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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 768 (1984) 1- 27


BBA 86106



GBF - Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung mbH, Mascheroder Weg 1, D - 3300 Braunschweig (F.R. G.)

(Received July 25 th , 1983)



II Background, problems and approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . .. . ...... 0 0 0 • •••• 0 •• • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • 2

III Topographical studies ... 0 •• 0 ••• • 0 0 ••••••• 0 0 • • ••••••••• 0 ••••••••• • 0 •••• 0 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 •••• 0
A. Studies with proteinases .. . ... . . . ...... . 0 0 0 •• 0 •••••• •• 0 •• • • 0 • 0 •••••••••••• 0 0 0 0 0 0 •••••••• •••
Bo Studies with antibodies .. 0 0 • 0 •• • •••• •• ••••• •• • •••• 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 •• 0 •• •• • 0 • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ••••••• • ••• 6
C. Surface label 0 •• 0 ••••••••• 0 • • 0 •••• •• •••••••••••• •• 0 • • • •••••••••••••• •• • ••• 0 0 •• 0 • 0 0 •• 0 0 0 0 6
D. Cross- linking experiments .... . ... .. . 0 •••••••••• • •••• 0 0 ••••••••••••••• • •••• 0 0 0 •• 0 • • 0 0 •••••• 9
E. Circu lar dichroism measurements . ... . 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 •• •••• 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 • •• •• •• 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• 0 • 0 ••••••••••• 10

IV Genetics of Fo ...... 0 0 0 • 0 ••• ••• 0 •••• •• ••••••• • 0 0 0 • 0 ••••• • • • ••••••• •• 0 ••• 0 0 • • 0 0 •• •• 0 •• 0 0 0 •• 11

A. General aspects .. 0 ••• • • • • •• •• 0 •• 0 ••••••• •••• 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 • • • ••••• •••• •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 ••••••••••••••••• 11
Bo Deletion mutants and plasmids . . . . . . . . . . . 0 • •• ••• • 0 0 0 0 0 •• • 0 ••• 0 • • 0 • 0 0 0 0 •• 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
C. Point mutations . . . . . ........ ............... ..... . ..... . ............ . ............. .. .... 13
1. M utants with defective Fo ..... . 0 •• • • • ••• •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • ••••••• • •• •••• 0 0 0 0 0 ••••••••••••••••• 13
2. Inhibitor-resistant mutants ... 0 • • •• • • •••• •• • •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• • • • 0 ••• 0 0 •• 0 0 •••• 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• 0 ••• 0 0 0 0 15

V Functional aspects ...... 0 • ••••• 0 0 • 0 •••• 0 • 0 0 • 0 •• • 0 0 0 • 0 0 • • ••••• 0 0 0 ••••••• • •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• ••••• 0 0 0 • 16

A. Evolutionaryaspects .... 0 0 ••• • ••••••• 0 ••••• ••••• • ••••••••••••••• ••••• • ••••••• • •• • ••• •••• 0 16
B. Chemical modification . 0 • • •••••• • • 0 ••• ••• 0 •• • ••• • •• • •• • •••• • •••• • ••••••••• 0 0 0 •• 0 • •• ••• •• 0 • 16
C. H + conduction of reconsti tuted subunits . . . . .. 0 •• • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 •• •••• • • • • 0 •• 0 0 •••• 0 • •• 0 0 • • 0 • • 0 0 • •• •• 0 18

VI Summary and models .... 0 •• 0 •• 0 • 0 • 0 0 •• •• 0 0 0 •••• 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • •• •• 0 0 •• • 0 ••• 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 • • • 0 0 0 19

A. Subunit a . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .• .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• . . . ..... 0 ••••• • •••• 0 19
B. Subunit b . ...... . .. ... .... 0 • 0 •••••• 0 0 • ••• 0 •• •• • 0 •• • •• 0 • 0 • •••••• 0 ••• 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 • • • •• • • • 0 0 • 20
C. Subunit c ..... .. ..... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 0 •••• 0 ••••••••• 0 • 21
D. Models for proton conductance .. . 0 ••••• 0 ••••• •• • •• • 0 0 0 • 0 •••••• 0 ••• 0 •••••••• 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • 0 • •• 0 0 0 0 23

VII Perspectives ..... .. 0 ••••••••• • 0 ••••• •• ••• •• • • 0 •• • • 0 •• • •••• 0 ••••• • 0 • 0 •• 0 • • ••••••••••••••••• 24

Referen ces . . . ....... . .. . ...... ... ...... . ... .. .... . . .. ............. . .... . . .............. ..... 24

I. Introduction
Abbreviations: DCCD, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide; PTH,
phenylthiohydan toin; T ID, 3- trifluormethyl-m-(iodophenyl)-
diazirine; NCCD, N-(2 ,2,6,6-te trame th ylpiperidyl-l-oxyl)- T he membrane-integrated part Fo of the ATP
N'(cyclohexy l)carbod iimide. sy nthase translocates protons across the mem-

0304-4173/ 84/$03.00 CD 1984 Elsevier Science Publ ishers BoV.

2 3

brane. In the whole ATP synthase (F I Fo) the R)-

Subunits recent time, research has focused on the Fo from \'\l-I\hll-I\"H-!"u-Gln-

mediated proton transport is tightly coupled to the E.\'cheriehia eoli. The ATP synthase of this organism
synthesis or hydrolysis of ATP catalysed by the can now be prepared in large quantities with a
aß l'
F I -A TPase part. By the removal of FI , the proton purity of at least 90% due to the work of Foster
pathway in Fo is opened, and can be studied
independently. Fo represents, therefore, an interest-
F, Fa I I I and Fillingame [7] and Friedl et al. [8]. From these
preparations the Fo part has been isolated by 1 O~ 110 1I ~ 170
various procedures [9-11]. It contains three sub-
ing and up to now unique system for analysis of (i)
the structure and function of a proton conductor,
Fa I I units a, band c (X, l/; and w, or proteolipid or 11,;' I 'j(J I ~~ 1 MI
Q b DCCD-binding protein) as shown in Fig. 1. The
\' u I-Va 1-1' ro -S{' r-'\ 1 (l ~'\'l!'- \llll_II!,n_Va 1- I 1>1 -I. ('u-S" r~ll" l~'\ 1 11_1 eu_G I y _I' al-!'I1<' _! 1 <'_I eu-
and (ii) the coupling of the Fo-mediated proton
transport to the hydrolysis or synthesis of ATP whole ATP synthase contains, in addition, the five
occurring in the FI -ATPase. F I subunits IX, ß, y, 8 and E. These eight subunit
Several recent reviews covered the genetics of polypeptides are coded for by the eight genes that
Genes (atp aperan)
the ATP synthase [1,2], the nucleotide sequence of form the alp (une) operon (see section IV). The alp

_._------_.- operon has been weIl defined geneticaIly, espe- 211'> ) ',0 2)~ <'60
the ATP synthase genes of E. eoli (Walker, J.E., ! rp-'\ I il-l J,' _1'1>,,_11 J H-Il <'_I. pu_I 1 {'~ 11 {'~ Th 1'_1 pu_G 111_'\ 1 a-!'IH'~ I 1 {'_I'lle_llp I ~ \.' "J-l ,'u-l h I _

Saraste, M. and Gay, NJ., unpublished results), Q C b a l' ß cially by Downie, et al. [1,12], and by Von Meyen-
the proton-A TPase from bacteria and mitochon- burg and co-workers [13], and its nucleotide se- , I) 10
1-lkl_'\"II_1 ('u_,\"n_Alo_lhr_1 1,>··,\I,,_I'I\\'_lnl_\ (>u-I'I1,>_\';ll_1 <'u-!'I",_
271 79 156 177 513 287 460 133 quence has been determined [14-23]. Therefore,
dria [4], the structural basis of proton-translocat-
ing protein function [5], and the structure and the subunit composition of the ATP synthase and
genetics of the proteolipid subunit of the ATP Fig. 1. Subunits and genes of the E. coli ATP-synthase. The Fo from E. eoli is proven. The amount of protein of
synthase [6]. This review tries to collect new pro- ATP synthase F1Fo and the Fo were isolated from E. coU R) subunits a, band e corresponds to molar ratios
teinchemical data on Fo and to combine them with according to Friedl et al. [8,10] and analyzed by SDSjpoly- of 1: 2 : 10 according to Foster and Fillingame
acrylamide gel eleetrophoresis. The order of the genes in the
genetical and functional data in order to give the [24], or 1 : 2: 12 according to Von Meyenburg and
une operon and the eorrelation of genes with A TP-synthase
present-day knowledge on the structure-function subunits was established genetieally and by nucleotide se-
co-workers [25]. For the mitochondrial [26] and
relationships in this proton conductor. Although quenee analysis [1,12-23]. The numbers below the genes indi- chloroplast [27] A TP synthase, six proteolipid
detailed and definite information has been ob- eate the number of amino acid residues in the subunit poly- (subunit e) molecules have been determined. These
peptide. different stoichiometries are difficult to explain for
tained on several structural and functional aspects
of Fo, we are still far from an understanding of the the time being. lt is quite clear, however, that
proton transport at a molecular level. subunit c exists at least in six copies per R). The
ingly, our present knowledge on the proton-con- dimeric form of subunit b is also indicated by
11. Background, problems, and approaches cross-linking experiments (see subsection lUD). Fig. 2. Amino acid sequenees of the Fo-subunits a, b, and e of
ducting Fo part is derived from studies of the
The iso la ted Fo from E. eoli can be reinserted the ATP synthase from E. eoli.
The ATP synthase occurs in remarkably similar bacterial, mitochondrial or chloroplast protein,
form in procaryotic and eucaryotic cells. Accord- each offering special experimental possibilities. In into artificial membranes, and proton conductance
can be measured in response to a valinomycin-in-
duced potassium diffusion potential [9-11] (Table genes. The derived amino acid sequences of the
TABLE I I). The proton conductance is inhibited strongly three Fo subunits are presented in Fig. 2. They
by DCCD and by added FI . Reconstituted Fo have been extensively evaluated by means of com-
rebinds FI , and, thereby, ATP-dependent proton puter programs with respect to secondary structure
Values are taken from Ref. 74. predictions, polarity profiles and homologies with
translocation is restored. The data obtained with
isolated Fo are compiled in Table I together with corresponding subunits from other organisms
Fraction Electro-impelled 1'1'" conduetion ATP-dependent
H'" translocation corresponding data measured with Fo in whole [3,4,28,29]. A summary of such evaluation is also
p H -electrode Fluorescence test
Fl uorescence test membranes. Accordingly, both proton conduc- shown in Figs. 12, 13 and 15 in the last section of
(nmol· min - I . mg")) (UF1·mg- 1)
tance and functional rebinding of FI can be used this review.
Membranes 130 to analyse Fo. The established subunit composition and cova-
The nucleotide sequence of the genes of all lent structure of the E. eoli Fo reflect a major
membranes 44 65
Liposomes with three F~ subunits of E. eoli was determined inde- achievement in the characterization of the A TP
F)I"o 5 16 2330 pendently by three groups in 1981 [15,17,21]. synthase proton channel. However, for the eluci-
Fo +F) 41 151 1910 Amino~terminal amino acid sequences of the iso- dation of Fo-mediated proton conductance, addi-
Fo 870 2565 1 lated subunits a, b, and e were established [17] in tional information is needed (i) on the three-di-
Fo + DCCD 2 24
order to prove the start of the individual subunit mensional structure of the protein, and (ii) on the
4 5

