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MCQs Project Management

1. Organizational culture is best explained as organizational

A) Personality

B) Hierarchy

C) Reporting relationships

D) Background

E) Management style


2. A good project management system provides for defining the interface between the

project team and the organization in all the following areas except

A) Authority

B) Allocation of resources

C) Development of project team members

D) Integration of the project into the organization

E) All of these are provided


3. Which of the following is an advantage of a functional project management organization?

A) Maximum flexibility in the use of staff

B) Good integration across functional units

C) Shorter project duration

D) Strong motivation of project team members

E) All of these are advantages


4. Mega Computers, Inc. has assigned a project manager for each of the five new-product

teams. The managers as well as the project team members work on the projects on a fulltime

basis. The structure being used is ________ organization.

A) Functional

B) Balanced matrix

C) Weak matrix

D) Strong matrix

E) Project


5 Elizabeth is considering how to structure a project team that will not directly disrupt

ongoing operations. The project needs to be done quickly and a high level of motivation

will be needed in order to do that. For this situation, the ______ organization would be

the best choice.

A) Functional

B) Balanced matrix

C) Weak matrix

D) Strong matrix

E) Project

6 A project management system provides a framework for launching and implementing

project activities within a ______ organization.

A) Matrix

B) Balanced

C) Weak

D) Sponsor

E) Parent


7 In which of the following is the balance of authority strongly in favor of the functional


A) Weak matrix

B) Balanced matrix

C) Strong matrix

D) Strong

E) Both C and D are correct


8 Matrix management violates the management principle of

A) Span of control

B) Unity of command

C) Parity principle

D) Empowerment

E) All of these management principles

9 The project structure that is ranked as least effective is _______ organization.

A) Functional

B) Balanced matrix

C) Weak matrix

D) Strong matrix

E) Project


10 From the list below, which is not a primary characteristic of organization culture?

A) Control

B) Team emphasis

C) History

D) Conflict tolerance

E) Risk tolerance


11 Who is responsible for determining how tasks will be done in a matrix project

management structure?

A) The functional manager

B) The project manager

C) Both are responsible

D) This is no pattern of who takes responsibility

E) None of these are true


12 The Macintosh development team at Apple is a good example of what kind of project


A) Project

B) Balanced Matrix

C) Project Matrix

D) Functional Matrix

E) Functional


13 The Organizational Culture Diagnosis Worksheet classifies cultural characteristics into all

of the follow

ing except:

A) Physical characteristics

B) Public documents

C) Behavior

D) Folklore

E) Ethics


14 Which of the following is not one of the typical forms of a project management office?

A) Command center

B) Control tower

C) Resource pool
D) Weather station

E) All of these are typical forms of a project management office


15 Which of the following cultural characteristics relates to the degree to which

management focuses on outcomes rather than on techniques and processes used to

achieve those results?

