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The Cambridge International Corpus ( C I C ) ©

is a collection of over 1 billion words

of real spoken and written English. The •
texts are stored in a database that can be
searched to see how English is used. The CIC also
includes the Cambridge Learner Cor u a .
f.,k~n f~:~~~udent
collection of over 30 million words
exam papers from Cambridge ESOL. It shows real
m1st?kes students make and highlights the arts of
Enghsh which cause problems for students. p

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ISBN 978-0-521 -14445-2 Advanced Coursebook withe-Portfolio

ISBN 978-0-521 -16973-8 Advanced Self-study Pack (Workbook with DVD-ROM)
ISBN 978-0-521-17559-3 Advanced Teacher's Pack
ISBN 978-0-521-14446-9 Advanced Class Audio CDs

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Cl Advanced
Coursebook with e-Portfolio
Adrian Doff & Ben Goldstein

9.1 goals
speculat e about images and obj ects
.. . ......... Familv storv
.. . - . - .READING 1 Look at the city in the photo. What connection does it have with apples?

Icons 2 a Read this extract from a family anecdote.

' ' My sisters and I loved to listen to a simple story about an immigrant's
mistake in our own family. My grandfather's first cousin, who my sisters
Apples and I called Uncle David, left Norway when he was 22 years old to make
his way alone to America. He arrived at Ellis Island in August 1902. He
spent his first day in New York City and was flabbergasted by the chaos,
colour and crowds. Somewhere in the city, he saw a man selling apples,
the most gorgeous, red, perfect apples he had ever seen. He had almost
no money, but he lusted after one of those apples, and, overcome by
desire, he splurged and bought one. The story goes that he lifted the
apple to his mouth, bit into it and spat it out in disgust. It was a tomato.
Uncle David had never seen or heard of a tomato.

b Ask and answer.

What does this anecdote say about our hopes and expectations?
Why is it significant that the story happens in New York?
3 Why do you think the narrator loved to listen to this story?
4 Why do you think this anecdote has a universal significance?
c Read the next part of the anecdote and check your answers.
Two young men
(Crispin van den Broeck)
' ' My sisters and I roared with laughter at this story. It encapsulates so
- - -SPEAKING 1 a When you hear the word 'apple', what comes to mind? Write down any associations neatly the lesson of expectation and reality that it could serve as a
you have. Then compare with other students. parable. The fact that tomatoes are good is beside the point. If you're
b Now, picture an apple in your mind. What kind of apple do you see (think about size,
thinking you're getting an apple, then it's no use getting a tomato
texture, colour, taste, type)? Think of adjectives to describe it. instead. That New York should be nicknamed the Big Apple, that an
apple is the fruit of humankind's first error and the expulsion from
2 Look carefully at the painting. What elements do you notice? Do you think it paradise, that America and paradise have been linked and confused ever
represents or symbolises anything? since Europeans first hit its shores, makes the story reverberate as myth.

_._••~ LISTENING 3 a

Listen to four people interpreting the painting. Which details in the painting
do they mention and which do they leave out?
Listen again and complete the sentences according to the speakers' analysis.
d Read both parts again more carefully.
1 How does the writer give the impression that she is telling a story?
2 When does she begin the 'analysis'? How does she do this?
1 Generally speaking, the apple represents ... 3 When does she address the reader directly? Why do you think she does so?
2 The two men could be .. . 4 What stylistic touches give the story more impact [e .g. alliteration)?
3 There are a number of other details such as .. . 5 Do you agree with the writer's opinion?
4 The overall analysis suggests that the painting is ...
. . . . . . -SPEAKING 3 a You are going to tell the story from memory. Write down ten words from the first
4 a The speakers used various expressions to talk about the painting. What did they say? part which you think are important.
1 Also, the apple _ _ to have a symbolic value .. . b Tell the story.
Interpreting and 2 It's ___ what the painter intended .
defining 1 Cover the anecdote and reconstruct it only using the words you wrote.
3 What ___ me are the expressions on their faces .
2 Work in groups. Take turns to tell the story. Listen carefully. Which elements do
4 It _ _ they know each other very well.
each of you mention and leave out?
5 It's _ _ whether he 's offering it or .. .
3 Choose the story you th ink was most successful and tell it a second time to the
6 It ___ there 's a whole lot more going on here .
whole class.
7 The owl and crow _ _ symbols of death .
8 The painting _ _ that behind the happiness of youth lies .. . 4 Tell an anecdote about your family.
b Listen to check. Think of a story you can tell about:
• your parents when they were young.
c What other expressions could be used to replace those in 4a? • your grandparents or great grandparents.
It appears that they know each other. • an important event in the history of your family.
~ They appear to know each other. ~ It looks as if they know each other. 2 Tell it to another student.
3 Can your partner see any spec ial or symbolic sign ificance in your story?
~ SPEAKING 5 Work in groups. Look at the images on p131.

86 81
9.2 goals
Iconic discuss icon s

1 a Look at the magazine cover. ICONIC: THE OVERUSED ADJECTIV~
~s~v-~<ts ~c_ 7s sp eeJLV~ n~~e_
READING Who does it show? In what
sense do you think she was
an icon? 1
Every era suffers a lexicon of invasive usages. Words are as subject to ashion as
b What other icons do you think politics and popular music - today's tiresome coinage is tomorrow's ubiquitous
appear in the person's face? cliche. It is the jargon of the linguistically unfeeling whose job is to smother page
upon page with words. And there are more pages than ever, and more screens,
and thus more ma!:_ginally literate word-o eratives stru lin to smother them.
Where would these i)eople be without the following cliches, the ro s of their
desperate trade: enius, uru, leg_end, cool, multi-cultu-;:aJ,post-modern? Where,
a ove all, would they be without the word iconic?
Here are some nouns that have been prefixed by this most dismal of vogue
words: iconic art, iconic brand, iconic building, iconic film star, iconic cocktail,
r iconic shampoo . This suggests that there is nothing that cannot be deemed iconic.
1. 2 a Look at the article and the Iconic, that is, in the sense acquired through recent abuse, not in its original
images on the opposite page. meaning. According to one dictionary, 'iconic' in this newer sense means "very
In what way do you think they famous or popular, especially being considere to represent particiilar opinions·
are iconic? Or a particular time". - - -~ -- - - - -
b Read the article and check. Implicit in the modern use of'iconic' is the perhaps unconscious as iration_
to invest things and people with properties which render them miraculous and
(c)o o these statements
super uman, mag1ca an go i e. fTsan- expression of"numankind s tendency
'- summarise the writer's
argument in each paragraph?
·towards worship of objects and other humans. That tendency lives on in the
If not, correct them.
stadium-rock stage sets for alternative gods such as The Rolling Stones.
Conditions for an artefact to become truly iconic may be the fact that: 1) it
Paragraph 1 Words easily become over-used and so lose their true meaning. ~ is recognised at once (think of the Taj Mahal or a Vespa); 2) it has an unchanging
Paragraph 2 Nowadays, everything can be termed 'iconic' because the word no quality (aiafn like the Taj Mahal or the Mona Lisa); and 3) it em o dies strong-
longer means what it did. v values, llke the US flag. The Coca-Cola bottle has it all!
Paragraph 3 People have a tendency to honour or worship others . {/ -
Iconic status is less common in humans, unless, of course,
Paragraph 4 Almost any artefact can become iconic. (j.. they are dead. However, recent attempts have been made to make
Paragraph 5 Famous people often reach iconic status when they are still alive. r/ "the living equally iconic. Los Angeles street artist Shepard Fairey
provided us with an example for our age. He was the creator of
d What do you think the writer means by these expressions? the Obama Hope poster - surely the most celebrated image of a
a lexicon of invasive usages political leader in recent memory.
words used in ways which could be considered overused and inappropriate
2 the jargon of the linguistically unfeeling
3 marginally literate word-operatives
4 the props of their desperate trade
5 the sense acquired through recent abuse
6 stadium-rock stage sets

3 a Read the first two paragraphs again. What is the writer's attitude to the topic?
b The writer uses many words with negative connotations. Make a list, then think of a
more neutral alternative. What connotations do the negative words have?
I' I
c Replace the highlighted neutral words with negative words from the box. How does
the choice of word change the meaning?
brusque a rip-off irritating mobbed packed inescapable 4 a Make a list of five people or five things that you think are 'iconic'. Think about:
II dismissive dismal seething overpriced contemptuous hemmed in • buildings. • people . • products. • songs or pieces of music . • objects.
dreary crawling ubiquitous smothered invasive minimal
b Discuss your list.
1 At the exit, the rock star was surrounded by fans asking for autographs.
2 The mobile phone has become a common feature of modern life. 1 Explain your choices.
3 He sent me a short reply by email. 2 Talk about someone or something that is considered iconic, but you think does
4 We didn 't enjoy our holiday much. The place where we stayed was expensive , not fulfil the conditions mentioned in the article.
it was crowded with tourists, and the weather was cloudy.
Madonna. She's supposed to be an icon of pop music,
d Compare answers. Which words do you think are most critical? but I think she 'll be forgotten in about 10 years.

88 89
Taruet activitv EXPLORE
9.3 goals
Icons for todav disc uss icon s : / Across cultures Loan words
talk about wh at som ething re present s
1 The word icon is 'borrowed' from the Greek language.
1 a Look at the poster of Barack Obama, prese nt argum ent s and co unter-argum ent s
which was used in his election 1 What English words are used in your language? Can you think of any new ones?
campaign of 2009 . 2 What words from other languages does your mother tongue borrow from?

How is it different from other

images of politicians?
2 How is it different from:
• the photo? this is the
• the way Obama looks now? cutest soap that
b Listen to a journalist talking you will steal
about the poster. from a hotel.
What did the artist want to say
about Obama in this poster?
enjoy it.
2 What kind of public did the Handaoap.

artist want to attract?

3 What was his chief objective?
4 What did he do with the money chlc&baslc:"
made from the poster?
5 What was his attitude to people
'I who copied the image? Why?
Hotel room soap wrapper, Spain

2 a Look at these extracts. What verbs go in the gaps? h n 2 A lot of English is used in advertising. Why do you think this is? Look at these images.
D\;i rLra.. qooi
1 He felt that he should make something that i - - - C9'bama as having vision and Why and how is English being used here?
Saying what the ability to lead ... /-;, J
things and 2 He felt that he wanted something that he felt was going to LY Q.Y\.Sfhee..,_ 3 a Are any of these words used in your language? If so, what kind of people use them?
people represent counterculture . ~
3 All the knockoffs and parodies say how much the image ha / es a and become training cool supermarket image manager handy email marketing
a reference point.
b Listen to Norman and Olga talking about some English words that are used in
b Check in the script on p156. For each sentence, think of another verb or expression
their language.
that would have the same meaning.
1 Where are the people from? . . . ?
3 a Which icons in the unit do these statements refer to? 2 In which contexts are English loan words most often found in their countries.
3 What is each speaker's attitude to this?
1 She epitomises the glamour and vulnerability of celebrity culture.
4 Which words in 3a do they mention?
2 To some people it stands for freedom and democracy, but many people
associate it with power. c Are there any loan words in your language which have been given a new local
3 It's a symbol of timeless beauty and artistic perfection . meaning (like 'icon' or 'handy')?
4 She conveys a sense of subtle, inaccessible beauty.
d Look at this photo which shows the word 'Internet' being used in Poland.
5 They embody the rebelliousness of rock and roll.
6 It encapsulates the West's image of the Orient. 1 What do you think of this mixing of languages?
7 It represents mobility and efficient design. 2 Do you think that a language should stay ' pure' without any influence from others?

b Think of three examples of iconic things or people.

1 Write sentences about them using verbs from 2a and 3a .
2 Can other students guess which icons the sentences refer to?
4 a You are going to choose a set of iconic images for our time. Listen to a group
of people discussing whether the O@ama poster should be included.
1 What arguments do they give(in favour of)and against including the image?
2 What conclusion do they come to?
3 Which viewpoint do you share?
b What expressions did the people use to:
1 push their own point of view? 3 agree?
2 question or disagree? 4 suggest an alternative?
c Look at the script on p156 to check.

5 Work in groups. Group A, look on p131. Group B, look on p137.

1 a How do you think the magazine cover: give criticism

Kevwords describing what things represent 1 attracts the reader 's attention?
respond to criticism

2 illustrates the idea of a 'weak ' currency?

1 a Think about the verbs represent , depict and convey. What do they normally describe?
b · Read and listen to this conversation about INSIDE THIS WEEK: A14-PAGE SPECIAL REPORT ON BUSINESS IN JAPAN
b Choose the best verb. , the cover image. Who do you think the people are
1 A good photograph can often .c;pny~y./. prn r~!'!~.r:i.~ far more than words . and what are they discussing in particular?
2 Brando pq r.tra.~ 9./.~~.Pr~.$~!M 9. the cha racter ~f !$PWalski brilliantly.
3 It was the first tim e the ~m was .Q ~ P.i.~tj /?.~.Q~n. on television . A So what do you think of the design?
4 She was .c;Pr:i.Y~Y.~ tj / 9.~.P.l.c;t ~9. as a~ man whose. luck had run out. e I like the basic idea, but in general I don't think you quite
5 The colour red commonly r~P.r~.~~8.~$./. pqrtr~ danger. capture the seriousness of the topic.
A What do you mean?
c How many of the verbs in 1b can be used to talk about the meaning of pictures or images?
Complete the gap in this sentence. e Well, I think this image is a bit too light and cartoony, it
doesn't really convey what the article's about.
• The painting _ _ the leader of the party as a lonely figure. A Well, I beg to differ. I think it is clear, you know, it shows

d In which sentence in 1b could you use the verb stand for? the dollar going down in flames. I didn't want to make it
too boring It seems to me that we need to grab people's
2 a Complete these sentences with verbs from 1. Sometimes, there may be more than one correct answer. attention, so to speak, you know, make them realise it's
In which sentences could the verb symbolise also be used? important.
e I'm not sure ... I just think we need something that's a bit
more serious, that's all. But let's see what the others think.

c Identify expressions used to give criticism and

respond to criticism.
d Find examples of how the criticism is softened
and then followed by an explanation.

, i(~eSl<'.:t~Jcc:,, f &r . W,s
;r ve_ h& w S
2 a Rank these examples of giving criticism from least
to most critical.
a "It's not actually what I had in mind ...
The initials and logo ~ th £ 'Campaig n for 2 Wearing this ~ my love for New York. b "What on earth is this? Is it yours?"
Nuclear Disarmament'. c "This is totally wrong, you 'll have to redo it."
d "I think it would have been better to take a
different approach. "
' Role play.
1 Together, choose one of these situations.
• You work for Food World magazine . Create a
e "I expected something different. "
cover design to reflect the new lead article :
f "It doesn 't seem quite right. It's missing
" Invasion of the Italians. Italian cooking is
something, really."
everywhere, from the humblest pizza to
g "I think it's really nice, but there are a few
elaborate seafood dishes. We trace the way
th ings that don't quite work. "
Italians have influenced our eating. "
b Compare answers. • You work for Financial Matters magazine .
1 Do you have different opinions? Sales have been declining . Think of a
2 Which criticisms do you think are too harsh? plan to increase readership [e .g. celebrity
How could they be softened? interviews, free gifts, appealing to a younger
3 4 audience, etc.I.
3 a Rank these examples of responding to criticism
according to how strongly the speaker rejects it. • You work for Elegant Fashion magazine . It
b Complete these sentences with a form of depict or convey and a noun from the box. is going to run a series called 'The top ten
Sometimes, there may be more than one correct answer. a "OK, I'll redo it straight away." style icons'. Decide on ten people who will
b "It's not my fault the brief was a bit vague. " appear on this list [including some who
message life the world a sense of information scenes c "Could you be more specific ?" could be interviewed].
1 Two new biographies _ _ his _ _ in unprecedented detail. d "Yes, I know I can do better. I've been under a 2 Work in groups : A, Band C. In your group,
lot of stress ... develop a few id eas and make brief notes.
2 The director hopes that the film _ _ a mo re positive _ _ than at first sight.
3 His unhappy background expla ins how the painter came to _ _ _ _ in this way. e "What do you think needs changing?" 3 Form new groups so each group has one A,
4 It featu res some attractive examples of bas - reliefs which _ _ _ _ from the Hindu Ramayana epic. f "What's wrong with it , then ?" one B and one C. In turns, te ll the others your
5 Few novelists ______ place as well as Howard Frank Mosher. g " OK, maybe it needs a bit more thought. " ideas and respond appropriately. Be critical,
6 He speaks quickly, packing his sentences with facts, _ _ _ _ in the fewest syllables possible. b Compare answers. but find ways to soften your criticism .
4 Choose the ideas you think are the best.
3 Think of an image, book, person or film that represents something important to you. 1 Wh ich response do you th ink is too aggressive?
Describe it using verbs on this page . 2 Which do you think are good examples of
deflecting crit icism?

92 93
Look auain O
Grammar Vocabularv
Uses of suppose b Talk about your sentences. Do you consider them
It's no .. . Modifying a sentence
to be true or not?
1 a Look at these examples from the unit. It's no + 2 Look at these sentences from the unit. 4 a Look at these examples. What does suppose
adjective/noun can be used as a subject and be mean in each? What do you notice about the form We 're supposed to be dark and have black hair.
followed by that or by an -ing form. 1 Ba rack Obama ' s image has become an icon . of the verb? But actually, there are lots of blond people in Spain .
(for better or worse )
2 They would check him out furthe r and see 1 I suppose the best thing is aspirin. Unit 1
1 It's no coincidence that in Latin, 'apple'
his merits the way I see them. 2 The apple was supp<osed t o have a symbolic
and 'death' are almost the same word .
2 I f you t h ink you're getting an apple, then (hopefully ) value in Greek mythology. unit 9
3 He made something that he fe l t was going to 3· What's it supposed to mean then? Unit 9
it's no use getting a tomato instead.
transcend the countercultur e . 4 She ' s supposed to be an icon of pop music,
(actually ; maybe ) but I think she'll be forgotten in about 10
b Complete these examples with expressions from 4 And all is forgiven if Obama gets elected . years . Unit 9
the box. There may be more than one correct (really )
answer. What do you think the context might be 5 What you did seems well-sui t ed for
grassroots campaigning . b Replace each suppose with a synonym.
for each sentence?
(in a way )
Suppose I Supposing (that] it's bad weather,
6 So I'm very happy peop le care.
~ it's no good ( it's no wonder I surprise (in that sense ) what will we do then?
)- it's no use h it's no trouble I big deal I problem 2 A little salt is supposed to be good for you ,
I -~ it's no secret { it's no co incidence 1 Where do you think the expressions in isn 't it?
I ,} it's no different brackets should go in the sentence?
Could they go in more than one place?
3 A Will Tim be at the party?
B I suppose so, yeah .
How would it affect the mean ing? 4 The plane 's supposed to be here by now.
2 What does each expression ·do ' to the 5 I suppose you wouldn't be able to pick me up,
sentence? Which : would you?
• adds a comment to the sentence? 6 We can only suppose that they made a mistake.
• adds emphasis to the sentence?
c Match each sentence in 4b with meanings a-f.
3 a Add the expressions in brackets from 2 to these a Could you do this? 5
sentences. How many are possible each time? b That's what I think.
1 That was a terrible mistake! c People think this is what happened.
2 It would be better to do something different. d It says that on the schedule.
3 I don't think that was the right decision . e This might happen .
4 She'll be earning next year, so she 'll be more f People say this is true.
independent . d Use suppose negatively in each sentence in 4b.
b Work with a partner. What changes are necessary?
So, _ _ that on the first day of trading, e In which sentences could you use supposedly?
stocks of real estate investment trusts surged .· I , j
Choose a sentence in 2 with the expression
How would the sentence need to change?
2 But now she's gone and _ _ wanting her _ , ~ J tu you added .
back because she 's not coming. 4->l IS. (;2 Th ink of a situation where it might be said .
5 a Look at the photos. Think of a remark that could
3 _ _ that tobacco advertising has targeted 3 Develop it into a short dialogue, adding extra
go with each. Use an expression with suppose
teens. sentences.
from 4b.
4 It's how you 're born, and _ _ from being 4 Practise until you can say it without read ing
born short, tall or anyth ing else . the sentences . b Work with a partner. Build a short conversation
5 Because _ _ just going in there and 5 Perform your dialogue to other students. Can from one of your sentences. Use an expression
throwing products at them, it doesn 't work. they guess the situation? with suppose.
6 ___ for me to get his phone number - I'll Grammar reference, p144 c Listen to five conversations. Where are
get it tonight. the people and what are they doing? How similar
c Discuss these questions. were the conversations to yours?

Wh ich expressions in th box are followed by: 6 a Think of things which are commonly said about
• verb + ing? e
U I <AS e_ I your country, its food, culture or people. Write
• that+ clause? ~ e c Ve I- ,./tM._evio 'L{ / sentences with suppose .
• to+ infin itive? l-&fl '('.,11
We're supposed to be dark and have black hair.
2 Wh ich expressions' have a sim ilar meaning?
d Look at this example. To make it's no good more
emphatic, just is added. What other words can
add emphasis to these expressions?

I 've tried dieting, but it's just no good .

94 95
10.1 goals
des crib e group s and m ember ship 3 ' Listen to Grover talk about his sense of belonging
desc rib e feeling s about belonging to a group.
1 What group did Grover belong to?
2 What exactly is esprit de corps?

Asense 01 belonging 3

Why didn 't this affect him as personally as other
What three positive things does he say about be ing in
this organisation?
5 Why is there a temptation to stay in this group?
Groups Grover
-,r;."'i.', , LANGUf'GE 4 a Complete these extracts with the expressions in the box.
1 Look at the groups of people.
!§~ : -. , . FOCUS · · '
1 Where are they? What do you think they are do ing? a sense of loyalty part of a larger group bonded with
Belong ing to a get territorial belonging to
2 What kind of groups are they? What do they have in common? group
3 What connections and differences are there between the images? 1 I felt as if I was
2 You develop _ _ to these people.
3 What was your experience of being in the army and _ _ this organisation?
4 You can 't _ _ about things.
5 There was a strong temptation to rejoin the army, and that's how they get you,
you know, because you are so _ _ your group .

b · Listen to check.

Joining a group
1 a The expressions in A are all used to talk about joining groups.
1 Which expressions in B could they match with?
Talk about 2 Which expressions have almost the same meaning?
1 I joined .. . a .. . a lot of people .
2 I got involved in .. . b ... the Scottish National Party.
3 I teamed up with .. . c .. . a few colleagues from work .
4 I got to know .. . d .. . a drawing class.
5 I signed up for .. . e .. . a training course .
6 I enrolled in ... f ... politics.
7 I became a member of .. .
8 I collaborated with .. .

2 Listen to Pilar talk about belonging to a group.

1 What group does she refer to? How do you know?
2 How does she feel about belonging to it?
3 Which expressions from 1a does Pilar use?

3 Choose one of the groups you listed earlier.

Don 't say what the group is , but tell a partner how you joined it and how you feel
about being a member.
2 a What different groups do people belong to? 2 Can your partner guess what the group is?
b What kinds of groups do you belong to?
1 Make a list . Think about :
• organ ised groups .
• social groups.
• clubs.
• professiona l groups .
• informal groups.
2 Show your list to a partner. Which group is the most important to you?

10.2 goals
Football give opini ons emph ati ca lly

b In which extract is football seen as:

1 a way to challenge stereotypes?
2 a form of escape?
3 having an important social function?
4 a way of bonding people?
1 a How do you think these football photos are connected to the topic of belonging? 5 a subject for an artistic project?
6 a phenomenon of universal and mass appeal?
b You will read four extracts, each related to a photo. What do you think they will say?
c What techniques do the writers use to add variety and immediacy to their texts?
2 a Read the extracts quickly. Find examples.
1 Where is each extract from [a magazine, a novel ... ]? How do you know? questions to get reader's attention lists of nouns
2 Who is speaking in each : a fan? a journalist? a footballer? an expert I academic? inversion for emphasis exclamations rhetorical questions
3 Who is being addressed? richly descriptive language use of direct quotations
0 0
Playing football and attending football matches Exactly when chaos comes into our life, is when d Which extract would you like to carry on reading? Why?
. . . It turned you into a member of a new we must never lose hope, we never must lose faith
community - all brothers together for an hour in holy love and wisdom. Ifwe have faith, small
3 a Look at these sentences from the extracts. If you read them aloud, which words
and a half, for not only had you escaped from the would you emphasise?
that it is, one day it goes to help us to transform
clanking machinery of this lesser life, from work, Being emphatic For not only had you escaped from the clanking machinery of this lesser life, but
our life. My life is an example of this! And one of
from wages, rent, doles, sick pay, insurance cards, the ways to show my gratitude is to extend and to you had escaped with most of your mates and neighbours.
nagging wives, ailing children, bad bosses, idle 2 No single world religion can match its geographical scope.
share, when I can, my luck, with those who need
workmen, but you had escaped with most of your 3 Football has not merely been consumed by the world's societies, it has been
it. Because I believe that this way, we will be able
mates and your neighbours, with half the town, embraced by them .
to create a happier, more just society. As my art 4 Exactly when chaos comes into our life, is when we must never lose hope.
cheering together, thumping one another on the
is in my feet and not in my hands, it is with great 5 As for their interest in football, yes, they are genuinely interested and passionate
shoulders, swapping judgements like Lords of the
honour that I associate the power of soccer to this about football. They wanted to go to the matches.
Earth, having pushed your way through a turnstile
noble, social cause.
into another and altogether more splendid life. b Listen to check.
c Look at the sentences again.
G s there any cultural practice more global than football? 1 What conventional word order has changed in sentence 1?
I No single world religion can match its geographical
scope. The use of English and the vocabularies of science
Jafar Panahi 's film Offside is so ensconced in the here-
and-now that it was actually filmed in real time during the
event it dramatises - the Iran-Bahrain qualifying match
What words I expressions could replace : no, merely, exactly, yes ?
Are these ways of emphasising more common in spoken or written language? Why?
for the 2006 World Cup. And Panahi insists on using 4 How could you communicate the sentences in a less emphatic way?
and mathematics must run football close for universality,
but they remain the lingua franca of the world's elites, not real people, too: "When I write a script I look around for
people who can do the job best. For the girl supporters, ~ SPEAKING I. a Work alone. Do you agree with these statements?
of its masses. McDonalds? MTV? Only the most anodyne
they were mainly university students - and I found 1 Football is the most popular sport in my country.
products of America's cultural industries can claim to reach
them through friends and colleagues and my contacts 2 Football helps break through barriers and is a way of bringing people together.
as wide as football's, and then only for a fleeting moment
at universities. As for their interest in football , yes, they Not only is football the 3 The same number of women as men like football.
in those parts of the world that can afford them. Football
are genuinely interested and passionate about football. most popular sport in 4 Nowadays, football is about love and money equally.
is available to anyone who can make a rag ball and find They wanted to go to the matches." Panahi went on: "I
another pair of feet to pass to. Football has not merely been my country, it's also b Change the statements so they reflect your opinion. Add emphasis, if you feel
was very conscious of not trying to play with people's the most popular topic
consumed by the world's societies, it has been embraced, emotions; we were not trying to create tear-jerking strongly enough.
of conversation.
embedded and then transformed by them ... scenes. So it engages people's intellectual side." c Talk about your opinions. Do other people agree?