funetional amino aeid residues and domains eon- Several approaehes were applied to identify the observed, whieh remained firmly bound to the
stituting the proton pathway and partieipating in funetional amino aeid residues and domains in the membrane, as treatment with high salt, urea or
the eoupling of Fo and F 1 funetions. Fo. Due to the ubiquitous oeeurrenee of Fo, it is guanidine hydroehloride failed to remove this frag-
A high resolution of the three-dimensional feasible to eompare the amino aeid sequenees of Fo
[3- ment from the membrane. By proteinehemieal
strueture of Fo will be aehieved finally only by subunits from very distantly related organisms. analyses it was shown that ehymotrypsin did not
X-ray analysis after erystallization of the protein. Based on the assumption that the meehanism of ,- cleave at the primary cleavage sites phenylalanine,
With other integral membrane proteins, two-di- proton eonduetanee remained unehanged during Q -
tyrosine, tryptophan or methionine, whieh are all
o- loeated in the hydrophobie N-terminal segment of
mensional erystals [30-34] and, more reeently, also evolution, it ean be expeeted that the group of b-

three-dimensional erystals [35-37] have been pro- invariant amino aeids also eomprises the fune- the subunit b. Thus, cleavage had oeeurred about

dueed. Crystals of the Fo protein have not yet been ti on al residues. 25 residues away from the C-terminus.
obtained. Anyway, X-ray analysis of eomplex pro- Chemieal modifieation may lead to the iden ti- (-
Under eonditions where only subunit b was
teins, as Fo, will be exeeedingly eomplieated, and fieation of funetional residues, provided that the degraded by proteinases (see below), eleetro-
will probably always depend on auxiliary informa- reaetion of a defined residue ean. be eorrelated impelled H +-eonduetion (passive proton permea-
A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 bility) was not affeeted. Similar results were re-
tion from other struetural studies. with an inhibition of Fa funetions.
As deseribed in subseetions IIlA-C, the surfaee Moleeular geneties and genetie engineering offer ported by Sone et a!. [48] after degradation of the
Fig. 3. Proteolytic treatment of Fo subunits in Fj-depleted
of Fo has been mapped by probes whieh have further promising possibilities to study funetional 13 kDa subunit of the PS-3 Fo. But in contrast to
membranes. Fj-depleted membranes of E. coli were prepared
aeeess either only from the polar water phase or properties of Fo. Espeeially in E. coli, but also in from an ATP synthase-overproducing strain [49]. Lane A shows PS-3, in E. coli F1 eould be still bound to pro-
from the hydrophobie lipid phase. Proteases and yeast, a variety of mutants whieh eontain a defee- separated Fjl'O-, and lane B, separated Fj-depleted membranes. teinase-treated membrane. The rebound ATPase
antibodies are valuable tools, not only for identifi- tive Fo have been isolated. In some of these strains, The proteinase concentrations, increase in the sampIes from left aetivity was not sensitive towards DCCD and
to right for V8 Clanes 1-3), chymotrypsin [4-6], trypsin [7-9] ATP-dependent proton transloeating was not re-
eation of polar domains but also for the de- Fo appears to be normally assembled, and, there- and subtilisin [10-12]. The star indicates the digestion product
termination of the orientation of the polypeptide fore, funetional residues might have been modified eonstituted. These results indieate that the polar
obtained with chymotrypsin. The arrow indicates the possible
ehains in the membrane. The surfaee of Fa aeeessi- by the mutation. The altered residues might be cleavage product from subunit a. part of subunit b plays an essential role in eou-
ble from the lipid bilayer has been studied with identified by protein or DNA sequenee analysis. pling the funetions of F1 with the H+ transloeation
photoreaetive membrane-permeating probes. Espe- Furthermore, the funetion of the different Fo sub- aeross the membrane. I t is a distinet possibility
eially, earbene labels of broad speeifieity offer units has been studied by eonstrueting strains that the proteinase-sensitive eomponent at the in-
promising possibilities, sinee they should aet like a where one or two of the Fo subunits are missing. terphase of Fa and F 1 from rat liver [50] also
razor blade and modify all aeeessible residues at eorresponds to the E. coli subunit b.
the protein/lipid interphase. Not only would this I1I.Topographical studies teinases. F1 binding and ATP-dependen t H + trans- Subunit a was not degraded by ehymotrypsin
allow an identifieation of membrane-embedded loeation were lost after digestion, indicating a and trypsin, while proteinase V8 and subtilisin at
polypeptide segments, but, in addition, the pattern JIJA. Studies with proteinases binding aetivity of the extramembranous part of high eoneentrations were effeetive (Fig. 3). Sub-
of aeeessible residues might yield information on the 13.5 kDa protein. Corresponding studies on tilisin, at lower eoneentrations, digested all mem-
seeondary struetures of the polypeptide ehain. The assymmetry of membrane proteins has been the proteinase sensitivity of the Fo-subunits from brane proteins exeept subunit a to produets with a
The study of subunit eontaets in Fo by eross-lin- investigated in many instanees by proteinase treat- E. coli [49] gave similar results. Experiments were M, of less than 15000. The appearanee of the
king experiments is handieapped (i) by the low ment of whole membranes and analysis of the earried out using F1-depleted everted membrane polypeptide with a M r of 22000 at high er subtilisin
eontent of reaetive side-ehains and (ii) by the cleavage produet [38--41]. The sidedness of the C- vesicles from strain CM 2786, whieh overproduees eoneentrations was thus indieative for a cleavage
eomplex subunit eomposition. These diffieulties and N-terminal segments as weil as the loeation of ATP synthase about 5-fold (see also subseetions produet of subunit a. Possibly, the quite polar
eould be overeome partially by using photo- some internal polar loops have been determined, IV A and B). Thus, the three Fa-subunits eould be N-terminal segment was attaeked by the pro-
aetivated bifunetional reagents for eross-linking for example, in the baeteriorhodopsin, by treat- easily identified in wh oie membranes by SDS- teinase and, thus, might be loeated at the eyto-
and speeifie antibodies for the identifieation of ment of the purpIe membrane with papain, trypsin polyaerylamide gel eleetrophoresis in eombination plasmie side of the membrane.
eross-linked subunits. and ehymotrypsin [42-44]. These studies, together with a silver stain method (Fig. 3). Subunit b was Subunit c was not or only slightly affeeted by
Further information on the strueture of Fo may with erystallographie data [30,31] and the primary most sensitive towards proteinase treatment. any of the proteinases. Even prolonged ineubation
be derived from the analysis of Fo mutants. Amino strueture [43,45], provided information on the Trypsin, subtilisin and proteinase V8 produeed times and high eoneentrations of proteinase did
aeid residues altered in DCCD- or oligomyein-re- folding and orientation of this polypeptide in the small fragments, indieating that large portions of not lead to any extensive degradation (ineubation
sistant mutants might be involved in the binding membrane [46,47]. the pro tein were aeeessible to proteinases. These time 5 days, at a ratio of proteinase to membrane
of the inhibitors, and might therefore be loeated in First experiments on proteinase treatment of proteinases digested subunit b eompletely, demon- protein of 1: 5) [49]. Sinee subunit c, and espe-
proximity to eaeh other at the surfaee of the isolated Fa from PS-3 were deseribed by Sone et a!. strating that the polar domain of subunit b extends eially the polar domain, is very resistant to pro-
moleeule. Subunits from assembly-defieient mu- [48]. An Fa subunit of M, 13 000 was readily to the eytoplasm in E. coli, sinee everted mem- teolysis even in the denatured state, this result
tants might be alte red in residues involved in digested with trypsin and nagarse, but the proton brane vesicles were used. With ehymotrypsin, how- does not neeessarily imply that the funetional pro-
intermoleeular or intramoleeular protein eontaets. permeability of the Fn was not affeeted by pro- ever, a defined cleavage produet of M r 15000 was tein is eompletely inaeeessible to proteinases.
6 7

II f B. Studies with antibodies INA TID

<pm A <pm
A B C 0 'H '1',1
Loo and Bragg studied the effeet of antiserum
raised against subunit e on proton conduetanee
and F] binding in everted and right-side-out mem-
brane vesicles of E. eoli [51]. Antibodies added to 500 -sooo
everted membrane vesicles inhibited the proton
eonduetance eatalyzed by Fa. There was no effect
when these antibodies were added to right-side-out
At present, the antigenie site(s) of subunit e are

