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Strategic Management Journal

Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)

DOI: 10.1002/smj.190

Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, Stockholm, Sweden
Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden

Stevenson (1983) holds that entrepreneurial management, defined as a set of opportunity-based

management practices, can help firms remain vital and contribute to firm and societal level
value creation. While his conceptualization has received much attention, little progress has been
made because of a lack of empirical tools to examine his propositions. This article seeks to
resolve this by describing a new instrument that was developed specifically for operationalizing
Stevenson’s conceptualization. After two pre-tests, the instrument was tested full scale on a very
large (1200+ cases) stratified random sample of firms with different size, governance structure,
and industry affiliation. The results show that both in the full sample and in various sub-samples
it was possible to identify six sub-dimensions with high discriminant validity and moderate to
high reliability, which represent dimensions of Stevenson’s theoretical reasoning. We label these
Strategic Orientation, Resource Orientation, Management Structure, Reward Philosophy, Growth
Orientation and Entrepreneurial Culture. We were further able to show that these dimensions
only partly overlap with ‘Entrepreneurial Orientation’, the hitherto best established empirical
instrument for assessing a firm’s degree of entrepreneurship. Our instrument should open up
opportunities for researchers to further evaluate entrepreneurship in existing firms. Copyright 
2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

INTRODUCTION 2000b). In order to test theory, and thus develop

the entrepreneurship field further, we must have
Traditionally, entrepreneurship research has pri- access to valid measures of key constructs. Unfor-
marily been concerned with the start-up of new tunately, few validated measures of firm-level
firms (Schendel, 1990; Sexton and Landström, entrepreneurship exist today, which is a major
2000a). Recently, however, entrepreneurship has impediment to such development.
to an increased extent become accepted as a firm- Some useful work has been done in the area.
level phenomenon deserving scholarly attention Miller (1983) suggested that firms’ degree of
(e.g., Zahra, Karutko, and Jennings, 1999). This entrepreneurship could be seen as the extent to
is based on the understanding that entrepreneur- which they take risks, innovate and act proactively.
ship is relevant to managers irrespectively of the He also developed a scale to empirically mea-
size or age of their organization. As firm-level sure these dimensions. The measurement instru-
entrepreneurship research is still in its infancy it ment has subsequently been further developed by
lacks solid, testable theory (Sexton and Landström, Covin and Slevin (1986; 1988; 1989). Wiklund
(1998) identified no less than twelve empirical
Key words: corporate entrepreneurship; operationaliza- studies based on their scales. The sheer number of
tion; Stevenson; opportunity-based studies applying this measure suggests that it is a
*Correspondence to: Professor Per Davidsson, Jönköping Inter-
national Business School, Jönköping University, PO BOX 1026, useful instrument for measuring important aspects
SE-5511 11 Jönköping, Sweden. of entrepreneurship. Despite its popularity some

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 28 January 1999
Final revision received 22 January 2001
954 T. E. Brown, P. Davidsson and J. Wiklund

weaknesses of the instrument should be noted. The of entrepreneurship echoes classical definitions
instrument taps a mix of current attitudes and past such as Kirzner’s (1973) “alertness to oppor-
behavior. Consequently, researchers find it hard to tunity”. More recently, Stevenson’s opportunity-
determine what type of construct the scale really based view of entrepreneurship has received wide-
measures and the proper label of the scale (Wik- spread recognition and support in the literature (cf.
lund, 1999). In addition, careful assessment of item references above). In summary, Stevenson has pro-
content and factor structure suggests that the proac- vided us with a conceptualization of entrepreneur-
tiveness dimension is ambiguous (Lumpkin and ship that places it within a broader management
Dess, 1996; 1997). framework and is coherent with classical as well
More importantly, while the instrument taps as contemporary definitions of entrepreneurship.
important aspects of firm-level entrepreneurship it Despite its recognition and intuitive appeal,
may not be comprehensive enough (Zahra, 1993). Stevenson’s opportunity-based view of entrepre-
In particular, while addressing partly overlap- neurship has hitherto not been subject to sys-
ping aspects, the measure does not explicitly and tematic empirical testing. We find this to be a
directly address to what extent firms are involved major impediment to the further development of
in the recognition or exploitation of opportunity. entrepreneurship research given the importance of
Contemporary definitions of entrepreneurship tend entrepreneurship to a gamut of organizations and
to center around the pursuit of opportunity (e.g., the significance of opportunity-based definitions of
Brazael, 1999; Churchill and Muzyka, 1994; Shane entrepreneurship.
and Venkataraman, 2000; Venkataraman, 1997). In Consequently, the purpose of this article is
fact, Shane and Venkataraman (2000) define the to develop a measurement instrument to empiri-
domain of entrepreneurship research in terms of cally gauge Stevenson’s conceptualization of entre-
opportunity recognition and exploitation. Unfortu- preneurship as opportunity-based firm behavior
nately, to our knowledge, no measurement instru- and to test it on a large sample of firms. The next
ment that gauges firm-level opportunity-based be- section outlines the eight dimensions of Steven-
havior exists today. Thus, while acknowledging the son’s conceptualization. This provides the theo-
value of the Miller/Covin and Slevin instrument, retical domain for the measurement instrument.
we hold that the development of such an instru- Following this, we turn to a detailed description
ment is essential. of how the instrument was developed, revised
The opportunity-based conceptualization of and empirically validated. This includes an exam-
entrepreneurship developed by the Harvard profes- ination of convergent validity through compar-
sor Howard Stevenson and collaborators provides isons with Covin and Slevin’s (1989) widely used
an important point of departure for the develop- Entrepreneurial Orientation scale and an evalua-
ment of such an instrument. He has long argued tion of our scale against established psychometric
that entrepreneurial value creating processes can criteria. The following section discusses the use-
take place in any type of organization (Steven- fulness and possible extension of the scale we have
son, 1983; Stevenson and Gumpert, 1985; Steven- developed. We conclude with discussing the schol-
son and Jarillo, 1986; 1990). In established orga- arly and managerial implications of the scale.
nizations entrepreneurship is largely a manage-
ment question. As Stevenson notes: “Entrepreneur-
ship is more than just starting new businesses. . . STEVENSON’S OPPORTUNITY-BASED
entrepreneurial management may be seen as a VIEW OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP
‘mode of management’ different from traditional
management” (Stevenson and Jarillo, 1990:25) Stevenson conceptualizes entrepreneurship as a
Stevenson defines entrepreneurship as “The pro- management approach that has at its heart an all-
cess by which individuals—either on their own or consuming passion for the pursuit and exploita-
inside organizations—pursue opportunities with- tion of opportunity without regard to resources
out regard to the resources they currently control” currently controlled (Stevenson, 1983). He con-
(Stevenson and Jarillo, 1990:23). This definition trasts entrepreneurial behavior with administra-
puts the focus on entrepreneurship as the pursuit of tive behavior. Along the spectrum of behaviors
opportunity irrespectively of organizational con- between these extremes, promoter firms are placed
text. This opportunity oriented conceptualization at the entrepreneurial end and trustees at the
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
An Operationalization of Stevenson’s Entrepreneurship 955

