneous findings collided with the
it earlier issued against the private respondents. We constitutional rights of the private respondents. In fact,
agree with the appellate court's findings to the effect the petitioner did not even contest the righteousness
that: and legality of the questioned orders but instead
concentrated on the alleged denial of due process of
An assiduous examination of the assailed orders reveal law."
that the main ground upon which the respondent Court
anchored said orders was its subsequent findings that it The proliferation of pirated tapes of films not only
was misled by the applicant (NBI) and its witnesses 'that deprives the government of much needed revenues but
infringement of copyright or a piracy of a particular film is also an indication of the widespread breakdown of
have been committed when it issued the questioned national order and discipline. Courts should not impose
warrants.' Stated differently, the respondent Court any unnecessary roadblocks in the way of the anti-film
merely corrected its erroneous findings as to the piracy campaign. However, the campaign cannot ignore
existence of probable cause and declared the search or violate constitutional safeguards. To say that the
and seizure to be unreasonable. Certainly, such action is problem of pirated films can be solved only by the use
within the power and authority of the respondent Court of unconstitutional shortcuts is to denigrate the long
to perform, provided that it is not exercised in an history and experience behind the searches and
oppressive or arbitrary manner. Indeed, the order of the
Page 193 of 307
seizures clause of the Bill of Rights. The trial court did no doubt about the decision having been received by
not commit reversible error. petitioner-appellant's counsel on October 3, 1984 for
this is clearly written in the Notice of Decision (p. 61,
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DISMISSED. The Original Record), and in point of fact the date of receipt
questioned decision and resolution of the Court of cannot be October 9, 1984, as declared in the Notice of
Appeals are AFFIRMED. Appeal (p. 1, Rollo), because in the motion for
reconsideration subsequently filed by petitioner-
3. UFS vs. Munsingwear, G.R. No. 76193, appellant it was stated that a copy of the decision was
November 9, 1989 (TM) received on October 4, 1984 (p. 80, Original Record).

Facts: This is a petition for review on certiorari filed by b) On October 18, 1984 — as shown in the stamp mark
United Feature Syndicate Inc., seeking to set aside the of the Philippine Patent Office (p. 80, Original Record) or
Resolution of the Seventh Division of the Court of on the 15th and last day either for appealing or for
Appeals * dated September 16, 1986 dismissing the moving for reconsideration, petitioner-appellant filed a
appeal of petitioner-appellant for having been filed out motion for reconsideration.
of time and denying its Motion for Reconsideration for
lack of merit in its Resolution dated October 14, 1986. Sadly and unexplainably for a veteran law office, said
motion did not contain or incorporate a notice of
The Resolution dismissing the appeal, reads as follows: hearing.

We agree with the Philippine Patent Office and c) Possibly realizing the fatal defect in its motion for
respondent appellee that the decision of the reconsideration, petitioner-appellant subsequently filed
aforementioned office dated October 2, 1984 had a motion to set for hearing its motion for
already become final and executory at the time the reconsideration. This was done, however, only on
Notice of Appeal was filed. October 31, 1984 (p. 162, Original Record).

Our reasons for this conclusions are borne out by the The motion for reconsideration filed on the last day,
following facts: fatally failing as it did to contain a notice of hearing,
said pleading did not interrupt the period for appealing,
a) On October 2, 1984, the decision sought to be for the motion was nothing but a piece of scrap paper.
appealed was rendered by the Philippine Patent Office
and a copy thereof was received by counsel for This deadly and moral deficiency in the motion for
petitioner-appellant on October 3, 1984 — not October reconsideration, therefore, resulted in the decision of
9, 1984 as stated in the Notice of Appeal. There can be the Philippine Patent Office being final and executory
Page 194 of 307
on October 19, 1984, the day after themotion for of CHARLIE BROWN may not provide a cause of action
reconsideration was filed, said motion having been filed for the cancellation of a trademark registration.
on the 15th and last day for appealing.
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration of the
WHEREFORE, the motion of respondent appellee is decision rendered by the Philippine Patent Office which
hereby granted and the appeal dismissed. was denied by the Director of said office on the ground
that the Decision No. 84-83 was already final and
This case arose from petition filed by petitioner for the executory.
cancellation of the registration of trademark CHARLIE
BROWN (Registration No. SR. 4224) in the name of From this decision, petitioner-appellant appealed to the
respondent MUNSINGWEAR in Inter Partes Case No. Court of Appeals and respondent court in its resolution
1350 entitled "United Feature Syndicate, Inc. v. dated September 16, 1986 denied the appeal. While the
Munsingwear Creation Mfg. Co.", with the Philippine Motion for Reconsideration was filed on time, that is, on
Patent Office alleging that petitioner is damaged by the the last day within which to appeal, still it is a mere
registration of the trademark CHARLIE BROWN of T- scrap of paper because there was no, date, of hearing
Shirts under Class 25 with the Registration No. SR-4224 stated therein.
dated September 12, 1979 in the name of Munsingwear
Creation Manufacturing Co., Inc., on the following Subsequently, petitioner-appellant filed a motion for
grounds: (1) that respondent was not entitled to the reconsideration which public respondent denied for lack
registration of the mark CHARLIE BROWN, & DEVICE at of merit.
the time of application for registration; (2) that CHARLIE
BROWN is a character creation or a pictorial illustration, Hence this petition for review on certiorari.
the copyright to which is exclusively owned worldwide
by the petitioner; (3) that as the owner of the pictorial In the resolution of April 6, 1987, the petition was given
illustration CHARLIE BROWN, petitioner has since 1950 due course.
and continuously up to the present, used and In its petition (Rollo, p. 10) and in its memorandum
reproduced the same to the exclusion of others; (4) that (Rollo, p. 97), petitioner-appellant raised the following
the respondent-registrant has no bona fide use of the legal issues:
trademark in commerce in the Philippines prior to its
application for registration. I. WHETHER THE RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS
On October 2, 1984 the Director of the Philippine Patent COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION WHEN IT
Office rendered a decision in this case holding that a BASED ITS RESOLUTION IN DISMISSING ITS APPEAL ON
copyright registration like that of the name and likeness STRICT TECHNICAL RULES OF PROCEDURE AS
Page 195 of 307
ENUNCIATED IN RULE 15 OF THE RULES OF COURT its opposition thereto on November 20, 1984 and cured
INSTEAD OF RELYING ON THE POLICY OF THE PHILIPPINE the technical defect of lack of notice of hearing
PATENT OFFICE AS STRESSED IN RULE 169, AS complained of (Rollo, p. 52). Otherwise stated such
AMENDED, OF THE RULES OF PRACTICE IN TRADEMARK shortcomings of petitioner as to compliance with
CASES. procedural requirements in taking its appeal cannot be
deemed sufficient to deprive it of a chance to secure a
II. WHETHER THE RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS review by this court in order to obtain substantial
COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION AMOUNTING justice; more so where liverality accorded to the
TO EXCESS OF JURISDICTION WHEN BY DISMISSING THE petitioner becomes compelling because of the
APPEAL TO IT FROM THE DECISION OF THE DIRECTOR ostensible merit of petitioner's case.
DECISION IN AC-GR. SP. NO. 0342, WHICH WAS Moreover, in Siguenza v. Court of Appeals, (137 SCRA
AFFIRMED BY THIS HONORABLE SUPREME COURT TO 570 [1985]) the Court stressed that the right to appeal
THE EFFECT THAT A COPYRIGHTED CHARACTER MAY should not be lightly disregarded by a stringent
NOT BE APPROPRIATED AS A TRADEMARK BY ANOTHER application of rules of procedure especially where the
UNDER PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 49. appeal is on its face meritorious and the interest of
substantial justice would be served by permitting the
PATENTS IN THE CASE AT BAR HAD ALREADY BECOME As enunciated in the case of Castro v. Court of
FINAL WHEN IT WAS APPEALED TO THE COURT OF Appeals (123 SCRA 782, [1983]) the importance and
APPEALS, THE LATTER, BY REASON OF THE real purpose of the remedy of appeal was stressed as
THE DECISION WITH LAW, THE DEMANDS OF JUSTICE An appeal is an essential part of oar judicial system. We
AND EQUITY. have advised the courts to proceed with caution so as
not to deprive a party of the right to appeal. (National
Held: The petitioner is impressed with merit. Waterworks and Sewerage Authority v. Municipality of
Libmanan, 97 SCRA 138) and instructed that every
Petitioner's contention that the purpose of a notice of party-litigant should beafforded the amplest opportunity
hearing to the adverse party is to afford him an for the proper and just disposition of his cause,
opportunity to resist the motion, more particularly the freed from the constraints of technicalities.
motion for reconsideration filed by its company is well
taken. Said purpose was served when Munsingwear filed
Page 196 of 307
The rules of procedure are not to be applied in a very Court already gave due course to the petition for review
rigid and technical sense. The rules of procedure are (Ernesto v. Court of Appeals, 116 SCRA 755 [1982]).
used only to help secure not override substantial
justice. (Gregorio v. Court of Appeals, 72 SCRA 120), Where strong considerations of substantial justice are
therefore, we ruled in Republic v. Court of Appeals (83 manifest in the petition, this Court may relax the
SCRA 453) that a six day delay in the perfection of the stringent application of technical rules in the exercise of
appeal does not warrant its dismissal. And again equity jurisdiction. In addition to the basic merits of the
in Ramos v. Bagaso, 96 SCRA 395, this Court held main case, such petition usually embodies justifying
that the delay of four (4) days in filing a notice of appeal circumstances which warrant our heeding the
and a motion for extension of time to file a record on petitioner's cry for justice, inspite of the earlier
appeal can be excused on the basis of equity. negligence of counsel (Serrano v. Court of Appeals et
al., 139 SCRA 179 [1985]).
It was further emphasized that we allowed the filing of
an appeal in some cases where a stringent application In a number of cases, this Court in the exercise of equity
of the rules would have denied it, or when to do so jurisdiction decided to disregard technicalities in order
would serve the demands of substantial justice and in to resolve the case on its merits based on the evidence.
the exercise of our equity jurisdiction
This case was brought before this Court for the
In the case at bar, the petitioner's delay in filing their resolution of the dismissal of the appeal filed by
record on appeal should not be strictly construed as to petitioner-appellant from the decision of the Director of
deprive them of the right to appeal especially since on the Philippines Patent Office for being filed out of time.
its face the appeal appears to be impressed with merit. The normal action to take thereafter, would be to
(Emphasis supplied). All aforementioned cases are cited remand this case to the Court of Appeals for further
in G.R. No. 76595, Pacific Asia Overseas Shipping proceedings. However, in line with jurisprudence, such
Corporation v. NLRC, et al., May 6, 1988. time consuming procedure may be properly dispensed
with to resolve the issue where there is enough basis to
Procedural technicality should not prevail over end the basic controversy between the parties here and
substantive rights of a party to appeal (NEA v. CA, 126 now. In the case at bar dispensing with such procedural
SCRA 394). steps would not anyway affect substantially the merits
of their respective claims as held in Velasco v. Court of
Moreover, a judgment of the Court of Appeals that Appeals, hence the need for this Court to broaden its
become final by reason of the mistake of the herein inquiry in this case land decide the same on the merits
petitioner's lawyer may still be reviewed on appeal by rather than merely resolve the procedural question
the Supreme Court particularly where the Supreme raised.
Page 197 of 307
it has been copyrighted. We hold that the exclusive right
Petitioner contends that it will be damaged by the secured by PD 49 to the petitioner precludes the
registration of the trademark CHARLIE BROWN & appropriation of the "Cookie Monster" by the
DEVICE in favor of private respondent and that it has a respondent.
better right to CHARLIE BROWN & DEVICE since the
likeness of CHARLIE BROWN appeared in periodicals Pertinently, Section 2 of Presidential Decree No. 49,
having worldwide distribution and covered by copyright otherwise known as the "Decree on Intellectual
registration in its name which antedates the certificate Property", provides:
of registration of respondent issued only on September
12, 1979. Section 2. The rights granted by this Decree shall, from
the moment of creation, subsist with respect to any of
Petitioner further stresses that Decision No. 84-83 (TM) the following classes of works:
promulgated by the Philippine Patent Office on October
2, 1984 which held that "the name likeness of CHARLIE (O) Prints, pictorial illustrations, advertising copies,
BROWN may not provide a cause of action for the labels, tags and box wraps. ...
cancellation of a trademark registration," was based in
the conclusion made in the case of "Children's Television Therefore, since the name "CHARLIE BROWN" and its
Workshop v. touch of Class" earlier decided by the pictorial representation were covered by a copyright
Director of Patent Office on May 10, 1984. However, registration way back in 1950 the same are entitled to
when the latter case was appealed to the then protection under PD No. 49.
Intermediate Appellate Court, docketed as A.C. G.R. SP
No. 03432, the appellate court reversed the decision of Aside from its copyright registration, petitioner is also
the Director holding said appealed decision as illegal the owner of several trademark registrations and
and contrary to law. this reversal was affirmed by this application for the name and likeness of "CHARLIE
Court on August 7, 1985 in G.R. No. 71210 by denying BROWN" which is the duly registered trademark and
the petition of respondent Touch of Class. copyright of petitioner United Feature Syndicate Inc. as
early as 1957 and additionally also as TV SPECIALS
The Court of Appeals in reversing the Director of featuring the "PEANUTS" characters "CHARLIE BROWN"
Patent's decision in Touch of Class, Inc. succintly said: (Memorandum, Rollo p. 97 [211]).
The Patents Office ruled that a trademark, unlike a label,
cannot be copyrighted. The "Cookie Monster" is not, An examination of the records show that the only
however, a trademark. It is a character in a TV series appreciable defense of respondent-registrant is
entitled "Sesame Street." It was respondent which embodied in its answer, which reads:
appropriated the "Cookie Monster" as a trademark, after
Page 198 of 307
It uses, the trademark "CHARLIE BROWN" & "DEVICE" 1986 dismissing petitioner's appeal are hereby SET
on children's wear such as T-shirts, undershirts, ASIDE and Certificate of Registration no. SR-424 issued
sweaters, brief and sandos, in class 25; whereas to private respondent dated September 12, 1979 is
"CHARLIE BROWN" is used only by petitioner as hereby CANCELLED.
character, in a pictorial illustration used in a comic strip
appearing in newspapers and magazines. It has no 4. Columbia Pictures vs. CA & Tube Video
trademark significance and therefore respondent- Enterprises, G.R. No. 96597-99, October 6,
registrant's use of "CHARLIE BROWN" & "DEVICE" is not 1994
in conflict with the petitioner's use of "CHARLIE BROWN"
(Rollo, p. 97 [21]). Facts: On 07 April 1988, the National Bureau of
Investigation ("NBI"), through its Agent Lauro C. Reyes,
It is undeniable from the records that petitioner is the filed with the Regional Trial Court of Pasig
actual owner of said trademark due to its prior (Branch 159) three applications for search warrant
registration with the Patent's Office. against private respondents Tube Video Enterprises and
Edward C. Cham (ASW No. 95), the Blooming Rose Tape
Finally, in La Chemise Lacoste S.A. v. Hon. Oscar Center and Ma. Jajorie T. Uy (ASW No. 96), and the Video
Fernandez & Gobindram Hemandas Sujanani v. Hon. Channel and Lydia Nabong (ASW No. 97), charging said
Roberto V. Ongpin, et al. 129 SCRA 373 [1984]), the respondents with violation of Section 56 of Presidential
Court declared. Decree ("P.D.") No. 49, otherwise known as the Decree
on the Protection of Intellectual Property, as amended
In upholding the right of the petitioner to maintain the by P.D. No. 1988.
present suit before our courts for unfair competition or
infringement of trademarks of a foreign corporation, we In the three applications for search warrant, NBI Agent
are moreover recognizing our duties and the rights of Reyes stated under oath that the respondents had in
foregoing states under the Paris Convention for the their possession and control —
Protection of Industrial Property to which the Philippines
and (France) U.S. are parties. We are simply interpreting 1. (p)irated video tapes of the copyrighted motion
a solemn international commitment of the Philippines pictures/films the titles of which are mentioned in the
embodied in a multilateral treaty to which we are a attached list;
party and which we entered into because it is in our
national interest to do so. 2. (p)osters, advertising leaflets, flyers, brochures,
invoices, journals, ledgers, job order slips, delivery slips,
PREMISES CONSIDERED, the Resolutions of the Court of stickers and books of account bearing and/or mentioned
Appeals dated September 16, 1985 and October 14, the pirated films with titles . . ., or otherwise used in the
Page 199 of 307
videogram business or activities of the defendants; sold, 1. There is no probable cause nor the existence of a
leased, distributed or possessed for the purpose of sale, satisfactory fact upon which the search warrant is
lease, distribution, circulation or public exhibition, based;
journals, ledgers, job order slips, delivery slips, stickers
and books of accounts used in the unlawful videogram 2. The National Bureau of Investigation has no authority
business or activities of the defendants; (and) nor the jurisdiction to initiate the filing of suit against
the defendants;
3. (t)elevision sets, video cassette and/or laser disc
recorders, dubbing machines, rewinders, film projectors, 3. The confiscation of defendants' seized articles based
U-matic machines, image enhancers, dubbing on the questioned search warrant violated the latter's
machines, tape head cleaners, converters, accessories, constitutional right against deprivation of properties
equipment and other machines and paraphernalia, without due process.
materials or empty/erasable video tapes and master
copies used or intended to be used in the unlawful 4. The films in question are not protected by Pres.
exhibition, showing, reproduction, sale lease or Decree
disposition of videograms they are keeping and No. 1988 in that they were never registered in the
concealing in the premises above described. National Library as a condition precedent to the
availment of the protection secured by that decree. The
Acting on the applications, then Regional Trial Court complaint has acquired no right under the same.
Judge Maria
Alicia M. Austria conducted a joint hearing during which 5. The mere publication by complainant of its alleged
she made a personal examination of the applicant and ownership over the films in question does notipso
his witnesses. Finding just and probable cause for facto vest in the right to proceed under P.D. No. 49 as
granting the application at the time, Judge Austria that law requires official registration. Moreover, the said
issued the corresponding Search Warrants ("SW") publication took place only after the application for the
numbered 95, 96, and 97. questioned search warrant.

Private respondents filed their respective motions to In SW No. 96

quash the three search warrants, citing as grounds
therefor the following: 1. The complainants, one Rico V. Domingo and one Rene
C. Baltazar, in representation of the Motion Picture
In SW No. 95 Association of America, Inc., have not proven nor
established their ownership over the films listed in

Page 200 of 307

Annex "A" of the search warrant issued by this has exclusive jurisdiction to file suits against violators of
Honorable Court against the defendants herein. said law.

2. The information provided by the National Bureau of 2. Whether or not this Court observed due process of
Investigation agents and the representatives of the law before issuing the search warrants in question.
MPAA, Inc. are replete with generalities insofar as the
description of the items to be concerned in violation of 3. Whether or not search warrants Nos. 95, 96 and 97
the provisions of Sec. 3 of Rule 126 of the Rules of are general warrants and therefore void.
Court. Their allegations as to the offense are
presumptuous and speculative in violation of the same 4. Whether or not there was probable cause in the
section of the Rules of Court. issuance of the search warrants pursuant to Section 3,
Rule 126 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure and
Private respondents in SW No. 97 adopted the motions Section 2, Article III of the 1987 Constitution of the
filed for the quashal of both SW No. 95 and SW No. 96. Republic of the Philippines.

Herein petitioners (the private complainants in the three 5. Whether or not private complainants who are
cases), namely, Columbia Pictures Entertainment, Inc., members of the Motion Picture Association of America,
Orion Pictures Corporation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Inc. (MPAA for brevity) through their counsel, Atty. Rico
Corporation, MGM/UA Communications Company, Domingo, have sufficiently proven their ownership over
Universal City Studios, Inc., Walt Disney Company and the alleged pirated video tapes of the copyrighted
Warner Bros., Inc., submitted their oppositions to the motion pictures/films.
motions to quash. The movants, herein private
respondents, filed their replies to the oppositions and 6. Whether or not the items seized by the NBI agents by
sought, simultaneously, the release of the items seized. virtue of SW Nos. 95, 96 and 97 may be ordered
After a rejoinder was filed, the court a quo considered all released to defendants.
the incidents submitted for resolution.
Held: Anent the first three issues, Judge Austria ruled
In a Joint Order, issued on 09 December 1988, Judge that the NBI had the authority to apply for the search
Austria defined the issues raised in the motions to warrants; that in the issuance of the search warrants,
quash thusly: due process of law was duly observed; and that the
questioned search warrants were not general in
1. Whether or not the NBI had authority to file the character since the provision of law violated, i.e., Sec.
application for search warrant; whether or not it is the 56 of P.D. No. 49, as amended by P.D. No. 1988, was
Videogram Regulatory Board under P.D. No. 1987 which clearly specified. Judge Austria, nonetheless, reversed
Page 201 of 307
her former stand initially finding probable cause for the transpired on 07 April 1988, and that the same was not
issuance of the search warrants and ordered the complied with.
quashal of the search warrants giving the following
reasons: 3. The Court a quo erred in ruling that appellants do not
have a protectable copyright under Philippine laws for
1. Private complainants were uncertain of their their failure to comply with the deposit and registration
ownership of the titles subject of the seized video tapes; requirements of Presidential Decree No. 49, as amended
by Presidential Decree No. 1988.
2. Complainants did not comply with the requirement
that the master tapes should be presented during the On 31 October 1990, the Court of Appeals, through
application for search warrants; and Justice Salome A. Montoya, rendered its decision
sustaining petitioners' first and third assignment of
3. Private complainants cannot seek the protection of errors but rejecting petitioners' second assignment of
Philippine laws as they failed to comply with the deposit error. It, therefore, still affirmed the quashal of the
and registration requirements of P.D. No. 49 as amended search warrants.
by P.D. No. 1988. 5
Judge Austria thus ordered the return of all the items Hence, this petition (G.R. No. 96597-99). Another
seized by virtue of the warrants. decision rendered by the Court of Appeals in another
case (CA-G.R. No. 20617), involving the same
Petitioners appealed the order of Judge Austria to the petitioners on substantially identical facts and issues,
Court of Appeals, docketed CA-G.R. CV No. 22133- was also brought before this Court (G.R. No. 97156). In a
22135, assigning the following alleged errors: Resolution, dated 06 March 1991, this Court
consolidated the two petitions.
1. The Court a quo erred in ruling that private
complainants were uncertain of their ownership of the We affirm the decisions of the Court of Appeals.
titles subject of the pirated video tapes.
This Court, in 20th Century Fox Film Corp. vs. Court of
2. The Court a quo erred in ordering the quashal of the Appeals (164 SCRA 655) has already laid down the rule
search warrants on the ground that the requirement of that a basic requirement for the validity of search
producing the "master tapes" during the application for warrants, in cases of this nature, is the presentation of
a search warrant, as enunciated in the 20th Century the master tapes of the copyrighted films from which
Fox case, promulgated on 19 August 1988, was pirated films are supposed to have been copied. We
applicable to the facts of the instant case which quote:

Page 202 of 307

The presentation of the master tapes of the copyrighted It is not correct to say that "the basic fact" to be proven
films from which the pirated films were allegedly copied, to establish probable cause in the instant cases is not
was necessary for the validity of search warrants the "unauthorized transfer" of a motion picture that has
against those who have in their possession the pirated been recorded but the "sale, lease, or distribution of
films. The petitioner's argument to the effect that the pirated video tapes of copyrighted films."
presentation of the master tapes at the time of
application may not be necessary as these would be In applying for the search warrants the NBI charged
merely evidentiary in nature and not determinative of violation of the entire provisions of Section 56 of P.D. No.
whether or not a probable cause exists to justify the 49 as amended by P.D.
issuance of the search warrants is not meritorious. The No. 1988. This included not only the sale, lease or
court cannot presume that duplicate or copied tapes distribution of pirated tapes but also the transfer or
were necessarily reproduced from master tapes that it causing to be transferred of any sound recording or
owns. motion picture or other audio visual work.
The application for search warrants was directed against
video tape outlets which allegedly were engaged in the But even assuming, as appellants argue, that only the
unauthorized sale and renting out of copyrighted films sale, lease, or distribution of pirated video tapes is
belonging to the petitioner pursuant to P.D. 49. involved, the fact remains that there is need to establish
probable cause that the tapes being sold, leased or
The essence of a copyright infringement is the similarity distributed are pirated tapes, hence the issue reverts
or at least substantial similarity of the purported pirated back to the question of whether there was unauthorized
works to the copyrighted work. Hence, the applicant transfer, directly or indirectly, of a sound recording or
must present to the court the copyrighted films to motion picture or other audio visual work that has been
compare them with the purchased evidence of the video recorded.
tapes allegedly pirated to determine whether the latter
is an unauthorized reproduction of the former. This With due respect to petitioners, the Court does not see
linkage of the copyrighted films to the pirated films a compelling reason to reexamine its previous position
must be established to satisfy the requirements of on the issue.
probable cause. Mere allegations as to the existence of
the copyrighted films cannot serve as basis for the WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the instant
issuance of a search warrant. petitions are hereby DENIED for lack of merit.

We also fully concur with the Court of Appeals when, in 5. Columbia Pictures vs. CA, G.R. No. 110318,
resolving petitioners' motion for reconsideration in CA- August 28, 1996
G.R. CV No. 22133-35, it ratiocinated thusly:
Page 203 of 307
Facts: Before us is a petition for review on certiorari of or disposition of videograms tapes in the premises
the decision of the Court of Appeals [1] promulgated on above described. In the hearing of the application, NBI
July 22, 1992 and its resolution [2] of May 10, 1993 Senior Agent Lauro C. Reyes, upon questions by the
denying petitioners motion for reconsideration, both of court a quo, reiterated in substance his averments in his
which sustained the order[3] of the Regional Trial Court, affidavit. His testimony was corroborated by another
Branch 133, Makati, Metro Manila, dated November 22, witness, Mr. Rene C. Baltazar. Atty. Rico V. Domingos
1988 for the quashal of Search Warrant No. 87-053 deposition was also taken. On the basis of the affidavits
earlier issued per its own order[4] on September 5, 1988 and depositions of NBI Senior Agent Lauro C. Reyes,
for violation of Section 56 of Presidential Decree No. 49, Rene C. Baltazar and Atty. Rico V. Domingo, Search
as amended, otherwise known as the Decree on the Warrant No 87-053 for violation of Section 56 of PD No.
Protection of Intellectual Property. 49, as amended, was issued by the court a quo.

The material facts found by respondent appellate court The search warrant was served at about 1:45 p.m. on
are as follows: December 14, 1987 to Sunshine and/or their
representatives. In the course of the search of the
Complainants thru counsel lodged a formal complaint premises indicated in the search warrant, the NBI
with the National Bureau of Investigation for violation of Agents found and seized various video tapes of duly
PD No. 49, as amended, and sought its assistance in copyrighted motion pictures/films owned or exclusively
their anti-film piracy drive. Agents of the NBI and distributed by private complainants, and machines,
private researchers made discreet surveillance on equipment, television sets, paraphernalia, materials,
various video establishments in Metro Manila including accessories all of which were included in the receipt for
Sunshine Home Video Inc. (Sunshine for brevity), owned properties accomplished by the raiding team. Copy of
and operated by Danilo A. Pelindario with address at No. the receipt was furnished and/or tendered to Mr. Danilo
6 Mayfair Center, Magallanes, Makati, Metro Manila. A. Pelindario, registered owner-proprietor of Sunshine
Home Video.
On November 14, 1987, NBI Senior Agent Lauro C.
Reyes applied for a search warrant with the court a On December 16, 1987, a Return of Search Warrant was
quo against Sunshine seeking the seizure, among filed with the Court.
others, of pirated video tapes of copyrighted films all of
which were enumerated in a list attached to the A Motion To Lift the Order of Search Warrant was filed
application; and, television sets, video cassettes and/or but was later denied for lack of merit.
laser disc recordings equipment and other machines
and paraphernalia used or intended to be used in the
unlawful exhibition, showing, reproduction, sale, lease
Page 204 of 307
A Motion for reconsideration of the Order of denial was foreign corporations not licensed to do business in the
filed. The court a quo granted the said motion for Philippines.
reconsideration and justified it in this manner:
Private respondents aver that being foreign
It is undisputed that the master tapes of the corporations, petitioners should have such license to be
copyrighted films from which the pirated films were able to maintain an action in Philippine courts. In so
allegedly copies (sic), were never presented in the challenging petitioners personality to sue, private
proceedings for the issuance of the search warrants in respondents point to the fact that petitioners are the
question. The orders of the Court granting the search copyright owners or owners of exclusive rights of
warrants and denying the urgent motion to lift order of distribution in the Philippines of copyrighted motion
search warrants were, therefore, issued in pictures or films, and also to the appointment of Atty.
error. Consequently, they must be set aside. (p. 13, Rico V. Domingo as their attorney-in-fact, as being
Appellants Brief)[5] constitutive of doing business in the Philippines under
Section 1(f) (1) and (2), Rule 1 of the Rules of the Board
Petitioners thereafter appealed the order of the trial of Investments. As foreign corporations doing business
court granting private respondents motion for in the Philippines, Section 133 of Batas Pambansa Blg.
reconsideration, thus lifting the search warrant which it 68, or the Corporation Code of the Philippines, denies
had therefore issued, to the Court of Appeals. As stated them the right to maintain a suit in Philippine courts in
at the outset, said appeal was dismissed and the motion the absence of a license to do business. Consequently,
for reconsideration thereof was denied. Hence, this they have no right to ask for the issuance of a search
petition was brought to this Court particularly warrant.[7]
challenging the validity of respondent courts retroactive
application of the ruling in 20th Century Fox Film In refutation, petitioners flatly deny that they are doing
Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, et al.,[6] in dismissing business in the Philippines,[8] and contend that private
petitioners appeal and upholding the quashal of the respondents have not adduced evidence to prove that
search warrant by the trial court. petitioners are doing such business here, as would
require them to be licensed by the Securities and
Held: Exchange Commission, other than averments in the
quoted portions of petitioners Opposition to Urgent
I Motion to Lift Order of Search Warrant dated April 28,
Inceptively, we shall settle the procedural 1988 and Atty. Rico V. Domingos affidavit of December
considerations on the matter of and the challenge to 14, 1987. Moreover, an exclusive right to distribute a
petitioners legal standing in our courts, they being product or the ownership of such exclusive right does

Page 205 of 307

not conclusively prove the act of doing business nor without license to transact business in the Philippines, it
establish the presumption of doing business. does not follow that it has no capacity to bring an
action. Such license is not necessary if it is not engaged
The Corporation Code provides: in business in the Philippines.[11]

Sec. 133. Doing business without a license. No foreign Statutory provisions in many jurisdictions are
corporation transacting business in the Philippines determinative of what constitutes doing business or
without a license, or its successors or assigns, shall be transacting business within that forum, in which case
permitted to maintain or intervene in any action, suit or said provisions are controlling there. In others where no
proceeding in any court or administrative agency of the such definition or qualification is laid down regarding
Philippines; but such corporation may be sued or acts or transactions falling within its purview, the
proceeded against before Philippine courts or question rests primarily on facts and intent. It is thus
administrative tribunals on any valid cause of action held that all the combined acts of a foreign corporation
recognized under Philippine laws. in the State must be considered, and every
circumstance is material which indicates a purpose on
The obtainment of a license prescribed by Section 125 the part of the corporation to engage in some part of its
of the Corporation Code is not a condition precedent to regular business in the State.[12]
the maintenance of any kind of action in Philippine
courts by a foreign corporation. However, under the No general rule or governing principles can be laid down
aforequoted provision, no foreign corporation shall be as to what constitutes doing or engaging in or
permitted to transact business in the Philippines, as this transacting business. Each case must be judged in the
phrase is understood under the Corporation Code, light of its own peculiar environmental circumstances.
unless it shall have the license required by law, and The true tests, however, seem to be whether the
until it complies with the law in transacting business foreign corporation is continuing the body or substance
here, it shall not be permitted to maintain any suit in of the business or enterprise for which it was organized
local courts.[10] As thus interpreted, any foreign or whether it has substantially retired from it and turned
corporation not doing business in the Philippines may it over to another.[14]
maintain an action in our courts upon any cause of
action, provided that the subject matter and the As a general proposition upon which many authorities
defendant are within the jurisdiction of the court. It is agree in principle, subject to such modifications as may
not the absence of the prescribed license but doing be necessary in view of the particular issue or of the
business in the Philippines without such license which terms of the statute involved, it is recognized that a
debars the foreign corporation from access to our foreign corporation is doing, transacting, engaging in, or
courts. In other words, although a foreign corporation is carrying on business in the State when, and ordinarily
Page 206 of 307
only when, it has entered the State by its agents and is act or acts that imply a continuity of commercial
there engaged in carrying on and transacting through dealings or arrangements, and contemplate to that
them some substantial part of its ordinary or customary extent the performance of acts or works, or the exercise
business, usually continuous in the sense that it may be of some of the functions normally incident to, and in-
distinguished from merely casual, sporadic, or progressive prosecution of, commercial gain or of the
occasional transactions and isolated acts.[15] purpose and object of the business organization.

The Corporation Code does not itself define or Presidential Decree No. 1789,[18] in Article 65 thereof,
categorize what acts constitute doing or transacting defines doing business to include soliciting orders,
business in the Philippines. Jurisprudence has, however, purchases, service contracts, opening offices, whether
held that the term implies a continuity of commercial called liaison offices or branches; appointing
dealings and arrangements, and contemplates, to that representatives or distributors who are domiciled in the
extent, the performance of acts or works or the exercise Philippines or who in any calendar year stay in the
of some of the functions normally incident to or in Philippines for a period or periods totalling one hundred
progressive prosecution of the purpose and subject of eighty days or more; participating in the management,
its organization. supervision or control of any domestic business firm,
entity or corporation in the Philippines, and any other
This traditional case law definition has evolved into a act or acts that imply a continuity of commercial
statutory definition, having been adopted with some dealings or arrangements and contemplate to that
qualifications in various pieces of legislation in our extent the performance of acts or works, or the exercise
jurisdiction. of some of the functions normally incident to, and in
progressive prosecution of, commercial gain or of the
For instance, Republic Act No. 5455[17] provides: purpose and object of the business organization.