- 'Y

--.... b b- Fig. 6. Identification of amino acids of subunit b labelled with

not determined. Computer analysis of the primary
strueture led to the predietion that the antigenie (SHALLOW LABEL) e25 I]iodonaphthylazide and the 'shallow probe'. Labelled sub-
unit b was isolated from F1Fo by HPLC gel permeation chro-
sites are loeated at the hydrophilie N-terminus and matography, immobilized on phenyJenediisothiocyanate-
the hydrophilie segment in the middle of the poly- - C ac ti va ted porous glass beads and sequenced [71,72J. Released
c- PTH amino acids were analyzed for radioactivity. 0 - - 0 ,
peptide ehain [52]. In prineiple, it should be possi- Fig. 4. Structure of the hydrophobic photoreactive labels used
for the labelling of Fo. INA, iodonaphtylazide. 3H-radioactivity from the phospholipid derivative; e - - e ,
ble to identify the accessible fragments of subunit 125I-radioactivity from [ 125 I]iodonaphthylazide.
e employing antibodies against defined peptide
modified residues has not been reported so far.
flIC. Surfaee label The seeond group comprises phospholipid de- :t>
Cl z Cl
rivatives, bearing a phenylazidoprecursor, a phen- Z Cf)
ox m were labelIed with the exception of subunit e.
oX "U
In recent years, the ehemistry of photoreaetive yldiazirine [62-67], or a trifluoromethylphenyldi- Cl m Similarly, the 'shallow probe', also aprecursor of a
Cl -i
labels has rapidly advanced [for review see Refs. azirine [68]. In these eompounds, the photoreactive o
m nitrene, reaeted only with subunit b in the F1 Fo
53-56]. One type of these reagents are lipophilic group is fixed and is expected to eross-link with Fig. 5. Reactivity of Fo-subunit from E. coli towards membrane eomplex reeonstituted into proteoliposomes.
eompounds, which dis tribute in the membrane and defined regions of the protein. The 'shallow label', permeation photoreactive probes (Ref. 72; see also Hoppe, .I., Modified amino aeid residues were identified by
shown in Fig. 4, will only label residues whieh are Brunner, J. and .Ij?rgensen, B.B., unpublished data) (A) Isolated isolation of labelIed peptides and amino aeid se-
upon illumination form a highly reaetive nitrene or
F1Fo dissolved in Aminoxid WS 35 buffer reacted with
carbene group. Ideally, such a group should react
unspecifically with a broad range of amino aeid
in proximity to the headgroup of the lipids. There
are a few examples with phospholipid analogues
e 25
I)iodonaphthylazide. (B) Isolated F1Fo dissolved in 2% SOS
queneing. Both probes reaeted only with the hy-
drophobie N-terminal segment of subunit b. The
buffer reacted with [ 125 I]iodonaphthylazide. (C) Isolated F1Fo
side-ehains. This requires that the half-life of the where the attached label has been traced baek to dissolved in Aminoxid WS35 buffer reacted with 25 I)TIO. e distribution of radioaetive label among the se-
reaetive intermediate be shorter than its rotation individual amino acids. The 'shallow label' has (0) F1-depleted membranes from strain CM2786 reacted with queneed amino aeid residues is shown in Fig. 6.
eorrelation time [55]. Only if labelling oecurs ran- been used by Bisson et al. [69] to label the mem- [ 125 I]TIO. After reaction with the photolabel, subunits were
separated on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Bound
e 25
I)iodonaphthylazide labelIed almost exclusively
domly will all amino aeid residues at the brane surfaee of the cytoehrome e oxidase. The label was visualized by autoradiography. The position of the
Cys-21. Also the 'shallow probe' reaeted predomi-
protein/lipid interface be detected, thus allowing label has been traced baek to amino acid residues, individual subunits as determined by staining with Coomassie nantly with this residue. In addition, Trp-26 whieh
a detailed mapping of the protein surfaee. So far, marking the beginning of one stretch of hydro- Biue is indicated. INA, iodonaphthylazide. is close to Cys-21, reeeived a label, and possibly
none of the available photoreactive prob es has phobie residues in subunit II of the complex. Ross the first three residues including Asn 2 at the N-
been found to have an equal reaetivity for all et al. [70] described the labelling of the transmem- terminus were attaeked. But with the latter, a clear
side-ehains. Two types of hydrophobie label have brane domain of glycophorin A with phospholi- interpretation was not possible due to the high
been devised. The first group comprises sm all hy- pids, containing earbene precursors (aryldiazirine). radioaetive baekground in the first step of Edman
drophobie molecules which might randomly dis- They found that Glu-70 was the predominant site (125 I)iodonaphthylazide and the 'shallow probe' degradation. In eonclusion, nitrene-generating hy-
tribute in the lipid bilayer and thus ean reach all of eross-linking with phospholipid derivatives. exhibited a high selectivity, both on the level of drophobie preeursors seem to be insuffieient for a
residues whieh are in contact with the hydro- Brunner and Riehards [68] found a tryptophan as whole subunits and on the level of individual detailed map of the surface of membrane domains
phobie co re of the bilayer. Among aseries of the major site of earbene and nitrene-generating amino acid residues. of proteins whieh are mainly eomposed of aliphatie
reagents iodonaphthylazide, iodophenylazide, ada- phospholipid analogue in contact with gramieidin. In the functional enzyme, solubilized in the residues. ,
mantyldiazirine and 3-trifluormethyl-m-(iodo- For the E. eoli Fa labelling was studied with a detergent Aminoxid WS 35, (125 I)iodonaphthyla- The insuffieieney may result from the rather
phenyl)diazirine (TID) have been used most fre- photoreactive phospholipid analogue (' shallow zide almost exclusively labelIed subunit b, but not long lifetime of the nitrene. Furthermore, aryl-
quently [57-60]. Labelling was so far analyzed on probe') and the two sm all lipophilic reagents the other two hydrophobie subunits a and e (Fig. nitrenes may undergo intramolecular rearrange-
the level of intact subunits of whole pro teins, or e 25
I)iodonaphthylazide and 25
eI)TID (Fig. 4) 5). With the subunits dissociated in sodium dode- ments leading to long-lived eleetrophilie speeies
large fragments [57-61]. The identification of [71- 73]. The probes bearing a nitrene preeursor cyl sulfate, all subunits including the F1 subunits [74]. Cysteines, as the most potent nucleophiles
8 9

among the amino acid residues, may act as a sink cpm A

Leu-3, Ile-7, Leu-8, Trp-26 and all residues from
A 10000
for such intermediates. The situation appears to be ...
Phe-14 to Cys-21 were labelIed as confirmed by
slightly better with the phospholipid, where diffu- cpm
thin-layer chromatography. A very similar label-
sion of the reactive species is restricted. ling pattern of the N-terminal segment was ob-
Carbenes are much more reactive than nitrenes. 2000 tained after reaction of [ 125 I]TID with isolated
They even insert into CH bonds of the aliphatic subunit b in SDS-solution (Fig. 7C). Thus, most of
chain of phospholipids [67]. The aryldiazirines rep- MF
the amino acid residues of the membrane-in-
resent one type of carbene precursor. As a side-re- tegrated N-terminus of subunit bare freely acces-
action of photolysis, these compounds undergo a
rearrangement to the corresponding diazoisomer,
which specifically will esterify carboxy groups. The

20 30 40 50
00 70
I sible from the lipid phase.
After reaction of [ 125 I]TID with a functional Fo
(FI-depleted or F1Fo), only a few residues of sub-
R.. ldue
problems with this type of precursor have been unit c were attacked (Fig. 8A-B) in contrast to the
discussed recently [70]. Cpm multiple labelling in the N-terminal segment of
To circumvent this problem, trifluoromethyldi- cpm subunit b. Labelling is restricted to four to six
azirines have been introduced by Brunner [68]. 300 residues in the N-terminal segment and to five to
The undesired diazoisomer is stabilized by the six residues in the C-terminal segment. No label-
strong electron-withdrawing trifluoromethyl group, 10000 ling occurred in the middle of the polypeptide
and esterification by the diazoisomer is thus 200 chain from positions 20-52, despite the fact that
negligible. Fig. 5 C and D shows that all three Fo the sequence from residues 20-33 is highly
subunits in the isolated complex FI Fo are labelIed enriched in hydrophobic residues, and thus is a
by the carbene, roughly according to their protein F
possible candidate for a membrane-embedded seg-
mass. In FI-depleted membran es, the same label- ment. The labelling pattern changes dramatically
ling pattern of subunits a and b is observed, the --,
if [ 125 I]TID is reacted with the SDS-solubilized
10 20 30 F
labelling of subunit c is obscured by the large isolated subunit c (Fig. 8C). LabelIed residues are
amount of labelIed phospholipids. distributed over the whole length of the poly-
Labelling patterns were recorded with (i) iso- cpm
C Ll__ t
'I ~
20 30 40 50
I 50 70
peptide, including the hydrophobic segment 20-30,
lated ATP synthase (FI Fo ), (ii) F I depleted mem- Auidue
which was not labelIed in the functional subunit c.
branes from strain CM 2786 which overproduces Apparently, these residues are shielded by other
500 -----
the ATP synthase, and (iii) subunits denatured in ... protein segments in functionally assembled sub-
a 2% SDS-solution. cpm
C unit c.
e25 I]TID labelIed subunits band c could be
10000 In the functional subunit c, the [125 I]TID mod-
isolated and the modified residues could be de- ified residue at the N- and C-terminals exhibit a
termined. Sequence analysis was performed by 100 \ remarkable repeat. They occur at positions 4, 8,
automated solid phase Edman degradation. Re- 10--~-20-----~ 10, 11, 15, 19 and 53, 57, 65, 73, 76 [74]. Such
leased PTH amino acids were identified by thin- ... n + 3 or n + 4 patterns are typical for residues
Fig. 7. Identification of amino acids of subunit b, labelIed with ... y
layer chromatography and associated 125I-radioac- [ 125 I]TIO (Hoppe, J., Bronner, J. and J~rgensen, B.B., unpub- y K
located on the same side of an a-helix.
tivity was measured as shown in Fig. 7A-C. The lished data). After labelling, subunit b was isolated from F 1Fo F MG

reaction product with e 25 I]TID was further by HPLC gel permeation chromatography. For F 1-depleted

