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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001
Vol. 8, Issue 3, Jun 2018, 1167-1178
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




Department of Physics, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Université de Tunis El Manar,
Campus Universitaire Farhat Hached, Rommana, Tunis
Department of Mechanical Engineering, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Research and Technology Center of Energy, Thermal Processes Laboratory, Hammam Lif, Tunis, Tunisia

Battery storage system regarded as a viable solution to maintain the stability for the wind power generation
regarding its availability to exchange active power. The proposed study is based on using a PMSG wind turbine system
as primary power source and a battery as an auxiliary power source. The latter has been used as Energy Storage System
ESS that has a dual role storing or providing the power mismatching between the generated wind power and load

Original Article
demand. Further, to coordinate operation of power sources, a supervisory control system is evaluated and simulated
under three different scenarios of wind speed fluctuations with fixed load demand. The obtained simulation results
induced at various situations of wind velocity and their analysis have been included in detail.

KEYWORDS: Energy Management, Wind Turbine System, PMSG Generator, Battery Storage System, Modeling &

Received: Apr 28, 2018; Accepted: May 19, 2018; Published: Jun 22, 2018; Paper Id.: IJMPERDJUN2018121


Energy has a critical role in the economic growth and development that due to the significant relationship
between electricity consumption and socioeconomic growth. However, the hybrid power system designing a
combination of one or more renewable source and one or more conventional energy source worked in stand-alone
mode in remote areas. They are used to convert the unregulated power, generated from sources of renewable
energy, into useful power for the electrical load (Diab, Lan, Zhang, & Ali, 2016). Therefore, there are many
topologies of hybrid power systems, among them: PV/wind/fuel cell/battery (Fathabadi, 2017), PV/Wind
Turbine/Battery (Khan, Yadav, & Mathew, 2017), PV/FC/WIND (Nowdeh, Rajabi-ghahnavieh, & Khanabdal,
2012), PV/Wind Turbine (Amorndechaphon, Premrudeepreechacharn, Higuchi, & Roboam, 2012)and Wind
Turbine/Battery (Sarrias, Fernández, García, & Jurado, 2012). The hybrid system aims to provide a specific pattern
of load with minimum cost and maximum of response to load power demand (Nowdeh et al., 2012).

The wind power generation is experiencing a remarkable growth in terms of installed power and energy
generation in many countries around the world over the past decade (Abdullah, Yatim, Tan, & Saidur, 2012).
It is considerate as one of the most promising and inexhaustible sources of renewable energy due to its advantages
in terms of efficiency, mobility, cost and reliability and alsothe negative environmental impacts to be one of the SCOPUS Indexed Journal

1168 Rim Ben Ali, Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Salwa Bouadila & Abdelkader Mami

potential sources of alternative energy for the future.


In other hand, energy storage systems play also an important role in hybrid power systems regarding their
availability to exchange active power. Different
D aspects of ESS are studied for wind power,
power such as superconducting
magnetic energy storage, compressed air energy storage, flywheels, hydro pumped storage, super capacitors and batteries,
which are known as a viable solution to provide a satisfactory behavior with high energy requirements.

The wind turbine system combined to the battery storage system has been described in the literature as hybrid
power systems. In(Sarrias-Mena,
Mena, Fernández-Ramírez,
Fernández García-Vázquez, & Jurado, 2014),aa hybrid system consists
consi of a wind
turbine system and electrochemical batteries is studied for improving profitability of wind power. The hybrid system is
simulated under
er various operating conditions. Indeed, a conventional wind turbine system without ESS is also considered
as a base-case
case to highlight the main benefits of the hybrid power system. In another study (Saheb Koussa et al., 2017),
a managing system consisting of a wind turbine equipped with battery and a generator supplying
lying load is studied, designed
and built for representing
ing a typical house consumption. In addition, a home energy management system,
system including
scale wind turbine system and battery bank is considered to determine optimal charging-discharging
charging pattern for the
battery and also to specify optimal capacity with optimal rated power of the battery at the same time(Hemmati,
time 2017).

Hence, the goal of this study is to develop an Energy Management Strategy of a hybrid wind turbine integrating
an ESS operating in standalone mode (Figure.
(Fig 1) using MATLAB-Simulink ® of MATLAB. This paper is organized as
follows: The modeling of the mechanical and electrical main components of the small wind turbine based on PMSG
generator is described in Section 2.. The methodology of the battery storage system is given in Section 3. The supervisory
control system is described in Section 4.The
4. results and discussions are shown in Section 5.. Finally, conclusions are given
in Section 6.

