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Society for American Archaeology

Point Typologies, Cultural Transmission, and the Spread of Bow-and-Arrow Technology in

the Prehistoric Great Basin
Author(s): Robert L. Bettinger and Jelmer Eerkens
Source: American Antiquity, Vol. 64, No. 2 (Apr., 1999), pp. 231-242
Published by: Society for American Archaeology
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Robert L. Bettinger and Jelmer Eerkens

Decrease in projectile point size around 1350 B.P. is commonly regarded as marking the replacement of the atlatl by the bow
and arrow across the Great Basin. The point typology most widely employed in the Great Basin before about 1980 (the Berke-
ley typology) uses weight to distinguish larger dart points from smaller, but similarly shaped, arrow points. The typology com-
monly used today (the Monitor typology) uses basal width to distinguish wide-based dart pointsfrom narrow-based arrow points.
The two typologies are in general agreement except in central Nevada, where some dart points are light, hence incorrectly typed
by the Berkeley typology, and in eastern California, where some arrow points are wide-based, hence incorrectly typed by the
Monitor typology. Scarce raw materials and resharpening may explain why dart points are sometimes light in central Nevada.
That arrow point basal width is more variable in eastern California than central Nevada likely reflects differences in the cultural
processes attending the spread and subsequent maintenance of bow-and-arrow technology in these two localities.

La disminuci6n en el tamafio de las puntas proyectil hacia 1350 AP se considera generalmente una indicaci6n de la sustituci6n
del atlatlpor el arco yflecha en la Gran Cuenca de los Estados Unidos. La tipologia coman en esta drea antes de 1980 (tipologia
de Berkeley) utiliz6 elpesopara distinguirpuntas mds grandes de puntas mdspequefiaspero deformaparecida. La tipologia gen-
eralmente empleada hoy (Monitor tipologia) utiliza el ancho para distinguir puntas de bases anchas de puntas de bases estrechas.
Tipicamente, estos dos sistemas de tipologia estdn de acuerdo con la excepcion de Nevada central donde algunas puntas proyec-
til ligeras estdn clasificadas equivocamente en la tipologia de Berkeley. Ademds, en California oriental algunas puntas de proyec-
til tienen bases anchas y estdn clasificadas equivocamente en la tipologia Monitor. Probablemente, las puntas de Nevada central
son ligeras debido a lafalta de materia prima y al proceso de reafilaci6n. Hay mds variabilidad en el ancho de las puntas en Cal-
ifornia oriental que en Nevada central y probablamente refleja diferencias en los procesos culturales relacionados a la propa-
gaci6n y mantenimiento subsiguiente de la tecnologia de arco yflecha en estas dos localidades.

ypologies are basic to archaeology. Well- work is likely to be especially revealing of basic evo-
T defined artifact types facilitate communica- lutionary processes connected with the way indi-
tion between archaeologists and permit viduals acquire, modify, and transmit basic cultural
recognition of regional and temporal patterns that knowledge. This is so because "good" typologies
would otherwise pass unnoticed. In that sense, it can identify consistently recurring combinations of
be argued that typologies themselves are of no intrin- attributes, suggesting the presence of evolutionary
sic interest; they are merely intermediary construc- forces that caused these combinations to be main-
tions useful in investigating the "real" behaviors and tained more or less intact across space and time.
processes we want to study. In this view, typologies Myriad processes can produce such associations, of
should be evaluated mainly in pragmatic terms: course, but, as we show here, it is possible to narrow
"good" ones work-they reveal the patterns in which the possibilities by observing the performance level
we are interested; "bad" ones don't. There is much of different typologies within given units of time and
to be said for this view. Nevertheless, it is occasion- space. The first part of our analysis is given to such
ally worth asking why our "good" typologies work- a comparison, showing how two different projectile
and more importantly, why and where they don't. As point typologies succeed and fail in two regions of
we demonstrate below, such analyses can unexpect- the western Great Basin of North America. We
edly reveal novel patterns and behaviors as impor- demonstrate that these typological successes and fail-
tant and interesting as those for which the typologies ures are due to regional differences in morphology
were originally designed. In particular, we think such and attribute correlation in generally similar point

Robert L. Bettinger * Department of Anthropology, University of California, Davis 95616

Jelmer Eerkens * Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara 93106

American Antiquity, 64(2), 1999, pp. 231-242

Copyright ? 1999 by the Society for American Archaeology


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232 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 64, No. 2, 1999

types. In the second part of our analysis, we argue

these regional differences in morphology and
attribute correlation are due to differences in the
degree to which dart points were resharpened and to
differences in the cultural mechanisms through
a b ed

which a new technology-the bow and arrow-

spread and was maintained in different parts of the
western Great Basin. The latter argument is informed
by use of a version of evolutionary theory, termed
e f 9 h
culture transmission theory (or dual inheritance the-
ory). We close with a brief discussion regarding the
relationship of cultural transmission to Darwinian
evolution and of the importance of identifying dif-
ferent modes of cultural transmission in the archae-
ological record. i J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~k I m

