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DATE / WEEK 23 july 2018 - 3 august 2018

TOPIC (Pa ges Covered) THEME 1 CORE OF GEOGRAPHY 1. Basi c of Geogra phy Knowledge

OBJECTIVES to be Atta ined Student wi ll be able to know defini tion of Geography Student wi ll be able to des cribe Pa radigm of Geogra phy Student
will be a ble to learn Object of Geography Student wil l be abl e to des cribe Principl e of Geogra phy Student will be able to know Concept of
Geogra phy Student will be able to Compa re As pect of Geography Student will be able to know Geora phy Bra nches and Geography Ai ds

LEARNING OUTCOMES Ability to know definition of Geogra phy Ability to des cribe Pa radigm of Geography Abi lity to Learn Object of Geography Abil ity
to descri be Priciple of Geogra phy Abi lity to know Cocept of Geogra phy Ability to Compare As pect of Geography Abili ty to know Geography Branches
and Geography Aids

PEDAGOGY Dis cus s ion Dis cus s ion Discus s ion Di scus sion Di s cus s ion Dis cus s ion Project

ACTIVITIES Dis cus s ion from text book and works heet Discuss ion from text book and worksheet Dis cus s ion from text book and works heet Dis cus s ion
from text book a nd works heet Dis cus s ion from text book a nd worksheet Dis cuss ion from text book a nd works heet Di s cus sion from text book a nd
works heet

HOMEWORKS Worksheet topic 1

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

DATE / WEEK 23 july 2018 - 3 august 2018

TOPIC (Pa ges Covered) THEME 1 CORE OF GEOGRAPHY 1. Basi c of Geogra phy Knowledge

OBJECTIVES to be Atta ined Student wi ll be able to know defini tion of Geography Student wi ll be able to des cribe Pa radigm of Geogra phy Student
will be a ble to learn Object of Geography Student wil l be abl e to des cribe Principl e of Geogra phy Student will be able to know Concept of
Geogra phy Student will be able to Compa re As pect of Geography Student will be able to know Geora phy Bra nches and Geography Ai ds

LEARNING OUTCOMES Ability to know definition of Geogra phy Ability to des cribe Pa radigm of Geography Abi lity to Learn Object of Geography Abil ity
to descri be Priciple of Geogra phy Abi lity to know Cocept of Geogra phy Ability to Compare As pect of Geography Abili ty to know Geography Branches
and Geography Aids

PEDAGOGY Dis cus s ion Dis cus s ion Discus s ion Di scus sion Di s cus s ion Dis cus s ion Project

ACTIVITIES Dis cus s ion from text book and works heet Discuss ion from text book and worksheet Dis cus s ion from text book and works heet Dis cus s ion
from text book a nd works heet Dis cus s ion from text book a nd worksheet Dis cuss ion from text book a nd works heet Di s cus sion from text book a nd
works heet

HOMEWORKS Worksheet topic 1

Name : Ebid Rocky Alfatikh

WEEK (Pages Covered)


23 july 2018 - 3 august 2018 1. Basic of Geography Knowledge



4 august 2018 - 16 november 2018 2.3 ATMOSPHERE





7 January 2019 - 22 february 2019


3.3 Interaction between LEDC, NIC and MEDC


4.1 Remote sensing

4.2 Geographical information system

25 february 2019 - 26 april 2019

4.3 Map

School Year : 2017 - 2018

to be Attained

Student will be able to know definition of Geography

Student will be able to describe Paradigm of Geography
Student will be able to learn Object of Geography
Student will be able to describe Principle of Geography
Student will be able to know Concept of Geography
Student will be able to Compare Aspect of Geography
Student will be able to know Georaphy Branches and Geography Aids

Student will be able to describe featuress of litosphere

Student will be able to explain endogenous energy and exogenous energy
Student will be able to explain rock cycle
Student will be able to describe featuress of pedosphere
Student will be able to explain soil form factor
Student will be able to describe type of soil
Student will be able to explain characteristic of soil
Student will be able to explain erosion processes
Student will be able to evaluate erosion conservation
Student will be able to describe featuress of atmosphere
Student will be able to describe Tmosphere layer
Student will be able to explain climate and weather
Student will be able to describe featuress of Hidrosphere
Student will be able to explain Hidrological cycle
Student will be able to explain River featuress
Student will be able to explain sea and ocean featuress
Student will be able to describe featuress of Biosphere
Student will be able to analyze distribution of flora in the world
Student will be able to analyze distribution of fauna in the world
Student will be able to analyze distribution of flora in indonesia
Student will be able to analyze distribution of fauna in indonesia

