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0::°\<)7' / by Lee C.F. Sallows

The pangram problem repeated, trials and error leading to succes- the listed iterns. In looking at the above
sively closer approximations. This open- case, for ex am pie, only a fool will fail to
Some years ago, a Dutch news paper, the ing soon shades into the middle game. By spot instances where style has been com-
Nieuwe Rotterdamse Courant, carried an now all of the putative totals ought to have promised in deference to arithrnetic. Shart
astunishing translation of a rather tongue- been corrected to within two or three of of a miracle, it is only the flexibility
in-cheek sentence of mine that had previ- the true sums. There are, say, nine f 's in gran ted through choice of alternative
ously appeared in one of Douglas Hofs- fact but only seven being c1aimed, and 27 forrns of expression that would seem to
tadter's Scientific American columns real f'S where twenty-nine are declared. offer any chance of escape from such a
("Melamagical Themas", January 1982). labyrinth of mirrors.
Both the translation and an article describ- This is what made Kousbroek's transla-
ing its genesis were by Rudy Kousbroek, a rion of my sentence so stunning. Number-
well-known writer and journalist in Hol- An English explorer's words excepted, his rendering not only ad-
land. Hefe is the original sentence: seit-referent account of hered closely ro the original in meaning, it
was simultaneously an autogram in Dutch!
Only the fool would take trouble 10 verify that
his hybrid machine for Or at least, so il appeared at first sight.
his sentence was composed of ten e's, three b's, solving achallenging Couruing up, 1 was amused to find that
foul' c's, rour d's, forty-six e's, sixleenj's. four three of the sums quoted in his sentence
word puzzle:
g's, thirteen tvs, fifteen i's, rwo k's, nine /'5, four did not in fact tally with the real rotals. So
m's, twenty-five /t's, twenty-four o's, five p'S, I wrote to the author pointing out these
stxtcen -'s, forty-one5'S, thirty-seven t's, ten discrepancies. This resulted a month later
eight v's, eight w's, four .r's, eleven y's,
II'S, Switching seven with the nine in twenty- in a second article in the same news paper,
twenty-seven commas, twenty-three apostro- nine 10 produce nine f 's and twenty-seven Kousbroek wrote of his surprise and dis-
phes, seven hyphens and, last bur not least, a ['S correets boih totals at a single strake. may in being caught out by the author of
single! Introducing further cautious changes the original sentence, "specially come
among the number-words with a view to over from America, it seems, to put me
Complete verification is a tedious task: bringing off this sort of mutual cancella- right." The disparities 1 had pointed to,
unsceptical readers may like to take my tion of errors should eventually carry one however, were nothing new to hirn. A sin-
ward for it that the number of letters and through to the final phase. gle flaw had been spotred in the suppos-
signs used in the sentence do indeed corre- The end game is reached when the edly finished translation on the very mom-
spond with the Iisted totals. A text that in- number of discrepancies has been brought ing of submitring his manuscript. But a
ventories its own typography in this fash- down to about four or less. The goal is in happy flash revealed a wayto rectify the
ion is what Icall an autogram (auto = self', sight but, as in a maze, proxirnity is an un- error in the nick of time. Later, a more
gramma = letter). Strict definition is un- reliable guide. Suppose, for instance, a careful check revealed that this 'brain-
necessary, different convenrions giving few days' painstaking labour have at last wave ' had in fact introduced even more
rise to variant fonns; it is the use of cardi- yielded a near-perfect specimen: only the errors elsewhere, He'd been awaiting 'the
nal nurnber-words written out in full that .r's are wrong. Instead of the Jive claimed, dreaded letter with its merciless arith-
is the essential feature. 8elow we shall be in reality there are six. Writing six in place metic' ever since. The account went on to
looking at some in which the self-enurner- of Jive will not merely invalidate the rotals tell of his titanic struggle in getring the
ation restriets itself to the letters employed for e, f, s, and v, the x in six means that translation straight. The new version was
and ignores the punctuation. their number has now become seven. Yet, included; it is a spectacular achievement.
Composing autograrns can be an exact- replacing six by seven will only rerurn the The tail concealed a subtle sting, how-
ing task, to say the least. The process has total to six. What now? ever. Al the end of his story, Kousbroek
points in common with playing a diaboli- Paradoxical situations of this kind are a ihrew out a new (letter-only) autogram of
cally conceived game of patience. How commonplace of autogram construction. his own:
does one begin? My approach is to decide Interlocking feedback loops magnify tiny
first what the sentence is going ro say and displacement into far-reaching upheavals; Dit pangram bevat vijf a's, rwee b's, twee c's.
then make a ffying guess at the number of harmless truths cannot be stated without drie d's, zesenveertig e's, vijf['s, vier g's, twee
occurrences of each sign. Writing out this disconfirming themselves. Clearly, the h's, vijftien i's, vier j's, een k, twee ! 's, twee
provisional version, the real totals can be only hope of dehydrating rhis Hydra and m's, zeventien n's, een 0, twee p's, een q, zeven
counted up and the initial guess updated getting every snakc-head to eat its own tail r's, vierentwintig s's, zesuen r's, een Il, elf v's,
into an improved estimate. The process is lies in doctoring the text accompanying acht w's, een x, een y en zes z's.

