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Are fast radio bursts the most likely electromagnetic counterpart

of neutron star mergers resulting in prompt collapse?

Vasileios Paschalidis1 and Milton Ruiz2
Departments of Astronomy and Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85719
Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801
Inspiraling and merging binary neutron stars (BNSs) are important sources of both gravitational waves and
coincident electromagnetic counterparts. If the BNS total mass is larger than a threshold value, a black hole
ensues promptly after merger. Through a statistical study in conjunction with recent LIGO/Virgo constraints
on the nuclear equation of state, we estimate that up to ∼ 25% of BNS mergers may result in prompt collapse.
Moreover, we find that most models of the BNS mass function we study here predict that the majority of
prompt-collapse BNS mergers have q & 0.8. Prompt-collapse BNS mergers with mass ratio q & 0.8 may
arXiv:1808.04822v1 [astro-ph.HE] 14 Aug 2018

not be accompanied by either kilonovae or short gamma-ray bursts, because they unbind a negligible amount
of mass and form negligibly small accretion disks onto the remnant black hole. We call such BNS mergers
“orphan”. However, recent studies have found that 1041−43 (Bp /1012 G)2 erg s−1 electromagnetic signals can
be powered by magnetospheric interactions several milliseconds prior to merger. Moreover, the energy stored in
the magnetosphere of an orphan BNS merger remnant will be radiated away in O(1 ms). Through simulations
in full general relativity of BNSs endowed with an initial dipole magnetosphere, we find that the energy in
the magnetosphere following black hole formation is EB ∼ 1040−42 (Bp /1012 G)2 erg. Radiating ∼ 1% of
EB in 1 ms, as has been found in previous studies, matches the premerger magnetospheric luminosity. These
magnetospheric signals are not beamed, and their duration and power agrees with those of non-repeating fast
radio bursts (FRBs). These results combined with our statistical study suggest that a non-repeating, precursor
FRB may be the most likely electromagnetic counterpart of prompt-collapse BNSs. Detection of a non-repeating
FRB coincident with gravitational waves from a BNS merger may settle the extragalactic origin of FRBs and
can place constraints on the nuclear equation of state. FRBs can also initiate triggered searches for weak signals
in the LIGO/Virgo data.

PACS numbers: 04.25.D-, 04.25.dg, 47.75.+f

I. INTRODUCTION neutron stars, axion-miniclusters, newborn highly magnetized

neutron stars in supernova remnants, black hole–neutron star
batteries, charged black hole (BH) binaries, black hole current
The LIGO and Virgo collaborations have already reported
sheets, black hole superradiance induced by plasma [26–37].
the direct detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from the
inspiral and merger of five binary black holes [1–5] and Kilonovae from BNS mergers require dynamical ejection
one binary neutron star (BNS) [6] (event GW170817), that of matter during merger and/or from an accretion disk by
was accompanied by multiple electromagnetic (EM) counter- neutrino irradiation, see e.g. [38] for a review. It is also
parts [7, 8]. The consequences for astrophysics and funda- widely accepted that BNSs can generate sGRBs, if a jet is
mental physics from these observations are far reaching, and launched by the BH-disk engine that forms following merger.
it is a matter of time until the detection of such compact bina- Thus, in a scenario where a negligibly small disk forms, and
ries becomes routine. a negligible amount of mass escapes, one may expect no
Merging BNSs are not only important sources of GWs, but sGRB and an undetectable kilonova from the BNS event. We
also sources of coincident EM counterparts. These systems call such “kilonova-free” and “sGRB-free” BNS mergers “or-
had long been suspected as the progenitors of short gamma- phan”. But, are there any scenarios where such orphan BNS
ray bursts (sGRBs) [9–19]. The detection of the GW170817- mergers arise?
counterpart GRB170817A [7] has provided the best evidence, Numerical relativity simulations have shown that when
yet, that some sGRBs are powered by BNSs. BNSs are also the BNS total mass (Mtot ) is greater than a threshold mass
sources of kilonovae/macronovae [20, 21]. The association (Mthres ), a BH ensues in the first millisecond after merger.
of kilonova AT 2017gfo/DLT17ck with GW170817 [8] has In this prompt-collapse scenario a negligible amount of mat-
verified this expectation, too. ter is ejected dynamically [39] (see also [40]) and a negli-
Merging BNSs may also be progenitors for fast radio bursts gible amount of matter is available to form a disk [39, 41–
(FRBs) – a new class of radio transients lasting between a few 44]. Negligibly small disks were also reported in [45], where
to a couple of tens of milliseconds [22, 23]. So far 36 FRBs it was demonstrated that in prompt-collapse BNS mergers
have been detected [24]. The discovery of the repeating FRB a jet cannot be launched as opposed to the “delayed” col-
“FRB121102” [25] points to a non-catastrophic origin as op- lapse scenario [46]. For illustration we also note that ejecta
posed to a collapse or merger, which suggests that there may masses ∼ 0.025 − 0.05M are required to explain the
be at least two different classes of FRB progenitors. Several kilonova associated with GW170817 [47–57], while typical
models have been proposed to explain FRBs including mag- ejecta from equal-mass, prompt-collapse BNS mergers are
netar giant flares, blitzars, dark-matter induced collapse of O(10−4 M ) [39] [58], and disk masses O(10−3 M ) [44].

