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Assessment of Impacts of Climate Change Due to Fast Urbanization using IoT &

Big Data Analytics

J Uma Mahesh, G Vijay Kumar

Abstract : Internet of Things (IoT) is widely being accepted as a new technology for business operations, with
excellence view mainly for wire- less communication between sensors, actuators and other useful small electronic
devices in day-to-day human life, all in general being referred to as “Things”. As quite a potential technology, IoT
is bound to experience a widespread application in a few years. This offers the ability to compute changes in
climate using environmental indicators. This paper presents practical examples of innovative observational,
statistical and analytical approaches employed in Climate Change and its environmental impacts in cities. In this
paper, we analyze the changes in climate due to fast urbanization as a key factor. We will analyze the data of
green house gases in different areas using various sensors and generate results using two different combinations of
machine learning algorithms using confusion matrix of SVM with PCA & SVM without PCA to draw a
conclusion which generates best results.

Keywords Confusion Matrix, Fast Urbanization, IoT, Machine Learning Algorithms, Sensors

1 Introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) is dream. Since several years our actual necessity has remained unchanged. We are wishing to
desire something to do new and useful for the society to be in protected manner and entertained. IoT have ability to
support our society and play a major role in the larger proposal of things (1). Big data Analytics has become known as the
advanced technological revolution in Information technology industry next to the Internet of Things (2).This is a new
automation technique and analytics system which makes use of computer networking, algorithmic trading, sentiment
measurement, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to deploy entire systems for a product or service
oriented. These automation systems allow higher degree of transparency and accounting, control and performance when
practically applied to any industry business or organization. These systems have various applications across industry
business organizations because of its unique features and capability to be fit in any nature of environment. They improve
data preprocessing techniques, automation techniques, various other computing techniques, and many more using
smart devices and technology.

J Uma Mahesh (&)

Research Scholar, Dept of C.S.E, K.L.E.F (Deemed to be University),
& Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Geethanjali College of Engineering & Technology,
Telangana, India e-mail:

G Vijay Kumar,
Associate Professor,
Dept of Electronics and Computer Engineering,
School of Computing, K.L.E.F (Deemed to be University),
Postal address: 522 502, Guntur District,
A.P, India Phone: 9247411556,
An IoT Technology and Big Data Analytics allow users to achieve intelligent automation system. IoT uses its
technology for networking sensing and robotics. IoT is the reason for falling hardware prices due to its current
trends and advances in soft- ware technology. Its emerging trends and technologies changed the delivery of
products, goods, and services; and the social, economic and other changes. As quite a potential technology, IoT and
Big Data is bound to experience a widespread application in a few years. This offers the capability to measure
changes in climate due to fast urbanization (3) and release of green house gases (9).
2. Fast Urbanization
Fast Urbanization is a people changing their residence from rural places to urban places, "the rapid increase in the
proportion of people living in urban areas", and the living style in which each society of aggregate of people adapts to
the change (3). It is the major reason because of this small town and cities are becoming larger as more population
begins living and working in these areas (4). The urban areas of the globe are rapidly increasing. By 2050, about 70
percentage of the globe population are likely to stay and do work in city kind of areas.
That is almost equal to 3.5 billion people who live in cities by 2050; mostly it will happen in Africa and Asia countries
(4). Especially the United Nations organization has also recently predicted that nearly all world population growth from
2018 to 2030 will be occupied by cities, about 1.5 billion people are more likely to reside in cities for the coming 12
years (5).People changing their residence from rural places to urban places are related to a various factors, such as
physical and human geography, society and social relationships, production and consumption of goods and services,
public welfare and health. The happening has been directly related to modernize, computerization, mechanization, and
the society and social relationships process of rationalization (6).
It is clearly defined People’s leaving from rural places to urban places at a set time i.e. towns and cities total population
growth. So Fast urbanization can be defined as rapidly people changing their residence from rural places to urban places
can be evaluate based on increase of urban growth in pro- portion to the total population growth. Fast Urbanization
creates enormous Climate and its Environmental effects on people in the world, social, economic changes, change in
people health , which offer an opportunity for carry on “maximum use of resources more efficiently, to create more
sustainable solutions. It requires progress of new statistical tools and data mining techniques to protect the biodiversity
of natural ecosystems (7).”

Fig. 1 Consequences of fast urbanization

2.1 Environmental Consequences

Environmental impacts of climate change(10,11)e such as in- tense emission of greenhouse gases, heat waves, rising
sea-levels, changes in precipitation resulting in flooding and droughts, in- tense hurricanes, and degraded air quality,
affect directly and indirectly the physical, social, and psychological health of hu- mans(8,9). The main reason for these
consequences can be seen as rapid urbanization over the last century. People have been migrated from villages to cities
in search of employment and many other reasons exploiting the environment at a rapid pace causing disturbances in
the ecological cycle.
3. Sensors

In this paper we use four different sensors to collect infor- mation about different gases present in the environment.
The sensors include
a. DHT 11

Name DHT 11

Purpose Capacitive humidity sensor

Properties • 2.5mA max current use
during(while requesting data)
• 20 to 80 % humidity read-
ings with 5% accuracy
• 0-50 degress C tempera-
ture readings with 2% de-
gree C accuracy

b. MQ 135
Name MQ 135

Purpose Smoke Detection Sensor

Properties • Sensitive gas -Smoke
• Boost converter chip -
• Operating voltage - 2.5V-
• Dimensions -