A) Risk tolerance

B) Reward criteria

C) Conflict tolerance

D) Means versus end orientation

E) Open-systems focus


16. The method used to collect information to use through all phases of the project

life cycle is called

A) Responsibility matrix

B) Organization breakdown structure

C) Work breakdown structure

D) Priority matrix

E) Work package

16. The first step in creating the necessary information to manage a project is to

A) Establish project priorities

B) Define the project scope

C) Verify the budget available

D) Assign team members to work on the project

E) Determine the required completion date


17. Research shows the most frequently mentioned barrier to project success is

A) Not enough budget resources

B) Poor performance by team members

C) Weak project leadership

D) Poorly defined scope or mission

E) Political in-fighting


18. An expected output over the life of a project would be classified as

A) A deliverable

B) A product

C) An end object

D) An objective

E) A target

19. The ability of 911 emergency systems to identify the caller's phone number and

location are considered to be a

A) Technical requirement

B) Milestone

C) Project limit

D) Project exclusion

E) Project deliverable


20. "To construct a high-quality, custom home within five months at costs not to

exceed $150,000" is best classified as

A) A deliverable

B) A milestone

C) An objective

D) A limit

E) An exclusion


19. Which of the following is not one of the basic classifications of project priorities?

A) Profit

B) Cost

C) Time

D) Performance

E) All of these are basic classifications

20. If a project criterion indicates that the project must meet a specific date, that

criterion is classified as

A) Constrained

B) Enhanced

C) Accepted

D) Limited

E) Fixed


21. The tool used to assist in making project trade-offs between schedule, budget,

and performance objectives is called a

A) Responsibility matrix

B) Work breakdown structure

C) Project priority matrix

D) Work package

E) Criterion matrix


22. The highest element in the hierarchical breakdown of the WBS is

A) A work package

B) Sub deliverables

C) A cost account

D) Major deliverables

E) The project

21. All of the following are usually included in a work package except

A) What will be done?

B) The time needed to complete the work

C) A single person who is responsible for its completion

D) All the costs for the work package

E) All of these are included in a work package


22 The final step in the creation of a Work Breakdown Structure is to

A) Code the WBS for tracking

B) Assign the cost account to a manager

C) Assign the work package to a manager

D) Develop the responsibility matrix

E) All of these are included in the final step


23 The intersection of the WBS and the OBS is called the

A) Responsibility matrix

B) Priority matrix

C) Work package

D) Cost account

E) Project overlap

24 If a project is small or of narrow scope and does not require an elaborate system,

which of the following is a good choice?

A) Responsibility matrix

B) Organization breakdown structure

C) Work breakdown structure

D) Priority matrix

E) Process breakdown structure


25 The tendency for the project deliverables to expand over time-usually by

changing requirements, specifications, and priorities-is called:

A) Scope erosion

B) Scope creep

C) Project bloat

D) Scope enhancement

E) Project add-ons

27 The process of forecasting or approximating the time and cost of completing

project deliverables is called

A) Budgeting

B) Predicting

C) Estimating

D) Planning

E) Guesstimating


28. Janet is forecasting how much money her department needs to support a new

project. She estimates that two people and $25,000 in expenses will cover her

needs. Because management typically insists on reducing forecasts by 20

percent, she increases her estimates to allow for that reduction. Which of the

following factors is illustrated in this situation?

A) Padding estimates

B) Planning horizon

C) Project structure

D) People

E) Organization culture


29 Top-down estimates are most likely to occur during the ______ phase.

A) Concept

B) Planning

C) Execution
D) Delivery

E) All of these are equally likely


30. Sean is forecasting the time and cost of developing a customized software

program by looking at the number of inputs, outputs, inquires, files, and

interfaces. Which of the following methods is he using?

A) Ratio

B) Template

C) Apportion

D) Function point

E) Learning curve


31. Learning curves are more likely to apply in situations where most of the costs are

A) Materials

B) Labor

C) Overhead

D) Evenly spread over materials, labor, and overhead

E) All of these are equally likely situations for learning curves

32. The approach that begins with a top-down estimate for the project and then

refines estimates as the project is implemented is known as ______ method.

A) Function point

B) Template

C) Learning curve

D) Phase estimating

E) Apportion


33. The accuracy of top-down estimates will typically be in the range of

A) Minus 50% to plus 50%

B) Minus 0% to plus 75%

C) Minus 20% to plus 60%

D) Minus 35% to plus 35%

E) Minus 10% to plus 30%


34. The cost to prepare bottom-up estimates will typically run how much more than

the costs to prepare the top-down estimates?

A) About the same

B) About twice as much

C) About three times as much

D) About four times as much

E) About five times as much

35. Project costs are typically viewed from all of the following except:

A) Scheduled

B) Sunk

C) Actual

D) Committed

E) All of these are correct


36. Which of the following is not one of the recommended guidelines for developing

useful work package estimates?