The proposed
posed scheme is outlined in Figure 1 that is combined the PMSG wind turbine and battery as a hybrid
power system. A resistance has been used as a load shedding system to dissipate the surplus energy.
energy In this configuration
the battery was directly attached to the DC bus without a DC/DC converter that poses two major advantages, which are
higher voltage requirements for the ESS and less controllable parameters in the control strategy.

Figure 1: Hybrid PMSG Wind Turbine Plant with Battery Storage System


Firstly, the wind turbine converts the kinetic energy (wind speed) into mechanical energy and then with the help
of the PMSG generator mechanical energy is converted into
int electrical energy.

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Energy Management of A Small-Scale Wind Turbine System 1169
Combined with Battery Storage System

2.1. Mechanical System Model

The mechanical power output from the turbine is expressed by Eq. 1. (Ben Ali, SCHULTE, & MAMI, 2017)

Pw = ρπ R 2V 3C p (1)

with, ρ is the air density, R is the blade radius and V is the wind speed.

The power coefficient Cp and the torque coefficient Cq can be determined by using, respectively, Eq. 2 and Eq. 3:

Cp = Cqλ (2)

Cq ( λ , β ) = C1 (1 + C 2 ( β + C3 )1/ 2 ) +
(C λ (λ , β ) − C β − C β
5 i 6 7
− C9 e
- C10 .λi ( λ , β )


λi ( λ , β ) = 1/ ( λ + 0.08β ) - 0.035 / ( C11 + C12 β 3 ) (4)

where, β is the pitch angle and λ is the tip speed ratio, which is calculated as follows:

ωr R
λ= (5)

ωr is the rotor speed and can be written by Eq. 6.

dωr P
= (Te - Tw ) (6)
dt J

where, P is the number of pole pairs and J is the moment of inertia.

The torque of the turbine Tw is obtained by Eq. 7.(Wu, Lang, Zargari, & Kouro, 2011)

Tw = ρπ R 3V 2Cq (7)

2. 2.Electrical System Model

The electromagnetic torque produced by the PMSG generator is given by Eq. 8. (Wu et al., 2011)

Te =
(λ i
r qs - ( Ld - Lq )ids iqs ) (8)

where, λr is the rotor flux linkages, Ld and Lq are the dq-axis self-inductance of the synchronous generator.
The dq-axis stator currents and voltages of the PMSG generator are computed as follows:

dids R L 1
= - S ids + q ωr iqs - vds (9)
dt Ld Ld Ld SCOPUS Indexed Journal

1170 Rim Ben Ali, Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Salwa Bouadila & Abdelkader Mami

diqs RS L 1 1
=- iqs + d ω r ids - ω r λr - vqs (10)
dt Lq Lq Lq Lq

vds = - Rs ids + ω r Lq iqs - Ld (11)

vqs = - Rs iqs - ωr Ld ids + ωr λr - Lq (12)
with, Rs is the stator winding resistance of the synchronous generator.

Furthermore, the mechanical, active and reactive powers are calculated by using respectively Eq. 13, Eq. 14 and
Eq. 15:

Twω r
Pm = Tmω m = (13)

PL = 1.5 (vdsids + vqsiqs ) (14)

PQ = 1.5 (vqsids − vdsiqs ) (15)

The Zero D-axis Current Controller (ZDC)is proposed for control PMSG Generator side Voltage Source
Converter to achieve pure DC link voltage. The controller aims to set to zero the d- axis stator current, therefore, the stator
current will be equal to iqs(Wu et al., 2011).In this case, the reference dq-axis stator currents of the PMSG generator are
calculated as follows:

2 *
iqs* = Te (16)

ids* = 0 (17)

with, Te* is the electromagnetic torque reference:

Te* = Koptωr 2 (18)

0.5 ρπ R 5C p ( λopt )
with: K opt = (19)
λopt 3

The maximum of power is reached with λopt = 8.1 that gives C p (λopt ) = 0.48 . Therefore, two PI controllers

are used to generate the dq-axis reference voltages vds* *

and vqs for the AC/DC rectifier.

2. 3. AC/DC Rectifier

The output voltage and the dq-axis stator currents are expressed as follows:

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Energy Management of A Small-Scale Wind Turbine System 1171
Combined with Battery Storage System
3 Vds * ids 3 Vqs iqs 1
Vɺc = + − iv (20)
2C Vc 2C Vc C

d 1 1
ids = Vds − Vds* + ωiqs (21)
dt L L

d 1 1
iqs = Vqs − Vqs* − ω ids (22)
dt L L

with, ω is the electrical angular speed of the generator, L is the stator induction of the generator, iv is the current
in the DC-link and C is the DC-link capacitor.


