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Thermodynamic Analysis of

Trinitrotoluene Biodegradation and

Mineralization Pathways
M. D. Shelley,'* R. I.. Autenrieth? J. R. Wild: and 9. E. Dale1**
'Departments of Chemical Engineering, T i v i l Engineering, and
3Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station,
Texas 77843
Received August 3, 1995/Accepted February 8, 1996

Biodegradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) proceeds reaction with common environmental chemicals.30 In

through several different metabolic pathways. However, addition, nitro-substituted aromatics, the main constit-
the reaction steps which are considered rate-controlling uents of these products, are recalcitrant to natural bio-
have not been fully determined. Glycolysis and other bio-
logical pathways contain biochemical reactions which are degradation largely because they are toxic and muta-
acutely rate-limiting due to enzyme control. These rate- genic toward most biological systems.' Trinitrotoluene
limiting steps also have large negative Gibbs free energy (TNT) is a nitroaromatic explosive that has been exten-
changes. Because xenobiotic compounds such as TNT sively produced because of its stability; safe manufactur-
can be used by biological systems as nitrogen, carbon, ing methods; low melting point; and low sensitivity to
and energy sources, it is likely that their degradation path-
ways also contain acutely rate-limiting steps. Identifica- impact, friction, and high temperature.44TNT produc-
tion of these rate-controlling reactions will enhance and tion and the refurbishment of existing munitions require
better direct genetic engineering techniques to increase large quantities of water which become contaminated
specific enzyme levels. with TNT.7For several decades, these wastewaters were
This article identifies likely rate-controlling steps (or disposed into open-air lagoons and directly onto the
sets of steps) in reported TNT biodegradation pathways
by estimating the Gibbs free energy change for each step grounds surrounding production sites, thereby causing
and for the overall pathways. The biological standard soil and groundwater ~ontamination.~ The overall envi-
Gibbs free energy change of reaction was calculated for ronmental impact of TNT contamination has not been
each pathway step using a group contribution method fully determined; however, the bioamplification of this
specifically tailored for biomolecules. The method was pollutant in the food chain and the subsequent threat
also applied to hypothetical "pathways" constructed to
mineralize TNT using several different microorganisms. to human health is of ~ o n c e r n . ~
Pathways steps that have large negative Gibbs free en- Bioremediation uses microorganisms to decompose
ergy changes are postulated t o be potentially rate-control- toxic substances into various metabolic products. Con-
ling. The microorganisms which utilize degradation path- version of toxic compounds to carbon dioxide, water,
ways with the largest overall (from TNT to citrate) energy, and various metabolites occurs through numer-
negatiave Gibbs free energy changes were also deter-
mined. Such microorganisms can extract more energy ous different pathways via enzymatic reactions. Nitroar-
from the starting substrate and are thus assumed to have omatic contaminants such as TNT can be used as nitro-
a competitive advantage over other microorganisms. Re- gen, carbon, and energy sources by microorganisms.
sults from this modeling-based research are consistent Several bacteria which appear likely to mineralize TNT
with much experimental work available in the literature. have recently been i ~ o l a t e d . ~ ~In~ ~addition,
,'' the bio-
0 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Key words: trinitrotoluene TNT biodegredation Gibbs
degradation pathways used by these microorganisms
free energy have also been proposed.
Glycolysis and other biological pathways contain bio-
chemical reactions that are acutely rate-limiting due to
INTRODUCTION enzyme control. Glycolysis has three steps which are
The manufacture of pesticides, explosives, plastics, azo primary regulation points for ATP synthesis. The cell
dyes, and pharmaceuticals generates many products and derives a substantial part of its energy needs as well as
byproducts that can pose an environmental threat.' carbon skeletons from these three steps; these are steps
These products are designed for long life and resist which also have large negative Gibbs free energy
changes.41Product formation in these steps is spontane-
ous; however, acute enzyme control strictly limits the
* Current address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Auburn rate of reaction. Since xenobiotic compounds such as
University, Auburn, AL 36849.
7 Current address: Department of Chemical Engineering,Michigan TNT are used in at least some biological systems as
State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. nitrogen and carbon sources, it is likely that their degra-
To whom all correspondence should be addressed. dation pathways also contain enzyme-controlled steps.

Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 50, Pp. 198-205 (1996)

0 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0006-3592/96/020198-08
However, the pathway steps which are considered rate- of all three nitro groups is restricted to anaerobic
controlling have not been fully determined. For the pur- environments.”
poses of this work, we assume that steps with large A microbial consortium represents one approach to
negative Gibbs free energy changes in TNT biodegrada- TNT biodegradation. Remediation could also be con-
tion are potentially rate-controlling, as they are in gly- ducted in distinct stages to exploit the abilities of various
colysis. bacteria and fungi under both aerobic and anaerobic
In addition, Beurskens et al.4have reported that only conditions. The present work treats three separate path-
those chlorinated benzene biodegradation reactions ways for TNT biodegradation which were obtained from
which have the largest Gibbs free energy changes are the literature. These pathways are initially anaerobic;
experimentally observed. Thus, microorganisms appear however, aerobic microorganisms could be used later
to utilize only those enzyme-catalyzed processes that during biodegradation for ring cleavage and final miner-
produce the greatest possible energy return for the cell. alization of TNT intermediates.
This has been a basic postulate in the cybernetic model-
ing research conducted by Ramkrishna et al.36340 Biodeg- TNT Pathway A
radation of TNT may provide a greater energy return for
the cell than its more typical energy sources. Therefore, Boopathy et a1.6reported that the newly isolated bacte-
these microorganisms could acquire a competitive ad- rium, Desulfovibrio sp. (B strain), metabolized TNT
vantage over other microbes within an environmental with toluene as the main metabolic product. The first
system. three steps in the proposed pathway, as outlined in Fig-
In the present work, a group contribution method ure la, involve reducing the nitro groups as TNT to the
specifically tailored for biomolecules was used as a ther- corresponding 2,4,6-triaminotol~ene.~ Toluene is ob-
modynamic test to determine potentially rate-control- tained in the final step through complete reductive de-
ling steps within three reductive TNT biodegradation amination of 2,4,6-triaminotol~ene.~
pathways. The microorganisms which can utilize degra-
dation pathways with the largest overall negative Gibbs TNT Pathway 6
free energy changes were also identified because these
microorganisms may have a competitive advantage over Duque et al.13 reported the isolation of two Pseudomo-
other bacteria and fungi. nus hybrid strains, sp. strain ClSl and sp. clone A, that
also metabolized TNT to toluene. In the proposed path-
way (Fig. lb), the three nitro groups on TNT are re-
moved as nitrite ions.13 Nitro group removal by these
TNT can be transformed, mineralized, or conjugated Pseudomonus strains is thought to be analogous to a
into more complex products by a variety of microorgan- similar reaction on picric acid by the bacterium, Rhodo-
isms?’Bioremediation of TNT has been found to occur coccus erythropolis HL 24-2.29In this reaction, nitro
under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Aerobic group removal involves the formation of a hydride-
degradation of aromatic compounds typically involves Meisenheimer complex (Fig. 2).13,29Vorbeck et al.43
an oxidative attack on the ring structure by electrophilic have recently reported conclusive evidence that a
oxygenases. Fewer reaction steps and more rapid reac- hydride-Meisenheimer complex is the initial metabolite
tion rates are advantages of aerobic degradation.” How- in aerobic TNT bioconversion. The main metabolic
ever, the electron-withdrawing nitro groups inherent to product, toluene, is recovered after all three nitro groups
nitroaromatics reduce the electron density of the aro- on TNT are removed.
matic ring and inhibit oxidative attack by the electro-
philic oxygenases. The nitro groups are also bulky sub-
Toluene Pathways A, B, and C
stituents which sterically hinder oxidative reaction.22
Furthermore, the conjugation of unstable nitroso and Several microorganisms can transform toluene, the met-
hydroxyamino intermediates into more complex azo or abolic product of TNT pathways A and B, into TCA
azoxy compounds is facilitated under aerobic condi- cycle intermediates under both aerobic and anaerobic
tions.” Thus, TNT bioremediation research has focused conditions. Aerobic catabolism occurs either through
mainly on reductive or anaerobic environments rather direct ring attack by oxygen-dependent enzymes (tolu-
than oxidative or aerobic environments. Under both ene pathway A) or through hydroxylation of the methyl
aerobic and anerobic conditions, the initial steps in TNT group (toulene pathway B).39In the first degradation
biotransformation typically involve reducing the nitro approach, oxygenases directly attack the aromatic ring
groups to amino groups.15In most microorganisms, the to form 3-methyl catechol. Another oxygen-dependent
nitro group in the para position is reported to undergo enzyme causes ring cleavage of the methyl catechol in-
the first reduction.26 Subsequent nitro group reduc- termediate.” The second degradation approach in-
tion occurs at either ortho position to create diamino- volves methyl group hydroxylation to form benzoate.
nitrotoluene isomers; however, complete reduction Catechol is created after a subsequent oxygenase reac-


