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Space imaging for oil&gas prospecting

The Earth surface bearing outcrops of geological objects is the source of the airspace information. The particular
features in the space images are directly or indirectly linked either to the geological object itself or its
reflection in the upper surface morphology patterns.
Earth surface can be considered as an uppermost geological boundary bearing traces of protruding tectonic
activity. It is first and foremost reflected in such features as lineaments, ring, circular and arch structures.
Lineaments are usually corresponding to the Earth’s crust faults, and they are displayed at the day surface like
elongated relief forms, boundaries of such relief forms, and like elements of hydrographic network, which are
geologically determined by zones of soil and vegetation contrast.
The rings, circles, ovals, and arches revealed in space images are displaying, similarly to lineaments, in
hydrography and other landscape elements. The circle and oval bodies may correspond to bar-like structures,
basement highs, or buried reef massifs.
Lineaments and ring structures revealed by space images reflect the resulting compliance with the active (sub-
surface) tectonic – i.e. the disjunctive and folded deformations of the sediment cover of different extents and
depths – down to the Earth crust basement deformations.
The airspace methods take special and inherent place among the sources of geological and geophysical
information; They must be treated as complimentary to other methods. In such way they help to mitigate risks
in oil & gas prospecting providing additional insight into the whole complex of available data.
Compiled by: principal expert in the aerospace geological researches
Dr. Alexander Yantsevitch
Tetrale Group Inc.
Example of SAR images

California (Northern America) Zambia (Africa)

Example of an IR image

• The couple of images

covers a part of the
ArizonaWhite Mountains.
Left: composition of 3
channels of the IR image;
right – pseudo-colored
composite prepared of
the visible diapason data

• The arrow shows the large

fault displayed in the IR

Example of a multispectral space image Landsat TM (west
coast of the Keweenawan penincula, Northern Michigan)

Example of structural imterpretation of a Landsat TM image
(California border,USA)

Revealing of a fault using the image transformation by
quantization method
• А – the initial image IRS LISS-III,
Sustchano-Perzhans’ka zone (Ukraine)
• the same IRS LISS-III, processed

Transformation of Landsat MSS image using program package «ERDAS IMAGINE»
Types of transformation:Spatial Enhancement (Texture) and
Hyper Spectral Tools (Signal to Noise)
Scale: 1:1000000
Day surface expression of the tectonically related subsurface
Left: Diagram of a strike-slip Right: Landsat TM image of strike-
fault and associated slip faulting and fracturing from
fracturing resulting from tectonic activity near Los Angeles,
tectonic stresses (from California.
Berge, 1994).

Comparison of the ancient fault network and the recent and modern active faults revealed by space images
allows outlining among the last ones the two main classes: the inherited and the neogenetic ones
The inherited faults (matched or allied by its spatial location and orientation) inherit the fragments of the
previously existing network of platform or pre-platform disjunctive dislocations
The newly formed active faults have low amplitudes or represent elongated systems of sub-parallel mega-
fractures (no- or low-amplitude disjunctions)., and they are not linked spatially to the paleo-faults. Such
discontinuities usually do not have any visible vertical or horizontal displacements, and they are manifested in
dissipated form within a wide belt (zone). They may be determined by the complex of indirect indicants
displayed in relief, drainage system, landscape, structure of platform cover and basement surface, increased
level of rock fracturing, anomalies of geophysical fields, etc.
The indicants of differentiated movement along the active faults are terminal moraine, esker, and other ridges,
large glacier dislocations, and erosion cutting-ins (of glacier trenches and river valleys) match by location and
The principal scheme of the possible fault location in the lithosphere, and their displaying
at the day surface and in space images in form of lineaments (by Makarov V.I., 1983)
• A,B – faults not reaching the day surface and
overlapped by geological rock masses at big (1) or
significant (2) depths of lithosphere, in a cross-
b b section;
• C – faults not reaching the day surface and having
A flat-lying (1) and vertical (2) location of the
displacement plane (zone) in the lithosphere
a a
1 - faults;
b 2 – Earth’s crust blocks divided by faults;
3 - Earth’s crust layers unaffected directly by faults
B 4 – variants of possible displacements along faults;
5 – cone of the mechanical deformations propagation;
6 – non-regular upflow of depth fluids, gases, and heat;
a a 7 – cone of dissipation of fluids, gases, and warm
8 – conventional curve of the heat flow above a fault
b b
9 - conventional intensity of anomalies at the day
C surface corresponding to intensity of morphology of the
lineaments displaying in the space images.
a a

Views: a cross-section; b – aero-space image

Manifestation of active faults in structure of modern sediments and
in modern relief (by Karabanov A.K., 2009)
seismotectonic moraines flexures and disruptions of fault scarp split-offs

sand bodies in moraines glasier disloctions terminal moraines

hydrogeochemial anomalies glacier beds eskers and fill-up terminal ridges

Correspondence between eskers and esker-like ridges
and active faults

• Among various relief forms of glacier origin,

the elongated erosion cutting-ins (glacier
beds, valley outwash plains) or eskers and
esker-like ridges appearing in large fractures
inside the glaceir bodies are the most linked
to active faults. Such cutting-ins are mainly
licated above large basement faults.

