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Running head: ISLAM RELIGION

Islam Religion and Myths of the Western World

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“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet.” This is the main belief of Islamic

faith and its God is the same god worshiped by Christians and Jews. Islamic roots are based in

Judaism and Christianity with many of the same prophets, but believe Muhammad is the last

prophet from God. Muslims faith is similar to Christians and Jews, but there are many facets of

Islam that is misunderstood in the Western world. The religion of Islam has spread through out

the globe in the last 1400 years. Islam has the second largest global following with Christianity

being number one.

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Islam Religion and Myths of the Western World

What is Islam?

Islam began in the sixth century by the Prophet Muhammad who received revelations

from God. Muhammad is considered the last prophet in the lineage of Abraham. His revelation

is called the Qur’an and is considered the final authority of Islam over the Old Testament of the

Holy Bible and the Torah. Here is what it says about itself:

God has sent down the best of teaching in a Book fully harmonious with itself, repeating
the truth in manifold ways and often in recitation; a Book that causes the skins of all who
stand in awe of their Lord to shiver, but in the end their hearts soften at the remembrance
of God. Such is God’s guidance. (39:23)
And We have sent down to you, step by step, this Book, to make all matters clear, and as
guidance and grace and good tidings unto all who have submitted themselves to God.
God commands justice, the doing of good, and giving to one’s relatives; and He forbids
all that is shameful and runs counter to reason, in addition to aggression. He exhorts
you so that you may bear this in mind. (16:90)
Surely it is a sublime Book. No falsehood can ever enter it from before nor behind; it is a
bestowal from on high by the one who is All-Wise, ever due to Him all praise. (41:41-42)

The Qur’an and the Prophet exert a powerful influence over the Muslim faithful. The vast

majority of Muslims agrees upon Islam’s basic tenets and daily practice (Hassaballa and

Helminski, 2006, p9).

Muslims believe Allah is the same God worshiped by Christians and Jews and consider

Muhammad the last in a long line of prophets. They believe the previous prophet messages were

misunderstood or distorted by humans so God sent Muhammad, and his message is final and

complete. After Muhammad’s death, his followers spread the word by conquering all the Arabs

and many surrounding nations that extended into Spain and China.

Another important event after Muhammad’s death is the division of Muslims over who

would become leader. The larger division believes it should be based on a leader of great faith
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chosen by the community (the Sunni), and the smaller division believes it should be a leader

hereditary to Muhammad’s family (the Shiites). The division of the sects persists today (Hodges,


Myths of the Western World

Terrorist attacks by fundamentalist Muslim groups have contributed to the Western view

of Islam and their culture. Suicide bombings in Israel, the Iranian Revolution, the 1993 World

Trade center bombing and most notoriously the September 2001 attacks on the United States

have shaped the Western image of ‘what it is to be a Muslim.’ The Western world must

understand these are horrendous acts of a small fanatic group and do not reflect the religious or

culture beliefs of a greater group. Most Muslims do not support, or approve, this type of

fanatical violence and agree their religion forbids the killing of innocent civilians. “Peace is the

essence of Islam,” says Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, a descendent of Muhammad.

“Respecting the sanctity of life is the cornerstone of our faith.”

Westerners who know little about Muslims need to learn more about the Islamic world.

Muslims need to learn more about Americans and the West (Hodges, 2004, p 95-97). Christian

and Jews faith is rooted in peace, harmony, and equal justice for humankind under one God.

Islam proclaims brotherhood and equality of all people. Despite the similarities of these faiths,

the Western world does not realize the similarities due to their lack of understanding and

knowledge of Islam (Findley, 2001).

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Findley, P. (2001). Silent No More: Confronting America’s False Images of Islam. Beltsville:
Amana Publications.

Hassaballa, H. A. and Helminski, K. (2006). The Beliefnet Guide to Islam. New York: Three
Leaves Press.

Hodges, R. (2004). What Muslims Think and How they Live. Broomall: Mason Crest Press

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