J II D. Cross-linking experiments
analyzed by autoradiography of the thin-layer
plates. This allowed the identification of labelIed
membranes, proteins were separated on aSOS poly acryl amide
gel and the band corresponding to subunit b was eluted from
11 r i ;~;~i I II I The subunit contacts in the E. coU Fo were
the gel strip. Subunit b from (A) F 1Fa in Aminoxid WS35
20 30 40
amino acid residues even over a high background buffer, (B) F 1-depleted membranes, (C) F 1Fa in SOS-buffer ...
10 50 60 70
studied with the isolated complex FI Fo by cross-
and an overlap from the preceding amino acid Arrows indicate labelIed amino acid residues, identified by Fig. 8. Labelling of individual amino acids of subunit c by linking experiments. Fluoronitroazidophenyl was
residue. autoradiography of the PTH amino acids after thin-layer chro- C25 I)TIO (Hoppe, J., Brunner, J. and J~rgensen, RB., unpub- used, which in the first step binds by a nucleophilic
Proteinchemical analyses of TID-labelled sub- lished data). Labelling was determined by sequencing the whole displacement reaction to the side-ch;üns of cy-
protein, attached to gl ass beads. Sampies wcre analyzed for steine, lysine, tyrosine or histidine. Subsequently,
unit b by CNBr cleavage showed that more than
125I-radioactivity and labellcd amino acids wcrc dctectcd by
98% of the label was attached to the N-terminal au(oradiography of thc released PTH amino acids after thin-
segment. Fig. 7A, B depict the labelling of individ- membranes. In the N-terminus of subunit b, again layer chromatography. Thc amount of label bound to an amino
ual amino acid residues after reaction of 25 I)TID Cys-21 received the bulk label. But other amino acid side-chain was then calculated, assuming a repetitive yield from F 1Fa in Aminoxid WS 35 buffer; (B) subunit c in F 1-de-
with the isolated complex FI Fo- or FI-depleted acids are significantly labelIed. Most interestingly, of 95% for each cycle of Edman degradation. (A) Subunit c pleted membranes; (C) subunit c in an SOS solution.
10 11

A B c o 8-subunits 01' any of the other subunits (Fig. 9). In TABLI~ Il

unit b with an apparent M r of 24000 and 41000 N. CRASSA (B) IN VARIOUS SOLUTIONS [6,75,76]
were found which might be dimers of subunit b
Solution Content in
- 70k b - rOß with subunit a and subunit e. Two products with
(X an M r of about 70000 were found. Most likely, a-Helix ß-Sheet Turn Random n
subunit b was crosslinked with the F1 subunits a A Trifluoroethanol 76.6 15.2 8.2 0 24.6
41 k b - a and ß. 10% 2-Chloroethanol 66.4 18.2 15.4 0 8.5
Phospholipid vesicles 1 67.6 32.4 0 0 5.3
36 k b - b Apparently, the b-subunit has multiple contact
Phospholipid vesicles 2 71.8 24.4 0 11.9
with other subunits, and, therefore, should be Sodiumdodecylsulfate 44.6 35.3 0 20.l 25.0
24k b - c located in the center of the complex as also sug- Octylglucoside 53.6 20.1 0 25.8 25.0
gested by analysis of the protein sequence [29]. B6 in 10% 2-chloroethanol 38.5 34.3 6.9 20.3 5.6
17 k b Futhermore, the appearance of a cross-linked sub- B Vcsicle I 69.0 0 15.0 16.0
unit b dimer substantiates findings that two sub- Vesicle I 69.0 0 12.0 19.0
units bare present in one Fo-complex. Vesicle Il 83.0 0 17.0 0
Vesicle III 73.0 0 16.0 10.0
Trifluoroethanol 72.0 0 0 28.0
111 E. Circular diehroism measurements
Octylglucoside 83.0 13.0 4.0 0
Solubilized sodium dodecyl sulfate 60.0 18.0 0 22.0
The secondary structure composition of the pro-
teolipid subunits isolated from E. eoli and Neuro-
Fig. 9. Cross-Iinking of F} Fo subunits from E. coli with a spora erassa (Table II) has been studied by circular
bifunctional photoreactive probe [74]. Isolated ATP synthase dichroism measurements [6,75,76]. The spectra that non-helical segments of the protein reside in and the sequence has been determined [81-84]. In
from E. colf dissoved 5 mg/mI in 50 mM N-methylmorpholine were recorded after dissolution of the protein in this fragment, which contains the conserved hy- yeast, subunit e (proteolipid subunit 9) is encoded
(pH 8.0)/25 mM Aminoxid WS 35/100 mM KClj2 mM trifluoroethanol, SOS 01' octylglucoside, as weil as drophilic stretch, as weil as the cluster of con- on mitochondrial ONA [85], in other organisms in
MgCldO.2 mM EGTA/0.2 mM phenylmethylsulfonylflu- served glycine residues. It is uncertain at this time
after reconstitution with different preparations of the nucleus [82-86]. The other genes have not
oride/20% methanol was incubated in the dark with 5 mM
fluoronitrophenylazide for 60 min at room temperature. Unre- small phospholipid vesic1es. By means of a com- in how far the isolated proteolipid retains the been located, so far. With one possible exception
acted reagent was quenched by a 30 min incubation with 0.1 M puter program, the CO spectra of pure a-helices of secondary structure elements of the functional they appeal' to be localized in the nucleus, as
Tris-HCI (pH 8.0). Thereafter, a reactive nitrene was genera ted different length, of pure ß-sheet, and of ß-turn F1 Fo-integrated protein. It has to be noted, how- deduced from biosynthetic studies [89]. The chlo-
by illumination at 360 nm for 10 min at ODe. Proteins were structures were fitted to the proteolipid spectra. A ever, that the secondary structure derived from roplast enzyme is coded for to a large part on
separated electrophoretically on SOS-gels, and were then blotted very high content of a-helix was calculated from CO measurements roughly compares with sec- chloroplast ONA. Genes for F1 subunits a, ß, Y
on nitrocellulose sheets. The sheets were incubated with specific
rabbit immunglobulin, directed against the indicated subunits.
all measurements. For the N. erassa protein, this ondary structure predictions [6,77 -80]. and t:, and for Fo subunits a and e have been
Bound IgG was then visualized after reaction with fluorescein- high a-helical fraction seemed to be almost unaf- localized [87] in the organelle, and for some of
conjugated goat-anti-rabbit IgG under ultraviolet light. Lane fected by the different environments. In the sub- IV. Genetics of Fo them the sequence has been determined [90,91].
A: IgG against subunits a and ß; lane B: IgG against subunit unit e from E. eoli, however, there was a more From biosynthetic studies, it can be concluded
8; lane C: IgG against subunit b. In a control experiment (lane significant decrease in the a-helical content, espe- IVA. General aspects that only the genes for the F1 subunit 8 and Fo
D), the cross-l in king reagent was omitted. Immunostaining was
performed with IgG against subunit b.
cially in the length of the a-helical segments upon subunit bare located in the nucleus [92].
transition from organic solvents to the lipid phase. The arrangement of the genes coding for the Mutants defective in ATP synthase can be de-
The major difference between the two sets of data subunits of Fo and F1 is completely different for tected only in facultative anaerobic organisms
the azido group can be converted into a reactive was the calculated content of ß-sheet. For the N. the enzyme from the plasma membrane of E. eoli which in the absence of the ATP synthase, survive
nitrene by illumination. Pro teins were separated erassa protein incorporated into lipid vesicles, no and from mitochondria 01' chloroplasts of by substrate-level phosphorylation. For all the F1 Fo
by SOS-gel electrophoresis. After blotting the pro- ß-sheet was calculated. In contrast to the E. eoli eukaryotic cells. As described in section II (Fig. 1) genes of the alp operon in E. eoli mutations are
teins from the gel onto nitrocellulose, cross-link subunit e, about 20% ß-sheet was reported. It is and reviewed in detail elsewhere, the E. eoli FoF1 is known which result in a defective ATP synthase,
products were detected by specific antibodies di- questionable whether these differences are signifi- coded for by an operon of eight genes [1,12,13]. This provides an excellent proof that the eight
rected against the individual subunits [74]. As cant, since the accuracy in the estimation of ß-sheet The genes of Fo preceding the F1 genes are tran- genes code for vital subunits of the enzyme. The
shown in Fig. 9, after staining with subunit b content in the presence of a high fraction of a-helix scribed in the order a, e, b. The nucleotide se- genes have been designated une A to une H 01' alp
antibodies, the most prominent cross-link product is quite low. quence has been determined [14-23]. A few sub- A to alp H by different laboratories. In addition,
exhibits an M r of 36000. This is clearly a b-b Most remarkably, the a-helical content in the units of mitochondrial Fa are coded for on inhibitor-resistant strains of E. eoli are known
dimer, since no reaction product with a similar M r large cyanogen bromide fragment from E. eoli mitochondrial ONA. In all analysed organisms, which all are affected in the alp E (une E) gene,
was found with antibodies directed against the subunit e was considerably reduced. This suggests subunit a has been located on mitochondrial ONA coding for subunit e. In yeast, the mitochondrial
12 13