SECTION 1. Definitions and scope of this Act. (1) x x x; The implementing rules and regulations of said
and the phrase doing business shall include soliciting presidential decree conclude the enumeration of acts
orders, purchases, service contracts, opening offices, constituting doing business with a catch-all definition,
whether called liaison offices or branches; appointing thus:
representatives or distributors who are domiciled in the
Philippines or who in any calendar year stay in the Sec. 1(g). Doing Business shall be any act or
Philippines for a period or periods totalling one hundred combination of acts enumerated in Article 65 of the
eighty days or more; participating in the management, Code. In particular doing business includes:
supervision or control of any domestic business firm,
entity or corporation in the Philippines; and any other
Page 207 of 307
(10) Any other act or acts which imply a continuity of representative or distributor domiciled in the Philippines
commercial dealings or arrangements, and contemplate which transacts business in its own name and for its
to that extent the performance of acts or works, or the own account.
exercise of some of the functions normally incident to,
or in the progressive prosecution of, commercial gain or Based on Article 133 of the Corporation Code and
of the purpose and object of the business organization. gauged by such statutory standards, petitioners are not
barred from maintaining the present action. There is no
Finally, Republic Act No. 7042[19] embodies such concept showing that, under our statutory or case law,
in this wise: petitioners are doing, transacting, engaging in or
carrying on business in the Philippines as would require
SEC. 3. Definitions. As used in this Act: obtention of a license before they can seek redress from
our courts. No evidence has been offered to show that
(d) the phrase doing business shall include soliciting petitioners have performed any of the enumerated acts
orders, service contracts, opening offices, whether or any other specific act indicative of an intention to
called liaison offices or branches; appointing conduct or transact business in the Philippines.
representatives or distributors domiciled in the
Philippines or who in any calendar year stay in the Accordingly, the certification issued by the Securities
country for a period or periods totalling one hundred and Exchange Commission[20] stating that its records do
eight(y) (180) days or more; participating in the not show the registration of petitioner film companies
management, supervision or control of any domestic either as corporations or partnerships or that they have
business, firm, entity or corporation in the Philippines; been licensed to transact business in the Philippines,
and any other act or acts that imply a continuity of while undeniably true, is of no consequence to
commercial dealings or arrangements, and contemplate petitioners right to bring action in the Philippines. Verily,
to that extent the performance of acts or works, or the no record of such registration by petitioners can be
exercise of some of the functions normally incident to, expected to be found for, as aforestated, said foreign
and in progressive prosecution of, commercial gain or of film corporations do not transact or do business in the
the purpose and object of the business Philippines and, therefore, do not need to be licensed in
organization: Provided, however, That the phrase doing order to take recourse to our courts.
business shall not be deemed to include mere
investment as a shareholder by a foreign entity in Although Section 1(g) of the Implementing Rules and
domestic corporations duly registered to do business, Regulations of the Omnibus Investments Code lists,
and/or the exercise of rights as such investors; nor among others
having a nominee director or officer to represent its
interests in such corporation; nor appointing a
Page 208 of 307
(1) Soliciting orders, purchases (sales) or service ownership into an indicium of doing business which
contracts. Concrete and specific solicitations by a would require them to obtain a license before they can
foreign firm, or by an agent of such foreign firm, not sue upon a cause of action in local courts.
acting independently of the foreign firm amounting to
negotiations or fixing of the terms and conditions of Neither is the appointment of Atty. Rico V. Domingo as
sales or service contracts, regardless of where the attorney-in-fact of petitioners, with express authority
contracts are actually reduced to writing, shall pursuant to a special power of attorney, inter alia
constitute doing business even if the enterprise has no
office or fixed place of business in the Philippines. The To lay criminal complaints with the appropriate
arrangements agreed upon as to manner, time and authorities and to provide evidence in support of both
terms of delivery of the goods or the transfer of title civil and criminal proceedings against any person or
thereto is immaterial. A foreign firm which does persons involved in the criminal infringement of
business through the middlemen acting in their own copyright, or concerning the unauthorized importation,
names, such as indentors, commercial brokers or duplication, exhibition or distribution of any
commission merchants, shall not be deemed doing cinematographic work(s) films or video cassettes of
business in the Philippines. But such indentors, which x x x is the owner of copyright or the owner of
commercial brokers or commission merchants shall be exclusive rights of distribution in the Philippines
the ones deemed to be doing business in the pursuant to any agreement(s) between x x x and the
Philippines. respective owners of copyright in such cinematographic
work(s), to initiate and prosecute on behalf of x x x
(2) Appointing a representative or distributor who is criminal or civil actions in the Philippines against any
domiciled in the Philippines, unless said representative person or persons unlawfully distributing, exhibiting,
or distributor has an independent status, i.e., it selling or offering for sale any films or video cassettes of
transacts business in its name and for its own account, which x x x is the owner of copyright or the owner of
and not in the name or for the account of a exclusive rights of distribution in the Philippines
principal. Thus, where a foreign firm is represented in pursuant to any agreement(s) between x x x and the
the Philippines by a person or local company which does respective owners of copyright in such works.[21]
not act in its name but in the name of the foreign firm,
the latter is doing business in the Philippines. Tantamount to doing business in the Philippines. We fail
to see how exercising ones legal and property rights and
As acts constitutive of doing business, the fact that taking steps for the vigilant protection of said rights,
petitioners are admittedly copyright owners or owners particularly the appointment of an attorney-in-fact, can
of exclusive distribution rights in the Philippines of be deemed by and of themselves to be doing business
motion pictures or films does not convert such here.
Page 209 of 307
As a general rule, a foreign corporation will not be In accordance with the rule that doing business imports
regarded as doing business in the State simply because only acts in furtherance of the purposes for which a
it enters into contracts with residents of the State, foreign corporation was organized, it is held that the
where such contracts are consummated outside the mere institution and prosecution or defense of a suit,
State.[22] In fact, a view is taken that a foreign particularly if the transaction which is the basis of the
corporation is not doing business in the state merely suit took place out of the State, do not amount to the
because sales of its product are made there or other doing of business in the State. The institution of a suit or
business furthering its interests is transacted there by the removal thereof is neither the making of a contract
an alleged agent, whether a corporation or a natural nor the doing of business within a constitutional
person, where such activities are not under the direction provision placing foreign corporations licensed to do
and control of the foreign corporation but are engaged business in the State under the same regulations,
in by the alleged agent as an independent business.[23] limitations and liabilities with respect to such acts as
domestic corporations. Merely engaging in litigation has
It is generally held that sales made to customers in the been considered as not a sufficient minimum contact to
State by an independent dealer who has purchased and warrant the exercise of jurisdiction over a foreign
obtained title from the corporation to the products sold corporation.[27]
are not a doing of business by the corporation.
Likewise, a foreign corporation which sells its As a consideration aside, we have perforce to comment
products to persons styled distributing agents in the on private respondents basis for arguing that petitioners
State, for distribution by them, is not doing business in are barred from maintaining suit in the Philippines. For
the State so as to render it subject to service of process allegedly being foreign corporations doing business in
therein, where the contract with these purchasers is the Philippines without a license, private respondents
that they shall buy exclusively from the foreign repeatedly maintain in all their pleadings that
corporation such goods as it manufactures and shall sell petitioners have thereby no legal personality to bring an
them at trade prices established by it.[25] action before Philippine courts.[28]

It has moreover been held that the act of a foreign Among the grounds for a motion to dismiss under the
corporation in engaging an attorney to represent it in a Rules of Court are lack of legal capacity to sue [29] and
Federal court sitting in a particular State is not doing that the complaint states no cause of action. [30] Lack of
business within the scope of the minimum contact test. legal capacity to sue means that the plaintiff is not in
With much more reason should this doctrine apply to the exercise of his civil rights, or does not have the
the mere retainer of Atty. Domingo for legal protection necessary qualification to appear in the case, or does
against contingent acts of intellectual piracy. not have the character or representation he claims.
Page 210 of 307
On the other hand, a case is dismissible for lack of first acquire a local license is based on considerations of
personality to sue upon proof that the plaintiff is not the public policy. It was never intended to favor nor insulate
real party-in-interest, hence grounded on failure to state from suit unscrupulous establishments or nationals in
a cause of action.[32]The term lack of capacity to sue case of breach of valid obligations or violations of legal
should not be confused with the term lack of personality rights of unsuspecting foreign firms or entities simply
to sue. While the former refers to a plaintiffs general because they are not licensed to do business in the
disability to sue, such as on account of minority, country.
insanity, incompetence, lack of juridical personality or
any other general disqualifications of a party, the latter II
refers to the fact that the plaintiff is not the real party-
in-interest.Correspondingly, the first can be a ground for We now proceed to the main issue of the retroactive
a motion to dismiss based on the ground of lack of legal application to the present controversy of the ruling
capacity to sue;[33] whereas the second can be used as a in 20th Century Fox Film Corporation vs. Court of
ground for a motion to dismiss based on the fact that Appeals, et al., promulgated on August 19, 1988,[36] that
the complaint, on the face thereof, evidently states no for the determination of probable cause to support the
cause of action.[34] issuance of a search warrant in copyright infringement
cases involving videograms, the production of the
Applying the above discussion to the instant petition, master tape for comparison with the allegedly pirated
the ground available for barring recourse to our courts copies is necessary.
by an unlicensed foreign corporation doing or
transacting business in the Philippines should properly Petitioners assert that the issuance of a search warrant
be lack of capacity to sue, not lack of personality to is addressed to the discretion of the court subject to the
sue. Certainly, a corporation whose legal rights have determination of probable cause in accordance with the
been violated is undeniably such, if not the only, real procedure prescribed therefor under Sections 3 and 4 of
party-in-interest to bring suit thereon although, for Rule 126. As of the time of the application for the search
failure to comply with the licensing requirement, it is not warrant in question, the controlling criterion for the
capacitated to maintain any suit before our courts. finding of probable cause was that enunciated in Burgos
vs. Chief of Staff[37] stating that:
Lastly, on this point, we reiterate this Courts rejection of
the common procedural tactics of erring local Probable cause for a search warrant is defined as such
companies which, when sued by unlicensed foreign facts and circumstances which would lead a reasonably
corporations not engaged in business in the Philippines, discrete and prudent man to believe that an offense has
invoke the latters supposed lack of capacity to sue. The been committed and that the objects sought in
doctrine of lack of capacity to sue based on failure to
Page 211 of 307
connection with the offense are in the place sought to along. To refrain from applying the 20th Century
be searched. Fox ruling, which had supervened as a doctrine
promulgated at the time of the resolution of private
According to petitioners, after complying with what the respondents motion for reconsideration seeking the
law then required, the lower court determined that there quashal of the search warrant for failure of the trial
was probable cause for the issuance of a search court to require presentation of the master tapes prior
warrant, and which determination in fact led to the to the issuance of the search warrant, would have
issuance and service on December 14, 1987 of Search constituted grave abuse of discretion.[38]
Warrant No. 87-053. It is further argued that any search Respondent court upheld the retroactive application of
warrant so issued in accordance with all applicable legal the 20th Century Fox ruling by the trial court in
requirements is valid, for the lower court could not resolving petitioners motion for reconsideration in favor
possibly have been expected to apply, as the basis for a of the quashal of the search warrant, on this renovated
finding of probable cause for the issuance of a search thesis:
warrant in copyright infringement cases involving
videograms, a pronouncement which was not existent And whether this doctrine should apply retroactively, it
at the time of such determination, on December 14, must be noted that in the 20th Century Fox case, the
1987, that is, the doctrine in the 20th Century Fox case lower court quashed the earlier search warrant it
that was promulgated only on August 19, 1988, or over issued. On certiorari, the Supreme Court affirmed the
eight months later. quashal on the ground among others that the master
tapes or copyrighted films were not presented for
Private respondents predictably argue in support of the comparison with the purchased evidence of the video
ruling of the Court of Appeals sustaining the quashal of tapes to determine whether the latter is an
the search warrant by the lower court on the strength of unauthorized reproduction of the former.
that 20th Century Fox ruling which, they claim, goes
into the very essence of probable cause. At the time of If the lower court in the Century Fox case did not quash
the issuance of the search warrant involved here, the warrant, it is Our view that the Supreme Court
although the 20th Century Fox case had not yet been would have invalidated the warrant just the same
decided, Section 2, Article III of the Constitution and considering the very strict requirement set by the
Section 3, Rule 126 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Supreme Court for the determination of probable cause
Procedure embodied the prevailing and governing law in copyright infringement cases as enunciated in this
on the matter. The ruling in 20th Century Fox was 20th Century Fox case. This is so because, as was
merely an application of the law on probable stated by the Supreme Court in the said case, the
cause. Hence, they posit that there was no law that was master tapes and the pirated tapes must be presented
retrospectively applied, since the law had been there all for comparison to satisfy the requirement of probable
Page 212 of 307
cause. So it goes back to the very existence of probable the Philippines.[41] Judicial decisions of the Supreme
cause. x x x Court assume the same authority as the statute itself.[42]

Mindful as we are of the ramifications of the doctrine Interpreting the aforequoted correlated provisions of the
of stare decisis and the rudiments of fair play, it is our Civil Code and in light of the above disquisition, this
considered view that the 20th Century Fox ruling cannot Court emphatically declared in Co vs. Court of Appeals,
be retroactively applied to the instant case to justify the et al.[43] that the principle of prospectivity applies not
quashal of Search Warrant No. 87-053. Herein only to original amendatory statutes and administrative
petitioners consistent position that the order of the rulings and circulars, but also, and properly so, to
lower court of September 5, 1988 denying therein judicial decisions. Our holding in the earlier case
defendants motion to lift the order of search warrant of People vs. Jubinal[44] echoes the rationale for this
was properly issued, there having been satisfactory judicial declaration, viz.:
compliance with the then prevailing standards under the
law for determination of probable cause, is indeed well Decisions of this Court, although in themselves not laws,
taken. The lower court could not possibly have expected are nevertheless evidence of what the laws mean, and
more evidence from petitioners in their application for a this is the reason why under Article 8 of the New Civil
search warrant other than what the law and Code, Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws
jurisprudence, then existing and judicially accepted, or the Constitution shall form part of the legal system.
required with respect to the finding of probable cause. The interpretation upon a law by this Court constitutes,
in a way, a part of the law as of the date that the law
Article 4 of the Civil Code provides that (l)aws shall have was originally passed, since this Courts construction
no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided. merely establishes the contemporaneous legislative
Correlatively, Article 8 of the same Code declares that intent that the law thus construed intends to
(j)udicial decisions applying the laws or the Constitution effectuate. The settled rule supported by numerous
shall form part of the legal system of the Philippines. authorities is a restatement of the legal maxim legis
interpretation legis vim obtinet the interpretation placed
Jurisprudence, in our system of government, cannot be upon the written law by a competent court has the force
considered as an independent source of law; it cannot of law. x x x, but when a doctrine of this Court is
create law.[40] While it is true that judicial decisions overruled and a different view is adopted, the new
which apply or interpret the Constitution or the laws are doctrine should be applied prospectively, and should not
part of the legal system of the Philippines, still they are apply to parties who had relied on the old doctrine and
not laws. Judicial decisions, though not laws, are acted on the faith thereof. x x x. (Stress supplied).
nonetheless evidence of what the laws mean, and it is
for this reason that they are part of the legal system of
Page 213 of 307
This was forcefully reiterated in Spouses Benzonan vs. prospectively and should not apply to parties who relied
Court of Appeals, et al.,[45] where the Court expounded: on the old doctrine and acted in good faith. [47] To hold
otherwise would be to deprive the law of its quality of
x x x. But while our decisions form part of the law of the fairness and justice then, if there is no recognition of
land, they are also subject to Article 4 of the Civil Code what had transpired prior to such adjudication.[48]
which provides that laws shall have no retroactive effect
unless the contrary is provided. This is expressed in the There is merit in petitioners impassioned and well-
familiar legal maximum lex prospicit, non respicit, the founded argumentation:
law looks forward not backward. The rationale against
retroactivity is easy to perceive. The retroactive The case of 20th Century Fox Film Corporation vs. Court
application of a law usually divests rights that have of Appeals, et al., 164 SCRA 655 (August 19, 1988)
already become vested or impairs the obligations of (hereinafter 20th Century Fox) was inexistent in
contract and hence, is unconstitutional (Francisco v. December of 1987 when Search Warrant 87-053 was
Certeza, 3 SCRA 565 [1961]). The same consideration issued by the lower court. Hence, it boggles the
underlies our rulings giving only prospective effect to imagination how the lower court could be expected to
decisions enunciating new doctrines. x x x. apply the formulation of 20th Century Fox in finding
probable cause when the formulation was yet non-
The reasoning behind Senarillos vs. Hermosisima[46] that existent.
judicial interpretation of a statute constitutes part of the
law as of the date it was originally passed, since the In short, the lower court was convinced at that
Courts construction merely establishes the time after conducting searching examination questions
contemporaneous legislative intent that the interpreted of the applicant and his witnesses that an offense had
law carried into effect, is all too familiar. Such judicial been committed and that the objects sought in
doctrine does not amount to the passage of a new law connection with the offense (were) in the place sought
but consists merely of a construction or interpretation of to be searched (Burgos v. Chief of Staff, et al., 133 SCRA
a pre-existing one, and that is precisely the situation 800). It is indisputable, therefore, that at the time of the
obtaining in this case. application, or on December 14, 1987, the lower court
did not commit any error nor did it fail to comply with
It is consequently clear that a judicial interpretation any legal requirement for the valid issuance of search
becomes a part of the law as of the date that law was warrant.
originally passed, subject only to the qualification that
when a doctrine of this Court is overruled and a different x x x. (W)e believe that the lower court should be
view is adopted, and more so when there is a reversal considered as having followed the requirements of the
thereof, the new doctrine should be applied law in issuing Search Warrant No. 87-053. The search
Page 214 of 307
warrant is therefore valid and binding. It must be noted master tapes of the copyrighted films for determination
that nowhere is it found in the allegations of the of probable cause in copyright infringement cases needs
Respondents that the lower court failed to apply the revisiting and clarification.
law as then interpreted in 1987. Hence, we find it
absurd that it is (sic) should be seen otherwise, because It will be recalled that the 20th Century Fox case arose
it is simply impossible to have required the lower court from search warrant proceedings in anticipation of the
to apply a formulation which will only be defined six filing of a case for the unauthorized sale or renting out
months later. of copyrighted films in videotape format in violation of
Presidential Decree No. 49. It revolved around the
Furthermore, it is unjust and unfair to require meaning of probable cause within the context of the
compliance with legal and/or doctrinal requirements constitutional provision against illegal searches and
which are inexistent at the time they were supposed to seizures, as applied to copyright infringement cases
have been complied with. involving videotapes.

x x x. If the lower courts reversal will be sustained, what Therein it was ruled that:
encouragement can be given to courts and litigants to
respect the law and rules if they can expect with The presentation of master tapes of the copyrighted
reasonable certainty that upon the passage of a new films from which the pirated films were allegedly copied,
rule, their conduct can still be open to question? This was necessary for the validity of search warrants
certainly breeds instability in our system of dispensing against those who have in their possession the pirated
justice. For Petitioners who took special effort to redress films. The petitioners argument to the effect that the
their grievances and to protect their property rights by presentation of the master tapes at the time of
resorting to the remedies provided by the law, it is most application may not be necessary as these would be
unfair that fealty to the rules and procedures then merely evidentiary in nature and not determinative of
obtaining would bear but fruits of injustice.[49] whether or not a probable cause exists to justify the
issuance of the search warrants is not meritorious. The
Withal, even the proposition that the prospectivity of court cannot presume that duplicate or copied tapes
judicial decisions imports application thereof not only to were necessarily reproduced from master tapes that it
future cases but also to cases still ongoing or not yet owns.
final when the decision was promulgated, should not be The application for search warrants was directed against
countenanced in the jural sphere on account of its video tape outlets which allegedly were engaged in the
inevitably unsettling repercussions. More to the point, it unauthorized sale and renting out of copyrighted films
is felt that the reasonableness of the added requirement belonging to the petitioner pursuant to P.D. 49.
in 20th Century Fox calling for the production of the
Page 215 of 307
The essence of a copyright infringement is the similarity pirated, so that he did not have personal knowledge of
or at least substantial similarity of the purported pirated the alleged piracy. The witness Bacani also said that the
works to the copyrighted work. Hence, the applicant video cassettes were pirated without stating the
must present to the court the copyrighted films to manner it was pirated and that it was Atty. Domingo
compare them with the purchased evidence of the video that has knowledge of that fact.
tapes allegedly pirated to determine whether the latter
is an unauthorized reproduction of the former. This On the part of Atty. Domingo, he said that the re-taping
linkage of the copyrighted films to the pirated films of the allegedly pirated tapes was from master tapes
must be established to satisfy the requirements of allegedly belonging to the Twentieth Century Fox,
probable cause. Mere allegations as to the existence of because, according to him it is of his personal
the copyrighted films cannot serve as basis for the knowledge.
issuance of a search warrant.
At the hearing of the Motion for Reconsideration, Senior
For a closer and more perspicuous appreciation of the NBI Agent Atty. Albino Reyes testified that when the
factual antecedents of 20th Century Fox, the pertinent complaint for infringement was brought to the NBI, the
portions of the decision therein are quoted hereunder, master tapes of the allegedly pirated tapes were shown
to wit: to him and he made comparisons of the tapes with
those purchased by their man Bacani. Why the master
In the instant case, the lower court lifted the three tapes or at least the film reels of the allegedly pirated
questioned search warrants against the private tapes were not shown to the Court during the
respondents on the ground that it acted on the application gives some misgivings as to the truth of that
application for the issuance of the said search warrants bare statement of the NBI agent on the witness stand.
and granted it on the misrepresentations of applicant
NBI and its witnesses that infringement of copyright or a Again as the application and search proceedings is a
piracy of a particular film have been committed. Thus prelude to the filing of criminal cases under P.D. 49, the
the lower court stated in its questioned order dated copyright infringement law, and although what is
January 2, 1986: required for the issuance thereof is merely the presence
of probable cause, that probable cause must be
According to the movant, all three witnesses during the satisfactory to the Court, for it is a time-honored precept
proceedings in the application for the three search that proceedings to put a man to task as an offender
warrants testified of their own personal knowledge. Yet, under our laws should be interpreted instrictissimi
Atty. Albino Reyes of the NBI stated that the counsel or juris against the government and liberally in favor of the
representative of the Twentieth Century Fox alleged offender.
Corporation will testify on the video cassettes that were
Page 216 of 307
This doctrine has never been overturned, and as a that the confiscated tapes owned by the private
matter of fact it had been enshrined in the Bill of Rights respondents were pirated tapes taken from master
in our 1973 Constitution. tapes belonging to the petitioner. However, the lower
court did not give much credence to his testimony in
So that lacking in persuasive effect, the allegation that view of the fact that the master tapes of the allegedly
master tapes were viewed by the NBI and were pirated tapes were not shown to the court during the
compared to the purchased and seized video tapes application (Italics ours).
from the respondents establishments, it should be
dismissed as not supported by competent evidence and The italicized passages readily expose the reason why
for that matter the probable cause hovers in that grey the trial court therein required the presentation of the
debatable twilight zone between black and white master tapes of the allegedly pirated films in order to
resolvable in favor of respondents herein. convince itself of the existence of probable cause under
the factual milieu peculiar to that case. In the case at
But the glaring fact is that Cocoon, the first video tape bar, respondent appellate court itself observed:
mentioned in the search warrant, was not even duly
registered or copyrighted in the Philippines. (Annex C of We feel that the rationale behind the aforequoted
Opposition, p. 152, record.) So that lacking in the doctrine is that the pirated copies as well as the master
requisite presentation to the Court of an alleged master tapes, unlike the other types of personal properties
tape for purposes of comparison with the purchased which may be seized, were available for presentation to
evidence of the video tapes allegedly pirated and those the court at the time of the application for a search
seized from respondents, there was no way to warrant to determine the existence of the linkage of the
determine whether there really was piracy, or copying of copyrighted films with the pirated ones. Thus, there is
the film of the complainant Twentieth Century Fox. no reason not to present them (Italics supplied for
The lower court, therefore, lifted the three (3)
questioned search warrants in the absence of probable In fine, the supposed pronunciamento in said case
cause that the private respondents violated P.D. 49. As regarding the necessity for the presentation of the
found by the court, the NBI agents who acted as master tapes of the copyrighted films for the validity of
witnesses did not have personal knowledge of the search warrants should at most be understood to merely
subject matter of their testimony which was the alleged serve as a guidepost in determining the existence of
commission of the offense by the private probable cause in copyright infringement cases where
respondents. Only the petitioners counsel who was also there is doubt as to the true nexus between the master
a witness during the application for the issuance of the tape and the pirated copies. An objective and careful
search warrants stated that he had personal knowledge reading of the decision in said case could lead to no
Page 217 of 307
other conclusion than that said directive was hardly their statements, among others, was what initially and
intended to be a sweeping and inflexible requirement in correctly convinced the trial court to make a finding of
all or similar copyright infringement cases. Judicial the existence of probable cause.
dicta should always be construed within the factual
matrix of their parturition, otherwise a careless There is no originality in the argument of private
interpretation thereof could unfairly fault the writer with respondents against the validity of the search warrant,
the vice of overstatement and the reader with the obviously borrowed from 20th Century Fox, that
fallacy of undue generalization. petitioners witnesses NBI Agent Lauro C. Reyes, Atty.
Rico V. Domingo and Rene C. Baltazar did not have
In the case at bar, NBI Senior Agent Lauro C. Reyes who personal knowledge of the subject matter of their
filed the application for search warrant with the lower respective testimonies and that said witnesses claim
court following a formal complaint lodged by petitioners, that the video tapes were pirated, without stating the
judging from his affidavit[51] and his deposition,[52] did manner by which these were pirated, is a conclusion of
testify on matters within his personal knowledge based fact without basis.[56] The difference, it must be pointed
on said complaint of petitioners as well as his own out, is that the records in the present case reveal that
investigation and surveillance of the private (1) there is no allegation of misrepresentation, much
respondents video rental shop. Likewise, Atty. Rico V. less a finding thereof by the lower court, on the part of
Domingo, in his capacity as attorney-in-fact, stated in petitioners witnesses; (2) there is no denial on the part
his affidavit[53] and further expounded in his of private respondents that the tapes seized were
deposition that he personally knew of the fact that illegitimate copies of the copyrighted ones nor have
private respondents had never been authorized by his they shown that they were given any authority by
clients to reproduce, lease and possess for the purpose petitioners to copy, sell, lease, distribute or circulate, or
of selling any of the copyrighted films. at least, to offer for sale, lease, distribution or
Both testimonies of Agent Reyes and Atty. Domingo circulation the said video tapes; and (3) a discreet but
were corroborated by Rene C. Baltazar, a private extensive surveillance of the suspected area was
researcher retained by Motion Pictures Association of undertaken by petitioners witnesses sufficient to enable
America, Inc. (MPAA, Inc.), who was likewise presented them to execute trustworthy affidavits and depositions
as a witness during the search warrant proceedings. regarding matters discovered in the course thereof and
The records clearly reflect that the testimonies of the of which they have personal knowledge.
abovenamed witnesses were straightforward and
stemmed from matters within their personal It is evidently incorrect to suggest, as the ruling in 20th
knowledge. They displayed none of the ambivalence Century Fox may appear to do, that in copyright
and uncertainty that the witnesses in the 20th Century infringement cases, the presentation of master tapes of
Fox case exhibited. This categorical forthrightness in the copyrighted films is always necessary to meet the
Page 218 of 307
requirement of probable cause and that, in the absence Sec. 3. Requisites for issuing search warrant. A search
thereof, there can be no finding of probable cause for warrant shall not issue but upon probable cause in
the issuance of a search warrant. It is true that such connection with one specific offense to be determined
master tapes are object evidence, with the merit that in personally by the judge after examination under oath or
this class of evidence the ascertainment of the affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he
controverted fact is made through demonstrations may produce, and particularly describing the place to be
involving the direct use of the senses of the presiding searched and the things to be seized.
magistrate.[57] Such auxiliary procedure, however, does
not rule out the use of testimonial or documentary Sec. 4. Examination of complainant; record. The judge
evidence, depositions, admissions or other classes of must, before issuing the warrant, personally examine in
evidence tending to prove the factum probandum, the form of searching questions and answers, in writing
especially where the production in court of object and under oath the complainant and any witnesses he
evidence would result in delay, inconvenience or may produce on facts personally known to them and
expenses out of proportion to its evidentiary value.[59] attach to the record their sworn statements together
with any affidavits submitted.
Of course, as a general rule, constitutional and statutory
provisions relating to search warrants prohibit their Sec. 5. Issuance and form of search warrant. If the judge
issuance except on a showing of probable cause, is thereupon satisfied of the existence of facts upon
supported by oath or affirmation. These provisions which the application is based, or that there is probable
prevent the issuance of warrants on loose, vague, or cause to believe that they exist, he must issue the
doubtful bases of fact, and emphasize the purpose to warrant, which must be substantially in the form
protect against all general searches.[60] Indeed, Article III prescribed by these Rules.
of our Constitution mandates in Sec. 2 thereof that no
search warrant shall issue except upon probable cause The constitutional and statutory provisions of various
to be determined personally by the judge after jurisdictions requiring a showing of probable cause
examination under oath or affirmation of the before a search warrant can be issued are mandatory
complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and and must be complied with, and such a showing has
particularly describing the place to be searched and the been held to be an unqualified condition precedent to
things to be seized; and Sec. 3 thereof provides that any the issuance of a warrant. A search warrant not based
evidence obtained in violation of the preceding section on probable cause is a nullity, or is void, and the
shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding. issuance thereof is, in legal contemplation, arbitrary.
These constitutional strictures are implemented by the It behooves us, then, to review the concept of
following provisions of Rule 126 of the Rules of Court: probable cause, firstly, from representative holdings in

Page 219 of 307

the American jurisdiction from which we patterned our belief.[67] The requirement is less than certainty or proof,
doctrines on the matter. but more than suspicion or possibility.[68]
Although the term probable cause has been said to have
a well-defined meaning in the law, the term is In Philippine jurisprudence, probable cause has been
exceedingly difficult to define, in this case, with any uniformly defined as such facts and circumstances
degree of precision; indeed, no definition of it which which would lead a reasonable, discreet and prudent
would justify the issuance of a search warrant can be man to believe that an offense has been committed,
formulated which would cover every state of facts which and that the objects sought in connection with the
might arise, and no formula or standard, or hard and offense are in the place sought to be searched. [69] It
fast rule, may be laid down which may be applied to the being the duty of the issuing officer to issue, or refuse to
facts of every situation.[62] As to what acts constitute issue, the warrant as soon as practicable after the
probable cause seem incapable of definition.[63] There is, application therefor is filed,[70] the facts warranting the
of necessity, no exact test.[64] conclusion of probable cause must be assessed at the
time of such judicial determination by necessarily using
At best, the term probable cause has been understood legal standards then set forth in law and jurisprudence,
to mean a reasonable ground of suspicion, supported by and not those that have yet to be crafted thereafter.
circumstances sufficiently strong in themselves to
warrant a cautious man in the belief that the person As already stated, the definition of probable cause
accused is guilty of the offense with which he is enunciated in Burgos, Sr. vs. Chief of Staff, et al., supra,
charged;[65] or the existence of such facts and vis-a-vis the provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of Rule 126,
circumstances as would excite an honest belief in a were the prevailing and controlling legal standards, as
reasonable mind acting on all the facts and they continue to be, by which a finding of probable
circumstances within the knowledge of the magistrate cause is tested. Since the proprietary of the issuance of
that the charge made by the applicant for the warrant is a search warrant is to be determined at the time of the
true.[66] application therefor, which in turn must not be too
remote in time from the occurrence of the offense
Probable cause does not mean actual and positive alleged to have been committed, the issuing judge, in
cause, nor does it import absolute certainty. The determining the existence of probable cause, can and
determination of the existence of probable cause is not should logically look to the touchstones in the laws
concerned with the question of whether the offense therefore enacted and the decisions already
charged has been or is being committed in fact, or promulgated at the time, and not to those which had
whether the accused is guilty or innocent, but only not yet even been conceived or formulated.
whether the affiant has reasonable grounds for his

