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Effective Drawing for Designers, Artists and Illustrators


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NdHtb;;;;;;" Fk'ittzra

KErby'sP,erliPeaiv.e .. eJi;r~\1'ed by WilliaBi: Ho,p~h3' m~Jkes me point best ()£ all, '\'OhMOeY: r makes a deSJIlB widlout ~<! kno,w[edge of per-specrive,. win be Ua:b]e w SUe-D a1lbs~[dllnes

as _e slIown. ~n this '&antispiea.,' .

I have deal'f m demil wI'. persp -cove in 't\VO iP,(eVIOllS

h Daks,. Bt:f5.ic P6'r:-ip!e'(;~iu,e. &P,d, Cf"etl,h:t,I'·e- "~r$!,~cli,r.u~, and .'~o nee ~ifi'E,end re rtpeat th~ jnfotma,don helll;'ti'. 9.e~al1se'o'f rhe~m-' portanee e,f p rspeetive dra wing as s~ b~si', [1~ndj!'r~~G. thes£ twO b eoks are f<wo'm'mencl!~d. Unlbkc' ~.ulJ(rmtr of ~y books, Rendering wilb PlUI lind En!!, .... hich d~~U"~~Y ",.do me p.actie; ,Iitil!!:!l of rendering in diat ene m~dIUJl[. do.s book deals wiDtb lhc bask; p:rindples of Jiende.ri'''' U. sim,ple :merm:s,! so '.:;u tin: srudeac C~ pdc[sland .nol: ,om,l'y wilat ~ SII!.en, ~nde[' 31 spled,fi,(; see 'D,f ~mdi dODs, b'~t why le is se~P 11'1 ~hflif parl:icula.~ way, and 'how '~i:!ii 'Wlinder!!ir~ancIDing, canbtJ:, ri,[ll( 1JIlt:o pracrice inn 'lll:~iU)."'O!JS va ri~tY o:f Illrtisric 'moo.ll .. S\iI!lI1ph:: obj~JI such as; cubcs!, reildtUflgurnar prhlms" cyliJil,de:rs-,.OOll~ and 'sphcl:\e5: h~v~ br.i:Cf~ 1ill!s~d, and orndlin;:]Jry, !iln!f:oJ1lll"f.d]ca:ll~dl eDmldiciO'l'1l re described. ~ys[L1Jdyin , ehese <!l,lmple' ,ob,jeci5 ~liiid eonditiO'il"il5m ~t' ~s pO'S!lible ~o e5t3 Mi!!l~'1 3 ~.$.ic u:Jlii,dien'~3Jnd,ms; whiel:a can be IdcYe1.o~c,d and ex:p~,llLd!!:d F~,r filtOre Willi," p,leN shape and Qc;ndi,uon5,.

. fLc1lld .i'.!:,riilllll? 'IS din II:: McO! IfilS 1!15'Cd IX) (illJ1 rn .'1 ;5 i'mLpL~ line ,dtr3 wi !lS ~~~ ::le~~r'I:a! l!'":pr¢.!ii~lI1l t3tion eOI'!Ji5l:il!5IJtle'nit' w;ilt:.h ;::ljj!l!I:'IlII~ IiIIYIJ' d'Ui!!J[' ob' . . o~ ~ ~e:n'!il1JDn. ~ rJJ:r-u:"~1C1f1 rnd(llrfl1J D..f n dllfIl;C.dip1(!!lllsional

Iect; ,r VIC-1lIIY. ProvIded ~b,1.1 a: iii ~ I"cnd!t:Ti'lmg ofi'C r,!l. ;!Iil'l <,!,IQCU-




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Top artray tJ\ue [rue :Kn~iIillI[ of a d~i"gn ~ a ,[\emulering mus f have as i~5 principal olbi~c:ti'V~5 ,:u:;:cYJ ~Cf aad bon~ty; i.e, ~uu.:gri:rf'· [it ~n and SbOl:1IDdl :h~l.rve' other qUilLi_d~;:]]s well, but its first druty is ee pottr3.y the design u·1i!~ll"hf1lLllUy .

The purposes Df [iell,def]~g outside d~.d,gr! mjghrt at first appear 00 be less de mand if.1!@~ How~v!.lr" ]t slnJ'l1~d be obvi,QU s dThat the a~ui,n ~]1 usr hiOl',,"1: the ].~l[lrO~~]f-dC;U a:nd s,lcim~ s 'fu~;oes,sar~f to communW€aJJt)C 5paC&~ d'll~peJ fOrm, I ig'hlt :lind sh3Jd~, annespheFi,c ,crooC"t'li CQntr3'!;lt, re.Kirure and ICOlloii!lll, no marrer ,",'.halt t,',pe oJ 'e~pn~SSiIQn ~[e ChOM~,. -:rh~ 3 rrdst needs [10 under" smnd me 'basi~ pdllTil,ci,p"ie:s because h is onJly throlW!;h the abiliJt)" [0 IIiImdenr~afld and use these valid pff,incip.~,l!s, that he can p;fOduc.e a renderri!II;IJS that ch~~~rr:'ly OO:JJilflll11J1Jn!nic3,tes his U~It1~fII.' ['IOns.

L@, SlU~ UPll ,:1, 'N~l1delr~d aL~ '\~i:n~ ~ s ~ 'two -.r.111~i1J5 iOfil31lepfri;::Si2ill'tafiOil '\,N1]lmIJd, OO:Il1I,VCY'S mfOfllll'l:atl1i!llJ:Il te illm C!,bsct'irvG,1" in a fC?'rm w~1Jic'b can he 1iBn~e:ni;mCld'i. b~C';aJ~sc it is 'based QJliI prin,olplles thar Gon~!r.rmw'lth Wh3'li lSI seen. II mpl'DduQ(!S the :i~llus~o_n o'~ dn~_ ~mdh:imllis 'iiW a to/rom '~b~lft ~he ey~ n-OOClI!1izes 3-S cQ\~s'I~Jtel1'~ wudt Ibo_se seen 'w~len l~Q~]r.IIg 3,[ :I n 3,ct~~d vic'\v 'Or obl'~C(. Th~IIl"c.fOfr,~, [m,e mast cO'flrvlncllmg renderi:iIlgs ~!fe those wh rd. ~ mCM aCC'IIuar.c'ly repnS~1ilJt 'the oorlrud~t 1-'01"'" -:1. .... " ~ .... ' ~ "

- I'·' ". -. - ~iI! ~ol."" """",lISt ,Ill

[i~-a rut)! ~ o !lUI r ~ COftlP. lere undersea ndli 111,11'@ttll""Ij...""If',ii....,.,

~ . .ill L,. , ~ • t. I !tlI "'" I1Jn"'<Il... P.JfI:n~

CI"P~I~_ .:lily .ltnc_ :"qul S~tiO~ ol. ~ ~~ es~~m,t~a! .'ik1~~ 5 'fj~, use, d~~e~

~op an~ ~x:pand tlle~ ro ~m!Id!IJVld~;;.i!I~ r~q1Jlllrl2Jnllnts will resul

,~n c:ompdl!l:ru II:clfldeJr-lifig:S1 liIin, "1"1' d~ItL"!!1I1I .... 'n ,"I.,~. ib.,. - _ I

!Ii Gi' - "'~'IiU ~,r,a!pIIICS.

1 1

9 The seeingl process.

10 lilro to draw it. is lin,.

DIRllal! 10 learll, lD SBI.

la '1M ID so il is fnl , 'ta ' __ ialml II

11 Ian to IIDk it is, first RIBes 11 II IlIra wbll II

11010-· tar',.

10 Ilderstand whal is seBIi it IS nUlarJ ID learn ~B Ilasiapriner IS, i.. m Billing .,

lrawing is I lillpll p_II -I iotlfllre\ing g,allhlcal~J wbat is BirR' WIll' IS


Innledge and IlIrned IkiliS llr' fllajaRible lor ap,· d

- - 'IDOl III


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"ill ill fho ,SlJ!n Irs 'Ih~ prhil!iNl3Jry Illghl'! $O~Ji'ce'~



An undel"s~,andBla:ng o,f die fuilo'Wwng,~rb;DI1 is ~se~tiai te 'OO!frCCf ~~lI.te(:'p(~tatior1 and pDrl"raya,i ,orf the ,~ffecrS of hghlf ~I'I m;w.Q ·di menlsiom a I r·."'prCS>eIU1u'iolllil s mf. til fG!&-dll menslona I ebieees or 1 i~\'\~s..

t Lipl!: is the bas is .0.£ a II se~jllilg.

2 The :51iJml is COIlm sl~d~redJ 1[,0 be '~~:lJe prilimaJ'l7 I igh~ SOU f'CC Kor l'i~i5l pl~ ner .

.1 :u gh~ is sai d ~O' rra vel from irs SOil res i n S tm.ig~;n fIDtun.~ , Q@WfI ss I igiln ray .

ligiht fa~"S can not eh mge dJirecrltoll un less 'd,it~r stri~e a refleeeor '@'£ some lei nd,

S LiCht rars cannot peneeraee solid c'paq~c matter and th:lis it'US,llirs m shade' aJmld :sh::J.dow.

,6 Ali~ mi:JJ~rl:J Is. a lie capab le of refl~ctin,g ~ ipt ,f::ly:5 fQ S1rJ,ftI1'U: degftc:", Any en \'Ic.n _,m[fJ~eri~ I of a Iligln \!3Iu~ :~s caPiillble o,f pflCttiWl,C morehghlt lfuian the sama !I!H,;]J~~I'\i;:d Df a, dar.kcr

V31~i!£. .

, All OO~"II",,,,,, h. ,h. e":~fi,,n of bll.<:k, are Ci!pabl~ of n:~,eetmG some I~ghf. 1L11~r co~,ours e .. ,g. "~MtiJ:, yc'UO!'-~r pInk, ~III>\"-llro:.~ and !'~lIow-orlUllI£ reneq more u &; j]~~1Iil d :::JI:ricl!!:f" iQI:JI1~SI il.l:.g. dark bJu'Ec d:i'Wlrll- !IJ'''''''''''''''' "", ....... ...1 "k B 111

J - ' ..... 1Ci~' ... '"''''~ "'ll~i~'!il U~If, :' !l'~c;~.

lilhll1 b ~hi1:\i'~ tn 3 P f€dkta bi<e W,SIJ~ :)nd 'b, " ."

...... ' b. - ,. 1,., J, ~, I alJlaose III '1I1[,l"j; [jl:!'

""'~ ~r:!{~I"I'~IIlI:G, 'l{N'JE s~e.,n U' mu:s l De ~hit Stalr1ti1llll _" _ ,. . ' ,', ""'~m oil'

8'tO'UiI,dillnlii' o:f dra'llVll nltll' ""''' d""I"l~nrP' e a ' .-I _ .• g ~Ol. ill[ .flo,r all u naer--

~ D~ "'!iii"~." '!or~,!! ~ '1'!IRu pallln'tln,g.

11'2 ,..n ,autonu~ltic aperturel ,referre~ 35~rn sll'\gle le:nls Nfiex came IiBI ~h,8 Oonta!)l:, ATS,. This is lone of a

Ililumber c,~' h~9h~ql!J~II,'ly ,

:l5rnm SLR, eameras [of 'lhi9, type ,a:""ai~ab1e '['rom various, maoufaclu [Ie 1i5~ ~.g. Lelca, Nlltolil, Canon, Olympus,:

Vaslnica etc. The Ic.amer,~ ~s-an insUullllliLelirt ~hjch uS!es _ nght to prod,lll,O€!: • "moohantOi!lI re liuje~rrtgs., and ,canl be of em:mnUlJ!S \!',aJu,e in 1he pItOC8S!i. 01' ul'lldo'r.s1:anloing light.

Pbo,togll"apbs~ \"'~ hich can be considered to be mecha nica 1 render'imgs, can be of t':~OI.Oltl5, 'Value: ]~ de'vdoping an undersrandsng of Hgh t and how it is recorded i~ rwedim,'~nsjo",a~ Jr,;sefJJt~ti!!JIn'$ o~' tthme·,d lmension al objecrs GlI:~' views.

113, The sun and! an amtJeiaJ ligtn SOURiS.





..-------SH1..fTTER SF'EED & FUtI.-cTIOfl! DIA L



Liglb,r rays fr,Q,m the SUll1 and a:rtitmci:d :Iwgl'l- SCH.1~es dilf~r in OQly OIJJe respeea: II~Ghr r,alYs feom the sun trnvel m straight, piIDn:aUd ]jnesl, wh,elf.'cas ~light .r.aJ'S from a, sa mplem O1lE'rifici al B~~' sou r,~~ lr.'adi"a'l~ ~l'Io,m, 3 point. (i:3). Though ill: is, fiJ!~rJl" ,ob,~!tou~ dl:aJlfl~61n ra;ys irc:uD du;. s.~~~, because c.f rJib,!! lim iJ~ed areas involved. ~ n most p:iClIDO[riJa~ pro~ sets me di ~r',GeIlCe from p~Hr,al;lh:l o.f dl,t: SlllJmlII~S ~~gln~ r'3yS is 00 i'mJlliniI~esbilrllal [ilia~'~ ilt can sllJfely be ig)fil,Q'r"od by arnses and deUDeaoor'S. Thlres. knoi\vledm;e th3Jf HGh'1 ['ays from du~ sun are sU',ii'iptancl palf.'3i1el ensbles shadow .'ib~,pes to be see 1I.IJp' ill pitfspeCitiv~ '~~mJstru~iQ~s usin . die ][otrmal 'basic ,,p]~ of perspec. tiliV,e proJ,ectliD.'n,

AS; .,:ut becomes necessary dt~le, ."1IJSp~CitS Qf lipt wUl be ,explaJlnoo mere fldl:y'.

• ...


IBasic c'ptical iaws

or equal i.m!porr:af.llJOl: Ito 3JD lIlndcr.sl1!3Jlmld~Ii'ilJ,g; of the beJu,ivi~t of LiGht is a,l'iIJ ' •. mderseanding 0' 't~e' basle o,ticai 13,\¥S'J wh.tdl include PClrs]u!ctive_" ]1ght and shade, 31l1lJid a.tmQspberic ~ff£c~,~ E:IU:;h of the5~ '':h ree .~:i:n ,e:lemiults. prod~,ces anum ber .of ~f'=cts'l l"hicb :3J.f~ dWSaJ5J!ed as they become :ne«~sa,1tY eo 3 eempl etc Urillld~nifra:gding Dr' tile overa U slUJbj'elCcir.

Perspective projection ~s. the method ,of ,coml:'ininJ; con",erg,c:mce~, drnmil!J~nul[[on and for,~shortenim8, ro prodace an ,a .. ccurare line drawing of the shape of an ob.:it!cf a,r v~ew" \vh ieh ca n be rendered to p:roCJuce a, picro rial represenearlon. Beeau se each pa rt of perspecrl ve p.rQ~ ecrien is based on 01'· ·n.CJlI fa, cts l i.e, is eoasistern l'l'iih \vh~'f is, seen when viewing, the objccr i rsel f, am aceu rate :S~(1jpe olf a:n ob~ect Oil' v~cw ca n 'be- produced.

16· Per,5pe.GI~\iI\e drawJf'!g wUh shado.w shIpes. .



ical mistake made rtecluraJ retldeliil'llg.


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d!o~s 1tI.0l 3,lIow 001" :mor\l'cm,emIf om tne pan of d'l e Obser"L'cr"s eyes (o.IliI,. camera 1""5), nor of any cI@m"", with. the picture, ThE photogra,pl.,er is aware t 1 'If hi 5 COiI.ern ftj~S[ be ped"aJ!, still at the IllO"'''"t he pr~!scs th .. shutler _ ~~lease or me ~Illt will be nor a sinc)e illll"ll<' but ~ Mllrml P'ictL!rc, for ,h~ WID I get Illor" tballl ODe i m .:ngil on hi 5 lIle co. ri ve _ 1£ he ""aOll! hi s phok>graph to eo"., a greater all'a, IJI! QI esr m_e ftlrlh"~ .\\1'1)' fmll1 the sWlbjea ~g flOat his c,,"Illera lens" ill [lell:.'lo:rd a treiirmer 3J['ea.

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21 and ~ (belOW) 1he oone of VlSron-

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\Vhl~n making a dia~illg the artist mus;( :r~'OO['d only the single ~mag~ rh3J~ his e.1'&S can see (']oody w'hc:1fIL [h~f ,re per'recdy still li ke tbe camitll~r3 I jl]lS, BeC3:IlS~ ~h~ In~m~~ eye ~s Iwm~ ieed in the' area 1.[ ~ see W[flen it hi, p~rf~cdy sdll, diJlis l~rII1]I~, known as me cone of V'~siJon, mu5.[ be lWS0d b,·' the ards~: to IL-onttol [he ,amo'unr; of the subject ~Oi be i]lJdludfed imD dle ]:rkRue in ,tfle '~;a ID~ way as :3J phot.oSrap'her uses dle vic:w,61!Ddcr to ' a camera. ] if rhis lim i r; o:f the C'O!n~ of visil(Ul 1 S icno:~ed, ss WM, shown ~n ~h1c ilhj'5~[[ation of rh~ llull'~$"ro['ey buildilllg (18), d i srortio,,:; of rh I: image Mil resulr, The 50! 0001110 III i§ ofttn'5ccn :Iadlt is ~I) KlO\lC the ~Iadan point [the pOliiri"~ 01 the observer's c:ye) 119n ehe baste perspccti1i'c COJIUUuiLm;loll

:fun'bler bac'~ fro~ the subrj~Cit.. . _ _ . -. -. , ,of

For all "pld:o:rud represC!mltatIQII1S, the rrnlJ;:laiiltHIDI cone

vision rO~ lile hum ailiru ~ye is 3.cccp"[cd ,~S s:buy dcg;(\f:~s. Tk~ ~ er-

~pooti vc WID sr~etion (19) mlllsrra I,es how, tI1.(,jIn~ ~l ~Slb:

I ~ 1I5,ed re cj,~ck eh Sil !:hE ~hole of rhe r_eqpire<l5~~I~C( "'~~ of und isto rted ruin IC:h~ nmill~~ pn':tll rt=,. Remti ~,b~ f dThal rJu: ~ 'he

." . h di . ~I .~ .,iL ' h '1 ",J .. r" .. ,' w~1[ 35 [

VI i£j,IQI'1I [15 It ree •. 'Irnt!'11510:lrn:;ruW 31 IWi G, so me e &'." ,.~ .'-

~ ,to L bi b I k d ,. _L rh c .... nc of !II u,IO[ll·

pll'~m o~ 1['1] e 01 I eer rn u &i~ ~ C C U'C JC;f WJlI~ ... ~ e ·v

\ \



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TI .', ,[DU ,o,f throe i Ilusrn!J~~on5 (23) shows rhe dHfe[ie~Ce

lUS g P. "I I l_' - rner ~rf a cube

.". , ~', _, ~ the cririca! ,C)W{!:r,-uoor: 00" I!.r.t _.... .

~ I'IJ tllil'e 'I£"W 0, . , 'L. 1," " £' .. !I... e of

II, ,,]1' n ::I,~,tt-:, ring rekll!iDIU hips to '~dle JI~~U'l\ or 'LII;:L~ Cion

p,~:t:0e[] ~ ~hll[t; -

vision, - ble di : - . f

The Ilnt exam ple ' hows du l!ln3((Cpt~1 e crs w.1~]~ln 0

[he lower-fronl corner of rhe !C~lbe' when mil: raUs. outside rhe

1~I(11IJi,rofiihcctUlf!O~'''ision. "., .. _ .

The second exa,mple S~ilLOW~ the eu be drs WI] WUlliitUJl bur, at

tlhe ",ery I inti'!; of th e cone Ct~ vision, ~hill st i r .~3n not be elsirned to be llmRccc>ptabl'y clgstorr~ed.~ It call eru:,tI~ b,e seen r\n3~ t!u: third exaraple, w~,icl-ru is we~~ iaside the limits 'of tt,he eoae of vision, is preferable ro the second. Naturfilmy, In'~OrJ!lled j~dgme1i1lit i-51 reqilJ,ll~m"ed when cons~d~rllimg the placePle'lI1:t of 01[1 o'b~'ect Qlr ob~jocts wirthill the picture area. _

~W1 (18) the unfortnnaee distortien 3~ tbe I[OP of the blllllild ~ hmg cCDuld have been il'ljl"oidt!d by pi adng the whole bui Iding

"JL' il.. s: •• A._ n·.t' 'L_ 'I

WU~lfl!l11l t.~~e COIiifI"B 0.[ Vlsm,nn,. iu~ extern a,u v'lew or 3 Ir~gnt aug e,

3.5 in the clesest eeener of the b~ildingJ' can never appear aJ5 an ::I ncle cd less ~!h a n n'ine~ d~&T.,~es.

The '~N~:Y~iILTlrtages olf a voiding the extreme ~ ~mli,rs airhe- cone oJ !,\'i5:on s1in,o.u~d be obvleus, When jlt is necessary to work eo these iimi'[.5'1 do, ~HJ' ,,,~,jll:h gre.tIJ~ esre 3JftlJd IJ:HW-er go beyond

th~,m. '


Atmosp1'heric' effleU;:lt'

~tnnosp':~e1ii,c ~He~t is; one O[ ,flrnleITlOS,~' impormn[ optwcal ~ (fe.efS beCtlltS:; li ke P!~'f,spectHl.'e aJmr~ Hth t: and shade, it afl"ect.S,cv,eirydulngdii,at IS seen. In rend, 1'.1g: it is essential to Ilnderst~nd and use ~It ,oOtl!irttdy ..


i 1



The SUJflLi'S rays strike d'rt6 object and. a-re refleClood 'm1u-ougn the j rnter." en i ng spaee ill su.cb, 11 wa:y t~3.'i they are reghi-Clcd by' ~~ 0 bserver's eye (1]' a,)" [~the inoonrenirnl~ spac~ ~,s d~ 'i. e. has no obstructioes, rhe 'ii"gh!£ rays ,C3f1j 1tD3\ld UIl1iUl~ terrupred in ~ di rect ]rurnle ;rIJnd du: (II b!ile"~r wm see 8 sU'onG~

bright" dear image of the ,()b~~il:it.

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. .