lCJO )'>(':1 n~"
...J_,_.-,.........>-.-,-.. ~."_,._. __ •.. -,_j_.-L-_ ,
scribed, where both the genotypes and the pheno- TABLE III rebind F] and to conduct H ' [102] (Table III).
:::::::==::::::=.::::::=:::=::: [:::::::::::::'::;:::::=-.::1 C::::;;:::::::J c::=::::::..:=-~.~---'._'=
typic alterations have been studied in so me detail. ACTIVITIES OF F'o IN unc-MUTANTS LACKING INDI- Also included in these studies was a mutant mem-
b b ,
VIDUAL Fo SUBUNITS [102] brane which is devoid of subunit e due to a point
pRPG ~5 1 VB. Deletion mutants and plasmids Strains: A 1 wild-type; CM 1470 and CM 2080 deletion mutation in the alp E (une E) gene (see below).
pf?P[) 51
rnutants; the presence of subunit b depends on growth phase The results are summarized in Table IH. The
The deletion mutants of E.coli, compiled in Fig. (log = logarithmic, stat = stationary phase); AM 12 and DG membranes of these strains comprise all possible
pOM lH
10/6, polar mutants; pOM 11-1, plasmid with structural gene
10, allow the study of membranes in wh ich selected for subunit a; pRPG 51, plasmid with structural gene for
subsets of Fa subunits. None of the Fa subunits
Fa subunits are missing. Strain CM 2080, char- subunits band S [l02]. alone and none of the combinations of two Fa
(M 11,70
acterized in some detail, has adeletion of about subunits allows a H + conductance across the
Fig. 10. Plasmids expressing selected genes of the alp operon in 500 basepairs at the start of the subunit a gene Strain Fo H+ con- F! membrane. Subunit a, as well as b, each present
E. eoli and strains carrying defined deletion in the alp operon. subunits duction binding
c=J, coding region for the subunits a, e, b; - - , indi- [102]. Membranes of this deletion mutant contain individually in the membrane, promote the bind-
cates the cloned region of the alp operon in the respective Fa subunits band e, but only if isolated from a b c + +
ing of F], while subunit e alone does not. Accord-
A 1
plasmid [l01,102]; ------, indicates the deleted region in the exponentially growing cells. If membran es are pre- DG 10/6 a b + ingly, each pairwise combination of two Fa sub-
two strains [13]. pared from mutant cells in the stationary growth CM 2080 (log) b c + units allowed arebinding of F] to the membrane.
phase, only subunit e is detected. Most likely, AM 12 a c + The observed physical bin ding of F] to incomplete
subunit b was proteolytically degraded in sta- CM 1470+pOM 11-1 a + Fa must be different from the binding to intact Fa.
CM 1470 + pRPG 51 b +
tionary phase cells [49]. As described in subseetion c
The rebound F] -ATPase is active, although the
CM 2080 (stat)
genes encoding subunit a and c are covered by lIlA, the large polar domain of subunit b is easily CM 1470 proton conductance is abolished in the incomplete
mutations leading to defective ATP synthase (Pho attacked by proteinases in vitro [49]. Another dele- Fa·
I, Pho 11), or resistance towards inhibitors (Oli I, tion mutant CM 1470 has a large deletion includ-
IVC. Point mutations
Oli 11, Oli III, Oli IV) [93-·96]. The corresponding ing genes of subunits a, C, b, 0 and part of a [13]. The membranes of all these strains, in which
nuclear subunit c gene in N. crassa can also be The membrane of this strain is devoid of all Fa single or multiple Fa subunits are genetically de- IVC-l. Mutants with defective Fo
mutated to an allele leading to oligomycin resis- subunits. leted, have been analysed for their capability to All mutant strains compiled in Table IV revert
tance [97]. In other types of mutant, a Mu phage has been
In E. coti, phages and plasmids have been iso- inserted at various points of the atp operon. The TABLEIV
lated containing all FaF] subunit genes, i.e., the inserted phage DNA prevents the efficient tran- E. COLI MUTANT STRAINS WITH DEFECTIVE OR DCCD-RESISTANT F o
whole atp operon [98-101]. This allows, for exam- scription of all genes located downstream. These n.d., not determined.
pIe, the construction of strains where the level of polar mutations, therefore, result in membranes
FaF] in the membrane is increased several-fold which are devoid of certain subunits. One example Genotype Affected Amino acid Complemen- Presence in H + conduc- ATPase acti- Ref.
[48]. The membranes of such overproducing strains is the strain AS 12 (Table IV) [103,104], where the or strain subunit exchange tation: the membrane ti on vity
dominante + ),
offer advantages for structural studies. Further- Mu phage is inserted in the atp A gene coding for
recessive( )
more, plasmids are now available containing only F] subunit a. Accordingly, F] subunits a, y, ß, and
DG 25/3 a n.d. n.d. + 105
segments of the atp operon [101,102]. Thus, a ( are not expressed. In addition, Fa subunit b is not
subset of subunits or in certain cases even a single present in the membrane. Possibly, the defect in F] DG 25/9 b n.d. + + + 105
prevents either the assembly of subunit b or facili- une F 469 b n.d. 12
subunit can be expressed at an increased level in
the cell (Fig. 10). The latter plasmids are useful, tates a proteolytic degradation. DG 7/1 ASP6!-Gly + + + 108
especially when introduced into mutant strains Finally, several segments of the atp operon have DG 18/3 e ASP6!-Asn + + + 109
been cloned on plasmids. One plasmid, pOM 11, DG 27/10 c Ala 2 !-Val + + (Hoppe, 1.,
where large parts of the atp operon are deleted or
contains the intact coding sequence for subunit a Schairer, H.U.
not expressed. and Von Meyen-
In principle, a mutation in a subunit gene can [13]. A functional subunit a is expressed from the burg, K.
affect the properties and function of Fa at several cloned gene, since it complements the deletion of
une E 463 e Leu)! -Phe _( +) a _( +) a -(+)"- 2, 111
levels. (i) The mutation may prevent the bio- the subunit a gene in strain CM 2080. Another ( ulle E 408)
synthesis of a subunit or its integration into the plasmid, pRPG 51 [101], contains the sequences
membrane. (ii) A mutation may affect the assem- coding for subunits band o. The cloned genes are ulle E 410 c Pro64 -Leu + + + 12, 2.
bly of Fa, even if the mutated subunit is integrated expressed. The plasmids have been introduced into UIlC E 429 C GlY2)-Asp 12,111
into the membrane. (iii) A mutation may affect the the deletion mutant CM 1470, where all Fa genes DC 13 c Ile 28 - Val n.d. + + + 115
function of Fa' even if the altered subunit is assem- are missing [13]. The strains obtained contain in DC25 c Ile 28 - Thr n.d. + + + 115
bled into Fa. the membrane either only Fa subunit a or only
In the following, mutant strains will be de- subunit b. a At high gene dosage.
14 15

readily, and consequently originated from single tive, whereas in mutant DG 25/9 subunit b is with apparently assembled Fo, the binding of F} is lipid) [97], in yeast subunit 6, a 259-residue protein
point mutations [12,105- 112]. The mutational assembled and thus protected from degradation. altered [109]. The bound ATPase activity of F} is has been found to determine oligomycin sensitivity
events in genes for subunit a and b have not yet The situation is better defined in subunit e not inhibited by the mutant Fo, as one would of the ATP synthase complex [81] (Fig. 12). This
been identified. Several amino acid substitution in mutants. In two strains, the mutation interferes expect in analogy to the inhibition by DCCD- protein is homologous to subunit a of the E. eoli
the subunit e gene have been determined by amino with the integration of the polypeptide into the modified Fo [114]. This is partieularly puzzling in ATP synthase. Interestingly, the mutations in sub-
acid sequence analysis of the mutant protein or membrane. This is due to a substitution of Leu-31 the case of mutant strains DG 18/3 exhibiting an unit 6 are located close to the small conserved
nucleotide sequence analysis of the mutated gene by phenylanaline (une E 463) and Gly-23 by exchange of the DCCD-reactive Asp-61 by an region of the protein.
[107- 111]. Remarkably, most of the subunit e aspartic acid (une E429). [111]. The mutant sub- asparagine [109]. This minimal alteration leads to Four different amino acid exchanges leading to
mutations are dominant over the wild-type allele unit e containing Phe-31 is forced into the mem- the impaired binding of an F} whose ATPase oligomycin resistanee have been described for the
[106,113]. A few subunit emutations, and all brane, and a functional FoF1 originates, if the activity remains fully active. In contrast, if F1 is yeast and three for N. erassa (proteolipid) [97,116].
analysed mutations in genes for subunit a and b, mutant gene is present at high copy number. This rebound to wild-type Fo whose Asp-61 has been All amino acid exchanges reside in the C-terminal
are recessive [12]. The dominant character of many is not true for mutant subunit e containing Asp-23, modified by DCCD, the ATPase aetivity is in- hydrophobie stretch and are clustered around the
subunit e mutants is explained most probably by i.e., a highly polar carboxyl group [111]. hibited [114]. Thus, even subtle changes in 'func- invariant DCCD reactive glutamic (aspartic) re-
negative complementation [113]. Fo contains 6- 10 Of particular interest is the amino acid substitu- ti on al' residues lead to ehanges in the architecture sidue. It is a distinct possibility, that the amino
subunit e polypeptides which function in an inter- tion of Ala-21 by valine (DG 27/10) (Hoppe, J., of the whole complex. This structural or eonfor- acid residues altered in the resistant mutants are
dependent way. Thus, in a diploid situation a Schairer, H.U. and Von Meyenburg, K., unpub- ma tional effeets are further indicated by the ob- involved in the binding of oligomycin. Thus, these
mutated subunit e, which is still assembled into Fo, lished data). This mutant subunit e is integrated servation (Friedl, P., unpublished data) that sub- residues might be located at the lipid/protein in-
will inactivate most part of the available wild type into the membrane. The mutation is recessive, thus unit b is more easily extracted from Fo of mutant terphase. Some of them result in a hypersensitivity
subunit e. Accordingly, such dominant mutations the mutant subunit e is apparently not assembled strains DG 18/3 and DG 7/1 than from wild-type towards DCCD. Both facts suggest that the bind-
in subunit e do not interfere with the assembly into Fo (see above). In another mutant, the subunit Fo· ing sites for DCCD and oligomyein are overlap-
process, whereas the recessive mutations ap- e, exhibiting an exchange Pro-64 by leucine is ing.
parently are defective in assembly. Negative com- present in the membrane [2]. The mutant allele IVC-2. Inhibitor-resistant mutants
plementation should occur either not at all or to a shows a partial dominance over the wild-type al- Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-resistan t m u tan ts V. Functional aspects
lesser extent with mutations in genes for subunits lele. This suggests that this mutation does allow have been isolated from E. eoli. Six mutant strains
a and b, which exist in Fo as single or dimeric the assembly into Fo [106,111]. have been described in detail [107,115]. Measure- VA. Euolutionaryaspeets
copies, respectively. Mutants DG 7/1 and DG 18/3 are both af- ment of the inhibition of ATPase aetivity as weil
In some of the compiled mutant strains, the fected in the invariant DCCD-reactive aspartic as ATP-dependent H+-translocation at various In recent years, numerous proteolipid subunits
affected subunit is not present in the membrane. residue 61 [107- 110]. These mutations are domi- eoncentrations of DCCD revealed two classes of from various organisms have been sequeneed, as
No direct information is available on the subunit a nant, and both mutant proteolipids are present in mutant strains [115]. Whereas the wild-type en- extensively reviewed elsewhere [6]. The proteins
mutant. This extremely hydrophobic protein could the membrane [113]. Thus, these alterations allow zyme is inhibited half-maximally at 3- 5 nmol contain 70- 82 residues and all may be purified by
not be analyzed by two-dimensional gel electro- an assembly of the mutant protein into Fo. DCCD per mg of membrane protein, the enzyme chloroform/ methanol extraction. They are ex-
phoresis, and antibodies are not yet available. The membranes of all Fo mutants compiled in from the class-one and class-two mutants are in- tremely hydrophobic, eontaining only 16- 25%
Effects in subunit b mutants are difficult to inter- Table IV are tight for protons with the exception hibited half-maximally only at 30 and 200 polar residues, whieh explains their solubility in
pret at the moment. The membrane of atp F of une F mutant DG 25/9. Thus, these mutations nmoljmg, respectively. DCCD at higher con- organic solvents.
mutant DG 25/9 contains subunit b, as de- interfere with the H + conduction catalysed by Fo. centration still binds specifically to subunit e as Long hydrophobie stretehes of about 25 amino
termined by immunological techniques (Friedl, P. , This applies for mutarits where the assembly of Fo revealed by sequenee analyses. For type one, Ile-28 acid residues are found both in the N-terminal as
unpublished data). This mutant has a leaky pheno- is defective. The phenotype of these point mutants was substituted by valine. In type two mutant weil as in the C-terminal part of the sequence. This
type, since ATP-dependent protontranslocation is corresponds to that of deletion mutants, whieh protein, a threonine was found at position 28. is reminiscent of the most thoroughly investigated
partially retained [105]. A similar phenotype has have been discussed in detail above (Table III). Most likely, Ile-28 affected in all resistant mutants membrane pro tein, the baeteriorhodopsin from
been described recently for another atp F mutant But it applies also to those mutants where the is part ofthe DCCD-binding site. Enzymic activi- Halobaeterium halobium, where stretehes of 25 hy-
[113]. In strain une F 469 subunit b was not mutated subunit apparently is assembled into Fo. ties, sueh as ATPase activity and ATP-dependent drophobic amino acids are found to traverse the
detected when whole membranes were analysed by Of particular interest is the question of whether H + translocation, of these mutants are comparable lipid bilayer most probably in an a-helieal confor-
two-dimensional gel electrophoresis [12]. Since the binding of the F}-ATPase is influenced by ~o .the wild-type protein. These results provide mation (Fig. 11).
subunit b is extremely prone to proteolytic de- mutations in Fo subunits. The binding affinity of mdlrect evidence that the protein folds baek A comparison of the sequences of the homolo-
gradation, as described above, it is uncertain F} has not yet been quantitatively analysed. This bringing Ile-28 and Asp-61 into proximity. ' gous proteolipid subunits revealed numerous con-
whether the mutation prevents integration into the may explain discrepancies reported for the rebind- The analysis of oligomycin-resistant mutant served amino acid residues. These residues might
membrane or whether a defective assembly results ing of F1 to Fo from certain mutants by different from S aeeharomyees eereuisiae and N. erassa be indispensible for function or the maintainance
in a proteolytic degradation. Tentatively, it may be groups [102,106]. Despite these uncertainties, the revealed that two proteins may be involved in the of a certain structure of the protein. In the middle
concluded that the latter strain is assembly-defec- most surprising result is that in mutant strains inhibitor binding. Besides the subunit e (proteo- of the N-terminal hydrophobic stretch four glycine
16 17

