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List of quantities measured by the SMEAR II facility.

distribution of aerosols gives a number concentration of particles
having diameters in the certain diameter range.CNC is the
Condensational Particle Counter and DMPS is the Differential
Mobility Particle Sizer (see Section Aerosol Measurements). The
set-ups operating properly only in the summer are indicated (§).

QUANTITY Time resolution

MAST (127 m)
Temperature (4.2, 8.4, 16.8, 33.6, 50.4 and 67.2 m) 1 min
Wind speed (4.2, 8.4, 16.8, 33.6, 50.4 and 67.2 m)
Wind speed (33.6 m) 1 min
Wind direction (16.8, 33.6 and 50.4 m)
Wind speed and direction (8.4, 16.8, 33.6 and 74.0 m) 1 min
Wind speed and direction (8.4, 16.8, 33.6 and 67.2 m) 1 min
Reflected global radiation (70 m) 1 min
Reflected PAR (70 m) 1 min
Net radiation (70 m) 1 min
LW in (33 m) 1 min
LW out (33 m) 1 min
Photochemical reflectance index (33 m) 1 min
Normalized difference vegetation index (33 m) 1 min
O3 concentration (six heights) 1 min @ 6 min interval

SO2 concentration (six heights) 1 min @ 6 min interval

NOx concentration (six heights) 1 min @ 6 min interval

NO concentration (six heights) 1 min @ 6 min interval

H2O concentration (six heights) 1 min @ 6 min interval

CO2 concentration (six heights) 1 min @ 6 min interval

CO concentration (six heights) 1 min @ 6 min interval

Dew point temperature (23 m) 1 min

Ambient pressure (0 m) 1 min

Flux of momentum and heat (Eddy Covariance ; 46 m) 30 min

Flux of momentum and heat (Eddy Covariance ; 23 m) 30 min

Flux of CO2 and H2O (Eddy Covariance; 46 m) 30 min

Flux of CO2 and H2O (Eddy Covariance; 23 m) 30 min

Total number concentration flux of aerosol particles

CO2, H2O & CH4 concentration at 16m, 67m and 125m heights 20 seconds

TOWER (18 m)

Dew point temperature (16 m) 1 min

Relative humidity (16 m) 1 min

Flux of momentum and heat (Eddy Covariance; 23 m) 30 min

Flux of CO2 and H2O (Eddy Covariance; 23 m) 30 min
Flux of O3 ; 23 m) 30 min

Size segregating number concentration flux of aerosol particles

UV-A (18 m) 1 min

UV-B (18 m) 1 min

Diffuse radiation (18 m)
1 min

Global radiation (18 m) 1 min

PAR, direct (18 m) 1 min
PAR, diffuse (18 m) 1 min

PAR, total (18 m) 1 min

Rain (18 m) (§) 15 min (1 min)
Surface Wetness Sensor (18 m) (§) 15 min (1 min)
Rain/Snow sampler (summer/winter) 14 days
Visibility, precipitation, temperature (17 m) 1 min
Burkard bio aerosol sampler (§) 2 hour (with microscope)
Fluorescence of the canopy 1 sec

Eddy Subcanopy (3 m)
Flux of momentum and heat (Eddy Covariance; 3/11 m)
Flux of CO2 and H2O (Eddy Covariance; 3/11 m) 30 min
Flux of momentum and heat (Eddy Covariance; 3 m) 30 min
Flux of CO2 and H2O (Eddy Covariance; 3 m) 30 min

Air ion spectrometers

Air ion mobility distribution (2.37 - 0.00134 cm^2/Vs) 10 min
Air ion mobility distribution (3.16 - 0.0032 cm^2/Vs) 10 min
Neutral Air Ion Spectrometer 2 min
Air ion mobility distribution (3.2 - 0.032 cm^2/Vs) 2 min

TGA100 Trace Gas Analyzer

Flux of momentum and heat (Eddy Covariance; 2.7 m)
Flux of CH4 and N2O (c. 2.7 m)

