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Insan Cendekia Madani Lesson Plan

: P
Teachers Name : Didi Prayogo
Grade/Semester : 9/1
Topic : Magnetism
Period/Week : 10/3weeks (July 23th – August 10th)
Core Competencies (KI):
3. Memahami, menerapkan menganalisis dan mengevaluasi pengetahuan factual,
konseptual, procedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,
kebangsaan kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian,
serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai
dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, menyaji dan mencipta ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta
bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah
Learning Outcomes (KD):
To discover why magnets repel or attract one another. To understand why all metals
are not attracted by magnets.

Session I
Lesson Objectives(indicator):
 To be able to understand how using a magnet can determine where the North
pole is
 To be able determine the magnetic or non-magnetic materials

Insan Cendekia Madani indicators:

Sequence of teaching (Checklist) Differentiation (checklist)
 Exposure  Content
 Mini Lesson (guided practice)  Readiness
 Group practice/Collaborative Workshop  Learning Profile
 Independent practice  Interest
 Assessment  Product
Vocabulary, terminology and phrases: Essential Question:
Attract, repel, elementary magnet
Planned timings Planned activities Resources/Materials
Beginning 1. Let’s begin the session by Salam 
2. Say basmalah watch?v=sENgdSF8ppA
3. Teacher check the attendance of  Physics Coursebook by
student David sang
4. Teachers show a video about  Physics Coursebook by
beautiful of magnet the students. tom duncan
5. After watching the video, teachers
ask the students about the
characteristic of magnet and how
magnet use in daily live.
Middle 1. Teacher give the magnets to group
of student for the classactivities
2. The teacher guide the students to
do an observation outside the
classroom to list down and identify
what are the things they consider as
magnetic or non-magnetic materials.
3. Students will discuss in the class
about the similarities that they found
does it magnetic or non-magnetic

4. Through the slides the teacher

explain the characteristics magnetic
and non-magnetic materials.
5. Teacher ask the student to keep
their class clean and neat.
6. Teacher close the session by saying
basmallah and salam.

Reflection And Evaluation
Reflection and Evaluation:

Next Plan/Follow up:

Session II
Lesson Objectives(indicator):
 To be able to magnetise a magnetic material
 To be able to demagnetize a magnetic material
 To be able to explain the magnetic forces in terms of magnetic fields
 To be able to make electromagnet
Insan Cendekia Madani indicators:

Sequence of teaching (Checklist) Differentiation (checklist)
 Exposure  Content
 Mini Lesson (guided practice)  Readiness
 Group practice/Collaborative Workshop  Learning Profile
 Independent practice  Interest
 Assessment  Product
Vocabulary, terminology and phrases: Essential Question:

Planned timings Planned activities Resources/Materials
Beginning 1. Let’s begin the session by 
Salam watch?v=IXeXcbvBPJw
2. Say basmalah  Physics Coursebook by
3. Teacher check the attendance David sang
of student  Physics Coursebook by
4. Teacher ask the student about tom duncan
the last material/review the
5. Ask the student to make the
small group.
Middle 6. Teacher explained about todays
7. After grouping the student, teacher
give the tiny materials, such as
paper clips, nails etc and magnet
8. Teacher ask the student to make
temporary magnet by the tools
9. Student make electromagnet
10. Student ask the student to fiil the
worksheet activities

End 11. Teacher re-explained about how

to magnetize and
12. Teacher ask all the student to
prepared the next worksheet
and review for the unit test.
13. Teacher ask the student to keep
their class clean and neat.
14. Teacher close the session by
saying basmallah and salam.

Reflection And Evaluation

Reflection and Evaluation:

Next Plan/Follow up:

Session III
Lesson Objectives(indicator):

Insan Cendekia Madani indicators:

Sequence of teaching (Checklist) Differentiation (checklist)
 Exposure  Content
 Mini Lesson (guided practice)  Readiness
 Group practice/Collaborative Workshop  Learning Profile
 Independent practice  Interest
 Assessment  Product
Vocabulary, terminology and phrases: Essential Question:

Planned timings Planned activities Resources/Materials
Beginning 1. Let’s begin the session by 
Salam watch?v=aIwbrZ4knpg
2. Say basmalah  Maglev train
3. Teacher check the attendance
of student

4. Teacher start with the video to

make student mood increase (if
5. Teacher ask student about the
materials that have explained
last meeting
Middle 6. Teacher give worksheet as the
assignment to make sure student
ready for next unit test.
7. Teacher review and open the
Question n Answer session related
to the materials
End 8. Teacher ask student to keep
struggling in Physics.
9. Teacher ask the student to keep
their class clean and neat.
10. Teacher close the session by
saying basmallah and salam.

Reflection And Evaluation

Reflection and Evaluation:

Next Plan/Follow up:

Session IV
Lesson Objectives(indicator):

Insan Cendekia Madani indicators:

Sequence of teaching (Checklist) Differentiation (checklist)
 Exposure  Content
 Mini Lesson (guided practice)  Readiness
 Group practice/Collaborative Workshop  Learning Profile
 Independent practice  Interest
 Assessment  Product
Vocabulary, terminology and phrases: Essential Question:
Planned timings Planned activities Resources/Materials
Beginning 1. Let’s begin the session by 
Salam watch?v=aIwbrZ4knpg
2. Say basmalah  Maglev train
3. Teacher check the attendance
of student
4. Teacher start with the video to
make student mood increase (if
5. Teacher ask student about the
materials that have explained
last meeting
Middle 6. Teacher give the practice
End 8. Teacher ask student to keep
struggling in Physics.
9. Teacher ask the student to keep
their class clean and neat.
10. Teacher close the session by
saying basmallah and salam.

Reflection And Evaluation

Reflection and Evaluation:

Next Plan/Follow up:

Session V
Lesson Objectives(indicator):

Insan Cendekia Madani indicators:

Sequence of teaching (Checklist) Differentiation (checklist)
 Exposure  Content
 Mini Lesson (guided practice)  Readiness
 Group practice/Collaborative Workshop  Learning Profile
 Independent practice  Interest
 Assessment  Product
Vocabulary, terminology and phrases: Essential Question:

Planned timings Planned activities Resources/Materials
Beginning 1. Let’s begin the session by 
2. Say basmalah
3. Teacher check the attendance
of student
4. Teacher ask student to set the
arrangement seat for Unit test
5. Teacher give the rules during
the test.
Middle 6. Teacher give the unit test paper and
student do the test.
End 7. Student give back the unit test
tho teacher immediately after
time is over.
8. Teacher ask the student to keep
their class clean and neat.
9. Teacher close the session by
saying basmallah and salam.

Reflection And Evaluation

Reflection and Evaluation:

Next Plan/Follow up:

Tangerang Selatan, ……………………

Checked and approved by, Created by,

Principal Teacher

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