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2 The NX User Interface



This lesson is a fundamental introduction to the NX User Interface.


Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

• Customize toolbars.

• Save and restore toolbars by applying a Role.

• Select objects in the graphics window.

• Manipulate the orientation of the work view.

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The N X U s e r Interface

The NX user interface supports the use of toolbars to allow quick access to
functionality via logical groupings of common functionality displayed as icons.
Each application has a set of toolbars which support functions within that
2 application (e.g. Modeling, Drafting, Assemblie s, etc.).

When you exit an NX session, the state of the toolbars can be saved so
that they will displayed the same when you start a new session. This
is controlled by the Save layout at exit option under the General tab
in the Preferences→User Interface dialog.

Toolbars may be in one of two states:

• Docked toolbars (1) are anchored to the main NX window, either
horizontally or vertically. Docked toolbars are always within the NX

• Undocked toolbars (2) are free floating on the screen. These toolbars are
shown within the NX window, but may be located outside the window
depending on screen setup.

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Customizing Toolbars

The display of the toolbars as well as the display of each element within a
toolbar may be customized.
The display of a toolbar may be controlled in one of two ways: 2
• Choose Tools? Customize from the main menu bar to access the
Customize dialog. On the Toolbars page, choose the check box next to
the toolbar name to display or hide it. The toolbars with a check are
currently displayed.

The Text Below Icon option can be used to display the names of
the icons in a toolbar.

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The N X U s e r Interface

• Use the Third Mouse Button (MB3) within the NX window but outside the
graphics window, to display a menu of all toolbars. The toolbars listed with
a check box are displayed. Choosing a toolbar name with the First Mouse
Button (MB1) will turn it on or off. The Customize option may be
2 selected to access the Customize dialog.

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The N X U s e r Interface

To turn on and off the display of icons within a toolbar, select the Toolbar
Options area of the toolbar and choose Add or Remove Buttons, and the
toolbar name. This will display a cascading menu with all of the available
icons for the toolbar. Placing a check in the box next to the command will
immediately display the icon in the appropriate toolbar. Removing the check
will hide the icon.

The Toolbar Options menu can be accessed in an undocked toolbar as shown


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The N X U s e r Interface


NX has many advanced capabilities, but while learning you may want to
2 use a smaller set of tools. Roles let you control the appearance of the user
interface in a number of ways. Some examples are:
• What items are displayed on the menu bar

• What icons are displayed on the toolbars

• Whether or not icon names are displayed below the icons

Choosing a Role

NX comes with a number of built-in roles. There are System Defaults roles:

There are also roles that are tailored to particular industry types and
experience levels, under the Industry Specific option:

In addition, you can define your own roles.

For more information about any role, hold your cursor over its icon.

To activate a role:

• Use the Roles tab to open the palette on the resource bar.

• Click the role you want or drag it into the graphics window.

• In the warning dialog, choose OK to accept the new role or choose Cancel
to stop the change from occurring.

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The N X U s e r Interfa c e

Activity — Working with Toolbars

In this activi ty, you will move toolbars in the Gate way application.

The toolb ars illustrated in this activity are shown without text below
the icons. You may see this text on your screen to help you identify 2
the icons. This is controlled by choosing Tools→Customize
and specifying the Text Belo w Icon option for each toolbar.

Step 1: Open the intro_1 part.

Choose the Open icon. (File→Open)

Select intro_1 in the file list box and choose OK to open the part
(or double -click on the file na me).

Step 2: Verify which toolbars are displayed in the Gateway Application.

Click MB3 in the toolbar area (1) and choose Customize (2).

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The N X U s e r Interface

The Customize dialog helps you identify and control which toolbars
are displayed.

The Text Below Icon option can be turned on for a toolbar

to display the names of the icons in the toolbar.

Verify that the Standard, View, Utility, Analysis, Snap Point,

and Selection toolbars are checked on.
The toolbars are displayed in a docked state. Toolbars may
be docked horizontally on the top or bottom and vertically on
the left or right.

Choose Close to dismiss the Customize dialog.

Step 3: Undock a toolbar.

Place the cursor on the handle portion (1) of the Analysis
toolbar and press and hold down MB1.

Drag the toolbar onto the graphics window.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Release MB1.

The name of the toolbar is displayed in its title bar while it is


Step 4: Dock a toolbar.

Place the cursor on the header portion (1) of the Analysis
toolbar and press and hold down MB1.

Drag the toolbar such that the header portion falls within the
main menu bar as shown.

Release MB1.

The toolbar is docked to the NX window.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Step 5: Move a docked toolbar.

Place the cursor on the handle portion of the Analysis toolbar
and press and hold down MB1.

Drag the Analysis toolbar up to the first row of toolbars belo w

the menu bar.

Release MB1.

If necessary, select the Analysis toolbar on the handle and drag

it so that it is aligned to the right of the Standard toolbar.