98 99
Target activitv EXPLORE
10.3 goals
Prepare a campaign per suad e oth ers t o take ac tion
Across cultures Football rivalries
1 a How do you think the photos are connected with homelessness? 1 Do you know these rival football club shields?
Match them to the team names and their cities.
b Match the summaries on p133 with the photos.
Galatasary I Fenerbahc;:e
1 Which campa ign wo uld be the most effect ive? Why?
River Plate I Boca Jun iors
2 What do you think causes people to become homeless?
AC Milan I lnternazionale
3 What do people in your country do to prevent homelessness?
2 a Imagine you wanted to support the Homeless World Cup. How could you help?
b Read this campaign message from the Homeless World Cup website.
1 What answers does it give to 2a?
2 What is the difference between being a partner, a volunteer and a fan?
r-------- - -- - - -·------·-------------- ~1


Make a difference. I
Become a partner II
Become a partner and make a profound impact. engage employees and align with a powerful positive
message for the world.
Volunteer I
We are looking for 500 special people to help make the next Homeless World Cup the best ever. Bring
your spirit of co-operation, your skills and talents and create an unforgettable event for everyone involved.
Become a fan
Sign up for the Homeless World Cup Fan Club and unite to make the tournament happen to give
thousands of players around the world the chance to stand proud, represent their country and change
the world forever. Support football with the power to change the world .
Make a donation
Help the Homeless World Cup Foundation grow the ambition to reach one million players with the
benefits of football. Make a donation now! Thank you.
Raise money
Do something to raise money for the grass-roots projects making the benefits of football available to
people who are homeless all year round.
Spread the word
Join the Homeless World Cup on Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, YouTube and Twitter to post your
comments, photos and videos.

3 a Find examples of these features in the campaign message. 2 Listen to a radio programme about
1 imperatives 5 positive adj ectives and collo cations football rivalries.
2 the present progressive 6 slogans and catchy expressions 1 What is the cause of the rivalry in each case?
3 exagge ration 7 pledges and claims 2 Why is the rivalry so strong?
4 compl iments to the reader 8 alliteration 3 What do all three rivalries have in common?
b Which expressions from p97 are used here? 3 Look at the script on page 157. How many words
connected with sports can you find?
4 a Work in groups. Choose a charity which you think is worthwhile.
Plan the campa ign message . Think about : 4 a Talk together.
• what you want to get across. • ways to get people involved . Whe re you live, what are the greatest spo rting
• the target audience. • expressions, slogans and visuals . rivalries?
2 Together, write the campai gn message. Include ideas for images and attract ive 2 Do the teams or players have nicknames?
presentat ion and use features from 3a . 3 Why do you think that rivalry is so strong ? Was
3 Plan how to present your campa ign , and how to persuade others to contribute. the original cause historical, political, social or
b Give your campaign message to another group and give them time to read it. econom ic?
4 What are their matches like?
c Choose one person in your group to:
b What do you think is happening in the photo?
• prese nt your campaign and answer any quest ion s. Write a brief caption. Then compare with other
• try to persuade othe r groups to contribute to th e campa ign. students.
d Decide which other campaigns you will support, and how. Tell the class.
1 a Look at this campaign poster for Shelter, a UK charity. describe an organisation

Kevword together How does the image transmit its message? present something in the best possible light

1 What does together mean in sentences 1-6? What do you think the people are
\1 1
talking about?

at the same time as a whole side by side Shelter

in a relationship against each other round each other

1 You can wait a long time and then two arrive togethei . Shelter is a charity that works to alleviate the distress
2 I knew they were close but I didn't know they were together . caused by homelessness and bad housing.
3 Tie the two ends togethe1 well, otherwise it might break.
4 Put your hands togethPr for our special guest! We do this by giving advice, information and advocacy to
5 The two together must be worth a fortune. people in housing need , and by campaigning for lasting
6 All of us must fight together against this menace . political change to end the housing crisis for good.
2 a What do you think are the most common verbs that collocate with together?
Complete the gaps with a verb + together. Shelter cannot house you , but we can give confidential
1 It's a good thing we _ __ tonight. It might be our Last chance. help to people with all kinds of housing problems.
2 We must begin to _ __ as a team - that way we 're stronger. 3
3 ___ your things now, we ' re Leaving.
4 Do you think the sh irt and tie _ _ ? Shelter tackles the root causes of bad housing by
5 He's been helping Mark ___ a business plan . lobbying government and local authorities for new laws
and policies, and more investment, to improve the lives of
1 b What other verb could you use in each sentence to express a homeless and badly housed people.
11 similar idea? Our influential campaigns bring aspects of bad housing
It's a good thing we met tonight ... to the attention of the media and the public, who help us
fight for solutions.
3 a Put is the verb which most commonly collocates with together.
Think of a synonym for each of these examples. As a leading expert on housing in Britain, we develop
practical solutions to address the housing crisis.
1 Our panel of experts put toge t he r a list of top ten foods
to eat .
2 The movie is being put together by a group of independent
We're proud to join forces with like-minded organisations,
film-makers .
3 She had put together a proposal for a book about Thomas to share our ideas, and develop creative ways of tackling
b What do you think the charity fights for, housing need.
Jefferson's boyhood.
4 I'm going to put together the best staff to improve the of fice.
apart from combating homelessness?

2 a Read the extract from the Shelter website.

b What do you think these highlighted expressions mean? How does it answer 1b?
b The web page was written to cast the organisation
1 They won more medals at the Barcelona than the last four b Add these subheadings to the gaps. in the best possible light. How is this done? Think
Olympics put together . about:
2 We're planning a little get-together for next Saturday.
Fighting for change About us Help and advice
3 I really admire her - she's such a together person . • the general content.
4 I put two and two together and s aw that I wasn't welcome. Informing professionals
• the Language items chosen.
5 I wanted to go to Nepal but I just didn't get t together .
c What do you think is the best overall heading for c Find verbs in the website extract which talk
4 a Complete these questions with a verb+ together. this extract? about:
1 Who is marri ed in your family? How Long have they _ _ ? Our values Who we are Equality and diversity 1 helping and solving problems.
2 Have ever had to ___ a repo rt or a proposal fo r your work? How we make a difference 2 fighting something.
What was it abou t ? d Why do you th ink there are so many of these
3 When you go on holiday, how Long does it take you to _ _ the things 3 a How does the webpage express these ideas? verbs? Which other verbs do you think could be
you need to take ? Why? Consider individual words I expressions used in texts of this type?
4 Why do you think countries find it so hard to _ _ to fight global as well as verb forms.
warm ing? 4 Write a 'Who we are' description of the charity
1 Homeless people are helped by Shelter.
5 Look at the photos . Do you think t he colou rs _ _ ? organisation you chose on p100.
2 Confidential help is given to those people with
Why I Why not?
hous ing problems .
b Ask and answer the questions. 3 We fight the main causes of bad housing.
4 The med ia and the public find out about us
through our campa igns.
5 The housing cr isis is dea lt with usi ng practi cal

look auain O
Grammar vocabularv
4 a No way is common in conversations. What do you Collective nouns for people Collective adjectives
think it means here? What are the people talking
1 a Look at this example from the unit. about? 7 a How many different kinds of groups can you 10 a We can use adjectives as nouns to talk about
remember from the unit? certain groups of people:
Not 0nly had you escaped from the clanking No way will Un ited win the league .
machinery of this lesser li f e, but you had b Sentences a-g talk about other groups of people.
They haven 't got a chance.
escape d with most of your mates and neighbours.
Who do you think is talk ing in each sentence ,
The sentence starts with an adverbial phrase . and about what?
How does this affect the word order? No way did he write that himself. 2 Which of the highlighted nouns describes a
2 You could also say: He copied it from the Internet. small group? Which describes a large group?
You hadn 't only escaped ... but .. . 3 Which have a negative connotation? Which
• homeless people ~ the homeless.
How would that change the meaning? could be both negative or neutral?
• elderly people ~ the elderly.
It's great for a holiday, but no 4 What other words could replace t he
b Here are some more adverbial phrases that can way would I want to live there . highlighted nouns?
start a clause or sentence. a We l l, the hordes of admirers are difficult to
Which words in A can combine with words in B? put up with sometimes .
Listen and mark the words where the b The suspect's court hearing today wi l l be on
A emphasis is placed in each sentence.
a live v i deo l i nk from prison, so police do
not way not have to confront an angry mob .
c While you were just "hanging out with the gang"
very until
5 a Write true sentences beginning with an adverbial I wa s wondering if you were alive or dead!
at no rarely d The Hunting Party - a camera crew (Gere,
phrase about:
in no now Howard, Eisenberg) goes l ooking f or a Bosnian Complete these sentences with the and an
only recently • something that rarely or never happens. warlord in thi s darkly comic thriller. adjective from the box.
once • something that only happened recently. e They've had to learn to adjust to a high
• something you believe is impossible or a school whe r e, if you're not in a clique ,
t ime rich poor elderly homeless
you're nobody.
ridiculous idea . f All o f a sudden, they became a top-40-type needy disabled
2 a Complete the gaps with expressions from 1b. b Listen to each other's sentences and ask group appea l i ng to the younger crowd .
He knows that it's wrong to park in spaces for
g Aberdeen 's top scorer, Stavrum, has been
I should add that _ _ have I, or anyone on questions to find out more. l inked with a move to German team St Pauli .
my behalf, rece ived a complaint. 2 The goal is to prevent _ _ from dying of
2 does the crisis threaten their business. 6 a What do these pictures show? Write a brief exposure .
8 a Which nouns in 7b can also be used with the ones
3 Seven years I've known him and _ _ has he caption for each with no way. 3 The gap between _ _ and _ _ is steadily
in the box? Make as many collocations as you can.
let me down . b Compare your captions. Use these patterns: increasing.
4 Usually you audition for things so many times. 4 The risk of infection is greater in _ _ .
_ _ do you get the dream call. noun+ noun . mob rule 5 It's _ _ rather than the greedy that have to
5 have we discovered what the real 2 noun+ of + noun . hordes of children be protected.
problem was . b How do you express the ideas in your language?
tourists violence member rule
b Which are formal and which are informal in flight capacity children leader c Talk together.
b Make these sentences more precise by replacing How are these groups of people talked about
c Which words would you stress for emphasis? in your society?
group with an alternative.
d Listen to check. 2 Do you think attitudes towards them have
1 He was hanging out with the wrong group . changed over the last 50 years? If so, how?
3 Rewrite these sentences with adverbial phrases. 2 They were a professional group and sorted out
The business started slowly, but now we are our problems easily.
making a profit . 3 These are the towns where they can recruit
Only ... Grammar reference, p144 new group members.
2 He didn't pick up the phone to see how I was. 4 If you go to the beach resorts in the summer
At ... you'll find groups of tourists.
3 It hardly ever ra ins here in July. 5 I was ill on the flight but the cabin group were
Very ...
very helpful.
4 I didn"t realise my bag was gone until we were 6 Group violence is a cause of inner-city crime.
leaving the bar. 9 Writing game.
Not ...
Write a sentence that could be part of a story,
5 It's pouring with rain, and it's also freezing!
including a collective noun for people . Pass
No t ...
your sentence to another pair.
2 Continue the story with another sentence.
Pass your sentences to another pair. Continue
with four or five more sentences.
3 Read out your story.

104 105
11.1 goals
talk about climat e change b The article describes four of the ideas. Which involves:
desc rib e invention s and how th ey work • reducing C0 2 levels?
di scu ss propo sa l s • absorbing the sun 's heat?
• deflecting the sun 's rays?

Climate Climate change is being experienced everywhere in the world, and just reducing carbon emissions
may not be enough. Some scientists are now beginning to suggest more radical inventions that

Radical wavs 10 save lhe planer might save us from disaster by actually putting the greenhouse effect into reverse .
One scientist is proposing to put a huge glass sunshade in space which would orbit the Earth so
~ l.!.ISTENING 1 a What do you know about the billionaire that it would always face the sun. This would deflect some of the sun's rays back into space, so
Richard Branson? Why do you think the temperature of the atmosphere would be reduced .
this photo was taken?
Another proposal is to fire rockets loaded with sulphur into the stratosphere. The sulphur would
b . Listen to the news story. be released and it would form a thin cloud -like layer around the Earth, which would block some
How much did Richard Branson of the sun's rays.
offer, and for what? Another interesting idea is to pump fine particles of sea water into the clouds . This would
2 Why do you think he did this? increase the thickness of the clouds, so the sun 's rays would be reflected. This cou ld be done
What do you th ink of the idea? using remote-controlled yachts, so the energy cost would be zero .
Another possibility would be to create enclosed 'plankton farms ' in the sea, where plankton
2 a The 'word cloud' shows some key words from the broadcast.
could be fed huge quantities of fertiliser. This would make the plankton grow and absorb ~0 2

Climate change
.. carbon dioxide(/) global warming ~ from the air.
l b1ll1on tonnes gs humans 0 ~ Proposals like these may seem like science fiction, but some experts believe we may soon be
~ .g climate change ~ forced to take them seriously, for the sake of our planet.
Richard Branson ~ century § six degrees -§
United Nations ffi E greenhouse gases
- billionaire LC)
N Anificial trees
1 Which are directly connected with climate change? 1 Look at the image that was not mentioned in the article. What do you think it shows
2 Write sentences to show connections between the words in the word cloud . and how might it work? Read more about it on p133.
How many can you think of?
Active and
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. 2 a After could and would , we can use an active or a passive infinitive. Complete the gap.
3 Try to use all the words to reconstruct what the reporter said.
infinitives Active: The apparatus would extract carbon dioxide .
b . Listen again. Were any words used differently?
Passive: Carbon dioxide would
3 a These images show five ideas which could be used to fight global warming. b Find more examples of each type in the article on p133.
What different ideas do you think they show?
3 a Cover the article above and complete the sentences. Choose an active or passive
infinitive, using the verbs in the box.

release reduce form feed increase reflect block absorb ..d.e#ecf

Giant sunshade: the sunshades would deflect a small percentage of the sun's
rays back into space, so the temperature of the atmosphere would ...
2 Sulphur rockets: the sulphur would ... and it would .. .
3 Pumping sea water: this would ... The sun 's rays would .. .
4 Plankton farms: plankton would .. . The plankton could .. .

b Read the article again. Did it use the verbs you chose?

~ SPEAKING 4 Consider each of the five proposals in turn.

1 Do you th ink it is likely to work ?
2 Do you think it would help combat global warming ?
3 In wh ich proposals would cost or energy consumpt ion be a problem?

11.2 goals
Glaciers describe an ongoing process 4 a The verbs in the box all describe processes. How could you use them to answer
these questions?
Processes 1 What is happening to: the ice? the glacier? the ocean?
2 What used to happen before?

melt shed disappear replenish flow rise transmit

trigger accelerate march maintain vanish

II 1 What is the difference between the two photos? How many years, do you think,
b Check in the article.

have elapsed between them? What could have caused the changes to take place? c Talk about the notes you made in 3b, using the verbs in the box to talk about them.
Did you make the same points?
2 a Read the beginning of an article about Greenland. What does the writer mean by: d Do you know of any other 'dynamic effects' connected to climate change?
"calving season"? 2 "a flotilla of icebergs"? 3 "eerily beautiful"?

The Sermilik fjord in Greenland: 1 a You are going to read a poem called 2084 by Carol Rumens about a future vision of
the world. Before that, read about Phaethon on p133. What could Phaethon be a
a chilling view of a warming world metaphor for in the poem?
t is calving season in the Arctic. A flotilla of icebergs, some as

I jagged as fairytale castles and others as smooth as dinosaur

eggs, calve from the ice sheet that smothers Greenland and
sail down the fjords. The journey of these sculptures of ice from 2 a
b 2084 echoes the year 1984. What significance does 1984 have for you, if any?

Read and listen to

the first part of the poem.
glaciers to ocean is eerily beautiful and utterly terrifying. Paired wheels and PV panels, ponds and hives
The wall of ice that rises behind Sermilik fjord stretches for What expressions talk
2,400 km from north to south and smothers 80% of this country. and garden-fields (citron and silvery-green
about climate change?
It has been frozen for three million years. samplers, stitched by hand) declare our ground.
that flood, in motion inches We're scripture-safe in our examined lives;
from the cross-roads for each estate, one bin, one fridge, one screen
only, daily rationing of down-loads.
b Why do you think the writer says this is "a chilling view" and that the icebergs are b Find expressions which
That ice-bar, frilling in the distant sound ,
"utterly terrifying"? refer to:
that flood, in motion inches fro m the cross-roads
• bicycles. where we abolished run-ways and re-wound
3 a Read the rest of the article quickly. What seems to be happening in Greenland? • solar heating . the windmills, will be measured and contained -
Do scientists fully understand it?
• computers. the government says so. And the world will sail
• a group of houses I flats. over the carbon peak: we'll be in free-fall
Now it is melting, far faster than a greater pace than a glacier had ever sheets will not completely disappear the whole sweet way to paradise regained.
the climate models predicted and far been observed to flow before. "We for many more centuries, but the
3 : Read and listen to the
more decisively than any political were blown away because we realised Greenland ice sheet is now shedding second part of the poem.
action to combat our changing that the glaciers had accelerated not more ice than it is accumulating. How many references
climate. If the Greenland ice sheet Research is focusing on what It's slow, of course. The children want to burn
just by a little bit but by a lot," he
to Phaethon can you find? anything that burns. They say we stole
disappeared, sea levels around the says. The three glaciers they studied scientists call the 'dynamic effects'
world would rise by seven metres, had abruptly increased the speed of the Greenland ice sheet. It is not 2 Find expressions that the magic brand, and scraped the sun's wheel
as 10% of the world's fresh water is by which they were transmitting ice simply that the ice sheet is melting refer to 'fire'. to spark it, so shut up : it's their turn
currently frozen here. from the ice sheet into the ocean. steadily as global temperatures 3 Who are the ' unfortunate ' to hit the gas, light out, ignore the brakes,
Experts from around the world Driven by the loss of ice, Arctic rise. Rather, the melting triggers ones in this case? as children should. Just let us be children
are landing on the ice sheet in a temperatures are warming more dynamic new effects, which in tum they wail from blazing consoles. And we tell them,
race against time to discover why quickly than other parts of the world: accelerate the melt. "It's quite likely 4 a · Listen to someone or try to, what it was to drive that borrowed
the ice in Greenland is vanishing last autumn air temperatures in the that these dynamic effects are more commenting on the poem.
so much faster than expected. Arctic stood at a record 5°C above important in generating a rapid rise chariot , rocketing, spiralling with its florid
Gordon Hamilton, a Scottish-born normal. For centuries, the ice sheets in sea level than the traditional melt," What does he say is its main machinery in a thunder of gold tyres
glaciologist, hit upon the daring maintained an equilibrium: glaciers says Hamilton. Some scientists are message? Do you agree? down, down the yellowing sky-waste. Oh infelix
idea of landing on a moving glacier calved off icebergs and sent melt astounded by the changes. "We can't b Which parts of the poem Phaethon, earth grew nothing, then, but fires.
in a helicopter to measure its speed. water into the oceans every summer; as a scientific community keep up We drove death into childhood, just being children .
When Hamilton processed his first talk about:
in winter, the ice sheet was then with the pace of changes, let alone
measurements of the glacier's speed, replenished with more frozen snow. explain why they are happening," • people 's lifestyle in 2084.
he found it was marching forwards at Scientists believe the world's great ice says the glaciologist. • the kind of society it will be .
• what the children want .
• what their parents did to the Earth.
b Read the article more carefully and make notes about:
5 a • Read and listen to the whole poem . What connections are there with the
1 the Greenland ice sheet. 3 air temperatures. article on page 108?
2 Gordon Hamilton. 4 'dynamic effects'.
b What other visions of life in the future can you think of (films, books, etc.)?

108 109
Target activitv EXPLORE
11.3 goals
The ooomsdav debate Across cultures living 'ott-grid'
1 a You are going to listen to part of a radio
1 What do you think 'off-grid' refers to? What clues
can you find in the photo?
discussion about the book The Vanishing
Face of Gaia by scientist James Lovelock.
2 a Read the first paragraph of the article to check.
1 What do you think this title means?
2 What do you think it says about James Lovelock's view of climate change? b Which verbs collocate with these nouns to
describe what an 'off-gridder' does?
b Listen to the discussion.
electricity own water own waste disposal
Which of these opinions does the book express?
• Global warming is irreversible.
3 Now read all of the article.
• Humans are not responsible for causing climate change .
• Humans caused climate change without realising what they were doing. Find nouns and adjectives which describe 'off-
• It's now impossible to slow down climate change. gridders' and their lifestyle.
2 Why do you think Moira laughs? noticeable glee, smug ...
2 Which ones show the 'off-gridders' in a
2 a Which sentences best match James Lovelock's point of view? positive light? Which in a negative light?
1 Global warming is now inevitable .
I Saying if actions 2 It's absolutely crucial that we reduce C02 emissions over the next 50 years. 4 Discuss these questions.

I I are justified 3
Using low-energy light bulbs is pointless .
It would be quite feasible to reverse global warming if we act soon .
The amount of money which we invest in wind power isn't really justified .
How do you think
'off-gridders' would
be viewed in your
1 6 It's certainly worthwhile holding conferences on climate change . home Feeds: comments
country: as pioneers or
11 b Which highlighted adjectives in 2a mean: dreamers?
a it has no purpose?
2 How would you describe Unplugging from the grid
Perez's tone at the
b it's possible to do it? "I haven't paid an electricity bill since 1970," says Richard Perez
start and the end of the
c there 's no good reason to do it? with noticeable glee. He can afford to be smug. He lives "off-grid"
article? Do you see a
d we really must do it? - unconnected to the power grid and the water, gas and sewerage
contradiction in living
e it's certain to happen? supplies that most of us rely on. He generates his own electricity,
'off-grid', but having a
f it's a good idea? sources his own water and manages his own waste disposal - and
2i51-century lifestyle? prefers it that way. "There are times when the grid blacks out," he
. ?
c How could you use these words in sentences 1-6 to express the same meanings. 3 Why do you think it is says. "I like the security of having my own electricity company."
becoming more popular?
justification difference sense worth Do you think 'off-grid' Perez is not alone. Once the preserve of mavericks, hippies
and survivalists, there are now approximately 200,000 off-grid
point nothing achieve living could become
households in the US, a figure that Perez says has been increasing
popular where you live?
1 There's nothing we can do to prevent global warming. by a third every year for the past decade. For people who live off-
Why I Why not? grid, self-sufficiency means guilt-free energy consumption and
3 a Which view is closer to your own? 4 Think about three peace of mind. "It feels brilliant to use clean, free energy that's not
different regions of the from fossil fuels," says Suzanne Galant, a writer who lives off-grid in
world. How easy would rural Wales. "And if something goes wrong, we can fix it ourselves ."
Today's society is ever more irresponsible and selfish, 'off-grid' living be in Now even urbanites are seeing the appeal of generating some if not
so the world as we know it is unlikely to survive . each of them? Give all of their own power needs. So is energy freedom an eco pipe-
reasons. dream or the ultimate good life?
Well, there's only one way to find out: begin to explore the
We are better informed than ever about the harm we possibilities of solar, wind or hydro-power. But unless you live
do to the planet, so there is real hope for humanity. on a sunny, south-facing hillside with access to a nearby river or
stream, that might prove prohibitively expensive!

There is no doubt that being off-grid has its problems, and it is not
always the cheapest way to get your energy. Even so, pioneers
b Divide into group A or group B according to your point of view. like Perez have proved that it can be done, and without giving
• Group A, read about James Lovelock on p134 and answer the questions .. up a 21 51 -century lifestyle: "I've got five computers, two laser
• Group 8, read about the "Doomsday Clock " on p139 and answer the questions. scanners, two fridge-freezers, a microwave, a convection oven,
vacuum cleaners - you name it," says Perez. "There's an external
4 a Prepare to debate the issue. Draw on arguments used in the information you read, beam antenna on the roof for the phone and a satellite dish for an
and any others you can think of to support your view. Internet connection. I've got 70 kWh in batteries that could last
me five days. I have too much electricity." Too much electricity and
b Conduct a debate with the other group. no more bills. That's got to be worth aiming for. •

1 a You will hear Pilar, Uri, Patrick and Jane
Kevwords describing similarities and ditterences reacting to James Lovelock's ideas about global
warming. Cover the scripts and listen to each
1 Look at these examples from the unit. speaker in turn. b Listen to the two sentences in B again.
Does the person agree, partly agree or Where is the emphasis placed each time?
1 Just like a real tree , an artificial tree would have a structure to
disagree with James Lovelock?
hold it up - the equivalent of a trunk, probably a pillar. c Look again at what the speakers say. Find three
2 Unlike in a real tree , he explains , where the leaves are spread out 2 What is each speaker's view?
more expressions like those in B. Practise saying
because they have to see sunshine for the purpose of photosynthesis,
the leaves on an artificial tree could be packed much more tightly. Pilar them.

3 a Listen to four people expressing opinions.

How could you express the same meaning using these expressions? What he's really saying is that global warming is already
happening. We can't stop it, so there's no point in doing What is each person talking about? Match
I as with similar to whereas rather than I anything. I 1_ _ (agree), I think things aren't nearly as bad them with the photos.
as he says they are. I 2_ _ (exaggerating) a bit. 2 What seems to be the ir point of view?
2 a Here are some more examples. Complete the gaps with like or unlike . What words in the sentence helped
you to choose the answer?
1 _ _ the rugged west coast, the east coast of the island has wide sandy beaches.
2 The final was played ma inly without disciplinary problems, _ _ last Fri day's stormy quarter-final. 3_ _ (agree) when he says that there's no point in using
3 _ _ all forms of art, popular music deserves to be discussed and analysed.
low-energy light bulbs, I think he may be, maybe he's right
4 Desktop PC s, _ _ notebook computers, are prohibitively expensive to sh ip overseas. 4
5 Tamarind pulp has a sour taste, rather _ _ lime juice. about that, it, it's not going to make any difference. But I
I I 6 He sold fru it from a small box on wheels wh ich looked a bit _ _ a child 's pram.
_ _ (see). I think, I think it's worth trying anything- but
it would probably have to be something quite radical, like
b Add information with like or unlike to these sentences to expand the meaning. taking C0 2 out of the atmosphere again.

I The president is committed to finding a diplomatic solution to the crisis.

The president, like many other world leaders, is committed ... Patrick
2 Eco-cola is made only from natural ingredients.
3 I live in constant fear of being made redundant. His point really is that politicians are never going to say how
4 Coyotes do not no r mally attack humans . bad things really are, right? I 5_ _ (a point). Politicians,
5 Basketball players usually reach their peak at about 25 . yeah, OK , they're talking a lot, but what are they actually
3 a These examples show other ways of saying things are similar or dissimilar. How do you think they might doing? That 's exactly what he's saying. Lovelock makes the
continue? What will the next word probably be? point that people don't react to things until it's too late.
I 6_ _ (a valid point).
1 Synthetic trees resemble real trees in many ways . For example, they have the equivalent ... b Listen to check. Do you agree, partly agree
2 The DNA analysis found tha t the bloodstains were identical ... or disagree?
3 One euro is now equivalent .. .. Jane
4 Traditions run deep here. On special occasions, people still sing traditional folk songs, just .. . c Choose one of the opinions you heard and prepare
5 We believe that banks should be regulated in the same way .. . When he says it's too late, I think what he really means is to comment on it. Note down ex~essions you
6 Her refusal to answer the question in court was tantamount .. . that we'd have to do something quite drastic, like - oh, I don't could use.
7 I'd prefer to cycle to wo r k, as opposed .. . know - invent new technology to deal with it. Something like Think of ways to report the opinion.
8 Many antibiotics are not available over th e counter in pharmacies in the US , in contrast ... that. I think 7_ _ (spot on), 8_ _ (right). • What he's saying is ...
b Listen to check. • The point she's making is .. .
b Read what the people said. What expressions do • One example she gives is .. .
' a Look at these pairs of images. How many sentences can you make about their differences and similarities? you think go in the gaps? 2 Think of ways to agree, partly ag ree or
disagree .
e c Listen again to check. • I partly agree with ...
• I think he makes a valid point ...
2 a Compare these two ways to give the same • I think she's spot on ...
information. How do the expressions in B change 3 Th ink of ways to express your own opinion on
the meaning? the topic.
• It seems to me ...
A B • I think it's terrible the way ...
1 He says that 1 What he"s really
• I don't approve of ...
global warm ing saying is that global
is already warm ing is already d Talk about the opinion you chose . Do other people
happening . happen ing. agree with you?

b Think about different aspects of where you live (society, people, neighbourhoods, etc.). 2 He says that 2 His point really is
politicians are that politicians are
Write about them expressing similarities and differences. Give reasons.
never going to never go ing to say
say how bad how bad t hings
th ings really are . really are.