residues are conserved (Gly-27, Gly-29, Gly-31, VB. Chemical modification

and Gly-33). Gly-42, Arg-45, Asn/Gln-46 and
Pro-47 localized in the middle hydrophilie segment Group specific reagents are versatile tools for
were also found to be invariant. In this segment deteeting essential residues in enzymes. Ideally,
the single conserved basic amino acid residue these reagents modify single amino residues.
(Arg-45) occurs. The single invariant acidic amino The interpretation and validity of chemie al
acid residue is observed in the middle of the modifieation studies thus heavily depend on the
C-terminal hydrophobie stretch (position 65). With determination of the modified amino acid(s). Fur-
one exception (aspartic acid in E. coli), this amino thermore, direct eorrelation between the extent of
acid 1S a glutamic acid. This acidic residue is the modification of a specific amino aeid residue
flanked by two conserved alanine residues (posi- with function must be established.
tion 62 and 66). At the C-terminus (position 80), a The binding of [14C]DCCD to subunit c (pro-
conserved phenylalanine was found. teolipid) in all analyzed organisms was rather
There seem to be some specifically conserved speeifie and oeeurred at low eoneentration (1-10
residues either for the mitochondrial type 01' for nmoljmg membrane protein) [6,118]. Maximum
the bacterial type of proteolipid. Lys-14 is typical inhibition was observed when only a fraction of
for the mitochondrial pro teins plus Rhodospirillum the subunits was labelIed, indicating a cooperative
rubrum. For the same family also the following interaetion of the subunits [26,27,118-123]. For
positions are occupied by an identical 01' isofunc- the beef-heart ATP synthase, the existenee of a
ti on al residue: Leu-16, Gly-17, Gly-19, Gly-24, dimer of two proteolipids binding [14C]DCCD
Leu-39, Arg/Lys-50, Gly-60, Phe-61, Gly / Ala-68, with a different affinity [123,124] compared with
Leu-69, Phe-70, MetjVal-73, Val-74 and Ala/Ser- the monomerie subunits has been demonstrated.
75. For the bacterial family the following residues Sequence analyses revealed an aeidie residue
are invariant 01' isofunctional: Ala-16, Ala-17, (glutamic acid, with the exeeption of E. coU where
Ala/Gly-18, Gly-22, Leu-23, Ala/Gly-24, aspartic acid was found) as the target of DCCD.
Ala/Ser-25, Lys-38, Glu-41, Glu-48, Phe-58, This residue is loeated in a homologous position in
He/Leu-59, ValjMet-61, Leu-63, Val-64, Pro-68 all ten analyzed proteolipids [110,125].
and He/Leu-70. The hydrophobieity of DCCD indieates that
The two analyzed 'chloroplast' proteins resem- the acidic residue should be located in the lipid
ble more the bacterial ones. It is noteworthy that bilayer. This observation was eonfirmed by the use
the proteolipids from spinach and wheat chloro- of the paramagnetic earbodiimide NCCD (N-
plasts have the same amino acid sequence [90,91]. 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidyl-1-oxyl)-N' -( cydohexyl)
These deal' differenees between the 'oligomy- carbodiimide [126]. Ascorbate, a water-soluble
ein-sensitive' proteolipids and the 'baeterial' pro- agent, did not reduce the signal-generating nitro-
teolipids eould indicate a different environment xide group. From spin-spin interactions between
and different interaetions of the protein in the the NCCD moleeules bound to the protein, it was
assembled F1 Fo. Reports on the higher eomplexity suggested that the pro teins exist in a polymerie
in the subunit composition of Fo in mitoehondria form, in whieh some of the monomers are loeated
support this view [4,123]. at a maximal distance of 15-20 A from each other.
Amino aeid sequenees of proteins from other Bound NCCD was firmly immobilized as rotation
organisms homologous to subunit b from E. coU correlation of 3-4 p,s where determined. Reeon-
ATP synthase have not been reported so far. stitution of the purified pro tein yielded a high
For subunit a, homologous proteins have been mobility of 2-3 ns. Apparently, in this experiment
sequenced. DNA sequenees of the respective gene the polymerie strueture was not reeonstituted.
have been described for S. cerevisiae, human, The high immobilization of NCCD in native
bovine and mouse [81-84]. Conserved residues are membrane may be caused by a rather tight fitting
indieated in Fig. 12. of the DCCD into a 'binding site' at the proteo-
18 19

TABLE V teolipid subunit (subunit c). For the proteolipids But it could not be excluded that the increased
Iso VALUES FOR SOME DCCD ANALOGUES extracted with butanol from lettuce chloroplasts or conductivity at higher pH results from an in-
R-N C=N-R', R=cyc\ohexyl. Iso values for the ana- yeast mitochondria, a proton permeability of re- creased proton permeability of a single channel.
logues were obtained using incubation for 16 at O°C at various constituted lipid-proteolipid bilayers has been In the reported experiments, the pH induced
inhibitor concentrations by measuring either ATPase activity or demonstrated [129-132]. conductance transition was only found in the pres-
A TP-dependent H + translocation. Recently, single-channel conductance has been ence of cholesterol and sufficiently high proteo-
W 1',)

measured after reconstitution of the proteolipid lipid concentrations. The interaction between pro- W
u.. " .. '" I 1 1 111 1 I 1
Compound R Iso at R' 11: III! ! III! 11
from yeast into planar lipid bilayers [133]. Thus, in teolipid subunits therefore may not be sufficiently 1

(nmoljmg l
membrane contrast to earlier studies, proton conductivities strong to stabilize proton-conducting proteolipid
protein) could be measured at a high-time resolution as a oligomers in a biological membrane. I

