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International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012 1

The Information System for

Bridge Networks Condition
Monitoring and Prediction
Khalid Aboura, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Bijan Samali, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

This paper introduces an information system for estimating lifetime characteristics of elements of bridges
and predicting the future conditions of networks of bridges. The Information System for Bridge Networks
Condition Monitoring and Prediction was developed for the Roads and Traffic Authority of the state of New
South Wales, Australia. The conceptual departure from the standard bridge management systems is the use
of a novel stochastic process built out of the gamma process. The statistical model was designed for the
estimation of infrastructure lifetime, based on the analysis of more than 15 years of bridge inspection data.
The predictive curve provides a coherent mathematical model for conducting target level constrained and
funding based maintenance optimization.

Keywords: Bridge Reliability, Gamma Process, Information Systems, Statistical Estimation, Structural
Deterioration, Support System

INTRODUCTION contracting to two consulting companies and

in collaboration with six U.S. states. After a
In the past two decades, a large effort went into trial implementation in California and testing
the development of maintenance optimization in several states, the system was adopted by the
systems for bridge management purposes. With Association of American State Highway and
road networks mostly completed and bridges Transportation officials (AASHTO) (Golabi &
aging, a systematic approach was needed in Sheppard, 1997). In 1991, the U.S. Congress
keeping the infrastructure maintained. Several mandated that state Departments of Transpor-
systems have been developed, the most notable tation develop and implement comprehensive
one being Pontis, a bridge management system bridge management systems. Since the national
(BMS) developed in the United States at the bridge inventory was to be based on Pontis,
request of the U.S. Federal Highway Admin- many states elected to adopt it as their BMS.
istration (FHWA). Pontis was developed via Pontis was designed along the lines of Ka-
mal Golabi’s proposal, and Golabi was asked to
head the team that developed Pontis. In March
DOI: 10.4018/jitsa.2012010101

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2 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012

1988, at the suggestion of Bill Hyman of the Ur- its corporate Bridge Information System (BIS).
ban Institute, Kamal Golabi and Dan O’Connor, A collaborative effort between the RTA and the
an official with the U.S. Federal Highway University of Technology Sydney (UTS) was
Administration, started a series of meetings to initiated to make full use of the condition rating
discuss the modeling and the optimization ap- information and capture the statistical behavior
proach to bridge management that Golabi had of the deterioration of the bridge elements in a
been advocating for a number of years (Golabi mathematical model for assessment and predic-
& Sheppard, 1997). Golabi had developed a tion. In this article, we describe the approach,
pavement management system for the State of different from that of Pontis. After a review of
Arizona to produce optimal maintenance poli- all conceptual approaches and the analysis of
cies for the 7,400-mile network of highways data, we adopt an approach based on the use of a
(Golabi, Kulkarni, & Way, 1982). At the heart stochastic process we develop out of the gamma
of the system is a Markov decision model. In process for modeling deterioration. In recent
a similar approach, a Markov chain was made years, researchers applied a stochastic process
to drive the Pontis bridge management system to the deterioration of civil infrastructure (van
(Golabi & Shepard, 1997; Thompson, Small, Noortwijk, 2009). A stochastic process such as
Johnson, & Marshall, 1998). In the Markov the gamma process is an infinite collection of
model of Pontis, the deterioration takes discrete probability distributions, correlated in a manner
states observed visually and the transitions suitable for modeling wear and degradation over
from one state to the other are modeled with a time. The advantage of the gamma process is
Markov chain. The transition probabilities are recognized and applied in many structural stud-
determined from expert judgment and empirical ies by van Noortwijk and co-authors (Pandey &
observations. The Markov model formulation van Noortwijk, 2004; van Noortwijk, Kallen, &
is appealing because it provides a framework Pandey, 2005; Pandey, Yuan, & van Noortwijk,
that accounts for the uncertainty and the opti- 2007). We recognise the applicability of the
mal policies can be obtained by solving simple stochastic process and use it in the problem.
programming problems (Thompson, Neumann, A system is developed as a research platform
Miettinen, & Talvitie, 1987; van Winden & for the prediction of the condition of bridge
Dekker, 1998; Golabi & Pereira, 2003). How- elements, bridges and network of bridges and
ever, a number of criticisms have been made as a support system for the lifetime assessment
against the usefulness of the model (Madanat, and monitoring of assets. In the following sec-
Mishalani, & Ibrahim, 1995; Frangopol, Kong, tions we introduce the theoretical foundation
& Gharaibeh, 2001). Among the issues raised, of the predictive approach and the assessment
the Markov chain has a restrictive stationarity and monitoring methodology and describe the
assumption by which the time effect is not associated software.
introduced effectively.
The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) of
the Australian state of New South Wales manag- STATISTICAL METHODOLOGY
es more than 5000 bridges in its network. These
The Roads and Traffic Authority of the state of
bridges were built over the last 125 years using
New South Wales is faced with the dual aspects
various materials and technology and for various
of public safety and maintenance cost in the man-
loading standards. The structures are exposed to
agement of bridges and road structures within its
different environments and subject to different
jurisdiction. The interest is on predicting bridge
volumes of vehicle traffic. In order to manage
element condition in a group of structures,
these bridges and ensure their safety, the RTA
predicting the future condition of a network
has established a systematic condition rating
of bridges and assessing the performance of a
procedure. Since 1992, the RTA has condition
selection of bridges. An RTA bridge consists of
rated its bridge stock and recorded the data in