administrative end. The promoter’s sole intent is the environment and not the resources that may
pursuing and exploiting opportunities regardless of be required to exploit them. As opportunities
resources controlled, while the trustee strives to drive strategy, almost any opportunity is rele-
make the most efficient use of its resources pool vant to the firm. Once an opportunity is identi-
(as “required” by fiduciary responsibility). Certain fied, resources to exploit it need, of course, to be
business and environmental factors pull individu- marshaled. Conversely, the trustee’s strategy is to
als and firms towards entrepreneurial behavior or utilize the resources of the firm efficiently. The
towards administrative behavior. resources are the starting point and only opportu-
In his early work, Stevenson categorized the nities that relate to existing resources are relevant
management behavior of the promoter and trustee to the firm.
types along six dimensions: Strategic Orienta- The Commitment to Opportunity is similarly
tion, Commitment to Opportunity, Commitment related to strategic action. The promoter is action-
of Resources, Control of Resources, Manage- oriented and able to commit and decommit to
ment Structure and Reward Philosophy (Steven- this action rapidly. Trustees tend to be analysis-
son, 1983; Stevenson and Gumpert, 1985). He oriented and as a result of multiple decision
has developed his thoughts with slight varia- constituents, negotiated strategies, and an eye
tions in a series of subsequent papers where he toward risk reduction, their behavior tends to
more or less explicitly adds two more dimensions: be slow and inflexible. For a given opportunity,
Entrepreneurial Culture and Growth Orientation the promoter is much more likely than is the
(Stevenson and Gumpert, 1985; Stevenson and Jar- trustee to pursue it. If the trustee chooses to pur-
illo, 1986; 1990). Table 1 summarizes Stevenson’s sue the given opportunity, it would be with a
conceptualization and the key characteristics firms much larger initial investment and the intention
are likely to exhibit at the entrepreneurial and of remaining in that line of business for consider-
administrative ends of the spectrum. The dimen- able time.
sions are elaborated below.
Commitment of resources and control of
Strategic orientation and commitment to resources
For Stevenson an opportunistic resource orienta-
These first two dimensions are strategic in nature. tion consists firstly of a particular Commitment
Strategic Orientation describes what factors drive of Resources. An entrepreneurially managed firm
the creation of strategy. The promoter’s strat- attempts to maximize value creation by exploit-
egy is driven by the opportunities that exist in ing opportunities while minimizing the resources

Table 1. Stevenson’s conceptualization of entrepreneurial management

Entrepreneurial focus (promoter) Conceptual dimension Administrative focus (trustee)

Driven by perception of ← Strategic orientation → Driven by controlled resources

Revolutionary with short duration ← Commitment to opportunity → Evolutionary with long duration
Many stages with minimal ← Commitment of resources → A single stage with complete
exposure at each stage commitment out of decision
Episodic use or rent of required ← Control of resources → Ownership or employment of
resources required resources
Flat, with multiple informal ← Management structure → Hierarchy
Based on value creation ← Reward philosophy → Based on responsibility and
Rapid growth is top priority; risk ← Growth orientation → Safe, slow, steady
accepted to achieve growth
Promoting broad search for ← Entrepreneurial culture → Opportunity search restricted by
opportunities resources controlled; failure

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
956 T. E. Brown, P. Davidsson and J. Wiklund

required, especially firm resources. In this effort lines of authority, highly routinized work, systems
the firm may “test the waters” by committing small designed to measure productivity, etc.
amounts of resources in a multi-step manner with How a firm’s Reward Philosophy is organized is
minimal (risk) exposure at each step. This allows important to firm behavior. The promoter is inter-
the firm to stop and change direction at any step, ested in creating and harvesting wealth (value).
if and when circumstances deem necessary. The As a result, entrepreneurially managed firms tend
accumulation of resources creates organizational to base compensation on how individuals con-
pressures that make it difficult to maintain this tribute to value creation. The organization’s struc-
type of commitment of resources. These pressures ture is conducive to this evaluation because it
include the use of capital allocation systems, for- is designed for independent action and account-
mal planning systems, certain incentive systems, ability. Trustee firms, managed administratively,
attempts for managers to reduce their personal risk, tend to relate their compensation to the amount
and managerial turnover. The trustee’s commit- of resources under the individual’s control (i.e.,
ment of resources, therefore, is characterized by assets and/or people) and with seniority. If the
a thorough analysis in advance with large, but less individual is successful, s/he is promoted to a
reversible, investments. position with even more resources under his/her
The second component of Stevenson’s oppor- management.
tunistic view of resources maintains that promoter
firms further reduce the resources they own and Growth orientation and entrepreneurial
use as much as possible. Promoters become skilled culture
at the use of other people’s resources including
financial capital, intellectual capital, skills, com- A closer reading of Stevenson’s later work sug-
petencies, etc. (Starr and MacMillan, 1990). In gests that in addition to the six dimensions included
this effort the firm is less concerned with own- in his charts, he also regards Growth Orientation
ing resources than it is with its ability to use, and Entrepreneurial Culture (Stevenson and Jar-
exploit and/or extract value from them. Stevenson illo, 1986:11; Stevenson and Jarillo, 1990:25) as
further explains that the process of determining important dimensions of entrepreneurial manage-
which assets to own and which to rent, subcon- ment. As regards growth, it is assumed that pro-
tract, outsource, etc. is “a time-phased sequence of moters desire rapid growth and that entrepreneurial
decisions” (1983:10) for the firm. Stevenson calls management will help create it. While the trustee
this dimension Control of Resources. The trustee, may also desire growth, it must be slower, even,
on the other hand, favors ownership control of and at a steady pace, because anything faster is
resources, and the management of these resources unsettling for the firm, i.e., it puts at risk the
tends to come into the focus of top management’s resources that have already been accumulated and
attention. the jobs of top management. Furthermore, trustees
believe that administrative management will help
Management structure and reward create this type of growth.
philosophy The promoter firm encourages ideas, experimen-
tation and creativity, thus developing an entre-
The Management Structure of the promoter orga- preneurial culture in which new ideas are valued
nization is organic (Burns and Stalker, 1961). It and sought out. As opportunity is the starting point,
is flat and made of multiple informal networks. a broad range of ideas is worth seeking and consid-
Because some of the resources that the promoter ering. Conversely, if currently controlled resources
uses may not be owned by the firm, and there- were the starting point, then only ideas that relate
fore fall outside of the formal organization, non- to these resources would be relevant. With this
traditional means of organizing are often needed. narrow span the flow of ideas judged worthy of
The promoter’s organization is designed to coor- consideration would be much smaller even if ideas
dinate key non-controlled resources, to be flexible were actively sought for. Therefore, promoters
and to create an environment where employees are create a work environment that is full of ideas,
free to create and seek opportunity. The trustee’s while trustees create a work environment with just
firm, on the other hand, is organized as a for- enough ideas to match the resources of the firm,
malized hierarchy, characterized by clearly defined or even a lack of ideas.
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
An Operationalization of Stevenson’s Entrepreneurship 957

