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An astronaut of 75 kg weighing 735 N on the ground carries his bathroom scale (a spring balance) and a balance of cross (which compared
masses) to the moon, where gravity is G = 1.67 m/s2. Determine how much you will weigh a) on the spring scale and B) on the cross balance.
2.The acceleration of a high-speed aircraft is expressed in multiples of G (standard acceleration of gravity). Determine the net force directed
upward, in N, that a man of 70 kg would experience in a plane whose acceleration is 6g

La aceleración de un avión de alta velocidad se expresa en valores de g (múltiplos de aceleración estándar de la gravedad). Determine la fuerza
ascendente, en N, que experimentara un hombre de 90 kg en un avión cuya aceleración es 6 g. La aceleración de un avión es dado en g’s La fuerza
neta de ascendente a un hombre en los aviones es que se determinen. Análisis de la la segunda ley de Newton, la fuerza aplicada es:

F = ma = m(6g) = (90 kg) lbm) (6* 9.81 m/s2 ) ( ) = 5297 N Respuesta

3. The barometer of a mountaineer 930 mbar at the beginning of an ascent and 780 mbar at the end. Despise the effect of altitude on the local
gravitational acceleration and determine the ascended vertical distance. Suppose an average air density to 1.20 kg/m3 and take g = 9.7 m/s2.
4. Determine the pressure exerted on a diver 30 m below the free surface of the sea. Suppose a barometric pressure of 101 kPa and a relative
density of 1.03 g/cm3 for seawater.

si Pa=Po+densidad*gravedad*altura

P30metros= 100Kpa+(1.03*1000 ( kg/m^3 ) * ( 9.8 ( m/s^2 ) ) *30m ) / 1000


5. A gas contained in a frictionless vertical cylinder-plunger device. The plunger has a mass of 4 kg and a cross-section area of 35 cm2. A compressed
spring exerts over the plunger a force of 60 N. If the atmospheric pressure is 95 kPa, determine the pressure inside the cylinder. Repuesta: 123.4

6. They are connected to a gas tank, a meter and a manometer to measure the pressure. If the reading on the pressure gauge is 80 kPa, determine
the distance between the two fluid levels of the manometer if the fluid is a) mercury ⍴ = 13600 kg/m3 b) water ⍴ = 1000 kg/m3.

Presión=80kPa=80000 Pa\\\ Las densidades son kg/m^3


h=P/(p·g)= 80000 /(13600·9,8) =0,6 m=60 cm

h= 80000/(1000·9,8)=8,16 m=816 cm

El manómetro de fluido es un tubo en forma de U, que posee 2 ramas.
una de ellas está conectada al tanque en el que se desea medir la presión.
La diferencia de altura h entre las 2 ramas del fluído nos permite calcular
la presión p del depósito según la expresión:
donde d es la densidad o peso específico del fluído.
De la anterior, despejamos h = p / d, para uniformar pasemos los 80 kPa a
Kg /m^2
80 kPa = 80000 newton /m^2 , recordando 1Kg ----> 9,8 Newton, la presión p
p = 80000 / 9,8 = 8163,3 Kg /m^2.
a) la altura en caso del mercurio (Hg)
h = (8163,3 kg/m^2) / 13600 kg/m^3) = 0,60 metro
b) en el caso del agua
h = (8163,3 kg/m^2) / 1000 kg/m^3) = 8,16 metro
7. The basic barometer is used as an aircraft altitude measurement device. The ground control reports a barometric reading of 775 mmhg while
the pilot reading is 690 mmhg. Estimate the altitude of the aircraft from the ground level if the average air density is 1.20 kg/m3 and g = 9.7 m/s2.

Δp = ρ.g.Δh = ρ(Hg).g.Δh(Hg)
→ Δh = (ρ(Hg)/ρ).Δh(Hg) = 13,6*(753-690) = 856,8 m

Δp = ρ.g.h ; 760 mm Hg = 1 atm = 101325 Pa
> h = Δp/(ρ.g) = (753-690)*101325/760/1,2/9,81
> h = 713,4989136 = 713 m

8. A pressure cooker cooks much faster than an ordinary saucepan by maintaining the highest pressure and temperature inside. The lid of a
pressure cooker seals perfectly and the steam can escape only through an opening in the middle lid. A separate part of a certain mass, the valve,
is placed over that opening and prevents the vapor from escaping until the pressure force exceeds the weight of the valve. In this form, the periodic
steam exhaust prevents any potentially hazardous pressure and keeps the internal pressure at a constant value.

Determine the valve mass of an espresso pot whose operating pressure is 100 kPa

Barometric and have a cross section area with 4mm2 opening. Suppose an atmospheric pressure of 101 kPa and draw the diagram of the free body
of the valve.
9. The average atmospheric pressure on the Earth approaches as a function of the altitude by means of the relationship:

PATM = 101,325 (1 -0, 02256z) 5,256

Where PATM is the atmospheric pressure in KPa and Z is the altitude in km (1 kilometer = 1000 m) with z = 0 at sea level. Determine the approximate
atmospheric pressure in Atlanta (z = 306 m), Denver (z = 1610 m), Mexico CITY (z = 2309 m) and the top of Mount Everest (z = 8848 m) p 1-50
10. The efficiency of a refrigerator increases 3 percent for each C º at the minimum temperature on the device. What is the increase in efficiency
per each: a) K B) F and C) R temperature increase? pag 1-40

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