TOWER (17 m)
Exchange of five gases (NO, NOx, O3, CO2, H2O) by shoots 5 sec
(various levels)
PAR distribution in the cuvette (various levels) 5 sec
Cuvette temperature (various levels) 5 sec
Sapflow (various levels) (§) 1 min
Diameter changes (various levels) 1 min
Circumference changes (various levels)
Shoot and needle growth (various levels)
Bole temperature (various levels) 1 min
Reference cold temperature of Granier sapflow method 1 min
PAR distribution within the canopy (8.3, 8.9, 9.5, 10.1, 10.7 m)
VOC sampling for FMI
Clorophyl fluorescence (and PAR) of pine needles from 4 points 1 sec - 10 min


Exchange of five gases (NO, NOx, O3, CO2, H2O) from soil 5 sec
Soil CO2 exchange, during summer 5 sec
CO2 concentration in the ground (four dephts) 1 min
Rain (2 m) (§) 1 min
Throughfall (summer) 1 min
Snow collectors (winter) 14 days
Snow depth (winter) 7 days
Snow water content (winter) 14 days
Stemflow (summer)
Soil Temperature (depths of 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1, 1.3, 1.6 m) 15 min
Water potential (depths of 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1, 1.3, 1.6 m) 15 min
Soil matric potential (9 sensors) 5 min
Water content (seven depths) 30 min
Soil solution (seven depths) 30 days
Amount of CO2, CH4 and N2O (seven depths)
Heat capacity and conductivity (0.8 m) 6 hours

PAR distribution within the canopy (ground level)

PAR distribution within the canopy and net radiation (ground level), 10 sec
temperature profile above ground, soil moisture
PAR distribution within the canopy (ground level) 3 sec
Outflow from the area (summer) 1 min
Litter (0.7 m) 30 days
Branch (litter) collectors 1 year
Soil CO2, N2O and CH4 exchange (MASA) 1 day
Soil moisture & Temperature (depths: humus, 10, 25, 50 cm) (MASA 5 sec
Tree diameter changes of 7 pines 15 min

Aerosol particle number size distribution (Dp 3 - 1000 nm) 10 min

Aerodynamic particle sizer 10 min

UV-Aerodynamic particle sizer 5 min
Dekati PM 10 impactor 3 days
Aethalometer 10 min
Dekati ELPI 1 min
Aerosol particle scattering coefficient 10 min
Number of particles able to form into cloud droplets 1 sec
Charged and non-charged particles 36 sec
Hygroscopic and non-hygroscopic particles
Volatility DMPS 20 min
PM10 Particle mass concentration 1 min
Particle concentration 1 sec
Black Carbon particle mass concentration 1 min

NH3 1 sec

EMEP, Nitrogen & Sulphur compounds 3 days
PM10, PAH 1 day
PAH 30 days
Hg analyser 5 min
Hg 30 days


Radon (0.5 m) 7 days
Ambient radiation (5 m) 10 min


4 x LiCor PAR sensors 10 sec
2 x Reeman net radiation sensors 10 sec
Soil moisture & Temperature 10 sec
10 x Logan PAR sensors 15 sec

Solar radiation spectrum (280 - 580 nm wavelenght) 30 min

Aerosol optical depth ???

Reflected spectrum of pine needles (15 m height) (§)
Wind velocity profile

Cloud height 16 sec

Boundary layer height, vertical wind profile

Ventilated and shielded sensor (Pt-100)

Vector A101M/L cup anemometer
Vector A101M/L cup anemometer
Vector W200P wind vane
Thies Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D
Thies Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D
Reemann TP 3 pyranometer, range 300 - 4800 nm
Li-Cor LI -190SZ quantum sensor, range 400 - 700 nm
Reemann MB 1 pyranometer, range 300 - 4000 nm
Kipp and Zonen CNR1
Kipp and Zonen CNR1
2 * Skye SKR 1800 (in and out)
2 * Skye SKR 1800 (in and out)
Teflon sample lines and gas analyser (UV absorbtion)
TEI 49

Teflon sample lines and gas analyser (UV fluorescence)


Teflon sample lines and gas analyser (chemiluminescence + NO2 to NO

TEI 42S with molybdenum converter
TEI 42CTL with molybdenum converter
TEI 42CTL with photolytic converter