Typologies in Conflict

The subject of our discussion is an unexpected con-

flict between two "good" Great Basin projectile point
n o P q
typologies. One is the Berkeley typology developed
Figure 1. Corner-notched Projectile points from the
by Robert Heizer and others in the 1960s at the Uni-
White Mountains, California. a-h, Elko Corner-notched.
versity of California-Berkeley (Baumhoff and Byrne i-m, Wide-based Rosegate. n-r, Narrow-based Rosegate.
1959; Clewlow 1967, 1968; Heizer and Baumhoff
1961; Heizer et al. 1968; Heizer and Clewlow 1968; i.e., distinguishing corner-notched points dating
Lanning 1963). The other is the Monitor Valley typol- 3150-1350 B.P. (Elko) from corner-notched points
ogy developed by Thomas (1981). Both of these dating 1350-650 B.P. (Rosegate). The Berkeley
typologies were developed to identify time-sensitive typology uses weight: Rosegate points weigh less
projectile points that could be used in dating archae- than 3 gm; Elko Corner-notched points weigh more
ological sites, especially surface sites that resist dat-
ing by other means, which are especially common in
the Great Basin. The conflict is unexpected because
the Monitor typology is a revision of an earlier typol-

ogy that Thomas (1970) designed specifically to for-

malize the Berkeley typology and duplicate its results / ,

using explicit quantitative criteria. I -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Monitor typology has been immensely suc-

cessful in bringing coherence to Great Basin pro-
jectile point studies, and, overall, it reproduces the
Berkeley typology (Bettinger 1975:167-189). As we
shall show, however, there is systematic disagree-
ment in some parts of the western Great Basin on Nevada

the identification of two key forms: Elko Corner- Villages--

notched, a large point form held to date between


3150-1350 B.P. (i.e., in the western Great Basin), California

and Rosegate, a smaller corner-notched point form

held to date between 1350-650 B.P. (Figure 1). 'This

size difference is commonly regarded as marking the

replacement of the atlatl by the bow and arrow
(Fenenga 1953; Lanning 1963:249). The question Figure 2. Map locating Eastern California and Central
immediately at hand, however, is one of telling time, Nevada.

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Table 1. Berkeley and Monitor Valley Classification of Rosegate and Elko Corner-notched Points from Eastern California.


Rosegate Elko Corner-notched Total

Rosegate 113 45 158

BERKELEY Elko Corner-notched 37 37
Total 113 82 195

Note: Data from Ainsworth and Skinner 1994; Basgall and McGuire 1988; Bettinger 1989; Bouscaren 1985; Burton 1986;
Clarke et al. 1991; Delacorte and McGuire 1993: Appendices 1-3; Delacorte et al. 1995: Appendix; Eerkens 1998; and
Gilreath 1995: Appendix.

Table 2. Berkeley and Monitor Valley Classification of Rosegate and Elko Corner-notched Points from Central Nevada.


Rosegate Elko Corner-notched Total

Rosegate 152 122 274

BERKELEY Elko Corner-notched 5 248 253
Total 157 370 527

Note: Data from Thomas 1983:Table 44, 45, 1988:Tables 5, 6, 20, 21, 46,47, 49, 53, 54, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62.

than that (Clewlow 1967; Heizer and Baumhoff 1983: 177). By contrast, weight is a poorer predic-
1961; Lanning 1963; O'Connell 1967).Alternatively, tor of age at this site, the 3 gm cutoff correctly pre-
on the premise that resharpening makes weight unsta- dicting stratigraphic position of only 72 percent of
ble (by changing original weight), the Monitor typol- these points.
ogy uses basal width, which is less affected by In eastern California, on the other hand, weight
resharpening. In the Monitor typology, Elko points is superior to basal width. For instance, as Lanning
have basal widths greater than 10 mm; Rosegate (1963: Table 3) showed, the Berkeley typology cor-
points have basal widths less than that (Thomas 1981: rectly predicts the stratigraphic position of Elko and
14-15, 19-22). Rosegate points above or below 48 in (122 cm) 94
Because the two typologies use different criteria percent of the time at the Rose Spring Site (CA-Iny-
to distinguish the age of corner-notched points, some 372). This near-complete stratigraphic separation by
disagreement is to be expected. In eastern Califor- weight was confirmed by Davis (1963), and again
nia (Figure 2, Table 1) and central Nevada (Table 2), byYohe (1992: Tables 17, 24). Basal width is much
however, these disagreements are too large and sys- less predictive of age in comparison. Yohe (1992:
tematic to be ignored. Specifically, of the points that 180,Tables 14a-d) measured 145 Rosegate points
are Rosegate by the Berkeley typology (weight), 28 recovered from all contexts (i.e., surface and buried)
percent in eastern California and 45 percent in cen- at the Rose Spring site between 1951 and 1989,
tral Nevada are Elko Corner-notched by the Moni- including those in the collections of Lanning and
tor typology (basal width). In both places, the Davis. Of these, all 53 complete specimens weigh
samples in question include many sites and surface less than 3 gm, as they should according to the Berke-
isolates, suggesting this is a regional phenomenon. ley typology.4 By contrast, basal widths greater than
It is pointless to argue whether weight or basal width 10 mm cause the Monitor typology to classify 26 (27
is inherently better at distinguishing older (Elko) percent) of those 96 specimens measurable on this
from younger (Rosegate) corner-notched points, dimension as Elko Corner-notched. As a result, the
because both methods achieve only local success. Monitor Valley typology correctly predicts the strati-
In central Nevada, basal width is superior to graphic position of the 98 Elko and Rosegate points
weight. At Gatecliff Shelter, for example, the 10 mm found in buried contexts and measurable for basal
basal width cutoff correctly predicts the stratigraphic width only about 67 percent of the time (Yohe 1992:
position of about 97 percent of all corner-notched Tables 14a-d, 17).
points relative to the boundary between Horizons 3 Similarly, the larger eastern California sample
and 4, which dates to roughly 1350 B.P. (Thomas demonstrates that weight is superior to basal width