In summary, Stevenson’s view of entrepreneurial The sample

management puts opportunity-based behavior at
In order to generalize the results it is essen-
the center. Because these behaviors may be
tial to utilize a representative sample in scale
“critical to the long term vitality of our economy”
development (Robinson et al., 1991). However, a
(Stevenson. 1983:3), it is important to facilitate the
simple random sample of firms would be totally
empirical study of them. The remainder of this arti-
dominated by micro enterprises with fewer than
cle describes the development, reliability testing
ten employees. Such firms represent neither a large
and validation of a survey instrument intended to
share of economic activity nor what Stevenson
gauge Stevenson’s view of entrepreneurial
had in mind when formulating his theory. Adher-
ing to Stevenson’ view of entrepreneurship as a
management approach relevant to many different
DEVELOPING THE MEASUREMENT types of firms, it was vital to obtain a diverse
INSTRUMENT sample with analyzable sub-groups. The primary
sampling frame consisted of 24 cells of approxi-
Writing the items mately 110 firms each. The sampling criteria were:
(a) industrial sector divided into four groups (man-
In the development of the scale to measure entre- ufacturing, professional services, wholesale/retail,
preneurial management as conceptualized by and other services); (b) employment size class
Stevenson, we followed the recommendations for divided into two groups (10–49, 50–249, which is
scale construction and evaluation made by Robin- the European Union’s cutoff for small and medium
son, Shaver, and Wrightsman (1991). The first sized enterprises, respectively); and (c) corporate
step in scale construction is writing the items to governance divided into three groups (indepen-
be included in the scale. This sometimes difficult dent firms, members of company groups with
and time-consuming task was facilitated by the fewer that 250 employees, and members of com-
fact that Stevenson’s conceptualization is relatively pany groups with 250 employees or more). The
detailed. His eight dimensions of entrepreneurial total sampling frame consisted of 2455 firms. The
management provided guidelines for the relevant sample was obtained from Statistics Sweden (the
construct domain. In fact, he went so far as to Bureau of Census). The target respondent was
include some specific questions that would be the CEO.
asked by the promoter firm and by the trustee firm Data were collected in a two step manner. First,
(Stevenson, 1983; Stevenson and Gumpert, 1985). the firms were contacted and surveyed by tele-
We took these as the starting point for a first ver- phone yielding 2034 responses (82.9%). Second,
sion of the instrument. In addition to using those all firms interviewed were sent a mail survey. The
few questions more or less directly, they were questions of interest for this study were in the
used as prototypes for the other questions that we mail portion. We received mail responses from
developed. This helped establish the instrument’s 1278 firms after two reminders. Given the formula
face validity. The questions were initially devel- provided by Dillman (1978), the response rate
oped in English and then translated into Swedish was 52.1%. This considerable response rate helped
by a team of native English and native Swedish safeguard against non-response bias. Excluding
speaking researchers. cases with severe internal non-response, we have
The items were of the forced choice type, with an effective sample of 1233 firms for the main
pairs of statements representing the opposite ends analysis.
of the promoter/trustee continuum. A ten-point
scale divided the two statements. The respondents
Testing and adjusting the scale
were asked to mark the number which best rep-
resented the view of their firm. In order to avoid The scale was subjected to extensive pretesting to
response set contamination, i.e., the tendency to assure that the wording of individual items was
respond to statements for reasons other than their understandable, and that the different items devel-
content, the questions were arranged so that the oped to measure the same dimension indeed did so.
promoter statements and the trustee statements A total of 29 items were developed, two to six for
appeared on both the right and left sides (Robinson each of Stevenson’s dimensions of entrepreneur-
et al., 1991). ship. Twenty items are included in the final scales.
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
958 T. E. Brown, P. Davidsson and J. Wiklund

The first version of the questionnaire was tested on and additions were made. The remainder of the full
a convenience sample of 186 small and medium- sample received a 22-item version of the question-
sized firms—both independent and those that were naire. When complete data had been collected it
part of company groups. The responding CEOs turned out that one resource item had a misloading
were approached with a cover letter and a mail on the Reward Philosophy factor and was dropped.
questionnaire. The mailings resulted in 121 com- Another resource item loaded on two different fac-
pleted questionnaires after one reminder (65% tors at levels barely above 0.40. As a result, this
response rate). At this stage of the research we item was also dropped. A copy of the 20 questions
hoped to develop reliable indices of the eight that constitute our measurement instrument can be
dimensions of Stevenson’s conceptualization, as found in the Appendix (Table A1).
well as combining them into an overall index Factor analysis was run with the remaining 20
of entrepreneurial management. As they are all items using principal components extraction and
assumed to be aspects of the same promoter/trustee varimax rotation. The results are displayed in
distinction it was uncertain, however, whether one, Table 2. Each item has its highest loading on the
eight, or some other number of dimensions would factor it conceptually belongs to, and no item has
be extracted in an orthogonal factor analysis. a loading of 0.30 or more on any other factor. A
The result from this pretest confirmed that the vast majority of the loadings are in the high 0.60s
items were relevant, although alterations of indi- and up. Our conclusion from this analysis is that
vidual items were needed. The second pretest had we have successfully isolated six empirically dis-
the form of a ‘rolling’ test. Mailings were halted tinct factors that represent important dimensions
when approximately 200 questionnaires had been of Stevenson’s conceptualization of entrepreneur-
sent out, and the target items were factor analyzed. ship as opportunity-based business behavior. How-
As a result of this analysis a few more deletions ever, the number of factors is six rather than the