Step 6: Leave the part open. It will be used in the next activity.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Activity — W orkin g with R oles

In this activity, you will use Roles to save and apply standard toolbar
configurations. In this course, the Essential with Full Menus role will be used.
Step 1: Continue using the intro_1 part. 2
Step 2: Apply the Essen tials with Full Menus role.
Choose the Roles tab in the resource bar on the right side of the
graphics window.

If the resource is bar is not visible, choose View→Show

Resource Bar to turn it on.

Change the display of the Role pale tte to Tiles.

This will display smaller icons so that all of the roles can be
seen at once.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Choose the Essentials with full menus role.

The Essentials with full m enus role displays a limited
number of icons and toolbars. Howeve r, all NX
functions are still available from the menu bar.
2 Choose OK in the message window warning you that your
toolbar customizations will be overwritten.
Changes you made to toolbars in previous activities are
overwritten. The toolbar settings that are defined in the
selected role are used.

Step 3: Sta rt the Modeling application.

Choose Start? Modeling.
Starting a different application will introduce a new set of
toolbars. The toolbars that were established in the Gateway
application may move and include different icons.

Step 4: Customize a toolbar in the Modeling application.

Locate the Utility toolbar in the NX window.

Select the Toolbar Options area of the Utility toolbar and

choose Add or Remove Buttons? Utility.

Turn the Work Layer and Layer Settings icons on.

This change to the toolbar will be maintained in your future NX

sessions as long as the Save layout at exit option is turned on in
Preferences→User Interface. Howeve r, the change would be lost
if you were to apply one of the roles in the System Defaults.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Step 5: Create a new user role with the toolbar change.

Choose the Roles tab in the resource bar on the right side of
the graphics window.

Place the cursor in an open area of the Roles palette and choose 2
MB3? New User Role.

Choose OK in the Role Properties dialog to accept the default

name of MyRole_0.
The new role will appear in a User folder in the Roles palette.

If you make additional toolbar changes and want to

incorporate them into your saved user role, place the
cursor over the role and choose MB3→Edit, t urn off
the Preserve Layout Information option, and choose OK.

Step 6: Close the part.

Choose File? Close? All Parts.

If a warning is displayed and you are asked if you are sure you
want to close the part, choose Yes.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Mouse Navigation
The mouse may be used as well as the keyboard to make selections. A mouse
wheel acts as MB2 when it is pressed. On two button mouse s, the buttons
represent MB1 and MB3. Both buttons pressed together act as MB2.

Below is a summary of the various actions that can be performed using the
mouse buttons.

Mouse Button Action

First Mouse Button Selects or drags objects.
Second Mouse Butto n OK while in an operato r. Press and hold down while
(center or both buttons) in the graphics window to Rotate the view. Hold
MB2 down Shift+MB2 to Pan and hold down Ctrl+MB2 to
Zoom In/Out.
Third Mouse Button Displays pop-up menu with short cuts to various
(in graphic window) functions. Also displays action information for
MB3 objects selected with MB1.
Rotating mouse wheel Zooms in and out in graphics window. Scrolls in
dialog list boxes, dialog option menus, and the
Information window.
Cursor over icons or Displays either the icon or option label.
option in a dialog
Cursor over objects, Pre–highlights objects based upon the Selection
features or components toolbar setting (e.g. Select Features)
in graphics window

A combination of mouse buttons can also be used to pan (MB2+MB3)

and zoom In/Out (MB1+MB2).

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The N X U s e r Interface

Mouse P op- up M e n u
The mouse may be used to perform various actions depending upon placement
and position in the steps of the proces s. When the cursor is in the graphics
window and MB3 is pressed and released, the View Pop-Up menu is displayed.
This pop-up menu provides a shortcut to functions that are frequently used in 2
NX to manipulate the viewing of objects in the graphics window.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Option Description
Refreshes the entire graphics window. Erases temporary
display entities.

2 Fit Fits the entire part to the view. Utilizes the fit percentage
found on the Preferences→Visualization→Screen dialog.
Zoom Changes the view scale via a user speci fied rectangle.
Rotate Activates the Rotate mode to rotate the view with the cursor.
Pan Activates Pan mode to pan the view with the cursor.
Rendering Specifies the method of shading and hidden edges in which
Style the model is displayed.
Displays the current view in a canned view orientation. The
Orient View original visualization settings and view modifications are
retained. Active only in modeling view.
Set Rotate Defines a point that the model is rotated about. The point
Point may be defined on a curve, edge, face, or point in space.
Clear Rotate Removes the Rotate Point which has previously been set.
Undo Removes the effect of the last single operation performed.

When you press and hold MB3, a radial pop-up displays icons that surround
the cursor location. These icons include display options that you can choose
just as you would from a menu. As you learn the position of the icon s, just
moving the mouse in the appropriate direction will choose the option.