(a) TNT Pathway A

(b) TNT Pathway B

(c) TNT Pathway C

Figure 1. TNT biodegradation p a t h ~ a y s . 6 ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~

tion.'* Ring cleavage occurs through the meta-cleavage toluate, by ring substitution of water to form p-cresol,
pathway using plasmid-encoded en~ymes.3~ or by hydroxylation of the methyl group to form benzo-
Anaerobic degradation of toluene is postulated to ate.37Dentitrifying bacteria, including several Pseudom-
proceed by ring substitution of carbon dioxide to form onus species, have been reported to favor anaerobic
toluene degradation via methyl group hydroxylation
(toluene pathway C ) . ' TAs
~ ~ previously indicated, aero-
bic biodegradation is advantageous; therefore, toluene
bioremediation would likely be conducted under these
conditions. However, at least one anaerobic pathway is
needed for thermodynamic comparison. Thus, toluene
degradation via methyl group hydroxylation will serve
for this comparison. Under anaerobic conditions, ring
cleavage is facilitated by a hydration rea~tion.'~.~' Fur-
ther catabolism of the cleaved ring involves the incorpo-

Hydride-Meisenheimer complex
-.%: N02'
ration of three coenzyme A molecules.16

TNT Pathway C
Using indigenous microorganisms from TNT-contami-
nated soil inoculated with either dinoseb-degrading soil
bacteria or anaerobic TNT-degrading methanogenic
bacteria, Funk et al.I5recently reported the biodegrada-
2,4-Dinitrotoluene tion of TNT beyond triaminotoluene. The stepwise re-
duction of the TNT nitro groups yields triaminotoluene
as previously outlined in TNT pathway A (Fig. la).
Figure 2. Proposed mechanism for TNT pathway B nitro group The proposed anaerobic pathway for triaminotoluene
removal. The hydride-Meisenheimer complex is a key interme- biodegradation (Fig. lc) proceeds through methyl
diate.13.29,43 phloroglucinol and p-~resol.'~ p-Cresol is known to be