Fixing hole size - 2.0mm
c. MQ 2
Name MQ 2

Purpose Methane Gas Sensor

Properties • Working Voltage: 4.9 - 5.1
• Heating consumption: 0.5 -
• Load resistance:

• Heater resistance:- -
Sensing Resistance: 3 - 30

d. MQ 7
Name MQ 7

Purpose Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor

Properties • Circuit voltage - 5v
• Using temperature - -20C
to +50C
• Storage temperature - -
20C to +50C
• Relative humidity - Less
than 95% RH

Fig. 2 Sensors

4. Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning – branch of computer science (mainly Used in artificial and computational intelligence).
It is a "Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed". It discovers the
learning and building of algorithms that can study from applying classification & predictions techniques on data. This
kind of machine learning algorithms can be tested by designing a model or method from an example of training data
set of input. To analyze and predict our evaluation decisions which are used as outputs.
Classification is one of the data mining techniques for diverse application areas which are textual data classification,
voice detection, extracting image information, artificial intelligence and computational intelligence classification,
climate change classification etc.
4.1 Support Vector Machine (SVM)

The fundamentals of SVM Machine learning algorithm have been developed by Vapnik. SVM is more popular in the
area of deep learning and machine learning due to its exciting features and performance (18). This algorithm does not
have drawbacks of data reduction dimensionality and inadequate samples. Latest surveys results SVM (support vector
machines) usually are capable of producing higher classification accuracy performance than other algorithms.

Fig. 3: Maximum margin hyper-planes for SVM trained samples

4.2 Principal Count Analysis (PCA)
This reduction technique used for dimensionality reduction i.e. reducing large set of data information to small set of
data information without losing actual information. Here reduced set of data inputs can be used as principle factors.
So reduced data inputs are easy to compute and analyze.

Fig. 4: A diagram of the toy example for PCA

5. Methodology
We use gas sensors to collect concentration of gas in the environment. The data from the sensor is converted to
readable form using arduino. We can send data directly to cloud from the sensor avoiding additional storage device.
The cloud API keys are used to read and write data to cloud. The data is collected continuously as these are analog
sensors. Hence, we can take data in specified time spell as per our need and store in the cloud.
The data from cloud can be retrieved to R console using a request. Once the raw data is retrieved it is divided into
data sets and analyzed by applying specific algorithms using its confusion matrix.
Download or get data from
cloud to local operating

Export climate data from

sensor to the cloud
Install R programming Open rattle and upload data

Apply SVM and PCA

algorithms on data sheet
using rattle

Compare the results of both algorithms

and choose the one with best performance

Fig.5 Architecture

6. Implementation

We will analyze the data of green house gases in different areas using various sensors and generate results using
two different combinations of machine learning algorithms using confusion matrix of SVM with PCA and SVM
without PCA to draw a conclusion which generates best results on the following data sets.

Data Sets

Fig. 6 Data Sets

To create our Data sets we used R language. The following structure and syntax we used in R language to perform
classification by finding the hyper-plane that compares two classes..
climate<read.csv(file="D:/umamahesh1.csv",head=TRUE,s ep=",")
> climate
latitude longitude mq37 mq135 1 123 12 101
2 245 14 102
3 3 46 13 103 >
latitude longitude mq37 mq135 Min. :1.0 Min. :23.0
Min. :12.0 Min. :101.0 1st Qu.:1.5 1st Qu.:34.0 1st Qu.:12.5
1st Qu.:101.5 Median :2.0 Median :45.0 Median :13.0 Medi-
an :102.0 Mean :2.0 Mean :38.0 Mean :13.0 Mean :102.0 3rd Qu.:2.5 3rd Qu.:45.5 3rd Qu.:13.5 3rd Qu.:102.5 Max.
:3.0 Max. :46.0 Max. :14.0 Max. :103.0
> library(e1071)
> mymodel<-svm(latitude~.,data=climate)
> summary(mymodel) Call:
svm(formula = latitude ~ ., data = climate) Parameters:
SVM-Type: eps-regression SVM-Kernel: radial
cost: 1
gamma: 0.3333333
epsilon: 0.1
Number of Support Vectors: 3
>plot(climate$latitude,climate$longitude,col=climate$mq3 7)

Fig. 7 Climate Latitude Plot

PCA: the main aim of this dimensionality reduction technique is to remove redundancy and noisy data in order to
find hid- den patterns and correlated variables. We have various functions from various packages from CRAN-R
Following are the functions we used prcomp() and princomp() from the built-in R stats package.
PCA() from FactoMineR package.

Fig. 8 Result Graph

PCA: Performance measures of SVM with PCA
Measures Values (%)

Accuracy 96.3%

Specification 95.2 %
Performance measures of SVM without PCA

Measures Values (%)

Accuracy 89.3%

Sensitivity 79.1%

Specification 92.2 %

In this research paper, we analyze the changes in climate due to fast urbanization as a key factor by using IoT and Big
Data Analytics. We used various green house gas sensors by placing them in various locations (e.g. places in
Hyderabad) and those data results will be stored in a cloud. From that data we will analyze where the pollution is more
due to these green house gases mixed in air. These results are generated by using combinations of machine learning
algorithms using confusion matrix of SVM with PCA & SVM without PCA to draw a conclusion which generates best


I am very thankful to my guide G.Vijay Kumar sir who encour- aged to me to write this research article and and also to
my col- leagues Y.V.N Phani Kishore, K.Hare Krishna for their valuable suggestions


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