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User Guide  
S1 Data Tool, User Guide

Table of Contents
A. Overview....................................................................................................................................3
A.1 Features ........................................................................................................................................ 3
A.2 System Requirements ................................................................................................................... 3
B. Installation .................................................................................................................................4
B.1 Program Installation...................................................................................................................... 4
B.2 Language Selection ....................................................................................................................... 4
D. Operation...................................................................................................................................5
D.1 Login .............................................................................................................................................. 5
E. Navigating the Main Window .....................................................................................................5
E.1 User ............................................................................................................................................... 5
E.2 Change Password .......................................................................................................................... 5
E.3 Logo ............................................................................................................................................... 6
E.4 Load Data ...................................................................................................................................... 6
E.4.1 Show Record ......................................................................................................................... 6
E.4.2 Show Report .......................................................................................................................... 7
E.4.3 Save Report ........................................................................................................................... 7
E.4.4 Save Table ............................................................................................................................. 7
E.4.5 Export to EXCEL ..................................................................................................................... 7
E.4.6 Statistic .................................................................................................................................. 8
E.4.7 Save to DB (Database)........................................................................................................... 8
E.4.8 Show Map ............................................................................................................................. 8
E.4.9 Export to KMZ File ................................................................................................................. 8
E.5 Load Spectrum .............................................................................................................................. 9
E.5.1 Spectrum Settings ................................................................................................................. 9
E.5.2 Scale .................................................................................................................................... 10
E.5.3 Energy Cursor Data ............................................................................................................. 10
E.5.4 Element Identification Table ............................................................................................... 10
E.6 Database ..................................................................................................................................... 11
E.7 Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 12
E.7.1 Load Data ............................................................................................................................ 12
E.7.2 Display Options ................................................................................................................... 13
E.7.3 Database ............................................................................................................................. 13
E.7.4 Report Templates................................................................................................................ 13
E.7.5 Report Options .................................................................................................................... 14
E.7.6 Export .................................................................................................................................. 14
E.8 Exit............................................................................................................................................... 14

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S1 Data Tool, User Guide

A. Overview

A.1 Features
The S1 Data Tool is a software program for a PC. It allows the user to manage analysis results of
Bruker handheld XRF analyzers (S1 TurboSD, S1 Sorter, and S1 Tracer).

The S1 Data Tool’s features include the ability to:

 load data from CF/SD card, directly from Pocket PC, or wirelessly via Bluetooth
 display, print, and save (PDF format) reports
 export data to Microsoft EXCEL®
 save data in a database
 browse the database with powerful filters
 perform weighted statistic
 display spectra for element identification
 apply user management

A.2 System Requirements

 Operating System: Microsoft Windows® Vista / XP / 2000 / 7
 Pentium III or higher or Celeron 600 MHz or equivalent processor
 Minimum 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
 Screen resolution of at least 1024 × 768 pixels
 USB port

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B. Installation
 Before starting the installation, close all running applications.
 Do NOT PLUG IN the hardware key before you have finished the

B.1 Program Installation

1. INSERT the software CD into the PC.

2. If the setup does not start automatically, GO TO the root directory of the CD and double click

3. FOLLOW the instructions on the screen.

4. After finishing the installation, PLUG IN the hardware key into a USB port. The hardware key
lights up green if it works properly. The software will only run in demo mode if the hardware
key is not installed.

5. DOUBLE CLICK the software the software icon to open.

B.2 Language Selection

Once a language has been selected, the S1 Data Tool software must be restarted to have the language
choice take effect.

1. GO TO Start All Programs Data Tool S1DT Language.

2. SELECT the country (language) from the drop down list and CLICK

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D. Operation

D.1 Login

1. DOUBLE CLICK the S1 Data Tool icon on the Windows desktop.

2. ENTER default username and password:

 Username: admin
 Password: admin
Figure 1

4. If hardware key was not used (see B.1.4), a popup window will
appear. Click OK. The program will run in demo mode only,
allowing the user to load and view only the demo spectrum files.

Figure 2

 Change user password after the first login (one account/login for each user).
 The user "admin" should be used only for administration.
 Multiple users with different user rights are possible (see E.1).

E. Navigating the Main Window

E.1 User

1. If you are a new user, CLICK User on the main and assign a new user
name and password.
Figure 3
2. If the user does not require a login, SELECT Disable login.