catabolized under both aerobic and anaerobic condi- dard state is not known for most biochemical com-
tions by a variety of mi~roorganisms.’~ p o u n d ~ . ~This
~”~ is especially true for xenobiotic com-
pounds such as TNT and its metabolic products.
Therefore, a method to estimate the Gibbs free energy
pCresol Pathways A, B, and C of formation for TNT biodegradation intermediates is
Several microorganisms can transform p-cresol, the needed.
TNT pathway C metabolic product, into TCA cycle Group contribution methods have been widely used
intermediates under both aerobic and anaerobic condi- to estimate the ideal gas properites of pure compounds.
tions. As with toluene biodegradation pathways, aerobic These methods are based largely on the structures of
p-cresol catabolism occurs either through direct ring the compounds and to a lesser extent on state variables
attack by oxygen-dependent enzymes (p-cresol path- such as temperature and pre~sure.’~ Mavrovounioti~~~~~~
way A) or through hydroxylation of the methyl group recently developed a group contribution method that
(p-cresol pathway B).3,”723,25In the first approach, 4- accurately estimates the Gibbs free energy of formation
methyl catechol is formed by monooxygenase attack on for the biological standard state. Use of the group contri-
the aromatic ring.23 Ring cleavage and mineralization bution method requires that biochemical compounds
occur via the meta-cleavage pathway.’ The second deg- be decomposed into functional groups (e.g., carboxyl
radation approach involves methyl group hydroxylation group, hdyroxyl group, etc.). Each functional group is
to form 4 - h y d r o x y b e n ~ o a t eProtocatechuate
.~~~~~ is cre- assigned a value based on the group’s partial contribu-
ated after a subsequent oxygenase reaction and is miner- tion to the total thermodynamic property of the com-
alized via the 3-oxoadipate (ortho-cleavage) pathway.21 pound. Functional group values were obtained using a
Anaerobic degradation of p-cresol is postulated to pro- multiple linear regression routine based on biochemical
ceed through methyl group hydroxylation to form 4- compounds with known Gibbs free energies of forma-
hydroxybenzoate (p-cresol pathway C).8,’4 Reaction tion.33,34The biological standard Gibbs free energy
with coenzyme-A creates 4-hdyroxybenzoyl-CoA, change is affected only by the functional groups which
which is subsequently dehydroxylated to yield benzoyl- change during the reaction; therefore, only the product
CoA, a key intermediate.2n.42Further catabolism in- and reactant functional groups which change are in-
volves ring cleavage through a hydration reaction and cluded in the free energy calculation. The biological
the incorporation of three coenzyme A molecules. standard Gibbs free energy change is determined by
subtracting these reactant functional groups from the
product functional groups.
Although the group contribution method could theo-
We postulate that the likely rate-controlling steps (or retically be used for any organic compound in aqueous
sets of steps) in TNT biodegradation and mineralization solution, the data used to develop the method were
pathways outlined above will have large negative Gibbs heavily biased toward biochemical compounds and reac-
free energy changes. The biological standard Gibbs free t i o n ~For
. ~ ~this reason, some of the functional groups
energy change is given by the following equation: that occur in xenobiotic compounds such as TNT were
not included in the published database. Functional
AGO1 = -RT In K (1) groups such as the nitro group, -NO2, simply are not
where the equilibrium constant, K, represents the activi- found in natural biological systems. Because the re-
ties of the products divided by the reactants with each moval or reduction of the nitro groups is a key step in
activity raised to the power of its stoichiometric coeffi- TNT biodegradation, the unavailability of a nitro group
~ i e n t The
. ~ ~biological standard state is defined as a contribution presented a major obstacle to using this
dilute aqueous solution at pH 7 and 25°C in which the method. A nitroaromatic Gibbs free energy of forma-
reacting species have molal concentrations equal to tion was needed to determine the contribution of the
unity.41 The biological standard Gibbs free energy nitro group. A nitroaromatic compound was preferable
change represents the useful energy liberated by such because its group contributions would better reflect pos-
chemical reactions, which the cell may then capture for sible nitro group and aromatic ring interactions.
other cell functions. The biological standard Gibbs free Nitrobenzene was selected by default, because it was
energy change, however, does not predict the kinetics the only nitroaromatic compound for which thermody-
or rate of the reaction. namic data were available.32From a Gibbs free energy
The Gibbs free energy of formation for a compound of hydration and a Gibbs free energy of formation in
is the free energy required to create the compound from the ideal gas state, the Gibbs free energy of formation
its elements. The difference in Gibbs free energies of of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution was
formation between the products and reactants of a par- The nitro group contribution was then obtained by back-
ticular reaction represents the standard Gibbs free en- calculating its value using known contributions for the
ergy change, AGO, for that reaction. Unfortunately, the aromatic ring. The calculated nitro group contribution
Gibbs free energy of formation at the biological stan- of +6.9 kcal/mol is similar to those for other nitrogen-