Look auain O
Grammar Vocabularv
Present progressive active and passive Cleft sentences Adverb I adjective collocations 9 a Think of adverbs and adjectives to describe these
images from the 1960s. Compare with a partner
1 a We can use the present progressive to describe: 4 a Here are examples of speakers giving emphasis 6 a Look at this sentence from the unit. and give reasons.
and focus to an idea. Are they similar to the ones
a gradual ongoing processes [=it's happen ing The journey of these sculptures of ice from
on p113? How are they different?
all the time]. glaciers to ocean is eeril1 beautiful and
b temporary situations and act ivit ies [= it's utterly terrifying.
The place l"d really like to
happening around now].
live is Vancouver, Canada.
We could also describe the icebergs using these
Look at these examples. Which use do they show? adverbs. How would they change the meaning?
Which uses the passive?
What l"d like more than anything • strangely beautiful
1 Climate change is being experienced is a good, strong cup of coffee . • breathtakingly beautiful
eve:r:ywhere in the world. • exquisitely beautiful
2 One scientist is proposing to put a huge • astonishingly beautiful
glass sunshade into space.
3 Richard Branson is offering $25 million. b How could you emphasise and focus on the • stunningly beautiful
4 Experts from around the world are landing .l:lf!~~r~Jn~9. parts of these sentences? • heart-rendingly beautiful
on the ice sheet .
5 Arct i c temperatures are warming more 1 J,.j ght . grn~ n really works well for a bedroom . b Which expressions from 6a could describe:
quickly than in other parts of the world. 2 I think she's trying to g~ t.~.t.t.E:!ntJq n . 1 a dream?
3 I hate f.t,J.9.~ . ?.~.C?P. . ~.!?~i.!?t~nt ~. 2 a fashion model?
b Look back at The Sermilik Fjord in Greenland on 4 I remember .Q ~ff. f!r.~t . h9.l.i .q~yJqg~.~~g.r: clearly. 3 a romantic song?
p108. Which examples of the present progressive 5 I like l iving here because it's .c; ~q?g . tq .th. ~..~~~. · 4 a mountain landscape?
can you find? c Listen and compare your answers. Did the 5 a piece of jewellery?
speakers add other words or expressions? Which 7 Add adverbs from the box to 1-7. How do they
2 a These sentences are from environmental news words did they emphasise?
items. Continue each with a verb from the box, add to the meaning?
using the present progressive active or passive. 5 a Look at these examples. The speakers divide bitterly highly
More than one answer may be possible. their message into two parts to add emphasis. notoriously blissfully hideously
erode introduce increase 1 What is the person talking about in each case? stifli ngly wildly
decline disappear 2 How would you say the sentences in a non- 1 hot weather
emphatic way? 2 a cold wind
The government are refusing to allow
continued industr ial development at Cherry a It's people who have no civic respons ibility that 3 ugly apartment blocks
Point, a major fish-spawning ground where annoy me - they just leave th is here, they don 't 4 an intelligent person
5 a dangerous road b Listen to these descriptions. How similar
the fish ... put it in the bins provided.
6 a happy couple were they to yours?
2 The low- lying farmland near the coast is b What Erika did have was a rare gift - she 'd
susceptible to flooding , and the coast itself .. . always have time for you , always be ready to 7 a successful book
10 a Work alone. Choose three expressions from 7 or 8
3 In many areas, new drought-resistant crops .. . listen . 8 Match each pair of adverbs with a sentence. How which describe experiences you have had.
4 The number of sea tu rtles coming to the island c The company they give you is special - it's do the two adverbs in each pair differ in meaning?
to breed ... something no other animal can give, they b Work with a parther. Listen to each other's
5 The population of foxes in the region , who depend on you but they give you a lot back. critically I terffiiMlly dangerously I terrifyingly experiences and ask questions to find out more.
benefit from the presence of humans, ... d The reason why I left is that I just couldn"t reassuringly I strangely eerily I pleasantly
stand the noise any more - the wa lls were deceptively I relat ively obstinately I tactfully
b Which of these adverbs could you add to each wafer-th in, you know, I could hear everyth ing. impossibly I frustrat ingly
sentence in 2a?
b Think of something that irritates or pleases you. resolutely I irrepressibly
gradually rap idly noticeably experimentally Talk about it in an expressive way. Unfortunately he is critically/ terminally ill in
imperceptibly steadily alarming ly hosp ital.
dramatically What really irritates me at the moment 2 In spite of all her problems, she remained
are the road works going on outside my cheerful.
Which adverbs go most naturally before the main front door - it's practically all day long . 3 He rema ined _ _ silent throughout the
verb? Which go after it? meeting .
4 We were driving _ _ close to the edge of the
3 Write sentences about three things happening Grammar reference, p145 road.
where you live. Include adverbs if appropriate. 5 I heard _ _ familiar vo ices in the next room .
Unemployment is rising rapidly .. . 6 The river looks _ _ easy to cross.
Many people are being laid off .. . 7 The crossword was difficult to so lve .
8 The streets were _ _ qu iet.

114 115
12.1 goals
talk about knowledge and technology
discuss how to access information

Knowledge and technology Google

The end of general knowledge?

SPEAKING 1 In what ways could you find out:
• how to kayak?
• biographical data about a person for a research project?
• the capital of Burkina Faso?
• about disabled facilities at a particular hotel? 3 a Look at the image.
• your current destination when travelling by car?
1 What do you think it represents?
2 What is the connection with the article?
2 a Read the start of an article about technology and general knowledge.
b Discuss these questions.
1 Why do you think the mistake happened?
2 Whose fault do you think it was? What does the journalist emphasise about obtaining information using new
2 What do you understand 'general knowledge' to mean here?
One day last year a middle-aged man asked a taxi to take him to see Chelsea play Arsenal at 3 What are the parallels between technology and writing in the story of Thoth?
football. He told the driver "Stamford Bridge", the name of Chelsea's stadium, but he delivered 4 What is the difference between Jones's opinions and Swift's?
him Instead to the village of Stamford Bridge in Yorkshire, nearly 150 miles In the opposite
direction. Of course, he missed the match. c How do you think the writer will conclude the article? Do you think he will agree
that general knowledge is now dead?
d Read the final paragraph on page 134. Are you surprised by the ending? Why?
b What point is the journalist making? What do you think he will go on to say? Read
the next part to check.
4 a Cover the article.
Which of these verbs collocated : with information or facts ? with knowledge ?
What had happened? The man in this story had handed over responsibility for knowing geography Talking about
value look up find out commit [to memory]
I to a machine. With the Sat-Nav system in place, he felt that he did not need to know where he was information and
I know acquire pick up absorb
going. That was the machine's job. He confidently outsourced the job of knowing this information, or knowledge
1 2 Which verbs have a similar meaning?
11 of finding it out, to that little computer on the dashboard ... Is that what the future holds for us? Using
an Internet search engine (once you have keyed the words in) takes a broadband user less than a 3 Which could collocate with both information and knowledge ?
4 Can you remember how these other verbs were used?
second, and the process will only get quicker. And soon with our smartphones at hand , almost all of
I1 us will be online almost all of the time.
The same could be true of university education. Today, the average student seems not to value
hand over key in click on outsource boost

b Read the article again to check.

general knowledge. If asked a factual question, they will usually click on a search engine without
a second thought. Actually knowing the fact and committing it to memory does not seem to be an 5 a · Listen to three people discussing the ideas in the article. Which of those
issue, it's the ease with which we can look it up. topics do they talk about?
However, general knowledge has never been something that you acquire formally. Instead, we pick • going out • going on a long journey
it up from all sorts of sources as we go along, often absorbing facts without realising. The question • travelling to work • knowing historical facts
remains, then: is the Internet threatening general knowledge? When I put that to Moira Jones, expert Are they generally in favour of, or against technology?
in designing IQ tests, she referred me to the story of the Egyptian god Thoth. I looked it up. It was
b Match these opinions with the speakers.
told by Plato 2,400 years ago. It goes like this: Thoth invents writing and proudly offers it as a gift
to the king of Egypt, declaring it an 'elixir of memory and wisdom' . But the king is horrified, and tells 1 Technology makes going out more interesting .
him: "This invention will induce forgetfulness in the souls of those who have learned it, because they 2 It saves you t ime when travelling .
will not need to exercise their memories, being able to rely on what is written. Writing is not a remedy 3 It saves you having to memorise useless information.
for memory, but for reminding them of what they have discovered." 4 It helps you to understand things in greater depth .

Who wants to be a millionaire finalist David Swift, responding to the same question, recognises that c Which opinions do you agree with? Why?
there was a problem of young people saying: "I don 't need to know that" , but he is far more excited
6 Discuss these questions.
about the educational potential of the Internet. "There is so much more info out there, giving people
far more opportunities to boost their general knowledge."
-. Think of some information you looked up online . Was it easy or difficult to find?
Were you satisfied with the result?
2 Have you ever received unreliable information?

116 111
The Hole in the Wall
The project has now expanded throughout India to many different provinces. Psychologist Ritu
1 a What do you think these photos show? Dangwal has observed kids using the kiosks since its inception. Who's looking through the
Hole in the Wall and what are they really getting out of it?

found that children using the kiosk were more

Definitely - there has been a marked difference persistent, more tolerant toward ambiguity
in how the children and community react to a - their aspirations were more realistic than
computer, depending on the geographic location children who were going to school but not using
I and on cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds. the kiosk.
II In some places there is no gender difference.
At the other extreme, girls, though eager, do not
Clicking around the Internet may not directly
come to the kiosk. They just stop near the kiosk
lead to any kind of improvement. But yes,
site and watch.
browsing the Internet is like a child sitting with a
2 ? book in their hands. Without knowing it, children
I don't see the Hole in the Wall as a purely Indian are going to sites like tours and travels, reading
phenomenon. Children are the same all across news, or making attempts to do so. At the end
the world. If it can hold true in India, it can of the day, they are doing far more constructive
b Read part of a report about the photos. What do you think the project consists of? work as well anywhere in the world. Cambodia, work than they would have done in a classroom.
Ethiopia and the Philippines have all shown
' ' With a hidden video camera, we recorded the launch of the interest in this project.
Just about everything. How intuitively these
project, while a clock kept time down below. This boy had never
slum children have taken to computers. How
used a computer before. After just two minutes, he's learnt how
There was a study done by a professor well they seem to have organised themselves to
to control the cursor. One double click and four minutes later,
teaching in Delhi University entitled Computer pick up skills. Their quest for information is the
he's opened a file. After six minutes, he's online.

Environment and Cognitive Development. She greatest wonder.

c Look at the photo on page 139. What do you understand about the project now that •a •• ii\ '4)4•:;: ' • 4 ;:
- <
C: 41\ A&i! M#X$Ql(A( t?i#lW 4i 4 4 € / i(t$ 44 i , p;M¥M I csec; ¥'441

you didn't before?

c Write a question for each of the answers. Then check on page 135.
2 a • Listen to a TV news report about the Hole in the Wall project. d Do you think the project could be criticised? Think of arguments for and against.
What was the main conclusion that the researchers reached about the children's
4 a Do the highlighted verbs mean: become popular or successful? improve? increase?
2 How do the children learn to use the computers? 1 It gives people far more opportunities to boost their general knowledge. increase
3 What is installed on the computers? Developments 2 The idea has caught on across the world .
4 What is the reporter 's final point and message for the future? and advances 3 This educational project has spread like wildfire over the past six years .
b What images do you think were shown on screen at these points? 4 We ask why DJ schools are thriving in a recession.
5 We enhanced the h•lp section for the software , added pictures, etc.
6 Telecity is looking at raising capacity in its data centres across Europe.
He's been coming here from the start, 7 The title of the talk is 'Computers and how they have advanced ' .
' ' The children are falling
over themselves to look learning by watching others. 8 Apple are still gaining ground in computer sales.
at something new.

'' ' ' giving the children access

'' 9
Rajinder's self-confidence soared after he taught himself how to use a computer.
The project has now expanded throughout India.

b Write about something that has become popular or increased.

' ' ... which would go on to inspire to a whole new world and
valuable life skills Unemployment is soaring right now. It's nearly 10%.

the hit movie Slumdog Millionaire ' '
c Read out your sentence, but don't mention the topic. It's soaring right
Can other people guess what it is about? now. It's nearly 10%.

...........READING 3 a Talk together.

5 Talk together.
1 What kind of on line sites do you think the children will access?
How did you learn your own computer skills? How much were you taught?
2 What do you think they like best about computers?
How much have you picked up by yourself?
3 How do you think they benefit from the project?
2 What do you think this tells us about the way we acquire new skills?
b Read the interview. Were your ideas the same? 3 What impact do you think computer technology has had on your life? Th ink about
• ways it has improved.
• ways it has got worse .

Target activitv EXPLORE
12.3 goals
Deliver a confident message explain an id ea
deliver a po sitive m essa ge
Across cultures Technologv
1 a Look at the images. Discuss these questions.
1 What do you think they show?
2 Where were the photos taken?
NEONSEARCH .COM 3 Why have they been placed together?
4 What do they say about technology in the world
today? Do you think it is a fair representation?

_o_w_t_o_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..-
__,I ilij-fo.!.i+I b Read the captions which accompany the images.
how to get rich
Do they make you change your mind about your
II how to find love
how to repair your motorbike answers to 1a?
how to make the perfect cup of coffee
how to get the job of your dreams 2 a Listen to the introduction of a programme
how to play chess like a grandmaster about technology in different parts of the world.
Do you agree with the presenter's
interpretation of the two images? Hamar, Norway
1 a Demand Media is an on line company which aims to answer the general public's Computer nerds of the world unite!
2 What do you think the report will go on to say
most burning questions on their websites. What kind of questions do you think The world's largest convention of computer enthusiasts is
about mobile phone usage in the West and in
called, simply, 'The Gathering'. Over 5,000 young people
people might ask? the developing world? come together each spring, some travelling long distances,
b Read the article on p137 and answer the questions. b Listen to the full report. Discuss these each carrying their own computer equipment to the massive
questions. Vikingship sports hall in the city of Hamar. Many hardly see
c Compare what you found surprising in the article. daylight or taste fresh air for the entire five days as they
What perspective is the reporter speaking compete with their fellow geeks for cash prizes and the
2 Listen to an interview with the CEO of Demand Media, Richard Rosenblatt. from? How do you know? honour of being the best computer programmer.
1 What information does he add about his company and how it works? 2 What does she see as the key difference
2 How is it different from the way traditional content media worked? between the USA's attitude towards technology
3 What does he mean by 'We added a science to the art of creat ing content"? and that found in many developing countries?
4 How would you describe his attitude? 3 According to the reporter, why has the mobile
phone opened "a new frontier of innovation "?
3 a Look at these statements from the interview. Which words contribute to the 4 What uses can mobile phones have in :
strength of Rosenblatt's message and make him sound confident? • India?
b Where you would place the emphasis in each statement? Try saying them out loud. • Kenya?
• Moldova?
' ' We set out to create a 5 What lesson does the reporter think
We definitely think that it's developed countries can learn from the
whole new form of content. ' ' causing people to rethink developing world?
their business models. 6 What conclusion does the reporter leave
' ' ... we with surety can tell through the science

and algorithms, is going to be successful.

Listen to check.
'' ' 3
us with?

Think about where you live. Discuss these

questions. •
d Which sentences in 3a could these expressions be used in? How would the What percentage of people do you think have:
sentences need to change? • an Internet connection at home? Accra, Ghana
• a mobile phone or another, similar device? Rubbish dump 2.0
cutting-edge there's no question totally unique innovative to flourish 2 What do people use their mobile phones for? Move to the recycle bin. It's an operation we perform every
without any doubt absolutely certain ground-breaking catch on 3 Do most people feel any pressure to own the day on our computer desktops . But what happens when the
most innovative new gadget on the market? virtual becomes real? Where do our computers go when
4 a Work alone. Why I Why not? they die? Increasingly this i-waste is finding its way to West
Think of an idea that you think is unique . Use these ideas or your own: 4 Is it common to replace or upgrade African countries like Ghana . Their final resting place is the
technological devices? Why I Why not? Agbogbloshie dump where they are broken apart, mostly
• an idea for improving your town.
by ch ildren, to salvage the copper, hard drives and other
• a way of solving a social or an environmental problem.
components that can be sold later on .
• a business idea that would fill a gap in the market.
2 Prepare to explain your message in a clear, detailed way. Plan to deliver it in a
positive light, so that you sound confident and have complete belief in it.
3 Anticipate any questions that you might be asked, and how to deal with them .
b Work in pairs.
1 Take turns to explain your message.
2 As your partner is speaking, think of difficult questions to 'test' or criticise that
message. Find as many 'holes' in their argument as you can .

120 121
1 a Read these two examples giving advice on writing an online give written advice

Kevwords sure, cenain article. Add imperatives to the gaps. write steps in a process
describe how to do something
111 1 bear get write be try choose bore use learn add
1 a Look at these sentences. Try replacing the highlighted words with certain or certainly.
Does it change the meaning?
1 Be sure to write about something you enjoy. 1
__ your topic wisely. Be sure to write about •
__ familiar with the topic, because you'll want to share
2 Schools are surely right t o encourage them.
something you enjoy as your enthusiasm will be what you know. People want to learn from the best, so you
evident in your writing . The topics that seem to should be the best - or at least have enough experience to
b How could you replace the highlighted words with the words in the box?
I What other changes would you need to make to the sentence?
be most profitable for me are related to finance, teach others. When coming up with the topic, think about your
making money onl ine, health , credit cards, and hobbies and interests - your best articles will come from there.
II ensure doubt hesitation fundamental of course unquestionably make
business. •
__ content. Starting with the title, 3_ _ to use words
• _ _ your audience in mind. If your article is that people will search for on the Internet. Those words will
2 a Sure can modify nouns. How do you think these sentences continue? intended for beginners, then you need to cater for make it easier for people to find your article. Steps should
them . Spelling things out might be annoying for be written in laymen 's terms so that anyone can follow their
1 It was a sure sign that we hit the 'terrible twos· when my daughter .. . those who already know the subject, but could direction to get to the result.
2 It is a sure bet that no classical music release this season offers .. . prove invaluable for newcomers to the subject. Always 4_ _ the spell check! You are the expert and
3 What was once a sure thing suddenly became much more compet itive . Hong Kong now faces ... If your article is for experts, then similarly, don't experts don 't make mistakes, right? Articles should be well
4 Being English, she thought that a sure way of greeting her new friends .. . 3_ _ _ them with needless descriptions.
written and free of spelling , grammar and punctuation errors.
5 Ahead 7-6, 2-1, Mauresmo looked like a sure winner, but .. .
• 4_ _ the word out! Share your article with Once you have checked it all , check it again!
b Listen to check. friends and family by email ing it to them , or • Most of all, 5_ _ someth ing appealing! People can tell if
I 3 a Where could you add surely in these examples? How would it affect the meaning of each sentence?
simply ask them to go online and check it out
where they can leave comments on what they
you 're writing about a subject that bores you . You don 't have
to be a comedian , but try to give your article a bit of flair.
1 They 're just late. They wouldn 't have forgotten, would they? think. Listen to their critiques and 5 from Remember, people enjoy reading something with a bit of
I 2 Their achievement in reaching the final must be viewed as a success, regardless of the outcome. them . They are only trying to help you . personal ity to it.
3 You're joking with me!
4 It's never happened before , though.
5 But that's not the point. b What is the difference between A and B? What do 4 Write your own ' How to .. .' article.
they have in common? Consider style, content
b Which sentences could be replies? What are they replies to? Work in groups . Choose one of these topics or
and tone.
your own.
c Do the sentences in 2a and 3a sound written or spoken? What does that say about how sure c Can you think of any other advice that would be
and surely are often used? How to ...
useful on this subject?
• keep your car clean.
4 a How could you express these sentences in different ways? Use the words in the box to help you. 2 What kinds of expressions are typically used for • get rid of a ghost.
1 It's certainly going to be successful. giving advice in the texts? • enjoy a party.
2 The Democrats will certainly win again. • meet people like you .
1 imperatives and modals: Try to .. .; • keep your desk tidy.
bound certain chance You should ... • read someone 's palm .
chances undoubtedly • appreciate abstract art.
2 linkingwords: if ... ; so that ...
shadow of a doubt • behave well on the road .
foregone conclus ion • visit a patient in hospital.
3 a Look at these examples from
inevitable sure • remember your dreams .
different articles. Complete
• overcome a fear of spiders.
The Democrats are sure to win again. the gaps with possible words
• improve your handwriting .
Chances are, the Democrats will win again. or expressions.
Organ ise your desk. _ _ 2 Brainstorm ideas, then write the article
b What do you think is happening or going together. Include between three and six steps.
to happen in each photo? Write sentences working , throw away any
using expressions in 4a. unused paper s, receipts, etc. 5 Read out your advice to other class members.
2 When _ _ for clothes, always make sure Decide on the best piece of advice.
c Read out your sentences. Do other people you look at the label for natural fibres.
agree with you? 3 It _ _ more than j ust wr iting down words on
a piece of paper to create a song .
4 The _ _ here is to use a strong deodorant,
not a cheap supermarket kind.
5 Creating a cosy home will help you feel
comfortable and warm , _ _ can stay
depressed for long when cuddling up ..
6 _ _ you find out what you 're good at, st ick
with it!
b What 'how to ' articles do you think the extracts
are from?

122 123
Look aaain O
Grammar Vocabularv
Participle clauses b Work in pairs. Writing game. Computer icons and collocations knowledge and information

1 a Look at these examples from the unit, and Choose one of the expressions in 3a and 6 a Look at these icons, commonly used in computers 7 a Which of these words can collocate with
underline the participles. Which are present and expand it into one or two sentences, as if part and mobile phones. knowledge or information?
which is a past participle? of a story. Pass it to another pair.
2 Add one or two more sentences to continue 1 How many are familiar to you? new prior further I additional
1 When coming up with the topic, think about the story, including another expression from 2 Can you guess what the others mean? background relevant I useful common
your hobbies and interests. 3a. Pass it to another pair. 3 Which ones now look out of date? Why? confidential general accurate
2 Starting with the title, try to use
words that people will search for on the
3 Continue the story, adding another expression 0 0 b Complete the gaps with a collocation from 7a.
Internet. from 3a.
3 If asked a factual question, they will 4 Read out your stories. Every child comes to school with different
usually click on a search engine without a ___ because of what they"ve been exposed
second thought.
to in their lives.
2 It's that late-onset diabetes is more
b Express the sentences without using a participle common in overweight people.
clause. What words do you have to add in each 3 This is not the time to subject me to some
case? Which of these examples are more common _ _ quiz.
in spoken or written English? 4 For _ _ about Dr Takada and her book, go
to her website at ...
2 Look at this example. The underlined expression 5 In our world we learn by way of _ _ rushing
can be replaced by a participle clause. through our brain every day.
6 It's not clear if Mr Yu had any role in the leak
9I:l.C:~ .. Y!=?1:1.. J::l?:'!~ checked it all, check it again!
of _ _ to a Hong Kong couple accused of
Having checked it all, check it again! insider trading.
4 a Join these sentences using participle clauses. 0 7 Labels should have _ _ which will not scare
If possible, change the underlined expressions Then write a single paragraph from all four consumers.
in these sentences, using a present or past sentences. 8 Authorities revealed that they had no _ _
participle. Why is it not always possible? about the suspect's whereabouts.
I decided to take the experiment out to a
Wh~. r:i .I.Pl,!.~
that to Moira Jones, she referred village called Madantusi. I built another hole- c Discuss these questions.
me to the story of the Egyptian god Thoth. in-the-wall there.
2 Using an Internet search engine, [.qn~.~ . Y.Q\.! . 2 I left the computer there with lots of CDs. I How much information do you take in on a
h.<lX~ keyed the words in] takes a broadband returned three months later and found these daily basis?
user less than a second, and the process will two kids who were playing a game on the 2 How would you describe it?
b Make collocations about computing.
only get quicker. computer. 3 Where do you access it?
3 "I come here every day, that's why I am happy," 3 As soon as they saw me they said "we need a file a system the net the cursor 4 How much of it do you remember the next day?
says 9-year-old Shabanam .Cl~ .!?h~ . P~9.Y.~ with a faster processor and a better mouse" in an ima e a program
the educational games. English!
4 .f:l.~.t~M. the driver ··stamford Bridge", the 4 So then I measured their performance, and I 1 browse
name of Chelsea's stadium, but he delivered 2 open _ _
realised they were using 200 English words
him instead to the village of Stamford Bridge with each other. Words like exit, stop, find, save, 3 control
in Yorkshire. that kind of thing, not to do with the computers 4 run
5 Wh~rrn:rn .~h~m for clothes, always make sure but in their day-to-day conversations. 5 download I upload _ _
you look at the label for natural fibres. 6 crash _ _
b Check on p138. What are the differences? Which
3 a We often use participles after prepositions. Think version sounds more formal? c Discuss these questions.
of a context for the expressions below. What In what other contexts can browse, surf and
might come before and after them? 5 a We often use participle clauses in formal crash be used?
speeches, to sum up experiences, thoughts or 2 What do these words mean in relation to
despite being inj ured far from apologising feelings. Complete each sentence in a way that is computers? What is their 'normal" meaning?
after resigning from the job without being searched true for you. • mouse
without say ing goodbye on arri ving at the airport • bug
1 Having lived here for _ _ years, I ...
before opening the door on heari ng the news • virus
2 When asked why _ _ , I usually ...
3 Having been _ _ for _ _ , I ... • cookie
4 Thinking back over my life, I .. . • bookmark
5 Looking to the future, I think ... • spam
• desktop
b Compare sentences. Ask each other questions to • home
find out more. 3 Do you know any technology-related brand
names that have become everyday words?
Grammar reference, p145
google, photoshop ...