• 1 — eskers and esker-like ridges

• 2 — lakes,
• 3 — active fault
• 4 — sands
• 5 — clays
• 6 — disjunctions

Evidence of the Mosarsky lineament (Belarus), revealed by space
images, in the modern relief

The lakes are dashed , the solid lines

represent eskers and esker-like
ridges. The lineament is reflected by:
• location of elongated lakes or swamp
depressions on either side of it;
• the ridges form narrow peninsulas
dividing such lakes and bays;
• the width of ridges is changeable
and varies from 50-70 m to 0.3—0,6
km. In the intervals where the
lineament is formed by several sub-
parallel small ridges, the total width
reaches 0,8—0,9 km.

Scheme of bogs and tectonic dislocations for one of areas of
the Sustchano-Perzhanska tectonic zone
(by K.S. Dzhagiriants)

1-bogs, swamped depressions;

2- tectonic dislocations
Schematic diagram illustrating multiple roles that a fault plays in
transmitting or sealing hydrocarbons

• vertical reservoir connectivity;

• reservoir
• leakage to surface;
• juxtaposition seal;
• migration to trap.

Colligation of prospecting and exploration drilling results, and also the field exploitation data obtained by
various researchers has shown that areas with improved reservoir properties of productive horizons are located
in plane along lineament zones.
These zones were affected during the neotectonic stage by active differently directed movements creating
fracturing zones within the reserviors. At the same time such movements determined persistent appearance of
lineaments in the modern landscape. It is determined that such dislocations are corresponding to zones of
anomalous densities of terrigene and carbonate rocks characterized by reservoirs with rather high storage
This gives the possibility to use the results of airspace surveys for predicting of fractured reservoir zones with
increased storage capacities, drilling mud loss zones, and abnormal reservoir pressures.
The regional faults having rather big (up to 1.5-2 km) vertical displacements of productive horizons, were low-
active at the neotectonic stage. Most probably that caused absence of rocks with increased reservoir properties
and the fact that they are poorly defined in landscape.
The outlined regular dependencies between creation of zones with increased reservoir properties of productive
horizons, their neotectonic activity and degree of landscape gives broad possibilities not only to use the
airspace methods for regional geological and geophysical surveys but also for detailed prospecting of oil and
gas fields and their exploration. 14
The Deep River deposit and its alignment with a fault zone

• The structural map of the

Traverse group (Devonian)
bottom and the presumable
cross-section of the Deep River
oil deposit:
• 1- oil wells,
• 2 – structure contours of the
Traverse group bottom,
• 3 –limestones,
• 4 – clays;
• 5 – porous cavernous
• 6 oil deposit

Alignment of the oil deposits and the fault zones revealed by geophysical data
at the eastern slope of the Eastern European platform

• а – oil fields with deposits in

terrigene Devonian sediments
• b – oil fields where deposits in
terrigene Devonian sediments were
not revealed
• c – lines of the graben-like troughs
determined by drilling,
• d – basement faults by geophysical
• e – prospective oil deposit areas

Pattern of the main faults and oil&gas deposits in Predkarpatie
region, Ukraine
• 1- marginal fault of the Eastern
European platform (MPF),
• 2 – regional thrusts and
overthrust sheets;
• 3- sub-vertical fractures;
• 4- sub-vertical fractures in the
• 5- transverse fractures
C Deposits:
• 6 - oil,
• 7- gas,
E • 8 – oil&gas.
Main fractures:
A-, B-, C- , ...

Allocation of the oil producing well pattern and fractures of the
oil area Wady Bat, Morocco
• 1- structure contours of
the Miocene bottom,
section 25 m,
• 2 - thrust,
• 3 - normal fault,
• 4 – wells producing oil
from the Palaeozoic
• 5- – wells producing oil
from the Mesozoic
• 6 – wells producing oil
from the Mesozoic and
Palaeozoic reservoirs,
• 7- dry wells

Fracture analysis of Eastern Asian study area based on satellite data
with 2 m resolution.