The battery bank has a dual role mismatching between the actual generated wind power and load demand.
It can be considerate as a storage device powered only when there is a surplus of energy generated by the wind turbine
system or a source of power to cover the required power needed by the load when the generated power is not enough to
ensure the required power for the load.

The process of charging and discharging can be modeled as follows(Borowy & Salameh, 1996):

EB _ ch arg e ( t ) = EB ( t −1) + ( EWT ( t ) − EL ( t ) )ηb (23)

EB _ discharge ( t ) = EB ( t −1) − ( EL ( t ) − EWT ( t ) ) (24)

where, EL is the load demand (W), EWT is the generated power from the wind turbine system (W) and ηb is the
battery efficiency (%).

The battery capacity can be calculated according to the following relation(Daud & Ismail, 2012):

CBattery = DA( EL − EWT ) / (ηinv .ηb .DOD) (25)

with, DA is the Daily Autonomy, ηinv is the inverter efficiency (%) and DOD is the Depth Of Discharge of the

battery (%).

Limitations of battery charging and discharging operations related to the State of Charge (SOC), which is
constrained as follows:

SOCmin ≤ SOC ( t ) ≤ SOCmax (26)

SOCmin = (1 − DOD) * Cbattery (27)

with, C battery is the nominal capacity of the battery, SOC max presents upper limit that considered 100% and SOC
min is the lower limit.

3. 1. Performance Evaluation SCOPUS Indexed Journal

1172 Rim Ben Ali, Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Salwa Bouadila & Abdelkader Mami

To prevent battery storage system against shortening their life or even their destruction, the charge and discharge
operations were controlled according to the state of the device to avoid the overcharge when high power is produced by the
wind turbine system and/or when low load demand exists. Besides, the charging process is stopped when the state of
charge reaches its maximum value and it's the same for the discharging process when the state of battery power decreases
to its minimum level. Therefore, the Loss of Power Supply Probability can be computed as(Borowy & Salameh, 1996):

LPSP = Pr { EB (t ) ≤ EB min ; for t ≤ T} (28)

EB (t) is the actual energy in the battery and EBmin is the minimum energy can be stored in the battery.

To ensure load demand, a lead-acid battery storage system has been associated with the wind turbine system that
has many advantages in term of price and satisfactory life. Indeed, a load shedding system is used to offload the surplus
generated energy. However, a supervisory control system is required to manage the generated electrical energy and to
coordinate the performance of the hybrid power system (wind turbine and ESS). It allows to optimize the use of the energy
produced with a reliable response by controlling the active power flow from or to the battery system, considering the SOC
of the device and the power mismatching between the power demanded by the load and the power generated by the PMSG
wind turbine. Besides, if the wind turbine system does not provide enough power and the battery capacity is sufficient, then
the battery will provide the missing power. If the generated power from the PMSG wind turbine exceeds the demand of the
load, the excess will be stored in the battery and if the latter is full, the surplus energy will be dissipated in a load shedding
system (a resistance).The battery system will be controlled to be activated whenever the SOC state is within the secure
operating range. Then, its charge/discharge rate is reduced and the battery life is extended.

Further, there are three operating conditions can be observed, which are summarized in Table 1:

Table.1: Exploitation Strategy

Operating conditions Battery role Operating system
EL (t ) The battery is a The generated power from the wind turbine
EWT (t ) > load (Charge) system exceeds the demanded power needed
ηinv by the load. The supplementary power stored
in the battery from its nominal capacity and the
extra power is lost in a load shedding system,
which is a resistance in this study.
EL (t ) The battery is an The generated power by the wind turbine
EWT (t ) = inactive device system is totally injected to the load through
ηinv DC/AC converter.
EL (t ) The battery is a The deficit of power demanded by the load is
EWT (t ) < source supplied by the battery.
ηinv (Discharge)

The primary power source is the wind turbine system, whereas the ESS is an auxiliary power source, storing or
providing the power. Therefore, the exploitation mode of the battery is determined only when the production energy from
the wind turbine system is deficient.


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Energy Management of A Small-Scale Wind Turbine System 1173
Combined with Battery Storage System

Coordinate operation ofa PMSG wind turbine and a battery bank through a supervisorycontrol system is the aim
of the present study. The proposed scheme was described and modeled in the previous sections. In the present section, it
will be evaluated by simulation under three different scenarios of wind speed fluctuations (High/ Moderate/ Low) with a
fixed load demand under MATLAB/Simulink environment.