Unit 4, p3J, Maps of the ·world ab <student Al
The world's population in the year 2050
"The choices that today's generation of young
people aged 15-24 make about the size and

Activities spacing of their families are likely to determine

whether Planet Earth will have 8, 9 or 11 billion
people in the year 2050." (United Nations
Population Fund, 2005)
Unit 1, p8, Memorv 1a By 2050, the Earth's population is due to
reach 9.07 billion. 62% of people will be living
1 Work with a partner. Discuss questions 1-3. Who remembers most clearly? in Africa, Southern Asia and Eastern Asia -
Now discuss questions 4-10 about the pictures you looked at. numerically this is the same as if all the world's
2 current population lived just in these regions.
In addition, another 3,000,000,000 are set to
1 Think about your first school. 4 Think about the student. spread across the rest of the world .
o What was it called? o What is her name?
o What street was it in? o When was the card valid?
o What was your first teacher's name? o What is her card number?
2 Think about last Saturday. 5 What kind of hair has the student got?
6 What kind of university is Athabasca?
Unit 3, p30,. Target activitv 4a
o What time did you get up?
o What colour clothes did you wear?
o Did you go to a shop? If so, what did you
7 What images can you remember from the sign on the road?
8 What kind of trousers is the woman wearing?
Complete these sentences about your general
I Are these statements true for you? Rank them
buy? How much was it? 9 What time of year is it? How do you know? 1-10 ( 10 =very true /important). I
1 I started learning English ... I
3 Think about the children on page 6. Which 10 What colour is the pram? What about the wheels? I I
seven countries did they come from?
2 I use English [when? where?] ...
I D I need to socialise more with English speakers. I
3 I need English for ... I D I want to become familiar with different I
4 English is helpful when ... I world 'Englishes'. I
Choose the best option about your current D English remains just another 'subject' that I
Unit 2, p20, Target activitv a<Student Al abilities in English.
I study. I

I have nq./.\i,W~./..~9. r:D.~.f. p~~.r:i.tY . 9J opportunity

I D I'd like to immerse myself in an English- I
I speaking environment. I
You are an employer. to use English outside class. I I
1 Decide on the qualities and abilities you are looking for and how formal the interview should
2 I feel T.l.Qt.!3.t .c;i.l.l. /. r~.~~9.r:i.9.Q~Y. I .V.~XY confident I D Reading more in English is how I can best I
be. Prepare what to say and what questions to ask. Think about tone and register. Remember I pick up new vocabulary. I
when speaking in public.
that you want to create a relaxed atmosphere, but have not met the candidates before.
3 Improving my grammar is _qft~n /.9.l»'.9Y.?.l..rrn .
D A knowledge of colloquial I informal I
2 Welcome the first candidate. Make him I her feel at ease and ask questions. Then repeat the expressions is what I need right now.
.lqng.~.r: an issue for me. I I
interview with another candidate.
4 I feel I have a .l.imit~9./.~.~t~n?.i.V.~. active
I D I get a lot of benefit from classroom work. I
3 Decide who is the best candidate and why. Report back to the class.
• vocabulary.
D I still tend to translate from my mother tongue
- I need to learn how to think in English.
5 Of the four skills, wr:"iting./..l.i~t~.r:i.i .rrn ./.rn! ./ . I I
.~P.~.9.~ing remains my weak point. I D Learning another language mzy help me with I
Unit 3, p33, Explore speaking 1b 6 I am .QD~Y. ~\i_g_~.t.lY. ./ _ql,l,it~ ./. ~. i.9NY. motivated to
my English.
I have a set wzy of saying things - I need to
improve my English level. I vary that and move on. I
Str~1 rG 7 I've sensed .~ . ?.l.ight/.?.Qm~ .l. !3. 9!.~i'!t.\:lg_a~ . 9.~ I I

World _ f
alien adj foreign; repugna t (to); from another worl
er~ yi(;.t 5> ... ·wip
n ~ rei
er; being from another
~.r ci-0 W(" ' 'l• I l improvement recently. ·--------------------------·
a.,tf(.,veQ. -'!': r ct' c.s ,

1J _.!s unbelievable, I arriving Londo / 'Heathlow Airport'. Every single name very difficult
YE' emf remembering, because'jrrstno LondonAirport' simpleway~ewesimpl~ waycall 'Beijing
r . ort., Everything very c n fu se way
()._. ~ -
- - h ere, passengers is
t<S.., ~
. ep,aratin
. m. two queues.
Q.fC £,J. 8 I (
Unit 6, p5J, Fake photos 2 <student Al
{ ft -, Sign in front of queue saw ALIEN and NON ALIEN. I a lien, like Hollywood film Alien, I
This nearly iconic portrait of US President Abraham Lincoln
- , ~
1'}1t ' live in another pl pet, with funny oo · g a strange language. /--
tile. e €.! tht e > wes"f" H1e,·ir "qo,'- ' t -- taken around 1860, is a composite of Lincoln 's head and the'
! ' ~ 11 I standing in most lo y and slowlyqueue with all alien~ waiting for visa checking. I feel Southern politician John Calhoun's body, carried out with the aim
little criminal but I doing nothing wro g so far. My Englisfi~so bad. How to do? - of enhancing the Pres ident's stature. No 'heroic' -style photos of
.w e_Q:,, · ~'t •K • • - - - 1. Ar Lincoln had been taken by that point. This composite may have
In my text book I study back China, it says English peoples talk like thWn "4 been created so as to address that. Putting the date of this image
'How are you?' - - Gicnec t 0-4£tf,v1 ----..... into context, note that the first permanent photographic image
'I am very well. How are you?' was created in 1826 and the Eastman Dry Plate Company [later to
'I am very well.' become Eastman Kodak] was created in 1881 .

1 126
Unit 4, p39, Nutrition transition 4 (Student A) Unit 5, P48, surveillance a
You are the successful owner of a large farm and use modern methods of intensive farming.
You think developments to food production are beneficial to everyone. Prepare some ideas to ut that, say the critics of CCTv, is the problem: budget is said to have been spent on installing CCTY,
support your point of view. Think about:
o the transport of food.
B the House of Lords constitutional committee
recently noted that there was no regulatory
even though no-one can be sure that it works: "The
primary justification for CCTV is the reduction of
o multinationals. framework for ade uate protections against invasion crime. There has been a singular failure to produce
o GMfoods. of privacy by CCTV. No-one even knows how evidence that it has achieved that."
o pesticides and artificial fertilisers.
many cameras there are in Britain. The best guess Norris quotes case studies in Australia and the
o intensive farming.
is over four million. CCTV is reckoned to operate United States showing CCTV's al success in
o developing new crops and types of food.
in around 500 British towns and cities, as against 50 leading to prosecutions. Police hours spent going
o hygiene.
o processed and packaged food. in Italy, 11 in Austria, and one in Norway. Professor through the tapes must also be considered. It has also
Talk about your ideas with Student B. Clive Norris, head of the department of sociological been shown that improving street lighting "is a rather
studies at Sheffield University, thinks public funding more effective form of prevention". Meanwhile, the
explains much of the difference. During the 1990s, hunt for all the identified Manchester hooligans is
roughly 75% of the Home Office crime-prevention still continuing, a year later.
Unit 4, p43, Explore writing 4 '-

Choose a photo. Write a caption of two or three sentences.

1 Imagine the place, its atmosphere and what would be worth saying about it. 1 Does the writer of the article think surveillance cameras have helped to reduce crime?
2 Look at what you have written . Can you: 2 What do you think might be the reasons for this?
• make your caption more economical and more vivid?
• think of other adjectives, verbs or expressions which would better capture the atmosphere you want to describe?
3 Read out your finished captions to other students. Unit 5, p50, Target activitv 4a
Role play. Work in groups of four to find a solution for the square at Harras.

Student A Student B
You work in the town council. You are a landscape architect.
Your priority is that the traffic flow should not be blocked on the Your main contribution is to suggest
three access roads leading to the square. The square should be creative ideas for using the space. You
attractive to pedestrians, but also consider the needs of drivers, would like to create an attractive area
buses and cyclists. There is money available, but you should not that will be used by people, including
agree to any solution which would involve unnecessary expense. children and old people.

Student C Student D
You own a shop on the square. You live on the square.
Your main interest is in making it easier and safer You want the square to be a quieter, more pleasant
for people to use the shops around the square, place to live, and a place where it is safe for children
but you will agree to any solution that makes the to play. You will agree to any solution that gives
square an attractive place for people to come to. priority to pedestrians and cyclists rather than cars.

Think about:
• the layout of the roads.
• traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.
• pavements and pedestrian areas.
• car parks, cycle paths and bus stops.
• making the square accessible to people.
• the appearance of the square [trees, flowers,
paving stones, grass .. .l.
• other features [seats, water features, play areas,
sculptures ...J.

Unit&, p58, Genuine fakes 2b When you reach agreement , draw your solution on
the plan and make notes for a presentation . Include :
Maisons sur la Colline is a genuine Picasso, painted during his Cubist per iod in 1909. • an analysis of the main problems .
It can be seen at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Cadaques is the fake , painted by John Myatt . • how you propose to solve them .
• the advantages of your solution.

128 129
Unit 4, p38, Whal lhe world eats aa <Group A> Unit 1, pJO, Target activitv 2
What are the main things the Casales
family seem to eat and drink? Malaria is a serious disease which can affect anyone. It is an infection spread by mosquito bites. Symptoms
2 How much of their food is: include fever, headache, muscle ache and fatigue. These problems can appear at any time between one and
• fresh? fourteen days after being bitten. If not treated, malaria can become fatal.
• processed? An estimated 300-500 million cases of malaria occur every year, with more than one million fatalities. It is
• packaged? a risk for nearly half the world's population, and provides a constant challenge for almost 100 governments.
3 Do you think they have a healthy diet?
4 What seems to be their main source of: Malaria is one of the most severe health problems worldwide, especially in developing countries. Most
• vitamins? victims are young African children. Every minute, two African children die of the disease.
• carbohydrates? Treatment is available. So are methods of prevention. Mosquito repellent and mosquito nets are often
• protein? enough to prevent the one, small bite which would transmit the disease. It is necessary to spread
knowledge and resources to those regions most in need.
But those regions are increasing. Malaria causes a negative cycle. People without access to preventative
resources or health care are among those most at risk. The spread of malaria to countries with fragile
governments and social services reduces those countries ' economic growth. This leads to more widespread
poverty, and thus increases the number of vulnerable people.

II Mexico : the Casales family of Cuernavaca

Food expenditure for one week: $189.09 Unit 9, p86, Apples 5
Explain the relationship with apples in each image.
Unit 6, P59, Genuine fakes 5 <Student A>
You are an art dealer.
You want to sell B this painting. Although you know it's
a fake (painted by John Myatt), try to convince B that it's
genuine, and be prepared to bluff. Tell B that:
o it's typical of Anton Mauve's early style. He often
painted people on horseback by the sea during this
o you have documents stating that it was painted in 1851
when Anton Mauve was living on the Dutch coast.

Morning ride on the beach

(Anton Mauve 1838-1888/

Unit 6, p64, Look again 4b

Unit 9, p90, Target activitv 5 <Group A>
He lay on the beach, gazing up at the Milky Way and listening to the distant sounds of music floating
across the water. Choose the images you think are most suitable as icons for our time. Then agree on an icon to add in
2 She cantered along the path, the wind streaming through her hair and the mud flying up from under the the empty space.
horse·s hooves. 2 Think of arguments to defend your choice.
3 He was sitting on a park bench, looking nervously up and down the path . From time to time, he would 3 Look at Group B's images on p137. Think of arguments against them being chosen as icons for our time.
glance anxiously at his watch .
4 0 0

He paused, his fingers drumming on the desk as he considered how best to break the news.
5 She stood by the window, watching as two men in their late 20s got out of the car and walked towards
the house.


130 131
Unit 8, pJJ, Brand images ab Unit 10, p100, Target activitv 1b
II 1 Work in A/B/C groups. Group A, look at adverts 0 This annual, international
0 In cities around France, homeless
1 and 2. Group B, look at adverts 3 and 4.
Group C, look at adverts 5 and 6. event brings together homeless people and middle-class home
What effect do the adverts suggest the drink people for a once-in-a-lifetime owners come together in this
has on people? chance to represent their open-air event, raising public
2 What qualities do you think they promote? country in the name of football! awareness of the fragility of the
What do the people represent? Grass-roots football projects housing market, and growing
3 How old do you think the adverts are? How do have been kicked off in more l homelessness.
you know? than 60 countries, working with I I
2 Work with students from the other groups. Look 25,000 homeless and exclude: _ j!
at all the adverts together. people around the year. 1
- - -
Put the adverts in chronological order. What
helped you decide? Which advert is clearly
linked to a particular time? Unit 11, P101, Anificial trees 1
2 Match these qualities to the adverts.
Read the proposal and answer the questions.
energy victory friendship popularity
taste health youth refreshment
attractiveness modernity
'I 3 Which advert is associated with a particular: Professor Klaus Lackner has invented an ingenious way of counteracting C0 2
moment or feeling? emissions, which he believes could solve global warming. His invention is
I pleasure or leisure activity? an artificial tree. It's made of metal but works in the same way as a real tree
country? by extracting C0 2 from the air as it flows over its 'leaves'. Large quantities
form of wordplay? of C0 2 could be removed from the atmosphere, and could be stored deep
4 How are women presented in adverts 4 and 5?
0 beneath the earth's surface in a solid form which would be stable and safe.
What does this say about how the presentation Lipsmackinthirst Just like a real tree, an artificial tree would have a structure to support
of women in advertising has changed? quenchinacetast it - a steel pillar (like a trunk) and two steel 'branches' which would hold
5 Which advert do you think is most effective? inmotivatingood
buzzincooltalkin the 'leaves'. The synthetic tree would stand more than 100 metres tall and
Why? ~ighwal.k!nfastliv
1never:givm r.-1 60 metres wide and would look like a huge upright tuning fork with slats
6 One of these adverts became very well-known. coolfizzin l".:.::'J between its uprights. Unlike in a real tree, where the leaves are spread out
Can you guess which one and why?
as much as possible because they need to catch sunlight, the leaves on an artificial tree could be packed much
more closely together and be parallel with each other, like a Venetian blind. So an artificial tree could extract
far more C0 2 than a natural tree; and of course, unlike a real tree, they could be 'planted' anywhere, even at
the North Pole or in the Sahara Desert.
The apparatus would work by using a series of simple chemical reactions. The slats would be coated in liquid
sodium hydroxide, so as the air passed over them the C0 2 would be extracted and converted into sodium
carbonate. A series of further chemical reactions would extract the carbon from the sodium carbonate and
turn it into a concentrated, solid form of C0 2 that could be buried deep underground.
It would be quite feasible to produce thousands of artificial trees and put them in any available space. Each
tree would collect 90,000 tonnes of C0 2 a year from the atmosphere - as much as is produced by 20,000 cars.
Unit 8, P80, Target activitv 4a <Student A)
The AIRpod is powered by compressed air, which is stored at high pressure in shatter-proof thermoplastic tanks 1 In what ways are the "trees' like real trees? In what ways are they different?
surrounded by a carbon-fibre shell (the same tanks used to contain the fuel in gas-powered buses). The air is 2 How do they absorb C0 2?
released through pistons in the engine, which drive the wheels. 3 What happens to the C0 2 after it has been extracted?
Unlike internal combustion engines, air-powered engines run very cold and thick ice quickly forms
on the engine. This means that the engine can be used to cool the inside of the car, but not to heat it.
E~ch car has an onboard pump that can refill the tank overnight. But Negre has also developed a high-pressure Unit 11, P109, 2084 1a
air pump - like a version of the tyre pumps found on a garage forecourt - that can fill the tanks in less than
a min~te . These cou!d be powered by clean electricity- hydro, wind or solar - making the air car completely
" Log in/create account
Article Discussion
pollution-free. Even 1f carbon-generated electricity is used, C0 2 emissions are still only 10% of a petrol engine's. In Ancient Greek mythology, Phaethon was the son of Helios, the sun god . His father allowed him to drive the sun
The car has a range of more than 112 miles, and it takes less than two minutes to refill the 210-litre air tank. chariot for a day, but Phaethon couldn't control it and the chariot fell out of the sky and threatened to burn up the Earth.
To prevent disaster, Zeus killed Phaethon with a thunderbolt.
It can speeds of just less than 45mph, although the air-powered engine produces only 8 horsepower, so
acceleration 1s slow. The story was retold by the Roman poet Ovid , who referred to Phaethon in Latin as 'infelix Phaethon' (=unfortunate Phaethon).

Unit 11, P110, Target acliVilV ab <Group A> Unit 4, p39, Nutrition transition 4 <Student 8>
You work for an environmental organisation.
Lovelock's prophecy You think developments to food production have mainly had a negative effect on the
At nearly 90 years old, James Lovelock has arrived at a worrying conclusion: we are doomed. Like environment and on people's diet. Prepare some ideas to support your point of view.
tourists enjoying a boat ride at the top of Niagara Falls, we have no idea that the engines are about Think about:
to break down. Lovelock believes drought and other extreme weather will become normal by 2020. o the transport of food.
By 2040, Europe will be a desert, and Paris will be as hot as Cairo. Beijing, Miami and London will o multinationals.
suffer drought, rising seas, or floods . Millions will go north looking for food and water. By 2100, o GMfoods.
he believes, more than 6 billion people will have died. The survivors will mostly be in Canada, o pesticides and artificial fertilisers.
Scandinavia and the Arctic. o intensive farming.
Here, simplified, is how Lovelock views this doomsday scenario. Increasing temperatures melt the o developing new crops and types of food.
ice at the poles. This means more water. This increases the temperature (ice reflects sunlight but o hygiene.
open land and water absorb it), and more ice melts. Methane (a more powerful greenhouse gas than o processed and packaged food.
C0 2) is released from the previously frozen areas of the north. The seas rise. There will be intense Talk about your ideas with Student A.
rainfall in some places, drought in others. The rainforests will collapse. And so on .. .
This nightmare vision of a 'tipping point' has been rejected by many climate researchers. However,
Lovelock stands by his opinions. Let's assume he's right. What can we do?
Well, not much. We' ve already passed the moment, he believes, where cutting greenhouse gas Unit 12, p119, The Hole in the Wall ac
emissions would help us. What about using biofuels, renewable energies? It won' t make a Have you observed any differences between urban and rural areas in how children
difference. Sustainable development, he says, is entirely the wrong approach. At this point, we
interact with the Hole in the Wall kiosks?
should be concentrating on a sustainable retreat. 2 Are there elements of the Hole in the Wall project that make it uniquely Indian? Do you
see a Hole in the Wall program catching on in other countries?
3 Have you seen any differences in problem-solving behaviors and academic achievement
What does Lovelock think will happen to: most major cities? people in tropical countries?
between the kids who regularly use the Hole in the Wall computer kiosks and the kids
people in northern countries?
2 Why does he think this will happen? who don't?
4 Some argue that just letting kids click around the Internet will not improve their
3 What does he think we should and should not do?
performance in educational domains like reading and science. What do you say to that?
4 Mark any points you agree and disagree with.
5 What has surprised you the most over these past few years as you 've observed how
children use the Hole in the Wall computer kiosks?

Unit 12, 0111, The end of general knowledge? ad

Fools will always be here. And their foolishness will always make the news headlines. But on the other Unit 8, p80, Target activilV 4a <Student 8>
hand, there will always be teachers and parents who see the real value in possessing and sharing
knowledge. The Internet, however, changes everything. We can't help but use it to check what's happening
(or has happened) in the world.
The AIRpod is small, holding just three passengers, with a single seat facing forwards for
Schools are probably right to encourage young people to use the Internet to find out about the world. the driver and a bench facing backward for two more people. The car is designed to be
It may be right that such a tool will just help us to forget more and more. But at the same time, the exceptionally light, weighing in at 220kg .
continuing popularity of quizzes and game-shows shows us that general knowledge - shared knowledge
Because the air tank and engine don't take up much room , most of the car is devoted to
among a mass of people all part of the same culture and time - is strong enough to remain.
passenger space. The car is a three-wheeler, and the driver uses a joystick to turn, rather than a
conventional steering wheel.
In spite of its flimsy appearance, the car is actually very safe, as it has airbags outside the car
Unit 2, p20, Target activilV a<student 8> which inflate when a crash is imminent. The Pod itself is made of strong composite materials
that make a safe cell protecting the passengers.
You are a candidate. The technology of air-powered engines is relatively cheap and simple, so the car would probably
1 Think of skills and abilities which might be suitable for the job. Remember to present yourself cost about £3,500.
in a positive light: how can you appear confident, but not arrogant? How will you sell
yourself? What will you ask the employer? Use strategies from p20. Although air power means the car drives emission-free, some energy is required to compress air
2 Introduce yourself appropriately. Describe your skills and abilities in line with what the into its tank. But the cost of a tank refill wou ld probably only be about £ 1 !
interviewer asks. Then move to another interview.
3 Listen to the evaluation. Do you think it is fair? What comments do you have about the
employers and the interviews?

Unit &, P51, Fake photos 2 (Student 8> Unit 12, 0120, Target activitv 1b
i Great white shark attack! If Christian Munoz-Donoso is going to make this job pay, he's got to move quickly. He has a list of 1O
Two completely different photos have been videos to shoot on this warm June morning, for which he'll earn just $200. To get anything close to his
joined together to give the impression of a usual rate, he'll have to do it all in two hours. Today's topic is kayaking . Munoz-Donoso has enlisted a local
shark attack in front of San Francisco's famous instructor to meet him and to bring along four of his boats. Munoz-Donoso gets most of his shots in one
landmark, the Golden Gate Bridge. take. But conditions are working against him. Shifting winds and changing light require him to adjust his
This fake photo was circulated by email in 2001, setup. Even so, within a few hours, he has uploaded his work to Demand Media, his employer for the day.
accompanied by a message saying that it had It isn't Scorsese, but it's fast, cheap, and good enough.
won .. National Geographic Photo of the Year". Thousands of other filmmakers and writers around the country are operating with the same loose
It was not clear whether the email was hoping standards, racing to produce the 4,000 videos and articles that Demand Media publishes every day. The
to convince people that the photo was real, or company's ambitions are so enormous as to be almost surreal: to predict any question anyone might ask
whether it was intended as a joke. and generate an answer that will show up at the top of Google's search results. To get there, Demand
The original image of the shark was actually is using an army of Munoz-Donosos to crank out articles and videos. They shoot slapdash instructional
taken by a contributor to National Geographic videos with titles like 'How to draw a Greek helmet' and 'How to stop snoring'. They pump out an endless
- it was presumably chosen so that the claim stream of bulleted lists and tutorials about the most esoteric of subjects.
would seem more genuine .
Plenty of other companies have tried to corner the market in online advice. But none has gone about it as
aggressively, scientifically, and single-mindedly as Demand . Pieces are not dreamed up by trained editors
nor commissioned based on submitted questions. Instead they are assigned by an algorithm, which mines
nearly a terabyte of search data, Internet traffic patterns, and keyword rates to determine what users want
to know and how much advertisers will pay to appear next to the answers.

Unit 4, p3J, Maps of the world ab (Student 8> The process is automatic, random, and endless. It is a database of human needs, and if you haven't
stumbled on a Demand video or article yet on sites like ehow or livestrong, you soon will. By next summer,
Prepare to tell Student A about your map. The world's wealth in the year 1500 according to founder and CEO Richard Rosenblatt, Demand will be publishing a million items a month, the
"Slaves captured in raids and war grew in equivalent of four English-language Wikipedias a year.
importance as a commodity. Kola nuts were also In an era overwhelmed by FlickrYouTubeWikipediaBloggerFacebookTwitter-borne logorrhea, it's hard to
important, as were the dyestuffs of northern argue that the world needs another massive online content company. But what Demand has realized is that
Nigeria . All these goods were highly prized in the Internet gets only half of the simplest economic formula right: It has the supply part down but ignores
and around the Mediterranean basin." (Richard demand. Give a .million monkeys a million WordPress accounts and you still might never get a seven-point
Effland, 2003) tutorial on how to keep wasps away from a swimming pool. Yet, that's what people want to know.
In the year 1500, European territories were
some of the wealthiest on earth, when
measured by GDP per person. The regions
Are these sentences true or false?
with the largest total GDPs were Eastern Asia
a Christian Munoz-Donoso works for Demand Media .
and Southern Asia. These were also the most
b There are thousands of people doing similar work .
populous regions at that time,.The regions with
c They all work to a high professional standard.
the lowest GDP in 1500 were central and south-
d Demand Media finds out what people want to know by tracking Internet search data .
east Africa. These regions also had the lowest
e Demand Media employs highly trained staff to interpret the data.
GDP per person.
f Demand Media are successful because they can find out what people really want to know.
2 What does the writer think of Demand Media's approach? What adjectives reveal his attitude?
Unit 4, p38, Whal the world eats aa (Group 8> 3 How does the writer provide human interest and humour in this story? What do you think is his opinion of the
general public and their interests?
What are the main things the Batsuuri
family seem to eat and drink?
2 How much of their food is:
• processed?
Unit 9, p90, Target activitv 5 (Group 8>
• packaged? Choose the images you think are most suitable as icons for our time . Then agree on an icon to add
• fresh? in the empty box.
3 Do you think they have a healthy diet? 2 Think of arguments to defend your choice .
4 What seems to be their main source of: 3 Look at Group As images on p131. Think of arguments against them being chosen as icons for our time.
• vitamins?
• carbohydrates? 0

• protein?

Mongolia: the Batsuuri family of Ulaanbaatar

Food expenditure for one week : $40.02

136 131
Unit 5, p50, Target activitv 4c Unit 11, P110, Target activitv ab <Student 8>
It's six minutes to midnight ...
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has been updating its 'Doomsday Clock' since 1947. The clock
conveys how close we are to destruction (or midnight) and identifies the ways that humans could
obliterate themselves. One of the main reasons since the late 1940s has been a possible nuclear war.
However, climate change and new life-science technologies have become important new factors.
The clock was re-adjusted on 14 January 2010, moving from five minutes to midnight to six minutes
to midnight. The reasons for this? World leaders are showing a stronger commitment to reducing
their arsenals of nuclear weapons and other nations' means to make them. Also, developed and
developing countries alike are making promises to limit the climate-changing gas emissions that
would make our planet uninhabitable. According to the Bulletin, there are positive signs that
tackling the two greatest threats to civilisation - nuclear war and climate change - are at last
receiving worldwide political attention.

1 Where is the clock and what is its purpose?

2 What areas of risk affect the time shown on the clock?
3 According to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, what reasons do people have to be optimistic?
Unit&, p59, Genuine fakes 5 <student 8> 4 Mark any points you agree and disagree with.

You are an art collector.

You have seen this painting and you want to buy it, but
you're not convinced it's genuine. Other Anton Mauve
Unit 12, p118, The hole in the wall 1c
paintings you know have similar themes, but they are
darker and the figures aren't so sharply defined. You have
seen no information about where or when it was painted.
o how much you are prepared to pay for it.
o what questions you will ask A.

Morning ride on the beach

(Anton Mauve 1838-1888/

Unit 12, P124, Look again 4b

Having decided to take the experiment out to a village called Madantusi, I built
another hole-in-the-wall. I left the computer there with lots of CDs, returning
three months later to find two kids playing a game on the computer. On seeing me
they said "we need a faster processor and a better mouse" in English! So then I
measured their performance, realising that they were using 200 English words with
each other like exit, stop, find, save, not to do with the computers but in their day-
to-day conversations.

Grammar reference

Adverbs Talking about change

We can use adverbs to modify: Time comparison structures
Most people eat more meat than they used to.
a verb:

Grammar reference She sang beautifully.

I enjoyed the performance immensely.

2 an adjective:
Problems associated with obesity are more widespread than they
were a generation ago.
Fifty years ago, most people in Europe had a much more
restricted diet than they do today
He seems reasonably happy with his progress.
In comparison structures, auxiliaries are usually repeated
will and would Verb tenses in narration It's extremely difficult to follow what he 's saying.

