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(III Semester)

Academic Year 2015-16 and onwards


Teaching Scheme Examination

Hrs/week Exam. Marks
Subject Code Subject Title
Duration Theory/
Theory Practical (Hrs) IA Total
14BCACOAT31 Computer Organization and 4 -- 03 80 20 100
14BCACPPT32 OOPS Using C++ 4 -- 03 80 20 100

14BCADMST33 Discrete Mathematical 4 -- 03 80 20 100

14BCAUNIT34 Introduction to UNIX 4 -- 03 80 20 100

14BCAPDCT35 Personality Development and 4 -- 03 80 20 100

Communication Skills
14BCACPPP36 OOP’s Using C++ Lab. -- 4 03 80 20 100

14BCAUNIP37 Unix Lab. -- 4 03 80 20 100

Total: 50 Hours
Unit I: Number Systems, Digital Logic Circuits: Decimal number system, binary number system,
octal number system, hexadecimal number system, binary addition, binary subtraction, Logic gates,
Boolean algebra, map simplification, Half Adder, Full Adder, Subtractor, digital integrated circuits,
Decoders, Multiplexers. 10 Hrs

Unit II: Register Transfer and Microoperations: Register transfer Language, Register Transfer, Bus
and memory Transfer, arithmetic micro operations, logic micro operations, shift micro operations and
Arithmetic Logic shift Unit. 10 Hrs

Unit III: Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction codes, computer registers, computer
instructions, timing and control, instruction cycle, memory reference instructions, input output and
interrupt, Complete Computer Description. 10 Hrs

Unit IV: Central Processing Unit: Introduction, general register organization, stack organization,
Instruction Formats, addressing modes, Data transfer and manipulation, program control.
10 Hrs

Unit V: Input / Output Organization: Peripheral devices, I/O interface, asynchronous data transfer,
modes of transfer, priority interrupt, Direct Memory Access (DMA), Input-Output Processor (IOP), and
serial communication. Memory Organization: memory hierarchy, main memory, auxiliary memory,
associative memory, cache memory, virtual memory and memory management hardware.
10 Hrs

Text Books:
M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, Third Edition, Pearson Education
Reference Books
1. Heuring and Jordan, Computer System design and Architecture, Pearson Education(2003).
2. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, Pearson Education (2003).
3. Flyod, Digital Fundementals, 8th Edition, Pearson Education (2003).
4. Andrew S. Tenenbaum, Structured Computer Organization, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India

Total: 50 Hours
Unit I: Introduction: Procedural language ,definition of OOP , Basic concepts of OOP , Object , Class,
Data Abstraction, Data Encapsulation, Data Hiding member functions, Reusability, Inheritance ,
Creating new Data Types , Polymorphism, Overloading, Dynamic binding and Message passing. C++
Features: The iostream class, C++ Comments, C++ Keywords, Variable declaration, The Const
qualifier , The endl, Setw, set precision , Manipulators , The scope resolution operator , The new and
delete operators. Functions: Simple Functions , Function declaration, calling the functions, function
definition, passing argument to returning value from function; passing constants , variables, pass by
value, passing structure variables, pass by reference ,Default arguments , return statements, return by
reference , overloaded functions, different number of arguments ,different kinds of argument , inline
12 Hrs
Unit II: Objects and classes: Classes and objects, class declaration, class members; data
Constructors, Destructors, member functions, Class member visibility ;private, public, protected. The
scope of the class objects constructors; default constructor ,Constructor with argument , constructor
with default arguments , Dynamic constructor , copy constructor , Overloaded constructor , Objects as
function arguments ;member functions defined outside the class, objects as arguments, returning
objects from functions, class conversion, manipulating private Data members Destructors ,classes ,
objects and memory array as class member data, Array of objects , string as class member.
10 Hrs
Unit III: Operator Overloading: Overloading unary operator; Operator keyword, Operator arguments,
operator return value, Nameless temporary objects, limitations of increment operator, overloading
binary operator ,arithmetic operators, comparison operator, arithmetic assignment operator, Data
conversion; conversion between Basic types , conversion between objects and basic types, conversion
between objects of different classes. 10 Hrs

