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Khóa học: PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương www.facebook.



ID: 67308

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 1. My father refuses to even listen to anyone else’s point of view. He is ______.
A. absent-minded B. kind-hearted C. open-minded D. narrow-minded
Question 2. Toxic chemicals in the air and land have driven many species to the ______ of extinction.
A. verge B. edge C. border D. tip
Question 3. Peter gave the teacher his personal ______ that his assignment would be ready by Monday.
A. assurance B. insurance C. endurance D. ensurance
Question 4. There ______ many visitors to this country since last year.
A. were B. has been C. have been D. was
Question 5. We ______ today and I got into trouble because I hadn’t done it.
A. had checked our homework B. were checked our homework
C. have our homework checking D. had our homework checked
Question 6. The company hopes that the personnel ______ will be of varied backgrounds and possess
outstanding research skills.
A. who chose B. to choose C chosen D. was chosen
Question 7. Cigarette smoking has been ______ breast as well as lung cancer.
A. originated from B. concerned to C. associated with D. caused by
Question 8. Tommy will inherit everything ______ his uncle’s death.
A. in place of B. on account of C. in the event of D. in spite of
Question 9. The equipment in our school needs______.
A. be modernized B. modernizing C. to modernize D. being modernized
Question 10. If you hadn’t stayed up so late last night, you______now.
A. wouldn’t have felt B. wouldn’t feel
C. won’t feel D. wouldn’t have fallen
Question 11. Nobody in both cars was injured in the accident last night, ______?
A. weren’t they B. wasn’t he C. were they D. was he
Question 12. I’m afraid I’m not really ______ to comment on this matter.
A. qualitative B. qualified C. quality D. qualifying

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 13 to 19.
People appear to be born to compute. The numerical skills of children develop so early and so
inexorably that it is easy to imagine an internal clock of mathematical maturity guiding then growth. Not
long after learning to walk and talk, they can set the table with impressive accuracy - one plate, one knife,
one spoon, one fork, for each of the five chairs. Soon they are capable of nothing that they have placed
five knives, spoons, and forks on the table and, a bit later, that this amounts to fifteen pieces of
silverware. Having thus mastered addition, they move on to subtraction. It seems almost reasonable to
expect that if a child were secluded on a desert island at birth and retrieved seven years later, he or she
could enter a second-grade mathematics class without any serious problems of intellectual adjustment.
Of course, the truth is not so simple. This century, the work of cognitive psychologists has
illuminated the subtle forms of daily learning on which intellectual progress depends. Children were
observed as they slowly grasped - or, as the case might be, bumped into - concepts that adults take for
granted, as they refused, for instance, to concede that quantity is unchanged as water pours from a short
stout glass into a tall thin one. Psychologists have since demonstrated that young children, asked to count

Pro S.A.T – Giải pháp toàn diện cho kì thi THPTQG MOON.VN – Học để khẳng định mình
Khóa học: PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương
pencils in a pile, readily report the number of blue or red pencils, but must be coaxed into finding the
total. Such studies have suggested that the rudiments of mathematics are mastered gradually, and with
effort. They have also suggested that the very concepts of abstract numbers - the ideas of oneness, a
twoness, a threeness that applies to any class of objects and is a prerequisite for doing anything more
mathematically demanding than setting a table - is itself far from innate.
Question 13. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The development of mathematical ability in children.
B. The use of mathematics in child psychology.
C. Trends in teaching mathematics to children.
D. The fundamental concepts of mathematics that children must learn.
Question 14. It can be inferred from the passage that children normally learn simple counting ______.
A. soon after they learn to talk B. by looking at the clock
C. when they walk D. after they reach second grade in school
Question 15. The author implies that most small children believe that the quantity of water changes when
it is transferred to a container of a different ______.
A. quality B. shape C. color D. weight
Question 16. The world “illuminated” in line 11 is closest in meaning to ____ ______.
A. accepted B. illustrated C. lighted D. clarified
Question 17. According to the passage, when small children were asked to count a pile of red and blue
pencils, they ______.
A. subtracted the number of red pencils from the number of blue pencils.
B. guessed at the total number of pencils.
C. counted only the pencils of then favorite color.
D. counted the number of pencils of each color.
Question 18. The word “prerequisite” in line 18 is closest in meaning to______ .
A. technique B. theory C. requirement D. reason
Question 19. The word “itself” in line 19 refers to______.
A. the concept of abstract numbers B. setting a table
C. any class of objects D. the total