Student will be able to describe features of antroposphere

Student will be able to explain source of demography data
Student will be able to calculate population growth
Student will be able to clasify type of migration
Student will be able to calculate demographic formula
Student will be able to draw population pyramid
Student will be able to analyze population density
Student will be able to compare Rural and Urban
Student will be able to explain characteristic of rural
Student will be able to explain characteristic of urban
Student will be able to analyze rural settlement pattern
Student will be able to analyze urban and rural interaction
Student will be able to compare LEDC, NIC and MEDC
Student will be able to analyze characteristic of LEDC, NIC and MEDC
Student will be able to analyze stages of economics growth
Student will be able to analyze region development
Student will be able to define remote sensing
Student will be able to list name of satellite
Student will be able to describe componentss of remote sensing
Student will be able to explain characteristic of satellite image
Student will be able to define Geographical information system
Student will be able to explain characteristic of Geographical information system
Student will be able to explain Geographical information system process
Student will be able to explain components of Geographical information system
Student will be able to define map
Student will be able to describe map function
Student will be able to analyze type of map
Student will be able to describe componentss of map
Student will be able to analyze map projection
Student will be able to calculate contour interval and distance on the map

What type of teaching tools as used Eg: experiment, discussion, debate, project.
No. of Chapter


Ability to know definition of Geography Discussion

Ability to describe Paradigm of Geography Discussion
Ability to Learn Object of Geography Discussion
Ability to describe Priciple of Geography Discussion
Ability to know Cocept of Geography Discussion
Ability to Compare Aspect of Geography Discussion
Ability to know Geography Branches and Geography Aids Project

Ability to describe featuress of litosphere Discussion

Ability to explain endogenous energy and exogenous energy Project
Ability to explain rock cycle Discussion
Ability to describe featuress of pedosphere Discussion
Ability to explain soil form factor Discussion
Ability to describe type of soil Discussion
Ability to explain characteristic of soil Discussion
Ability to explain erosion processes Discussion
Ability to evaluate erosion conservation Debate
Ability to describe featuress of atmosphere Discussion
Ability to describe Tmosphere layer Project
Ability to explain climate and weather Discussion
Ability to describe featuress of Hidrosphere Discussion
Ability to explain Hidrological cycle Project
Ability to explain River featuress Project
Ability to explain sea and ocean featuress Discussion
Ability to describe featuress of Biosphere Discussion
Ability to analyze distribution of flora in the world Project
Ability to analyze distribution of fauna in the world Project
Ability to analyze distribution of flora in indonesia Project
Ability to analyze distribution of fauna in indonesia Project

Ability to describe features of antroposphere Discussion

Ability to explain source of demography data Discussion
Ability to calculate population growth Project
Ability to clasify type of migration Project
Ability to calculate demographic formula Project
Ability to draw population pyramid Project
Ability to analyze population density Project
Ability to compare Rural and Urban Discussion
Ability to explain characteristic of rural Discussion
Ability to explain characteristic of urban Discussion
Ability to analyze rural settlement pattern Project
Ability to analyze urban and rural interaction Project
Ability to compare LEDC, NIC and MEDC Project
Ability to analyze characteristic of LEDC, NIC and MEDC Discussion
Ability to analyze stages of economics growth Debate
Ability to analyze region development Discussion
Ability to define remote sensing Discussion
Ability to list name of satellite Discussion
Ability to describe componentss of remote sensing Discussion
Ability to explain characteristic of satellite image Project and experiment
Ability to define Geographical information system Discussion
Ability to explain characteristic of Geographical information system Discussion
Ability to explain Geographical information system process Discussion
Ability to explain components of Geographical information system Discussion
Ability to define map Discussion
Ability to describe map function Discussion
Ability to analyze type of map Project and experiment
Ability to describe componentss of map Project and experiment
Ability to analyze map projection Project and experiment
Ability to calculate contour interval and distance on the map Project and experiment


Discussion from text book and worksheet

Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet Worksheet topic 1
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet

Discussion from text book and worksheet

Discussion from text book and worksheet Worksheet topic 2.1
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Worksheet topic 2.2
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet Worksheet topic 2.3
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Worksheet topic 2.4
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet Worksheet topic 2.5
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet

Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet Worksheet topic 3.1
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet Worksheet topic 3.2
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Worksheet topic 3.3
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Worksheet topic 4.1
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
Discussion from text book and worksheet
1.1 Definition of Geography

1.2 Paradigm of Geography

1.3 Learning Object of Geography

1.4 Principle of Geography
1.5 Concept of Geography

1.6 Aspect of Geography

1.7 Geography Branches and Geography Aids

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