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Under InOfm"~l dKl1m'sr.ances th~-s~pon~Ul.rnrs are present in ,:aryiVtlJ,g preportions in OU£' :ll'lmLosph,ere. The l~ghi1! ra,s. te'Rected froll'lll, an G)'bj;ecl[ .,ust tt~ve~ through the atmosphere with aJ~1 of its dO}"1 solid, o[paq ue p;lrride~ ei various p 0111 U· '~;i'IlfIJt's beifo[le th!;1 :fil2'~cb 'm!!: ob'lSe:y,y~r'~s. '~j'\~. (2S,c). Th~t some of d:~ese re'llI.ected l1gbt 'ftwyS wUI std:k:e solids suspended in the a'trtllOs.pliDel"Je aJnd be deflected 'froM dn,eb' er ~e COUiBG 11:'0 the cbserver's eye IS ~tr:rI!~\1.hable. Wit neecssaeilv "ol1ows tha~ if the number of ngb[ f~y:s. Ir'~,C1J(hlngrhe '0. bs~r~~r~'s ey'~ is l'edlWced, ~~~~~iTh ~m~l.e of ~bc' object must 'be reduced ~m InTe:n$~r)t-J brJ~mlll'S§i run.d ,d:al'.nJty. liberdol[l!!:, 11 the obrj~C[ i S closer to the ebserver's w-y~, the lil~t ra?s win 11 a",\~ to pass through less alT:l~@s.p~~re and Iewer of. them \'viU chllm1l,ce d~A~(:'ttioo from '~ll~I'r eeurss by colliding w1lth SQ~ id p-9 rneles e,f some ponll!J~

~M. " _

. .

~ .

. '


· This _ il~u~iI:;]"~riom (26) o:~ five ideaticel spheres placed .tt dJ I ereur ~msitarn1Jces, from 3 n observer 6,emori$U:llfS how armo: '[p heric ~Hcct influences w~t~( is see'lII by th at ,obSef\'ltf. The d.ra'""~iIDg silo,. s bo'~' 'the \"~~uc's i.e. degrees of dtwdmess,

nd l~ him s, are reduced 3S the di5(aVl~e lncr,ea~es. The dark 3J reas 'tend [0 become less d3 ric and [he Iig1ru 3re3~ tcmd to becoree 1,e5$. I'ighr. Thin s r,e.duJ([ioi'il of ooruU~S:[ ClU>ts the obsc'l"\"er [0 see ~ reduction of i'ml!a.~iC i'rll.~c:]]sij,[)· 35 the dinalnce incTc;3se$. ~fmor~ i,de~ticf1i~ spher'es we-re f,]~ced e\li~n ilil'r~~r 3" ay from the obs.en~er, the' mJrffi~.s[ one , '?i"Ol1Ild be ~ltl1 h rd 'EO S~e de~ dy jj disei rttguli s.Mng wei r (hffe~nr ~~dues \vlould be :3l]most nmpos ib]e and ilt mid-r e'lerli bf"di'lIS.c1Jk~tI'

r cO",lze rhem as sp~,el"e$"

Tkislefkc~ can be seen Ln the photograph (27) in which rhe 'va'hlCS jlmt the ~o:r~gfo'll.llld are' s[[loJl:gly oOlnu3.s,t~d;. As rh e ,d isranee f[:O,:I[l rh e came fa increases,. rhesc CQ.IIlU'ilruSts are reduced ru:urril they are Virltll:ltll'y Ilc;~tra~iz@:d,; riley no 'kruger [lave difrerent values and, 'tber,efore" no cODtras,l exis~ between








\ \ II J

2& D~lgraJifll mafic explanaltioli! of the ,aIDosplrt eric hIm ore lla,



1\ ~~

I '-'~

--...._..__ -~-


nil"!l~~!"N.;It"'il"I ~DwliI;Ji1r".t:,~

. It bas heen my experience ·th~·U" ltH'UiI.y ShJ"deats hal;e eonsiderable dlffi,clJ l'ty with rh is concept of [he ~}fe beimg ab~e 1,0 !,ee onl y Qb.iectSlv.llll~ch ri!n~Cf I ight- lays ~I] 5l:B:b a \"~t "ar they can. b e regiseered o[n the retina of ehe eye, lI..lf31'D}' ~!llie\fe rhar if ]igln strikes 3.1]. o,b'ject Be wl~ be seen b'lliI.t [hii!l 15, [Jl1j)~ necessarily so. .. FoN.' exa rnple, if 3U. object :flS pJlac~d so th~l m~ Ijl.hl: rays striking it are reflected away' from the obsSJ·'1.~ir~5 eye] as shown in ehe iUI11lS'lLr~'lLiOfn (30)l the observer \'N'i~1 see neehing.

If rbe 0 b,j eet ~s ,a milnor (d.1e Most ~,ffic ~en[ f,eAecfor) aJncl the eondirion shown is, located in sp~JC~, l\rhk:h ~s out:sid~ tb~ earth's armnsphere and jil~S: armospheric umbrella, ~h,e obs;1!_f~ ve:f \viW] be rorally u:n:al~,a~e of rhe JUiU\O\f"S e~isfe,rrn,ce.

¢.<:;:J ¢-.

~ The su fII ~eflected amllTfOI.

U 'the same rrnin:oi had its an;gle (0 dra,e oDsclr1l'er"s centr~ ~l1e 101 vision aleered sHghtl)r, rhe obSiervell would no ic:rnger see 'the refiectioID of the O:bji6ct ill tb~ :mino,[ b'l!IDt' 'wo'UlI,d see 3 Ieilectiolll of d"lJe sun rhe UGlh1i: SOli rce ~3'4 )., In the ,examp~,~ used so flu t"he observer ~o'Ukl not ~a''!I,e seen l!~,le lillif[,OjJi~ ~~s,a'I"dle.s:s of the s:t:_r~n\G[h, of ~~~bti'll~O[ v~d, It ls :fiun the num1~ ber or s'uengtb. 0:£ the l'ighrUL l'S strikin,~ an obiect 'W:r1Lt enables it to be seen" but hs abilitY 'to ff:,ft"e,Cit tig'i-n rays til dl~

direction of 'th~ ObSCEiilf'l"S eye.

, ,'~, f

' ' .

, ' '

. '

36 A cloud reflected i a minot.


'. . ....

, .

. . . . :

I l



- ................ PAAAUEL UGHT RAYS

\ <.'> FRO· THE. SUN

x >, <,

\ " \

31 Th e action oHJg ~ rays on hQrlzontal a! d ve _. cal




. tf·

. ..

" ' 'I·

r· /



U dI,e atmospheric umbrella 'is underseecd, it will be s~elil that the ~'il~ r ra y£i rdlec::~e,d from ~I[ are directed fa 'th~ henzontal 51Ui!;i!lJCeS at \!.Ihicb the observer is: looking. (J,9). ~O[Jly those hghrll ra y5 d]f6C[1Iy illllyol vlf_d trl \~'bal[ t'he Cl bserver s~-S are 5Ibown~) They strike the hori1;on raJ sWIJ['fac-esj '\~~hl(h beceme \"'e.~ effici~lI1t refleerers o~ Ughr [,3YS in [he direction









_, _ UGHl IM'1S 4'''

---- ........_~-----.L-f

I ,~-

--- '

--....._ I /

..... 8


. ....

- , -

, ...

40 A iTaO-re oompLex aJf~etnent of horimntaJ ru . ertieaJ planes.

-B:-"_',SUtl_-,- ~


/' ---





\ ~~


// \ /



-- --- ~- - / \


/. ---


41 A r,elild'l!t~d oobe - a ene-po.i II1im loonSiJr,lLIdion.

__ .....-. 1"'_ J --

·42 A comparison at a. "eooere.a illi!O an

u-n i'fUildered C1IIIbe,.





'\, ~#/\

.: \ ./

The met 'd'nlat under norrnal ocmdi,rioIills, hori 2:011.[.1] surfaces WIllJ always 3pp~ar lighrer [hSJ~ vertieal surfaces sean hll. d'Ut same l:iGi-bt is of en,OI'rmO~S valllUte '~o d1uC renderer, Us,inG this irdo\rm~,tion he can clearly establlsh the dlm,; of direedon between AorizolITlJtalana vertical surfaces seen 1m ]ip..l (41)"


-, "\.

This inIL1&lr.~rt!On (,42) shows how the iil'lJ[roducdon 0. dllis ,ch:~nge o:f v ~ue on the· vertical and IU)rIZomlm] SDtf3.c!!!S ~ , dmc ~~~dere.dJ ex ~'mple gives a greater i llusicn 0 f 3 {'bird oi men ~ s~O:EI~ bCC~1lm5C rA~ \l'31lfi~ tiom b~hNtH.!'n the n 0 $,urfucl.-'S ~s conSls.~nt lVI t~h ,.optu~31 reality, Th~· c;;'-";:;lfnp,lc On d1C r~~hl does nor: ~::U!fl~ this c'Hd~·mJ.ce of opr.ic;]m re ali [)' .1.l1d is~omewhL'n ;;) mb181!10115.


- vertical

A sra ric plane is one that is seen at '..,:1-.,.

observer's centre line of vision A II ~ .. ?I>'.t 311~les IiO Ihe

is seen at an angle O!be~ rh~n ~ .. ~'naml' pl~e IS one mSI centre line of vislon (43)' I ," II nhs< tang e [0, the' observer"s aU ~L "I _ f _ . n a t __ Ie examples shown So far

we vernca SUI aces seen in r ah I· b _ - ,

which have bee . C ~g. r ,lave ceea staJ[lcplanes,

reflected ." I., een. complete Iy s h IIC lded ~m ,a'll)1 dfccri'\rc

_. .. ~g)n rays frolf:iDl the atmospheric urn bfC<l'Ia- Th'

silieldt~ C:!lIlSI$ the difference in value between !l..e v~n:ic~: ~Dd, ho_nzon~a~ .5,I.U~fil(:e5, [0 be' considersble. In facr, under rh~e CH'CumSt3!nccs. the difference w~]~ be the grea~sl seen ?T me .?b_serv:r,. b~c~uS'e as me vertical surface is rctared 011 Its vero_ca[ axis It ,\Vlm obviously become increasingly a'ff~c[eo ~y h~~r_ray:s reflected by the armospheric umbre1illa. The result wUl be a slight Ug:h~eninG of the- Y3]JI.\le seen by ,the

observer. .

, Thou~ [he re fl ected ]:ughlit r,3JYS born. the armospheric 'UJ [11,br~lrna \:YJI[;11 far the most parr, be reflecred dO,W]'1f\!"rards to [he base plane others from the lower p'3rt of rhe atD'iLo\Spt.'erlc umhfieUa could be directed in rhe I~ner~] direction of the observer's eve, Some surfaces, paJtlclld:ul)r rke ground pl3ne ,an~ others very ncar it:J could reflect Uchrt rays which wou[d strike [he angled 'v,~["ticj;1l] plane and b£ ren,e~l!d WW8fds the observer's ,£'}re. Even :it Sn1~ II i me-tease in the jl momIU of ndl~cl1ed ~ilh'[ wru]] affect the value S~~Rl b,' the obsePlcr, blU un doer norm 3,] eondi fio~s t~e 3 mount 0 f ]imb t reaecu~d by d)1Iiamic vertical surfaces will not eqiJjJ~[ rh~t reflecmed 'by

ho rizontaJ I SUJ r faces.

As rhe hewght olf the venial plane ~lncreas~s i'[ wm rellJecl

molte ]jghl rays from the ;armospher]c u,mbr,dla, towards dtt:

observer' s eye ("'.at}.

Th~ obst:H'er sees. (he 'Vi'!'r1i1Jcal pJane as a dlr'nill'uic 51J.u:i:aJce

Qf graduated value w,m'th 'me ,d.a'r'kJest value ,~H rlll~ ~ct'\wgs'~ parr, ru the hejght i, the vill U~ bC.;Q(;unes lliCh ter beC8·~.5~ dJtC:: surface becomes mere ~fide~r in ]~:s abmty· to '1iCIb!lcr. light rays j:n thl: d~fcaiom {lif rhc observer's, ,eye ,4.'5'}: _ -'

Whc:n this p,rinc·p]c is, 8IpP]'Dl:d [0 a nUl!1lbcr of Idell1ll~C311 cull,,~ p I aced on" above the o1h e r, me val uc (11'1 Ik. ""rucal surfaces seen in lighr will bl! darkest 0:0 the 11~wt!~t. Of'l~ and wi I ~ bemme progr,ess,j ve'ly ]igh'u!'r ;:I'S: lllic he:lgbt Inc rcascs


.~ ~.

.. ~

'. ,






_ --;,' ~' .



I •



4S An exp~iIIlatiQn O'f a

'Ve meal plane extended lin

height .




:~~. .. .. _- .. ~

..... 11 .. _ ..... -".. I

:~ ~.- . .. ..

. . (OJ.,: -: ~ .

.. II .... ~ .. ' ..

,j--. "r.,._ . ; .. ~.

II -,- ,<.. .. ' "'~. _._ • ~ ..




\ ,


I /


48 A p'ao of the ar1nmosphenic umbrella..

491 A plano l . Qtmos h t m ,iBnli'iOws.




" ~

.. y"





I r ~
\ I ! \


\ <.

=------- - ----





SO An ob~~uver locking in ~he dilreCU[l'Il1 of 1lhe su n.

\ I I


51 An elerva1ion o.t a:tmO'sphe nic ,eHI~utt,

/ /



I l

\ ,

. ,:, .. :.-:'

, ,

. .

, .

,. -


, U me . observer in the prevlcus ~Utls~rBJtiO:Il is rotared through 1 S 0 degrees, so d13t he is nOw icokilliil g ~JIri the ge "fral direction olf rhe ]'igil:1t source, i.e, the sun, due area behind Iilim ,JljtUJ1 ,:ga~n bave Iirrle direct efooi:1: on 'whar h,le sees, whilst the rest or the atmospheric ulI!l[1Jibrelm,:lwi n contribuJtte ~o

wh sr he sees (jIOl~

H the e~ev adoifil, and pilau are ,(';o[l'std!E!red '[(lIg,ed.1crr, j:~ can 'liu

lWndersitood n()"\W! I i:Chrc; rays refl,ccted f[lOM ::JJ 'I~rlcr: area (If t:b~ annospheric u nllbrel hi l'lO'ldd be capab]~ of 3 fb:([i'rn. \\I~ tit the observer S~f:S (5'1). Th .. e e~m~mt ot the a m,QspherLc rumbrella is extremely imporrallt andthe s'rydl!rn~s 3dv~S(d ~~ neither 'Il1fJJderes.tim,atC' nor 0I"erestiI11;)IID(l: its cH(~t o.~ t"r1ll3t IS seen, In rendering, II s11'n,le dia~j['.a'im or d~ camdliuons can

of~em hd!p wl"af<n pfobr,lems 3Jr.,~ enco'lllllDteRcl.









,~ 1!Ifr"

GAn,n ,of buildings and tree.s,.


SAl An ObSerlllQr-lodldng :at a wall.

The sun is, the l1ght $01I.J'rce in this ,alusn~ujon (5:J ~,~ S:O' the f~ces of the. buHdin~s v.~bkh Ire tlJrneci ",way [,om 'clIrlt: SXUI wiU be in sh:a,de .. As prev~o~SI,y InentiOlledj the S~flJrle lares of the buildinls at whk'h the observer is lookiWrg wi}! be sligh'~;}' d~rk&r rhan a side wal L :5i0Cn in light, bec~us~ a side w~~t wit', be in It positic," ",11.I~re il",m p[obahiy ren~cl ~OPl~ ~ ircnn me 3J:r.mospheric ~Dlbr,~Ua ool\~ard'$ the o'bseh1ICrIS e~, This particnhu aspl!ct ol sl.1rtaces ill various IO"",ri~ll~ wllb

~gllCd ro the atmospheric I1l11brdla is disc~I5S~<1 In lIIore

deta'il ~alie.r.

- ° ..,

.... "",~I

~creD' U51« f!jIN0_

56 ,.e Qround pl:ane.

The gnJurnd plane is, pr,ob3hly the best example of .:nij, parrieu la r ,~S pea of I igh t [,ellec:rjcn. Tho,u!;b the gool!lnd is ,:.1 generaL1y Rat plane (S')~ 11: consists off m,an], fiillle F.m:n~,desof various shapes such as pebb[e:s, none.s and ChlSl", c~d1 or \vhich is capable of [r;,nectin:g ~igbll~ rays in othe'l" thap d~

m ain d irectlon for th e ground plane (51).

The main di rectinn olf the re fle~ted ~ight. rays wi'n be lunl

anglle eq ual 110 that formed ~Y ~l e lilG;hit r,~ys sufkil1lg, 'me generally flat ground plane, but It can £l'l~llr be, soon thaI every individual srone, pebble, and p~lIde 0; d.usr h3~ chsnees of directioll on its surtilice. Eacb of dt~~r tiny s~f

!:Ii " ..... k . [t 'lIJde of d1 ,.

faoes is. cap:ab~e of refi,f!ccing l~&lIt rays 1111 it 111Ul 'Il ._

ferellt dWf,~ctions.



\ I

59 'e Suo is behind ~he

otcgra._pher. as indica~d - ' . s -adows, but

~~>SB 'he h U.e b.urklin91 is ac og as. a refledmg

SU - - ce ~ i .e~. 1t eplaces the atrnpsphnc umbrs'll a I '~he

e . cal fao@' o.f lnekerb is aa er than" e n orillontal su· ace,.



If this simple cube is examined tt wm be seen that serne of ~iS surfaces are seen iiiL t~gh.r a.nd some are seen in shade l61], The cube also cases a shadow on the groiurnd plane and, as II!;;"(P eClied, this shadow 1$ in the opposiu: direct km '~·o the: I~giu source. To understend how the s[~'rt&ces in sb~de aad 'S~a· dow rn ust be rendered [0 pro duee the mus~on of r-e3nl)' ~ h is n ecessa to undefst9.lfld i~ and how they 'T'iU 10 e af~ecrod b)' retl~cued ljght rays. To do mis ie is necessary 00 [examine th~ conditions under \~hich ehe cube is being \rielV£d.






\ \ ~



_ _ Rs 8l;1JOIiI inm 1h e ._e area.

_ By fDmo''''ID'Ilg du! ljjg:h e ra}'$ from the atm,osphericlIJmbJdJa rr can be seen, how those striking the horizomal slThl1ldow area a~'e almost all re tlll::ot~d 'bade u pi n ['0 the sky, 'SIl) [iliI~u '~hef are vt rtuamy useless to 'the 0 bserver {6'4 j., ·\ftihn: i.l j,s; '~r1IJe '[h:Jf some few ~1~n rays wjJI be cUf~cood &,om the s'nadow :]1m rowards 1th'C' ebse rv~ r (orh e rwise it W,C ui d look corn ~ leldy black to him), they ale very few and so he sees a VlftLJ dark value, Because the shade area js a wcrdcal plane, tihu! lighr ra y§j f[\um til e atmospheric uwbrell:il wi I~ sl'dke if ~Uld be directed downwards to 'dtie gj['o'~Iif.lld plane and from mlrwerc back UJp jn~'o the skl-1'" This is of Utde v3i,ue eo lhe (lI~U;~r"f. However, .$'om e ot dfDIc I igbf :rays, fro mIL [he aU110spl~er]c ~Pl· brena striking [he ground b ehlind the '0 bj eel wwU be re OWf_rl, 'into the shade a rea :a n d from there [,0, the observer's eye. TItus C3USCS me " hade area to a.ppe~r ,a Unh,~ lrughrrer i'n \~a~~c thatn rhe hcrizental shadow area. The 31cfual value :5lCC~ ~vJIII. ~~,?f wjth rh e f!,ffecri vencs§ of ,rht, source of the rdl~~[ed, hc.hE '~~,~!b} ~

. i_ bvl ~ rhe JlTLOre 11,6'1' [

wffi1id~ sClfi.ike rhe shade area u'd,' 'f D 'l/IOI1U~r'J 1" '..d "

dl. d b 'l. ~,- 'II... • ~ ·1'1!Ii!~ rer [jb~ sh;a"l;.I!c area

ray£ arecre [0 t e o Dserve.r: 5 eye, rill~ ~, ;&"H, '

wmJI appear.

69 A dlagramn oJ vi1Itues.

An of the oondit'ions, discussed so far have been app,iied in this drr'(n"l'iruag (69). The object is seen under COBld~tiof1'S eonsiseen [ with a h;hlt source localed b~~l i nd rhe ObSI;;!Aer and to 'h'~s ~~ft., S!u,u:l~ a reas 3[~ haJtlched, a nd the I i'rlle of Slel~Hust;,OIl is s~,m.\.lrn. (The HI\!; 0" '$~pa!l."t3Jriul1 is, du~ line bet'l.v~en planes seen illfl Hlht and those seen ]1' shad,e.) 'This careful tden1;Uiication of th~ hne o,f separation is an vrtfi~mely~Mporl:amlt St1!PJ which 1S often 'ignored b1y th~ i'llcxpcrielll,(edJ. Of equal im.poFlilfu:e is iClite ~d€~f!lJtiic~JtiC1!il of the light, sh ade and sha~IDW areas, because eElic'b D U5,~ be rendered using irs correct value, s?, 'd~at tl1u,,, cha I'1Jg'(;}~ oJ d'ireetion of tlu; planes w in seill ~e seill'lll nTh tmre :d,l::!lJd~ :tIf!I,d sh~n;i~,w ,aJrea's ss tll!:J' appear ill r,e~lny.

1'JiI. this dh.\gra~l of values (UtLe WllU11 pattern) each surface

has. b~tm_ slle CBJfe~ SJ Rtl101Jb er fr'o:m 1 to 6 to indicate the grad::U:101i1 from me 11~nest to title darkest value.

1 The ho:r1~ontat su rfaee seen in lighe is die lightest value, ~ The ¥c'f"uc-al sUirf.aJce seen in li:g1trt .

.3 The :hori"l.o:~tilJI SlU' Iaee (lJ1IJi!rl,~nidrt;) seen in shade, '~ The vertical Slul'hu:e seen ln sh:ade.

STbtc ,vertical §ILJ rface seen '~n shadow.

Ii The A,orizooral "u'rf .'" . L.:I •

_ I. . . " - - ace il!lEl 1m. :m S!li3,I[lOW • ., F~." .-I ... rL t 1,

0111 tne ...." .... ..1 ~ .. 1"'" ~iIJ .... 0(1 LI ,1toi;le5 vaJlIIJC'

• ''''l!IUerllm g;,

T'~ tlr\llQ~d iP essib e eon fusion i I J Id b '-- - '

][lUnD b~rs g!S~d for tl _I' . d ~ !OU. . e, seressed eh 3.[ the

ord~r o,J d;;1rkirlf:S _1~ ~k lWC 1: e nn 1]000tlC:1l ~11I,dica'r~ only rhe

\l'3~.,lIes :r~li;I,t~~ eo Stll,_° ~ 'I~_ siLI,rf3ctS a~d do not indieate r.b~

I ' JlU,C;:: va IU~ scale wh 11.... ·'I~ 'IL

at~r (see )'l'. 69}. '. .~~. lien Wh~ ae intreduced

Because ,of irs poswition ~ [he u~,derside i, il mort er~dtl'l~ re f1 ector d}a,n the vertical slane seen im sh ade a:nd '"~ II. dU~K· fore, appear sUdldy I igh'lcr (6i)..