3 a noun or prepositional phrase :

[are ... than they were). Main verbs are omitted or replaced by a
form of do [eat ... than they used to; had ... than they do).
When relat ing events in the past, we often use these verb It's really a form of baseball.
will and would for habitual action get I become + adjective
tenses : The car was completely out of control.
We often use will and would for a habitual [or repeated) action The differences between rich and poor have got bigger over the
in the present or past : Past simple 4 another adverb : last few decades .
We 've read your proposal extremely carefully. Access to information has become more freely available to
Present [equivalent to present simple) :
To relate the main events of a story : everyone.
People will usually keep to the same brand unless they have a
In 1990 we moved to London and I got a job in an engineering Common adverb I adjective collocations
good reason to change. Other verbs
company. highly competitive
increase decrease improve
Past [equivalent to past simple or used to) : effective
Past progressive: was+ -ing evolve develop rise
As a student, I would often work through the night and then sleep intelligent
collapse improve decline
in the afternoon. unlikely
To give the background to events [what was going on at the deteriorate fall spread
Other uses of will t ime) : Other expressions
At that time I was living in London and working in an engineering undergo a {rapid, gradual/ transformation
to make predictions :
From tomorrow morning, flights will operate normally.
company One day .. . b1\
t\i ~ v'er s rt'~
xJ lf
-~ '-
r r <r·
, a
( perfectly acceptable
clear make a {rapid} transition
When acid is added, the impurities in the liquid will gradually If we use 'state' verbs [e.g / now, ~be, har e), th_ey will be in the
S' undergo a {complete} revolution
dissolve. simple form: ()\ · 1. Ii v- ... I
aware [of)
I ,.-;s~
go into {gradual. rapid. terminal/ decline
It was the weekend and I had a free afternoon, so I decided to ... show a {marked, noticeable} improvement
2 to make decisions, offers, promises and threats: booked
[not I was having a free afternoon) informed [of) Cause I effect expressions
Don't worry, I'll talk to him.
I'll carry that. deeply disturbed
shocked A causes B
3 to make requests or give orders: -\-- '"'-'- . (i.\L
To go back from th past and re ate events that happened moved give rise to
Will you please stop talking?
l ir earlier : lead to
4 to make deductions : It was already 8.30 and I was still 10 kilometres from the airport. Common adverb I verb collocations result in () .
That will be the postman now. {=I'm sure it is} I'd left the house in good time, but the traffic out of town had deeply I profoundly regret trigger 8tv,' ·
been very slow. vividly I clearly remember bring about U
Other uses of would strongly support
Past perfect progressive: had been + -ing B is caused by A
"u.»•( l-'. highly I strongly recommend
past of will, in reported speech or thought: J1t'Ya thoroughly enjoy
result from
I told you they wouldn 't agree. To go back from the past and describe earlier activities : be a (direct) consequence of
entirely I totally agree
He knew that only one person would get the job. I felt very relieved when we finally found a flat.~e 'd been looking stem from
fully recognise
for months, but there hadn 't been anything suitable. have its origin(sl in
2 to mean wanted to or was willing to : strongly I firmly believe
originate from
They would always keep an eye on our flat while we were away.
would I was going to ('future in the pasf) Short responses
Sorry I'm late. The car wouldn 't start. A influences B
To express a future idea which is set in the past : We often use adverbs as single-word responses in have an effect on
3 conditional would, for hypothetical ["unreal") situations:
When she joined Sony, she was 22 and had only a year's conversation : have an influence on
I didn't know you were in town, or I would have called you.
experience. It WO)illd be {was going to be} an enormous.challenge A I think she did the right thing, don "t you? have an i p~ct on
I like the job, but it would be nice to have a bit more free time .

4 to make requests :
for her: fl1~ <;(\{ii i.t-7 ?I e v~ v '(la_ P";' '. I
8 Absolutely. affect
have consequences for
We often use the above tenses in : A Are the classes worth going to?
Would you help me with these bags?
8 Oh yes , definitely.
5 to 'soften ' assertions and suggestions: reported speech and thought :
They were lucky to find a flat. He told me they 'd been looking Adverbs that can be used in this way :
I'd suggest getting a new printer: [less direct than 'I suggest')
for months. absolutely definitely precisely probably
I would think she's probably in her mid 40s. [more cautious
She knew that it would be an enormous challenge . completely certainly exactly possibly
than ' I think')
totally not really hardly
2 relative clauses :
I rented the flat to a young couple who had been looking for
somewhere to live for months.

140 141
Grammar reference Grammar reference

Passive reponinu verbs Present pertect Referencing and substitution wha1e11er

Passive structures are often used in reporting what people say Substituting nouns We can add -ever to pronouns to make the following words :
Present perfect simple
or believe, espe ci ally in news reports or in academic writ ing . whatever
To refer to events in a period 'up to now': To avo id repeating a countable noun, we can use one [singular) whenever
This enables the writer to distance him/herself from the facts
The country has experienced three major earthquakes this year. or some I any (plural) :
or opinions being reported . Compare : wherever
(=so far) Notepads are really useful. You should get one. [=a notepad)
Informal, less 'distanced' You may have to help me. This is the first time I've used this We need to buy some more paperclips. We haven 't got any.
Many people think that the expression 'OK' is of French origin. software. [= in my life up to now)
To avo id repeating an uncountable noun, we can use They are used in various ways .
More formal and 'distanced' The present perfect simple is often used for announcing news, some / any:
It is thought that the expression 'OK' is of French origin. where the focus is on the fact that something has happened, A Do you want coffee ? 1 = it doesn't matter, regardless
not on when it happened . The event is connected with the 8 Yes , I'd Love some. Whenever you want to arrive, Let us know and we 'II meet you at
There are two ways of us ing pass ive report ing verbs : the station.
present (we can see the result now). After an adjective, we can use one [singular) or ones [plural) to
It+ passive verb+ that .. . There has been a serious train crash on the main London to Whatever people may say about her, I think she ·s an excellent
replace the noun:
It is generally believed that pasta originated in China. Glasgow line. [The line is still out of act ion) Leader.
I don 't need a window envelope. An ordinary one will be fine .
It has been shown that better street lighting reduces crime. I 've bought some strawberries . [Here they are) We ·11 get the job done, however Long it takes.
They replaced their beautiful old wooden windows with cheap
It 1s reported that the number of teachers retiring early has 2 = I don't mind, you're free to choose
metal ones.
risen dramatically Present perfect progressive
You can sit wherever you like. [=anywhere)
To refer to activities or feelings that started in the past and are We can also use other pronouns to avo id repeating a noun :
2 Passive verb +to+ infinitive There 's no dress code -just wear whatever you want. [= anything)
still go ing on: I spend time in London and New York .
Pasta is generally believed to have originated in China . 3 to give emphasis to a question.
I've been trying to contact her for days, but I don 't know where / like them both in different ways.
Better street lighting has been shown to reduce crime. Wherever did you get that tie? It's awful!
she is. (= I'm still trying). I've heard Shanghai is an exciting city, but I've never been there.
The number of teachers retiring early is reported to have risen Whatever did you say that for?[= What on earth ... ?)
I've been meaning to email you, but I never seem to find the time.
dramatically. Substituting verbs
(= I st ill intend to write) Whate ver can also be followed by a noun phrase :
Infinitives after passive reporting verbs To avoid repeating a main verb, we can use a form of the Whatever the time, feel free to call me. [=Whatever time it is ... )
We also use it to refer to activities that have been continuing au xiliary do :
Passive reporting verbs can be followed by : up to now, but have now stopped. Whatever the reason, he 's not speaking to me.
Malaria doesn't kill as many people as it once did .
Where have you been ? I've been trying to contact you for days. He still smokes, but not as much as he did a year ago . In conversat ion, whatever can also be used on its own, to mean
1 the simple infinitive :
[=now I've succeeded in contacting you) A Who wants tea? ·1don't care' or ' It doesn 't matter' :
Better street lighting has been shown to reduce crime.
Look - it 's been raining. [=now it has stopped, but the ground A Shall we take them flowers or chocolates ?
[=it reduces crime) Bf do.
is wet) 8 Whatever. (= whatever you like)
2 the continuous infin itive : We usually repeat au xi l iary verbs, or (if the meaning is clear)
'State' verbs we can omit them : Whenever can also be used to mean "every time· :
They are supposed to be living in the Bahamas.
[=they are living ) Some verbs are not normally used in the progressive form . Malaria isn 't as dangerous as it once was . We go walking in the mountains whenever we get the chance.
These include : Fortunately, the accident wasn 't nearly as serious as
3 the past simple infin it ive : However is also used to express contrast [=but):
• verbs describing mental states and feelings : think, believe, it could have been.
More than 50 people are reported to have been killed in the blaze. Schumacher started the race well ahead. However, engine failure
know; love, respect, admire: need, want She 's more fluent in Russian than (she is) in English .
[=they were killed) forced him to drop out in the third Lap.
• verbs describing permanent qualities and states : consist,
4 the past progressive infinitive : contain, include, involve, be, have (=possess), own. Referring to earlier ideas
They are believed to have been conducting informal negotiations. To refer back to an earlier idea, we can use this or which:
With these verbs, we use the present perfect simple instead of
[=they have been conducting) They used detergent to try to disperse the oil slick. This caused
the progressive :
further damage to the marine ecosystem.
Common passive reporting verbs Fashion photography has always involved manipulatitB images.
They used detergent to try to disperse the oil slick, which caused
say calculate think We 've had this sofa for years .
further damage to the marine ecosystem.
consider suppose reckon
Some verbs can be used in the simple or progressive with no [this I which= the fact that they used detergent)
acknowledge show estimate
difference in meaning :
understand report feel
They've lived I They've been living in London ever since the war.
believe know presume
,_c<t -.},

Grammar reference Grammar reference

ModifVinu a sentence Inversion Clen sentences Paniciple clauses

We can use adverbs and expressions to mod ify a complete Adverbial phrases To give emphasis to one part of a sentence, we can divide it There are three kinds of participle clause in English .
sentence . They can come at the beginning or the end of the into two clauses . This is called a 'cleft' sentence.
sentence, or as a parenthes is w ithin the sentence [usually with Certain adverbial phrases can be moved to the beginning of a Present participle clauses
a comma before and after). sentence to give special emphasis . After these phrases, the Cleft sentences with What ... [form : verb+ -ing)
She didn't get into Oxford, unfortunately. subject and verb change position ['inversion').
Compare: We lay on the beach, gazing up at the night sky
Naturally, we 're very disappointed with the result. Compare : We need a new car. When shopping for clothes, always check the label.
We are, of course, delighted to hear that the family are safe and He not only evaded tax, but he then lied about it. ~ What we need is a new car.
well. Present part iciple clauses can be used to shorten a sentence
Not only did he evade tax, but he then lied about it. I'd really like to give up my job.
with an active verb:
I didn 't realise my wallet was missing until I got home. ~ What I'd really like to do is give up my job.
Signalling attitude We lay on the beach and gazed up at the night sky
Not until I got home did I realise that my wallet was missing.
Starting with a clause with What ... gives added emphasis to ~ We lay on the beach, gazing up at the night sky
Sentence adverbs and expressions are often used to comment
on the sentence or signal the speaker's attitude . The following adverbial phrases can be used in this way: the second part of the sentence [a new car, give up my job)
Present participle clauses often start with prepositions :
not only
=it's understood : We can also begin the sentence with a general expression after closing the door ...
only rarely
naturally, of course, obviously referring to time, place, reason , etc .: before going to bed .. .
at no time
the thing without saying anything ...
very rarely
2 positive comment : the time on hearing the news[= when I heard)
in no way
fortunately, luckily, I'm glad to say the person I people while walking through the park ...
only recently
3 negative comment : the place
not once
the way Past participle clauses
unfortunately, sadly, I'm sorry to say not until (now/
the reason [form : verb+ -ed)
4 express ing surprise : These phrases can be used with different tenses : Although badly wounded, I managed to crawl back into the
surprisingly, astonishingly, tncredibly, amazingly, oddly, What I The thing I need now is some money
Not once did they get in touch to ask how I was. building.
The time / like best is just before sunset.
strangely (enough/ At no time have I claimed money from the company for personal If asked his opinion, he usually remained silent.
The first thing /'II do when I get home is have a hot shower.
5 expressing time or duration : The reason it didn't work was (that/ it wasn 't plugged in . Past participle clauses can be used to shorten a sentence with
Only very rarely was I consulted about managerial decisions.
suddenly, gradually, eventually, in the end The people I really admire are traffic wardens. a passive verb :
The ma in sentence stress shifts onto the adverb phrase: Although I was badly wounded, ...
6 expressing contrast :
however, nevertheless, all the same
Not only did he evade tax, but he then lied about it.
Cleft sentences with It ... ~Although badly wounded, ...
• •
Not once did they get in touch to ask how I was.
We can also begin a cleft sentence with It ... .. followed by a
Softening clause with who or that. Compare : Perfect participle clauses
Only very r arely was I consulted about managerial decisions.
They can be used to 'soften· what we are saying or make it less fvty aunt first got me interested in politics. [form : having+ verb+ -ed)
The expression no way is common in conversat ion, meaning ' in ~ It was my aunt who first got me interested in politics. Having lived in London all my life, I couldn 't imagine moving.
maybe no way' or 'not at all'. It is followed by invers ion : We only heard he was ill yesterday. Having finished the shopping, we went to a cafe for lunch .
No way would I want to do a job like that. [=I certainly wouldn't ~ It was only yesterday that we heard he was ill.
presumably Perfect participle clauses can be used to show the sequence of
I think want to do it)
Starting with a clause with It ... gives added emphasis to the two events:
probably first part of the sentence [my aunt, yesterday).
We also use inversion after time expressions : no sooner, We finished the shopping. Then we went to a cafe.
perhaps ~ Having finished the shopping, we went to a cafe .
hardly, scarcely These are usually followed by the past perfect.
sort of We often use cleft sentences with It ... to correct people :
No sooner had we taken off than the plane started shaking.
possibly It was actually London that I flew to, not Manchester. Participle clauses must have the same subject as the ma in
Hardly had I started reading when Jane came in and started
tn a way It wasn 't my husband you spoke to, it was my brother. clause . So we can say :
telling me about her homework. •
to some extent After going online, type a word into Google.
But not:
Adding emphasis After going on line, Google will appear on the screen .
They can be used to reinforce or add emphasis to what we are
saying .
1n fact
as a matter of fact

144 145
SALESMAN That's because this model friends . I see myself as a happy person,
Unit 1 but then I forgot them all, so I had to
use a different strategy. I had to jot _
brothers and it was such good fun to go
down there and have a picnic ... there BEN I'm the youngest of three boys . This has plenty of memory. 150 GB . a fun-loving person, somebody who loves
1 5 STUDENT 1 OK, I'm going to test you on their job and also loves the social aspect
them all down in an address book as J weren't any cars ~ ! he time. We went is a story about when I was three or
SARAH Yeah , I found it really difficult unit 13. Do you want me to give you a of life as well.
reminders. So, I don 't forget them! down with horses. And looking back four years old . It's one my mother still
at first because I didn't speak the prompt?
4 URI As I got older, my ... my memory ~ now on this occasi n reminds me of how tells today because I think the whole
language very well, but it was pretty STUDENT 2 No, I think I can do it from
started to fade a bit, but one thing bf:.autiful the village childhood was ~ family were so embarrassed. I'm the 1 says 2 saw 3 knew 4 was 5 'd seen
easy to fit in after a while because memory. Right here goes. Unit 13
I can , I can always remember are BEN [ Yes, I guess if I think about it, I do have youngest by many years so my other 6 'd decided 7 was sitting 8 came
people are very friendly. I also was
lucky to meet a lot of expats here. I
numbers - people 's numbers, 1 a very early memory from my childhood . brothers treated me as if I wasn't really focuses on family law ...
6 OFFICER Are you sure that's the man you
9 chatted 10 called 11 've been
telephone numbers but from years I was at school, I think I'd just started a brother. They always felt superior 12have 13work 14 ' rehaving
really miss my friends at home but the saw at the scene of the crime?
ago, and birthdays ... I've no problem primary scho ol. I must have been about to me. But I was the youngest, so 15 came 16 would have met
people that I've met here are really, WITNESS I think SO .
with remembering pin numbers, four years old . And in my class, well everybody loved me and I could do
really nice. I've also made a real effort OFFICER You have to be sure about this.
bank account numbers, lottery there were a lot of other kids as you what I liked sometimes. One day I was
to learn the language, but to be honest "Think so" is no good . A So, Uri , would you like to say a
numbers, that kind of thing . can imagine, but the thing I remember watching my father talk in public. He did AMANDA
most of the expats that I've met here WITNESS Sorry, memory's playing tricks little a bit about yourself first, just to
5 TINA I can remember all kinds of which made me feel very unhappy at the a lot of public speaking . In fact he was
speak English, so it's easier just to talk again. I think so, yeah . get the ball rolling, you know?
things, but I'm really hopeless with time was that I didn't have a partnei]_o on television quite a lot and of course
in English to them . And yeah, I feel Well, yes, I've been interested in
people's names and faces . I know there were 28 other kids, 14 partners, you had to be quiet at this kind of event. URI
that I've adapted to the country and this field for, for many years now. So,
their faces look familiar but I can 't whatever, and I didn 't have one and so My brothers - Gary and Chuck - always
I'm enjoying it and I probably will stay You missed the show, that's just too bad!
remember where I know them from, I had to work and play with the teacher. made sure that they kept their distance when I saw this job advertised, you
here for a long tim e. 2 Oh, it's just so you - you should buy it!
that sort of thing . I'm OK with names So, it was kind of embarrassing, or I from me because I could be really can imagine I was very interested in ,
2 DANIEL When I first arrived here 3 Hello, it's just so nice to be back home!
of things and objects and place think it was kind of sad for a four-year- naughty and they couldn't bear that. So, very interested by it. The thing is, I've
everyone was really welcoming , even 4 Arriving on time? I guess that's just too
names, but when I see someone I old boD~o one day, I remember the I was in this very formal setting with
much to expect!
been out of work for a while now and
though I didn 't speak the language, I saw this as an opportunity, and so,
find it really hard to know where I teacher said to me : "Your partner has my mum and my brothers, watching
I didn't speak a word . I found that
hard to get used to, not living in an
remember them from. And I get into arrived, there 's a new boy who 's come to my father speak . On one occasion, I got Unit 2 here I am!
a real panic, my mind goes blank school and he 's going to be your partner.'' lost. Nobody could find me . My mother A Right. So, why is it that you ' re
English-speaking country. There
and I know it's really easy to offend ~ And I remember the excitement, the got quite worried and I think she wanted NORMAN Probably what defines me most
interested in working with us?
were lots of things I missed from
people when you do that, so I have expectation of seeing who this was going to interrupt my father speaking, but she is the background where I grew up.
back home - food, pubs, my friends . B MICHAEL So, Ms Faber, it's nice to meet
to pretend to know their name. And to be. I was thinking I'm not going to be couldn 't because it was a public event. I grew up in the south-west corner
And although I felt accepted and you at lastl
sometimes the name 's on the tip of on my own any more. Anyway, his name Then, I appeared . I was up on stage with of Germany and I spent most of my
welcomed at the beginning, the more SANDY Yeah, yeah, well, after all these
my tongue but I just can't remember was Noah and he became my partner my father in full view of the cameras, childhood there, and the language and
I learn about the culture here, the months of emailing each other, it's
it. It's very embarrassing . when I was four years old and the holding on to my dad and waving at people around there have defined most
more I feel like an outsider. I think I'll kind of nice to see someone face
incredible thing is that nearly 40 years everyone, smiling . My brothers were of what I consider is important to me at
never be accepted really until I can to face, see what they look like . I
later, we 're still reall _close friends . embarrassed . They couldn 't look. The the moment. What has also had a great
speak the language fluently. Yeah, I'll ANDREW I remember when I was little, when couldn 't imagine what you .. .
Isn 't that incredible So, I guess that's press loved it and my father, who at first influence on me was my stay in other
always feel like an outsider, really. M Yes, that's right, it's always good put
I wa young . I particularly remember you know, a happy memory of meeting was really angry, also thought it was countries, for example, to the United a face to a name.
\_. whendl was about five or six, that kind of ~ s_ omeone at the, ~ nd of, very earliest funny in the end . I think I couldn 't bear States or the UK, and what has happened s Yes, yeah, you 're ... younger than I
perio , going to the beach and we'd stay time you could do~ not to be the centre of attention . I think
LIAM I think I do have a good visual is that I have adopted some of the values imagined you would be .
in a cottage in the New Forest and we'd I'm still like that today, in fact. Once the
memory and a good spatial memory. and the experiences that I had interacting M Really? Well, it's time for you to
pack all our things up and set off for the youngest, always the youngest.
I, I think I've a memory for places, with other people in these countries. meet the others now. Come this way,
beach and the excitement of that journey, A Am I OK with him on my own?
for things that I've seen, erm, as OLGA I would say my family defines me a please . The seminar begins in a few
of the preparation, with the buckets and B Oh yes, he 's usually fine with
long as I'm paying attention. If
f._ the spades and checking evepibody was strangers, once he's got used to you .

Would you open the door?
• lot, because I'm looking after two small minutes.
I' m going back to a place that I've
ready and getting in the car] ~t the most He does have a tendency to get a bit • •
2 I asked him but he wouldn't say a word .
• children now and erm, life is centred
C AMANDA Mrs Santos, it's really nice to
been to before, when I get there, a lot on them rather than on myself,
I'll see something that'll jog my
.. . the thing I really remem ffer is that excited if he thinks you're afraid of
3 • • •
Would you prefer to go by bus? which is something quite different from have you back here with us.
memory. It'll make me recall where
as we would drive towards the coast, him, mind . But you should be OK.
4 • forget that favour.
She would never • when you 're young and when you're just CARMELO Thanks a lot. It's great to be
the trees - we were staying in a kind of Just keep calm, do~ let him see back . And you are?
I would go• there • • in August.

