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First Monthly Test in Christian Living 6

Name: _____________________________________
Grade: _____________________________________
Test I: Write GOOD or BAD.
_____________ 1. Joining civic activities.
_____________ 2. Cooperate with others.
_____________ 3. Sharing knowledge.
_____________ 4. Thinking positively.
_____________ 5. Joining campaigns.
_____________ 6. Living with a purpose.
_____________ 7. Showing compassion.
_____________ 8. Following signs accordingly.
_____________ 9. Maintaining order.
_____________ 10. Doing vandalism.
Test II. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. You are seeing your classmate throwing his trash in playground.
What you are going to do?
a. I will shout.
b. I will dance.
c. I will tell him not to do it.
2. At the park, children are standing on the benches.
a. Tell them to stop.
b. Tell them to enjoy.
c. Tell them to sing.

3. You are about to cross a road when suddenly you see sign that it is
prohibited but your mother insisted to cross instead of using the
a. I will obey my mother.
b. I will ask my mother to use the overpass instead.
c. We’ll run to reach the other side.
4. Your neighbor is asking you to join the campaign against Dengue.
a. I will use mosquito net.
b. I will spray anti mosquito.
c. It is a good idea I will take part of it.
5. The barangay official implemented the curfew hour.
a. It’s a waste of budget to the barangay.
b. Barangay tanods will become tired of it.
c. This must be religiously followed.
6. Children are chatting in the midst of the church service.
a. I will join them.
b. I will concentrate too much.
c. I will pretend I heard nothing.
7. After class, John, your classmate escaped from being one of the
cleaners of the day.
a. I will help cleaning in his absence.
b. I will tell my teacher about it.
c. I will help our classmates and tell the situation to our teacher.
8. The president himself is very aggressive about fight of drugs and
a. I salute him.
b. I don’t care about it.
c. I will try contribute anything for its implementation.
9. Bantay Bata, Tahanang Walang Hagdan and Boystown Manila
are some of the few foundations that help those who are homeless

and abused children. If the officers of these foundations ask you to
become volunteer, what will be your course of action?
a. I will reject the invitation since I am still studying.
b. I will manage my time since it’s an opportunity to help others.
c. I will not waste my time with this nonsense activity.
10. Which of the following best describe a wholesome individual?
a. Joining campaigns.
b. becoming volunteer to some national events.
c. Sharing what we have to our neighbors.
Test III. Write the action to be taken on the following situations.
1. Seeing trash in the park.
2. No garbage bin nearby.
3. Someone spitting in public place.
4. Children are standing on benches in the park.
5. A friend writing on the walls.
6. Using public rest rooms.
7. Old woman crossing the street.
8. A Classmate throwing candy wrapper.
9. A man walking in a “No Jaywalking” sign road.
10. A relative entering the exit sign.

Test IV. Essay. 5 Points each
A. How to live a meaningful life?

B. How to live with a purpose?

Test V. Enumeration
Write 10 things you can contribute for the betterment of the society.
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________
6. ____________________________________
7. ____________________________________
8. ____________________________________
9. ____________________________________
10. ____________________________________


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