Though this i not [ht: iiii'll £I I flenderi'liiIg, in in15, :snh~:s, wt hews a srron illusion of 3. third dilllu:n5Jiol'! and is al:3SY l'D underst nd 7m). It ;5 reJisonab!~' ucce)5n.1" btu ~a,ks 't~e . rnp n m[ lern nr of 3frTlOSpncric e ~~ an 't\U! dyntltruc

urfacc . th di51::JJflJCC between me obser\lcr :me th~

objec orpart of [he objc;ct incre I~e.~ [l1u; image wm.b~m,~ I~~ de r ~nd I ~ harply defined" ,becil\a~e 're~,er 'll~.~ ~3r l will make rho; loumey '1thrnu&h l~' 'lJJ1Wpnel'C ... nhou

being deRc ed from [heir a~i,gll'lill coursf!.

Th~ obsen'el til) is ~ooking at [he ;round pbne~ a heri:zon;t:Jlslll'rJact, 'I1,~cedinR ~n{o diu! ,di5itamoe- until it dis:lpp~aFS over du~ herizen, The part dosgsit 10 him ,w.·U be seen a me truest \!:iI~,liJC 100f this lr.ori~m:n;j) 1 5U rfaee and ~s It ft~d,L.:'Si from lili'lfIl \lis, view wan lID~ interfered wi rh by ['he a[m05p~C ri c d\f~[! 50 that b~ wlH '1l10 long~r see ie at its true \;3I'U-:. ~f th~ Sl,lrJaoe go~~ f~r enough 1noo dIU! distance, it \\·ill b ~NpO~~ible for him EO d'~srinEui h (h,e ho~izonul P'JiH ar iJ! .. beeasse ~t wni ~ecom_e neueral, in ,common "tlE1h t!V€ryming else. Ob5e~a'n:IO'~ WI1JI co.mfirm the ~cufralizinG e rea- c ;:nmospbcflcs Qv~r gt'1l;]jf distances.

This nemnli-nng effect reduces J.I~ \r':lj],ue'$, ba:Hlm ~~~[.:JJ nd ~~~l' as wel] M 3U celours and, rex mrre.'§, {\O a nt:~ull~ con'. mt:L~~ t 73 ~ olllt:duf),. B~quJse al1l'1lQspnerics IC>I ~S, lJhis neu ~

[rahlln~ lit starts iPlme:di:ndy surbCl,! b . , ~~

from 3D obs _ ' ,d. ,.' • ee In eo receae

p-,.....31 <elVer am 'llfLdc r ,most lnIorm31 circum I nee

roceeas at III consr "'1'- t r h ~ ~

I _ . .n.olJ ra e, so [ ,It wll'Ji c\'cn rd' .

\l3~in! wliJ 'at: S'ffCIl a's 'll."" < .. t ... , d .1 anon ot Ih .. ;JiUIL r [JjC~ reel!: cs,


- tm~heric effect mess Ilgr t an dark

rues aslh e Illlista,nce' from I e -observer increases. -e IfBSU'll is reducing

COn l'ms ts.


,.._, I




- ~ T "" gm - 0 panels.


__..I 1"6, ~r the l'ieceding surfaces IJf thls small box are carrefulty e~am~ n.ed • gradations of" val ue can aiscsmed.

1:9 A cut cube, wltli1 ,SJtmosvhe~iC5"

aD, AII!J absbacl desEgn Clf a U!t~.e .. e-dfmemsion.aJ pattellii'1 based on sphel'es.lFhe 1Ilm.91 ~Itwm ks eXlflemely useful 10 Ihe aJti5it Ql iTlusbtUa,F ~rre5fiieCI~ 01 the IMpe O'~ mcp.i"EI'5.'SIOIi'll er me:d'l'u m ~lmo.sen for 8. ~lcton'iaJ oompo.silitlin.

The Ion 3.1 pauern ls eJ<.ttliemely us eful u~ rhe artist o~ iID~_u~ rrator n.o. III arter l'tll ha'f 'type o~ eJ!p':reS_s.loil or m~d~u,~ _ IS dl~SC'~ :mOL[ pictorial co~unulDi.~~rion.' This 'p.en-:ilJfi_~~II;w_k. ]1I~s't:Jia.uon (810) SllOl\ S a d],ree~mm~nsmnaJl COlillilJpOiH'JlOn I..HiI~ng_ spheres as me eheme. The .Iocauon of the sph~'res., whem,er tlo31tlng in £1"Q,nr- of the rnam par~~'Tm ~Iaillle o~ [akm~ 3 pes ition]!nD ~tl' is cO'nuoUed by a cembinarion of 1~1U 3_nd shade ~nd ~tmtno5pb~ric effeee. The iUusi!Oll o~ d~~ th I rd d unensro n is aehieved wit:houf. the use (ll.f per,spc I:Itl ve '1!Th the UU1 at sense, but' is d:u~ resu lr o:~ the o~;:u:ia'i ~fi_d~J,ce by w:~ i eh the obst.i!'ver's ere esraD, ishes [he location. of surfaces Il!L space and ID !E'd~l!Jti oln toone an orner. Th i s effect is c.arefuUy oonU'OUed and ,eveJj{ st1'rf3,c:e has been rendered ~!Il'Ii rel aeioe to i6 n~-igbbour and 'dle desig~ as a \Vhoh:~ so d".3'[ the observ,e'f sees exaed y 'W hi8Jf he ~s ~rr.litendcd to, see. A sou nd understanding of I igi1ru[ and sh ade and armospheric effect plus 3. good wiI,)irkU:Mg of TJD.~ ~]('m~",t.5 3J'lfdJ pr:in.c:~p[c:s of design (COlDpO~ sieien) are dle essentials for this~ q,rpe oLf rendering,

LlOHif vAI..UE I ' 111'1

U~h r values reiJecf ,mo/r,e ~ight[3y 5 th am dark 0 nes (82).

Whe~ dl![\0e dJIfurel1t values a re S1!J]jbj[eCti~d ro we same 3'mOUI1l![ of I~Ghlt, t~l!e \\rb~te s;ulff:u:e: reflects 3D amO\IJJlilrf o£licht egmd to t'h a:r sn:ilking ill" 'tb~ mid:-~y ome r, 1:1 ens olll)f about hulf the tU11LOliHtrt Orf ]iglit: $;triking lr and the black surface re:Accts IUD:D1e. SonU~dl~lIlD(g must happen '[0 tb~ ! i ghr rays m3J![ aJ~e not [jdle-~ i'Il~,d, 'Ye'ry ~:ruMp]y, 'they are absorbed by rhe

iiluma dfL~lf st'Fuke.



12 light vsllue5 refract nlOJie Hg'nt

(\( • .,1 e_"prrience h .. "" rl:u in r«,lity bla k objlcCf5 aftd , f ~ '" «~on ~" .. har is kl\b ... n 3§ bl~d~ mllS( be (!'C,ued

~ur .lL",,!Ii ~.!I; ... • ,. - til'

in re .. "I.rilll: 3; a .e.,' d,rk gr,c,·. ",Iudt IS c~'p"b~e I) (,ellen-

lOG Il!l11ough li~ln ~or ~t 'tilJ b~ set:n", . '

lb" ''"I'0rt"a~~ OJf thes p'II1Clph:§ m~Y nor be e ... Klel1l( 9.1

fim. bUI in m8n~ .. :!lderil! < ",lI.rrc it is not ,31\\'~)'s possible '" work fr'JlI1 direct Obi"" luan, [lilis knolO'ledg,e of [he 'lI1ounIO, lil;l<,( b.;11 r~IIL"::ICd 10 or from a sl!r~ac" could be

~'!j,('n [i;1l.

UndcrslMding rhe .ffecis of the ~umospbue amd rhc prill'

dplt< "f ,dle~riolll and absorption ,.nllbl~s tho: renderer ~o cld~1.I ~:J~~ extJicd'r "".,h:ll '~Jm happen to j 'surface ~ no rn~[ter wh ::11 [itt ~igh ~i IiLg rondi ~ions ~ II~ Dr where rhe S,(I r f;)JQ~ is pi red ill reluiol1 10 tho: observer- II prodll.wd witholllt this knowledg" ,lid ehe skill 10 appll' if n ~elllderinl: 1;311, and II~II~II. Will, lack the subtleries lI·hiclro Me lin imp Imam pan (d rhe works oJ EI .. ...: 1I1~~s~elL"· '.

By {oj 1.o\{VDlng 'light lays as, they ~re reifh~c[~d from ope $JUrr faa: to a!' II nd from dwre ro m~ obs~rl'er'5 eye (and !he siae of the arrows _call!S the dectll3Sing abilitr of I!3dl SLlltaCtl to reflect thlllighl rays}, we <lp~n",re "31~1 of 'illicit 5urtllCl! can be determined um· Tlr~ IWO' ~~rf~(eI .own ,rnl!!Sf be mid-grey b~capse if rUy welf ""Ii in !II;"' .",ou Id be v no Iciilm:tiop ill rlne n,unber of tile 011gJ· llailiuJtt rays finaUy rcllecreil ,in dI,e djr;,~~[I"f""{lhJ: ver's ,l:y0. If die 51Jrfaces were bl~k me. ~~ ray. w<!~11" ~I co,mpl eooly absorbed by the lint r£lIectll'll: sprr..c~, n ,Illb

would be rellecred IiO the second surface Of to dl~ :~i~;': obSElfVcr. !lVha would flat see (he [WO surlalleS• As P

Ell A~br'ec.trt IOfir,8r I Dfla~g'UsfflBII D:F.iiI Lltl:iii§ a LlIts. W'OOdwrl. 1525, jil\n acourarte drawingl based On th e plfifilcipT,as of

pe rspeCtive ,and the o.OflfleCI prOJ ection of shadows lis e5SEint' al to!te.nt r'ende ringl.


Thle dnlwhlg

A;n aceu rate i ine draw ing consrruered i:1l ;iI:(O[lid3m~C \Vien d1f! prj nC~lPi es o.f poers:p~cth'e and r.hj',~('-dli me.mI )i03r1~i Sh3~OW pl['(riecrion is a basic essenr]al fa,r a c-o;.p~re~n re,nd.:r'lng. Howe~e~! jf ~~,e fillai ~,tu,dJeritmc is ,IjO s:ilJld.s~! rJju~_ mqul![i~nnfnJ~ of a sptlC'lic idea Of' theme, eerram decisions mu:,tbL1 rna can c~il1[ng, .:!he Sl'9J'fiempol' Dr i.n relarien (0 the obiecr before

the draw i ng ~'S slta reed, .

The Hh.1lsrr'afh)n (SS) is provi,d~d h~'r,~ lor CO~"CIJj.I~l'LlJ 'G!!U i ck rev i!Sioln olf ~as ic "rrwo'-poLmf P ~'rs~ecDve ,colim:~trticncUI. A fu ~ I exp tana,Jcion can be found _tiro lJ,Qn,c Perspechve, , L

~ . ~ . . ~ I _..I ... f [he cUlll~ aJl'f!

In the om~~pjOlnlr perspecr~. e .:ll.1 il:Yges ill . , .. ...

either ar right 3nl.~e.s to or perallel with dl'~ ,?,bse.rver 5, ~etn~~

I, .t·· ...... I!.. _. II f'·· ,t: th . I.. I'" re:,"'~n ilIIS a 5[11 ~ac me OfII vl~mn: .~ ~~c V'.~·rfu:a~ ,ace :101[ . ,e~~_~e <a_..,.~ ,,'; .. :1i1. Tb,e

plane ~nd by IIlts~lf. gure-s ~.D illusion 'of :I. ~~Ird dlJn1~PiID~~~ , surelevation.of ehe observer s eye enables ,bIUJ'l1iQ. see due D)QlP .. ,' E3Jc:e C1J:f the Cl1 be j w·h id] is a dfnl.ltmr~li.c .pl;;'llDC·. r~ e dYfI:I.?' ~c

. ~ , d i ''11..:- ather. 'tIi1'fJlil

plane ilippear".Ii: ro NC'~d1e from him an _ 1t]5 f~S: f", ' . ~ _. ~.J

h 'I iLl' h ' cl ~ ·h . ·-"·"'[' 1"'" of 3 [hn.[\t!l

t_ ,~ sranc pane WlI'iiliilC _ E'fIU'O· uces tl e sugg~ v m

dimension (1").... .' ~ b

firom eh ~ i:oreC:a,ingt ~it car! be S~eml that the stan c_ p'1t1rc1~' . y mtSiiiJf do€:s nor produce the illlusjenj'jj of ill rJilJlrd .dlm'~P5tOfi bee" 'Use none of I[h ~ elemenrs o.f perspccrlve ni, .P~.s£D~' HoweVer', \\\"hlli:n a dynamk plane is inrecdueed, p.'f\o,'Yl~Jtld n oOl[lfotm s ee the op·t~C'.a I laws, th~ li~'1 usien (l·r O1lJlm i.rd dm:llc~a sion ,us prcduced, Thr:rl:folle, if fie3l ... oJlo::JJJM>, fo~l@i\'YS- dl~[' ~n imlillc,e rnnde up Df dyn:;"IJm~c pll He-S '""""ill~li giv.c ;It sitrong_er d~

U A bale perspectk'l.l!e c@f1s:~rut1i CII fill ,

l' Dlrffereiitt vtsws ,of a CU~'.










lesion of 3. dlil[ld ,dimension 'thailJb. an G,age ·COffiJPOSlI:d. lof s;lacic planes,

The .s~CQnd ex,ample, 3. rwo-poinr perspective, shows the same cube asia d~e previous ex~mp~~ but turned o~ its vernC3J :iI:X~S lmtH Donie of lfS sides is. ~1th'er3.'fri!;1i1Jt angb:s t'O Orr p3ca~ld with tbe ,o'bSl~rver"s eenere linl£ oJ vislon. The observer win S>Elf~ tbe th ree surfaces c,f the rub e ::I $ dy namic pl 3.nes, EiiH;J. sudace of~[s e~ idenee ,o,f tt'he ·thi'~e basic o-pti.cai ~Q),W$ and tlm,e rt!-!iU h' is Oil, mUlch sitro~ter j]]lW!,ioDJ of II f-hird dlml;nsion Elman "!.vas app:rJII'rren'l/ ilUllI:h€ firs,1 ex:ampi,e.


.- -=-.
i J
i J

, . O~~e s.ral~i~ pJI,itlU!'. (l,ffers 11,0 ~:I ~~s],,?'n 0.:( a th iIG. d i:m.~fis.mOJl" but wi al. second sranc p]~ne .1 s ,aCllded, previded ir is ca'refll~ I~~ pJao~d]D 3.'Doofoda~ce ·wu:~ rhe ,ba5,i.'c optical ~~ws din. e re is an': in troductinn of the iUus,ioln of a diruulrd'duMenslon (9'Dh ~he con~itLOn$ lmplied are ~at a second p~uu}c:1 of [he sa m,e SlZi~ as, the f rs t o~,e has been pi 3Joed a Ii some distance behin d t.~e fronr panel. The apparent overlapping of tihe b,ack panel by the lr,ooo:rf one remforces tile illusion o:f the third dimensioa, From itJJis lelViClle.n,C'e~, If (an be seen dun much h as been ~m'p lied by dle C.lJ rerul~l .dlle control a no [:be 'p~:lU:j ng 01 the' second pa~e~. Th:O'IIJ:gll rhere is: no way rrh ar tile s£~e Qif the second! pane] ca [i] ba measueed or r~ ~ disra nee b e["Nc-er.a rhe twO esta!biis~'led, rhere is 31 strong {ed~lIl1l,g' that in reality rrhe [W,O panels are the same size. Ther rhe' ,b~ck one ]coks smaller ehe front one Is quite &<lsij, :JJttrjlb~l[ed to the result of basic o,p,tic-:ai ~a",!s eonsiseene With perspective.

The ruHu'" or 3J til i-rrd dimenseon is furdur rei 1'iI1{()fC-ed h~1 rhe -r~h1lr~p\3irt a-f thl~ illustrarion, whcr~ m.ore p~ullle]s have' been coJJ.reruJ Iy in rro dluoed 'to give ehe i-llrefSWOIILiI that Ithley are Idb~ same size aJJJd ~Qluai dlis.rancifS apart, Any doubes whi,(h m~ghcha\re been in the observer's mind have now beero rePlOlVed~ and rhe evidence is e~sj~y :~n~e.r_pret'~d as 3

srr::rong w: lusion ot d~st~flc_e'. . , '

Ex~ d:J1,;aI:l·o:lfl ~,~ ehis III us rrarnam ,of 3. n~.beJi of s tar de '. els ~I aced b,~]l.I nd one ;:'u!illorhe:r S'11C"WS thalli thOUDb millOI'

lfut[]!.!io' r . .tll i ~. - it!'

drawn, dull! N~llll.:ns~o..n. 0,11' p_S!:r9iU~ II~ es ~~.Ifi1II'ife.fG!IlIi1IG at a ICOIU n;auDi[:

_. . ~ rmlL.,o,'Il rect.-d1e from the ohs~rv~r rs v,ery S,tJ'tonD_

rlll[iE! a .... , ~~!Ior r . b'


'9.'1 Sta'~ic 1~lanll!S _with

. .' ~, fig' lines. drawn. n31cl!l.llL .

92 Ove rlapp~ ngllplanes; of di"~'~e nt .!ii'lZ&S.




= J

I ~ call.o-ver1ilPP·wng tIJ. miner olp,'ti~al I jl'W because i.t is sueeessfu L rOlti.iy wllu~'n~lf is i'll accord w it'll 'l):b~ maier cptical ]a:ws. For eJ(3.m'p,l'~i i~ a numher o:f. sl[~ltic panel's o:ff 'va:rY~lmg sizes are p,ialced so rrbarr they panJaJly everlap one anothet as shown ]n [his iUnstrat!,o,n (9~) ... rhe jj'1~sullt. is S!~'m'!;;\-\I'h3t ,eo:n'fusing", One thing ehac 5S ceT"[~J'ln 15 th~,t the d~l'lSIJQn Orf a [h'1nJ dbnen!don is not obvjous. 'Ofll! m~gh[ be persuaded [hat the dhr;'lw~ 'in; re'p:resenUi rectangles of v~tiOll.lS sizes wh,i,ch cOUJ~d have been ,CUI: out of paper and t::JJ~d OmLC om eep of 1~1IJe oth,~'f in order of ~i'Ze ~ Th~lIJg~ ov'~lI"l ~li!lJS ~10~n used, 1:hft resulr is co~fu'!ii~Jr.ljg ~(~!f n:hl~ ,o,bs,e'rve:r, ~eca_us:~ 't'k'~s O,vll;!1"1 appl mg is noe oomuS,tent \~lth the m3iJow opneal laws,


- ...... -

\ \ \ \ \ \ .

'\ I

'94 A ba.9Jc sl'ladow \ .. - _

m rlSlrlll c lio n. ' ~STA.lI' ION POlN"I'


I A nl~uI!b.e'r,ot differ,enf oomp,oncnu can be ~nilf~ed lOp,ro., dure an dhJS<U).n or a mini di:melU!ii,IOn iwn a line ~nWIJlg;, for e){amlP~e:li a vertical dY'namic panel, if ~}ne~ded foro toe disl' rance.!\vUJ prod'll,ee a oonvindn,g Illusion ,of it [h~lrd d.itm~Q. sien C!=l3,), The same can be sai'd o.f (be ho.ri20n't3~ d1ynamk pan eol ~ from mJ.s i r should be 0 bvious rh at if 3. !i ne cl r,~\~il]gi s made up of dyn;3Jmrnc planes surrounded by lines lr1il'Ilkh conform ro rhe basic optical Iaws, rhe fOUlmiO;uio\f]s of cl1l.! il~,[] of a third d i I'llems.iol'il. ani be effecti vely ]ai,~l .HotV,l!v'tr I mjs is oniy 31 fOllnd3J[,joft and whilst ~t can hdp 10 som!ll degree rI!'O erea re the ill usron ,of a t.b:i:rd dUfliens iO',1iI ~ a, I~ n~ dr,awing of an objeCf can sddolm rjvalrthe ilJlI1[smom created when d:JtC: same Jime drawing is correcrly rendered,

No IIID]] e dr2IJw' nG 0 f 3 n objeot or vi e-w which is fa be ml: basis '0 f 3 rernderi_ng ea fil b Ie considered c'Oml',ler.c un 1"5 the shadow sh apes ~D,r the chosen I ill~r~ SO'lll:rCe h ave been cor-

reedy constr1lJcled on lit. ,

le-caus~ jt is knOIiJN'D mat II_gJrnJit rays from the ~Llfil ,tr3,,:1 JtIiI srfa;igtu' p3Jrail~ld iinCS!i1 vanishing points can be Jocawd! IrI.3 perspectj"rc consrrucrion rolr the actual ~~ghit rays and 'theJlr P lan SJ hod~ (]t,r whrkh a:re necessary fOf [11,~ S',h::lCfOI\,\r .sh3~~ oollsrructioJ!1 in perspc'aiv'C. S~o,wn here '94) is die b~~_nc: sh:ado:w GQn!irrUJcl!~on len' a lOOI~:U: where rhe HCh~ source (t,h~ sun) i 5 beh i nd rll'llC~ obs~F\I'er and eo hislefL hi ('95' the sh~~o~'\' 511 ape has been com~!l~et"ed. Til is p,!'oC'ess i 5 exp 13imm,ed fu I~tr In Creeti rye Pef'S!J',e'cuve.






IS Tho shadow,

is T,,1 ION PQt-ll


e Ime Of S'~lnoail". t

~ .... - Ilg Jon.

'7 The ,dire~l traci ng lllelflOO.