Teflon sample lines and gas analyser (chemiluminescence)


Teflon sample lines and gas analyser (infra red absorbtion)


Teflon sample lines and gas analyser (infra red absorbtion)


Teflon sample lines and gas analyser (infra red absorbtion)

Horiba APMA 360
Horiba APMA 370

chilled mirror dew point monitor

General Eastern Hygro E4

Druck DPI 260 barometer

Ultrasonic anemometer (Solent 1012R2)

Ultrasonic anemometer (Solent 1012R2)
High frequency gas analyser (Li-Cor 6262, infra red absorbtion)

High frequency gas analyser (Li-Cor 6262, infra red absorbtion)

Eddy covariance + Condensation Particle Counter (CPC)

Picarro Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer G1301

chilled mirror dew point monitor

EdgeTech Model 200M Meteorological System
HYgroclip2 probe
Rotronic humidity and temperature sensor MP102H

Ultrasonic anemometer (Solent HS1199)

High frequency gas analyser (Li-Cor 6262, infrared absorbtion)
High frequency gas analyser (LOZ-3, chemiluminescence)

Relaxed Eddy Accumulation method (REA) + Differential Mobility Particle

Sizer (DMPS)
Solar SL 501A pyranometer, range 320 - 400 nm

Solar SL 501A pyranometer, range 280 - 320 nm

Reemann TP 3 pyranometer, range 300 - 4800 nm, Delta T Sunshine
Sensor (BF3)
Reemann TP 3 pyranometer, range 300 - 4800 nm, Delta T Sunshine
Sensor (BF3)
Delta T Sunshine Sensor (BF3), range 400 - 700 nm
Delta T Sunshine Sensor (BF3), range 400 - 700 nm

Delta T Sunshine Sensor (BF3), Li-Cor LI -190SZ ranges 400 - 700 nm

Vector ARG-100 tipping bucket rain gauge
Vaisala DRD 11-A raindetector
Sampling with bottles/buckets
Vaisala FD12P Weather sensor
Continuous sampling, during March - September (impactor)
2 * Ocean Optics USB2000+ Spectrometers (up and down)

Ultrasonic anemometer (Solent 1012R2)

High frequency gas analyser (Li-Cor 6262, infrared absorbtion)
Ultrasonic anemometer (Metek)
High frequency gas analyser (Li-Cor 7000, infrared absorbtion)

Air Ion Spectrometer (AIS)

Balanced Scanning Mobility Analyzer (BSMA)
Neutral Air Ion Spectrometer (NAIS)
Symmetric Inclined Grid Mobility Analyzer (SIGMA)

Ultrasonic anemometer (Metek)

TGA100 (infrared absorption, tunable diode laser)

Closing cuvettes, teflon tubes and gas analyzers

800 PAR sensors, HRIM

Stem heat balance (Dynamax)
Solartron sensors
ELPA sensor
Potentiometric sensor (KFIRAOS)
168 PAR sensors attached to a separate mast
Sampling twice a week with Tenax tubes
Walz MONI-HEAD/485

Closing cuvettes, teflon tubes and gas analyzers

Closing cuvettes and Vaisala Carbocap GMP343
Vaisala Carbocap GMP343
Vector ARG-100 tipping bucket rain gauge
Throughfall gauge (Rainer) + chemical analysis
Bucket collector + chemical analysis
At seven points
At seven points
Sampling with bottles
Thermistor (Philips)
Tensiometer (Transinstruments)
Delta-T-Devices EQ2, Equitensiometer
Time domain reflectometer (Tektronix)
Lysimeters (Prenart Equipment), + chemical analysis
Sampling with subsequent analysis
Stainless steel sonde
PAR sensors on the portable booms

Six Li-Cor LI -190SZ quantum sensors on the stationary boom, temperature

sensors, 2xTheta probes
10 x LoganPAR sensors on the portable booms
Flowmeters in two dams, + chemical analysis
Litter collectors
On the ground
Closing cuvette (1 hour closures), automatic sampling to vials
Theta-probe & termocouples
Online dendrometers