Page 220 of 307

It is worth noting that neither the Constitution nor the as the dictum for all seasons and reasons in
Rules of Court attempt to define probable cause, infringement cases.
obviously for the purpose of leaving such matter to the
courts discretion within the particular facts of each Turning now to the case at bar, it can be gleaned from
case. Although the Constitution prohibits the issuance of the records that the lower court followed the prescribed
a search warrant in the absence of probable cause, such procedure for the issuances of a search warrant: (1) the
constitutional inhibition does not command the examination under oath or affirmation of the
legislature to establish a definition or formula for complainant and his witnesses, with them particularly
determining what shall constitute probable cause. describing the place to be searched and the things to be
Thus, Congress, despite its broad authority to fashion seized; (2) an examination personally conducted by the
standards of reasonableness for searches and seizures, judge in the form of searching questions and answers, in
does not venture to make such a definition or writing and under oath of the complainant and
standard formulation of probable cause, nor categorize witnesses on facts personally known to them; and, (3)
what facts and circumstances make up the same, much the taking of sworn statements, together with the
less limit the determination thereof to and within the affidavits submitted, which were duly attached to the
circumscription of a particular class of evidence, all in records.
deference to judicial discretion and probity.[73]
Accordingly, to restrict the exercise of discretion by a Thereafter, the court a quo made the following factual
judge by adding a particular requirement (the findings leading to the issuance of the search warrant
presentation of master tapes, as intimated by 20th now subject to this controversy:
Century Fox) not provided nor implied in the law for a
finding of probable cause is beyond the realm of judicial In the instant case, the following facts have been
competence or statemanship. It serves no purpose but established: (1) copyrighted video tapes bearing titles
to stultify and constrict the judicious exercise of a enumerated in Search Warrant No. 87-053 were being
court's prerogatives and to denigrate the judicial duty of sold, leased, distributed or circulated, or offered for sale,
determining the existence of probable cause to a mere lease, distribution, or transferred or caused to be
ministerial or mechanical function. There is, to repeat, transferred by defendants at their video outlets, without
no law or rule which requires that the existence of the written consent of the private complainants or their
probable cause is or should be determined solely by a assignee; (2) recovered or confiscated from defendants'
specific kind of evidence. Surely, this could not have possession were video tapes containing copyrighted
been contemplated by the framers of the Constitution, motion picture films without the authority of the
and we do not believe that the Court intended the complainant; (3) the video tapes originated from
statement in 20th Century Fox regarding master tapes spurious or unauthorized persons; and (4) said video
tapes were exact reproductions of the films listed in the
Page 221 of 307
search warrant whose copyrights or distribution rights he found the video outlet renting, leasing, distributing
were owned by complainants. video cassette tapes whose titles were copyrighted and
without the authority of MPAA.
The basis of these facts are the affidavits and
depositions of NBI Senior Agent Lauro C. Reyes, Atty. Given these facts, a probable cause exists. x x x.[74]
Rico V. Domingo, and Rene C. Baltazar. Motion Pictures
Association of America, Inc. (MPAA) thru their counsel, The lower court subsequently executed a volte-face,
Atty. Rico V. Domingo, filed a complaint with the despite its prior detailed and substantiated findings, by
National Bureau of Investigation against certain video stating in its order of November 22, 1988 denying
establishments one of which is defendant, for violation petitioners motion for reconsideration and quashing the
of PD No. 49 as amended by PD No, 1988. Atty. Lauro C. search warrant that
Reyes led a team to conduct discreet surveillance
operations on said video establishments. Per x x x. The two (2) cases have a common factual milieu;
information earlier gathered by Atty. Domingo, both involve alleged pirated copyrighted films of private
defendants were engaged in the illegal sale, rental, complainants which were found in the possession or
distribution, circulation or public exhibition of control of the defendants. Hence, the necessity of the
copyrighted films of MPAA without its written authority presentation of the master tapes from which the pirated
or its members. Knowing that defendant Sunshine Home films were allegedly copied is necessary in the instant
Video and its proprietor, Mr. Danilo Pelindario, were not case, to establish the existence of probable cause.[75]
authorized by MPAA to reproduce, lease, and possess for
the purpose of selling any of its copyrighted motion Being based solely on an unjustifiable and improper
pictures, he instructed his researcher, Mr. Rene Baltazar retroactive application of the master tape requirement
to rent two video cassettes from said defendants on generated by 20th Century Fox upon a factual situation
October 21, 1987. Rene C. Baltazar proceeded to completely different from that in the case at bar, and
Sunshine Home Video and rented tapes containing Little without anything more, this later order clearly defies
Shop of Horror. He was issued rental slip No. 26362 elemental fair play and is a gross reversible error. In
dated October 21, 1987 for P10.00 with a deposit fact, this observation of the Court in La
of P100.00. Again, on December 11, 1987, he returned ChemiseLacoste, S.A. vs. Fernandez, et al., supra, may
to Sunshine Home Video and rented Robocop with a just as easily apply to the present case:
rental slip No. 25271 also for P10.00. On the basis of the A review of the grounds invoked x x x in his motion to
complaint of MPAA thru counsel, Atty. Lauro C. Reyes quash the search warrants reveals the fact that they are
personally went to Sunshine Home Video at No. 6 not appropriate for quashing a warrant. They are
Mayfair Center, Magallanes Commercial Center, matters of defense which should be ventilated during
Makati. His last visit was on December 7, 1987.There, the trial on the merits of the case. x x x
Page 222 of 307
As correctly pointed out by petitioners, a blind espousal administrative implementation of solemn commitments
of the requisite of presentation of the master tapes in pursuant to international conventions and treaties.
copyright infringement cases, as the prime determinant
of probable cause, is too exacting and impracticable a
requirement to be complied with in a search warrant
application which, it must not be overlooked, is only an III
ancillary proceeding. Further, on realistic considerations,
a strict application of said requirement militates against The amendment of Section 56 of Presidential Decree No.
the elements of secrecy and speed which underlie 49 by Presidential Decree No. 1987,[77] which should
covert investigative and surveillance operations in here be publicized judicially, brought about the revision
police enforcement campaigns against all forms of of its penalty structure and enumerated additional acts
criminality, considering that the master tapes of a considered violative of said decree on intellectual
motion picture required to be presented before the court property, namely, (1) directly or indirectly transferring
consists of several reels contained in circular steel or causing to be transferred any sound recording or
casings which, because of their bulk, will definitely draw motion picture or other audio-visual works so recorded
attention, unlike diminutive objects like video tapes with intent to sell, lease, publicly exhibit or cause to be
which can be easily concealed.[76] With hundreds of titles sold, leased or publicly exhibited, or to use or cause to
being pirated, this onerous and tedious imposition be used for profit such articles on which sounds, motion
would be multiplied a hundredfold by judicial fiat, pictures, or other audio-visual works are so transferred
discouraging and preventing legal recourses in foreign without the written consent of the owner or his
jurisdictions. assignee; (2) selling, leasing, distributing, circulating,
publicly exhibiting, or offering for sale, lease,
Given the present international awareness and furor distribution, or possessing for the purpose of sale, lease,
over violations in large scale of intellectual property distribution, circulation or public exhibition any of the
rights, calling for transnational sanctions, it bears calling abovementioned articles, without the written consent of
to mind the Courts admonition also in La Chemise the owner or his assignee; and, (3) directly or indirectly
Lacoste, supra, that offering or making available for a fee, rental, or any
other form of compensation any equipment, machinery,
x x x. Judges all over the country are well advised to paraphernalia or any material with the knowledge that
remember that court processes should not be used as such equipment, machinery, paraphernalia or material
instruments to, unwittingly or otherwise, aid will be used by another to reproduce, without the
counterfeiters and intellectual pirates, tie the hands of consent of the owner, any phonograph record, disc,
the law as it seeks to protect the Filipino wire, tape, film or other article on which sounds, motion
consuming public and frustrate executive and pictures or other audio-visual recordings may be
Page 223 of 307
transferred, and which provide distinct bases for at least knew that what he was copying was not his, and
criminal prosecution, being crimes independently he copied at his peril. In determining the question of
punishable under Presidential Decree No. 49, as infringement, the amount of matter copied from the
amended, aside from the act of infringing or aiding or copyrighted work is an important consideration. To
abetting such infringement under Section 29. constitute infringement, it is not necessary that the
whole or even a large portion of the work shall have
The trial courts finding that private respondents been copied. If so much is taken that the value of the
committed acts in blatant transgression of Presidential original is sensibly diminished, or the labors of the
Decree No. 49 all the more bolsters its findings of original author are substantially and to an injurious
probable cause, which determination can be reached extent appropriated by another, that is sufficient in
even in the absence of master tapes by the judge in the point of law to constitute a piracy. [79] The question of
exercise of sound discretion. The executive concern and whether there has been an actionable infringement of a
resolve expressed in the foregoing amendments to the literary, musical, or artistic work in motion pictures,
decree for the protection of intellectual property rights radio or television being one of fact,[80] it should properly
should be matched by corresponding judicial vigilance be determined during the trial. That is the stage calling
and activism, instead of the apathy of submitting to for conclusive or preponderating evidence, and not the
technicalities in the face of ample evidence of guilt. summary proceeding for the issuance of a search
warrant wherein both lower courts erroneously require
The essence of intellectual piracy should be essayed in the master tapes.
conceptual terms in order to underscore its gravity by
an appropriate understanding thereof. Infringement of a In disregarding private respondents argument that
copyright is a trespass on a private domain owned and Search Warrant No. 87-053 is a general warrant, the
occupied by the owner of the copyright, and, therefore, lower court observed that it was worded in a manner
protected by law, and infringement of copyright, or that the enumerated seizable items bear direct relation
piracy, which is a synonymous term in this connection, to the offense of violation of Sec. 56 of PD 49 as
consists in the doing by any person, without the consent amended. It authorized only the seizur(e) of articles
of the owner of the copyright, of anything the sole right used or intended to be used in the unlawful sale, lease
to do which is conferred by statute on the owner of the and other unconcerted acts in violation of PD 49 as
copyright.[78] amended. x x x.[81]

A copy of a piracy is an infringement of the original, and On this point, Bache and Co., (Phil.), Inc., et al. vs. Ruiz,
it is no defense that the pirate, in such cases, did not et al.,[82] instructs and enlightens:
know what works he was indirectly copying, or did not
know whether or not he was infringing any copyright; he
Page 224 of 307
A search warrant may be said to particularly describe
the things to be seized when the description therein is That there were several counts of the offense of
as specific as the circumstances will ordinarily allow copyright infringement and the search warrant
(People vs. Rubio, 57 Phil. 384); or when the description uncovered several contraband items in the form of
expresses a conclusion of fact not of law by which the pirated video tapes is not to be confused with the
warrant officer may be guided in making the search and number of offenses charged. The search warrant herein
seizure (idem., dissent of Abad Santos, J.,); or when the issued does not violate the one-specific-offense rule.
things described are limited to those which bear direct
relation to the offense for which the warrant is being It is pointless for private respondents to insist on
issued (Sec. 2, Rule 126, Revised Rules of Court). x x compliance with the registration and deposit
x. If the articles desired to be seized have any direct requirements under Presidential Decree No. 49 as
relation to an offense committed, the applicant must prerequisites for invoking the courts protective mantle
necessarily have some evidence, other than those in copyright infringement cases. As explained by the
articles, to prove the said offense; and the articles court below:
subject of search and seizure should come in handy
merely to strengthensuch evidence. x x x. Defendants-movants contend that PD 49 as amended
covers only producers who have complied with the
On private respondents averment that the search requirements of deposit and notice (in other words
warrant was made applicable to more than one specific registration) under Sections 49 and 50 thereof.Absent
offense on the ground that there are as many offenses such registration, as in this case, there was no right
of infringement as there are rights protected and, created, hence, no infringement under PD 49 as
therefore, to issue one search warrant for all the movie amended. This is not well-taken.
titles allegedly pirated violates the rule that a search
warrant must be issued only in connection with one As correctly pointed out by private complainants-
specific offense, the lower court said: oppositors, the Department of Justice has resolved this
legal question as far back as December 12, 1978 in its
x x x. As the face of the search warrant itself indicates, Opinion No. 191 of the then Secretary of Justice Vicente
it was issued for violation of Section 56, PD 49 as Abad Santos which stated that Sections 26 and 50 do
amended only. The specifications therein (in Annex A) not apply to cinematographic works and PD No. 49 had
merely refer to the titles of the copyrighted motion done away with the registration and deposit of
pictures/films belonging to private complainants which cinematographic works and that even without prior
defendants were in control/possession for sale, lease, registration and deposit of a work which may be entitled
distribution or public exhibition in contravention of Sec. to protection under the Decree, the creator can file
56, PD 49 as amended.[83] action for infringement of its rights. He cannot demand,
Page 225 of 307
however, payment of damages arising from requirements does not deprive the copyright owner of
infringement. The same opinion stressed that the the right to sue for infringement. Such non-compliance
requirements of registration and deposit are thus merely limits the remedies available to him and subjects
retained under the Decree, not as conditions for the him to the corresponding sanction.
acquisition of copyright and other rights, but as
prerequisites to a suit for damages. The statutory The reason for this is expressed in Section 2 of the
interpretation of the Executive Branch being correct, is decree which prefaces its enumeration of copyrightable
entitled (to) weight and respect. works with the explicit statement that the rights granted
under this Decree shall, from the moment of creation,
Defendants-movants maintain that complainant and his subsist with respect to any of the following classes of
witnesses led the Court to believe that a crime existed works. This means that under the present state of the
when in fact there was none. This is wrong. As earlier law, the copyright for a work is acquired by an
discussed, PD 49 as amended, does not require intellectual creator from the moment of creation even in
registration and deposit for a creator to be able to file the absence of registration and deposit. As has been
an action for infringement of his rights. These conditions authoritatively clarified:
are merely pre-requisites to an action for damages. So,
as long as the proscribed acts are shown to exist, an The registration and deposit of two complete copies or
action for infringement may be initiated.[84] reproductions of the work with the National Library
within three weeks after the first public dissemination or
Accordingly, the certifications[85] from the Copyright performance of the work, as provided for in Section 26
Section of the National Library, presented as evidence (P.D. No. 49, as amended), is not for the purpose of
by private respondents to show non-registration of some securing a copyright of the work, but rather to avoid the
of the films of petitioners, assume no evidentiary weight penalty for non-compliance of the deposit of said two
or significance, whatsoever. copies and in order to recover damages in an
infringement suit.[86]
Furthermore, a closer review of Presidential Decree No.
49 reveals that even with respect to works which are One distressing observation. This case has been fought
required under Section 26 thereof to be registered and on the basis of, and its resolution long delayed by resort
with copies to be deposited with the National Library, to, technicalities to a virtually abusive extent by private
such as books, including composite and cyclopedic respondents, without so much as an attempt to adduce
works, manuscripts, directories and gazetteers; and any credible evidence showing that they conduct their
periodicals, including pamphlets and newspapers; business legitimately and fairly. The fact that private
lectures, sermons, addresses, dissertations prepared for respondents could not show proof of their authority or
oral delivery; and letters, the failure to comply with said that there was consent from the copyright owners for
Page 226 of 307
them to sell, lease, distribute or circulate petitioners GENERAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BRING OR DEFEND
copyrighted films immeasurably bolsters the lower ACTIONS ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OR THE REPUBLIC
courts initial finding of probable cause. That private OF THE PHILIPPINES ONCE THE CASE IS BROUGHT
respondents are licensed by the Videogram Regulatory BEFORE THE SUPREME COURT OR THE COURT OF
Board does not insulate them from criminal and civil APPEALS; EXCEPTION.- From the records it is clear that,
liability for their unlawful business practices. What is as complainants, petitioners were involved in the
more deplorable is that the reprehensible acts of some proceedings which led to the issuance of Search Warrant
unscrupulous characters have stigmatized the No. 23. In People vs. Nano, the Court declared that while
Philippines with an unsavory reputation as a hub for the general rule is that it is only the Solicitor General
intellectual piracy in this part of the globe, formerly in who is authorized to bring or defend actions on behalf of
the records of the General Agreement on Tariffs and the People or the Republic of the Philippines once the
Trade and, now, of the World Trade Organization. Such case is brought before this Court or the Court of
acts must not be glossed over but should be denounced Appeals, if there appears to be grave error committed
and repressed lest the Philippines become an by the judge or a lack of due process, the petition will
international pariah in the global intellectual community. be deemed filed by the private complainants therein as
if it were filed by the Solicitor General. In line with this
WHEREFORE, the assailed judgment and resolution of ruling, the Court gives this petition due course and will
respondent Court of Appeals, and necessarily inclusive allow petitioners to argue their case against the
of the order of the lower court dated November 22, questioned order in lieu of the Solicitor General.
1988, are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The order
of the court a quo of September 5, 1988 upholding the 2. ID.; ID.; SEARCH AND SEIZURE; SEARCH WARRANT;
validity of Search Warrant No. 87-053 is hereby PRESENTATION OF THE MASTER TAPES OF THE PIRATED
expeditiously proceed with such appropriate WARRANT TO ISSUE.- "In fine, the supposed
proceedings as may be called for in this case. Treble pronunciamento in said case regarding the necessity for
costs are further assessed against private respondents. the presentation of the master tapes of the copyrighted
films for the validity of search warrants should at most
6. Columbia Pictures vs. CA & Showtime be understood to merely serve as a guidepost in
Enterprises, G.R. 111267, Sept. 20, 1996 determining the existence of probable cause in
copyright infringement cases where there is doubt as to
Syllabus: the true nexus between the master tape and the pirated
copies. An objective and careful reading of the decision
1. REMEDIAL LAW; CRIMINAL PROCEDURE; in said case could lead to no other conclusion than that
PROSECUTION OF OFFENSE; ONLY THE SOLICITOR said directive was hardly intended to be a sweeping and
Page 227 of 307
inflexible requirement in all or similar copyright not the conduct of Judge Flor in the issuance of Search
infringement cases. Judicial dicta should always be Warrant No. 23. From the records, it is clear that Judge
construed within the factual matrix of their parturition, Flor observed all the requirements necessary before the
otherwise a careless interpretation thereof could search warrant was issued: he heard the testimonies
unfairly fault the writer with the vice of overstatement and studied the dispositions of the witnesses for the
and the reader with the fallacy of undue petitioners, namely Ms. Rebecca Benitez-Cruz, Ms Analie
generalization. xxx It is evidently incorrect to suggest, I. Jimenez and the VRB's Intelligence Officer, Alfredo G.
as the ruling in 20th Century Fox may appear to do, that Ramos on the existence of probable cause before
in copyright infringement cases, the presentation of issuing the warrant. Under Sec. 3 and 4, Rule 126 of the
master tapes of the copyrighted films is always Rules of Court, the requirements for the issuance of a
necessary to meet the requirement of probable cause valid search warrant are: "Sec. 3. Requisites for issuing
and that, in the absence thereof, there can be no finding search warrant. A search warrant shall not issue but
of probable cause for the issuance of a search upon probable. cause in connection with one specific
warrant. It is true that suc master tapes are object offense to be determined by the judge or such other
evidence, with the merit that in this class of evidence responsible officer authorized by law after examination
the ascertainment of the controverted fact is made under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the
through demonstrations involving the direct use of the witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing
senses of the presiding magistrate. (City of Manila vs. the place to be searched and the things to be
Cabangis, 10 Phil. 151 [1908]; Kabase vs. State, 31 Ala. seized. Sec. 4. Examination of complainant; record.- The
App. 77, 12 So. 2nd, 758, 764). Such auxiliary judge must, before issuing the warrant, personally
procedure, however, does not rule out the use of examine in the form of searching questions and
testimonial or documentary evidence, depositions, answers, in writing and under oath the complainant, and
admissions or other classes of evidence tending to any witnesses he may produce on facts personally
prove the factum probandum, (See Phil. Movie Workers known to them and attach to the record their sworn
Association vs. Premiere Productions, Inc., 92 Phil. 843 statements together with any affidavits
[1953]) especially where the production in court of submitted." Having satisfied these requirements, Judge
object evidence would result in delay, inconvenience or Flor committed no grave abuse of discretion in issuing
expenses out of proportion to its evidentiary value. (See the warrant.
3 Jones on Evidence, Sec. 1400)."
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; REQUIREMENTS FOR VALID ISSUANCE WHEN SATISFIED.- "A search warrant may be said to
THEREOF.- The- instant case also differs from 20th particularly describe the things to be seized when the
Century Fox in that what herein private respondent put description therein is as specific as the circumstances
in issue was the application of the ruling in that case, will ordinarily allow (People vs. Rubio, 57 Phil. 384); or
Page 228 of 307
when the description expresses a conclusion of fact-not probable cause. xxx It is consequently clear that a
of law-by which the warrant officer may be guided in judicial interpretation becomes a part of the law as
making the search and seizure (idem., dissent of Abad ofthe date that law was originally passed, subject only
Santos, J.); or when the things described are limited to to the qualification that when a doctrine of this Court is
those which bear direct relation to the offense for which overruled and a different view is adopted, and more so
the warrant is being issued (Sec. 2, Rule 126, Revised when there is a reversal thereof, the new doctrine
Rules of Court). should be applied prospectively. and should not apply to
parties who relied on the old doctrine and acted in good
If the articles desired to be seized have any direct faith. (People vs. Jabinal, L-30061, February 27, 1974, 55
relation to an offense committed, the applicant must SCRA 607; and other cases cited) To hold otherwise
necessarily have some evidence, other than those would be to deprive tlhe law of its quality of fairness and
articles, to prove the said offense; and the articles justice then, if there is no recognition of what had
subject of search and seizure should come in handy transpired prior to such adjudication. (De Agbayani vs.
merely to strengthen such evidence. Philippine National Bank, et al., L-23127, April 29, 1971,
38 SCRA 429)."
INTERPRETATION; BECOMES A PART OF THE LAW AS OF Facts: Petitioners Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.,
THE DATE WHEN THE LAW WAS ORIGINALLY PASSED; MGM Entertainment Co., Orion Pictures Corporation,
EXCEPTION.- "Mindful as we are of the ramifications Paramount Pictures Corp., Universal City Studios, Inc.,
ofthe doctrine of stare decisis and the rudiments of fair the Walt Disney Company and Warner Brothers, Inc.
play, it is our considered view that the 20th Century Fox question the decision[1]of the Court of Appeals which
ruling cannot be retroactively applied to the instant affirmed the Order of the Regional Trial Court of Pasig,
case to justify the quashal of Search Warrant No. 87- Branch 168, the dispositive portion of which states:
053. Herein petitioners' consistent position that the
order of the lower court of September 5, 1988 denying "WHEREFORE, finding that the issuance of the
therein defendants' motion to lift the order of search questioned warrants was not supported by probable
warrant was properly issued, there having been cause, the 'Urgent Motion (To Lift Search Warrant [No.
satisfactory compliance with the then prevailing 23] and for the Return of Seized Articles)' is hereby
standards under the law for determination of probable GRANTED.
cause, is indeed well taken. The lower court could not
possibly have expected more evidence from petitioners Accordingly, the Videogram Regulatory Board (VRB)
in their application for a search warrant other than what and/or any Police Agency or other representatives of the
the law and jurisprudence, then existing and judicially VRB are hereby directed to return to the
accepted, required with respect to the finding of defendant/movant or his representative all
Page 229 of 307
articles/items in their possession seized under and by Section 56 and other related sections of Presidential
virtue of Search Warrant No. 23. Decree No. 49 as amended by Presidential Decree No.
The antecedent facts leading to the disputed Order are:
On September 30, 1987, the trial court denied the
Alfredo G. Ramos, intelligence officer of the Videogram Motion to Quash finding that the Search Warrant was
Regulatory Board (VRB), received information that issued for one specific offense. A Motion for
private respondent Jose B. Jinco had in his possession Reconsideration was filed but the same was likewise
pirated videotapes, posters, advertising materials and denied.
other items used or intended to be used for the purpose
of sale, lease, distribution, circulation or public Private respondent then filed an Urgent Motion to Lift
exhibition of the said pirated videotapes. Ramos the Search Warrant and For the Return of the Seized
ascertained the information to be true and filed a Articles alleging that Search Warrant No. 23 is a general
verified Application for Search Warrant dated July 28, warrant, and that it was issued without probable cause.
1986 with prayer for the seizure of the properties
described in the search warrant. On May 22, 1989, the assailed order was issued by
Judge Benjamin V. Pelayo, now presiding over Branch
On the same date, a hearing was conducted by Judge 168 of the Pasig RTC, granting the Motion to Quash and
Florentino A. Flor of the Regional Trial Court of Pasig, ordering the return of all seized articles to private
Branch 168, wherein Ramos and his two witnesses, respondent.
Analie Jimenez and Rebecca Benitez-Cruz testified on
the need for the issuance of search warrant. Petitioners appealed to the Court of Appeals, which
affirmed the said Order in toto.
On July 28, 1986, the prayer for the issuance of the
search warrant was granted and, on the same date, Hence, this petition.
Search Warrant No. 23 was issued.
In granting the Motion to Quash, the trial court relied on
On June 2, 1987, private respondent filed a Motion to the Court's ruling in 20th Century Fox Film Corporation
Quash Search Warrant No. 23 on the grounds that the v. Court of Appeals, et al.[2] which involved violation of
Search Warrant did not state a specific offense and that, Presidential Decree No. 49, (otherwise known as the
even assuming it stated a specific offense, it covered Decree on the Protection of Intellectual Property). In said
more than one specific offense. The VRB opposed the case, video outlets were raided pursuant to search
Motion to Quash stating that Search Warrant No. 23 was warrants issued by the Regional Trial Court of
issued for a single specific offense namely, violation of Makati. However, the search warrants were later lifted
Page 230 of 307
by the same court on the ground of lack of probable "People" as offended party and the accused. A private
cause because the master tapes of the alleged pirated complainant is relegated to the role of a witness who
tapes were never shown to the lower court. The Court does not have the right to appeal except where the civil
affirmed the lifting of the search warrants holding that aspect is deemed instituted with the criminal case.
the presentation of the master tapes was necessary for
the validity of the search warrants against those who Petitioners, on the other hand, argue that as the
have the pirated films in their possession. offended parties in the criminal case, they have the
right to institute an appeal from the questioned order.
When the trial court granted the Motion to Quash
Search Warrant No. 23 on May 22, 1989, it used as its From the records it is clear that, as complainants,
justification the fact that, as the master copies were not petitioners were involved in the proceedings which led
presented to the court in its hearing of July 28, 1986, to the issuance of Search Warrant No. 23. In People v.
there was no probable cause to issue the said warrant, Nano,[3] the Court declared that while the general rule is
based on the pronouncements in 20th Century Fox. that it is only the Solicitor General who is authorized to
bring or defend actions on behalf of the People or the
Petitioners now question the retroactive application of Republic of the Philippines once the case is brought
the 20th Century Fox decision which had not yet been before this Court or the Court of Appeals, if there
promulgated in 1986 when the search warrant was appears to be grave error committed by the judge or a
issued. Petitioners further argue that, contrary to the lack of due process, the petition will be deemed filed by
trial court's finding, the search warrant was not a the private complainants therein as if it were filed by
general warrant since the description of the items to be the Solicitor General. In line with this ruling, the Court
seized was specific enough. It removed from the serving gives this petition due course and will allow petitioners
officer any discretion as to which items to seize to argue their case against the questioned order in lieu
inasmuch as it described only those items which had a of the Solicitor General.
direct relation to the offense for which the search
warrant was issued. Held: As regards the issue of the validity of Search
Warrant No. 23, there are two questions to be resolved:
The threshold issue that must first be determined is first, whether the 20th Century Fox decision
whether or not petitioners have the legal personality promulgated on August 19, 1988 is applicable to the
and standing to file the appeal. Motion to Quash Search Warrant No. 23 (issued on July
28, 1986).
Private respondent asserts that the proceedings for the
issuance and/or quashal of a search warrant are criminal We hold in the negative.
in nature. Thus, the parties in such a case are the
Page 231 of 307
In the recent Columbia Pictures, et al. v. Court of Likewise, the Court ruled therein that presentation of
Appeals, et al.[4] case which resolved the same issue the master tapes in such cases is not an absolute
involving the same petitioners but with different requirement for a search warrant to issue:
respondents, the Court en bancheld:
"Mindful as we are of the ramifications of the doctrine of "More to the point, it is felt that the reasonableness of
stare decisis and the rudiments of fair play, it is our the added requirement in 20th Century Fox calling for
considered view that the 20th Century Fox ruling cannot the production of the master tapes of the copyrighted
be retroactively applied to the instant case to justify the films for determination of probable cause in copyright
quashal of Search Warrant No. 87-053. Herein infringement cases needs revisiting and clarification.
petitioners' consistent position that the order of the
lower court of September 5, 1988 denying therein In fine, the supposed pronunciamento in said case
defendant's motion to lift the order of search warrant regarding the necessity for the presentation of the
was properly issued, there having been satisfactory master tapes of the copyrighted films for the validity of
compliance with the then prevailing standards under the search warrants should at most be understood to merely
law for determination of probable cause, is indeed well serve as a guidepost in determining the existence of
taken. The lower court could not possibly have expected probable cause in copyright infringement cases where
more evidence from petitioners in their application for a there is doubt as to the true nexus between the master
search warrant other than what the law and tape and the pirated copies. An objective and careful
jurisprudence, then existing and judicially accepted, reading of the decision in said case could lead to no
required with respect to the finding of probable cause. other conclusion than that said directive was hardly
intended to be a sweeping and inflexible requirement in
It is consequently clear that a judicial interpretation all or similar copyright infringement cases. Judicial dicta
becomes a part of the law as of the date that law was should always be construed within the factual matrix of
originally passed, subject only to the qualification that their parturition, otherwise a careless interpretation
when a doctrine of this Court is overruled and a different thereof could unfairly fault the writer with the vice of
view is adopted, and more so when there is a reversal overstatement and the reader with the fallacy of undue
thereof, the new doctrine should be applied generalization.
prospectively and should not apply to parties who relied
on the old doctrine and acted in good faith. To hold It is evidently incorrect to suggest, as the ruling in 20th
otherwise would be to deprive the law of its quality of Century Fox may appear to do, that in copyright
fairness and justice then, if there is no recognition of infringement cases, the presentation of master tapes of
what had transpired prior to such adjudication. the copyrighted films is always necessary to meet the
requirement of probable cause and that, in the absence
thereof, there can be no finding of probable cause for
Page 232 of 307
the issuance of a search warrant. It is true that such A search warrant shall not issue but upon probable
master tapes are object evidence, with the merit that in cause in connection with one specific offense to be
this class of evidence the ascertainment of the determined by the judge or such other responsible
controverted fact is made through demonstrations officer authorized by law after examination under oath
involving the direct use of the senses of the presiding or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he
magistrate. Such auxiliary procedure, however, does not may produce, and particularly describing the place to be
rule out the use of testimonial or documentary searched and the things to be seized.
evidence, depositions, admissions, or other classes of
evidence tending to prove the factum Sec. 4. Examination of complainant; record. -
probandum especially where the production in court of
object evidence would result in delay, inconvenience or The judge must, before issuing the warrant, personally
expenses out of proportion to its evidentiary value. (See examine in the form of searching questions and
3 Jones on Evidence, Sec. 1400)." answers, in writing and under oath the complainant and
any witnesses he may produce on facts personally
The instant case also differs from 20th Century Fox in known to them and attach to the record their sworn
that what herein private respondent put in issue was the statements together with any affidavits submitted."
application of the ruling in that case, not the conduct of
Judge Flor in the issuance of Search Warrant No. Having satisfied these requirements, Judge Flor
23. From the records, it is clear that Judge Flor observed committed no grave abuse of discretion in issuing the
all the requirements necessary before the search warrant.
warrant was issued: he heard the testimonies and
studied the despositions of the witnesses for the Private respondent contends that Search Warrant No. 23
petitioners, namely Ms. Rebecca Benitez-Cruz, Ms. also violates the constitutional requirements of
Analie I. Jimenez and the VRB's Intelligence Officer, particularity of the description of the warrant, being a
Alfredo G. Ramos on the existence of probable cause general warrant and thus, is null and void.
before issuing the warrant.
In several cases, this Court has held that:
Under Sec. 3 and 4, Rule 126 of the Rules of Court, the
requirements for the issuance of a valid search warrant "To be valid, a search warrant must be supported by
are: probable cause to be determined by the judge or some
other authorized officer after examining the
"Sec. 3. Requisites for issuing search warrant. complainant and the witnesses he may produce. No less
important, there must be a specific description of the

Page 233 of 307

place to be searched and the things to be seized, to phonograph record, disc, wire, tape, film or other article
prevent arbitrary and indiscriminate use of the warrant. on which sounds, motion pictures, or other audio visual
works are recorded, with intent to sell, lease, publicly
When may a search warrant be deemed to satisfy the exhibit or cause to be sold, leased or publicly exhibited,
legal requirements of specificity? or to use or cause to be used for profit, such article on
which sounds, motion pictures, or other audio visual
In Bache and Co., (Phil.) Inc. v. Ruiz, we said: works are so transferred, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN
"A search warrant may be said to particularly describe
the things to be seized when the description therein is (2) Sell, lease, distribute, circulate, exhibit, offer for
as specific as the circumstances will ordinarily allow sale, lease, distribution, or possess for the purpose of
(People v. Rubio, 57 Phil. 384); or when the description sale, lease, distribution, circulation or public exhibition,
expresses a conclusion of fact - not of law - by which the any such article to which the sounds, motion pictures or
warrant officer may be guided in making the search and audio-visual recordings thereon have been so
seizure (idem., dissent of Abad Santos, J.); or when the transferred, without the written consent of the owner or
things described are limited to those which bear direct his assignee; or
relation to the offense for which the warrant is being
issued (Sec. 2, rule 126, Revised Rules of Court). . . . . If (3) Offer or make available for a fee, rental or any other
the articles desired to be seized have any direct relation form of compensation, directly or indirectly any
to an offense committed, the applicant must necessarily equipment, machinery, paraphernalia or any material
have some evidence, other than those articles, to prove with the knowledge that such equipment, machinery,
the said offense; and the articles, subject of search and paraphernalia or material, will be used by another to
seizure should come in handy merely to strengthen such reproduce, without the consent of the owners any
evidence. . . . ." phonograph record, disc, wire, tape film or other article
on which sound, motion pictures, or other audio-visual
An examination of Search Warrant No. 23 shows that it recordings may be transferred."
was worded in such a manner that the enumerated
items to be seized bear a direct relation to the offense In other words, it authorized only the seizure of articles
of violation of Sec. 56 of Presidential Decree No. 49, as used or intended to be used in the unlawful sale, lease
amended, which states: and other acts in violation of the said decree. The
search warrant ordered the seizure of the following
"(1) Transfer or cause to be transferred, directly or properties:
indirectly any sound recording or motion picture, or
other audio-visual work that has been recorded on a
Page 234 of 307
"(a) Pirated video tapes of the copyrighted motion 7. Wilson Ong Ching vs. China National Cereals,
pictures/films the titles of which are mentioned in the G.R. No. 131502, June 8, 2000
attached list;
Facts: This is an appeal by way of a petition for review
(b) Posters, advertising leaflets, brochures, invoices, on certiorari under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
journal, ledgers, and books of accounts bearing/or Procedure of the Decision[1] in Civil Case No. 94-68836 dated
mentioning the pirated films with titles (as per attached November 20, 1997 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 33,
list); Manila, which rendered a judgment on the pleadings against
herein petitioners, the dispositive portion of which reads:
(c) Television sets, video cassettes records, rewinders,
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of
tape head cleaners, accessories, equipment and other
plaintiffs, and against defendant:
machines and paraphernalia or material used or
intended to be used in the unlawful sale, lease,
"1. Decreeing the cancellation or annulment of the
distribution, or possession for purpose of sale, lease,
Copyrighted Registration No. 0-93-491 of defendant
distribution, circulation or public exhibition of the above-
mentioned pirated video tapes which he is keeping and
concealing in the premises above-described."
"2. Directing defendant Director of the National Library
to effect the cancellation or annulment of the
Clearly, the above items could not be anymore specific
Copyrighted Registration No. 0-93-491 of defendant
as the circumstances will allow since they are all used or
intended to be used in the unlawful sale or lease of
pirated tapes.Therefore, the finding of the appellate
"Damages cannot be awarded to Plaintiffs as no
court that Search Warrant No. 23 is a "general" warrant
evidence was presented to substantiate their claims.
is devoid of basis.
"With costs against defendant WILSON ONG.
WHEREFORE, the assailed decision and resolution of
respondent Court of Appeals, and necessarily inclusive
The antecedent facts are undisputed.
of the order of the trial court dated May 22, 1989, are
hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The order of the trial
On September 16, 1993, petitioner Wilson Ong Ching
court dated July 28, 1986 upholding the validity of
Kian Chuan, doing business under the firm name of
Search Warrant No. 23 is hereby REINSTATED.
C.K.C. Trading, filed a Complaint for Infringement of
Costs against private respondent.
Copyright with prayer for writ of injunction before the
Regional Trial Court, Branch 94 of Quezon City
Page 235 of 307
(hereinafter Quezon City Court) against Lorenzo Tan, On January 7, 1994, Judge Rodolfo G. Palattao of the
doing business under the firm name Mcmaster Manila Court issued a temporary restraining
International Sales, and docketed as Q-93-17628. On order enjoining petitioner from using his copyrighted
the same day, said court issued a temporary restraining labels and selling his vermicelli products which is similar
order enjoining the defendant, his distributors and to that of respondents. On January 14, 1994, petitioner
retailers from selling vermicelli (sotanghon) "using the filed a motion to dissolve temporary restraining
plaintiffs copyrighted cellophane wrapper with the two- order[5] praying that the complaint be dismissed on the
dragons designed label, and setting the hearing of the following grounds: 1.) litis pendentia, 2.) the issue
injunctive relief for September 21, 1993." involved is one of copyright under PD No. 49 and does
not involve trademarks under Republic Act 166, 3.)
On October 13, 1993, the Quezon City Court issued a courts of co-equal and coordinate jurisdiction cannot
Resolution which granted a writ of preliminary injunction interfere with the orders of other courts having the
in favor of the petitioner, denied therein defendants same power and jurisdiction, 4.) plaintiff CEROILFOOD
application for a writ of preliminary injunction and, SHANDONG, being a foreign corporation and with no
issues having been joined, set the case for pre-trial on license to do business in the Philippines, has no legal
November 12, 1993. On December 15, 1993, the capacity to sue, and 5.) courts should not issue
Quezon City Court denied defendants motion for injunctions which would in effect dispose of the main
dissolution of the writ of preliminary injunction. case without trial.