Table 2. Final factor analysis results for Stevenson’s conceptualization of entrepreneurial management (n = 1233)

Factor Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 6

(var. expl) (11.2%) (8.9%) (13.7%) (8.5%) (8.1%) (9.7%)

Strategic Orientation 1 0.79
Strategic Orientation 2 0.85
Strategic Orientation 3 0.82
Resource Orientation 1 0.56
Resource Orientation 2 0.80
Resource Orientation 5 0.72
Resource Orientation 6 0.49
Mgmnt Structure 1 0.75
Mgmnt Structure 2 0.80
Mgmnt Structure 3 0.68
Mgmnt Structure 4 0.67
Mgmnt Structure 5 0.65
Reward Philosophy 1 0.74
Reward Philosophy 2 0.66
Reward Philosophy 3 0.73
Growth Orientation 1 0.84
Growth Orientation 2 0.86
Entrepren Culture 1 0.82
Entrepren Culture 2 0.66
Entrepren Culture 3 0.84

Note: Respondents who did not complete the mail part of the survey (n = 751) were (of course) excluded from this analysis,
as were respondents who skipped this entire section in the questionnaire. For other respondents with internal non-response mean
substitution was employed. This concerns only a few cases except for the Resource items 5 and 6 (non-response approx. 150)
which were introduced after the ‘rolling’ test run. ‘Absolute values less than 0.30 were suppressed; i.e., no variables had substantial
‘side loadings’. The displayed ‘explained variance’ is after varimax rotation. Cumulative variance explained is 60%. KMO = 0.774.
Bartlett’s test approx. Chi2 = 5214; d.f. = 190; p < 0.001. The numbering of the factors has been changed for enhanced readability.

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
An Operationalization of Stevenson’s Entrepreneurship 959

eight that could have been anticipated on the basis entrepreneurial management is a “cohesive pat-
of the theoretical dimensions. At the first pretest tern of behaviors” (Stevenson, 1983:16) we would
we were unable to extract a separate Opportu- expect the six dimensions to be positively cor-
nity Orientation factor. The items intended to tap related. When summed indices were created on
that dimension dropped out of the analysis, and the basis of the factor pattern, moderately positive
we found it hard to develop new ones without correlations were generally found. Ten out of the
clear conceptual overlap with Strategic Orientation fifteen correlations were positive and significant
and/or Commitment of Resources. Further, the two (p < 0.001). The only two significantly negative
resource dimensions Commitment of Resources correlations occurred for the Growth Orientation
and Control of Resources merged into one factor, index. This may be because the survey was under-
which we label Resource Orientation. Our inter- taken immediately after a very severe recession,
pretation of the analysis is that our six empirical possibly demanding firms to find creative ways to
dimensions represent Stevenson’s eight conceptual shrink rather than to grow in order to survive.
dimensions. As noted above, there is little reason To further assess the reliability of the indices,
a priori to expect Stevenson’s dimensions to be Cronbach’s Alpha and item-total correlation coef-
uncorrelated. Therefore, our extracting six orthog- ficients were computed (see Table 3). The results
onal factors actually indicates a higher discrimi- revealed that while for Strategic Orientation (α =
nant validity than expected. 0.82), Management Structure (α = 0.78), Growth
The fact that these dimensions could be extracted Orientation (α = 0.71), and Entrepreneurial Cul-
as orthogonal factors suggests that the dimensions ture (α = 0.68) the Cronbach’s Alpha values were
are conceptually sound and that they need not above or approaching Nunnally’s (1967) recom-
co-vary empirically. If Stevenson is correct and mended level, the Alphas for Resource Orientation

Table 3. Descriptive statistics and measurement reliability

Index Mean S.D. Alpha correlation

Strategic Orientation 6.37 1.60 0.82

Item 1 6.31 2.10 0.64
Item 2 6.62 2.05 0.72
Item 3 6.16 2.16 0.65
Resource Orientation 5.72 1.47 0.58
Item 1 (reversed) 5.84 1.87 0.23
Item 2 (reversed) 5.14 2.32 0.54
Item 3 (reversed) 5.42 2.48 0.43
Item 4 (reversed) 6.62 1.94 0.27
Mgmnt Structure 6.71 1.60 0.78
Item 1 6.00 2.40 0.52
Item 2 6.94 2.01 0.66
Item 3 7.11 1.86 0.57
Item 4 6.79 2.15 0.52
Item 5 6.91 2.05 0.54
Reward Philosophy 6.35 1.45 0.58
Item 1 6.94 1.80 0.42
Item 2 5.25 2.23 0.34
Item 3 6.86 1.80 0.43
Growth Orientation 3.72 1.84 0.71
Item 1 (reversed) 4.25 2.25 0.56
Item 2 (reversed) 3.19 1.92 0.56
Entrepren Culture 6.53 1.67 0.68
Item 1 (reversed) 7.12 1.88 0.54
Item 2 (reversed) 6.08 2.44 0.39
Item 3 (reversed) 6.40 2.07 0.58

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960 T. E. Brown, P. Davidsson and J. Wiklund