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234 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 64, No. 2, 1999

Tables 3a, b. Weight and Basal Width of Obsidian

points is not a function of their overall size; they are,
Hydration-Dated Rosegate and Elko Corner-Notched Points
on average, shorter, narrower, and lighter than
from Eastern California.
Rosegate points from central Nevada (Table 5).
Weight We summarize the situation in Table 6. In east-

Date < 3 gm 2 3 gm Total

ern California, the Berkeley and Monitor typologies
agree on the identification of corner-notched points
< 1350 B.P. 16 (94%) 1 (6%) 17
older than 1350 B.P., which are consistently both
* 1350 B.P. 5 (28%) 13 (72%) 18
Total 21 14 35 heavy and wide-based, but disagree on the identifi-
cation of points younger than 1350 B.P., which are
Basal Width light (3.0 gm) but often wide-based (10 mm). The

Date < 10 mm >10 mm Total Berkeley typology correctly classifies these light,
wide-based forms as Rosegate, the Monitor typol-
< 1350 B.P. 25 (66%) 13 (34%) 38
> 1350 B.P. 9 (31%) 20 (69%) 29 ogy misclassifies them as Elko. The situation is just
Total 34 33 67 the reverse in central Nevada, where the typologies

Note: Source specific hydration rates (Hall and Jackson agree on the identification of comer-notched points
1989; Basgall and Giambastiani 1995; Delacorte et al. 1995) younger than 1350 B.P., which are consistently both
were used to derive dates B.P. Many more points can be mea-
light and narrow-based, but disagree on the identifi-
sured for basal width than for weight, hence the unequal total
number of observations on the two attributes. cation of those older than 1350 B.P., which are wide-
based but often light. The Monitor typology correctly
in predicting the age of corner-notched points dated classifies these light, wide-based forms as Elko; the
by obsidian hydration relative to the 1350 B.P. Berkeley typology misclassifies them as Rosegate.
Elko/Rosegate boundary (Tables 3a,b). Here, the 3
Explaining Regional Differences in
gm cutoff correctly predicts the age 83 percent of the
Point Morphology
time, the 10 mm basal width cutoff only 67 percent
of the time. These findings concur with a number of What do they mean, these regional differences in
reports from all parts of eastern California suggest- point morphology? Why do Elko Corner-notched
ing that corner-notched points younger than 1350 points vary in weight in central Nevada but not east-
B.P. are consistently light (3 gm) but frequently wide- ern California, and why do Rosegate points vary in
based (10mm; e.g. Basgall and Giambastiani 1995: basal width in eastern California but not central
47, Table B.1; Bettinger 1991a; Delacorte and Nevada? One obvious possibility, of course, is that
McGuire 1993: Appendix A). For example, in alpine Elko Corner-notched points are not all dart points,
villages in the White Mountains of eastern Califor- as commonly supposed, and that the light Elko Cor-
nia, 180 km north of the Rose Springs site (Bettinger ner-notched points of central Nevada are really arrow
199 la), 36 percent of the Rosegate points occurring points that pre-date 1350 B.P. Similarly, it is possi-
stratigraphically above a tephra layer dating to ble that not all Rosegate points are arrow points, and
approximately 1245 B.P. are wide-based and would that the wide-based Rosegate points of eastern Cal-
be classified incorrectly as Elko Corner-notched by ifornia are really dart points that postdate 1350 B.P.
the Monitor typology (Table 4; Figure 1 i-m). The Metrical data provide little support for these sug-
larger basal width of eastern California Rosegate gestions. Shott (1997) examined a sample of 39
hafted, hence relatively unambiguous, dart points
Table 4. Distribution of Narrow- and Wide-based Rosegate
and 130 similarly unambiguous hafted arrow points,
Points Relative to Ash Layer in Alpine Villages, White
and used discriminant analysis to derive classifica-
Mountains, California (Bettinger 1991 a).
tion functions to separate darts from arrows. Table 7
Narrow-Based Wide-Based summarizes the application of Shott's (1997:94) 2-
10 mm > 10 mm Total variable discriminant classification function to the
Above Ash 54 (64%) 31 (36%) 85 central Nevada Elko Corner-notched point sample
In Ash 19 (70%) 8 (30%) 27 and the Rosegate points from the Rose Spring site
(ca. 1245 B.P.) (CA-Iny-372) in eastern California. These data
Below Ash 26 (70%) 11 (30%) 37
strongly suggest that the light Elko Corner-notched
Total 99 (66%) 50 (34%) 149
points in central Nevada are dart points, and that the

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Table 5. Summary Metrical Data for Rosegate Points from Monitor Valley (Thomas 1983, 1988), the Rose Spring Site (Ca-
iny-372; Yohe 1992), and Eastern California (See Table 1 for References). See Thomas (1981, 1983) for
Description of Measurements.

