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Good day to you sir/ma’am! I am Keisha Kaye Gemenez, a 5th year BS Architecture
student at Ateneo de Davao University. I am currently doing research for my thesis. The
title of which is “A Proposed School of Medical Research: A Study on the Use of
Biomimicry As means for the Procreation of Ideas and Research through Interaction”

My study is about using ant biology as an inspiration to design a medical school. This
hopes to apply the interactive nature of ants into architecture that will promote the
interaction between students and teachers within the school.

In connection with the said academic endeavor, I would like to request for your
assistance by answering this questionnaire. Information gathered shall be used for
academic purposes only. Your support will be vital to the completion of my thesis and
your participation will truly be appreciated. Thank you!

1. Gender
o Male
o Female
2. Status in school
o Student – in what year? ____________
o Faculty
o Staff
3. How often do you consult with your classmates?
o Always
o Often
o Sometimes
o Rarely
o Never
4. How often do you consult with your professors?
o Always
o Often
o Sometimes
o Rarely
o Never
5. In terms of research, which do you prefer?
o Individually
o By group
6. Where do you usually do research?
o Home
o Library
o Coffee shop
o Other _______
7. In terms of studying, which do you prefer?
o Individually
o By group
8. Where do you usually study?
o Home
o Library
o Coffee shop
o Other _______
9. Based on results, which is more effective?
o Individually
o By group


10. Are there available spaces to do groupworks or activities?

o Yes
i. What are the spaces available? _____________________________
o No
11. Are there available spaces for visitors for research events?
o Yes
i. What are the spaces available? _____________________________
o No
12. Are your professors readily available in their designated space?
o Yes
o No
13. How accessible are the rooms from one another?
o Can be easily found and are near one another
o Needs to be located
o Easily gets lost
14. How crowded do you feel your school is?
o Very loud and crowded
o Some breathing room
o Comfortable for conversations
o Very Spacious
15. How do you spend time between periods? (answer all applicable)
o Eating snack
o Conversing with classmates
o Consulting with teacher
o Going out
o Sleeping
o Others: _______________________________________________________________

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