Unit IV: Inheritance: Derived class and Base class; Specifying the derived class accessing base class
members, the protected access specifier, Derived class constructor , overloading member functions,
public and private inheritance, Access Combinations, classes-structures , Access Specifiers , level of
inheritance ;multiple inheritance, hybrid inheritance , multilevel inheritance; Member functions in
multiple inheritance, constructors in multiple inheritance, container ship, classes within classes,
inheritance and program development. 8 Hrs

Unit V: Virtual Functions: Normal member function accessed with pointers, Virtual member function
accessed with pointers, Dynamic binding, pure virtual functions, friends for functional notation, friend
classes, the this pointer, Accessing Member Data with this, using this for returning values. Templates
and Exception Handling: Introduction, template, class templates, function templates, member
functions template, template arguments, Exception Handling
Streams: The stream class hierarchy, stream classes Header file, string I/O, Writing strings, reading
strings, character I/O, detecting End of file, Objects I/O writing an object to disk, reading an object from
disk I/O with multiple objects; the istream class, The open function, File pointers; specifying the offset ,
The tellg function, disk I/O with memory Functions, closing Files , Error handling , command Line
arguments. 10 Hrs

Text Book:
1. E.Balaguruswamy: Object oriented Programming with C++ Tata McGraw Hill publications.

2. Lafore Robert: Object oriented Programming in Turbo C++ Galgotia Publications.

1. Lippman : C++ primer.

2. Prata : C++ primer Plus, 4/e Person Education.

3. Strousstrup: The C++ programming Language Pearson Edition .

Total: 50 Hours

Unit I: Fundamentals and Counting: Sets and subsets, set operations, Sequences, Division in the
Integers, Matrices and Mathematical Structures. Permutations and Combinations, Pigeonhole
Principle, Elements of Probability, Recurrence Relations. 10 Hrs

Unit II: Fundamentals of Logic: Basic connectives and truth tables, Logical equivalence, the laws of
logic, logical implication, rules of interface, use of quantifiers, quantifiers definition and proofs of
Theorems. 10 Hrs

Unit III: Properties of Integers and Mathematical Induction: The well ordering principle,
Mathematical induction, Recursive definitions, the division algorithm, prime numbers, the GCD, Euclid’s
algorithm, the fundamental theorem of Arithmetic. 10 Hrs

Unit IV: Relations and Digraphs: Products set and partitions, Relations and diagraphs, relations and
digraph , Paths in relations and digraphs ,properties of relations ,equivalence relations , computer
representation of relations and digraphs , operations on relations. 12 Hrs

Unit V: Functions: Functions, functions for computer science, growth of function, permutation
functions 8 Hrs

Text Books:

1. Kolman, Busby & Ross, Discrete Mathematical Structures McGraw Hill, 2000.
2. Ralph. P. Grimaldi, Discrete and combinational Mathematics, An applied Introduction, Pearson
Education(LPE) Fourth edition, 6th Indian Reprint, 2004.


1. Richard Johnson Baugh, Discrete Mathematics, 5th Edition, Pearson Education(LPE) 2003.
2. Rajendra Akerkar and Rupali Akerkar, Discrete Mathematics, Pearson Education 2004.

Total: 50 Hours
Unit I: UNIX Architecture
History of UNIX, UNIX Architecture, Features of UNIX, Internal and External Commands. General
Purpose Utilities – man, cal, date, echo, printf, bc, script, mailx, passwd, uname, tty, sty.File system -
The file, The parent-child relationship, the home directory, Directory Commands—pwd, cd, mkdir,
rmdir, Absolute pathnames, Relative Pathnames, ls. 08 Hrs