On January 5, 1994, the China National Cereals Oils & On January 27, 1994, the Manila Court issued an
Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation (CEROILFOOD Order[6] granting a writ of preliminary injunction in favor
SHANDONG), and Benjamin Irao, Jr., as representative of respondents and denying petitioners motion to
and attorney-in-fact of CEROILFOOD SHANDONG, herein dismiss.
respondents, filed acomplaint[3] for
Annulment/Cancellation of Copyrighted Certificate No. On January 31, 1994, petitioner filed before the Court of
0-93-491 and damages with prayer for restraining Appeals a petition for certiorari docketed as CA - G.R. SP
order/writ of preliminary injunction before the Regional No. 33178, seeking for the annulment of the January 27,
Trial Court of Manila, (hereinafter Manila Court) against 1994 Order of the Manila Court.
Wilson Ong Ching Kian Chuan, doing business under the
firm name and style C.K.C. Trading and the Director of On July 22, 1994, after the parties have expounded their
the National Library, docketed as Civil Case No. 94- respective positions by way of their comment, reply and
68836. rejoinder, the Court of Appeals rendered its Decision,
the dispositive portion of which reads:

Page 236 of 307

"WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby GRANTED, admitted motu proprio the motion to dismiss filed by
and as prayed for by petitioner, the Order dated January petitioner as its answer, and directed the parties to
27, 1994 issued in Civil Case 94-68836 by Branch 33, submit their respective pre-trial briefs.
Regional Trial Court, National Capital Judicial Region,
Manila, is hereby ANNULLED and SET ASIDE, although On September 17, 1996, petitioner filed a "Motion for
the prayer for dismissal of the complaint in Manila may the Issuance of a Writ of Execution" [13] praying that a
be pursued before said court during the proceedings." motion for execution dismissing the Manila case be
issued, and citing Atty. Benjamin Irao, Jr., counsel of
In the same Decision, the Court of Appeals ruled that CEROILFOOD SHANDONG and his co-counsel, Atty.
the case was dismissible on grounds of litis Antonio Albano, guilty of forum shopping, pursuant to
pendentia, multiplicity of suits, and forum shopping. the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP. No.
On September 5, 1994, the Court of Appeals denied
respondents motion for reconsideration.[8] The Court of On January 23, 1997, respondents filed before the
Appeals Decision became final on October 3, 1994. Manila court a Supplement To Motion For Judgment On
Entry of Judgment[9]was made on November 15, 1994. The Pleadings, claiming that petitioner failed to tender
an issue.[14]
On November 21, 1994, petitioner filed a
motion praying for the dismissal of the Manila case on On November 20, 1997, Judge Rodolfo G. Palattao of the
the strength of the findings of the Court of Appeals, Manila Court rendered a Judgment on the Pleadings in
particularly on "forum shopping." In an Order[11] dated favor of respondents, and ruled that litis pendentia,
March 8, 1995, the Manila Court held in abeyance the multiplicity of suits, and forum shopping were not
resolution of the motion to dismiss until further present in the case.
reception of evidence, stating therein that the Hence, the present appeal on pure questions of law.
dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals Decision did
not order the dismissal of the case. In the meantime, Petitioners raise the following issues:
respondents filed a motion to declare petitioners in
default for failing to file an Answer despite the March 8 I
Order, which motion was opposed by petitioners, there Whether or not the legal pronouncements of the Court
being at that time a pending motion to dismiss which of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 33178 that the Manila case
the court a quo refused to resolve on the merits. is dismissible on grounds of litis pendentia, multiplicity
of suits and forum shopping constitute the "Law of the
In an Order[12] dated July 19, 1996, the Manila court Case."
denied the motion to declare petitioners in default,
Page 237 of 307
II being the branch of CEROILFOOD in Quingdao, China,
Whether or not the Regional Trial Judge of Branch 33, and of which in Civil Case Q-93-17628, LORENZO TAN
Manila erred in not applying the law of the case. avers in his answer he is the exclusive and sole
distributor. In Civil Case 94-68836 subsequently filed in
III Manila, on January 5, 1994, LORENZO TAN admitted that
Whether or not the court a quo can review the legal he is the sole distributor of plaintiff China National
conclusions of an appellate court in the same case, on Cereals Oil and Foodstuffs Import and Export
issues squarely submitted to and passed upon by the Corporation of the latters PAGODA BRAND vermicelli
appellate court under identical set of facts and products. Atty. Benjamin Irao, Jr., the attorney of private
circumstances obtaining in the court a quo. respondents, also the attorney-in-fact of Ceroilfood
Shandong, admitted that his principal does not do
IV business in the Philippines, and named LORENZO TAN as
Whether or not the court a quo erred in motu his principals exclusive distributor of said product in the
proprio considering a motion to dismiss as the answer to Philippines. Thus, Lorenzo Tan in both Civil Cases Q-93-
the complaint and, thereafter, render a judgment on the 17628 and 94-68836 appears as principal defendant in
pleadings on the ground that the motion to dismiss did the first, and as sole distributor of Cereal Food
not tender an issue. Shandong, in the second. Indicatively, he is defending
and complaining substantively the same rights and
Held: In support thereof, petitioners quote the ruling of interests in both cases, and in effect there is identity of
the Court of Appeals on the issue of whether there parties representing the same interests. While it is
was litis pendentia and multiplicity of suits in the against TAN with whom the QC RTC issued an injunction,
present case, as follows: that writ should also apply to CEROILFOOD SHANDONG,
as Tan is its exclusive and sole distributor in the
"The Manila court should have considered also that Civil Philippines, as private respondent corporation does
Case Q-93-17628 involves practically the same parties, business in the Philippines through TAN who imports his
same subject-matter and same relief as in Civil Case 0- vermicelli wholly from said foreign corporation. And
94-68836. Petitioner filed the first case on September most importantly, TAN asserts rights to the trademark
16, 1993, for INFRINGEMENT OF HIS REGISTERED PAGODA, also allegedly owned by CEROILFOOD between
COPYRIGHT, which covers the cellophane wrapper that TAN and CEROILFOOD SHANDONG that he is its
he uses in packaging the vermicelli which he imports corporate distributor. Also in 93-17628, petitioners
from the CHINA NATIONAL CEREALS OILS & prayer for injunction is based on his registered copyright
FOODSTUFFS IMPORT AND EXPORT CORPORATION certificate, while TAN averred in his answer thereon that
BASED IN BEIJING, CHINA, the main or principal of petitioners copyright should be annulled and cancelled,
private respondent CEROILFOOD SHANDONG, the latter and also prayed for injunction. In 94-68836, private
Page 238 of 307
respondent CEROILFOOD SHANDONG, as plaintiff, also "Finally, the Manila court should also have considered
prayed for ANNULMENT AND CANCELLATION OF forum shopping as a third drawback to private
COPYRIGHT CERTIFICATE No. 0-93-491 WITH DAMAGES respondents cause. It is a term originally used to
AND PRAYER FOR RESTRAINING ORDER/WRIT OF denominate a litigants privilege of choosing the venue
PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. As can well be seen from of his action where the law allows him to do so, or of an
those pertinent allegations/averments/prayers in both election of remedies of one of two or more co-existing
cases, they are identical with each other. They involved rights. In either of which situations, the litigant actually
one and the same CERTIFICATE OF COPYRIGHT shops for a forum of his action. However, instead of
REGISTRATION. Though the first case is for making a choice of the forum of their actions, litigants
INFRINGEMENT of copyright registration, while the through the encouragement of their lawyers, file their
second is for ANNULMENT AND CANCELLATION of the actions on all available courts, or invoke irrelevant
same copyright, since the first involves a breach, remedies simultaneously, or even file actions one after
infraction, transgression, and the second for the other, a practice which had not only resulted
invalidation, discontinuance, termination and conflicting adjudications among different courts,
suppression of the same copyright certificate, what the confusion inimical to an orderly administration of justice
first seeks to preserve is the exclusive use of the and created extreme inconvenience to some of the
copyright, and the second seeks to terminate the very parties to the action. And thus it has been held in
use of the same copyright by the registrant/owner. Villanueva vs. Andres, 172 SCRA 876, that forum
Though the quest of petitioner and private respondents shopping applies whenever as a result of an adverse
in the two cases are aimed towards different ends - the opinion in one forum, a party seeks a favorable opinion
first to uphold the validity and effectiveness of the same (other than by appeal or certiorari), in another forum.
copyright, the second is merely a consequence of the xxx
first, - the real matter in controversy can be fully
determined and resolved before the Quezon City court, "Observedly, Attys. IRAO and ALBANO, who are TANs
and would render the Manila case a surplus age and lawyers in Quezon City, are also private respondents
also constitutes multiplicity of suits and dismissible on lawyers in Manila. ATTY. IRAO who entered his
that ground, although such dismissal should be appearance as counsel for private respondents in the
considered as without prejudice to the continuance of Manila case, is also the authorized representative and
the proceedings before the Quezon City court. (pp. 8-10, attorney-in-fact of private respondent corporation in the
CA Decision, Annex "B" of the Petition)" Manila case. While Atty. Irao withdrew as counsel of TAN
in the Quezon City, that did not remove the case filed in
On the issue of forum shopping, the Court of Appeals Manila outside the sphere of the rule on forum
ruled further, thus: shopping." (pp. 10-11, CA Decision, Annex "B" of the
Page 239 of 307
the court a quo gave undue benefit and advantage to
Petitioners contend that the foregoing conclusions of the respondents at the expense of herein petitioners;
fact and law of the Court of Appeals are correct and and that the explanation given by the trial judge that
should not be disturbed, especially since the decision of the dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals decision
the Court of Appeals had already become final and did not expressly order him to dismiss the case is flimsy
entered in the Books of Judgment; that the parties to and untenable.
the case and the Regional Trial Judge in Branch 33,
Manila are bound by the said conclusions of fact and law On the other hand, respondents assert that the doctrine
and the same should not be reopened on remand of the of law of the case is not applicable to the present case
case; and that it is not within the Trial Judges discretion because the Court of Appeals never ordered the
to take exception to, much less overturn, any factual or dismissal of the case and that the Order of the Manila
legal conclusions laid down by the Court of Appeals in Court dated January 27, 1994 was annulled and set
its verdict and to dispose of the case in a manner aside only insofar as the preliminary injunction is
diametrically opposed thereto, citing the case of PNB concerned. Respondents cite the case of Magdalena
vs. Noahs Ark Sugar Refinery, 226 SCRA 36, 48. Estate, Inc. vs. Caluag, 11 SCRA 333 which ruled that
the deficiencies in the dispositive part of the decision
Petitioners further allege that the acts of the trial judge cannot be supplied by any finding or opinion found in
suffer from procedural infirmity: and that it makes no the body of the decision. Respondents also allege that
sense for the trial judge to refuse to resolve the motion while petitioner Wilson Ong had belatedly faulted the
to dismiss on the merits; to motu proprio consider the Court below in considering his motion to dismiss as his
motion to dismiss as the answer to the complaint; and answer, he never questioned the correctness of the
to later rule that the motion to dismiss did not tender an findings of the court a quo in the assailed decision.
issue and, therefore, a judgment on the pleadings is in
order. Petitioners also aver that a motion to dismiss is After a review of the records of the case and an
not a responsive pleading; that at the time the trial examination of the pleadings filed by the parties, the
judge considered the motion to dismiss to be the Court finds the petition to be meritorious.
answer to the complaint, he knew very well, or at least
should have known that the motion to dismiss did not Being interrelated, the first, second and third issues
tender an issue for indeed, it is not within the province shall be discussed jointly.
of the motion to admit or deny the allegations of the
complaint, and there being no legitimate answer and no Indeed, the court a quo erred in not resolving the
real joinder of issues, the rendition of the subject petitioners motion to dismiss in accordance with the
Judgment on the Pleadings becomes suspect. According decision of the Court of Appeals which found that "The
to petitioners, in deviating from the usual procedure, Manila court should have considered also that Civil Case
Page 240 of 307
Q-93-17628 involves practically the same parties, same
subject-matter and same relief as in Civil Case 94- (b)....where extensive and explicit discussion and
68836"; that "the real matter in controversy can be fully settlement of the issue is found in the body of the
determined and resolved before the Quezon City court decision.[17]
and would render the Manila case a surplusage and also
constitutes multiplicity of suits and dismissible on that Considering the circumstances of the instant case, the
ground, although such dismissal should be considered Court finds that the exception to the general rule
as without prejudice to the continuance of the applies to the instant case. Since the statement of the
proceedings before the Quezon City court"; and that Court of Appeals regarding the prayer for the dismissal
"the Manila court should also have considered forum of the case seemingly gave the Manila court the
shopping as a third drawback to private respondents discretion to dismiss or not to dismiss Civil Case No. 94-
cause." 68836, the Manila court should have referred to the
body of the decision for purposes of construing the issue
While the Court of Appeals stated in the dispositive of whether or not the complaint should be dismissed,
portion of its decision that "the prayer for dismissal of because the dispositive part of a decision must find
the complaint in Manila may be pursued before said support from the decisions ratio decidendi. Findings of
court during the proceedings," it is clear from the body the court are to be considered in the interpretation of
of the Court of Appeals Decision that the case before the dispositive portion of the judgment.[18] Moreover,
the Manila court should be dismissed on grounds of litis extensive and explicit discussion and settlement of the
pendentia, and forum shopping. issues are found in the body of the Court of Appeals
While the general rule is that the portion of a decision decision so that it is grave error for the court a quo to
that becomes the subject of execution is that ordained rule again, as it did, on the issues of litis pendentia and
or decreed in the dispositive part thereof, there are forum shopping in its decision, and to overturn that of
exceptions to this rule. the Court of Appeals, thus:

The exceptions where the dispositive part of the "The argument of Defendant Ong in his motion for
judgment does not always prevail over the body of the execution that the case at bench should now be
opinion are: dismissed on the grounds of forum shopping and litis
pendentia as allegedly ruled by the Court of Appeals,
(a)....where there is ambiguity or uncertainty, the body does not impress this Court. For while the appellate
of the opinion may be referred to for purposes of court urged this Court to consider litis pendentia and
construing the judgment because the dispositive part of forum shopping in the trial resolution of the case at
a decision must find support from the decisions ratio bench, nowhere in its (CA) decision could it be deduced
decidendi;[16] that this Court is mandated to dismiss the case on these
Page 241 of 307
precise grounds. The dispositive portion of the decision WHEREFORE, the assailed decision of the Regional Trial
does not contain such a mandate."[19] Court of Manila, Branch 33 in Civil Case No. 94-68836 is
ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. Said case is ordered
In Viva Productions, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals,[20] this dismissed without prejudice to the continuance of the
Court set aside the decision of the Makati court and proceedings before the Quezon City court where Civil
declared null and void all orders of the RTC of Makati Case No. Q-93-17628 is pending.
after ruling that:
8. Wilson Ong Chin vs. CA, G.R. No. 130360,
"Thus, we find grave abuse of discretion on the part of August 15, 2001
the Makati court, being a mere co-equal of the
Paranaque court, in not giving due deference to the Facts: This petition for review[1]seeks to annul the
latter before which the issue of the alleged violation of decision[2] dated August 27, 1997 of the Court of
the sub-judice rule had already been raised and Appeals which set aside the resolutions [3] dated October
submitted. In such instance, the Makati court, if it was 13 and December 15, 1993 as well as the order dated
wary of dismissing the action outrightly under March 1, 1994 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City,
administrative Circular No. 04-94, should have, at least Branch 94.[4]
ordered the consolidation of its case with that of the
Paranaque court, which had first acquired jurisdiction Petitioner Wilson Ong Ching Kian Chuan (Ong),
over the related case in accordance with Rule 31 of the imports vermicelli from China National Cereals Oils and
Revised Rules of Court." (emphasis ours.) Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation, based in
Beijing, China, under the firm name C.K.C. Trading. He
The Quezon City court and the Manila court have repacks it in cellophane wrappers with a design of two-
concurrent jurisdiction over the case. However, when dragons and the TOWER trademark on the uppermost
the Quezon City court acquired jurisdiction over the portion. Ong acquired a Certificate of Copyright
case, it excluded all other courts of concurrent Registration from the National Library on June 9, 1993
jurisdiction from acquiring jurisdiction over the same. on the said design.
The Manila court is, therefore, devoid of jurisdiction over
the complaint filed resulting in the herein assailed Ong discovered that private respondent Lorenzo Tan
decision which must perforce be declared null and void. repacked his vermicelli he imports from the same
To hold otherwise would be to risk instances where company but based in Qingdao, China in a nearly
courts of concurrent jurisdiction might have conflicting identical wrapper. On September 16, 1993, Ong filed
orders.[21] against Tan a verified complaint for infringement of
copyright with damages and prayer for temporary
restraining order or writ of preliminary injunction with
Page 242 of 307
the Regional Trial Court in Quezon City. Ong alleged that On October 13, 1993, the court issued the writ in Ongs
he was the holder of aCertificate of Copyright favor upon his filing of a P100,000.00 bond.[5]
Registration over the cellophane wrapper with the two- Tan filed a motion to dissolve the writ of preliminary
dragon design, and that Tan used an identical wrapper injunction, but the trial court denied it on December 15,
in his business. In his prayer for a preliminary injunction 1993.[6] The motion for reconsideration was also denied
in addition to damages, he asked that Tan be restrained on March 1, 1994.
from using the wrapper. He said he would post a bond to
guarantee the payment of damages resulting from the Tan elevated the case to the Court of Appeals via a
issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction. special civil action for certiorari with a prayer for the
issuance of a TRO and/or writ of preliminary
The trial court issued a temporary restraining order on injunction. Ong filed an opposition to Tans prayer for an
the same date the complaint was filed. Tan filed an issuance of TRO and/or writ of preliminary injunction on
opposition to Ongs application for a writ of preliminary the ground that the trial court did not commit a grave
injunction with counter-application for the issuance of a abuse of discretion in issuing the writ in his favor.
similar writ against Ong. Tan alleged that Ong was not
entitled to an injunction. According to Tan, Ong did not After oral argument, the Court of Appeals rendered a
have a clear right over the use of the trademark Pagoda decision on August 8, 1994, setting aside the trial courts
and Lungkow vermicelli as these were registered in the order. It decreed:
SHANDONG CEREALS AND OILS BRANCH (hereafter GRANTED. The order dated October 13, 1993 and
Ceroilfood Shandong), based in Qingdao, China. Further, related orders, as well as the writ of preliminary
Tan averred that he was the exclusive distributor in the injunction issued by the respondent court, are SET
Philippines of the Pagoda and Lungkow vermicelli and ASIDE as issued with grave abuse of discretion. No
was solely authorized to use said trademark. He added costs.
that Ong merely copied the two-dragon design from
Ceroilfood Shandong which had the Certificates of Ong filed a motion for reconsideration and on January 3,
Registration issued by different countries. He concluded 1995, the Court of Appeals modified its August 8, 1994
that Ongs Certificate of Copyright Registration was not order as follows:
valid for lack of originality.
WHEREFORE the phrase the order dated October 13,
On September 30, 1993, Ong countered Tans opposition 1993 and related orders, as well as the writ of
to the issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction. preliminary injunction issued by the respondent court,
are SET ASIDE as issued with grave abuse of discretion
Page 243 of 307
is hereby deleted in our resolution dated 08 August On October 17, 1997, Ong filed the instant petition for
1994. In all other respects, said resolution must be review, claiming that the Court of Appeals committed
maintained. grave and serious errors tantamount to acting with
grave abuse of discretion and/or acting without or in
However, let a writ of preliminary injunction be issued excess of its jurisdiction:
enjoining the herein respondents and any and all
persons acting for and in their behalf from enforcing I. WHEN IT ISSUED A PERMANENT PRELIMINARY
and/or implementing the Writ of Preliminary Injunction INJUNCTION IN FAVOR OF THE PRIVATE RESPONDENT
issued on October 15, 1993 pursuant to the Resolution WHEN THE LATTERS RIGHT TO SUCH A RELIEF IS NOT
Civil Case No. Q-93-17628 entitled WILSON ONG CHING BASIS.
petitioners filing of a bond of P200,000.00. ISSUANCE OF WRIT OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION UNDER
P.D. NO. 49.
The Branch Clerk of Court of the RTC, Branch 94,
Quezon City is directed to elevate the records of Civil B. ISSUANCE OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION MUST BE
Case No. 293-17128 within TEN (10) DAYS from notice. BASED ON CLEAR AND UNMISTAKABLE RIGHT WHICH
The parties are given THIRTY (30) DAYS from notice to THE PRIVATE RESPONDENT.
file their memorandum or any pertinent manifestation
on the matter, after which the case shall be considered C. COURT OF APPEALS DECISION OF AUGUST 8, 1994
submitted for decision. AND ITS RESOLUTION OF JANUARY 3, 1995 RESULTS IN
Pursuant to the Court of Appeals resolution on January
16, 1996, the parties submitted their memoranda. On II. BY INTERFERING WITH THE JUDICIAL DISCRETION OF
August 27, 1997, the appellate court promulgated its THE TRIAL COURT.
decision, decreeing as follows:
and December 15, 1993 as well as the order dated GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION.
March 1, 1994 - all in Civil Case No. Q-93-17628 are
hereby SET ASIDE and our injunction heretofore issued III. BY ISSUING A WRIT OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION IN
Page 244 of 307
ISSUED BY THE TRIAL COURT WHOM (SIC), UNDER THE Philippine laws is concerned, cannot prevail over the
JANUARY 13, 1995 RESOLUTION OF RESPONDENT petitioners copyright.
HAVE COMMITTED ANY GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION IN Private respondent, for his part, avers that petitioner
THE ISSUANCE OF THE OCTOBER 13, 1993 AND has no clear right over the use of the copyrighted
RELATED ORDERS. wrapper since the PAGODA trademark and label were
first adopted and used and have been duly registered
A. ISSUANCE OF WRIT OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION by Ceroilfood Shandong not only in China but in nearly
ADDRESSED TO THE SOUND DISCRETION OF THE TRIAL 20 countries and regions worldwide. Petitioner was not
COURT. the original creator of the label, but merely copied the
design of Ceroilfood Shandong. Private respondent
IV. WHEN IT MADE ITS OWN FINDINGS AND presented copies of the certificates of copyright
CONCLUSIONS, PRE-EMPTING THE TRIAL COURT AND registration in the name of Ceroilfood Shandong issued
PRE-JUDGING THE CASE, THUS LEAVING THE TRIAL by at least twenty countries and regions worldwide
COURT WITH NOTHING TO RULE UPON. which although unauthenticated are, according to him,
A. COURT OF APPEALS PREJUDGED THE CASE sufficient to provide a sampling of the evidence needed
REMANDED TO THE TRIAL COURT in the determination of the grant of preliminary
injunction.[11] Private respondent alleges, that the
The issues for our determination are: Was the issuance trademark PAGODA BRAND was registered in China on
of the writ of preliminary injunction proper? Was there October 31, 1979[12] while the trademarkLUNGKOW
grave abuse of discretion committed by the Court of VERMICELLI WITH TWO-DRAGON DEVICE was registered
Appeals when it set aside the order of the trial court, on August 15, 1985.[13]
then issued a judgment touching on the merits?
Held: To resolve this controversy, we have to return to
Petitioner avers that the CA erred in issuing a basics. A person to be entitled to a copyright must be
preliminary injunction in private respondents favor. He the original creator of the work. He must have created it
says, firstly, that he is more entitled to it. He states that by his own skill, labor and judgment without directly
as holder of the Certificate of Copyright Registration of copying or evasively imitating the work of another.
the twin-dragon design, he has the protection of P.D. No. The grant of preliminary injunction in a case rests on
49.[10] Said law allows an injunction in case of the sound discretion of the court with the caveat that it
infringement. Petitioner asserts that private respondent should be made with extreme caution. [15] Its grant
has no registered copyright and merely relies on the depends chiefly on the extent of doubt on the validity of
trademark of his principal abroad, which insofar as the copyright, existence of infringement, and the
damages sustained by such infringement.[16] In our view,
Page 245 of 307
the copies of the certificates of copyright registered in
the name of Ceroilfood Shandong sufficiently raise To be entitled to an injunctive writ, petitioner must
reasonable doubt. With such a doubt, the preliminary show, inter alia, the existence of a clear and
injunction is unavailing.[17] In Medina vs. City Sheriff, unmistakable right and an urgent and paramount
Manila, 276 SCRA 133, 139 (1997), where the necessity for the writ to prevent serious damage.
complainants title was disputed, we held that injunction From the above discussion, we find that petitioners
was not proper. right has not been clearly and unmistakably
demonstrated. That right is what is in dispute and has
Petitioner Ong argues that the Court of Appeals erred yet to be determined. In Developers Group of
and contradicted itself in its January 3, 1995 Resolution, Companies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 219 SCRA 715,
where it deleted the phrase the order dated October 13, 722-723 (1993), we held that in the absence of proof of
1993 and related orders, as well as the writ of a legal right and the injury sustained by the plaintiff, an
preliminary injunction issued by the respondent court, order of the trial court granting the issuance of an
are SET ASIDE as issued with grave abuse of injunctive writ will be set aside, for having been issued
discretion in its August 8, 1994 decision, and at the with grave abuse of discretion. Conformably, there was
same time issued a writ of preliminary injunction in Tans no abuse of discretion by the Court of Appeals when it
favor. issued its own order to restrain the enforcement of the
preliminary injunction issued by the trial court.
Ong’s claim (that the Court of Appeals in deleting the
aforequoted phrase in the August 8, 1994 decision Finally, we note that the complaint initially filed with the
abandoned its earlier finding of grave abuse of RTC was for infringement of copyright. The trial courts
discretion on the part of the trial court), however, is resolution subject of Tans petition under Rule 65 before
without logical basis. The appellate court merely the CA concerns the correctness of the grant of the writ
restated in its own words the issue raised in the of preliminary injunction. The only issue brought before
petition: from a) whether the RTC committed grave the CA involved the grave abuse of discretion allegedly
abuse of discretion, to b) whether Tan was entitled to an committed by the trial court in granting the writ of
injunctive relief. Then it clarified that the relief sought is preliminary injunction. The Court of Appeals in declaring
a prohibition against Ong and his agents from enforcing that the wrapper of petitioner is a copy of Ceroilfood
the writ of preliminary injunction. Properly understood, Shandongs wrapper went beyond that issue and
an order enjoining the enforcement of a writ of touched on the merits of the infringement case, which
preliminary injunction issued by the RTC in remains to be decided by the trial court. [19] In our view,
a certiorari proceeding under Rule 65 of the Rules of it was premature for the Court of Appeals to declare that
Court effectively sets aside the RTC order for being the design of petitioners wrapper is a copy of the
issued with grave abuse of discretion. wrapper allegedly registered by Ceroilfood
Page 246 of 307
Shandong. That matter remains for decision after On 25 July 1996, National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
appropriate proceedings at the trial court. Agent Dominador Samiano, Jr. (NBI Agent Samiano) filed
severalapplications for search warrants in the RTC
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is PARTIALLY against Maxicorp for alleged violation of Section 29 of
GRANTED. The prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction PD 49 and Article 189 of the RPC. After conducting a
to prohibit Tan from using the cellophane wrapper with preliminary examination of the applicant and his
two-dragon device is denied, but the finding of the witnesses, Judge William M. Bayhon issued Search
respondent appellate court that Ongs copyrighted Warrants Nos. 96-451, 96-452, 96-453 and 96-454, all
wrapper is a copy of that of Ceroilfood Shandong is SET dated 25 July 1996, against Maxicorp.
ASIDE for being premature. The Regional Trial Court of
Quezon City, Branch 94, is directed to proceed with the Armed with the search warrants, NBI agents conducted
trial to determine the merits of Civil Case No. 33779 on 25 July 1996 a search of Maxicorps premises and
expeditiously. Let the records of this case be REMANDED seized property fitting the description stated in the
to said trial court promptly. search warrants.