98 A I]g'hil. table'


~~ the fii~. iii 1 ren~!edlnG '~S eo be 0[1, eae o'r dl!e m~ny d.l'~\~ i n.C, pap~rSJ a hght ttIJbl!e !:3mL be used for 8 pn:H:ess similar to t:h", t ~ sed fox ttaJd~; paper, The o:ri;~in:llI/i dr,rilw inK is R)tcd 'IU) the ~gbJt,![:lble and the d.fa\\rin~ p",:'per is fixed over it {98,}~,so '~bat ~hQ lines, can be 1!['''rlJood O~ 00 dl~ !inal sheer,


1 2



I a liGhr l~bJ~ Jis nor'ab1e~1 G'j1'eo vcry .,oad .simpfe .m!er.h,od lor [f'3nst~'!'lting mle OOIJlS'i'inll~'ljC\f1' drm,Yintil ro [he' S~::ILI sheer is fa turn tlnle ,con,nrllii:~ifio~ Sflef'il' laa dO\-'ljIm~,r:aM~ and, II!3lSllffill,g: a Ll!"eillll:51oJ'bab,lr soft JJi" of pCiJI1dl, sud. 35 H~~ ,II, '01" 2D" dra\v OV~r all of '~lb,~ rel'~1#"an t Jines or tlH! cm:JjslruO[]a~m drawing (,"J. PJ~Q! m~ c'Orn~rructjon dr~Wltllh faCie ~lp. ~v:e.r tJu:: tiD3J~ she~c and 6x it so ;~Jl,ar .ilt an~o:t· mo\'C". U5~t.I' Just "H<lUgh P<CS5 .. re MOMajJi) 3~ impdDf all lhe /iBM ~hc~ carelu IJ)' dr,a!'\-\!" over rilcrcqmrG:d Jll'les $0 th ey 3 r~ lJ,Ch m. Y rrami r red tOI tib e :lin ~I s& ee [ be.low. Thlis m,~rhod C3Jli1 JJJso b~ ul:ire~ for fraDS~iii:lI"riIl\llIS G'on.strumCieioJti)1 dl:''awiJl'I!GS' W ,h,!l'}' _ eJ[f~j f3$\hJC!JID bOiil.rd, can vas '@\F an)t I@~t&er sOI,lid 'OIP:;]lq~,lema I!Crll3i em w'hidl the liDi~13.~ r'~In'd'~rj. mighr be .m';il,de~ __

Once th~ draWilng has Ileen 'tlf.'".aJJWiDsietred t'D> dil,e firHiI sll.,rii'f,l[

• "(,11

MiS P05S1f1 'I,e mlo COftlllmenoo It'he '~~lI'IdCil'r,lng. , •

W~C[h.eE peitUcJls pen;, Of, brush Is used, the p~:EJrerl lof:~JS~lf and shtld~, sJ'II .. dowj ~onm:ll:".:m5,r.s, rCXfi!lJ!f'gs and .;umosp,,!'mC1c 'c:fkClt 'w~~~ be the ;$i1Imle· • In odlll;'JF wordSI ~~1 . mC:lJJ!5 of C1f{p~e5s;ion wm a r V3F, b !Jlllih ~ Va him c pa.nef:'JIi! 0.':::J n (lI,hj,a OJ' view W~I~~ $ilor, IIlJ n 1~.5iS' d~liI!' ccqdi ~iom.5 u nder 'wlmkh jr IS- S't'Cilil o:~'re Ch~DGed.,


. 'c10nal 1101 lit! e basl_



The b si ronal pan rn ( noun here U01J in diagmmlThl;K orrn wid! fla 1: ungr:Jd.ed ~one.'il clemon 5 trnti:i that eMAmt, or dif~rence in rene, is respollsible for mUM ohlu~ illlllion of me chang,e of d~,[['tecticm of the slmrt.cfs .


l' 04 A d!!liIgr,arm ~f b'-ue, ,,_ U "s~

The in troducrj(JII1 of . (_.

t11 cub, , I .1"i . 'I' at.mosPJJle~JC ,dkc[ 1[0 t~t SUr 11 res of

ell" - - ,te C U~~5. e~~d~ zone to be. sl I~ r~r IfIIndifioo ,iIi \'dlH'.B

e su rraces recede ''"'''''''m ~I- ,.' I. TL. '

dos s .. . ", . .1"" .... , .. IL re (llIJ)Ser.~fle r, ms rO~aJlIl$ I~J~ Ih~

and :{ pa~r_ of . a -. su rface u. seen ~ ~ ~(S tme5l :,rlilJe or ~~r

,1IL so rha r th t; a rea OJf gee-ae,n COmr.1Sl wEll ol:tur wh«t

tll' iesurfaees meer (103 104).

. T~J ts consisrenr \,.,irlt armespheric eHeer ilnd b3Sl nell ~al,\,rs, As each surface recedes from rn~ob rver'se tL~ v:~dur rends rewards nt!'ul[ra~i rv and ~he ool!ll:ra~t b~rn'M these SU ['!!3Ib'eS l'.,j" be redu cfd: Nil EU r~Uy,~ rhe ~u [1[h er I~~~ recede ~n ro Ithe di:sr.lInce tlo'e ~rC3.ref ('0 ~rue 1!I~lIn;:liif)' '[h~ wiU become ufui~ uirim~'~,cJ}' ,a]l '~'i'i become m.!'IJWI.I <J[1J ~nd~ rimguishab1(' b},' du;!' o,!pen·!!!Ir.

Beca' se ~he S u'rfa ce 0. the eube in we iUMStr3lIUJ'i,do not

eX[je~d [0 gre-31ft diE-ta U'1 ce from rJIJ: obse~et ~ .. ~YC r~t: ;l1P1 ii pb ertc e fecr Ion rhem mlt:!IS,[ be rauJy sJI!;h t Ibu rj ba;uuse a ehree 3[1'e se-en as dY~13f11jcpI3ncs, th~y (a [I'J1,01 b~ r~~d~rrfd:u f.t3J r ren es To do so w'(JuJd ,i,mpJ,. rJlcrlJ[~ flu,·,~ ~r:,e $,~~m: pb~L'.S, whi dl is a con rra dkr.ion 0,' a ~Ii rhe orher 'Ijf!SU ilI:llll1f{)l1l1alll~ ,I n rh e d ra w~nG., The a unoc"ph eric etfDcr IlnU r-,b~ ~Icjjr e~Ou~

II:... :I!... h ;!..J - il.. b· .L.J .. n r dOllDnH~[~

:rr-o DC Si2"~:n, nut ~t $ . OUIIO mot De 50 o,ull{](lJlIS ",rio ~ ~ .

ehe rem deJi~[)g."

Each dyflj~l'mk surtaee olf the cube seen by the observer Is air. J different angl ''tOr his, centre line o'f visicn, 0 tile tiflree surfaces :If'pe~r 00 recede at cJji'ffcrefu.' rates, Because o[~ rhis, 1!"1Ich ,\\1 un have !111 5~i,~hdy di H~le:llilJt am,OUIU: of g;rey-i ng of the '1:O'lIIe OU, its sud·ace. [~Jef~' (lOS) the dllis.raru::es are comparad\lcly sma I[ ~lIiLd tin: refere the di"ffre]"CF:LCf!5 in the rate o'r gl['Iey~ i'ng 'Nill be V£['}' S,mL3U. th is po,l'n'l, is an ]1' a m in OF one LI i m:a"rle because m oy inexperienced renderers exaggerate tb atmosphe ric eUect·, much tl'u,1J: the fu rrhesr 3.11I.1e seen 01'11 a 'sil.rf3,c~ 111m. sha.dc ij, oft.en shown as a I igh r v'alue than t~e. fUlI:'tl~est ~J~U~ c.f 3. side seen in I.i.~hr. Under norma] 000- dit~on,Sll!l ~, cu~ e of tAte ~i"lre shown here rh i' iJS imp ossible. H ~1~ . ~n ~os~hem:~,~ ~f~ect lS undersreod h shoutd ~ e obvious ~r~tiU.I[1i1~ ~e~~r3i~llng, ef~ect on amy s\1I'da,ce seen in light could ~~V~~ ca~s.~ n: W be seen a's a' alue darker than that om 3. sur-

3c~ :seen ]f' sh:td~ no lIJD'ol'n, . h' d" . . .. '

j, .. 1 .. ..l !, L er wnat atsrance 'Vana[[r!one are

~rliYO \feu. - - "" c;!l "'"


si"n. If rhe grPUl1d I'I,~I\~ I~ nor ~cl'ld~r~d w,i1h i(s a~iI1C'Sp!t.o'i< ~fI,cl t\'~ obs~rv~~ is :'Igolin fa<)ed ~I~h COIl\I\~ctUFl,g i.,form=l'~iornl. H"e "knD'~S,1 duu ~~'iI,e base on \\rl'au:h ,tbe olb~~~c-~ ts pl3~e<I i •• horiwnlal dy",arnic plane, b'llt because it is o crcd in t\at il"em1ld~iim,g as a I~il,r! even mile lr '5e~m6 1(:0 be :ic1 ,.Icr[k.l~ sltal~' p1arn:. This may ~ppt!rJjr p~dnntic! but rhe smdent of piClliO:riill f~pfCSien'r.aliomJ ;5, reminded that, to be visu;]I~r aJnd ,gJt'3,pl'i1CaUy lirmclf'L ~C;, ir i~, necessary to presen'f all of ~he ,..",idol,illcC iN! ;I, piu(ui~1 rrep",es~n[~;:!irio~1 in aJCC(Ud3nCcvAdl b,:J~ j" OP[j c~J ~ OIWS. 'I f ~h is is nor done OOrnflL]sion can and ollie'l1

d,Of!:ij re51!. it.

10S A rS!f1d.enng IO~ it c.ut , ock and base p~ane.


As 'i,. '- S[C' W1 .. 1 rt has de vel oped fruit'll the paJbool itM ~f':l! ~1111), '0 hi:l . the practice 0 dra\,\,'in~, anellriOJII to rn ' mll:~[ ~mpor ~'l' arts of ,:1. picture (~he: . entre (iI,f imXF'fst) '~~I' ere l'" ulg m&'<'unum CQifilJi[I'3:U"S in I bo e pare • Srw,dc~u are er COUl'· ,~g,e ' eo e: ·~m~IIi1C Du~er!s T/:u!- f:rJJ~' HowJcme~1 of tilt Apocalypse (112} 3 nd erhe r rn aSI~r'p:Ul:ces of \'(:s~ern .'Jr[ to conf rm rh is {.:I.e r ~a r [h emselves, Th ~ observe nt s mdl;n~ will see rhar ow' 'r devices h9Jv,e al '"0 been used: ro draw :lUl:n:tio!n (0 tho rnrnportallilt parts of [he pi ruee, brll~ (lOJ1Hrl [ ~Sd)1JH m;Jin coaeern here, The QOnJilipe'tenl artise know Ehrt~~!!' musr buHd m - ·mmum eonrra I. at the centre or ~nwrcst ofh~'S picture and thar [h~ adler conltmS[s mw~ be ccnf.roUed, $.-0 the}r do nor eempere '" lrh rhe ~miimin eenrre Q,f h~l:e[t.!SI,

Th ~ sm den ( is remi nded, of the basf ~ priaeiples 0 ~ d!S:~ltn OF oDmpO"'ition" though 3 full discllS"ion of d:JJ~m is OUfSIt!1:' me scope 0 ehis book. TID ·c priJfJ,dpJcs i1I1OC: ~foporriDfI~ Rhythm I ml'~y and D'omw:n;lru:~~ ;Salantlf'. H -,rnnOfilf and

eleen 0 n, Oll!u-r.l· r,

Sam.: udsenries spHr Il:lrnj- and domj;n~!~oei ill1d htlJr· m 0," y ,::I nd selectic n ~mw st:ptc r~la:~ un i [.S, bu [~ w:b,ether [he baswc pri nci.p les 2IJ re c'o ns ide red as six or ~i,s~ r [~l1r~(:Sl '!."lrir~~d)" me:- 5mme b .. nc wdt!(]lS ;1.n:' €~prCf5sed. In ,;in}~ \'.1III~d d~5~~R~ w:hether r\"ro·dimeml·lonal or dl~t!~di.I:J!llJ!i!.ioliii!3t these piUn,· eiples mu .r Ibe sari fied, Becau', e of rh,g ~Mporra!l!l~ of rhe b Ie prmlu:ipJi ,01 . design {rom. i!ri,o,n)~ sru,d' nss should

'Rid]. U1Jem ~in "onjunaion wieh du~if other stllldli' In ~~~. dcs~gn. Or gr.:lphm sO rhae .1d~ ::J5VC'c:t5 of comllmul1lic ill wn,h gr.:l ph i ,-", . ire d1c'l.'ci;ope.a SI mIUl~lri1 n ~Qu:5'cIy. E ve Err,h1inl, houM be used [a, conll::r~b1JJ'(c 1[,0 ~Jlm~ rc:d plu~pmH" of mil: grapbJic eepresennnien, which ~I~ 'to tCOmt'ITUll1icall.'lc :l'I11ml1 ~mi!l.§~ ~""i'llIli ~llf the i I h :11~ tJ f ::I'tn Id'll'riJI.

COl1lit,ra S rs .C]·'~::]lItOO i n iliIItoo:~diln« WiJ1r-Ji. b~5i€ 'i'J'J!uital I~\vs 1C31l he used ;l~ ~mmlpOS~~~O([]9J~1 ~leme.fJJtcsJ b'WlI' witiliJI11 th.,.: cant:~f o~ pictoria~ represenearicn th,it is one (p~ the most dnti· ~uJlr :a nd ,CO:mlpJex ,rob~,ewn~ ee ,b e fac@:d:. COI1lU::t§l is ~m:po rant 'Oec3IU!S'e 0'£ ii's con itdblWd Ori!! 10 thcfocattrm !Or obj,~crs or sru;£aces'm :1I'.e~;uioft to one UJome'l!'" and ee dIe pjc.~ ture al!',~a as a. Wh'OI,I~, E,y c:ornroiMjlllg conrrasrs, the uf;uivc lrnperrance of various ,e~em.,en es and' m,ei r disUIACf (lOrn .c ,obSiewcr can be eSir,'ll.b]~:dlfd"

Th ~s i~~II!!IJ~tr3:DJllOm'll ,llt,3 }r[:n~s ::I hili'D,@S[ fJl1'i:i i"Jel)" en [11~' OOfLlrol of COt.ilfr£',a~1";S ro;r jn: ]~!u5io,n ofrh~rIra'ir~ d~mefJlSiiQrn" Jm aOL:Mdance wi:th the prh':u;;:iples or dcsj~;n! me gJ'f3,tcSt: COlillrr,iI:5iCS are wm 't:hi area o~ dm~ Ci~ntr,e of j neerese and r.hey ,~s,tal~fisb :me' to" ICaJ1h'jom of rille surfaces in this area. ilill f{dlarjon ro th~ ob;sen,.1u" AJI or the o;ili.(!.f S:1l.r.faces, ,b~callln;e Q,f Ilth~~ir V,f!lr'XOUS deg~ of ,contf"3Sltf r3,k{l:Mlp their FIi}:Sllf~On5. relative to. dn,e sll)lliA~,(:~ esi&-::lJlb~i5'Jle~1 in the area of mle' ICi~m;t.lI:'e· of i nrer~,(. Mirnll~mJ1!Jm 11JI5t1l' is made of 'Co.,ll'vt::ntiom;o,al perspecrive ~uul sh,adow (:on5[rtLI~ trion wit_h ~Jtu~'milrOF f;~ctor in Cr.~I[1 nc a 5Ut(UI~ .i~'llnii[O,n o:f:it third, dim'~1ITII s.~OIlm beil'l:E; r.iI1,~ conltrD,1 of' contrasss,

From til is ,gxamp'c jim: can b~ seen how .m;[]jximlU m CO:r1~JasltS cou:hi be' used (0 e51[;3b!isJm rhe dli!ilit::ln(le benv~elJl die ob:se-,... ver's eye and the object. Air JII:aSI[ fDj,s COGl~'d ~e dene .it mhc maximltill. COntf,lIIsts in It-he dr3'iW;i~G were tlsiji:d omlthe dl,oSf-St o bj.:ct or ]l)3!liif 0" 311'11 obiect and , .. I~ orillers, subord~n9 t.~dL Jn other w,g,.rds" by i'QCk3Si:r.ilg the cenerssr ,illil ~I f!l;l'JId~lf"lIin.S r:h~ dis.un:u:e b r.:rWfl~e-J1 ~a, a I: :ulIlcr.e.::J8ed eonrras t 31L1Jd 1['1m 12' tOb$c~'I!"·.s ~ye wi U be' eHec~i'''~,dlf d«rl~a~d.

1114 OY~il'llders. een EJ5i Glmld Spli~.res.


dra I1got a

1161)1e bas- e IfOrlaf palltem for a. cyITnde r.


Thl~s iU~'.5 rrarion (1 ~ 6 j shows h o,w rh!:; ~'i;hit rays frol~ the 5UfJ erea If' ehe b.ask mOnt'lll~ pa ~ferfl of the C)rlil:ulef. The s:h~,· dow cast b)' rhe q~indc'J· on cl1c base pi,amc WI!} :S~~n from Ehc JOWl\:f ends of the' J~IIOI • olE SCP,:'!!lr.imJ,OJi1 0',1111 ehe \i'e{dc~~ surface. TJlDe v.;'lIIlJC r~d3lriDnshjjp5 ,o,f flu: stJIllrf.~ce!i 0,( [the C}-,jillUdelr ~re .sim~Js,r to tth(}5~ of the ;f;WlIDC' dillilcusied ellri~etf! bu· wjth O!lC' imlPOrf8!fIU't dift:~ronC'c: [me '~cil"itic.rnl 5Ut.f;;}CC of ~be .crlilild~r recede from r.h c eb ,'i"fI,I',CII'" ar a lC~jllHI.cmlrly illl1",·.re.u1JI1IS [,.Uf'. WA Il:rca~ rhe verrieal S IJJI rfile'C (il1.f.~ cube It\cred,t,:'.!i, :u ,1 'OMS D{~j[:llii rare,

1 '11 A linear dfagra~ cd tne g~ad'lij@n on '~he :s~ rises of a ,c,~llrnder-

St'l A OlE

The cr3.d3(io~ of rhe ron~ on th- ve ,tical. slMdaC'e 'Ol~ a cylindei'l' will accelerate i3IS rhl! surface recedes from 'tbe observer I i.e. rille gfii:rr~ng pro eess will ~ftl"cJreasc. at a faster rate d.l~n ,ollL the side of a C lib e (it?).

In dl'U5 (i~i nder I' the ~!(1IJest' value of the 'hol'iZlcmital lQP snrfa£~ wi~1 be <If the ,front (1. 19:). As this surfa'Lc recedes from theobseNer i:r ''''1111 be afFe;(11:~d by atmospherics aad become §'1li~d)' greyer. Ths 'nearest p,a rr of rhe!J'~ s~If'face seen in light is adi,ace~[to dIe line of separation and ni!Jtufa:H)' its truest yaJ~e \\' i~1 be seen 1n 'tit is area, Becsuse of aemosphe rie eH~cl and tb,e i m:f~as<inlJ [,31Oe ae t'l.ll'.hlch rJds !!!UJ!r'face recedes J[\ODfl the observer, the nn& of grre)ring of the li',~'I~~ will be sl:uglul~l increased :as ir m(Jv.\~S rou nd the CIJjN'~ of the su dace.

That pa rt olE tlrn,e vertical $'llD r lao" SCe.'D i n shade rriie:ru:-usr EO '~he o'b,sru;ve:r'~S eye ; 5 also nea r 'the Une of sep:ilJ'f~dOifl., The nl'il,e IlJih~pai(a.fjml is located on 'wmilf can be describoo as me "thu~ I!~t:" l"Gn: ~lf [he curved s.LlIlJI'.&ce Ell at: mis observer sees, Le, \\fh~~e d1lf: C31Jf{; of atmospheric ue)~img is at ~ts slow1est" se it much lalt'Ger area of shade m:.'Ut lil;hrr ea nb e coastdered close Ite hi'S ey,e. Because 0(£ (his, the ~J" caused by aemosp~m'ic df~ct \\' i]1 ml,ot Il:omunence at 'l:lrn.'~ '~ine of ~ep ru;[,aJdO:mL as rut d'u~, on the parr. of tn:1!~ Ml'ffa,{;~ ;Si~~n ~fi ~i.Ghf, TIn~ darkest v:d t1C wil ~ remain liIi10re lI)'r less cons [8 nl[ over th i'lI ~ srnall, '1l3,t,le 11'" p~rt of' flu:: Sl!IIf lace ~ b t as i'U:S ram 10,( r'r.!:cerum'lg rf\om the '0 bserVer's Ioiye iaereases so ih~ r:l]OO ,0 f r;re)ri'urugwill i'lIc!['ca,se (119')·

119 A ~l!i1lndBiring of 119 'c,lil"!der.

1:21 An e)llplafll:SU() n of the line of sepalf:alilitm.



The Mlldl!r~nt; of the c;y~~~d&r in ('l1. 9') i s fh~ 'i}e5UI,'f of ideal c'lllnd~~ons being used ta.IMii ,illt docs not t~ke i'lloo ,ac"O@umrfu' 3n}f po~sible 8JddhiO'fIIal 'D'eAecuo,ns \,r'MC!l 'mal' ['~su]~ '(rDIn othe-r. ob'jects olr ~':I'rfuc,es, \\4ricn m:~y be 'Ioc red ~11 'po.ii~t:ions th i~ migbt a~~r. ''!."ha~ l's 'jG~. ~', or docs 1M: !take i.n~o ;lcooun:t aflr)'dlin~, erher [ham a sm.oo[1h~ lig~t SUf ice Om dlG1: q~!indel". Orneit' q~pes of s:l/.W~f3!oes w.o1Jmld reflec;t !ililfi'f. 'fal's 10 dll"e o:b.Slerver's eye ill d~flcr'C'nit w3')fs~!1I~in; ]111 differeilll: 1'I1SI.1 I[ 1lI;1~S'" ag.el1i1. lrre-s.1P eJCriVi~ of [he ~iilte ri;]J~ of 'l/ll,lbic'h tftl e c.J~indel" m~ghf 1D e ~3.d&~ i'[ is '~be 'mnd!e['e[["~ p(ri:riiLc f'u:p!l;nll,s~briUt'f ro preseac an '.ml3!G;,e Q~~ a cyH,uJ'rictIJ~ sb.:lpe and rt+u.rmL imufuCtlm a s'pecilllic s,l1llrf:illcc m~Jtlerj,.d 311i!Ldlolf coloullt.

r.;. ,

Four ,cyLimlders (one of them ~s bO[l'OiW' of d~f£c['ient lTiIa~ ()enai 50 and vahres are seen here ,:w.llj II!lI nder di f£ertnl ide3~ oolllid~ ti OWlS., N me m3 I: 3J~1tho~lgh the 1"0 canon of the obStU1lf'l' and the ]'ighll[" SDu]"C'e may aherin t,~iatjolll m rjlH~ cylillLtJCr~ the: ten a] paeeern :llM1d arrucspheri C ,ti:ffect r~li!lm,a in va ti~. luesp«rive of whether the cylinder is, whlre or bJaJdk ehe rehltion5~ip of the utE ce ~on~s remains ehe same, Th ' darke!5f of aU ""4!il1 u ss wi II be seen ~1IiI rhe shadow cas [ 0,.11 the hCr'ilm:l~ base


An ex~pltioll [,0 ehe forego,illJll~ 00 i.dd be 3 wh ifl~ 0 bjecr Gil 11

wbJ~l[~ base pi ane (nOlt i I hmsfra red). In fh~1[' esse du~ whhl(;' b:3$~ plane could cause :Uii!, upser eo l]:Je ~a-sk ~on,a! p;nrerH. ~If lh~ observer's eyt; weu~ loce red where un DiS DOc'~ re.flcc:tiofls w~r~ 31~'lo'wed [10 ~ n rerfe re whh the ~ deal CQndJ~ti4:ull's t115~-d 100 Cf'eajt du~ basic [onal pau't:nrn,. Olbvjoudy~ the '1IJI5~ of a darker 'villlil(; base plane f.or 3 white ,object "",(nm[d, rend ee darken r~~ sh",d~ a n d shad OiW 3l'ea-S w1lrn,il! fil!~lS a wh~u~ base pl,a nil.'! v,.""o'l!dd rend to li,linen m,~WUl'UJ~ Another variation could oC~1Jjr when a bbLdk obj:ect ]5 1P1aG~d or:! a 'wldre base p(I~Jme" Then if \~oull!d be JlIfIJOS( likl~ly that llliu,1; :5.h:adow cast bry th(t objl.'!N on ,th~~ base plane woulld appear ~i,ghl[I!Jr rhan th~ shllJd!e area fUll tiIm,~ Vgm"

Call '!!;u rface.