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International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012 3

8 to 12 major elements and up to 57 elements inspection, was found to have q1= 590 m2, q2= 2
including joints, railing and other components. m2, q3= 0 m2 and q4= 0 m2 for a total quantity q=
Since 1992, the RTA collected over 270,000 592 m2. In the course of the years the database
inspection records for 5058 bridges against 115 spans, an element was inspected a number of
element types. The RTA bridge condition rating times, roughly every two years. Each element
system rates the quantity of each bridge element in each structure is classified as subject to one
in different condition states. It applies in much of three degrees of environmental stress; light,
the same way as the discrete condition rating moderate and severe. Approximately two thirds
scale adopted by the U.S. Federal Highway of the records show a moderate environmental
Administration and the Pontis software. There stress, with most of the remaining third being
are 5 condition states for steel elements, 4 for light stress. An inspection record contains
concrete and timber elements and 3 states for another 4 entries identifying the element, the
other ancillary elements. Since July 2007 this bridge it is on, the inspector’s initials and the
system has been changed to 4 condition states date of the inspection.
for all elements. Condition state 1 represents
the ‘as new’ condition, no-deterioration state, The Condition Index as a
while condition states 2…, n mark increasing Univariate Measure
levels of deterioration. For example a concrete
deck slab (CDSL) could have 60% in condition Deterioration is most likely to suit the measuring
1, 20% in condition 2, 15% in condition 3 and model of a continuous variable. At any inspec-
5% in condition 4, condition 4 being the worst tion time t, the data for a bridge element is the
condition (Aboura, Samali, Crews, & Li, 2009). condition data (q1 …, qn), as described above.
An element on a bridge is divided in a number This condition data (q1…, qn) of an element is
of units. For example, a CDSL on some bridge converted to a univariate measure C(t), using
may have a total surface of 1358m2. The ele- the notion of Condition Index. The percentage
ment CDSL is said to have a quantity of 1358 of the undamaged quantity of the element is
units on that bridge. The quantities for each q1/q 100%. C(t)=100 q1/q is a possible condi-
element are measured either in square meters tion index formulation. This index provides a
(m2) if it is a surface, in meters (m) for some first level of information on the condition of
elements such as railing and joints, or units (ea) the element. Usually, the severity of the defects
for timber elements. All quantities are recorded is introduced in an additive manner into the
as integers. It is a practical approximation that equation. Since q2..., qn represent the quanti-
facilitates the visual estimation of damage. A ties in various damaged states, using carefully
unit of quantity of an element is either 1m2, 1m or chosen parameters α2, …, αn, C(t)=100/(1-(α2q2
1 unit. Upon inspection, the units of an element + ... + αnqn)/qαn) is a possible condition index
are judged to be in one of the n states, n=3, 4 or formulation. Another possible formulation may
5, depending on the element before July 2007 consider introducing a severity factor in the
or n=4 since. Condition state 1 represents the form of an additive component S=[1/(n-1)]q3/
‘as new’ condition, no-deterioration state, while qd+...+[(n-2)/(n-1)]qn/qd, where the quantity of
condition states 2..., n mark increasing levels of deteriorated element is qd=q2+…+qn. The index
deterioration. The records go back to 1992. Each is then C(t)= 100/(1-(qd+λS)/q) with parameter
record corresponds to an element of a particular λ. Sensitivity analysis showed that these mea-
structure on a scheduled inspection. Among sures display similar trends in the element con-
the recorded entries are q, the total quantity of dition in most cases and differ mostly in scale.
the element, q1 the quantity in condition state With a bit of mathematical manipulation, they
1, q2 the quantity in state 2, to qn the quantity can be related to the California bridge health
in condition state n. For example, the concrete index (Shepard & Johnson, 1999). Often, several
post-tensioned girder on some bridge, on some types of measures were tried out until one was