something else was in the scene, thinking about your own prospects in life.
forested area - and as we got towards the you ' re afraid . I'll be back in about 10 5 every year A Amanda Woods.
even if I couldn't have visualised the
coast, the trees would thin out and you'd minutes anyway, so don 't worry. 6
• •
He said he would leave early today.
I think that says a lot about my identity at
c Oh yes, I remember. So I suppose the
place before going back there. When the moment.
I get there, it all comes back to me.
get glimpses of the sea as you arrived 2 A You need to be very careful on this
7 • say that, wouldn't
She would • she? LIAM I think of my identity partly in terms of other ... candidates are here . Should
and when we first got the little glimpse bit. It's liable to get really slippery I go through?
2 JANE I'm really bad , I, I can 't, I just my friends and people around me. I like
of the water reflecting in the distanci l when it's been raining. A Erm yes, we ' re keen to get started
always leave the house and forget at to be around people who I find fun and
we'd all open the windows and see if we B Oh, seems to be OK. The rains have not stopped for over 48 as you can imagine. Erm, is there
least something whether it's like my entertaining and interesting, people who
could ,smell that particular smell of the A Well, especially on the bends. I'd hours. Villagers say that they're the worst anything else you need?
phone or, erm , my bank card or my like books and music, and ideas, debate,
beachl_so. by the time we arrived at the slow down a bit. in living memory. Most of their houses B You know, I forgot my pen. The
keys. It's usually my keys. I've got a that kind of thing. And so I suppose I like
beach, we were at such a high level of B I'm only doing 70, should be all right are flooded and treasured possessions nerves ...
mental block about keys. I think I'm to think that I'm reflected in the people
excitement, we 'd all spin out and start ... Sorry! have been lost beneath the waters. A Of course, no problem . Follow me .
going to have to start writing notes that I like and the people that I get on
digging sandcastles and stuft tBut I just A See what I mean? 2 He 's suffering from short-term memory
and leaving them on the front door to with. Erm, I see myself, I like to see
remember loving that, the fi ~ glimpse, 3 A Anyway look , you need to keep saving loss, but there 's nothing to worry about.
remind me to pick them up. But yeah, myself as, erm, as a traveller I suppose, A I thought they had real talent -
the first reflection of light on the horizon the data, because it tends to crash It's quite understandable after a blow
now I've given , erm, lots of friends as someone who can adapt to different especially the guy on the keyboard, he
- that the beach was nearby - and the suddenly, just for no reason. I think to the head like that. He'll be back to
who live nearby, they all have sets of cultures. I've lived in France and I've lived
first smell of the rotting seaweed was it's the program , it's got a bug in it. normal soon. was amazing .
keys now so I tend not to get stuck in Vietnam, I spend a lot of time around B I think she has tremendous leadership
just something that's stayed with me B OK, well I'll just keep pressing 'save '. 3 ANA So, what were you meant to do
outside in the cold any more. Italian people. So I think I'm probably
3 OLGA I don't have a very good memory,
for ver, really.] G A Good luck. Just shout if you 've got a today? largely a product of where I come from,
skills - she's exactly the leader that
JULIA One of my earliest memories is the problem. WILLEM Eh? Sorry, I'm not with you . Europe needs.
especially for numbers. So, I used to but I like to think that I can adapt to other C You 've got plenty of natural ability, but
have one password for everything.
A day that we went to wash my aunt's 4 A Anyone else? ANA Willem, you 've got a memory like a
cultural situations as well.
wool. She was getting married and B Then there 's Amy. She 's very bright sieve, you really have! Really, I ... you also need to practice, or you won 't
Quite an easy one as well, and then JANE When I was, erm, younger I really
get anywhere.
beforehand, she had to do this preparing and tends to know all the answers. WILLEM Oh, yes. You ' re right , the
a friend told me that's not what a didn 't know who I was or what really D They lack basic skills in reading and
of the mattresses for her future wedding] And she's always putting her hand up mortgage . I always forget to do
password is about. So , I got different defined me, but I think , I think now what writing . That's the main problem we ' re
'-So, all the family got together, we went and calling out the answers, I think it anything related to paying money.
passwords for online banking, erm, defines me is probably my, my job and trying to address here.
down to a small river nearby where really annoys the others sometimes. 4 SALESMAN And there 's this one.
for Facebook, for work ... all the my friends . Erm, I need to feel part of a
we live, near the villag~f6nd it was all A I'll watch out for that, then. cusTOMER Well, this is a lot more E It's very competitive, there's so much
different ones. And at the time I close circuit of friends and a close set of new, young talent, and designs go out
the family together, all the cousins, my B Yeah, I mean, don 't discourage her, expensive .
thought of some asso ciations that
grandparents, my mum, my sisters, my though. She 's a nice kid .
would remind me of those words,
of fashion so quickly, it's very difficult to done, rather than about science itself. thought in Spanish into English, so it English language that it's spoken s So, yes, the writer said when she writes wealth. Obviously that"s because it
stay ahead of the game. And I really liked the idea of getting out was very difficult to even have a basic everywhere in the world, but you have a Chinese character, she ... actually, didn't have developed technology. But
F We need someone with proven there with nature and looking at things. conversation . Erm but as, as time went everywhere different cultures using it. she makes an image of that word . For that doesn 't necessarily mean that they
computer and technical skills . It also gave me a real interest in maps. by, I felt that people helped me get to example, if I write about the mountain, were poor. They probably had a good,
Academic ability isn't so important. I remember being absolutely fascinated grips with the language quite a bit, they if I write the word mountain in Chinese sustainable way of life. In a sense, they
by them . were, if I got stuck with a word they It takes a long time to get there, but it's
- ifs shan - I can see the mountain. were probably very well off, though not
Did you ever manage to read the book would help me, so, erm yeah, and I just amazing, it was really worthwhile
P I make the shape when I write . And affluent in a material sense.
A They spend the summer in the Cote again later on in life? also, I was very lucky that I got a lot of going there. It's such a fantastic, wild
then I think that shapes Chinese way
d'Azur, in the south of France. They"ve Yeah . I re-read Farthest North as an exposure to different accents quite early place . I've never seen anything like it.
of thinking . And sometimes ifs difficult
got a massive villa . adult, a condensed version that was on, so that helped me with the language. 2 It was a really disappointing speech, Well, I think one very significant thing that
... if I try to say something in English, I
e A villa? How wonderful. about a third as long. And have you ever learned any other I thought. He had absolutely nothing happened to Britain was joining Europe,
J need to be very clear to find the words
A Yes. Well, not really a villa, more of And how was it again? foreign languages apart from English? worthwhile to say at all, just empty joining the European Union in the 1970s,
P to give the emotion I want to ... to
an apartment, really, but with its own Well, I was amazed first of all that I'd P Erm, I tried to learn French for a while, phrases. I don't know why he bothered . and erm, I think this had all kinds of
convey. So, I think that's the difficulty
private beach. read the whole thing when I was a young but I didn't have enough time to, erm, 3 Oh yes, I definitely support them, they're a consequences for the way people live, some
with a new language, especially English .
e Amazing . teenager. But secondly and sadly, I was to commit to it, so and - I don't speak a very worthwhile organisation . Ifs not just of them very far-reaching, for example food,
I do find it's a complete different way
A Well, when I say private, it's kind of depressed by how boring it was. Maybe word of Italian or Portuguese either. animals, they do a lot for the environment people's attitude to food. I remember before
of thinking, and in a way I need to kind
private, I mean, not literally private, that's just the way it is, and the books J So obviously now you 're fluent in English, and for communities as well. Britain joined Europe, things like olive oil or
of take out the Chinese way of thinking
but it is pretty empty most of the time. that changed you as a youth are always have you ever thought about learning any 4 The stock markers certainly worth your French cheese or Italian pasta were luxury
and ... replace it with English way.
That's to say, not all the time, it is busy at going to be a disappointment, if not an other languages, or have you? while if you're investing over a long goods - they were quite difficult to get hold
weekends, and in the summer of course . outright embarrassment, as an adult. P Well, I took up French some time ago, period - 10 years or more. of. And then after we joined Europe you
e But still, an apartment right by the sea. but no, I didn't quite get to grips with I couldn't follow the presentation very could buy anything from France or Germany
That's wonderful. the language, because I don't think it well, the speaker kept beating about the or Italy. And I think this had an impact on
Norman, your English is excellent. INTERVIEWER You read Chinese-English
A Well, to be honest, it's not strictly LIAM was like when I came here that there bush. We were told to always stick to people's attitude to food and to cooking .
When did you learn? When did your Dictionary for Lovers as a Chinese
speaking by the sea, but it's not far were lots of English people around me, the point when you do these things. And this gave rise to a whole new style of
English get to this level? person living in Britain . How did the
from the sea - about 10 minutes' walk, erm, I didn 't get a lot of exposure to the 2 My advice is to get on and make your British cooking which was based more on
Thank you . I think most of my novel strike you?
or well, 15 minutes, I should say, or NORMAN language. So, I don 't think, I don "t think I point as quickly as you can, speak Mediterranean food. So British food became
basic-level English I have picked up at szE Yes, in fact it mirrored my own
perhaps more like 20 ... learned French, for example, as well as I clearly and slowly and, above all, really cosmopolitan, and this led to a new
school. Actually the school education experience quite closely. Because
learned English, mainly because I didn 't confidently. The electorate don't like wave of TV chefs and cookery writers,
Unit 3 there in terms of English is sort of put as much effort into it, maybe also.
when I came here, when I left China,
politicians who don 't seem to have a people like Jamie Oliver, whose books are
basic but quite good and it helped me everything was very new, very exciting
clue what they' re talking about. now best-sellers even in other countries.
In this programme, we ask to get to grips with the most important for me for the first half a year. And this
PRESENTER 3 It was my turn to say something but the So it was like a renaissance really of British
explorer and writer Ian McDonald to tell vocabulary in order to get by. But other, 1 get to grips with; get by 2 exposure to is same feeling I got from this novel.
salesman just wouldn't shut up. That's food, very different from the stereotype
us about a book that changed his life. sort of, conversational English I mostly 3 express myself 4 being immersed in Guo Xiaolu comes to a new country and
their technique - they don't you let you of bad British food that foreigners used
It's a very obscure book but it really learned in the context of having had 5 have a basic conversation she has to go back to the beginning, like
IAN get a word in edgeways. to have. So I'd see this as a really positive
meant a lot to me . It's a book by Fridtjof exposure to native English speakers. 6 took up; get to grips with learning everything for the first time,
4 In the oral part, I got really tongue-tied. development - people eating well,
Nansen, the Norwegian explorer and L When was that? What were you doing
and she captures this feeling very well.
At one point, it was just nerves. I just eating much better, and this was a direct
scientist. It's called Farthest North. I then? Was that work or study or ... ? One fascinating thing about the novel
couldn 't string a sentence together consequence of joining the EU, I think.
must have read it when I was a nerdish N That was mostly during my studies,
SYBILLE I feel quite confident with talking, is the way the language changes, so it
and I know I can do so much better. My
lad of about 12. when I had many friends from the US sharing my thoughts, listening to people reflects the character"s own progress in
partner wasn 't much help either - she
and the UK and that helped me a lot to and so ... This is for me no problem, learning English . As a Chinese speaker, This had all kinds of consequences for
P And what is the book about? dried up as well!
Well, it's an account of an attempt in express myself a little bit more. probably because I' m talkative. So it do you think this is convincing? the way people live .
the late 19th century to drift through L So, school in Germany gets you a kind of
helps a lot, I think, when you have a lot s Yes, I do, I like the way she sets up the Unit 4 2 This had an impact on people's attitude
the Arctic ice in a wooden ship called working knowledge but still quite basic of things to say, you learn fairly quickly broken English in the first part of the to food .
the Fram , which means 'forward' . It's a level of English . So, I mean, most German how to, to say them . I think I personally novel, say the first 20 pages. So, she 3 This gave rise to a whole new style of
A Well, one thing that is apparent from
kind of meteorological, biological and people that I've met speak pretty good need to concentrate Oif my writing, on uses the present tense in a certain way, British cooking.
these maps is how little has actually
checking my writing, because I write for example, by using -ing, because in 4 This led to a new wave of TV chefs.
geographic expedition. The ship got stuck English . Erm, why do you think that is? changed . I mean the balance between
in ice, so Nansen set out by dog-sled and N I think it's probably because of, erm,
quite fast and I think quite fluently but Chinese we don't have tenses like in 5 This was a direct consequence of joining
rich and poor countries has pretty much
kayak to reach the North Pole. He was in Germany you're expected to speak I never take too much care to re-check English, so everything is spoken in the the EU.
stayed the same. You can see even in
accompanied by one other crew member. at least basic English once you leave if I used the proper word. Sometimes it present tense . Then later in the book,
1500, Europe, that is Europe and the
They were eventually forced to head school. And also in Germany people sounds a bit stupid to read it afterwards. the sentence become longer, more
Mediterranean, were right up there
My main problem in English, actually complicated, the character start to use Low pressure will build up on the coast
back, but they got closer to the pole than consider themselves often quite in a among the richest countries. And then
is, I still have a hard time catching the past tense and then the future tense. So and it will get more humid as the day
anyone had done previously. more international context. Europe stayed wealthy, in fact it got
regional accents. For instance, Scottish I think that"s a difficult job to do ... and goes on . Tomorrow, fresh easterly winds
P And what was it in particular about this L So why do you think, I mean, why are wealthier technically at the expense
accent, or Welsh accent, or very deep I guess, er, I mean, that you do need to will cool things right down.
that made an impression on you? people expected to speak English? of other countries. Maybe that's just
American accent, Texan accent, I have pay great attention to what is happening 2 That's looking nasty ... now make sure
It was one of those very daring, very, N It's very important to speak English in beginning to change now. And you can
a hard time. I think I probably need a with language, not only making a good you change the dressing or it will get
very daring books. The stuff they did order to find work for example, but also see if you look at Africa, those countries
bit more exposure to these regional story. So, for me, ifs wonderful to infected , at least twice or even three
was unbelievably brave; it was a bit like there are many many people from other weren't wealthy in 1500, and that"s
languages from all around the world . have these two sides to the novel, ifs times a day for a week .
Scott of the Antarctic, but much less countries living in Germany. And for stayed the same. In fact as the maps
I think the best way to do this is first a wonderful achievement, and it works 3 Don 't worry about this, you "ll learn it on
well-known . I vividly remember reading example, in places like Frankfurt where show, the difference between rich and
watch movies coming from all these very well. the job. Please ask if you have any serious
it and being absolutely fascinated . It there is a big international community poor has got bigger, not smaller.
different countries. And second , when Another thing that interests me is doubts. But take it easy ... ifs easy to get
must have been a thousand pages of there, conversations can happen quite e I'm actually not really sure what the
you have a bit more money, to travel the difference between the Chinese overwhelmed on your first day.
tiny type, enormously long, enormously often in English and in everyday life significance of the maps is. What do
to these countries and spend more and the English languages. In the 4 The thing is, he just timed it wrong,
detailed and enormously discursive, situation as well. they really indicate about wealth? I
time learning the special expressions Chinese alphabet, the characters are didn 't he? He made a break too early
so it was quite a struggle to read , but suppose they"re based on the GDP
that are used in these countries. For sometimes equivalent to whole words in and he got left behind on the last lap
it was worth reading it. It gave me the of countries, so it tells us how much
JANE So tell me about coming to the UK instance, I went to Australia twice English . In English we have an alphabet there ... so our chances of a medal have
idea that I'd like to go on expeditions countries produced, but it doesn 't
for the first time and being immersed in, already, and I learned a lot of their comprised of letters that mean nothing gone, or so it looks .. .
and discover things. reveal much about say, lifestyle, or
sort of, this culture and the language. expressions that are typical Australian. in themselves, but we assemble them 5 A How do you justify your actions, Mr
P It must have been quite a formative book quality of life. So if you, if you look at
What was it like having to speak English? And it's nice as well to be able to together in words. So, the way you get Rossi?
for you because in fact for many years the map of 1500, North America is
PILAR Erm, well, at the beginning, at recognise : oh, this guy is Australian your message across must be very, very e Erm, I got carried away in the
that's exactly what you did . shown very small. So I suppose this
the beginning it was very difficult because I recognise these expressions! different? excitement of it all. Erm, I didn 't mean
Yes. Also, I think it was the first book means that it wasn 't producing much
because I had to translate what I I think it's part of the richness of the to do anyone any harm, you know ...
I'd ever read about the way science was

148 149
What they're really there for is so the be reorganised , and the access to the bus on, we go out and see people quite a lot.
A How was Athens? police can earn some money. 5 at1ons must also beco meeasie r. and also And after a weekend I really enjoy and Well, good afternoon . My name's Len We think we've come up with a practical
e Oh , it was great. I must say though, PATRICK Yeah, I think they're probably -;- )..: -'. accessible from all parts of the square . also need two or three days where I don 't Griffiths, I'm the manager of Petit Bacaye solution to the problem of how to develop
I was a bit disappointed by th e necessary, but sometimes I think its And priority to pedestrians and cyclists is see other people. And that's OK if I'm on and first of all I'd just like to thank you very the central space. Our proposed solution
Acropolis . It wasn 't nearly as just a bit out of proportion . I mean last importan t, because they need-to occu~- my own, watching TV or something or if much for coming this afternoon . So, I'd just is to relocate the bus stations, to create
impressive as I thought it would be. time I went through , I had to take off the space now. Emma, my girlfriend 's in the room it's like to give you an idea of what the hotel is space for people to sit and meet friends ...
Looks much bigger when you see it my belt and my shoes and they looked The main aim is really to create an urban not - so privacy isn 't necessarily being like and what it's like to stay there. I'll talk 2 The cease-fire provides an interim
in photos ... through everything. There was even a space for the inhabitants which would have on my own, there's no real difference about the hotel in a minute. But first I'd just solution to the crisis, but discussions
2 A Still enjoying university? small tube of shaving cream I had . You high quality, which would be done in very for me between the two really. And like to give a general idea about where we will continue with both sides in the hope
e Oh yes. Mind you , I have to work either go back and buy a special bag to nice materials, where people would want I think, I suppose people are either are .... The hotel is on the island of Grenada, of finding a diplomatic solution to the
quite hard for exams this year. So I put it in or you couldn 't take it through . to come, spend time, meet with each other, extroverted or introverted, I suppose which is just here, in the Eastern Caribbean, conflict . Meanwhile, we are calling on
don 't go out as much as I'd like to . But at no point did they actually ask to use it as the centre of their communication I am quite introverted - I definitely where I'm just pointing to now - that's the United Nations to provide observers
But the courses are really good . see my passport , it was ridiculous. Talk and also have enough space to probably need time and space to kind of process Grenada there ... Not a very big island - and to monitor the situat ion .
3 New York has really changed . It's much about getting priorities wrong . create some Christmas market or have what's happened to me . And I've known one thing about it is that it's covered in 3 We are willing to work together to
safer than it was when I first went there . TINA I do think they' re a very sensible idea, some festivities here, which would actually extroverts in the past who just don't need forest, so it's really green and tropical, as search for a mutually agreeable
It used to be really dangerou s to go out I mean if you think about it it does make be the heart of this part of Munich, the that, they can spend time with people , I'm sure you noticed from the first picture solution . However, we feel that the only
at night. it safer to buy things, as long as you heart of Sendling . '.:_ ., (}' 't C lots of things happen , and then they can just now ... There 's only one main town , St long-term solution is to invest more
remember your PIN that is . I remember see people all the time and process all George 's ... which you can see here, this is money into equipment and to provide
Unil 5 when they first came out. I'd be at the that whilst they're still socialising, and the harbour, this is a general view of the better facilities for workers.
supermarket buying loads of things Well in our design for the square, first of I mean I'm quite sociable I think, but I town ... and here's a quick glimpse of the 4 It's a global problem, so it clearly
The social character of public spaces is and then you 'd get to the till ready to all we looked at th is island concept, and we sort of need that time to sort of process market , quite bustling as you can see ... and requires a global solution which needs
influenced by architects , building owners, pay and all you have is your card . And I thought Well, this island needs to be linked what's going on in my life I think . this is also where the bus station is, if you to be agreed on by all the countries
the police, and many others. But although couldn 't remember the number, there to the shore'. We imagined it as a tongue of INTERVIEWER And what do you do in this
want to travel round the island . ... And this is involved. So far, individual member
urban act ivities are becoming more and was a huge queue of people standing land rather than an island , so we connected time where you have privacy , how where we are on the island , not too far from states have suggested partial solutions
more homogenous, there still exist spaces behind me. It was really embarrassing . the island to the shore and made it into a would you typ ically spend your time? the main town, as you can tell from the pink to the problem , such as strengthening
in the city that are unpredictable, and go peninsula, which gives a 'platform' for all D Reading, writing, I write fiction, and go
splashes here, but it's in quite a peaceful border controls. But ...
against what architects designed . Looking the activities. This platform includes the online, listen to music, play my guitar, little bay.... OK, so let's go on now to Petit
Harras as the central square of Sendling
at the city as organic and alive , the Post-it
has a lot of problems at the moment .
main underground access, and we closed talk to my girlfriend, cook . It's very nice Bacaye itself, the hotel, and here it is .. . This Unil 6
City project examines how public spaces some side accesses to the underground . to do, you know, something practical with shows you roughly what it looks like. So
The main problems are really caused by That gave us a lot of space in front of the your hands I think, it's very therapeutic.
are used, and challenges us to think about if you look at this picture you can see that OK, so if you compare the two photos we
traffic, which is completely cutting off the houses, for cafes and pedestrian areas and It's quite funny because it's completely
more flexible , more informal models of it's not so much a single hotel but rather can see what's been done to the original
functions of the square from each other. meeting points. We also placed a fountain different when I lived in Egypt for a while
urban planning . The very term Post-it a collection of chalets or cottages. And as image of Stacey. You can see the skin here
Like , people cannot get from shop to in the middle of the square under the trees, and, I mean, people move around in
comes from the idea that city dwellers you can see, these are built in traditional has been enhanced , so it's much smoother,
shop, or people can 't go to the post office, where there are seats, where people can groups all the time, you rarely see an
make improvised, alternative use of their style, quite simple, single storey, thatched so now she has flawless skin. And look
or there is a problem getting on the bus meet, and the fountain is also a place, a individual walking on their own down a
city, depending on their needs. These roof, and quite spread out so you get a lot of at the teeth, they've been whitened, and
and the underground, so there is a lack focus, where people can say 'Meet you at street. All I know is, when I came back
'no-man's lands', or leftover spaces can privacy. ... OK, let's just home in on one of the eyes also they've been whitened . Erm,
of communication between the bits of the fountain at 7.00'. We re-arranged the was, you know, stayed with my parents
often have a new and surprising purpose. the cottages, this is a closer view of it here, the face has been thinned down a bit , and
the square. And this is mainly caused by traffic, we had some special planners for they lived on an estate in Britain, and you
Pavements may be transformed into it's got a bedroom and a small kitchen, all the spots around the mouth they 've been
traffic which flows all around the square, the traffic who calculated the amount of know, you walk home in the evening and
makeshift street markets; underpasses the cottages are self-catering ... And here's removed, and also the lines below the
leaving the actual square in the middle traffic and the flow of traffic, which now there 's literally no-one around . And you
may become refuges for the homeless . And a shot of the inside, very simple style as you eyes. Er, the lips have been reddened, so
completely cut off from the sides. So the flows around this peninsula . We also put look in all these little separate houses
like Post-its, these informal, do-it-yourself can see. It's not really visible in this photo, they are now a brighter red. And if you look
access to the middle is, ridiculously at in some additional pedestrian crossings and everybody's got their curtains drawn .
spaces are spontaneous, short-term, and but all the bedrooms have got netting on the at the eyes - longer eyelashes have been
the moment, only through underground that would put pedestrians into a position You can see light behind the curtains, but
likely to disappear without trace. windows, to keep the insects out .... And this added, and the eyebrows have been thinned
tunnels. And there are these wonderful where they can easily go ram shop to you can 't see anybody. And yet, you know, is the view from the cottage looking out. As slightly, so they're a tiny bit less bushy. Erm,
old plane trees in the middle, which would shop, from side to side. And we left these the place is obviously full of people,
provide shade and a nice place to stay, you can see, just palm trees and the sea , the background , you see the background
JANE It was really late at night, it was about wonderful old plane trees, and added some and it's such a, sort of, culture shock in
but they are in the middle of a, an island really peaceful - and of course what you has been changed slightly, so it's now
two in the morning . And the light was other kinds of trees which would have a reverse , really.
which is surrounded by traffic, so nobody can see here all belongs to the hotel, it's the whiter. Erm, the whole thing took about five
changing to red, and so I drove straight different aspect, like a different colour of
really wants to stay here. The square itself hotel grounds ... OK ... so if we just zoom hours altogether.
through, and there was a flash , so the leaves in the autumn, so that they would in on this ... this in fact goes down to the
obviously, like, I'd had my photograph is a very unusual shape. It is a triangular make the square look very nice in every 1 reorganising 2 a new concept
3 to be reduced beach . It's not a private beach, there are no
ta ken. And so they made me pay a £200 shape, and it is surrounded by some very, season . We used white paving stones for the INTERVIEWER 1 From art forger to genuine
private beaches on Grenada, so fishermen
fine and they made me go to a special very fine build ings. Some of them, in the square to stand out in comparison with the fake, we have the pleasure of talking to
bring their boats in here ... here it is from a
education, sort of session at the police north part and also in the east, come surrounding pavings and roads, and also artist John Myatt today. Welcome John.
Over 60% of trains were delayed over different angle, you can see the beach and
station over a weekend. And I suppose, from the turn of the century, and they to attract people because we thought white JOHN MYATI Thank you .
the last year, and far too little money a fishing boat here .. . and this is a close up
they were really strict because it is a are , they are art nouveau, and Bavarian is a very friendly colour and it's also full INTERVIEWER 2 So , I really think that this is
is being invested in new stations and view of them bringing the catch in - and this
crossing by a primary school, and I rena issan ce, whereas the post office in the of light, so we thought that would attract a really fascinating story, and it's been
equipment. The whole system is in need is in fact what you get in the hotel, we 've
understand that road safety's really south is a fantastic building, a fantastic people and make it into a very special described as the biggest art fraud of the
of a complete overhaul. got a small restaurant - and they go out
important, but I did think it was a bit Bauhaus building, and they create a very space . We also created some circular seats 20th century, so I th ink the best place
2 The school was built in 1965, and every day and catch fish for supper - so the
over the top, as you know, I wasn't really nice ensemble together. In order to turn around the trees where people could sit and to begin is have you tell us something
although considered a landmark food 's certainly fresh, and also very good
doing anything that dangerous. And it's this squa re into an urban space with high look in all directions in the square, so it's about how th is all happened, how you
building at the time, is now urgently in ... So, that's it, really. I hope I've given you
not as if any schoolchildren were actually quality it needs reorgan ising and it needs very communicative. The space is basically got involved in art forgery, what you're
need of repair. some idea of what th e hotel is like. If anyone
crossing the road at two in the morning. a new concept for the whole layout of the open , so installations can be made, like you doing now, so just begin somewhat at
3 Military helicopters have spent days would like to ask any questions, I'd be very
So yeah , I do think it's a bit unfair. square . First of all, the road, the spaces can put in some market stands, or just leave the beginning .
rescuing survivors from the floods , happy to answer them .
URI I think they serve no purpose taken up by the road need to be reduced , it open and use it to walk in all directions. JM It started about 1983, 1984, when I was, I
but enabling the flow oTTraffiC for thesame but thousands of people are now in
whatsoever. Drivers know exactly where was a single parent, I had two very sma ll
amount of vehicles and without causing desperate need of food and shelter.
they are, so they just slow down when 1 first of all I'd just like to 2 I'd just like to children, I was a school teacher at the
traffic jams. Also, short-term parking I think to me it's about having time 4 The council has set up a new community
they come to them . There 's one on the DAVID give you 3 I'll talk about th e hotel time. But my wife had left home and
bypass I go on every morning to work, needs to be enable~qu i ck shoppe; s, to myself, or time with my girlfriend . project to help the poor, the elderly and
4 first I'd just like to give 5 let's go on now she wasn 't coming back, and they, there people obviously want to stop, I mean we have quite a lot of friends others in need of assistance . Help is
everyone goes batting along at 80, 100, to 6 hope I've given you som e idea of were two very young ones to take care of.
get their things quickly and go on, on their and we have quite a busy social life I offered in completing forms, provid ing
then they all slow down to 60 , and then 7 If anyone would like to ask So I was trying to find a way of working
way home. Then the bus routes need also suppose, and so there 's quite a lot going transport and giving legal advice .
they speed up again, it's quite ludicrous. 8 I'd be very happy to from home, and you know keeping the

150 151
family together really. And one of the not include over-the-counter remedies, then re-measured their performance necessarily know how malaria is
things that, that cropped up was this "Wouldn 't it be wonderful to just fly vitamins or other self-prescription pills. on these various tasks. These activities
ANNOUNCER Professor Irving Kirsch devised caused . It's also got a lot to do with
idea of putting an advert in the back of away somewhere?" said Edward. There are large and small tablets wrapped (£ f I tested the volunteers' co-ordination .
his own experiment to see whether providing infrastructure. How do you
Private Eye magazine, which is a sort of " Oh yes, how wonderful that would be! " in foil or unwrapped in different shapes: I I
That included the ability to concentrate, manufa cture mosquito nets? How do
merely believing you have had something
satirical magazine we have in England. cried Marianne, her eyes sparkling with round, oval, triangular, diamond-shaped. remember strings of numbers, to
can have the same effect as actually you distribute them? How do you make
And it just said 'Genuine fakes. Paintings excitement. There are many different colours: blues, follow with their hand a moving target,
having it. He showed that this could sure they're used properly? Corruption
from 150 to 250 pounds.' And I got quite 2 They reached the house at 2.30 in the greens, pinks, browns and scarlet. Some the ability to react very quickly when a
significantly affect people 's co-ordination is a big issue , so this is also an issue
a lot of replies from, from that advert, I morning . All the lights were on, glowing capsules are a combination of two colours: particular stimulus would be shown,
skills. We talked to Doctor Thomas when it comes to funding; where does
ran it for about two years. And one of the dimly through the fog. blue and yellow, red and black, pink and you know, that kind of thing .
Hassler about his experience of working the funding actually go? It's really not as
people who replied was different from all 3 Her pulse quickened when he saw him blue, each tablet individually sewn into a So a kind of concentration test, an simple as you might think .
with Professor Kirsch on the project .
the other customers really, and he kept standing at the business-class check- pocket in the fabric . Laid out ingro ups, accuracy test and a speed test.
INTERVIEWER So how did Professor Kirsch So, what about anti-malarial drugs?
coming back for more paintings, over a in, leaning on the counter, chatting to i he tablets form solid blocks of one colour, That's right.
devise this test, one that could prove H o Yes, this is another solution. Firstly, you
two-year period he probably had about 14 the clerk . interspersed with vivid geometric patterns A But did it really work? Did drinking need to drastically reduce costs to make
that what people believed could really
or 15 paintings off me. And I, I got to know 4 There were around 20 desks in this where different coloured tablets lie something with absolutely no caffeine them available for developing nations.
affect their bodies?
him very well, became friends with him . open-plan office, and he threaded his together. The result is a visual chronology have the same effect as drinking the
HASSLER Well, the first thing he wanted was This is really important but this isn 't
He introduced himself as Professor John way between them . At each sat a man or of the drugs we take through the different real thing? Well, incredibly, the answer really a long-term solution . The main
to take an example from daily life . And
Drew from, from the Institute of Physics, a woman, gazing at a computer screen . periods of our lives, from a child 's aspirin was yes. problem is the problem of resistance.
one of the things that people do is they
you know, he was a very well-to-do and 5 She shaded her eyes with her hand , to medication for common conditions H In more technical terms there was a New strains of malaria keep evolving
drink coffee or tea, that has caffeine in
important person, I thought. I liked him searching for him, and spotted some such as asthma and indigestion, through correlation, a significant correlation, that are resistant to the new drugs,
it. People report all kinds of effects: they
a lot, I liked him very much. And anyway people in the distance, strolling along to drugs for arthritis, high blood pressure between what people believed the effects so it's just a vicious circle. The only
get jittery, they're able to concentrate
one day he, he took a painting, a small the beach towards the house. and diabetes in later life. On either side of coffee would be and what the effect of long-term solution involves developing
better, they become more alert, and
Cubist painting off me, and he must of the case, accompanying the length of [unknowingly] decaffeinated coffee was a vaccine. Work is being done on it, but
some of these effects are clearly effects
have taken it down to Christie's, and he fabric, are photographs and objects that on their behaviour. far more money needs to be put into
of caffeine, but perhaps some of them
had re-framed the painting, presented They tried to blacken my name but at trace typical events in a person 's life. Both So, just believing that something 's going research . If the same funding was put
are also effects of thinking that you 've
it differently to the way I'd left it to him. the trial, the jury found me innocent. the man's and the woman's side begin with to make you better can make you better, into research on malaria that, say is
taken caffeine, thinking that you've had a
And Christie's had said that they would 2 We don 't eat tuna anymore . They're an birth: a photograph of a baby boy with an regardless of whether you actually have put into heart disease, which is only
caffeinated beverage. So, the experiment
sell the painting I think for 25,000 pounds, endangered species in this part of the oxygen tube in his nose; a tiny lilac-coloured any of the thing? a problem for rich nations , progress
involved testing people's responses
which is probably about 40,000 dollars. world, because of over-fishing . footprint on a baby girl's identification form . H That's exactly what Professor Kirsch 's would probably be made much more
before and after drinking. What would
11 Was that, was that Cubist, was that 3 I enclose my CV along with the cover Photographs in black and white and colour data suggested, yes. quickly, in my view. So it's a partly a
happen to people's ability to respond
Cubist painting a, a painting that letter. Please let me know if there are any taken from family albums from the 1930s political issue as well, but there are
quickly, to concentrate, if they were given
actually existed at one point, or was this vacancies at the present time. Thifi e present day are arranged in order signs that attitudes are changing.
decaffeinated coffee without them being
the ... ? 4 We were 5-2 down at half time, but this of the subjects' ages. The photographs INTERVIEWER So, how dangerous is malaria?
aware of it?
JM No, it was a made-up one, it was totally just strengthened our determination to come from many different sources, forming DANIEL Well, the first thing to say is that
A So, the idea was to test whether having
kind of invented out of my head, with win. a composite image of life. Each has a malaria is a very dangerous disease, 1 factor in this
decaffeinated coffee would have the
the help of some drawings I'd seen in 5 Can you enlarge the picture a bit? It's hand-written note underneath, explaining although it doesn 't kill as many as it 2 a health issue
same effect on people's co-ordination
a book. There 's no point in , in doing important that people can see the its context. A rosy-cheeked toddler crams once did . It's also not as dangerous as 3 a question of
as real caffeine. Their performance
copies because any art expert worth presentation clearly. himself in the shelf of a kitchen cupboard; Europeans think it is. When people in 4 don't necessarily
would be assessed before and after
their salt knows that, you know, if .. . 6 He tried to soften the blow with the the caption reads 'Anthony exploring '. Two Africa get it they treat it like a cold or 5 a lot to do with
they'd been given a caffeine-free drink .
Well, to put it bluntly, if you had a Mona pay-off, but now I'm out of work. What little girls in snow-white hats and muffs flu - so it's not as if you get malaria and 6 a big issue
So, when a volunteer turned up to do
Lisa hanging on, you know, they'd happens when the money runs out? stand in front of a Christmas tree. A young you 'll die. 7 The main problem
the trial, what would they experience?
know perfectly well that the real one is man stands proudly by his motorbike. A Bit it is one of the world's killer 8 The only long-term solution
in France, and so that's not the Mona Unit 1 young woman in childbirth breathes deeply
H The first thing we did was we gave
diseases, isn 't it? 9 attitudes are changing
people some tests of cognitive abilities
Lisa - so it becomes a bit silly. But if you from an entenox gas and air mask. An o Yes, very much so, it is a killer disease.
and motor skills.
had a study by Leonardo da Vinci on, on arthritis diabetes asthma hay fever emaciated man cradles a sleeping baby. It's also very dangerous to vulnerable
And then what? PERCY A very common way of fighting
the wall of your house, you know, and chest infection high blood pressure A group of four middle-aged women blow groups of people - such as babies,
H We asked people what they thought malaria is to sleep in mosquito nets. The
it was a tiny bit of ripped paper and it heart attack stroke prescribed drugs cigarette smoke defiantly at the camera . A small children, poor people. Also people
would happen to their ability to do these average homes, which have a higher
was all beaten up and all that, well it's pills injection immunisation group of young men lift an old man 's coffin with no access to healthcare, people
tests . chance of mosquitoes being present,
much more credible if not necessarily antibiotics painkillers onto their shoulders. Intermingled with who live in villages, or a long way from
So , it's kind of looking at their would have poor ventilation . Mosquito
believable. Anyway .. . to cut a long the photographs are personal objects that the nearest hospital. These people
expectations of what the coffee 's going nets are quite hot to sleep in, and so
story short he said to me would I be also relate to the course of the man's and generally use traditional treatments,
to do? they will compromise on enough air
interested in having half of the 25,000 The contemporary art installation ·cradle woman 's lives. Childhood vaccinations are comprised of herbal remedies which
to Grave· dates from 2003, and was made H That's exactly what it is. We went and therefore, not sleep in their nets.
and I said yes. And I took the money, don 't generally help. Another factor in
by Susie Freeman, a textile artist, David - indicated by a set of syringes, and childhood through the whole ritual of brewing the So that's where attitude comes in .
and proceeded really to go into ... a this is the lack of available medicines,
Critchley, a video artist, and Dr Liz Lee asthma by an inhaler. An x-ray of a boy's coffee, and we used a very professional Because there are a lot of programmes
career of art fakery with this man over fractured ankle shows the pins used to they 're too expensive so they' re beyond
who is a GP. Together, they call themselves b 'ld 't th · 'd ht looking machine to make espresso which World Health sponsors and , you
the next six or seven years. . . . re u1 1 . 0 n e mans s1 e, an as ray the reach of poor people. So, because of
Pharmacope1a. The installation explores f ll f · tt b tt l d l 'd strength coffee, though what was really know, mosquito nets are distributed in
. . . u o c1gare e u s are p ace a ongs1 e this, malaria is partly a health issue but
our approach to health 1n Britain today. th t bl t dt t t h' h' h bl d in it, they didn't know, was decaffeinated the villages, in the rural set-ups, but
· · l 'f · . l f e a e s use o rea 1s 1g 00 it's also partly an economic one .
We need to be there by six, so we're Th e piece coffee - placebo coffee, if you will. We people don 't sleep in these, or people
. comprises a 1. et1me s supp yo ~~ pressure; an d a gl'tt · s1'lver bl ade on t h e
1 enng had just emptied out the bag of coffee
So , what's the solution? Erm, how can
aiming to leave at 5. 15 at the latest. prescribed drugs, sewn into two len ths of · . 'd t t b 'f' · l h' malaria be prevented? don 't set them up properly. People just
. -·-. ._ womans s1 e urns ou to e an art1 1c1a 1p and put in decaffeinated coffee .
2 Women's Pages is a broadly focused, textile, drawn from the composite medical · · t At th f th · t d o Well, malaria is in fact preventable but leave them hanging loosely, and then
popular magazine aimed at women historie~offuu r ;-omen and four men. Join · e age 0 75 • . e mans s 0 ry_ en s And presumably you used coffee with a the mosquitoes can just fly under, so
Th · h ll f h abruptly, as a stark white death cert1f1cate not by taking expensive anti-malarial
aged 25 and over. great aroma, so it was really convincing, now you have smaller enclosure with
. e images ows a sma segment 0 t e informs us he has died of a stroke, and that drugs - these can 't be taken for the rest
3 The average theatre-goer is aged 1nstallat1on. The textiles are fine, pale grey h' d ht b h' 'd h d B that that was really what they were more mosquitoes to feed on you , which
· t over ha lf a is aug er was y . 1s s1. e at. t e en . y of your life anyway. But by providing good
between 55 and 85, but our new play is ne t , 13 me t res l ong an d JUS getting. defeats the whole purpose . The, the new
·d ll' th . contrast, the woman 1s still going strong at mosquito nets. This has tried in certain
aiming for an audience aged between 15 me t re w1 e, one te 1ng e mans story . . . . . H Yes, we used a well-known brand . It technique people are using is a total
. Th l 'd 82, despite being prescribed med1cat1on for countries and has proved to significantly
and 30. an d th e oth er th e womans. ey are a1 . . . was very important to be completely house netting. We are looking at a whole
reduce malaria cases there.
4 The tour started with a visit to Beijing s1·d e by s1'de ·in a l ong gl ass case . .____Eac h diabetes. The . . end of the fabric
. 1s rolled up convincing . We brewed the coffee,
So , why hasn 't this been done on a room with a net, a permanent net. So
th is weekend, aimed at improving · over 14 ,ODO p1'll s, ta bl ets,
l eng th con t a1ns empty, wa1t1ng for more pills to be added . poured them a cup, had them drink it, this net is a permanent net covering all
larger scale?
relations between the two countries . lozenges and capsules, the estimated and then we waited for a period of time, the walls, all the holes, all the nooks,
o Well, it's partly a question of providing
5 She made the mistake of marrying a average number prescribed to every person about 15 minutes, to let the coffee go crannies, every point of entry, so that
educat ion , getting people to change
man whose sole aim in life was to have a in Britain during thei r lifetime. This does through their system, let the caffeine you don 't have to set it up every night.
their habits. People in villages don 't
good time and spend lots of money. [which didn 't exist] take effect, and