Detailed airspace surveys are helping to obtain details of the known deposits and revealing of new
local objects. Detailed geological, geomorphological, and structural interpretation of mid and large scale
images is carried out as part of a complex works for processing and partial re-interpretation of the
existing geological and geophysical factual data.
Detailed works are carried out within the oil-producing areas during prospecting and exploration stage.
The object of their studies are local structures or their parts. The goal of the detailed surveys is
refinement of the known exploratory prospects, revealing of new prospecting plots (objects) and
preparation of them for detailed seismic surveys.
The possibility to reveal in the space images of local structures prospective for oil&gas deposits is
mainly determined by their inherited development, determined manifestation of structures in the
modern relief, character of Quarternary cover, distribution of soils, vegetation, and moisture degree. For
revealing of these peculiarities, also landscape spectral characteristics are needed.
The correlation between spatial distribution of hydrocarbon deposits and activity of structural forms
during the Neogene-Anthropogene stage is outlined. 19
Examples of structural
oil&gas traps

Ring structures and Oil & Gas
deposits of a southeast part
of the Volga-Ural petroleum
province (Gabrielyants and
others, 1984.)

Collation of the ring structure and

the tectonic map of the Dneprovo-
Donetsky basin

Gas and gas condensate deposits salt doms 21

The ring structure displayed
Scheme of the geological
deciphering in the ring in the space image
structure area “Landsat TM” is interpreted
as an anticline
 In conditions when the bedrocks are overlapped by a thick
province, Ukraine)
cover of Quarternary sediments, and the landscapes are
heavily changed, the anticline structures can be poorly seen
in the space images.
 The example is the local ring structure located at the elements of the ring structure and
northern edge of the Dneprovko-Donetsky basin (Ukraine) lineaments aligning with faults
close to Skvortsovskoye and Yul’evskoye oil-gas condensate
deposits. It may be seen in the space images (especially revealed by geological and
Landsat TM and Landsat ETM) well enough. geophysical data
 The structure has ellipsoidal concentric form, its long axe has
north-east extention; the structure sizes are 12x7 km. In the
modern relief it is displyed as an uplift slotted along the
long axe by a river valley. In the detailed structural maps of
the Skvortsovskoye and Yul’evskoye plots for the reflecting
horizons Vb2-п (C1V2) и Vb3-п(С1v1), the structure is not
displayed, but the external arch elements of the structure
match very well to the disjunctive dislocations displayed in
the same maps. The contours of the Skvortsovskoye and
Yul’evskoye deposits adjoin orthomorphically to the
peripheral part of the structure. 22
3-D image of a ring
structure in the modern
relief (digital relief model
with overlapped space

Correspondence of the
space images
interpretation scheme
and the structural maps
of the reflecting
horizons of the oil – gas
condensate deposits
gas condensate deposits
oil deposits
fractures revealed by seismic
data 23
 Use of airspace methods for oil&gas prospecting reveals The SAR image (5.6 cm range) , ERS
capability of direct interpretation by space images of the space vehicle, Western Black Sea
sea bottom up to sea depths 70-90 m. Sea bottom
region, scale
interpretation by space images is possible for shoal water
(internal shelf), which is considered as a «dead zone» due 1:1000000
to the fact that the area is inaccessible for survey ships.
 Using the indirect indicants like types of rough water,
change of the water sea color and transparency, it is
possible to interpret the sea bed elements within the
internal shelf and continental slope. The anticline
structures may be interpreted by space images in the shelf
areas rather confidently. As a rule they are displayed in
the sea bed relief in form of rises and accumulative forms
(underwater and overwater bars), and bends of the
buried river valleys.
 Comparison of the supposed contours of anticline
structures revealed by space images, with geological-
geophysical and seismic data shows a good convergence
with contours of anticline structures revealed by such
data, and provides a surplus of information for the
structures, which were not yet determined by geological
and geophysical methods.
Mosaics of SAR images for the north-eastern shelf of the Black Sea

 For interpretation of the marine areas, various types of space images mainly of
medium spatial resolution (10-45 m) and different regional and local
generalization levels are used. Some extended lineaments matching to the large
fault or are located at their offshore continuation may be revealed.
 Some of the regional ring structures match well to the positive and negative
anomalies of the gravity and magnetic fields, to the rises having Permo-Triassic
age, and also to many structural elements revealed in the structural maps of the
reflecting horizons.
 Majority of the ring structures are well matching to the structures revealed by
seismic data. This fact confirms the space image interpretation effectiveness for 25

water areas within shelf zones.

The linear elements of the
transformed SAR image
corresponding to the
Odessko-Temruksky fault;
scale 1:1000000

The linear elements of the

transformed SAR image
corresponding to the
Dunajsko-Donetsky fault; scale

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