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Mixing mechanics.

Benitez Villalba Franco, Kinto Pérez Danery Angelica, López Cartas Jassiel Paul, Rodríguez
Hernández José Miguel.

A drilling mud in any of its variants (pneumatic: gas or air, aqueous: water, oil: diesel and colloidal
suspension: based on water and clay) is a fluid that is used during the drilling activities of a well. It
is prepared with chemical and solid materials (pulverized), which are circulated in a circuit inside
the hole inside the pipe, driven by pumps and finally, returned to the surface by the annular space
(space formed between the wall of the hole and the outside diameter of the pipe). The main
functions of the drilling mud are to provide stability in the walls of the hole, to control the
pressures of the formation, to support the weight of the drill string, suspension of cuts and solids
when the perforation is interrupted and to transmit hydraulic power to the drill.

The mixing of sludge determines the success of drilling a well. The presence of the sludge is
permanent throughout the drilling operation since it is always necessary to add additives that
allow facing the conditions present in the well. Effective mixing is important to obtain a
homogeneous sludge and in the shortest possible time, this way to control the well in the fastest
possible way.

In drilling equipment there are mixing wells with different geometries: square and rectangular. The
knowledge of the velocity distribution in mixing tanks is of great importance since it shows the
influence that the geometry has on the mixing of the mud, the accumulation of solids present in
the bottom of the dams and how to avoid it.

1. Introduction.

In industry, in general, mixing is one of the most used operations. The use in the oil industry takes
a relevant role in the production of drilling mud, this to achieve a homogeneous mixture between
the components that make it up so that properties such as rheology and thixotropy are achieved
according to the established drilling program ; this determines the success or failure in drilling a
well. In the current drilling equipment there are geometries of both square and rectangular mud
tanks in which there is a presence of solid stagnation in the bottom which means that the fluid
velocities present in these regions are lower than the minimum required to drag them in the
direction of positive z of the coordinate axis, originating with this, a greater demand for
ingredients from those in need, thus impacting wasted resources and downtime. In situations
where the geometry of the dam favor the concentration of flow lines in certain regions, there will
be heterogeneous mixing where areas with few flow lines will present a poor incorporation of the
element to be mixed, generating concentration gradients that will require more mixing time. It is
important to know the speeds present in a dam of sludge and the distribution of them. By means
of a study of speeds in the mud dams it would be expected:

a. Determine the reason for the stagnation of solids in the bottom of the dams and propose
a solution that avoids this phenomenon.

b. Determine which geometries have a better performance based on the trajectories

generated and their impact on mixing times.

2. Mathematical models and definitions.

2.1​. Mixed​.
It is a reduction of an inhomogenidad (lack of homogeneity) in order to achieve a result in
a given process. The inhomogenidad can be a concentration, phase or temperature or said of
another form, to generate a homogenidad within a quantity of matter with respect to a certain
variable. The objective of mixing is to achieve a homogeneity, among the elements that compose
it, with respect to one or several variables of interest (temperature, concentration, density, time,
etc.). To achieve this, there are different methods; in a traditional way movements are made in a
parabolic trajectory in a plane slightly inclined upwards achieving a correct dispersion of the
components in the background with a circular and at the same time ascending trajectory, in a
similar way the constant rotation of a mixer blade can be used commercial. An everyday example
of mixing phases is with milk and oats. If we want to drink the milk together with the oats we have
to shake it continuously in order to avoid that the solid phase called oats does not precipitate or
remain at the bottom of the cup.

2.2.​ Turbulence in the mixing.

2.2.1. ​Turbulent flow.

It is observed when the particles move disorderly and the trajectories of the particles are
forming small eddies. Turbulence is defined as a state of fluid movement where the speed
fluctuates in time and in all directions in space.

Figure 1. Turbulent flow.

When we speak of fully developed turbulent flows, we refer to asymptotic states at very
high Reynolds numbers (values ​greater than 4,000 [1]). In this type of fluids, the fluctuations of
speeds are so intense that the inertial forces overcome the viscous forces. In fully developed
turbulent flows, the drag and drag time coefficients tend to a constant value in the same way as in
laminar flow.

2.2.2. Mixing mechanisms present in a turbulent flow.

● Dispersion (B is dispersed in A).

● Molecular diffusion
● Eddy or turbulent diffusion. Caused by movements of large groups of molecules called
eddies. This movement is measured as turbulent speed fluctuations.
● Convection. It is caused by the movement of a whole mass of fluid.