Maximum Axial Maximum Basal Neck

Length Length Width Width Width Thickness Weight
mm mm mm mm mm mm gm

Monitor Valleya
mean 29.68 29.47 16.97 8.19 7.11 3.49 1.64
std 7.30 7.33 3.25 1.22 1.21 0.67 0.68
n 33 33 83 120 120 120 20
Eastern California
mean 25.54 25.05 15.31 8.79 7.78 3.86 1.12
std 5.30 5.57 2.93 2.30 1.67 0.90 0.44
n 55 57 114 157 182 157 39
Rose Spring Site
mean 27.66 no data 15.08 9.10 7.87 3.77 1.17
std 4.91 no data 2.11 1.88 1.46 0.63 0.46
n 83 no data 129 96 130 144 53

a Reference here is to specimens actually measured and omits estimated values routinely given by Thomas (1983, 1988).

wide-based Rosegate points in eastern California are test, df =345), suggesting the stubbier, lighter forms
arrow points.5 Thus, the replacement of Elko Cor- were more extensively resharpened. That resharp-
ner-notched points by Rosegate points about 1350 ening does not cause similar problems in eastern
B.P. in central Nevada and eastern California almost California, where Elko Corner-notched points are
certainly reflects the replacement of the atlatl by the uniformly heavy and long relative to width (mean-
bow and arrow, as long suspected. length:width =2.02, n =10 complete specimens), may be
Unfortunately, this conclusion still leaves us with explained by the abundance of high-quality obsid-
our original problem of explaining the weight vari- ian sources there, perhaps causing Elko points to be
ability observed in central Nevada Elko points and discarded without substantial resharpening (cf. Bet-
basal width variability observed in eastern Califor- tinger 1991b; Delacorte 1994). Resharpening, of
nia Rosegate points. Following Thomas course, cannot explain why Rosegate points are more
(1981:14-15,19-20), we think it likely that exces- variable in basal width in eastern California than
sive resharpening makes dart point weight highly central Nevada. We think this variance can be attrib-
variable in central Nevada, producing the light, wide- uted to differences in how these regions' inhabitants
based Elko Corner-notched points that the Berkeley obtained and subsequently modified bow-and-arrow
typology incorrectly types as Rosegate. Support for technology.
this idea is provided by the length-width ratio; i.e.,
Cultural Transmission and the Spread of the
maximum length (maximum width) of light Elko
Bow and Arrow
Corner-notched points in the central Nevada sample,
which is significantly lower than that for the heavy As noted above, it has long been accepted that the
Elko Corner-notched points in that sample (mean- appearance of Rosegate points marks the advent of
light= 1.62, mean = 1.75, p <.001, one-tailed t- the bow and arrow (Jennings 1986: 116) as reflected

Table 6. Summary of Formal Variation in Elko Corner-notched and Rosegate Points and Success of Berkeley and Monitor
Typologies in Identifying Them in Eastern California and Central Nevada.

Eastern California Typology Central Nevada Typology

Forms Success Forms Success

Elko Corner-notched Heavy, Wide-based Both Correct Heavy, Wide-based Both Correct
Light, Wide-based Berkeley Incorrect

Rosegate Light, Narrow-based Both Correct Light, Narrow-Based Both Correct

Light, Wide-based Monitor Incorrect

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236 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 64, No. 2, 1999