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 20. A. service B. combine C. reserve D. police
Question 21. A. disappear B. arrangement C. occasional D. opponent

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 22. A. mouth B. loudly C. southern D. thousand
Question 23. A. threatened B. forced C. passed D. walked

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of
the following exchanges.
Question 24. Tommy and Anna are discussing how to protect the environment.
-Tommy: “Do you think that we should plant more trees to protect our environment?”
-Anna: “ __________ .”
A. Yes, it’s an absurd idea. B. Well, that’s very surprising
C. I can’t agree with you more. D. It doesn’t matter at all.
Question 25. A shop keeper is talking to a customer.
-Shop keeper: “ ___________ ”
-Customer: “Yes. I’d like to buy a camera.”
A. Do you look for something? B. Excuse me. Do you want to buy it?
C. Excuse me. Can I help you? D. Excuse me. Can you help me buy something?
Pro S.A.T – Giải pháp toàn diện cho kì thi THPTQG MOON.VN – Học để khẳng định mình
Khóa học: PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.
A major revolution for the automated office is electronic mail. The customary (26)______ system
requires messages written on paper to be transmitted physically from one location to another. With
electronic mail, messages are converted (27) ______ electronic signals, transmitted anywhere in the
world, and then changed back into then original written forms, all in several seconds or minutes at (28)
Through the use of video screens in company offices, a single document can be transmitted to
hundreds of people in dozens of branch offices simultaneously. Thus, electronic mail, along with
databases, can be an important asset in teleconferences. (29)______, the use of electronic mail in the form
of the “mail box” (30)______ to a telephone is also of great value. Since in offices many telephone calls
go uncompleted on the first attempt, with electronic mail, two-way conversion is not essential, which
reduces telephone use and saves time.
Question 26. A. post B. postal C. posting D. postage
Question 27. A. from B. into C. by D. with
Question 28. A. most B. least C. all D. last
Question 29. A. Accordingly B. Furthermore C. Whereas D. However
Question 30. A. attached B. extended C. transmitted D. spread

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 38.
We are descendants of the ice age. Periods of glaciation have spanned the whole of human
existence for the past 2 million years. The rapid melting of the continental glaciers at the end of the last
ice age spurred one of the most dramatic climate changes in the history of the planet. During this inter-
glacial time, people were caught up in a cataclysm of human accomplishment, including the development
of agriculture and animal husbandry. Over the past few thousand years, the Earth's climate has been
extraordinarily beneficial, and humans have prospered exceedingly well under a benign atmosphere.
Ice ages have dramatically affected life on Earth almost from the very beginning. It is even possible
that life itself significantly changed the climate. All living organisms pull carbon dioxide out of the
atmosphere and eventually store it in sedimentary rocks within the Earth's crust. If too much carbon
dioxide is lost, too much heat escapes out into the atmosphere. This can cause the Earth to cool enough
for glacial ice to spread across the land.
In general the reduction of the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been equalized by the
input of carbon dioxide from such events as volcanic eruptions. Man, however, is upsetting the equation
by burning fossil fuels and destroying tropical rain forests, both of which release stored carbon dioxide.
This energizes the greenhouse effect and causes the Earth to warm. If the warming is significant enough,
the polar ice caps eventually melt.
The polar ice caps drive the atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems. Should the ice caps melt,
warm tropical waters could circle the globe and make this a very warm, inhospitable planet.
Over the past century, the global sea level has apparently risen upwards of 6 inches, mainly because
of the melting of glacial ice. If present warming trends continue, the seas could rise as much as 6 feet by
the next century. This could flood coastal cities and fertile river deltas, where half the human population lives.
Delicate wetlands, where many marine species breed, also would be reclaimed by the sea. In addition, more
frequent and severe storms would batter coastal areas, adding to the disaster of the higher seas.
The continued melting of the great ice sheets in polar regions could cause massive amounts of ice
to crash into the ocean. This would further raise the sea level and release more ice, which could more than
double the area of sea ice and increase correspondingly the amount of sunlight reflected back into space.
The cycle would then be complete as this could cause global temperatures to drop enough to initiate
another ice age.
Question 31. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The coming of another ice age.
B. The climate of the Earth over the years.
C. Man's effect on the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere.
D. The possibility that the popular ice caps will melt.
Pro S.A.T – Giải pháp toàn diện cho kì thi THPTQG MOON.VN – Học để khẳng định mình
Khóa học: PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương
Question 32. According to the passage, carbon dioxide is stored in each of the following EXCEPT
A. sedimentary rocks B. polar ice caps C. rain forests D. fossil fuel
Question 33. According to the passage, what is the relationship between carbon dioxide and the Earth's
A. An increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide results in the warming of the climate.
B. The greenhouse effect, which leads to the warming of the climate, is result of too much carbon stored
in the Earth's crust.
C. Rain causes carbon dioxide to be washed out of the atmosphere and into the ocean.
D. Carbon dioxide, which is trapped in glacial ice, is released when warm temperatures cause the ice
Question 34. Which of the following does the author NOT mention as a consequence of a large rise in
global sea level?
A. A more diverse marine population B. Severe storms
C. The destruction of wetlands D. The flooding of cities
Question 35. The word “this” in the third paragraph refers to ______.
A. man's upsetting the equation B. a volcanic eruption
C. the melting of the polar ice caps D. the reduction of carbon dioxide level
Question 36. The word “inhospitable” is closest in meaning to ______.
A. cruel B. uninhabitable C. unlikable D. imperfect
Question 37. What does the final paragraph of the passage mainly discuss?
A. The conditions that could lead to an ice age.
B. A rise in global temperatures.
C. The amount of sunlight reflected into space.
D. The relationship between the ocean and the sun.
Question 38. The word “massive” can be replaced to______.
A. thick B. wide C. dense D. huge