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4 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012

adopted, as in the case of the California bridge using two consecutive element conditions.
health index, a ranking system that takes values In the study of a stochastic process, we look
in [0,100]. The California Department of Trans- for points of renewal in which the process is
portation was involved in the development and restarted, hence using the information from the
implementation of Pontis. In our case, several previous inspection. For descriptive purposes,
mathematical models were developed and the transition frequencies for these 11 states were
California Bridge Health Index was chosen as estimated from the data. These statistics provide
a model already tested and used. A condition information as to how the element is coping in a
index has two functions; (1) its use in a condi- set of structures. We define the deterioration as
tion analysis where the condition history of a the variable Z=100-C. Z1, Z2, Z3, Z7 and Z8 are
structure is estimated with the inspection data the amounts of deterioration corresponding to
of its elements, through the use of a weighted states S1, S2, S3, S7 and S8. These variables are
sum of the conditions of the elements (Shepard of relevance when studying the deterioration
& Johnson, 1999), and (2) its use in the study process, along with their inter-inspection times.
of deterioration by modeling the univariate The time at which a deterioration increase dZ in
measure as a stochastic process in time. a time interval dt occurs is also important. The
pairs (dt,dZ) for dZ>0 and the time at which
Extracting the Deterioration dt starts is sufficient information to estimate
Information the parameters of a stochastic process such as
the gamma process. The questions at this point
One of the major problems in modeling bridge are; (1) is the gamma process a good candidate
lifetime is the lack of data at high deterioration and (2) is there enough relevant deterioration
levels. This difficulty prohibits the piecing information to estimate properly the parameters
together of the history of deterioration. In this of a chosen model.
study, we requested that the RTA make avail-
able to us all the data in their database. The Gamma Process as a
hope was that we will be able to find enough Deterioration Model
relevant information to construct a model. We
set out to analyze the data of 15 years and ex- In recent years, researchers applied a stochastic
tract the deterioration information. In turning process to the deterioration of civil infrastructure
the vector of quantities q1…, qn into a single (van Noortwijk, 2009). A stochastic process
value C(t) where t is time, the dimensionality such as the gamma process is an infinite col-
of the problem is reduced and one can apply lection of probability distributions, correlated
mathematically tractable models. The element in a manner suitable for modeling wear and
condition is a value between 0 and 100%, 100% degradation over time. We recognised the theo-
being the ‘as new’ condition (no deterioration) retical superiority of the stochastic process in
state. An element can be in one of 11 states at modeling bridge element deterioration. Using
an inspection time. If we denote C its current the 15 years of data, we checked the different
condition and Cp its condition at the previous assumptions of the gamma process. While
inspection, then there are 11 possible states and obviously some are hard to check, such as the
they are; (S1) the element condition is C=100 independence of incremental deterioration, the
and Cp=100 at the previous inspection, (S2) data provided ample evidence of a good distribu-
0<C<100 and Cp=100, (S3) C=0 and Cp=100, (S4) tional fit (Aboura, Samali, Crews, & Li, 2009).
0<C=Cp<100, (S5) 0<Cp<C<100, (S6) C=100 The study of fit was done with the analysis of
and 0<Cp<100, (S7) 0<C<Cp<100, (S8) C=0 and the distribution of the deterioration variables
0<Cp<100, (S9) C=Cp=0, (S10) 0=Cp<C<100, and Z2 and dZ7, the increase associated with Z7. To
(S11) Cp=0 and C=100. The 11 states are mutu- conduct the analysis, we needed data that occur
ally exclusive and exhaustive events, defined at the same time. In practice, inspections are

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International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012 5

not always strictly periodic and the inspection The Gamma Process
times are often not the same as an inspector will
take turn inspecting several structures. Having The gamma process can be found in its modern
the entire database helped. Looking at all the application to structures in the late 90s by van
inter-inspection times, we were able to group Noortwijk (1998) and van Noortwijk and Klat-
them together by adjusting times, making it ter (1999). Empirical studies showed that the
possible to study the probabilistic behavior of expected deterioration in some cases followed
deterioration as a random variable at different the power lawat b , where t is the time. This
times. The adjustment was made through round- function of time is incorporated into the gamma
ing off the inspection times. Judgment was used process and used to model structural deteriora-
in eliminating data for inspection time intervals tion. The advantage of the gamma process is
that exceed 4 years. Beyond 4 years, the data recognized and applied in many structural stud-
start thinning. The distributions of Z2 at differ- ies. van Noortwijk (2009) provides a compre-
ent points in time characterize the stochastic hensive overview of the use of the gamma
process. In the case of most of our elements, process in the maintenance of structures. In the
the probability distribution showed a good fit context of structural deterioration, the gamma
to the gamma distribution. This agrees with the process is defined as follows: Let v(t) be a
properties of the gamma deterioration process, non-decreasing, right continuous, real-valued
where the distributions of incremental deterio- function for t > 0 , with v( 0) = 0 . The
rations are gamma distributed (van Noortwijk, gamma process with shape function v(t) > 0
2009). This was observed for the concrete and and scale parameter u > 0 is a continuous-time
steel elements, as well as railing and joints and stochastic process Z(t) , t > 0 with the follow-
some timber elements. The lognormal was also ing properties;
found to be a good fit. In the gamma process,
not only is the distribution a gamma distribu-
• Z( 0) = 0 with probability 1,
tion when measured from the start of time, but
• Z( t ) - Z(t) ~ G(v( t ) - v(t),u) and
any incremental distribution is also a gamma
• Z(t) has independent increments,
distribution. That is, if taking an interval in
time and measuring the difference (increase)
in the quantity of interest, the distribution of where G(z | v,u) = u v z v −1e −uz / Γ(v) is the
such an increase is also a gamma distribution. gamma probability density function defined
In addition, the increases in non-overlapping for z > 0 . The process can be parameterized.
time intervals are independents. This makes Letting v(t) = µ2 t q / σ 2 and u = µ / σ 2 ,the
for a number of assumptions to be checked. We mean and variance of the deterioration Z(t)
observed that whenever dZ7 data are abundant are
enough, the stochastic process assumptions E(Z(t)) = mt q
can be accepted. For the purpose of building and
a statistical model, the observations promote
V(Z(t)) = s 2 t q
the use of the gamma process. To illustrate
Given a set of observations of the deterio-
the gamma process, we apply it to a concrete n n
element and observe a steep deterioration rate ration process Z(t) , {z i }i=1 for times {ti }i=1 ,
(Figure 1). Two data points are used; (15.81 the maximization of the likelihood function
years, 99.69%) and (17.75 years, 95.46%) with provides estimates of the parameters (q, µ, σ ).
the renewal at year 13.92 years since the start This involves the search, q fixed, for the zero
of the database. of a function, where ŝ is solution of

