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Refer to Corti loonny Cis - 2015 FILEZ ADR Chamber }.c » NS A D R integrity Commissioner Office EE CHAMBERS _ for the Township of Wainfleet July 25, 2018 SENT BY EMAIL TO: Mayor April Jeffs Alderman Terry Gilmore 11425 Morgan's Point Road 53021 Perry Road RR. #2 RR #1 Port Colborne, ON L3K 5V4 Wainfleet, ON LOS 1V0 ‘Alderman Richard Dykstra Alderman Ted Hessels 41634 Forks Road 3272 Roberson Road Wainfleet, ON LOS 1V0 RR. #3 Wellandport. ON LOR 2J0 Re: Complaint Reference Number {C-25-0518 Alderman Betty Kene Jeffs, Alderman Gilmore, Alderman Dykstra, and Alderman Dear May‘ Hessels: ram the Integrity Commissioner for the Township of Wainfleet On May 7, 2018, a compiaint was received by the Office of the Integrity Commissioner for the Town: Wainfleet with respect to alleged breaches by Alderman Kone of the Code 0 cy (the “Code"). “onduet for Council Pol nt to be within my mandate and, pursuant to section 223,303) of the Municipal Act, 2003, Tdelegated-to Mr, Michael Maynard my powers and duties as Integrity Commissioner to inquire into, iavestigate and, if Warranted, prepare a report thereon subject to my review end approval. I determined the comp ‘The process followed by Mr. Maynard is set out in his report, a copy of which is attached herewith, along with a letter of reprimand issued to Alderman Konc. You are being provided with my transmitial letter to the Township Clerk, along with the report and letter of reprimand in accordance with sections 17(g)(éii) and 17(gNiv)(S) of the Code. Inote that, pursuant to section £7(g)(vi) of the Code, this report has been filed with the Clerk of the Township and the Clerk is to place the report on the next available Council agenda as an information item. This matter is now concluded ‘Yours truly, i Edward T. McDermott Integrity Commissioner Office of the Integrity Commissioner for the Township of Wainfleet Endl. » oN A D R Integrity Commissioner Office CHAMBERS _ forthe Township of Wainfleet MICHAEL L. MAYNARD E-mail: July 25, 2018 SENT BY COURIER AND EMAIL TO: William Kolasa Chief Administrative Officer Township of Wainfleet 31940 Highway 3, P.O. Box 40 Wainfleet, ON LOS 1VO Re: Complaint Reference Number IC-25-0518 Alderman Betty Konc Dear Mr. Kolasa: Delegation of Investigative Powers Pursuant to a written delegation of powers dated May 14, 2018, Edward T. McDermott, in his capacity as Integrity Commissioner for the Township of Wainfleet, delegated to the undersigned pursuant to section 223.3(3) of the Municipal Act, 2007, certain of his powers and duties as integrity Commissioner to inquire into, investigate, and prepare a report (subject to his review and approval) with respect to the complaint described herein. The complaint was forwarded to Mr. McDermott by the Township on May 7, 2018, following his appointment as Integrity Commissioner for the Township. The Complaint The complaint | have investigated (the “complaint’) is made against Alderman Betty Konc ("Alderman Konc") by municipal employee Ms. Sarah Ivins (the

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