1 — Shaded
2 — Shaded with Edges
3 — Studio
4 — Fit
5 — Wireframe with Di m Edges
6 — Face Analysis

The View toolbar may also be used to perform many of the view
manipulation functions found in the View Pop-Up Menu.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Graphics Window View Manipulation

As you develop your model, you will need to view the model in diffe rent orientations.
The view may rotated by pressing and holding down MB2 and dragging. 2
If the cursor is near the boundary of the graphics window, rotation about a
horizontal, vertical, or normal axis is inferred and the cursor is displayed in
a single axis rotation mode. If the cursor is in the middle of the graphics
window, the axis of rotation is determined by the direction in which you
drag the cursor.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Other options to manipulate the view orientation are described below:

Orient View – Modifies the orientation of a speci fied view to a predefined view.
Changes only the alignment of the view, not the view name. This option can
be invoked from the View toolbar or from the MB3 pop-up menu.

Home K ey — Orients the present view to the Trimetric view.

End Key — Orients the present view to the Isometric view.
F8 Key — Orients the present view to a selected planar face or datum plane
or the planar view (top, front, right, back, bottom, left) that is closest to the
current view orientation.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Selecting Objects
The Selection toolbar may be used to assist in the selection of an object for
creation, modification, or information. In NX, you may either select an object
first and then choose a function to perform, or, choose a function first and
then select the required object. 2
The Selection Type Filter is used to control precisely whi ch type of object can
be selected. When a type is chosen from this list, no other object types can be
selected. The contents of the list depends on whether you have already
chosen an NX function and which function you are performing.

There are many additional options whi ch can be added as icons to the
Selection toolbar to further discriminate in the selection of objects. Some of
these options are also available by choosing Edit→Selection from the menu
MB3 may be used to choose an available operator for an object. The cursor
must be on top of the object and the object highlighted for the MB3 pop-up
menu to appear.
The items on the pop-up menu will vary depending on the type of object. The
following pop-up menu is typically displayed for a feature.

Options will also vary depending on the application (Modeling,

Drafting, Manufacturing, etc.).

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The N X U s e r Interface

If you press and hold MB3 over an object, a radial pop-up appears. The
options will vary depending on the type of object. The following radial pop-up
menu is typically displayed for a feature.

Deselecting Objects

If you select the wrong object, you can deselect it by holding down the <Shift>
key and selecting it again with MB1.
To deselect all objects in the graphics window, press the <Esc> key.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Preview Selection and QuickPick

Preview Selection
Preview Selection allows highlighting of objects as the selection ball
passes over them. By default, Preview Selection is enabled but may be 2
turned off by choosing Preferences→Selection from the menu bar. The
color of the highlighting is determined by the Preselection setting found
under Preferences? Visualization? Color Settings. This also applies to
highlighting objects that are being deselected using the <Shift> key and MB1.
The state of the Preview Selection setting is not saved with the part
but remains in effect for the NX session.

Using QuickPick for Multiple Selection Candidates

When selecting objects in the graphics window, more than one object will
often be within the selection ball. QuickPick is a selection confirmation
interface that provides a way to browse through multiple candidates to select
a specific object.
Moving the selection ball over an object will highlight it for preview. If there is
more than one selectable object at the selection ball location and the cursor
lingers for a short period of ti me, the cursor changes to a QuickPick indicator:

This cursor display indicates that there is more than one selectable object at
that position. Using MB1 after the cursor changes will display the QuickPick

The amount of time the cursor must be stationary for the

QuickPick indicator to appear can be adjusted by choosing
Preferences? Selection and using the QuickPick Delay slider bar.
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The N X U s e r Interface

All selectable objects beneath the cursor are listed in the dialog. Use MB2
to cycle through the items in the list and then choose MB1 when the desired
object is highlighted. The icons in the dialog may be used to narrow down list
to include only construction objects, features, body objects (faces, edge s, etc.),
2 component s, or annotations.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Activity — Ma nipulating Vie w s

In this activity, you will change the view display and orientation.

Step 1: Open the view_clevis_1 part.


Step 2: Manipulate the view.

Choose Shaded with Edges.

(MB3→Rendering Style→Shaded with Edges)

Click and hold MB3 and choose the Wireframe with Dim Edges

icon. from the radial pop-up.

In the graphics window, but not on top of the part, click MB3.

Choose Orient View? Right in the pop-up menu.

Press the Home key on the keyboard.

The view is oriented to the Trimetric view.

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The N X U s e r Interface

Place and hold the cursor at the location shown below until the
QuickPick indicator appears.

Choose MB1 to display the QuickPick dialog.

Choose MB2 until the front face shown below is highlighted.

Choose MB1 to confir m the selection of the face.

Press the F8 key.

The view is oriented so that the selected face is parallel to the
graphics window.

Press the Home key.

Step 3: Close the part.

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The N X U s e r Interface

In this lesson you:
• Modified the location and contents of toolbars.
• Applied a Role to restore saved toolbar settings.

• Manipulated the work view orientation.

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