Lee Sallows is an English electronics engineer employed at the Psychology Laboratory of the University of Nijrnegen. Besides the design and con-
struction of electronic instruments associated with psychological experiments, he does a good deal of translation work, mostly of scientific and tech-
nicat papers. A self-confessed dilettante, his interests have included ham radio, psychoanalysis, classical guitar, recreational mathemaues and linguis-
ties, impossible figures, logical paradoxes, Sherlockian studies, runology, moumain walking, and writing.


The automatie number-wordselector board that transformed the original pangram machine into the Mark11verslon. On the left, 18 window-deleclorchips
determine the number of g '5, I '5, X '5, and y's. At right four more integrated circuits and 24 transistors switch in the appropriate PROFILES on the resistor-

bearing cards above,

A finer specimen of logological ele- would count lctters and provide conti nu- many as eight discrepant totals might be
gance is scarcely conceivable. The sen- ous feedback on the results of keyboard- perfected through replacing a single nurn-
tence is written in f1awless Durch and mediared surgery perforrned on a sentence ber-word. If hand-composition is obliged
couldn't possibly be expressed in a crisper displayed on screen. Later I began to won- 10 rely on a mixture of guesswork, word-
or more natural form. In ordinary transla- der what would happen wirh a program chopping, prayer, and luck, how can a
tion, it says, "This pangram contains five that cycled through the list of nurnber- more intelligent strategy be ineorporated
a's, two b's, two c's ... one y, and six z's." words, eheeking each against its corre- into a prograrn?
[A pangram, it is necessary to explain, is sponding real total and making automarle I was pondering this impasse when
simply a phrase or sentence containing replaeements where necessary. Could au- Rudy Kousbroek's challenge presented it-
every letter of the alphabet ar least once rograms be evolved through a repetitive self, distracted my attention, and sent rne
(pan = all, gramma = letter). This article is process of selection and mutation? Several off on a different tack. The sheer hopeless-
about self-enumerating pangrams, that is, such L1SP programs were in fact w-irren ness of the undertaking caught my imagi-
pangrams that are simultaneously auto- and tested; the results were not unpre- nation. Bur was it actually impossible?
grams. Lnsuch pangrams, some letters will dictable. In every case, processing would What a comeback if it could really be
oceur only at the point where they them- soon become rrapped in an endless loop of pu lied off! The task was to cornplete a let-
selves are listed (look at k, 0, q, 11, x, y).] repeared exchanges. Increasing refine- ter-only autogram beginning, "This pan-
Following this pangram eame a devilish ments in the crireria to be satisfied before gram eontains ...". A solution, were it dis-
quip in my direetion: "Lee Sallows will a number-word was replaced would win coverable, rnust in a sense already exist
doubtless find little difficulry in produeing only temporary respire from these vicious 'out there' in the abstract realm of logo-
a magie English translation of this sen- circles. logical spaee. Jt was like seeking a number
tence," wrote Kousbroek. What seemed to be needed was a pro- that has to satisfy certain predetermined
Needless to say, I didn't manage to find gram that eould look ahead to examine the mathematical conditions. And nobody-
any errors in this sentence of his! ramifications of replacing nineteen by least of all Kousbroek-knew whether it
twenty, say, before actually doing so. But existed or not. The thought of finding it
how is such a prograrn to evaluate or rank was a tantalizing possibility. Reckless of
Autograms by computer
prospective substitutions? Goal-directed long odds, 1 put aside programs and
Rudy's playful taunt came along at a time problem solving converges on a solution launched into a resolute attempt to dis-
when 1 had already been looking into the by using differenees between intermediate cover it by hand-trial.
possibility of cornputer-aided autogram results and the final objective so as to steer It was a foolhardy quest, a seareh for a
construction. Anyone who has Iried his processing in the direction of minimizing needle in a haystack without even the reas-
hand at eomposition will know the them. The reflexive character of auto- surance of knowing that a needle had been
drudgery of keeping careful track of letter grams frustrates this approach. As we have concealed there in the first place. Two
totals. One smaJl undetected slip in co unt- seen, proximity is a false index. 'Near-per- weeks' intermittent effart won only the
ing can later result in days of wasted work. fecr' solutions may be anything but near in cansolation prize of a near-perfect solu-
At first T had envisaged no more than an terms of the number of changes needed to tion: all totals correct save one; there were
aid to hand-cornposition: a program thar correct thern, while a sentence with as 21 t's instead of the 29 claimed. With a