A) Estimates should be made by those responsible for the work

B) Use several people to estimate the same work

C) Estimates should be based on normal conditions

D) Estimates should include a normal level of contingency

E) Estimates should be independent of other projects


37. Reasons why estimating time and cost are important include all of the following


A) To schedule work

B) To determine how long the project should take and cost

C) To develop cash flow needs

D) To determine how well the project is progressing

E) All of the above are valid reasons

38. The bottom-up approach for estimating times and costs that uses costs from past

projects that were similar to the current project is known as:

A) Detailed WBS work package estimates

B) Template method

C) Function point method

D) Time-phased cost estimates

E) Phase estimating


39. Which of the following top-down methods is used when projects closely follow

past projects in features and costs and result in costs being assigned by

percentages to major segments of the project?

A) Apportion

B) Function point

C) Phase estimating

D) Learning curve

E) Consensus


40. People working on prototype development needing time to interact with the

design engineers after the design is completed is an example of:

A) Hidden interaction costs

B) Things going wrong on a project

C) Normal conditions not applying

D) Changes in project scope

E) None of these are correct


41. Design flaws being revealed after the fact, extreme weather conditions, and

accidents occurring are examples of:

A) Hidden interaction costs

B) Things going wrong on a project

C) Normal conditions not applying

D) Changes in project scope

E) None of these are correct


42. Which of the following represents an activity on an AON project network?

A) An arrow

B) A line

C) A node

D) Both A and B are correct

E) A, B, and C are all correct


43. Arrows on an AON project network represent:

A) An activity

B) Project flow

C) Dependency

D) Both B and C are correct

E) Both A and B are correct


44. Which of the following is provided by a project network but not by the work

breakdown structure?

A) Dependencies

B) Sequencing

C) Interrelationships

D) Both A and B are correct

E) A, B, and C are all correct


45 Part of a project is to Develop Product Specifications. This is best classified as


A) Event

B) Path

C) Activity

D) Node

E) Milestone

47 The critical path in a project network is the

A) Shortest path through the network

B) Longest path through the network

C) Network path with the most difficult activities

D) Network path using the most resources

E) Network path with the most merge activities


48. An item on a project network is Design Software Completed. This is best

described as a(n)

A) Event

B) Path

C) Activity

D) Node

E) Milestone


49 A sequence of connected, dependent activities is termed a(n)

A) Critical path

B) Parallel path

C) Activity chain

D) Path

E) Dependent chain

50 Which of the following is not one of the basic rules to follow when developing

project networks?

A) An activity cannot begin until all preceding activities have been


B) Each activity must have a unique identification number

C) Conditional statements are allowed but looping statements are not


D) An activity identification number must be larger that that of any

preceding activities


51. ________ activities must be completed immediately before a particular activity.

A) Merge

B) Burst

C) Predecessor

D) Successor

E) Critical


52. The forward pass in project network calculations determines the

A) Earliest time's activities can begin

B) Earliest time's activities can be finished

C) Duration of the project

D) Both A and B are correct

E) A, B, and C are all correct

53. The backward pass in project network calculations determines the

A) Latest time's activities can begin

B) Earliest time's activities can be finished

C) Critical path

D) Both A and C are correct

E) A, B, and C are all correct


54 The amount of time an activity can be delayed and yet not delay the project is


A) Total slack

B) Free slack

C) Critical float

D) Float pad

E) Slip pad


55. Typically an activity on a project network represents

A) A single work package

B) One or more tasks from a work package

C) Several work packages

D) A sub-deliverable

E) A cost account


1. Henry has predicted the following estimates for an activity: Optimistic =24hrs,most likely = 35hrs,
pessimistic = 65hrs. How long do you think will actually take?

A. 42 Hrs

B. 65 Hrs.

C. 35 hrs.

D. There’s not enough information


One of the inputs to the project charter is the project statement of work. This document
references all of the following except for which one?

A. Business need
B. Product scope description
C. Project scope description
D. Strategic plan
The project scope description is not referenced in the project statement of work. Remember,
this is a document that references the project charter, something that hasn’t been created yet.