Table I. Comparison of experimental and calculated free energy changes in glycoly~is.”~

AGO’ (kcal/mol) AGO’ (kcal/mol) Difference (kcaUmo1)

Reaciton step by enzyme (literature) (calculated) (absolute value)

Hexokinase -4.0 -4.4 0.4

Phosphoglucoisomerase +0.4 -2.5 2.9
Phosphofructokinase-1 -3.4 -4.4 1.o
Aldolase +5.7 +4.6 1.1
Triosephosphate isomerase +1.8 +0.2 1.6
Glyceraldehyde 3- +IS +0.1 1.4
Phosphoglycerate kinase -4.5 -4.8 0.3
Phosphoglyceromutase +1.1 +2.2 1.1
Eno1ase +0.4 -0.8 1.2
Pyruvate kinase -7.5 -8.5 1.o

Average absolute 1.2

difference (kcaUmol)

containing functional groups. Additional nonbiological RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

functional group contributions were either calculated
Using the reported TNT biodegradation pathways, the
or obtained from reliable literature sources.
group contribution method was applied to each step.
The biochemical group contribution method, as de-
From the computed Gibbs free energy changes, a num-
veloped by Mavrovouniotis et al.,3sprovides a relatively ber of patterns emerge. Several pathway steps have
accurate means for estimating the standard Gibbs free rather large negative Gibbs free energy changes (i.e.,
energy change of a reaction. The error for 85%of calcu- -AG“’ BlO kcal/mol). Because steps with large negative
lated Gibbs free energies of formation has been re-
Gibbs free energy changes are assumed to be potentially
ported to be less than t 2 kcaVm01.~~ The error is less
rate-controlling steps, these reactions are of consider-
than t 5 kcal/mol for 95% of calculated Gibbs free ener-
able interest.
gies of formation.33To confirm the accuracy of our ap-
The large negative free energy change reaction steps
proach, we calculated the AGO’ for each step in the
involve primarily the modification or removal of the
glycolytic pathway and compared these values with
nitro groups on TNT as well as the destruction or cleav-
those obtained from the literature. As given in Table I,
age of the aromatic ring (Tables I1 to IV). Experimental
the greatest absolute difference for a glycolytic pathway results indicate that these same steps have proven diffi-
step is 2.9 k c a h o l , while the average absolute differ- cult for microbes to c a t a l y ~ e . ~Duque
~ ’ ~ ~ et
’ ~al.13
~ ~ as
ence for all steps is 1.2 kcal/mol. Thus, the biochemical well as others have indicated that “a crucial point in
group contribution method closely approximates the the biodegradation of nitroaromatics is the removal of
actual Gibbs free energy change values for steps in gly- nitro groups from the molecule” and that “biodegrada-
colysis. This method, therefore, appears to be adequate tion is never complete either because part of the product
for attaining the objectives outlined in this article. remains unattacked or because it is converted to par-
As with any group contribution or property estima- tially reduced forms.” In addition, Boopathy et a1.6 re-
tion method, there are inherent limitations. This bio- ported that “the aromatic ring of TNT was not cleaved
chemical group contribution method, however, does
provide corrections to minimize the estimation error Table 11. TNT pathway A results?
caused by amide groups, pure hydrocarbon compounds,
three atom rings, and heteroaromatic rings.34Nonethe-
less, the method does not accurately predict the increaed
free energy changes of reaction attributable to group
interactions or steric hindrances involving multiple sub-
stituents. Likewise, increased Gibbs free energy changes
of reaction due to the stability of symmetric compounds
such as TNT cannot be determined. Additionally, the
free energy change of reaction associated with the re-
arrangement of substituents around an aromatic ring
cannot be ascertained using this procedure. In such
cases, literature sources, if available, must be consulted
to obtain a more accurate thermodynamic estimate.