(α = 0.58) and Reward Philosophy (α = 0.58) did groups) the results closely mirrored the full sam-
not quite reach that level. Corrected item-total cor- ple results. There were six strong and clear factors
relations ranged from 0.23 to 0.66, the majority with no incorrect highest loadings and very few
being above 0.50. This indicated that all items side-loadings of substance. When the factor anal-
share a high degree of variance with their respec- ysis was done on the two sub-samples based on
tive constructs and that the addition of one or two size (i.e., 10–49 employees and 50–250 employ-
items with similar measurement properties to the ees) the results again closely mirrored the results
problematic indices should have increased their of the full sample.
reliability coefficients considerably (Nunnally and Factor analysis of the four sub-samples repre-
Bernstein, 1994). senting the industrial sectors also yielded quite
strong results. The manufacturing results closely
Sub-sample validation mirrored the full sample. Knowledge-intensive ser-
vices had a minor deviation in the form of a
In a further attempt to examine the validity and
few ‘side-loadings’ above 0.30, while the whole-
reliability of these indices, sub-sample factor anal-
sale/retail had the only occurrence of a highest
ysis was performed. As stated above, the sampling
frame was stratified based on corporate gover- loading on the wrong factor (i.e., one out of 180
nance (three groups), firm size (two groups), and [9 sub-groups times 20 items] loadings was wrong
industrial sector (four groups). Therefore, while in this regard). However, the “other services” sub-
the analysis was not done for each of the 24 cells sample produced our six factors plus an additional
(which would have meant too small sub-samples), one (a split of the ‘Resource Orientation’ fac-
it was done for the nine partly overlapping groups tor). When the analysis was rerun forcing it to
representing the selection criteria. There is no six factors, the results were just one ‘side-loading’
room here to give a full report on the results short of perfect. The variance explained was close
of these analyses. Table 4 summarizes the most to 60% with very little variation across analyses.
important information. Over all, the results of the sub-sample valida-
When the factor analysis was performed on tion were highly satisfactory. Taken together, the
the three sub-samples representing the governance sub-sample analyses suggest that the measurement
criterion (i.e., independent firms, firms in small instrument gauges entrepreneurial management in
company groups, and firms in large company different organizational contexts.

Table 4. Stability of factor solutions across sub-samples

No. of incorrect
p of No. of factors Cum.
No. of Bartlett’s with var. expl. by
Sub-sample cases KMO test Eigenval. >1 6 factors Type Ia Type IIb

Independent 399 0.77 0.000 6 61.1% 0 1
Part of ‘small’ group 446 0.74 0.000 6 61.4% 0 2
(<250 empl.)
Part of large group 433 0.74 0.000 6 59.6% 0 1
(250 + empl.)
10–49 employees 655 0.77 0.000 6 59.8% 0 1
50–249 employees 623 0.76 0.000 6 61.2% 0 0
Industry sector:
Manufacturing 372 0.75 0.000 6 61.3% 0 1
Prof. services 366 0.77 0.000 6 61.5% 0 3
Retail/Wholesale 226 0.70 0.000 6 60.2% 1 4
Other services 314 0.75 0.000 7c 60.2% 0 1

Note: a) No. of occurrences that the highest loading is on the ‘wrong’ factor. b) No. of ‘side-loadings’ >0.30. c) The Resource
Orientation dimension split into two factors.

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
An Operationalization of Stevenson’s Entrepreneurship 961

Examining convergent validity through competitive clashes”, taps competitive aggressive-

comparisons with entrepreneurial orientation ness rather than proactiveness as intended (Lump-
kin and Dess, 1996; 1997) and was therefore
The previous analyses established that the mea- dropped. Exploratory factor analysis of the remain-
surement properties of the scale are sound and that ing eight items revealed that the innovation item
this applies to different sub-groups of firms. How- concerning “emphasis on innovation versus mar-
ever, in order to establish the validity of the scale, keting of tried and true products” formed a factor
i.e., if the scale really measures entrepreneurship, of its own. It was therefore removed as well.
construct (convergent) validity must be ascertained We then ran a factor analysis with all 27 items
(Robinson et al., 1991). To do so, we inves- (20 from the Entrepreneurial Management scale
tigated to what extent the results obtained by and seven from the revised EO scale) using prin-
our scale correspond to those obtained by the cipal components extraction and varimax rota-
most well-established scale for measuring firm- tion. We obtained an intriguing—and somewhat
level entrepreneurship (cf. the introduction), i.e., unexpected—result, which is displayed in Table 5.
the Miller (1983) and Covin and Slevin (1986; We knew at this stage that the EM and EO
1988; 1989) entrepreneurial orientation (EO) scale global indices had a substantial positive corre-
To measure EO we chose Covin and Slevin’s lation. As we also already had six EM factors
(1989) version of the instrument. This scale was (Table 2), and because all the items are intended
included in our survey instrument and was com- to capture some aspect of entrepreneurship we
pleted by the respondents. Although the scale suspected that we would get mixed EM/EO fac-
was originally designed to tap three conceptu- tors in this analysis. In contrast, nine factors were
ally distinct dimensions (innovation, proactive- extracted using the conventional Kaiser criterion
ness and risk-taking) the EO scale is often used (eigenvalue >1). These nine factors cleanly repre-
as one summed index. In order to compare our sent the six sub-dimensions of the Entrepreneurial
measure with EO, we summed the score for all Management index and the three sub-factors in the
20 items representing the six dimensions derived EO measure. A vast majority of the loadings are
from Stevenson. We labeled this latter index Entre- in the high 0.60s and up with no ‘side-loadings’
preneurial Management (EM). above 0.30. This result for the full sample also
The results reveal that the reliability of Entre- holds up with high consistency in different sub-
preneurial Orientation (EO; α = 0.73 based on samples (similar to what was reported in Table 4).
seven items, see below), and Entrepreneurial Man- Due to space limitations, these results are not
agement (EM; α = 0.73) are above Nunnally’s reported here.
(1967) recommended level. The correlation be- If all nine dimensions gauge some aspect of
tween the two indices is 0.43, suggesting that the entrepreneurship, they would all be positively cor-
correlation between the two underlying theoretical related. The fact that nine uncorrelated factors
constructs, corrected for measurement error, was were extracted indicates that this might not be
0.58 (Cohen and Cohen, 1983). This is important the case. Therefore, nine summed indices corre-
for two reasons. First, it demonstrates a sufficiently sponding to the factors were constructed. For the
high degree of correspondence between the two most part we find positive correlations between
constructs to warrant that our scale for measuring the nine indices (Table 6). This holds for indices
entrepreneurial management as defined by Steven- within the EM and EO groups as well as across
son is indeed a valid measure of entrepreneur- them. However, none of the correlations are very
ship. Secondly, it also demonstrates that while high. Taken together, the above results suggest, in
these two conceptualizations of entrepreneurship fact, that the 27 items represent nine dimensions
are positively related, they are only partly over- of entrepreneurship that are relatively distinct con-
lapping and gauge different and distinct aspects of ceptually and empirically. This suggests that the
entrepreneurship. aspects of entrepreneurship discussed by Steven-
As a second way of examining how the two son as well as Miller/Covin and Slevin are concep-
constructs are related we ran an exploratory fac- tually sound and empirically separable. Although
tor analysis using items from both sets of mea- positively correlated, the existence of nine iden-
sures. Previous research suggests that one of tifiable dimensions extracted from a set of items
the EO items, dealing with “seeking or avoiding which all are meant to capture some aspect of
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
962 T. E. Brown, P. Davidsson and J. Wiklund
Table 5. Final factor analysis for Stevenson’s entrepreneurial management and Miller/Covin and Slevin’s entre-
preneurial orientation (n = 1216)