Question 2:
What process is a project manager doing when she defines and documents the stakeholders’
needs to meet the project objectives?

A. Collect requirements
B. Quality assurance
C. Quality control
D. Scope verification


This is the process of collecting the project requirements. Quality assurance aims to prevent
mistakes from entering the project and quality control inspects the work to ensure the work
has been done properly. Scope verification is also an inspection-driven process, but it’s done
with the project stakeholders
5. What term is best assigned to a group of cross-functional employees that meet to define
requirements in a manufacturing environment? Choose the best answer:

A. Requirements gathering session

B. Brainstorming
C. Matrix requirements gathering
D. Quality Function Deployment

In a manufacturing environment this meeting, or series of meetings, is known as Quality
Function Deployment (QFD). QFDs are facilitated workshops that are also known as voice of the

Question 5:
Which group creativity technique can a project manager use if he wants to define many ideas
and then categories these ideas with a voting process?

A. Brainstorming
B. Nominal group technique
C. Affinity diagram
D. Delphi technique
Answer- B.
The nominal group technique is like a brainstorming session, but the ideas are voted on and
then ranked by popularity, feasibility, priority, or other factors.

Question 6:
You are the project manager of the NHQ Project for your organization. You’re working with
your project to examine the work packages of the WBS and subdivide these elements into the
project activities. What term is given to this technique?
A. Synergy
B. Decomposition
C. Activity definition linking
D. Control account plans

Answer –B
This is an example of decomposition. Decomposition in the technique that’s used to subdivide
the project scope into work packages and then to continue to breakdown the work packages
into activities

Question 7:
When using the precedence diagramming method in activity sequencing there are four types of
logical relationships. Which one of the following is not one of the four logical relationship

Answer : D
There is no relationship type called AB. The four dependencies types are finish-to-start (FS),
finish-to-finish (FF), start-to-start (SS), and start-to-finish (SF).

Question 8:
Bob is creating his project’s precedence diagramming method. In this planning he’s noted that
the walls in the project must be primed before the walls can be painted. What term best
describes this relationship?

A. Soft logic
B. Hard logic
C. Precedence identification
D. Predecessor dependency
Example of mandatory dependency which is hard logic

9:Bethany is creating a project schedule estimate for the GHD Project for her company. This
project is similar to one she just completed – which took six months of duration. Based on the
previous project Bethany predicts that the GHD project will also last for six months. What type
of estimating is Bethany using?

A. Definitive
B. Analogous
C. Bottom-up
D. Parametric


10. What type of estimating is used when a project manager considers that there are 1,200
units to install and each unit will cost $45, so the predicted cost is $54,000?

A. Analogous
B. Top down
C. Parametric
D. Scope defined
This is an example of a parametric estimating. The parameter is $45 times the number of unit

11.You’re the project manager of the HQD Project and you’re project is starting to slide off
schedule. You convince management that you can get the project back on schedule by crashing
the project. What is crashing?

A. Crashing means that you allow phases to crash into one another by overlapping their start
and completion times.
B. Crashing means that you add additional resources to the project so that you’ve added more
labor, but also more costs.
C. Crashing means that change all of the relevant tasks from finish-to-start to start-to-start and
finish-to-finish as needed.
D. Crashing means that you add resource leveling heuristics to all activities except for activities
on the critical path.
To crash a project means that you’ll additional labor to the project. This schedule compression
technique only works when you can add the labor to the effort-driven tasks, not activities that
are of fixed duration.

13.What term is assigned to cash infusion given to a project at each milestone to allow the
project to have enough funds to reach the next milestone?

A. Step funding
B. Phase gate estimating
C. Cost baseline funding
D. Intermittent funding
This is step funding as the project’s funding is provided in steps rather than in one large amount

14. Which quality planning tool would you use if you wanted to measure the stakeholders that
are in favor of a certain aspect of the project deliverable in relation to the stakeholders that are
opposed to the same aspect of the project deliverable?

