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to cover part of the bath with magnesite material cause destruction of the roof and wall above the

containing the desired amount of lime and silica. metalline. Simultaneously the copper temperature
The arc fuses this material to a viscous condition will drop due to the insulating covering on the bath.
and as the fluid or semifluid slag is formed the If the operator attempts to raise the metal tempera-
action of the arc showers it on to the walls of the ture by increasing the power input then destruction
furnace. Eventually it flows down the side of the of the furnace will progress at a still more rapid
wall and strikes the refractory ledge and extends rate. Under these conditions the copper rapidly
in over the bath of molten metal, and as the metal becomes oxygen free and is then fouled by the
temperature is lower than the wall temperature a presence of undesirable elements. It will be ob-
ledge of slag develops around the metal line of the served when this happens that the molten copper
furnace except at the charge slot and skim bay sec- flowing from the taphole no longer has a bright
tions. It has been observed that the melting rate of metallic appearance, but is soon covered by a dull
the furnace increases up to a certain point, as the flaky scum.
ledge increases. Any of the brick that spalls from During the charge slot cleaning operation, also
the walls or roof eventually causes the bank or when slipping and adding electrodes, it is of course
ledge to grow until at times the build up may ex- necessary to shut off the arc power and tilt the fur-
tend beyond an electrode. An opening mayor may nace forward to provide molten copper for the
not develop which will allow the arc flame to come continuation of casting. . Due to these delays an
in contact with the molten bath. In such cases it is actual furnace melting rate of 22 tons per hour will
necessary to stop casting, open up the skim bay door only result in a continued casting rate of 19 to 20
and break off and remove the excess portion of tons per hour. Tercod pouring lips on the casting
ledge. ladles enable casting to be continued 24 hr a day
The amount of regular skimming necessary is for as long as four days, without a shut down. Upon
entirely dependent upon the amount of refractory the completion of the tonnage requirements for a
material that accumulates and is mostly caused by certain cast shape, the copper is diverted to the ap-
refractory failure. Under normal conditions the so- propriate launder and casting is commenced on the
called slag consists of porous lumps of material, im- alternate wheel which has previously been loaded
pregnated with small masses of copper. Ideal melt- with moIds for casting the desired shape.
ing conditions are usually possible only after a good At the present time only horizontal shapes of elec-
shelf has formed and the surface of the bath partly trocopper are cast at the Kennecott Utah Refinery,
covered by the so-called slag. It is of extreme im- however, the melting equipment is· ideal for the
portance that the bath should not be allowed to production of all types of vertical cast electro and
become fully covered so that arcing will occur on deoxidized shapes if these should be required at
the covering of the bath. If this happens a new set some future date.
of conditions then immediately develops, the meters
become stabilized, there is no surging in the low ten- Acknowledgment
sion leads, the usual crackling noise that is an indi- The writers wish to express their appreciation for
cation that copper melting is progressing in a satis- the considerable time and help in the preparation of
factory manner ceases and is replaced by a strong this article extended by Stanley Hughes, Assistant to
characteristic hum. At the same time copious fumes the General Manager of Western Operations for
of volatilized carbon issue from the vent in the rOOf, Kennecott, and the entire Casting Department Staff
and wall and shell temperatures rise at an ex- of the Kennecott Utah Refinery, particularly that of
ceedingly high rate, which in a very short time can M. C. Edlund.

Technical Note

Effect of Carbon on the Volume Fractions and Lattice Parameters Of

Retained Austenite and Martensite

by C. S. Roberts

T analysis
HE advent of a sensitive X-ray method of
recently has allowed the determination
retained austenite determinations were made by the
X-ray method on a series of high purity Fe-C alloys
of retained austenite in amounts as low as 0.3 pct.' and plain carbon steels. The chemical analyses of
As a result this phase has been found in quenched these materials and details of the hardening pro-
low carbon steels where its presence has not been cedure are given in Table I. Results were obtained
generally suspected. after quenching to 72°F (22°C) and -321°F
In the course of a study of the tempering process; (-196°C). Austenitizing temperatures were be-
tween 100° and 150°F above As or A,m' All proeutec-
C. S. ROBERTS, Junior Member AIME, is associated with Metal- toid cementite or ferrite was in solution. The com-
lurgical Laboratories, The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. bination of the results with those of Averbach,
TN 142E. Manuscript, Sept. 29, 1952. Castleman, and Cohen,' and earlier results of Esser


3.6' ,..-.,-...,-...,...--,--,--,--,--,--,--,--r-;---;--,--r-r-r-r-r-

_ _ _ _.......c'I • "'

t;50 3.58 o '. of>
o 3.00 ~
~40 3.54
.98 ~
I- x • 0 c
"'30 :~ 2.96 e-HAGG
z ~ 2.94 ::~~~~: AND NISHIYAMA
'"<> ~ 2.92 +-i~'£/~'b~Vo'r~~~OJUMOV
a. ~ 2.90 &-L!PSON ANO PARKER
Vl .. - MAZUR