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6 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012

Figure 1. Gamma process as a deterioration model

n 
 µˆ2 
 zn curve, the higher the observed deterioration,

ψ( 2 wi ) − log δi 
∑w i
 σ
 = tn log( q 2 )

the better the theoretical process mean is es-
i =1 
 
 t nσ
timated. The importance of such estimation is
apparent in the execution of the final exercise,
the maintenance optimization. In estimating
di = z i - z i -1, wi = tiq - tiq-1, i = 1,...,n , at what time the condition of an element will
z 0 = 0 with t0 = 0 and mˆ = z n / tnq . y is the reach a target level, and the ensuing economic
consequences of corresponding maintenance
digamma function (Abramowitz & Stegun,
times, the accuracy is of significant importance.
It is illustrated in Figure 2, where two different
We experimented with the process using
condition paths lead to two very different times
simulation and estimating the parameters with
to reach the 20% deterioration target. There is
the maximum likelihood approach. With few
approximately a 2 years difference between
data points, the model can capture the dete-
the two maintenance times, which can be of
rioration process efficiently. The lower some
significant difference in maintenance cost.
data points are along the curve, the better the
estimation. The high deterioration points for Aggregating Data
an element of a bridge are not many and the
few that are observed do not provide good The exercise of estimating the process mean
estimates for the Markov chain transitions to curve is at the heart of the maintenance opti-
high deterioration states. However, few of these mization problem. While the decision model
data points provide a good estimation when requires the declaration of costs, a non trivial
used in a gamma process model. For an element part, estimating properly the condition curve is
whose deterioration behaves in time according the essential part of the problem. The data for
to a gamma process, any information on the each element on an individual bridge aren’t
condition path leads to a better estimation. The enough to estimate the parameters (q , µ, σ )
deeper that information is along the condition n
properly. Often, the path {z i }i=1 for times

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International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012 7

Figure 2. Time to reach target level

{ti }i=1 does not extend beyond n=1 or 2, before The Deterioration Information

the element is brought back to the full condition The second question we asked was whether
state. One way around this problem is to ag- there will be enough deterioration information
gregate the data by dividing the bridges into to sustain the use of some statistical model. In
similarity classes. Bridges are grouped through the RTA BIS, we found a wealth of reliable
the identification of major elements. Then information regarding the deterioration of ele-
within the classes of similar bridges, a second ments. While there wasn’t much information
stratification occurs according to influencing about recently introduced bridge elements,
factors; traffic load, age, region and environ- those found in rare quantities, or those found on
mental stress. The approach of aggregating data new structures, many elements have condition
is the one taken in most models. Regardless of histories that offer valuable information about
the statistical model, be it the Markov chain or their deterioration. The process for extracting
a stochastic process such as the gamma process, information regarding the deterioration process
one is often forced to pull information about of an element is the following:
an element type from different bridges and
estimate to predict the deterioration. But in the • For the element on each structure, we
gamma process, the approach provides an ef- compute the condition index over time
ficient estimation procedure. While few data • Using this condition path, we look for
points for high deterioration provide at best renewal points. These are points in time
weak estimates for the transition probabilities where the condition of the element is back
to the corresponding states in the Markov to 100%, coming up from a deteriorated
model, in the gamma process, they help pin condition, due to repair or replacement.
down the deterioration curve more accurately. • We follow the condition path over time,
until it is either truncated (right censored)