A. Affinity diagram
B. Force field analysis
C. Nominal group technique
D. Process flowchart
The force field analysis are diagrams of the forces for and against aspects of the project.
15. Management has asked you to create a RACI chart to help with staff assignments. What
does RACI mean?

A. Responsible, Accountable, Communicate, Initiate

B. Risk, Action, Check, Inform
C. Responsible, Accountable, Consult, Inform
D. Risk, Accountable, Control, Initiate
RACI is a matrix chart and is a type of a responsibility assignment matrix. RACI means
Responsible, Accountable, Consult, Inform.

16. As a PMP candidate you need to be familiar with several organizational theories that may
affect how you manage your project team. Which organization theory is best described as
containing having hygiene agents and motivating agents?

A. Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation

B. McClelland’s Theory of Needs
C. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
D. Parkinson’s Law
Herzberg’s Theory of Needs describes hygiene agents, such as a paycheck and insurance, that
must exist before the motivating agents, such as rewards and recognition, can be utilized.
McClelland’s Theory of Needs describes the three needs that motivate us, with one need being
a predominant needs(affiliation, achievement, or association). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
describes the five needs that we all strive for: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-
actualization. Parkinson’s Law describes the phenomenon that work expands to fill the amount
of time allotted to it.

Herzberg’s Theory of Needs describes hygiene agents, such as a paycheck and insurance, that
must exist before the motivating agents, such as rewards and recognition, can be utilized.
McClelland’s Theory of Needs describes the three needs that motivate us, with one need being
a predominant needs (affiliation, achievement, or association). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
describes the five needs that we all strive for: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-
actualization. Parkinson’s Law describes the phenomenon that work expands to fill the amount
of time allotted to it
17. Project financing is one of the step of project management- State True or False
18. Proposed new technologies, process modifications, equipment replacements are the elements of
a) Financing
b) contracting
c) technical design
d) Implementation
19. The term ‘energy services contract’ in a project comes under
a) Financing
b) contracting
c) monitoring
d) evaluation
20. The contractor providing financing and is paid an agreed fraction of actual savings as they are
achieved is called
a) Traditional contract
b) Extended financing terms
c) Shared savings performance contract
d) energy service contract
21. The contract in which project specifications are provided to a contractor who procures and installs
equipment at cost plus a mark-up or fixed price is called
a) Extended Financing terms
b) guaranteed saving performance contract
c) shared saving performance contract
d) Traditional contract
22. The technique used for scheduling the tasks and tracking of the progress of energy management
projects is called
a) CPM
b) Gantt chart
23. CPM predicts the time required to complete the project— State True or False

24. The time between its earliest and latest start time, or between its earliest and latest finish time of an
activity is
a) delay time
b) slack time
c) critical path
d) start time
25. The path through the project network in which none of the activities have slack is called
a) start time
b) slack time
c) critical path
d) delay time

26. CPM provides the following benefits

a) graphical view of the project
b) inter-relationship among various tasks
c) Predicts time required to complete the project
d) all the above
28. Which of the following statements about critical path analysis (CPA) is true?
a) The critical path is the longest path through the network
b) The critical path is the shortest path through the network
c) Tasks with float will never become critical
d) The network should remain constant throughout the project
29. Project management technique which uses three time estimates-optimistic, pessimistic and most
likely, which help in establishing the probability of completing a project within a specified time and take
calculated risk before commencing a project is---------.
(a) PERT
(c) CPM
(d) none of the above
30. The network model that allows for randomness in activity completion times is called
(b) CPM
(c) PERT
(d) Gantt chart

31. The technique which suggests corrective action to be taken in the light of actual performance is ------
(b) PERT
(c) Performance monitoring
(d) none of the above

32. Performance is done after implementation. State True or false

33. An effective way of communicating a projects benefit usually as a part of a performance measuring
and reporting process is termed as.
(a) Performance indicator
(b) CPM
(c) PERT
(d) Gantt chart

34. In project management system, Critical Path Method CPM) allows for randomness activity
completion time deterministic method while Programme Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) uses fixed
time estimate for each activity.
State True or False.