The :!imd~ll[ is '~ arned that the modllicarien or wps'et o,f It~~ basle rollJ~~ patwrDil by [ne mtroc.itlcti .. on Q~ special con<imon dO{ls [Jot desrroy its valiciit)f. In (113,) ehe observer is, loc:l!.~cd so dun he sees tlJO verti .. cal surfaees in li~iu. ~1mI\,rIOilill.S~'Y i'l IS P oss~ble ee dl:ln~C tike basie to'Ill;,jJl pa'[I£)ern o'f ~~~sc c:Y~!,nd'ers, 'Orr any ©dU!'f ob'iac[ b, ceneroll ing d~c ren~c~ lIo:n o.:f ~ Iglht 'f31'S. ~JmL !;OllllllC eases this ~s nQc:e~;]Jrnybu'll: ~I[ is nO'[ som' w~idl sheuld b e ,i;n~~mpted b, the in~p~.r.ien.c~d. ll'!l p;ramce the 'basic eenel p3,il1ileir n i'i not an absolute, iii Dr is ir ~om,~thmg w:h~c1IT1. m~5,t be rigidly adJh~red to 3t an rlUfl!!S ~rresp~cdv,e of S:p~ci3~, S€tS '0'( cOL" is exactly \~~h~,t it IS d.~itned eo 'be. it basis fOIr [he 'PDur'i!IlyaJ~ 0,1 '~,um. Onc~ the 11~5i,IC' ron'j~ patltlerrJllli is m~sre~~a5' 5llllld12 ars can erJi,':pl!lrimem: ~I~~_ i'li: and dey!:lop' h to thcho: ,(lIwml spec~,al reqairements, 1f ~:~'IS. 1$ dJQ~'~ 'wiJtil'I'Q1 t~~ co~Jin~s. 0:£ hosle o1Ptic.~'~ laws ~m.1,d. d~e r,ea~ofll!l Ier ~lff1Iy '''"'' ilTial,tio'fIi :iue clear \y 'ex;s«i in the pic~[I iiII~ il:epn.~~~nIt;a,t~on jI !the resulr shoo Irl b eSiJIu::c~ss:rl1t

'!Il23Two rendered c,lind'ers-



- - _01: ____._~.__



. When ,a,r light· one is used as a iba,se p~amlH~ and ib::u:kClorund ,the problems of rtmderi~,~ g\3JS'!i are im:xea:'H!d. Whdst; T.eflected ]~ght is stiU j,mpOlcfrrnt, h:s '~_l'0'r.l3nCe is reducoo. aad tnlnsparencl er [he lsck of i.t becomes tJhe m,aimiJJ 'c!l~mlU!ll1It of dle visual mes.sag:e. The. 'whollc expression under these oondido:n!l b ~QID!:I1II1I,es IliIl.o:r.e .()I~~firllWlt bC(3~se Q~ the iil]lmon (o:rmpl~'~e lack of [caJl,), strong;, UgJrn and d3Jliik cont0C'3S(S of tb ~ type seen in me Bnt examjpl,f;i:. OI!iii,(:C :t:hes~ Stmm,g CDn'tlr-asts aUre dCD'ied ~o the eenderer, the preblerne of prodU!cing .:Jl s. 1lS;lmctory f' [ldell:'~ng are gf>~ady mClI:'e3S00 a,nd work must: be cnrried out. im a very subtle '.fra i' ee 3iebi'~Vle a valld rcstllh. The illus m:rnt~on shows OJ, cyl inder rendered II!J nder ehe conditions (]Jest: ribed j and th(H.w;h lit 1cks the drarnseic i mpaet: of (h~ oJTIe placed agaillS'!l: (be blaik backg[l@~nd ~[. SlruU pf.e-sq;nitS 3. s~ti'Sf'actQry PliOtl1iir'C of ~ ass,

128, A line draWl ng of a Qf)1i'I8,

n.cOOIil" is a slichtly more complell. ~Llbiccu th:m (he ~I" 1'1- der ~mlsPl~,c'h l1IS iJS [unJt;,d surf3C£ sl[o,pes ~n_ read 0" being at ri&hl ang!;;!! 10 i~s end (12l1l-ln many ~al'~ lite rendering 01 a eene is similar (0 ~hal Of 3. cylinder. pa:nielllo[ly "'1m re!l~.rcl [0 t'he ,udac-cs $~e'n 1'n l~g\n and shade and, ~hc line (rE s{!p,~r~


1121 The basic tonal pa.term 'for a oof'lE!.

A 'Sftmpl'e 3.oalyshi of m,~ li:gh~ a,[ld sbad[e, and sh~dow areas shQ!ws dl a't [Il::u:- be 13:\feS sirnw!ady '[0 those of the cy~in,der, [except th f [be ~igh[ and Shade surfa(Ps are sl,[Il)'p;~nG instead of vertical ~nd the cone ~as ~o 'hori7.OiUlJta~ SUd3cti in


The di,;lj;r:lffl t:&19~ ShO\,,\lS h!D'w the ~iJght rny~ fit'om W[jg 5~n,

crca~f1i me 'bflisic tOnl1 iii i 'PiltU: rn O[f- the OOft~. As W~['h 1!he cy~~n~ der'l; the. shadow cast by the: co,ne wi!! start f:r,om ehe bou:o. of tbe l~nt: or separarion on 'me slop~ns clmI"ed S,Uirrace.


One point to not i that lh~ line OL~J.r3'!l coh

- nor rneer the ends of a diafllu~rerot die JSe~ tdO'-

th -lmder, The Ii he fJ[VS C3JI Ern'o-el fu ti OOIE ~

" . -

one's sloping SUI ace man round a \lema] OJi ~ ~

resuns ina gl"~3J~~r area or me surface ~[ng S«D in Iigb~ ~ in shade. The plan (1310) shows me line of KVMabol or, cone and ooe shadow cast 01'1 a JmruoOJ'Llai ase ph '

The rmderm g 0 - h t tor me C\-linder ·~33. and '1do\T 3~ 9-in o Si!f\-~r"s 't!'e and m neurralize, Th t line: 0

I' II -.

or ""-e.t-y GUl~- va u

1ib.l1'i l sharp 1 ine,

'otlhe su raee of


'35 Rerujefjn Be ot

ansp81El'ilt cone ·cdnst

II' and b eat ~rol)Jild8 .

wi1l1t3Ve! more easily throu§h dial part IOf the eone whid1 !lit)' strike mOR direed), dnan rhose parts of the "Urflli<X: ",!lich lo!m aallI: ani:1e& 10 Ih~ di rertian ohlu: I igbi ra Y5. As a n:s~lf, !lInbad- can by the COliC will ha ve a darker eurer a:t which gIl8dLll'lly beoo,mes li~hter towanlts the middle (H ) nus phenomenon can be seen - hen a drinking glass

i placed in SU~ I igJ . r,

Liglu r~y' C3 n l1:alvel tllrou~ 1I glass surface mo re easily

than 1111:1' (lUI pas l.h~OIl~. itsW~(:.'i (136)- Simple experiment w.~n 5hoUi' [hal[ I t ~s easter '[0 see' I~h rough cl'ilsS when d~e'

~b erver's centre line of vision is at or near a right angle 10

h~ surlaee of Ih _ Glass tll"'lJ when his ccntlfl: line of ... isiDn forms an angle 0 say fiVl~ 01 ten dearees to the surface 0' th e

~S5. ~ -

11361 !he' lig~~'p~1l i,n_ e shBld.o<w ofth~s d 111 Iilg glass, demonslIa es ·rliLat Hght is passing more easily U'i fllO uglil the cs'o1raJ su I'fa.fie area lOt Vie glass thrul lhrou:gh m B sides.

This iJillp.!liltlf».njon U 3,4) sh [lIrW5 j ~'Hil m ~tlr lO,f ,co':n~ of ~jftltr· enr rmal!Crials :lnd values seen IInd~r dilf.rfnr OlOnditiel15. Tho 1.1 gil the IDcation of !lie aboem:r's e}'e IDd th~ 6g1il source mighr alrer ,-:n relation ro the roDe; .be lonml pallflll remai n v,a.l i,d as do e tJln e ,3 [Jnlosphcric e ffecl.

WI", .. <:o".id"rimc ,,":,".p"r.". co ... "" such' du"se ",ali' of .!JI"" <lr ~i"';I'" J'tI"'Y.i.i' s, ~"con<iiri"" .I~""d;· d"i «"""d I'i>. rho J;!"" cylll,d"r .,,11 "pply. The o"ly <p~"

poilJ ".m'" i. II> t rhe : h[ld,,"" 1>.".,"''''' . ""." Imp"""'·' d ue t fh, • m. ll"ri" I ,,1 ... l>id <he """.,;. "" de. Theli[do [ ray'

The 11ll0St d~£6cul't of all l!j,hape.s to mende r is ill s,'pher,- b ecause tt is, one oorop~f~X, dynamic sur face., The ~u'r lace 'Eocede-s in ,all[ di r~ctigns from rhe observer, S-OI th~ enure surf~oe nlllD st 'b@ lIendle~ed w~lth. ~;[3JdatiO:rII, of values to corm'rn.un~ ieere i ~ fOUnnn.eS,£j equ;ally ~n ils 11~g'ht 2J I1d sh.aJdle area'S.


In rhe basic iJ);onaL ipatrem 0,( 1!h[s s\tJhe'l'& (~40) ehe 'Iin~ olf separation and the slladow i'l1dicat!c dr'1l~ ~ the hght source IS, EiO the l~h and beh~W1d 't'he obj,eet. 8ccat1js,e l1ne ~lliGbt r ,)'15 fr0'm the su Il aile pa!:'ancl J [he ~l[!,~ of s.cparatio,'fi must b.& ~t vi gjll angles eo dU'IDn :lwd 'Ijj~ill di¥idg 't~e spll'U~re ex.acdy niiiL h;llv~. (Thfus 1S exphlThned tuny in Crel'll ~ ive pJer;f,p,~'ti~~e. )W,d:n [he Ugh'l ~OUI'C~ csta.blish~d, ~t ~s. po's,s,ible to ·kDC':U:~ dliLc area seen in ~~Sh( ::md hat seen i " sbade ~~\d then dn~ parts in 11S11'l.lnd shadG. 'which ,J re fIIe·::"f\~5,[ '(0 [he obse rve ri S !I.:)1'lt;.

11,40 Tho91 b~!i~C tonal pane m of aJ spmen!l.

1 "I A dia~' ~ ""'" f

00se . - r.' ........ I_lll C an

~" "". ~er _ooking 'il'l a sp re [side elm,,~!I!: . .~


142 n,e Oln-t""" o_ •

sp I erle~ . l~ ur map ot Ia.

· . LI~mSF VAlUE

rlMmER _


143 ,A 'IiinisiJ1.ed re 1'ld.'!1a·ri ng of a splj"t9'ne.



· qGHTff'l liGHTER

. ll.e lip.: Olf separation. 01111 sph~re is in reality II sok diffused ~ne ""hie!> is rlmd'lrod. as an area of "':1")' quick cbange froP1l.1~Gh'f tva d.3,rk~ Howe!' er, in the rapi,clty :r.erediug ~ma of the 5phen seen by the observer til'l< line of scpa<at1on D ecomes ~lmos,l i'mpos:dJb~e eo ~d"n.tify. Tb~shadow castb, [In.e spherg will be me da~~esl value on rhe drawing. Thi!i r,c"'~1! (1431 shows bow m6 d.k~r Sb.3dow ill oonjunc[lOD '-'l.Jlth the grsd~don on rhe slIt.face o~ the sp,liel'll: U1! the ~l1usiorul o[E a ~hi'rd di'[[1cnslo1:li and. rOlllldnc5S ow the s~here. One danger wbcn drawing and Iendc:dnC sphll[C'S is 3J~llowtn; the o'ri,cma1 rConfOu:r lines to flemai:[l as \I,~luc dlill1lil;e-S on ,th~ surface, R.ewr~.'betr that ehese C-O]llliOtrf line'S are omDliy glll~de.s f.001 re.nder~al, 311!d dl'e 6n~shed s,l1l'moe mllL1Jst 3.pp~aJ-r smooltl'l and without any s1J.]ddiel.1, o.f value. Another PDint wonk ml>i\riom>in~ is th.1 the li.«51 p",r; of the surhlice of a s.p,hC'[re ~'~en in H~Gb~ sb.c1i,W~,d ~O,'t be 9 whh'e; ~p~t with b",~d cdg_<l5, I'lc<:lluse such" spot will (rea!e we il" h(l~s~on of 3! hele 'rather w3'n a ngbt l'Hl'rt ot [Jbe_s~Jiface. E-very part of ehe SUTbee should be rendered as a dyllami.: plane,

lor any area which does not h""" gradllItion of value .. i!1 ~nd to sp"i1 the smooth roundness of m& sd.bce and die il-

lusicn of the .s'PllLe'~.


/' ----1 ./

. ~ i

j/ I


I .L


--~~~I~_--------~ ~~~~


\ \


146 A n3f1d@rin'fl9 @'~ a Gt1mWlG spimere!.

A chrome sphere o~~f§ the rei'!de~Er :mother set of conditiol'lS (146).l'hou;il it is an Opaque solid its retlecrin . surface i" rDlIchmote e£lideouhap that ohhc Uaflsparcntglass sphere. The SUrflla: of a clilrome sphere is an almost pc~iecI rel1eClOc which wiU reflect evt!ryminll within. its reflectin range indudinl; the base on which it is placed. its 0\ n shadow, the obsc[1ler, the lipt source and the II'LIIlosplu::ric umbrella all roul1d it. Light srrildng it 'I.iU be reflecu:d . 'idl vi roJ all }' no red.uct'on in strength. BllCliuse of th is, [he observer will see deflliled images reflected by the 5\1rfaa: (wng in tbe 'g'~llera~ d~reG(ion olf hi s eye. He will see strong oontraS'[5 and even the smallest change of values on the sud:lce of aD)' ref'ltrct>ed objlect. Ob:se",;atio n of rC31 l[)f w ill con firm rh 311: mO Iine of separation is visiblo on irs surface, but ·t is e5scnrial 'fof the l"ietl:derer t-O locate it in the p~rs:pecci\~e cons uerion because he " iU need it to 'be able 1[0 constrlllct the shado~v

cast by the sph;e're~

The 8U,rJ30e o:f. the ehrom e sp here seen by the 0 b~H,tn,re[" t:l!IICCIli 3d!> "rea o~ appr"",im,,,~eI)' 180 dc~ bOlh horizonuU)' and v '" tic"lly. :If .il:ln ;mgles 10 his <lenin lin e 0 h',is ion (147). Therefore, an object rene<:wd bf Ilk- sl.Irfuce ,,·111 be se ~n by rhe obscrW!r'5 a,. eOl1deOl •• d im,gc fol- 10,vipl; ,h. rurve of ,he 'drf3c" of ehe 'pher". n,. I .. e 1>< sees .of hi",5,,1 • b"jnl; on dlOn p rt ,o,f the .pkere II -a ..,.[ .0 .. ion. witt h a ve far less dismrtion ~nd ,,~II appear I, . conden, •• d. E""'Y.,ing in 1.011,[ 01 [hal cU<:Un"I' "fell ~ of th e • phoro ..... hich re pn:5I"'IS its £tutt cxt""[ se ..,,, b~: rite o~.,er.'":, will be re Ilcd!ed '(J<Il (h~ l'i\lf of the '1'1I.r~ , .. ",h"h II- IS lo"k-





. ,







~ I

~ r


U rbe eharaerer clf du e ,d i s,[JOniJo.:ns seen im:il da,e I"ll<Hect'tGl1Ui [Of a h rnlJil I y r,efJI~cti ve sph ~f~ ~s u nders rood in J!f.flil enillll,erJTJI5 ~I[ ~s. po~s~lbJ e to ICO~J] stru cr j ~ages from the i m3!..giB'afiop or, ,o( ObJIG::CfS which 1113"113 yet eo be bullr Q,iI" m~iDumctuf'td, T1Ii515 [I disd.m]ct advansagc '[0 the desigaer, scm.:iJpro'f or artisr. ,

Stu~ents are advised ro explore mrdier crus aslP~C:( of reflection because a ,S reat dea I can b e le~!FJie'd flom: :ill1lforll1\~d observation" Cat~flJlly mkcn pho:~otrlra'phlis, can aJ50 be ,of ,~n ermous :lssjsrrraru:e i rr.iJ d'TIlis as wleJ~ ~.S, (Ifr.l!b!2! a:re3!S .and ;3 re~!!~ Fe~C~ file 0 f phcnos~apilhi~ ;OIlf 'IIar.'OU5 c b jeers, m3,reril~J5 a ~d [,~xmr'Cs, ufld€'~ djffcreflll[ ]jgJnmg eondinons wUIIJ be up· dmlspc:nS:ilII ble [0 the serlo us seudenr,

149 A rnu~tiriided ob1ect an oot2,'gon .

, ~

, .:.


. . ~


.. ,

J' I _._ .......

. ....

1501 Plalll at an OO~agOI!1 'Wilth light rays and re'llecttoIilS ..



~,_ 'with other o'~ii€l~ts" the m,.p h~i7.'OD;nd. ~~~!l!e ~'i~ll, b~ th~ ~t~t:es't ,,~~u,~ 3.~d tl1i.c pla~'lLe ,~efi m sbade '!aInU be dru~ ,b:fkes~ v:llJ~ue on .~ surface ,olf [~e ob~,ect.; ttw sll ado"" C3I5[ on ~e ~Qrilom::a} g«l1jJiiU! p,1ane '~1U be ehe d~'fk,es~ "~ll,'Ue 0:1. ~~~. 'Ylhe ottaJ6.on '~bown has eh ree ~'['tical p~,anes n, th~e~ djJ'f:ieren~ dltrectlons 'Seen in 11gh~J and one in stl3ide' 1, hlCh..lS ~~ ~noth~~ d:~recdon. The 'three vcrl!i:ica~ s,u'r~a}ci!'S seen U1. 11 gllt \\'lJJn aprp l!~'r as th-rfic d.1'Ef~~~n'f v alu~s h~C3USiC, as the plan di act'3m S.1in,r;)W5 (tsrO)~ i:n.: ~'u'llIG;'i.g erE inC_·ldeno~ and. f.I~iectlion 01 t~~ liGh~ ['~ys. is diih.'!rre1!1lrt fO'f &tJlch 'GIlt dU:5i~ 'P~~nf50+ Pk~V1iC 1. ~\"IU more 11g~t ray~ ,~. dIm direct:ion 'Df the ,!W,b:s.:'rver~s. ~yt:: than w in any o( ~he other vertical pi anes a~i\d SIO· W]~t 1, ave d'fu: tiGh~es:t 'Ialu~ o,f the v rtical p"~TH~S.



I ; j



1 ~, Plan of a ~il'ide,r 'with g t ra.ur:;:· and iI'\~fl~ ..

~.- ''I;;!i _!InOlJlons.

Wben till is prliD.cip](1! ,o.t the rea~crion o(f light rnfi is ,9JppU ed to cUi:rvcd stirf.a.OOSj such as 'diose: of a cy1 ~nd~', [[ reinfoeees the fiesUJ'b ,oblt'3.kled ~sjng ol'lly me principles o~ ~'tlDosp:h.e:dc· fictt. Th is di 3gr.3!Dn (151 J shows thaf me o.~lf bght rays r :Oeaed bsek from the curved 5~rmoe ohlfll~cyJIn" dertcwards (he observee are rhose £rom t.h,e arC3S !lieU in Ugh,;!! and. rh e m ose efSd enr re~\ectiiolii is from r'~ ~t pMU IO~ m~ stIf{~ce nearest me ob,e.rver,. This bask primlp.le of hght. 1Ii,!!n~c.ti'O:nl can be developed 3JU:~! used to pro dace JiJ1Iore eJt~t~ ti vc renderings ..


