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1648 - Thirty Years of War v2.

0 by Infracta

--- Version History ---

Version 2.0.606
- Combined previous patches
- Fully Steam compatible
- Original launcher separate for language and mutation changes
- Updated German text files
- Fixed inconsistency in quotes
- Added set up for 'provincial campaigns', to be playable via hot seat as well

Version 2.0.506
- AI nerfed on medium and hard settings
- Several buildings changed to 'stone' to make use of stone mason guild
- Several text revisions
- Increased range of tower canons
- Corrected missing flags
- Slowed down religious conversion rates

Version 2.0.407
- Corrected faction relationship at end of event "The Eighty Years' War"
- Disabled all (vanilla) historical ancillaries
- Battle AI tweaking
- EDU tweaking
- Projectile adjustments
- Increased loyalty of Habsburg heir
- Corrected scrolling error in round 126

Version 2.0.308
- Corrected units for 'Unruhen' spawn
- Adjusted descr_sm_factions sequence of factions
- Corrected mounted Arquebusier model
- Corrected Trigger agents43b in EDCT
- Disabled 'better water' and 'better lighting'
- Set bodyguard upkeep to zero
- Corrected co-ordinates for swedish 'Staedte braucht das Land' spawn
- Solved 'corrupted character record' save crash

Version 2.0.222 - 30th March 2013

- Fixed pistol_bullet projectile
- Corrected name issues
- Adjusted stats for cavalry
- Launcher bug reporting
- Added more female names for slave faction (witches)
- Corrected wrong unit pic sizes for Spain faction
- Fixed 'spawned ports cannot recruit ships'
- Added missing spawns for 'New Cities' event
- Corrected Habsburg spawn (faction and traits) after independence of Nederlands
- Translated some building tree names
- Added barracks to all settlements
- Corrected taxable_income_bonus issue
- Reformatted loading screens
- Removed in game moving of Mansfeld, Wallenstein and 'Der Tolle'
- Adjusted grape shot stats
- Removed grape shot from Leder Kanone
- Gave 'diplomatic immunity' to all diplomats in enclosure
- Recoded some family trees
- Corrected mounted Arquebusier model
- Reduce strength an dfrequency of Osman spawns
- Set period details in custom battle
- Small corrections on map

Version 2.0.120 - 20th March 2013

- Corrected ownership of "kanone r"
- New mercenaries made recruitable in campaign, added unit_info pics
- Removed cancelled script event 'Eine Stadt fuer Schweden'
- Fixed road connections in Tirol
- Fixed missing translation 'Jesuit Kollege' and other translations
- Added Swedish recruiting to Baltic Regions
- Added French recruiting to Eastern Regions
- Added Spanish recruiting to Veltin
- Trait description changed for 'desperate'
- Corrected label issue 'Calmar'
- Corrected pic and historic event text for Paulaner brewery
- Corrected picture path for garrison units
- Increased unit size
- Reduced effectiveness of some gun units and archers
- Reduced differences between 'regional' units
- Increased Range of cannons
- Reduced number of regions required to win
- Send Spanish king off map
- Added mounted Arquebusiers
- Revised Launcher

Version 2.0.000 - 15th March 2013

- Release of full version

--- General Information ---

The mod 1648 is settled in the period 1618-1648 of the wars in Central Europe
better known als the '30 years war'. The battlefields of this conflict are all
located in the area of the Holy Roman Empire, therefore the map encompasses
it's dominion and the directly neighboring areas (Copenhagen-Udine / Reims-Riga).
A high level of detail is guaranteed through 198 provinces and 27 (22 playable)
factions. The pivotal aspect of the mod will be the struggle of the Kaiser with
the counter reformation; protestant leaders being his main adversaries.

Foreign powers enter the game as spawning factions like Siebenb�rgen or as invaders

like Sweden and France. Poland-Lithuania (the Western areas), Denmark, Swiss Union
and the United Netherlands have their part on the map as well, although their
influence in the beginning will be more passiv. The eighty years war between the
Netherlands and Spanish Habsburg will also play a role in the overall war of that

--- Credits ---

- The teams of TWZone and TWForum for their friendly assistance and providing a
moding 'home'
- Both communities for their support, ideas and friendly critic
- Musculus Maximus for his help with the forts and ground textures
- Dimitri Harkov and Addi for their ideas and help
- Rheumafuzzy and team SuS\OuO as well as repman and team DLV for ideas and help
- King Kong and Team TA for ground textures and those plush trees on the stratmap
- Xeryx for providing the AI mod
- the countless modders of TWCentre for their brilliant groundwork
- Wikipedia for the public pictures and text
- German television ARD and ZDF for their documentaries "Wir Deutschen" and "Die
- The authors of the books "Deutsche Volkslieder", "Deutsche Hausm�rchen",
"Deutsche Soldatenlieder", although this will be most likely posthumous
- The Housekeepr and team Machiavello for their idea of the named forts
- Team HRE and their inspiration for a "Reichs-Mod"
- AlphaDelta for the mod fKoC that taught us a lot
- Supply and forage system by Byg

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