35. In Critical Path of CPM used in project planning techniques indicates _____ .
a) time require for the completion of the project
b) delays in the project
c) early start and late end of the project
d) none of the above

36. Which of the following does not belongs to project planning technique?
a) CPM
c) Gantt chart
d) IRR (internal rate of return)

37. Formal project Close Out is necessary:

a) On medium to large projects only
b) On all projects
c) Only if a project has been terminated early
d) As part of Post Project Appraisal
38. Which of the following is an advantage of centralized contracting?
A. Makes it easier to find vendors
B. Increases company expertise in contracting
C. Gives more loyalty to the project
D. Allows a contracts person to work on a single project
Answer: B
Hint: A centralized department is created to bring in processes and uniformity, which leads to
development of expertise.
39. Risks will be identified during which risk management process (es)?
A. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis and Identify Risks
B. Identify Risks and Control Risks
C. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis and Control Risks
D. Identify Risks
Answer: B

40. The highest point of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is:

A. Physiological satisfaction
B. Attainment of survival
C. Esteem
D. Self-actualization
Answer: D

41. Who is ultimately responsible for quality management on the project?

A. Project engineer
B. Project manager
C. Quality manager
D. Team member
Answer: B
42. In the context of estimation, a heuristic is best described as a::
A. control tool.
B. scheduling method.
C. planning tool.
D. rule of thumb.
Answer: D

43 If earned value (EV) = 350, actual cost (AC) = 400, planned value (PV) = 325, what is cost
variance (CV)?
A. 350
B. -75
C. 400
D. -50
Answer : D
Hint: CV = EV - AC

44 A project manager has just been assigned to a new project and has been given the
preliminary project scope statement and the project charter. The first thing the project
manager must do is:
A. create a project scope statement.
B. confirm that all the stakeholders have contributed to the scope.
C. analyze project risk.
D. begin work on a project management plan.
Answer: B

45You are taking over a project during the planning process group and discover that six
individuals have signed the project charter. Which of the following should most concern you?
A. Who will be a member of the change control board
B. Spending more time on configuration management
C. Getting a single project sponsor
D. Determining the reporting structure
Answer: D
47. The project manager is making sure that the product of the project has been completed
according to the project management plan. What part of the project management process is he
A. Planning
B. Executing
C. Monitoring and controlling
D. Closing
Answer: D

48. The WBS and WBS dictionary are completed. The project team has begun working on
identifying risks. The sponsor contacts the project manager, requesting that the responsibility
assignment matrix be issued. The project has a budget of U.S. $loo,ooo and is taking place in
three countries using 14 human resources. There is little risk expected for the project and the
project manager has managed many projects similar to this one. What is the next thing to do?
A. Understand the experience of the sponsor on similar projects.
B. Create an activity list.
C. Make sure the project scope is defined.
D. Complete risk management and issue the responsibility assignment matrix.
Answer: B

49. Risk tolerances are determined in order to help:

A. the team rank the project risks.
B. the project manager estimate the project.
C. the team schedule the project.
D. management know how other managers will act on the project.
Answer: A
50. A project manager is employed by a construction company and is responsible for the
furnishing of the completed building. One of the first things that the project manager for this
project should do is to write a:
A. Work breakdown structure.
B. Budget baseline.
C. Project charter.
D. Project plan.
Answer: C

51. Your company has an emergency and needs contracted work done as soon as possible.
Under these circumstances, which of the following would be the helpful to add to the contract?
A. A clear contract statement of work
B. Requirements as to which subcontractors can be used
C. Incentives
D. A force majeure clause
Answer : C