Am irn porta nr a rea cf)f .1'i~iI1]fdlerwG, where ;3 n unders [311 cli-liIG: olf refJ eered J igh r ra.ys,i.s essefllti 31' for a cerrecr ron,,]~ j~ u~rp:~~ [aboifl is w~ ere :l:di 0,( the S !!!!Iri-:;:aca seen by rhe observer are IJii Up'f. Fo:r (Dnlm~b:, me cube i1m'a [U'Ul! o1lbo~ ~ilill15l1r'aJlrIOI'l (1:S1~ i:s; 1,Q~tc:d SD that ~mpl[' s,[ri'kcs all d~rce surfaces seen by [\Ill!!£'r'VCr,

153 A rend~ rirlQ of aff11 dbJIBCi wi1h slopmg .suife.ces.

Slop~llg suda'oe,s add a Ncl'MLe'f need ~lr. re6'1l£me~[ of the oo(UU aJ~ lielaiILionsbips of the surfaces of ,ob:leas. loglc;ally ~ a sl@p'Wg s'IJ,gJ[,fa,Qe muse 'be a ·~'.31.'Ile sOM~,YherC1 between that on ~ho1'b!onta] sueface aad '[JJDJiI!t on a vertical :SYJl"f:illJ.c-e ~ben all th[1e~ ;1['& seen '[()~e.dter iID M.1IJt or ~n shade, Thc. v~d~ile ~n a sloping s~}rf~JOeis d~rnctly r alated eo its angl,~ 0'£ ',ndm~'[l~:1!] . so t,na.t when it is alll1ii.ool horir2:olmrtal ~r.s: val ue w~~1 be f.a. r 1y ligh([. As 6J}e en.d is progr.~si ~e[y raised to bring ehe Sll r'f:u:e ,c1o~le'r '[0 a \,I\ertica[ pDs]d.on hs value wruRi beenme P.ifO~ gfes'siveiy d::w~ke,r. Th is 'iru~u $'rriianOp (1..53) sho\.,.r,s m~'~'~h'en the 'slop,:imllJG; surfaces 3.I'C '[lei ated tiCJ;:naUy ro rbe v&rtlc~1 surfaces 3. strong i~h.'sion 0,£ a third dimension can bg 3chle\'rled.

Light rays a:re relec1teci, 3:t leasf ~o some d~8ree~ by ~]mos't every s'UIrF3!o.e they stfrnk~ and even shade and, sl)ado~ cam be afiectled b,y rele~t>ed I i.,g·ht+ Ligtlt reOccted fromlfi ,0000,lii S~lf= faees O~. ee obiects rhae !or.~Jj the sllbj,ect or part 0:£ the s~ib~ ecr o~ a !:Ie~.dering needs '10 be coii15]d,tu·'ed 'III'~ry c~['c:fuJI'r" In the maio r ~ty of cases 'its effttts sheuld be l[l'Ioddied :fa.dlLe:!:' than ex3.~e~atled 'because thq can u:pse:r dIe 'mona] ''ll C::-'f an object and url'ru!«sS~'fi1r presem; t-h~ re ndarer '~f]th ad-

ditiolill.:a 1 problems.


/ /

i 16

~ LiGHT RAY .... /


~.--- "-

- __ - ."


-~_ I

~8. iF. LEC1iE'D L(TBT.-. 7 - - ' f. ~ ~1i""LJL I~I

RAV DlRECi 10 -- ~ ~ r-, un _1i.,iIn I




Tme Ii,nal :a speer ,of re fleeted 1 ight to be dealt ,,-vim here ]s d-rta; mhillj9ITLd~rs'tood pheLitom~no.n k~o\1IIrl as rbe hie"''" Ir~ghl (1. S 6). The high l'ight is co~mOO OR objects w]'!I:b ref.],{!Ctive ~ltrmres but is lfCIr, seldom seen as dw:arly un 0 bjects that h ave ~M.arl s,ll'l'bees~ The dla'~ra m SllOWS n!o-w i-i,gilll[ r;a.ys, C.3J? s,'[d~t;: a liny area on an ebiecr's ed8'f!J wh~ch wiU very efific:~endy rdlect the m d~'[iecdy back to du! olb5l~rvefs ,eye •. The highlighl: seen by '[he ,obse"~rwolJ!d be til line of imt~]lst;l}y li,ghtvalue a'[ [he irnersecnon of ~be "~rdcal and he,dz,oRtal. su rfaees, O,bseFv:tMiol't ~s the best SOUl'c.~ of. ~(lj,ffi[fn:riJ'ttio.n amd i'f h'ighlig'ht~ are ~ppUcd w~tb. u1ld~rst.:lnd"'ng aJ.nd ,e_xt"m~ ~ate they caa be o:f coos1der2Jble value 111 a rendering. fh)'weVilH'IJ rhey can be unw"unal~ dlis't[,a!tt~Qrns if they are I'Ii(H: P[O[H~r\y unde'rs,tood ~nd used,

-: ..

w~an the example in 'il:lili-s: jJlllstr3.[Uo[] is a sip~pl. one Cru. 571 j it shows rh at orH~ hi,ghJti Ch·t ~am ,oc:eur on 3 \!'C'rdC;1[ CII.lI'fV!fj-d rnfleli:tive surface amd. a'] the verry srreng highUGh;;'1 ;a'i the 'ulJL'Ij(Jef'S!~ctiol!l O'~ ro e lI'erricai and !the horizont:JIl


157 A CyJinde-r wUItrl simpre higtilUgnts shown.



Ie .. gg'ass

\\~idJ a

. _ genera] u d

IS pos~i~le (0 ex n frstanding of thes , rn~[enals and tend OIlI"S knowl ese aspectsofrend' , rerial wi rh hi ._re_'uures. Glass' I!dge by SlIJdVt ~~lIgll Or co' Ignl}' reflectiv " IS lISIl:lllr a Ira r- DC 1jlIlc][!

_ lourless and' e slJrfaces who h. nsP;Utll't It]

SnlQ th .. Jt can ha . . Ie can b . a-.

. 0 • ribbed or r VI' various surfa .e (OIDgl~d

cussed h . c I!.\."tllred. Th Iii· CU Il'abn en

faced ,perl' 15 lor windows wL ~ rst. use oE c1a~ 10 ~~:~,

, .. ansparenr and .. " !]ere It 1$ usualh . IICUIlt

smoorh surfa .' colourless R' f 51OO~1h lUI'

. ces vduch are high1 . ' .. eca~5e glass hBS ~'O

) re ~eruve rend..' '.

, .... nl"lg HU!i

not so much a prcblem c~ deali~g with glass as a m.3terial in itself but rather of deallllg wnlI the effect of dungs seen mro~gh it and/or reflected on its surfaces.

Observation ShOWi that windows present a wide variety

of effects WhEn seen from ol.ltdoors. Some look light, some look dark, some are easily seen through and some reflect with almost mirror-like efficiency. Some ace a mixrure of reftection~ and visual penetration, while others lire combinations of aU or some of these aspects. This may seem very .ample)!:, but any confusion can be eliminaud if [he basic

princip1es a Til! understood+

r ;
• ~~r

II.,: 158 When seen trom the e~erior, the ~ar,~ of ~ln~ de~nds on the VIewing ~itionwith regarato visual penetration

and/or "efled.ion.



. 1- 0: an o'bserver W"Iwi"iIInli"lIil!"'l a a s ee tog fus.

forexampJe, . hem the ohse . er's cenlr't'JiDeof\i5ioll inl or n 3nightan - ~a to the 51! aee of the gl:;s he hanhe . fSI chance of complete visual p neu<!DOII (159). As the angle between the c "1fe li II· of llision aed die surface of d!~ g!,", deer, ares. visu al penetrarion abo decreas=s and me wOeCl' Ulg ability of the gil! s surfac . increa~~. Si.ple eJlperim~n! will show mIt a y·ery . maJ1 arrgle r dj resulr ~o mtrror H!i=e

reflection. .

As with praCtlcall,.. evel]' upe.u oi lFap~ic _mumcations, me lighting conditiOIl an: of.pmne ImpD~~ 10 whar i seen when Jooking at glass in wmd()~s. Unde~ dJlf~~

. d ~~'IJ ~.JliII the liC

emu: ~ighting condi'cicns \VIm: lOW, WWJJ prol"mU~ _

with a var:iJety 10'£ different vjsua~ message ~

hen render-

- d· "IlS to portray WIfI,.,.. •.

IIil 'h . me :SI'mlpl t con atm~ ~, . k· from outsuie loto :r er _ail'S - th. - bserver IS 100 m,g '. ,.". the

. lass are when .~e.o U' .d r tznese conditions I.

IllS. t ",,~I.l (161). R • so the

':1 we'!-ht roo'!l'da '. .:iu be completely uansparlIDlIren_

glMS In tke· '~ ow . . . d rather tha.n ana y . .' .

.. l . lift [he wmdow IS ieferre _ II b expected to be

SJas'S ,~ I,' ~~d norma !loy ' -' d h-

11 .. ed.Because the 0' ass wou, . ...1,.., CO'Otm, 3rIJ t ere IW.Cfw !Ill!... -I!J d '.b . - tenor 0 Ul¢· ,7 ',_

IHmeell the observer an t em be in its normal pos

. ." en f the glass not to -

IS no IOglCln r~a ~ .' . . call :U:Ctq>~ed. .

Irion ~Ci presence 15 u~om~u Y h observer IS l,oc3.reG

'. 'pbes' ben t e . the

SiDlilar relSDOIDl?lIP, f' window (162). A~l1m,. .

insid~ a room look~ng out 0. _ a d is aecented by l'Dfereooe

' I - . I - en a rent anu 1:5. W'

@lass IS comp[e~:e y tr~'oJJi' _

ralfter tban b ~Hrru$lt:ra.tlon.

I!n QU' 'i''''ro~lu!'Ih a

1 62. Lool!!Jng ,'. c I. U I_~



d am rica when th wa J

/ »:
/ /
/ »<
/ »>
_/ Ev idence coNirrning the p1r"iilciph.:s iJlu.s,rra:wd in the diagram, is MUlch more lea5.~l, seen in very taUbu~~di'ngs, than in a bui[(ilIDlg erE -the neight shown.·· ,evc'frhdes.$., druis obser er 'Would. see min the upper 'w~ndol\vs, o,f th~s 'buUd~mlg at Siti'Ong sky reneCli~n which W'DuM graduall, disappear 3S he rno v ed furmer back from rhe buru~di Ilg. Olf: ceusse a re nderiIlS wou ld never be anernpred hem $D"h a close statioI'! poilll unless

om if a dei3~Th l\\ifas. required,

To set up a peupectiv',e view o,f the whole bui.Ldinl;<Ii d~e: dis,·

lance b ~t\Vecn the bui~d1n,g and t~e obs rver wo~h! have [)O ~e increased und1 the whoh~ of the 'b,uilding could be (0]11- t'al;,n~d with in t\1c observer's cone 0'( ·\!isiC'Il. Th,s incr,e.3scd dJista:noe bct'W'e1cn the buHding and ['he ObSf;["Vcr would .• under normal conditiCllls, allow l:1"I:at<:r yisual penetr"rion of the UPI' er windows sni!:m a lmosl1otal £1 iminaliol'l of ~kl'

n~t.1ll:.cci;on tr.o'm them {I '6)~

T1rr.i.!i should, 'DIIi! OI'biVious,~ hecau sc 'the ~a~u:er d.i'Stan ee will

increase the angle b~t'v/eell me v~sua1 ray ~ndJ the w~Jld@l~s, causinl; a ~eductiOll in rdloctions and a corrllSpondl111l in[reaw in viSlJal pCHcuatim •. 5,imple obse~:irion w_ill (on" iii,nmlL th is, so ~~ is suffi,d,l1:nt W say d,lJat rc'rlcCl'LO[l S on wlndo\~f5 in rend~rjn8'5 should b~ logical iUld u' w~[:h exr:rem.e care.

'1&6 Another ,diag ram 'of an ,obs8l'Vt' looldng ~l a buifdlngr Ulis time from a greater d'lslance.

·E- ECTIO. s




-_ -

. T~l~S sj mpli'ed e."am~Je (1611 shows that renecrion5 O~f on those windows [ha't are at tbesro3~ lest 3Jfi11~;'tes m'dle o bserver's sight I ines, wll ~~S[ vis lJJa] p ~m:[[~f[O:1ll is rest.ricl~ t? ~o~se windows dEJa!: are nearer to pcrrpendkirlhu to his. Slgh'[ lines,

~~en this ~l~meID't'3qr pli.ncip"le is applied '~O a Illrku;'h,ta'Uer

bu iJdliirng the retfleroon of the sky ~w die win dows bC'C,omes sttong,e~ with incfl~asi.rog heipIt., ,Because th'ls bumldi'llle" ~s lecated III a built-up area other blJildingu:re relk.cted D nvh~ Lower 'WW!I dows, The da rker r.e~~crjonu $ ©£ bu i~di rJ~~ ::d]IDM" ~i3l.Wf vis ual penetration 'than the U~~oor reJection bu~ at [be scale of rhls iUlilsrrarrion dlle vi'l1a~ pe-ncrracion wo,uld be vbtlJaUy i_mpossw'b1l1e [0 schow., Und.'1';;t1r rhese ci)'C'I!I'mst31l(:d a com,pl,rom~se ~s acoepl[ed ~nd these I.o,wer ,~]udows :lte

shown dark and wwmoUJt :i:n(erlor derail,.

-A great d~3J'1 ~aD be l~arjH~d f110,m :inillfotmed ob~rv,au~1iI and once ~g,3ilnth:e calltJi]eu, can be ot '~~,es [im3,bi,e y-aJlJl~ :UlI,

,SNdymn,g the effects oi Us:hlir a!llld sh ade, or slu\dow on ldaJ~'~ in varying locations and im differing r~lariOflsbip5 10 the

observer 3]11 d rI'lJC JiSflr source. '

A s,ligbrly differ'I!flT problem is pre5~nred bysmall£f gI.i

objects. f or example, a ddDldl1g gl ass $ ri~ l has aJ~~ of d!ae 'pro'" pen:ies 0'£ windo-w glass, i.e, it is gell.~rai Iy oolllurJc~:. ~r~lli'" pam'cnE and D:ilS r6f1ea:ive SIlrr..Oes, but added 10 r]'15 If 15 3 shaped hollow utelilsil usually based 011 a cylinder 11611). fo,_ruaying a ddnki ng gla ss Is, IJiruerefo~~ b.11Si'f:&IDb' a ptrObl6'm e vilsu:11 ',G!fJ1lliuation, fefl~ctiol!Js ad!~ to a sllighd:Y' l!eSi5er

dcgJ"cm of ronlV'efldon~ light' and sbade.

1_&7_,:- It 5i~ple i'i~flIdenffllg O'f lial smalil bL!nlding., .




ihisrnoillage (1131 shows OJ. ...ariel)' of lairl)' common exarnpl~ I) c,ia5S seen Ullde;: v ,tious ligh?IIG ~onditi?"S a~d wi~b tlifrer"nc background . The retlllil!m11: of III S IS an Ul~e"'5I:iol! and challcnlYDg ,ubiccr ''lith 3 number of special (ond itions which seem 10 contrlldia nmi:b 0 f ",hat hils b ceo discussed. Because of d1,is i~ is wClf1!h Tepe~lins: that if the basic pr inciple:; a ... ' applied, IOuedll",r with 01 rem I observa-

tion, e f uive "m1d~rln:gs, o~ glass m3,y be made.

Rernde rh1.g wals'l1'

80th waUl:[ and glaloS au colondess, ~~ansparlm~ lind have

'r,en~ctir.1L!; sudac:es. 'lPIe:r.l1a'P'S dMl bes.t ,~~y to :i'F1Jtroduce tin:: simil:a~jd:es between rc'nd~r~miliS, ['n~rn ~s d~ hi mll$itt~tio~ ,of. w~!rc:r being poured borll 3 honl~ '~~i!u~r,e bOi[,b the ~~S5 amd 'wale,," 'have cylill,ddc3,1 sbapes, ~lIId, uu)ugh [De W:i.lJ~e:[ is ' Roving liquid, me fWO did"" eru lIl:lwri8lslook almosr identical {17 4) m 'R;emd&[~rnGs. of [b'i'S ·type are !,C 'f~ay l'eql1iroo b[~e.aiJI.1S~ W''2IJ~e.r is u'SUl:2li~~Y seen ~mm n~tu.[e as iii hOtiZOiOti;ll" sPDodi er rOlJl!il, surill'ce, d,,",~nditng 011 it nl! Df boron

'~ndudins v.~ealIb,er c-opditio,ns.

"7'4 'W~l,er be~I!\~1 poured r,rom .8 bottle.


\Valer wi h a cOInplerely. smo.oth sl:!~btt. can be dill ~r u-:W5p:;rellr, 3S "hell conr:l,~"d III a, sWI[IiI",\lng pool, or ~t uil lie an IIIhno&1 pErfect •• rror It 7E1}. Irs appearance IS ikJ tndi.'lIf on rhc angle :If which tile s ,:,,"0011> .~~rface_is s,een, the dep. of the W~~~r :,md me ren~cunl: ability of rhe botrom. In fa Of, water oflcrs the observer a large "!lJricty of d£eclS depending 011 rhe condition, under wh ich il is ,,;eWlld. ScCi'luse of the CDl'i'IPle~ity of rendefing water only du: basic ap,proa('he~ arc COil:llls,idc[cd here and, as w~th g'13.s,ss !hey si>ould be tre"red I'IS a sianin!: poirlr becauscinwrm"d observ~:Eio':Il w~ll! show many "ra:riations" The wise reo,dert:r st~01J Id 10 ok for and U~~!' eo undet5tillfild [he re 9'$0]1S fo f t\1ose \~~ri~.'rio,'fui' bdor.e ,~Gcc.ptin:g or r(!'jecdmg, ehem fOlr d(i:pic~~on.


Reflections IOn the disturbed SUlr£ac-e of waJ~er pl'esernr :II d~n~r,~n t effecr ( lI. 'il J.,

hl the fin:r o:f these 'n!fO iUu srrations sh10wing C'9l.1 01 ',:\'I":'1Ie'r (m SID.) (II reled nJnC ae '~~d:tH iq ue Ih s bocrn used. n·1I.I; second shows t~e b l1nd~nG and th~' 'PO \I i n g;, rende rsd w i'til ruled li ne and i~e w'arer w;ih 1Er.c~ba.d ~inC~H because both are Uflcar techn~qu~~ no cil racrer conmct exists.

RUJ~lcd and fre:eham:llines used S!cp3rafC'ly. jJIfII c<;]J~jc," ;] re inc luded j n th es e graph Ie app,w,lldlC'5 E? rer1l~el'1l p~ Will~U~r. (18 <1).E ffecn '!/ilIJry f,om a I mesr Jlcdec[ fIJI. reor-. [[}:1JI/:,e" ~dh:~ti ens fo dlc; 3 hsenee olf hnag,e r,eAKVi,om ilJ11 ,w1ll~h~r water. One eM3Jl1IIp~le- of luulIlsu;a1 condilCiutIfDs ~s the 601JIlt3l1ifil where waeer is io.rQ~d onder PIP:JS,I.Lr,g inro (hie air :l~d 31- 1lo,w1l:d eo r~u ree,~y'i di turbml I g he ~lLIIltrfa~£ of. dl~ pooL

Und<.: r t:J I'U~ i fill he b a~f e prifil C -lPh:s ~ informed obSCr.VliltD'OIl and prac(Cidol: . re the C5q~ntial51 'oj" oo~n~~I1c:inG flc![I(h:rilll1~S ~{

"""tell' in .any me-itlium.



GJamba sta Pi,arnesi, F{JundatJ(}fI~

0' the' Caslie~ San Angelf:h - etching I 1756. lhlslsa 5Upem

re n<dering Il ill massive'stone structuw1n Ytmich uile 'Ie:;(lu~e O'f lfle rn~teriaHs cilnife~ed wUh gr@et power.

Rerndtning W'O OU,. brllckWo.~, and 19,~orHawork

BeeauS't: Jioc'ks. \r~Ul so' mllc1rn, i'V'Ii :S~7.ii!1::.; shape, 't~xmlre aim d col'~Ihlr it Is dificu'~,t to give l5pcc-illfiic in G:t- euons f,OI[ r~nd~dml . The iUu!itration show rocks of 'va.rious rexeures ~lSI) and I(m1J"b~U~M tu:ntiol~ shou'ld b~ p,id ItO rhe nne ofsepa'r'ilbonj beesuse t'h11S is nc'n; d:l'~ true 'Gh~r,al!c;~,clr ot tliLe S]jilrf~ce leX5 '~u rc of ~11lrlr' 1r000k n 5 'id'r.':nd lied. O'IJICC th .ehae ... ]c~r:r 01 dn: IcXtUJFC:s. o~ vt\It'~,D~~lroek:i is id~r1,~jfi~d dllj2 oond~lrj,ltl& of eocks JIS

c@:~std~[~:b~IY si.npl i fhtd.

.. _~ I •

1 .. -.----;..-

I J ........ -)



f ...

- ~) j

~.. II _ ;m pl. 1-

1 :11 A;ppro:a;.Qhes. tlil. . bri~offk en 'rOUf diffetervl


~.L.l __ ~l"", ."........_!"-.........--~~ I~·~I--~--l~-~--~~~-

Th is is. partic~.d ady true w'hen renderi n:g bricl--work (ll:H;I).

The i~I.i;]!ruoJl of a (h~(d d; mension adds interest in da e t\VO I""ger. eJ<Mnpll!S 3J~d ell amm8ti~ . of them should p!ovide s~fic]e~t ¢Xplan3tl'oin of ho'''~ th IS can be acblevoo. The d]lt'emo,n 0:£ rihe li~bt source must be consi,d!er(1)d ,'Tllnen elmer 10[ _'the 'rwu bli1:gcr-:scaJIe ~eC!ui·ques 'is used. ElclPl:ltloms 1:)' b[Jli::k~Ofk ;JjJiel sho,w-n I bur du~]rr .a.d3Iptati.on eo pel'specthH~ ~~~:JJM1g can be achle\ur~d by u:s~m,g va~i'S~~D,g po~nt5 fer '-1m. . ~~Gu'Jlz{m~J:1 llnes snd by a"PpLyi ng dlc priJ~dpl'eI of fO'[ie-


Sw1lt~wo'rk i!: ~1flp.[lO,fLC~1Jf'd~lJii1. ;,1 si llIilJi'l~Jt' . way 1~1 'Or' ckwor~ ~nd 9,glll'llIfII. '[he anlotl1'llt of d~~II~ 'is dcpcnuBrn: on rhe scale @If 'dw iJ'r~\~~Il:g. "I~e 111 I ri S.ifafU 011 t·~~·l) :s1l\O¥il)i seme 8i'Mph~ ~c:]:fCX!!l,';t)j1i'H11~ory g!li'~ph· e ~rprm!I'H::hM!S eo rep'Fc~,I'ml[in8 :Uo (\t''Ii''"Oi'k.


1 '[I) term Iho mIlla,1 ID for ~tlJ D~'YJs ,EUI~

. Jill - 0'. pgn __ ~""n_nJEI.

