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College Of Engineering, Ahmednagar

Department of Civil Engineering
Mid Term Test, 2013
Environmental Engineering I

Time: 1:30 hours Max marks:50

Instructions Date : 15-2-13

1) Figures to the right indicate full marks

2) All Questions are compulsory

1Q. a) Enumerate various types of demands (5)

b) Define Fire demand & how it is estimated. (5)

c) Define population fore casting. The population of 5 decades is given below. Find the population

after 3 decades use Geometric increase method . (10)

Year 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970

Population 25000 28000 34000 42000 47000

2Q.a) what are different examination to water. Write in detail. With BIS Specification. (5)

b) Draw the line diagram of water purification system & Explain in detail. (5)

3Q.a) Define Sedimentation & derive the expression for Hyzen’s question for setting velo (10)

b) A rectangular sedimentation tank is to handle 10 mm of water .The width to length ratio =1/3

to trap particle of 0.04mm size Assume density of particle 2.65 at 20 0c if the depth 3.5m find

the detention period. (10)

Best of luck

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