Twin Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS) with Condensation Particle

TSI 3320
TSI 3314
> 10 um, 10 - 2.5 um, 2.5 - 1 um, < 1 um particle sizes
Magee Scientific Company Aethalometer
0.03 - 10 um particle sizes, 12 channels
Nephelometer, TSI 3563
Clous Condensation Nuclei Counter (CCN-100)
IoniDMPS, TSI 3025A
Twin Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS) with Condensation Particle
Counters and oven
Thermo Scientific 5030 SHARP Monitor
Aerodyne Research CAPS PMex Monitor
Thermo Electron CARUSSO / MAAP 5012 Black Carbon Monitor

Stockholm University Ammonia Instrument

IMS (Ion Mobility Spectrometer)

3-fraction filter sampler

MCZ Micro-PNS-S7 filter sampler
deposition sampler
Tekran 2537A
deposition sampler

Continuous filter sampling, filters replaced weekly

Theta-probe & termocouples

Bentham radiospectrometer

Cimel CE-318 sunphotometer

ASD FieldSpec HH spectrometer

Sound Detection and Ranging


Halo Photonics Streamline Lidar

Comments by VH et al.

until 4.9.2003
since 5.9.2003
until 4.9.2003
5.9.2003 - 11.07.2011
since 11.07.2011
Sensor removed 20.09.2011

Sensor removed 20.09.2011

since 1996

since 1996

since 1996

until Feb 2007

since March 2007

since June 1996

since June 1996

until May 2010

since June 2010

until March 2010
April 2010 - January 2011
since February 2011

April 1998 - October 2010

measurements terminated 28.6.2002

measurements terminated 28.6.2002

Started at 1.11.2012

Started July 2011

started June 2012

Started 2.8.2001

Between 11.10.2001 - 5.5.2009

Started at 15.3.2000, Delta since 12/2009

Delta, since 12/2009

Since 12/2009
Since 12/2009

Delta, since 12/2009

Started at 5.4.2005
Between 12.9.2002 - 30.9.2011
Since 3/2010

Started at 1.8.2003 and terminated 29.9.2006. Sampling level changed from 3 m to 11 m 2.6.2005.
Started at 13.10.2003

21.3.2003 - 11.4.2004, 11.8.2004-> Transferred to a new cabin at 8.10.2004

Began at 23.3.2003
Began at 6.3.2009
Began at 27.03.2012

Not anymore, terminated at spring 2003

Terminated at spring 2003, started again at September 2007 and terminated at the november 2008

Not anymore
Not anymore

Not anymore
Terminated at 2007
Since 3/2007

3 cuvettes beginning at summer 2002

3 cuvettes beginning at summer 2007
Started at 9.6.2004

Started at winter 2004

Terminated at spring 2001, started again at summer 2003, terminated at 2008

Started at 16.6.2005

Not during summer 2002 ? Terminated.

During the summer 2004, ' valoharava'

Began at 31.10.2004, ' maapar'

Started at 24.6.2010, 'canpar'

Started at 8/2006, not during winter

Started at 29.4.2010

Tranferred to Hitu cabin at 20.9.2004

Began at spring 2004

Began at 28.8.2009, end 14.4.2011
Tranferred to a new location at 29.9.2004
Started at 8.12.2004
Started at May 2005
Started at 1.6.2006
Started at 7/2007
Started at 15.3.2005
Started at 28.4.2008, terminated at autumn 2009
Started at 28.2.2007
Started at 6/2011
Started at 5.1.2012
Started at 1.11.2012

Began at February 2007, terminated at sometime 2010

Began at September 2007, terminated 11/2009

Terminated at 31.12.2010
Started at 27.10.2008
Started at 3.11.2008
Started at 27.10.2008
Started at 6/2009

Started at 1.11.2003
Started at 1.11.2003
Started at 1.04.2009
Started at 24.6.2010

Began at spring 2001

Started at 2/2008

Not anymore, terminated at autumn 2004

Terminated 11/2008

Began 14.09.2006

Began 1.1.2013

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