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
Question 39. A ten-thousand-dollars reward was offered for the capture of the escaped prisoner.
A. A B. ten-thousand-dollars C. was offered D. escaped
Question 40. It is important that cancer is diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assure a
successful cure.
A. is B. as early as possible C. assure D. cure
Question 41. Grover Cleveland was the only American president served two non-consecutive terms.
A. the only B. served C. non-consecutive D. terms

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
Question 42. Many countries share the view that drastic measures must be taken to stop the pollution of the
A. A lot of countries agree that it is essential to take strong action to put an end to the pollution of the
B. The pollution of the seas can only be prevented providing that many countries follow the same policy.
C. It seems that the seas will continue to be polluted unless this agreement is accepted by a majority of
the countries.
D. By putting into practice a series of precautions, it is generally believed that the pollution of the seas
will be prevented.
Question 43. Your independence is reinforced with good friends.
A. Having good friends makes your independence weaker.
B. Having good friends maintains your independence.
C. Having good friends makes your independence stronger.
D. Your independence makes good friends.

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Khóa học: PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương
Question 44. “You should have waited for us, Tom” the team leader said.
A. The team leader told Tom to wait for them.
B. The team leader criticized Tom for not having waited for them,
C. The team leader accused Tom of not having waited for them.
D. The team leader blamed Tom for waiting for them.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 45. She recovered so quickly after the operation. None of us had expected that.
A. She recovered from the operation just as quickly as anybody could have hoped.
B. Once the operation was over, her recovery was as fast as could be expected.
C. We were all surprised at how fast her health returned after the operation.
D. To our great surprise, she was back to normal again as soon as the operation was over.
Question 46. John’s father decided to retire early. As a result, he took over the family business.
A. But for his father’s early retirement, John would not have taken over the family business.
B. If John took over the family business, his father would retire early.
C. John’s father didn’t want him to take over the family business despite his retirement.
D. John didn’t take over the family business because his father didn’t retire.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 47. His boss has had enough of his impudence, and doesn’t want to hire him anymore.
A. obedience B. respect C. rudeness D. agreement
Question 48. Though he failed the examination, he used backstairs influence to get the job.
A. backing influence B. political influence
C. deserving and proper influence D. secret and unfair influence

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 49. S. Mayo Hospital in New Orleans was so named in recognition of Dr. Mayo’s outstanding
A. popular B. widespread C. remarkable D. charitable
Question 50. Since he knew what would happen, he should be left to stew in his own juice.
A. suffer for his own action B. suffer in his own juice
C. boil his action D. make a stew

--- THE END ---

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