3. To change a password for an existing user, or to set permissions, the

admin MAY SELECT Edit. Features removed by the Admin will be
greyed out on the user’s menu.

E.2 Change Password

1. Once logged in, a user can CHANGE the password by CLICKING

Change Password.

Figure 4

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E.3 Logo

1. After successful login, the main window appears.

2. CLICK the logo at the top of the window to show the license information stored in the hardware

E.4 Load Data

1. CLICK Load Data.

2. SELECT a result.csv file from the

analyzer to open the Records Window
(Figure 5). All records, or
measurements, from the loaded file
will be displayed in the Records

E.4.1 Show Record

1. SELECT one record.
2. CLICK Show Record to see the
Figure 5
details of the selected record.
3. In Show Record Window, USE
the left/right arrows (,
Figure 6 B) to browse through
the result file without returning
to the list of records.
4. ENTER Sample, ID, and Fields
(Figure 6 A). The data you
enter will be used on this
report. To save the data to the
database, CLICK Save to DB Figure 6
(Figure 6 C). Note: Any data
entered into these fields will
not be saved to the Results.csv file. The data is only saved if the user clicks Save to DB.

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E.4.2 Show Report

1. CLICK Show Report.
2. In Report Options Window, SELECT settings for report (see E.7.5 for more details).

Report Templates are preloaded in the software; however, your company logo will need to be
loaded into a directory. See also E.7.4.

3. Once the settings are determined, CLICK OK

to view the report (Figure 7).
4. USE the toolbar at the top to zoom, view as
slideshow, print, save, email, or exit the

E.4.3 Save Report

1. SELECT one record or HOLD DOWN CTRL
and/or SHIFT to select multiple records.
2. CLICK Save Report (Figure 6 C) to save
record as PDF or HTML file.

E.4.4 Save Table

1. SELECT one or more records and CLICK Save
Table (Figure 6 C) to save the selected
records as an ASCII text file that can be used Figure 7
with any spreadsheet software.

E.4.5 Export to EXCEL

1. SELECT one or more records and CLICK Export to EXCEL (Figure 6 C) to create a Microsoft
Excel file (requires that Microsoft Excel is installed on your computer).

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E.4.6 Statistic
1. In Records window (Figure 5), SELECT two or
more records and CLICK Statistic to calculate the
mean element concentrations of the selected

2. CHANGE Weights (Figure 8 A) to calculate

weighted mean values.

3. CLICK Show Report (Figure 8 B) and then SELECT

settings to view report.
Figure 8
4. CLICK OK to close Statistic window.

E.4.7 Save to DB (Database)

1. SELECT one or more records and CLICK Save to DB to save the selected records into the

E.4.8 Show Map

1. This button only appears when a Record that used the GPS function is selected to register
coordinates where the sample was taken.

2. CLICK Show Map to see a map with the coordinates marked.

3. CLICK on coordinate to see information about the sample taken at that location.

E.4.9 Export to KMZ File

1. This button only appears when a Record that used the GPS function is selected.

2. CLICK Export to KMZ File to create a file that can be used with other GPS Map programs,
such as Google Earth.

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E.5 Load Spectrum

1. CLICK Load Spectrum to open Spectrum viewer.

Figure 9

E.5.1 Spectrum Settings

Refer to Figure 9, Area 

 Color Box Changes line color of selected spectrum in Spectrum viewer (Figure 9).
 On/Off Toggles spectrum on or off in Spectrum viewer (Figure 9).
 File Name Shows name of loaded spectrum.
 Load Loads spectrum. Up to five spectra may be loaded into the viewer.
 Remove Removes spectrum from Spectrum viewer.
 Info Provides details of spectrum in Spectrum Info popup window.
 Counts Shows intensity (counts per second and eV) at location of cursor in Spectrum viewer (Figure 9).

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E.5.2 Scale
Refer to Figure 9 
Click to initiate cursor. Mouse over cursor and hold down left mouse button to move
Energy cursor
cursor right or left.
Click to open Zoom Options:
Zoom to rectangle—click a point on the display you want to be the corner of the zoom
area and drag the tool until the rectangle covers the zoom area.
X-zoom—Use this option to zoom in on an area of the graph along the energy-axis.
Y-zoom—Use this option to zoom in on an area of the graph along the intensity-axis
Zoom in from point—left click and hold on a point you want to zoom in on.
Zoom out from point—left click and hold on a point you want to zoom out from.
Zoom to fit—Use this option to auto scale the graph.
Pan Left click and hold to move plot area up, down, left or right.
Auto scale Click to return window to normal view.
Logarithm Toggle between logarithmic and linear intensity scales.