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8 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012

due to reaching the last inspection, or until information relevant to deterioration, fed into
it meets a repair or replacement. a statistical model for the estimation of the
deterioration process.
This extraction process ensures the collec-
tion of all information from the data relevant The Probability Model
to the estimation of the deterioration of the
At this point, a probability model is needed to
considered element. When we pulled data for
conduct a statistical analysis of the data. There
an element at a time, we were pleased to find
are two ways one can proceed. A rigorous ap-
a lot of these paths. In some cases, the same
proach would be to use a stochastic process to
structure would offer up to 3 paths were the
model the extracted paths. A realization of the
element renews. Often also, the right censoring
stochastic process would start at the 100%, full
occurs, still providing valuable information.
condition level and stay at that level for some
Figure 3 shows the example of a typical con-
time then start degrading, as seem to be done
dition path of an element on a structure. The
by the condition of the elements. The model
condition path has 9 points.
would take the paths as data and render an es-
Figure 4 shows the path we extract for the
timated path process. The gamma process does
element condition index.
not apply in this case or rather it does not seem
With the current span of the database and
to apply. The gamma process assumes positive
depending on the element, we can extract as
increment in deterioration in intervals of time
many as three paths from an element condition
even if the augmentation in deterioration is very
history on a bridge. The extraction process is
small. For estimation purposes, two following
repeated until all the deterioration paths for an
deterioration levels that are equal would create
element are extracted from its condition over
a problem in the computation of the likelihood
time on the different structures it exists on.
function. The data we use is an observed ap-
Upon a study of the element, one stratifies the
proximation due to visual inspection and most
data, as done for example in Figure 5 where
likely the deterioration of an element starts im-
only the paths taken from structures of one
mediately with its implantation on the bridge.
geographic region are shown on the left, and
This makes the gamma process a theoretical
then further reduced to only one bridge type in
candidate. However, that initial deterioration
that region.
might be very small and not easily observable, if
These paths are the important part of the
at all, hence the possible periods of time in full
data as long as a deterioration study is concerned.
condition. To handle this difficulty, we can apply
Figure 6 displays some of the paths showing
a stochastic process as a mixture of a distribu-
different shapes often encountered.
tion that accounts for the time in full condition
We call these curves deterioration paths
and a deterioration process such as the gamma
while in fact they are condition paths extracted
process. The rigorous approach would be to
for a deterioration study. As one can see, they
(1) construct the theoretical stochastic process,
can be right censored, of a concave shape,
(2) derive the estimators of the parameters of
convex shape or a mixture. These are curves
the probability model then (3) estimate using
taken at discrete points, with some degree of
the data. We leave this approach for possible
approximation in the condition assessment of
future research as there is no guarantee that one
the corresponding inspections weighted accord-
can derive mathematically tractable results.
ing to a mathematical model based on engineer-
The approach we adopt is based on reversing
ing knowledge. These curves do not reflect the
some steps and building a stochastic process
real path of the condition of an element, except
differently. We did observe the fit of the gamma
at the sampling points. The shapes give us only
process to the data after it leaves the full condi-
an empirical appreciation of the behavior of the
tion. We therefore keep that part in the model.
element. As sample data, the paths are ‘pure’

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International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012 9

Figure 3. Condition path of an element on a structure

We then apply a distribution for the time the process for the deterioration part, arriving at
process stays in full condition. We use the data a stochastic process that can be considered to
to estimate the two parts of the model. We fi- be a novel model. While from the theoretical
nally use the laws of probability to combine the point of view the creation of this model is not a
distribution in full condition with the gamma major accomplishment, its creation within a real

Figure 4. Extracted process information

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10 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012

Figure 5. Element deterioration paths

context makes it a valuable contribution. The Estimating the Gamma Process

model is derived for an element. It is extended
to a bridge and a network of bridges. In the estimation of the deterioration part using
a gamma process, we pull information for an
element from several structures. This part is

Figure 6. Deterioration path shapes

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International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012 11

crucial and must be done taking into account

that an independence assumption is made. We
assume that the same element has independent
lifetimes on structures of a same class. The fact
that the structures are in the same class provides
further the same distributional characteristics.
The independence assumption is not always an where zi,j is the cumulative amount of deterio-
easy one to make. For example, in the context of ration at the ith inspection time ti,j for the jth
the maintenance of a bridge, a reliability based element, di , j = z i , j - z i -1,j is the ith deterioration
approach was developed by which a structure
is modeled as a coherent system (Estes & Fran- increment for the jth element, wi , j = tiq, j - tiq-1,j
gopol, 1999). The assumption of independence , y is the digamma function (Abramowitz &
of the lifetimes of elements of bridges is a hard Stegun, 1972), and
one to make in the application of the theory of
coherent systems to bridge lifetime modeling. m nj