Any m:arttcdal can be sncQlZSs'fuUy rendered if the (fill': naeure Qlf its le~,lU,r,e is escegrr zed ' II1IG ~~citlra'l~l· reprod~ood. imrn, the f '\qui'r~d mi!:diL1lfil or t~chnm,qul!o:. TIlt: nU'UIIil'bell:' 0 difte'f\~nJt: m I!: ri" ~ a nd tc)l:,[U res is 0 r,e~f t'h ~I[ ~t~5!r1ll e - ible [0 dell Iw uth :~ ~I o.f them here b1!J r ~ few 0'£ dtlii: fUOf\~ il'lllporta nl[ oncS :J [i~ ~fldllrd!~d [(;II hel,p , rucl~nts w~d~, ehei r own




--- - ~-~:..::' :.:.:.::::!!:.:..._. -

IRend.slflingllea.tneI. fabrics and 111'0 or oov,erings

A iii'C'rnd£'riOlg of am ohjl~ct such as a chair shou'ld be b,asedJ,on an accura,t~ p~rsp~cti\pe drawing and a ,con,ect tonal i~rm:e['· pretallion to show the ~hapl!l and should al!lll show d:l~ il'P~ of uph:ol s~ery, such as lull;cr or fab rle, in mdcHO con~ 3D of 1[]n,C ~sel!ilTia~ imiarm'atiollll,3bout rhe chair",

The chair has been set up using 'the ~'Boj( M£I!b,~~J' f;OiI'

drawing ob] as in p~np~cti"e (11910). This oonsists o:f "p'la~jng~ he o'bljcct mmil a oon[;a;lm~ng box wh;,oh is df~n\l'mn, in ,e~~ ~pcc;tiy,e and, by lIsing dimensions fronl Ike orm~raplnC projeCltlion, tho: lI"wanred pans of tho: box are ftmOll'e<1 to

lea ve the r~qu i red ella i r sb:a pie.

Whc f] h~ pc'rslP~cci'Yc d ~a w~mmlG of ll1uu; c'hlarur ilS GO mpl,~u:d~ 3,

licJrol source is ;:h,,~ep lind me ~hadow ~Iru:!lpcS oonSlrd<<<:<i. t,oftc' ell' .,.."j'th the IJigln ,and. 'hade p.1Jth::rn aJ:f1Id the '~wm,1! off separat~on. When all of these :]ft: oOI,mrpl1c.::medl the drawing is rca d y for Irl • lid . Ii ng in any rt!qllJJi'lfl~d lm,~d.i u rn o.f rech n iqIIllU~.

1 en Fahrlc" andl ~e'a1hel'cove rled Ichairs.

b >Th~_ 'sofeer' klolt of th~ mbri.c-(O\.ered .:hair is Ina.nly ~ ~'C'(}~lS,i~ .of the reduced COin;tr~st between d~e tones and the ehlilln~ail:lOn of ~~fl,~C'red hi;hlicbtsrogcfh~r wi.rdm. ~ rend~ri"g ~~q De dllat helps eo su~~( the ~,e;tft or character of ':he

a, ~1l1"C (1,9t). Com~~[ie th~s sofrel" look of ,th~ bbnc W'ilth the . h~:l:idc[" lc o:k 'oJ 'the ~,e:aJdii.e'[~co'w'IC~-ed d:1L3J~[. Both of rhese c:hiillJ~~ are cove red ~~ daJJL'k :fflflJlll)e'r:i a 1. w hrucb lunrn,akre.s it comp-;'Ifauvel:y e:llJsy ee prado"ce ,;1 M'irly dr3maric f'&Siult.

The_ same chair Covc'['ll!d wi",ll ~iGlner 'v\ersi!cms of ~b~ s~m~ ma:t~nals presents a sl~g'hdy more diffic:ulr probl~mj, because the hg.h~e'f renes do nee allew d~1 renderer (0 work w~ h the same ~3'rge r n~c of values. Tbese 11gln.:r m3.ren3 _ S do not a~w:it the t~XW'r:'C 0'11' ehe ~DJlusiDn of a third dimensiom bu[ are rende f,~d 0 5~G ! j"gbter fOn!&S and ~~dllOBd OOlntr~S~ (192).

112 Lighter versions of fabrr:o- and r,eatli1er~veflld


1.94 Datal] of,i31 h~'athef~ a:!f"tered w:sh~on.

So far ,o:n'~y fabric and leaeher or viny~ upholstery 195 A soolc:m oUeall'ler

snewhed crv~'r rhe OOnOOiJillJfS of 3 ,ch~~r ~3ye 'been cons,ichl:red. and!Wo Jdnds of fabric.

BOldil of these 'tyP!!$ of rnaeerial ~H.lfi(! m3JffiilY other U5IeS; 1:1,-

hoi !ilif1~rl leather, for eJ(:3l'.p,lc, ins mead ,o:f b fl:wg SI r'tetthed

ever the OO:l1mlOlJ:n of the ehair, migIbr be ased 'IDa cover loose

eush iJQ(n~ g~"irn"g a 5dfrer! 's atl-,i'rIJ l' leek, This "com foreeble'

look _~5 suggested by c'h.3ngi~IG tile hard, precise edges and ehe

gy~]]ly graded rones.Jrrsread, SO[rC'1 edges are achri,e,ed \\·idl

DI.'!J,te (lo~ ... ing lines ~nd the 5W1Jrfaoes are broke~ up lro rep.r~-

sent ]rg~f!llt and shad~ on an Ull'e~11 soda,~e (194}.

1l1forrmed cbservaden oj the ,ch~l3cE!er.of a matc.i"iai is olf <9pproxi maeel y ~uai im,.porta nee to knowledge 0'£ me basic principles l1lj,~IIrn.en p:r:odu:ci'llg rC'Xtgr~-s ,irn1l, renderings, u~ less r.h~s true d;l aracter ;~:s. ail;:clliJmrely assessed ~ satis.fa!cIOI')-I" ,tt'esui~ts can 5~'ldDH1~e obt.a~,~d i'D:iJ a [em de'rhlJg lrrespeetive of [he medium or technique.

Leatber ~nd vnn'yll; WhC'dl. r U cd (o'm' doclming O~ dmsri'rs~ still retain tlteir eharaceeeisric difffr'ence~ .Ero:ffU fabric. These d!lcr~e detaruls ii!lThd ica1!e dn~ druffemnt eharaerers 0 f, d:n~ OOXVU[~:s o,f h:~lthiCr ~J!![d f.a'l[,ic '''[lIel1 usm ~:r clothes (19 j ~. The "I~ a rder' rcrOO,{![ti'Y'e snrfaee o( 11lru~ le~dl~'r is contrasood with tilE il.sol~e:r· WO'lj,l'~:IfiI, [10 ek of dli£.' rwe fahrics~ w~:ric1l, are nor r~flt;'\C-

rive to tile' same deljJree.

" Another area where the choractef of - - ,

fib ' .. . fl . - . a ~nU'e needs ClU-

U 0. Seen: anon 1$ oor covenngs. ~m narti(ll~'" _ . .'

sp ec I ~:.r. d t:'".t'., c&rpems need

_: J ~ ae['JJuor: LIL goo.· representations are 'lIO be made ;n

mrer or rende~n,s. Three different useful t~xt,LU'es !tIe demons,tll'~,t.~d (196)1 ~aH of which use sirnilsr ~e.mniqu~5 to

product! dlfltlerenr believable carper textures, _

ThCSi:: c._a rp ~ f I[~X tU res are prodllC~d wirt'n freehamld lines drawn USlnc a mrugllt-edgec R5 a guide. hamill. 'A' i5'a sene of 'u's struns, rogether, ~BI consists of :sborr Or near vertical lines, W hile ,·c· consists of s,lrilngs of Le'~5;.1H 3te lin mor or less continuous lines, Perspective iaeach C;:;I'Se' is achi e\ R.:JQ hy , the spacing between the lines as fl,L;c.ess~UT and this variation an also beused in conjl]nclioiiil wirth II IrcducOOa;l 0 r an merease in the density @,E lilt: lines r.hem-· sel ..... es liO plrodllJct! am a amosph e ric effect. The dens; Q' of the lines is also mea to porrra)' darker Of lirJnci tones o.f rDC'.se

carpet rex tu:re.s~

Sha dow 5 C~ S,I' 0 fI lhcsc C;J rpc [ leM El!I!Jre:s CJI~Th be 'p.rod:IIH~ed by introducin,g ~'~ i~rennedia.t· line of ~c same lJ'~l'n~ be'~~~; rho of dJ~ o,rllPm~1 [Ci(['JJJre. The !I:~nmllllpic {1 ql7')~howS, ho.

[hm~ i done without dcstl'lot·ing the e;hiJfa,ctcf ,oJ the ~Il'~t

exture or he lr~nsparcnl qua~ity of ld1c !ii.hadow whn,cn_ IS on i tern \O,dlh re;]lif)'. These are by nO rne~un aU of (be C;i)f~ pet ""'Iur •• which COlt be u, •• :<I. but rh-y '~I! "cry us dOlI for

g£1l"I c r.11 ca rpct repre 5C"'~aJlfi ons.

ill'~8 An 9)tarnp1e 01 a long-. pile C3fpel $pcda~i'z~d carp ef textu res can be predaced by caretl.d rob5er\'atio~, and .some int£il1~e~,[ cxper:inten[a,don", for erx a m.p le, d:t"e mtu:l1 [unger pi Ie carpet s,bown ~:~r~ (][98) h9S aI ,"ery distin.cdve' eharaeter which iii a liu1,~ mere dH6cumJr te

produce dian the. other t)'pes.

I: •• ~ ..

I • .... 01 •• " I 'I


roO • _ ....

.. -~-

The dJiH~ren~~ bet\~~n carpet and adler forms 0" Roar oo'l/~r-jmg5~ e.g, Hoar tiles, COJ~ be s howlCD easj'ly by n~cg.g:n iZ1ng ,the difier~,nJ[ dm,ar:acters, 0 f rhe 1:\\10 m31JiD~ri~ b aad til< p.r~ss'ing those diff~'ren('es in the renderin . nus simplJ~ 4!.'iti:lJllllP.lft9'} de~noms'erares tlm.E dit{erena;C!. ill c'h,a racter berween the i!liQ.m-'l'IefleoCthl'e carp er a:na 'th~ rcij1;~ct~v,e £laorr riles. Tan~re are liIIlil1ny other flo.or c{~T~e:tinl!ii of diflre !"terU rn a 'cri els in CD mmon use, but as InO!5t 1iIre 'l:i'!hJil,t:r not:1'-Jrcfilecri'Yc or Jr't'!iflecrrive '[her OMrnlL be repl',odu~d ~[l a refld~ril1g, birl'y ea)sily if the rex'IlIilJre"s character h; aecurarely a5isil!s~s~d" WhilS'[ if1oc;rr fcxtllJrIf!-S are ·~~di.ou:s ee rep:mduce Ib e[~'IJI:se of tln:f' btll'g,t; a!re~s us,maUy lIHtV'o,]vc:ci", d!u~y an': among, It'he ·asi.'~f 'nie:xmrus 1)0 'n.'l:][Id~l['.

_ Only the rnose il11JJporlt3nt~ frequendy needd1 rexrurcs ~ 3'V;e: b~~n c:xamliIn.eid in de;E3.i'~, bu a: iii [l'l/1Ilmb!llf of o.:lhers 'C:Jillfi ~ e fOlnmd 'in t'h~ :mlO:Jrnlf:fiir;eS of re D1I,de"r,i~gs of va riooS" 'IDe"l!J.!l res,

FrDniIJ chis se.clioir:ll on Jremdf!dl1:g lill!xtW"~ i:~_ca,n be S£C'FII hOlo'llo" do®ely ~bt;)I" are i.'derri,~uficd w~trm \faJ~IUC and 111.'ow d~ p!lmde rJLf llle)1' are on rlll,e same pdndples. V:IJ~ue'.:ISB are very ~mpORant factors; in rendit:ri'l!lI.;m h"respccti;'lc ,of rhe paruc'!1II:iII r grap!lmk fi~ ld because ~ i - theV9,Iu.c conerasss il re ~ar,ef.trmll)~ con ~lroUud, dil.''': musiol1 of 3 dtiT'd dimer1s'ion is ~11C'fflased (lOJ1sidel"3lb~y. Tho'IIJ,gb i'ill11 pon:JDlJi nei th r a C@'Il'm.::ct1y dr;(l,wl1I, perspeClJf\l'C nor a c!llll~fUUf oonnruCi1!(d colour h:::il:rItllILl!:Il1I)' c.'lI~fII, rJcbi!e'I.~e [~)tl2 i]h1:S~([!'rn. o( 3. [h~rd d ui'neIl'lSUO(3J in i.l ~ndcri nl; U'f'IIl'~5 th~ ",t~i~lUl!.::s :lift: ca,rr,I2;I::[ly n,nrerplfQ;u!d.


J II .. 5)"'-'" m,"" I

. ,"


' .


Th I! _ o 110,,", i ng 11IU5tr.1tirol>S 1202, lUll. 20'41 .how d iffllrent "wo. 'pplieo:il re nriDII' <>bi~· Tubulpf dr~""inG p"'" we'" used in v"rioUis ,'''),5 -,,,dudin!!" 'liI'pl" I€d~'


Dry-tran5f,e:r and 5elf~~adhesive ma~e'riaJs

~he '~J1EIjtrQdU,Cltuom oE dr.-y-t:r1'lmsfer Ji1atc[~:d in 'd'le 1960$ and the self-adhesive screen a few ye-3n uarlier bro;ugtn aboue a ,~,ry0~Il:rion which b,ad enormous i,.np'~c~ O~ '[[1 e ~hole :iie,ld 0 f grapm-ia. Av~ ry bl,~ l<n.rmbe'r: ,of rype'hu:es. in differc'nt s,i]le5 aad [~o:io'lllJrs_) $,}~ Illbol'i, tt~'! p~opl~'11 ears ,;;rild ltrrlJlLe:ks,! food" ani.ab~~ wo~ld lalldm9Jl["1i1s!, etc, as wen, as a 'Ia(~e range of ,other gr3:phi~ 'm3~ed3~S ind'Udio,g a eO!m,pl'eh,[~Im!S~ve range o,f self-adnesive seeeens ~1mL bbllCk Wb'I1ie. and valFio~$ caloulfS ace a:va;ilrab[~" "lIQdUCES, of c'OIilLS1!l:te'm] If hi,gil q'U=:1J~~qr are Olv3~la'l:dfrom ,LeU3.s~l IH't\_'[n,3~iDn~ ~ 'nJmrn,iu~d, london ~ and Meca~ ncn:m a lnd!ill:S'[[' les Fr~n~~; Q'l~Nl,pl~f.e cau losu~ are a v n~b.1 e ,from Letrasee :uj,d Mocano:rnrua dCfi,le~s tbr,01!W"chcr1!1II[ the


SkUl-buliding iBl<srds8S

One of du~ best WRY'S eo lerutn 3n)'rhill~g is to do i~ and studeals :::JIr'~ 3.d;Y~SJlo;d 'to starr wid-I sera remderinss of simpl objeas. It ~Si i'mpo'fltYU to work from sfioo:p~c examples and master dm,f:IJl belo,re mov.iTliGi on!Jtj@ :a1IfIlore ,~.dI\ranced ones, Stnde 1lJt5 :roU@f\l!~g this ~,o.&ic11!J1 pl:lo'srre8smn w;U 1111m d [1l~1~ [hl!i r klju~,'it,VI~dge and ski n5J 3lrC scn,rf'JJ(l'Ir b ~il:t 3 nli .rmOfr.~ Sc~bSfrlll!lg

oo:s.i~ts ate ilIIchlev,~d.


/1 r
t I
I I .--
~ 4
, \ __ -----
J "-

t\lwa)'!Ii n':l1I1.dll:!'r in du; dlreerion of tbe IPI,,"~'II i.e, oJ ~f1I,DlI:'i'l.OIl'~~'i pi ~~ !l~'ou~,d bl; rcndcn:d horil(m'~:~Uj' ~ nd :\ \'c!"'lic~ll J11an~ !Jilould be rendered 'Io'Ien~call~1 (l,07,. This ~l'c-~n'ru.ue, ,til.: eli rca ion of 1'\-,,: f'~3'I1C an dis. ;1 :-.\1Ibt I . rc i n'f,(uccmen I G:)f 1[11 • \l'Ul'nJH1~ m,e'i l!l~,t:" In :'L ~h~[H~)' m,orc pracueal Wity,. render nl un th~ din:uion of r'm,~ F1,lflifWi,C it'll ~o.~iclli bcc,~~~~~ .111 d}·n.lm~ plnnt:s ,If!: '!·dJbi,lll:ct It:~ ;ttnm.irIfsr,hcri,c dkct~ so lher,~\,~m he ~ull. dllo: g,f;:)[lmiolfi U~1 ~hdr vahu,:",. "[ hu. ~1F.JdRlllOli11 is mll!'oi~ f'a,il) cxpr!:s~~t~ i'I1I Blun.'ar lll:c'hni,,~u~s h'y rcnd~dlllllJ':, .'11 lb.!!' Jir('t.:lLOIift of 11~ ~ pi f1tJlllIl·. If rb I'!> b .'Si'L: Ir ~I~ (!' 'l~ '.'rap! iii!'.;! r'ht: rend "II" j~~I~ pn.~ . "'."' .. hl:o.lmt';"i, mud'li "; ~il·r.u eft rrm t' co, {;ti',,"'l'_

derings hased

2191 A slmpre' line dr,aw,ll'1lg o~ a cU:(m btOCk.

The [lex't C'J(e:.rd se should be renderi I~,g sUChdy I arger and mo['c (OtnpJcx shapes, ,SU.;:1in1 2I_S du iii eur block (:lOg). The rea:SO!1 fo,.r usi PC 3. ClJJit b'lodt i:s, to ~t:]p Sf!IlWdemts ro:D b,uillid a bcumr oli1den:tand~lfI& ,Orf the lUU$[On G:)l( '$i! th ira di rnensi on in 'MOmmclIlsio\riJaJ m-f::pliesenJt::uioJ1lJs. ~f st~dien~s begin the pE.1ojeci: \\filth a solid bleek aadhave ro CU~ and. ['CfJno'\I'C parts, til limo~s~ty 10£ showing w'ha~ is leb gi~e.s ehem 3 much betliiU id~n or die rC~I/~iitJ o~ the solids a'm:i~ spaces 'beinG rep[Cc.scnl!ed.

le~[IiI;emb er 'that rime '~pelJli: on the lP['cpar,~'tiDn ,0f::iIJ d fa w'im_g For ~endedng ~s, never wasted because :Thm'lll :U:C!!DIIL.3'me parspective drawinli~ correct sh adow pro~'ccl;"o.(rl,l a! care fu II, j·dcllilI,'tmed Iii ne o'~ '5~ar3ti!o1n ;'j,m.d cofI';I:CJdyid~~ cifi~d r du and shade arc essential 1:)0, ~ ;ood reJ!lJder~n,g. Wirmtolu di1I~5 realiseie basis il does not mili'nler how s,kwlt~Uv d~E renderi ng is done, for ·rhe :ftiDishJf!d 'Work th~ c:r"edj!b.iliqr essenI~kd ro ~~-od craph ie c'GJmmtij~lkatiQn.

210 A Ill_I!IcUrs_'~fi!IIpJe\l( 1~liIe Il!jr&wimlgl oJ ,8 OIJI.llIock.

This sliglH~Y mOire !lj(Jm!pl~ example tZ:ruO) is shlJl'ffl finF, as. a 1ilnc. d ['3 win:l~ whid .. ms ba&ilid @:tiI a corr~ct'l:y self u pperspcctivc.: dllUlwinm.g w,irt:l~ ;3 ~~refu~~ y p.lII3.~.d llig1Jn source ;:!I1I'fI d ;,.U;~ ll:ur::JiJfldy conSI(ruclP~d sb ad ow '!! n ill pes,

. The filllish~d rendering (211) ShOW5 the value of mis cart' ~I preparanO<l!' mel is me resnlt 0'£ !Ising aU of me aspCC1:l


- ~1I1

, Plea~e 1l.0[~ that ~II of the ~llus[r:!llillmls ilXplai"S the limo'

~pl!:S In ~IS b~ok have been done IIsimg wbllial p~n5 "COlliS!: [las medlulH ancllednl iqrue rr.procluce5 ""ilb SIIOIl' II_cr c:onaaS[ than pellcil and m~elore ro;akp !HC ilbl5![3.' nons mote 1lU:&.I to the stlldent, Nf'"crttll::1css• wil'b p~ctice, ~1I:ncils can be used to produce fel!deriDIl~ of very

hlp qu~hfY.