According to [59] ejecta masses O(10−3 M ) or greater are likely about the same order of magnitude as in Eq. (2), be-
required for detectable kilonovae with current or planned tele- cause there is little time available to amplify the surface mag-
scopes. Therefore, prompt-collapse BNS mergers may be or- netic field through hydromagnetic instabilities as in a delayed
phan. But, are all such mergers expected to be orphan? collapse scenario [74]. However, compression due to the col-
If the binary mass ratio q (defined here to be less than lision can amplify the magnetic field because of magnetic flux
unity) is smaller than 0.8, then both appreciable matter may freezing. On the other hand, a large amount of the energy will
become unbound and a sizable disk onto the remnant BH may quickly fall into the remnant BH. Thus, a detailed numerical
form [39, 40, 60]. This is because for substantially asym- relativity study of prompt-collapse BNS mergers is necessary
metric BNSs the lighter companion is tidally disrupted be- to assess the post-merger magnetospheric energy of BNSs re-
fore merger, in contrast to near equal-mass binaries. Thus, sulting in prompt collapse.
sufficiently asymmetric, prompt-collapse BNS mergers may To confirm the expectation from Eq. (2), we perform fully
power both sGRBs and kilonovae. general relativistic, ideal magnetohydrodynamics simulations
In this work we perform a statistical study to assess the as- of prompt-collapse BNS mergers. At BH formation we com-
trophysical relevance of prompt-collapse BNSs, and the like- pute the energy stored in the magnetosphere. Assuming a
lihood of orphan BNS mergers. In particular, we compute 0.8% radiation efficiency [71] and a millisecond emission
the Mtot and q distribution of BNSs using the Galactic NS time, we estimate an outgoing burst with luminosity LEM ∼
mass function and population synthesis models in conjunc- 1041−43 (/0.01)(B/1012 )G)2 erg/s. Thus, our simulations
tion with GW170817 constraints on the nuclear equation of provide support to the idea that prompt-collapse BNSs are
state (EOS). We estimate that up to ∼ 25% of all BNSs may promising FRB sources in addition to being GW sources.
result in prompt collapse. We also find that most models of To sum, BNS mergers are promising candidates for non-
the BNS mass function we treat predict that the majority of repeating, precursor FRBs, and such FRBs may be the most
prompt-collapse BNSs have q & 0.8. Furthermore, the larger promising EM counterpart of orphan BNS mergers. The out-
Mthres is, the more skewed toward q = 1 the distribution of going magnetospheric burst is rather isotropic [62, 63, 71],
binaries with Mtot > Mthres becomes. Thus, most prompt- in contrast to a sGRB which is beamed, making the detec-
collapse BNSs may be orphan. But, does this imply no EM tion of such FRB signatures largely independent of the bi-
counterparts from such mergers? nary orientation. Detection of an FRB can trigger searches
Recent work found that interactions in compact binary in LIGO/Virgo data. The discovery of coincident GWs with
magnetospheres [61–65] (see also [66–69] for related discus- an FRB may settle the extragalactic origin of FRBs. More-
sions) can power ∼ 1041−43 (Bp /1012 G)2 erg s−1 EM signals over, detection of an FRB from an orphan BNS merger could
several milliseconds prior to merger. Here Bp is the magnetic provide strong evidence that the merger resulted in prompt
field strength at the pole of the neutron star. Moreover, fol- collapse to a BH, and could place constraints on the nuclear
lowing BH formation there is a significant amount of energy EOS, see e.g. [75].
stored in the magnetosphere of the remnant. Studies of mag- The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
netospheres of stars collapsing to BHs [70–72] have shown Sec. II prompt-collapse BNS mergers are motivated through a
that a fraction on the order of  = 1% [73] of the total en- study of the BNS Mtot and q distribution. A description of our
ergy stored in a force-free magnetosphere is radiated away on simulations and results are presented in Sec. III. Our conclu-
a collapse timescale τFRB . This timescale is O(1 ms) for a sions are provided in Sec. IV. Geometrized units (G = c = 1)
NS. For a magnetic dipole in flat spacetime the total magnetic are adopted throughout, unless otherwise specified.
energy in the magnetosphere is
∞ π 6
Z Z 
R 5 + 3 cos(2θ)
EB ∼ 2πr2 sin θdrdθ
R 0 8π r 8
1 2 3 To assess whether prompt-collapse BNS mergers are as-
∼ B R ∼ 1041 B12
2 3
R10 erg, (1) trophysically relevant, and in particular whether orphan BNS
mergers are likely, we need to know the value of Mthres , and
implying an outgoing EM luminosity of the BNS Mtot and q distribution. We address these topics in
this section.
3 −1
LFRB ∼ 1042 0.01 B12
R10 τFRB,1 erg s−1 . (2)