The reliability method provides a maintenance ∑ ∑δ

j =1 i =1

solution but it was shown that the optimum µˆ = nj

maintenance cost is strongly dependent on the
system model used to represent the structure.
∑ ∑w
j =1 i =1

Independence assumptions must be made

with care. In our problem, our independence
Although ŝ is not provided in a closed
assumption is weaker than that for elements
form solution, it is relatively easy to solve the
on a bridge. We pull data for the same type of
one dimensional equation if a good starting
element from several bridges and we choose
value is fed into the search algorithm.
those bridges with a similar environment and
The Method of Moments provides good
load to the element. It remains an assumption,
estimates of m and s for q fixed. They were
as all bridges are unique. But for the purpose of
solving a maintenance problem, we believe it is derived in the case of a single path by Cinlar,
acceptable in the context of a proper selection Bazant, and Osman (1977). van Noortwijk and
of bridges. The same approximating technique Pandey (2004) provide the derivation. We ex-
is made in other solutions. tend the derivation to the case of several ele-
The estimation solution for the gamma ments and several deterioration paths. The
process in this context exists through the Method of Moments estimates for the general
Maximum Likelihood Estimation method case are:
(Nicolai, Dekker, & van Noortwijk, 2007).
Considering m independent elements, j = 1… m

m, for which nj inspections are performed that ∑ ∑δ

j =1 i =1

result in nj independent deterioration incre- µˆ = nj

ments, the maximization of the likelihood ∑ ∑w i,j
function provides estimates of the parameters j =1 i =1

(q, µ, σ ). This involves the search for q fixed, m nj

for the zero of a function, where ŝ is solution ∑ ∑ (δ i,j − δ wi , j )2

of σˆ2 =
j =1 i =1
m nj

∑ ∑ (w
j =1 i =1
i,j − w )

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12 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012

mark. Due to the gamma-distributed nature of

δ = µˆ and
the stochastic process considered, the lifetime
distribution can then be written as:
∑ ∑w
j =1 i =1

w = nj
. Γ(µ2t q / σ 2 , z µ / σ 2 )
F (t, z ) = P (X (t ) ≥ z ) =
∑ ∑w
j =1 i =1
i,j Γ(µ2t q / σ 2 )

These estimates are easy to compute for
any set of deterioration paths. The computations
Γ(a, x ) = ∫ z a −1e −z dz is the incomplete
z =x
of the MLE for the parameters ( µ, σ,q ) require Gamma function. The probability density func-
the application of an algorithm that uses search tion of the time to target is derived by Park and
methods. The algorithm proceeds by fixing Padget (2005).
q ,determining ( µˆ(q ), σˆ(q ) ), computing the
likelihood function value for (q, µˆ(q ), σˆ(q ) ).
The q value that provides the maximum likeli- Predicted Condition
hood value is the MLE estimate q̂ with corre-
sponding MLE estimates µˆ(ˆ), q .
q σˆ(ˆ) Following the analysis of the RTA bridge inspec-
Similarly to the case of the Markov chain tion data, and after extracting all relevant condi-
model, once the estimation is conducted satis- tion information, taking into account renewals in
factorily, the prediction becomes straightfor- the maintenance process, it is observed that all
ward. In the case of the Markov model, the elements follow a time period where they stay
prediction is done through the t-step transition in full condition then start deteriorating. Statisti-
matrix P(t) = Pt. The state vector for any time cal investigations in both parts of the process,
t, Qt, can be obtained by the multiplication of the full condition period and the deterioration
initial state vector Q0 and the transition prob- period, resulted in two statistical models. One
ability matrix P raised to the power t = is a probability distribution for the time in full
condition and the other is the gamma process.
1, 2, …,.Qt = Q0P t . P is the matrix whose
The amalgamation of the two parts creates a
entries are to be estimated. In the case of the new stochastic process.
gamma process, once q , m and s are esti- Let C(t) be the condition of an element at
mated properly, the distribution of the deterio- time t after a renewal, 0≤ C(t) ≤ 100, C(0)=100
ration at time t, X(t) is a gamma distribution (%). Let Td be the time to the start of deteriora-
with mean and variance functions of the esti- tion, from a renewal. The time to the start of
mated parameters (van Noortwijk, 2009). deterioration is not an observable. There is no
The time to target is an important predic- way around this difficulty unless one applies
tive component and an input to maintenance constant monitoring on all parts of a bridge. Td
optimization models. Determining the time to is taken to be the last inspection time before a
reach any given condition is an essential part deterioration is observed. Td is an observable
of the predictive methodology for element whose data can be used in the inferential pro-
deterioration. Once the element starts deterio- cedure. A renewal is a point in time at which
rating, its condition decreases in accordance to the element is brought back from a deterio-
a gamma process. An element is said to have rated state to a full condition. Time t is then
reached target or failed when its deterioration, reset to zero. Td has a probability density func-
denoted X(t) here, at time t, goes above 100 tion f(td), where 0 < td <∞, estimated from the
minus the condition target level. For example, data. The deterioration part of the element, Z(t)
if the condition target level is 80%, then failure = 100 − C(t), is modeled with a gamma process.
occurs when the deterioration passes the z=20% The noticeable part in the application of this