No pronouncement as to costs. On 2 September 1996, Maxicorp filed a motion to quash

the search warrants alleging that there was no probable
9. Microsoft vs. Maxicorp, G.R. No. 140946, cause for their issuance and that the warrants are in the
Sept. 13, 2004 form of general warrants. The RTC denied Maxicorps
motion on 22 January 1997. The RTC also denied
Facts: This petition for review on certiorari[1] seeks to Maxicorps motion for reconsideration.
reverse the Court of Appeals Decision[2] dated 23
December 1998 and its Resolution dated 29 November The RTC found probable cause to issue the search
1999 in CA-G.R. SP No. 44777. The Court of Appeals warrants after examining NBI Agent Samiano, John
reversed the Order[3] of the Regional Trial Court, Branch Benedict Sacriz (Sacriz), and computer technician
23, Manila (RTC), denying respondent Maxicorp, Inc.s Felixberto Pante (Pante). The three testified on what
(Maxicorp) motion to quash the search warrant that the they discovered during their respective visits to
RTC issued against Maxicorp. Petitioners are the private Maxicorp. NBI Agent Samiano also presented
complainants against Maxicorp for copyright certifications from petitioners that they have not
infringement under Section 29 of Presidential Decree authorized Maxicorp to perform the witnessed activities
No. 49 (Section 29 of PD 49) [4]and for unfair competition using petitioners products.
under Article 189 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC).
On 24 July 1997, Maxicorp filed a petition for certiorari
with the Court of Appeals seeking to set aside the RTCs
Page 247 of 307
order. On 23 December 1998, the Court of Appeals Maxicorp assails this petition as defective since it failed
reversed the RTCs order denying Maxicorps motion to to raise questions of law. Maxicorp insists that the
quash the search warrants. Petitioners moved for arguments petitioners presented are questions of fact,
reconsideration. The Court of Appeals denied petitioners which this Court should not consider in a Rule 45
motion on 29 November 1999. petition for review. Petitioners counter that all the issues
they presented in this petition involve questions of law.
The Court of Appeals held that NBI Agent Samiano failed Petitioners point out that the facts are not in dispute.
to present during the preliminary examination A petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
conclusive evidence that Maxicorp produced or sold the should cover questions of law. [6] Questions of fact are
counterfeit products. The Court of Appeals pointed out not reviewable. As a rule, the findings of fact of the
that the sales receipt NBI Agent Samiano presented as Court of Appeals are final and conclusive and this Court
evidence that he bought the products from Maxicorp will not review them on appeal,[7] subject to exceptions
was in the name of a certain Joel Diaz. as when the findings of the appellate court conflict with
the findings of the trial court.[8]
Hence, this petition.
The distinction between questions of law and questions
Issues: Petitioners seek a reversal and raise the of fact is settled. A question of law exists when the
following issues for resolution: doubt or difference centers on what the law is on a
certain state of facts. A question of fact exists if the
1. WHETHER THE PETITION RAISES QUESTIONS OF LAW; doubt centers on the truth or falsity of the alleged facts.
Though this delineation seems simple, determining the
2. WHETHER PETITIONERS HAVE LEGAL PERSONALITY true nature and extent of the distinction is sometimes
TO FILE THE PETITION; problematic. For example, it is incorrect to presume
that all cases where the facts are not in dispute
3. WHETHER THERE WAS PROBABLE CAUSE TO ISSUE automatically involve purely questions of law.
There is a question of law if the issue raised is capable
4. WHETHER THE SEARCH WARRANTS ARE GENERAL of being resolved without need of reviewing the
WARRANTS. probative value of the evidence.[9] The resolution of the
issue must rest solely on what the law provides on the
Held: given set of circumstances. Once it is clear that the
issue invites a review of the evidence presented, the
On Whether the Petition Raises Questions of Law question posed is one of fact. [10] If the query requires a
re-evaluation of the credibility of witnesses, or the
Page 248 of 307
existence or relevance of surrounding circumstances appears to involve a question of law since it does not
and their relation to each other, the issue in that query concern itself with the truth or falsity of certain facts.
is factual.[11] Our ruling inPaterno v. Paterno[12] is Still, the resolution of this issue would require this Court
illustrative on this point: to inquire into the probative value of the evidence
presented before the RTC. For a question to be one of
Such questions as whether certain items of evidence law, it must not involve an examination of the probative
should be accorded probative value or weight, or value of the evidence presented by the litigants or any
rejected as feeble or spurious, or whether or not the of them.[13]
proofs on one side or the other are clear and convincing
and adequate to establish a proposition in issue, are Yet, this is precisely what the petitioners ask us to do by
without doubt questions of fact. Whether or not the raising arguments requiring an examination of the TSNs
body of proofs presented by a party, weighed and and the documentary evidence presented during the
analyzed in relation to contrary evidence submitted by search warrant proceedings. In short, petitioners would
adverse party, may be said to be strong, clear and have us substitute our own judgment to that of the RTC
convincing; whether or not certain documents and the Court of Appeals by conducting our own
presented by one side should be accorded full faith and evaluation of the evidence. This is exactly the situation
credit in the face of protests as to their spurious which Section 1, Rule 45 of the Rules of Court prohibits
character by the other side; whether or not by requiring the petition to raise only questions of law.
inconsistencies in the body of proofs of a party are of This Court is not a trier of facts. It is not the function of
such gravity as to justify refusing to give said proofs this court to analyze or weigh evidence. [14] When we
weight all these are issues of fact. give due course to such situations, it is solely by way of
exception. Such exceptions apply only in the presence
It is true that Maxicorp did not contest the facts alleged of extremely meritorious circumstances.[15]
by petitioners. But this situation does not automatically
transform all issues raised in the petition into questions Indeed, this case falls under one of the exceptions
of law. The issues must meet the tests outlined because the findings of the Court of Appeals conflict
in Paterno. with the findings of the RTC.[16] Since petitioners
properly raised the conflicting findings of the lower
Of the three main issues raised in this petition the legal courts, it is proper for this Court to resolve such
personality of the petitioners, the nature of the warrants contradiction.
issued and the presence of probable cause only the first
two qualify as questions of law. The pivotal issue of On Whether Petitioners have the Legal
whether there was probable cause to issue the search Personality to File this Petition
warrants is a question of fact. At first glance, this issue
Page 249 of 307
Maxicorp argues that petitioners have no legal presented by NBI Agent Samiano as proof that he
personality to file this petition since the proper party to bought counterfeit goods from Maxicorp was in the
do so in a criminal case is the Office of the Solicitor name of a certain Joel Diaz. Second, the fact that
General as representative of the People of the petitioners other witness, John Benedict Sacriz, admitted
Philippines. Maxicorp states the general rule but the that he did not buy counterfeit goods from Maxicorp.
exception governs this case.[17] We ruled in Columbia
Pictures Entertainment, Inc. v. Court of We rule that the Court of Appeals erred in reversing the
Appeals that the petitioner-complainant in a petition RTCs findings.
for review under Rule 45 could argue its case before this
Court in lieu of the Solicitor General if there is grave Probable cause means such reasons, supported by facts
error committed by the lower court or lack of due and circumstances as will warrant a cautious man in the
process. This avoids a situation where a complainant belief that his action and the means taken in
who actively participated in the prosecution of a case prosecuting it are legally just and proper. [19] Thus,
would suddenly find itself powerless to pursue a remedy probable cause for a search warrant requires such facts
due to circumstances beyond its control. The and circumstances that would lead a reasonably
circumstances in Columbia Pictures prudent man to believe that an offense has been
Entertainment are sufficiently similar to the present committed and the objects sought in connection with
case to warrant the application of this doctrine. that offense are in the place to be searched.[20]

On Whether there was Probable Cause to Issue The judge determining probable cause must do so only
the Search Warrants after personally examining under oath the complainant
Petitioners argue that the Court of Appeals erred in and his witnesses. The oath required must refer to the
reversing the RTC based on the fact that the sales truth of the facts within the personal knowledge of
receipt was not in the name of NBI Agent Samiano. the petitioner or his witnesses, because the purpose
Petitioners point out that the Court of Appeals thereof is to convince the committing magistrate, not
disregarded the overwhelming evidence that the RTC the individual making the affidavit and seeking the
considered in determining the existence of probable issuance of the warrant, of the existence of probable
cause. Maxicorp counters that the Court of Appeals did cause.[21] The applicant must have personal knowledge
not err in reversing the RTC. Maxicorp maintains that of the circumstances. Reliable information is insufficient.
the entire preliminary examination that the RTC Mere affidavits are not enough, and the judge must
conducted was defective. depose in writing the complainant and his witnesses.[23]

The Court of Appeals based its reversal on two factual The Court of Appeals reversal of the findings of the RTC
findings of the RTC. First, the fact that the sales receipt centers on the fact that the two witnesses for
Page 250 of 307
petitioners during the preliminary examination failed to Sacriz also testified that he saw the sale of petitioners
prove conclusively that they bought counterfeit software software within Maxicorps premises. Petitioners never
from Maxicorp. The Court of Appeals ruled that this authorized Maxicorp to install or sell their software.
amounted to a failure to prove the existence of a
connection between the offense charged and the place The testimonies of these two witnesses, coupled with
searched. the object and documentary evidence they presented,
are sufficient to establish the existence of probable
The offense charged against Maxicorp is copyright cause. From what they have witnessed, there is reason
infringement under Section 29 of PD 49 and unfair to believe that Maxicorp engaged in copyright
competition under Article 189 of the RPC. To support infringement and unfair competition to the prejudice of
these charges, petitioners presented the testimonies of petitioners. Both NBI Agent Samiano and Sacriz were
NBI Agent Samiano, computer technician Pante, and clear and insistent that the counterfeit software were
Sacriz, a civilian. The offenses that petitioners charged not only displayed and sold within Maxicorps premises,
Maxicorp contemplate several overt acts. The sale of they were also produced, packaged and in some cases,
counterfeit products is but one of these acts. Both NBI installed there.
Agent Samiano and Sacriz related to the RTC how they
personally saw Maxicorp commit acts of infringement The determination of probable cause does not call for
and unfair competition. the application of rules and standards of proof that a
judgment of conviction requires after trial on the merits.
During the preliminary examination, the RTC subjected As implied by the words themselves, probable cause is
the testimonies of the witnesses to the requisite concerned with probability, not absolute or even moral
examination. NBI Agent Samiano testified that he saw certainty. The prosecution need not present at this stage
Maxicorp display and offer for sale counterfeit software proof beyond reasonable doubt. The standards of
in its premises. He also saw how the counterfeit judgment are those of a reasonably prudent man, [24] not
software were produced and packaged within Maxicorps the exacting calibrations of a judge after a full-blown
premises. NBI Agent Samiano categorically stated that trial.
he was certain the products were counterfeit because
Maxicorp sold them to its customers without giving the No law or rule states that probable cause requires a
accompanyingownership manuals, license agreements specific kind of evidence. No formula or fixed rule for its
and certificates of authenticity. determination exists.[25] Probable cause is determined in
the light of conditions obtaining in a given situation.
Sacriz testified that during his visits to Maxicorp, he Thus, it was improper for the Court of Appeals to
witnessed several instances when Maxicorp installed reverse the RTCs findings simply because the sales
petitioners software into computers it had assembled.
Page 251 of 307
receipt evidencing NBI Agent Samianos purchase of untarnished. The Constitution and the Rules of Court
counterfeit goods is not in his name. only require that the judge examine personally and
thoroughly the applicant for the warrant and his
For purposes of determining probable cause, the sales witnesses to determine probable cause. The RTC
receipt is not the only proof that the sale of petitioners complied adequately with the requirement of the
software occurred. During the search warrant Constitution and the Rules of Court.
application proceedings, NBI Agent Samiano presented
to the judge the computer unit that he purchased from Probable cause is dependent largely on the opinion and
Maxicorp, in which computer unit Maxicorp had pre- findings of the judge who conducted the examination
installed petitioners software.[27] Sacriz, who was present and who had the opportunity to question the applicant
when NBI Agent Samiano purchased the computer unit, and his witnesses.[31] For this reason, the findings of the
affirmed that NBI Agent Samiano purchased the judge deserve great weight. The reviewing court should
computer unit.[28] Pante, the computer technician, overturn such findings only upon proof that the judge
demonstrated to the judge the presence of petitioners disregarded the facts before him or ignored the clear
software on the same computer unit. [29] There was a dictates of reason.[32] Nothing in the records of the
comparison between petitioners genuine software and preliminary examination proceedings reveal any
Maxicorps software pre-installed in the computer unit impropriety on the part of the judge in this case. As one
that NBI Agent Sambiano purchased.[30] Even if we can readily see, here the judge examined thoroughly the
disregard the sales receipt issued in the name of Joel applicant and his witnesses. To demand a higher degree
Diaz, which petitioners explained was the alias NBI of proof is unnecessary and untimely. The prosecution
Agent Samiano used in the operation, there still remains would be placed in a compromising situation if it were
more than sufficient evidence to establish probable required to present all its evidence at such preliminary
cause for the issuance of the search warrants. stage. Proof beyond reasonable doubt is best left for
This also applies to the Court of Appeals ruling on
Sacrizs testimony. The fact that Sacriz did not actually On Whether the Search Warrants are in the
purchase counterfeit software from Maxicorp does not Nature of General Warrants
eliminate the existence of probable cause. Copyright
infringement and unfair competition are not limited to A search warrant must state particularly the place to be
the act of selling counterfeit goods. They cover a whole searched and the objects to be seized. The evident
range of acts, from copying, assembling, packaging to purpose for this requirement is to limit the articles to be
marketing, including the mere offering for sale of the seized only to those particularly described in the search
counterfeit goods. The clear and firm testimonies of warrant. This is a protection against potential abuse. It
petitioners witnesses on such other acts stand is necessary to leave the officers of the law with no
Page 252 of 307
discretion regarding what articles they shall seize, to the a) Complete or partially complete reproductions or
end that no unreasonable searches and seizures be copies of Microsoft software bearing the Microsoft
committed.[33] copyrights and/or trademarks owned by MICROSOFT
CORPORATION contained in CD-ROMs, diskettes and
In addition, under Section 4, Rule 126 of the Rules of hard disks;
Criminal Procedure, a search warrant shall issue in
connection with one specific offense. The articles b) Complete or partially complete reproductions or
described must bear a direct relation to the offense for copies of Microsoft instruction manuals and/or literature
which the warrant is issued.[34] Thus, this rule requires bearing the Microsoft copyrights and/or trademarks
that the warrant must state that the articles subject of owned by MICROSOFT CORPORATION;
the search and seizure are used or intended for use in c) Sundry items such as labels, boxes, prints, packages,
the commission of a specific offense. wrappers, receptacles, advertisements and other
paraphernalia bearing the copyrights and/or trademarks
Maxicorp argues that the warrants issued against it are owned by MICROSOFT CORPORATION;
too broad in scope and lack the specificity required with
respect to the objects to be seized. After examining the d) Sales invoices, delivery receipts, official receipts,
wording of the warrants issued, the Court of Appeals ledgers, journals, purchase orders and all other books of
ruled in favor of Maxicorp and reversed the RTCs Order accounts and documents used in the recording of the
thus: reproduction and/or assembly, distribution and sales,
and other transactions in connection with fake or
Under the foregoing language, almost any item in the counterfeit products bearing the Microsoft copyrights
petitioners store can be seized on the ground that it is and/or trademarks owned by MICROSOFT
used or intended to be used in the illegal or CORPORATION;
unauthorized copying or reproduction of the private
respondents software and their manuals.[35] e) Computer hardware, including central
processing units including hard disks, CD-ROM
The Court of Appeals based its reversal on its perceived drives, keyboards, monitor screens and diskettes,
infirmity of paragraph (e) of the search warrants the RTC photocopying machines and other equipment or
issued. The appellate court found that similarly worded paraphernalia used or intended to be used in the
warrants, all of which noticeably employ the phrase illegal and unauthorized copying or reproduction
used or intended to be used, were previously held void of Microsoft software and their manuals, or which
by this Court.[36] The disputed text of the search contain, display or otherwise exhibit, without the
warrants in this case states: authority of MICROSOFT CORPORATION, any and
all Microsoft trademarks and copyrights; and
Page 253 of 307
situation in this case is different. Maxicorp is not a
f) Documents relating to any passwords or protocols in licensed distributor of petitioners. In Bache & Co.
order to access all computer hard drives, data bases (Phil.), Inc., et al. v. Judge Ruiz, et al., the Court
and other information storage devices containing voided the warrants because they authorized the
unauthorized Microsoft software.[37](Emphasis supplied) seizure of records pertaining to all business transactions
of the defendant.[42] And in 20th Century Fox Film
It is only required that a search warrant be specific as Corp. v. Court of Appeals, the Court quashed the
far as the circumstances will ordinarily allow.[38] The warrant because it merely gave a list of articles to be
description of the property to be seized need not be seized, aggravated by the fact that such appliances are
technically accurate or precise. The nature of the generally connected with the legitimate business of
description should vary according to whether the renting out betamax tapes.[43]
identity of the property or its character is a matter of
concern.[39] Measured against this standard we find that However, we find paragraph (c) of the search warrants
paragraph lacking in particularity. Paragraph (c) states:
(e) is not a general warrant. The articles to be seized
were not only sufficiently identified physically, they c) Sundry items such as labels, boxes, prints, packages,
were also specifically identified by stating their relation wrappers, receptacles, advertisements and other
to the offense charged. Paragraph (e) specifically refers paraphernalia bearing the copyrights and/or trademarks
to those articles used or intended for use in the illegal owned by MICROSOFT CORPORATION;
and unauthorized copying of petitioners software. This
language meets the test of specificity.[40] The scope of this description is all-embracing since it
covers property used for personal or other purposes not
The cases cited by the Court of Appeals are related to copyright infringement or unfair competition.
inapplicable. In those cases, the Court found the Moreover, the description covers property that Maxicorp
warrants too broad because of particular circumstances, may have bought legitimately from Microsoft or its
not because of the mere use of the phrase used or licensed distributors. Paragraph (c) simply calls for the
intended to be used. In Columbia Pictures, Inc. v. seizure of all items bearing the Microsoft logo, whether
Flores, the warrants ordering the seizure of television legitimately possessed or not. Neither does it limit the
sets, video cassette recorders, rewinders and tape seizure to products used in copyright infringement or
cleaners x x x were found too broad since the defendant unfair competition.
there was a licensed distributor of video tapes. [41] The
mere presence of counterfeit video tapes in the Still, no provision of law exists which requires that a
defendants store does not mean that the machines warrant, partially defective in specifying some items
were used to produce the counterfeit tapes. The sought to be seized yet particular with respect to the
Page 254 of 307
other items, should be nullified as a whole. A partially From the petition, the comment thereon of private
defective warrant remains valid as to the items respondents, their respective annexes, and other
specifically described in the warrant.[44] A search warrant pleadings filed by the parties, the Court gathers the
is severable, the items not sufficiently described may be following relevant facts:
cut off without destroying the whole warrant.[45] The
exclusionary rule found in Section 3(2) of Article III of In a criminal complaint filed with the Department of
the Constitution renders inadmissible in any proceeding Justice (DOJ), the Videogram Regulatory Board (VRB)
all evidence obtained through unreasonable searches charged herein private respondents James Uy, David
and seizure. Thus, all items seized under paragraph (c) Chung, Elena Limandanother officer of respondent Solid
of the search warrants, not falling under paragraphs a, Laguna Corporation (SLC) with violation of Presidential
b, d, e or f, should be returned to Maxicorp. Decree (PD) No. 1987.[4] As alleged in the complaint,
docketed as I.S. No. 2000-1576, the four (4) were
WHEREFORE, we PARTIALLY GRANT the instant petition. engaged in the replication, reproduction and distribution
The Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 23 of videograms without license and authority from VRB.
December 1998 and its Resolution dated 29 November On account of this and petitioners own complaints for
1999 in CA-G.R. SP No. 44777 are REVERSED and SET copyright infringement, the National Bureau of
ASIDE except with respect to articles seized under Investigation (NBI), through Agent Ferdinand M. Lavin,
paragraph (c) of Search Warrants Nos. 96-451, 96-452, applied on September 18, 2000, with the Regional Trial
96-453 and 96-454. All articles seized under paragraph Court at Dasmarias, Cavite, Branch 80, presided by the
(c) of the search warrants, not falling under paragraphs respondent judge, for the issuance of search warrants
a, b, d, e or f, are ordered returned to Maxicorp, Inc. against private respondents David Chung, James Uy,
immediately. John and Jane Does, doing business under the name and
style Media Group inside the factory and
10. Sony Music vs. Dolores Español, G.R. productionfacility of SLC at Solid corner Camado Sts.,
No. 156804, March 14, 2005 Laguna International Industrial Park, Bian, Laguna.[5]

Facts: Assailed and sought to be nullified in this During the proceedings on the application, Agent Lavin
petition for certiorari with application for injunctive relief presented, as witnesses, Rodolfo Pedralvez, a deputized
are the orders issued by the respondent judge on June agent of VRB, and Rene C. Baltazar, an investigator
25, 2002[1] and January 6, 2003,[2] the first retained by the law firm R.V. Domingo & Associates,
quashing Search Warrant No. 219-00, and the second, petitioners attorney-in-fact. In their sworn statements,
denying reconsideration of the first. the three stated that petitioners sought their assistance,
complaining about the manufacture, sale and
distribution of various titles of compact discs (CDs) in
Page 255 of 307
violation of petitioners right as copyright owners; that Return of Search Warrant were later filed with the
acting on the complaint, Agent Lavin and the witnesses respondent court.
conducted an investigation, in the course of which
unnamed persons informed them that allegedly Meanwhile, the respondents in I.S. No. 2000-1576
infringing or pirated discs were being manufactured belabored to prove before the DOJ Prosecutorial Service
somewhere in an industrial park in Laguna; that in the that, since 1998 and up to the time of the search, they
process of their operation, they were able to enter, were licensed by VRB to operate as replicator and
accompanied by another unnamed source, the premises duplicator of videograms.
of SLC and to see various replicating equipment and
stacks of CDs; and that they were told by their On the stated finding that respondents can not . . . be
anonymous source that the discs were being considered an unauthorized reproducers of videograms,
manufactured in the same premises. They also testified being licensed to engage in reproduction in videograms
that private respondents were (1) engaged in the under SLC in which they are the officers and/or or
reproduction or replication of audio and video compacts officials,the DOJ, via a resolution dated January 15,
discs without the requisite authorization from VRB, in 2001,[11] dismissed VRBs complaint in I.S. No. 2000-
violation of Section 6 of PD No. 1987, presenting a VRB 1576.
certification to such effect; and (2) per petitioners
certification and a listing of Sony music titles, infringing On February 6, 2001, private respondents, armed with
on petitioners copyrights in violation of Section 208 of the DOJ resolution adverted to, moved to quash the
Republic Act (RA) No. 8293, otherwise known as search warrants thus issued. [12] VRB interposed an
Intellectual Property Code.[6] opposition for the reason that the DOJ has yet to resolve
the motion for reconsideration it filed in I.S. No. 2000-
On the basis of the foregoing sworn statements, the 1576.
respondent judge issued Search Warrant No. 219-
00[7] for violation of Section 208 of R.A. No. 8293 Eventually, the DOJ denied VRBs motion for
and Search Warrant No. 220-00[8] for violation of Section reconsideration, prompting private respondents to move
6 of PD No. 1987. anew for the quashal of the search warrants. In its
The following day, elements of the Philippine National supplement to motion, private respondents attached
Police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group, led copies of SLCs license as videogram duplicator and
by PO2 Reggie Comandante, enforced both warrants replicator.
and brought the seized items to a private warehouse of
Carepak Moving and Storage at 1234 Villonco Road, In an order dated October 30, 2001,[13] the respondent
Sucat, Paranaque City and their custody turned over to judge, citing the January 15, 2001 DOJ resolution in I.S.
VRB.[9] An inventory of seized items,[10] as well as a
Page 256 of 307
No. 2000-1576, granted private respondents motion to On February 8, 2002, the parties, represented by their
quash, as supplemented, dispositively stating: counsels, repaired to the Carepak warehouse. An NBI
agent representing Agent Lavin appeared. The
Nonetheless, such being the case, the aforesaid Search examination, however, did not pushthrough on account
Warrants are QUASHED of petitioners counsel insistence on Agent Lavins
physical presence.[19] Private respondents were able to
Petitioners forthwith sought clarification on whether or make an examination on the following scheduled
not the quashal order referred to both search warrants setting, February 15, 2002, albeit it was limited, as the
or to Search Warrant No. 220-00 alone, since it was the minutes of the inspection discloses, to inspecting only
latter that was based on the charge of violation of PD one (1) box containing 35 assorted CDs, testing
No. 1987.[14] The respondent judge, in a modificatory stampers, diskettes, a calendar, organizers and some
order dated January 29, 2002, [15] clarified that her folders and documents. The minutes also contained an
previous order quashed only Search Warrant No. 220- entry stating - Other items/machines were not
00. examined because they cannot be identified as they are
not properly segregated from other items/machines in
Meanwhile, or on November 22, 2001, petitioners filed the warehouse. The parties agreed to schedule another
with the DOJ an affidavit-complaint, docketed thereat examination on (to be agreed by the parties) after the
as I.S. No. 2001-1158, charging individual private items/machines subject of the examination shall have
respondents with copyright infringement in violation of been segregated from the other items/machines by
Sections 172 and 208 in relation to other provisions of Carepak Moving and Storage , Inc.[20]
RA No. 8293.[16] Attached to the affidavit-complaint were
certain documents and records seized from SLCs During the preliminary investigation conducted on
premises, such as production and delivery records. February 26, 2002 in I.S. No. 2001-1158, however,
petitioners counsel objected to any further examination,
Following their receipt of DOJ-issued subpoenas to file claiming that such exercise was a mere subterfuge to
counter-affidavits, private respondents moved, in the delay proceedings.
search warrant case, that they be allowed to examine
the seized items to enable them to intelligently prepare On April 11, 2002, individual private respondents,
their defense.[17] On January 30, 2002, respondent judge through counsel, filed a Motion To Quash Search
issued an order allowing the desired examination, Warrant (And To Release Seized Properties) grounded
provided it is made under the supervision of the courts on lack of probable cause to justify issuance of search
sheriff and in the presence of the applicant of Search warrant, it being inter alia alleged that the applicant and
Warrant No. 219-00.[18] his witnesses lacked the requisite personal knowledge
to justify the valid issuance of a search warrant; that the
Page 257 of 307
warrant did not sufficiently describe the items to be Inventory of Seized Items and Certification of Legality,
seized; and that the warrant was improperly enforced. Orderliness and Regularity in the Execution and
To this motion to quash, petitioners interposed an enforcement of Search Warrants were not examined,
opposition dated May 7, 2002 predicated on four (4) hence, the charge imputed against the respondents
grounds.[23] On June 26, 2002, respondent SLC filed a could not be established as the evidence to show such
Manifestation joining its co-respondents in, and violation fails to determine the culpability of said
adopting, their motion to quash.[24] respondents, thus, violating their constitutional rights.[25]

On June 25, 2002, the respondent judge issued the Excepting, petitioners moved for reconsideration,
herein first assailed order quashing Search Warrant arguing on the main that the quashal order was
No. 219-00 principally on the ground that the integrity erroneously based on a ground outside the purview of a
of the seized items as evidence had been compromised, motion to quash.[26] To this motion, private respondents
commingled as they were with other articles. Wrote the interposed an opposition, against which petitioners
respondent judge: countered with a reply.

Based on the report submitted, it appears that on On January 6, 2003, respondent judge issued
February 15, 2002, an examination was actually the second assailed order denying petitioners motion
conducted. Unfortunately, the alleged seized items for reconsideration on the strength of the following
were commingled with and not segregated from premises:
thousands of other items stored in the warehouse. Only
one box . . . were (sic) examined in the presence of both Careful scrutiny of the records of the case reveals that
parties with the sheriff, such that another date was set . the application of the above-entitled case stemmed
. . . On February 22, 2002, during the hearing before the from the application for Search Warrant alleging that the
Department of Justice (DOJ), [petitioners counsel] Atty. respondent was not licensed to duplicate or replicate
Arevalo manifested their objection to the further CDs and VCDs. The Court was misled when the
examination on the alleged ground that all of the items applicants declared that Solid Laguna Corporation (SLC)
subject of the DOJ complaint have been examined. is not licensed to engage in replicating/duplicating CDs
and VCDs, when in truth and in fact, SLC was still a
Analyzing the report and the incidents relative thereto, holder of a valid and existing VRB license. Considering
it shows that the items subject of the questioned Search the fact that respondent was duly licensed which facts
Warrant were commingled with other items in the (sic) was not laid bare to this Court when the application
warehouse of Carepak resulting in the failure to identify for writ was filed by the private complainant through the
the machines and other items subject of this Search National Bureau of Investigation, this Court hereby
Warrant, while the other items enumerated in the said recalls and quashes the above writ.
Page 258 of 307
Petitioners also deplore the issuance of the second
Lastly, taking into account that respondents were assailed order which they tag as predicated on a ground
licensed to engage in replicating/duplicating CDs and immaterial to Search Warrant No. 219-00.
VCDs, the issuance of search warrant was of no force
and effect as there was absence of probable cause to Private respondents filed their Comment on May 13,
justify said issuance. xxx 2003, essentially reiterating their arguments in
the Motion To Quash Search Warrant (And To Release
Hence, petitioners present recourse. Seized Properties). Apart therefrom, they aver that
petitioners violated the rule on hierarchy of courts by
In a Resolution dated February 19, 2003,[28] the Court filing the petition directly with this Court. As to be
issued a temporary restraining order enjoining the expected, petitioners reply to comment traversed
respondents from implementing and enforcing the private respondents position.
respondent judges questioned orders.
Petitioners ascribe on the respondent judge the Owing to their inability to locate respondent David
commission of grave abuse of discretion amounting to Chung, petitioners moved and the Court subsequently
lack or in excess of jurisdiction in issuing the first approved the dropping, without prejudice, of said
assailed order in that: respondent from the case.[29]
On February 20, 2004, private respondents filed their
1. It was based on a ground that is not a basis for Rejoinder, therein inviting attention to petitioner IFPIs
quashal of a search warrant, i.e., private respondents failure to execute the certification on non-forum
failure to examine the seized items, which ground is shopping as required by Rule 7, Section 5 of the Rules of
extraneous to the determination of the validity of the Court and questioning the validity of the Special Powers
issuance of the search warrant. of Attorney of petitioners attorney-in-fact to file this
2. Public respondent, in effect, conducted a preliminary
investigation that absolved the private respondents In Resolution of March 31, 2004, the Court gave due
from any liability for copyright infringement. course to the petition and directed the submission of
memoranda which the parties, after each securing an
3. Public respondent recognized the motion to quash extension, did submit.
search warrant filed by persons who did not have any
standing to question the warrant. Held: The underlying issue before Us revolves on the
propriety of the quashal of Search Warrant No. 219-
00 which, in turn, resolves itself into question of the
propriety of the warrants issuance in the first place.
Page 259 of 307
SEC. 5. Examination of the complainant; record. The
It has repeatedly been said that ones house, however, judge must, before issuing the warrant, personally
humble is his castle where his person, papers and examine in form of searching questions and answers, in
effects shall be secured and whence he shall enjoy writing and under oath, the complainant and any
undisturbed privacy except, to borrow from Villanueva witnesses he may produce on facts personally known to
vs. Querubin,[30] in case of overriding social need and them and attach to the record their sworn statements
then only under the stringent procedural safeguards. together with any affidavits submitted.
The protection against illegal searches and seizure has
found its way into our 1935 and 1973 Constitutions and To prevent stealthy encroachment upon, or gradual
is now embodied in Article III, Section 2 of the 1987 depreciation of the right to privacy, a liberal
Constitution, thus – construction in search and seizure cases is given in
favor of the individual. Consistent with this postulate,
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, the presumption of regularity is unavailing in aid of the
houses, papers and effects against unreasonable search process when an officer undertakes to justify it.
searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any For, the presumption juris tantum of regularity
purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or cannot, by itself, prevail against the constitutionally
warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable cause protected rights of an individual because zeal in the
to be determined personally by the judge after pursuit of criminals cannot ennoble the use of arbitrary
examination under oath or affirmation of the methods that the Constitution itself detests.[32]
complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and
particularly describing the place to be searched and the A core requisite before a warrant shall validly issue is
persons or things to be seized,and in Section 4, Rule the existence of a probable cause, meaning the
126 of the Rules of Court, viz - existence of such facts and circumstances which would
Sec. 4. Requisites for issuing search warrant. A search lead a reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe
warrant shall not issue but upon probable cause . . . to that an offense has been committed and that the
be determined personally by the judge after objects sought in connection with the offense are in the
examination under oath or affirmation of the place to be searched.[33] And when the law speaks of
complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and facts, the reference is to facts, data or information
particularly describing the place to be searched and the personally known to the applicant and the witnesses he
things to be seized. may present. Absent the element of personal knowledge
by the applicant or his witnesses of the facts upon
Complementing the aforequoted provisions is Section 5 which the issuance of a search warrant may be justified,
of the same Rule, reading: the warrant is deemed not based on probable cause and
is a nullity, its issuance being, in legal contemplation,
Page 260 of 307
arbitrary, as held by us in Columbia Pictures, Inc. vs. allegation of misrepresentation, much less finding
Court of Appeals.[34] Testimony based on what is thereof by the lower court, on the part of petitioners
supposedly told to a witness, being patent hearsay and, witnesses.[39]
as rule, of no evidentiary weight[35] or probative value,
whether objected to or not,[36] would, alone, not suffice Therein lies the difference with the instant case.
under the law on the existence of probable cause.
Here, applicant Agent Lavin and his witnesses,
In our view, the issuance of the search warrant in Pedralvez and Baltazar, when queried during the
question did not meet the requirements of probable application hearing how they knew that audio and video
cause. The respondent judge did not accordingly err in compact discs were infringing or pirated, relied for the
quashing the same, let alone gravely abuse her most part on what alleged unnamed sources told them
discretion. and/or on certifications or lists made by persons who
were never presented as witnesses. In net effect, they
Petitioners argue that the instant petition is on all fours testified under oath as to the truth of facts they had no
with Columbia,[37] wherein the en banc Court upheld the personal knowledge of. The following excerpts of the
validity of search warrants based on the testimonies of depositions of applicant Lavin and his witnesses suggest
the applicant and his witnesses who conducted an as much:
investigation on the unlawful reproduction and
distribution of video tapes of copyrighted films. A. Deposition of Agent Lavin

We are not persuaded. 28. Question: What happened next?