Table 7. Classification of Central Nevada Elko Corner- Table 8: Pearson's R Correlation Coefficients for Basal
notched and Eastern California Rosegate Points from the Width and Weight in Central Nevada and Eastern California
Rose Spring Site (Ca-iny-372) Using the 2 Variable Rosegate Points.
Function of Shott (1997).
Monitor Typology Berkeley Typology
Dart Arrow Total
Central Nevada .80 .65
Central Nevada Pr=O < .000 1 Pr=O = .0005
Heavy Elko Corner-notched 97% 3% 229
Light Elko Corner-notched 76% 24% 120 Eastern .06 .14
All Elko Corner Notched 90% 10% 349 California Pr=O = .36 Pr=O = .20
Shott (1997) Sample Darts 85% 15% 39
Note: Correlations are on actual measurements because basal
Eastern California (CA-INY-372) width and weight estimates for broken points given in
Thomas (1983, 1988) are unavailable for eastern California.
Narrow-based Rosegate 5% 95% 66
Wide-based Rosegate 9% 91% 23
All Rosegate 6% 94% 89 ern California and central Nevada. Using the Mon-
Shott (1997) Sample Arrows 11% 89% 130 itor typology, basal width and weight are highly cor-
related in Rosegate points from central Nevada.
by a reduction in point size (Fenenga 1953; Lanning Because these points nearly always simultaneously
1963). This size reduction has been recognized across fit the criteria of both typologies, the same high cor-
all of the Great Basin, consistently around relation is achieved when they are classified accord-
1650-1350 B.P. Appearance of the Rosegate series ing to the Berkeley typology. On the other hand, no
at essentially the same time throughout the Great matter which way one classifies them, Rosegate
Basin is usually taken to support the companion points from eastern California are uncorrelated on
assumption (generally unstated) that the spread of these two attributes. This suggests that the circum-
bow-and-arrow technology was a unitary phenome- stances surrounding the spread and maintenance of
non- that is, it was accomplished by the same mode bow-and-arrow technology during Rosegate times in
of cultural transmission across the entire Great Basin, eastern California were different than those in cen-
probably from a common source. Under this assump- tral Nevada.
tion, the changes in projectile point morphology from Boyd and Richerson (1985: 94-95, 243) have
Elko to Rosegate that accompanied the introduction identified two contrasting modes of cultural trans-
of the bow and arrow should be essentially the same mission, guided variation and indirect bias, that are
throughout the Great Basin. This is not the case. As useful in interpreting these differences in trait corre-
we have shown, the Elko-Rosegate transition in both lation and their implications for the spread and main-
central Nevada and eastern California almost cer- tenance of bow-and-arrow technology in the Great
tainly represents the introduction of the bow and Basin. In guided variation, individuals acquire new
arrow somewhere around 1350 B.P. However, the behaviors by directly copying other social models
characteristics that distinguish Elko from Rosegate and subsequently modifying these behaviors to suit
points in central Nevada, and thus the transition to their own needs by individual trial-and-error experi-
the bow and arrow, are not the ones that distinguish ments. Complex behaviors are frequently compiled
them, and thus the transition, in eastern California. in this fashion, using different individuals as social
In central Nevada, Rosegate points fit the criteria models for various components of the behavior. The
of both Berkeley and Monitor typologies: a corner- result is a composite behavior that is more or less
notched point with a narrow base is nearly always unique to the individual, i.e., as a consequence of
light. This suggests that in central Nevada the two experimentation and the particular set of social mod-
variables these typologies use to distinguish Rosegate els that were chosen. In indirect bias, on the other
from Elko-weight and basal width-were linked hand, individuals acquire complex behaviors by
together in the transmission of bow-and-arrow tech- choosing a single social model on the basis of a trait
nology. Weight and basal width, however, are not that is deemed to index general proficiency in the
linked in this way in eastern California. This is clearly activity to which the desired behavior is related.
illustrated in Table 8, which shows correlation coef- Highly successful hunters, for example, might be
ficients between weight and basal width in Rosegate chosen as social models by those trying to learn how
age corner-notched points from multiple sites in east- to make all sorts of hunting gear. In this case, in con-

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Table 9. Pearson's r Correlation Coefficients for Various Point Attributes in Central Nevada and Eastern California Rosegate Points.

Distal Proximal
Axial Maximum Basal Neck Shoulder Shoulder
Length Width Width Width Thickness Angle Angle Weight
Max. C. NV 1.00 .58a .48a .51 .5 la -.19 -.34 .86
Length E. CA 1.00 .24 .07 .21 .15 -.24 -.24 .76
Axial C. NV .59a .49a .5la .49a -.18 -.33 .86
Length E. CA .22 .04 .16 .14 -.24 -.27 .74
Maximum C. NV .44 .72 .12 -.48 -.53a .62
Width E. CA .54 .69 .26 -.47 -.08 .71
Basal C. NV .71 .21 .11 .26 .80a
Width E. CA .78 -.05 -.06 .31 .14
Neck C. NV .23 -.15 -.15 .61
Width E. CA .11 -.06 .15 .40

Thicknes C. NV .14 -.02 .70

Thickness E. CA .03 -.02 .57
Distal C. NV .53a -.12
Shoulder Angle E. CA .16 -.38
Proximal C. NV -.21
Shoulder Angle E. CA -.01

Note: Correlations are on actual measurements. See Thomas (1981, 1983) for description of measurements.
aSignificantly stronger correlation (ou = 0.05).