Unit II: File Handling Commands

File handling Commands—cat, cp, rm, mv, file, wc, od, comm ,diff ,
dos2unix,unix2dos,gzip,gunzip,tar,zip ,unzip. Basic file attributes ls -l , file ownership ,file
permissions - chmod changing file permissions, Directory permissions, changing file ownership
vi Editor -- Different modes of vi editor: input mode, Ex mode and command mode, search and
replace. 10 Hrs
Unit III: The Shell
The shell interpretive cycle, pattern matching-- the wild card, Escaping, the backlash (/),quoting,
redirection, /dev/null, /dev/tty: Two special files, Pipes, tee, command substitution, shell variables.The
process -- Process basics, ps , Mechanism of process creation, running jobs in background, nice,
Killing processes, Job Control, at and batch, cron, time commands
Customizing the Environment: Customizing the environment using variables, common environment
variables, command history. 12 Hrs
Unit IV : Essential Shell Programming
Shell scripts, read, exit , Using Command Line Arguments, Logical Operators && and ||, if conditional,
using test and [ ] to evaluate the expression, the case conditional ,expr, while: looping, for: looping
with a list, arrays: single dimensional , the here document (<<), set and shift, trap, debugging the shell
scripts with set –X.
10 Hrs
Unit V :More File attributes
File systems and Inodes, Hard links, symbolic link and ln,The directory,umask,Modification & access
times, find: Locating files. Simple Filters : pr, head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr,
Filters Using Regular Expression - grep, basic regular expressions, extended regular expression ,
egrep, fgrep. Communication in unix –finger, mesg ,write ,talk ,wall ,news ,mail.
10 Hrs

Text Books:
1. “Unix Concepts and Applications” by Sumithabha Das, 4nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill 2006.
2. UNIX and Shell Programming, Behrouz A Forouzan and Richard F Gilberg, 1st edition,
Thomson course Tecnology, 2005.

Reference Books:
1. 1.“Unix-The Complete Reference” by Kenneth Rosen et al, TMH, 2000.
2. 2.“Using Unix” , Steve Montsugu, 2nd Edition, prentice Hall India, 1999.
3. UNIX and Shell programming, M G Venkateshmurthy, Pearson Education Asia, 2005

14BCAPDCT35: Personality Development and Communication skills
Total: 50 Hours
Unit I: Meaning and definition of personality : Personality development as a process, Importance of
pass, Importance of personality development , Theories of Personality, Psychological theory(Signed
Freud),Phenomenological theory (Car Rogers) Cognitive theory (George A Kelly) A trait factor –
Analytic approach(Raymond B. Cattel), Psychosocial development theory(Erickson).
15 Hrs

Unit II: Determinants of Personality: Physical, intellectual, Emotional, social, educational familial.
5 Hrs

Unit III: The self-Concept: Individual as a self-sculptor, process of perception cognition and their
impact , Learning process, What is attitude, The process of attitude formation. 10 Hrs

Unit IV: Communication and its importance: Process of Communication, written and oral
communication, process of listening body language or non verbal communication, the art of public
speaking. 10 Hrs

Unit V: Leadership as a process: Working in a team , management of conflict , interpersonal and

intrapersonal intergroup , Profiles of great personalities , Career planning and role of career planning
and role of career planning in personality development , How to face personal interview and group
discussion. 10 Hrs

1. Cloninger, susan C,(2000) Theories of personality, prentice Hall London.
2. Eriksen Karin(1979) Communication skills for human services ,Prentice –Hall.
3. Hurloack, Elizabeth B(?) Personality Development.
4. Johnson Roy Ivan (1956) Communication : Handling Idea Effectivley , McGraw Hill, New York.
5. Kagan Jerome (1969), Personality Development , Harcourt Brace, New york.
6. Kundu C.L.(1989) Personality Development , Sterling Bangalore.

14BCACPPP36: OOP’s Using C++ Lab.

Note: The following C++ programs have to be implemented and executed in LINUX
environment and using object oriented concepts .The students are to be examined only on
journal programs

I) Practice Programs
1. Program to implement set precision, endl, setw, setfill, and const qualifier.
2. Program to swap two numbers using functions to demonstrate pass by value and pass by
3. Program to print sum of even and odd numbers.
4. Program to find the volume of cube, cylinder and rectangle using switch case statement.
5. Program to create a Class Interest with the following data members Principal Amt, Rate of
Interest and Time.
Include 2 member functions
a. Simple Interest
b. Compound Interest
And compute Simple & Compound Interest.(Member Functions with and without scope
resolution operator)

II) Journal Programs

1) Program to create a Class Shape and compute areas of geometrical figures using inline
2) Program to swap two numbers using friend function.
3) Program to read n real numbers into an array and find average, standard deviation and
4) Program to overload a function volume & find the following
a. Volume of a box
b. Volume of Solid Cylinder
c. Volume of Hollow Cylinder

5) Program to read the data of N employees and compute the net salary of each employee (DA
52% of Basic, IT 30% of Gross, HRA 10% Basic). Given that an Employee Class Contains the
following members
a. Data Members : Emp No, Emp Name, Basic Sal, DA, IT, HRA, NetSal
b. Member Functions : To Read the data, to compute net salary and to print data members

6) Program to create a Class Time which has

a. Data Members : Hours, Minutes, Seconds
b. Member Function : To read the time, Display time and to add 2 time objects

7) Program to implement Bank Transaction class which has

a. Data Members : ACCNo, ACCHName , Bal

b. Member Functions : Deposit, Withdrawal and Balance Enquiry
8) Program to perform addition and subtraction of two matrices using operator overloading

9) Program to concatenate and compare two strings using + and ==.