Although onl Jf l! !,imiu:d a:ruumber of obj,o::cts !taw been lllsed

for demOllStflltion puqlOSo:!i, :!lny SMjecl an be rendeNd llSing the prLncipl65 discussed. Irrespective ohhe $0 bied. tile mediUTm or (he techni~lle the basic require;nenu remain mE


Tbese ~oSpace COII$t:!'uoions' (112,213) Mllileip I(J

make the rran!;ition hom single Sl19peS im space to IIIIlIlu,IG shapes within a pjame area- SIDc!epri a;lC advised ei!her 111 cop'y [heJ!e d fa winilS or makelhci.r own ~3Sed ,om th- idell~' A cor~ea I'crspettivc drll wi !I,!;lPust be n:o llde 31'1d. a s1l!i~lf 119>( soUC<::C chosen with {he shadow Sl;ilpe!l consl1'Pl:lo:d and the lines 0 scparariQl'l and the light an d shade {~ ,de~I'

ibed, n" renderilllg Ii1UIst bi: r:arcl£d out in acOOroaoce .... ,d! (he ronal patrrem and alPlosphedc effect, ape! !hE pl<tlll!!

rnust be rendered ,OIl rhe appropll'iarc difCction,

t J


I~I'. f-r-., I /1 r
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~1' ~ }, 'I - ij~:~ ~I /r"

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-: -/- -, I "'i
f_ -
~ \ , <, I s based on

'IX ' ,D shapes made up I)f lIa[ 5urfaces ha e been masrered rod n... sh auld I1l,O\'f: on to obje(fS 1I.vith cl,.Iiwed s~ d4!llccs, _g~ cylinders and ccnes and, ~e~. splu:~e5.1_"he;e 5hapes3r~ articularly demanding, bill It the basic prlllll:lpies are fal"'-old, they win be made coDsiderablr Rsier. The.e~l'Impl~s hov:n {~14} are objectS ba5edon "11~nde~ ~nd mOIl,GI> dlf· " rent marerials aee deplet-d, the basic prillclpks have been


rbl.S group of Cfl i.lldri~a.l. objects. (21 S1 has scm'i=reflec1[:llI"e ,ex'lre'r.i,o,r sl1r~a~-s and dar·k~itot[!l.~dJ man interier surfaces whh:h the reflde'r~,mgs show to ad",.amt.a:g,e. None nf the objec:tc8 ~'X~&rs aJS anythin.g, more dlll~n 9J'n idea iID 'the form of design dr;i:n~i ngs 3J'I1d because of this it was nut pO'5:dbl e 10 'Jin a ke eh e dr':nw i ngs from dI~,£e<;t obse;rvacIDo,n 'of [he acmal olb~'eclES. However.! by usi~G the basic pri'llcip~,es and observetion ofother similar ohject.s it,~ as po> sibletc create graphic [\ep'~e-Stm;t~_n10:lFti& of: rhese obi eets as they ~\H)1J.11d appear ~illl

rCaJ~li,ry ,

Bolt'll the des.iSI'iJe:rr. ~I'nd the ~·ftis,1.T are :~:reqlJ!le[f]Jm:<ly faced wwth

prodl1.c~g gr~phk ima.,Ge:s ,o.f objects a~d v:~e\vs wlllJich do not t:xi~i:, in a:ruy real form ther, musr b ~ ab~e 1iO portray objects ~h.l~h ,ex~$1); o:n]y Hili d~c imD~gin a~iOll} or as o~ hOgf~.phic PJOJ.eo(]om1sj m .• e .. plans, 1'0v3:tion's and secriens. Without knowl_e~~e o.f the b,as1k. prjn,dple's .. and d eloped :5ldns~fu des'l:ne r 01' a,~trust ~s severely lim ilea in all'lly a.'uempt to con~:ulll1LC~ l~e. observer of the :rC31i'ty of the ob] ~[S or V~~\YS

depicted. -

Th~5, is a f,enderia:l ' of an e l~va'[i!?m olf a .ste~ m ]oc0J<?0~~ve ( 11 . ) and thoug'~ rho 'Ioc~~o'til_e does e~~,~ :~t~'~(ml.d b~ ~Jml: pG55 ible 00 see "dnlm,~ ~ m.el of ~~ .. ~ny ~hll~t~ I n 1'~~ll[J!1 rr ~esp ClC tl\r,e of the VU;I\\\IllDg :posrul~ru(}n! wwn ole seen at.f-ecred ~~Y p en~ ecrive. Theugh tllisl dra wi n~ ~s ,on]y ~n de~atm,o(j] ,( a drnia~ g)riJJIDU s.bow~~g actual measured p:ropOI[tIOns.}_~. which no pc.nllpec~v,e have been uged31.,'~he. aJdch'tI,OIil of rendel'iID has ~ traduced, a powleflu~, illusien of ,3, threed.iRl~n5,iomal reali'll to sho'y' '~he locomotive eo advancage. :Such dtlwwng, , ean be ve'ry effe,ctl,e in conveyir I 3.QCUf.i1JDe' i!J!I!JiOfUl3'Elon about objec:u;, wbw[e alse shorwing, tbart the[5' heve d~fTee",di~~n~~o:l!ls~ ·'l.Yid'11o'U,t ~Ct1L]3U, sbowi He d~ellll affected by' perspecrlve,

'The j lliustlL'3i£LOU of the movie IPrO!CictOf' (218) iSI another ex,8JRI'ph: of an el vation be~~g r ~1l(Lred 'to add a slmple illu' iOI![ 0 -l' with 'the emphasis on the '['cchnical informatimlL. Through dfs 'fr,e of dra""rillg, is ex ~f'e'mc]y usefu,1 for the co, nruc3tk)'Il of cerrni n ty.pes, OlE graph ic in ~OI'maJ'tionJ 'it is O'n~~· OirIJe o:~ til :~IUJMb e~ of methods lJIr '11 i en can be used. Other ~e~ll~d$ i'U]d~de, o:rth,ograpb~c p~:ul'ecti!o.n, isometric plrc~jlec .. U?~~jl 15iQm~U!IC ~'ra WI DC, . ~xol1!om"e'uic projecrion, !:d'~ four.

olbllq~t: P'I\OJ~>CUOlU (cabin,~t, cavaliee, ~:h:ernadv~ cabin f. 21' C(1)eJl ,S~kO!l1ie. cpn

and ,!l! ea ali [proj-c,dons) d'm erie, trirnetric a~" d moviel prr,ajecoof_

pe.s.p~oove :p'fi~jec:tia:~s (one-polnr two-point and thrac-

po.l'l!IJt OOtll'SltI:Uc:tIOiI1S)"

216 ReAd erli1Q 011 a'C:~ifilon . ()i" ac.roZOOm movie





I II ~ I




Ok~n rile phoi!ograp er i~ fared with ~n al~os[ ills~lllble problelll when pho~o"':lphll'lg some objects because If the objcct is ~il. so mat ies ~h=:up>e is ,dea:dy poruayed, detatl'can be lest in some seeas and i,f it i5lir sO dl,:IU det3J~l hi, [:'UJiftr,ay,ed 'rhe

shape ,tim be ! O$'IL., The '~e1i1dere'f ts nor restricted in dllJis wa y because h.e C4Ul cho ose a. I i, snurce to' ,cmphasi:ze tbe sh ape of the object a,md ~h n Icon~iOl. the va~Ulc rehli,ri,oris~hd'Ps 'to

show the ~quir d d rail, ..

Soi;!Q r,aphy

Thi~ i1l~str~rion (1211 shows all.Other Pletlw d of indla1i11!&

~n 1.IIIIISH!)11 of me d.1~1iI dilllel1si!IIE1 011 all onhD~a,biC proII:~g.l1. In this ClSe, a 1'1911 and aI1 deylrtiO[i o~ • si.,plf buildmg ate UlIjld apd .~ ]lusioP of II dlud dlm$psioP is intrOduced by using die prilldplo;;; of sciagt~phf to p!CIi£~[ shadoWS 011 thl!S£ diagralPS. SdWaphy is die §Citpce G!

COIlIIsullcting shadoW shapes en ortbOIV~phic ptlli",li~fti. ~s shadMV proIillCiion Is catri!ed o~r by ~llIbli5hi~g (he

dt ~ectiOil of ehe plU'l! lIellid't r;!ydt"oll! [be .11-" In rel~DOP 10 ~~ e pili A, an d their a !Ill!;: of ci,evalioll ill relaOlllu.uhe £I~'a' nOll cJ me bllildini- I( is [lot il1.f<lP<I·!i·1O el:ilb<Jl"~1I! d,e ~p-p.

ciplcs of sd~{aphY "",fC (theY """ be Iol!!Dd ill S~~<u~b5( JC~rellce books). bUI rocit usc: (0 poa~Y '!I,e IB~SI(l1'l 01 a

thiJrd dirme,nlon is all il'i'lport'Illt aspeo:t of rciiderir;J·

Tioe i!lus UI!1I!iOI'l oPI! M· po (2l:t1 is a [}'P~ "",a~1l1<: ?f <he

1Il.$e of scidjlJ"phy w i.o;toduce aP _illll.iOIl ot II dllfd dl~ SlOP. Th£ Il!JIgths of die "a";ous 5ludo"'s ;110' ti,e ~'''C'' heis;h" of eh e buiJdill'iiis j,} tl>i 5 .,~ dcvcloplllCllr. «IldI?~1 tbe shadoW s_",,,pes the draw_s:wou!d be lI~t ~.,.l.6l")· oIJilij cult 1'0< the .... expetl!lI1.Ccd obs",., w [e~d. i\fobll~"'" r.> ~ l,uuils<:I!1P" ~ulJjC<:ts "."" orilY f\lIO of ro~M tor ",:h1ck dI~ rendst,,,r ~n uSC .lile prindle< of .... i.!lr3ph)l 10 JiIIIIIrG"a

_____ ~C'~'I::a~['lIl.:"'.~' ~a~nl ... d add il'lfG'r:esr.


PART Pll\,·

_ F"i I

The jHu ion of ~ rl,. ~'rd 4'~""'"''''''''''Sl· '6. B_ , d .I •

, .' ~ ... ... _.. 0fI n 35 ,,,cell IIIIrO ,U« .. IPIO

an o'l!ill.en\I'i!ij,e flail" ,.,iI, ,~ ;'Ii'iI. '1-'1"') "'t'1I.",' !

, , ... , d .. "'I: ,,,,, • • .. 15 ~.pproac'l can b ~ used

for ro:my ,dl~I~~~1If sUlbjecn wim many di£lerem druclll alid the ,Oldy Iilnltlng fsclors are rhe illulgill:ltion ~l1.d skUI of rho

deslgner or artisr .

. The principle of sdagraphy have bees used to con' W1ct

dte shade and hadow shapes 0 th£s~ plans 0 obi-CIS grouped lo~[her (0 form a patvern (';:24), The li!jht ~nd shade ,:;r15 ollhe 51t."'IPI.l'!i and their sl-lado""~ ha e h~1lII ~en' acre.:! in 3cClordil.noe ",,~[h ~ prino:iple-s IIf ~[J'IICI$phctic

effeet to' illuoduct: the illusion of a third dildensillil• Si"'I'I. e-xeu:i5CS of Ihis tI'pe are of Great bendil \"hen de'l'elop;ng I"Imokrinl\ skill >lind though he resuh . 1113),I:I(k wme 0 !I,e excitement of more cre,ui ve d il9's they do reinlllr(e ~ f3lu'

ablel'0illl. . .

In this slillhdy morc imaginati"" dl!Sig" (:1,HI Sial.'

planes of di£f;;rel'l~ sit:!.!?"" and SIl'JlS h3ve bClln r_cnderecl eo c:tea~ [he j nu~icn of diffcrclit IE"els ",i[h ilnl the pU:!lJ[t, a rea, There a re no reeogpil'.abl £ line; r ,el~l.ue[1ts ,of jJe,(~pe~~"~ In

mil; desj~ and if is [h" CJSI ShlldoW.ln (onIUpCIL~1I "'J~h Ih~ principk ofatmosph.,ri~ .~Ieci 3 nd Ihe (J".e1I~PPldIPh.~~f~ the ii'Ullor factors respflu Ible .or <he sU'(Inj; ,II. lOP

[hi rd d - 'me I1'S ion,.


r~ 1

g__ JI .§. o



Ge,1tinQ it 8U ~f1ga~heli'

J\ - [hieS p,oint: lit iilS ;mpQ:r'~;'lm: ~h::!lilr: tiJ~~ of)the m.arltir.:l1al dliS:C'~i5ised in thii·!baok be ibrOllJlghlt m0r.:.'~F 3!ir.ld iCOnSco,!~.d~·t,@d ill n S~iIlt'1.~ ·p:le wbiir:.h US-ItS mc].D}, of rrhe p.l'inC'~plrcs le~~enlriarl to ri:ne 'c{l~a'li.'Oin of the. iirullJlrsian 'iO,f dl~ d~ i rd di I1J!J ~n~io~.


~e!ll!J1I of rhe optical laws are introduced "no a simplt d~awlD~ such ali this one (231), rhe iII~sion 01 rhe Ihird ~UlIeI1510~ is (;oni!'incillll. The three men, dres.ed in an identical lash 10!!, are P laced at 'ilCl'ei!lsi I'll dislances lrom ihe

observer ,.

The 6rst opt"c3il law ssares that receding parllllel lini!S

appe~r ro C01Vl/le[g~ to II. common po.i:nrr. ThBS i kl1l:own:1 converg;en(C (232).1£ those parallel lines arc m.lhe horiIO~ta.;.plane. the ccmsnen pOil'llMown a. the ".nishing, pO;~l ~lll be loca!ed in [be norilJon line. The use of this OIl'lia11all' ~f!lJnoduces ~he' ffiTS~ evi.dence of rhe third d.imGlfI ion.

The . s ' co I1Id optical III w cone 'rill! iorcshorrenilll! amd ~teS that, qual dlsraac " . pP£3f [0 d'Min's!> ill S;2 OS Ihe dlSt;mc~ £Ionl. rhe observer incre .. es 123,3). 'Thi .is demoP' neared by tile 1900<11)1 paving joinlS, which, pp""r dO!!'l together as doe dis,ranee from the Db' erl'cr i .. aea~' ThouP. this prceflSS MU$t go oro as long 3S rhe 1l8.emclllli

seen, ill. this eJ(9!I1plll the 191 ara I jOillll; ha"e heed 01l'l1"e<l ~i· eer III certain distan~, hem'll!! obs~",atioll shoWS mall~~r will gr d.uaJly msappa::u &'11l1li y._. Wirh the infl'OduUiOn of foreshorwn;dg eh ,illusion ",f the th'rd di",ed~iol1 i r .. n-





:233, fo.reshon:enirng.

.234 Diminutron.

s- ace and S ad'ow.



From t'h~G§, si mple exe rdse~, it cs n be 'seen that me il ~ usion of the lbird diLnl,~~,u:i'ion hi, Pfod-lIJjocd by the :inl!0ractio:n of corn .. vcrlel1(~j for.eshorttcn'~'ng! diminution, 'I'igbr, shade and. shadow, :n-ffl(}sp,heric effc1ct and overl'app,j ng, m f 11 ndersta nding ~Ild skiU arc aJPlPlied eo the use 'of these essential aspeces in a dl"a\r'Ymlng or pa:nri'ng rhe result wwrn~ be greatly improved.

E:I(ampl~s of ulI'rndewings

TI'~ roUowi ng (!X a mp:~es cover a ''Ii1rj cty' of subi e\Ci~S, 1.]'1 of \~Iuch ~rl~lf ~ it. ~[\~aJt)ef or ~:es.5e'iil extent on the knowledge of the basic p'rinCI,p,,~es. and skills discussed in djJjms book.



~is sp::lCeCOnslrunion widl a IiplC (2311'1 ~;c, Ih! ~1'l1If 1o<l_511: DPII_::11 ,rirll:ipl~ :;nd skills 10 ~rta[J! ~h~ illll~iClOl oilile ~Ir~ diPl~]t5ion. This zype of dn",oinll p;ovid£$J;ood ptlt[" ~cc lilI 5.,,[(1n up simple ob'i'~C1 .in pe"peeti~e and 'OI'l~lffl'I'

IRg [hen shndow si>:ll'e , wbicb form' salid IOl!nddGJOP lot ~ I: pio:cure. The ch oicc ,gf II liglu SOli"'': is ...en' io1lpOcW'f, 3l

15 ubtl<: rendering of 11> .. atlnQspheri;.;; eEfco;t·

LiGht :lind sh."de, leKrorc 1I1'1d CDnua§t 31'· uscd 10 fCpdef "';5 ~_I"il from an old w:;11 (140,. 'fh;; pIUllCIg"'l'ltiCq~~h~ at mls re is the ~esull of 3 soWle pEn.all"'"Ii~ lech n~quc, whid> is doser 10 lb. printer's ~el'£<!P';II!1I1'~~i 01 q I.! es lh aJI [he .rn" f< ,u-ad ilion 31 pen L p< ,,<hnlqlllf .. Pe~f 01 n)' 0"'''' l!I1edi II III ca n b e us>:d lor ;his ~pc of 011'0""11111' " 5 u i• bl e '1;>cl1l1iqu" is ad<>l:ned• b<c<I",se if is ,,01<0 (II~C~ !he me.di un> "S th e appl i Cl!I~i 011 " . the opr i<{l I pI inciples tIIaflS rt

~pon5ibl'c fo(r ~hc r~1JjIIJlt"

'111:11 0-"-

. iii! ·etal1

lll'ro:m .

an o'dl wall,

I r • I .... :;. ill ..... ~ ...

... r • •

. '.

..... -. .

I • _.. • _ I

r .' "';r-,~_": -,: " •

.. . _.

. ,

.. ' ~.

I ·· ..... · .. U: -- ~ ......


This rnmj!~r.ill'rlJg olf 't~e late Rlehard Bu~nQn (1.41) re~ i es on dle ~me Ij~~hniq~e and ilIJPp;I'i!e~:ticn o,f 1i:h,e C:pl](:3Ip,.dlll'Jlcip,les as the previous illusrratiou .. Stronger OOl1.t1'3St:s have been used to proJ:i:ucc' a mere dr,a,marbC result,

The iPo;r.'tFa.ya~ of si nger 'Ch.:I,lI."les, r CJ,42,) was ren ~ dered UlSIn,G, conU.3.S,[S ~~ilimJii~liIlr to mos)C! :~IIlI, the p:revio'l!Jls ex~mple. By ooruroUwng the ,coUJ1rtra1lt'S ~D the drawing wtehin the b::1si"c cp' laW8 almost amy de:si fOO ef£ect ca n be ildhk.'1Ifled. Til is cenrrel ,of oo(nU:--aJ9t-5 ~!Ii s,i mw~a:rr ['0' r[h.'~ pheliogr'ap her's eemrel oJ' the liSl1 ti:nl3 o~ ;;JJ soib~e.'Ct 3frn],d: dD,e prine~mg, o,f m, pheecgraph. Th e reliJjd~j"ler ,ca,a;n con teol rhe light" mg coI:rJdjlt~ons f-roLm harsh, r,e~,uldIi'ilGi:J!lJ ~h~Gi' :key~ drawings like dTt05e ,of lUcbaftd BIlU:'E'OI!l1l! and Charlie! AZVlJvour, to a SOfter Ugh'Dflg Icom.dition resultlng in .a tlo''''~ kcy~ dr.i:l'Wing such 3S t}rei wall d~taH~ 01 a~y desiood ,"",arua,tion bet\Vlee,rr.i1 these


Thi rea e.fUIg of diu: grea[ Amedcan ~ az.:lllDUlSiciau, LOlliis Arms tro:ng1 'is, iru:luded bCCIU5~ i[ is 8m Il!xa.ple of a dr;),\lri ng til aJ t relies on the po:rna:yal of :I, n umber of di fferent re.xfures. [243). The same scip9h:: pf:n~3nd-~m1k ~£C'hn'iqul! ~Y3S lll,SOO as fOIf most. olf (he other d.J[:!aIwJn,gs in tbis segmellT. The COrlJ(IraSl in rextun:' betv~een ehe bl ack ski,1fl1 the fa brie of Ell clomr5, an'.!! dte hlghhy polished mel 10' me ITump c[ was ad>ievw

w;fitho~u: changing, 'the rechn ique.


Tlu's exam;pl,~ (l44} 15 more :.lbtrac'~ dnw~~§ \~rhic,hl in spi,t\: of its' -ok of re,:lUSM in onc 51 nse, Stin reli,~s on ehe ba sic cpdca\ 'rldes iOlr ~~S iHusion ,0_ tll~ (\1'i'rd dinn~n ill:m.', OHU"3sr 'prD''Yid,~~, dlC p~~lLi~'rl1 3.lUiLd, w~l[h, Ii'rd~ Indp flro,m "Ii;ht .. nd 'liihadil!\ ::to o,'b~lI!rver is IJ~d, In,[Q and ~[,ollJlilLd tne render'ing w'h.ell'iIi!. eb~ monts al:II:: ll!:),caltl!;d in space, S,'horl' 'mII'IIuh'id i reel i,Oll al

~ ines w.; rll! li.'iis~d ~or 'tbi~ renderi n:g.

244 Semi tJs;1raG:1 pat:tom.



5ryie'~ w~icb is an 1'm,iIlC!rit_~mt aspect of dr~w~n~(j rendeeieg 3'~~ 'painiti'llS~ ~s p au of ehe aJr.ti'!S,Ir~s or designer's ~lI,u~,!:l'ity., Tire l'h~me:s s.~:d Hud$o~J{ E'Ijl~c'opaJ8!d:ia of tbe Apt~ edited b~r the k"r[e Si[' Herbert llead" states, 'm:at '5 ryle is th~ eerm 'fer d'M~ m~1'je'r o.f exeeurien ~n wl'ivt~n,g, 'p"ai!ndn,& etc. a opPQ&~d ee iub~ect m~t1l)er or its o,t'ganb_at~on (ru.e", form); (2,) The .;:oHLmon charaCll!;r'isncs olf rh ~ SUs i:n a gi\f~n p~riotd ~ e.g, Louis X1V~c:r of a school or mor\\"Cuu:nll.1 r.rh;, ~mpOl!t;~lI:ru: '~ 'Lm!~er.slr~u'id mat sqrl~ is q~li'le indep end~n~ (l r f medw'itJ rn 0 r tec~nllq,limle. rnn OdU!ll l'll.''C1l"dls; ~;ltfle i's II:he ]ndivid:g,a~, w,ay ,~,~ ;I_r~'u~t Or d(tS~rncr uses. tbe val ld p.r~Hciples '!l:ltd! ooaJ]· drC'fel'opcd 'Sk~~ i$ to express hlmseU ~m1Il aWo3!r w'h i.'Q~ m:al()~iS his wer lit g1ilJlqU.I~. A Lack, o~ individual sty~e built on valid! p"~iJllJJcipLes, 3imdooal d)~velopcd sJans tends to m:tllke people work~nl In art a~d ldes~gn in~o ~. td.11'l marie dum humu~n 'p,hO\IjCH:op~e'['s,.

PCfba'P.~ 'tbe bese way ro r;UmlL :a n IIiJInderstaliLdirung of 'fhe jmpOln!a_DO~ ot $ty~e '10 the 3Itis,[ 0 r dcsig'll'Xcl" is ~,a ~xamruJ"c the dl[';l Wings o~ dlC mas,(ers in. diJferuQit aft~3JS of art a"nd dll:Si,§]1.

'Ill, t~e group Ol~ drawi figs tlilail fo]~Qws. each anist e,l:' d~:s:ip:~'[ 1~ an. indiv idu~] :!iJlI1.d t'hC1!.l&h ~n some CiJiSCS [breil: suhiec~ Me simi~ai", each h as mJad~ 3. d:r,Qwi.H,g WD blr~ or 1'I;e"f ow n individua~ styl~" It irs tbis 5~~e wfl_]ch makes an allJl'lisr' WOf'k i'mmedl'a:le\y 'l:\!1~zalb[e~ beesu se Each has ~n ~nd~v'idual '~~ay of c}l:pressinc hl~s (Irf her ide'.a$.. When this is added eo the obviiO~S eZ(,~ibited kmJ,wb.:dge of: 'inC' bas ic prcjn,clp:IJe.s, ,of ,COM ~ Nu'n~e~,1!mg 'wid"n IP" 3pb les ~:nd t'he: ted milis[e~ ct"~ f~sm[]jMl1~p '1';\ the d~.'o\Sen me:di'llllm, ,t:3,Clln work is riShd,y id~nrified as; 'Iha:r of a maseer.




24611'11il1o u·u:HY~~1J , Sll'~e ~'~ A'lbr,echl [Hhll!! r Is e'MI~denl in 'Il1I115i 'hNi1:l11-kl1"lo'lI'·u'I1 ell'l m~li:Ioll~ dI~awl'n!al O'I'll'Ihli IfI1Clhllil r lfItJLcl'n '!rio dld 1 rn 151~. s11fiOllly hl (en hr dou.11i11.







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