Factor Factor 3 Factor 5 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 4 Factor 6 Factor 7 Factor 8 Factor 9
(expl. var) (8.2%) (6.6%) (10.3%) (6.3%) (5.9%) (7.3%) (6.1%) (5.7%) (7.4%)

Strategic Orientation 1 0.78
Strategic Orientation 2 0.84
Strategic Orientation 3 0.81
Resource Orientation 1 0.55
Resource Orientation 2 0.80
Resource Orientation 5 0.72
Resource Orientation 6 0.50
Mgmnt Structure 1 0.74
Mgmnt Structure 2 0.80
Mgmnt Structure 3 0.68
Mgmnt Structure 4 0.68
Mgmnt Structure 5 0.65
Reward Philosophy 1 0.73
Reward Philosophy 2 0.66
Reward Philosophy 3 0.72
Growth Orientation 1 0.83
Growth Orientation 2 0.85
Entrepren Culture 1 0.81
Entrepren Culture 2 0.64
Entrepren Culture 3 0.84
EO Innovation 2 0.88
EO Innovation 3 0.84
EO Proactiveness 1 0.85
EO Proactiveness 2 0.82
EO Risktaking 1 0.68
EO Risktaking 2 0.75
EO Risktaking 3 0.77

Note: Respondents who did not complete the mail part of the survey (n = 751) were (of course) excluded from this analysis, as
were respondents who skipped either of these entire sections in the questionnaire. For respondents with internal non-response mean
substitution was employed (cf. Table 1). Absolute values less than 0.30 were suppressed; i.e., no variables had substantial ‘side
loadings’. The displayed ‘explained variance’ is after varimax rotation. Cumulative variance explained is 63.6%. KMO = 0.79.
Bartlett’s test approx. Chi2 = 7455; d.f. = 351; p < 0.001. The numbering of the factors has been changed for enhanced readability.

Table 6. Correlations for the sub-indices of the entrepreneurial management and entrepreneurial orientation

Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Strategic Orientation
2 Resource Orientation 0.10∗∗
3 Mgmnt Structure 0.33∗∗ 0.04
4 Reward Philosophy 0.33∗∗ −0.02 0.36∗∗
5 Growth Orientation −0.02 0.09∗∗ −0.14∗∗ −0.11∗∗
6 Entrepren Culture 0.14∗∗ 0.15∗∗ 0.10∗∗ 0.10∗∗ 0.15∗∗
7 EO Innovation 0.23∗∗ 0.05 0.15∗∗ 0.17∗∗ 0.11∗∗ 0.34∗∗
8 EO Proactiveness 0.19∗∗ −0.05 0.13∗∗ 0.15∗∗ 0.09∗∗ 0.19∗∗ 0.26∗∗
9 EO Risktaking 0.31∗∗ 0.07∗ 0.19∗∗ 0.20∗∗ 0.25∗∗ 0.26∗∗ 0.33∗∗ 0.26∗∗

Note: ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗

p < 0.001; n = 1211 − 1242

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
An Operationalization of Stevenson’s Entrepreneurship 963

entrepreneurship indicates that entrepreneurship is to exemplary validity/reliability. The Cronbach’s

a very broad and complex concept. Alpha value is on average 0.69. This meets a mod-
erate validity/reliability criterion (Robinson et al.,
1991). Average Cronbach’s Alpha values above
Evaluation of the scale
0.80 are needed in order to be exemplary. In factor
In order to evaluate how well we have succeeded in analysis, all items pertaining to the same dimen-
developing a valid and reliable measure of Howard sion loaded on the same factor. This gives an
Stevenson’s conceptualization of entrepreneurial exemplary rating for this criterion. The test of
management, we compared our results with the the correlation with the entrepreneurial orienta-
evaluation criteria of new scales suggested by tion construct suggests that the convergent validity
Robinson et al. (1991). These authors list thir- criterion is met to a moderate degree. In order
teen evaluation criteria as well as the require- to achieve an exemplary rating, a highly signifi-
ments needed to meet different ratings on these cant correlation with yet another related construct
criteria. These ratings range from exemplary (4), should also be established. The fact that clear fac-
indicating that the measures taken to achieve valid- tors were extracted in all factor analyses suggests
ity/reliability are impeccable over extensive (3), discriminant validity (cf. Barringer and Bluedorn,
moderate (2), and limited (1), to none (0), the lat- 1999). To further establish discriminant validity,
ter indicating that the particular criterion has been we correlated the global EM index with six other
inadequately considered in developing the scale. dimensions of strategy, which were included in
The first criterion relates to theoretical develop- the questionnaire. None of these correlations came
ment/structure, which is rated based on the extent close to the magnitude of the correlation between
to which prior research in the field is considered EM and EO. These analyses taken together war-
and face validity established. In order to achieve rant exemplary discriminant validity according to
an exemplary rating all relevant literature should Robinson’s et al. (1991) criteria. Due to the cross-
be taken into account. In the present case, exem- sectional design, test-retest correlations could not
plary rating was relatively easily achieved as only be calculated and assessed. To assess freedom
Stevenson’s work needed to be considered, and from response set, joint analysis of two or more
as he provided examples of typical questions. The studies would have been necessary. Our design
next criterion is pilot testing and item develop- also restricted us from investigating known group
ment. The use of a convenience sample in addi- validity.
tion to a large random sample and the revision In order to make an overall evaluation of the
of some items give us a moderate rating. To scale, the average score across all criteria can be
achieve a higher rating, a larger item pool and calculated. The ten criteria considered on average
more extensive deletion of items would have been reach extensive validity/reliability. Three criteria
necessary. In order to determine the distribution were not considered; test-retest correlations, free-
of responses and thus the ability for the scale to dom from response set and joint analysis of two or
discriminate between different responses, Robin- more studies. If, instead of excluding these from
son et al. (1991) hold that normative informa- the calculation, we instead conservatively assign
tion (e.g., means and standard deviations) should to them the lowest possible value (i.e., zero), the
be calculated. Means and standard deviations are average drops from extensive to moderate valid-
reported in Table 3. This gives us an exemplary ity/reliability.
rating regarding this criterion. An exemplary sam- These extensive examinations of the scale’s
ple of respondents would be a national random validity and reliability imply two things. First,
sample with a response rate over 60%. For rea- there is nothing in the evaluation to suggest
sons explained above, we chose a stratified rather that the scale is invalid or unreliable. The scale
than a simple random sample. We do not quite received moderate to exemplary ratings for all
meet the response rate criterion (52.1%). There- the reliability and validity tests it was subjected
fore our rating is extensive rather than exemplary. to. Second, all tests of validity were not consid-
Robinson et al. (1991) suggest that inter-item cor- ered in the evaluation. Although this should not
relations provide important information regard- restrict the application of the scale to empirical
ing internal consistency. On average these cor- research, further validation of the scale should be
relations are well above 0.30, which corresponds attempted.
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
964 T. E. Brown, P. Davidsson and J. Wiklund

