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The Impact Of Qualifying Examinations On The Aspects Of Social, Academic And Health Of

Engineering And Accountancy Students Of Adamson University



Some colleges in Adamson University requires their students to take up qualifying examinations,
such as the College of Engineering and the College of Business Administration-Accountancy, in
order to satisfy the requirement to move up a year level. For engineering students who satisfactorily
completed the first two years of their respective curriculum, prepares for the said Engineering
Qualifying Examination or otherwise known as the EQE held at the end of the first semester and
of summer classes annually. As for the accountancy students, they take up two qualifying
examinations. The first exam is held after their second year, first semester and the second exam
after their third year, second semester. However, in order to qualify to take up the examinations,
accountancy students are required to pass the retention grade of 2.50 or 75% for their first five
major courses. These examinations are given to students not just to qualify for a higher year level,
but also to attest that the students have acquired knowledge and understanding of the subjects they
took up in their prior year levels.
However, in the process of preparing for the said qualifying examinations, students form both
colleges are often struck with pressure not just from their respective departments, but also from
their families and of themselves in order to attain a goal they set forth for themselves. Most students
suffer from changes in their behavior particularly with interacting with other people, changes in
their study habits, and also on how to handle such pressures and changes in themselves that it often
leads to health implications. These factors need to be taken into account in order for most students
to be aware of what they should also prepare themselves with other than for academic purposes,
but also for their well-being. Thus, with respect to this will be the center of this study.
This study aims to determine the impact of qualifying examinations on the aspects of social,
academic and health of engineering and accountancy students of Adamson University.
Specifically, this study will answer the following queries:
1) What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Program
1.2 Gender
1.3 Year Level
2) How do the students feel about taking up the qualifying examinations?
3) What is the level of preparedness of the students who will be taking up the qualifying
4) What is the impact of qualifying examinations on the aspects of social, academic and health
of students in terms of:
4.1 Social Interaction
4.2 Academic Performance
4.3 Physical Health
4.4 Mental Health
5) How do the students handle the stress and pressure in preparing for the qualifying
examination and from taking the qualifying examination?


This study is designed to determine the possible impacts of qualifying examinations in the
aspects of the students’ health, social interactions and academic performances. This study also
determines how specific students from both colleges handle such factors in order to guarantee
the attainment of their goals.


The study will benefit the following:
For those who will be taking the qualifying examinations, this study will help educate the
students about such factors that they might encounter upon the preparation for the examination.
This study will help the parents in how to deal with their children during the process of
preparing for the examinations. It will also educate them about the struggles that their children
are facing in the event of such preparations.
Those professors who are handling students that may take up the examinations, this study will
help them assess possible problems that they may encounter with the students under them.
Those departments involved, this study will help them take into consideration some factors
that might affect the students upon the preparation and upon taking the examinations for their
benefit and also, most importantly, for the students.
Future Researchers
For the researchers, this study intends to provide them great knowledge about the manner of
how most qualifying examinations are conducted in some colleges in Adamson University and
the impacts of the exams to some students, that they can use as future reference for such studies
related to this.


This study is focused in distinguishing the different aspects that may positively or negatively
affect those students who are to take up qualifying examinations, specifically the engineering
and accountancy students. Included in the study are those factors that benefits or benefitted the
students who have already taken up the said examinations as well as those who have not yet
taken up the exams, and the department they’re under. This study also involves the description,
analysis and interpretation of the level of preparedness of the students who have taken and who
will take the qualifying examinations. This study is limited to those students who are under the
College of Engineering and the College of Business Administration-Accountancy in Adamson

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