2.2.3. Turbulence of 2 variables​.

To reduce the problem of modeling to a single stationary solution, Reynolds formulated
time-averaging rules where the application of these rules produce a time-averaged form to the
Navier-Stokes equations known as RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes) that relate quantities
of times averaged which causes that there are more unknowns than equations. The unknowns
present are the six efforts of Reynolds that are related to the components of the fluctuating speed
in the following way:


The terms on the main diagonal are normal efforts that are always positive. In an idealized fluid
without preferential directions these are equal to zero. The terms outside the diagonal are
symmetric (uv = vu) so, only 3 of them are unique. If the turbulence does not have a preferential
direction and there are no velocity gradients in the flow then the individual fluctuations will be
completely random and the covariances or normal terms will be zero. This assumption of isotropic
turbulence turns out to be an important concept to understand the different kinds of turbulence
models with averaged time. With these assumptions the six unknowns are reduced to:


A starting point for modeling the fluids present in a mixing tank is achieved by the k-e model. This
model assumes that normal stresses are approximately equal and are adequately represented by
k. Two differential equations are used to model the production and dissipation of turbulent kinetic
energy: the equation k and the equation ε are developed for stress free flows and where
constants were determined experimentally. One of these constants is used to relate values local k
and e for a uv estimate using a modified turbulent viscosity approximation.

2.3. Laminar flow in the mixing.

2.3.1 Laminar flow.

The speed of the fluid does not fluctuate in time in such a way that there is a perfectly ordered,
stratified and smooth movement of which, its movement manifests itself in the form of parallel
sheets without intermixing, forming layers or sheets together uniform and regular.

Figure 2. Laminar flow.

For the case of flow within a circular tube, it has that for Reynolds numbers lower than 2,000 there
is a laminar flow and values of between 2,000 to 4,000 transitional, since the Reynolds number
depends on the speed and viscosity of the fluid. You can deduce that the laminar flow is present at
low speeds and / or high viscosities:


This leads to the fact that for laminar flows the viscous effects have a great influence on
the behavior of the same, being in turbulent cases, the inertial effects more important.

2.3.2. Mixing mechanisms present in a laminar flow.

In laminar regimes it is common to have environments with poor levels of mixing this, as a
consequence of the linearity present in this type of fluids, viscous forces and lack of non-linear
inertial forces. Much of the current mixing equipment as it is; mixing tanks, static mixers, etc. They
are used in applications with laminar regimes obtaining a degree of success for each case. Such
properly designed equipment can break the continuous trajectories and create chaos. These
laminar mixing systems are effective because they make the process dependent on time. The
mixing mechanism in the aforementioned devices is very similar, a periodic force in the fluid, in
the case of a mixing tank operated at constant speed, each step of the blades of the blade
generates a periodic disturbance in the fluid. Each element is a repetition of the previous one
rotating or rotating 90º with respect to the previous one, thus forcing the elements of the fluid to
reorient (figure 3).
Figure 3. Effect of periodicity on a fluid.

The chaotic movement generated by periodic flows is characterized by an exponential degree of

elongation of the fluid elements in this way, as the fluid element travels through the chaotic flow,
this is not only elongated but is also reoriented due to the repetitive change in the direction of the
flow field acting on it, this reorientation leads to folding of the flow lines. This repetition of
lengthening and folding cycles increases the inter-material area exponentially and reduces the
scale of segregation of the system in an exponential way.

3. Results and discussion.

2.4. Design of mixing tanks.

To make the design of a tank is mixed it is necessary to take into account its dimensions,
type of flow pattern desired, power consumed, etc. The dimensions affect differently the design of
our mixing system for example, if you have a height ratio z with respect to its diameter T> 1.5 it
will be necessary to include another impeller to the mixing system. In the case of wanting to
modify the flow pattern, it is possible to apply devices called deviators which, with the objective of
changing the flow path present in a stirred tank.

2.4.1. Geometry.
The ones with cylindrical geometry are the most common, although for specific
applications in the industry, there are containers with geometries, square, rectangular, etc. Where
its main components are:

● Driving
● Impeller shaft
● Shaft seal
● Gearbox or gear.
● Motor.
● Tank.
● Diversion
Figure 4. Conventional mixing tank with agitator

These are divided into different classes depending on the type of flow pattern, its
applications and geometries. Within this type of impellers it can be mentioned that the axial type
are suitable for suspension of solids.

Tabla 1.1.Mixing impellers.