DISCUSSION assessed by the CEO’s responses should accord

with EM based on other, informed respondents in
The purpose of this article was to develop a mea- the firm. If both relationships hold, the CEO-based
surement instrument designed to tap Stevenson’s measure would have both inter-respondent relia-
conceptualization of entrepreneurial management. bility and predictive validity. If inter-respondent
The result of this effort was a 20-item instrument reliability is high while predictive validity is low,
from which a global index with satisfactory relia- either the theory or the measure is flawed. Alter-
bility could be computed. Alternatively, the mea- natively, if inter-respondent reliability is low and
sure can be broken down into six factors or sub- predictive validity is high, EM would reflect an
dimensions of entrepreneurial management which individual characteristic of the leader that affects
we label Strategic Orientation, Resource Orienta- business behavior through a different mechanism
tion, Management Structure, Reward Philosophy, than the one originally assumed. Hence, both types
Growth Orientation, and Entrepreneurial Culture. of validity checks must turn out positive for CEO-
These dimensions could be confirmed for nine based EM to be interpreted as a valid assessment
partly overlapping sub-samples representing dif- of firm-level entrepreneurial management.
ferent categories of firms. While the measures are Assuming that Stevenson’s theory holds, a test
not yet perfected, we would hold that the elaborate of predictive validity should show that firms with
process behind their development and the clean higher scores on the EM index or its sub-indices
results, in particular the remarkably clear and sta- exhibit more entrepreneurial behavior in terms of
ble factor pattern, would suffice for claiming that resource recombinations and entry into new mar-
we have developed a useful operationalization of kets or market segments. A test of predictive valid-
Stevenson’s conceptualization of entrepreneurial ity could also measure business or societal level
management. It is our hope that this tool will help outcomes. A positive link between scores on our
move the study of entrepreneurship towards more instrument(s) and value creation would strengthen
rigorous research. the validity of the measure in the tested context.
For adequate application and further develop- However, entrepreneurial management may pay
ment it is important that the nature of this mea- off in some contexts but not necessarily in oth-
sure be understood. Stevenson theorizes about ers (Dess, Lumpkin, and Covin, 1997). It would
entrepreneurial management, which is what our then be advisable to select a testing ground where
instrument is designed to tap. Hence, it is a firm- there is strong theoretical reason to believe that
level measure. Further, it is not a direct measure opportunity-driven (as opposed to resource-driven)
of entrepreneurship if that is defined in terms strategies lead to superior performance. Failure to
of resource recombinations (Schumpeter, 1934; attain predictive validity in such contexts would
Moran and Ghoshal, 1999) or entry into new invalidate the measure.
markets or market segments (Lumpkin and Dess, Further validation of the universality of the mea-
1996). Stevenson’s argument is that entrepreneurial sure would also be valuable. First, we have shown
management facilitates such processes by mak- that the measure holds across different types of
ing it possible for organizational members to take firms. Replicating these results, extending the mea-
entrepreneurial initiatives and by rewarding such sure to other categories of firms (Hubbard, Vetter,
efforts. and Little, 1998), would strengthen the validity of
These properties of the concept have implica- the measure and fine-tune its range of applicability.
tions for the further validation of our measure- Second, we have developed and tested our instru-
ment instrument. The fact that it is intended to ment on a Swedish sample in the Swedish lan-
be a firm-level measure makes our use of a sin- guage. Establishing that the results hold for other
gle respondent a potential limitation. Validating (business) cultures and in other languages is an
the use of the CEOs’ responses as representa- important validation task that would increase the
tive for the firm involves two issues. First, the usefulness of our operationalization.
CEO’s reported EM should have predictive valid- Further improvements of the measures may be
ity with respect to the prevalence within the firm advisable. It is unlikely that the reliability of the
of efforts to recombine resources and entry into global EM index would improve much by the addi-
new markets or market segments. Second, EM as tion or exchange of a few items (cf. Nunnally