Here, B12 = Bp /1012 G, R10 the stellar radius in units of A. Constraints on the threshold mass for prompt collapse
10 km, 0.01 the efficiency  normalized to 0.01, and τFRB,1
the emission time in units of 1 ms. This outgoing luminosity While Mthres has been found to be independent of the mass
matches the premerger magnetospheric luminosity. Moreover, ratio [76], it is sensitive to the nuclear EOS [41, 42, 75–77],
the power and duration of these magnetospheric signals match which is not very well constrained, yet. A number of stud-
those of observed FRBs [30]. Thus, BNSs are candidates for ies have recently placed constraints on the nuclear EOS using
non-repeating, precursor FRBs. the observation of GW170817 (see, e.g., [78] and references
Note that when two NSs merge and collapse to a BH therein). Here we focus on works that set constraints on the
promptly, the total energy stored in the magnetosphere is Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) limit (MTOV ), i.e., the

FIG. 1. Left: Probability for Mtot > Mthres , where Mtot is the binary ADM mass, if the binary components were infinitely separated. The
curves labeled “##-#NSNS.###” correspond to population synthesis calculations, and the curve labeled “Galactic” corresponds to the mass
distribution of Eq. (4). Right: the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the mass ratio that corresponds to the same models shown on the

maximum mass supported by a non-rotating NS. In partic- B. Binary neutron star total mass and mass-ratio distributions
ular, [79–82] following different approaches concluded that
GW170817 sets an upper bound MTOV . 2.2M ([81] ar- The NS mass function for Galactic BNSs has been modeled
gues for MTOV . 2.17M at 90% confidence). We now use in [88, 89]. As in [90], in our analysis below we use the Gaus-
the upper bound on MTOV to obtain a reasonable range for sian mass function of [89], because it is simpler to work with
Mthres . and because the skewed Gaussian of [88] is consistent with 0
In [75] Mthres was computed for a number of realis- skewness parameter, and hence agrees very well with the dis-
tic, finite temperature EOSs, and was found that Mthres ∈ tribution of [89]. In [89] the probability distribution function
[2.95, 3.85]M . However, if we demand that the EOS re- of NS masses (MNS ) in Galactic BNSs is modeled as
spect MTOV . 2.2M , then the range shrinks to Mthres ∈
(MNS − M0 )2
[2.95, 3.25]M for the EOSs considered in [75]. P (MNS ; M0 , σ) = exp − (4)
2πσ 2 2σ 2
In addition, [75] derived the following EOS-independent
relation that expresses Mthres in terms of MTOV [83] with M0 = 1.33M , and σ = 0.09M . Assuming that the
masses of the two NSs in a BNS are independent random vari-
ables, we can use Eq. (4) to derive the distribution of the BNS
∗ Mtot and that of q. The Mtot distribution is again
Mthres = (a C1.6 + b)MTOV , (3) √ given by
Eq. (4), but with M0 = 2.66M , σ = 0.09 × 2M , and
MNS replaced with Mtot . Using the Mtot distribution we
∗ ∗
where a = −3.606, b = 2.380, and C1.6 = MTOV /R1.6 , can compute the probability that Mtot is greater than a cer-

with R1.6 the radius of a 1.6M NS for a given EOS. We tain value. In the left panel of Fig. 1 this is shown by the
note that Mthres here is defined as the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner curve labeled “Galactic”, which demonstrates that if Mthres =
(ADM) mass of the binary, if the binary companions were in- 2.75M , as in the WFF1 EOS, then ∼ 25% of all binaries re-
finitely separated. We can use Eq. (3) in conjunction with sult in prompt collapse. However, if Mthres = 3.25M (the
the EOSs that are favored by GW170817 [84] to explore upper value in the range we discussed in the previous subsec-
how small the lower bound on Mthres can become. We in- tion), then the Galactic NS mass function predicts that there
vestigated the masses and radii of cold nuclear EOSs listed are practically no BNSs resulting in prompt collapse. If we
in [85]. Among the EOSs that respect 1.97M . MTOV . use Mthres ' 2.8 [44], which corresponds to the SLy [91]
2.2M [86], and the mass-radius constraints of [84], the EOS and APR4 [92] EOSs, also favored by GW170817 [84], then
WFF1 [87] yields a smallest value for Mthres through Eq. (3); the Galactic NS mass function predicts that ∼ 13.5% of all
namely, Mthres ' 2.75M . This is not unexpected because BNSs result in prompt collapse.

Eq. (3) predicts that the softer the EOS (larger C1.6 ) and the The Galactic mass function may not be representative of all
smaller MTOV are, the smaller Mtresh becomes. WFF1 is BNSs. Thus, we also use results from population synthesis
among the softest EOSs with MTOV ∼ 2.0M . Thus, in studies [93]. In the left panel of Fig. 1 we show the prob-
this work we adopt [2.75, 3.25]M as a reasonable range for ability that Mtot > Mthres for one of the standard models
Mthres respecting current constraints on the nuclear EOS. of [93] labeled “Standard”, and several variations of the stan-