trast to guided variation, the result is a complex behav- Nevada Rosegate points. This correlation suggests
ior that matches more or less closely in all details of that these elements of design were connected-not
the behavior of just this one social model. Further, as a matter of function, but because central Nevada
since there tends to be general agreement within local Rosegate point makers acquired the multiple ele-
groups about the proficiency of potential social mod- ments of arrow point design as a package using a
els, the individual generally deemed the most profi- mode of transmission akin to indirect bias, copying,
cient will frequently be chosen as a social model by as it were, the whole point rather than individual
many individuals trying to learn new, complex behav- attributes piecemeal and independently. On the other
iors. It is impossible to observe these transmission hand, that weight and basal width are uncorrelated
processes directly in the archaeological record, of in eastern California suggests the bow-and-arrow
course, but their statistical signatures should be clear technology may have spread, and was in any case
nonetheless. Variables acquired by guided variation maintained, by a mode of cultural transmission akin
will be much less strongly correlated than variables to guided variation, in which craftsmen copied, eval-
acquired by indirect bias. Following this logic, we uated, and modified the various elements of point
contend that in eastern California, where basal width design independently. This hypothesis is strongly
and weight are poorly correlated, bow-and-arrow supported by observed differences in strength of cor-
technology was maintained, and may have spread relation between other major attributes of Rosegate
initially, by guided variation. Conversely, in central points, which are consistently larger for central
Nevada, where the attributes are strongly correlated, Nevada than eastern California (Table 9). In 22 of
we suggest it was maintained, and may have spread these 36 paired correlations, the central Nevada value
initially, by indirect bias. exceeds the eastern California value, far more than
In many ways, the situation in eastern California, the 18 one would expect under the null hypothesis
where basal width and weight are not linked, is the of no difference in magnitude of attribute correla-
one to be expected. This is so because, beyond the tion in the two samples (p =.015). The central Nevada
minimal effect basal width has on total weight, these correlation is significantly larger in 10 of these cases
two attributes respond to different design constraints (p = 0.05). In short, during Rosegate times in cen-
that are capable of varying independently, as they tral Nevada, individuals seem to have maintained
clearly do in eastern California Rosegate points. (and may have acquired) this new weapon system-
However, basal width and weight do not vary inde- bow, arrow, and point-as a complete package, while
pendently, but are instead correlated in central individuals in eastern California maintained (and

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238 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 64, No. 2, 1999

may have acquired) its attributes individually using and subsequently transmitted, and how one might go
a great deal of experimentation. about identifying different kinds of cultural trans-
mission in the archaeological record. Such mecha-
nisms seem to us to be of great potential importance
Why the peoples of eastern California might have for humans, because so much of our behavior is
acquired and maintained bow-and-arrow technology acquired socially rather than determined by individ-
through a different mode of transmission than the ual learning or genes. Whether this reliance on social
peoples of central Nevada is unclear. Following a transmission so fundamentally separates humans
suggestion of the late M. A. Baumhoff, however, we from other biological organisms as to require that we
would tentatively propose that eastern California be regarded as unique, and in some sense beyond the
groups may have acquired the bow and arrow from reach of forces that shape the rest of the biological
peoples with whom they interacted only minimally, world, has been endlessly debated inside and outside
possibly a different linguistic unit occasionally con- anthropology. Certainly, such a disconnection might
tacted through trade. Owing to this lack of contact, be implied if cultural transmission had nothing to do
individuals may have had to perfect a workable bow- with genetic fitness. We only say "might" because
and-arrow technology largely by trial and error. Bet- Darwinian theory is really not about genes any more
tinger (1989: 64-65,229-232) previously noted that than it is just about the differential reproductive fit-
Rose Springs points from eastern California seem ness of individuals. Genes are the linchpin in how
unusually prone to breakage (especially across the biological evolution works but genes as we now
neck) and suggested this faulty design might reflect know them are required neither by Darwinian the-
early arrow point-makers experimenting with vari- ory nor for it to operate: Darwin got the story basi-
ous combinations of point size, basal width and fore- cally right without them; the "modern synthesis"
shaft diameter. Perhaps some craftsmen attempted occurred without Watson and Crick. Darwinian evo-
to adapt existing dart foreshaft types fitted to wide- lution requires a mechanism of transmission and
based arrow points, while others tried to develop genes happen to serve this role in biological evolu-
new, narrower foreshafts fitted to narrow-based arrow tion. It is possible to imagine all sorts of other trans-
points. Alternatively, craftsmen may have initially mission mechanisms. Genetic reproduction itself is
adopted the bow and arrow as a complex, as in cen- not a unitary phenomenon. Asexual and sexual repro-
tral Nevada, but immediately set about modifying it duction, and in sexual reproduction, the transmission
to suit their own individual preferences, so that, as a of sex-linked and autosomal traits, for example, are
result, weight, basal width, and other attributes in the quite different and require comparably different
points came to be relatively uncorrelated. On the quantitative algorithms. One could not possibly
other hand, the spread and perpetuation of bow-and- understand the individual fitness of a biological
arrow technology in central Nevada seems to have organism without also knowing whether it repro-
relied more heavily on social transmission, perhaps duced asexually or sexually and, in the latter case,
facilitated by closer social contacts than character- which traits were sex-linked and whether it was
ized the situation in eastern California. Whether the monogamous or polygamous. The "details" of repro-
bow and arrow came to central Nevada from the duction and mating count. No one model applies
same source as in eastern California, from an entirely universally. Of course, there is more to biological
different area, or perhaps even from eastern Cali- evolution than just individuals-populations and
fornia itself, is unclear. What seems clear, however, species matter, for example. The genius of Darwin
is that point makers in central Nevada adopted the and especially those after him was in tracing through
projectile point used with the bow and arrow by faith- complex evolutionary recursions: Forces act on spe-
fully copying all its various attributes in detail, which cific individuals, play out at the population level,
suggests they experimented very little with this new affect individuals in return, and so on. The forces
technology, then or subsequently. need not be strong. Minor differences often have
unexpectedly large evolutionary consequences. Here,
Is It Evolution?
again, individual fitness is important in this process,
The thrust of our paper is about cultural transmis- but there are myriad other, sometimes more impor-
sion: how cultural behavior is acquired, modified, tant, forces. Causal relationships are often complex

