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Priest: I exhort you now, brothers and sisters, to present yourself before
the Lord. In the words of St. Paul; “I beg you through the mercy of God to offer
your bodies as the living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, your spiritual
worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the
renewal of your mind, so that you may judge God’s will, what is good, pleasing
and perfect.” (Rom. 12:1-2). I ask you now, as the Lord Himself was willed, to
cling to each other and making of your two persons one spirit and one body,
present your union of mind and heart to the Lord in a sacrifice of praise and

I.S.C.: We now stand together

Husbands & Wives: As one before the Lord to offer Him our sacrifice of
praise and thanksgiving. Through the power of His Love we again discover the
face of Christ in each other. He has gracefully renewed the freshness and strength
of the love we cherished on the day of our sacrament of marriage. We praise Him
for His abiding presence in every moment of pain and need, in every instance of
joy and fullness. We thank Him for His steadfast love when we were visited with
sorrow and blessed with peace. We pray for His enduring grace, as we vow again
to live in His love and walk in His light.

Priest: Father, You have made the bond of marriage a holy mystery, a
sacred sacrament, a lasting symbol of Christ’s undying love for His Church. Hear
the prayers of praise and thanksgiving from the couples who stand before You
now. Receive their faith in You and in each other as they pledge anew their love
today. May their lives continue to bear witness to the power and grace of that
love. We ask You this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives
with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Community: AMEN.
Priest: Do you, husbands, reaffirm your married love and fidelity to you
wife, before God and this community?

Husbands: Yes, I do.

Priest: Do you, wives, reaffirm your love and fidelity to your husband,
before God and this community?

Wives: Yes, I do.

(Husbands & Wives face each other)

Husband: I, this day renew before God and this community the pledge of
love I offered you on the day of the sacrament of our marriage. When I received
you, to be my wife, I promised to be true to you in good times and in bad, in
sickness and in health. I promised to love and honor you all the days of my life.
Today I declare my promises again, with the heard renewed and mind refreshed
by Christ, in a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God for His blessings which
sustained our life together. And also thank you, for the gift of yourself and love
that you have given me.

Priest: You have renewed the vows of you marriage sacrament before God
and before us who form God’s community of love. We admonish you to
remember that it is Christ who makes all things new, it is Christ who grants us
our unending season of refreshment by the selfless and fullness of His covenant
of love. We exhort you to put the person of Christ at the altar of your marriage, at
the heart of you family, at the cornerstone of your community that you may
receive the healing and renewing power of His Spirit every moment onward ,
enduring even beyond death. The Lord, ever faithful to his promises, will give you
His strength to be faithful to your vows.


Priest: We will now ask you to renew the exchange of wedding rings. First,
let us implore God’s blessings anew. Lord, many years ago these rings were
blessed in Your Name. This day we ask that You may look with good pleasure on
these couples as they renew the exchange of these rings which symbolize their
faith in each other. May Your grace strengthen them to do Your holy will with
loving freedom , and thus live always in your loving kindness and in Your peace.
Bless these rings and consecrate once again these husbands and wives in their life
together. (Priests sprinkles Holy Water on the rings.)

Husbands: I, give again this ring to you renewing my pledge of fidelity

and love for all the years to come, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit.

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