E.5.3 Energy Cursor Data

Refer to Figure 9 
 Shows channel number and energy (in keV) at location of cursor.
Shows X-ray emission lines with energies near or at the cursor

Allows adjustment to tolerance value for the energy range. A 1%
 value indicates that all emission lines within 1% of the cursor’s
energy position will be shown.
Data derives from position of Energy Cursor.

E.5.4 Element Identification Table

Refer to Figure 9 

 Drop down list of elements. Toggles . Values for the selected element will appear in grid.

 Element box. Select up to six elements to display on spectrum.

 Displays element intensities (values).

 Assigns color to element markers in the spectrum.

 Toggles appearance of element markers on spectrum.

Note: The final value in either the X or Y axis can be highlighted (double click to select) and manually
changed to a different value. When done, the Spectrum grid will adjust to the new value (Figure 1,).

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E.6 Database

1. Prior to using this feature, records must be added to a database. SEE E.4.7 for details.

2. CLICK Open Database.

3. CLICK Search (Figure 10 ). The database with your saved records will appear.

4. LIMIT your search using the limit

a. SELECT NOT Checkbox to
exclude records containing
b. USE * as a wildcard to
substitute multiple
c. USE ? as a wildcard to
substitute a single character.

5. USE Calendar (Figure 10 ) to

restrict analysis to those records
created during a specific time
period. Figure 10

6. USE Concentration toggles (Figure 10 ) to select records that fall within selected ranges.

7. CLICK Search (Figure 10 ) to get results of limited search.

8. USE Show Record, Show Report, Save Report, Save Table, Export to EXCEL and Statistic as
described in Sections E.4.1 through E.4.7.

9. USE Delete Record to delete selected records from the database.

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E.7 Setup
The setup button allows the user to create the
default settings for saving, loading, and
displaying data and result reports. A user may
save these settings in the setup screen by
clicking EXPORT. To access saved settings,
click IMPORT.

E.7.1 Load Data

The Load Data tab provides options for
how to best upload data from any
available drive. Data can up uploaded
 A PC Figure 11

 The instrument’s Pocket PC

 A memory stick or card
1. To upload from the Pocket PC, ENSURE the following:

 For PCs using for Windows® XP/2000, ActiveSync is installed

 For PCs using Windows® Vista or Windows® 7, Mobile Device Center is installed
 The computer is linked to the instrument with either a USB cable or through Bluetooth
2. SELECT all desired settings:

 Load analysis results from spectrum files

 Load new records only
 Prompt to delete data files after loaded successfully
3. SELECT either to Load from local drive OR Load data files from Pocket PC.
4. SELECT a default path for data files.
5. SELECT a default path for spectrum files.

Do not change data or spectrum file extensions.

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E.7.2 Display Options

1. Use the Display Options tab to set the defaults for
how the spectrum will display:

 Unit (percent [%] or parts per million [ppm])

 Sort (by element or by concentration)
 Number of decimal places to display
 Show up to 3 alloys and specific fields
 Shown Elements (click on Periodic Table to
select elements from table)
 Shown elements even if they have a zero Figure 12
concentration or are not measured.

E.7.3 Database
1. SELECT Save loaded data into database
automatically ONLY if you want databases to be
saved without having to select Save to DB (see

2. SELECT a default Database file for storing your


Note: If the database file does not exist, it will be

created automatically when records are saved. Figure 13

E.7.4 Report Templates

1. SELECT default Report templates from list for each document type:
 Single analysis
 Multiple analysis
 Statistic
 Spectra
2. ENSURE the report extension for the template is “lst”.

By default, Report Templates are formatted to A4 paper size. To change a template to letter size
format, select the lst file with the same name but with “letter” in the file name (e.g. “s1 report
single en letter.lst”).

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E.7.5 Report Options

Report Options (Figure 14) allows the user to
set default settings for reporting.

E.7.6 Export
The Export tab allows the user to change how
data is exported in table form when Save Table
is selected (see E.4.4). Select the default path
and the table delimiter. If <TAB> is entered as
the table delimiter, a tabulator is used to
separate the columns of the table.

E.8 Exit

10. CLICK Exit or click the X in upper right corner to Figure 14

close program.

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