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and evolutionary outcomes are frequently counter- ness in accord with the predictions of the genetic
intuitive. model. By contrast, where cultural transmission is
It seems clear to us that cultural transmission sim- by indirect bias and other modes that bypass indi-
ply must affect Darwinian fitness-how could it be vidual experimentation and learning, there is an
otherwise? And Darwinian fitness also must bear on opportunity for a much different range of behaviors
cultural transmission. Again, how could that not be that are normally precluded when only genes are
true? At minimum, humans must have the biologi- involved. This situation largely occurs because indi-
cal, hence, genetically transmitted, ability for the rect bias and related forms of social transmission tend
cultural transmission of behaviors that certainly to produce behaviorally homogenous local popula-
affect Darwinian fitness. It is obvious, at the same tions. It is precisely under these conditions that the
time, that cultural transmission differs in funda- force of selection can fall more heavily on groups
mental ways from any form of genetic transmission. than on individuals, i.e., as group selection. That, in
The two are asymmetric. Again, this is what we turn, makes it easier to understand and explain a host
would expect, since cultural transmission must be of human characteristics suggesting the presence of
doing something that genes cannot do, just as sex- selective forces acting at the group level-most
ual reproduction is doing something that asexual notably our ultra-social character and tendency to
reproduction cannot. It does not follow, however, cooperate despite sometimes extensive personal
that this process disconnects cultural transmission costs-that have proven difficult to explain with ref-
from Darwinian fitness. To the contrary, as with sex- erence to the genetic model.
ual reproduction, the human use of cultural trans- It has been argued that the hunting behavior of
mission is simply the exploiting of an evolutionary certain hunter-gatherer groups contains built-in
opportunity. To deny that would imply that the cul- restraints that act to prevent resource depletion (e.g.,
turally-mediated evolutionary success of anatomi- Moore 1965). Such an explanation, however, does
cally modern humans is merely serendipitous not account for individual hunters devising and using
happenstance. alternative behaviors that produce higher short-term
returns and thus a benefit from the resource abun-
Do Differences in Cultural
dance arising from the more restrained practices of
Transmission Matter?
their fellow hunters. In that event, restraint quickly
There is general tendency for archaeologists to gives way to strategies that are more successful in
assume that differences in cultural transmission are the short term, as in the familiar "tragedy of the com-
unimportant (Bettinger et al. 1996). We suppose that mons" (Hardin 1968). In short, individual learning
reflects a common misperception that Darwinian and experimentation prevent the development and
forces are all obvious, strong, and life-threatening. maintenance of behaviors that potentially benefit the
That, of course, is to misread Darwin, whose uni- group. Conversely, because it insulates cultural trans-
formitarian gradualism stood in direct opposition to mission from both individual learning/experiment
explanations relying on supremely powerful forces and exotic social models, indirect bias produces the
and catastrophes capable of instantaneously trans- conditions under which group-beneficial behaviors
forming the world and its species. As we have said, can evolve and persist. Accordingly, if, during
in Darwinian evolution details often matter, and that Rosegate times in eastern California, behaviors con-
is the case here. nected with hunting (e.g., when, where, and how to
Our paper contrasts two different modes of cul- hunt, and who to hunt with) were acquired and trans-
tural transmission, guided variation and indirect bias, mitted by the same means as bow-and-arrow tech-
that highlight what is perhaps the fundamental con- nology, the emphasis on individual learning and
trast in evolutionary potential between genetic and experimentation likely would have prevented the
cultural transmission. As Boyd and Richerson development of group-beneficial cooperative behav-
(1985:132-171; see also Cavalli-Sforza 1988) iors. By contrast, the emphasis on indirectly biased
observe, where cultural transmission takes the form social transmission and imitation suggested by the
of guided variation and other modes of transmission uniformity of Rosegate projectile point technology
involving substantial individual experimentation and in central Nevada implies the presence of the ideal
learning, human behavior will tend to optimize fit- conditions for such group-beneficial, cooperative