Table 111. TNT pathway B r e ~ u l t s . ' ~ An explosive compound such as TNT possesses an
enormous potential free energy; therefore, it is quite
possible that individual TNT biodegradation steps (or
sets of steps) would have relatively large negative Gibbs
free energy changes as compared to glycolytic and TCA
cycle steps. If intermediate steps with large -AGO/ exist,
these reactions represent a potentially rate-limiting pro-
cess through which the reaction must proceed. The use
of genetic engineering techniques to increase specific
enzyme levels or otherwise alter regulation will require
identification of the enzymes catalyzing these possible
intermediate reactions. In any case, the free energy cal-
culations afforded by the group contribution method
[using the bacterium, Desulfovibrio sp. (B strain)]," and may help identify those reaction steps which limit the
they "did not identify metabolites other than toluene overall rate of biodegradation and mineralization. This
even after 6 months of incubation." Therefore, the pres- analysis assumes that the transport of intermediate me-
ent work both predicts and provides supporting evi- tabolites across cell walls and between microorganisms
dence that the removal of the nitro groups on TNT in a consortium is not rate-limiting.
and the cleavage of the aromatic ring are major rate- The overall Gibbs free energy changes for the TNT
controlling steps in TNT biodegradation. biodegradation pathways are given in Table V. Because
The Gibbs free energy change is a state function; a consortium of microorganisms could be used to de-
therefore, the free energy change between two specified grade TNT and its intermediates, all possible pathway
TNT metabolic intermediates will be constant and inde- combinations were used to generate this table. For accu-
pendent of the reaction path. Several TNT biodegrada- rate pathway comparisons, the thermodynamic data
tion reactions involve intermediate steps that are not given in Table V are based on TNT as the starting
included in the pathways described here, because the substrate and citrate as the common metabolic product.
mechanisms of these reactions are not well known. The Although TNT pathways A, B, and C are initially anaer-
calculated free energy change for some steps is quite obic, these pathways coupled with their respective aero-
large; therefore, these reaction "steps" are probably bic toluene or p-cresol pathways possess the largest
composed of several intermediate steps which have not overall negative free energy changes. Pathway combina-
been fully determined. A close examination should be tions which are completely anaerobic have the smallest
conducted to determine whether these are indeed one- negative free energy changes. Aerobic reactions obvi-
step mechanisms with large -AGO' or whether they are ously release more free energy than their anaerobic
instead composed of several intermediate steps, one or counterparts. Therefore, the aerobic TNT degradation
more of which may have a large -AGO/. pathways would be expected to liberate more free en-
ergy than their anaerobic counterparts, and the results
summarized in Table V fulfill this expectation.
Table IV. TNT pathway C r e s ~ l t s . ' ~
Within each initial TNT degradation route, the path-
way combination possessing the largest overall negative

Table V. Overall Gibbs free energy change" for each hypothetical


"Overall AG"' from TNT to citrate.

bHypothetical pathways constructed using a microbial consortium.


Gibbs free energy change has been shaded in Table V. future TNT biodegradation research as well as genetic
Experimental observations indicate that these pathway engineering techniques to increase specific enzyme lev-
combinations, containing toluene pathway B and els or otherwise alter regulation. Elevating the enzyme
p-cresol pathway B, are the routes used most often by levels for rate-controlling steps should help circumvent
microorganisms or that have enjoyed the most experi- strict enzyme control thereby increasing the forward
mental success in TNT bi~degradation.~,' 1,13,21,2s During reaction rate and overall TNT mineralization.
the last decade, an enormous amount of research has
been conducted on toluene pathway B and the plasmid- The authors are grateful for the support provided by the
encoded biodegradation of toluene.39 Furthermore, U.S. Army Research Office under the University Research
Duque et al.13 used a TOL plasmid-encoded Pseudomo- Initiative, Project 30371-LS.
nus strain to actively mineralize the toluene created via
TNT pathway B. In addition, many of the Pseudomonas
species and other bacteria that grow with aromatic sub- References
strates predominately utilize p-cresol pathway B.21
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