The first scenario focused on the hybrid system operation with a low wind speed variety; in this case the battery
achieved low SOC state. In the second scenario, the hybrid system operation with a moderate wind velocity, then the
illustrated battery SOC was varied between 0 and 100%. In the last simulation, the wind power generation was overloaded
when the maximumSOC was reached. For this reason, the load shedding system is usedto avoidgenerating surpluses.

The wind speed profile and the measured active powers at different points of the hybrid power system, during the
three simulations, are shown in the following figures:

• First scenario: Low wind speed


Wind speed (m/s)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
T im e (m in )

Figure 2: Wind velocity

30 100
Rotor speed (rad/sec)

Torque (Nm)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (min) Time (min)

Electromagnetic torque (Nm)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (min) SCOPUS Indexed Journal

1174 Rim Ben Ali, Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Salwa Bouadila & Abdelkader Mami




Voltage (V)
Current (A)


0,2 100

0,0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (min) T im e (m in )

Figure 3: Output Measurements According to the Wind Speed Variation

2500 100
Power_W T
2000 R eference_Power_load 80
Power (W)

SOC (%)



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (min) T im e (m in )

Figure 4: Powers Variation with Low Battery SOC

• Second scenario: Moderate wind speed


Wind speed (m/s)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
T im e ( m in )

Figure 5: Wind Speed Profile

120 140
Rotor speed (rad/sec)

100 120
Torque (Nm)


0 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (min) Time (min)

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Energy Management of A Small-Scale Wind Turbine System 1175
Combined with Battery Storage System

Electromagnetic torque (Nm)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (min)



Voltage (V)
Current (A)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (min) Time (min)

Figure 6: Variation of the Output Measurements

4000 Power_WT
Power_Battery 100
3000 Power_load 80
Power (W)

SOC (%)


1000 20

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (min) Time (min)
Figure 7: Measured Powers and SOC State

• Third scenario: high wind speed


Wind speed (m/s)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (min)

Figure 8: High Wind Velocity SCOPUS Indexed Journal

1176 Rim Ben Ali, Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Salwa Bouadila & Abdelkader Mami


Rotor speed (rad/sec)

Torque (Nm) 100 140
60 80
20 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (min)
Electromagnetic torque (Nm) Time (min)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (min)


2,0 600
Voltage (V)
Current (A)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (min) Time (min)

Figure.9: Flow Measurements of the Output Parameters

6000 P o w e r_ W T
P o w e r_ B a tte r y
5000 R e f e r e n c e _ P o w e r _ lo a d
P o w e r _ lo a d 80
Power (W)

SOC (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
T im e ( m in ) T im e ( m in )

Figure 10: Output Powers and SOC Measurement

The output active power generated by the PMSG wind turbine is caused by the wind speed variability, which is
used as input variable to the model of wind turbine system. It presents the principal parameterto evaluate the hybrid
generation system according to the power mismatching between its variation and the load demand. In this study, the power
demanded by the load wasfixed at 1.5 kW that is satisfied during the windy period (third scenario) where the produced

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Energy Management of A Small-Scale Wind Turbine System 1177
Combined with Battery Storage System

wind power is varied between 0 and 4.5 kW. In this case, the power accumulates at the battery reached its maximum value
(2 kW) when the wind speed achieves15.7m/sand thesurplusof power is dissipated through the resistance.

Under a moderate wind velocity, the battery supplemented the output active powerreached its lowest
recommended SOC (discharge)in order to providethe demanded power, which is exceeded the available wind
power.Likewise, the power surplus was stored in the battery when the demanded power was reduced below the output
active power enabling a battery SOC increase. The measured powers showed in Figure 7 proved the inability of the wind
turbine system to ensure the required power when the wind speed is less than 12.4 m/s.Whereas duringthe windless period
(first scenario), the total output active power of hybrid system was only the wind power, which is totally delivered to the
load. Nevertheless, its power consumption could not be completely fulfilled.


To coordinate the performance of ahybrid power systemincorporated a PMSG wind turbine and a battery bank, a
supervisory control system is developed that aimsto manage the generated wind energy.The considered configurationis
simulated under varied operating conditions of wind velocity with a constant loaddemand.The results showed the main
benefits of incorporating a battery as an ESS to wind power generation. That is able to perform power management,
according to load requirementand also it can contribute to the fault ride-through capabilities of wind turbine.In future work,
a photovoltaic array can be added to the present power system to generate the electrical energy in the presence of the wind
velocity or the lightness and to ensure the maximum SOC state of the battery.


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Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11

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