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240 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 64, No. 2, 1999

behaviors to develop and persist. Thus, despite the sibly introduction of bow-and-arrow technology in
general similarities in technology, it is quite possi- different parts of the Great Basin. It is about evolu-
ble that hunting behaviors and social organization tionary theory, then, to the extent that transmission,
overall differed substantially between the two regions in this case cultural transmission, is a critical Dar-
during this interval. winian process that requires investigation. The
Supporting this argument is evidence which sug- approach is straightforward and applicable in a vari-
gests that Numic-speaking groups occupying the ety of other archaeological contexts. We hope our
Great Basin in ethnographic times spread rapidly out application will stimulate further research and debate
of eastern California sometime after 1000 B.P. (Bet- into the study of evolutionary culture change in the
tinger and Baumhoff 1982; see also Madsen and Great Basin and elsewhere.
Rhode 1994). This rapid occupation, it is argued, suc- Acknowledgments. We are indebted to Elizabeth Klarich,
ceeded through the competitive advantages of the who provided the Spanish abstract translation; Robert Yohe,

Numic adaptive strategy over that of pre-Numic peo- who provided data for points from the Rose Spring site; and
Susan Harriss, Cynthia Herhahn, Mike Jochim, Lisa Deitz,
ples, and the latter's failure to readapt to Numic com-
Frank Deitz, and Brian Ramos who read and commented on
petition through slow culture change partly caused
various drafts of this paper and helped out here and there
by indirectly biased social transmission (although not with the manipulation of data. We further wish to thank
specifically labeled as such; Bettinger and Baumhoff Lynne Goldstein, editor of American Antiquity, and three

1982: 488-493). The emphasis on indirectly biased serious reviewers who commented on the previous version of
this paper.
social transmission suggested here for central Nevada
during Rosegate times is clearly consistent with this
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242 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 64, No. 2, 1999

1981 How to Classify the Projectile Points from MonitorVal- 5As one would expect, light Elko Corner-notched points are
ley, Nevada. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthro-
more frequently classified as arrow points than heavy ones.
pology 3: 7-43.
However, the error-rate for the central Nevada Elko Corner-
1983 The Archaeology of Monitor Valley 2. Gatecliff Shelter.
notched sample as a whole (i.e., including light and heavy
Anthropological Papers 59(1). American Museum of Nat-
ural History, New York.
forms) is lower than for Shott's (1997) dart sample, and the

1988 The Archaeology of Monitor Valley 3. Survey andAddi- error-rate for light Elko Corner-notched points does not differ
tional Excavations. Anthropological Papers 66(2). Ameri- significantly from that obtained in Shott's dart sample. Filtering
can Museum of Natural History, New York. Shott's dart sample to include only specimens weighing (3 gm
Yohe, R. M. II would almost certainly increase the relative frequency of incor-
1992 Reevaluation of Western Great Basin Cultural Chronol- rect classifications in much the same way that filtering the Elko
ogy and Evidence for the Timing of the Introduction of the
Corner-notched for weight does in the central Nevada sample.
Bow and Arrow to Eastern California Based on New Exca-
6This is not a function of excessive variation in basal width in
vations at the Rose Spring Site (CA-INY-372). Unpublished
Rosegate points from eastern California. We have shown else-
Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University
of California, Riverside. where (Eerkens and Bettinger 1994; Bettinger and Eerkens
1997) that Rosegate basal width is relatively stable in this

Notes region, and more stable than Rosegate basal width in central
Nevada. Further, those data demonstrate that the variability in
1 The Berkeley and Monitor typologies differ somewhat in ter-
basal width of other point types is essentially the same in east-
minology. The Berkeley typology recognizes separate Rose
ern California and central Nevada (Bettinger and Eerkens 1997:
Spring series and Eastgate series, each with several distinct
Table 10.5), suggesting that raw material access (i.e., to stone,
types. The Monitor lumps all the corner-notched forms of Rose
wood, etc.) is likely not causing the regional difference in
Spring and Eastgate into a single Rosegate series. Because our
Rosegate basal width. The Rosegate series does subsume two
problem concerns corner-notched point forms, we follow the
formally distinct types, Rose Spring Corner-notched and
Monitor convention for the sake of clarity, cautioning the reader
Eastgate Split-stem, but in eastern California, the two are virtu-
that many of the references we cite follow the Berkeley termi-
ally identical in basal width. In the White Mountains sample
(Bettinger 1991a) illustrates this nicely. Eastgate basal width:
2 In the original version of what became the Monitor typology,
mean = 1.01 cm, std = 0.19, n = 20; Rose Spring Comer-
Thomas (1970) used weight, as in the Berkeley typology.
notched basal width: mean = 0.96, std = 0.18, n = 37).
3 Note, however, that Thomas (1981) did not argue for the uni- 7Note in contrast here, that while eastern California Elko
versal applicability of the Monitor typology.
Corner-notched points tend to be somewhat more highly corre-
4 A fragmentary surface specimen identified by Yohe as lated across major attributes than central Nevada Elko Corner-
Rosegate weighed 3.2 gm (1992: 288, Table 14a). However, this
notched points, the difference between the two is not significant
piece could as easily be classified as Elko. Note also that Yohe
(p = .37).
(1992) inadvertently ommitted metrics for the 30 Rosegate
points he recovered between 1987-1989, but provided these Received December 18, 1997; accepted August 25, 1998;
data (labeled Table 16 ) at our request. revised October 30, 1998

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