152 153
6 I don't see that at all. assurance if you wear something that you there was a new version of them, 4 After further questions, she added : "Few
And then with this there's more air space A Well, there is no treatment as such,
7 Yeah, but it's not as simple as that. feel positive in as well. You know, if you came in a few years ago . And they're of us in the White House have had hands-
and so you get better ventilation and air you just have to look after yourself,
have something that has a positive effect pretty speedy and powerful cars as on experience with a crisis like this."
circulation . 8 Yes exactly. I think that's the problem . you know. Posture's really important,
on you, then your whole personality is, is well, so good on motorways.
INTERVIEWER So you can open the windows? of course, being aware of that all the
So it's like a tent inside the room in fact. time, doing stretching, that kind of more positive, so you have a much more Unil 9
P Yes, that's the best way. So there 's a
The atmosphere at the MTV offices thing - keeping yourself straight, you positive effect on people, and it gives you
is extremely casual. Everyone looks something that you, you gain from. This is a really strange viral ad campaign . PAT The painting 's called 'Two young men '
permanent tent, which is a mosquito net know. It was never actually planned, either by
about 23 years old, music posters are So what would you say to somebody who and it's by a Dutch painter Crispin Van
in the room . the Coca-Cola Company nor by Mentos,
plastered everywhere and CDs are Unil 8 says Well I'm not influenced by brands at den Broeck who lived in the 161h century.
stacked against the walls. all, I don't care about them.'? you know those peppermint sweets. It So as you look at the painting, what's
The majority of people who attend motor 2 It was a girl's room, a schoolgirl's. L Ah, I would admire him, I would look started out as an experiment on a website anybody's impressions of it?
LYDIA Brands are really important because called Eepybird . It's a video showing two
racing events are male. This is starting Rather small, with conventional flowered at him and I would definitely see how URI The obvious element is the apple . A
I think, brands are for me - they carry men adding Mentos to a bottle of Diet
to irk the car companies that organise curtains, a white spread for the bed, a individual his style is or her style is, this very symbolic fruit.
information, they say something about Coke . It all fizzes up and shoots out like a
them, as women comprise nearly half desk with schoolbooks laid tidily, a school person as well. Because not wearing JANE Yeah, that's true, and of course
the person who's wearing them, and geyser. And then they made more videos,
the driving population and therefore half timetable pinned on a white cupboard. brands is also a brand . I mean, it is also it's commonly known that the apple
also they are a symbol of style. If I say, with more bottles of Coke, so it was like
of their potential customers. 3 When I came back to the car, I found a defined by something , isn't it? I mean, represents the forbidden fruit.
for example 'Nike', I know that that is a firework display, with Coke shooting
2 For decades, travel between America parking ticket stuck on the windscreen. the things they put on, they are also a PAT Of course yeah, that's the, that's the,
something really sporty, that people are out of bottles . It's hard to know how many
and Europe involved weeks or months of The warden was still there, a few cars brand, which are probably not a well- the first connotation that comes to
fast who wear them , and they will give me people viewed it, but it was probably
sailing . Nowadays, breakfast in London , further down. known brand , but there isn't anything in mind, Book of Genesis .
a feeling 'Yes, I'm fit' if I wear Nike. Or if I more than 50 million globally in total,
lunch in New York is entirely possible. 4 Today, Bagni di Lucca retains its the world that's not a brand . JANE And also the apple was supposed
wear something like a top designer label, including both the original and all those
3 Near the centre of Old Havana lies the elegance and pretty surroundings and So you mean they also have their own to have a symbolic value in Greek
then I belong to a small club of people user-generated videos. So this was a very
Casa de los Arabes, a Moorish-style 17th- the atmosphere is fairly subdued . If you image? mythology well before Christian
who can say yes I can afford it, you know, unofficial campaign but it generated loads
century building that now comprises a want to spend a day or two soaking in the L I think that people who negate brands, tradition. And yeah, it was associated
so it is really really important. And people of PR. Thousands of people contributed
bazaar piled high with carpets, robes and salty or sulphurous waters, there are a they also form their own category of with Aphrodite, the goddess of love ...
also recognise what you wear, so they will their own eruption videos, with groups of
pottery, Havana 's only place of worship dozen hotels spread out along the valley brands. PAT So if we go back to the Bible though, of
put you into a kind of category as well. It bottles together, or people running about ,
for Muslims, and a lovely restaurant - most of them reasonably priced . course, the story of Eve seduced Adam
defines you as belonging to a group. or on bikes or whatever .. . A lot of the hype
tucked away in the courtyard . with the apple in the Garden of Eden, so
INTERVIEWER But it's not real, is it? I mean, around it was caused by discussions of
4 Minneapolis-St.Paul International 1 make any difference the apple became associated with various
if I wear a Boss suit, it doesn 't make any whether it would be dangerous, or even
Airport was in the midst of a 1 Painkillers and even prescription
A 2 make people things, with knowledge, love, temptation,
drugs don 't normally work. In fact, difference to my personality. It doesn 't lethal, to actually drink a Diet Coke and eat
construction program that includes a 3 be enhanced death and of course, sin .
it's very difficult for doctors to treat. change me. Mentos at the same time. So both Coca-
new runway, new terminal and other 4 define URI It's no coincidence that in Latin, apple
L Yes, but it will make people see you
When I feel it coming on, I just have 5 has a positive effect Cola and Mentos got plenty of publicity and death are almost the same word -
improvements. But airport officials have in a different way. First of all, the
to lie down in a closed room, in total 6 not influenced from it, it was very very successful. malus and malum.
sent 2,000 construction workers home cut is important, they enhance your
in an attempt to keep its debt in line darkness. PAT But if we go back to the painting,
appearance, because brands of course
B For how long? what's any deeper impressions of it?
with falling revenue. are also very carefully made, and they A JANE Erm, they make me think of erm Police say they have stepped up efforts
A Well, it depends how severe the attack PILAR It's difficult to know what, what the
5 For Britons trying to enter the US, the are made to a certain style. So if you definitely sport, erm, of keeping fit to tackle street violence. Tough new laws
situation is about to get worse . From is, the pain can last for a long time. painter intended. What stands out for me
wear a Boss suit, first of all it will be and also erm, of being fashionable, will come into effect next year.
B Is it often related to stress? are the expressions on their faces. The
the end of October, all British subjects very well cut , but they will also make because they're quite trendy, erm, 2 Much of this advertising takes time to
A I don 't know, but I find if I lie down young men are smiling , they're cheerful,
will need a visa or a passport containing people see you in a different way, so makes me think of ambition, getting take effect - it's subliminal.
biometric data: fingerprints and a and stay really still, it calms my they're unself-conscious. It appears that
your appearance will be enhanced by the to the top of your game, erm, being 3 Any change in lifestyle, however slight,
digitally-enhanced picture. nerves and that helps. they know each other very well.
cut of the garment, and also people will excellent in your game, erm, definitely can produce a negative effect on your
2 A He has a really high temperature, I URI They could be brothers, they have the
recognise you as a person who can afford comfort because they're comfortable sense of well-being.
suppose the best thing is aspirin or same red hair.
it as well, because these things are not to wear. I think they make you look 4 Drinking alcohol and taking certain
2 The United Kingdom comprises England, paracetamol. What do you think? PAT And quite similar-looking faces, too.
very cheap as well. So you definitely good because they're quite attractive, other prescription drugs can reduce the
Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland . B What other symptoms did he have? JANE I don't know, is he offering the other
have more attention, or that people will erm, I think they make me think of effects of the medication .
3 A return flight from New York to Paris A The usual, a sore throat, a cough. But man the apple? It's hard to tell whether
definitely see you in a very positive way if ambition and striving for something,
costs $695. This includes in-flight that's gone, his body aches, he says. I he's offering it or the other one's pushing
think he's on the road to recovery. you do that. But brands define also your erm, yeah .
meals, insurance and airport taxes. Maintaining a balance sheet is essential, it away from him . Also, that's not the top .
attitude towards life, and your attitudes B KLARA I think the first thing they make
4 There are many threats to wildlife in the B How long has it been going on? whatever business you're in. of the apple is it? That's the bottom of, of
towards certain things. me think of is top quality definitely,
Danube Delta. They include drainage, A About ten days. 2 I had a talk with him which left no doubt the apple. I wonder if that would , I don 't
B Oh, that's a long time . And you didn 't
But you see it as a positive influence on reliability, it's a technology that's
new building projects, and air and water whatever in my mind. know if that's got any meaning?
people, do you? You think it's absolutely reliable and innovative springs to
pollution . think of antibiotics? 3 Whatever do you want to do that job for? PAT It strikes me that there 's a whole lot
A You can 't get them over the counter
fine? mind as well. They sort of suggest
5 My job with the PR company involves It's so badly paid . more going on here .
L I think, I think it is fine, because I like perfection, that they have perfect
sending out press releases, organising and I didn 't think it was worth going 4 A What would you like to drink ? URI Yeah, I think we're supposed to look
wearing brands, yeah. I think clothes and sound quality, perfect technology,
events and contacting journalists. to the doctor. B Oh, whatever. a bit at the background behind them
6 The 'Placebo effect' experiment identifying with the label gives you this, sort of great to listen to. I think they
B Mm, I always take a double dose 5 A Come on! You know I'm right...! and see the other parts of the painting,
kind of, wonderful feeling of being part also suggest a kind of executive
consisted of giving coffee to volunteers of vitamins to prevent this stuff B Oh, all right then . Whatever you say maybe that will help us to interpret it.
of a group. You are individual because lifestyle, something that's not quite
which contained no caffeine, and then happening . It seems to work - I 6 Web 2.0, whatever that is, was PAT What else have we got? I mean look,
they have so very different things, like, average, a little bit premier. Success, I
conducting co - ordination tests. haven't been ill in a while. mentioned a lot. we've got two birds. What do they mean?
you know, they have different colours and think that's what they suggest.
7 The game of chess involves two players, 3 A I'd had this sort of thing before , PILAR There's three birds actually, if you
different cuts and so on and so forth, so C KEITH I think the first words that would
and comprises a 64-square board and but this time I couldn 't move. I was have a good look. Yeah, there 's a crow's
you can have your individual style within come to my mind are things like I was in a no-win situation where I could
16 pieces. These consist of a king, a literally prostrate on the floor, when head jutting out from behind the head
the brand, and by wearing the brand you fast, erm, dynamic, small, erm, not afford to stay here or buy something
queen, two bishops, two rooks, two it went. of the boy in red , and there are two
belong to a large family, a large group of they 're easy to park, erm they come
knights, and eight pawns. B So what happened? else . dark owl's faces peering over the boy in
people who all wear the same brand. So in these primary colours, these very 2 The hotel forgot to give me my wake-up
A I managed to drag myself over to the black's shoulders. I think it's a bit creepy.
you are part of it but you are also allowed bright colours, so, and I think that call so my siesta lasted three hours.
phone and call a doctor, it was agony. PAT So what's it supposed to mean then ?
1 But hang on a minute, hang on . to be individual. And I think that is a good gives an image to them which is 3 Meanwhile, traffic on the peer-to- peer
s And then? URI I think it has something to do with a
2 Yeah, yeah quite . You ' re absolutely right. feeling just to be ... And you feel accepted all about fun and enjoying yourself. network continues to rise, despite the
A It was a case of staying in bed, you reminder of death . Owls and crows, they
3 I th ink you 're exaggerating. as well, I think. And you see yourself, like, They're for people who , you know, fact that more than 5,000 copyright
know, convalescence. Really boring, had morbid connotations at that time.
4 I think Tina has got a point it is very important - you put something appreciate good design, erm, they 're infringement suits have been brought
but what can you do? PILAR Yeah, like in Shakespeare's Macbeth
5 Yeah, but that's not really what it's all on, and you feel 'Aha, I feel good with a little bit retro because they used be against individual file sharers.
B And now, how are you going to the owl and crow are considered as
about. this.' And so, you have much more self- fashionable in the sixties, and then
prevent that from happening again? symbols of death.

154 155 }
URI So, you think the painting seems to it pretty out-of-date already? !J~ there is a perfectly good Russian word - how can I say this? - at the beginning
be saying that behind the happiness don 't see that it's an enduring ima e. for it - 'training', 'marketing ', 'manager' you don 't see the purpose of it, you really Believe it or not, I got very involved in PRESENTER It's the highlight of the
of youth , of life , lies the frightening Erm, I' d much rather include , erm , an of course. In my opinion , there should be truly don't but you do see the purpose politi cs at university, I even joined the footballing calendar, the day when the
reminder of death. image of someone who 's going to be a balance - the language itself should of it when you are in a situation and it's Scottish National Party for a time . I city wakes up to the big match of th e
remembered for something else , erm, develop, instead of just blindly borrowing relevant because you must depend upon was really keen on independence for year. David Kleberson is here to tell us
maybe somethin more worthy_t_ha!] words from different languages. the person that's standing to your left
1 was supposed 2 difficult to know Scotland . Seems funny to think of it now. what to look out for this season. Could
just olitics . Erm, what about a more and to your right, and so you develop a
3 stands out for 4 appears that 2 Well I teamed up with a few colleagues you tell us David, why these rivalries are
creative figure like, erm, I don 't know, sense of family, you develop a sense of
5 hard to tell 6 strikes me that 1 A Look , I got this octopus, but I don 't from work, and we set up this software still so important today?
John Lennon, or .. . loyalty to these people.
7 are considered 8 seems to be saying really know what to do with it. Do you company together, we called it relax. DAVID One reason these rivalrie s provide
URI Erm, yes, I agree with Jane, yeah I'd How did that affect you personally?
know anything about them? com . It all went fine until the tech such high - profile matches is because
be in favour of that, yeah John Lennon I G Erm, I've always thought of myself as
e Not really, I think you 're supposed to bubble burst in the 90s. of all the money that surrounds them .
think, yeah . an open, honest, and loyal person, I just
Well, this is an image from the 2009 US bash them to make them tender. 3 Well, I signed up for one of their training Media coverage is massive and almost
PAT I don 't know. Obama was a great thought of it as, I'm just extending myself
presidential campaign. It was actually A Bash them? courses, and it was really good . After six overshadows the matches themselves,
leader. He 's much more importanj than, to other people . Erm, however, there
created by the artist Shepherd Fairey who e Yeah, with a bottle or something . months I was working in a bank . which can, at times, be disappointing
than, than an artist. i:his portrayed are other people out there who were not
had been well-known for his political satire 2 A Ah, great ... Yes ... Lovely ... 4 I wanted to do something in the because of all the tension involved.
what American people wanted at the_ like that naturally and these are things
and parodies and it was quite strange when e Careful, Chloe, you're a bit close. evenings, so I enrolled in this drawing P You 've chosen three rivalries for us
time. I think it's valid. As you say Tina, it that they had to learn, whereas you have
he first came up with this image because it Come back in the car. class. I wasn 't any good at it, actually I today?
captured people's imagination . somebody who is an only kid and now
shows a very positive image of Obama, and A No, it's fine , don't worry. Just one was hopeless, but I got to know a lot of D Yes, that's right. I'm going to start in
T That's right, I mean he was the first all of a sudden he has to share his toys
it's true that he obviously felt that Obama more .. . new people. Argentina, with the the biggest rivalry
African-American president, that's quite with other people, with 80 other guys
was then a very special candidate and one e Come on, supposing it suddenly being the Buenos Aires one. Boca
'an achievement, who knows when that for example, when I was in basic we
that was worth putting some effort into. So, charges at you? Come on, you're Juniors - famous for their yellow and
might happen again, so he certainly had to share, I had to share a bathroom Well, I only became a member, er, of this,
he felt that he should make something that provoking it. blue strip - and River Plate fight it out
won 't be forgotten, will he? with 80 men . And so that can be, you erm, specific group recently. Erm, I got
portrayed Obama as having vision and the OK, got it .. . Let's go. four times a year in what's known as the
u Yeah, I agree~with, I agree with Tina and A
can 't get territorial about things. And involved with the organisation because a

ability to lead and that's something that's 3 A We're going to be here for hours. Superclasico. Both clubs have origins
Patrick. I'm quite happy to go along with if you do they will cause problems, so friend of mine said that I might enjoy it, that
very abstract. And so what you've got here Such a waste of time. in La Boca, the working class dockland
that. Can you live with that, Jane? you have to learn, so, I think that is not it's quite a supportive environment. And,
is an image that immediately captured e Well, it is supposed to be a really area of Buenos Aires. However, River
J Yeah, yeah I can. I agree . more or less for me but more or less for erm, I had some free, erm, afternoons, so
people's imagination . He started selling good exhibition . moved to a wealth ier district in 1925.
these images, 300 at a time, from a stall those persons who wasn 't quite used to erm, so I thought yeah great, I can, I can Since then, Boca Juniors has been
A Yeah, if we get in. It's just not worth
in the street and then it just snowballed sharing, or belonging to a larger group . devote some time for, erm, to this. Erm, I known as the club of Argentina 's working
NORMAN The way Germans use English it, just for a few paintings.
and by the end of the campaign he was What do you think are the good things suppose as a carer you do lots of different class, or the people 's club, with many
words has increased a lot in recent years e No, you ' re right - OK, let's go and get
selling 300,000 stickers and half a million you got out of being in the army? things, erm we help each other, especially Boca fans coming from the local Italian
I think, especially in the language of a drink. We can always try tomorrow
posters . Why it became such an iconic G I think I became a stronger person . I when somebody new joins, to show them
marketing for example, 'cool' or 'event' morning. immigrant community. In contrast, River
image is an interesting question, but I learned that I was a lot stronger than I the ropes and, you know, just help them Plate are nicknamed Los Millonarios [The
or 'image'. And then also in other fields 4 A Bye, mum .
think one of the reasons is that Fairey thought I was, so that was definitely cool, get started. And for example this week Millionaires), with a supposedly upper-
like, for example, computer language e Just a minute .
wanted to create something that was I've made a few lifelong friends. Erm, I'm looking after an elderly couple, they, class support base. Superclasico matches
there are many words that have partly A What?
mainstream, that was accessible . He felt I learned yeah, I liked me. I like myself they're st ill in their house and they want are noted for the gigantic flags and
no German equivalent, but erm, it's most e I suppose you couldn't take the
that he wanted something that he felt was and I'm worth being here. to be independent, for example, the lady's banners which each club 's supporters
common to use the English expression, rubbish out, could you?
going to transcend _the counterculture, that Did you miss the army after you left? in a wheelchair and they need assistance hang from all over the stadium.
anyway. For example, 'email', 'URL: , A I can't , I'm late. I'll do it later.
was goingto make an impact with lots of G I will be honest. I missed my friends. just a few times a week. So I go over and I P I've heard that many people plan a trip
'keyboard', 'headset', 'hard drive', and e No, do it now please. It won 't take
different people, and I think that is why the Because I lived with the same people do housework; maybe I cook a little bit for to the Argentine capital just to catch
so on. But then , there are also other you a minute .
image has lasted and is still very resonant for four years, day in and day out, I ate them and, erm, then I take them out for a the Superclasico. What about in Europe,
expressions that have an English 5 A Hi. Good flight?
today. It seems to me that his objective breakfast with these people , I went walk. Erm, so sometimes I team up with David?
meaning but are used in a different e Yes, it was fine .
in creating this image was just to make shopping, I went drinking you know, other carers, erm this means that as well D In Italy, a key derby is between Inter
context in German . For example the A What's that?
people curious about Obama , and that went partying, these are friends from as me being able to talk to the carers, the Milan and AC Milan . It is called Derby
word 'handy' is used for a mobile phone e That, oh I got in Brazil. It's a wish
hope, the message of the poster, was one the last fours of years of my life, so old people can meet up and they can get to della Madonnina in honour of the statue
in Germany, whereas it is used to say bracelet.
that really captured voters· imaginations of course I missed it and there was a know new people that way. Erm, they can of the Virgin Mary on the top of Milan 's
'useful' in English . A What, does it bring you good luck?
at the time. He claimed that he didn 't strong temptation to rejoin the army, create their own little groups of friends, and cathedral. In the past , Inter was seen
OLGA For quite a long time, the Soviet Union e Yes, you make a wish when you put
make any money from the posters and and that's how they get you, you know, they call them their gangs. So, erm yeah, as the club of the Milan middle-classes,
was cut off from the rest of the world, it on, and if you leave it on the wish
that he put all the money back into the they make you, because you are so socialising and just getting out of the house, whereas AC Milan was the working-
and it was just Russian, predominantly. comes true, supposedly.
campaign itself and he also stated that bonded with your group, and it's kind of it really makes a difference to their lives and class team .
But then as a reaction, the last 20 years, A So what did you wish?
he didn't mind that the image had been sort, of hard to leave . I suppose it makes a difference to my life as P And the greatest of them all for you?
it became very popular to use English e Well, I can 't tell you that, obviously ...
parodied and copied . In fact, it's true to Is there a temptation to stay in the army well. It's great to be of help to these people, D Well, surprisingly, we need to turn to
words. A lot of new words which don 't
yeah. I suppose, erm, one day I'll be in their
say that all the knockoffs and parodies say have equivalent in Russian, er, English Unit 10 because in some ways life must be
much simpler? place ...
Turkey for that. Recently, Istanbul was
how much really the image has .I._e_s_onated . words are used for it. Another thing voted the most exciting derby of them
and become a reference point, a symbolic G It is because you don 't think, you don 't all, and it's between Galatasaray and
which I noticed, erm, for shop names ... INTERVIEWER What was your experience of
reference point. And I think he must have would be called 'supermarket' because being in the army and belonging to this
think ...
For not •
• only ha.d you escaped
• from. the Fenerbahc,:e. It's a unique rivalry because
been very happy that this icon was copied, Because everything is arranged for you? although both teams call the same
the owner would think it's very trendy organisation? clanking machinery of this lesser life,
because it shows that Barack Obama 's G You don't think, thinking is not required city home, they're based on different
to do so. But the last few years, there GROVER I was in the army for four years and but you had esc: ped with most of your
campaign had worked and that the image in the army, only doing - someone gives continents. Fenerbahc,:e, traditionally
is a reaction against it. There was a law I would say I enjoyed my four years in m: tes and n: ighbours.
had helped it work . passed that any shop name should be the military. There was definitely a sense
you a piece of paper, you do it, that's
• • •
No single world religion can match its associated with a more working-class
it yeah there is a huge temptation for fan base, has their home stadium on
done in Cyrillic as well as in English, so of family, erm, I felt a part of, as if I was
people to stay in the army, because, geographical sc~ pe .
people can actually read it. And I think part of a larger group, and yeah that's, 3 Football has n ~ t m: rely been consumed the Asian side of Istanbul. Galatasaray,
TINA I like this one, I think it's a very, very because it's just easier. whose supporters are historically
it's quite good because there should be it's so true, and, one of the things, one by the world's societies, it has been
powerful image. When it appeared thought of as being from the upper
some balance. It's nice when cultures of the first things that they drill into you embr: ced by them . •
during is cam-paign ~really captured classes, are based on the European side.
people's imagination, didn't it . It was
mix, and I think it's inevitable that words in basic - it's called basic training that 1 part of a larger group 2 a sense of 4 Ex: ctly when ch ~ os comes into our life,
from different cultures come to Russian, we have - is something called esprit de is when we must n: ver lose h ~ pe . Interestingly, Galatasaray has something
really, it meantalot at the time . I think loyalty 3 belonging to 4 get territorial
but Russian should be still predominant , corps, it's prid e in and loyalty to a unit 5 As for the ir interest in football, y~s. they of a fan base in Australia because some
we should go for it. · 5 bonded with
I would say. Some people might say there displayed by its members and that's • d • .
are genuinely interested an passionate of the country 's best-loved players went
JANE. Yeah I see your point, but ~ ust
is a danger of too many English words something that we , everyone had to about football. They w~ nted to go to the to play there. That shows how globali sed
not really convinced that it's, its going a sport football has become ...
coming into Russian unnecessarily when memorise and learn and practise and so matches .
t o la st , like as an icon. I mean it's, isn 't