52. The "halo effect" refers to the tendency to:

A. promote from within.
B. hire the best.
C. move people into project management because they are good in their technical fields.
D. move people into project management because they have had project management
Answer : C
Hint: Flaw in Expert Judgment when people good in certain areas are deemed as good in all
53. A project manager is trying to complete a software development project, but cannot get
enough attention for the project. Resources are focused on completing process-related work
and the project manager has little authority to properly assign resources. What form of
organization must the project manager be working in?
A. Functional
B. Matrix
C. Expediter
D. Coordinator
Answer: A

54. All of the following are characteristics of a project EXCEPT:

A. Temporary
B. Definite beginning and end
C. Interrelated activities
D. Repeats itself every month
Answer : D

55. A team is using a fishbone diagram to help determine what quality standards will be used
on the project. What part of the quality management process are they in?
A. Perform quality control
B. Perform quality assurance
C. Plan Quality Management
D. Variable analysis
Answer : C

56. A buyer extends a formal invitation containing a scope of work. The invitation seeks a
response describing the methodology and results that will be provided to the buyer. This is
A. Invitation to bid.
B. Request for information.
C. Request for proposal.
D. Request for bid.
Answer: C
58. Purchasing insurance is considered an example of risk:
A. mitigation.
B. transfer.
C. acceptance.
D. avoidance.
Answer B

59. A cost performance index (CPI) of 0.89 means:

A. at this time, we expect the total project to cost 89 percent more than planned.
B. when the project is completed we will have spent 89percent more than planned.
C. the project is only progressing at 89 percent of that planned.
D. the project is only getting 89 cents out of every dollar invested.
Answer: D

60. In a matrix organization, which of the following is true??

A. The project manager is responsible for employee skills improvement.
B. The functional manager is responsible for employee skills improvement.
C. The project manager is responsible for the employee.s annual appraisal.
D. The employee is responsible for his or her own skills improvement.
Answer: B

62. The project management process groups are:

A. Initiating, planning, expediting, and control.
B. Plan, organize, develop, and control.
C. Plan, do, observe, commit.
D. Initiating, planning, executing, monitoring &controlling, and closing.
Answer: D
63. In which project management process group is the detailed project budget created?
A. Initiating
B. Before the project management process
C. Planning
D. Executing
Answer : C
27 Which of the following conflict resolution techniques will generate the MOST lasting
A. Forcing
B. Smoothing
C. Compromise
D. Problem solving
Answer : D
Hint: Except Problem Solving, all other approaches are temporary solutions resulting in
recurring conflicts.
28 Breaking the major deliverables into smaller, more manageable components to provide
better control is called:
A. Scope planning.
B. Decomposition.
C. Scope base lining.
D. Bill of Materials (BOM).
Answer : B
Hint: PMBOK 5, Page 128, Sec Decomposition
29 Which of the following is NOT an input to the initiating process group?
A. Company processes
B. The company culture
C. Historical WBSs
D. Project scope statement
Answer : D
Hint: PMBOK 5, Page(s) 61, 106. Scope statement is output of Define Scope process under
30 Workarounds are determined during which risk management process?
A. Identify Risks
B. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
C. Plan Risk Responses
D. Control Risks
Answer : D
Hint: PMBOK 5, Page 353, Sec
31 A person who is involved in or may be affected by the activities or anyone who has
something to gain or lose by the activity of the project is called a:
A. Team member.
B. Customer.
C. Stakeholder.
D. Supporter.
Answer : C
Hint: PMBOK 5, Page 563, Definition of Stakeholder
32 Quality is:
A. meeting and exceeding the customer's expectations.
B. adding extras to make the customer happy.
C. the degree to which the inherent characteristics fulfill requirements.
D. conformance to management's objectives.
Answer : C
Hint: PMBOK 5, Page 556, Definition of Quality
33 A schedule performance index (SPI) of 0.76 means:
A. you are over budget.
B. you are ahead of schedule.
C. you are only progressing at 76 percent of the rate originally planned.
D. you are only progressing at 24 percent of the rate originally planned.
Answer : C
Hint: PMBOK 5, Page 224, Table7-1 SPI definition, usage and interpretation
34 Contract closure is different from administrative closure in that contract closure:
A. occurs before administrative closure.
B. is the only one to involve the customer.
C. includes the return ofproperty.
D. may be done more than once for each contract.
Answer : A
Hint: PMBOK 5, Page 100, Sec 4.6 Close Project or Phase
35 During the full life cycle of the project, a plot of the project.s expected expenditures will
usually follow a characteristic ..S.. shape. This indicates that:
A. There is a cyclic nature to all projects.
B. Problems will always occur in the execution phase.
C. There are high expenditures during closeout.
D. The bulk of the project budget will be spent in the execution phase.
Answer :D
Hint: PMBOK 5, Page 214, Figure 7-9 Cost Baseline, Expenditures, and Funding Requirements
36 An output of administrative closure is the creation of:
A. project archives.
B. a project charter.
C. a project management plan.
D. a risk analysis plan.
Answer : A
Hint: PMBOK 5, Page 100, Sec 4.6 Close Project or Phase
37 A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a new product or service is called a:
A. New product development.
B. Project.
C. Program.
D. Enterprise.
Answer : B