10) Program to find of two complex numbers using friend function.

11) Program to design 3 classes Student, Exam and Result. Create Exam Class by inheriting
Student Class. The Exam Class adds data members representing marks in 6 subjects. Derive
Result Class from Exam Class having its own member total_marks

12) Program to implement bubble sort using class templates.

13) Program to implement class inheritance, polymorphism and virtual function.

14) Program to create the Product File with the following information like ProdNo., ProdName,
ProdQty, ProdPrice. Read the same and display the total product cost along with all
information in table format.


1) Write a shell script that accepts any number of arguments and displays them in reverse order
2) Write a shell script to display the calendar for current month with date replace * or ** depending on
whether the date is one digit or two digit.
3) Write a shell script to find smallest of three numbers that are read from keyboard.
4) Write a shell script that accepts file name as argument and display its creation time if file exists and
if it does not exist then send output error message.
5) Write shell script using expr command to read in a string and display a suitable message if it does
not have at least 10 characters.
6) Write a shell script to compute the sum of number passed to it as argument on the command line
and display the result.
7) Write a shell script to convert decimal number to binary & hexadecimal.
8) Write a shell script that computes the gross salary of an employee according to rule given below. If
basic salary is < 15000 then HRA = 10% of basic and DA = 85% of basic , otherwise HRA = 15% of
basic and DA = 90% of basic
9) Write a shell script to illustrate the use of environment variables using case construct.
10) Write a shell script that gets executed and displays the message "good morning", or " good
afternoon" or "good Evening" depending upon the user logs in time.
11) Write a shell script that deletes all the lines containing a specific word in one or more file supplied
as arguments to it.
12) Write a shell script that accepts two integers and computes the value of first number raised to the
power of second number.
13) Write a shell script that accepts that accepts the filename, starting and ending line number as
arguments and displays all the lines between them.
14) Write a shell script to display the following patterns:
a) 1 b) 1
12 22
123 333
1234 4444
15) Write a shell script that accept one or more filenames as arguments and converts them into
16) Write a shell script to sort an array in ascending order.

Detailed Syllabus for B. Sc. / B.Sc. Comp-Sc / BCA / B. Sc. in CCJ
(With effect from 2017-18 onwards)
Semester III: Basic English
Teaching Hours: 5 per Week
Text: Eco English: Learning English through Environmental Issues an Integrated, Interactive Anthology
Edited By N. Krishnaswamy, Lalitha Krishnaswamy, and Dr. B.S. Valke.
Bloomsbury Publication
(Units – 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15)
Grammar and Composition
Confusing Words (Sentences to be framed on Five pairs of words)
One Word Substitutes
Interpretations of Notices
Translation of a Paragraph (A Paragraph of one hundred words from Kannada text into English or vice
Paraphrasing of a Prose of 100 words or a Sonnet

Pattern of Question Paper

(80 Marks per paper of three hours and 20 Marks for I.A)

1) Objective type questions 10x1=10

2) Comprehension Questions (Answer in a sentence or Two) 5X2=10
3) Essay type question (one out of two) 1X10=10
4) Essay type question (one out of two) 1X10=10
5) Short Notes (two out of four) 2X5=10
6) Confusing Words (Sentences to be framed on Five pairs of words) 10
7) A) One Word Substitutes 5X1=05
B) Interpretations of Notices 5X1=05
8) Translation (100 words) 1X10=10
Paraphrasing of a Prose of 100 words or a Sonnet

Additional English

Detailed Syllabus for B. Sc. / B.Sc. Comp-Sc / BCA / B. Sc. in CCJ

(With effect from 2017-18 onwards)
Semester III: Additional English
Teaching Hours: 5 Hours per Week