156 151
children want to use up energy, they want 3 One euro is now equivalent to 1 dollar at Vietnam, all those innocent people look at it and think ·oh great , it's going which would go on to inspire the hit movie,
I should add that not once have , i to light fires, they want to be children, but 25 cents. killed , you know - what for? It went to be sunny on Tuesday· . Slumdog Millionaire - began when a Delhi
or anyo~ e on my behalf, received a they aren 't allowed to. And they blame the 4 Traditions run deep . On special totally out of control, it always does. And J That's so true . scientist decided to install a computer in a
complaint. parents for creating this situation - they occasions, people still sing traditional what did it achieve? Nothing . They just o So you think technology sometimes wall in a poor part of the city and see what
2 Inn ~ w~y does the crTsis threaten their say we stole the magic brand, we stole folk songs, just as their parents and need to find some other way, I think . replaces your own knowledge or your happened. Children would be able to use
b ~ siness . fire, in other words, we misused the sun 's grandparents used to do . own initiative to investigate and find out it unsupervised. Before long, the children
3 S ~ven years I've kn ~wn him , and at n ~ energy. And the last part refers to the story 5 We believe that banks should be things? started to learn things they wouldn't
I think one colour that works really well
ti me has he let me d ~wn. of Phaethon - how he borrowed the sun regulated in the same way as other J It brings out the lazy side, I think normally learn in a classroom. In short, the

4 Usually •
you audition for things so •
• many god 's chariot and he drove it to destruction . institutions which have a responsibility
for a bedroom is light green . probably. children were teaching themselves.
2 I think what she 's really trying to do
times. V~ ry r~ rely do you get the dre•am And this is what our generation did, or is to society, such as government o At the same time, it's a new thing that This 12-year-old has no computer at home .
more than anything else is get attention .
c~ ll. doing right now, in fact. So really, this poem departments or the police. people have less time and want things He 's been coming here from the start,
l • • • 3 The people I hate more than anyone
5 unly recently have we discovered what is partly about how we will be accountable 6 Her refusal to answer the question in quicker, they want to live their lives learning by watching others . Before long,
else in the whole world are rude shop
the re9al pr~ blem wh . to our children for what we 're doing now - court was tantamount to admitting she quicker, and they get more and more he had learned how to operate a computer.
what they will say to us. assistants. value, in a way, in a certain time, in the
was guilty.
4 The thing I remember most clearly of all The Hole in the Wall project has spread
• • •
No• way will United win the league . They
7 1·d prefer to cycle to work as opposed to
walking or taking the bus.
is our first holiday together. J
very limited time they have now.
That's true. One good thing is things like
like wildfire. There are now 48 computers
haven 't got a ch ~ nce . INTERVIEWER Scientist and writer James
8 Many antibiotics are not available over
5 What I like most of all about living here transport. If you, erm, commute to work
installed throughout the Indian capital.
2 N ~ w~ y did he wrTte that hims~ lf. He Lovelock has just brought out a new book
the counter in pharmacies in the US, in
is that it's close to the sea . or, erm, whatever, then you can always
The idea has caught on and is spreading
c~ pied it from the i nternet. The Vanishing Face of Gaia in which he
contrast to pharmacies in Europe where look up on, say your phone or your
internationally. And just like Slumdog
3 It's gre9at for a h ~ liday, but n ~ w~ y would makes very gloomy predictions about the
many can be bought without prescription . computer before you leave for work, and
Millionaire, some of these disadvantaged kids
Well, it's famous this one, almost
I want to Live th ~ re. future of our planet. He predicts that by find out if there 's any, like rail closures
are learning more than the adults - their
the end of the century climate change reassuringly familiar. But, after all parents or their parents' friends - giving a
or any traffic problems, and that's
Unit 11 will make the Earth almost uninhabitable 1 don 't really agree 2 think he 's
these years, it's still amazing how it can
actually invaluable because then you
tremendous boost to their confidence.
for humans, and that it's already too late affect you, when you think that we were
exaggerating 3 I partly agree 4 don't won 't be late or you can tell someone in Each computer has educational software,
to do anything about it . We talk to Moira able to do that. However familiar, it's
NEWSREADER The billionaire entrepreneur really see that, though 5 think he 's got a advance if you are going to be late . word-processing software and so on,
Richard Branson is offering $25 million to Mccann, who read the book. Moira, is still an astonishingly powerful image .
point 6 think that's a valid point 7 think L There are clear practical benefits to installed. The project aims to connect the
this book a very depressing read? 2 I didn 't know where this was but
anyone who can identify a way to reduce what he says is spot on 8 he 's absolutely that kind of thing, definitely yeah . The computers to the Internet at some point,
greenhouse gases. John Holm reports. MOIRA Well, it some ways yes, it's certainly apparently it's the House of Soviets in
right. article suggests that people these days giving the children access to a whole new
a very disturbing book. If he's right, then Kaliningrad in today's Russia , hideously
REPORTER With former vice president Al Gore don't value general knowledge as much world and valuable life skills. For these slum
global warming is already out of control, ugly, don 't you think? In fact, it's well
lending his support, Richard Branson as people used to, erm, because of, you kids, it's not just fate that is shaping their
says he will award $25 million to anyone and not only that, but it's us that caused it. What he 's r~ ally saying is that gl ~ bal known for it. It sums up for some
lives - it's also the hard work of a handful
know because it's so easy to access, to
who can develop the technology to So it's humans that are causing climate w~ rming is already h ~ ppening and we people the worst kind of post-war Soviet
of good people who know what children are
acquire ...
remove C0 2 and other greenhouse gases change, according to this book? c~ n ' t st ~ p it ... architecture.
capable of.
J I think that certainly that it's so easy
from the atmosphere at a rate of a billion M That 's right. The way the book describes 2 His p ~ int re9ally is that p~ liticians are 3 What a great image of the 60s. This
to find the answer that they're looking
tonnes per year. His statement comes it, it's like somebody walking in a forest never going to say how bad things is one that I would choose to sum up
just a week after the United Nations somewhere and they pick up a gun,
• .. .
are that time. It's not just the music of the
for, that they don 't actually have to, in
INTERVIEWER You set out to turn traditional
inverted commas sort of, go on this
panel on climate change said 'Global and they accidentally pull the trigger Beatles that it represents, but the crazy media on its head back in 2006 when
time it must have been. It's impossibly sort of learning journey to get to their
warming is more than 90% likely to have and it goes off. They didn 't intend to do you started Demand Studios. Three and
JANE Well really, the only thing that's ever answer. They don't have to go through
that, they kind of pulled the trigger by colourful and exciting. There was so half years later, how have you redefined
been caused by humans, and pred icted a process, thereby also getting more
going to stop people {travelling by plane} much going on then . media?
temperatures are likely to rise one to six accident. And that's what we 've done: information about something to find their
is if it becomes just much too expensive RICHARD Thank you for that . We actually
degrees by the end of the century·. we've pulled a trigger on climate change,
and now we can't stop the process.
and people can't afford it. Erm, because Unit 12 answer. They just find it and that's that.
didn't set out to turn it on its head . We
actually it's so important to be able to o I quite agree with that but I think it's
So this could have happened anyway, set out to create a whole new form of
get places and visit people and it's an So do you think that modern new time, new technology. People don't
Yes, well this is a poem about society in but we've just kick-started the process? LIAM content, it may or may not turn traditional
amazing thing to be able to do (so I just technology has a downside to it? need all this, kind of, dead knowledge.
the future and it's called 2084, which is M Exactly. media on its head, we definitely think that
think people are always going to carry on OLGA Erm , well it's hard to say, I would
Erm, they have this easily available
obviously a reference to George Orwell's 1 So is it reversible? it's causing people in traditional media to
flying} . say there is no yes and no. For example, information, and they can extend their
novel 1984, which was about a totalitarian M No, it isn't, not according to James rethink their business models. What we
TINA I just can't bear thinking about it (I you go abroad and you need to eat knowledge when they need it and where
society in the future. So, this is a poem Lovelock. That's the main point of the did was we added a science to the art of
mean, the way they treat farm animals. somewhere. Before, you would just they need it, erm, opposed to what was
about society in the future, and what's book. That a lot of people round the creating content . So the idea forever was
You see those battery chickens all wander round the town and find a place before, that somebody would be an
happened is that normal civilisation has world, particularly politicians, the people let's make a piece of content and we'll
cooped up and they look so distressed}. It yourself, but now - click click click, expert in one field but not in the others.
come to an end because of climate change . who organise the climate conferences, see if it works. What we 're doing instead
absolutely breaks my heart when I see you 've found a restaurant, you've found L Right. I don 't know if this is a problem
So, these are the survivors, and this is a they think that if we 're good and we stop is we're using, you know, search, social
stories about it or see it on TV. I mean, the review, so here you go . What do you necessarily, but I think that the
very strictly controlled society they live burning fuels and everything, it'll all go media and direct navigation - people
you would never treat human beings think? information that people get when they
in, and probably very religious - it says back to where it was. It won't. Once it's typing directly in what they want - to
that way, so I don 't see why we should JANE Yeah, I agree with you. It's helpful,
just look up, say for example, an event
it's 'scripture safe' . And it's also like a started moving, you can't stop it. figure out what type of people ... what
treat animals that way ... I really don 't but it also takes away, as you say, it in history in a search engine, you'll get
small farming community - the poem Can we slow it down? type of content people want , match it with
think people should buy them, they takes away the romanticism of just a very concise view of the key points
talks about fields and keeping bees in M Well he doesn 't say we can 't, but he advertisements and then only make the
really shouldn 't, I'd never buy one . wandering around the city and thinking of that event in history, but you won't
beehives. So in a way, they've gone back doesn 't think we can, no. content that people want that's profitable.
PILAR (Of course I download music, everyone ·ooh shall we go here?' . necessarily find out about the context of
to pre-industrial society. And anything that So does that mean we should just enjoy So, imagine going from big, huge budgets
does it.} It doesn 't hurt anyone, does it, L And you're thinking about saving time,
it or any kind of broader detail, so what
contributes to global warming is forbidden ourselves? of content which no one knows if it's
it's not like I'm going into a shop and you this is going to save time, this is going you 're getting is quite shallow in terms
or it's controlled - so they're allowed just M Well you could take it like that, yes. Fly going to work to small, micro pieces of
know stealing something, putting it in my to mean that I can get what I want more of knowledge and information .
one computer, the airports aren 't used off on lots of holidays while you've still content which we with surety, can tell
pocket .. . Artists are not going to starve, quickly, I'll have more time to kind of o That's a very fair point.
any more, they use windmills, there's an got a chance. through all the science and algorithms, is
interesting contrast between tradition and they get plenty of money from their spend enjoying myself, that kind of going to be successful.
technology running through it in fact. It's record labels, don 't they? And the people thing . I think there's an instinct where, The children are falling over themselves
a traditional lifestyle, but they also have Synthetic trees resemble real trees at the record labels get a lot of money. because it's written down, you trust it
to look at something new. It's a computer.
technology like solar panels and computers. in many ways. For example, they have So, just listening to it, just listening to it as well, so with restaurants, you know, We set out to create a whole new form
There are some children in India who have
the equivalent of a trunk and branches in my house, it seems OK to me. you look at them and think 'Right, that's of content.
So in a way, the poem is quite optimistic never used one before, let alone seen
which hold up the leaves . URI No , I don't agree with it (I don't think what it's going to be like'. Like kind of 2 We definitely think that it's causing
- everything is probably going to be OK. one. This nine-year-old girl comes every
2 The DNA analysis found that the war is ever a solution} because you five-day weather forecasting - it's a people to rethink their business models.
But it's also very critical of our generation. day to use it, playing with the educational
bloodstains were identical to those on don 't know what's going to happen, do myth, you can 't do that. But you still 3 .. . we can tell with surety through all the
In the second half, it describes how the games. This, the Hole in the Wall project -
the victim 's body. you? You can't control it. I mean look science and algorithms, is going to be
158 159
mobile allows voters, via text message , Acknowledgements
Thousands of nerds collectively staring into to check on elec tion candidates· incomes
The authors would like to thank Keith Sands, Karen Member and all the p96IDI. /©Stocksearch for p 113ICI. /©Hackenberg-Photo-Cologne fo r pl 15IBI.
the screens. monitors whi ch eventually and criminal ba ckgrounds . All this editorial team in Cambridge for their invaluable help and support throughout /©Shaun Higson for p 128IDI. /©Brian Harris for p 128IEI. /©Robert Harding Picture
go on to form mountains of rubbish in the suggests an innovation gap between the the development of this course. They would also like to thank Andrew Reid for Library for pl 28IBI. /©Archive Images for pl 27lrl. /Fancy for p131 ltl1Bl. /©Mary
streets of the developing world . The two richest societies and the poorest - not making the writi ng process such a trouble-free experience . and for his supportive Evans Picture Library for p131ltl1Dl. /©lmagepast for p131 ltl1El. /©Pat Behnke for
comments and helpful suggestions throughout. p137IBJ; Andrew Reid for p74121. 87,95IBJ; Anna Vernes for p17IHI; Ben's Chili Bowl
images are poignant and shocking but in how fancy or expensive your phone is,
Adrian Doff would like to thank Gabriella Zaharias for consistently supporting and for p41ICI: Beowulf Sheehan for p33lll: Brazilian for p95IEI; Bridgeman
may well give a distorted impression of but in how you use it. And will the United Art Library/© Private Collection for p58lll: CND for p92ltll; Charles Maxwell for p57lrl,
encouraging him during the writing of this book.
computer technology in the world today. Of States, which gained so much from the 136ltcrl; Chic and Basic, Barcelona for p9lltll; Chris Dent for p 48lrl: Christian Als for
Ben Goldstein would like to thank Dani for being there. p43lt.A.B.CJ; Corbis/©Morgan David de Lossy for p8IEI. /©Rene Mattes/Hemis for
course, the inequality continues and every Internet revolution, be able to profit from
The authors and publishers would like to thank the following people who p28ltrbl. /©Image Source for p32121. /©Pitchal Frederic/Sygma for p48lll. /©Stephen
technological innovation that appears in the billions of mobile users in developing
contributed to the authentic recordings: Daniel Beaver, Sibylle Benoist, Sarah Hird for p54IBI. /©David Brabyn for p63IEI. /©Qi Heng/Xin Hua/Xinhua Press for p72lrl.
the developed world may well end up a countries - a mass ive worldwide middle Christofi, Grover Evans Jr, Liam Guyton, Percy Korsah. Keith Sands, Olga Sands, /©Jean Pierre Amet/Belombra for p80, /©Andy Rain/epa for p90lll. /©Eric RobertNIP
decade later on a rubbish dump thousands class with a simple mobile and a less- is- Sarah Thomas, Gabriella Zaharias. Production for p 1OOltl. /©Christian Liewig for pl 01 I l llll. /©Ben Radford for p 101121
more sensibility? Will domestic demand lrl. /©Eric RobertNIP Production for p105ltl. /©George Steinmetz for pl 11 . /©Tian
of miles away. But that"s only half the story. The publishers would like to t hank the following teachers for all the insightful,
practical feedback they provided on the early drafts of the Coursebook : Isidro Ye/XinHua/Xinhua Press for p 113IDI. /©Doug Wilson for p 122ICI. /©Peter Frank for
Is the digital divide as apparent as these for sleeker, faster, more elegant devices p122IDI. /©Bettmann for p13lltJICI. /©Francis G Mayer/Succession H. Matisse, Paris
Almendarez, Steve Banfield, Hayden Berry, Celso Frade, Rosie Ganne, Barbara
two images suggest? Is the developing make it harder for the US to innovate for for p131 ltJIGJ; for p791l.rl: Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge
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We are also grateful to the following contributors. Striatic/Hobvias Sudoneighm for p51 ICI. /©Changezi for p51 IEI. /©Robin Schroeders
revolution? Sarah Vernes reports on the dominated by everyday needs? Picture research: Hilary Luckcock for p51IFI. /©Matteo Angelino for p101IDI. /©PeterTittenberger for pl 18lrl. p139;
subject of mobile phones ... Audio recordings: John Green at TEFL Audio. i-Audio. London and Hart Mcleod Getty Images for p46IBI. 49IBI. 52IDI. 54IEI. 68ICI. p96IAI. 99lrl. 1OOlbl. 101 l3lll.rl.
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From Spain to Brazil, Poland to Australia, "terrible twos· when my daughter The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright for p41 IBI. /©George Doyle for p42ICI. /©AFP for p42IDI. /©Color Day Production for
started crying a lot. material and are grateful for the permissions granted . While every effort has p49ICI . /©AFP for p54IDI. /©James Lauritz for p61 IAI. / © ARP for p81 lrl, /©Wirelmage
people are working via text message, for p89IEI. /©Latin Content for p96IBI. /©Domino for p96ICI. /©Harold Taylor for
been made, it has not always been possible to identify the sources of all the
viewing their bank accounts on their 2 It is a sure bet that no classical music material used, or to trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are brought to pl 06IEI. /©janasworld for p131 lbJIAJ; Guardian News & Media Ltd 2008/©Caroline
mobiles, using their phones as video or release this season offers better value our notice, we will be hap py to include the appropriate acknowledgements on Irby for p7lalll; Hajinal Vernes for p17IBJ; Hans J Knospe for p51IDI: The Hole in the
music players. In India, handsets sell for money. reprinting. Wall Group for pl 18lll: lmageState/© Peter Menzel/Impact Photos for p38ll,rl. p130ltl.
The Guardian for the adapted text on p6, 'Born everywhere, raised in Britain·. © p136; The Homeless World Cup for p100lbl; Intelligent Life. The Economist for p88;
for under $25, with one-cent-a-minute 3 What was once a sure thing suddenly
Guardian News & Media Ltd. 2008; the adapted text on p9. ·childhood memories are lnvision/© Alessandro Grassani for p8ltr); istockphoto/© Die Augenweide for p8lttl.
phone calls across India and one-cent became much more competitive. Hong fairytales By Niall Kennedy, The Daily Record27 April 2009; Clubm8 for the adapted /©Pali Rao for p8IAI. /©Vasily Smirnov for pBICI. /©Rich Seymour for p16, /©Yael
text messages and no monthly charge. Kong now faces competition from text on p18. reproduced with permission; the adapted text on p18, Solo·s Holidays; Weiss for p17IDI. /©Matej Pribelsky for p17IEI. /©quavondo for pl 7IGI. /©Suprijono
mainland China. Qui<J< for the text on p21, What Does Your Business Card Say About You?' Suharjoto for p18ltl. /©Kevin Russ for p18lbl. /©Joshua Hodge Photography for
In the US, on the other hand , consumers
by Neil Patel; A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers by Xiaolu Guo. pp29. p19, /©Alexander Raths for p20ltll. /©slobo mitic for p22ICI . /©ryasick for p22IFI.
pay a relative fortune just to own the 4 Being English, she thought that a sure 33, 126, published by Chatto & Windus. Reprinted by permission of the Random / © Eduardo Jose Bernardino for p27, / © R Eko Bintoro for p28ltcl. /©Vlad Turchenko
latest gadget. The USA and other parts of way of greeting her new friends would House Group Ltd . Copyright© 2007 Xialou Guo. Used by permission of Nan A Talese, for p32l 1I, /©Robyn Mackenzie for p40ltll. /©Bjorn Kindler for p40lcll, /©Duncan
the world seem to be moving in different be to shake hands. an imprint of The Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group . a division of Random Walker for p42IBI. /©levgen kostiuk for p44ltl. /©River North Photography for p49All,
5 Ahea d 7-6 , 2-1, Mauresmo looked House; Peter Menzel for the text on p39, 'Nutrition Transition·© Peter Menze l I /©Jan Rihak for p52IAI . /©Phil Augustave for p52IBI. /©ricardo azoury for p52ICI.
directions. American companies are; Intelligent Life Magazine for the adapted text on p48, ·surveillance /©Lidian Neeleman for p53IKI. /©Vladimir Maravic for p54IAI. /©Mikkel William
concentrating on fancier, more expensive like a sure winner, but she lost her over Europe·, by Charles Nevin,© The Economist Newspaper Limited, London 2009 ~ Nielsen for p61 ICI. /©gonul kocak for p68lbrl. /©Inga Nielsen for p74l 1l. /©John
devices which give their customers status. concentration in the third set. the adapted text on p56, 'Thin, Pretty anu Airbrushed', NYC24; The Guardian for the Pavel for p83ltl. /©x-drew for p89IBI, / ©Tom ml for p95ICJ , /©Michele Lugaresi for
adapted text on p59. 'The master forger·. by Mark Honigsbaum, ©Guardian News p101 IBI. /©Robert Reid for p101 ICI. /©digitalskillet for p102ICI. /©Rebecca Ellis
In developing countries, the focus is on
Media Ltd . 2005; John Myatt for the interview on pp59, 152, with permissi ' Matthew Scherf for p113IBI. /©Cynthia Baldauf for pl 28IAI . /©Liza
creating more and more uses for cheap, Myatt, Genuine Fakes Ltd.; Telegraph for the adapted text on p60 · /©Jordan Chesbrough for p131lt!IFI. /©Alexy Tkachenko
basic mobi les. himself', by Elizabeth Day© Telegraph Media Group Limite ©Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation for p62lll:
for the adapted text on p66 and the audio material on p "" H for p50lcl: Mikey G Ottawa for p51 IA); Macmillan
Americans don 't seem to have fallen ICS Sport for pl 0112]1 11. /©Kirsty Wigglesworth
Freeman. Liz Lee . David Critchley taken from www
completely in love with the mobile . Text Scientist for the adapted text on p69, 'The sc1en ; Panos/©Fredrik Naumann for pl llAI. 11IBI.
messaging, so vital to Indians, for example, body bi. Helen Pilcher, © New Scientist Ma., arker for p71 ltrl. /©Jacob Silberberg for
on p78, ·The top ten viral ad campaigns'© • ic Miller for p98lll. /©Caroline Penn
has yet to become mainstream, where
com; The Guardian for the adapted text · k Naumann for p121 IAI. /©Andrew
most chatting seems to be done via the Ipowered car· by Alex Benady, © Guar. acopoe1a for p66lalll: Penguin
Internet. Compare this with India or for the interview on p81 'No Logo : Br tolibrary/©Jade Lee for p10,
Kenya . Here, mobiles are truly universal com - Spread the Word . wit h permii • ~!Al. /«iAlberto Paredes for p42IAI.
Tate Modern for the text or p83, © © Sy vain Grandadam for p53IEI.
technology. It is always with you, cheap 7 /®Gerolf Kalt for pl 13IAI;
A Plea for Eros', the chapter "Yon
and easily repa ired , opening a new frontier 'The Good Companions'. 'JB Pri ' 6.tcl. 26ltrl. 29lbrl: Rex
of innovation. One Indian company offers World Cup. The Homeless Wor Oler I. /©llpo Musto for
a text message service for job hunters. to energise homeless peo~l t " !Cl. /©Geoff Wilkinson
effective solutions to home ! . ©Offside for p 122IAI.
Even without the Internet, job seekers 59lbl. 130lbl. p138lb);
can register by texting information adapted text on p 108, 'The Se ·)alina Yakushevich
about themselves. They will get a list of world .. by Patrick Bark ham, p17ICI. /©Kateryna
the poem on p109, '2084·. b >r p53IAI. /©Joanne
potential jobs, along with employers' phone /©Andrey Arkusha for
New Scientist for the adapt r.
numbers. In Africa , the mobile phone is © New Scientist Magazine; t I, /©Francesco Ri dolfi
opening up new ways of managing money. Through the Hole in the Wal J>IAI. /©Fedor Selivanov
In the West, where most peo.ple have bank the interview with Richard R, - for p 1OBlcl. /©dundanim
tv; the adapted text on p137·, _to Ltd or pl Sic); Tate Modern,
accounts, plastic cards have become the Air force/©Lance Cheung
Posting Answer Factory', by Mar
no r m . But projects like PesaPal In Kenya Id); for
The publishers are gratefu l to_the , p127ltl, p136ic); World Vision
have made the mobile a tool of personal
copyright photographs and lnateri riella Zaharias for p50lll. 50lrl.
finance , allowing you to convert cash into Key: l =left. c =centre. r = rightr t = to • p138.
·cell - phone money' at your local grocer, Advert isin g Archives for p76ll,rl, p132l l- by Howard Bronson and Mike Riley.
which can instantly be wired to anyone p8IBI. /©Blend Images for p 12IBI. /©i oefo vision of Random House Inc.
Blue for p13. /©Oleksiy Maksymenko-ror p2 ansen. Used by permission of Modern
with a phone . In many pla ces , the phon e /©Up percut Images for p281crl, /©imagebroker
has moved to the centre of commun ity Places Photography for p40lcrl. /©Alex Segre for ..:nglish Dictionary for Lo11ers by Xiaolu Guo.
life . In Africa, churches record sermons for p55IBI. /©Jon Arnold Ima, es Ltd for p55ICI, /©Pe voks, a division of Ra_(ldom House Inc.
for p55IDI. /©Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert for. p60, /©lmageSt• ' unable to trace the copyright hc·lder of the cover of 365
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p63ICI. /©Johner Images for p68lbll. /©Hans Delnoij for p74 SI, rromental and wo~ld welcome any information enabling us
remote villages. In pla ce s like Moldova. for p74l41. /©Radius Images fcor p77, /©Synthetic Alan King for p84 •
phones helped to organ ise protests Inc for p84IBI. /©Colinspics fo r p84ICI. / © Chris Rout for p84IDI. /©davrd hanc -~ ·--
Illustr ations by Tom Croft, Maxwell Dorsey, Mark Duffin, Nick Kobyluch,
aga inst the government. In India, the for p89IFI. /©Dennis Hallinan (or ~B~ICI. /CC>Mike Finn-Kekey for p89IDI. /©Flab
Julian Mosedale, Ben Swift. Lucy Truman .
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