e 9 h n 0 s u v w x Y

27 ( 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 1) twenty-seven E
6 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0) six F
3 ( 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) Ihree G
5 ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o) five H
11 ( 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) eleven I
2 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0) 1wo L
20 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 ) 1wenty N
14 ( 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) fourteen 0
6 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 o) six R
28 ( 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1) twenty-elght S
29 ( 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1) twenty-nine T
3 ( 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o) three U
6 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0) slx V
10 ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o) ten W
4 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 o 0 0) four X
5 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 o () 0) five y

7 2 2 2 4 10 11 2 24 7 2 5 1 } INITIAL TEXT CONSTANTS

( 27 6 3 5 11 2 20 14 6 28 21 3 6 10 4 5 ) SUMPROFILE

Fig. 1. A stack 01 'ROFILES and lnitlal text constants are added to produce a SUM'ROFILE. The example shown ls the hand-produced near-perlect pangram. All
SUM'ROFILES and label numbers colnclde except that lor T.

small fudge, it eould even be brought to a through neighbouring cornbinations of Profiles

shaky sort of resolution: number-words? Each of the near-solution
totals could be seen as centred in a short Ir isn't aetually neeessary to deal with all
tl t t I range of consecutive possibilities wirhin rwenty-six torals. In English there are just
! whieh the perfect total was likely 10 fall. ten letters of the alphabet that never oeeur
The number of j's, say, would probably in any number-word between zero and
this pangram contains five a's, one b, two r's, turn out to lie somewhere between two hundred. the one too low and the other too
two ds. twenty-seven e's, sixj's, three g's, five and ten, a band of nine candidates clus- high to appear in the pangram. These are
Fe. eleven i's, one j, one k, two /'5, two »t's, tered about 'six '. With these ranges de- G, b, c, d,j, k, m, p, q, and z. The rotals far

Iwenty n's, fourteen e's. two p's, Olle q, six r's, fined, a program could be written to gen- these letters can thus be determined from
twenty-eight s's, twenty-nine r's, three e's, six erate and test every combination of the initial text and filled in direetly:
v's, tell w's, four .e's, five y's, and one z. twenty-six number-words constructible by
iaking one from each. The test would con- This pangram contains five c's, one b, two ("'5,

Ta the purist in rne, that single imper- sist in comparing these sets of potential to- two ds, ? e's, ? Is,? g's, ? h's, ? i's, one), one k, ?
feetion was a hideous fracture in an other- tals with the computed letter frequencies I's, two »t's, ? n's, ? o's, two p's, one q, ? r's, ? s's,
wise flawless crystal. Luckily, however, a they gave rise to, until an exact match was ? r's, ? /I'S, ? vs. ? w's, ? .r's, ? y's, and one z,
promising new idea now suggested itself. found, or until a1l cases had been exam-
The totals in the near-solution must repre- ined. Blind searching might succeed This leaves exactly sixteen critical to-
sent a pretty realisric approach to wh at where cunning was defeated. tals, Counting up shows that there are al-
they would be in the perfeet solution, as- ready 7 e's, 2 j's, 2 g's, 2 h's, 4 i's, I I, 10
suming it existed. Why not use it as the n's, 11 o's, 2 r's, 24 s's, 7 {'S, I u,2 v's, 5
basis for a systematic computer search w's, 1 x, and I y: sixteen consrants thar
32 10 10 10 15 10 24 18 10 33 25 10 10 15 10 10

