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Year Five

Unit of work: Salvation topic: Human person Topic:
Choosing to do good Jesus/Lent/Easter The ability to choose what is right
Year Level: 5 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith
situations/previous lessons/Units)
Key Understanding:
This is an introductory lesson to learning point 1.2.
A1 Wondering at the ability to choose what is right
Students have completed learning point 1.1 and have
a good understanding of choices and moral choices.
Learning Point(s):
A1.2 States consequences that may result from choices.

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Personal and
Critical and Intercultural
ICT Ethical Social
Literacy Numeracy creative
competence thinking behaviour

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Create a digital display of at least 8 ‘good choices’ they can make and their consequence in result.
 Explain the consequence that results from the choices selected (Card game)
 Write a prayer to God/Jesus about making good choices.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for student diversity:

(include Teacher Witness)
• Gifted Students: Using Canva for the choice and
Pebble consequence activity, gifted students (Student
A,B.C and D) are to include at least 8 choice and
Rounded plate consequences.
They can be paired with students less capable
Water during card activity so they can explain and allow
the other student to engage intellectually.
• ADHD: Teacher to set clear limitations and
iPads (Canva app/website) instructions for (Student A) and ensure they are
recognised for positive behaviour and good work.
Choice/Consequence cards

Name pop sticks

“This little light of mine” song

LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction:
Teacher asks students to form a circle on the mat near the prayer table quietly.

Teacher gently places a rounded plate in the middle of the circle and pours
Rounded plate
water into it.
Teacher explains that the plate is their life and the water is everything that
happens in their life.
Teacher holds up a pebble and tells students this represents each choice they

Teacher drops the pebble into the water and shows students the ripple effect it
Teacher asks wonder questions such as:
I wonder what the ripples of the water are
I wonder how the pebble affected the water.
I wonder who else the ripples could affect in your life.

Teacher takes the pebble out, dries it off and reads “A pebble” by James W.
“A Pebble” page

Teacher instructs students to shuffle over and face the whiteboard and writes
‘Consequences’ on the board.

Teacher asks students what they think consequences are and when we might
have consequences.
- Consequence will be used in the context of a result of a choice, does
not have to be a negative consequence.
- An example includes someone giving a homeless person a rug and the
consequence of that choice is that the homeless person will be warm
during the night.

Lesson Steps
Teacher explains the choice card game.
In pairs, students are to find somewhere to sit around the class and place their
pile of cards between them. Taking turns, students pick up a card and read out
the “If you had to choose, would you…”. Their partner is to state their choice
and then they can select one. Students can then state the consequences of
their choice and explain why they chose that one over the other option.
Once both students have explained, the other pair is to pick up a card and

Teacher selects a student who is sitting and listening nicely and demonstrates
how the game would run with the card:
If you had to choose, would you…
1. Be given $100 when you don’t need it?
2. Give someone $20 who really needs it?
Teacher allows student to state which one they chose, then they state what
they chose and both pairs listen to each other as they justify why.
Teacher explains the choice of giving someone $20 because that is what
Jesus would do. The consequence of giving someone else $20 when they
need it over getting $100 when you don’t need it is that someone else can now
buy themselves some food, or feed their families. A consequence of choosing
to get $100 might be a guilty conscience.

Teacher instructs students to find a partner and come to the front to get their

Teacher walks around sitting with the partners and listening to the justification
and choices of students.

Teacher gains students attention and asks one person in their pair to neatly put
the cards on the front desk and for everyone to sit back at their desks quietly.

Students are to create a poster using Canva (on iPads) to display at least 8
good choices and state their consequences.

Teacher asks students to raise their hands and offer some suggestions of good
choices they can make and the consequence of the choice.

Teacher explains the Canva poster about choices and consequences and
displays Canva on the whiteboard at the front and has the title ‘Choices and
Consequences’ in the middle of the page. Teacher types an example of a good
choice and its consequence.
Teacher asks students to get their iPads out, open Canva and begin.

Teacher gains students attention and uses class name pop sticks to select 3
Name pop sticks
students to share one of their choice/consequences.

All students to save their Canva and put iPads away.

10:15 Lesson Closure:

Teacher asks all students on the yellow table to get their daily reflection Daily reflection journals
journals out, followed by the red/blue/green tables.

Teacher displays and explains the daily reflection: “This little light of mine”
Students are to write a prayer to God asking for guidance to make the right
choices and live like Jesus did.
Teacher plays “This little light of mine” in background for the daily reflection. Q&list=PLw5iMtvzDosyJ
10:20 7JZ&index=8
Teacher asks students to leave their journals open to today’s work and put
their books in a neat pile on teacher desk when asked to.
Teacher calls out each table to come up one at a time and place books in a
pile and go to recess.

Anecdotal notes
Observation of students during choice/consequence card game. Taking
anecdotal notes for student responses (can use this activity to consider focus
Could the students identify some good choices and state the consequences of Checklist
their choices? Are there at least 8 displayed on Canva?
Use of a checklist to assess. These posters could be used as a portfolio piece
for their religion files.
Teacher also uses checklist to mark student prayers.

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