In Columbia, the issuing court probed the applicants and Answer: We then went to the Laguna Industrial Park,
his witnesses personal knowledge of the fact of your Honor . . . We then verified from an informant that
infringement. It was, however, determined by this Court David Chung, James Uy . . . under the name and style
that during the application hearing, therein petitioners Media Group were the ones replicating the infringing
attorney-in-fact, a witness of the applicant, stated in his CDs.
affidavit and further expounded in his deposition that
he personally knew of the fact that private respondents 36. Question: How do you know that all of these VCDs
had never been authorized by his clients to reproduce, and CDs you purchased or are indeed infringing?
lease and possess for the purposes of selling any of the
copyrighted films.[38] Significantly, the Court, in Answer: I have with me the VRB certification that the
upholding the validity of the writ issued upon complaint VCDs are unauthorized copies. I also have with me the
of Columbia Pictures, Inc., et al., stated that there is no Complaint-Affidavit of Sony Music and IFPI that certified
Page 261 of 307
that these are infringing copies, as well as the title list Wholesome CD. The informant told us that the said
of Sony Music wherein some of the CDs purchased are samples were being reproduced in the facility.
indicated. (Annex 10, Comment, Rollo, p. 841)
B. Deposition of Baltazar 28. Question: How do you know that all of these VCDs
you purchased or got are indeed unauthorized?
18. Question: What did you see in that address? Answer: The VRB has certified that they are
unauthorized copies.
Answer: We saw that they had in stock several
infringing, pirated and unauthorized CDs. They also had Unlike their counterparts in Columbia who were found to
videograms without VRB labels, aside from artworks and be personally knowledgeable about their facts, Agent
labels. John Doe gave us a Wholesome CD while Jane Lavin and his witnesses, judging from their above
Doe gave us Kenny Rogers Videoke and Engelbert quoted answers, had no personal knowledge that the
Humperdinck Videoke which the informant told us were discs they saw, purchased or received were, in fact,
being reproduced in that facility. The informant further pirated or infringing on petitioners copyrights. To us, it
showed us the rooms where the replicating and/or is not enough that the applicant and his witnesses
stamping machine was located. testify that they saw stacks of several allegedly
infringing, pirated and unauthorized discs in the subject
19. Question: How did you determine that the CDs you facility. The more decisive consideration determinative
purchased are counterfeit, pirated or unauthorized? of whether or not a probable cause obtains to justify the
issuance of a search warrant is that they had personal
Answer: The Attorney-in-fact of Sony Music and IFPI knowledge that the discs were actually infringing,
certified in his Complaint-Affidavit that they are pirated or unauthorized copies.[41]
unauthorized copies. I also have with me a listing of
Sony Music titles and some of the CDs I purchased are Moreover, unlike in Columbia, misrepresentation on the
in that list.[40] part of the applicant and his witnesses had been
established in this case.
C. Deposition of Pedralvez
This is not to say that the master tapes should have
27. Question: What proof do you have they are been presented in evidence during the application
producing infringing materials? hearing, as private respondents, obviously having in
mind the holding in 20thCentury Fox Film Corp. vs. Court
Answer: We were given some samples by John Doe of Appeals,[42] would have this Court believe. It is true
and Jane Doe. These are Kenny Rogers Videoke, that the Court, in 20th Century Fox, underscored the
Engelbert Humperdinck Videoke, and Andrew E. necessity, in determining the existence of probable
Page 262 of 307
cause in copyright infringement cases, of presenting the them that the discs were manufactured at said
master tapes of the copyrighted work. But, as premises.
emphatically clarified in Columbia such auxiliary
procedure, however, does not rule out the use of Initial hearsay information or tips from confidential
testimonial or documentary evidence, depositions, informants could very well serve as basis for the
admissions or other classes of evidence xxx especially issuance of a search warrant, if followed up personally
where the production in court of object evidence would by the recipient and validated,[46] as what transpired
result in delay, inconvenience or expenses out of in Columbia. Unfortunately, the records show that such
proportion to its evidentiary value.[43] What this Court is is not the case before us.
saying is that any evidence presented in lieu of the
master tapes, if not readily available, in similar On the issue that the public respondent gravely abused
application proceedings must be reliable, and, if her discretion in conducting what petitioners perceived
testimonial, it must, at the very least, be based on the amounted to a preliminary investigation, this Court has
witness personal knowledge. already ruled inSolid Triangle Sales Corp. vs. Sheriff of
RTC Quezon City, Branch 93,[47] that in the
Petitioners argue, citing People v. Chua Uy,[44] that Agent determination of probable cause, the court must
Lavins informants testimonies are not indispensable as necessarily resolve whether or not an offense exists to
they would only be corroborative. justify the issuance or quashal of the warrant. In the
Like Columbia, Chua Uy is not a winning card for exercise of this mandate - which we can allow as being
petitioners, for, in the latter case, there was a reliable akin to conducting a preliminary investigation - abuse of
testimony to corroborate what the applicant testified discretion cannot plausibly be laid at the doorstep of the
to, i.e., the testimony of the police poseur-buyer in a issuing court on account of its prima facie holding that
buy-bust operation involving prohibited drugs. The no offense has been committed, even if consequent to
circumstances are different in this case wherein the such holding a warrant is recalled and the private
applicant and his witnesses had no personal knowledge complainant is incidentally deprived of vital evidence to
that the discs they purchased were infringing or pirated prove his case. Solid Triangle succinctly explains why:
copies. It cannot be overemphasized that not one of
them testified seeing the pirated discs being The proceedings for the issuance/quashal of a search
manufactured at SLCs premises. What they stated warrant before a court on the one hand, and the
instead was that they were given copies of Kenny preliminary investigation before an authorized officer on
Rogers Videoke, Engelbert Humperdinck the other, are proceedings entirely independent of each
Videoke and Andrew E. Wholesome CD by two other. One is not bound by the others finding as regards
anonymous sources, while yet another informant told the existence of a crime. The first is to determine

Page 263 of 307

whether a warrant should issue or be quashed, and the cleanse itself of an error unwittingly committed, or, with
second, whether an information should be filed in court. like effect, to allow the aggrieved party the chance to
convince the court that its ruling is erroneous.[49] A
When the court, in determining probable cause for motion for reconsideration before resort to certiorari is
issuing or quashing a search warrant, finds that no required precisely to afford the public respondent an
offense has been committed, it does not interfere with opportunity to correct any actual or fancied error
or encroach upon the proceedings in the preliminary attributed to it by way of re-examination of the legal
investigation. The court does not oblige the and factual aspects of the case.[50]
investigating officer not to file the information for the
courts ruling that no crime exists is only of purposes of Similarly, as to the matter of the respondent judges
issuing or quashing the warrant. This does not, as recognizing the April 11, 2002 motion to quash search
petitioners would like to believe, constitute a usurpation warrant[51] filed by the individual private respondents,
of the executive function. Indeed, to shirk from this duty instead of by SLC, as presumptive owner of the seized
would amount to an abdication of a constitutional items, such error was properly addressed when
obligation.[48] respondent SLC, represented throughout the
proceedings below by the same counsel of its co-
While the language of the first questioned Order may be respondents, formally manifested that it was adopting
viewed as encroaching on executive functions, the same motion as its own.[52]
nonetheless, it remains that the order of quashal is
entirely independent of the proceedings in I.S. No. 2001- It is apropos to point out at this juncture that petitioners
1158. And needless to stress, the DOJ is by no means have imputed on individual private respondents criminal
concluded by the respondent judges findings as regards liability, utilizing as tools of indictment the very articles
the existence, or the non-existence, of a crime. and papers seized from the premises of SLC. Be that as
We can, to a point, accord merit to petitioners lament it may, petitioners should be deemed in estoppel to
that the basis of the first questioned order, i.e., the raise the personality of individual private respondents to
mingling of the seized items with other items, is interpose a motion to quash. To be sure, it would be
extraneous to the determination of the validity of the unsporting for petitioners to prosecute individual private
issuance of the search warrant. It is to be pointed out, respondents on the basis of seized articles but on the
though, that public respondent corrected her error when same breath deny the latter standing to question the
it was raised in petitioners motion for reconsideration. legality of the seizure on the postulate that only the
There can really be no serious objection to a judge party whose rights have been impaired thereby,
correcting or altogether altering his case disposition on meaning SLC, can raise that challenge. There can be no
a motion for reconsideration, it being the purpose of quibbling that individual private respondents stand to
such recourse to provide the court an opportunity to be prejudiced or at least be inconvenient by any
Page 264 of 307
judgment in any case based on the seized properties. In the text of the said order, however, shows that the
a very real sense, therefore, they are real parties in respondent judge denied petitioners motion for
interest who ought not to be prevented from assailing reconsideration because she was misled by the
the validity of Search Warrant 219-00, albeit they applicants and his witnesses testimony. It may be that a
cannot plausibly asked for the release and appropriate VRB license is no defense to a charge of violating
as their own the seized articles. Section 208 of R.A. No. 8293. It must be stressed in this
regard, however, that the core issue here is the validity
Petitioners related argument that SLC could not have of the warrant which applicant secured on the basis of,
validly adopted individual private respondents motion to among others, his representation which turned out to be
quash due to laches is untenable. false.

The records show that the seizure in question was As above discussed, the answers of Agent Lavin and his
effected on September 19, 2000. The complaint in I.S. witnesses to the public respondents searching
No. 2000-1576 was filed against the officers of SLC, all questions, particularly those relating to how they knew
of whom, except for one, are also private respondents in that the compact discs they purchased or received were
the instant petition. I.S. No. 2000-1576 was only illegal, unauthorized or infringing, were based on
resolved on January 15, 2001 when the DOJ dismissed certifications and not personal knowledge. The subject
the complaint on the ground that SLC was, in fact, duly warrant, as well as Search Warrant No. 220-00, was
licensed by the VRB. Shortly thereafter, or on February issued nonetheless. It may well have been that the
6, 2001, less than five (5) months after the seizure, issuing judge was, in the end, convinced to issue the
private respondents moved to quash both search warrants by means of the erroneous VRB certification
warrants.[53] The motion clearly indicates private presented during the joint application hearing,
respondents desire for the return of the seized items, overriding whatever misgivings she may have had with
and there is nothing in the records showing that the applicants and his witnesses other answers. This
petitioners objected to the motion on the ground that Court, however, cannot engage in such speculation and
the movants had no standing to question the warrants. sees no need to.

This bring Us to the second assailed order. As earlier Summing up, the issuance of Search Warrant No. 219-00
stated, DOJ, in I.S. No. 2000-1576, found respondent was, at bottom, predicated on the sworn testimonies of
SLC to be licensed by VRB to engage in the business of persons without personal knowledge of facts they were
replicating or duplicating videograms. testifying on and who relied on a false certification
Petitioners would have the Court believe that the issued by VRB. Based as it were on hearsay and false
second questioned order was based on a ground information, its issuance was without probable cause
immaterial to the charge of infringement. A scrutiny of and, therefore, invalid.
Page 265 of 307
Given the foregoing perspective, the peripheral issues Petitioner Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft), a Delaware,
of (a) whether or not petitioner IFPI (South East Asia), United States corporation, owns the copyright and
Ltd. failed to comply with the rules requiring the filing of trademark to several computer software. [3] Respondents
a certification on non-forum shopping; and (b) whether Benito Keh and Yvonne Keh are the President/Managing
or not IFPIs board of directors ratified its conditional Director and General Manager, respectively, of
authorization for its attorney-in-fact to represent IFPI in respondent Beltron Computer Philippines, Inc. (Beltron),
this petition, need not detain us long. In our review of a domestic corporation. Respondents Jonathan K. Chua,
the records, R.V. Domingo & Associates, whose authority Emily K. Chua, Benito T. Sanchez, and Nancy I. Velasco
to represent the petitioners in this petition continues, are Beltrons Directors. On the other hand, respondents
had duly executed the sworn certification on non- forum Alfonso Chua, Alberto Chua, Judy K. Chua Hwang,
shopping. Sophia Ong, and Deanna Chua are the Directors of
respondent Taiwan Machinery Display & Trade Center,
In the same manner, this Court, having taken Inc. (TMTC), also a domestic corporation.[4]
cognizance of this petition, need not belabor the issue
of whether or not petitioners have cavalierly breached In May 1993, Microsoft and Beltron entered into a
the rule on hierarchy of courts. Suffice it to state that, Licensing Agreement (Agreement). Under Section 2(a)
while the Court looks with disfavor on utter disregard of of the Agreement, as amended in January 1994,
its rules,[54] it is within its power to suspend its own rules Microsoft authorized Beltron, for a fee, to:
or to except a particular case from its operation
whenever the ends of justice so requires, as here. (i) xxx reproduce and install no more than one (1) copy
of [Microsoft] software on each Customer System hard
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby DISMISSED disk or Read Only Memory (ROM); [and]
and the temporary restraining order issued on February
19, 2003 is consequently RECALLED. (ii) xxx distribute directly or indirectly and license copies
of the Product (reproduced as per Section 2(a)(i) and/or
11. NBI-Microsoft vs. Judy Hwang, G.R. No. acquired from Authorized Replicator or Authorized
147043, June 21, 2005 Distributor) in object code form to end users[.] xxxx[5]

Facts: This is a petition for certiorari[1] of the The Agreement also authorized Microsoft and Beltron to
Resolutions[2] of the Department of Justice dismissing for terminate the contract if the other fails to comply with
lack of merit and insufficiency of evidence petitioner any of the Agreements provisions. Microsoft terminated
Microsoft Corporations complaint against respondents the Agreement effective 22 June 1995 for Beltrons non-
for copyright infringement and unfair competition. payment of royalties.[6]
Page 266 of 307
Warrant Nos. 95-684 and 95-685).[16] Using Search
Afterwards, Microsoft learned that respondents were Warrant Nos. 95-684 and 95-685, the NBI searched the
illegally copying and selling Microsoft software. premises of Beltron and TMTC and seized several
Consequently, Microsoft, through its Philippine agent, computer-related hardware, software, accessories, and
hired the services of Pinkerton Consulting Services paraphernalia. Among these were 2,831 pieces of CD-
(PCS), a private investigative firm. Microsoft also sought ROMs containing Microsoft software.[17]
the assistance of the National Bureau of Investigation
(NBI). On 10 November 1995, PCS employee John Based on the articles obtained from respondents,
Benedic[8] Sacriz (Sacriz) and NBI agent Dominador Microsoft and a certain Lotus Development Corporation
Samiano, Jr. (Samiano), posing as representatives of a (Lotus Corporation) charged respondents before the
computer shop,[9] bought computer hardware (central Department of Justice (DOJ) with copyright infringement
processing unit (CPU) and computer monitor) and under Section 5(A) in relation to Section 29 of
software (12 computer disks (CDs) in read-only memory Presidential Decree No. 49, as amended, (PD 49) [18] and
(ROM) format) from respondents. The CPU contained with unfair competition under Article 189(1) [19] of the
pre-installed[10] Microsoft Windows 3.1 and MS-DOS Revised Penal Code. In its Complaint (I.S. No. 96-193),
software. The 12 CD-ROMs, encased in plastic which the NBI indorsed, Microsoft alleged that
containers with Microsoft packaging, also contained respondents illegally copied and sold Microsoft software.
Microsoft software.[11] At least two of the CD-ROMs were [20]

installers, so-called because they contain several

software (Microsoft only or both Microsoft and non- In their joint counter-affidavit, respondents Yvonne Keh
Microsoft).[12] Sacriz and Samiano were not given the (respondent Keh) and Emily K. Chua (respondent Chua)
Microsoft end-user license agreements, users manuals, denied the charges against respondents. Respondents
registration cards or certificates of authenticity for the Keh and Chua alleged that: (1) Microsofts real intention
articles they purchased. The receipt issued to Sacriz and in filing the complaint under I.S. No. 96-193 was to
Samiano for the CPU and monitor bore the heading pressure Beltron to pay its alleged unpaid royalties, thus
T.M.T.C. (PHILS.) INC. BELTRON COMPUTER.[13] The Microsoft should have filed a collection suit instead of a
receipt for the 12 CD-ROMs did not indicate its source criminal complaint; (2) TMTC bought the confiscated 59
although the name Gerlie appears below the entry boxes of MS-DOS CDs from a Microsoft dealer in
delivered by.[14] Singapore (R.R. Donnelly); (3) respondents are not the
source of the Microsoft Windows 3.1 software pre-
On 17 November 1995, Microsoft applied for search installed in the CPU bought by Sacriz and Samiano, but
warrants against respondents in the Regional Trial Court, only of the MS-DOS software; (4) Microsofts alleged
Branch 23, Manila (RTC).[15] The RTC granted Microsofts proof of purchase (receipt) for the 12 CD-ROMs is
application and issued two search warrants (Search inconclusive because the receipt does not indicate its
Page 267 of 307
source; and (5) respondents Benito Keh, Jonathan K. a) Whether or not Beltron Computer and/or its
Chua, Alfonso Chua, Alberto Chua, Judy K. Chua Hwang, stockholders should be held liable for the offenses
Sophia Ong, and Deanna Chua are stockholders of charged.
Beltron and TMTC in name only and thus cannot be held
criminally liable.[21] b) Whether or not prima facie case exist[s] against
Taiwan Machinery Display and Trade Center, Inc. (TMTC)
The other respondents did not file counter-affidavits. for violation of the offense charged.

Meanwhile, respondents moved to quash Search Complainant had alleged that from the time the license
Warrant Nos. 95-684 and 95-685. The RTC partially agreement was terminated, respondent/s is/are no
granted their motion in its Order of 16 April 1996. longer authorized to copy/distribute/sell Microsoft
Microsoft sought reconsideration but the RTC denied products. However, respondent/s averred that the case
Microsofts motion in its Order of 19 July 1996. Microsoft is civil in nature, not criminal, considering that the case
appealed to the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. stemmed only out of the desire of complainant to collect
54600. In its Decision of 29 November 2001, the Court from them the amount of US$135,121.32 and that the
of Appeals granted Microsofts appeal and set aside the contract entered into by the parties cannot be
RTC Orders of 16 April 1996 and 19 July 1996. The Court unilaterally terminated.
of Appeals Decision became final on 27 December 2001.
In the order of Honorable William Bayhon dated July 19,
DOJ Resolutions: In the Resolution of 26 October 1996 [denying reconsideration to the Order partially
1999, DOJ State Prosecutor Jocelyn A. Ong (State quashing the search warrants], he observed the
Prosecutor Ong) recommended the dismissal of following:
Microsofts complaint for lack of merit and insufficiency It is further argued by counsel for respondent that the
of evidence. State Prosecutor Ong also recommended act taken by private complainant is to spite revenge
the dismissal of Lotus Corporations complaint for lack of against the respondent Beltron for the latter failed to
interest to prosecute and for insufficiency of evidence. pay the alleged monetary obligation in the amount of
Assistant Chief State Prosecutor Lualhati R. Buenafe US$135,121.32. That respondent has some monetary
(Assistant Chief State Prosecutor Buenafe) approved obligation to complainant which is not denied by the
State Prosecutor Ongs recommendations.[22] The 26 complainant.
October 1999 Resolution reads in part:
[]It appears therefore that prior to the issuance of the
[T]wo (2) issues have to be resolved in this case, subject search warrants, complainant had some
namely: business transactions with the respondent [Beltron]
along the same line of products. Complainant failed to
Page 268 of 307
reveal the true circumstances existing between the two Bank of Commerce; Official Receipts from the Bureau of
of them as it now appears, indeed the search warrant[s] Customs; and Import Entry Declaration of the Bureau of
xxx [are] being used as a leverage to secure collection Customs to prove that indeed the Microsoft software in
of the money obligation which the Court cannot allow. their possession were bought from Singapore.

From said order, it can be gleaned that the [RTC] xxx, Thus, respondent/s in this case has/have no intent to
had admitted that the search warrants applied for by defraud the public, as provided under Article 189 of the
complainant were merely used as a leverage for the Revised Penal Code, for they bought said Microsoft MS-
collection of the alleged monetary obligation of the DOS 6.0 from an alleged licensee of Microsoft in
respondent/s. Singapore, with all the necessary papers. In their
opinion, what they have are genuine Microsoft software,
From said order, it can be surmise (sic) that the therefore no unfair competition exist.
obligations between the parties is civil in nature not
criminal. Moreover, violation of P.D. 49 does not exist, for
respondent/s was/were not the manufacturers of the
Moreover, complainant had time and again harped that Microsoft software seized and were selling their
respondent/s is/are not authorized to sell/copy/distribute products as genuine Microsoft software, considering that
Microsoft products at the time of the execution of the they bought it from a Microsoft licensee.
search warrants. Still, this office has no power to pass
upon said issue for one has then to interpret the Complainant, on the other hand, considering that it has
provisions of the contract entered into by the parties, the burden of proving that the respondent/s is/are liable
which question, should be raised in a proper civil for the offense charged, has not presented any evidence
proceeding. that the items seized namely the 59 boxes of MS-DOS
6.0 software are counterfeit.
Accordingly, absen[t] a resolution from the proper court
of (sic) whether or not the contract is still binding The certification issued on December 12, 1995 by
between the parties at the time of the execution of the Christopher Austin, Corporate Attorney of the
search warrants, this office cannot pass upon the issue complainant, does not disclose this fact. For the term
of whether respondent/s is or are liable for the offense used by Mr. Austin was that the items seized were
charged. unauthorized.
The question now, is whether the products were
As to the second issue, we find for the respondent/s. unauthorized because TMTC has no license to sell
TMTC had provided sufficient evidence such as pro- Microsoft products, or is it unauthorized because R.R.
forma invoice from R.R. Donnelley; Debt Advice of the
Page 269 of 307
Donnelley has no authority to sell said products here in PURCHASED DURING THE TEST-BUY AND THE ITEMS

Still, to determine the culpability of the respondents, III. THE DOJ MISAPPRECIATED THE LAW ON COPYRIGHT
complainant should present evidence that what is in the INFRINGEMENT AND UNFAIR COMPETITION.
possession of the respondent/s is/are counterfeit
Microsoft sought reconsideration and prayed for an
ocular inspection of the articles seized from In its Comment, filed by the Solicitor General, the DOJ
respondents. However, in the Resolution of 3 December maintains that it did not commit grave abuse of
1999, Assistant Chief State Prosecutor Buenafe, upon discretion in dismissing Microsofts complaint.[28]
State Prosecutor Ongs recommendation, denied
Microsofts motion.[24] For their part, respondents allege in their Comment that
Microsoft is guilty of forum-shopping because its petition
Microsoft appealed to the Office of the DOJ Secretary. In in CA-G.R. CV No. 54600 was filed ahead of, and has a
the Resolution of 3 August 2000, DOJ Undersecretary common interest with, this petition. On the merits,
Regis V. Puno dismissed Microsofts appeal. [25] Microsoft respondents reiterate their claims in their motion to
sought reconsideration but its motion was denied in the quash Search Warrant Nos. 95-684 and 95-685 that the
Resolution of 22 December 2000.[26] articles seized from them were either owned by others,
purchased from legitimate sources, or not produced by
Hence, this petition. Microsoft contends that: Microsoft. Respondents also insist that the Agreement
entitled Beltron to copy and replicate or reproduce
I. THE DOJ ERRED IN RULING THAT THE LIABILITY OF Microsoft products. On the confiscated 2,831 CD-ROMs,
RESPONDENTS WAS ONLY CIVIL IN NATURE BY VIRTUE respondents allege that a certain corporation [29] left the
OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. CD-ROMs with them for safekeeping. Lastly,
respondents claim that there is no proof that the CPU
II. THE DOJ MISAPPRECIATED THE FACT THAT Sacriz and Samiano bought from them contained pre-
RESPONDENTS WERE ENGAGED IN THE ILLEGAL installed Microsoft software because the receipt for the
IMPORTATION, SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF CPU does not indicate [s]oftware hard disk. [30]

Page 270 of 307

In its Reply, Microsoft counters that it is not liable for which party is successful, would amount to res
forum-shopping because its petition in CA-G.R. CV No. judicata in the other case.[33] Forum-shopping is an act
54600 involved the Orders of the RTC partially quashing of malpractice because it abuses court processes.[34] To
Search Warrant Nos. 95-684 and 95-685 while this check this pernicious practice, Section 5, Rule 7 of the
petition concerns the DOJ Resolutions dismissing its 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure requires the principal
complaint against respondents for copyright party in an initiatory pleading to submit a certification
infringement and unfair competition. On the merits, against forum-shopping.[35] Failure to comply with this
Microsoft maintains that respondents should be indicted requirement is a cause for the dismissal of the case and,
for copyright infringement and unfair competition. in case of willful forum-shopping, for the imposition of
administrative sanctions.
Here, Microsoft correctly contends that it is not liable for
(1) Whether Microsoft engaged in forum-shopping; and forum-shopping. What Microsoft appealed in CA-G.R. CV
No. 54600 were the RTC Orders partially quashing
(2) Whether the DOJ acted with grave abuse of Search Warrant Nos. 95-684 and 95-685. In the present
discretion in not finding probable cause to charge case, Microsoft is appealing from the DOJ Resolutions
respondents with copyright infringement and unfair dismissing its complaint against respondents for
competition. copyright infringement and unfair competition. Thus,
although the parties in CA-G.R. CV No. 54600 and this
Held: petition are identical, the rights asserted and the reliefs
prayed for are not such that the judgment in CA-G.R. CV
Microsoft did not Engage in Forum-Shopping No. 54600 does not amount to res judicata in the
present case. This renders forum-shopping impossible
Forum-shopping takes place when a litigant files here.
multiple suits involving the same parties, either
simultaneously or successively, to secure a favorable The DOJ Acted with Grave Abuse of Discretionin
judgment.[32] Thus, it exists where the elements of litis not Finding Probable Cause to Charge
pendentia are present, namely: (a) identity of parties, or Respondents withCopyright Infringement and
at least such parties who represent the same interests Unfair Competition
in both actions; (b) identity of rights asserted and relief
prayed for, the relief being founded on the same facts; Generally, this Court is loath to interfere in the
and (c) the identity with respect to the two preceding prosecutors discretion in determining probable
particulars in the two cases is such that any judgment cause unless such discretion is shown to have been
that may be rendered in the pending case, regardless of abused. This case falls under the exception.
Page 271 of 307
Infringement of a copyright is a trespass on a private
Unlike the higher quantum of proof beyond reasonable domain owned and occupied by the owner of the
doubt required to secure a conviction, it is the lower copyright, and, therefore, protected by law,
standard of probable cause which is applied during the and infringement of copyright, or piracy, which is a
preliminary investigation to determine whether the synonymous term in this connection, consists in the
accused should be held for trial. This standard is met if doing by any person, without the consent of the owner
the facts and circumstances incite a reasonable belief of the copyright, of anything the sole right to do which
that the act or omission complained of constitutes the is conferred by statute on the owner of the copyright.
offense charged. As we explained in Pilapil v. (Emphasis supplied)
The term [probable cause] does not mean actual and Significantly, under Section 5(A), a copyright owner is
positive cause nor does it import absolute certainty. It is vested with the exclusive right to copy, distribute,
merely based on opinion and reasonable belief. Thus, a multiply, [and] sell his intellectual works.
finding of probable cause does not require an inquiry On the other hand, the elements of unfair competition
into whether there is sufficient evidence to procure a under Article 189(1)[43] of the Revised Penal Code are:
conviction. It is enough that it is believed that the act or
omission complained of constitutes the offense charged. (a) That the offender gives his goods the general
Precisely, there is a trial for the reception of evidence of appearance of the goods of another manufacturer or
the prosecution in support of the charge. dealer;

PD 49 and Article 189(1) (b) That the general appearance is shown in the (1)
goods themselves, or in the (2) wrapping of their
Section 5[39] of PD 49 (Section 5) enumerates the rights packages, or in the (3) device or words therein, or in (4)
vested exclusively on the copyright owner. Contrary to any other feature of their appearance[;]
the DOJs ruling, the gravamen of copyright infringement
is not merely the unauthorized manufacturing of (c) That the offender offers to sell or sells those goods
intellectual works but rather the unauthorized or gives other persons a chance or opportunity to do the
performance of any of the acts covered by Section 5. same with a like purpose[; and]
Hence, any person who performs any of the acts under
Section 5 without obtaining the copyright owners prior (d) That there is actual intent to deceive the public or
consent renders himself civilly[40] and criminally[41] liable defraud a competitor.[44]
for copyright infringement. We held in Columbia
Pictures, Inc. v. Court of Appeals:[42] The element of intent to deceive may be inferred from
the similarity of the goods or their appearance.[45]
Page 272 of 307
No. 96-193, merely to pressure Beltron to pay its
On the Sufficiency of Evidence toSupport a overdue royalties to Microsoft. Significantly, in its
Finding of Probable CauseAgainst Respondents Decision in CA-G.R. CV No. 54600 dated 29 November
2001, the Court of Appeals set aside the RTC Order of 19
In its pleadings filed with the DOJ, Microsoft invoked July 1996. Respondents no longer contested that ruling
three clusters of evidence to support its complaint which became final on 27 December 2001.
against respondents, namely: (1) the 12 CD-ROMs
containing Microsoft software Sacriz and Samiano Second. There is no basis for the DOJ to rule that
bought from respondents; (2) the CPU with pre-installed Microsoft must await a prior resolution from the proper
Microsoft software Sacriz and Samiano also purchased court of (sic) whether or not the [Agreement] is still
from respondents; and (3) the 2,831 CD-ROMs binding between the parties. Beltron has not filed any
containing Microsoft software seized from respondents. suit to question Microsofts termination of the
The DOJ, on the one hand, refused to pass upon the Agreement. Microsoft can neither be expected nor
relevance of these pieces of evidence because: (1) the compelled to wait until Beltron decides to sue before
obligations between the parties is civil and not criminal Microsoft can seek remedies for violation of its
considering that Microsoft merely sought the issuance of intellectual property rights.
Search Warrant Nos. 95-684 and 95-685 to pressure
Beltron to pay its obligation under the Agreement, and Furthermore, some of the counterfeit CD-ROMs bought
(2) the validity of Microsofts termination of the from respondents were installer CD-ROMs containing
Agreement must first be resolved by the proper court. Microsoft software only or both Microsoft and non-
On the other hand, the DOJ ruled that Microsoft failed to Microsoft software. These articles are counterfeit per
present evidence proving that what were obtained from se because Microsoft does not (and could not have
respondents were counterfeit Microsoft products. authorized anyone to) produce such CD-ROMs. The
copying of the genuine Microsoft software to produce
This is grave abuse of discretion.[47] these fake CD-ROMs and their distribution are illegal
even if the copier or distributor is a Microsoft licensee.
First. Being the copyright and trademark owner of As far as these installer CD-ROMs are concerned, the
Microsoft software, Microsoft acted well within its rights Agreement (and the alleged question on the validity of
in filing the complaint under I.S. No. 96-193 based on its termination) is immaterial to the determination of
the incriminating evidence obtained from respondents. respondents liability for copyright infringement and
Hence, it was highly irregular for the DOJ to hold, based unfair competition.
on the RTC Order of 19 July 1996, that Microsoft sought
the issuance of Search Warrant Nos. 95-684 and 95-685, Lastly, Section 10(b)[48] of the Agreement provides that
and by inference, the filing of the complaint under I.S. Microsofts rights and remedies under the contract are
Page 273 of 307
not xxx exclusive and are in addition to any other rights Customer System hard disk or Read Only Memory
and remedies provided by law or [the] Agreement. Thus, (ROM); and
even if the Agreement still subsists, Microsoft is not
precluded from seeking remedies under PD 49 and (2) the distribut[ion] xxx and licens[ing of] copies of the
Article 189(1) of the Revised Penal Code to vindicate its [Microsoft] Product [as reproduced above] and/or
rights. acquired from Authorized Replicator or
Authorized Distributor) in object code form to end
Third. The Court finds that the 12 CD-ROMs (installer users.
and non-installer) and the CPU with pre-installed
Microsoft software Sacriz and Samiano bought from The Agreement defines an authorized replicator as a
respondents and the 2,831 Microsoft CD-ROMs seized third party approved by [Microsoft] which may
from respondents suffice to support a finding of reproduce and manufacture [Microsoft] Product[s] for
probable cause to indict respondents for copyright [Beltron] xxx.[52] An authorized distributor, on the other
infringement under Section 5(A) in relation to Section 29 hand, is a third party approved by [Microsoft] from
of PD 49 for unauthorized copying and selling of which [Beltron] may purchase MED[53] Product.[54] Being
protected intellectual works. The installer CD-ROMs with a mere reproducer/installer of one Microsoft software
Microsoft software, to repeat, are counterfeit per se. On copy on each customers hard disk or ROM, Beltron could
the other hand, the illegality of the non-installer CD- only have acquired the hundreds of Microsoft CD-ROMs
ROMs purchased from respondents and of the Microsoft found in respondents possession from Microsoft
software pre-installed in the CPU is shown by the distributors or replicators.
absence of the standard features accompanying
authentic Microsoft products, namely, the Microsoft end- However, respondents makes no such claim. What
user license agreements, users manuals, registration respondents contend is that these CD-ROMs were left to
cards or certificates of authenticity. them for safekeeping. But neither is this claim tenable
for lack of substantiation. Indeed, respondents Keh and
On the 2,831 Microsoft CD-ROMs [49] seized from Chua, the only respondents who filed counter-affidavits,
respondents, respondent Beltron, the only respondent did not make this claim in the DOJ. These circumstances
who was party to the Agreement, could not have give rise to the reasonable inference that respondents
reproduced them under the Agreement as the Solicitor mass-produced the CD-ROMs in question without
General[50] and respondents contend. Beltrons securing Microsofts prior authorization.
rights under the Agreement were limited to:
The counterfeit non-installer CD-ROMs Sacriz and
(1) the reproduc[tion] and install[ation of] no more Samiano bought from respondents also suffice to
than one copy of [Microsoft] software on each support a finding of probable cause to indict
Page 274 of 307
respondents for unfair competition under Article 189(1)
of the Revised Penal Code for passing off Microsoft Facts: This petition for review on certiorari [1] seeks the
products. From the pictures of the CD-ROMs packaging, reversal of the decision[2] of the Court of Appeals (CA)
one cannot distinguish them from the packaging of dated April 10, 2002 in CA-G.R. SP No. 59587, the
CD-ROMs containing genuine Microsoft software. Such dispositive portion of which read:
replication, coupled with the similarity of content of
these fake CD-ROMs and the CD-ROMs with genuine WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari and prohibition is
Microsoft software, implies intent to deceive. GRANTED. Search Warrant No. 99-17 is
deemed NULL and VOID and SET ASIDE.
Respondents contention that the 12 CD-ROMs Sacriz Respondent ATTY. BENNY NICDAO is prohibited from
and Samiano purchased cannot be traced to them using in evidence the articles seized by virtue of Search
because the receipt for these articles does not indicate Warrant No. 99-17 in Crim. Case No. I.S. No. 99-8116.
its source is unavailing. The receipt in question should
be taken together with Microsofts claim that Sacriz and The factual antecedents follow.
Samiano bought the CD-ROMs from respondents.
Together, these considerations point to respondents On April 27, 1999, Mario P. Nieto, Intelligence Operative
as the vendor of the counterfeit CD-ROMs. Respondents of the Economic Intelligence and Investigation Bureau,
do not give any reason why the Court should not give Department of Finance, applied for a search warrant
credence to Microsofts claim. For the same reason, the with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Angeles City,
fact that the receipt for the CPU does not indicate Pampanga, Branch 56,[4] against respondent Christopher
[s]oftware hard disk does not mean that the CPU had no Choi for violation of Section 168, paragraphs 2 and 3 (a)
pre-installed Microsoft software. Respondents Keh and and (c), in relation to Section 169 of RA 8293,[5] also
Chua admit in their counter-affidavit that respondents known as the Intellectual Property Code.[6]
are the source of the pre-installed MS-DOS software.
After examination of the applicant and his witnesses,
WHEREFORE, we GRANT the petition. We SET ASIDE namely, Max Cavalera and David Lee Sealey, Judge
the Resolutions dated 26 October 1999, 3 December Lourdes F. Gatbalite issued Search Warrant No. 99-17
1999, 3 August 2000, and 22 December 2000 of the dated April 27, 1999 worded as follows:
Department of Justice.