dard models labeled “##-#NSNS.###” (see [93, 94] for the la-
TABLE I. Summary of main results. Here EB is the magnetic energy
beling and what parameters are varied). The conclusion from
stored in the magnetosphere at the time of BH formation as mea-
the plot is that there are realizations with a wide tail at large sured by observers comoving with the fluid. LFRB is the estimated
Mtot , for which a significant fraction of BNSs result in prompt luminosity produced by the ejection of 0.8% of the magnetic energy
collapse (even for Mthres = 3.25M ). However, there ex- stored in the magnetosphere in τFRB = 1ms. Units are assigned by
ist realizations for which there are practically no BNSs with setting the polytropic constant k = 262.7km2 .
Mtot > Mthres (even for Mthres = 2.75M ). But, the fact 2 −1
Case Model EB /B12 [erg] LFRB /(B12 τFRB,1 ) [erg s−1 ]
that GW170817 favors softer EOSs, makes prompt-collapse
BNS mergers potentially relevant. P-Prompt-1 1042.5 1043.4
Next we address whether any orphan prompt-collapse P-Prompt-2 1040.4 1041.3
mergers are expected. As mentioned above, we anticipate that P-Prompt-3 1042.5 1043.4
prompt-collapse BNS mergers will eject appreciable matter
and form disks for q < 0.8. Using Eq. (4) for the Galactic NS
mass distribution in BNSs we can compute the q distribution G. This initial magnetic field is dynamically unimportant, thus
of BNSs. In the right panel of Fig. 1 we show the cumula- our simulations scale with Bp . In our results below we show
tive distribution of q for Milky-way like BNSs labeled “Galac- the scaling with B12 = Bp /1012 G.
tic”. Thus, for the Galactic mass function more than ∼ 80% The basic dynamics of these systems has been described
of BNSs have q > 0.9. We have also checked that this re- in [45] where it was shown that these systems form negligi-
sult holds even when restricting to binaries with Mtot greater bly small disks onto the remnant BH and no jets are launched.
than Mthres ∈ [2.75M , 3.25M ]. Moreover, we find that We terminate our simulations at the moment a BH apparent
for larger Mthres , the distribution of Mtot > Mthres binaries horizon appears and compute the energy stored in the mag-
is skewed even more toward q = 1. This result is expected netosphere as measured by comoving observers as in Eq. (9)
because the number of very high mass NSs is very low, and of [45]. At that time there still exists matter in the BH exte-
achieving Mtot more than ∼ 3.00M requires q ∼ 1 binaries. rior, thus we compute the magnetospheric energy (EB ) only
The q distribution from select population synthesis mod- below a certain density which we set to 10−3 of the maximum
els is also shown in the right panel of Fig. 1. It is clear that density on the grid at that time. We list the measured energy
q & 0.8 in most cases, and there exist realizations where more in Table I. As is clear from the table the energy matches well