The impellers are characterized by the power number, pump number, cut level and flow pattern.
All the power applied to a mixing system produces a circulation capacity Q as well as a speed H
given by:


Where Q represents the internal circulation, H provides the cut in the mixed or otherwise seen,
the kinetic energy that generates the shear stress through a jet or pulsating movement in the fluid.
D represents the diameter of the impeller. Both expressions do not include the effects due to the
number of blades as well as their thickness so that equation (1-5) can be rewritten as:


Where NQ is the pump number which depends on the type of impeller, the ratio D / T and the
Reynolds number of the impeller that is defined as:


2.4.3. Wall derailleurs.

They consist of a solid surface positioned in the path of tangential flows generated by an
impeller in order to vertically deflect the flow pattern and achieve an effect on the mixing quality.
When they are not present, the flow created by the rotation of the impeller appears in two
dimensions and causes a swirling effect similar to the rotation of a solid body. They are generally
used in transitional and turbulent mixing except for highly impure systems that require frequent
cleaning of the interior of the tank. For laminar mixing of viscous fluids, deviators are not
necessary, in the case of rectangular tanks the corners vertically deflect the tangential flow pattern
providing a deviating effect, making these elements not necessary. This type of elements are not
used in case of having tanks with horizontal agitation at a certain inclination.
2.4.4. Pumping and pumping number.
Pumping is the amount of material discharged by a rotating impeller. Most impellers will
pump at a very similar rate regardless of the diameter and speed of the impeller. The pumping of
an impeller changes with its geometry for example, the pumping depends on the number of
blades, their width and the level of liquid.

2.4.5. Power and power number.

The power consumed by an impeller can be obtained by multiplying the pumping Q and the height
of the liquid level on this H that is:


Where Np is the power number which, depends on the type of impeller and Reynolds number of
the impeller. From another point of view the power consumed by the impeller is equal to its drag
force multiplied by the speed of the impeller in such a way::
P=FV (1-10)

For the drag force in a turbulent regime we have:


Where Cd is the drag coefficient, ρ is the density of the fluid around the impeller and Ap is the
projected area of the impeller blade. Substituting 1-11 in 1-12.

Since all the speeds in a mixing tank are proportional to the peak velocity and the projected area is
proportional to the square of D, the power can be represented by:

Comparing equation (1-9) and (1-13) with the power number Np can be considered similar to the
drag coefficient, under a turbulent regime it is a function of the geometry and independent of the
Reynolds number, Np is also constant at high Re for a certain type of impeller. The power number
Np is also a function of the blade thickness, number of blades, D / T ratio, baffle configuration and
impeller elevation. It is important to mention that for Re <100 there is laminar flow and the quality
of the mixing is poor. Under such driving conditions for laminar flow are recommended.
There is a laminar regime for Reynolds numbers <10, transitional between 10-10,000 and
turbulent for more than 10,000

● Np is directly proportional to the inverse of Re in a laminar regime and the power greatly
depends on the viscosity.
● Np is constant in a turbulent regime (Re> 10,000) and is independent of the viscosity of
the liquid.
● Np changes slightly in transitional flow (10 <Re <10,000)
● Np for turbine impellers vary with the thickness of the blades according to:

Rushton type impeller 6 blades


Impeller with 4 inclined blades at 45º


The functionality with the number of blades is given by:

Three to six blades:


Six to twelve blades:


2.4.5. Flow patterns

The mixing process is highly influenced by the flow pattern generated by the impellers:

● Axial type: b and c.

● Inclined blades: PBT.
● Hydrofoils.
● Radial: a.

Figure 4. Flow patterns for different mixers.

The flow pattern for a particular type of impeller depends on variables such as the diameter of the
impeller, the viscosity of the liquid as well as the use of one or more impellers.

4. Conclusions.
Fluid mechanics is extremely important for any area within industries that handle any type
of fluid. There are many applications of this matter, specifically speaking of the oil industry. From
making a drilling mud, to transporting hydrocarbons to refineries, and already processed, to
consumers. The importance of knowing each type of flow in which a fluid can behave is of utmost
importance for the exploitation of deposits. In the preparation of drilling mud is very important
homogeneity, that is why they are used to flow types, depending on the components of the
mixture, so that this is achieved and the mud acquires the necessary properties to serve in the
drilling of wells.


1. Vázquez Hernández N, Rayenari (2011). ​Aplicación de la mecánica de fluidos en la

ingeniería petrolera (tesis de licenciatura). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Ciudad Universitaria, México.
2. Buerhend Orozco Rodrigo (2010). ​Estudio de velocidades y arrastre de sólidos en presas de
mezclado de lodos de perforación. ​Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad
Universitaria, México.

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