G r e e t i n g s:
12. People vs. Choi, G.R. No.
152950. August 3, 2006
Page 275 of 307
It appearing to the satisfaction of the undersigned, after
examining under oath in the form of searching and On May 12, 1999, respondent filed a motion to quash
probing questions, the applicant, MARIO P. NIETO, search warrant[9] and a supplemental motion to
Intelligence Operative, Economic Intelligence quash[10] on June 22, 1999. Both were denied by Judge
Investigation Bureau, Department of Finance, and his Gatbalite in an order dated November 29, 1999.
witnesses Max Cavalera and David Lee Sealey that Reconsideration was likewise denied.[12]
there are good and sufficient reasons to believe that On June 19, 2000, respondent filed a petition for
Christopher Choi of No. 25-13 Columbia Street, certiorari and prohibition[13] before the CA. He alleged
Carmenville Subd., Angeles City has in his possession, that Judge Gatbalite committed grave abuse of
control and custody [r]eams and packs of fake Marlboro discretion in refusing to quash the search warrant,
Red Cigarettes, as well as cardboard cases of fake arguing that probable cause was not sufficiently
Marlboro Red Cigarettes (each cardboard case contains established as the examination conducted was not
two (2) [m]aster [c]ases of Marlboro and each [m]aster probing and exhaustive and the warrant did not
case contains fifty (50) reams) being distributed, kept particularly describe the place to be
and sold thereat in violation of Section 168, par. 2 and 3 searched. Respondent also prayed that Atty. Bennie
(a) and (c) in relation to Section 169 of R.A. 8293; Nicdao[14] be prohibited from using as evidence the
articles seized by virtue of the search warrant. This was
You are hereby commanded to make an immediate granted by the CA in a decision dated April 10, 2002.
search at anytime of the day or night of the above-
premises and forthwith seize and take possession of the According to the CA, in determining whether there was
aforedescribed items found at the residence/warehouse probable cause to believe that the cigarettes purchased
of Christopher Choi at No. 25-13 Columbia Street, by Nieto were fake and in violation of RA 8293, [15] Judge
Carmenville Subd., Angeles City. Gatbalite failed to ask searching and probing questions
of witness David Lee Sealey.[16] The examination of
THEREFORE, seize and bring the said articles to the Sealey went this way:
undersigned to be dealt with in accordance with law.
You are hereby further directed to submit a return within
ten (10) days from today. Q There was testimony here given by Mr. Mario Nieto
and Max Cavalera, that fake Marlboro cigarettes bought
Given under my hand this 27 th day of April, 1999 at by them from Michael Chua, Christopher Choi and
Angeles City, Philippines.[7] Johnny Chang were turned over to you for examination,
is that correct?
The search was conducted on the same date.[8] A Yes, your Honor.
Page 276 of 307
That’s all.[17]
Q After the same had been turned over to you, what did
you do with the said merchandise, if you did anything? In addition, the CA ruled that Judge Gatbalite committed
A I examined the sample of cigarettes and their grave abuse of discretion when she merely relied on the
packaging bearing the Marlboro Trade Marks which were conclusion of Sealey that the cigarettes he received
suspected to be produc[ed] and manufactured by La from Nieto were fake. She should have at least required
Suerte or [with] the permission of Philip Morris. Sealey to present the alleged fake Marlboro cigarettes
and the genuine ones for comparison, instead of relying
on his testimony alone. The CA reasoned that this was
Q What was the result of your examination? an absolute requirement under the Supreme Court
A Based on the packaging of the packs, the color of the ruling in 20th Century Fox Film Corporation v. Court of
box and the printing on the front side of the packs and Appeals.[18]
the cigarettes themselves, I concluded that they are Hence, this petition.
counterfeit or unauthorized product[s].
The People of the Philippines aver that the CA erred in
Q Do you have any knowledge of this person named finding that Judge Gatbalite committed grave abuse of
Christopher Choi? discretion in issuing the search warrant allegedly
A None, your Honor. because she failed to determine probable cause
pursuant to Sections 4 and 5 of Rule 126 of the Rules of
Q There is an affidavit here marked as exhibit, executed Court.[19] The People assail the finding of the CA that, in
by one David Lee Sealey, do you know this David Lee issuing the search warrant, Judge Gatbalite purportedly
Sealey? did not comply strictly with the requirement to
A Yes, your Honor, I am the one. determine the existence of probable cause by
personally examining the applicant and his witnesses
Q Whose signature is this appearing on the printed through searching questions and answers.The People
name David Lee Sealey? also assert that the CA erred in applying the doctrine
A This is my signature, your Honor. in 20th Century Fox Film Corporation[20] since it had
already been superseded byColumbia Pictures, Inc. v.
Q Do you affirm and confirm other contents of this Court of Appeals.
A Yes, your Honor. Held: We rule for the People of the Philippines.

Court: Sections 4 and 5 of Rule 126 state:

Page 277 of 307

Sec. 4. Requisites for issuing search warrant. A search The searching questions propounded to the applicant
warrant shall not issue except upon probable cause in and the witnesses depend largely on the discretion of
connection with one specific offense to be determined the judge. Although there is no hard-and-fast rule
personally by the judge after examination under oath or governing how a judge should conduct his examination,
affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he it is axiomatic that the examination must be probing
may produce, and particularly describing the place to be and exhaustive, not merely routinary, general,
searched and the things to be seized which may be peripheral, perfunctory or pro-forma.[24] The judge must
anywhere in the Philippines. not simply rehash the contents of the affidavit but must
make his own inquiry on the intent and justification of
Sec. 5. Examination of complainant; record. The judge the application.[25] The questions should not merely be
must, before issuing the warrant, personally examine in repetitious of the averments stated in the affidavits or
the form of searching questions and answers, in writing depositions of the applicant and the witnesses.[26] If the
and under oath, the complainant and the witnesses he judge fails to determine probable cause by personally
may produce on facts personally known to them and examining the applicant and his witnesses in the form of
attach to the record their sworn statements, together searching questions before issuing a search warrant,
with the affidavits submitted. grave abuse of discretion is committed.[27]

According to the foregoing provisions, a search The determination of probable cause does not call for
warrant can be issued only upon a finding of probable the application of rules and standards of proof that a
cause. Probable cause means such facts and judgment of conviction requires after trial on the merits.
circumstances which would lead a reasonably discreet As the term implies, probable cause is concerned with
and prudent man to believe that an offense has been probability, not absolute or even moral certainty. The
committed and that the objects sought in connection standards of judgment are those of a reasonably
with the offense are in the place sought to be searched. prudent man, not the exacting calibrations of a judge
The determination of the existence of probable cause after a full-blown trial.[28] No law or rule states that
requires the following: probable cause requires a specific kind of evidence. No
formula or fixed rule for its determination exists.
(1)the judge must examine the complainant and his Probable cause is determined in the light of
witnesses personally; conditions obtaining in a given situation. [30] The entirety
(2)the examination must be under oath and of the questions propounded by the court and the
(3)the examination must be reduced in writing in the answers thereto must be considered by the judge.[31]
form of searching questions and answers.[23]

Page 278 of 307

In this case, aside from the testimony of Sealey, Q: Where?
petitioner judge also heard the testimony of applicant A: At No. 25-13 Columbia St., Carmenville Subd.,
Nieto: Angeles City, Pampanga.

Q: In connection with Search Warrant 99-17, are you the Q: Upon arriving at the place what did you do?
same Mario Nieto who is the applicant in this application A: Upon arriving at the place, your Honor, I introduced
for search warrant filed today April 27, 1999? myself as the one who was referred by a certain Michael
A: Yes, your Honor. Chua who is interested in buying the Marlboro cigarettes
from him and he accommodated me and showed me
Q: Do you know this Christopher Choi referred to herein? the sample that he has and I was able to procure the
A: Yes, your Honor. samples from him, the samples that like what we did to
the others were inspected by certain Mr. David Lee
Sealey, the representative and authority from the Philip
Q: Why do you know him? Morris.
A: He was introduced to us by Michael Chua, your Honor.
Q: Did you actually buy those samples?
Q: As what? A: Yes, your Honor, I got the samples form Mr.
A: As the supplier for the goods. Christopher Choi and I submitted them to Mr. David Lee
Q: Subject of the application?
A: Yes, your Honor, in violation of Section 169 of R.A. Q: How many Marlboro cigarettes did you buy?
8293. A: We bought only one ream, P17.00 per pack.

Q: How did you know him? Q: Do you know from what particular place the house of
A: When I was conducting a test-buy operation against Christopher Choi did he got (sic) those samples?
Mr. Michael Chua, Mr. Michael Chua told me that the A: The volume stocks were found inside the house, they
bulk of supply if we need more supply we can get from are almost everywhere in the house of Christopher Choi.
the source, a certain Christopher Choi, who lives in the Q: There is a sketch here attached to your application,
same village and who is actually the supplier for the can you point it out here?
entire region. A: Yes, your Honor, at the warehouse, in the storage
room as shown in the lay out of the house, it is adjacent
Q: Where did you see him. This Christopher Choi? to the residential house as shown in the sketch.
A: I went to his house, your Honor.
Q: You went to the warehouse?
Page 279 of 307
A: We were shown [the] entire area by the supplier,
Christopher Choi. As a matter of fact he was trying to Since probable cause is dependent largely on the
show us how much volume he has and his capacity to opinion and findings of the judge who conducted the
supply.[32] examination and who had the opportunity to question
the applicant and his witnesses,[35] the findings of the
Max Cavalera, a witness who accompanied Nieto during judge deserve great weight. The reviewing court can
the test-buy operation,[33] also testified: overturn such findings only upon proof that the judge
disregarded the facts before him or ignored the clear
Q How about this Christopher Choi? dictates of reason.[36] We thus find no reason to disturb
A As Ive said earlier, he was one of those identified by Judge Gatbalites findings.
the informant storing and selling counterfeit Marlboro
cigarettes, so on April 22, 1999 we conducted a Furthermore, as correctly pointed out by
surveillance and we were able to confirm that the said petitioners, 20 Century Fox Film Corporation, insofar as
cigarettes are being stored at the subject place. it required the presentation of the master tapes for
comparison with the pirated copies for a search warrant
Q At what place? to issue, had already been superseded by Columbia
A At 25-13 Columbia St., Carmenville Subd., Angeles Pictures, Inc. v. Court of Appeals:
City. On April 23, 1999 at about 8:30 p.m., Mario Nieto
and I again went to the subject place to conduct a test- More to the point, it is felt that the reasonableness of
buy operation. [A]fter Mr. Choi had been convinced of the added requirement in 20th Century Fox calling for
our intention to buy cigarettes from him, he brought us the production of the master tapes of the copyrighted
to his warehouse where he showed to us several films for determination of probable cause in copyright
cardboard cases of Marlboro cigarettes.[34] infringement cases needs revisiting and clarification.

Given the foregoing testimonies and applying the In fine, the supposed pronunciamento in said case
established standards in determining probable cause, regarding the necessity for the presentation of the
we cannot say that Judge Gatbalite committed grave master tapes of the copyrighted films for the validity of
abuse of discretion in issuing the search warrant. Her search warrants should at most be understood to merely
questions were sufficiently probing, not at all superficial serve as a guidepost in determining the existence of
and perfunctory. The testimonies were consistent probable cause in copyright infringement cases where
witheach other and the narration of facts was credible. there is doubt as to the true nexus between the master
The testimonies and other evidence on record tape and the pirated copies. An objective and careful
constituted adequate bases to establish probable cause reading of the decision in said case could lead to no
that the alleged offense had been committed. other conclusion than thatsaid directive was hardly
Page 280 of 307
intended to be a sweeping and inflexible purpose but to stultify and constrict the judicious
requirement in all or similar copyright exercise of a courts prerogatives and to denigrate the
infringement cases. Judicial dicta should always be judicial duty of determining the existence of probable
construed within the factual matrix of their parturition, cause to a mere ministerial or mechanical
otherwise a careless interpretation thereof could function.There is, to repeat, no law or rule which
unfairly fault the writer with the vice of overstatement requires that the existence of probable cause is or
and the reader with the fallacy of undue generalization. should be determined solely by a specific kind of
evidence. Surely, this could not have been
It is evidently incorrect to suggest, as the ruling contemplated by the framers of the Constitution, and
in 20th Century Fox may appear to do, that in we do not believe that the Court intended the statement
copyright infringement cases, the presentation of in 20th Century Fox regarding master tapes as the
master tapes of the copyrighted films is always dictum for all seasons and reasons in infringement
necessary to meet the requirement of probable cases.
cause and that, in the absence thereof, there can
be no finding of probable cause for the issuance It is obvious that 20th Century Fox Film
of a search warrant. It is true that such master tapes Corporation should not be applied to the present case
are object evidence, with the merit that in this class of since this involves the offense of unfair competition and
evidence the ascertainment of the controverted fact is not copyright infringement. More importantly, as
made through demonstrations involving the direct use pronounced by the Court in Columbia Pictures, Inc., the
of the senses of the presiding magistrate. Such auxiliary judges exercise of discretion should not be unduly
procedure, however, does not rule out the use of restricted by adding a requirement that is not
testimonial or documentary evidence, depositions, sanctioned by law.
admissions or other classes of evidence tending to
prove the factum probandum, especially where the WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The
production in court of object evidence would result in assailed decision of the Court of Appeals dated April 10,
delay, inconvenience or expenses out of proportion to 2002 in CA-G.R. SP No. 59587 is REVERSED and SET
its evidentiary value. ASIDE. Judgment is hereby rendered declaring Search
Warrant No. 99-17 as VALID.
Accordingly, to restrict the exercise of discretion by a
judge by adding a particular requirement (the 13. Sanrio vs. Lim, G.R. No.
presentation of master tapes, as intimated 168662, February 19, 2008
by 20th Century Fox) not provided nor implied in the law
for a finding of probable cause is beyond the realm of Facts: This petition for review on certiorari [1] seeks to
judicial competence or statesmanship. It serves no set aside the decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) in
Page 281 of 307
CA-G.R. CV No. 74660[2] and its resolution[3] denying issuance of a search warrant in the office of the
reconsideration. Executive Judge of the Regional Trial Court of Manila.[10]

Petitioner Sanrio Company Limited, a Japanese After conducting the requisite searching inquiry, the
corporation, owns the copyright of various animated executive judge issued a search warrant on May 30,
characters such as Hello Kitty, Little Twin Stars, My 2000.[11] On the same day, agents of the NBI searched
Melody, Tuxedo Sam and Zashikibuta among others. the premises of Orignamura Trading. As a result thereof,
While it is not engaged in business in the Philippines, they were able to seize various Sanrio products.[12]
its products are sold locally by its exclusive distributor,
Gift Gate Incorporated (GGI).[5] On April 4, 2002, petitioner, through its attorney-in-fact
Teodoro Y. Kalaw IV of the Quisumbing Torres law firm,
As such exclusive distributor, GGI entered into licensing filed a complaint-affidavit[13] with the Task-Force on Anti-
agreements with JC Lucas Creative Products, Inc., Paper Intellectual Property Piracy (TAPP) of the Department of
Line Graphics, Inc. and Melawares Manufacturing Justice (DOJ) against respondent for violation of Section
Corporation.[6] Theselocal entities were allowed to 217 (in relation to Sections 177[14] and 178[15]) of the
manufacture certain products (bearing petitioner's Intellectual Property Code (IPC) which states:
copyrighted animated characters) for the local market. Section 217. Criminal Penalties. 217.1. Any person
infringing any right secured by provisions of Part IV of
Sometime in 2001, due to the deluge of counterfeit this Act or aiding or abetting such infringement shall be
Sanrio products, GGI asked IP Manila Associates (IPMA) guilty of a crime punishable by:
to conduct a market research. The research's objective
was to identify those factories, department stores and (a) Imprisonment of one (1) year to three (3) years plus
retail outlets manufacturing and/or selling fake Sanrio a fine ranging from Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) to
items.[7] After conducting several test-buys in various One hundred fifty thousand pesos (P150,000) for the
commercial areas, IPMA confirmed that respondent's first offense.
Orignamura Trading in Tutuban Center, Manila was
selling imitations of petitioner's products.[8] (b) Imprisonment of three (3) years and one (1) day to
six (6) years plus a fine ranging from One hundred fifty
Consequently, on May 29, 2000, IPMA agents Lea A. thousand pesos (P150,000) to Five hundred thousand
Carmona and Arnel P. Dausan executed a joint affidavit pesos (P500,000) for the second offense.
attesting to the aforementioned facts.[9] IPMA forwarded
the said affidavit to the National Bureau of Investigation (c) Imprisonment of six (6) years and one (1) day to nine
(NBI) which thereafter filed an application for the (9) years plus a fine ranging from Five hundred
thousand pesos (P500,000) to One million five hundred
Page 282 of 307
thousand pesos (P1,500,000) for the third and economic rights of petitioner.[18] Moreover, he obtained
subsequent offenses. his merchandise from authorized manufacturers of
petitioner's products.[19]
(d) In all cases, subsidiary imprisonment in cases of
insolvency. On September 25, 2002, the TAPP found that:
217.2. In determining the number of years of
imprisonment and the amount of fine, the court shall Evidence on record would show that respondent bought
consider the value of the infringing materials that the his merchandise from legitimate sources, as shown by
defendant has produced or manufactured and the official receipts issued by JC Lucas Creative Products,
damage that the copyright owner has suffered by Inc., Paper Line Graphics, Inc. and Melawares
reason of infringement. Manufacturing Corporation. In fact, in her letter dated
May 23, 2002, Ms. Ma. Angela S. Garcia certified that JC
217.3. Any person who at the time when copyright Lucas Creative Products, Inc., Paper Line Graphics, Inc.
subsists in a work has in his possession an article which and Melawares Manufacturing Corporation are
he knows, or ought to know, to be an infringing copy of authorized to produce certain Sanrio products. While it
the work for the purpose of: appears that some of the items seized during the search
are not among those products which [GGI] authorized
(a) Selling, letting for hire, or by way of trade offering or these establishments to produce, the fact remains that
exposing for sale, or hire, the article; respondent bought these from the abovecited legitimate
sources. At this juncture, it bears stressing
(b) Distributing the article for purpose of trade or any that respondent relied on the representations of these
other purpose to an extent that will prejudice the rights manufacturers and distributors that the items they sold
of the copyright of the owner in the work; or were genuine. As such, it is not incumbent upon
respondent to verify from these sources what items
(c) Trade exhibit of the article in public, shall be guilty of [GGI] only authorized them to produce. Thus, as far as
an offense and shall be liable on conviction to respondent is concerned, the items in his possession are
imprisonment and fine as above mentioned. (emphasis not infringing copies of the
supplied) original [petitioner's] products. (emphasis supplied)

Respondent asserted in his counter-affidavit[16] that he Thus, in a resolution dated September 25, 2002, it
committed no violation of the provisions of the IPC dismissed the complaint due to insufficiency of
because he was only a retailer. [17] Respondent neither evidence.[21]
reproduced nor manufactured any of petitioner's
copyrighted item; thus, he did not transgress the
Page 283 of 307
Petitioner moved for reconsideration but it was denied.
Hence, it filed a petition for review in the Office of The prescription shall be interrupted when proceedings
the Chief State Prosecutor of the DOJ. [23] In a resolution are instituted against the guilty person, and shall begin
dated August 29, 2003,[24] the Office of the Chief State to run again if the proceedings are dismissed for
Prosecutor affirmed the TAPP resolution. The petition reasons not constituting jeopardy. (emphasis supplied)
was dismissed for lack of reversible error.
According to the CA, because no complaint was filed in
Aggrieved, petitioner filed a petition for certiorari in the court within two years after the commission of the
CA. On May 3, 2005, the appellate court dismissed the alleged violation, the offense had already prescribed.[25]
petition on the ground of prescription. It based its action
on Act 3326 which states: On the merits of the case, the CA concluded that the
DOJ did not commit grave abuse of discretion in
Section 1. Violations penalized by special acts shall, dismissing the petition for review. [26] To be criminally
unless otherwise provided in such acts, prescribe in liable for violation of Section 217.3 of the IPC, the
accordance with the following rules: (a) after a year for following requisites must be present:
offenses punished only by a fine or by imprisonment for
not more than one month, or both; (b) after four years 1.possession of the infringing copy and
for those punished by imprisonment for more than one
month, but less than two years; (c) after eight years for 2.knowledge or suspicion that the copy is an
those punished by imprisonment for two years or more, infringement of the genuine article.
but less than six years; and (d) after twelve years for
any other offense punished by imprisonment for six The CA agreed with the DOJ that petitioner failed to
years or more, except the crime of treason, which shall prove that respondent knew that the merchandise he
prescribe after twenty years; Provided, however, That all sold was counterfeit. Respondent, on the other hand,
offenses against any law or part of law administered by was able to show that he obtained these goods from
the Bureau of Internal Revenue shall prescribe after five legitimate sources.[27]
years. Violations penalized by municipal ordinances
shall prescribe after two months. Petitioner moved for reconsideration but it was denied.
Hence, this petition.
Section 2. Prescription shall begin to run from the day of
the commission of the violation of the law, and if the Petitioner now essentially avers that the CA erred in
same may not be known at the time, from the discovery concluding that the alleged violations of the IPC had
thereof and the institution of judicial proceedings for its prescribed. Recent jurisprudence holds that the
investigation and punishment. pendency of a preliminary investigation suspends the
Page 284 of 307
running of the prescriptive period.[28] Moreover, the CA violation of the IPC was tolled by petitioner's timely
erred in finding that the DOJ did not commit grave filing of the complaint-affidavit before the TAPP.
abuse of discretion in dismissing the
complaint. Respondent is liable for copyright IN THE ABSENCE OF GRAVE ABUSE OF
infringement (even if he obtained his merchandise from DISCRETION, THE FACTUAL FINDINGS OF THE DOJ
legitimate sources) because he sold counterfeit goods. IN PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATIONS WILL NOT BE

Although we do not agree wholly with the CA, we deny In a preliminary investigation, a public prosecutor
the petition. determines whether a crime has been committed and
whether there is probable cause that the accused is
Held: guilty thereof.[33]Probable cause is defined as such facts
and circumstances that will engender a well-founded
FILING OF THE COMPLAINT IN THE DOJ TOLLED belief that a crime has been committed and that the
THE PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD respondent is probably guilty thereof and should be held
for trial.[34] Because a public prosecutor is the one
Section 2 of Act 3326 provides that the prescriptive conducting a preliminary investigation, he determines
period for violation of special laws starts on the day the existence of probable cause.[35]Consequently, the
such offense was committed and is interrupted by the decision to file a criminal information in court or to
institution of proceedings against respondent (i.e., the dismiss a complaint depends on his sound discretion.[36]
As a general rule, a public prosecutor is afforded a wide
Petitioner in this instance filed its complaint-affidavit on latitude of discretion in the conduct of a preliminary
April 4, 2002 or one year, ten months and four days investigation. For this reason, courts generally do not
after the NBI searched respondent's premises and interfere with the results of such proceedings. A
seized Sanrio merchandise therefrom. Although no prosecutor alone determines the sufficiency of evidence
information was immediately filed in court, respondent's that will establish probable cause justifying the filing of
alleged violation had not yet prescribed.[30] a criminal information against the respondent. [37] By way
of exception, however, judicial review is allowed where
In the recent case of Brillantes v. Court of Appeals,[31] we respondent has clearly established that the prosecutor
affirmed that the filing of the complaint for purposes of committed grave abuse of discretion. [38] Otherwise
preliminary investigation interrupts the period of stated, such review is appropriate only when the
prescription of criminal responsibility.[32] Thus, the prosecutor has exercised his discretion in an arbitrary,
prescriptive period for the prosecution of the alleged capricious, whimsical or despotic manner by reason of
Page 285 of 307
passion or personal hostility, patent and gross enough
to amount to an evasion of a positive duty or virtual
refusal to perform a duty enjoined by law.[39]

The prosecutors in this case consistently found that no

probable cause existed against respondent for violation
of the IPC. They were in the best position to determine
whether or not there was probable cause. We find that
they arrived at their findings after carefully evaluating
the respective evidence of petitioner and respondent.
Their conclusion was not tainted with grave abuse of

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED.


09 September 2016

Articles 712, 721, 1624, 1625, Civil Code

Article 712. Ownership is acquired by occupation and

by intellectual creation.

Ownership and other real rights over property are

acquired and transmitted by law, by donation, by
testate and intestate succession, and in consequence of
certain contracts, by tradition.
They may also be acquired by means of prescription.

Article 721. By intellectual creation, the following

persons acquire ownership:
Page 286 of 307
the channels of commerce of imported goods that
(1) The author with regard to his literary, dramatic, involve an infringement, immediately after customs
historical, legal, philosophical, scientific or other work; clearance of such goods.

(2) The composer; as to his musical composition; (b) Pay to the copyright proprietor or his assigns or heirs
such actual damages, including legal costs and other
(3) The painter, sculptor, or other artist, with respect to expenses, as he may have incurred due to the
the product of his art; infringement as well as the profits the infringer may
have made due to such infringement, and in proving
(4) The scientist or technologist or any other person profits the plaintiff shall be required to prove sales only
with regard to his discovery or invention. (n) and the defendant shall be required to prove every
element of cost which he claims, or, in lieu of actual
Article 1624. An assignment of creditors and other damages and profits, such damages which to the court
incorporeal rights shall be perfected in accordance with shall appear to be just and shall not be regarded as
the provisions of article 1475. (n) penalty.

Article 1625. An assignment of a credit, right or action (c) Deliver under oath, for impounding during the
shall produce no effect as against third persons, unless pendency of the action, upon such terms and conditions
it appears in a public instrument, or the instrument is as the court may prescribe, sales invoices and other
recorded in the Registry of Property in case the documents evidencing sales, all articles and their
assignment involves real property. (1526) packaging alleged to infringe a copyright and
implements for making them.
IP Code: (d) Deliver under oath for destruction without any
compensation all infringing copies or devices, as well as
Remedies all plates, molds, or other means for making such
Sec. 216 infringing copies as the court may order.

Section 216.Remedies for Infringement. - 216.1. Any (e) Such other terms and conditions, including the
person infringing a right protected under this law shall payment of moral and exemplary damages, which the
be liable: court may deem proper, wise and equitable and the
destruction of infringing copies of the work even in the
(a) To an injunction restraining such infringement. The event of acquittal in a criminal case.
court may also order the defendant to desist from an
infringement, among others, to prevent the entry into
Page 287 of 307
216.2. In an infringement action, the court shall also defendant has produced or manufactured and the
have the power to order the seizure and impounding of damage that the copyright owner has suffered by
any article which may serve as evidence in the court reason of the infringement.
proceedings. (Sec. 28, P.D. No. 49a)
217.3. Any person who at the time when copyright
Penalties subsists in a work has in his possession an article which
Sec. 217 he knows, or ought to know, to be an infringing copy of
the work for the purpose of:
Section 217.Criminal Penalties. - 217.1. Any person
infringing any right secured by provisions of Part IV of (a) Selling, letting for hire, or by way of trade offering or
this Act or aiding or abetting such infringement shall be exposing for sale, or hire, the article;
guilty of a crime punishable by:
(b) Distributing the article for purpose of trade, or for
(a) Imprisonment of one (1) year to three (3) years plus any other purpose to an extent that will prejudice the
a fine ranging from Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) to rights of the copyright owner in the work; or
One hundred fifty thousand pesos (P150,000) for the
first offense. (c) Trade exhibit of the article in public, shall be guilty of
an offense and shall be liable on conviction to
(b) Imprisonment of three (3) years and one (1) day to imprisonment and fine as above mentioned. (Sec. 29,
six (6) years plus a fine ranging from One hundred fifty P.D. No. 49a)
thousand pesos (P150,000) to Five hundred thousand
pesos (P500,000) for the second offense. Evidence
Sec. 218
(c) Imprisonment of six (6) years and one (1) day to nine
(9) years plus a fine ranging from five hundred thousand Section 218.Affidavit Evidence. - 218.1. In an action
pesos (P500,000) to One million five hundred thousand under this Chapter, an affidavit made before a notary
pesos (P1,500,000) for the third and subsequent public by or on behalf of the owner of the copyright in
offenses. any work or other subject matter and stating that:
(d) In all cases, subsidiary imprisonment in cases of
insolvency. (a) At the time specified therein, copyright subsisted in
the work or other subject matter;
217.2. In determining the number of years of (b) He or the person named therein is the owner of the
imprisonment and the amount of fine, the court shall copyright; and
consider the value of the infringing materials that the
Page 288 of 307
(c) The copy of the work or other subject matter
annexed thereto is a true copy thereof, shall be Presumptions
admitted in evidence in any proceedings for an offense Sec. 219
under this Chapter and shall be prima facie proof of the
matters therein stated until the contrary is proved, and Section 219.Presumption of Authorship. - 219.1. The
the court before which such affidavit is produced shall natural person whose name is indicated on a work in the
assume that the affidavit was made by or on behalf of usual manner as the author shall, in the absence of
the owner of the copyright. proof to the contrary, be presumed to be the author of
the work. This provision shall be applicable even if the
218.2. In an action under this Chapter: name is a pseudonym, where the pseudonym leaves no
doubt as to the identity of the author.
(a) Copyright shall be presumed to subsist in the work
or other subject matter to which the action relates if the 219.2. The person or body corporate whose name
defendant does not put in issue the question whether appears on a audio-visual work in the usual manner
copyright subsists in the work or other subject matter; shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be
and presumed to be the maker of said work. (n)

(b) Where the subsistence of the copyright is International Registration

established, the plaintiff shall be presumed to be the Sec. 220
owner of the copyright if he claims to be the owner of
the copyright and the defendant does not put in issue Section 220.International Registration of Works. - A
the question of his ownership. statement concerning a work, recorded in an
international register in accordance with an
(c) Where the defendant, without good faith, puts in international treaty to which the Philippines is or may
issue the questions of whether copyright subsists in a become a party, shall be construed as true until the
work or other subject matter to which the action relates, contrary is proved except:
or the ownership of copyright in such work or subject
matter, thereby occasioning unnecessary costs or delay 220.1. Where the statement cannot be valid under this
in the proceedings, the court may direct that any costs Act or any other law concerning intellectual property.
to the defendant in respect of the action shall not be
allowed by him and that any costs occasioned by the 220.2. Where the statement is contradicted by another
defendant to other parties shall be paid by him to such statement recorded in the international register. (n)
other parties. (n)

Page 289 of 307

international agreement to which the Philippines is a
party. (n)

Scope of Protection Section 222.Points of Attachment for Performers. - The

Secs. 221 to 224 provisions of this Act on the protection of performers
shall apply to:
CHAPTER XVIII 222.1. Performers who are nationals of the Philippines;
222.2. Performers who are not nationals of the
Section 221.Points of Attachment for Works under Philippines but whose performances:
Sections 172 and 173. - 221.1. The protection afforded
by this Act to copyrightable works under Sections 172 (a) Take place in the Philippines; or
and 173 shall apply to:
(b) Are incorporated in sound recordings that are
(a) Works of authors who are nationals of, or have their protected under this Act; or
habitual residence in, the Philippines;
(c) Which has not been fixed in sound recording but are
(b) Audio-visual works the producer of which has his carried by broadcast qualifying for protection under this
headquarters or habitual residence in the Philippines; Act. (n)

(c) Works of architecture erected in the Philippines or Section 223.Points of Attachment for Sound
other artistic works incorporated in a building or other Recordings. - The provisions of this Act on the protection
structure located in the Philippines; of sound recordings shall apply to:

(d) Works first published in the Philippines; and 223.1. Sound recordings the producers of which are
nationals of the Philippines; and
(e) Works first published in another country but also
published in the Philippines within thirty days, 223.2. Sound recordings that were first published in the
irrespective of the nationality or residence of the Philippines. (n)
Section 224.Points of Attachment for Broadcasts. -
221.2. The provisions of this Act shall also apply to 224.1. The provisions of this Act on the protection of
works that are to be protected by virtue of and in broadcasts shall apply to:
accordance with any international convention or other
Page 290 of 307
(a) Broadcasts of broadcasting organizations the the National Library and the Supreme Court Library in
headquarters of which are situated in the Philippines; accordance with the provisions of this Act shall become
and the property of the Government. (Sec. 60, P.D. No. 49)

(b) Broadcasts transmitted from transmitters situated in

the Philippines.