Text: Final Solutions: A Play by Mahesh Dattani (Penguin Books)

Grammar and Composition
i) Determiners (Some/any/no/none/any/much/many/little/few/a lot/plenty/all/all of/ most/most
of//all/every/whole /each/every etc.)
ii) Adjectives and adverbs (making Sentences using adj and adv)
iii) Futurity in English
iv) Phrasal Verbs (Making sentences using phrasal verbs)
v) Concord

Pattern of Question Paper

(80 Marks per paper of three hours and 20 Marks for I.A)

1) Objective type questions on the play 10X1= 10

2) Comprehension Questions on the play 5X2=10
3) Essay type question on the play (one out of two) 1X10 =10
4) Essay type question on the play (one out of two) 1X10=10
5) Short Notes on the play (two out of four) 2X5=10
6) a) Determiners 5X1=05
b) Use of Adjectives and Adverbs
making sentences using adjectives and adverbs given
(5 out of 7) 5X1=05
7) Futurity in English 10
8) a) Phrasal Verbs
making sentences using Phrasal Verbs
(5 out of 7) 5X1=05
b) Concord 5X1=05

Syllabus for B.Sc./B.C.A - III & IV Semesters from the academic year
2017-18 onwards
B.Sc. III rd Semester
Basic: Hindi
1) Examination : a) One Paper carrying 80 Marks and 3 hours of Duration.
b) Internal Assessment Marks 20
2) Teaching : 5 hours per week
3) Course : 1) Drama
2) Translation – From Kannada/English in to Hindi
4)Distribution of Marks
I Objective type of Questions 10/14 10 Marks
II Annotations from Drama 2/4 10 Marks
III General questions based on Drama2/4 30 Marks
IV Short Notes on Drama 3/5 15 Marks
V Translation 15 Marks
Total 80 Marks
Internal Assessment 20 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Text Books-
1) Drama (नाटक)

आधे अधूरे : मोहन राकेश Marks: 65

राधाकृ ण काशण ाइवेट ल मटे ड

७/३१ अ सार माग, द रयागंज, नई द ल - ११०००२
2) Translation (अनुवाद) Marks: 15
Reference Books
1. मो न राकेश और उनका सा ह य : डाँ नीलम फा खी
2. ह द नाटक :ब चन संह
3. मो न राकेश और उनके नाटक : गर श र तो ग
4. वातं यो तर नाटक : मू य सं मण : योती वर म
5. भारतीय ना य – वमश : जयदे व तनेजा
6. ह द नाटक और ना य समी ़ ा : डाँ. नारायण राय
7. ह द के मुख नाटककार के नाटको म लोकत व : स यवीर संह भो रया
8. अनुवाद व ान : भोलानाथ तवार
9. अनुवाद क या, तकनीक और सम याएँ : ी नारायण समीर

Basic - Kannada

Syllabus prescribed for B.Sc is applicable to B.C.A and B.Sc C.S.
Semester III
Basic Marathi

Course: Literary Form: Novel

Text: Banagarwadi : Vyankatesh Madagulkar

Mehata Publication, Pune

Bsc Part –II
Basic – Samskrit
Third Semester
Teaching Hours : 5 Hours per week
Exam Marks : 80+20=100 of 3 hours Duration
Text : xÉÑlÉÏÌiÉ xÉÑkÉÉÌlÉÍkÉÈ (112 Verses)Mahatee Publication Dharwad – 1
1. xÉÑlÉÏÌiÉ xÉÑkÉÉÌlÉÍkÉÈ : 70 Marks
2. Grammer (lÉmÉÑÇxÉMüvÉoSÉÈ) : 10 Marks
3. Internal Assessment : 20 Marks
1. Internal Test – 14
2. Assignment, Class Records Skill –
Development – 06
Total 100 Marks

Bsc Part –II

Basic – Samskrit
Question Paper Pattern
Third Semester
1. Select the correct answer (any ten out of twelve) 10 Marks
2. Translate & explain (any three out of six) 15 Marks
3. Explain with reference to context (any four out 16 Marks
of six)
4. Essay type question (with internal choice) 14 Marks
5. Short notes (any three out of five) 15 Marks
6. Grammar (Neuter genders) 10 Marks
Total 80 Marks


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