38 An example of scope validation is:

A. Reviewing the performance of an installed software module.
B. Managing changes to the project schedule.
C. Decomposing the WBS to a work package level.
D. Performing a benefit-cost analysis to determine if we should proceed.
Answer : A

39 What conflict resolution technique is a project manager using when he says, "I cannot deal
with this issue now!"
A. Problem solving
B. Forcing
C. Withdrawal
D. Compromising
Answer : C

40 Approved Change Requests are an input to:

A. Control Scope and Validate Scope.
B. Direct and Manage Project Work.
C. develop project management plan and develop project charter.
D. Develop Project Management Plan and Develop Schedule.
Answer : B

41 A group of related projects that are managed in a coordinated way that usually include an
element of ongoing activity is called a:
A. Major project.
B. Project office.
C. Program.
D. Group of projects.
Answer : C

42 To control the schedule, a project manager is reanalyzing the project to predict project
duration. She does this by analyzing the sequence of activities with the least amount of
scheduling flexibility. What technique is she using?
A. Critical path method
B. Flowchart
C. Precedence diagramming
D. Work breakdown structure
Answer : A

43 A project manager has assembled the project team, identified 56 risks on the project,
determined what would trigger the risks, rated them on a risk rating matrix, tested their
assumptions and assessed the quality of the data used. The team is continuing to move through
the risk management process. What has the project manager forgotten to do?
A. Simulation
B. Risk mitigation
C. Overall risk ranking for the project
D. Involving of other stakeholders
Answer : D

44 Configuration management plan is:

A. Used to ensure that the description of the project product is correct and complete.
B. The creation of the work breakdown structure.
C. The set of procedures developed to control changes.
D. A mechanism to track budget and schedule variances.
Answer : C

45 A rough order of magnitude estimate is made during which project management process
A. Project planning
B. Project closing
C. Project executing
D. Project initiating
Answer : D

46The work defined at the lowest level of the breakdown structure to estimate as well as
manage time and cost is called the:
A. Activity.
B. Task.
C. Work package.
D. Cost account.
Answer : C

47 All of the following are examples of the cost of nonconformance EXCEPT?

A. Rework
B. Quality training
C. Scrap
D. Warranty costs
Answer : B

49 A project manager has just been assigned to a project. The document that recognizes the
existence of the project is called:
A. The statement of work.
B. The project assignment.
C. The project charter.
D. The product description.
Answer : C

50 The WBS for the project represents:

A. All the tangible items that must be delivered to the client.
B. All the work that must be completed for the project.
C. The work that must be performed by the project team.
D. All the activities of the project.
Answer : B

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