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SLINEPHOLO-S-UPLUWN: Line protocol on Intertace GigabitEthernet0/0, changed state to up outer |conrig-ar) # Router |confia-if) # Router |config-if) # outer |conrig-ar) # Router |config-if) #EX Router (config) # Router (contig) #INTER Router |config) #INTERface GIG Router |config) #INTERface GIGabitEthernet 0/0.10 Router |conrag-subiz) # SLINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/9.10, changed state co up SLINEPROTO-S-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0/0.10, changed state to up Router |confic-subif) # Router (config-subif) #EN Router |conrag-subar) #ENcapsuiation D Router \config-subit) #ENcapeulation Doti@ 10 Router (config-subif) #5W Rouver |conrag-subaz) #3" Router lconfig-subit) #5 Router (config-subif) #M Router (contag-subaz) #12 AD Router \config-subit) IP ADdress Router |config-subit) #NO SHUT Router (eontag-subaz)$| Grrl##6 to exit CLI focus ‘Copy Paste Fiyswar Gunny) Se) muunuutes JOS Command Line Interface SW3 (config) FINTER rs S9 (config) #INTEREace V SW3 (config) #INTERface Vian 2 SW3 (config-it) #1 AD S03 (config-2t) #ZP ADdress 90,260.70.20 SW3 (config~if) #NO SHUT sw (config-iz) # SLINK~S-CHANGE! Interface Vlani, changed state to up SLINEPROTO-S-UPDOWN: Line pretocol on Interface Viani, changed state to up S63 (config-iz) # SWS (config-if) #EX SW3 (config) #1P DEF SW3 (config) #IP DEFauit-gateway = Incomplete command. SW3 (config) #1P AD SW3 (config) $1P DEFault-gatewey SWS (config) #VLAN 20 SW3 (config-vlan) $EX Sw3 (config) #VLAN 21 SWS (config-vlan) #EX SW3 (config) # SW3 (config) #INTE SWS (config) #INTErface FA SW3 (config) #INTErface FAstEthernet 0/1 SW3 (config-if) #8 SWS (config-if) #SWitchport SWS (config-it) #5Witchport A SWS (config-if) #SWitchport Access V SWS (config-if) #SWitchport Access Vian 20 5W3 (Contg-21) #Ex SW3 (config) #INTErface FAstEthernet 0/2 SWS (config-if) #8 SNS (Contig-21) #SWitcnport AC SWS (config-if) #SWitchport ACcess V SW3 (config-if) #SWitchport ACcess Vian 21 SWS (contig-12)# SLINEPROTO-S-JPDOWN: Line protocol on Int state to down face Vieni, chanced SWS (config-if) #EX SW3 (config) #1NT 503 (config) #1NTerface FA 0/3 SWS (config-if) #S¥ MO T SW3 (config-if) #8 SWS (config-if) #50 SWS (config-if) #5Witchport M \ a) 1 samt esos VW ES ss | Physical Cong GE Aves 105 Command Une tere > qoo/ainzene) via 700.160.160.2, 00:18:36, seria6/0 > 225.2€0.6.0/28 oofz172426) vue 200.2€0.160.2) 0021 Seriaie/o Rr contig roucesl# RT |contig-roucerl# Rr (contig-rourer]# Rr jcontig-roucer}# Rr jcontig-router}# rr jeanag-router|# BD jcantig-roucer| ex BD anti t RT anti RT lcantia) ip zou RY (contig) Hip rouve 220,160.160.0 ser eo (contig fap route 220.160.1600 255.255.7550 sersal 1/0 Rr contig rove er jean teen Rt joantig) from esezp 20 BD jcanig-routar| trea RT |contig-rourer|tzediscribte 5 RT |contig-router|trediscribuce static Rr (contig-rourer ori#steest areas Ore L om ax

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