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International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012 13

stochastic process in the case of our study is Similar to the element condition curve, a
that the process starts at time Td. In this case, variance is derived. Considering N, the network
we consider Z(t−Td) as a deterioration amount of the n bridges, the prediction for the overall
for t ≥ Td. The condition of the element is C(t| network is:
Td, Z(∙)) = 100 if 0≤ t ≤ Td and C(t| Td, Z(∙)) =
100 − Z(t−Td) if t ≥ Td. Using the laws of prob- mi

a b i l i t y, w e d e r i v e t h e m e a n CˆN (t ) = ∑ riCˆBi (t )
Cˆ(t ) = E (C (t | Td , Z (⋅))) and the variance
j =1

V (C (t )) = Var (C (t | Td , Z (⋅))) of this new

stochastic process. We shown that where ri ranks the importance of ith bridge in
the network. The corresponding variance is also
t derived.
Cˆ(t ) = 100 − ∫ m(t − td )q f (td )dtd , and
V (C (t )) = ∫ {σ (t − t )
+ [µ(t − td )q ]2 }f (td )dtd MONITORING
−[ ∫ µ(t − td )q f (td )dtd ]2 The California Bridge Health Index was chosen
0 as a model for the element condition index. The
element condition index (ECI) has the follow-
ing formulation:
From these results, we derive the predicted
condition for a bridge and a network of bridges
along with the respective variances. Let N be a Element Condition Index =
network of n bridges, B1, …, Bn. ±1q1 + ±2 q 2 + ±3 q 3 + ±4q 4 + ±5 q 5
Let the predicted condition curve for each q1 + q2 + q3 + q 4 + q5
bridge be CˆBi (t ) , i = 1, …, n. Each bridge Bi
has mi elements, with corresponding weights where q1, q2, q3, q4 and q5 are element quantities
li , j . These weights have been assessed accord- in condition states 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively
ing to the procedure described in the next sec- and α1, α2, α3, α4, α5 are factors accounting
tion. These weights are independent of the for significance of the condition states. Two
bridge and could be refined to be specific not separate bridge condition indices (BCI) were
only to the element type but also to the bridge established; (1) BCIR - a BCI for strength or
or a region. However, at the moment, the weights risk of structural failure and (2) BCID - a BCI
apply only to the element type. In this case, for durability. Each index was derived based on
since the elements on a particular bridge are the significance of the elements in a bridge to
relabeled thought an ordering from 1 to mi, then the performance in a specific category:
the corresponding weights are relabeled li,1 ,
…, l , for i = 1, …, n. Letting Cˆ (t ) be the BCIR or BCID =
i ,mi i,j

predicted condition curve for the j element, th a1(ECI 1 ) + a2 (ECI 2 ) + ...... + an(ECI n )
the bridge predicted condition is obtained ECI 1 + ECI 2 + .......+ ECI n
through the expected value of the weighted
combination and is: where a1, a2,…, an are factors assigned to indi-
vidual elements to account for their importance
. and influence in defining the specific functional
CˆBi (t ) = ∑ li , jCˆi , j (t ) aspect of the condition of the bridge. The values
j =1
for factors a1, a2, …, an were chosen by practic-
ing bridge engineers with a confidence level of

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14 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012

Figure 7. The condition indicators

95% for BCIR and 65% for BCID. The Network provides information about any particular year,
Condition Index (NCI) is derived in a similar the mean of the model is an empirical statistic
weighted scheme (Figure 7). making the ENCI an indicator free of statistical
The condition of a selected network of modeling. This part of the study, coupled with
bridges is estimated through the analysis of the statistical modeling for the graphical display
condition of the bridges in the network. The of the annual condition of an element in a se-
condition of each bridge/structure in the network lected network of bridges and the condition of
is estimated over time using a risk or mainte- any selected network of structures, provides
nance model and included in the network the basis for the assessment and monitoring of
condition model. To compute the NCI, the BCIs bridge networks conditions.
are computed. They are then divided per fiscal
year and a statistical model applied to them.
The mean of the model is the NCI. Although THE SUPPORT SYSTEM
the statistical model for the data in each year
The support system is a main program connected
is applied and provides information about any
to 6 programs with the following functions:
particular year, the mean of the model is an
empirical statistic making the NCI an indicator
free of statistical modeling. This point is im- • Read, format and store the inspection data
portant. It makes the assessment and monitor- • Conduct a Bridge Condition Analysis
ing process acceptable to all managers and • Conduct a Network Condition Analysis
engineers. Statistical models are applied for the • Conduct an Element Condition Analysis
distribution of condition in any particular fiscal • Study an Element Condition under different
year. They allow the user to communicate to data stratification
an audience not only a point estimate but also • Make a Network Condition Prediction
an estimation of the spread of the condition of ◦◦ Read, convert and store the in-
bridges in the network around the NCI. To spection data: The program checks,
compute the Element Network Condition Index formats and stores data. The RTA BIS
(ENCI), the ECIs of the element on the bridg- is used to extract the required informa-
es of a selected network are computed. The tion in a predetermined format. The
ECIs are then separated per fiscal year and a bridge inspection records are fed into
statistical model applied to them, in a similar the software which checks the data
manner to the NCI. The resulting mean of the for a number of conforming formats,
model is the ENCI. Although the statistical cleans any unfit record, converts some
model for the data in each year is applied and entries, divides the data into element
and bridge related information, stores