'"~IO ~ 2.89 0 ::~~~~g~tR

52.e61'----_-..:·I-u-a~A- ';1"
::E 2. B 4 .,.
~1. ..'
1-nr-t'1-&-,nr-. _ _ __

o 1.0 1.5 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Fig. I-Effect of carbon content on retained austenite con- Fig. 3-Variation of martensite and austenite lattice parameters
tent after quenching to room temperature. with carbon content.

and Bungardt3 are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The. re- formed the X-ray determinations and to B. L.
sults are better-defined functions of carbon content Averbach and M. Cohen for guidance of the work.
than have been available previously. The variation
is smooth and there is no significant difference be- References
tween the behavior of the high purity alloys and 1 B. L. Averbach, L. S. Castleman, and M. Cohen:
the plain carbon steels. Measurement of Retained Austenite in Carbon Steels.
Also necessary for this work was a collection of Trans. ASM (1950) ,*2, p. 112.
2 C. S. Roberts, B. L. Averbach, and M. Cohen: The
all known data showing the effect of carbon content
Mechanism and Kinetics of the First Stage of Temper-
ing. To be published in Trans. ASM (1953) 45.
a H. Esser and W. Bungardt: The Heat Effect in

Z 18
o IRQN- CARBON ALLOYS THIS INVESTIGATION Tempering Quenched Carbon Steels. Archiv. Eisen.

ow "
• G. Hagg: X-ray Investigation on the Structure and
~ 12
Decomposition of Martensite. Jern. Ann. (1934) 118,
;; p. 173; Journal Iron and Steel Inst. (1934) 130, p. 439.
5 E. Ohman: X-ray Investigations on the Crystal
~ 10

§8 Structure of Hardened Steel. Journal Iron and Steel

~" 6 Inst. (1931) 123, p. 445.
6 K. Honda and Z. Nishiyama: On the Nature of
Tetragonal and Cubic Martensites. Sci. Rpts. Tohoku
Imp. Univ. Ser. 1 (1932) 21, p. 299; Trans. ASST
0.5 1.0 1.5 (1932) 20, p. 464.
7 N. Seljakov, G. Kurdjumov, and N. Goodtzov: An
Fig. 2-Effect of carbon content on retained aus- X-ray Investigation of the Structure of Carbon Steels.
tenite after refrigeration to -321°F (-196°C). Ztsch. Physik (1927) 45, p. 384.
8 G. Kurdjumov and E. Kaminsky: An X-ray In-
vestigation of the Structure of Hardened Carbon
on the austenite and martensite lattice parameters. Steels. Ztsch. Physik (1929) 53, p. 696.
All of the results which could be found<-12 are shown 'H. Lipson and A. M. B. Parker: The Structure of
in Fig. 3. The data of Kurdjumov and Kaminsky Martensite. Journal Iron and Steel Inst. (1944) 149,
are apparently low. Neglecting their points, the p.123.
10 J. Mazur: Lattice Parameters of Martensite and of
parameters in kX units may be expressed by the
Austenite. Nature (1950) 166, p. 828.
function: Martensite: c = 2.861 + 0.116x; a = 2.861 11 M. P. Arbusov: The Structure of Martensite 'Elec-
- 0.013x; cia = 1.000 + 0.045x; and austenite: a = trolytically Separated from Hardened Steel. DAN,
3.548 + 0.044x; x = wt pct C. SSSR (1950) 74, p. 1085.
12 S. G. Fletcher: The Tempering of Plain Carbon
Acknowledgment Steels. Sc.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
The author is grateful to S. G. Lorris, who per- nology, 1943.

Table I. Composition ond Metallography of Alloys

Anstenl- Retained Retained
tlzlng Fracture AUstenite, Anstenlte,
Alloy or Temperature, Quenching Grain Quenched Refrlger-
Steel No. C,Pct Mn, Pet SI, Pct OF Medium Size to 72°F, Pct ated, Pct

122 0.29 1600 10% brine 6 1.2 0.4

123 0.39 1550 10% brine 5 1.6 0.1
1500 10% brine

124 0.62 4'1. 4.1 2.0
103t 0.68 0.78 0.21 1500 Water 6 7.6 2.9
125 0.78 1500 10% brine 5'1. 7.0 3.0
105t 0.93 0.42 0.19 1550 Water 6 11.0 3.3
126 0.96 1550 10% brine 4'1. 10.0 4.1
127 1.16 1650 Water 70%1. 19.9 6.4
128 1.43 1850 Water >1 32.3 12.9

• For the high purity alloys. silicon and oxygen <0.01 pct. all other elements <0.001 pct.
t Steel.


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