224.2. The provisions of this Act shall also apply to

performers who, and to producers of sound recordings
and broadcasting organizations which, are to be
protected by virtue of and in accordance with any
international convention or other international
agreement to which the Philippines is a party. (n)

Secs. 225 to 227


Section 225.Jurisdiction. - Without prejudice to the

provisions of Subsection 7.1(c), actions under this Act
shall be cognizable by the courts with appropriate
jurisdiction under existing law. (Sec. 57, P.D. No. 49a)

Section 226.Damages. - No damages may be

recovered under this Act after four (4) years from the
time the cause of action arose. (Sec. 58, P.D. No. 49)


Section 227.Ownership of Deposit and Instruments. -

All copies deposited and instruments in writing filed with
Page 291 of 307
petitioners� marketing of the Betamax VTR�s. [n1]
Respondents sought no relief against any Betamax
consumer. Instead, they sought money damages and an
equitable accounting of profits from petitioners, as well
as an injunction against the manufacture and marketing
of Betamax VTR�s.
1. Sony vs. Universal, 464 U.S. 417 [3] After a lengthy trial, the District Court denied
respondents all the relief they sought and entered
JUSTICE STEVENS delivered the opinion of the Court. judgment for petitioners. 480 F.Supp. 429 (1979). The
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
[1] Petitioners manufacture and sell home video tape reversed the District Court�s judgment on
recorders. Respondents own the copyrights on some of respondents� copyright claim, holding petitionersliable
the television [p*420] programs that are broadcast on for contributory infringement and ordering the District
the public airwaves. Some members of the general Court to fashion appropriate relief. 659 F.2d 963 (1981).
public use video tape recorders sold by petitioners to [p*421] We granted certiorari, 457 U.S. 1116 (1982);
record some of these broadcasts, as well as a large since we had not completed our study of the case last
number of other broadcasts. The question presented is Term, we ordered reargument, 463 U.S. 1226 (1983). We
whether the sale of petitioners� copying equipment to now reverse.
the general public violates any of the rights conferred
upon respondents by the Copyright Act. [4] An explanation of our rejection of respondents�
unprecedented attempt to impose copyright liability
[2] Respondents commenced this copyright upon the distributors of copying equipment requires a
infringement action against petitioners in the United quite detailed recitation of the findings of the District
States District Court for the Central District of California Court. In summary, those findings reveal that the
in 1976. Respondents alleged that some individuals had average member of the public uses a VTR principally to
used Betamax video tape recorders (VTR�s) to record record a program he cannot view as it is being televised
some of respondents� copyrighted works which had and then to watch it once at a later time. This practice,
been exhibited on commercially sponsored known as "time-shifting," enlarges the television viewing
televisionand contended that these individuals had audience. For that reason, a significant amount of
thereby infringed respondents� copyrights. television programming may be used in this manner
Respondents further maintained that petitioners were without objection from the owners of the copyrights on
liable for the copyright infringement allegedly the programs. For the same reason, even the two
committed by Betamax consumers because of respondents in this case, who do assert objections to
Page 292 of 307
time-shifting in this litigation, were unable to prove that pictures and other audiovisual works. In the current
the practice has impaired the commercialvalue of their marketplace, they can exploit their rights in these works
copyrights or has created any likelihood of future harm. in a number of ways: [p*422] by authorizing theatrical
Given these findings, there is no basis in the Copyright exhibitions, by licensing limited showings on cable and
Act upon which respondents can hold petitioners liable network television, by selling syndication rights for
for distributing VTR�s to the general public. The Court repeated airings on local television stations, and by
of Appeals� holding that respondents are entitled to marketing programson prerecorded videotapes or
enjoin the distribution of VTR�s, to collect royalties on videodiscs. Some works are suitable for exploitation
the sale of such equipment, or to obtain other relief, if through all of these avenues, while the market for other
affirmed, would enlarge the scope of respondents� works is more limited.
statutory monopolies to encompass control over an
article of commerce that is not the subject of copyright [7] Petitioner Sony manufactures millions of Betamax
protection. Such an expansion of the copyright privilege video tape recorders and markets these devices through
is beyond the limits of the grants authorized by numerous retail establishments, some of which are also
Congress. petitioners in this action. [n2] Sony�s Betamax VTR is a
mechanism consisting of three basic components: (1) a
I tuner, which receives electromagnetic signals
[5] The two respondents in this action, Universal City transmitted over the television band of the public
Studios, Inc., and Walt Disney Productions, produce and airwaves and separates them into audio and visual
hold the copyrights on a substantial number of motion signals; (2) a recorder, which records such signals on a
pictures and other audiovisual works. In the current magnetic tape; and (3) an adapter, which converts the
marketplace, they can exploit their rights in these works audio and visual signals on the tape into a composite
in a number of ways: [p*422] by authorizing theatrical signal that can be received by a television set.
exhibitions, by licensing limited showings on cable and
network television, by selling syndication rights for [8] Several capabilities of the machine are noteworthy.
repeated airings on local television stations, and by The separate tuner in the Betamax enables it to record
marketing programson prerecorded videotapes or a broadcast off one station while the television set is
videodiscs. Some works are suitable for exploitation tuned to another channel, permitting the viewer, for
through all of these avenues, while the market for other example, to watch two simultaneous news broadcasts
works is more limited. by watching one "live" and recording the other for later
viewing. Tapes may be reused, and programs that have
[6] The two respondents in this action, Universal City been recorded may be erased either before or after
Studios, Inc., and Walt Disney Productions, produce and viewing. A timer in the Betamax can be used to activate
hold the copyrights on a substantial number of motion and deactivate the equipment at predetermined [p*423]
Page 293 of 307
times, enabling an intended viewer to record programs
that are transmitted when he or she is not at home. [10] Sony introduced considerable evidence describing
Thus a person may watch a program at home in the television programs that could be copied without
evening even though it was broadcast while the viewer objection from any copyright holder, with special
was at work during the afternoon. The Betamax is also emphasis on sports, religious, and educational
equipped with a pause button and a fast-forward programming. For example, their survey indicated that
control. The pause button, when depressed, deactivates 7.3 of all Betamax use is to record sports events, and
the recorder until it is released, thus enabling a viewer representatives of professional baseball, football,
to omit a commercial advertisement from the recording, basketball, and hockey testified that they had no
provided, of course, that the viewer is present when the objection to the recording of their televised events for
program is recorded. The fast-forward control enables home use. [n6] [p*425] Respondents offered opinion
the viewer of a previously recorded program to runthe evidence concerning the future impact of the
tape rapidly when a segment he or she does not desire unrestricted sale of VTR�s on the commercial value of
to see is being played back on the television screen. their copyrights. The District Court found, however, that
they had failed to prove any likelihood of future harm
[9] The respondents and Sony both conducted surveys from the use of VTR�s for time-shifting. 480 F.Supp., at
of the way the Betamax machine was used by several 469.
hundred owners during a sample period in 1978.
Although there were some differences in the surveys, The District Court�s Decision
they both showed that the primary use of the machine
for most owners was "time-shifting" -- the practice of [11] The lengthy trial of the case in the District Court
recording a program to view it once at a later time, and concerned the private, home use of VTR�s for recording
thereafter erasing it. Time-shifting enables viewers to programs broadcast on the public airwaves without
see programs they otherwise would miss because they charge to the viewer. [n7] No issue concerning the
are not at home, are occupied with other tasks, or are transfer of tapes to other persons, the use ofhome-
viewing a program on another station at the time of a recorded tapes for public performances, or the copying
broadcast that they desire to watch. Both surveys also of programs transmitted on pay or cable television
showed, however, that a substantial number of systems was raised. See id., at 432-433, 442.
interviewees had accumulated libraries of tapes. [n3]
Sony�s survey indicated [p*424] that over 80 of the [12] The District Court concluded that noncommercial
interviewees watched at least as much regular home use recording of material broadcast over the
television as they had before owning a Betamax. [n4] public airwaves was a fair use of copyrighted works and
Respondents offered no evidence of decreased did not constitute copyright infringement. It emphasized
television viewing by Betamax owners. [n5] the fact that the material was broadcast free to the
Page 294 of 307
public at large, the noncommercial character of the use, capable of a variety of uses, some of them allegedly
and the private character of the activity conducted infringing." Id., at 461. It reasoned:
entirely within the home. Moreover, the court found that "Selling a staple article of commerce -- e. g., a
the purpose of this use servedthe public interest in typewriter, a recorder, a camera, a photocopying
increasing access to television programming, an interest machine -- technically contributes to any infringing use
that "is consistent with the First Amendment policy of subsequently made thereof, but this kind of
providing the fullest possible access to information �contribution,� if deemed sufficient as a basis for
through the public airwaves. Columbia Broadcasting liability, would expand the theory beyond precedentand
System, Inc. v. Democratic National Committee, 412 arguably beyond judicial management.
U.S. 94, 102." Id., at 454. [n8] Even when an entire ....
copyrighted work was recorded, [p*426] the District ". . . Commerce would indeed be hampered if
Court regarded the copying as fair use "because there is manufacturers of staple items were held liable as
no accompanying reduction in the market for contributory infringers whenever they �constructively�
�plaintiff�s original work.�" Ibid. knew that some purchasers on some occasions would
use their product [p*427] for a purpose which a court
[13] As an independent ground of decision, the District later deemed, as a matter of first impression, to be an
Court also concluded that Sony could not be held liable infringement." Ibid.
as a contributory infringereven if the home use of a VTR
was considered an infringing use. The District Court [15] Finally, the District Court discussed the
noted that Sony had no direct involvement with any respondents� prayer for injunctive relief, noting that
Betamax purchasers who recorded copyrighted works they had asked for an injunction either preventing the
off the air. Sony�s advertising was silent on the subject future sale of Betamax machines, or requiring that the
of possible copyright infringement, but its instruction machines be rendered incapable of recording
booklet contained the following statement: copyrighted works off the air. The court stated that it
"Television programs, films, videotapes and other had "found no case in which the manufacturers,
materials may be copyrighted. Unauthorized recording distributors, retailers and advertisers of the instrument
of such material may be contrary to the provisions of enabling the infringement were sued by the copyright
the United States copyright laws." Id., at 436. holders," and that the request for relief in this case "is
unique." Id., at 465.
[14] The District Court assumed that Sony had
constructive knowledge of the probability that the [16] It concluded that an injunction was wholly
Betamax machine would be used to record copyrighted inappropriate because any possible harm to
programs, but found that Sony merely sold a "product respondents was outweighed by the fact that "the
Betamax could still legally be used to record
Page 295 of 307
noncopyrighted material or material whose owners home use constituted infringement. Assuming that the
consentedto the copying. An injunction would deprive statutory provisions defining the remedies for
the public of the ability to use the Betamax for this infringement applied also to the nonstatutory tort of
noninfringing off-the-air recording." Id., at 468. contributory infringement, the court stated that a
The Court of Appeals� Decision defendant�s good faith would merely reduce his
damages liability but would not excuse the infringing
[17] The Court of Appeals reversed the District Court�s conduct. It held that Sony was chargeable with
judgment on respondents� copyright claim. It did not knowledge of the homeowner�s infringing activity
set aside any of the District Court�s findings of fact. because thereproduction of copyrighted materials was
Rather, it concluded as a matter of law that the home either "the most conspicuous use" or "the major use" of
use of a VTR was not a fair use because it was not a the Betamax product. Ibid.
"productive use." [n9] It therefore held that it was
unnecessary for plaintiffs to prove any harm to the [20] On the matter of relief, the Court of Appeals
potential market for the copyrighted works, but then concluded that "statutory damages may be appropriate"
observed that it seemed clear that the cumulative effect and that the District Court should reconsider its
of mass reproduction made possible by VTR�s would determination that an injunction would not be an
tend to diminish the potential market for respondents� appropriate remedy; and, referring to "the analogous
works. 659 F.2d, at 974. photocopying area," suggested that a continuing royalty
pursuant to a judicially created compulsory license may
[18] [p*428] On the issue of contributory infringement, very well be an acceptable resolution of the relief issue.
the Court of Appeals first rejected the analogy to staple Id., at 976.
articles of commerce such as tape recorders or
photocopying machines. It noted that such machines II
"may have substantial benefit for some purposes" and [21] Article I, � 8, of the Constitution provides:
do not "even remotely raise copyright problems." Id., at "The Congress shall have Power . . . To Promote the
975. VTR�s, however, are sold "for the primary purpose Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for
of reproducing television programming" and "[virtually] limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive
all" such programming is copyrighted material. Ibid. The Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."
Court of Appeals concluded, therefore, that VTR�s were
not suitable for any substantial noninfringing use even if [22] [p*429] The monopoly privileges that Congress
some copyright owners elect not to enforce their rights. may authorize are neither unlimited nor primarily
designed to provide a special private benefit. Rather,
[19] The Court of Appeals also rejected the District the limited grant is a means by which an important
Court�s reliance on Sony�s lack of knowledge that public purpose may be achieved. It is intended to
Page 296 of 307
motivate the creative activity of authors and inventors developments have [p*431] occurred in this country, it
by the provisionof a special reward, and to allow the has been the Congress that has fashioned the new rules
public access to the products of their genius after the that new technology made necessary. Thus, long before
limited period of exclusive control has expired. the enactment of the Copyright Act of 1909, 35 Stat.
1075, it was settled that the protection given to
[23] "The copyright law, like the patent statutes, makes copyrights is wholly statutory. Wheaton v. Peters, 8 Pet.
reward to the owner a secondary consideration. In Fox 591, 661-662 (1834). The remedies for infringement
Film Corp. v. Doyal, 286 U.S. 123, 127, Chief Justice "are only those prescribed by Congress." Thompson v.
Hughes spoke as follows respecting the copyright Hubbard, 131 U.S. 123, 151 (1889).
monopoly granted by Congress, �The sole interest of
the United States and the primary object in conferring [25] The judiciary�s reluctance to expand the
the monopoly lie in the general benefits derived by the protections afforded by the copyright without explicit
public from the labors of authors.� It is said that reward legislative guidance is a recurring theme. See, e. g.,
to the author or artist serves to induce release to the Teleprompter Corp. v. Columbia Broadcasting System,
public of the products of his creative genius." United Inc., 415 U.S. 394 (1974); Fortnightly Corp. v. United
States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc., 334 U.S. 131, 158 Artists Television, Inc., 392 U.S. 390 (1968); White-
(1948). Smith Music Publishing Co. v. Apollo Co., 209 U.S. 1
[24] As the text of the Constitution makes plain, it is (1908);Williams & Wilkins Co. v. United States, 203 Ct.
Congress that has been assigned the task of defining Cl. 74, 487 F.2d 1345 (1973), aff�d by an equally
the scope of the limited monopoly that should be divided Court, 420 U.S. 376 (1975). Sound policy, as
granted to authors or to inventors in order to give the well as history, supports our consistent deference to
public appropriate access to their work product. Congress when major technological innovations alter
Because this task involves a difficult balance between the market for copyrighted materials. Congress has the
the interests of authors and inventors in the control and constitutional authority and the institutional ability to
exploitation of their writingsand discoveries on the one accommodate fully the varied permutations of
hand, and society�s competing interest in the free flow competing interests that are inevitably implicated by
of ideas, information, and commerce on the other hand, such new technology.
our patent and copyright statutes have been amended
repeatedly. [n10] [p*430] From its beginning, the law of [26] In a case like this, in which Congress has not plainly
copyright has developed in response to significant marked our course, we must be circumspect in
changes in technology. [n11] Indeed, it was the construing the scope of rights created by a legislative
invention of a new form of copying equipment -- the enactment which never contemplated such a calculus of
printing press -- that gave rise to the original need for interests. In doing so, we are guided by Justice
copyright protection. [n12] Repeatedly, as new
Page 297 of 307
Stewart�s exposition of the correct approach to exclusive domain of the copyright owner; some are in
ambiguities in the law of copyright: the public domain. Any individual may reproduce a
copyrighted wor for a "fair use"; the copyright owner
"The limited scope of the copyright holder�s statutory does not possess the exclusive right to such a use.
monopoly, like the limited copyright duration required Compare � 106 with � 107.
by the Constitution, reflects a balance of competing
claims upon the public interest: Creative work is to be [28] "Anyone who violates any of the exclusive rights of
[p*432] encouraged and rewarded, but private the copyright owner," that is, anyone who trespasses
motivation must ultimately servethe cause of promoting into his exclusive domain by using or authorizing the
broad public availability of literature, music, and the use of the copyrighted work in one of the five waysset
other arts. The immediate effect of our copyright law is forth in the statute, "is an infringer of the copyright." �
to secure a fair return for an �author�s� creative 501(a). Conversely, anyone who is authorized by the
labor. But the ultimate aim is, by this incentive, to copyright owner to use the copyrighted work in a way
stimulate artistic creativity for the general public good. specified in the statute or who makes a fair use of the
�The sole interest of the United States and the primary work is not an infringer of the copyright with respect to
object in conferring the monopoly,� this Court has said, such use.
'lie in the general benefits derived by the public from
the labors of authors.�Fox Film Corp. v. Doyal, 286 U.S. [29] The Copyright Act provides the owner of a
123, 127. See Kendall v. Winsor, 21 How. 322, 327-328; copyright with a potent arsenal of remedies against an
Grant v. Raymond, 6 Pet. 218, 241-242. When infringer of his work, including an injunction to restrain
technological change has rendered its literal terms the infringer from violating [p*434] his rights, the
ambiguous, the Copyright Act must be construed in light impoundment and destruction of all reproductions of his
of this basic purpose." Twentieth Century Music Corp. v. work made in violation of his rights, a recovery of his
Aiken, 422 U.S. 151, 156 (1975) (footnotes omitted). actual damages and any additional profits realized by
[27] Copyright protection "subsists . . . in original works the infringer or a recovery of statutory damages, and
of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of attorney�s fees. �� 502-505. [n15]
expression." 17 U. S. C. � 102(a) (1982 ed.). This
protection has never accorded the copyright owner [30] The two respondents in this case do not seek relief
complete control over all possible usesof his work. [n13] against the Betamax users who have allegedly infringed
Rather, the Copyright Act grants the [p*433] copyright their copyrights. Moreover, this is not a class action on
holder "exclusive" rights to use and to authorize the use behalf of all copyright owners who license their works
of his work in five qualified ways, including reproduction for television broadcast, and respondents have no right
of the copyrighted work in copies. � 106. [n14] All to invoke whatever rights other copyright holders may
reproductions of the work, however, are not within the have to bring infringement actions based on Betamax
Page 298 of 307
copying of their works. [n16] As was made clear by their of the motion picture to jobbers, who in turn arranged
own evidence, the copying of the respondents� for the commercial exhibition of the film. Justice Holmes,
programs represents a small portion of the total use of writing for the Court, explained:
VTR�s. It is, however, the taping of respondents' own
copyrighted programs that provides them with standing "The defendant not only expected but invoked by
to charge Sony with contributory infringement. To advertisement the use of its films for dramatic
prevail, they have the burden of proving that users of reproduction [p*436] of the story. That was the most
the Betamax have infringed their copyrights and that conspicuous purpose for which they could be used, and
Sony should be held responsible for that infringement. the one for which especially they were made. If the
defendant did not contribute to the infringement it is
III impossible to do so except by taking part in the final
[31] The Copyright Act does not expressly render act. It is liable on principles recognized in every part of
anyone liable for infringement committed by another. In the law." Id., at 62-63.
contrast, the [p*435] Patent Act expressly brands
anyone who "actively induces infringement of a patent" [33] The use for which the item sold in Kalem had been
as an infringer, 35 U. S. C. � 271(b), and further "especially" made was, of course, to display the
imposes liability on certain individuals labeled performance that had already been recorded upon it.
"contributory" infringers, � 271(c). The absence of such The producer had personally appropriated the copyright
express language in the copyright statute does not owner�s protectedwork and, as the owner of the
preclude the imposition of liability for copyright tangible medium of expression upon which the
infringements on certain parties who have not protected work was recorded, authorized that use by his
themselves engaged in the infringing activity. [n17] For sale of the film to jobbers. But that use of the film was
vicarious liability is imposed in virtually all areas of the not his to authorize: the copyright owner possessed the
law, and the concept of contributory infringement is exclusive right to authorize public performances of his
merely a species of the broader problem of identifying work. Further, the producer personally advertised the
the circumstances in which it is just to hold one unauthorized public performances, dispelling any
individual accountable for the actions of another. possible doubt as to the use of the film which he had
[32] Such circumstances were plainly present in Kalem
Co. v. Harper Brothers, 222 U.S. 55 (1911), the [34] Respondents argue that Kalem stands for the
copyright decision of this Court on which respondents proposition that supplying the "means" to accomplish
place their principal reliance. In Kalem, the Court held an infringing activity and encouraging that activity
that the producer of an unauthorized film dramatization through advertisement are sufficient to establish liability
of the copyrighted book Ben Hur was liable for his sale for copyright infringement. This argument rests on a
Page 299 of 307
gross generalization that cannot withstand scrutiny. The The District Court expressly found that "no employee of
producer in Kalem did not merely provide the "means" Sony, Sonam or DDBI had either direct involvement with
to accomplish an infringing activity; the producer the allegedly infringing activity or direct contact with
supplied the work itself, albeit in a new medium of purchasers of Betamax who recorded copyrighted works
expression. Sony in the instant case does not supply off-the-air." 480 F.Supp., at 460. And it further found
Betamax consumers with respondents� works; that "there was no evidence that any of the copies
respondents do. Sony supplies a piece of equipment made by Griffiths or the other individual witnesses in
that is generally capable of copying the entire range of this suit were influenced or encouraged by [Sony�s]
programs thatmay be televised: those that are advertisements." Ibid.
uncopyrighted, those that are copyrighted but may be
copied without objection from the copyright holder, and [36] [p*439] If vicarious liability is to be imposed on
those that the copyright holder would prefer not to have Sony in this case, it must rest on the fact that tit has
copied. The Betamax can be used to [p*437] make sold equipment with constructive knowledge of the fact
authorized or unauthorized uses of copyrighted works, that its customers may use that equipment to make
but the range of its potential use is much broader than unauthorized copies of copyrighted material. There is no
the particular infringing use of the film Ben Hur involved precedent in the law of copyright for the imposition of
in Kalem. Kalem does not support respondents� novel vicarious liability on such a theory. The closest analogy
theory of liability. is provided by the patent law cases to which it is
appropriate to refer because of the historic kinship
[35] Justice Holmes stated that the producer had between patent law and copyright law. [n19] [p*440] In
"contributed" to the infringement of the copyright, and the Patent Act both the concept of infringement and the
the label "contributory infringement" has been applied concept of contributory infringement are expressly
in a number of lower court copyright cases involving an defined by statute. [n20] The prohibition against
ongoing relationship between the direct infringer and contributory infringement is confined to the knowing
the contributory infringer at the time the infringing sale of a component especially made for use in
conduct occurred. In such cases, as in other situations in connection with a particular patent. There is no
which the imposition of vicarious liability is manifestly suggestion in the statute that one patentee may object
just, the "contributory" infringer was in a position to to the sale of a product that might be used in
control the use of copyrighted works by others and had connection with other patents. Moreover, the Act
authorized the use without permission from the expressly provides that the sale of a "staple article or
copyright owner. [n18] This case, however, plainly does commodity of commerce suitable for substantial
not fall [p*438] in that category. The only contact noninfringing use" is not contributory infringement. 35
between Sony and the users of the Betamax that is U. S. C. � 271(c).
disclosed by this record occurred at the moment of sale.
Page 300 of 307
[37] When a charge of contributory infringement is (1912), overruled onother grounds, [p*442] Motion
predicated entirely on the sale of an article of Picture Patents Co. v. Universal Film Mfg. Co., 243 U.S.
commerce that is used by the purchaser to infringe a 502, 517 (1917).
patent, the public interest in access to that article of
commerce is necessarily implicated. A [p*441] finding of [39] We recognize there are substantial differences
contributory infringement does not, of course, remove between the patent and copyright laws. But in both
the article from the market altogether; it does, however, areas the contributory infringement doctrine is
give the patentee effective control over the sale of that grounded on the recognition that adequate protection of
item. Indeed, a finding of contributory infringement is a monopoly may require the courts to look beyond
normally the functional equivalent of holding that the actual duplication of a device or publication to the
disputed article is within the monopoly granted to the products or activities that make such duplication
patentee. [n21] possible. The staple article of commerce doctrine must
strike a balance between a copyright holder�s
[38] For that reason, in contributory infringement cases legitimate demand for effective -- not merely symbolic --
arising under the patent laws the Court has always protection of the statutory monopoly, and the rights of
recognized the critical importance of not allowing the others freely to engage in substantially unrelated areas
patentee to extend his monopoly beyond the limits of of commerce. Accordingly, the sale of copying
his specific grant. These cases deny the patentee any equipment, like the sale of other articles of commerce,
right to control the distribution of unpatented articles does not constitute contributory infringement if the
unless they are "unsuited for any commercial product is widely used for legitimate, unobjectionable
noninfringing use." Dawson Chemical Co. v. Rohm & purposes. Indeed, it need merely be capable of
Hass Co., 448 U.S. 176, 198 (1980). Unless a commodity substantial noninfringing uses.
"has no use except through practice of the patented
method," id., at 199, the patentee has no right to claim IV
that its distribution constitutes contributory [40] The question is thus whether the Betamax is
infringement. "To form the basis for contributory capable of commercially significant noninfringing uses.
infringement the item must almost be uniquely suited In order to resolve that question, we need not explore
as a component of the patented invention." P. all the different potential uses of the machine and
Rosenberg, Patent Law Fundamentals � 17.02[2] (2d determine whether or not they would constitute
ed. 1982). "[A] sale of an article which though adapted infringement. Rather, we need only consider whether on
to an infringing use is also adapted to other and lawful the basis of the facts as found by the District Court a
uses, is not enough to make the seller a contributory significant number of them would be noninfringing.
infringer. Such a rule would block the wheels of Moreover, in order to resolve this case we need not give
commerce." Henry v. A. B. Dick Co., 224 U.S. 1, 48 precise content to the question of how much use is
Page 301 of 307
commercially significant. For one potential use of the
Betamax plainly satisfies this standard, however it is [p*444] "Defendants introduced considerable testimony
understood: private, noncommercial time-shifting in the at trial about the potential for such copying of sports,
home. It does so both (A) because respondents have no religious, educational and other programming. This
right to prevent other copyright holders from included testimony from representatives of the Offices
authorizing it for their programs, and (B) because the of the Commissioners of the National Football,
District Court�s factual findings reveal that even the Basketball, Baseball and Hockey Leagues and
unauthorized home time-shifting of respondents� Associations, the Executive Director of National
programs is legitimate fair use. [p*443] Religious Broadcasters and various educational
communications agencies. Plaintiffs attack the weight of
A. Authorized Time-Shifting the testimony offered and also contend that an
injunction is warranted because infringing uses
[41] Each of the respondents owns a large inventory of outweigh noninfringing uses.
valuable copyrights, but in the total spectrum of
television programming their combined market share is "Whatever the future percentage of legal versus illegal
small. The exact percentage is not specified, but it is home-use recording might be, an injunction which seeks
well below 10. [n22] If they were to prevail, the outcome to deprive the public of the very tool or article of
of this litigation wouldhave a significant impact on both commerce capable of some noninfringing use would be
the producers and the viewers of the remaining 90 of an extremelyharsh remedy, as well as one
the programming in the Nation. No doubt, many other unprecedented in copyright law." 480 F.Supp., at 468.
producers share respondents� concern about the
possible consequences of unrestricted copying. [42] Although the District Court made these statements
Nevertheless the findings of the District Court make it in the context of considering the propriety of injunctive
clear that time-shifting may enlarge the total viewing relief, the statements constitute a finding that the
audience and that many producers are willing to allow evidence concerning "sports, religious, educational and
private time-shifting to continue, at least for an other programming" was sufficient to establish a
experimental time period. [n23] District Court found: significant quantity of broadcasting whose copying is
"Even if it were deemed that home-use recording of now authorized, and a significant potential for future
copyrighted material constituted infringement, the authorized copying. That finding is amply supported by
Betamax could still legally be used to record the record. In addition to the religious and sports
noncopyrighted material or material whose owners officials identified explicitly by the District Court, [n24]
consented to the copying. An injunction would deprive two items in the record deserve specific mention.
the public of the ability to use the Betamax for this
noninfringing off-the-air recording.
Page 302 of 307
[43] [p*445] First is the testimony of John Kenaston, the infringement would inevitably frustrate the interests of
station manager of Channel 58, an educational station broadcasters in reaching the portion of their audience
in Los Angeles affiliated with the Public Broadcasting that is available only through time-shifting.
Service. He explained and authenticated the station�s
published guide to its programs. [n25] For each [45] Of course, the fact that other copyright holders
program, the guide tells whether unlimited home taping may welcome the practice of time-shifting does not
is authorized, home taping is authorized subject to mean that respondents should be deemed to have
certain restrictions (such as erasure within seven days), granted a license to copy their programs. Third-party
or home taping is not authorized at all. The Spring 1978 conduct would be wholly irrelevant in an action for
edition of the guide described 107 programs. Sixty-two direct infringement of respondents� copyrights. But in
of those programs or 58 authorize some home taping. an action for contributory infringement against the
Twenty-one of them or almost 20 authorize unrestricted seller of copying equipment, the copyright holder may
home taping. [n26] not prevail unless the relief that he seeksaffects only his
programs, or unless he speaks for virtually all copyright
[44] Second is the testimony of Fred Rogers, president holders with an interest in the outcome. In this case, the
of the corporation that produces and owns the copyright record makes it perfectly clear that there are many
on Mister Rogers� Neighborhood. The program is important producers of national and local television
carried by more public television stations than any other programs who find nothing objectionable about the
program. Its audience numbers over 3,000,000 families enlargement in the size of the television audience that
a day. He testified that he had absolutely no objection to results from the practice of time-shifting for private
home taping for noncommercial use and expressed the home use. [n28] The seller of the equipment that
opinion that it is a real service to families to be able to expands those producers� audiences cannot be a
record children�s programs and to show them at contributory [p*447] infringer if, as is true in this case, it
appropriate times. [n27] [p*446] If there are millions of has had no direct involvement with any infringing
owners of VTR�s who make copies of televised sports activity.
events, religious broadcasts, and educational programs
such as Mister Rogers� Neighborhood, and if the B. Unauthorized Time-Shifting
proprietors of those programs welcome the practice, the
business of supplying the equipment that makes such [46] Even unauthorized uses of a copyrighted work are
copying feasible should not be stifled simply because not necessarily infringing. An unlicensed use of the
the equipment is used by some individuals to make copyright is not an infringement unless it conflicts with
unauthorized reproductions of respondents� works. The one of the specific exclusive rights conferred by the
respondents do not represent a class composed of all copyright statute. Twentieth Century Music Corp. v.
copyright holders. Yet a finding of contributory Aiken, 422 U.S., at 154-155. Moreover, the definition of
Page 303 of 307
exclusive rights in � 106 of the present Act is prefaced But a use that has no demonstrable effect upon the
by the words "subject to sections 107 through 118." potential market for, or the value of, the copyrighted
Those sections describe a variety of uses of copyrighted work need not be prohibited in order to protect the
material that "are not infringements of copyright" author�s incentive to create. The prohibition of such
"notwithstanding the provisions of section 106." The noncommercial uses would [p*451] merely inhibit
most pertinent in this case is � 107, the legislative access to ideas without any countervailing benefit.
endorsement of the doctrine of "fair use." [n29] [p*448] [n34] although every commercial use of copyrighted
That section identifies various factors [n30] that enable material is presumptively an unfair exploitation of the
a court to apply an "equitable rule of reason" analysis to monopoly privilege that belongs to the owner of the
particular claims of infringement. [n31] Although not copyright, noncommercial uses are a different matter. A
conclusive, the first [p*449] factor requires that "the challenge to a noncommercial use of a copyrighted work
commercial or nonprofit character of an activity" be requires proof either that the particular use is harmful,
weighed in any fair use decision. [n32] If the Betamax or that if it should become widespread, it would
were used to make copies for a commercial or profit- adversely affect the potential market for the
making purpose, such use would presumptively be copyrighted work. Actual present harm need not be
unfair. The contrary presumption is appropriate here, shown; such a requirement would leave the copyright
however, because the District Court�s findings plainly holder with no defense against predictable damage. Nor
establish that time-shifting for private home use must is it necessary to show with certainty that future harm
be characterized as a noncommercial, nonprofit activity. will result. What is necessary is a showing by a
Moreover, when one considers the nature of a televised preponderance of the evidence that some meaningful
copyrighted audiovisual work, see 17 U. S. C. � 107(2) likelihood of future harm exists. If the intended use is for
(1982 ed.), and that time-shifting merely enables a commercial gain, that likelihood may be presumed. But
viewer to see such a work which he had been invited to if it is for a noncommercial purpose, the likelihood must
witness in its entirety free of charge, the fact [p*450] be demonstrated.
that the entire work is reproduced, see � 107(3), does
not have its ordinary effect of militating against a [47] In this case, respondents failed to carry their
finding of fair use. [n33] This is not, however, the end of burden with regard to home time-shifting. The District
the inquiry because Congress has also directed us to Court described respondents� evidence as follows:
consider "the effect of the use upon the potential "Plaintiffs� experts admitted at several points in the
market for or value of the copyrighted work." � 107(4). trial that the time-shifting without libraryingwould result
The purpose of copyright is to create incentives for in �not a great deal of harm.� Plaintiffs� greatest
creative effort. Even copying for noncommercial concern about time-shifting is with �a point of
purposes may impair the copyright holder�s ability to important philosophy that transcends even commercial
obtain the rewards that Congress intended him to have. judgment.� They fear that with any Betamax usage,
Page 304 of 307
�invisible boundaries� are passed: �the copyright declared that respondents� suggestion that "theater or
owner has lost control over his program.�" 480 F.Supp., film rental exhibitionof a program will suffer because of
at 467. time-shift recording of that program" "lacks merit." Id.,
at 467. [n39] [p*454] After completing that review, the
[48] [p*452] Later in its opinion, the District Court District Court restated its overall conclusion several
observed: times, in several different ways. "Harm from time-
"Most of plaintiffs� predictions of harm hinge on shifting is speculative and, at best, minimal." Ibid. "The
speculation about audience viewing patterns and audience benefits from the time-shifting capability have
ratings, a measurement system which Sidney already been discussed. It is not implausible that
Sheinberg, MCA�s president, calls a �black art� benefits could also accrue toplaintiffs, broadcasters, and
because of the significant level of imprecision involved advertisers, as the Betamax makes it possible for more
in the calculations." Id., at 469. [n35] persons to view their broadcasts." Ibid. "No likelihood of
harm was shown at trial, and plaintiffs admitted that
[49] There was no need for the District Court to say there had been no actual harm to date." Id., at 468-469.
much about past harm. "Plaintiffs have admitted that no "Testimony at trial suggested that Betamax may require
actual harm to their copyrights has occurred to date." adjustments in marketing strategy, but it did not
Id., at 451. establish even a likelihood of harm." Id., at 469.
[50] On the question of potential future harm from time- "Television production by plaintiffs today is more
shifting, the District Court offered a more detailed profitable than it has ever been, and, in five weeks of
analysis of the evidence. It rejected respondents� "fear trial, there was no concrete evidence to suggest that
that persons �watching� the original telecast of a the Betamax will change the studios� financial picture."
program will not be measured in the live audience and Ibid.
the ratings and revenues will decrease," by observing [51] The District Court�s conclusions are buttressed by
that current measurement technology allows the the fact that to the extent time-shifting expands public
Betamax audience to be reflected. Id., at 466. [n36] It access to freely broadcast television programs, it yields
rejected respondents� prediction "that live television societal benefits. In Community Television of Southern
[p*453] or movie audiences will decrease as more California v. Gottfried, 459 U.S. 498, 508, n. 12 (1983),
people watch Betamax tapes as an alternative," with we acknowledged the public interest in making
the observation that "[there] is no factual basis for [the television broadcasting more available. Concededly,
underlying] assumption." Ibid. [n37] It rejected that interest is not unlimited. But it supports an
respondents� "fear that time-shifting will reduce interpretation of the concept of "fair use" thatrequires
audiences for telecast reruns," and concluded instead the copyright holder to demonstrate some likelihood of
that "given current market practices, this should aid harm before he may condemn a private act of time-
plaintiffs rather than harm them." Ibid. [n38] And it shifting as a violation of federal law.
Page 305 of 307
unlawful to copy a program for later viewing at home, or
[52] When these factors are all weighed in the have enacted a flat prohibition against the sale of
"equitable rule of reason" balance, we must conclude machines that make such copying possible.
that this record amply [p*455] supports the District
Court�s conclusion that home time-shifting is fair use. [55] It may well be that Congress will take a fresh look
In light of the findings of the District Court regarding the at this new technology, just as it so often has examined
state of the empirical data, it is clear that the Court of other innovations in the past. But it is not our job to
Appeals erred in holding that the statute as presently apply laws that have not yet been written. Applying the
written bars such conduct. [n40] [p*456] In summary, copyright statute, as it now reads, to the facts as they
the record and findings of the District Court lead us to have been developed in this case, the judgment of the
two conclusions. First, Sony demonstrated a significant Court of Appeals must be reversed.
likelihood that substantial numbers of copyright holders
who license their works for broadcast on free television [56] It is so ordered.
would not object to having their broadcasts time-shifted
by private viewers. And second, respondents failed to 2. Maljack Productions v. UAV Corp., 964
demonstrate that time-shifting would cause any F.Supp 1416
likelihood of nonminimal harm to the potential market 3. Arnstein v. Porter 154 F.2d 464
for, or the value of, their copyrighted works. The 4. Bright Tunes Music v. Harrisongs Music 420
Betamax is, therefore, capable of substantial F. Supp. 177
noninfringing uses. Sony�s sale of such equipment to 5. Steinberg v. Columbia Pictures, 663 F. Supp.
the general public does not constitute contributory 706
infringement of respondents� copyrights.

[53] "The direction of Art. I is that Congress shall have
the power to promote the progress of science and the
useful arts. When, as here, the Constitution is
permissive, the sign of how far Congress has chosen to
go can come only from Congress." Deepsouth Packing
Co. v. Laitram Corp., 406 U.S. 518, 530 (1972).

[54] One may search the Copyright Act in vain for any
sign that the elected representatives of the millions of
people who watch televisionevery day have made it
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