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International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012 15

all needed information and allows the data is offered to the user through the
program to continue. This operation selection of a network of structures:
does not need to be repeated at each ▪▪ Physical / Engineering: Bridge
use of the program, but only when Type or Road
the bridge information system, or ▪▪ Affecting factors: Region, Road
database, is downloaded for update. Type, Age, Environment
In between downloads, the programs ◦◦ Network Condition Prediction: This
are used upon an almost instantaneous program provides the predicted con-
reading of the stored information. dition for a network of bridges. Any
◦◦ Bridge Condition Analysis: This group of bridges can be selected, either
program runs the analysis of a single individually or according to some
bridge. The condition of each element criteria. The network can be selected
(ECI) on the structure is estimated manually or using any of the criteria
over time and included in the bridge used for data stratification. Several
condition estimation (BCI). types of graphical plots are offered,
◦◦ Network Condition Analysis: This including that of the predicted curves
program runs an analysis of a network of all bridges surrounding the network
of bridges. Any group of bridges can predicted curve.
be selected, either individually or ac-
cording to some criteria. Stratification This information system is enveloped in a
of data can be implemented. The condi- Graphical User Interface (GUI) of which one
tion of each structure in the network screen is shown in Figure 8. Figure 8 shows the
of bridges is estimated over time and plot of a network condition prediction curve. It
included in the network condition shows a condition prediction model as it typical-
estimation (NCI). ly appears in all cases. It has a concave starting
◦◦ Element Condition Analysis: This curvature which flexes into a convex tail. This
program runs the analysis of an ele- characterizing shape is not particularly revealing
ment on a network of bridges. Any or restraining as it can capture all situations. It
group of bridges that has the element is simply interesting to note this characteristic
can be selected, either individually form of the new stochastic process. The shape
or according to some criteria. Strati- is similar to that of the reliability function in the
fication of data can be implemented. case of a univariate lifetime distribution. Figure
The condition of the element on each 8 shows an example for a network whose data
structure in the network is estimated spans a period of 16 years. The Maintenance
over time and included in the overall Network Condition Index (NCI) distribution
condition estimation (ENCI). is shown in the boxplot. Figure 8 also shows
◦◦ Study an Element Condition under the Network Condition Index for the case of
different data stratification: This an element. The GUI has visualization tools,
program provides the the predictive graphic routines, printing of lists and figures,
model for an element on a network data storing capabilities, results saving and
of bridges. Any group of bridges that display abilities. The GUI is menu driven, with
has the element can be selected, either drop down menus, menu icons, popup menus
individually or according to some and push buttons. The software is event driven,
criteria. Similarly to the ‘Element real time execution and self contained. Although
Condition Analysis’, the possibility of simple in its architecture and design, it does
several levels of stratification of the handle large amounts of data and computations

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16 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012

Figure 8. Graphical user interface

in real-time. All relevant information is saved REFERENCES

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18 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5(1), 1-18, January-June 2012

Khalid Aboura is a researcher with a master of science and a doctorate of science in operations
research, with minor in statistics, from the George Washington University, Washington D.C, USA.
His research interests include topics in Operations Research, Stochastic Modeling, Structural
Deterioration, the development of Information and Management Systems, probabilistic solutions
in Image Analysis, Spatio-Temporal Estimation, the foundations of Statistics and the meaning
of Probability. Dr Khalid Aboura has consulting experience with industry and participated in
research projects supported by government and research labs. He served as the chairman of the
Statistical Computing Section of the Washington Statistical Society.

Bijan Samali is head of the school of civil and environmental engineering at the University of
Technology Sydney and has a personal chair in structural engineering. He is the director of
the Centre for Built Infrastructure Research at the University of Technology Sydney. His main
research interests lie in the general area of structural dynamics including wind and earthquake
engineering with special emphasis on structural control, dynamic measurement and analysis
of buildings and bridges, damage detection and structural health monitoring, and use of smart
materials in engineering applications. He has over 24 years of academic experience and en-
gagement with industry.

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