Phenylethyl 2 function of voltage, protein concentration, H +

Cyc\ohexyl 5 concentration and lipid composition. At the high VI. Summary and Models
Fig. 12. Prediction of membrane-permeating segments and
2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidyl-l-oxyl 5 H + concentration of about 10 mM (corresponding sccondary structures in Fo subunit a from E. eoli. a-helical
Phenyl 20 to a pH of 2.2), single-channel conductivity has VIA. Subunit a regions (fJU) and ß-turns (T) were consistently predicted by four
Adamantyl > 200
been established. different prediction methods [77-80]. The free energy gains
Discrete current steps were measured, indicat- lf the sequence of 271 amino acid residues of (KJ/mol) during a transition from a random coil in water to an
subunit a from E. coli is analyzed, seven segments a-helix in the membrane were calculated for all amino acid
ing the opening and closing of single channels. The
sequence positions using the parameters given by Von Heijne
lipid subunit. To obtain further information on the observed ion path represents the operation of a can be discriminated where predominantly lipo-
[134]. The locations of acidic 0) and basic (1') residues are
steric requirements, a small set of DCCD ana- single type of pathway with a mean conductance philic residues are c1ustered (Fig. 12). In segments indicated by arrows. A proline residue and four polar residues
logues was synthesized (Table V) (Hoppe, J., un- of 20 ps and a life-time of 4 ms. The single 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7, the hydrophobie character is most conserved in the amino acid sequences of E. eoli Fo subunit a
published data). Apparently, it is difficult to as- channels operate independently, since their occur- pronouneed. With the possible exeeption of seg- and mitochondrially coded Fo subunit 6 from yeast [81] and
ment 1, no eharged residues are present. The hy- mammals [82-84] are indicated by the one-Ietter code. Two
sign the different effect of these reagents exclu- rence obeys a Poisson distribution. About 10 7
amino acid exchanges leading to oligomycin-resistance (OR\
sively to the size of the ligand, as the reactivity of protons pass each channel per s at 100 mV poten- drophobie eharaeter of segments 2 and 5 is less were identified in Fo subunit 6 from yeast [81].
the carbodiimide might be different. But, interest- tial and pH 2.2. At pH 7 and 100 mV, about 100 pronouneed. A eharged residue oeeurs just in the
ingly, the grade of substitution at the carbon atom protonsjs are transported by one channel. The middle of the segments. The hydrophobie profile
in proximity of the carbodiimide seems to be channel was highly selective for protons as the of subunit a is similar to the respective profiles of the middle of the hydrophobie segments 5 and 7.
crucial, as N-phenylethyl, N' -cyc1ohexyl carbodi- conductivity for potassium, sodium and chloride the mitoehondrial proteins [3] if adeletion from These residues might be directly involved in the
imide which contains a primary carbon atom was ions was at least 1000-fold lower. residue 125 to residue 150 in the E. coli protein is binding of oligomycin, and thus be loeated in
more reactive than DCCD itself. N-adamantyl- Interestingly, most of the proteolipid moleeules assumed. I t is noteworthy that the homology be- proximity to each other at the lipid phase. But this
N' -cyc1ohexyl carbodiimide, containing a tertiary were not in an active state, explaining the low tween the E. coli and the mitochondrial subunits is straightforward conclusion is not possible if these
carbon atom, was not an inhibitor. Further hints overall activity measured in previous systems restrieted to a short segment near the C-terminus mutated residues affect allosterically the oligomy-
for a tight fitting of the shape of DCCD to the [129-132]. The dependence of proton conductance corresponding to residues 189-219 of subunit a ein binding. This alternative will be discussed in
surface of the proteolipid came from the analyses on proteolipid concentration at pH 2.2 had a from E. coli, whereas the rest of the polypeptide detail with subunit c.
of DCCD-resistant mutants from E. coli [115]. molecularity of about 2. The formation of chan- chains are completely unrelated. The similarity in Subunit a is heavily labelIed by the membrane-
There are data on the modification of tyrosine nels from a large pool of proteolipid molecules the polarity profile suggests, however, that the
general folding of the subunit has been conserved.
soluble carbene-generating label 25 I]TID [73] (cf. e
with tetranitromethane and iodine and arginines thus involved a bimolecular reaction. In a most Fig. 5). Unfortunately, the modified amino aeid
with phenylglyoxal in a TFo preparation from PS-3 simple assumption, the associating species might The length of subunit a as weil as the oeeurrence residues could not yet be identified in this large
[127,128]. Modification of either of these residues be the monomeric proteolipid. In principle, how- of six or perhaps seven lipophilic segments are hydrophobie protein. A rough quantitative evalua-
inhibited the proton conductance. Though modifi- ever, the reacting species might already be a dimer reminiscent to the amino aeid sequence of tion of [125 I]TID radioactivity bound to each of
cation of these residues has been demonstrated in or trimer. baeteriorhodopsin. It has to be mentioned that in the three Fo subunits (see Fig. 5) indieates that
the proteolipid, it is not possible to correlate the Between the bimolecular dependence of the bacteriorhodopsin, segments 3, 4, 6, 7 contain subunit a is labelled twiee as mueh as subunit b
modification of these residues with the inhibition proton conductance of the proteolipid concentra- several basic and acidie residues and exhibit only a (Hoppe, J., Brunner, J. and J~rgensen, B.B. (1983),
of functions, since the fate of corresponding re- tion at pH 2.2 and the linear dependence at pH we~k hydrophobicity [43,46]. Thus, in the Fo sub- unpublished data). Accordingly, large parts of sub-
sidues in the other membrane subunits has not 5.5, there was a transition point at pH 4.5 where ~l11t a; segment 2, despite its relatively high polar- unit aare aeeessible from the lipid phase,
been studied. the molecularities were much larger than 2. This Ity, nl1ght traverse the membrane. In yeast subunit About 20 amino acid residues of subunit a can
suggests that the stabilization of the proton path- 6,. two amino acid substitutions leading to be removed proteolytieally from the cytoplasmic
vc. H -I conduction in reconstituted subunits way at high er pH values involves the formation of ohgomyein resistance have been identified [81]. side with subtilisin (see Fig. 3) [49]. Sinee the
So far, reconstitution experiments with isolated structures larger than dimers. These associates were ~he mutated residues would correspond to posi- C-terminus is very hydrophobie, it is most likely
subunits have only been performed with the pro- considered as oligomerized dimers. tIOns 195 and 256 in subunit a of E. coli, loeated in that the N-terminal end is susceptible to pro-
20 21

teinases, and thus located at the cytoplasmic J., Brunner, J. and Jorgensen, B.B. (1983), unpub- remains uneertain whether the observed [125 I]TID
surface [49]. Taken that seven transmembrane seg- lished data). labelling pattern represents the same modification ,flflfUif

ments exist, this would indicate that the C-termi- Labelling with the freely mobile carbene-gener- of each of the subunits or the sum of two different
nal end would be located on the periplasmic side. e
ating probe 25 I]TID started very closely to the labeIling patterns. Several of the residues not at-
The proteolytical breakdown products of subunit a N-terminus at Leu-3 and ceased at Trp-26. With a taeked by [125 1]TID have hydrogen-bonding capae-
are difficult to analyze, even with membranes from nitrene-generating probe fixed to the polar ity (Asn-2, Thr-6, Gln-10, Lys-23, Tyr-24). These ~ 1''> LIPID PHASE

an ATP synthase overproducing strain, due to the headgroups of a phospholipid (' shallow probe'. residues might be involved in contacts with other E ! I
presence of many additional proteins. But at raised Fig. 14), residues Asn-2 as weil as Cys-21 and subunits. But it could weIl be that a microenviron- G I~QP A DA

.. ,l N E

concentrations of proteinases the amount intact of Trp-26 were modified. Thus, the entire N-terminus ment created by these side-ehains does not allow
subunit a in the membrane decreases, indicating up to Trp-26 is embedded in the membrane and the aecumulation of [ 125 I]TID at these positions
that other parts of the polypeptide chain are acces- the boundaries are defined 'by the residues affected and thus prevents an efficient modification.
sible to proteinases. It is conceivable that polar by the 'slrallow probe'. Most likely, the N-terminal The large polar domain of subunit b is clearly Fig, 15. Prediction of secondary structures and membrane-per-
segment domains of subunits exposed at the cyto- segment traverses the whole phospholipid bilayer exposed at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, meating segments in Fo subunit e of E. eoli. a-helical segments
(~) and ß-turns (T) were consistently ca1culated applying four
plasmic surface of the membrane are involved in in an a-helical conformation [134,135]. But the since it can be eompletely degraded with pro-
different prediction methods [77-80], The free-energy gains
the binding of F1 as was observed in mutant other possibility, that the chain folds back and teinases [49]. The two molecules of subunit b in Fa during a transition from a random coil in water to an a-helix in
strains containing only this Fa subunit. that Asn-2 and Trp-26 are located at the same can be efficiently cross-linked (see Fig. 9). They the membran es were ca1culated for all amino acid sequence
boundary, is not excluded by the available experi- exist, therefore, as a dimer. Most likely, the con- positions using the parameters given by Von Heijne [134].
VIB. Subunit b mental results [136]. At positions 27 and 28, two taet is formed by the large polar domain. This
proline residues are located which will not fit into large polar domain binds F1 as demonstrated in
The polarity profile of the sequence of 151 an a-helix, and, consequently, their peptide bonds mutant membrane where the other Fa subunits a
residues of subunit b is striking in that about 30 can genera te a rather large hydrophilic surface and c are deleted [102]. This is not the only contact philic segment, is found to be conserved in the
hydrophobic amino acids are clustered at the N- area. It is thus reasonable that the polypeptide side between Fa and F1 , since - as already men- homologous subunits from other bacteria, as weil
terminus (Fig. 13), whereas the rest of the poly- chain leaves the membrane at this point. tioned - subunit a also is involved in the binding as from mitoehondria and chloroplasts. This clus-
peptide chain is very polar similar to a water-solu- Surprisingly, most of the N-terminal residues of F1 [102]. In cross-linking experiment, dimers of tering of hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues
ble protein. This immediately suggests that the were accessible to the small diffusables probe subunit b with F1 subunits a and ß are observed. A immediately suggested that the pro tein might
N-terminus of subunit b is integrated in the mem- [
1]TID. This demonstrates that this segment is close interaetion of the F1 subunits a and ß with traverse the membrane twiee in a hairpin-like
brane. In fact, all applied hydrophobic photoreac- not buried in a core of Fa but rather is located at subunit b is also indicated by the observation that structure. Indeed, labelling experiments with
tive probes reacted exclusively with this hydro- the periphery. As two subunits b exist in one Fa, it in eertain mutant strains subunit b is protected [ 1]TID indicate both hydrophobie segments
phobic segment (Refs. 71 and 72, see also Hoppe, against proteolytic degradation in vivo by the F 1- being loeated in the lipid bilayer. Especially intri-
subunits a andjor ß, even in the absence of the guing is the location of the acidic residue Asp-61
subunits y, 0, and ( [49]. Interestingly enough, the in the membrane, as demonstrated by its reactivity
polar domain of subunit b contains internal re- towards only hydrophobie carbodiimides. Re-
peats [29]. Residues 53-82 are clearly homologous markably, an acidic group is not tolerated in the
with residues 85-105. Furthermore, a shorter re- N-terminal segment at position 23 of the E. eoli
peat is found, residues 84-98 are homologous to protein, as seen with subunit c from a mutant une
6 residues 101-113 [29]. Thus it can be visualized E 429, (see Table IV) which is not integrated into
w that the subunit b dimer contains four roughly the membrane. Only distinet residues of the sub-
equivalent domains which might interact with the unit e are aecessible to the label [125 I]TID in
multiple copies of subunits a and ß present in F1 . functional Fa. In certain special cases, the nonla-
Point mutations in subunit b (see Table III) belling by TID might be explained by a low reac-
[105,112] result in a weakened binding of F1 • Un- tivity of the side chain (e.g., alanine; see Hoppe, J.,
fortunately, the mutated amino acid residue has Brunner, J. and Jsbrgensen, B.B. (1983), unpub-
Fig. 13. Prediction of membrane-permeating segment and sec- not yet been identified. lished data) or by the instability of the re action
ondary structures in the 1'0 subunit b from E. co/i. a-helical product (e.g., aspartyl ester). But eertainly, in most
regions (l1e) and ß-turns (T) were consistently predicted by four VIC. Subunit e eases residues are not labelIed, since they are buried
different prediction methods [77-80]. The free-energy gains for in the interior of the quarternary structure of Fa. It
a transition from a random coil in water to an a-helix in the Fig. 14. A possible arrangement of the N-terminus from sub-
The polarity profile of the amino acid sequence may be relevant in this conneetion that a mutant
membrane was calculated for all amino acid sequence positions unit b in the lipid bilayer. Shaded amino acid symbols indicate
using the parameters given by Von Heijne [134]. The location labelling with TID. Hatched areas indicate labelling with the of the E. eoli subunit e (see Fig. 15), i.e., two proteolipid from E. eoli, whieh is unable to assem-
of acidic (.j,) and basic ( t ) residues is indicated by arrows. 'shallow probe'. hydrophobie segments interrupted by a hydro- ble (see Table IV), has an amino acid substitution
22 23

