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Staff Report

September 11, 2018


TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members

SUBMITTED BY: Ashlee Wright, Library and Community Activities Director

APPROVED BY: Chip Rerig, City Administrator

First Reading - Ordinance No. 2018-004, Amending Municipal Code Chapter 2.28
SUBJECT: "Community Activities and Cultural Commission".

Waive reading in full and introduce on first reading Ordinance 2018-004
amending municipal code Chapter 2.28 "Community Activities and Cultural Commission".
In February 2018 at the regular meeting of the Community Activities and Cultural Commission (CA&CC),
Commission members received a brief history of the formation of the CA&CC, which occurred in 2004 with the
adoption of Chapter 2.28 "Community Activities and Cultural Commission", which has not been amended since
its adoption. The CA&CC voted unanimously to request Council permission to form an ad hoc committee to
review and make recommendations on amendments to this section of the Municipal Code, that will more
accurately reflect the focus of the CA&CC.

At its April 3, 2018 regular meeting Council authorized the formation of a CA&CC ad hoc committee to work with
staff and the Council liaison to evaluate and review Chapter 2.28 of the municipal code, with special focus on
section 2.28.060 "Duties, Responsibilities, and Authority". At its May 8, 2018 the Commission voted to appoint
Chair Linda Califiore and Commissioner Judy Refuerzo to work with the liaison to the Commission,
Councilmember Carolyn Hardy, and staff.

The ad hoc committee began its deliberations by considering the community, and proposed a shift in mindset
from being event focused to being community focused. To this end the ad hoc committee has proposed the

1. Changing the name of the Commission from "Community Activities and Cultural Commission" to "Community
Activities Commission".

2. Re-incorporating section D. (Attachment 2) that had previously been a part of the duties, responsibilities, and
authority of the Community Activities and Recreation Commission that merged with the Community Cultural
Commission to form the Community Activities and Cultural Commission.
3. Adding a mission statement that provides the framework for the listed duties, responsibilities, and authority.

The Community Activities and Cultural Commission considered and approved the proposed changes at their
August 14, 2018 regular meeting and recommended that the proposed changes be remanded to the Council for
There is no fiscal impact associated with the review of this item.


At its April 3, 2018 regular meeting Council authorized the formation of a CA&CC ad hoc committee to work with
staff and the Council liaison to evaluate and review Chapter 2.28 of the municipal code.


Attachment 1 - Ordinance 2018-004, Exhibit "A"

Attachment 2 - Community Activities and Recreation Commission Duties and Responsibilities
Attachment 1

2.28.060 Duties, Responsibilities and Authority.

The Community Activities Commission’s mission is to encourage and support the interaction of neighbors,
friends, families and visitors through the shared experience of special events​, programs, and gatherings ​which
bring the community together safely on the City’s streets and in its parks and weave the fabric of our
community by creating opportunities to interact, celebrate, enrich people’s lives, and promote inclusiveness.

The Community Activities Commission serves as an advisory body to the City Council on matters relating to
the recreational, cultural, and social needs of the community. ​The Community Activities and Cultural
Commission shall have the following duties, responsibilities and authority:

A. To stimulate and encourage community, cultural and recreational activities within the City and to actively
participate in the executions of these activities;

B. To develop rules and regulations for conducting its business and meetings in accordance with the laws of
the State and the City;

C. To advise and assist the ​Community Services Manager ​Community Activities Director ​and, when requested,
other City commissions and City public bodies, departments and residents of the City, on community, cultural
and recreation programs;

D. To assist in the planning of community activities and recreational programming for the inhabitants of the City
and its adopted sphere of influence to promote and stimulate public interest therein;

D.​ ​E​. To make themselves aware of, and thereafter advise the City Council of the uses of ​the Forest Theater
parks and other public spaces, Carmel Beach, ​ Vista Lobos and the Scout House and endeavor to have such
spaces and​ facilities put to their best possible use;

E.​ ​F.​ To make themselves aware of, and thereafter advise the Council of the condition of the structures,
grounds, and equipment of the facilities under its jurisdiction and bring to the attention of the City Council and
the City Administrator proposals and recommendations for the maintenance, repair, uses and improvements of
such facilities;

F.​ ​G.​To determine, in consultation with the ​Community Services Manager ​Community Activities Director ​, the
terms of tenancies of the facilities referred to in subsection (D) of this section; to recommend to the City
Council the rental rates and other terms of such use;

G.​ ​H.​To serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council, the City Administrator and Community Services
Manager in regard to community activity and recreation matters and all such matters pertaining to public
recreation and the use of recreational lands, facilities and donations.
Attachment 2
Attachment 2

2.38.060 Duties, Responsibilities and Authority.

The Community Activities and Recreation Commission shall have

the following duties, responsibilities and authority:
A . To be concerned with passive and active recreational
opportunities for all age groups within Carmel-by-the-Sea and its
adopted sphere of influence. Subjects for review by the commission
may be suggested by the City Council.
B. To review social grant applications and forward
recommendations to the City Council regarding the disbursement of
social grant moneys.
C. To serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council, City
Administrator in regard to community activity and recreation
matters, on all such matters pertaining to public recreation and
recreational lands and facilities and donations; to study the needs
of the City and the means of meeting such needs in connection with
all such matters pertaining to community activities, public recreation
and Greational lands and facilities.
To assist in e panning of community activities and
tiona! programming for the inhabitants of the City and its
adopted sphere of influence to promote and stimulate public

\j terest therein, and, to that end, to solicit to the fullest possible

xtent the cQQPeration of other public and private agencies
terested therein._ ~
- E Ia consider and make recommendations to the City Council or
City Administrator on any communication regarding recreation or
social programs and on matters involving general policy.
F. To report fully , through the City Council, to the public all of the
activities of the community activities and recreation program at
least once each year and at such other times as may be requested
by the Council. Such reports may include the results of studies of
present and future needs of the City with respect to recreation
programs and recreational facilities and may include
recommendations to the City Council and to the City Administrator
concerning the same.
G. To develop and recommend to the City Council a master plan
and updates regarding the recreational needs of the community
and ongoing programs. (Ord . 97-4 § 1, 1997; Ord. 91-19 § 4, 1991 ;
Ord. 86-19

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