than ∼ 90% of BNSs have q > 0.95. We have also checked the predictions of Eq. (1).
that these results hold, even when restricting to binaries with To estimate the outgoing EM luminosity that is expected
Mtot > Mthres . As in the Galactic case, we find in the popu- to be produced by the “release” of the magnetosphere, we
lation synthesis results, too, that the larger Mthres is, the more assume that a fraction  = 0.8% of EB is radiated away in
symmetric binaries with Mtot > Mthres become. In particu- τFRB = 1ms. The efficiency  we adopt is motivated by [71].
lar of all 60 variations of populations synthesis models avail- The outgoing EM luminosity is estimated as
able in [94], we find that for Mtot > Mthres only 17, 15 and
3 variations have 20% or more binaries with q < 0.8, for EB 2 −1
LFRB ∼  ' 1043 0.008 B12 τFRB,1 erg s−1 . (5)
Mthres = 2.75, 2.95, and 3.25M , respectively. τ FRB
These results and the discussion in the previous section sug-
The LFRB estimate for each case we simulate is listed in Ta-
gest that the majority of prompt-collapse BNS mergers may be
ble I. Thus, the expected burst of the EM radiation LFRB ∼
orphan, and hence their most promising EM counterpart may
1041−43 erg s−1 is fully consistent with FRBs.
be a non-repeating FRB.
We stress that the FRB in the model discussed here is not
coming from the collapse only. The inspiral magnetospheric
interactions contribute, making it possible to match the ob-
III. SIMULATIONS AND RESULTS served durations of FRBs, the longest of which are challeng-
ing to match by the collapse alone.
We performed fully general relativistic, ideal magneto-
hydrodynamic simulations of BNSs endowed with an ini-
tial dipole magnetosphere to assess whether prompt-collapse
BNSs have enough energy stored in the remnant magneto-
sphere to power an FRB. We adopt the code of [95–97]. Our IV. CONCLUSIONS
evolution methods and grid set up are the same as those de-
scribed in [45]. The initial data we adopt are publicly avail- In this paper, we performed a statistical study of the total
able, have been generated with the LORENE library [98] and mass and mass ratio distribution of BNSs using the Galactic
correspond to cases P-Prompt-1, P-Prompt-2, and P-Prompt-3 NS mass function and population synthesis models in con-
of [45]. These are Γ = 2 polytropic [99], irrotational BNS ini- junction with recent constraints on the nuclear EOS from
tial data. We seed an initial dipole magnetic field in each NS GW170817. We find that up to ∼ 25% of all BNS merg-
by use of Eq. (2) of [63]. The resulting magnetic field config- ers may result in prompt collapse. Moreover, our analysis
uration is the same as in [45], but we set the initial polar mag- shows that most of the considered models of the BNS mass
netic field (as measured by comoving observers) to Bp = 1012 function predict that the majority of prompt-collapse BNS

