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Science Quiz

Name ________________________________

Date _________________________________

Grade: 8
Quiz 4
Directions: For each question, select the best answer or answer in complete sentences to your best ability.
All questions are weighted equally so no question is more important than any other question.
You have the remainder of class to complete the assessment. Take your time and try your best.

Assessment Expectations

During the assessment: Once you have finished the assessment:

1. All voices are off.

1. All voices are off.
2. Assign yourself silently.
2. Eyes remain on your paper only.
 Read your DEAR book, work on
3. Raise your hand if you have a question.
homework, draw, etc.
4. Give your best effort.
3. Raise your hand if you have a question.
5. Respect the environment.
4. Respect the environment.

Failure to uphold these expectations will automatically invalidate your assessment and you will receive a zero
for your assessment grade with no opportunity to retake the assessment.

Check the box indicating you have read and understand the expectations and consequences:

 I have read the directions and expectations for the assessment and understand the consequences for
not meeting the expectations.

Student Signature: ______________________________________________________________


Quiz 4 1
Section 1 – Multiple Choice
Questions 1 – 10: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

1. Four diagrams of the atomic structure of substances are shown below:

Which of these best describes all four diagrams?

a. All are compounds made of atoms.
b. All are composed of atoms.
c. All have three types of atoms.
d. All have the same atomic symbol.

2. Which of the following lists contains ONLY compounds?

a. Sr, P, Ta
b. H3PO4, Pt, Cd
c. Pl, CO2, Ga
d. H2O, NaCl, Na2HPO4

3. How are elements and mixtures similar?

a. Both consist of only 1 type of atom.
b. Both are pure substances
c. Neither are pure substances
d. Both are made of atoms

Quiz 4 2
4. Which of these molecules is made up atoms of only one element?
a. CaCO3
b. NH3
c. C6H12O6
d. N2

5. Which of these best show the atoms in mixture?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

6. Which of the following best describes a mixture?

a. New chemical bonds are formed
b. The substances that make up the mixture keep their individual properties
c. Can be chemically separated
d. A mixture is a pure substance

7. What is a difference between compounds and mixtures?

a. Compounds form chemical bonds
b. Mixtures form chemical bonds
c. Compounds have multiple melting points
d. Mixtures cannot be separated

Quiz 4 3
8. A student observes that the contents of a jar are not uniform throughout and can be separated
by evaporation. What type of substance is the student studying?
a. an element
b. a compound
c. a homogeneous mixture
d. a heterogeneous mixture

9. Which statement best describes an important description of compounds that is not true of
a. Compounds contain elements bonded together
b. Compounds can be easily separated into distinct parts.
c. Compounds are pure elements.
d. Compounds have multiple points

10. Which of these is a mixture?

a. A chocolate chip cookie
b. Salt
c. Gold
d. Water

Questions 11 – 20: Atomic Structure

11. Which of the following elements has 16 protons?

a. Germanium (Ge)
b. Oxygen (O)
c. Chlorine (Cl)
d. Sulfur (S)

12. How many neutrons are in Cobalt (Co)?

a. 32
b. 59
c. 27
d. 58

Quiz 4 4
13. An atom of gold with 79 protons, 79 electrons, and 118 neutrons would have an atomic number
a. 197
b. 39
c. 79
d. 118

14. The atomic number of an element indicates which of the following?

a. The number of protons and neutrons in the atom
b. The number of neutrons in the atom
c. The number of subatomic particles in the atom
d. The number of protons in the atom

15. On the periodic table, chromium has the symbol Cr, an atomic number of 24, and a mass
number of 52. How many neutrons does chromium have?

a. 52
b. 76
c. 28
d. 24

16. The diagram below shows a block from the periodic table. The number 6 represents the

a. Number of valence electrons in the element

b. Atomic number of the element
c. Atomic mass of the element
d. Number of neutrons in the element

Quiz 4 5
17. Which quantity identifies an element?
a. Total number of electrons in an atom of the element
b. Atomic mass number
c. Atomic number
d. Total number of neutrons in an atom of the element

18. Sodium is an element found in table salt. How many electrons are found in a neutral atom of
a. 11
b. 12
c. 1
d. 23

19. Sodium is an element found in table salt. How many electrons are found in an ion of sodium
that has a -2 charge?
a. 11
b. 12
c. 1
d. 23

20. Sodium is an element found in table salt. How many neutrons are found in the Sodium-44
a. 11
b. 12
c. 1
d. 23

Quiz 4 6
Questions 21 – 30: States of Matter

21. Each particle in a sample of matter vibrates but does not move from its location. In what state
of matter is the sample?
a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas
d. Plasma

22. Which of the following states of matter takes the shape of their container and also has a definite
a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas
d. Plasma

23. Diagrams in the molecular arrangements are shown below.

The molecular arrangement of a solid is best represented in

a. Diagram 3
b. Diagram 1
c. Diagrams 1 and 2
d. Diagrams 2 and 3

24. Food coloring spreads out faster in hot water than in cold water. This is mainly because:
a. The water molecules in hot water move more quickly
b. The molecules in hot water are larger
c. The food coloring molecules are small
d. Hot water is less dense

Quiz 4 7
25. Which diagram best shows the type of particle arrangement associated with a gas?

26. When you bring two drops of water near each other and allow them to touch, they combine
immediately and become one drop. This is mainly because:
a. Water molecules are made of atoms
b. Water molecules are attracted to each other
c. Water molecules are magnetic
d. Water is a liquid

27. In which state of matter are atoms NOT moving?

a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas
d. None of the above

Quiz 4 8
28. A student created this bar graph to show how the physical state of matter is related to another

Which of these is the most appropriate label for the graph’s vertical axis?
a. Weight
b. Shape
c. Electrical charge
d. Speed of particle

For questions 29 and 30, select ALL correct answers:

29. To describe a liquid, you could say:
a. The particles of a liquid are attracted to one another
b. The particles of a liquid are in motion
c. The particles of a liquid are able to move past one another
d. A liquid has mass and takes up space

30. To describe a solid, you could say:

a. The particles of a solid attracted to each other
b. The particles of a solid can move past one another
c. The particles of a solid vibrate but do not move past one another
d. A solid has mass and takes up space

Quiz 4 9
Section 2 – Short Answer

Directions: For each question, answer in complete sentences.

31. In the table below, draw the particle arrangement for a solid, liquid, and gas in the boxes
below. Then describe the particle motion for each state of matter.

Solid Gas Liquid



Quiz 4 10
32. Complete the following chart with the correct information about the specific atom, ion, and

Name Symbol Atomic # Atomic # Protons # Neutrons # Electrons

14 13

Aluminum-30 Al


Quiz 4 11
33. Sort the following substances into a list of pure substances and mixtures:

Salad, Water, Gold, Air, Pizza, Muddy water, Salt, Carbon, Sugar,

Pure Substances Mixtures

Explain HOW you created your list in the space below (essentially explain your thought process
for deciding if something is a pure substance or if something is a mixture).

Quiz 4 12

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