of Ala-21 by valine in a segment not accessible to have not been performed with the mitochondrial tion of this residue (Asp ~ Asn) leads to impaired [137]. An alternative would be that the oligomer of
TID. proteolipids. Thus, it is uncertain whether corre- binding of F1 (see chapter IV C-l) and the Fo subunit c binds water either by the amino acid
Possibly, the small side-chain of the alanine at sponding positions in the bacterial or mitochondri- subunit b. Apparently, large conformational side-chains or by the polar groups of peptide
position 21 is part of a contact site in the tertiary al proteolipids are equallly accessible from the changes are induced in the whole Fo by this muta- bonds. In many instances, buried water clusters
structure of the proteolipid or the quarterly struc- lipid phase. It has to be stated, however, that in an tion. were found in the interior of globular proteins. For
ture of Fo, and, therefore, no larger side-chain is a-helical confirmation, so me mutated residues example, in studies with chymotrypsin, it was dis-
tolerated at this position. The pattern of [125 I]TID- would point in opposite directions. VID. Models JOl' proton eonductanee cussed that each region associated with buried
labelIed residues cannot be unambiguously inter- The various positions determining the oligomy- charged groups contained an extensive hydrogen-
preted at the moment, since the labelling of in- cin resistance all are located in the vicinity of the All available evidence points to the proteolipid bonded network including several buried water
dividual subunit c molecules in the Fo might be DCCD-reactive acidic residue in the C-terminal subunit as the protonophoric entity of the Fa. molecules [138]. Recent X-ray studies on
different. It is conspicuous, however, that at the segment [97]. In contrast, only one position de- Several lines of evidence argue against a direct alamethicin, which forms an oligomeric voltage-
N-terminal segment the labelIed residues would termining DCCD resistance in the E. coli proteo- participation of subunits a and b in transmem- ga ted ion channel, shed light on the possible in-
mark one side of a continuous a-helix. Also in the lipid, i.e., Ile-28, was found in the N-terminal brane protontranslocation. The large hydrophilie volvement of bound water moleeules in cation
C-terminal part the labelIed residues could be segment [115]. In a hairpin-like structure of the part of subunit b might be involved in the coupling transport [139]. The alamethicin monomer forms
located on a-helical segments. proteolipid, this residue would be located in between the proton translocation across the mem- an helix which has abend in the middle due to the
It has been discussed previously that certain proximity to the carbodiimide reactive aspartic brane and ATP synthesis/hydrolysis on the F1 , occurrence of a proline residue. This proline-in-
residues of the proteolipid altered in oligomycin- residue. It is likely that Ile-28 is involved in nonco- but it is unlikely, that the short uncharged NH 2 - duced bend results in two free carbonyls and one
resistant mutants from yeast and Neurospora are valent binding of e.g., the cyclohexyl moiety of terminal segment, which has only loose contact free amide group of the peptide backbone, thus
accessible from the lipid phase. It was therefore DCCD. Surprisingly enough, Ile-28 is not accessi- with the other subunits, provides residues par- providing a hydrophilic surface (Fig. 17). It was
interesting to examine whether these residues cor- ble to TID in the functional Fo. Differences in ticipating in the mechanism of H+ conduction. If visualized that this area, together with a buried
respond to the TID accessible residues in the E. sterical factors between TID and DCCD are dif- subunit a contains the proton pathway, then only glutamine residue, is able to bind a large number
eoli proteolipid. Three amino acids altered in the ficult to evaluate, but are not a likely explanation the few conserved residues may be considered of water molecules. A corresponding water-bind-
proteolipid from inhibitor-resistant mutants occur for the different accessibility of Ile-28 for both which are clustered in a short segment. For sub- ing structural element might be present in subunit
at positIOns coinciding or juxtaposed to compounds. It is a distinct possibility that either unit e Schindler and Nelson [133] provided con- e. In the middle of the C-terminal hydrophobie
TID-labelled residues from the E. coli proteolipid DCCD is bound via an 'induced fi t' or that DCCD vincing evidence that the isolated protein func- segment a proline residue is found in all bacterial
(Fig. 16). In two instances, however, the mutated binds only to a certain conformation of the Fo tions as a protonophore, when reconstituted in proteins. In the mitochondrial and chloroplast
residue is located two positions apart. occurring with a low probability. black lipid membranes. These in vitro experiments proteolipids generally a helix-breaking residue
Unfortunately, [125 I]TID labelling experiments The experimental data discussed above are rele- seem to contradict results obtained with mutant (threonine, glycine) exists at the corresponding
vant with respect to the structural properties of the membranes from E. eoli, which contain only the position. This bend is located four residues apart
proteolipid. In order to elucidate the mechanism Fo-subunit e and which are unable to conduct from the membrane buried acidic residue Asp-61.
of the proton conduction, it is also important to protons [102]. This discrepancy might be resolved

identify functional residues - i.e., residues directly by the observation of Schindler and Nelson that
involved in proton conductance. It has been sug- the active proton channel formed in black lipid

gested that Asp-61 in the E. coli proteolipid is such membranes is at least a dimer and probably a
. v.•·.
L.:.'·M a functional residue. (All structural evidence indi- high er oligomer of the subunit c. In vivo this
cates this residue being located in the interior of functional oligomer might be stabilized by the Fa
the membrane.) Its selective modification with subunit a and/or b as originally proposed by
M 0 ··.·N
. DCCD abolishes proton conductance. The impor-
tance of this residue was further indicated by the
Nelson and Schatz [92].
Therefore, at present any discussion on the

observation that this acidic residue is strictly con-
served in the proteolipids from mitochondria,
bacterial and chloroplasts. Futhermore, proton
mechanism of proton conductance will con-
centrate on a subunit c oligomer. However, based
on the presently available structural data, the
Fig. 16. Areas of subunit e from the E. eoli ATP synthase which conduction is lost if this residue is genetically mechanism of proton conductance is completely
are exposed at the lipid phase and positions of amino acid altered. obscure. The membrane spanning segments of
exchanges in oligomycin-resistant mutants from yeast and N. Some observations, however, are difficult to subunit c contain only a few polar residues and
e/'a5'sa. A planar representation of the two putative a-helices at only one charged residue - the invariant DCCD-
reconcile with a purely functional role of this
the N-terminus and the C-terminus is shown. Shaded areas
indicate residues possibly in contact with lipids as revealed by acidic residue. This residue is accessible from the reactive aspartic acid. Therefore, it appears dif-
Fig. 17. Backbone hydrogen bonding in alamethicin around
labelling with [ 125 I]TID. Arrows indicate positions where amino lipid phase and is therefore most likely not located ficult to construct a network of hydrogen bonds proline-14 [139]. The arrows indicate free carbonyl or amide
acid substitution leading to oligomycin resistance was found. in the interior of apore. A minimal genetic altera- across the membrane from amino acid side-chains groups of peptide bonds.
24 25

However, the participation of this aCldlC resldue 111 The topology of all three Fo-subunits might be 19 Mabuehi, K., Kanazawa, H., Kayano, T and Futai, M. 47 Engelman, D.M. and Zaccai, G. (1980) Proe. Nat!. Acad.
the formation of a water cluster inside a pore is (1981) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 102, 179 Sei. U.S.A. 77, 5894-5898
elucidated in more detail by means of antibodies, 48 Sone, N., Yoshida, M., Hirata, H. and Kagawa, Y. (1978)
20 Kanazawa, H., Kayano, T., Mabuehi, K. and Futai, M.
difficult to reconcile with its reactivity to DCCD. directed against defined polar segments of the Proc. Nat!. Acad. Sei. U.S.A. 75, 4219-4223
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The central question concerning all studies di- polypeptide chains. The amino acid sequences will 21 Kanazawa, H., Mabuchi, K., Kayano, F., Noumi, T, 49 Hoppe, J., Friedl, P., Sehairer, H.U., Sebald, W., Von
rected to structure and function is whether Fa can furthermore give hint for possible chemical mod- Sekiya, T. and Futai, M. (1981) Bioehem. Biophys. Res. Meyenburg, K. and Jorgensen, B.B. (1983) EMBO J. 2,
exist in different conformations. In the F1-ATPase, ification studies directed towards identification of Commun. 103, 613-620 105-110
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23 Kanazawa, H., Kayano, T, Kiyasu, T and Futai, M.
drolysis or synthesis [4]. It could weil be that Conformational changes might be defined by (1982) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 105, 1257-1264 Commun. 106, 400-406
conformational changes in F1 are accompanied or membrane permeating photoreactive probes and 24 Foster, D.L. and Fillingame, R.H. (1982) J. Bio!. Chem. 52 Hopp, TP. and Woods, K.R. (1981) Proe. Nat!. Acad. Sei.
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spin labels or fluorescence label. Finally, it might 46,69-114
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evidence for two different conformation states of be possible to obtain Fo-crystals sufficient for high 54 Chowdry, V. and Westheimer, F.H. (1979) Annu. Rev.
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