mergers have q & 0.8, and that the larger Mthres is, the conclusions in our work are based on a number of such simu-
closer to unity the q distribution of prompt-collapse binaries lations that is small compared to simulations of BNS mergers
approaches. Prompt-collapse BNSs with q > 0.8 are likely resulting in delayed collapse. Therefore, more high resolu-
to unbind a negligible amount of mass, and form negligibly tion simulations in full general relativity of BNSs resulting in
small disks onto the remnant black holes. Thus, neither de- prompt collapse are necessary to solidify the results that such
tectable kilonovae nor sGRBs may accompany the GWs from mergers unbind negligible amounts of mass and form negligi-
such prompt collapse BNSs. We call these kilonovae- and bly small disks onto the remnant black hole, and to find the
sGRB-free BNS mergers orphan. Our statistical study sug- “critical” mass ratio below which appreciable mass ejection
gests that most prompt-collapse BNS mergers may be orphan. and disks occur. This critical mass ratio is also likely to be
We argued that premerger magnetospheric interactions and equation-of-state dependent. Finally, with our code we are
the release of energy stored in the magnetosphere of the able to obtain only crude estimates of the energy in the mag-
merger remnant can match the duration and power of FRBs. netosphere. To assess the full FRB signature in the model con-
Thus, BNS mergers are promising sources of detectable, sidered here requires a code (such as that of [61, 62]) that can
non-repeating, precursor FRBs, and FRBs may be the most evolve through inspiral, merger and prompt collapse to mag-
promising electromagnetic counterpart of orphan BNS merg- netosphere release, while smoothly matching the ideal magne-
ers. The outgoing magnetospheric burst in these cases is rather tohydrodynamic stellar interior to a force-free exterior. Such
isotropic, making the detection of coincident FRB and GW a simulation is currently lacking and will be the subject of fu-
signatures possible. ture work of ours.
We have also performed magnetohydrodynamic simula-
tions in full general relativity of different BNS configurations
that undergo prompt collapse. The stars are initially seeded ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
with a dipolar magnetic field that extends from the NS interior
into the exterior. We computed the energy stored in the mag- We thank Richard O’Shaughnessy for pointing us to the
netosphere at black hole formation, and estimated the outgo- Synthetic Universe website. We also thank S. L. Shapiro and
ing electromagnetic luminosity produced. We find a luminos- R. Thompson for useful discussions. This work has been
ity that matches those of FRBs LFRB ∼ 1041−43 B12 2
erg s−1 . supported in part by NSF Grants PHY-1602536 and PHY-
A few caveats are in order: First, our statistical analysis can 1662211, and NASA Grant 80NSSC17K0070 at the Uni-
be refined as soon as ground based GW interferometers unveil versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Simulations were
the NS mass function in BNSs; second if one is interested in part run on the Perseus cluster at Princeton University.
in the LIGO/Virgo observed mass function, the delay-time This work made use of the Extreme Science and Engineer-
distribution should be considered, which we do not account ing Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which is supported
for here; third, a large number of detailed numerical relativ- by National Science Foundation, through grant number TG-
ity simulations of prompt-collapse BNSs are absent and some PHY180036.

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