6 11 20 14 6 21 6

27 5 28 10 5

3 3

23 1 1 1 6 1 15 9 1 24 16 1 1 6 1 1
E F G H I L N 0 R S T U V W X Y

Fig.2. The range of frequency values to be considered for eac~ letter that appears in number-words.

must be added LO those letters occurring in from the 16 pre-defined ranges. We shall way 10 single-minded intensity as the
the trial list of sixteen number-words. return to these shonly. Each set of lables problem wormed its way under my skin.
Though straightforward in principle, would be used to call up the associated sei Neither was I working entirely alone.
the program I then set out to write carried of PROFILES.These 16 PROFtLESwould be Word of the pangram puzzle had spread
its practical complications. Number-words added iogether element for element, and arnong colleagues, discussion sprang up
lack the regularity of numerals (in what- the resulting sums in turn added to the and contending design philosophies were
ever base notation), still less the harmony abovc-mcntioned constanrs so as 10 form a urged. At one stage, complaint of "exces-
of the numbers both stand for. An obvious SUMPROFtLE-see Fig. I. The SUMPROFILE sive csu-time devoted to word games"
step was to replace number-words by PRO- would thus contain the true letter frequen- earne in from the University of Nijmegen
FILEs: alphabetically ordered sixteen-ele- eies for the presently activated sentence Computing Centre, whose facilities had
ment lists representing their letter content. (the 16 number-words represented by the been shamelessly pressed into service.
The PROFILE for llventy-seven, for instance, current combination of labels plus residual This was when rival pro grams were run-
would be: text). All that remained was for the pro- ning simultaneously. It was bad enough to
gram to check wh ether the numbers in the be in seareh of a Holy Grail that might not
e fghi I nor stuvwxy SUMPROFILE coincided with the present set even exist; the thought of someone else
(3000002001201101) of PROFILElabels. If so, the candidate corn- finding it first added a sticky sense of ur-
bination of number-words agreed with the geney 1Othe hunt.
The letters above the list are for guid- real totals and the pangram had been The question of determining the exaet
ance only, and form no part of the PROFtLE found. If not, generate the next combina- ranges of number-words to be examined
itself. A special ca se was the PROFILE for tions and try again .... seerned to me an essentially trivial one,
one. which provided fOT the disappearance The sirnplicity of this design conveys and I put it off until last. The important
of plural S ('one x, two .r's ') by including no hint of the uncounted alternatives re- thing was to get the program running. For
-1 in the s pcsiticn. PROFILES for all num- connoitered before reaehing it. The 'obvi- the time being it was enough to decide
ber-words up 10 ftfty (anything higher than ous' PROFILEswere not quite so eonspicu- wh at the lowest eombination was going 10
forty was unlikely ever to be needed) were ous as suggested, being in fact a Iater im- be, and to let the algorithm generate all
stored in memory, and a label associated provement over a previous look-up table. possibi1ities up to, say, ten higher for eaeh
with each. These labels were chosen to co- Weeks were spent in exploring a quite dif- nurnber-word. in terms of software it was
incide with the number represented. The ferent approach that sought to exploit the convenient for ranges to be of equal
label for the PROFILE of twenty-seven, for mutual-eancelling technique formerly used length; ten might be unnecessarily high,
example, would be the decimal number in hand-composition. By the time the final but better the net be too large than that the
27. version of the program had come into fish should escape. Since the totals in the
Starting with the lowest, a simple algo- focus, half a dozen prototypes lay behind near-solution were to define the midpoint
rithm could now generate successive COITI- and several months had slipped by. In the of these ranges, their lower limits would
binations of labels, that is, numbers, drawn mean time, eheerful enthusiasm had given commence at about five less. 'Fourteen
o's,' fOT instance, implied a range running nurnber-words) indicating their starring occur ar least once; the range cannot ex-
frorn nine up to eighteen (or perhaps ten and finishing totals. Within these ranges tend below one (see Fig. 2.).
up to nineteen). The values actually ser- fall the hand-produced near-solution sums
tled upon-on the basis of pencil-and- tracing out a histogram silhouette. In most The second part of this article, repro-
paper trials with near-autograms-may be cases these are, by definition, situated duced by kind permission of Springer.
seen in Fig. 2. Ranges far each of the six- roughly in the middle of the range. Für the Verlag, Heidelberg and New York, will
teen critical letters are represented as ver- low totals I, g, and u. however, this is im- apear in the September issue of Elektor
tical scales with numbers (standing for possible: in a pangram all letters must Electronics.

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