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
An Operationalization of Stevenson’s Entrepreneurship 965

and Bernstein, 1994:300). However, a twenty-item alternative firm-level measure of entrepreneur-

scale may be too long in some situations and it is ship, Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO). This has
conceivable that it can be shortened without much important research implications. First, there are
loss of information. If the intention is to carry some problems with the EO measure. Its items
out a more elaborate test of Stevenson’s theory, gauge a mix of attitudes and self-report of past
or to further investigate some specific aspect of behaviors and some of them do not conceptu-
entrepreneurial management, further development ally or empirically fall into their supposed dimen-
of the sub-indices is advisable. This is particu- sions. However, after dropping a couple of items,
larly true for the Resource Orientation index. The the three EO dimensions appeared in our analy-
Reward Philosophy index also had a less than sat- sis as distinct dimensions. In previous studies, EO
isfactory reliability. To a lesser extent this applies has been shown to meaningfully relate to busi-
also to the Entrepreneurial Culture index. This ness contexts and outcomes. Our results suggest
could probably be solved by adding one or two that EM cannot be used in its stead without the
more items as these latter sub-dimensions have not loss of information. Turning the argument around,
been problematic in other ways. the results imply that if our instrument represents
a valid indicator of opportunity seeking behavior
and/or value creation outcomes, then EO is also an
SCHOLARLY AND MANAGERIAL incomplete assessment of firm-level entrepreneur-
IMPLICATIONS ship. The conclusion is that in order to get a
complete assessment researchers should use both
Given that our operationalization holds up well instruments. This breadth and multi-dimensionality
in further validation efforts, our results have sev- could provide researchers with rich opportunities
eral implications for future research. It appears for conducting innovative research. On the other
that we now have a useful operationalization of hand, including as many as 27 items in order
the entrepreneurial management of firms. Impor- to assess firm-level entrepreneurship is a problem
tantly, the measurement instrument appears appli- from a practical point of view.
cable across many different types of firms. This At present, entrepreneurship is encouraged
is advantageous because it is truly difficult to throughout the economy (Dess et al., 1997)
develop a unified direct measure of entrepreneurial and many managers are looking for ways to
behavior. The specific manifestations of opportu- make their organizations more entrepreneurial. Our
nity seeking may vary for firms in industries of dif- findings thus far indicate that the entrepreneurial
ferent maturity, technology and market structure. It management of a firm involves many different
is therefore difficult to compare relative levels of aspects, ranging from overall strategic orientation
entrepreneurship across contexts, or to study the to reward systems. While several firms may be
causes and effects of entrepreneurship in mixed entrepreneurial in one or a few respects, few
samples of firms. Assuming that it can be shown are entrepreneurial throughout the spectrum. It
across contexts that entrepreneurial management is is conceivable that in many situations a firm
positively related to the relevant, context-specific would have to excel along all or most of these
opportunity seeking behaviors, researchers are now dimensions in order to achieve the ability to create
equipped with a tool that greatly facilitates their superior value. It is also conceivable, however,
research. The antecedents and effects of entre- that it suffices to focus on a smaller set of
preneurship can be studied across contexts, using management issues. The latter would indicate that
entrepreneurial management as a substitute for there are many different routes to achieve high
opportunity seeking behaviors. Further, researchers entrepreneurial performance. Further empirical
can examine the important question of whether research is needed in order to determine whether
entrepreneurial management is generally positively the outcome effects of different specific aspects of
related to business outcomes, or if such effects are entrepreneurial management are linear and additive
restricted to particular contexts or time frames. or if they also involve interactions and diminishing
Our results show that our operationalization returns. Clarifying the nature of these relationships
of entrepreneurial management (EM and its sub- is an important task that should be carried out
indices) only partly overlaps with the established before drawing further normative conclusions.

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
966 T. E. Brown, P. Davidsson and J. Wiklund

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Table A1. Translated items used for the operationalization of Stevenson’s conceptualization of entrepreneurship

Strategic Orientation
1. As we define our strategies, our major 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 As we define our strategies, we are
concern is how to best utilize the driven by our perception of
resources we control. opportunity. We are not constrained
by the resources at (or not at) hand.
2. We limit the opportunities we pursue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Our fundamental task is to pursue
on the basis of our current resources. opportunities we perceive as valuable
and then to acquire the resources to
exploit them.
3. The resources we have significantly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Opportunities control our business
influence our business strategies. strategies.
Resource Orientation
1. Since we do not need resources to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Since our objective is to use our
commence the pursuit of an resources, we will usually invest
opportunity, our commitment of heavily and rapidly. (R)
resources may be in stages.
2. All we need from resources is the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We prefer to totally control and own the
ability to use it. resources we use. (R)
5. We like to employ resources that we 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We prefer to only use our own resources
borrow or rent. in our ventures. (R)
6. In exploiting opportunities, having the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 In exploiting opportunities, access to
idea is more important than just money is more important than just
having the money. having the idea. (R)
Management Structure
1. We prefer tight control of funds and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We prefer loose, informal control. There
operations by means of sophisticated is a dependence on informal relations.
control and information systems.
2. We strongly emphasize getting things 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We strongly emphasize getting things
done by following formal processes done even if this means disregarding
and procedures. formal procedure.
3. We strongly emphasize holding to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We strongly emphasize adapting freely
tried and true management principles to changing circumstances without
and industry norms. much concern for past practices.
4. There is a strong insistence on a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Managers’ operating styles are allowed
uniform management style throughout to range freely from very formal to
the firm. very informal.
5. There is a strong emphasis on getting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 There is strong tendency to let the
line and staff personnel to adhere requirements of the situation and the
closely to their formal job personality of the individual dictate
descriptions. proper job behavior.
Reward Philosophy
1. Our employees are evaluated and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Our employees are evaluated and
compensated based on their compensated based on the value they
responsibilities. add to the firm.

(Continued overleaf )

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)
968 T. E. Brown, P. Davidsson and J. Wiklund
Table A1. (Continued )

2. Our employees are usually rewarded 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We try to compensate our employees by

by promotion and annual raises. devising ways so they can benefit
from the increased value of the firm.
3. An employee’s standing is based on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 An employee’s standing is based on the
the amount of responsibility s/he has. value s/he adds.
Growth Orientation
4. It is generally known throughout the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Growth is not necessarily our top
firm that growth is our top objective. objective. Long term survival may be
at least as important. (R)
5. It is generally known throughout the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It is generally known throughout the
firm that our intention is to grow as firm that steady and sure growth is the
big and as fast as possible. best way to expand. (R)
Entrepreneurial Culture
1. We have many more promising ideas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We find it difficult to find a sufficient
than we have time and the resources number of promising ideas to utilize
to pursue. all of our resources. (R)
2. Changes in the society-at-large often 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Changes in the society-at-large seldom
give us ideas for new products and lead to commercially promising ideas
services. for our firm. (R)
3. We never experience a lack of ideas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It is difficult for our firm to find ideas
that we can convert into profitable that can be converted into profitable
products/services. products/services. (R)

Items that were dropped after pre-testing or as a result of initial factor analysis results are not listed above. Items marked (R) are
reversed; i.e., a higher value suggests a lower level of entrepreneurship

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 22: 953–968 (2001)

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